1 TIIK OMAHA DAILY HE ! * FRIDAY , MARCH 10. IflOH. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Declined Ono Oent on Forebodings of a Bearish Oovoramont Report. CORN WAS STRONG UNTIL WHEAT DROPPED All rinn * of the Hull Clique KipcctoU to lie rrimtnitril , ntul u Orunt Cniili In I'rlrM Mujr 1'ollon- . CtilCAno , 111 , , March 0. rorolmdltif , " ? of tlio Kovcrnnicnt report tomorrow of tliu Block of wheat on lituid would bu bearish cauid ! a do- : llnu of nearly Ic today In tlio prlcu of tlio CcrcaH Corn was strong until wheat hejsan to drop ; It tliun weakened and closvil ? ic lower tliiin on the day buforo. Trovlnlons vero dull , mid closed with losses of 7 > , ic In pork nnd laid and 2Vic In ribs. With tlioVoiiKosted condition of tlio wheat tnarkut , tlio Doilito report meaiH milch more than usual. If the reserves arc much greater than looked for , It may bu the means of de feating all plans of the heavy holder * known as the bull illii | ' , and something of a crash In prices may follow. If the showing Is qulto the inverse , making the reserios below 100- 000,000 bu. , It will bu alarmliii ? to thuliort Kellers and may start a bull campaign. Htatls- tlelan Iloditu Is celebrated for bis surprises nnd ItlH not Ntratw that operations arc light In advanro of Ids March .statement. Mild m'ather , prety ) fret ! offerings , weak rabies and tbi ! abieneo of any support con tributed to the Impetus to the downwaid trend. Them were a peed many crop ( lamiipo ruportx but they did not seem to attiact any attention , compared with thu talk that t'hf- rt\w \ > N wildly out of linelth other prices. Tin1 price at the opening : wa < > fioin > te to'c lower Hum thu closing of yestctday ; held fallly steady for a while , bill later iiecllned 7 c for May and Ic for.lnlv ; then lilted .stead ier nnd closed fioni % c to Ic lower for May and Ic lower for July than thu cloilnj , ' HguiChOf yesterday. TliuMiny that James II. Iveene Is the central OKIIII * In tni ! hull ciliiio | did not becumo public until after 'change hours. A fuwr buyers took liold In thu corn lilt soon nftcr the opening with some show of Inteiu.st mid theto was a slight rally. Hut with tbe.su orders Illled theru was a lack of support , and under moderate Miieculatho olTurliiirx prices Refused to bold anil settled below opi'iilni ; Hn- uies , Thu weakness was Intensllled when wheat sold otr and 44c for May called out a number of .stop lo-s eiders to sell. Pending tmhllcatlon of the supplv report opeiators were apparently afraid to do much Inlying. Itecelpts weru small , but thu lljrht movument from llr.st hands was Keneially accounted for through the lack of transpottatlon facil ities. Tliuro was a fair trade In oat.s and n steady fcelliiKeaily , but the Into weakness In other ( 'rains caused a decline of li5iO from outside jirlcus , and thu close was weak at about tbu bottom with a net loss of ? @Vic. lion Pioducts weiu In a statu of scml-stai'iia- tlon , I'llces weru kept fairly steady on u light run of live hogs at the yards. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 110 cars ; corn , 150 earn ; oats , 00 cars ; hosrs. 13,000 head. Tbu leading futurfs rancod asfollows : AIITICI.KM. | OI'K.V. j IIIOII. | LOW. | CI USb | VMII'V. WtionttioJ. .Murcb. . . . . 