Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 1JUDAY ? , MAHOII 17 , 1893 ,
ci-ntr ; : NO. is IMAUT < STKEBT.
J tifitifrt Ij cnrrlct to any part ot the city
' '
Kdltor No. 23
J/I.MJK .Mi.V '
N Y. Plumbing Co.
Cot.m II Blurts Lumber Co. Peal
J ( ' l.ango and S. I ) . Ilohrcr have an
nounced themselves out of the race for the
city clerkship.
'I ho ladles of the Broadway Methodist
Kplsoopal church will servo meals on Satur
day , April 1 , In Masonic temple.
There will be a dime social nt the First
Baptist church this ( Friday ) evening. A
hhort literary program will bo given , livery-
body Invited.
Uiiltv guild will meet In regular session
with Mrs. Grot/.cr , 000 Knst Pierce street ,
this afternoon at y.30 o'clock. A large
attendance Is requested.
Golden Hod camp No 7 , Neighbors
of America , will hold its regular meeting
this evening at Knights of Pythias hall on
Kouth Main street. All members are re-
q.Kiled to lie present.
Mrs ( iertrude Fauble Harper , youngest
daighter of Mr. and Mrs. George Fauble.
did at David City , Neb. aged IS years.
Kho was formerly a resilient of this city ,
mid was married last May to J. S. Harper of
David i Ity.
Mdclltj council No. l..O. Hoyal Arcanum ,
ulll hold Its regular meeting this evening.
It will bo the last meeting before the mect-
ln of the grand lodge and one of the Items
of bjslness to bo transacted will be the ap
pointment of delegates.
A girl named Ivy Kmerson was arrested
yesterday afternoon on an Information
Hied in police court charging her with , the
larceny of a lot of household articles and
clothing \.ilvcd at fl'J from the house of L.
Harris on First jstroct. She gave bond for
her appearance in court this morning.
Arrangements are being made for a dinner
and supper to he given in the Ki.seman build
ing March „ ' : , for the benefit of the Christian
home , lu pie evening a lltcrarj and musica
eiitirtalnment will bo given under the
auspices of the railway temperanceorgani/a-
tlon of the Fifth Avenue Methodist church.
Spencer Smith served a notice yesterday
on County Treasurer W. B. Heed and the
city oftlclnls that a suit had been commenced
in the superior court to enjoin the collection
of taxes of Ib'.KJ ' and the levying of taxes In
the future by the city upon ninety acres of
land belonging to him located cast of the
city iitid known as the A. S. Gros\eiior tract.
At a meeting of the Bar association of
Pottnwattamlo county yesterday morning
ri.'Mjlutlons of respect were passed upon the
death of Abraham Jackson , one of the early
judges of the county court. The restitutions
were ordered spread upon the court records
: and thrco members of the bar were ap
pointed to assist in making preparations for
the burial.
Articles of Incorporation were filed yester
day with the county recorder by the Treas
ury Mountain Mining company , with a cap
ital .stock of $5,000,000 , divided into shares of
< 1 each. The directors are Thomas A.
Hii'iker. Samuel G. Martin , Gonrgo B. Loll.
Frank L. Woodward and O. 12. Walker. 'Iho
piinclpal places of business arc to bo Council
Bluffs and Denver.
Mizpah temple , Pythian Sisters , gave a
poverty serial Wednesday evening at the
Knights of Pythias hall. It had been an
nounced that a prizewouldbo awarded to
the man and woman whoso garb smacked
most of the pawn shop. J. J. Maurath , as a
wooden legged tramp musician , received the
prl/.o , a beautiful negro doll , and Mrs. J. J.
Morris received the ladlo.V pri/.o , a tissue
card tray.
Patrol Driver Sandol discovered what ho
took for a chicken thief Wednesday night
running up the creek bank in the neighbor
hood of the pollco station. The thief re
fused to halt and Snndol sent several pistol
Bhots In the right direction , and In that way
nwoke the sleepers for a radius of n quarter
of a mile. A frightened yelp about thu time
the shooting tool ; place Introduced the sup
posed chicken thief to the public In the
ihapo of a small dog.
The American District Telegraph com
pany has gone Into the moving business on n
largo scale. Wednesday night It was cn-
paged to move the three carloads of scenery
used by Iho ' 'Supcrba" ' company from Boyd's
theater in Omaha to the opera house in this
city , and from the opera house to the depot.
Mr. lluiilon , the proprietor , informed Mr.
Meyers that , the work had never been done
moro satisfactorily before.
BouriciuH Music House.
Fine pianos and organs for cash or
pnymontn. 114 Stutsman street , C. Bluffs.
Coal and wooa ; best and cheapest
Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompt
delivery. II. A. Cox , No. 4 lain.
iMut'shmallow caramels nt Di'iosbaoh'a.
For wanning gitoat chambers , batb
rooms , oto. , our ( jus heaters are just
what you want. Look at thorn. Cluiin ,
convenient , cheap. C. D. Gas and lilou-
trio Light Co.
Goo. S. DiiviH , prescription druggist.
I'KKA'O.V.I1 / .I / ' 11.1.
John Aides has returned from Chicago.
Miss Nash of Indianapolis , who is to have
rlmrgo of Miss ItaKsdalo's trliumhii , ' depart
ment , arrived today.
