Till ; HAT A ft A .DAILY ions C01IMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Oliqno Drokora Mndo Tholr Appoarnnco Yesterday - torday When the Market Was Weakest. HEAVY PURCHASES IN THE NORTHWEST Corn Wait Untlicr UViik Knrly In Sympathy with Whrnt , hut I.ntr that CVrcnl Firmed Up nnd Clnnoil t Tucdn'fl rlRitrcn. CHICAOO , III. , March 15. C'llnuo brokers /nado their appearance today when the wheat market was weakest nnd nggloston In person bought perhaps 600,000 bii. , while t'udiihy , Hoyden , 1'arker and others also picked what they could. Tor a time I'lirdrldgo , Itanium , Jlim , Svvartz-Dupco and Heavers met Ihe do- uiaiid with free offerings , but the weather conditions and the attitude of the clliio | gradually developed a dechledly bullish senti ment. Hhorts slowed a growing deslte lo cover , and there was some Investment huyliu. May was stronger than .Inly and advanced D'tC ' over jestcrdiiy The disposition yester day was lo sell May and buy July , whllo today them has been llbenil buying of May , with July to some extent neglected. The northwest was a largo buyer of May today There Is no doubt that the peislstent talk of the bull clique has caused a general feeling of alarm among shorts nnd caused general covering , especially as the situation has been made moie bullish by thu unfavora ble weather conditions and the htcady slieam of crop diiiiiiigo dlsnatchos. After the rally the maiket was nervous to the close , moving back and fotth hut within nariow limits A fall volume of business was transacted , pai tlculaily early In the day. 1 ho opening was fiom V to ' ( < lower for May. After several Iliictimtlons It advanced l' c , then rccoveied V. finally closing about Uc higher than yesteiday. Coin was lather weak early In sympathy with wheat , but later , on the upward tuin In that cereal and the small estimate of corn re ceipts for lomoiiow , theio vvas an Improve ment of neatly 'iC , hut It lost a fraction , clos ing at last night's llguios. The railways weio In more favorable condition to handle eastbound - bound height and throiuh billed stull" com manded a fractional advance , the ollerlngs proving but moderate. Kulatlvely light ie- celpls are expected the remalndei of this week . There was a moderate trade In o'lts and a lower innguof pi'ees ' , a decline of c being recoidt-d early , but was followed by a i ruction that cm i led prices iinek lo the opening. Theclose was steady at about the same as yesteida > foi- May and .lime Hog pii > ( liicts opened weak and lower on the receipts of hogs being about 4,000 over the estimates. With the commission houses ex ecuting some orders to sell , the market btokc slightly , and then , In the absence of ollerlngs , reached a point abovu the opening tUllles. The volume of trading was light. A pro nounced disposition on the pint of the shorts to cover sent the miiiket up above the final figures of jcsteiday. and a steady feeling was noticeable up to the close , poik leaving off 7'iC hlgh-jr than hist night , laid 274o ! and ribs fie. Estimated iccelpts for tomorrow : wheat , 140 cats ; coin , Uu cars ; oalH , 60 cars ; hogs , 10.000 head. The lending futures ranged as follows : Oiualm ( iriitn. The following prices are based on delh cry at Mississippi river points : \VIIK\T-NO. 1 ! snrlng. OHc bid ; No. 3 sprint : 68obldNo. ; 'J haul , Ollio bid ; No. 3 hard , 67c bid. bid.OATSNO OATS-NO , 2 white , 33'ic bid ; No. 3 white , 82'4c bid. ToitN-No. 2 cash , 37"e bid ; No. 2 April , 8Bc bid , 30 < ! asked ; No. 3 or butler , cash , 07UC bid : No. 3 or better , April , 38 4'e bid , 39c tiKkvil ; No. 2 white , 40c asked ; No. 3 white , 3Bc bid , 30c asked. Among t he Sales v * cio the following : Twenty cars No. 3 or better corn , Toledo lerms , 3D ( shipment , 37'5c ; 1 car No. 2 rye , I.oulsvlllo terms , prompt shipment , 60lic ; 2 cats No. 3 or bolter whltocorn , Cincinnati teims , piompt Khlpment , 3Sc ; 0 cars No. 'J rje , Umafia teims , 03c. iiOAtti ) niint'S. : William Hassott was In fiom Tecumseh. A. 0. Wulker of St. Kdwards was on the market. T. Ivoehlerof Geneva was looking over the nmrkut. T. r. Mahoney of lliuiio was among thu v Is- Itorson thu board. A good many of the lumbeimen attending thucoiiM'iitlon In thu city vveiu vlsltois on tliu board. _ _ Omiihii I'roduce 3Iarl < et. The iccelpts contlnuo M-rv light and the inailtt't Is necessailly lather iiilut. | Hvery- thlng In the way of poultry sells very readily. Ai'i'i.KH CIiolee itock , $4. HANANAR1'er bunch. Including crates and packing. t2.0K&2.7D. ( HKA.NS C'holcu nav y , $2.45. lli'TTKiiCooil butter is scarce , the gieat bulk of the receipts being made up of voiy common slock that Is only good omnuh to sell to the packers , Packing stock , U > 5il7c ; fall- to good country roll , 18 'JOc ; occasional small lolsof oMia cholco loll teach 2Ut(22c. t'Ai.iFditNiA O vnn vinivr lb. , 3c. C'Kl.tttvPerdoz. . , 4c. ( ) CilAMiKllHlBs Per box. J3.25. Ouci' > IIIKIIS1'er doz. , J2. Kims Iteculpts light and market steady at OAMK Hlsearllytoo late for rabbits , and they ar not fcolllng well. Quite u good many ducks mo coming In. as well as gee e. Mallaiil ducks , J3.COJ teal anil ml\ed , * 1.7MJ'J.OO ; Miiall gcesu anil brants , * : i.ooni4..0 ( ; Canada treeso , * 0.00a7.00jimalliabbll ! , , J1.25 ; Jacks , MUAi'K I'luiiT-l'er boxW,60. llAV tti.OK3G0. ( llo.NKV Cholcuto fancy white clover , c : fair toirood , IQiilSc. limns No. Igrctn , 4cNo ; , 2 green. 3c ; No. 1 green , salted , 4' , e ; No. 2 green , salted , 3'Se : No , 1 gi een , sailed , 25 to 40 It.s. , 4'ic ; No" 2 Kreen salted. 25 to 4(1 ( Ibs. , 3 > , c ; No. 1 veal ; calf 8 to IB Ibs. . 8c ; No. 2 veal calf. 8 to 1& Ibs. , Co ; .No. 1 ilty Hint , 7o ! ; No. Uilri Hint , 5'ic. ' No. 1 dry salted. Ce. l.txo.Ns Choice , J3.50 : fancy , W. NBVV \ r.iETAin.Kh-l.ettuce ( , 40e ; radishes and parsley , 450 per doz. ; green onions , 35c. OliAMUS-Horlda fancy , per hot. J3.50 j riietts. . JJ.25 ; Moxlcan ontiuus. slnglu l > o\es , 13.25 ; live to ton-box lots JJ ; Callfoinla mountiiln oranges , $2.50 ; Washington navels , M ; Novvcastlu Callfinnla seedllncs , 12 7n ; Jit tl. sweets. JJ.75 ; ItlverMldu seedlings. * J,75. OMO.NSllomo ' grown , per bbl. , 4j bpanlsh , Xale , I'.1. -1'ercan , lOUSSc. - I'lilekuns are scarce and tlio nrir \i-ry firm. Mood ilressud chickens , 11 4J HV. < Vilorndo , tl 20S1.25 ; choloo 1111- Ht * Vr < | tiart , 2 * v * r -l'ir bbl. . ( i ) . in Imlf IKXOS. * 2.7f a3. inl kinall fat veuls , 7ilOo ili . 