1893 , BESET BY OFFICE SEEKERS Orowds of Anxious Patriots Poster the Demo cratic Senators. WISTFUL-EYED PARTISANS WANTING JOBS OTIier IiiTmle thr Srnnte Clminlier to 1'rcneiit Their C'liiliiu for Preferment lUiputillcan Hnmliirn Knjny the liUcuinfort of llielr 1'olltlenl Adremarj' . WASIIINOTON' , D. C. , March It ) . The clmngo thut has como over the senate was apparent to most Inexperienced observers today. As soon ns the body had adjourned nftor Its brief session , the army of oftlco seekers who have been thronging the corri dors for days , had an opportunity to see their senators , nnd they nil found their way to the democratic side of the chamber , with the result that nearly every senator was soon surrounded by a group of wistful-eyed men , and then was soon obliged , In self-de fense , to flco to the rotlrlns committee rooms On the other side of the chamber , the republican senators sat at their case and weru unmolested observers of the went ) . Some Jokingly complained that they lost popularity and the leaders , who rarely have a moment to themselves , had leisure today to sit quietly and commiserate with their hard besot colleagues , on the democratic side. Several of the republican senators talked earnestly with Senator Stewart , iwssibly In explanation of the party necessity which had Impelled them to drop him from the minority membership on the Appropriations committee. If ho feels any Mircness over this mutter Senator Stewart manages to conceal It very effectually Hi' professes to bo entirely Hatislled with his situation , beitiK at liberty to vote with cither party or against any measures which do not commend themschvs to his judgment , Irrespective of party considerations. CONSTITUTION OK Till : UNITKU STATUS. The Original Document Will Ho Inhibited at tlui World' * I'nlrYliitliliiKtoii Note * . WASHINGTON , I ) . C. , March 1(1. ( Uvery pre caution will bo taken by the State depart ment to prevent any mishap to that corner stone of the republic the original constitu tion of the United States during its exhibi tion at the World's fair. It will form a part of the State department exhibit , and a now < -aso has been constructed to prestrvo the old document from possible Injury or loss. It Is In n fairly good state of preservation. The new cnso is almost perfectly fireproof. The same care will bo taken of tl.o declara tion of independence , the articles of confed eration of the colonies and the other histor ical government exhibits. Princess Kaiulani and sulto were enter- talnod nt a luncheon today on the receiving ship Dale , stationed at the Washington navy .vard , by the commanding ofllcer and Mrs. Houston. There was a noticeable falling off in the number of callers at the white house this morning. However , there wcro enough to Iceop every ono busy. Tills was diplomatic day at the State de partment and in the Intervals between inte'r- vlatts with the ofllco seekers and their spon sors the secretary received Sir Julian I'aun- cofoto , the Hrltlsh minister ; Mr. .1. A. W. flrip , the Swedish minister ; Mr. Co/o ! Tatcno , the Japanese minister ; Mr J. Palo- notre , the l < * rcnch minister , nnd Prince Can- tocuzen , the Uusslan minister. Arrangements have been made for n recep tion of the members of the diplomatic corps by President Cleveland at the white house Saturday afternoon , when the diplomats will bo formally presented to the president. CASK < ) ! ' A IKHUJS I.OIIU. 1'rolmMo Deposition of till Appeal from n flttorcln Court tit tlio Miprniiin Court. WASIIIXOTOK , D. C. , March 10. ThoUnited States supreme court today Intimated quito plainly what decision it will announce In the future lu regard to the appeal from the adverse verso decision of the Georgia courts of Sid ney I uscclos , whoso swindling operations , under the alias of Walter Bcrcsford , son of T-ord Ueresford. gave him much notoriety nnd caused much comment on the part of the pcoplo of standing' into whoso society ho vrtis received. I ascolos' case cnmo up for argument in the court today and after lis tening to what his counsel had to say the court practically announced that it did noc think ho had not made out oven a doubtful case , informing counsel for the state that it did not care to hear what ho had to say in reply. Lascelos In Kngland became acquainted with a gentle man connected with the . /IStim company of Koine. . . Gil. , and securing letters of introduc tion , on representation that ho was a son of Lord Boresford and wanted to invest In property In America , cauio to this country and successfully passed himself on many prominent pcoplo as what ho represented himself to ho. Ho swindled some ol them nnd was arrested in Now York , oxtradltcd to Georgia and convicted and sentenced on the chnrgn of uttering a bogus cheek. The pica advanced for his appeal to the United States supreme court was that his rights had boon violated ns ho had been extradited for ono offense ifml tried for another. m.OllNT'S Till ! ' TO HAWAII. It Ift Snltl tlmt thu llrM'iiuo Cutter Ittuli Unit ItiMMi 1'liu'tMl tit Illii DUpomil. ' "WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 1(5. ( Secretary Hcrhcrt today declined to nftlnh or deny the statement that the revenue cutter Uush at San Francisco had been ordered to hold her self in readiness to carry Mr. Hlomit to Hawaii. It is unofllcially stated , however , that the revenue cutter will bo pHced at Air. Dloimt's disK.sil | ) ; on his arrival , and unless other arrangements can bo made for the Pa cific Mall steamer , which sails for China on the 2kl ; lost. , to touch at Honolulu , Mr. Ulount will sail on the Rush. It will take that vessel about u ucok to make the trip. Will .Not Arrnpt I.IKhtn right Onlil. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March Hi. Senators Wolcott and Teller of Colorado called this morning and had an interview with Secre tary Carlisle upon the subject of the light weight of Denver , Colo. , gold. The secre tary pointed out the statutes to them regu lating his action in the promises and the government ofllcers at Denver wcro tclo- graphed not to accept lightweight gold ex cept by weight. When lightweight gold Is offered the gov ernment , and the parties offering it refuse to sell it by weight , it is returned to them with the word light" stamped across its lace , the same as the word "counterfeit" is stamped across the face of a had note. The Treasury duparlmcnt has found that much of the gold offered , in addition to tnat offered by Denver , was lightweight by rea son of "sweating. " In all instances the lightweight has been made good or the gold has been accepted at its actual weight. The law provides that gold moro than one-half of 1 per cent below the .standard welgnt of tolerance , which is 'jriS.lU grains to the del lar , cannot bo accepted by the Treasury de partment at its face value , but only by Its actual weight. TII Opi-n the Chtirokvo Strip. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 10. Active preparations are about to bo bcuun by Secre tary Iloko Smith for opanlngtho Chcrolcco Strip under the provisions of the Indian ap propriation act ratifying the agreement with the Chornkees. The preliminaries to bo ob served prior to opening the outlet to settle ment by proclamation of the president will consume coiuldurablo tiuio. Seventy al lotments are to bo made to Indians who wore burnt tldo rosldonts of the Strip prior to November , Ib'Jl , anil engaged in farming , and the Strip is to bo opened to settlement under the provisions of the act to organize Oklahoma territory. Appointment * of I'oitimntorn. WASHINGTON. D. C. , March 10. Postmas ter General Blssu-ll stated today that when ever there U a contest for any postoftlco the jicrson who hold the oftlco under Mr. Cleve land's former administration Is not tobocon- lie further stated thut the full power of thin rule will bo applied to the fourth-class postofllccs nnd he , nnd not the president , was responsible for it , ThU statement loaves open the prospect of renp polntmont of postmasters who held ofllco under Mr , Cleveland before when there is no other applicant for oftlce , but holds strictly to the rule that as between two applicants he who has not before held ofllco shall be the ono selected. Trontlri with I'orclRH rimer * . WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 10. Authority has been given by President Cleveland to Secretary Urcshnm to exchange with Min ister Grip certificates of ratification of the extradition treaty between the United States nnd Sweden , recently ratified by the senate. The exchange will take place soon , and probably tomorrow , and the president's pro clamation declaring the treaty in lorco will at once follow. Exchanges of the ratifications of the French and Russian treaties , which also wcro recently ratified by the senate , will take place in Paris nnd St. Petersburg respectively , probably before the end of next week. Will Not Oppoto tin ) Nominations. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 10. Senator Murphy of Now York was asked tonight If the report was true that ho would attempt to prevent the confirmation of President Cleveland's Now York appointments. "There Is no truth in it whatever , " replied the senator. "How about the confirmation of Ilobort E. Maxwell nnd ICdward H. Whitney ? " "Tho Now York senators will do nothing to delay their confirmation. On the con trary they will join in having them con firmed. " ( Jetting Knnil ) to Ouaril A en I list Uliolrrn. WASHINGTON' , D. C. , March 10. A confer ence of maritime quarantine ofllcers and ofllcers of the marine hospital service was held today for the purpose of securing the co-operation of state nnd local quarantine ofllcers In the adoption of uniform regulations In order that all along the coast there may bo a uniformity of quarantine during the coming summer , in order to effectually guard against cholera. Chungo * In tliu Nitvy. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 10. Hoar Ad miral Irwin has been detached from the command of the Mara Island navy yard and ordered to command the Aslatic.station , re- iovlng Admiral Harmony , who returns homo to retire ) . Commodore Brown , now on waiting orders , will probably take Irwln's place at Mure Island. ( Iriicrnl I tun in lc ( ln . WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 10. The secre tary of the Interior today accepted the resignation of Green U. Itauni ns commis sioner of pensions , nnd has designated Deputy Commissioner Andrew Davidson to take charge of that adieu until the appoint ment by the president of C2cncr.il Uaum's successor. Kvtmtors In SuadUm Ten Minute * . WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 1(1. ( The senate , after a ten minutes session , adjourned till Monday. jvijiivs row TIIK .I/MIT. dinner * of Intercut lu tlio Iteeular Service AmtouiiriMl. WASIIINOTON , D. C. , March 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB UnnTho ] following army orders were Issued today : The leave of absence granted First Lieu tenant William W. Galbraith , Fifth artil lery , February 17 , is extended two months. Second Lieutenant John Howard , Nine teenth infantry , will ns soon as practicable report in person to the commanding ofllcer of the UnitedJoStatcs Infantry and Cavalry school tit Fort Leavenworth for preliminary instruction preparatory to his detail as a student officer of the school. The Icavo of absence on surgeon's ccrtill cate of disability granted Captain Cyrus A. Earnest , Eighth infantry. October 12'J , Is cx- tciuleU one month and fifteen days on ac count of sickness. i So much of special orders of December 28 as directs Lieutenant Colonel George II. Burton , inspector general , to join Ills station on the completion of the duty contemplated by that order , is amended to direct him to return to Crafton , Cat. , the iilaco of receipt by htm of the order specified , and to ihero revert to a status of absent v * itli le.ivo. The extension of Icavo of absence on stir gcon's certillcato of disability granted Major John C. G. HappcrbOtt , surgeon , December 7 , is further extended three months on ac count of sickness. By direction of the secretary of war , a board to consist of Major John C. Gllmoro , assistant adjutant general ; Captain Thomas Wilhelm , Eighth infantry ; Captain William L. Pitcher , Eighth infantry , will assemble at the War department on the 20th inst. for the purpose of examining , reporting upon and making recommendations as to whether the "blanket roll support" designed by First Lieutenant Charles Dodge , jr. , Twenty- fourth inf.intry , is worthy of adoption as part of the foot soldiers' Held equipment. Ii'oirtinrnt : ol tli < < IMnttr. General Brooke is suffering from the ef fects of the exposure that his duties ini posed upon him nt the Cleveland inaugura tion , nnd is confined to his house with severe cold. The board of military examiners appointed to examine applicants for promotion me this morning in the court martial rooms at the headquarters and took the names of all those who wished to bo examined. There wore but three young men present , but moro ara expected today. Formerly it was these examinations wcro open only to those non commissioned ofllcers , but any man In the ranks who thinks ho can stand the prelim inary examination for promotion to a rank abova that which ho occupies can take the examination now. FAREWELL LECTURE. Trntoler IlolicrHoii About to Start Out on the Komi. Those who braved the storm last evening to hear the last of a series of lectures deliv ered by Mr. Frank It. Kobersou in this city wo.ro not disappointed. The subject , "India nnd the East Indians , " was a fortunate se lection , anil proved to bo a thcmo full of In struction and entertainment. The speaker , attired In the garb peculiar to the country , began by speaking of the an tiquity of Asia , "tho cradle of mankind. " The great nations of today had been pre ceded by grout nations of centuries past. Had there been no Persia or India , there would have been no Greece or Homo ; anil had there been no Greece or Homo , certain of the gro.it European nations of today would not exist. Civilization began in IndU ! I,0K ( ) years before Christ. India is divided into three political divisions , each of which has a government of Its own. Its area is larger than that of Europe without Russia. It contains twenty cities of over KKH)0 ( ) inhabitants oaeh. The speaker then began nt Tutlcorln In extreme .southern India and described a four months journey , giving largo stereopticon views of noteworthy scones. Ono was at ono moment in a busy thoroughfare of some great city surrounded by buildings of odd design and people of an unfamiliar raco. The next moment ho found himself before or within a delicately carved temple , of which there seem to bo a invnad , observ ing Its urtistio sculpture and marveling at the gcnias that gave It birth. Again ho shuddered as ho looked ujxin the horrid en closure at Bombay Into which the natives cast their dead ami upon whoso walls are perched greedy vultures ready to seize upon tholr human prey. Then ho trembled with the tourist as ho took his first ride upon tlio elephant and looked with fearful eye ui > on the ground beneath him. He beheld the majesty of the Himalavas nnd the grandeur of the Ganges flowing to want the sea. Ho saw the natlvo engaged in all sorts of pagan worship and following all sorts of occup.i- ttons. Ho suffered In the torrid sun and gave a sigh of relief when the cool breezes of another cltmo were Inhaled. Mr. Koborson goes from hero to Colorado Springs , whcro he will glvo three lectures , nnd then return to Now York. Ho is well satisfied with his reception In Omaha and the profits from his lectures hero. * Itlpo StrinTuorrlci on tlio Vine * . An excursion to sunny North Galvestnn , Tox. , will leave Omaha March 20th , ISiM. For particulars and special inducements apply to Agunt D , D. Smeatou. Uom 17 , Barker block , Omaha. ' REFUSED TO RETURN HOME An Omaha Qirl Aska the Aid of Lincoln Police. ANXIOUS TO SECURE HER TRUNK Authorltloi Itmiicftteil | to COIIIMI | | Her 1'ntlior to Surrender lilt DniiRlitor'l Perionnl Property Pollco Now * Notes of Interest. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 10. [ Special Tale- gram to THE BEE. ] A young woman , whoso homo is in Omaha , but whoso name the po lice refuse to divulge , applied to the chief for assistance today lu securing her valua bles from her father. The latter came down from Omaha yesterday and wanted her to return homo , but she refused. She gave htm some money , however , n portion of which ho spent getting an expressman to take her trunk to the depot during her absence from the place whcro she was working. The girl is supposed to have run away from homo. She loft for Omaha this afternoon with a letter from the Lincoln police to the Omaha officials to aid her In getting her trunk back. I'ollcu Court Now * . Malilon Holcomb , a young colored man , was arrested this morning on suspicion of being the chap who frightened and assaulted several ladles In South Lincoln Saturday nnd Sunday evenings. At least that Is the sup position among the ofllccrs , although Chief Otto refuses to say whether that Is the charge or not , "suspicion" being the only charge on the boons. Holcomb was released 1 on ball this afternoon. The ladies have not yet been called on to identify him. The residence of Dr. Sims at 1723 M street was entered by n thief this morning , and all th'o doctor's clothing , with the exception of what ho was wearing , was taken. Mrs. Sims was away from homo nt the time , hut the people living upstairs heard the nolso madu by the thief , and supposed it was the doc tor's wlfo returned. City lu Itrlof. A number of East Lincoln sports wit nessed a two-round fight between two blooded game roosters In an east O street barn this morning. The chickens were Kentucky Butcher Boy and Do mi nick Joe. At tlio beginning of the third round Joe refused to continue the fight and the purse , . " > . was awarded the Boy. Tlio Board of Education has issued n call for a bond election to bo held at the same time as the city election to vote $100,000 for now buildings. At the recent nonpartisati convention the sentiment was expressed thtrir more buildings should bo had , and it was upon this that the board acts. It was after midnight when the independ ent city convention completed its ticket and adjourned. The ticket in full Is : Mayor , A. II. Weir ; treasurer , II. M. Lcavitt ; clerk , J. W. Jordan ; excisemen , F. W. Brown and G. B. Chapman ; school board , , ! . M. Med- dins , Lawrence Fossler and Mrs. Belle G. Blgolow ; city attorney , O. W. Cromwell ; police judge , J. C. McNerny ; city engineer , J. P. Walton ; cemetery trustee. A. D. Guile ; councilmcn , First ward , J. C. Me- Cargcr ; Second , Joseph Wittman ; Third H. II. Slmhorg : Fourth , W. H. Baird ; Fifth , no selection ; Sixth , George A. Soybolt ; Seventh , .T. S. Gabcl. Mattlo Granger asks for a divorce from her husband Milton , on the ground that ho has deserted her , and Is cohabiting with Sarah Uroadwnter at Beaver Crossing , Seward county , Neb. W. L. Armstrong , a Burlington brakcman , was brought to the hospital late last night from Sterling , Nob. , where ho had been in jured in n railroad accident. Ho was caught between two cars , which were being shifted , nnd his thigh bone crushed and internal in juries inflicted. Ho is not expected to live. His homo Is at Wllber , where ho has a wife and live children. The local board of directors of the Manu facturers and Consuners association loft today tor Omaha to attend the meeting of tlio state board. J. A Buckstaff nnd J. E. Utt have gone to Chicago to endeavor to settle the difficulties with tlio various insurance companies consequent quent upon the ourning of the vitrified brick works a fo\v weeks since. The adjusters refuse to allow tlio full amount claimed by Buckstaff on the ground that the loss was not total or of the amount claimed. Sheriff McClay has received a letter from Gorlnchom , the Netherlands , asking for in formation of Bastian Enhoorn , who lived hero In 1891. The letter sets forth that "tho family live hero , and their letters not having been answered , they would bo very happy to know If ho is cither living or dead . " .sioimii > A FOUTUNB. CliarlcH Donohtio'H Hulrx Cn Prove Tholr UtloNow. POTTSVIU.E , Pa. , March 10. Prominent attorneys of Lincoln , Nob. , have been hereof of Into hunting up the heirs of Charles Donohuc , a wealthy bachelor , who died there a year ago , leaving a cattle ranch nnd other property valued at over $100,000. There were many claimants of the cstato , nnd among them the children of his deceased - ceased brother , who claimed that their mother had married again , her husband , Donohuo , having been Killed on the rail road , and that the mother had given them up to their grandparents , who took thorn to Nebraska when small. Their claim to the cstato could not bo sus tained without the mother's testimony. Her now IKVJIO nnd whereabouts were unknown , excepting that she resided , when last heard of , in the anthracite coal fields of Pennsyl vania. The Nebraska lawyers engaged local detectives and