City Treasurer Kttinclian is able to bo
about bis olllco again after a long and ux-
ccedhiBly painful illness of thrco months.
Harry Oolong , the son of Hov. Henry
Delont , ' , who was hurt by a motor in Omaha
&lx months naa and was only recently moved
to his homo in this city from thu hospital ,
where bo received treatment for the Injury ,
was taken hack to the physician who at
tended him nnd Iho plaster of parts cast In
which the broken limb had been kept was
taken off , bis parents supposing that the
member was well on its way to recovery.
AVhrn it was unbandaged it was found that
the hones had not knit and the young man Is
destined to another long imprisonment in
the hospital.
Why lot children cllo with diphtheria. ?
Yon win suvo them by Dr. .lolToris' rem
edy. Haw boon used sueeoHsfully for 115
years. 1'rieo irlt.OO. For sale by Coun
cil IJlutTs drugglbts , ulBout 2104 ( Juraing
Btreot , Omaha.
If you have property to soli , list it
with mo. I have customers for bargains.
II. G. McCco , No. 10 Mnin street.
FOK S A LK Citizens State- bank stock.
Submit cash olTor. K. II. Slieafo.
Free treatments dully from 2 to1 p.
in. at the Council UlutTs Medical and
Surgical institute , 20th nnd Broadway.
Illitrlrt Court Note * .
K. A. WIckham took the Pacific house
yestnnlay out of the hands of Constable
linker , who levied upon it las > t week under
writs of attachment Issued by the creditors.
AVlckham is the owner of the building , and
in bis petition ho alleges that the tenants ,
K IX Harris , Charles Prlco and Tnomas
Hester , were hack in their rent to the
amount of fcMS. A writ of attachment for
that amount was Issue- . ! ,
F. 1C. Tichenor connnonral a suit yester
day for a divorce from her bust and , M , L ,
Tichenor. They were married at Miuinoketa ,
la. , last July , but the plainttlT i-laims that
after the marriage her husband became a
habitual drunkard and llnally deserted her.
Stop ut the Ogden , Council UlulTs , the
best $2.00 house in Iowa.
Thu ( iriinil 11 ol.I ,
Council Ululls. Most elegant hotel In
Iowa. Dining room on seventh lloor.
Hates , $3 to J5 j > oj' day. K. F. Clark ,
Prop. .
Srrd I'ntulUfH ,
Three hundred bushels of pure Ohio
teed potatooi at Thomas Ulshlon , 210(1 (
AVost liroadwny , Council IMulTs , la.
Ladles , don't forget that the Louis
nro ut 25 Main btrcct now , Como all.
Oity Financial Affairs in a Most Excellent
Condition ,
Caiti on Iliiml to the Amount tit * < > , . "iH >
Uespltn the llprrcnno In A c meiit A
Miutvliiffor Which Any City
Might l > el I'lOMil.
The nnniml rciiort of City Treasurer Kin-
nchan for the year closing March 1 shows an
excellent state of affairs In the matter of
city finances. There has been a reduction In
the receipts In all but two directions , the po
lice fund and the funds fur Improvements ,
The last named funds are not affected by the
decrease in the tax levy which has been
brought about by the present administra
tion , and the pullru fund Is maintained solely
by the proceeds from "city crime , " or In
other words from the flues Imposed on crim
inals In city cases. The pollco fund tins year
lias reached the fT-0,000 mark , (4,000 beyond
that of last year , and far in excess of any
preceding year. The disbursements in this
fund are $17.filU ) In excess of List
this large Increase being accounted for by
the expenditure of $10.000 attorney fees In
the park cases and .V > , tHM ) In building the new
city Hall. This is tlic only fund where there
has been an incrcasn In expenditures during
tlic past year. The decrease In the entlrn
amount rc/iulred to Ueep the wheels of the
city government greased lias been $ il."VJ
from the amount spent during the .year end
ing March I , IS'.RJ , and In spite of thcdccreaso
In assessment there is now cash on hand to
lie amount of $ .Silr.t'i ( ) as compared with 11.-
KH at the time the treasurer made his pro-
lous report. The following Is the summary
f this year's report :
hon hand Manh : 1 , la'Ji . * 31 , H1 HI
Jenernl fiiml . & : i,123 M'J
liimltloan fund . 1OH75 02
ntersectlon paving and giadliu ; . . . IT.HU'J ' li !
udKiuunt . : . UO.C.8I (10
iViilor . 'J7luO 111 !
arlv . 6.4 4.1II
'ark , sinking . U.04II il ! )
. .Ilirurv . fvltlllJU
Special e-iMiii'iit , sewer . 10.U4H 117
special nsj.c < iiiunt , paving . liM.OBl 5'J
iillcf . . . . . . bd.llOU III )
iirlilintaml sidewalk . U.ISB yj
nleix'ctlun , sewer . 15'Ji)3 ) 'JH
-Cedt'tnptlnn . l 70
Special assessment , Ciadlng . 32i45 ! 13
Ity brlclco . 141 33
"lliuleil ilebt .'JI 4i !
general sewer . D,4 ( > 'J 4b
Total . } 442,3'J3 02
General fund . t 51.032 40
loud loa . 10.14H 27
-titi'rsecllon , paving and grading. . 1-4,070 11
Judgment. . . . . . ? . 2(1,2:17 ( : & 3
Water . 2M.775 57
ink . .1.0(57 ( 74
'ark , sinking . 2,2.-.3 3,1
. .liiniry . 6.4tri ! 74
Special nssi'ssiiiiiiil , sewer . 12,4411 21
Special assessment , paving . 101'Jl'J 2H
I'ollce . D2ii ( ) : ( Hi
Curbing nruUlduwalk . 0'Jll d'J
Intel-section , suwcr . G.2H2 8U
Hedi'inptlon . 40 01
Siieclul assessment , grading . 27,050 HI
City brldgu . BOO 4 ( )
( ii-neralsewisr . 2,300 :12 :
Cashon lianil . 80,500 17
Total . . . . . . . . .14 I2,3"03 U2
Saint I'atrli'lt'H Day.