'Mia ' . ,760 ) mlr i itlock , 291,113 bales riftlirc' , itendyt ale , liD.Oik ) bnliMi April , oO bldi Mny. * H.07 H..8i June , | H 76'itM 70i July. JH MJ H H3i Auitllst. JH 1S > H 7i ; | feptember , JH.l.Hiij H 70 ; October , ta.uwioa.0l i November , JH.UOB 8.01. New Vork Nr.vv VOIIK , March Ifi.I'muit - 12.460 pkgs.l export * , 0,722 bill * . . , : )0ir ) > Racks ; sales , 27,400 pkgst market more active mil Metidyt low Kind's. | 2.20tJ2.o5i low grades , fair to fancy , fj jr > W3.25) ) low grades , intciifi , * 2.HWi3.25 ; Mlmiootiv clear , 2.5Xfb ( 3.GO ! Minnesota straights , JJ.OOtlt.OO ; Mlnnc- Dta palenlN , f l.25f.5.1)0. ) COIIN MKA i , Steady , dull. HAIII.KY Ouk't , Hrni ! vvostorn , COTfcfiOc. HAIII.CY MAI.T Dull , steady ! wuslern , CuO Wiii'AT-ItocoIiiU. 19.325 bu. : exports , lO.IIHr , Int. ! sales. 6,000,000 .bit. futures , 120- 000 hit. snot. Spot market steady , acllvo for export ! No. 5 ! rod , In store and eluvatcr , 75' < c ; illont , 7riif. ! ; . o. b. . 75'/70' e ; No. 1 northern , Hl"e ; No. 1 hard , H5Ue ; No. 2 northern , HO'lc. ' Options were fairly actlveand Irregularopen- ns at "i -'nC decline on easy cables , fell 'j' < t\e in reall/Tngsandon nn Inciunso east of the Hoc los , advanced 3Qkoon unfavorable ciop news , low covering and tlrm buying , declined V':1on ! realising and foreign selling , closing steady at VrP.C ! No. 2 red May , 7U5i70 tc , losing at 7 ( ) , c.lunp ! , 70Vi7,771ie , closing at 77c : .1 illy , 77'1478'c. ' ' closing at 77 > ( c. COIINKecelptx , 37 , ( < 00 Int. , exports , 2,900 iu.sales,355.l)00 ; ) bu , futures , 7 ( > ,00 ( ) Int. spot , s easier , more active , chxliu sto-idy ; No. _ , _ J1iftl5lo ! In elevators , 533iWlc ( ( afloat ! un graded mixed. 52'35414o ' ; steamer mixed , ti'Jfil 03e ; No. 3 , 51'lc. Options were dull , opening weak at ' ( c decllno wllh wheat and on ncrcasoeast of the Ito -kles , advanced ' ( ( fl'BC with the west , olos'-d firm , unchanged to ' { c lown : April , 51'f < ,5Pc , closing lil c : May , . ' D'tUBD'H ' * . closing 50V ; July , 50'f&50'e. ' . -losing fio'.e. OATt * Itecelpts , 48,300 bu. ; exports , none ! sales , 11(1,000 ( bu. , futures , 73MIO ( bu. spot. spotsdull , lower , heavy. Options dull , weaker ; May. H7'aT6l74c ' , clinliu 37'j ' ; siit | ) , No. 2 while , I3l43'fe : No. 2 Chicago , 1M < , , < 8.lOc ; No 3 , 3-lc ; No 3 white , 42aic ! : mixed ivostoin , 39 il lie : whllo western , 42Q5UC ; II vv Pah demand , firm. HOPS Quiet , easy ; state common to choice , 10 < 622e : I'aclllc coast , 19H22C. IlitiKS I'alr domain ) , linn. I'HOVIRIONS I'm meats , weak , quiet : mld- les dull , weak , haul , better ; demand llriner ; vvostcin steam closed at * 123O ; sales , none ; Millon sales , 2,250 tleices ; March , f 12 05 , clos ing at M225 ; May , * 12.0ft , closing at iM2.2S ; Illly , $11.40 ; s.eplembct$10.05'jjll.l0 , closing at ill 25. I'otk-Qulot , steady. IIl'TTin : I'alr , steady. ClIKIMI ! Dull. : ( ( ] - ' ; receipts 11,755 pkgs ; western fresh. 17c. TAU.OW Dull , steady. Coi loNshKli OH/- Quiet , steady ; yellow , 50 I'mioi.rt'vt The market opened dull and was stagnant tbioiighout ; opened at 05c , lilghest , 05c ; lowest ( i&c , and dining at G5c lilil. I'ennsylvanla oil , spul sales , none ; Am II options , sales , 5,000 li'ils. ' at 05 ! ; ; l-lniii oil. sales , none ; 2'J'fC ' bid. Total sales , 5,000 bhls. H.OSINSteady ; strained , common to good , ll.4 ( U 45. Ti'lii'KNTlsi : Quiet , firm. KirnI'luii , fairly active. MoiAS4K.sNew Orleans open kettle , good to choice , llrm , fair demand , hi'ii vu-Uaw , ( inlet , steadv ; fair refining , 2-ic ; centilfngals , 90 test , 3 5-lOc ; rellnod , dull , steady. I'm IIIO.N Quiet , steady ! American , J12.75 ® 15.50. Coi'i'Kit Steady ; lake , tll.W. I , KA Ii I'll m : domestic , ? 3.95. TIN rinn ; Mralts , 121 bid , $ J1.15 asked. Ilimllies4 The following aio reported at llradstropl's : Omaha , \V. T. Callahan , contractor , suc ceeded by the Callahan Conjunction com pany , Incorporated. I all bury , Neb. , MOnefoe & lltonn , groceiles , sold out. l.elli , Neb. , S. It. Mever , drugs , sold out. Dodge , Neb , Dodge \Illllng and Cialn com pany , .lames lioublneck giving bill of sale of Inte'rest for ? 1.000. Arlington , Neb , N A. llovec. general store , gave bill of sale of slock , etc. , forf275. ( Jr.int , Neb. , ICejs & Nym , livery , now Keys ,1 Inks. Ashland , N'eh. , Dean llro , . , Itimbci and wind mills , now Mcltoynold \ llean. Cushlng Neb. , M C. K Ilk-en , general stoic , moved to I'latto Centur. Klmball Neb , Knderly Hi os. , general store and ( hugs , will discontinue heiu. Nlckeison , Neh . N .1 l.olllur , general store , now Irlller.1 Mai shall. Nelnaska City , Nub , Nebraska Cltv club , In- coinorated \ \ Illii r. Neb. , Dick \ Ilros. , saloon , gave bill of sale of oiilllt for $1.000. Heat rice. Nob. , Sumlurland llios. , groceries , closed by moitgiigees. Dunlap , la. , Taylor .1 Co. , hardware and Im plements , sold Implement Mock. Dunlap , In. , Ueoigo ( joining , confectionery , sold oui. West Blanch , la. , Halnes fc llalstlngs , lum ber and co il , dissolved. .Manly , la. , Sanders A ; .McKerchor , drugs , dls- solvcd. Wiislibuin , la. , Ilrovvn & Mtintoe , general stoic , soli ) out. Manchester , la. , Robinson & Voting , Imple ments , dissolved. Iteove , la. , Chillies Crystal , general store , sold out. St. Ausgar , la. . Skutl'o ' & Goldberg , general store , dissolved. Waterloo , la. , Mungcr & Whlth , millinery , dissolved. . Illinois , la. , ICiucggcr & Asjmis , plumbers , dissolved. The following mo reported at Dun's : Omaha , llif-slur Hiilldlng company , Incor- poiated , capital .stock $50ooo. Dodge , Nob. . Di.dgo Milling and Grain com pany , John Konbineck gave bill of wile for jl.oOo. ( iinnd Island , Neb. , II D. Hoyden , drugs , damaged by lire. Muidock , Neb. , 1' . Haas & Son , general store , sold out to A..able. . Noifolk , Neb , , Thompson & Kail , hoots and shoes , succeeded by G M. Thompson. 