7:1 : 7.1 78M > lny mi ' " 7(1 ( 71 ! July. . 74K 75' 71 74 CornJ > o.2 744IK Mnrcli. . . . I.'MIIU 4IK May .Inly 41)4 ) Onts .No 2 Mnrcli. . . Jlny "UK Jiae Ileus Pork. . Miiy 13 30 la 10 IS 15 18 25 I.nnl ilny 12 75 12 7. ' ) 12 OS 12 Gil 12 S2 < 4 Jnly..rf II M ) II 10 11 45 11 nit Sept 11 50 II 30 II 45 Bliort Itlbe. . Alny 10 3.1 10 25 10 27 > < 10 SO Cash quotations wuiu as follow.s : ri.otiuQuiet , baiuly.steady : winter patents , l3.704.UOwIntorHtralKhtK,13. ! 30aa.nO ; spi Inn patents , e3.Hr.TC-l.lO ; spilng Htralght , S'J.GOa 8.10 ; bakers' , ft2.10G,2.in : WllKAT-No. ! i sprlnd. 725t73u ! ; No. 3 eprliiK , & 7'/ < 8G2'ie : No. a red. 7273c ! , COIIN Illiilic r ; No. a , 41c. ; No. U , 3 ® 38Uc. ; No. 3 yellow , fl41c. ! ) ! IMTK No , 2. 304'c ; No. 2 white , 34f.3Cc ; No. 8 wbttu , 33c. KYi-No. : 2 , Wc. ) HAHI.KV No. a , 02c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 42SCOc ; No. 4 , f. o. b. , 35ir.c. TIMOTHY SKKii-l'rlinc , ? 4.42 < < 14.44. 1'OHK Mess , nor bbl. , m.0o@1.7.07 > j. Lard. per 100 Ihs. . tl-J.ury312.UO ; short rib sides ( loose ) . J10.2i'10.274 ! ' ! ; dry salted shoulders ( tioxcdi , $ D.7r > ffiO.H7Ji : short clear bides ( bo\cd ) , ei.7010.75. ( ) WHISKY lhtlllur.s' finished goods , per gal. , HUOAU Unchanged. Cut loaf , fJJ Q5'ic ; granulated , & ' c ; standard "A , " 5c. Thu following were the receipts and ship ment for today : 3 Oiniiliii ( .ruin. Tlio following prices nro based on dollvcry nt Mississippi ilver points : WIIKAT No. I ! spring , 70o bid ; No. 2 red win- er , 70c hid ; No. 2 harcl , G2o ! bid. OATS No. 2 whlto , aic bid ; No. 3 white , 83 > { c. tons No. 2 cash and Ajirll , 38'Jc ' bid ; No. a or better , cash. 3Bu bid ; No. 2 white , 304c ! bid. Nmv York Markets. Nr.w YOIIK , Jlarch 0. Ki.omi Receipts. 40,470 pk's. ( ; o.vportH. 0,023 libls. . 14.4G1 sacks ; hales , 10,700 PKBH : market iiilot | and easier ; winter wheat , low Krades ? 2.1 ( > © 2.r)5 winter wheat , fair to fancy , J2.G5 < a2.80 ; win ter wheat , patents. J3.H534.25 ; Minnesota clear , J2.rHKaa.fJO ; Minnesota Mrulphts , 13.00 ® 4.00 ; Minnesota patents , * l.25'ic5.00. ( 'OUN MlJAiv Dull and steady. HAHI.KV Qulot and llrni ; western. GO&SOc. HAIII.IV ur. . . : MAI.T Dull and btoady ; western , G5 . WIIKAT Hocolpts , 10.850 hu. ; exports , 60,01 1 bu. : sale.s , fi.lOO.OOU bu. futures , 10,001 ) Int. Knot , spot market dull , weaker ; No. 2 led , In Htoro and elmatcr , 77\c ( ; alloat , 77Sc ! ; f. o. \ > . . No. 1 nortbenv 83c : No. 1 bard , B7ic ! : No. U northern , B'Jc. ( Jptlons were moru nctlvo. heavy and " ® lower ; opening weak nt Uc decllnu on easier cables , adMinccd Me with tbu west , declined 'affilcon fieo unload ing and on an o.ipected bearish coxernmunt report toinorniH. A lepoit published at the west make- , thu IIMWIKU In farmers' hands 2 11 [ per cent , on thocroii ; No , 2 red , May , 7HU ® 703-lGccIoslnSat ( 78Uc : July , H0ffl lc , clos- Inir nt 80c ; August , biabOic ) ( , cloxlni : at BOJic. LOIIN Ifecelpts. 