Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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    M'T.11 ? nATAITA TVlFT.V IIP.P. MnXTIVVV TVTAOnrr 1 J torn )
Many ( Stages in the Progress of Man's
Kxlmimtlvo Account \ > r mi Onmlin Writer of
the Orlcln iif Artlllclnl Light mid
C IU I > vrliipm Mit * Up
to I > nto.
General Passenger Agent Jximax of the
Union Pacific Is about to Issue ono of the
most exhaustive treatises In connection
with railroad operation yet written , "Tho
Kvolutlon of Artificial Light , " prompted by
the recent adoption of the PIntsch gas upon
the through trains of the Overland route
between Omaha and Portland , 'nils book ,
the result of exhaustive research , Is the
work of the Union Pacillo's literary and ad
vertising ngcnt , Mr. tl. II. Barrows , who
has played no Inconsequential part In the
making of high class railroad literature.
A very bright bit of writing Is found in
the first chapter , felicitously entitled "Tho
Light of Ocher Days , " and gives the reader
i\n excellent opportunity to Judge of the
body of the work. Mr. Barrows says :
Antiquity of Artlllclut Light.
"According to the ancient legends , Prome
theus was the first ilium inator. Ho stole
flro from the abode of the gods and brought
It to earth , and for this gift to man was
thrown out of heaven by the angered deities.
So runs the fable a theme for poet and
painter for many thousand years. But the
matter-of-fact scientists toll us that primeval
man wont to bed at sunset ; as ho lived on
herbs and fruits , a fire for cooking was un
"In tracing the evolution of artificial light ,
data bearing on the subject are obviously
meagre regarding Its Inception. It Is true
wo llnd in the prehistoric hoincs of the cave
dwellers and other races , whose origin Is lost
in an impressive past , utensils which indicate
they wcro used in the rude cooking of the
period. But , if the primeval man used flro
and cooked his food , did ho light his cave or
lout of skins or his first wretched thatch ?
Did ho eat and sleep even as the wild boasts
by which ho was surrounded ? Have wo any
evidences of an attempt on his part , however
clumsy and crude , to Illuminate his primitive
house , such as it was ?
"Wo are told that among the early types
of the human race It was the custom to rub
briskly together two pieces of wood until the
rapid friction produced sufficient heat for
ignition. The striking together of two
pieces of flint also produced a tiny spark of
lire , which would ignite dry leaves or moss.
Pine knots , sticks smeared with the resinous
cum of treps , were probably used as house
lights , if Indeed any such light was custom
ary ; or it may bo that thcro was a huge flro
of wood built outside of thotlwclling , supply
ing at once light , warmth and protection
from the savage beasts. For , search as wo
may , there Is but little if any evidence bear
ing on this point.
The 1'lrftt I.nmpi.
"Ono object only comes always and ever
into prominence. In the mute and swallow-
llko homes of the cliff dweller ; In the oldest
of Egyptian tombs ; among the most ancient
remains of early Greece and Itomo : em
balmed in the legends and history alike of
the Hindoo and Chinese ; and even in the
Book of Books itself , wo are constantly con
fronted with a lamp. So faulty and vague
nro our. evidences that It is. well nigh Impos
sible to note the line of departure that
point where man ceased to use a pine torch ,
or whatever barbarous contrivance ho may
have invented , and evolved the lamp. But
of this wo may bo sure , it is ono of the most
ancient methods of artificial light for house
use known to man.
"If , on theono hand , wo find in the old
heroic times of Britain that pine torches
sufficed for light , and that the snioko from
the flro In the great hall had no vent , that
the houses had no windows of glass ; on the
other hand , we know that the Greek and
Romans centuries before had an Infinite
variety of lamps , that they used papyrus ,
horn and a transparent thin stone in place
of window glass , and that the residence of
many a Homan patrician was heated by n
furnace , on much the sumo principle as wo
employ today. So the lamp , in some former
or other , continually appears , is lost for a
time , and reappears again In all the count
less changes of history through many slow ,
revolving centuries. "
The work Is full of information , and the
following facts arc gleaned frcon it :
Of the wick of the lamp it is learned that
the ancients used to call it a match , the
Greek word meaning n "nostril , " the moacrn
French word meaning "tho wick of the
candle. "
"Tho ancient Romans were well ac
quainted with the use of the flint and stool.
Steel appears to have been used ns early as
the tlmo of Homer. The Chalybcs , a people
on the southern shore of the Euxino sea ,
wcro celebrated makers of this metal. Isaiah
mentions the hammering of iron' and Jere
miah speaks of 'iron from the north. ' When
tinder was in general use Instead of matches ,
it consisted commonly of charred linen ,
which was ignited by the ( lint and steel In a
metallic box. Formerly , hemp , flax , cotton or
towdlpped in nulphurcoarso pai > er saturated
with nitre , a species of dry wood called
'touchwood ' , were in common use as matches. "
Kra of Mutches.
The friction match was Introduced about
1830. It is said that the lucifer mutch was
invented by Godfrey Hanckurtz of Vienna in
10SO , but the statement lacks authority.
The "locofoco" match of 18i4 ; , by many re
membered , derived its name from the loco
motive then Just becoming familiar.
Torches wore the only illumlnnnts used by
the Greeks " and Itomans prior to the fifth
century "B. C. They are mentioned by
Homer as being represented on the shield of
"Tho invention of lamps is ascribed to the
Egyptians , Their use was known in the
days of Moses and Job. The application of
lamps passed from Egypt into Greoo , where
they were consecrated to Minerva , the god
dess of learning , ns Indicative of the scholar's
nocturnal study. From Greece the use of
lamps passed to Homo. Among the Egyp
tians , Hebrews , Greeks and Uomans oil
lamps wore generally used , and they vied
with each ether iti the construction of the
instruments. The most primitive lamps
were probably the skulls of animals , in
which fat was burned , and certain sea
shells formed admirable lamps for these to
whom they were attainable. To this day
may bo soon occasionally suspended in the
cottages of Xotland shells of the "roaring
buckle , " which is perhaps the most ancient
lamp in existence. "
The Arcand lamp was invented In 1783 by
Amll Argand. Until that tlmo the lamp was
a smoky , Ill-smelling and very poor light
giving affair. In ancient English times thoj
had sales by "tho cnndlo" or by the "Inch 01
candle , " deriving their name from an ancient
practice of measuring the tlmo within whlcl
the biddings must bo completed uy a candle ,
the highest bidder at the moment the iuct
burns out becoming the purchaser. The eli
spelling of lantern was lunthorn , in suppose *
allusion to the transparent plates of horn
which often formed the sides of lanterns.