1'leice , Neb. , llochter , Welns A. Co. , grocei ies , succeeded by Hcchter iVCoiiitnago. Stcelo City , Neb , .tames II. Kayniond , fur niture , etc. , succeeded by M , O. Kvnns. Hteele City , Neb. , A T , . Hut ton , general store , succi eded by A. I , . Hiiltim .1 Co. Milekley. Nub , , A. H. I'lum , harness , sold out toS. U Davlsim. T.ast 1'ei-u , In. , William Painter , general store and dings , sold out genet al store. I'litmlngton , In. , .John Naumiin , giocoiles , succeeded by Naiiman .V Dauber. ( iriindy Center , la. , Mrs A. U Aykens .v. Co , dry goods , Mis , A. C. Ayiiuns gavu bill of sale forlH75. Ira , la. , II. H. Julfiles , general store , as signed. I Lake I'reslon , S. D. , M. H. Slogel ( Mrs. Max ) , attached forW.OOO. I'lorpont , ti. D. , T. .M. Davis , hardware sold out. out.Toionto , S. D. , Jcnson & Hanson , lumber , dissolved. Watorlown , S. 1) . , T. Tllllscb , groceries and crockeiy , about to admit partner. St Louis Markctft. ST. Louis , Ho. , March 15. 1'Iour Itarcly steady. WIIKAT Opened ' c higher , closed 'iililuc above yestutdayi cash , bl'c ; April , Cjjjc ; May , ( iO c. Cons Opened a5t'jc lonerand closed 'jS' c under ycsteiday ; cash 37'8c ; May , 39 ' , c. OATH Dull ; on track , ill'ft32e : May , 32'ic. riiovisio.NS-Wlth the exception of laid , which advanced to * 12. weio dull at pluvious quotations. I'ork , In job lots , J18. Dry salt meats , loose shoulders , J'j ; longs and ribs , JH.15 ; shorts , J1O.20 ; strips , J9.50 ; boxed lots , 15c inoic. Ilicoii , sliDlllcleis , { 1050 ; longs and ilns , J11.12'J ; shoits , fll.37 > i ; strls | ) , tln. ( > 2l | . Sugar cured hams , * 13.50. Iti'TTiin Unchanged. KKCKIPTS Kloiir , 4.000 bbls. ; wheat , 21,000 bu. ; corn. 102,000bu. ; oats , 53,000 bu.j rye , none ; bailey , none. Sllll'viKNTS 1'lour , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat 4,000 bu. ; corn , 93,000 bu. ; oats , 110,000 bu. ; )0e. 30,000 bu. ; barley , 1.000 bu KIIIIKIIH Cltj MarkntH. TiTV , Mo , March 15. WIIBAT- HlKlier ; No. 2 hard , ( > 1 'iftlVJe. ( \lt.N ) ifc Icvver ; No. 2 ml\od , 33 (23 ( tc. OATS Slow ; N'o. 2 mixed , 28S2Stc. ! Kvr.-Stcady : No. 2 , 52 452'c. ' I'nx KiiKO-Hteady at Jl.074il.00. HUTTKH More active ; firm , but unchanged ; creamery. 24U27ic ! ! dairy , ! Ca20o. KtidS-lJnsoltled. 13o. UKCKI ITS Wheat , 47,000 DU. ; coin , 13,000 bu. ; outs , 2,0001)11. ) hiui'MK.NTS Wheat , 14,000 buj. corn , 10.- 000 bu. ; tuts , none. Liverpool A I.ivrtti'oot. Match 15. WIIKVT Hull ; hold- urs oiler freely No. 1 dur ; Cillfoinla. Os3r > - , Id pur cental : red western snrliiK , Os 3dSGs 4d ; No. 2 red vvlnler , 5s Cda&s 7il. Receipts of ulieut for the past tlireo days , 105,000 centals , lu- cluilliiK 72IK > 0 Ainei lc.ni. UoilN Qiilet and lower ; mixed vventcrn , 4-j ' ' I'a'd porcontul for now , It ICON Ixins and sliort clear , 45 Ibs. , 51s Cd percvvt. : lone clear , 45 Ibs. , 51s Od percvvt. l.AUU l'i line western , OUs per en t. Mllvvuukro .Mil.WAtiKKK , WIs. , March -IB. \\IIEAT SiiMiily ; May , t > 5 ( c. L'DIIN Steady ; No. 3 , 40'iC. ' " ' " " ' OATS -ririiij" 'No. I ! "wli'llu , 32)cj ) } No. 3 ) 33)8it3-lc. lUlll.KY 03c. KYK-5t'c. ruoVKsio.ss-Illgltcri pork , May , in.Q'J'i. ' N -vr York l ry ( iooili .VI-irki-t. NKVV VOIIK , .March- l&-Trade In dry goods ptuMnited no now features of a decided char acter as regards articles for the spring season , except that as the koason advances sullei-h mu more apt to bo w tiling to close stocks of HO.I- soiiahlo uopds to the advanlago of buyers. I riinsactloiis for fiitur. ) delivery liavo not reached any lur o proportlon > . . .iliollVheut Alnrkat. , Minn. . March 15.-Tho mar- Mil ' VTIIH a trlllo otruiiKer tlmn for two days I'astmtronir. No. 1 northern hold at 02c and No. a northern , cattCOiic ; receipts , \ I It7car . CIosi-i March ftlVj May. I July. 06e On track No , 1 hard , O-rict No. 1 northern , ( VJCi No. 3 northern , u'Jc. I'hll'iiltTiphliv ( iniln Mnrkrti I'lili.uiKM'HM. 1'n. . March | 6.-WilK\T- iiull and featureless ) No. 2 red , March , 73iA ' ' . - ; No. 2 mixed , March , oVr * Market for car lots of white higher , lint mixed continued weak ; No. 2 white , March , Uttll'ic. YOIIK , March lO.-Optlntu opened t-pot llio , steady , quiet j No , 7 , J17.S7' , . Clnclmmtl M irknl * . CINCINNATI. ( ) . , Miurli 16.VIIK vT-Steadyj No. i ! riMl. < Uiit7th' . OWNrirniurt No. 2 ml\cil,42c. OATS-HtlOIISt ! No. - tlll\ed , 5jiJ. WIIISKV In light di'iii'iml uttl.17. Toledo Cr.iln Murkrt. TIU.KIM ) , ( > . , Mnrcli IB. WIIBIT Stonilyi No. 2 cash , iiH'fc. ' I'oitN Dull , steady ; No. 'J cash , 4'J'ie. OATS Quiet ; cash , 31V. Hiiltlmiire ( Ir.ilu ( I irk t , IIAI.TIMOIII : , M.I. , Murch 10 , - Wiir.vr Steadier ; No. ' - red , spotnnd March , 71a4C. COH.V Quiet ; mixed spot iiini M'lieh , I73ic. IHrsyuletanil steady ! No. 2 white western , 4 Ic. London Oil Market. LONDON , Mnich -'AI.CUTTV New ciop , Apt II anil .lime , IIUs pur qitaitor Ll.NiKKltOil. 'JN 1' ' , ( Iff 21s 3d per owl. JtKi'iM.n I'KrnoMU'vt llis Oil pur gal. STOOKS AND HONIIS. ISt'iirN Had I'leld l > ay Vi-atcrilay no tlic SlncU ivi'lniiiii' ; . Nnv YOIIK , Mnich 15.Tin ) boars liail u Held day today on ( ho Now Vork Slo-k ex change. Onostock after aiiolli < r was liitcun In Imnd and tabled successfully. The further break In American Sugar lollnliu and app ir- entlywell authoil/-d ropjrts uhmt llqulda- tlons for the account of onu of the leading olllclals of tin ) coinpiny had u demoral- I/lng alToct on othi'r shocks , which liuvo of late boon Inherently weak. Sn .ir diopp-d 3' percent to O-l'i pircont and round amounts wore tluovvn ovurbjird. Now Knu- l.iml declined a ° , ( nri'i'iit ( j'Jl'aO ant I/u'k.i- \\anna : i'i percent to 13S' ' . In tlio ri'inaln- ik'i of tlio list tlio losses wi'iu ciiiiil | , ' ( per cent tolnB p'rcent. KciullHK as rt'lutlxoly llriner Ihan the rest and actually iid\iinced fraction ally. The weakness of New Kimlaml ns duo to ii'iioits that common stockholdeisvvuiedlssat- IstliMllth the iiHull of tlu annual ulivtlo n and HO ild apply fora locolvur for the piop- ei ty. This uis : later ilonloil. After the Hist , hour or M Su ar licpiui lo