23,000 1m. , oxportx , 1-1,003 bu.sales,800,000 ; hu , futures , 102,000 bu. spat 3y Bpots opened stronger , closed easlor , falrl1 y- netlvo ; No. 2 , 53'tf5 c In elevator , & 4" Qo l 4' yc nfloHt ; miRradrd mixed , ( Jlff.'i-t'io ; steatne mixed , & 2 ] ( < ijrj4c ; No. 3 , rili , < iJ&2o. Options opened Una and advanced 'nGH-ie with the west nnd oncovcilntt , dcdlned tiWiC on o.xpectei' | | liearlsh Kovoiiiiuent report , closlni ; : ik at ' O"iC under yesterday ; Apill , fJ'JXdiW.c , clos Ing at u2 > { c ; May , r > Ucr > l 1-ltic. cUninj ! a Ol'.c ; July. r > l > ii ( lic , closlns at 6jie. OATS-Hecelpts. 45,150 bu. ; exports , fi.GOf bu. ; Miles , 2111,000 bu , of futures , a 1,000 bu ppot , fpots tinner , ijulet. Optlona oponet tlrniur but closed weaker and fairly active May , 3h' < aiH'c : , closlnj ; at .IH'iC1 : spot No , i. white , 4HVc ; No. 2 Chlcaco. 40c ; No. 3 , 38cs ( N3 whlto , 42 ! < lIM2Sc : mUed western , 3tKJ 41e ; whlto western , 42 < U14tlc. HAY I'll in , quiet. llors Qulet.easy ; state , coninioii to cliolcc r- [ ) 22c ; I'nclllc coast. iait22'ic. IllKKS-rnlrdeniiind and steady. I'liovisioss Cut meats , dull , easy ; pickled ghouldors f0.7r ! mldnles. quiet ; short , clear 111.25. Lurd , quiet , aotlvu ; western stean ll'J.85 ; sales , 100 tleices at (12.00 ; optU pales , none ; March. $12.00 ; May , tl2.05 ; .hiI HI.00. Pork , steadyquiet ; old mess , & 10.5i % unw mess 20 , 'iiirtTKU Piriii , fair demand : KlKlns. 28c. ' L'llKKSK Qillut , I'liny ; part skims , 310Jc. ! . l'.OUfI.arKu ii'celptM. lower ; western fresl i , IBc ; recelptM , 0,100 pk K. TAI.IXIW Quiet , Ktrong ; city ( t2 per pkir. > . GSc , toTTOX.sKii ; : ) On/ Dull , iiomiiial. IVruoi.KUM Market opened dull nnd wn foatui-oloss throughout. The tone was steady Pennsylvania oil , spot sales , none. Apr ! option sales , 2H.OOO bliN. , at ( VJ'iOGac. I.imi oil. bales none , 27hc bid. Total sales , V'B.OCK bluK. Ilo.siN Qulot , firm , Tuiii'iiNTi.NK l-'lrm , qulot , at 35c. HICK Kalr demand ! firm. MOI.ASSI.S-NOW Orleans , open kettle , uood to choice , fairly active , ilrm. Si'OAH Knw. iliill , steady ; refined , qulot. I'ldlitox Dull , steady ! American , (12.7& ltj.50. Corrini-Qulot ; lake , * 11,80. I.KAD Steady.quiet : cloiiiestle , 3.87'i. TiN-Qulel ; rStrnlts , 21.10. Cotton .Mnrkot. Nuw OHI.KANH , I.a. , Mareli 0 , ruturea steady : sales , 20.000 baleHi Maroh , ( U.BO bid : May. 8.H 38.01 | July , U.OC U.U7 ) ; AiiK-ust , fO.fiKlO.13 ; Hoptembtir , | 8.07H9a ; Octobor. ta,8&au.89 ; November , IS.U04i8.00. Good middling , 0ci mlddllnu , Or i tow tnlil H jri good iirdlnnry , HSci not reoeltil , Imleii Kro receipt * , r > , MHObttlcii | naltM , 3,360 bales | Mock , 318,757 Imlex. Onmliit I'rodncn .Alwrknt. The recelptwof proittico worn not very largo nnd tlio olTerlnKt nrrn nuiHtly cleaned up early In the day , thoiiKh the dumand wan not very oxtenslve In any direction. Ai'i't.KH HK-ki ( am held at < 3.60tM.O ( ) for fair to rholeo stock IlKANH-l'lioIco navy , ! 2. 16. 1IANANAH- Per bunch. Including crates and packing , 2.0xa2.76. lltriTKit jlood butter Is carce , tlio great bulk of thi ) receipts being made up of very common slock that IK only good enouirh to sell to the parkers , Packing stock , lfW ? > 17c ; fair to good country roll , 18a.20o : occasional small lots of extra cholcu roll reach 2OIi'2o. ( 'Ai.mni.MA C.MMI.MIH I'er Hi. , 3u , C'KMillV 1'er do40c. . C'liANliKHiiins Jersey Capo Cod , per bbl. , ' 10,60 ; boxes , J3,00il3.6'0. Kims Dealers weio generally asking 14c early for slnglu case lots , but