"A link was slmuly n torch initdo of tow
tallow and pitch , formerly very common It
Kngland , and of great antiquity in tha
country. Improved street lighting has niadi.
the employment of link boys generally un
necessary , but they are still required In'Lon
don during the dense fogs frequently occur
ring thcro. 'Not tit to hold a candle to
signifies u very Inferior person. The alluslot
It to link-boys wno held torches or links tc
light pedestrians. "
I'otroleuin nnd ( las.
Petroleum Is derived from two Latin
wordi , "potra , " a rock , and "oleum , " oil
whence Its name "rock oil. " U was knom
to tbo ancient Greeks and Kom.ins and by \
I'llny , Tacitus , Vitruvlus and other Koraai
writer * . Kerosene comes from the Grco !
and means "war. " For the fiscal year end
Ing June 80. 1801 , the export of korosen dX
from the United States was nearly UOO.OOO.OOC <
* ullon , valued at M0,000,0 ( > 0.
"Jlio old Belgian chemist , Van Helmont
whiHlM In 16-14 , Is generally accredited with
the Jnyenllon of the word 'gas. " Ho ex
i y ? 'This vapor , hitherto un
I call by a new name , 'gas. ' Ac
to Mma authorities the word is do
rival from the Gorman ' ' '
'gcUt' a 'ghost o
< pl/U , ' Many writer * , from the fourteenth
In | h wyirntiientti century , allude to u vela
( II * tutuc4 > but they alwuy * term U 'spin
III.1 Van Helmont was the flint to use the
word which wo now commonly employ. Hl.i
Investigations were rotifluod largely to at-
mosphrrlc phenomena , and resulted In noth
ing which added materially to sclcneo. "
The first practical attempt nt gas lighting
Is accredited to William Miirdoek , who In
17W used coal gas for lighting his workshops
at Hedrtith , In Cormvnll. In 1SM ( Murdoek's
Invention was Introduced at thoSoho foundry
of Boulton & Watt , near Birmingham , this
being the first recognition of the Invention ,
Gas was first Used In Paris In 1802. The
streets were lighted In IS-'O.
The first application of gas to lighthouse
purposes was made In this country in 1817 by
David Molvlllont thoBeuvcrTull lighthouse
off the Massachusetts coast. Gas was used
In Boston In 18DIn Now York In IS'J" ; the
streets of the latter named city wcro lighted
vlth it In ISM. Philadelphia followed in
833 , Chicago in 1840 nnd Cincinnati In 18-11.
I'ho gas motor was invented by Crossloy in
815 , nnd Improved upon by Clcgg in 1810.
As for street lighting , from a reading of
ho old masters It would appear of very
nclent origin. "Llbanlus , who lived In the
K'prlnnlng of the fourth century , says In his
'anofryrlo , where ho praises his native city
f Antioch , 'Tho light of the sun Is succeeded
jy other lights which are far superior to the
amps lighted by the Egyptians on the festl-
al of Minerva of Sals. The night with us
Iffors from the day only In the appearance
f the light ; with regard to labor nnd cm-
loymcnt everything goes on well. Some
vork continually , but others laugh and
muse themselves with singing. ' It
ppears , therefore , that the sophist alludes
jo the llghtof thostrcets. In another passage
n the or.itlon to Ellobcchus the same author
ells us that the roi > es from which the lamps
hat ornamented the city were suspended
uul been cut by some riotous soldiers not far
"rom the bath , 'Proceeding , ' says ho , 'to
ho bath not fur off , they cut with their
words the ropes from which were suspended
ho lamps that afforded light In the night
line , to show thTTtho ornaments of the city
aught to give way to thorn. ' This- question
odiciitos at any rate that there were lamps
suspended from ropes near the baths and
> laces of great resort. "
London claims to have lighted her streets
n 1414but this must bo taken with n "grain
of salt/1 In 1003 the citizens were ordered
.o place lamps in front of their houses every
light during the winter.
"The streets of Amsterdam were lighted
by lanterns as early ns 100'J ' ; Copenhagen
ivas first lighted by lamps in 1CS1 ; Hamburg
n 1U75 ; in 1070 the Inhabitants of Berlin
vero obliged to hang out a lantern at every
bird house , ana in 1082 lamp posts wcro
irectcd. Vienna inaugurated street Hght-
ng In 1G87 ; the lights were hung out in the
evening on a signal given by the flro bell.
. .oipsic was lighted in 1703 and Dresden In
705 : Hanover in 1000 ; Hallo in 1723 ; Gottin-
jen in 1735 ; Birmingham in 1733. "
'Little ' Is known of the early history of
Ighthouses , but sea lights arc mentioned by
Iqmcr in the Odyssey , and they nro also ro-
'erred to In the Greek poem of Hero and
Irfinndcr. These must have been merely
: lrcfl kindled upon the headlands.
The most no.ed lighthouse in the world ,
'or size and antiquity , was the Pharos of
Uoxanttria. This building was the shape of
a pyramid , surrounded by a largo base , the
irecise dimensions of which are not known ,
.t was commenced by the first Ptolemy , and
was finished about 2SO B. C. The style and
workmanship are represented to have been
superb , ar.d the material was a white stono.
i'ho hnight was about 400 feet , and It is
stated by Josepliua that the light , which
was always kept burning on top at night ,
was visible about forty-one miles. It was
irobably destroyed by an earthquake , but
; hodateof its destruction is not certain ;
some authorities give the year 703. Enough
is known , however , to make it certain that
this tower existed for 1,000 years. "
The first lighthouse in America was built
on Little Browstcr island , Boston harbor , in
'Tho United States maintains lights upon
over 10,000 nautical miles of coast and river
lavlgatlon. The number of lights , range
lenses , lens lanterns , staked lights , light
ships , buoys and fog signals employed is
over 4,000 , and for this service the govern
ment expends annually upwards of $3,000-
The chapters on electric ' light , railway car
lighting and the Pint'sch light are particu
larly well written and contain a mine of in
formation upon these subjects , The boorf
is finished with brightly written descriptions
of the cities and scenic wonders along the
Union Pacific. Finely Illustrated with
cuts of lumps , torches , fire 'drills , Egyptian
lanterns , tinder boxes , and handsomely
printed with artistic covers , It is the most
pretentious and most exhaustive book' issued
by n railroad for purely advertising pur
George Black of the Union Pacific passen
ger department left last evening for Denver.
Mr. James Viles , jr. , treasurer of the
Omaha Packing company , returned to Chicago
cage last evening.