stiuiiKthen and the Imylnx wat MI poislstent that the slock lose oa' without any 1m- 1101 taut reaction. This naturally Ka\v this bulls courage and a tally of ] 3lo'Jpi'i cent iMisiiod In the Koneial list , ulillu Manhattan jumped f i ONI 157 to Itil'i. llefoie the up ward movement had gained much headway tlio market tot another setback f torn a sudden bieak In Mlssouil I'aclllc fiom & 3' ( to 4H't. Humors nuiu In cliculatlon that the uain- Inirs of the company shoned a tremeinhiiis faillni ; oil and this lth sales on stop loss 01 dors led to a serious drop In I lie pi lee. All tliu other Mould slocks yielded In sympathy and at the same time bears made an on slaught upon the cr.iiiKurs mid hiiuar. The latterpot back toOG' . and some other shares touched the lowest llsjures of tbu day and wools. A decline In Now York Cential fiom 108 to lOVi on the announcement that the pioposod Incio.iso In the capital stock loiflOU- 000,01)0 did not help inatteis. I'liiul s.iles weioata tally of fiom' to 1 per cent , the latter In Missouri I'.icllle and the maiKot closed somunhat steadier In tone. The Post says : Tlio conclusion Is Irresisti ble that the latestdeal In "MIKHI" has piotcd a colossal falluic , and that Its backers ha > IIIK bad their losses ollsot , so fur as might be , by a wholesale dumping out of the company's as sets Into dividends lot their whole buiden ( hop. It Is not piobablo that the usual Inside manipulators contemplated any such oxei- tuie , hut It Is hardly necess.iiy to point out that tliu chaiacterot the lecent break Insular Isa pioporbcquul to mothodt > evlilenton Its advance. The followliiK are the closlim nuotatlonsof the leadlni ; stocks on the Now Yoik Stock ox- chanKotoday : Thetotal sales of Mocks today vvoio 419,000 shares , Incliidlim : Atelil-on , 4,800 : , IlnrllnRton A ( julncy. 7,300 ; C'lilcaso ( Jus , 5,000 ; I'ottnn UU , 3,700 ; Delaware , l.acUa- vvanna \ . Western , 52,500 ; Delavvaio & Hud son , 3,700 ; Distilling , 10,200 ; Ki-Ie , 3.OOO ; Gen eral Klectric , 3,800 ; I oulsvlllo .t Nashville , 3,000Manhattan , 4,500 ; Jllssourl I'aclllc , 21'JOOsNow Kngland , 37,400 ; Noithern I'a clllc im-furred , 4,700 ; Koadlni ; . 23,800 ; Itock Island , 7.000 ; St. rani , 28,700 ; SURIII- , 117,300 ; Union 1'acillc , 10.000 ; Western Union , 21,200. _ Jfnw York Jloniiy .tlarkpt , Nr.vv YOIIK , March 15. MONKY ON CAM , Taslcr at 2 to 3 per cent ; last lo.ui , 3 per cent ; closed ottered at 3 per cont. I'liiMn.MKucv.Nrii.i : I'Arr.u R7 ncrccni. hTKiti.i.NO Kxcii \ Miuhteady , ultli actual business on Duikers' bills at J4.84ft t.8li ; for sixty-day bills and l.8G' < i4.80'f ' for de mand. ( iov'KiiNMii.NT DONDS Steady. Statj bonds dull. dull.Tho The closing quotations on bonds : Hostoii Sleek Oilotutloni. .v , Mass. , Miuch 15. fall hmis , Gi'3,7 percent ; tlmo loans , ( > & ( > ' , percent. The follon- Iii ) ; HID the closing < inotations on stocks , boniU and inlnlnK > > harcs : I/iiniliiu riimiu-lnl Itovlnvr. \C \ < i ; > lirlohteil fill liu Jamn finnl'in It'nn'tl \ I.OMIDN , Murch 15.Now [ Voik Hor.ild Cable | Special to Tut ; llii ! . ] The general tendency if ) ) iIces on the block i-\chaiiKo has been favorable , though attention natmally has been laiKoly iK-eupled with concludliu ar rangement * for thn M'ttlemt-nt. Consols vvero tlrm and Nhow n fntther upward movement. Most homo iallvvaxeiu hluher. Then ) vva < kiiL-clal demand for ( neat Cistern , Midland , North Ililtlsh and Snitli Kastcrn dererri'd. 1 orolxn Ntocki vveit ) Unn. The rlso In Argen il.i tines was not fully malntalir'd lli.i/llliui tlrntscnntlmiti In libh T ( I mmml Ainurlcuns : met with llttlo favor. Thn feature dnr- Intf the last hour has been soiuo fn j iilViirliu of 1'nlon r.iclllc , roMiltliu In u fall i)1 l'i percent. I'hllailolplila A Itoadlni : llrst In come bonds uro 1 per cunl lower , I'hiladulphlu X ItoadliiK ordinary ' pur cent , Wuh.ihh pre- feiieil s percent und u few otherx'i to t { per ccut , whllo Northern I'ucltlu preferred und TT.T Norfolk tt. WoHlorn preferred IIBVO Improved per cent and MUxinirl , Kansas .V Texai und . - ordinary 'i percent. Money WIIM again In good demand. Short loans were charged 2 to aw per cent. The discount market was itilrt | hut llrnil two and throe months'bills were minted at from 1 11-10 to 1 13-ltl per cent. " ' Sun rriinri ci'HliiliiKJinitntloin. ' SAN Pit \Ncisro. Cnl. , M-itch 15. Thooniclnl closliiit iUitutloiiii | tfoi- mining slocks today were us tollona : ( . , - Alt * . . . ty - > Mono . A llnlwiT y > uphlr . 17 > lii-lchsr . ' olu l 1)0 ) lle t llelchcr . . . 1 1' ' ) * > nvnife . . . . . . A5 ( liolhir ui 1 rra Ncvmtn . Con. Cnln A Vu. . . . Union Con . Crown 1'nliit. . . . . . . A ) Utah . IU Could At'urrjr . . . 7J Vi-llow Jncket . . : )5 ) llnle.t .sorcrois . . I Id Com . & .Mexican . 151 Now fork illnlnt ; ( Jnotutlons. NKVV VOIIK , March 1. Tlia followliii ? ara fie closing nilntn duotations : Crown I'oliit 2J rinionlii 7J tun. ut. A Vu 3.'J lern .NoTadu 1)5 ) DeaihruoiJ I.KI "tindnr.t 1411 ( lould.V fuirjr "J Union Con 70 llnlo A Nnrcroii . . ! 'J ' Vellow Jueket V ) lloinostika . . . 11.11 Iron -Hvor 1J .Vcxlran \M \ ynlck illvor 2 ( Inliirlo Ui'J do preferred 1200 Oplilr 17J Iliilwer 15 St. l.ouU MlnliiK ( Jiiotutloin. ST. liitH4Mn. ( . March 16. Thoclixlnj uuota- tlons VVL-IC as follovvsi A'keiJ. I Mill / . Ailii'llr . . . . . . t .8miriiiilla ( M. . Jo.UJ I5.U ) Am. Nettle ' Ilopu W Illniclulllc 7 ft ) 6 III ) I' . .Murphy. .Ui MIL Hope * > 'J ' riiiiiticlnl Notes. ftTV , Mo. , March 15. Cloirln s , fl.DtiO.HlO. I'.Mim March 15. Tliree-por cent rentes , 07f 50c for the account. Ni\v : Y IHK , March 15. Clearings , { 131,374- fc40b.il.incesMi2l'JH8. ; ( OVIAIIA , Match lli.-flearlns'i. $907,045 ; same day last week , { 1,252,772. lIvt.TiMiiit : : , Mil , March .5. ( 'learlnis , * 2- 333.132 ; balances , $107,45'J. Money , 0 per cent. liONPO.v , M irch 15. Amount of bullion none Into the Hank of England on balance today , 5 Olio. I'nii.AiiKi.riii \ , Pa. , Match 15. Clearings $11,470,417 ; balances , fl.UlD.OiO. Money , 4' i per cent. MKMWIIS , Tenn. . Maich 10. New York e\- Chanjio selllnjrat * 1.50. UleailnKS J3UB,150j balances , 187,505. f INU1VXATI , O. , M-irch 10. f letirliiKS ! 