Green viblion given awny at the Bos
ton store today , Council IMull's , In.
Kmma Konnnrd , Htonogritphcr , notary
depositions , commercial work , letter
writing , 100 Main.
Finest Arlsto cabinet photos , $2 per
doxuv. AsMon'H studio , 18 North Main.
I'linnco foru Clmiituti < iui : Vrt
The Cbautamiua , which lias laid buried
for the past eight months , may , perhaps , bo
resurrected next year , provided united ac
tion can bo secured on tbe part of the Mer
chants and Manufacturers association. The
croublo with the Clmutauqua as a paying In
vestment , or rather a nonpaying Investment ,
lias always been acknowledged to be that it
was too far from the city and located in too
inaccessible a placo. There is talk now
among the leaders of the Merchants and
Manufacturers association which may re
sult in the amphitheater being removed
nearer the city. Their theory is that the
land belonging to tno association can' bo sold
for enough to pay oft the debts in
curred In building the amphitheater and to
do the moving , and that some real estate
owner can doubtless bo found who will do
nate four or live acres of land to the assem
bly for the sake of the profit which will un
doubtedly result from the proximity of an
institution of the kind. A tract of land just
southeast of Kail-mount park and another in
the vicinity of Myn.Uer springs are so far
under the eagle eyes of the advocates of the
scheme , and in cither of these cases there is
but little douDt that an assembly would pay
expenses , and more , too. The Merchants
and Manufacturers association is actually in
business , so it Is said by those belonging ,
and it is proposed to show tills to the public
lit the near future by arranging a series of
banquets for the members , at which projects
for the benefit ol the city will bo talked
Mine. Helen Merrill , hnirdrcssing and
manicure. Hooin . ' 112 , Merriam block.
Do you fituoku ? Ilavo you tried T. D.
King & Co.'d I'uHutrus ? It'u a charmer.
Just light one. _
I'oatolllct ! Tlilc\ Caught.
'Word was received yesterday from St.
Joseph , Mo. , announcing that the two fellows
who robbed the postofllco at Marno , la. , last
Friday night have been caught there. Im
mediately after leaving , Marno they struck
out for Omaha , where they disposed of a
lot of'stamps and articles of jewelry which
they stole. From there tnoy returned to
this side of the river and went south.
United States Deputy Marshal Kklnrds
tracked them down on the west side of the
river and nabbed them just as they reached
St. Joe. They tire to bo brought to Council
muffs for a hearing. There Is a strong case
against them , as a lot of stamps were found
In their pockets when they were arrested.
There is a strong probability that another
serious charge will bo made against thorn before -
fore they are out of Uncle Sam's clutches.
About ten days ago the postoftlco at DCS
Molncs was burglarized. About midnight
Jesse Cheek , the assistant postmaster , en
tered the place for something or other , but
ho had no sooner uot Insldo of the door until
ho was struck a terrillc blow on the head.
Ho caught a glimpse of two men who were
there , and the description ho gives of them
( its the two men now under arrest to a dot.
When they are taken to DCS Molnes for keep
ing Mr. Check will have a chance to identify
S.ilnl Tiitrlck'H Hay.
Green ribbon given away nt the Bos
ton btore today , Council li lull's , la.
Williamson & Co. , 10 ( ! Main Htreot ,
largest and bcst-bioyolo stock in city.
Not 11 Had
Tlioso who were Instrumental In having
the city council vacate Fourteenth avenue
for the benefit of Dcero , Wells & Co.
think that an altogether too ex
alted opinion of the valuo"of the
property In question is held by those who
aru now criticising the action of the council.
Asa matter of fact , in IbCU that avenue , to
gether with a number of others , was given
up exclusively to the Chicago , Hurlington &
Qulncy Hallway company , and the ordinance
b.\ which tilts transfer was made appears on
page ! ITO of the compiled city ordinances.
As a result of this ordinance the
city bus not the slightest claim
to the street , except to keen
it in repair. And if anyone foil down and
sustained Injuries on the street the city
would have been the ono to stand the expense -
penso of tlio lawsuit. That being the case
it Is to bo very much doubted If anyone
could have been found who would pay $7r > ox
for the street , as claimed , inasmuch as ho
would have to contest his right with a rail
way company after ho got it. As for { ho
heirs of the original owner * of the property
coming In to contest the right of the city to
sell the property , the statute of limitations
will prevent them from finding fault with
the legality of the ordinance of 1800.
Another improvement to the popular
Schubert piano. Swnngon Music ( Jo
Illnn ( Inn * ltrtliiii nt thn I'll If.