M. B. Frco loft yesterday afternoon for
Denver , and will return In about a week , ac
companied by Mrs. Frco and daughter , who
have been visiting there for the past live
At the Mercer G. F. Pashley , New York
City ; J. A. Sweeney , Homo , N. Y.C. ; B.
Stephens , South Bond ; E. J. Wills , Salt
Island ; H. D. Kelly , Chicago ; C. C. 'Laecy ,
.Seattle ; J. L. Keck , Kearney ; W. S. Clapp ,
CHICAGO , 111. , March 12. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] Nebraska arrivals :
Pacific Mrs. M. M. Coad , Omaha. Great
Northern Ed Peycko and wife , Omaha.
Brovoort Gcorgo T. Hisjglns , H. G. Picker
ing , J. P. Patterson , Omaha. Auditorium
John Turner , Mr. and Mrs. II. IX Dunn ,
n'K.lTHKll FtHtKU.tSTS.
North Winds and u Cold \Vuvo I'rom Inod for
Xi-liriiskii Toduy ,
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March m. Forecast
for Monday : For Nebraska Colder ; north
winds and a moderate cold wave in east per
For Iowa Increasing cloudiness and light
rain or snow , shifting to colder , northwest
winds and a moderate cold wave.
For South Dakota Light snows ; .colder ,
north winds ; moderate cold wave in south
east portion.
For North Dakota Light snows ; north
winds ; colder in the southeastern portion.
Iunit Ilucord.
March 1 ! ) . Omaha record of temperature and
rainfall , compared with corresponding day of
past four years ;
1893. 1802. 1891. 1800.
Maximum temperature , G2O r > uo 350 440
Minimum lomporaturo. . Jiiio 33O 120 300
AvaruRO temperature. . 47 ° 44 ° 24O 37 °
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00
Statement showing the condition of tem
perature and precipitation at Omaha for the
day and since March 1 , 1803 :
Normal temperature 84o
Excess for the tiny 130
Excess slnco March 1 liio
Normal precipitation 04 Inch
Deficiency for the day 04 Inch
DeUclcucyslnce .March 1 04 Inch
Iteporti ( ruin Other 1'olnts nt 8 p. in.
: 5
Omaha. M
North 1'latto. 41M PartCloudf Cloudy.
' ,
Chlcaitu , , 33 Clear ,
St. I.ouli 61
Et. I-ftiil 31 '
Davenport. . 31a Clear. I'art Cloudr
KaniaiCtty a Clear.
IXnvtr M 1'arlCloudj.
FMt . Lake City 31 .04 Cloudy ,
pw city , 26 Snow.
lieu . . . ,
* It I'art floudjr
8 Cloudr.
UUtuarckiiii ' 18 Snow.
Qu'Appello , 0 .0 ] Cloudy ,
Bt. Vincent. , .
CboyeBiie. . , , Cloudy.
MII < I citr. . . Snow ,
UaUoiton. . . Clear.
uot reportd.
E. LAWTON , Observer.
Cold Wnro Comliifir.
The following telegram was received by
the weather bureau lust night :
WASHINGTON , D , C. , Ma-ch IS. Hoist cold
vravo signal , temperature will fall from 15 to
20 decrees by Monday uljhtj , HAIIUIKOTOX.
Highwaymen Hold High Carnival in Lin
coln Saturday Night.
\Vomrn A mini Unit unit lr pillcil of Their
Tunic * on the 1'ubllo StrFatt An Knijl-
( liillunt nil' * .HuccG rul
1'lglit with Tlitigi.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 12. [ Special to Tun
Br.c. ] A gang of thieves and footpads held
high carnival In Lincoln last night. About 11
oclock two servant girls employed by Ed
Blgnell and J. P. Maulo were knocked 'dov/n
and robbed at Eighteenth and 13 streets by
an unknown colored man. They wcro hurryIng -
Ing homo from an entertainment when the
fellow accosted them , They started to run ,
but were overhauled and assaulted. Ono. of
the girls received a severe kick In the side
because she resisted the fellow's ' attempts to
wrest her pocketbooK from her. Shortly
afterwards two ether women were chased n
half block by a man , supposed to bo the same
follow , but escaped by taking refuge in a
neighboring houso.
About 12:80 : Frank Hubjr , the young fel
low who achieved some fleeting fame n few
wcelcs since by shooting himself because ho
could not marry the girl of his heart's choice ,
was held up nt Tenth and T streets by a
pair of footpads. Ono intimidated him with
a revolver whllo-tho other went through his
iwckots and took his watch and $7.85 In
cash. Ho managed to got u good description
of the pair.
About a o'clock Fred Houlettc , n Burling
ton engineer , was assaulted at Eighth and Q
stracts by three men. Ono struck at him ,
but ho dodged , nnd the blow landed on the
girl whom ho was taking homo. He promptly
retaliated by knocking the follow down.
The others came to the footpad's assistance ,
and felled Houletto with a billy. While
down his watcli was taken , and in tearing
open the vest the burglar saw his pocketbook -
book , which contained & > 3 , and nabbed It.
Houictto got away from the other two and
pnrsued the chap with the pocketbook. and
overtaking him knocKcd him down and got
his pocketbook back again. By this time a
friend who had been walking a half block
ahead came up , and the follows took to their
The Alliance supply store at Eleventh and 1
M streets was entered last night through 1i i
the rear door , and the money on hand , about
$5 , was taken. Some goods , cigars and the )
like , are missing. Saundera' place was also 1
entered , but the fellows got little for their
Aalilniid NOWH.
ASHLAND , Neb. , March 12. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] Ira Core , who is in the employ of
Charles Wortman , south of town , had the
misfortune to have tils ankle broken
Wednesday. Ho was chasing some colts
when ho slipped and escaped with the ubovo
The Eutopian quintet composed of the
Misses Bell. Duty and Joseph Mansflelde ,
Ada Dubois and Mr. George Shedd went to
Hastings Friday evening and furnished
music for a concert given in that city by the
Methodist Episcopal church.
Mrs. Myrtle Barrow , wife of a prominent
farmer living south of Ashland , died Mon
day after a brief Illniss.
A book party was given at the beautiful
residence of H. O. Wiggcnbom Thursday
evening. Thcro were about twenty guests
present and each was dressed to represent
the title of some book.
One of the braces of the Chicago , Burling-
on & Quincy bridge across the Platte went
out Saturday afternoon about fifteen minutes
ifter No. 2 passenger , going east , had passca
over. The river at this place Is rapidly rls-
ng and everything looks llko the whole
n-idge would go out. The Union Pacific and
: { ock Ipland trains have to go over the B. &
M. road and cross the Platte river bridge at
Drcapolis , as the bridges are out at Colum-
jus and South Bend.