2- 3U1.200. Money. G1J.7 per cent. Now Voile exchange , 25c discount and 25c pir. : NKVV Oni.nvNs , Ii. , March 15. I'le.uliiKs , $1,002,75:1. : New Yoi U oAehanjio , commeiclal , 75c per $1,000 premium ; b.mU.tl.&U per il.OOO Iireintum. Si. I.outs , Mo. , Match 10. OluarlURM , J3.005- 313 ; balances. } 5li'J'J5. ) Money oiilet , O'i7 ( per cent. IXehanuo on New York UOc premium. BOSTON , Mass. , March 10. Ule irlnus. ? 10 , 052,571 ; bilancos , J2,030,203. Money , ( > per cent. KxeliaiiKu on Now Yotlc , 12'iC ( lls count to liar. Niw : YOIIK , March 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin : llr.h.1 iNchtiiiKi ) was limited as follows today : I'nlcano , par ; lloiton , 12ic ! discount jo par ; St. I.ouls eec piomlum. CiiiCAdO , III. . March 10. Clearings , $10,950.- 807 ; New York uxclmiiKu sold at par. Ster- llnirovchaiiK'K slow , sixty day bills , f4.843i : de mand , * I.8G > 4. .MollOj Hi in at 0 7 per cont. U.1IAIIA MVK'.STOOK. MAItlllU',5. , ItecelptK of All Kinds Lighter tlmn \Vei'k A co ' Wii\iNuvv : , March 10. Receipts of all kinds were lighter than n wcoKauo and coiftjifirod with the llrsl half of last week recelptsiof the past three days show a fulling 'OlT of 2,300 culllo , 2,100 boss and 2,000 sheen , f , The Keneial cattle market was about steady with Tuesday's rtvoi.i''o trade. Supply and demand appealed lii bo so cvonly biilanced that sellers wore no moio anxious to soil than buyers weio to buy. , IndllToient eastern m ir- kets caused shlppors to buy but spar ingly , but the j Inquiry from local dressed beef hoiHfw was fully as good ns usual. Good -choice 1.300 to 1.450-lb. beeves Mild at ftorh' $4CO : to ? 5. I'alr togood 1,000 to 1,20011) stt-ers sold iiiound fl.10 to $4.50 and Inferior llglit stall' and odds and ends from that ondunn to $3,05 , Business was not very .snappy , but the cattle kept sell- Inifand tboiewas every Indication of u good Clearance. With butchers' Mock and dinners' It was much the same. Theievvas no quotable Im provement even on the best grades and old cows are aslow , as any tlmo this season. Sales included poor thin co s as low as $1,01) ) and pool fut helferlsb stuff up to $3,80. Fair to good cows and heifers sold Itiigelyat fiom $2.50 to $3.25. Jtnugli stock was dull at the recent decllno of 25c to40c and sales were at from $1.75 to$3.U5 , Nopai- tlcu1arcbanic Incalvob sales at fiom $2.30 to $5.75. Theie was a trifle mote life to the stocker and feeder trade and on the moie desirable grades prices ruled a shade stronger. On"or- liU's were fairly liberal and while the country demaiul was not especially urgent , regular dealeis wore all actlvo buyers at from $3 to $1 for good to cholco stock. ICoprcsentatlve Miles : DltUSsKI ) lll.KF. No. Av. I'l No. Av. I'r. ' ' .1210 J3 05 8 . . .1182 $4 20 1 . , . 820 .3 75 28 . . .101)1 4 20 18 . .1108 3 75 1040 4 20 * 2 . 835 3 75 120M 4 20 10 . . 027 3 85 .1108 4 25 3 . . 740 3 90 .112. ! 4 25 22 . . 802 3 95 15 . .1104 4 2o 15 . . 008 3 93 3. . .1140 4 25 10 . .1110 3 95 20. . .1154 20 . .1033 4 00 34 . .1172 4 30 4 . .1215 4 OO 19. . .1190 4 35 14 . .1015 4 05 17 . , .1108 4 35 7 . . 081 4 05 31. . .12JJ 4 40 20 . .1159 10 1. . .1190 4 40 o > > . UU5 10 21. , 1255 4 40 57 ! , .1055 10 15. . , .1220 4 40 .10U7 10 41 , .1057 55 10 ! .1007 10 41U . , .1357 GO 5. . , . 890 10 2 ( ) . , .1352 00 18. . , .10'Jl 1211 15. . , .130 > 4 05 20 . , .1220 15 1. . , .1000 4 70 20. . , .1004 4 20 BiurriNO AND I\POUT. : 1 . .1130 4 00 12 .1373 4 75 3 . H93 4 00 31 . .1331 90 IG .1200 4 25 28 . .1437 90 18 . .1410 4 70 70. . .1431 5 00 33. . .1391 4 70 MIXKI ) . U. . . 940 3 85 0. . .100G 3 95 COWS. . 025 1 50 1. . .1170 2 75 4. . . 915 1 75 4 . . 857 2 75 1. . .1010 1 75 10 . .1071 2 80 14 . . 728 1 bO 23 . . 930 2 85 0 . . 818 1 85 I ) ' . 000 2 85 o . HIM ) I 83 12. . . 730 2 85 5. ! . 542 1 85 5. . . 708 2 85 H , . 718 1 90 1 . .1000 2 85 .1010 2 00 1 . .1000 2 90 .1000 2 00 1. . . 810 2 90 i . .101)0 2 00 1. . 1000 2 9O 3n . 72. ) 2 00 1 . .10.10 3 00 n . 050 2 OO 1. . . 980 3 00 7. ! , 550 2 00 4. . 10,15 3 00 14 . . 912 2 05 1. . . 900 3 00 ' 91O 2 10 < ) " .1035 3 00 3 .1013 2 IO 0. .1100 3 OO 1. . . 910 2 H ) 15 . .11 15 3 00 4 . 812 .1100 3 10 0 . , . 880 .1124 3 10 20. . , . UHO . 9SI7 3 10 1 . 1000 . .1030 3 10 1 . .1180 2 25 19 . . 7)2 ! ) 3 20 , . 980 o .121)5 3 25 , . 814 23 ! ! 1101 3 20 , .1040 15. . . 983 3 30 1 , .1120 1030 3 35 1. , .1000 2-6tt- .1105 3 35 4 . , . 907 24. . .1100 3 40 2. , . .1000 .1210 3 05 2ti ! . . 830 1. . .1520 3 75 2. . . .1210 4. . , .1277 3 80 7. . . . 978 2 ( > 5 4. . 525 ZfiJi 25. . 933 3 0 23 . H2I ) 3 30 23. . 3 70 24. . 938 CAI.VKS. 1. . 270 2 no 7. . . 132 5 50 310 " ' 5 . . 230 5 50 305 I. . . 130 5 50 2HO 1 . . 120 5 5O 10.J 5 00 2. . . 200 5 50 175 . 120 5 75 * * mil.7.9. . .1240 1 75 l. . .1080 2 00 1 . . .1520 2 2O 1. . .1100 2 ( .0 3. . . .1480 2 20 1. . .1000 2 70 1 . . .1110 2 25 1. . .1550 2 70 " . .1420 2 25 3. . .1180 2 T l" . .1270 2 25 1. . .1580 2 75 1. . . .1020 2 35 or. .1410 2 MO 1 . .1020 2 35 r. : .134(1 ( 2 85 1I I . . .1140 2 35 i. . .1750 3 00 3. . . I OH 3 2 40 i. . .131.0 3 00 1 1200 2 4O > ' .1430 3 25 1 . . HhO 2 40 i. . . MIO 3 25 1II . . .10HO. 2 41) ) i. . .17hO U 35 1 . 1100 2 50 , 97O 3 50 1 . . .1170 2 5'J ii ! 1740 3 50 1 . .UHO 2 50 a. , .1170 3 50 3 . 2 > O i. . , . ! OdO 3 05 OXK.V , .1475 205 STOCKKIIS AND rKKPKHs. 40- ) 2 00 U. . 000 3 25 40til ! ) 2 50 3. . 4HI ) 3 25 4 HO 2 5- ) 19 . 551 3 25 r > io 2 50 38 888 3 35 r > 50 2 l > 0 38n. . . 427 3 35 11 028 2 75 3. . hHO 3 40 11U , . . Htl 3 OO ID. . . 073 3 40 7 S UU 21. , . , . . COU a 6U 7 732 rt 00 11 fB7 3 115 1 fllO 3 tMI 4 7I.J 3 70 39 481 3 HI 40 101)5 ) 3 00 1 300 .1 15 23 1073 3 U3 UTAH rtTTMl. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 205 Meors.1009 3 05 M'.VAP Kl'VTTt.H. 5billi .1421 IS 40 197 feeders. 