Corning Gazette : Two years ago the Uluo
Grass I'ahico mnnngcnicnt nt Crcston and
the Ottumwn Coal Palace offered largo
prizes to the county making the best ox-
hlhlu at their palaces.
Thn Uluo Grass leagueof southwestern
Iowa also offered an additional prize the
exhibit taking the | , rl/e to bo and remain
the property of the league for the purposes
of exhibition nt Chicago World's fair.
A number of counties entered the contest ,
but Adams county succeeded In carrying oft
all the prl/cs offered and making such an
exhibit of her resources as was truly won-
derful. The imrtlon of this collection that
was not perishable has been preserved , and
the Iowa Columbian commission lias been
very desirous of securing It. Today the ex
hibit was boxed and shipped to F. N. Chaso.
secretary of Iowa Columbian building. Jack
son park , Chicago. It will bo Installed In the
Iowa building and other buildings ami
proper credit given the Hluo Grass country
for It. There were nine large boxes contain
ing more than two tons of wheat , oats , corn ,
buckwheat , sccds , of all kinds , etc. , besides
blue grass , timothy , clover , millet , wheat ,
oats , rjc. etc. , li the straw. Had the ex
hibit not been preserved it would have been
impossible to secure many of these produc
tions before fall. Much of the grasses ,
grains , etc. , will be used for decoration pur
' rough syrup
Has been so highly recommended to us
that we now ask our friends who are suffer
ing with a cold to glvo it a trial , and If 'it
does not give satisfaction your money will be
refunded. Kvery bottle is sold on a imsitivo
guarantee. 1'rico 60 cents und $1.00. All
1:11 : ( icu tin ; ( iooiU.
,1. J. Stewart , the referee to whom Judge
Thornell referred the attachment case
which was commenced some time ago by
Paxton .S : Gallagher and D. M. Stcelo & Co.
of Omaha against 12 < 1 N. Urown , with Kll
Urown of this city as Intcrvenor , made his
report \esterday. Hrown/it / will bo remem-
heercil , executed a chattel mortgage last De
cember for the amount of $ . 1,000 , in favor of
his brother , 1211 , and his stock of groceries in
Omaha was taken possession of under' the
mortgage. I'axton & Gallagher and D. M.
Stei'lo alleged that the mortgage had
been executed with Intent to defraud the
creditors , and thereupon sued out writs of
attachment for the stock. In the menntinio
the stock had been moved to this side of the
river. It was afterwards sold In part under
the attachment and 1211 Hrown bought it of
the man to whom the sheriff knocked it
down. Hrown then came into the case as
intorvenor. Kufereo Stewart in his report
llnds that the mortgace to 1211 Hrown was
valid , there being no evidence to show fraud.
Ho therefore decides both cases In his favor.
Wo heard a mechanic say that be would
not be without Salvation Oil. It kills pain
A ( ireit : Mnilc Opening.
There will ho several important ovcnts
in initMcul circles during the month of
tVpril that will interest Council Bluffs
and Omaha pconlo. and turn jii'jllc at
tention 'moi'o than over to the Mueller
Music and Piano company. Among
them will be > two piano recitals and a
Hong rcalnl in the Mueller Music hull.
Tho.y will occur during the latter part
of the month , and will bo participated
in by the best talent of the two cities.
Arrangements uro being made for the
most elaborate and extensive exposition
of musical instruments during the time
that this part of the country lias over
seen. Gtjods are already coming in for
the event , and when it take- place it will
bo of sulllcient importance to attract
much more than local attention.
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued yesterday :
Name and address. Age ,
J William I. Klngsley. Council ItlutTs . 23
I Kdlth J. Klcliardsiin , Umalia . 10
J John Shipley , West funnel t Ulntl's . 2H
I Mlnnlo Kornnir , West Council Illuirs . 20
13oth couples were married by Justice Vien.
Juck U'liltvrH Nominated fur .Mayor A
/ItMlHIIUl'K / llllSttlUM * .
The democratic city convention mot yes
terday afternoon and , though thcro had
been rumors of prospective scraps , it passed
off quietly. Jack -Walters had captured all
the delegates and was nominated for mayor
without opposition.
It. U. Montgomery , the choice of the First
ward primaries for member of the city coun
cil , refuses to oe a candidate. A. Li. Braiu-
ard has been solicited , but also refuses , as
has also ono or two others. It seems to bo
conceded that in the First want at least no
candidate for city council can be successful
no matter how good a man ho may be. unless
placed on the right ticket , backed by the
right kind of people.
A Wl
A tale of domestic woe seldom equaled
was poured into the ear of a reporter for
Tin : Dun yesterday , by the broken bcartci
wife of a man , who for baseness am
bestiality has but few rivals , if the story
bo true. The wretched and now broken
homo of the family has been In this city fo :
some years , through the man who took i
solemn oath to love and cherish the womai
who yet calls him husband spends most of
his time In Omaha with a woman who Is not
his wife. About a year ago , the husband
wife and little child were living In a cozy
homo which they could call their own , but
on which there was a mortgage of $150. The
husband has never been reliable , nor at any
time has been kind and true to his wife and
child , if the story of the wife bo true , and
yet In all things she has submitted
to his wishes and endeavored to comply
with his demands , no matter what the
sacrifice. When ho proposed selling their
little home and buying a cheaper lot on
which to build a cheaper bouse , she gave
her consent and wifellko signed the deed ,
which disK | > sed of the homo she loved so
well. The cheaper lot was bought and a
shanty built u | > on It , mudo of shin lap boards
and not oven plastered. In this the wife and
cnild have shivered through the long , cold
winter , at times almost freezing to death
while the husband occupied more comforta
ble quarters with another woman up
Tno ono oasis In the desert of the poor
woman's married life has been the unswerv
ing friendship toward her of the father of
the recreant husband. Time and again ho
has befriended her in her extremity and
called his wayward son to account for his
conduct , but with only temporary effect.