DinoniliiRton's 1'oatollico 2'lgiit.
BI.OO.MINOTOX , Neb. , March -Special [
to < THE BEE. ] The democratic electors of
this township have declared by their ballots
that John W. Deary shall bo postmaster at
Bloomlngtou for the ensuing four years.
It has now developed that Mrs. Ida M.
Hannon , widow of Frederick A. Hannon , Is
I.A candidate lor postmistress at this place.
Mrs.Hannon has evidently been seconded
by an alert politician , from the fact that she
appears in the light most unexpectedly to
the old timers here , supported by letters
of more or less value from Dr. Miller , James
E. Boyd , and , it is said , II. T. Moreton and
Tobias Castor.
Mr. Deary is an old tirao democrat , ono
of the oldest residents of Bloomington , hon
ored nnd respected by all who know him.
Ono who has always been a staunch per
sonal and political friend of the late F. A.
Hannon and wo have it personally from Mr.
Deary that had ho known of Hannon's can
didacy before the fight had reached the
point of pulling hair , that ho would have
willingly retired and given all support possi
ble to Mrs. Hannon. The sentiment of the
democratic patrons of this office is strongly
in favor of Mr. Deary.
Lyons Kxpcrleiiclnj ; n Room.
LYONS , Nob. , March 12. [ Special to THE
BEB. ] Lyons is experiencing a boom 'this
summer. Five largo brick business houses
nro being built , sixteen or seventeen .resi
dences , a $ o,000 Presbyterian church and a
f 4,000 Methodist church. All kinds of prop
erty lias trono up and farms are changing
bunds each day. The Logan valley is at
tracting people from all parts of the
country ,
The competitive drill between members
of the Grand Army of the Kopublic and Sons
of Veterans of this place was witnessed by a
largo audience at the rink Friday evening.
Captain Stein had charge of the old soldiers
and Captain Gates of the Sons of Veterans.
ICach captain showed skill in handling his
division ana the drilling by each was excel
lent throughout. The judges in giving their
decision said the old soldiers showed moro
proficiency in their movements and awarded
the honors to the Grand Army of the Uopub-
The Women's Relief Corps gave a supper
at the close of the drill for the benefit of an
old soldier who is undergoing some severe
surgical operations in Omaha.
Anil They Smoked.
FHEMONT , Nob. , March 13. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] Dan Miller , superintendent of public
instruction , has ascertained what he con
siders to bo the correct number of boys in
the city schools who have used tobacco dur
ing the past year , which is as follows : High
school , 87K percent ; Eighth grade , 20 > ;
Seventh grade , 83 , ' j Sixth grade.-10 ; Fifth
grade , 29 ; Fourth grade , 21 > ; third grade ,
15 ; Second grade , 11 ; First grade , 10.
lilnliop Iloimciim'n Transfer.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 13. Bishop Bona-
cum was , shown the dispatch from St. Louis
saying that Archbishop Satolll contemplated
a visit to this place in April to bring about [
the transferor Bishop Bonacum to Cheyenne.
The bishop would neither confirm nor deny
the report. Prominent , Catholics , however ,
say that his removal Is probable owing to
disagreements with his priests and dissatis
faction on the part of the laity with isis
Arrcatetl u Ilrute.
FKIEND , Neb , March 13. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] Jerry Wlllson , who Is 'vantod IEU
Bushnoll , 111. , on itho charge of assaulting a
little girl , was arrested at this place by
Marshal Slbert yesterday afternoon and
lodged In the city jail. Officers from Illi
nois are expected tomorrow.
1'lro lit Xortli Ilciul.
NOIITH oBEND , Neb. , March 12. [ Special
to THE BEE. ] The barn of Mr. Chuel burned
last night with two mules , two horses and
ono cow. A very high wind was blowing idat
the tlmo , but everything was so wet that It
saved us from a serious lire.
Uxploiloii ofXnturul ( iai.
PiTTsniwo , Pa. , March 13. Escaping
natural gas In the conduits of the Central
District Telephone company on Market
street caused a terrific explosion about ,2
o'clock this afternoon. Every pane of glass
In nearly every hnlMlnit hotwoon First and
Thlnl avenues wiii Jiroltiin , but fortunately
no ono was InJurMl Much consternation
was caused among thnso In the. neighborhood
and If the oxiilosimi.Urvd occurred on n week
day It Is ( irobablo that there would have
been many porsanA Injured , ns this Is one of
the busiest dlstrliJUiiuf the city.
Oil u Now IIi ftl4 rrrn | l-'lchtfl nnd Ililll'ut
It Is now considered probable that the
Omaha Athlotloclyh jvlll emerge from Its re
cent disasters wltlia-now [ basts of organiza
tion , In which the features which have
proved objeotlonabltrto a portion of Its mem
bership will bo eliminated and the club run
as an organization for the support and en
couragement of legitimate athletics d Iras toil
of Its pugilistic and buffet side Issues.
At a meeting held Saturday night a num
ber of the former members who had resigned
reccntlyi spoke their mind freely with re
gard to the action of tbo club In conducting
prlzo lights and allowing the sale of liquor
in the club rooms. They said that It was on
account of these matters that they had re
signed , and the general opinion of the re
maining members sccmod to bo that these
features should bo dropped pro
viding the objecting members were
willing to return. This was
finally agreed to. An agreement to support
the club for three months was singed by nil
present , nnd It is expected that the greater
number of the absentees Will ugrco to the
It was decided to give an athletic and
musical entertainment by way ol assisting
to oxtrlcnto the club from its financial em
barrassments , nnd Messrs. Drexel , Blair ,
Morgan , Gcddls and Tuttle wcro appointed n
committee to make necessary arrangements.
The propositions made to the Gentlemen's
Hoadstcrclub have not yet been acted on by
that organization , ns several of the directors
have Iwcn out of town. The Athletic club
will meet again Wednesday evening.
litllliilo Can Got In ,
ST. Josr.i'ir , Mo. , March 12. Champion
James J. Corbott , who Is playing hero today ,
said , in answer to n question relating to the
offer made by the Buffalo Athletic club to
give $70,000 for the Mltchcll-Corbcett con
test : "Although the articles of agreement
prohibit us negotiating with any other but
the Coney Island. Crescent City or Olympic
clubs , I am perfectly willing to allow the
Buffalo club to become ona of the compet
itors for the light. I llko Buffalo , have
always been well treated by the athletic
c'ub ' there , and it Is my belief if they under
take to bring this utTalr off there , will do'so
successfully. Mitchell , I believe , has more
friends in Buffalo than ho has anywhere in
the country , and I suppose ho will enter no
objections. "
frt at Churchill Downs.