1154 | 3 (10 ttYOMIMI CATTI.B. 17 cows. 085 U S-T 07fertteri 1120 400 lions Tim xupply of IHUS was not at all heavy , and iheiiuallly was rathur better than usual of late , fhlcavo was reported loc lo 20c loner , wllh a liberal xupplv , and the open- IIIK hero was slow and easier. Shippers wanted n few hogs , and the market showed a little life on the best grades. In general , however , the early trade was weak lo a nickel lower than Tuesday , ( lood lo choice medium weight and heavy hogs sold at from $7.35 to $7 , 15 , and light and mixed stuff mostly at $7.25 and { 7.30 , wllh some veiy common loads down as low as $7.10. The niaikot rather weakened as the morning advanced , and dually clou > d Hat with u few lo ids still In III it bunds without a bid. Sales were largely at from { 7.25 to { 7.40 , against { 7.30 to $7.10 Tuesday and $7. 10 to $7.50 a week ago. Representative sales : No.O . Av. S'h. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r. O ' .300 $7 00 71 238 HO $7 30 ii ! .170 7 00 21 . .250 4(1 ( 7 30 i . .250 ' 7 00 75 . . ' 'Il5 lllll 7 30 5 . 188 7 00 71 . 232 7 30 ( i . .180 H ) 70 2J2 200 7 30 21 . .179 200 7 15 70 . i'J50 120 7 30 27. .214 40 7 15 2. . . 247 40 7 30 09 . .231 7 17'J ' 50 . .251 UK ) 7 35 84 . .10J ro 7 17' , 70 2-JI 40 7 35 59 .223 80 7 17'i 71. .247 120 7 35 21 . 238 7 2(1 ( 74 . .211 7 35 59 . 221 7 20 00 . 240 1U ( ) 7 35 71. . .255 120 7 25 72. 230 40 7 40 70. . .220 100 7 25 (12. ( . .21)1 ) HO 7 40 7 . .305 7 25 53 . .304 120 7 10 81. . .214 40 7 25 02 . .253 120 7 40 5 . .2.O ( 7 25 (1 ( P , .239 HO 7 40 70. ' . 224 F20 7 25 1 59. . 250 7 40 I'i'l . 211 40 7 25 52 ,258 7 40 100 .2(15 ( 20O 7 25 08 .275 HO 7 40 81 . .238 210 7 25 71 . .217 hi ) 7 40 52. . jo > 40 7 27'i ' 50 . .238 120 7 45 73 . . ' MO 120 7 30 09. . .2J7 7 45 85. . , 219 120 7 30 Sinii'-Of : : the nine double-decks received three vvero billed dltect to a lot al slaiuhterer. Some choice 12s-lb. natives hi ought { 5.O5 , and pietlv good wes etn wether * $1.85. A hunch of good native Iambs and yearlings sold for $5.05 It was a good active steady market , and everything changed hands In good season. Quotations are IIH follows : I'alr to good na- llves , J3.75it5.00 ; fun togoo.l westerns. * 3.0U (60.00 ; common and sto'k sheep , $2.23713.75 ; good to cholco 40o ( 100-lb. lambs , $1.00(10.01) . Uopioieiitatlvo hales : No Av. I'r. 148 M-\lean ewes 0' ) $1 25 54 Mexican lambs 51 5 50 258 Mevlean ttethets , yeatllngs. . . 74 4 85 302 western wethers 114 4 85 158 native wetheis 127 5 05 72 native wothur-i 128 5 05 30 lambs and yeailliu's 85 0 G5 Kncrlpts anil DUjmllM ill of stuck. Oniclalrjcdlpuan I dUpjiltlo'i ot sti'lc as shown by the bjksof t'iu ' Union Mock Yards company for tlio twenty-four hours ending at5 ' o'clock p. m. Match 15. 1893 : IllCCII'TS mseosiriov. uuv t us CAiri.K. Oninb.i I'.icklni ! Co 11 'JhtMi II llnuiinoiHlL'o. . IUI Mvlft A Co 7.rf l2 1,171) ) ' 1 hi I'uilnhy I'nckliu Co. . IUK J.I' Squirt" , \ > o A. lluai IS. Vnnsnnt A Cnrcjr 311 .1 l.tibni ill 11.1 Millipfrn anil tucilors I.oil over 1UO To I ill ' . ' Ij.'l ! wisnitjf : I > ALKIXU i.\riitivis. : : Marketing ol Hog * Continues ( Inlto Ite- Hll-leU-ll III MSt l.lll-llltllM. CINCINNATI , O. , Match 1C. [ Special Telo- giam to THIS It i.K.ITomoriow's I'llcc ' Cm rent will say : The marketing of ho.'s continues qultu lustilcted. Tlr ) total number handled hj wcslern ] ) ickors the | ) istoek Is 12. > , ( )00 against 17.OJO last yc-ir. Total fiom Match 1,2HO,000 , against 370,000 last year. I'roml- ncnt | ) lacescomp-u-o as follows : ll-lil. I ' . ! . ' . Ch lento 1U' > , UOJ liiQ UK ) Kansas Clt ) . 45.UW MOJl Uiuiiha . . . . 25 OX ) il i.ijoj SI. I.oulK 1S.UW is no ) Clnctnii.itt ll.iWO r-.O/J Indlnimiiolls ILCO1) ) ' MouxClty. . . P.UUO fi'ojj Ottuiuwn 3.000 Mllwaukuo. . . , 8.000 Wlchltiv iota 4 000 Clilnigri l.lvoStnek 'Vlurket. Cincvco , III. , Match 15 { .Special Telegram to TIIK HfB.1 I'or a whllo this morning the ciniiso of the cattle market was tincet tain. The eaily market was slow , for the light ar- ilvals holders asktMl advanced iirlces. After about 10 o'clock trading was actlvu at pi Ices tanging a slrido higher than yestoiday. The pioportlon of good to choice 1,300 to 1,503-lb. cattle was larger than for some days past and many sales weio reported at better than $5.25. There won ) soveial at from J and a few at higher flguies. The extreme iango of quotations was front $1.503G. ' . > 5 , Whllo nothing has yet sold as hUh as JC.20 that Hguro would no doubt bu paid for some thing Al. Seldofii at this tlmo of llio year bave the olTorlngs of ripe cattle been as few as they have beun recently. Ktockers and feed ers were again In good request and stiong. I'rom lOc to 20.- per 100 Ibs. measuied the decline In todaj's hog maiket. There was only a limited shipping demand , and as thcro was little or no competition between the four or five local packers who were buying , ollci-s weio helpless. Iluyers sicured the stiilf practically at their own prices , paying fiom 47 10 to if7.35 for poor to prime light , from $7.30 to $7.70 for inlxeil and medium and fiom ? 7.CO to $7.80 for common to pi Ime hiavv. Not many of the nlTurlngs sold about 17 70 , the prices most frequently p lid being from * 7.20 to $7 30 foi light , f i mil J7.10 to $7.00 for mixed and fiom J7.dO to 7 75 for heavy. Them was a fairly active demand for sheep and lambs and pi Ices were Him , The supply was linger than expected , but after all eiders had been ( llloU only a llttlu stock remained In sellers'hands. The bulk of llio sheep sold at fiom J 1.50 to 15.25 and only u few of the lambs' went above $0.15. Receipts : Cattle , 13,000 ; hogs , 18,000 ; sheep , 10.001) ) . The livening Journal reports : CATTI.I : Kecelpts. 13.000 he-id ; shipments. 4,500 head ; markut good , steady ; good tocholce steers , $ ; > .16'3,5.75 ; no extras : otheis , $4.05 ® 4.95 ; stockeis , $3.40513.85 ; feedeisl.'J5a4 50 ; cows and helfeis , $3.15 4.15. lions Uecalpts , 10,00' ) head ; shipments , 7,000 head : maiket slow , Iriegnlarly lonei ; mixed , $7.25TC7.50 : prime heavy and butt-Jails' ' weights , $7.00 67.70 ; light , fcO.OJJii7.25 $4.5030.25. KIIIIH.IS City l.lvit Stock Market. KANSAS dry. Mo. . Match 15. CVTTUI Ho- colpts. 2,50'J ' he-id : shlpiiHMils , 1,200 head- hteors , stoeker"lid Texas eattlo weak. Kep- icsentativo s lies ; Diessed heef and shipping steer * , ? 3.00iftJ.40 : Ttii4 and Indian steers , ttl.Ollff : ! 