legal assistance , and a very thorouL'h search was made , but without avail , until a Pottsvillo paper published the story , which brought an answer from the missing mother , who is living in a mining village , thirty miles from hero. The mother's present name U Campbell , and she has sup plied thu missing evidence whereby her son and daughter , who were separated from her in their infancy , now got n fortune. Ornuit Inland > o\v Note * . GitANi ) ISLIND , Neb. . March 10. [ Special to THE Bun. ] The sheriff of Nuckolls county arrived in the city today and took back with him the man O'Donncll , who is wnntctfnt Hardy for stealing a number of watches and rings. Mayor Boydcn has presented the llro de partment with a check for $50 ns an appre ciation of tlio services rendered by the de partment nt the llro nt hia drug store last Tuesday. Tlio loss was underestimated at first and will probably reach J'J.OOO. The death of John L. Martin , ono of the oldest settlers of central Nobriska , took place yesterday at his farm homo , near Chapman. Ho was bO years of ago , and eamo to Nebraska in 1833 , Ho loaves a number of children. Work of H Ai.r.xAxrma , NOD. , March 10. [ Special Telegram toTiiu BKE. ] Landkamer's hard ware store was robbed last night. Entrance was made through a rear window. About 6150 In cash and goo.ls wcro taken. Early in the evening the house of George Edwards six miles northeast of town was roDbed of J30. I'rcinoiil .Notin. FIIEMONT , Nob. , March 10. [ Special to TIIK BEE. ] Thomas Carroll , deputy county treas urer , Is to bo Fremont's next postmaster. If any of the eltl/ous have not signed his peti tion U Is simply bccaiftii'thoy have not been jwrmlttod the prlrllqjro of doing so. The wind has been blowing gently from the cast nnd n light dhow falling all day. The stone has arrifrod' ' from Missouri for the trimmings of the I cvcr woolen mills and work will bo resumed at onco. W. H. Turner will sbtm have a two-story brick building erected/on / Sixth street , where the old frame ono now ntands , which ho will occupy with a stock of groceries. Mrs. West Is haVmg n largo two-story brick building erected on Main street. Work on the government iwstofllco build ing Is expected to bn niminonccd very soon. Fremont Is proparinff'for her annual spring boom In building. - . rAvouui ) rusiox. Ticket of Lincoln Independent * Kndornetl by thn Democrat * . LINCOLN , Neb. , March 10. [ Spec'al Tele gram to Tun Ilr.E. ] The democratic city convention tonight endorsed , with a few minor exceptions , the ticket placed in the field last night by the Independents. An attempt had been made during the day to repudiate fusion as agreed upon between the independent and democratic committee and place J. II. Harley In the field ns the democratic candidate for mayor , but the independents agreed to withdraw Chapman , the objectionable candidate for exciseman , and Mayor Weir was endorsed without a dis senting voice. This action makes it n .square light between Graham and Weir , with a close , fierce battle ahead. The nonp-irtlsan school board ticket was endorsed. WAYNE. Neb. , March 10. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BcB.1 At the citizens caucus last evening the following nominations were made. Mayor , James Brltton : clerk , W. H. MeNeal ; treasurer , F. L. Ncely ; police Judge , A. I1. Chllds ; oity engineer C. A. Chacc ; members of the Board of Education. William Miller nnd E. J. Nan- glo ono year. 1. W. Moran andiwV. W. E. Howard two years , A. A. Welcnjnnd A. II. Ellis three years ; councilmcn. First ward , T. W. Moran ; Second , O. B. Kortrlght ; Third , S. B. Scaco. WVMOIIB , Neb. , March 10. [ Special toTun BUB. ] At the democratic caucus last night C. E. Beinert was nominated for mayor ; councilmcn , First ward. J. M. York ; Second , C. H. Miller ; Third , James Wykoff ; clerk , W. H Dolan , nnd treasurer , J Bycrs. The election will bo conducted on strict party lines. NEIWASKA CITY , Neb. , March 10. [ Special Telegram to TIIK Bin.J The democrats nominated the following city ticket today : Mayor , Dr. C. Watson ; councilmcn. First ward , Thomas Thomas ; Second , William Phifor ; Third , J. F. Welch ; Fourth. B. D. Marnoll ; Board of Education , Dr. E. M. Whltten , Dr. W. H. Glbbs , S. A. Hall. Re publicans hold their convention Saturday. HUNTING Foil STKVHNS. CIII7CIH of Crete/ Renew tlin Search Tor tlio .Hissing Itiiuk Cnnlilor. CuiCAno , 111. , March 10. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE.J Mayor Halght of Crete , Nob. , in company with T. H. Miller , E. M. Harrington and F. I. Foss , prominent cltl- z.cns of Crete , called on Superintendent of Police McClaughry and icquested him to aid them In the investigation they are making into the circumstances attending the myste rious disappearance o George D. Stevens. Mr. Stevens , who was cashier of the State bank of Crete , loft 'lili homo on Friday , August 1 ° , foe Chicago On financial business. Ho arrived hero at 8 o'clock on the morning of August 20 and went to McCoy's hotel. The noxt' ' day ho wrote nnd mailed two letters , one to his wlfo , and the other to the assistant .cashier in the bank. In his letter to his w'ifo ' ho stated that ho had been to the World'S'fair grounds bo fora returning homo. On the 22d ho left the hotel after paying his