Louidvn.t.E.Ky. March . '
, . , IS.-T-l'rospects for
racing in this section were never brighter.
Three hundred horses are now quartered at
Churchill Downs and stables are arriving
every week. Among the recent arrivals are :
The great colt King Leo , Wadsworth , Pool
Scout , F.yaday , Ttilla Blackburn , Governor
Brown , Ingomar , Hoslyn and Afternoon.
. . Applications for stable room and the entry
list indicate that tho.coming spring meeting
will be the greatest , cjjpr held here.
Authorities Will Not Interfere.
NEW Youic , March IS. The possibility of
any action being takcil in the immediate fu
ture by the Brooklyn police authorities in
regard to the boxing fcxhibitions hold occa
sionally nt Coney Island is very Improbable.
Assistant District Attorney Clark of Brook
lyn said today that no steps had been taken
by his olllco in the .Kelly-Siddons and Mc-
Gee-McCarthy contoats which are sot i to
take place on March go , and they will occur
as scheduled.
Onmlin to Ilnvoii YoilfiR Women's Christian
A largo number 'Otvludles ' mot yesterday
afternoon in the loVrttiro Ji-oom of the First
Congregational churen to discuss the feasi
bility ! of organizing rt young Women's Chris
tian association similar' in its scope and
workings to the Young Men's Christian
association. : Mrs. J. T. Duryea acted as
chairman and Miss Addle Hallo as secre
Mrs. Thomas Creigh and Mrs. J. Gardner
Haynes spoke of the object of the meeting
and ! outlined the general purpose of an or *
ganlzation such as was contemplated , stating
that there was great need of such an asso
ciation in Omaha.
Mrs. John J. Underwood , president of
the Young Women's Christian association
of Lincoln nnd treasurer of the interna
tional board of the Young Women's Chris-
tlun association , suggested different plans
which might bo followed in organizing such
an association , giving some interesting his
tory relative to similar undeitakings nnd
achievements In other cities. Several other
ladies made brief remarks.
It was finally decided to organize an asso
ciation in Omaha , nnd to make It indepen
dent of all otlfor similar organizations , the
ultimate iiurposo , however , being to act in
correspondence with , tbo international board
of the Young Women's Christian associa
tion. which has its headquarters at St.
A committee consisting of the following
named persons was appointed to draft a con
stitution and by-laws and was directed to re
port at the next meeting , to bo held in the
same place on March 2Ji : Mrs. Thomas
Creigh , Mrs. Phillin Potter. Mrs. J. H. Pon-
fold , Mrs. John J. Pierce , Mrs. II. S. Anglin
and Misses Anna Truland , Heno Hamilton ,
MuCarty , Sumner and Cooke.
Douol County's T.anclt ,
IIUTCinssoN POSTOFFICK , Deuol County ,
Nob. , March 9. To the Editor of THE Bisis :
Never having seen anything relating to this ,
the north part of this county , In any of our
state papers , and knowing the general im-
prcsslon of eastern people is that it is a
worthless and ban-en sand hill country , I
am induced to try and correct that opinion
as it Is an erroneous one , and has been told
for effect , that it might bo hold for the
benefit of largo cattle syndicates. The cattle
kings have gone , to return no moro , and the
farmer has taken their place with the plow
and reaper and there is still plenty of valu
able farm land waiting for the settler , u free
gift from Undo Samuel.
Doucl comity , from the North Platte river
north to the county line , about thirty-live
miles , is very thinly settled by a class of in
dustrious people. Their vocation so far lias
been stock raising , but that is fast passing
away and maay are turning their attention
to farming. The crops of 1893 wcro excep
tionally good for aiow , ) country ; wheat
ranged from twolvVlb forty-eight bushels
per aero ; oats , twenty-five to forty ; rye , six
teen to thlrty-flvo ; harley , twenty to fifty ;
corn , twelve to sixty1 ; potatoes , 200 to 450 ,
and all vegetables UxtA'a lino.
Blue crook runs southeast a dis
tance of thlrtyrflve miles in this
county , nnd is „ cpmposed of pure
spring water. The , north part is Inter
spersed with beautmulakcs , a naradiso for
the sportsman , ' ( , 'hbmls no timber and the
fuel In general use Is' vho fcstlvo cow chip ,
the poor man's coal. " < ) ur climate is incom
parable ; farming has already commenced
At the present writing wo have no towns
and but three stores ) i Wo are greatly incon
venienced , so far as riilroads are concerned ,
the nearest being tIiq.UnIon ; Pacific , about
thirty-live miles frqnvnero. but wo all fool
that some corporalJbW will In the future
avail itself of thtCvast resources of the
North Platte rlvorironnty.
Cattle can bo raised hero for less than &
per head to thrco years old ; deeded lands
can bo had very cheap.
Any person desiring Information can ob-
talu it by writing to the undersigned.
Hntchlnson Postofflce , Deuel Co. , Nob.
Becrntnrr Morton's Oilier Clrrk.
Donald MacCuag , the now chief clerk of
the Agricultural department , lives at Ne
braska City , the homo of Secretary Morton.
Ills appointment as chief clerk was ono jfof n.jf
Morton's first official aots as secretary of
ugricuUuro. Ho Is about 65 years old , in no
sense ft politician , his friends say , but a
well-to-do business man and the possessor of
a handsome homo. At Nebraska City he was
engaged In the real estate and Insurance
business. Ho Is well read and considerable
of a scientist , with n leaning to the study ofo
entomology. Democrats regard his selec
tion as a good ono. Ho will not remove hi oi i )
family to Washington for some time.
Oapturoil on the Point of Leaving the
Oily ,
d Cimitnrrrlnl Drummer ( lets Sor-
oral rirnn to Cnili Drnflu , Mnrrlrn n
Wnltor mill Sldn | I.ociUcil
Over In Iowa.
Yesterday afternoonSorgcant Ormsby and
OAlccr Godola arrested Gus Palmer for grand
larceny. Palmer was located in a freight
car In the yards and was ready to leave
town , The ear was nearly filled with plun
der , all supK | > scd to have been stolen , and
Palmer had arranged to have It forwarded to
Ollmore , Wyo , , paying $ l > 0 for the hauling of
the car.
Ho apparently intended to start a store on
his own hook , for thcro was a little of every
thing In the ear from cans of tomatoes to
saddles and bridles.
Upon Investigation Ormsby found that
Palmer had worked for four years for W. H.
Bennett ns a driver and that ho had only re
cently loft the employ of that houso. Mr.