90 ; cows and heifers , fl.75S4.00 ; stockers and feudeis , $ J.llK5 > 4.4i. ( lions Ueceipts , 4,300 head ; shipments , 400 bead ; matknt dull , closing lfi ( ) > 15c lower ; all grades , J5.50W.7.40 ; bulk $7.20547.35. HIIKKI * llccolpts , 1,700 head ; shipments , 400 hu.-id ; the market was weak lo lOc lower. Hepiusentatlve sales : Muttons , f 1.40. Neiv Vork Mvo Stork Market. NHW VOIIK , March 15.-Hir.vKS-HecoIpts : , 930 ; maiket dull and unchanged fuini Mon day. I'lvo cars remained unsold. London quotes Ameilcan steels Him at lOiiill'ii- per lb. diessed weight , and American lofilgurator beef htuady at 'J'c p r lb. ishlpiiients-115 beeves and 5,530 quarters of beef. OAI.VM Hccelpts , bOOhcad ; market steady , unchanged ; veals , * 5.005iH.OO per lee Ihs. SiiKbi * AM ) ti\VIIH Ueceipts H.-J50 head : 111:11 : ket active and values veiy Him. lloi.sKecelpts I.-.Ml head ; market firm at , f7.70iti.JO per 100 Ibs. St. I.'Hill Livestock Mnrkrt. ST. I < ons. Mo. . Maich 15 , CATTI.H Hecolpts , 1,501) h-ad ; shlpmenls , 2,270 head ; market strong : fair to pictty good native hteeis J3 OUffi4 HO ; fed Texas steers , $3 254.3 ( ) Ilo.ia Kecelpts , 4,000 head ; bhlpmcntt , , " Romajkablo how well mamma looks , and how him has j-imi'-'d in flesh. You fchould do thu hamu. " " The loss of Ik-sli is a triflo. You think you need not mind it. but you Jiro ipadii- ally running down. Do liku mamma. Ube the Carl.slmd Spntdel Salt ovury morning before breakfast. It will inureaso your npi'titu | und euro you of that dyspepsia nnd biliousnets from which you nro suf fering. But bo suroto gut thaRuiiuiiu imported article. No eubterf uge , " f . (100 limit i market irvj ir > e Inwrri licnvv 7.1H,7.50 ( | packing , ITUO < t7.40j IlKlit , 17 U ) (7.3O. SllRKI * Hecclpt * . 300 head , 1ilitn"liK | 20(1 ( lead ) nuirkot Hlroniri prices range from (3 to 5.35 , the latter for choice muttons , ) . DI'MAXEE. II. I ) . II ) fH.lr. , JVv I" II .OIK I'ros. \ Ivo l're Soey > V Trjas HAWKEYE COMMISSION CO. Caltnlr | > .OOJi Oniabn anJ Blonx City. ' Grain and Provisions Railroad StocltB aud Bonds. 1'KIVATi : WIUKA Room 212 NwYoii life Boildlng OMAHA. UnrniinNCr.S : lownftatoNatloml Iluik. lonx City ; Co nmnrclal Niitlon-il Hank. Om ilia. Special attention given to outside orders Corresponuonco so lolto I SOUTH OMAHA AFFAIRS. An Iliiiu-st Svtrtln U'r - lllng with nn tln- unuil I'liiniH I it TriuiH ii-linn. A driver for the South Omaha luoniul Coal company run up against an experience Tucs.ltiy , wlilch , if his Htoi-v Is true , will cost him & > A man named Megan , llvini ? ' ' on 'I'ttenty-spvonth street between U ami K , ordered n lialf ton of cnal. Thu driver de livered tin1 co-il nn.l was offered a ? . " > bill in payment , but us tlio coal only came to $ - . ' 7.1 , and tlio tli'l\or had no change , hu was told to call later with the change Yesterday , bo- inu' in that vicinity , the driver called , i.rtned \v lib the ? J ' > nccess it-y to break the bill. "Well , have ioti got the cli ingot" asked IIoiMn. " \'es , here it is , " answered tlio unsuspect ing driver as ho banded it over. "Hut whetc Is the bill ; " " 1 K.IVO you tlio bill when you delivered tlio coal , " ansvveioil Hogan. Of course there was room for argument , but before an agreement could bo roaclicd Hogan ordeied the driver oil the premises. Ho went and reported tlio case toV. . .1 Slate , tlio local manager , and he tried bis hand at sqtmrltii ; the matter up , but met vv ith the same success ns bis driver Mr. Slate then sent an olllcer with the driver , thinking Hoffan would weaken , but it was no go. He then vvent ton lawyer , but the prospects for success in case of a suit wore not particularly brilliant so Hognn has his half ton of coal and $ } . % : > In cash , while the poor driver vvill have to put up $ .1 to the company , as it was a O. O U order. Mr. Slate sai.s the drivur is an honest Swede who has been with the company fora long time , and that Ilog.m is riintilut ! .1 big , bold bluff. Young siniinpi. Two boys , \Villio O'Neil and Rod Horn , stole a tin box containing notes , contracts 1 and insurance papers from a Sarpy county farmer's buggv standing In fiontofO.V. . Mosher's livery bii-n at Tv\ciiti-llfth and O streets jcsterdaj owning. John Hoilo happened to sco tlio boys snatch the bofiom the buggy and in formed on them The .voting stamps ran to a hiding place and hurriedlv examined thu contents , but finding nothing they \\.intcd , throw box. and all into .1 vault. The boys are young toughs , O'Ni'll having been a pupil at the icforni school and Kred Horn a hequent guest at the lockup O'Noil was locked up last night and tlio onieers wore looking foi Horn. Tlio fanner will bo on hand this morning to recover his box and prosecute tno bo.s . Democratic Di-lcgates. The democratic primaries for electing dele gates to the city convention were held yes terday afternoon and resulted In thn election of the caucus ticket with the possible excep tion of the Third ward , vv hero three tickets were in the Held. At a late hour last night the result in the Third was not known , though it is not cssentlil , us the delegation from that ward would not change the com plexion of the convention The caucus ticket is sapposed to bo prac tically unanimous for Walters for nuiior. Relieved me of a severe Blood trouble. It has also caused my Imir to grow out again , as it had been falling out by the handful. After trying many physicians in vain , I am so happy to find a cure in S. S. S. O. H. ELBCKT , Galveston , Tex. Hy forcing out perms of dls- casoand the poison asuell. C3T"It Is entirely v cgctablo nnd harmless. Treatise on Blood and Skin mailed fico , 8wuT Swoirio Co. , Atlanta , Go. The convention will bo hold nt Utuni'e hull thUcvetiliiff Preference for ono camlldtvto for the. council from onch w.trd was nUo expressed - pressed by ballot at the primaries Hob Montgomery In the Klrst , 1 Vault Koiitsky In the Second and William Mullaly In thn Fourth were the u Inner * , with the Third to hoar from , H will bo either Thomas O'Cou nor or Mr. Connelly In the Third I'rlrp iTulil "topped. An Impromptu pi I/O fight In Kowloy's hall WHS flopped at the end of the fourth rouud at 0 o'clock last evening AlcPoy , n local professor of the art of self-defcnso , and nn itinerant bruiser named