The kind old man , the only friend the
wronged woman had on earth , passed away
a short time ago , and now she is In
deed alone with her child. True she
has a roof over her head , but the
death of her father-in-law revealed
the mined cruelty of which the
husband is capable , tor the records show
that the place his wife calls liomo was
deeded to her father-in-law without her
knowledge and now at his death must bo
shared with other heirs.
His wife is now seeking a divorce and is
also clinging to her humble home , with the
almost vain hope that the courts may give
her back that which rightfully belongs to
her. The wife has always kept the family
unit made by hard work the money saved ,
while her husband has alternated between
home , the pollco court and his female com
panions In Omaha ,
About a year ago ho went homo and finding
a pair of pantaloons his wife had mended for
a neighbor for she took in all kinds of work
accused her of being too Intimate with the
owner of the garments , and deliberately put
them on and walked away. For this ho was
arrested and tried In"iwllco court , with the
stolen pantaloons on , He was lined $15 and
costs. Hut that is only a mild sample of
the meanness of the man. After living
with other women up town until ho con
tracted a loathsome disease , he came homo
ono day anil in his kiiules' . tones begged to
bo taken back , swearing by all that was
sacred that ho would henceforth leave off bis
dirty tricks and bo a true husband to her.
She received him with open arms and the
result can easily bo guessed.
The names have been suppressed for the
i resent , but It will not $0 tons ? until the
courts will deal with the case.
IMS t.r.t-T Tin : I\JIUN ,
I'rcnlilcnt Clnrk ItntuU In 'III ' * Itonlgnntlon
Itnllronil Note * .
HOSTOS , Mass. , March 10.--Tho resignation
of President Clark of th'Vfllon $ ' 1'aclllo has
been received. The onict\lftj ; \ hero regret his
withdrawal , but say his roMgnatlon would
simply mean personal loyalty to the Gould
Interest. p
Itnllrimit Nt > tp .
CniCAflO , 111. , March inl'j-il'ho annual meet
ing of the Northern 1'aclllo'road was held
today and nothing was done beyond the
election of the oftlcers and directors. The
entire staff was re-elected as follows : Pres
ident , D. S. Weug ; first vice president , .1. D.
Williams ; second vice president , .1. K Illu'li ;
secretary , H. A. liotitc.Ho ; treasurer , G. II.
Baxter. No change was made in the board
of directors , D. S. Wegg ami J. D. Williams ,
the retiring directors , being elected to suc
ceed themselves.
The Chicago , Burlington Si Qulncy rail
way has withdrawn Its tickets from the
olllco in the Hotel West , Minncai > olfs. None
of the roads In the Wester.i Passenger asso
ciation have placed their tickets on sale In
this olllco and this move is looked upon by
western passenger agents ns an eminently
satisfactory occurrence , as now nil the west-
am roads are Ignoring the See line and all
Its doings.
AIInIrs of tint MlAHonrl Piulllo.
New YOIIK , March 10. George Gould said
this afternoon : "S. H.H.Clark will bo elected
president of the Missouri Pacific. It is not
in contemplation now to create the position
of chairman of the board of directors. No
new issue of bonds will bo made before re
suming dividends : the policy of the com
pany Is to put the road In n good physical
condition. The decline in its stock was duo
entirely to n bear attack. "
They Wantril Thnlr Money.
Yonif , March 10. Sticknev , Conyg-
bam & Co. , s.iid to.lay that the attachment
which they procured against the property of
the New York & Now Kngland railway was
no part of the light between the Pennsylvania
and Philadelphia & Heading roads. The
Now England owed them $100,000 for coal ,
sold on thirty days time , anil when their
money was past duo they wanted it.
Outlook lor n .settlement lul. :
TOI.KDO , O. , March 10. A compivmlso has
been readied batwoun the Ann Arbjr roil
and the strikers. Under H the road is to
give thirty days notice before dismissing an
employo an'd the employes are to give a like
notice of ( ( Hitting. The scale of wages was
also submitted to the strikers , who declined
to accept it. The outlook is considered
Itnllrimd Olllclal Iti-nlgni.
MAIISIIAI.I.TOWX , In. , Marcli 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tuc line. ] Tno resignation of
C. II. Ackcrt as general manager of the
Iowa Central is authoritatively announced
today. It is understood Mr. Ackcrt will ac
cept a similar position on some oilier road ,
but it is not yet learned what line. His suc
cessor is a matter of speculation.
World's rnlrTicki'tH.
New YOHK , March UV. The passenger
agents'of trunk lines and , their connections
to Chicago have decided that tickets for the
World's fair , sold at u discount of " 0 per cent ,
would not deprive holders of any right in
sleeping or parlor cars.
IHiih Northern Klrrtlon.
