Till ! OMAHA DAILY 1113K : TlIfHSDAV. MAllfir Hi. 1BD3. 8PEGIHL NOT10E8. " KHTiHKMFNTS KCIIl TI1KSK UM.IMNB will bo liken until IJ Ml p m for Hie ovenlng and until .Up in fi.rlhn morning or Sunday editions. Anvrrtlsam | py reitio | llnit n numbered chock , oun liavo their answers addrcucd to n numbered letter in rare of lilt in K Answer * of nd.trcised will bo dollturcd bpuii presentation of the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. Hates l i n word IIrut Insertion. Ic n word there after Mulling taken for loii than gig > SFS MA OK AT IlOMF. Ill WHAPPBH3 , ADHK . Onklry.lMV.aUh children' ! clotlMnit. -A. . AlTy experienced male operator. AdJress X5I llee ) , I'imlTION AH OKKK K AJHISTANT A -and stunuKrnplicr. Address .V M Ueo ' 31 _ " \ - WANHID.l'lTlJATIO.S. HV iT.x'l'KIIIKNCKO VyouiiKlndy l iioifrapli r and tjpowrltori can ciierolo | amltli 1'iernler or llenilnalun. Address , 11 17 llee. m _ _ \ ODMI I.ADV. (1000 A with hlahp > t recommendations , desires n | > oal tlon. Address .M.csroOUIIK Men Journal , ( miahai 3I'J ! ! > 1IOVJ.K8 A II Allll IIAVK A LIST OF8TKN- ournpliois all urndrs , filrnhlicil business men ' free. 1111 N V life 'lolj&M. _ M.OIAI4 - 811 UATION WAM'KD.COMl'r.TKNTHKCOND Klrl ( ail oraildrcsnHJlH IBtli st. 11 1''J 17' WANTED MALE HELP. Hates. ! ' * < n word llr t Insertion Ir a word there after MUldnp taken for less than Sic i > -SA > . .AltOU COMMIS ioN TO AlHNrS'lO J'lmiullo the Patent Ihcmlcal Ink Krasor I'encll. Thoiiiont ii efnl and novel Invention of the axe Jirofcs InK thoroimhly In two seconds Works Ilko niiiKle aw to WO per cent protlt unnts maklnit JMI per we k We also ant a Keneral imont to take < liuriui of territory and appoint rnh nuenls A rare rhniite to make money VV rlto for terms and a ppicl men of rrimlnif Alonroo Kraslnu Mfir. Lo , V uii , In ( reese \Vls 'is T ) MAN AIIOt'T 55. OflCK ' 1 0 I.KAIt.V. CA.V Jillnd permanent employment and silary weekly. JSUiDoiiKlas street .M'.MAI _ 1WAN1 iTl ) , A MAN AND WH'K WITHOUT .1 children to work on n farm Burden at Omaha , tM W per month and board AddressC',24 , Ueo. IV . I1K.H WANTKD. HKFHHKNCKS required J 10 , Heootllcu , Council Illutts IVT M Ml 17 T\ -TKN HAHNI-SS MAKKHS APPLY TO Harden toddlery Co Sloiinlty. la- 110 n-MAN WHO HAS WOHKIID IN PLANIMJ I mill and who Is capable of running wood workIng - Ing machinery and tailntt the place of foreman In small planing mill In tliu bust town In southern > obrnska Address IH.O , Omaha lice. " n-KMIllOKTlC MAN IlUdl- 4 > nes ability , with rome capital , for position as laauaner of hiislnci" which will heir Hoieit lnve tlitatlon In every way Only those havlnic above qualifications nied reply. 'I his Is a uood oppor tunllr for the right man Address C 4U , Hue 318 15 TI-WANTKO. HllbTCLA'-H HHI'.AD ANDCAKK .I'baker fur Dakota. Apply VOCKU ! ft Dlnnlnn , 111 ! ) Howard st Omaha. .I-M Hi * -\YANTil : ) , HLACK-'MITH ' rOll ( JKMIHAL J'ri'palr vtork , Kood WIIROS paid II btrathman , lrand luliinil MJI4 li , ' \ ) WAS'llTF7 , THAVKI.lNd SALI.SMF.N TO J'jell baking powder We put our Roods In class rollliiK pins J" ) month salary and expensoi , or 25 iior rent , coniml'mloii Hend stamp for ropl > Clilcauo Huklnt ; Powder Co . 71,7 Van Huron Ht , TWANI HI ) I'HACTIOAIiOAIlllKNIJH.STKAIJY J'employment to K < > od man A W Clarke , 1'apll- linn.Sou 351 lb B-VVAM'KD HOY IB ' 10 18 YlSAltS OF AGIJ , lo learn tlnlshlnK on lounges 'Iho K. M. IllilsoCo , IJ07 Miholas strict M'ii'J Ib * "ij W1J WANl" MH.S , WHO Alii : ALIIHADY JJtnvellnf mlemneti. tci carry our liibrlcnntii as a tide lino. llanufHCturern Oil Co , Cleveland , O B-WAVI rl'ritAVKLIN'SALV > MKN. SI'KC- laltlon for all linen of trade worth J..V ) per month to iioud man. Allison , 'U tVabash ave , chlcaun , J71 > 15 * D -WANTHD , AdOODlIAUNHSSJIAKlJlt .1 W- HorlockurA. Co . lli : un , Nub 571 10 _ -WANTIU ) , l-Otm Filth 1' CLASS ( LNION ) coat makers and ono llrnl clans vest maker Ulghosthlll paid C. U. Itlchtur , St Joseph , Mo 13 - . , MLK'irollS roil TKA AM ) COD- feu , Eontlcmon or ladles. 24th and Hamilton Mi li4 17 * il A 1 lltsr-CLASS CAHIUAOK PAINTKIl wanted , Address K A , Carpenter , Perry , Iowa MiiS3 11. J WAN'MID , Vfcsr MAKUHS ATTHHOONTl- 'ncntal llothlnir house. M3S2 10 WANTED FEMALE HELP. Hates , I'/nO a word first Insertion , Ic a word there- tier , Nolhlnu taken lor less than ' 5c. ' Uwoolworih Ave Hit -A LADY T < r BACH MU810 IN A PHIVA'IK family : Instrumcnls , organ and guitar , Address CJ1IIOB. 1W 10 C-llHSr OF WAO1I8 TO COMPBl'KNT IHL ; must ho Kood rook nnd laundress 2103 karnam. Mrs. J. M.'lhurston. Mli'jl rt-bTUICNT MIHMH WANTED AT W C. A VVhospltr.l , corner mil slreet and Mh avenue. Council lllults Must bo between .M und JJyears of iik'e , healthy and of Kood churaitcr MJOI IB C -WANTniJl OIXJ1HL1N TAM11A OflllllKK | must bo iiood cook , mines. fiOO. VIII ) L'ouula ' 3IS 15 ' -WAN'IKO , LADIF.-J AND IHI.S > , WK PAY you from (4IX ) to SluuQ per week to work for us ntyour own liomu ; no iiatntlnir or tanvasslnR ( ieorto I' Finnions \ Co , corner Hatter ) march and Water streets , lloston. .Mn s .MJjJ 17 * C-WAMii : ) , A COMPKl'UM' GIUL , MUST HE good cook and laundress Mm 11. K. O'aylord , IU4H B. ivth nt dl7la C-WAN'IKD , LOMPKTK.ST ( HHL , MU&T HK uood cook a'ld laundress , gaud wages paid. 2 lu family ; references required. Mrs. t. J. Hamut , IK.'I Davundort. IU ) 10 C-WANTKD , (1IIIL ( 1-Olt ( iKNKUAL HOUSK. work : mint bo ( rood cook with tlrst class rof&7 ences , OuA Paclllc lit. olJ lit * /1-WA.STKD. ( Hill. rOll ( JENEHAL HOU K- V work In family of 3 , must be uood cook nnd neat. call at uOI fuuth JUtlut 34J 10 _ / 1-NVANTKD , O1HL POIl UUNKKAL , IIOUSU- v-'work ill I Howard SM 1U 0ll nousiswoiK. couuv. C-WANT15I ) , OFUCU (11IIL , ONM WHO CAN operate a Hcminuton type machine Adilr ss , itatlni ; Hilary expected , 1. bouuenschcliiVeit ! I73 17 0-WANTBII , A Cllll. FOIl OBNMHAL HOUSE- work Apply 1721 Podeo SuS 111 p COOD ( illtl , bOll OCNKIIAI , iioT'rIKWOHlf , win small fHinllj Inqulio 910 t-oillh JJth Ktreot. _ _ 67 11 " f t-WAN'l Hi , "APPLY Mlf. nTA. V-/rudahy , fllo south fttb. street 375 IS * FOIl BENT HOUSES. Hates , lUc a line each Insertion , II.U ) n line per month -l"oii HKNT , HOUSIIS IN Al.l , T'AKl"H \ city. TheO F Davis company , IWj Farnam st. -ll.A'IS. "mvKl.l.lniiH. tOTlAiis : IN ALL parli of the city Kilkenny & lo , Hooai I , Con IliU'lltiil block 724 -toil lll.'Nr , TWO ft HOOM COITAOUS ON rautor Call at southwest tor 9th aud Douulas TM UhOU IthNT. M W 13 HOOM IIOIIHK. Zj 3 ; 1 > 0 10 room homo , 2i > 3l Cnpltol avenue. All modern. Cnll "J Cnpltol uvonuo II. II. Hoblion -U-1IOOM lOlTAUHS , SrAMOllll CHICLK , new modern U S. Klk'Utler. 