Bennett was notified , visited the car hi com
pany with the police and identified SCO
worth of the property ns his own. Besides
the groceries there were thirty-live Leghorn
chickens and four put bantams belonging to
James Stephcnson's son.
Palmer admitted having stolen thr > game
birds from Mr. Ste"phon.son's coop. IIo said
that ho saw and admired the birds and went
and took them. Where the rest of the
plunder came from ho would not say.
The police had the car sldotraekcu and
took possession of It by authority of a search
warrant. .
. H was also learned that Palmer's brother
loft Omaha with a car of goods bound for
the sumo place about a week ago , and this
matter will bo looked into by the polico.
Ralph C. Jones , formerly a commercial
tourist employed by a Boston crockery
house , Is badly wanted tioro by the police
and also by the Bean City officials. Jones
was quite well known in the west , having
traveled In this part of the country for a
long time.
About the first of the year Mr. Jones was
discharged by his employers. During the
latter part of February ho showed up in
Omaha and stopped at the Arcade.
After being In town u few days he went
around among his old customers and pro-
sbntud a draft on his house for S.V ) . W. R.
Bennett cashed the draft. So did Huyden
Bros , and several other firms. In all Jones
must have worked his former customers for
about $ MX ) . The house In Boston refused to
pay ; the drafts and notified the police that it
wanted Jones for some crooked work there.
Chief Detective llazo looked up the man's
record hero and found that on February 22
Jones was married at Trinity ruthodral to
Johanna Kelt , a waiter at the Arcade. Rev.
II. B. Burgess of Plattsmouth , who was in
the city at that time , performed the cere
mony. Immediately afterward the couple
left for the homo of the bride's parents at
Fort Madison , la. , Jones first pawning his
trunks and samples.
A telegram was sent to Fort Madison to
arrest and hold Jones anil ho will be
brought here by Detective Haze as soon as
requisition papers can be arranged for.
Coiifi'sHi-il Stcnllni ; Silk.
.Teromo Mayo , or Blair , the clerk at Fal
coner's who was arrested Saturday for steal
ing bolts of silk , confessed yesterday nnd
told how he worked the deal. At lunch time
ho would slip a bolt under his overcoat and
Icavo it at the restaurant where ho lunched.
At nlsht the plunder was taken to his room.
Ho will have to answer to grand larceny , as
the property is worth $05 or more.
Onmlm'H Siiloon nnil Kindred Kvl/s / Con-
triiHtcd With Other Hlg ClllcN.
The charge that Omaha is the wickedest
city in the country and that vice Is flaunted
moro openly hero than elsewhere is not
borne out by the facts.
Statistics have recently been collected by
Mayor Bemis from the mayors of Detroit ,
St. Louis , Milwaukee , New Orleans , Kansas
City , Clovclund , Denver , Minneapolis
nnd Springfield , 111. , on the exis
tence of gambling , tbo Saloon problem
nnd the social ovll In these cities as com-
narcd with Omaha. The figures wcro fur-
ulshcd by the mayors in response to a letter
of inquiry from Mayor Bomls. Following
are facts taken from the replies" :
Kansas City , witli a population of 132,712 ,
has no open gambling houses , the only form
of gambling being poker and "craps , " which
nro played on the sly. These places are
raided occasionally by the polico. The
houses of ill fume are confined to ono portion
of the city nnd are raided two or thrco
times a year and the keepers fined $200 each.
New Orleans , with a population of 242,000 ,
has no open gambling places , but gambling
Is universal and without restraint. Thcro
are 2,000 places In the city where liquor is
sold. The houses of prostitution nro con
fined to ono portion of the city and may bo
closed up on the order of the mayor. No
penalties are imposed on keepers or the In
Milwaukee , with a population of 210.000 ,
does not have open gambling houses. The
keepers are subjected to a line of from $200
to $500 , and the places are conducted so
quietly that few comulalnts are made , either
by citizens or victims , Thcro are four known
gambling houses In the city. Thcro nro 1,575
saloons that pay a license of $200 a year , and
are open day and night and Sunday. Houses
of ill fame are run openly , and the keepers
and Inmates are subject to a tine of from $25
to $100. They are prosecuted for cause only ,
but are not arrested periodically for the pur
pose of rovenuo. There are sixty-four such
houses , with 250 Inmates , confined to one
Cleveland , with a population of 201,000
has no open gambling houses and gamblers
uro lined when detected by the | > ollco. The
city has 1,500 saloons.that pay n yearly
license of $250. They are presumed to bo
closed on Sunday but are not closed at night.
Thcro are elghty-tlvo houses of iprostitution
in ono section of the city. No effort is
made to fine them.
Springfield , the capital of Illinois , with a
jpulatlonof 25,000 , has no open gambling
jiousos but fines the gamblers as often as
"necessary" from $10 to $100. The city has
122 saloons that pay a yearly license of $500
and are closed from midnight to B a. m. and
on Sunday. There are twenty-flvo houses
of prostitution. The keepers nro fined $25
to $100 and the Inmates from $10 to $25 each
Detroit , with a population of 200,000 , has
no open gambling houses and gamblers are
arrested and fined ns often as the police sees
fit to make a case. There are twelve gam
bling houses , The city has 300 saloons that
ore supposed to bo cloned at midnight and on
Sunday , but the mayor says there is no
trouble to get in them at any time. There
nro eighty-five houses of prostitution , with
from UOO to100 inmates. They are not con
fined to any district nnd no regular system of
fining them Is followed.
St. Louis , with a population of 450,000 , has
no open gambling houses and keepers of such
places nro nncd as often as they allow them ,
selves to bo caught. The 2,000 saloons of the
city are always open , There are 257 open
houses of prostitution In the city with 000
Inmates , who are fined occasionally.
The mayor of Minneapolis answers Mayor
Bcmis' questions at long th. ! He reports that
the saloons , gambling .louses and houses of
prostitution are managed in Minneapolis
almost in the exaot manner employed by the
Omaha authorities. He suggests that "as
these evils will prevail to quite an extent
as an auxiliary to metropolitan proportions
it would seem that the best results would
follow where these things are carefully
looked after and properly governed and re
stricted by the authorities so that they will
not assume proportion ! that may > Jestroy
the moral healthfutnon * of the cnmimmlty "
The reply of the mayor of Denver l.t as
follows :
"In reply would say Hint the gambling
IIOIIMCS are prohibited by the state laws and
Iho city ordinances , but public sontlmont
lirro does nut eem surtlclont to close them.
They are allowed In a certain district only.
ICenoaml 'mire thing' g.uiu'.i are prohibited.