SALT Uvki : , U. T.'March ' 10. At nn
election iu this city yesterday of directors
for the Utah Northern & Oregon Short Uno
railroad George Gould tvpk his father's place
and Alexander 12. Orr of New York took the
place of Sidney Dillon.
"JnllilH Ca-Kiir" nt thn Kariiuin ,
Mr. Charles Hanford'.s production of " .Tu
llus Casar"i was presented for the llrst time
in Omaha at the Farnam Street theater last
evening , a largo audience braving the un
toward weather to be present and enjoy ono
of the most perfect slago presentations over
seen of any play. That is , considered as a
whole ; there are individual weaknesses , but
the impression that remains after leaving
the theater Is that one of the greatest
of the Shakespearian tragedies has
been seen in an entirely worthy
setting. Ami the individual weaknesses are
fully offset by the number of notably un
usual excellences of the presentation. It Is
with just such a play as "Julius Caesar" that
all the resources of stagecraft fall short in
striving to obtain an ideal presentation.
Limitations of the medium remembered , Mr.
Hanford's production is marvclously com
plete and satisfactory. It is identical with
that of the late Mr. Barrett ; the scenery Is
the same and all the "business" has been
carefully copied from Mr. Barrett's own
prompt book. Tuc scenery and appointments
make up a scries of pictures that produce the
effect on the onlooker of being within the very
atmosphere of old Home. The Homan street
in which the action begins , Brutus' orchard ,
the capitol , the Forum and the plains of
Phillippi , all lilted with the moving throngs
of actors , are lifelike to a degree. The capitol
tel scene is especially notable , the massive
columns surrounding the seated senate lend
ing an effect rarely attained in stage presen
tation. Then the crowds. Mr. Hanford has
solved the long considered insoluble problem
of how to present the Homan populace on
the stage without exciting the ridicule and
laughter of the average spectator. This is
a triumph. Throughout his production
the mobs of plebs or the ordered
masses of soldiery 1111 the scenes with mar
velous verisimilitude. Specialjy noticeable
and notable was this In the burial of Ciesar ,
in which the noble orations of Brutus and
Antony generally suffer so much Just for
lack of this lifelike action of the mobile mob.
This scene was almost flawless in speech and
action. But the whole performance was ono
to see moro than unco. The actors nearly ul
acquitted themselves commcndably , and
only hypcrcritlcism , which may indulge a
Uiftorcnt reading from the players , might
linger Haws in their work.
A pleasing sight in last evening's audience
* - ny imitations and simulations o :
nro being sold , and it is our duty to r.tiso
the "danger sigmil. ' ' HEED THE
WARNINGl You cannot bo too caie-
ful ; you cannot scrutinize too closely.
\Vhonyou ns i forCAUTKit'sLITTLK Liv-
Ull PIU.S "C A-R ' '
, you want - T-E-li--S.
DON'T UK iMi'osurt 'th-ox ' , sco that you
got "C-A-U-T-E-R- ' j , " refuse nil o'th-
ot'd , tuko nothing but.tho genuine OAK-
A I'Oairivi' ; cum ; roil SICK IIKAD-
Siniill I'll ! Snmll.llliio Small 1'rlco
What i ,
Can't PuJl Out ?
Why the , -
Bow on the Jas. Boss Filled
_ Watch Cases , made by the
Keystone Watch Case Com
pany , Philadelphia. It pro
tects the Watch from thej > ick-
jx > cketand _ prevents it from
dropping. _ Can only be had
cases stamped
with this trade mark.
Sold , without extra charge
for this bow ( ring ) , through
Watch dealers only/
Ask your jeweler for pain.
phlet. or send to makers.
vn * n number of school children , nho rn-
oycd the pcrfornmnoc nt the Invitation nnd
under the guidance of their enthusiastic
"Tlix l'iinltlvr"atVondrrlnnil. .
The attendance nil tills week nt Wonder-
and nnd llljou theater has heen on the
boom , which is accounted for by the excel-
ent play presented. "Tho Fmrltlvo'1 Is n
Irntnattc proilnctlon of great merit , nnd the
nctliiR of the re pe < 'tlvo parts shows special
study on the part of the members of the
stock company. Oeorpe Wessells us Jasper
'talclRh has to respond to from two to four
tirtaln calls at each performance , it belnx'
ono of the best pieces of acting ho has ilono
since his cniraKCtncnt.
The specialty program Is also eood , espe
cially the \vondeiful traixizo performance of
the CklRcrton slstei-s Two beautiful silver
metal tcasx | > ons are presented to the lady
visitors this week , which , of course , also
accounts for the big business ,
M'K.t Tlir.ll VOKKU.IS/VS.
.Ight nown tinil ClrarliiKVcutlicr I'rc-
tllrti'd for NrhriiHkn Tndiiy.
WASIIIXOTOX , D. C. . March 10. Forecasts
for Pildny : Tor Nebraska Ll ht snow ;
clearing In western portion ; northerly winds ; in tcmperaturo in southwestern
For Iowa Cloudy weather : snow ; easterly
winds , becoming variable.
For South Dakota Light snows ; clearing
in western portion ; northerly winds ; warmer
In western portion.
For North Dakota Oonerally fair ; varia
ble winds ; slightly wanner.
Local llcrord.
OrricnorTiic WCATIIEK , OMAHA.