2UI lion bhlt ; 311 J -LAllOli LlsFllOUSKS. PALL , IGOj i-M D-AMEH1CAN HOUbiJ , 920 DOClU.AS SsT , * M per mouth. J. M. Urunnor , il. Uoo hiilldinir Mtttism * _ _ Dl-OH HFNT. CKNTHALLY LOCATISD 1IOUSK , modern Improvements , 7WN. lth ! ) t. Ml54 ! DHIHOOM i : AT NO Ill8g.uri ! bTM . , n'wuu .H'oroomjottaKO No 513 S. J8lh l . at HOW ) . U UCinii. H.trker litock. 7tJ D-l Oil HUNT. COrTAOKh. il H. , ALL MODKHV , J.'Wi 7 r. p. front , moduru , { UOJ lldollty Trust I o. , 1703 I'lu-mm 8IJ T3 HOOX1 COTTAtii : . 1718 WKIld 1 KU bTHEET * ' r\-BMAi.ii iioimn , ruiiM'-uuD * . , NKTII- J.J "r1" ? - rrton HallSi ) South IJth street. IUX > M IIOUBKS ON ) "rec" ' Cm" " oo I D-4-HOOM APAHTMEN'M , VAN DOHN ni.OCIC. with l m. ll lorcnoi required , Dill UIJJM M JM I-J-r-Oll IlKNT , KLAT WITH STBAM I1KAT. IVroonu In good repair. Llntoo block , corner of i 13th and -Maions Inquire at 017 lu block. John llaialln Meet. S24 I -IIKST 7JIOOH HOUSK IN CITY , UKAI.TIIY .l- ' cenliil ' location , all modern ; alto corner tut. 'lliard , rjdand Dsvenpotl 3Cd IT n-KOH HUNT. TWO NICK IIOIMF.4 NKAH Utnicom p ri. all modern coiit nlonc i. pleat- I nt location , nrtl cl > Oflkbt booiL IJBO. N. . Y. Lift. lrol7 FOB. BENT-FUBNIBHED BOOMS. Itates , > 4c n wont first | n ertlon lo n word there after Nothing taken for loss IhnnS'c 1/-STKAM IIHATKI ) HOOMS rUHNIsMIF.I ) FtH J Jhou'fkcfplng 1714 Nicholas Mmi ! ! _ NKWf < r ruitsianun , JIB N lath st , 87721 * . FlIIINimiKD HOOM-t FOll OBNTLK- J Jmcn onlri ( stoara heat. ) nt 1519 Howard i < t HO T ? Ki IlltENr" HJIIMSIIKI ) , AHOoll FOIl 1 OH2 -I J enlluiiK'n. 21117 Mason st 3 * , I5 _ 1 ? .IU IINfUKl ) HOOMS FOIl llOU KKKKPISIl Jformnn nnd wife , rent taken In board , JIJ N. 17th it. ! _ _ I.S FIIHNISHKI ) OU US'FUHNISHKD HOOMS J < ifirlUhlIioU93kceplng 1112 So II. MI421 * 7-2 FUHNMIIKD U IOJH l-Oll I.IUUT IIOUSB- -JkccplnK. 18W Capitol avonuo. o'J 10 * _ FHONT It. . OM -l-iwlth urst-class accommodations 'ffii 1 iirnatu street. MJJS lit' FUBNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. Hates , l'4c ' a won ! tint Insertion , Ic a word there after NothlnKtnken for lc i thnn 25c. i/-TliK DOlTAN.jnJ AND 2HN 1311181. WOllhN'SHOMK. UNDKIt CAIlKOf Vi Oman's Christian association , HI So 17th sU , 192t FA1I.NAM , KOIIO OKNTI.KM K.V. 8l3aU' HOOMS WITH llOAltl ) HKK- Mil rarmim MJOl ( la * j'-'LKASA.ST , UOMKOItTlltiK IIOOMB ANII JL1 hoard , II W nml MOJ u week JU N. 17th street . .HU)30' -ltOOM AND UOAItl ) roil TWO CUMI.r.MKN. A SCO N. tilth MINIS' j ? NRMA _ ruUNISIIKI ) ItOOMS WITH 11OAHU i at the Webster , 010 and 613 .Sorth lUth > tn ot M 137 22 FORHENT--UN1 ! UBNI3HED ROOMS Hates , I'tc ' a word first Insertion , Ic a word tlioro after. Nothing taken for Icss than Jjo G - ( OIlllK.NT. I US'FUIIMSHHD HOOMS S U1T- nble for houscKooplnir , modora liuprovoinents ; rent chuap. I7UI Webstjr street. MS'jl ' G- ItOOJH , I Ml N ZlST.litU. .1 roomi , IUJI N 21st. $ ) 00 i to 4 rooms lath and llnrnny , M to 113 W a rooms , 7th anil I'uclllc. ( il UU Houses of all kinds tl F. IllittJ , 230 S. 17th837nt -KOll I.1IH1T Hot 9ItKKKI'INU G , < UNFUIt- nlshcil ; rooms. Mil s TMi street V03 G -UXFUIIM3HKD TWO SOUTH FHONT i , 1MH Douulag. SIT.ID 16- FOB BENT STOKES AND OFFICES llnttM , ICc a line each Insertion , II 50 a line per nionth. .Inlilo 14UU Harnoyst 72 J I -toll HUNT , HIOIli : ON S 13TH bT I. VNOI-3 1 block sultahlo for moat imrket , hardware or dry oods store Imiulru UW ri. 1 Ith st. 87J 110U HUNT , THlMSrollY HlttCIC ItUl I.IH.SU lUlli l-iiriiaiii ( U 'Iho hulldlnx has allreproofro mont bawimont , complete steim hcatlni ; tlxturcs , nateron nil tlio Uoors , KIH , etc Apply at Iho olllco of 'Iho lieu Ulil l-Klll lll'.Nr. O.SK TIIHKF STOHV AND HASH- Jmcnt brick store bulldlni : 10J1 > ornini street : one story and basement brick store bulldln. ; . 4A1 S"outli llth street Hat , 115 South 11 111 Mreet , ono slnre , 1114 and Illij Capitol avenue All In tlrat- class condlllon for rent on re isonablo terms In quire of A J I'oppleton , room 311 llrst National lliinkbldn M.'ll I-'IO IthST. VICHY C1IKAP , I'AHT THAI KAdi : I warehouse wllh HSO telephone , po-tor , and tlerk. loruKe 01 otherwise 11)17 ) Jones si. "JA10 T -'OH [ HUNT , SI O UK HO > M , KJ7 HOWAltl ) steeet Inrgnlro John F Flack Co , room .31 , ( .Lumber of Commerce MM ? T-FOH HUNT , S-TOItK AT IU 8 lOTII aillKKT , -L opposite llaydnn Uros. Inquire thaso i L'ddy 15IB tarnaiu street. , ,7J 17 AGENTS WANTED. Itatos , Via a word first Insertion , Ic n word there after Solhlni ; taken for leis than .Me. T AnCNTs"wAN'l KD. M A JYli OH PKM V LK , TO v accept a Rood poiltlon with us. to sell our "Ulead , Cake u-id I'.irlnx Knlvos , also Carver " Highest Inducement ever olTured No npltal ro- iiulrcil Address with stamp , ClulHs bhear Co. . P. O. llox ! KX ) . Kansas ( liy , Mo uiill-m > * J AOKNTS. WOHLD'S FA III ADVIIHTISLSO - machine , JJi dally , stcidy work , visit eterea only , stamp , camples. 'Iho Arc , Itaclno , WIs M5'J4 18 * T-AOKNTS WANTKDTOSKLLTHK CALLAHD ' blotter bath , tlio boil device on earth for copvlng letters. Sea advertisement In the Century inniia- ilna'o lion v iiuiva < iliicl > nilne H and pr'ifvs- slonal men only. Anv Kood solicitor cm make fo n day and upn.irdi Ladles ellen mnko the best salesmen Liberal Indiicaments W 1 * llnworth , 11)2 ) Handolph street , Detroit , Mich MJJJ Id * T WANTED , AOIIMS KH LIFH OF AM nil- " t" lea's foremost preacher. Phillips Hrooks. Intro * ductlon by Joseph Cook , Immense demand , refer ences required. John K. Hastings , J7 Cornhlll , llotlon , Mass. JUJ. 10 * T-WANTI5D , LIFi ; IN8UHANOU bOLlCIIOUS > at 443 lice. J. S Pcttlt , epsclal ugont MJ81 52 * WANTED TO RENT Hates , IHo a word tirst Insertion , lo a word there- alter N'othlDK taken for less than 2jc. - TF YOU WANT \6uil HOUSES UKNTKD llstvtlthj. H. Parrotte , Douglas block MSI1 A2 WANTKI ) , 1IY A LADY. KOOM AM ) 1'OAIID. private family proferiud Hefereuces ex changed Address O Ui , Ijoo ottlco. MJ t ) 17 * STORAGE. Hates , lOo > line each Insertion , tl W a line per month M hlOHAtJK. WILLIAMS & CHOSS , 1S14 Hafney ww _ M DON T BiOHK HOUSEHOLD OO JDS WITII- out soolnc our storatte department. It Is tha best. Omaha Stove Hepalr Work,14)7 Douglas . 