bill. Ho took with him the two satchels'wliich ' ho had brought from Croto. Ho waslseon at the office of E. J. Hunter , a mil road .ticket . broker nt 103 Washington street , when ho entered the ' ofllco ho was recogiilio'd by Mrs. Uoot , a widow who resides in Crete. She heard him ask the broker : "WJint have you got for Milwaukee ? " But shis is not aware whether or not ho bought a ticket. Mrs. Uoot , who was on her way homo from the cast , engaged In conversation with Mr. Stevens for a few minutes. All trace of Slovens after leaving this olllco is lost. Since then his friends have not heard of him. SEVKKAl , INC1IKS OF SNOW. Nebraska 1'Ields Covered with a Hoary Illnnlu-t or the Honutiriil. HASTINGS , Nob. , March 10. [ Special Tele gram to THE Br.e. ] Early this morning a heavy snow storm sut in , which continued with moro or less Intermission all day. GUAM ) ISLAND , Nob. . March 10. [ Special to TUB BBE.J A blizzard began at about 4 o'clock this morning , and has continued up to noon. Snow has fallen to the depth of about three Inches , and Is not badly drifted. FAIRMONT , Neb , , March 10. [ Special to THE BEE. ] A heavy snow began falling hero this morning at 4 o'clock , with the wind blowing from the northeast. The ther mometer stood at 20 = above zero , but is rapidly began falling tonight. About two inches of snow has already fallen , nnd the indications are that us yet spring has not como to stay. NclirnsUii City No\vn. NEIIHASKA Crrr , Nob. , March 16. [ Special THE BEE.J Word has reached this city of a kidnaping case , which occurred at Syracuse yesterday. About three years ago Henry Shanahan , a resident of this city , died and his parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. James Shanahan of Syracuse , were appointed guardians of his daughter , then aged 0 years. Yesterday a strange man and woman drove up to the school tvhoro tno girl was in attendance , and asked to see her. The girl was permitted to leave the room , and slnco then nothing lias been seen of her. The woman in thn case is supposed to bo the child's mother , who is now living in Lincoln. Alex Sinclair , postal clerk between Ha- vonna and Lincoln , was badly hurt yester day. His train ran into an open switch and Sinclair jumped , striking his head on the rail of the sidetrack , making a serious wound. Ho was unconscious when brought hero , but it is thought ho will recover. At a meeting of the shareholders of the Nebraska City club last evening the follow ing ofllcers were elected : President , D. P. liolfo ; vice president , E. A. Lambiith ; secre tary , Howbert Blllman ; treasurer , Fred Hoi- Her ; directors , John C. Watson. John W. Stclntmrt , Carl Morton , F. P. Ireland , Theodore - doro Boyschlag and Fred Helllor. The club starts out under most favorable auspices. A theater party will Icavo this city Satur day afternoon for Omaha. The party will include : E. A Brown jmd wife , M. E. Catroi nnd wife , Theodore Boyschlag , Miss Dollio Oilman , Henry Catrdli.f'Miss ' Helen Hawke James Green. Miss Minnie Oilman , Franl Bailey nnd Miss Lull } Wilson. Frank G Barker , colored , was bound over to the district courtin $101) today on the charge of sending indecent literature througl the mail. jj _ _ _ _ Saved I.l\o ami Property. McCooi- JUNCTION , is'b'b. ' , March 10. [ Special cial to THE BEP. . ] George Miller , a boy attending the Hi h soli6ol here , while walk ing to his homo on the-'Kansas ' City & Omaha railroad right of way.J'esterday , dlscovorci u broken rail. At the ( , ime ttino a hcavllj loaded Union Pacific freight was approach ing. Ho signaled th'o" engineer to atop which he did. Ho undoubtedly saved many lives and much property , as tlio break was so bad that no train cojlld have passed over Oulot Wrddltf | | lit Dinilmr. DuNiuit , Neb , , March 10. [ Special to Tnu BF.E.I .Miss Lula Bryant , daughter of H , M. Bryant , section furoman of the B. & M. a Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest I ) . S. Gov't Report. 0 his place , was mnrrlod to Willis llooadorfelc n the parlorn of the Windsor house ycster- lay afternoon. The wedding was a very mot affair nnd only a few of the Immediate friends wuro present. im > stlfnto | Thin Splendid Inrritinent Op portunity. An excursion for North Oalvoston , Tox. , vill leave Omaha March 20th , ISM. Special nducoments. For particulars apply to Agent 1) , D. Smeaton , Room 17 , Barker > lock , Omaha. At 133 ! I'arii.uiilStreet ho Burlington's now ticket utllcu. HEARD AT THE CITY HALL. I.ocutlnc llcnd Wlrr nntl Poles Now Spe- cliil roller. City Electrician Cowglll yostcnlay began the work of locating dead wires and i > olcs. In the small district on Farnam and llnrnoy streets , between Eighth and Eleventh , ho found twenty-seven useless \tolca \ nnl numberless dead wires. There are rumors of an effort to bo male to abolish the oftlco of gas Inspector. The schnmo is to assign his duties to the elec trician and glvo the latter an assistant. The sis sanitary inspectors of the Hoard of Health have filed ( applications with the Hoard of Fire and Police Commissioners for iwlleo powers. The request will probably bo granted and the inspectors sworn in as special ofllccrs. This notion Is necessary ns they encounter many obstreperous persons who have no respect for those who do rot have