No chips are allowed to ho sold for less thiin
35 cents each. Boys and drunken men nro
not allowed to enter. All houses ro closed
at 12 o'clock , midnight , and remain closed on
Sunday. A special oflleor is selected and ap
pointed by the lio.ird for each house , to enforce -
force these rules. His salary , $15 nor month ,
Is paid by each house and he Is onungod as
often as wo think best. There are sixty
gambling houses iind poker rooms In this
city , They nro not lined for revenue.
' "Saloons nro not allowed open after 12
o'clock , midnight , or on Sundays , and the
law Is well enforced. Some will open their
back doors tn friends , but they uro con-
stuntly brought Into court and lined.
"So long as the courts assist the police
these laws can ho successfully enforced.
Wo have -175 saloons in the elty.
"Houses of prostitution are run openly In a
certain district. Neither keepers nor In
mates are lined for revenue. Where there
are moro than five Inmates and liquor l.t
sold , they are compelled to take out a retail
liquor license. Thcro are aiX ) houses of
prostitution and assignation in the elty.
"So long as public sentiment ls not suffi
cient to enforce the law In relation to these
vices I believe that strict police regulation is
the best manner of eontroling thorn. "
In comparison with these cities Omaha Is
searfcly to bo classed us the wickedest city
In America.
"SnH | > rlii" tit lliu lloyil.
Forth from the fire has added beauty
arisen Phcrnixliko. When the scenery and
properties of Hunlon's "Suporbu" sank In
ashes at Cleveland last October it was only
tote rlso moro gorgeous and beautiful in Bos
ton. The now edition of "Supurb.i" was pre
sented for the first tlmo at the Boyd last
evening. , The work has boon much improved
In the process of regeneration , and not alone
changes in the cast slnco last seen
In Omaha have all been decided im
provements. As seen now , "Suporba" would
certainly .seem to have reached the very
acme of of elaboration , and one can hardly
bellove that stagecraft could any farther go
in mechanical invention or beauty of scenic
ITeet. Its perfect beauty Is the chiefest
characteristic of "Suporba" ; while its me
chanical marvels and wondrous tricks pass
In bewildering profusion before the continu
ously delighted spectator , the memory ho
takes homo with him from ttie theater is the
entire and jesthetieally satisfying beauty
of the whole. For two and a half
hours those who "assist In front"
are transported through a metacosmie
realm where the laws that govern
this mundane sphere arc not roc
ognlzod. Over the mountains of
imagination , through the valleys of ( lower
ing fancy , the genius of the play carries
them , allowing them to gaze now on gorgeous
Brocket ! heights , whcrooncrgcllcullyiublqui-
tous elves hold wicked sway , and again to
sail over golden sran with virtuous , helping
fairies In a vessel of ( lowers , with chubby
etipids caught and tangled in its rigging of
roses and through it all stumbles merrily
the good-nutureJ , much-wildorod Pierrot.
It must be entirely good for the eye and
heart of wearied man and overworked
woman to spend un evening with "Suporbu. "
Chief among the new features of the work
Is the "magic mirror , " ami though the bright
idea is not entirely new to Omaha theater
goers of the passing saasoii , it is ono that
can be enjoyed in each of many repetitions ;
it leads , by the way , to n delightful depart
ure from pantomlmo tradition , for it puts
perennial Pierrot into a dress suit ! Another
new feature of note is Wallalia's studio , in
the third act , introducing a number of new
creations from the fertile brain of the
mechanical genius of the Ilanlon family.
The scenery is all the work of
Albert , Grovcr & Burrldgo of Chicago , and
those great scenic artists have surpassed
themselves. The cloth showing the bull
fight arena and crowded , colorful spectator-
iuin is particularly beautiful and ono of the
most effective pictures ever seen within a
theater. But it is in the final transforma
tion scene that the artists have reached
their highest height. It is u tlmcous
picturing of "The Wealth of the World nnd.
the Gonhis of America , " displayed in epochal
scenes of American history and ending with
a lifelike representation of the World's fair
buildings , Liberty , draped in the stars and
stripes , surmounting all.
The ladles and gentlemen engaged in pre
senting the now "Suporba" are wholly ad
mirable. First of all is Miss Maud Midgcloy ,
who used to pluy the title role ; now she is
seen as Lcander , the lover , and this "first
boy's" part fits her perfectly. Mr. Ilanlon
made a ten strike when ho gave the part to a
woman , and particularly to Miss Midgcley ,
whoso line presence , nearly the perfection of
womanly beauty , full rich voice nnd effective
delivery of her lines , do more perhaps than
anything else in the production to pleasure
the spectator und auditor. Then
there [ is Miss Ada Mclroso in the
soubrette part , whoso speech and action uro
bewitching.y chic ; her specialty song and
dance in the second act is-i triumph in her
particular art. The Schrodo brothers are
still the pantomimlsts and seem 'cleverer
than ever : young William Schrodo as Pierrot
particularly shows a great advance in his
work. All the other parts are in capable
Nothing seems moro likely than that the
school boys of today , who revel in the spec
tacle , will bo giving their boys and girls a
half holiday from school in the days to eomo
to enjoy n. mutinco performance of what
haply will then be a still newer edition of
the beautiful "Suporba. "
Ityrno Ilrothors nt tli Farmim.
"Eight Bolls" drew , according to Manager
Burgess , the largest Sunday matinco audl-
once in the history of the Farnam Street
theater yesterday afternoon. Itdescrvcd It.
Of its class it is un admirable work. Indeed
it may be said to bo ulono of its class. It is
different from " . " Both
"Suporba. are spoo-
tacular , both are built to please the oyc , but
while the prcut production of the Ilanlon
brothers may best bo styled a spectacular
pantomlmo , that of the Byrne
brothers must bo classed as panto
mimic comedy. "Eight Hells" Is not
nearly ns beautiful to look upon as "Suporbu , "
but ft is , if anything , funnier. It is very
funny. It has a "plot , " which Is identical in
the main , down to the dialogue even , with an
old farce popular u score of years ago called
"To Paris and Back for Five Pounds. " But
the "plot" is the smallest part of the un tertaln
mont. The acrobatic acts , the singing'and
dancing , the rolling ship in mid-chan
nel these are the features. The
Brothers Byrne do the acrobatic
work , and their antics are so mirth-
provoking us to almost keep the spectator
from fully appreciating the cleverness of
their work. Much of it is reminiscent of tbo
Ilanlon Brothers' specialties of years ago.
but it is none the less enjoynblo for that.
John Byrne's dancing is a great feature ot
the second ant and it must bo said that his
acting In McGo lo places him way up as a
low comedian as well as an export tumbler.