7JO T\r-S > 10IUOU FOIl IIOUSiniOLD ( iOODSi -I'-lolean and cheap rates. It. Wells , 1111 Karnam. . * * _ _ _ _ WANTED TO BUY. Hates , l ca word Hrst Insertion , Ic a word there after Nothing taken for less than JJc toil MJIMITLIIK i. ' jzoods , etc. . or will soil for owner lu our auction alls K Wells , 1111 l-nrrmni r.J * A P. ' 1 ukey , New \ ork Llfo building 3ii 15 T-.OOI ) , GENTLi : DHlVINlPllOHSK , MUST < bo cheap i.'US 17th st , llea llldg M tea It ) FOB SALE FUBNITUBE. Hates IKc a vtord llrst Insertion , lea word there after Nothing taken for lea < than SJc 0-tOll 8ALL' . OFF10K FUHNirUHB. IlKSKS , chnirs , typewriter ! , etc. 6JS N. Y. Llfo Uulldlng o -VOH SALK. ALL OH PAltT OF FUIlNnUHK at W Aines avenue. HU bargains .VUIO 10 * FOB SALE KOBSES WAGONS ETC. Hates , IHca word llrst Insortlon , lo a word there after Nothing taken for lens than lie p-IOHSALB , 2NDHAND PLVTtOltM SP11INO L wagon , harness and good team , suitable for moving outfit , cheap. A C. HaymerJ403 N utreet , bouth Omaha 143 1)-4 SECOND-HAND TOP DUCniES , J5 TO $ 'iO , i business buckboards , Ili and (15 2 phaetons , t surrles , I family carriage. Drummond Carriage Co , 13th and llKrnoy 348 20 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Hates. IWc a word Irst Insertion , lo a word there after. Nothing taken for lens tlmn2.Se 0 TIIK STANDAHOrATlLIJCOMPANVOFliEll baled hay ut SiW per ton , on board cars at Ames , Neb. This price may bo withdrawn at any time. ' 73.1' Q-FOIl SALK OH TIIADK ; ONB ACHE WITH bennery Address U , S.'J Center street. Omaha. 4S'JMIi ) -FOHSALK.CJIBAP. tOOOO HHICK PALLUTH. i" lot of furnace grate bars , alto a lot of pallet racks , etc. Ualloy .A .Olson , 1504 .S. PJth street , Omaha , Nob. MJJi I'j * J-MOULD'S FAIH bOUVKNIH WITH U'UU nnuio on made from metal ; won't tarnish ; alia of dollar. PneuJOo itampi. E. Andrew , box | * . Marahalltown , la. jjioi 25 * MISCELLANEOUS. llatci. IHo a word ttrtt Iniertlon. lo a word there after Nothing taken forlris than 25o. 1VOIK 11KMKUY CO. ! SIH8-WK TAKE -IXpleasuro In slating that we have bad a very Inrko tale of your catarrh remedy , and would state further that It gives the very best of intli- ffctlon. Joseph H. Hotllln & Co. . Minneapolis , Minn. , March 2J. 16J1 | at wholeiale of lllake , Llruco 4 Co , Ouiah * , Nob. - OJICAKPKT . , HUO CLBAN1NQ CO , 2JI5 Chicago. M3J9AM- CLAIRVOYANTS. IllUl * * . lOo Hoe each Insertion , | UO a line per month. S ' "NANNIB V. WAlYllKV. CLAUlVoVANT. kJrellablo builavu medium , nf lit year HI9 N. 16th. 134 CLOIBVOYANTS. S'MUd DlM , trance rlalrvoyanl nnd Ufa remlnr , tells your llfn from er-iill * tn KrAva , cin b5 coniullal on all nffalrsof life , Imitho colebrnt t Knyptlan brunt plate to unit * the epuiMel and ciun mnrrlaiit with oiia you lovu lomnonJ comu all and oo toil vlnccwlof her roiimrkiblrt powcri OUlfli anJ roil iionce4l7 . - * . I Hint , , uu irt'jn m tn J p. m Strict life chart and photo of rour fitttiro wlfo nr Inn band sent Ihroiuh null for ' ) ) , clinrt atom HO ) All letter ! containing ICJnH In st.ioiii ; proiiotly answered M * ! MASSAGE , BATH , ETC. Itntei IDc a line each Insertion , fl 5) a line per month M'-MASi * K TllKATMKNT , ELhtntli rlllCIt J hint tmttiv sculp nnd hfllr treatment nnnlciira andchlropodMt Mrs I'ost.Jl''H S 15lnWlihn < ill blk 7)i M - VADASTB Tom 11. SUJ S Hill. aND FLOOItT -L llbom 3. Maniage , nlcntoi , sulphur and tea baths I4 H' 'P-MMK CAH'ONl 151 DOUIiLAS STHr.F.T..IHD -I floor , room ? timssaze , alcohol , sulphur mid van hath' . IDI li ) ' MUSIC , ABTAND LANaUAOES. Hates , lle ) a line each Insertion , f i W a line per nionth 13,0 California. Oil AIONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE. Itatrs , 100 a line each Insertion. II 50 a line per month Life. Icndj at low rates for cliolro security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property AV T OiNTHALLOVN .1 1HUST CO. II KK llT.Dd \\r-C F 11AIIK190S9UN. . Y T.IFL' . T > 741 Air-MoIlTllAflK LOANS Ll 3 THAN 7 I'BIl > ' cent , liuludlng nllcharioi Charles W. llalner , Onu'inNnt hank bhU. 715 \ \ WANTKI ) ATONCII , LOANS ON IMPHOVKD it umaha pro [ > erly , low rales. Hdollly 'Iruil company 170. ! Faruam st 7.W \\r--FlKST ATKOOND MOIIIOAGH LOVNS ON * ' Omaha property .V on farms In adjacent coun ties bead full description Alct Mui > ru,4Ul Hoj bldg 7M \\r-LOANSON IMPHOVKD AND UNIMPIIOVKD > ' city property , ! luounndiipnnrdt DtoiiH percent No delays W tarnam Smith A. Co.ljth and Uurnt-y W-TI'KIICKNTMONKY M5T TO IIOKKOWKIH onOm.iha city property No extra charncs of any kind Whrpayhluh rates' Money Is cheap You ctn cot full benetlt oS low rates from Uloba Loan and 'Irust Co , lt > th and Dod o. 747 W-OMAHA SAV1NO3 HANK MAK11S LOASS on real citato at lowest market rates. Loins nmiii ) In small or largo sums for short or long tlmo No commission Is charged and tin ) loam are not void In the cast , but c in always he found at the bank on the corner ot Utli and Douglas streets 743 iIr i AND 2 YIAU LOANS ON cirv AND PAHM ' ' Heed > V &alby , 344 Hoard of 1 rade. \\r-MONKV TO LOAN ON OMAHA AND CO11N- > ' ell UlnlTs real estate mid Nebraska and Iowa fnnnint from iUtodMi percent Intori'it with no ad ditional clmrgoj for cDninilMjIoiis or attorneys feei W 11. Melkle , 1st Nat 1 b.ink bldg > malm 4iU \ir-MON18Y ' 10 LOAN AT LOWI'-il' UATKS ' TheO 1' Davis Co . 150J barnain str.iet \ \ panLOWK.iI HA'IKS I IIICIll'Y TIIUST COM ' ' pan KOiFurnam street 73 i AY T MOMY : TD LOAN o.s IVUMIOVHD CITY property , low rates. A C. trost , Douxlas nlk , 717 AY MOMY TO LOAN AT I.OWFSI' KATPS ON Ipmroved and unimproved re it estate , 1 tot years I Idellty irnit Co. , liUJ Fnrnvn 7i AA T 1.OA.S3. C3 O WALLACK , J1J UHOWN I1LIC. 74J MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Itatcs , lUc a line each Insertion , tl.