March 10. Omaha record of temperature and
rainfall , compared with corresponding day of
past four years :
1SD3. 180'J. IH'Jl. 1H90.
Maximum tompornluri' . 'J-lo mo 450 &ic
Minimumteinperatnio. . U.13 Kic 'Jto : IHO
Avoratte ti'inperatnro. . 'J.O | KJO ; i4O 340
I'tfclpltatlon 1'J .00 .00 .00
Statement showing the condition of tem
perature and precipitation at Omaha for the
day anil since March 1 , IS'.M ' :
Normal ti'inpcratnro 30o
DcilcliMii-y for tin- day l-jo
IJellcloncy slnco Maioh 1 303
Normal precipitation Ol Inch
l'.xri" > s fi r the day 10 Inrh
since .March 1 01 inch
KoportH Iront Other Points at H p. in.
not rcporlcd.
GEOIH.I : K. Hi XT ,
Local Forecast Oniclal
It Corci Coldi , Conghi , Sera Throat , Group , Influ
enza , whooricF Couch , Bronchltii and Aathma.
A cortala cure for Coniumption in first stages ,
- and a sure relief in adranceastsees. Uioatonca ,
You will see the excillent effect after taking the
first dost. Bold by dealers tveryvhere. Large
bottlci 50 cents nndSI )
Architects ,
Surveyors ,
We have a full supply of
pnatical - - * .
J-pstj-urneptSj Djaw.
CViaips , liev-
els , Tupesj Squayesj . Illus
trated Catalogue free.
114 South 15th Streat ,
Next to Postofflco.
Oil. 'C (3KB
\VO , the famous
Ohtncbo pliysl
clan of Omaha ,
h a n ovnr l.ouo
statement ! ) from
4 r a t o f n 1 p a-
t lun \vhohuvo
hcun euro.I liy
Omnln. Murpli
3. lbCI ! Dr. C' . Uru
\Vo : I luivo heen
n croat Hiilt'eror
slncu n small
chlld with rhron-
xtc diarrhoea , weak
bade , u iidaplic ,
land crippled with
> rheumatlsm , I
Iliad tried manv
loctois und spent
U urout do a of
nonuy. lint no re
lief. Aliont seven
month * 1120 I heard of Dr. t' . Gee Wo , com
mcnced taking treatment und c HI cheerfully
recommend him for hu has oured ti.o and made
anew manor me. I'HANK Uooi > Air..S O.mili.t
B I'ronlilaiit ol
MII II-AI. AND si'itr.ic.M.
I'lLF.S , FISTULA. KISSUUE , pornmnently
u red without inn IHII of knllo. llvaturo orcnmtlc
| A | | maladies of n vrlvnlo or delicate nature , of
Ihcr > PX. positively cured.
ritiAT.Mi.s : ; r itv . MAIL. - Addron wiiii
tamp for partlriilnrs. tvhlch will bo sent In pluln
cnvolopa. I' , u. Itox Ml , IIS ti. lilh-it..Umaha , .Neb
OUR fil7LOY H. r DSP'f
wlillo costing the eniployor nnd omployoa
nothlnz. h .a enabled ns to ajvancu tha Intor-
estsof bnth.and aKo our own , by uoeurln ;
better results with tha machlno.
Wyckoff , Seaman & Beneiiicl
TEMil'UOVB ITU. 1718 t'VVHVV 1 3P
A. H. DYER ,
Klovntun , tvuruhntuix , luctnry | | | | > ,
und nil work requiring u tluiroueli uml
pructlcHl knowloilee of construction unit
mreiigtU of uiHterUli , u specialty ,
r , U. Aox U3i , I'rouiout , Neb.
Anhcutur , Hudwolsor , Fmist ana Palo II ! ' ! : I IS , HlTItKK HOTTMW Oil IN
KKOS , can lonvo orders rxt No. 21. 'i Main Street , CouuoU HlulT * , Iowa , or Telephone -
3 3. Goods dohvorod . ' '
phone iiromntly. SOM3 AGKN'UY L-'OU
SIOO High Crnclc Pneuma
tic. $125-33 Ib. Road
12 yours oxporloncolargest line
of wheels in the west , sou wholesnlo
or rotnil. Koonlrlnn ilono.Vo win
' . hntiKO your old solid tire to ft pnou-
iiintte. Send for vntaloguo.
Council Bluffs , la.
: "v * Solo Agents for Victor lilcyol OB
Just received a fine line of
Have removed from my old stand
and now occupy thu entire lloor.
Over 510 Hroailwuy , Council HluUs.
C. A , SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor.
Dyeing , Cleaning and J cfinishing
Omahn. ofllco , 1621 Farnam St , Telephone 1521. Council U'.uITs ' ) olllco and wor ! | J
cor. Avo. A and "Uth St. Telephone 310. Soncl for irculnrs and price list.
Omaha's Newest Hotel
iPItooim nt f-.W per cl > f.
(01'ooms at S3.0J per ilnr.
iOKooms nitli Unth at J 1.0) ) pordir.
10 Ituoms with liath nt H.rv ) to ) l 5) pr , ] , r
Modern In KVITV Itimpert.
Newly l-'imilitliml Throughout
C. S. ER3. Prop.
Tno nly liotol In tbe c'ty with hot and oo'd
witter and sto tin liu it In every rj : > n
Tubpanel ( lining room service tmsurp.isjo
RATES $2.53 TO $4.00.