In the last act , too , ho pleases his audience
as a lightning chalk artist. Matthew
Byrne's Juggling and Mottlor's Imitations of
birds , beasts and machinery are also note
worthy in the third act. The singing -
ing is In the care of the Quaker
City quartet , and nothing could
bo much finer than Its rendering of a med
ley of old sea songs and glees In the second
act. Throughout , the singing Is of u high
class , the voices are fresh and of fine volume
and the part songs are almost faultlessly
sung. The ladies , too , acquit themselves
well ; though fair to look upon they sing In
telligently and effectively. The ereat rolling
ship scene , In the second act , Is quite a crl-
umph of stage mechanism. But SPUCO Is In
sufficient to enumerate all the good features
of "Eight Bolls. " It is an entertainment
that will Dlcaso all classes , old and young ,
the veteran theater-goer who has seen every
thing and these who restrict tholr visits to
the playhouse to minstrel performances.
Will Knlarc" the I'lnnt.
DETROIT , Mich. , March 13. It Is stated
that the Eureka Iron works at Wyandotte ,
Mich. , are to bo greatly enlarged this spring
by a new company with $1,000,000 capital and
turned into a steel plant. Carnegie capital
Is said to be Interested In the deal.
Her Iluibund limited llr.
Mrs.M. H. Daniels who lives at Thirty-
third and Chicago streets complained to the
police last night that her husband had been
her and hli arrest folluwpd Tim
woman Mumod hriilao * which she claimed
har huilutut hud ItillU'tod.
ClilruRo.mtlti-liiuoii Will Not Strike.
CIIICAIIO , III. , Matvh -Official denial of
a strlko IIIIIOMK' the HWltchmon was made
today at the of Ki'Iovanco commit
tees of the Switchmen's Mutual Aid as ocln-
tlon. The dcloKiiti's , representing every
rmd oontorltm l Chicago , divlurod that the
switchmen had been misrepresented
After the moothijj Grand Master Wllklnon
said In rotfard to the report "Thoro
appears to Invo boon u mlssapprO'
hcnMon of the position of the switchmen -
mon nil Mloiitf , In the first place
the Swiehmcu's Mutual Aid association
has not made any demands on the roads and
has , therefore , not placed Itself In n position
that could bo
considered arbitrary or un
reasonable. Wo have oven now no quarrel
with the general managers ami are by no
means lojkliik- for n labor disturbances The
switchmen did make a request for an In-
oroaso In wages , but thcro Is n wldo difference -
once between a ivqtiest and n demand. Our
request for an increase in wages would have
boon made If the World's fair had not boon
heard of. There will bo no strike of the
switchmen. If there Is trouble It will bo
iiroclpltatod by the general managers lock
ing the men out.
Sim Hold * it Itcronl.
Cot.n SriiiNds , N. V. , March 12-Tho
many ndmlror.s of Mrs. Ullsworth Miller ,
who holds the world's record In Iho matter
of multiple ehlld bearing , will bo gratified to
learn that she has Just presented her bus-
band with triplets , two hoys unit a Rlrl This
brings her record for triplets up to thrco
sots and her total up to sixteen. She mm
married on October 10 , ISS'I , nlno years ami
live months ago , and she is now ! ! 1 years old.
She has seven liing children. Including the
thrco whom she has Just borno.
I'nr Act Hi ) ; on Siniiliiy.
CINCINNATI , O. , March lii. John I. . . Sulli
van , pugilist , appeared on the stage In a the
atrical performance before a crowded house
tonight. Ho was arrested , along with the
other actors , after the performance , as Is
the custom In Cincinnati , and taken to the
police station and charged with u violation
of the Sunday laws.
Itiirriui of Information.
NEW YOIIK , March IS. The Chamber of
Commerce committee for the roccptlon nnd
entertainment of foreign visitors to the
World's fair , has established a bureau of In
formation with headquarters at the Now
Waldorf hotel , and every foreign consul has
been supplied with information.
Philadelphia ! ! - failure.
I'liii.ADiii.i'iHA , IM. , March IS.-- Manager
Stltt . . of the wool firm of Stltt & Co. , which
assigned yesterday , refuses to bo inter
viewed. ' The liabilities , It is asserted , will
foot up to SS.avi.OOO. It is said the assets
will bo small. A statement will bo made in
a few f days.
Kt-Si-imtor I'liitt ( live.Up mi Ollli'i ! .
Nr.w YOIIK , March 12. Ux-Scnator
Thomas C. I'latt confirmed the report to
night that ho is soon to step out of the presi
dency of the Tennessee Coal and Iron com-
_ _
IMV.ll ,
Lillie , the 1-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs.J. M. French , died Saturday afternoon
of congestion of the brain. The funeral took
place yesterday afternoon from the family
residence , ! io ± 2 Charles street.
O "Is an Inheritance Tux Advisable' " Is the
subject to bo discussed by the Current Toplo
club in the Young Men's Christian Associa
tion hall this evening. All business men as
well as students are Invltvd to attend.
Hood's Sarsaparllla Docs for The
Sick and Suffering
\Volcott5burgli , N. Y.
" I read In the papers of tiio wonderful things
Flood's Barsaparlllii was doing for others , nnd
so I bought n bottle for my sick child. She was
Suffering With Spasms.
The physician * had given her up. It was terrl-
bio to see her ; she had spasms from 12 to 1C
times In a day nnd night. At last her head was
nITccted and she was out of Iiur mind so that slio
know hardly anything. Kho Iia.s taken two
bottles of JFood's Sarsaparllla , and Is so much
better that I cannot say enough In the way of
thanks for this good meillclno. Now this Is
only the tiuth , and I bellcvo If It had not been
for IIood'3 Sarsaparllla , May would have been
In her grave by this time. I earnestly recom
mend this medicine , uellovlng ai It has helped
iny child , It will help ntliiTH. " MllB. MAIIX
liimiKCK , 'Woleottslmrgli , line Co. , N. Y.
Hood'a Pills cure Constipation by rostorinj
the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal.
ftt > Cf IIC'/O
At the following nrloos :
First floor Me , 75o&tli balcony S
The Only Novelty in Town.
The Famous Bros. Byrne ,
The Nautical Piuitomiuilo Comedy.
Undorllio in a no cement 0 { | > rinroio | and Went.
FflRNflH St , THEfiTER m ,
IRe , VKc , HSc , fiOo nrul 7 o.
Nlthta CommoiicliiK Thursday Even
ing , March 10 , With Satur
day Mutliioo.
With the Itooth-Ilnrrett Hccnlo Production of
Julius Csesar
Mr. Hniiford an Mare Autouy.
, ,
No ndrance la prloti.