&O a line per month X CALL AT TUB Ol'FICK OP ; OMAHA MOUTGAOE LOAN CO. : INCOHI'OHATED. ' ' ' ' IFYO'U'WANT'MONKY , You can borrow on IlOESKHOI.n lUlt.slTUUU AND I'lANOS , HOItSKS , WAliONS AND CAKHIAflKS. WABEUOUsli ! IlKOKll'lS. MKIICUANOISE. OH AND OTIIICK rtECUHHY. Wo will lend you any amount fro in Slow tollOX ) , ON TIIK DAY YOU ASK FOIl IT without publicity or removal of property. You can pay the money back In any amounts yea wish , and nt any tlmo , and each payment so made will reduce the cost of the loan ' lleniember that you bavo the use of both the Iiroperty and the money , and pay for It only as oiik'nsyon keep It Thcro will bo no expense orclurgo kept out of the amount wanted , but you will recclvo the full amount of the loan llcforo borrowing elsewhere call and sco us and you will find It greatly to your advantage. OMAHA MOIITUAOK LOAN < O. , , tO , SOUTH ljT ( HOTHKttT , first Moor above the stra t TUBOLD15ST. LAHOKST AND ONLY INCOHPOIl AT1SDLOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 751 X DO YOU WANT MONKYr THE FIDELITY LOAN (1UAIIANTBK CO. , UOOM 4. W1THNELL 11I.OCK. 319H SOUTH ism , COHNKH JJAUNKY ST. WB MARK LOANS OV KUHMTUHR HORSES. CAHU1AOKS. WAUEHOUSK UKCEIPTS OH I'EH- bONAL PHOPEUTY OP ANY KIND OUIt TKIIMS WILL MEET YOUIl APPHOVAI. You can pay the money back nt anytime and In any amount vou wish , and thus reduce thocost ofcsrry Init the loan In proportion to amount you pay , IF V.OU owe a balance on your furniture orothor personal property of any kind , wo will pay It off for you and carry It as loni ; as > on desire YOUOANllAVK YOUIl MONKY IN OS 15 HOUIl FilOM VIIK TIM K YOU MAKE APPLICATION ty or removal of property , so that you net the use of both monuy nnd property You will also llnd us In from 7 lo V u. m 733 X MONIJY , 40 , U ) , ' 0 DAYS. CHEAP UA'l K3 andrasy pa > ments , on furniture , pianos , Ilvo stock , etc. . without delay or publicity , cash on hand Dull drecti , room 8 , Darker block 75oJ X I'lllTLllAHI ) , 51 DOUGLAS Hl.K. 10 & IJODfJIl 751 X WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SB- curlty ; strictly conildentlal. A. If. Hairls , room 1 , l ontlnental block 733 BUSINESS CHANCES. Hates , 10o m line each Insertion , (1 W a line per month V-FOll SALE Oil KXCHvNOB. A PATENT J-rlKht for Nebraska , out of which a rustler can make money Address , 2U Mci'unuo lildg 517 Y-HJU SALKi COMPLEl'II DHUU STOCK AND J store fixtures at Waterloo , Neb Satisfactory terms to the rlxht party , only drucitoro In town Enquire of Meyer & Itaapke , or Katz Nevlns Co. Omaha ysi V-tOlt &ALP. OH THA OK , OS ] < ! OF TIIK CLBAN -L cst and newest stocks of general m'd no In No braska ; well located In county seat good cash trade Will trade for Kood clear land , cash anil notes 1 or parllculan address 1COJ 8th avenue. Kearney , Nob. MISS I V-'OH UK.NT OH SALK. HOUSE AND 4 ACHES J- good garden land Inquire SCI North I Ith St. Ml 70 10 y A 500 FKKT WELL MACHINI ! WII'Il A DIA J mend and steel coring attichment for sale , low price Address box : ll , Nollvh. Neb MW'J ' IG Y'-JO,000 llUallin , CAPACITY ISHAl.N EMC vator for snlo cheap In good town and tier Brain growing district In the state , and doing firs clasn bu lno other business requires my attoa tlon Address W. W. Mitchell , Wood Ulver. Neb MO 10 V ANKsTAULHHKlMillOlJBIlYHUblNr.hSrOI J solo In one of the best railroad centers In east ern Iowa. Population.1)000 Mock nnd fixtures will Invoice from $ ) ,000 to 17,000 , ben location In the city , traite. none better doing n Imilncas from tiS , ( XX ) to foil out ) a your ; Kood reason given for selling ' Don't wrltu unless you mean builncs * Address euro Ueo office. Inclosu Scent stamp. Address L , W , Ueo MZ70 V-f'OH SALK , LUMJIKK YAIIU4 AT MOHK -I-Mold Madrid and Vcnango , Neb , and llolyoke Cal. VA III sell one or all , Addreis Howard l.um b r Co. , llasllngs. Neb. .MH | A ) Y-FOIl KENT. SPACK IN ONE OF 1IIK I.AIIG est department stores In Omaha for Hie follow Ingdepuriuiunts : Art and fancy goods , hats an cap. , hoys' and youths' clothing , carpets an drupcrlen Here Is a chancu for tbo right person to rcako money , as rent will be very low and wa do a strictly cash butlneit Address C 40 , Ueo otllce. 840 19 V-llUSlNK-'S CIUNOK ' ' 1O tIKCOMK MII J-llonalro. For 1100 I will taacb the patent meal olna business. Martina \ Wesl Tupper it. . Uuf UIO.N. Y. 8791J * FOB , EXCHANGE. Il t0f , 100 line e oh Insertion , II.W a line PC DJOUlh r/T'OH B.\CI1ANOK , A CLKAU LOT IN At , /t bright i Choice for uood upright nUno. drc C llHo . Pott EXCHANGE. f/-t11 ACIIK9 OF I ltiAf < \NI ) IN OSK OF / th be it winter wheat ilMitlrtti In Kanssi lo ox- chinKi ) fur Illor 3J nere irftw near Omnlia city llmln. Will piiy c h dlhferctice If property Is good Address Riving price nnd loctlloii , oil ) , Heo I ' ' 2U5 TOKACIUNOI' . A KINtti YoUNIJ DlllVINd /-ilonni for il loU IUU llcfajuo tlMf. M r/-A ll\ltKAITUHV A. < ll STOCK WITH UK- S-Hi\l \ cunnpotoil working Itro inon , worth f3OJO , fur Innil nml CMU. llox tf ( ( turner , Noli IPO IS * - _ _ y-r'cil' | < AI.r , OltTIIAIII/mtt UXNIl , V 8TOCIC A/of iteiirrnl nnrctianill'C' . rodiicoO to f I.VM | n\sa \ , tore to runt on liuil carnerln n cooJ lire tnwn. AUdtem lock but S ) . l otmlob M1U30 'rroii HVliK Oil 'I'ltADr : Klt ( IOOI ) LAND. /-Jfonr lipnrr draught ittllloiif , two lmpurt < l Ulydcudilos , uno Imported .Norman nml onu hUli hreil Brncto. l her nr fronid tu'l yu r < old. 'Ihcjr rc suund ntui Komi niid Kiiro tirno HT . I will ( -ITU n mini n cliolro of onuor nil My rinion for tills In , 1 lm\o liml thono hordes there from 5 to 7 lun- doiin nml n nut to iimko nchr.iiKe If the follo\rlnir ntntuiiipnt In not true nftor pirtlo * eomo I nlll liar their expun e ror fnrllior nnrtlciilnrs and purii- roe urllo or Innulro of John 0 Konn , Cascndn , la. M.IU SI / CI.BAS < IOCKOF II NKIIAL M'D'SVi WILL -'take real ustato A money. Ho t fl'i , I rinkforl , I ml V-TO K.XCIIVMII : Knit iiiirni , AMI KMINN fJ lure , well looitt'd I mil la lloltcountr. Nchrn-ka 30 ? .S. loth lit . urn tlm , .Sub IS'J til1 iMtoi' . ttrv ion noon I-AUM - > land In .Ncbraiki or Iowa. U 11 I'otcrson 1112 U. loth MUSI MJJ -l OW.100 I'AUMS IN .SKIIIt\ilCA , KA.SSAS if. Dakota \\lll neil clioap , or exuniinvo for uads , liorjL'.i and cuttle Add but 71 , Kraakfort.tnd 7U KI'OM ) 11AMOII\.V ( KOlt I.KiHT Sl'IlINO -'wauoaor poajr pliaolon Ijl4 | rnranm. 