as thu reports camu In of a decllnu In Now Vork thu market weakened hero and 13'ic was considered a good price. Some oven sold as low as 13c. O A Mi : The lecelpts are extremely light. Mallaid ducks , $3.60 ; teal and mixed , t'2 ; small geese and brants , t3.60tM.00 ; Canada geese , tO.003.7.00 ! Mnall rabbits , M.25 ; Jacks , ' ' ' ( 'in.'u'i : riiuiT 1'er box , t3.75. llA V-Sleady at J6.6Ofr.O.OO. HIPKS No. 1 gtetn , 4c ; No. 2 green , 3c ; No. 1 gleen , salted , 4'ic ; No. 2gteen , salted , ll'lc ' ; No. 1 gleen , sailed , 25 to 40 Ihs. , 4'ic ' ; No. 2 Kicen , salted , 25 to 40 HH. , 3',4c ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 16 Ibs. . 8c ; No. 2 veal calf. 8 to 15 Ihs. , GoNo. . 1 dry Hint , 7ic ! : No. 2dry Hint , 6Hc ; No. 1 dry suited. Cc. lloxiir I'liolcu to fancy whlto clover , 18 ® lOc : fair to good , 115ft I He. I.KMONI Choice , J3.50 : fancy , J4. Niw VIKIKTAIII.KS Lettuce , radishes and parsley , 45c per dogleen : onions , 40c. Nl'Tt * l.aigi ) hickory , $1,60 ; black walnuts , JUHXA1.25. OMO.VS Homo grown , per bbl. , $4 ; Spanish , per crate , J'J. OitANiirs I'loilda fancy , per box , $3.25 ; russetts , J3 ; Mexican oranaes , single boxus , $ ; i.25 : II vo to ten-tiov lots , $3 California mountain oranges , $2.60 ; Washington navels , n Nuweastlu Uallfornlu beudllngs , J2 75 ; Sled. sweets , $3. U YSTHIIS - I'er can , 10a38c. I'oi'l.Tiiv Thu arrivals of 'poultry were rather small and prices are llrni. Choice dressed chickens , lOSIlc ; fair togood , O lOc ; choice llvu young bens and roosters , 7ii8'jc ; old roosters , live , Dfinc ; geese and ducks 11 ® 12c ; turkeys , small and choice , 12@13c ; largu and coarse , lie. I'OTAIOKSStocks In the hands of commis sion men nio very light. Colorado , tl 10 ; choice native stock , 75T4H5c. STIIAWUIMIIMBS 1'cr quart , 2535c. HWKKT I'orATOKs There no a few In the market which aiu selling at 4. 50. TAMUMIINKM In baVf boxes , f3. VKAirI'holco and small fat veals , 70c. largo and thin. 3QOc. The following are reported at Ilradstreot's : Omaha , Neb. . Mullen & McClaln , commission , now M ullen & McClal n company ( Incorporated ) . Culbertson , Nob. , W. M. Lewis , saloon , will remove to McCook. ( ioidon , Nub. , J. W. llucknilnster , rcstauiant , sold out. Gordon , Neb. , . I. 0. .lordon , hardware , har ness , etc. , sold hardware stock. I-'remont , Neb. , Shawn Bros. , stone and co- mentstdcnalUs , dissolved , Miibaena , la. , J. N. Dour , general store , sold out. out.Corwltb , la. , L. N. Klmball , confectionery , sold out. Cn'sco , la. , Oeraty k Terry , boots and shoes , now ( Jerraty-Torry conipany. Cresco , la. , Mcllugh Ac Lyons , agricultural Implements , dissolved. Dyer.svllle , la. , James Armstrong , hardware nndimplcmcnts , admitted partner. l-'eitife. la. , William O. Winters , groceries and hardware , sold out. Cirundy Center , la. . Mrs. A. P. Aykons & Co. , general store , now Ay kens &Ktorni > org. , Morrison , la. , I ) . 