police authority. A policeman's star will go a long ways many times with a great number of people and servo to have them do what Is right. Comptroller Olsen will advertise for bids for repairing and putting in proper condi tion 200 of the 800 gas lamps owned by the city. Until recently the gas company has done this work , but it was found that a con siderable saving could bo made by Inviting competition. Gas Inspector Gilbert says that with proper care these lamps will do good service for twelve years , ami that it is necessary to have them repaired and put In proper condition frequently. Councilman McLcario has been granted a leave of absence for one month by the coun cil , and leaves today for Montana. Ho will combine business with pleasure , and will devote n portion of the time to hunting. 'Jo has promised to furnish his first antelope to Chris. Speeht , who will glvo the councilmen - men n banquet. M. Hayken , who became well known to Lho people of Omaha as the representative jf the Kotelmm Furniture company at the tlmo the contract warawarJed for furnish ing the furniture and fixtures of the city liall , Is in town. Ho is now with the An- .trews company , and Is looking for tlio con tract to provide the furniture for the now quarters of the Hoard of Education in the city hall. Hnrly Vrgntnlilcs Are llnrllosl nt North A special excursion to North Galvcston , Tox. , will leave Omaha March 20th , 1893. Per Inducemcntsand full particulars apply to Agent D. D. Smeaton , Koom 17 , Barker block , Omaha. i.v TIIK aiiAsr op , i .ir.ixr.ic , Oegpcralo .Striicelo of n ln Soto , Mo. , jUnn Mltll H I.lllllltlc. DE SOTO , Mo. , March 10. A. A. Carneau of this place had a desperate encounter with a : ra7.y man named Kowdo this morning. The man was employed by Carneau and has for several days shown symptoms of Insanity. Carneau has for several months been con- lined to his bed , dangerously ill. This morn ing Kowdo entered Carneau's room and de manded some money , which ho was refused , and told to leave the room. Ho did so , but returned in a few minutes with n largo butcher knife , exclaiming : "I am going to do you up. ' Carneau got his revolver from under his pillow and llrcd ono shot at Kowdo. This excited him , and with n horrible yell ho caught Carneau und dragged him out of bed , plunging his Knife Into his breast , near his heart. Carneau then exerting all the strength ho had left , shot Kowdo through thur heart , killing him Instantly. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla Of perfect pi Ity Lemon Of great strength- Orange Economy In their use , Roseetc. Flavor as delicately and doiicioutly * * ths fresh ST/ITE' / ' GUITARS , w MANDOLINS , BANJOS , ZITHERS. AND DRUMS. We make a virltty from IK cnrtFUT to the JIOST KLEIUM and COSTLY Inilruuieiiti , l-n JKicry liMlriiniont fnllj = 0 Warranted. OUR LATEST AND THE LEWIS BANJC , Endorsed by ilia BEST Players. Send for Catalogue n < mention the Instrumentsj < o % Iliink ofpurchavng. JOHN C. HAYNES & CA My' Sweethearts Face that's my wife's you know wears a cheerful , life-is-worth-living expres sion , ever since I presented her a box of WHITE RUSSIAN She is always recommending A'trPt soaps to her friends says she is through with experiments lias just what she needed to make labor easy , and ensure perfectly clean clothes. She knows what she's talking about don't forget it. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. Dusky Diamond Tar Soap ttTohu0nS'utnSTi ; 'M the Eluinacb , llvuraQU uowclB , purl. ? tf tt > 3 blood , ara ta ( ami ctfoctual 1 1 I the IM : * nmllcliifi know n for tiUlotu- new * . coiuciliuitlGii dy ip lA. foulX breath , b nlarh < ' , umrllmrn. Ion of , rt nul dejirtnnlou. painful * n , pUnplel , ulluw rnmnlf x. .everTdj&cattjreciiUluefroiuf lmpuro blood , or a failure by tuu rtoinft * n , IlTrrurln > * U llnei to perform thrirproi < T functli.ni. I'tnom * r ? eliroml. ITtM hr mull , 1 prom. Ml MJUplK.lio. f HIl'ANH C11KMIOAL CO. . lOepniceSt . New Vortt X > ' > U O * < ll K > < M > O * * * oc , * * OOOOG AKD WOMEN AT OHCf , ( either local vt traveltne ) to j lujjretent u , advcrtm. tliiml > ute our i < rintcil muter , I imi Introduce * ! our irrcJt > . Stri'lv employment se o a MONTH wMfwy , | to torn pet ml bertons. f > nn I * leUr A moment tut wrltt i MCnO.ELFCTRO PAD CO. . Cincinnati. Ohlo'f Self Torture ! That's wlmt it amounts to , when you at tempt to do washing ? and cleaning , without Pearlinc. And now-a-dnys , . the strange part of it is , that you should be willing to suffer , when it's only for your loss and not for your gain. That needless back-breaking rub , rub , rub isn't saving you any thing. It's costing you money , It is simply wearing out the things that you're washing. Why would you rather do it ? That is what the women who arc saving their strength and their clothes with Pearline can't understand. f TcUdlcrs anil some unscrupulous grocers will tell" yott. Beware "this Is as ROCK ! as" or "the same as 1'carlinc. " IT'S < FALSK 1'carlinc is never pcJilletl. if your croccr .sends imitation , be honest- * / / ( at * . W MMBS I'YLlT. New Votk. Dr. SYDNEY RINGER , Professor of Medicine nt University College , London , Author of the Standard Handbook of Therapeutics , " actually w rites as follows ! 