27S y-riKAit ntpitovKf ) OMAHA PUOPKIITV rou ' - Improved f-\rm will put In cnsh or nminio 1-niiii ni'iirVCMI I'diiii.iiiUJO small uncuuibranca 'or ' tiood liuitiL * In loulh part of city Hoar lot fJJL' , foiith Dmiha , for property In Omaha , with sm ill encambrancu. ( ! O.N allnco , llrovni hlk , It-lli and Douitlas JII15 y-roii n.KAV - > Tonc GK.SKUAT. MKUCIIAN- fJtltie Aid nrrei Improved land and somu ( food Block AddriMJ llox t' , . Umtls , Neb FOB SALE KEAL ESTATE. Hntes , lOo a line each Insertion , H to a line per noiith tOlt HtalirMjjKr. : - - > i'l , JIS.W ) . ImnilsomDrcjIdunco , UI ft. lot , fl"COJ ; line tnrui 1 1 miles out , Jii.mw R K llarlliiK , llarkor block 757 1' Oncrc ln Otinula Co , IS mllca west of Omaha lit ) acrea InV.i liliulon Co .Uiullea north of Omaha I-or prices and termi apply toV - U Mlllard , Omaha , Ncli. Mils Ml ) IfOUHAI.K KAIIMS , CK\TIIAL ANII KAMTHIIN cbraika. K. C , Liarvla A , Co. Hhoelr block. block.i173 i173 ! ron tAi.iioL'SKii.or ! IN .SOUTH TAUT -1 of oltyf 1,690 IU Terms 10J 00 ca h balanc ? l500 pur month 'Ilino I' liavlj Company 117.1.1 I 70H SIK IIVUltAlN-SAOIllKICK SA1.IJ IIV - noiircslili'nl. four M foot lots In Hrlgirs' I'laon odd , loisS and i. , lilock 7 , on Dodito ftt , near 47th t-t , and lotH 'Mind 51 , block II , llnniuy > l. nonr 42d M tor special prlco anil tornn ndilruta owner , 1C C Johnson , Ultl Lliambur of Comment ; , thlenxo , III JUll AID' PHI : nusi ASM ) citKAi'Ks'r IAUM .SKAII JL Omaha 110 nrrci nt $1) per aero -J aere < lt nilloi Iroin ciiurt liouso with 2.0J3 4 ye-ir oldKrnpu vines , l m ) trail treat , eta. I his Is nteryprett ) pi-no and rhcip at Jr. ) ) per ncro \ > 0 have houtet and lots of all kinds and at all prices .Monthly imrmenln Omaha Keil 1 atatu and Irl Co , Ueo bulMIn ? M'Jltl $ iUOOIimSUW S71Ilb'r aWiIW,7 IIOOM9 I ) . V. sholci I o , 1st .Sat. bank li.ti 13' ul ! 9AT.K. I'lVH UOOM WVlTAnl ? AND 1XJT\ city water and only two block * from motor Ap ply SUI2 Uanerofl st . near Zuth mJJJ-IS * OMAM , IIOMKM SMll , MOSTHl.Y 1'AYMKNIS " - ' uhoiit Interest Will tiko. clear lot as first payment for Kood Improved tlroporty. balnncu on tlmo at low rule 1'ut your font Into a house O \\allace , llrnwn blk. , lotii 1111(1 Poimlas Jit 15 A KA11M LANDS IN NKIWA3ICA. KA..SSAS AND South Dakota for sale on laniftlma ens ? lernu and low rite of Intcroit. l.lUornl commission to nsenti. Hcnd for c.ttalouna I ) . Hayes Manasur Mutcatlno MortKagn and Trust Co. room 2 , JPJ-4 Ho I5th street. .Mitw 1113 j 012 COItlll , JI.81XVU11TI1 f J ItM L tall lot small houae , l.o > fe , SjS } 32 feet front , -i.ili near I'umluit , house , 11,760. l-lno lot , I'ottor's add. II.75U Good lot , Wnlnut Hill , ea t of It II , { 1.100 Kasy tfrms on all of nboro "Other barKalns. U. \Vnllace , ill lironii blk. , 16tii and Uouclat JH 15 BAHHAINS IN CAUMh\MH .S. w. if section 10 , township29 , rano 4 , Knox Co , .Seb , 1UJ acres 7 miles from urclxutou , JI.'AIU \\estijii.o UuectloiioJ. township 21. nuik'O 6 , Knox Co.Set ) , SJ acres 8 miles from Crcluliton , > 0 0N. N. o. tfsect t' , township 111 , range II , Howard Co , Neb . IU ) ncre only IIUO 'Ml aores In Niinco l o. , .Seb , Ilrat class land , must bo sold together or can Hell In three traits of JM acrea each , ut HI pur aero < ieo N. Illcks , WoN. V Ufo Illdg. .01 11 011 SAliK AT . IIOUT HALF IIS VAI.Un. A pleaamit homo or aolld Invoatmont ; new house of nlno rooms , water eloaot. aewernKO and arranu&- men tforeas , lull lot. cholco location 1 ho owner needs IVX ) cash Immediately , the balance of pur chase money 5 years after data , with Interest icss than 7 per cent Call at No 5'S North J.M stroi't after C p.m. 3(7 HOUSES * Xlt 8AI.lt. Have several , elifit , nlno and ton room housei for saloon aomi of the tlneat roildeuco streets In West Oniiha and Hanseom place Low fluiiires , easy terms. Cnll and see tlio ill Goo. N. Hlcki , Jj ( ) N. Y I.lfo nidt. SOJ 15 IJ OIl SAf.K OU KXCHANCK , ONE OFTHK HKST nburbnn homes In Omaha Will take a western farm. U i'li .Mc'-airuobldK ' M.W1 LOST. Hates , Hie a word liift Insertion , lo n word there after. Nolhlnt : taken for less thaa 25c L03r-SU.VDlY. TIIK I2TH , enamel loaf with tiny dlfttaond In ; lost northof Illnnoy and 21lh streets I'loasa return to 2IJ4 llln- noy street and gel reward MJT.I la * LOST SUN'I ) AY AtTKHNOON SOMBWHI.UK between Aid and I oavonworth and 2Mh and Top pkton avenue , a pnlr of ladles noaa glnaaoi with snmll Kiilil chnln attached , flniler plcaio return to fl\t \ Howard street nnd receive reward. uu ; 17 * T OST OAllK UKD COW , UKHO11NKD , UKTUIIN -l-ito 2U18 Half Howard. S6 ( 17 DRESSMAKING. Itatcs , lOo a line uaoh Insertion , ? l 50 a llnj per month 171 VM l7uFSSMK fNO ANlTl7A 1)1 K ! ? TA 11.011 - -L Ineat moderate prices nt the Lilies' Tailor Dressmaking college , Mmu Corbott , 601 lirown block JI10J Af I7ASH1ONUljK (1OWNS ( A SI ) KVKNINO -L salts , work by day or week , 1731 Capital ave JU ! SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Itates , ICc a line each Insertion , SI 60 a line per nionth S HOHYllAMi ) 1IY MAIL WITH AN"oV'TllB standard typewriters at homo Croat chance for those either In city or country who cannot attend a reunlnr shorthand school Address Van hont'a School of 5horthimt SillN Y I.lfo omahn SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. BOJI.KS A lianil lKAr.iitSIS'TYI'KWItITKlt8 All makes bought , old , oichanKod , rented O'U N V I IfBbh'K Tel S.1S .Ilal2 ( UNDERTAKERS ANt ) EMB ALMER3 Hates lOo a line each Insertion , 51 60 a line per month f lA' NV1TU JNO O JA vy. cobs , deceased latsr with M o M aul ) , undo taker and tmibaluior , Hi S ) itiattol | ) t' > l 1,00 PAWNBROKERS Kales , 10c a line each Insertion , 11,60 a line nor month T SoVjjKN UK il , 1)1AtOND iTuoKKll , I30J ' Douglas at. LonnsinoneyVPU diamonds , watchas , etc. Old gold and silver bought. lol 15jj JjJ HERE'S THE WAY _ It Is used tocuro vnn a price less. pure , plois uit.llKEA.Tll- INO treatment. Tlio wonilor- ful. swift. hl'KK OUItl , for Coughs , Uitarrh llronchltls , Astlinui. Conautnptlon , Head ache ( slok or norvom ) , fjur- vpus I'raairiitlon llrlsht , rluh blooil ! Nevronursy1 Elastlo , stPi ' > | In fact , a now noraon. HOMS i lloolc" nnd 4 trials OENEiiATOn. Cull or wrlto SPECIFIC OXYGEN CO. , Suite 510 J eel ? Bids , Omaha I lUll 1 U UO And ll th train of KVM.S , WK VKNK-4HK8. DKIIILITY. ETC. . that ao. company them In men QUICKfcY and PKItMA. NKNriA" t'IMIHII. Kulf STHKNOTII and tone given to every part of the body. I will send ( IB- urely packed ) HIKK to any urtarer toe pretorlp- tlon that cured mo of these troubles. Address , L A. JWAULBY 1UTTLK ClttKK , UICU. TAKE WARNING ! Neglect Not" These Signals of Danger. A Useful Lesson on Health Taught by Tlio Indians' Example , Lat the Eomody bo Simple and Safa Ziokapoo Indian Sagwa. It yon nro filling , not exactly sick but not feeling "jtict right , " have n droutjy , dull fooling , biul tnsto lu the mouth , variable nppetito , occasional p.ilna In the joints nwl muscles , and other signs of Impending sickness , why not do ns tholudlnudocs driro euoh sy-np- tomj out of the system by the Judicious usoof their reliable vegetable romcdy Kicknpoo Indian S.tgwu ? "Hhundtrlnff Tlorse , " a Kiclapoo dittayt 03 years. Ft am Ms photograph. Don't neglect such winnings. Tlmt pain in your slioulilcr may develop Into rheumatism , ntul a month's nloknest deprlv o you of the Income of your toll. Tlmt white , furry tongue denotes your 11cr Is cut of onler , anil illscsso would easily tn'tc loot In your system. What could you do then I Think of your business , your Income anil your family. Seek safety us yon vroulil fly from cholera or email pox. i You nro In danger If you neglect thesa winnings. They may pass off , but tlio rliancoa are rgainst > ou , and oven then the poison Is only Intent In j our system. Do not , however , put your trust In the unmet ous mineral medicines with which thcmailtctts flooded. The action of ninny ot tlipse decoctions comes ftoni inlneinl polflons they i tmtiiln , suUi ns metcmy , ui- senle , stryclnslne , ilsmuth.todlilrofpot.H. Minn , MMU the llku uml any tlrnjruHt will tell j on If liotc'ls ou truly , th.it thN ISM ) . Kli'Unpno Indlnt , Sagiv a nntl other Kltku > pee Imllati inedlc'nti ' ) contain only the juoilnct of the tlPld pnil forest , natuio's ovv n \ cRctalrto growth of roots , uarki nml heibs. mill of necessity arc ficu from all mineral polion * iv liatever , liccnnse the In- 4llim * lmo no Know Ir-ilpo of tliem , depend- Init wholly upon nature's labointory for tlielriesourccs. and I'pon their uklll , horn of centuries of oxpeuenco , in picparlns Uicm. Klckapoo Indian Sngwa , matte by the Jiullnntfl oin mots , barli find herlii of their own gathering and curing , it obtainable ot < t > ngglett unit matieine tlealeri only. One dollar lar per bottle ; ttx bottles for Jive dollars , C * D C 1C ? Send three two cent stamps lr rd dto pay tKi4tnfro mill ivo will mull you free u tlirllllUK and Intciestlng book of 173 pnires , entitled "Llfo and rcnri Among the Klckapoo Indian * . " Toll * all about tlio Indians. Address HnAl.v & lliori LOW , Distributing Agents , 6J1 Uraud Ava Now Ilavcu , Conn. Cook quickest and best. Tlioy are a kitchen nccesfltv , lighten labor and Improve the 11 , v or ( if the food Don't lot your dealer ECU you another \ kind. . " > Send 2o. ' n stamp for n , lOOpugo COOK BOOK i ' ' ' . _ r-nrr" - - MILTON ROQERS & SONS , Ags7 Omaha , or Majestic R/ifg. / Co. . St. Louis. BUREAU. SUES & CO.Solicitors , Boo Building , Omaha. Neb < ycar3L"T iruInoMtT. S. Pat. Ofllce. Advice free PENSIONS ! CLAIMS ! a ram raS. S. S.T li.m . li.m m CARTWHEELS IN VIRGIN FORM Samples of OreouVs Wealth for Exhibition at the World's Fair. HIGH LIFE IN THE SILVER CAMP Suit I .ah" Anrhor * n Copper Smell rr nnd Itu.Inrry 1'liicrr .MlnliiK In Nrxadii for tlio 1'rrclous 111 IilnliDV 'sti'rn New * . AMHTIITST , Colo. , Mnroli " . Ur. .1. Q. Allen of Crecdc , apiwlnted by the State Uo.tnl of World's Fair Managers to collect the CtccJo cdinp exhibits , lias performed his duty nut only with alacrity , but with gtcat c-aro. mak ing It a point to see that no misreprcsenta- tlons vvuro inado in to values bv the donors , assuring them that the state board made tests of every sample before It was placed on exhibition , and by this the doctor has secured - cured tut extensive , valuable and truthful display of ores. In the three mining districts fall having thulr center lu Crooilo ) seventeen - teen mines are represented. It Is an exhibit any raining camp might well bo proud of , nnd to this camp will bo of incalculahlo benefit. Following Is n list of the specimens with their value per ton as desoiibcd on tickets a' company ing them : 1. Holy Moses mtnu , IClng Solomon mining district , three lumutqu trl100 ounces silver. 2 Kline mine , three lumps galoiri , GO to CO ounces silver , 00 per cent lead. 3. Kthel mine , same district , Iron stained talc , 30 to 00 pt cunt lu id1.33 ounces gold , 0 ounces silver. I. Solomon mine , s uno district , two lumps , 50 per cent lead , 30 per cent /Inc. 5. HUU'o mine , simo district , ono lump galena , 70 per cent lead , H ounces silver , 1.1 ounces gold. ( > . Sunn mine , four largo and five smaller lump70 cent lead , 8 ounces silver and 1.1 ounces gold 7. Same mine , three small lumps , 50 to 2,100 ounces silver. u. Nancy Hanks , same district , eight lumps of various M/e nmolliyst and jasper uuarU and bai ) la sp ir , 60 to'Jo I ounces Oliver. 0. Heaver mine , same district. Iron carbonates and amethyst nimrtr , 17 to 30. ) ounces silver , 0.33 percent lead. 10. Last C banco mine , Bnnnysldo district , three lumps red quart ? , nvlillrud , l > 00 ounces silver ; ul-o three small lumps galena , all from llrst level. 11. bamo mine , third level , two lumps sul phide cairylm ? native silver 12. Same mine , HIIIIIO level , two boxes sul- phlilo ore , -00 ounces silver. 