1 < . Itogart , general store sold out. Mcl'aul , la. , Ettlcman & Cloppcr , general store , now 1'ainey & Clopper. i.lnuvlllo , la. , Ilulluws llros. , groceries , sold out. out.Woodburn , Ta. , T. K , Johnson , Hour , sold out. Cheyenne , Wvo. , Cheyenne Land and Live Stock C"inpany. icculver ajiplled for. The following are reported at Dun's : Omaha , Neb. , L 'e-CIarke-Androesen Hard ware company , wholcsaln hardware , paid In capital Increased -from flGO.OOO to f-JOOM)0. ( ) Omaha , Nub. , Orchard & Wllhelm Carpet company , Incorporated , capital stock , $50,000. Ciab Orchard , Neb. , N. C. Myers & Co. , general - oral store , succeeded by II ( ! . Crlssey & O > . CJreeley Center , Neb. , I'm pouter & Cahlll , confectionery , succeeded by M. M jltoth. Harvard. Neb. , H. II. Spencer ft Co. , hard ware , succeeded by M. C. Campbell & Co. Itoynolds. Xoli.iW.C. . _ Parker , general store , succeeded by Parker & Hunt. Scotia , Neb. , Kied Stunner , ncnt market , succeeded by A.JS' . llasklns. Scotia , Nef , Elmer Lincoln , meat market , succeeded by A. N. llasklns. Tlldun , Nuo. , U. W. ferine , groceries , etc. , closing out. Sioux City , Ta. , Hanscn llros. , O. A. Hanson gave bill of sale. Aberdeen , S. I ) . , Dakota Farmers Alliance company , Implements , gave bill of sale for iii.OOOah'd reported attached for $21,555. Wanhav , S. I ) . , Hussong & Kuhn , Implc and blacr < smlthlng , reported dissolved. Clearmont , Wyo. , Krunlc llros & Co. , bankers , discontinued heio.- Carbon , Wyo. , Cardwell & Ward , livery , dis solved. St. I.onlH .llurkots. ST. Louts , Mo. , March 0. Kr-onn Weak , dull and unchanged except patents , $3,35Q > 3.45. | WIIKAT Klat , dealers awaiting government report ; _ No. ! 2 red cash , lower at COJjO ; Match , 00 ? c : May. OOo. COHN Dull , lower ; No. 2 cash and March , 38c ; May , 30 , c. OATH Depressed ; No. 2 cash , 32fc ! bid ; May. 33isc. PHOVISIOXS Very dull ; no demand for round lots. Pork and lard unchanged. Dry salt meats , Inosu shoulders , $0,02H ; longs and libs , $10.)7i : ! ; boxed , 15c moru. llacon , packed sbouhlois , $10,75 ; longs and ribs , $11.25 ; shuit.s. $11.50 ; hams , unchanged. HKCKII-W l-'lour , 5,000 bbls. : wheat , 38,000 bu. ; coin , 143,001) ) bu. : oats , 38,000 bu. ; rye , 1.000 bu. ; Inn l y , 4,0001m. Sllll'.MllSTS I'lour , 0,000 bbls. ; wheat , 23,000 bu. : corn , 108.000 bu. : oats , 11,000 bu. ; rye 2,000 bu. ; barley , nono. KIIIIS.IS City .Uurkcts. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , March 0. WIIKAT Weak : No. 2 bald. C2yC3'c. ! } COIIN Steady but unchanged ; No. 2 mixed , 34 ; No. 2 while , 35c. OATS Slow , weak ; No. 2 , 28 llVK Steady. I-'I.AX SKF.D Steady. HitAN-Weak at 03tt04c. HAY I'lrm and unchanged. ] : < ; < ] Active. 14c. UucinrTS Wheat , 03,000 tm. ; corn , 4,000 bu. ; oatw , 7,000 bu. SllirMiiNTS Wheat , 51,000 bu. ; corn , 3,000 bu. ; oats , 6.000 bu. MliinoapiilisVlnnt A MiNNKAi'OMR , Minn. , March 0. The market was very quiet , llttlo business done. No. 1 noithern sold from 02 ! to 0-1 lie. ; No. 2 north ern sold from 68 to G2 c. Receipts , 314 cars. Close : March 02c ; May , G5'c : July , 08c. On track : No. 1 hard , 04c ! ; No. 1 northurn , 03c ; No. 2 northern , 60aooc. Collou .Market. Nr.w YOHK , March 0. Options opened steady unchanged to 5 points decllnu , closed dull , 5 nolnts down : sales , 7,700 bags , Including : March , * 17.3OJjrl7.35 ; Apill , * 10.0ogil0.05 ; May10.80 : June , tlli.GO ; September , $10.45 ; October , 110.35. Spot Hlo , dull , easy ; No. 7 , $17.87'/i ' ® 18.00. I riilladelphl : ! ( inilii Market. PHILADELPHIA , I'a. . March 0. \\'IIK\T Wak , lower : No. 2 led , .March , 74l'ia.74 ? c. _ _ CoitS Options dull , lower ; No. 2 mlxe March , 41)Jc. ) OATS I'lrm but quiet ; No. 2 whlto , March , Iilviirnnol .Market * . LivEiti-oor. , March 0. WHIUT Quiet ; holders on'er moderatolv. C'oii.v I'lrm ; dumand fair. LAHII I'rlmu western , 02s percwt. Citncsi ; American finest white and colored , 55s percwt. _ Clnrlmmtl .Markets. CINCINNATI , O. , March 0. WIIKAT In gooc demand ; No. 2 red , 70c. COKN l.o usr tosellNo. ; 2 mixed , 42iJ42Jc ! OATS 1'lrm ; No. 2 mixed , 34H35i ( ; . WiilbKV SteHily ; $1.17 , llnltlinoro ( ir.ilu .MiirkPt. IlAi.TlMOiiB , Md. , March 0. WHEAT Easy ; No. 2 led. spot and March , 74ic. ! Coit.v rlrin ; nd\ed siiot and March , 48 ! c OATd--QuIct atidsteady ; No. 2 whlto western 41 c. Toledo ( iralu .Market. TOLEDO , O. , March 9. WHBAT Active lower ; No. 2 cash , 7ic ) , foils Dull , Ilrm : No. 2cash , 43c , OATS ( julet ; cash , 35c. Milwaukee .Market * Mll.WAtlKKK , WIs. . Maich 9 , PlIOVISIONS Quiet. Pork. Muy.fl8.17M. STOCKS AM ) IIOMJS. There \Vus n 1'urtlier IXiiilnutlun In th Voliiiiin of ltunlm-41. Nr.w YOIIK , Jl-uch 0. Theio was n furtho dliiilnutlon lu the volume of business on thu Htock CAchuiiEO today. The dullness IH at- Irlliutablo almost entirely to the uncertainty In legard to thupiobablo action of t-ocrotary CarlHIo with reference In the llnauces of the government. Whllo money wns easier and there is llttlo IlkoIlliiKid ot gold exjuirtH by ' gaturday'miteaiiiors , operators don't feel In clined to go nlieud until they obtain a clearer Idea of the gold and uilvcr quustlutu. Dellulto nforniatlon from WnxlilitRlon U nwallod with ID llttlo ntixlety The only Important rlllctuntloiiH of the day . iMir New rnuland were In th < Indus- rial * , which wore having heavy liquidations. I'hore were n number of stop loss eiders In the locks , tbo execution of which iiccelerated tbo lowmvurd movoinetit Anibrlrnti Tobacco do- lined 7' ( percent to 03 , National Lead nre- 'erred ' 0 per cent to 80 , common .IX tier cent to 15 , American Sugar , a percent to llH'i ' , and be others 't percent to 114. New England , after Helling down about n , lolnt Io21'i , rose to UOS , and closed at 20. tending touched 22 Sc , the lowest prlco yet , utnfterwiirds recovered 1 percent. The re- .iiilnderof tbo list ruled lower In thu early radlng , but subsequently Improved. Among hu low-priced stocks Louisville , Now Albany fc Chicago fell to 21. The declaration nf thu isual dividends by thu Chlcato , Milwaukee & H. Paul railroad had no peiceptlblo eil'ect ipon tinshares. . Thuro was some selling of ' .end during the day on the reports that the lay Ing of the dividend on the common stock ivould bu enjoined , The market closed steady n tone. Thu Post says : Humors from Washington 'outturn ' ) to govern the stock market this lornlng. Wall street Is In such a hurry for the -dnilnlstratlun to act In thu gold reserve mat er that It Is disposed to chafe under tbo least lelay. It should bu qulto silporlluom to oh- erve that In air a Irs of this sol t govermelits do nit act on Wall Ftreet rules. The specie 10- icrvu Is still about $100,000,000 , lifiicu thu oc- aslou fixed by thu banking community Itself 'or a radical measure has not yet arrived , Nor s the $100.000,000 mark Itself a dead line , thu rosslng of which means Instant disaster. A lollcy of allowing tills reserve to bu contlnu- jttsly depleted would bu n dllTorcnt thing , but t should bu ohsurvcd no responsibly Washlng- on dispatches Intimates any such purpose as his. his.Thu Thu follow Ing aru the closing quotations of hu leading stocks on thu Now York Stock ex- hangu today : tchlson .Norlh American duinn Kxircn3 | I . ' , ( - , Norlhi'rn I'nclllc . AltonT. 