'i'roia the careful analyses of 1'nf. ATTFIF.I.II nnd othors. I am mitltfled that. HOUTEN'S COCOA Is In no way Injurious to health ami Hint It i.sdtvldodly moro nutritious limn other Cocoas. It Is certain ! v "l'nr " nnd highly dlgrntlbh1. TlHMiuotntlons In rur- taln advertisement ! ) ( from Tradj rivals ) from my hook on rapoutlcsarounlto misleading , and cannot posslbiv / pplv to VIN UiH'Tr.N'srorov , " 2iflijfl | reflection on VAN lieu rts'H ( Yicoi . inMM ( / rtffrtuiiilt/riiifiM.anil the authoritvcltpilt t to injurr i' . M f'lf-iv ' ui > rnmi > tf'ltn atpr i'arrrtilinnilsmnftrnlimonfai. n "THERE IS SCIENCE IN NEATNESS. " BE WISE AND USE I an ? ai ? Anjericai ? ! ; & * Grapite Hills I ' l\rjowo In * U < iurtcrs of H ) world AS / . 5P6RKLIH6 , DELICIOU5 . - . All tlic swell clubs , hotels , and bant ton everywhere pronounce me „ . 3cst ii ? 41) ? V/orM . . . Thousands of the most eminent physi cians arc my warmest friends because I have a secret power to control many dis eases , given int by nature , and which cannot be imitated by man. I cure jR/iemnatism , Gout , Gravel , Dyspepsia , and all forms of Kidney trouble caused by uric acid. If you doubt it , let me send you my pam phlet , which proves it , or , better still , give me a chance to prove it on you. I may be found anywhere. Londonderry Lithia Spring Water Co , % UUKLE8 11. 1'LUUNB n Co , Soiling Afienli , CO KllbbU lloitou , Jl n Char s 11 , I'oiMlns & Co. , Pollliiit Asants Iloston. MUBS 1'AXTON & OMLAOIIKU , DKtrlbntliiK Aizunts fur Omahi PERKAHEHTLY WE KEFER YOU TO 2.5OO PATIENTS. Financial Reference : Nat'l ' Hank of Commerce , Ojiaha. No DETENTION trom business. No Operation. Investigate our Method , Written gunrnntoo to abso lutely Curu nil kinds nf UlH'TUUEof hothKOXo , nlili-l out the use of Knif.o or syrliiKU , no matter of how long standing. standing.EXAMINATION FREE. The 0. E. P/1ILLER / COMPANY , 307-300 H. Y. LIFE BLDQ. , OMAHA , HEfl , Spnd foro-rnnlnr. . , BEWARE OF FRAUD. , AnU fur , and Innlat upon having \V. L. JIUUULAH HUOUtf. Nonoccn- ulno without . Li. JlouRlai nuil prlca Mnnipoil 6n bouom. JLooli lurlt when you buy. FOR , GENTLEMEN. A sewed shoo that will not rip ; Calf , seamless , smooth inside , wore comfortable , stylish and durable than any other shoe ever sold at the price. Every style. Equals custom- made shoes costing from f4 to $5. The following nrc of tuc same high standard ot merit : $4.00 and $5,00 Flats Calf , Hand-Sewed. / $3.50 I'ollce , I'nriuers nnd I.ctlcr-Cnrricrs. ' $2.50 , $2.35 and $3.00 for Worklu ? Men. $ z.oo niid $1.75 for Youths nnd IJoys. $ J.oo Hand-Sewed , | FOR $2.50 aud 2.00 Dotijjola , J LADIES. $ ' .7S for Misses. IT 13 A DOTT yon ewe yoaTRell to got tlio best voluo for your money. Eoonomlzo In year iootwear by purchasing W. Jj. Douglaa Bbooa , which represent the b st value at the prlooo advertised an thousands can tea- tlty. Do you wear thorn ? Will Blvo exclusive nalo to Mine JrnlrrH unil arnnrnl nierclinuiswliero Ilinvf no ncrontu , Wrllo rolTuliiloirmi. Ilnot lor tmloln your i > lun > nrml illrcrt lol'nclory , stullnir Hind , nizo nnd width wanted. I'ontuae Free.W. . \ , . Doualu.0 , IJruchtou , lUuss. ' Miwnor , Wobhor , Kelley Stiver , & Co. , U , J. Oiulson , Kilns Svonsoii , Ignntz Nownl&i P. W. Urossy , South Orailm. " 'Horvo Scuds , " the * nn < l rful remedir Is cold nltli nvrlt - cn minrnntrr to euro All ncrvou * f.lscniios , furh as Woalc Memory , . I/USB of Itialu 1'owcr , Honcluclic. Wukafulnoi , I/nst Manhood , Nlubtlf Knilj. Mons , NcTTOimrioiii , Lnasltiitlo.alldrslnt and IOBI nf power of tboUunerntlro OrKarii In oitlior eicnu o < l liy overuirrtloi ; , southful rrrotn.or cxoenivr mo of toLncco. ( ipHnu orntlmulitnta wdlrh nonn l"r.d to Inflrmltr. Consurup- tlon and luaanftr. , < ' " ' npconvrnlonitociirry In voat pocket. 191 per pack , ngohr nimli 0 ioTt . with ovoryj'inrrterwn iriivt n written guarantee fafurt nt\l , Ctrcnlnr ' o Ad < * ' " ' " ' ' ' > . . I'blcutsn. l i For Sslo In Omaha by 3 13' 41 xi & O'Connoll , 1013 Dodqe Stnost cs 1816 Douglas Street Omaha , , Nob. ha eminent npacl llat ' n norroui. chronic , private. bl33d , nklre andurlnarr i reelitori'd wad an midi o , no. andlplomM and oorUrtcatoi dhow , li stllUruttlni lti : tUtgrjv.oit 1 10- rc catarrh , loitmnnood s orulnsl woaluion. night lui ai and llfoc ii of prlritadlonai. Nomuju- rr mod. Now treatment for0 | j of Tltnl pswar. I'arttoi unablu to vlill mj mtr b ) troi'jl nt liouo br curreipondonca. MoJIclne or Inilnnn3it ont l > r in til or oupran aiotirslr paolcul , no ratrxi tj Irlloiuo sontenUor 5undar. Ono poriannHnltirvlow preforrel. Uoniiiltitlaifr.il. Uurruipi.ilu lajitrlotlf prUit a UooktM/BtorlutofUfaiaat fraj oiUBBliouM'Ja.m. ' toUp.ni , flund r taa.m. loUm. Jonlstuip far air cular , I B ILll H W UO And all the train ot KVIUI. WKAKNKSSKS. UKIIIMTY. KTC. . that ao- compnnjr thorn la iu n Ol'ICKIiY nnd 1'KUMA- NIINTI.V CtntKI ) . Full HTUKNOTIt und tone el Ten tOBTorr pirtof tlio bodjr. I "III tend ( a mirolr packed ) KIIKK to any tunoror the preicrlp tlon that curxd IPII of Iheso Iroubloa. Addron , A. llilAULISY 1IATTI.E ClIKKIC , MIC1I , JPull OJ Troth o > tmcte4 In inornlni ; ttiinronenlniiirtedaftur ooq amodajr. I'erfcct tit Kuor- antuod. Urd Floor , Faxtoii II ID oil > 10th nnd Farnam 3 trout * . Ulorator on ICtU bl. Telephone IUM. IlItlNQ THIS WITH