13. Amethyst mini1 , sunn district , four lumps galena , 50 lo 75 percent lead load , 100 ounces silver 14. Neiv York Clianco mine , s uno district , one lump native sllvei. 15. Mime mine , ono largo lump 300 ounces sliver. 10. Alpha mine , same dlstiict , ono box lumps amothjst quint/ taken from open cut on surface exposing ten feet In depth of ere body , DO ounces sllvei. 17. f-ame mine , one sack decomposed snl- phniette ! . and chloildes , GO to 100 ounces sil ver. ver.1H Yellow Jacket mine , same district , amethjst quart/ and sulplitirultus , 10 to 400 ounces silver 10 Munim Tunnel , ehloilde deposits In blue lime , ! > 0 to GOO ounces silver , also one lump line HI allied tellutluni quilt/ , canning native sllvei 20. Maid of Sunnyslde , same district , ono limit ) iialcna , 100 ounces silver. 4 ai. Win Id mine , Koyal Aich Mlnlne district , four lumps baryta spar , GO to 100 ounces sllvoi. 22. I'inma mine , same district , four largo and two smaller lumps of baiyta .spur , 100 ounces silver and one smaller , 000 ounces. 2.1. Headlight mli.e , samodlstrlot.onosqiiaro lump baiyta spar , with galena , 50 ounces sil ver , 40 percent lead. a I. Oilioriio mine , same district , four lumps barv tit spar , 200 ounces sllv or. 25. Uuieonda mine , .Summltvlllo districttwo lumps galena , 70 per cent load , U ounce * cop per. 0 ounces com. 20. faamo mine , four lumps quart/ , carrying gold , coppei ami lead , assay unltnonii. 27. bitmu mine , one sack talc , oairylng 15 to 100 ounces gold , also one small uleco laic car rying free gold , value 200 ounces. Mining A Hairs. Among the prospects in Limo Creole dis trict , which arc showing up well , are the Lime Greek , Hopeful , Alnhambra , Little Joe , and Wild Hoso. The largo boiler for the Last Chance mine tipped over while being hauled up the hill , and had It not been for the stack on top would have rolled down and done great damago. Nlnelj-seven claims were patented In Creedo last year. Over -00 properties have been surveyed which will bo entered for patents this year. Mr. AI. Mclloynolds showed some splen did quartz carrying gold found in his mine on AI inunoth Hill. Air. AlcKej nolds sa j she has plenty of it , and soon another new ship per will bo added , but gold Instead of sliver. Air. Stcddemati made an assay lor u cer tain gentleman in the camp that ran 500 ounces in silver. All the Information that could bo obtained was that there \\.ts plenty of mineral in the place and that it was a A Natural Food. Conditions o f the system arise when ordinary foods cease to build flesh there is urgent need of arrest ing waste assistance must come quickly , from natural food source. is a condensation of the life ofall foods it is cod-liver oil reinforced , made easy of digestion , and almost as palatable as milk. rn > iisrfrt liy SroltA Ilownc N Y If you don't want to buy a DensmoroTypo- vrrltor , don't examine It , JMagouth .Station ery Co. 1JOI rurimm tiu , Omaha , Mob. " Improvement ( he Order of ths Age. " " It is unnocessiry to moatlon the points of su- porlorlty Dosieasoil by tlia ns It Isiiowso wollUiiown. Its Record of Sucooas la.lts Oost Ro- , „ . . , commendation. When It wna Dutonthu nmrkut rivals s IJ It woula not near. Tlmo h is shown tliitm wronc Ino very partlcu ar anil lius nrovon that tlio Hinllh I'romlor IS THE IICST and HTKONOBST TVPHWItl I'HIt IIVHIl JN. VRNTrD. ANIJ TODAY IT STANDS TAIl AHEAD OP AU'UOMl'irrrroitH THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO Oor. 1 ' NB | < - shipper toilny If the owners Imil the Rrouml nml tltlo sei'iired Dick IrwInN Alplm working ran Into a pookut thl * wock tlmt excited the tmtlMM , \\lthmi rtMtiy way up lit the tlimmiinds OvorO.iXX ) miiu-e * wn4lwt the but ton ild , but unfortuimtclv tlturo wns no KIWI ainouut of It Creedo Hhlppeil nearly M.OOVMO worth of orodmiut ; the month of Jnntinry Tlmt It u wonderful record for n cniup only one ieir old. The future of Crcetlo Is too darling la look nt with the tt.iUed O.M- . IJroedo It the only cninp in tlio stito that IMS Inere.tsed Its output ever lh.it of ono i oar ngo. nl i\rnti. : Owing to a niwi'ilent established nt a prior session of tlio iroiier.il itssomhly , In which It w is resolved to mold limning now counties nfter llvlnif olt I/ens of the state , the now county \\111 probably bo called Mineral Inste.id of Creedo. Two now societies are contcmplatlnir form- Ill ) ; lodges In Creede the iCnliihta of Pythian mid Atii'leiit OiMer of I'nltod Woikincn There was u Mluxitintf scrape Saturday In Hatchulor at the Mincis liome saloon. In MI ! leh a colored man named Ch irles Wood- rtilT and Hartemler Sherry Mnro No dnmaeo.is then did , but Momlaj itrul- minateil in Woodruff belin ? iniinlerod b < the latter. Shon-i has slneo uhen himself up and Is now in custody Sunday nlpltt liatehelor had nnnther lire , Inhich a s'lloon WHS destro\ed TucMday oxenliiK Cltj Clerk C M Webb and \\lfe eolebnited tlielr tin uodilin r , at \\liich a blank j > leeo of piper was iunlol to each guest , MU ! was united torlto theieoii a name to he ; i\cii to the hit iiildl- lion to the family citvle-a blight bal > i boy. Ahs Webb chose the nanio Halph fixjin amonp those so written Monda.v inenimi the liralnanl A , Ileobo hotel wliich bar he-en closed since soon after the lire , opened with a bill and a banquet , at which all had lit" enjoiahle time An Ismio otWOIXH ) bonds of this school dlstiict. No ; i. is to be sold on the IHth Leo Faunco was injured hy falllnjr in the shaft of the Alpha and Omega Saturday whllo timlx'i iiiR , hut is improUnt , ' Amethyst's new depot Is about llni.shcd. It Is well built , substantial and the location will ho much 11101 o satisfactory to l'll ' ) patrons of the road The bippiRe , freight , and ticket departments will bo removed Jiom the South Cieedo depot. A now shipper this week was the Alonon from the Lime licit , and as it was the ilrst from that distiict the leturns will bo watched with interest. Conslderablo excitement and numerous meetings aio being held over the nomination of tow n ofllees Dave Sponsilier bus decided that the camp needs a \irlot.