11 am do prefcrrod . , . do tirufurreil . . . . I5J U. I' . , llun. .V ( Uilf Atnorlcan Kxprpus. . 117 .NorlllwoiU'rn . . . . III nlllmoru \ Olilo. . . 117Vl < l do preferred . . . 141) ) Jninula rncltlo . . . . BIK , X. Y. Central 1U7 'nmutu .southern. . . 6 HI Uri'iton Imp IU . 'mitral I'nclllc S7 Orc'itun Nnv It "lies. , V oli'o 2 1 O. . I , , .t U. N 20 lilciuo Alton 141 I'nclflo.Mnl ! 'J. A Q , I'uurhi , Due. X i ; . . . , I'lttilitirg I.Mi CoiiBullilntoii ( In * . . . I'liltiunn 1'alnco . . . . I'.ll r. r. f. , vst. I , lle.nllntr Cotton i II Cert Richmond Toradiml ) el. Hudson lu ( iriinno W 2U ) . 1 , . AW do prcfurreJ ) . A It. ( i ptM Huck Island > . A C. f. Co St. I'niil 2US" Kfltl'fonn do preferred Krlo < t. I'uul .V Omaliii . . S" do preferred do profcrrcd 1-ort Wiijrno 151 iunr Hellnory ! t. Northern | ) f d. . . no Tvnn. Loal , V iron. . noMl ' . A K. 1 pfit Ml 'lexns I'nclllc IncklllK Vnllty. . . Tel A O. I'on. pfd. . 78 Illnnls Central . . . Union 1'aclilo 37 St. | > aiil A liulntli . U. S. Kxiirco (14 Kun A , Tex pf'il . . W. Bt. t , . A. 1' II -ako KrloA West . do preferred 2.1 do profurruil Wells KnrKO Dxp. . . 2.1HI ; .nko Short' Woslern Union uiv ; .onls. , V Nnali WliculhiKA. U K . . .onl . A. Now Alb'y. do preferred ilHiilmttnn Con . . . . llil .Minn , VM. I , ili'inplils , t ( hiv's'n llilID I ) A It. O illKnourl Piiclllo . . . 61 U Renornl tilectrlc. . . . > toblIo..V 'Jblo Natlunnl I.lnsucd. . . Nnslivlllo Clintt C. Fuel A Iron .Nntlonnl CdnlJKO . do preferred 1011 N. .1. Central Hous ATcx. Can. . . .Norfolk A W pfd The total sales of stocks today weiu 247,200 shares , Including : Chicago , Iturllngton ft Qulncy , 4,500 ; Cotton Oil , 0.000 : Clovuland , Cincinnati , Chicago & St. Louts , 0,500 ; Dela ware , I.ackawanna & Western , 4,000 ; Trio , fj.iiOO : bead , 20,800 ; National Cordage. 0,100 ; Now Kngland , 10,800 ; Northern Pacific pre- feried , 8,000 ; Ituadluir , 47,400 ; Ht. Paul , 13- 200 ; Sugar , 40,800 ; Western Union , 3,000. , London rin.inciat Itevlew. | Cop/r(9/itnl | ( / 18IJ byJu-nei Giirdnn Itenti'tt ] LONDON , March 0. [ New York Humid Cublo Spccl'il toTUB UKE.J The stoc < nritketwas generally Inactive and dull , no desire having been shown to enter Into new engagements. either Investment or speculation. Tin up- pro.ichlng settlement no doubt is In some measuie the cause. Consuls Improved ' 6 per out. Indian rupee paper was also'o percent better , but Indian sterling loans aru U per cent lower , Poiulgn government secuiltles , Inlliienced by weakness on thu continental jourses , close huavy. Greek bonds ha\o fallen to 1't pur cent , "and most other Intel national stocks ' 6 to ' , ( per cent , llomu railways close very Irregular , notwithstanding the comparatively fuw deal- Ings. North Kastorn Improved f per cent ; Great Noithern deferred , ' ( per cent ; Metro politan , ! 