Snoclal rules on application.
lil.K ! 1 E -
and r eg ii-
cs fo al n
EYEGLASSES 0 iiy A i v
Max Meyer & Bro. Co. ,
Chronic , Nervous ,
Private and
Special Diseases.
> years experience.
Trontod at f. > 00 n month
uml all iricdleinoH
All Other Troubles Treated at
Reasonable Charges.
Call on or address
It Is uaud to cure vou aprioa-
Ic'ss , pnrn.
I NO treatment. Thn wnmlnr-
fnl. swift. Sl'Hi : CUHh for
CotiKlia , Cittarrh llroncliltln ,
Astlitini , Consumption , lluuil-
BOlie ( tick or nervous ) . Ner
vous 1'rosiriitlon. llrlght , rich
blood ! Ncwencruyl Klitstlo
! In fact , a now oorson. IIOMR
. ' , "ook" und 4 trials ou.VBitATOn.
KUIiKI Cuil or vvrlto
Suite iiiO eely Hide "
V. H. . OA/.1//.1 , JVIJM.
Capital SI 00,000
Surplus $ G5Ol)0
Offlrermnd Dlrjctorj-llonrj W. Vatoinrjil li i
It. aCuiblnir , Tloe pra ld > nt ! U ri. Mutloj , , V. /
Morm.Jotmd. Colllni J. N. it. l > 4trlO ( | Lj u J
U ed , caibler.
If you are suffering
J'nlnt'iil JVs/onor Xoo < 7 (7/iiisoH.
If you are sufTerlnir with cold In the bend ,
catarrh , cnractio/aoiifnitsg or dlsvliurgcs from
the uitrs ; If you are suffering with diseases of
the throat. TJR. ffl. H. CHAMDERLIN l
n competent nnd riillau.enpeclalUt In ciuurrt )
and diseases of tliti cyo , oar nnd throat. Ofllofe
over lleno & Oo.'s sloro. Council 11 lull's , Iowa
Inmrov3j Elavabn
Cor. Oth St. nnd 11 Avo. Council Illnff *
All kinds of Dyolns nnd Cloin'ir. ? ilono In
slit ] highest Htyln of thu art. KuJod anil
tallied fabrics Hindu to tool : a * coo I us nir.r.
U'orK promptly done an I dcllvoroJ In ull
parts of the country. Send for prlua Hit.
C. A. MACHAN , Proprietor.
Ilrcuilwnv , near Northwestern 'o ot ,
Co non Hinti , in
Special Notices.
COUmil QLU7F3 ,
I OH KAI.K-Kull oi of tinners tools , xoort coodl.
J lion ; n tmrirnln. Inquire of ISuipklo-buuKnrV
llnnlwuro Co. . Council Illulfa
6)0 ACItKS In Dnwson countjr. Nob. , at { OM. DO
la Frontier. ' ) 6U. Improved WJ ncros In Hut-
fnlo county , II7..V ) . ( iooit PJJ thru ? mlloa from
llluomlntton , Franklin cunntr. H. 1,01 } othur
fnriua for > nlo. Johnston & Van 1'utton.
1 mACIIK well Improved farm In Inwn at IU. < 8J
Jacrci ImprnycJ SiJ. ( inriljn and fruit I arm near
Council lllalTa , JiO. Splennlil ejncro farm near
( ilnniTuod , t'X ) . Km mi. KnriUn aud fruit laudifur
> .ilc. Johniton It Vnn 1'atttm.
I,1 Ut HUNT l.nrgo 10 room homo with all inodurj.
-L ImproToinont * . on I'nrk avenuv , t. > per month.
8-rooni houia wltii KOOI ! barn , now , tlj per niuntU
Lincoln avenue ,
Four cottuKo | IO'IHC In Twin Cltr I'laca , neak
licji llroi. ' factory , t'i ' per month ciicfi.
i-roum cottiiEui on Tlilrd avenue , nortb of tram
Iff. Ill per month.
ft-room colliuoon Avvnuu r , near 20tU itroet. tl
l-or month , Apply to K. 11. Uilull , No. 7 ,
block , Council Mlults ,
\\rANTKII I'oiltlon liy a younif lady ni tteno.
' xrapticr bookkcaper. or both. llalindez >
perlcnco. Addren K. M. , 151 lllilgu lruul
Council lllulls.
A liBTIlAOTS and loant. KHrm nn I city propirlr
JiboujUt ana lolj. l'u oy A. Thujiii , Counoll1
17OII HKNT-10 acres of land near city , ti S. It.
-I ferti , 0 North Jlaln > t.
GAIUIAOK removed , ceiipooli , vnulK , clilmney
rlcunvit. Well preparea ( or the wjri. Ktl
llurko city building.
IIlAVH a larirn Hit of property. Improved anil
unimproved , for mlolu all parti ot tbo city ,
moit of It at low prlceii 10 aa of It very cutaJ. it
you think ot buylnit , comu find tea nhut I ouu
otleryou. It may tava you money , H. U. MoUoo ,
o. 10 Main itrouU
T 1' , JUDSO.V , civil enolueer , Uluo prlntt ot
Jj.founcll lllurti and all additions ; alio paaturag *
lot UM btaa of Hock , vmtb aicnuc ,