Tobtn were just getting warinod up to their work In present'o of a select circle of sports when Chief Uren- nan was Informed of the mill and broke It < 1P. The chlot gave Tubln Just four inlnuto to leave town , _ _ _ _ MllKlo Oily ( iii.ilp. Miss Kva M.i'on has returned from a vlsU with friends at Blair A daughter was Iwrii to Mr. and Mrs. H. 1C. lloglo , Twenty-sixth mid A streets , yesterday. Mis. M. J. Austin rctuined last evening from Herman , Nub. , whcro she has been la 'tittemliuieo at a wedding. Herman .1. Oswald of this city nnd MUs I.uvenla .loncs , formerli a Ipacher In the South Omaha schools , were married at the residence of Uov Mr Powers in Lincoln \esterday Hev Mr Powers Is an llnolo ot the bride and oMIciated at the wedding. AIlss Helen Seelca , tc.icher In the high school , attended the wedding Twenty-one fair mlciMscopists out of the llfty-sU employed In this city h ive been laid off. Light receipts of hogs and consequent light business of the packing houses was. what lost the girts their jobs The reduc tion In the force was a luulzoiital ono , be ginning at the head of the alphabet and reaching down to "J ' In a short time , probably a week , possibly a mouth , tlio ladies who were unfortunate ti > own a name beginning with one of the lit-st ten letters of the alphabet will go back to work and another chunk be knocked out ol the list un less all snould again be needed. 'rriiniporlnlliin PnellItles. Nauru G vi.vnsTON , Te\ , March II The wonderful natural resources for which North Galveston Is famed uiv 1 irgt Ij augmented by the excellent ti-ansp.ii-iation t'aellitiea which make the world its maiket The North Gclveston Houto connects with all the prominent railway systems of the west , and the two wharves are visited b\ , numerous steamers and siil boat.s which makes possi ble an extensive bay trade Carter Hun-Nun's Opponent lor Major. CHICAGO , 111. , March -Samuel I Allerton , the big packer , was nomin ite.l for mayor by the republicans this afternoon Ho was already the nominee of the people's party. The democratic nominee , ex Major Carter H II irrison , is thre.itenod with a defection , of the Germans from the democratic party , which adds an interest to the contests Tlio Germans have been prominent in the move which gave Illinois to tlio democrats at the late national election. Piles of people luue piles , but De Witt's Witch Ha/.ol Saho will euro thorn. Murj IJIlen I.I-ID.O Ilinmrcd. Kan. , March 15.-Mis Mary Ii Lease has been elected president of the state board of charities at the request of Governor Lowclllng. Piles of people ha\o piles , but n < j\VKt' witchhazcl salvo w ill cuie them. THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor pays It nets Rcmly mi the stomnch , liver and kldnev , nnd U n plpnsant laxatlv e. Thin drink Is made from licrlii. nnd la prepared far uj as cully as te& . It U called AllIrut-clwappllItf.tSdc.nndl npnckane. If yor cannot get It , ni > nd your nJdrru for a free aampli. I.nne'H Knnillr .lledlrliu' moves lliilioirel / < -ncli dn. ? . Jn nrdfr toljelienltliy tlilnlinecessAr/ AddresoOllAlX" r V" OVVVA1U ) I.vltov.N/ SOUTH Union Stock Yards Company , South Ornaba. Heat Cnttlo Ho nnd Slicop marlcot In ths woit. COMMISSION HOUS 5. _ _ Wood Brothers. , Live Stock Commission Morclmnts. EoutuOmabn Tclepliono 11.17. Clilcajo JOHN I ) DADI-iMAN , I . , _ _ , . . WAhl'KIl K WOOD , f511"1110" Market Itcport ) by mill uijivlrj oliojrfnlly nisliod upon application , OMAHA AWNIHOS AS3 TENTS Omaha Tent-Awntn * Wolf Bros. & Co. , tOMl'ANV. .Mnnafii3turori of tent < , nwnliij * olo. TOJ nnd iioitai : rovKtu till Knrna n SL 7UjS Mtli alreot BAGS AND T.VIH S- DIJYO.ES. Berais Omaha Big M. 0. Daxon , COMI'\NV Importer ! nndiuin.fr Illcycloisoll on monthly llniir Back ! , burlapi , mine. paynuiti l.'J N IJtli DOOTS AMD SHOES. Mil * Morse Coo Shoe Company , Salesroom nnd OIH o-1107 110.1Illl Ilo tart * t. tnctory-lll'J-1131-IUI ' Huwnrd HI. \Vu nro tlio OM > .Manufn tuiori of Hoots and fclioei In tlio Bfito of Nvbisixn A Kvncrul Invitation Inoxlendid to all to Innpeet our new factory. _ _ _ _ Kirkendall , Jonas' & Anur. Hand-SewaJ COMl'AMV. VVIiolenlo HIIDKCO. bootl.slioil mfra u/jnti Huit'in ' ami ruutiaruojJi , 1JJ1- Itubbcr MhoD Co IIJ- UlOllarnuy dl. IIUI-IKXIHirnoy St COAl , CJKE , I CJRNICE. Omaha Coal , Coke & Ea le Cornio Works 1,1MB CO.lmd nnJiufl Mfr < Kitlranliel Iron coal , h K cor Ittn mil cornlcj wl 11 iw oiix , DilUKlllI StJ met illlo in.Khl uu DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Co , , Kipitrlc'-Ko3'j ! Dry no J ) co , Dry toodinotloni , fur- Notlani t i' nlihlnt xuuiK uarnie In < oo 1 1 , o it Illl nil lltlt anil Huivarl jn. set FURNITURE. Omalia Upholsterloj Beebae & Riioyan CO , uplioliterod furnl * FUIINITUHU C0 > Grace luru , IIJIHUI Nlcholai BU WlJUlcinlq uuly , nod 13lu St ( . HARJA'E \ Rector & W/l&alDiy / & I Lobsck & Linn , COMI'A.NV , I I > onli > r In Imnln.'irjnaJ Corner 10th nulJairtioi I luvu.innlon' tools J'OJ" I IUI Doiula.it. HATS , EC3. 1 IRO'J W03KJ. W.A.L.Gibtm&C ) . OmihaSafeanllrji Wholeialn WOKKS llats.cipi , mrnv iculi , enfes.v/tiilti. Jail nor * , Ktoves. niUteni , t i Iron dhiittor * anil tire ui and Ilarnejrts eipei An Iroin A ( I ir- L'lt III i an I litekiDti LUM3 : ? . John A. Waljofljll , Cinrles R. L33 , Imported Amurlcin"or ; uiiiir land cjramt. Mil * il- carpi ) 1 1 an 1 parjjjt keocoiiiunt nndijiiliij/ WllltOllU.- ! ) . LIQUOR3 , MILLINER/ . Prick I. Objrfeldar & Co Impo.-tiri nnl jobber * Wholeialell'iuorilfl-ilar ' ) of mill ! lory nottont. JUII or 1 ) ri prouij.lj 1001 I'arnam du Vt-'U 8. lull 31. PAPER. OILS. Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. , Cnrry a full ( took of lirlnttnj ; , wrnppliu " 1 ItollnoJ and lubrlo.illif wrltbiK pipjrj , card uapur , etc. elli , nile Krone , olo. PR03J1CJilVlUJIJI / , Branch & O , , Jas. A , Clark & C ) . , 1oil 1 uoc , fnilti of all lluttar , choi w , out , poultry itud uaino , klndi , nyitorj. JI7r < . lltli 41. STOVE REPAI1J. 1 SV > 4. D1.H Omaha Str/3 / R.nlr ) Co WOUK-1 , IIOTO repair * .M niifnolurjr of tuiU and water attacluooots doori , bllmli noa for any kind of itora lunuldliui , brtnoti ot * madt , I2U1 UoutUl tit. tlco , UtU anil Uud.