\ show and Is hastening pre parations to 1111 that want. Ho has leased the Grand hotel and expects to got open about Apill 1. and then again the tlnklo of the call boll and "One and Iho in box six , " will make the words of Cy Warmaii , "There is no night in Creole , " applicable. SALT LAKH'S KIII'INlHtV. Trustees and tlio Symllrato Iliikn n SiitU- fiiptiiry rontriirt. Notwithstanding icports to the contrary , the projected copper smelter nml rcllnlng plant in Salt Like Clt } appears to bo a sure go Air. Green , agent of the syndicate , which offered to build nnd operate the works for a bonus of $100,000 , has made a satisfactory agreement w Ith the trustees of the fund. The conditions ate explained In the terms of the subscription lists its fol lows. \\o , the undersigned , mutually agree , ono with the otbei.ti ) piythe amounts sot op posite out lespecllve names for the purpose of i raising a fund and profuilng a slto to bo given as a bonus fortlio ( impose of Insuring the location at or near thisclly , In Salt I.ako county , of a < oiipor smelting and lellnlng plant , proposed to bo erected by r > M ( Jrecnv. and O. 1' . ' I'osoj and tlieli associates , said amounts to be paid Into the hands of tlm fol lowing trustees : Ueorgo A. l.oive. W. II , Howe , J. S. Cameron , Spencer I'lavvbon and M. dray , which said tiustieiaio heieby vested with the power to collect surli funds and pay out the same upon tint followlngeondltlons : 1 list That tlie said I'osey and llreon and their associates shall enter Into u satisfactory agreement and bond befoie any monev Is paid over ; thai they will wltlilna > ear , 181)3 ) , erect mill place In npeiatlon upon tlm site selected a copper smelting and luilnlng plant to cost for the act mil const i net Ion tlieieofn sum not less (500,001) ) Said plant to lifivo a capacity to miiku every twenty-four hours not less than twenty-live tons of ptue copper pioduct and toomploj not less than 301) ) men dally. frceond That the sums uiibscilbod shall bo payable as follows : ho much of each sub scription upon the call of said trustees as .shall be necessary lo jmichaso tlio slto as afoiesald ; KiO.UOU additional upon the signing of the conti act and execution of bond afore said ; $25,000 Juno 1 1H03 ' , , and $20,000 b'ot- tumber 1 , IbO.l Itevailii I'lnirr .Minos. This should be a good season for the placer miners of Nevada , s os a correspondent of the Salt Lake Tiibune. Owing to the many heav.v falls of snow they should 1mvo a good supply of water , as most of them are pro vided with reservoirs. In Humboldt county they -will this season for the llrst tlmo bo prepared to mine bv hydraulic process. As their diggings have paid fair wages when worked w ith sluices and rockers leally big pay should be obtained by the use of the hi- draulie. At Osccola they will also use the hydraulic , but at most other places they will bo glad to ha\o sulllelcut water to keep their sluices and lockeis going. With plenty of free water theio are p'aceis ' right hero in Vitginia City that would pay bitr for working by hjdiaulic process. A good deal of free irold would bo caught , but the main ptollt would bo in the quatt/ that tould bo saved. All the surface ground on Cedar Hill would paj for the winking ; 100 actes ormoioat the north end of G street and as much more below tno Gould it Curry croppings , had ono free water and move the town out of the way There would also bo some good sluicing up about the old Ophir , wheio 1'eto O'Keilij and Pat AleLaughlin llrst cut Into the C'omstock while running their locker on the slope of the mountain. in some of the places in Nevada camps w hero placer mining will bo done this .season good limls of ctrut/ | ought to bo made. In thofhe.it li.isln country the quart/ veins that have thrown off the gold ate never far liom the plac'T deposits , . All aboard fur Not tli OnUostoii. An excursion for North GaUeston , Tex. , will loiuo Om.ilri March 20th , l&'JJ. Special inducements are offered. For parlleulais apply to Agent IX IX bmeaton , Hooin 17 , Barker block , Omaha. TIIK ICIALTY : AIAUICKT. IN-5THIJMKNT3 placed on record JIarch 15 , 1HUJ. WAItltANTV DFFIH. I II Andiows and lfo toO P IlufTum , irusti e , .10x13(1 ( ft III K -1-15-13. . 150 N A sUon and wife to Christ Ian Andor- t-on , w ' , lot 1'J , block 107 , ( jiaml- \liw . . . 1,200 It A llunham and husband to Victor Jennings , lot 1H , block l > , I'nyuttu park . . . 3UO A .1 I'oppleton .mil wife to I' S Sleb- bins , lots and 0 , block 10 , 1'opplo- tonpirU . . . . 2,100 Artliui I ) . ist | N J Kasimisscn , lot 1,1 , block 5 , Matthiuv'HMilidh . , . 475 1'uil llun/lknr and wife 10 I. mil ( iall , w Ida n e , .s e and o I2a of e fta of n w H i- b111. . ) . . 0,000 H A Tlumipi-nn to M U HrudiicK , lot 20 , hlnrl , fi. .Monnioiltli paik . . . u.OOO Him Ih Omaha Land coinpimy to An.y Hill , lotO , block U. , South Omaha 040 T N Potter to A II Nnatls , hits 0 , 7 and in , block 3 , and lot 0 , block 2 , Low o' * subdlv . 0,000 U I ) Miller to f U Muadowcroft , lot ID , hlncl , I , t.'onlial p-irl < . Thomas I'lilsamllfiMn l'tlci Neil , 4 H-ir > nrics In no corner of w1 , nw HMO-It . . . . 228 1'eti r NIHI and wife to Thomas Pills , 1134 aeies In sw coiner of oh inr 10-lfi-ll . . . 058 Patrick Dallon to. I I1 Splttler , lot 18 , block.1 , Smith & . Williams' Niibdly 400 Marie. Kuncl to John l-.uncl , lot 0 , block 70 , bouth Omnlirf . i,000 , Qrir CLAIM nrns O C Ilalley and wlfn to I' A llenson , loth 7 and H , bloe.1. .10 , HPIIIUII . 30 John Mrirllt and wlfn to ( i T and A K ( illinuro , lot ' 2'1 , I'aultim's add. . . Artliui Itemlngton and vrlfu to W W Thompson , undlv jt lots fj and 6 , Ukl'ilioiuu . . . - . 1IFH)3. * I' M Pturiliivnnt ( spi clal master ) to .Joseph l > Vliirn , lot 10. block 4 , Junction View 'IViraee. . . . 110 0 A Ili > nn tthhurinito ( J J Monell , Jr. , , ox lot 1 block 0 , I'mM'HMllidlv. . > 607 J 1' Ho > dshorltTito ( 1' A llenyon , lot 3 , block H , llrU'Ks I'lac.- . 067 L A It.uli ( kpeclal ma toi ) lo Mont- pullur SiiliiKa Hank > \ Tl nst Co , lot 4 , Imtey's fculiUlv InUaganN add , . 1,067 Hanii ) to I'orlimouth Savings lunU , part lax lot 42 In w ! i i > < 1U-1&-13 , 2,000 Tolal amount of tran > fers . I Ud,788