4 percent ; Great Kastern , ' , ( percent and Itrlgbton deferred > per cent , while North British have fallen % per cent , Caledonian V percent and thu others from ! g to'i percent. Americans were more or less weak all day , closing Hat , New York sending lower prices. A general decllnu was established , Including 1 per cunt Philadelphia & Ueadlngflrst Income , per cent In Philadelphia & Heading ordi nary , ? per cent In Chicago ft Slll- waukeu and Atchlson nnd ' , ( to ! 5 per cunt In others. Canadians weru equally Inactive and close weak. Money was iidet. | Hhnrt loans were easily obtained nt 1 to IU pur cent. . In tbo discount market fewer bills weru olToicd , those at two and tbruo months quoted at 1'i to l"i per cent. Jfew Yo'k iloney .Market. NEW VOIIK , March 0. MONEY ON CAM , Kaslor , ranging fioni 3 to 8 pur cunt ; last loan , 3 pur cent ; closud otfered at 3 percent. PiiiMiMKii\NTli.i : I'Ai'uii 0 percent. STiiu.tNn : nxciiANOB Klrm , with a small business In Hankers' bills at S4.85J ! ut sixty days and$4.874.87l/s ( for demand. tlnvuiiNMCST ItONiw Steady. State bonds dull.Tlio Tlio closing quotations on bonds : S. o roc .N. J. U. lut. Cert is. 111 ! U. H. 4i coup .N. 1'nc. Inn 1121 , U. St. 4H reg Wy , N. W. Coinols 135 ! II 8. 4Ux coup 1US N. W llobcn. 61 ion I'acltlclisof'ui. 04 St. L. A I. M. ( Ion. 61 ionSi I.ouiHliinn 01'pecl 4s. 1J' ' it. I , A3. F. ( ! 'll. M 111) ) Missouri Hi .Ul1 M. I'aul Con 127 Tonn. now set da. . 1UI St. P.O. A 1' . lst 117 Tcnn. now set 5 . . . f. I' . I , . ( ; . Tr Hcts 77 Tctm. HUT- set Ss. . . T. I1. II. ( } . Tr. Itcts. Canniln > n. Vuds. . . . 101 Union IV.clMc Ists. . Ccn. 1'ucltlo 1ft 113 Woit Sliuro Uts . . . 101J6 I ) . A It. O. Ints tl. ( } . W.lnta 7H I ) . A It. ( } . W. lots. . Atcli. 4 KrloJnds sm Atcli. 24scln > 9 A. . 7HAS M. 1C. AT. ( ien. . " O. U. A. S. A 6s AS M. K. AT. ( ien. St. . ,8" , II. AT. C. 5s 10IH .Mutual Union Us. . . iri II A T ' . ' 'on ns Iloxtiin .Stock OnotiltloiiR. BOSTON , Mass. , March 9. Call loans , 79 par cent ; tlnio loans , Oi57 percent. Tim follow ing are thu closing ijuotatlonson stocks , bonds and mining "hares : Atchlion A"Topek . Atcntson ' 'mis . . . . Hull 'J e-lephono AlchUou 49 Itostoa A Albany. . . Now HnKlaud Cs . . 110 HoKlon A/.Mnlno. . . . Uonoral Kloc. 6s. . 1.5 O. . II A iJT 'Allouez M. C. now Hlchlmr/ll. U Atlantic ( ien. Klectrlc 101,4 tlojlon A Mont. . . Her. Contrtt ! 104 Hullo A llosion . . . Old Colony 21)1 ) Cnlnniot * llucla. . 305 Oro. Miort Line Ccnteiinlnl llubbcr Frnn-illti Snnlll-EO )2 ) ! KcnrsirKQ iu Union I'acltlc 37 Opceoli. West Knd p't'd 37saj Qulncy 135 Wvitlnicli. Klco . . . . 84 ffunt i Ko Copper. , 6 Wontlnuh. Kloo. p'U 4S umnraci WIs. Centrnlcora. . . IW bid San Fraiirisro 'Mlnlni ; Oiiotatlon. . PAN KiiANCiscd , CM. , March 0. The olllclal closing ( imitations for mining stocks today were as follows : AUn is Halo A Norcois. . . . izu Hulwer 25 Mexican 175 llelrhar ia V.Pl'lr ' TO lle t A Ilelcher . . . . IiS 1'otosl jK ) llodlo Consolldutod & HaviiKO 7S Cliullnr liO Sljrrn Nerniln 115 Con. Cain. A Va. . . . S.'iU linlon Con on Prown Point 4'J ' Utnh 10 ( iould A Curry. . . . so Vcllo\T.lacki't 4"i Now Turk Mining Onotatlons. NEW VOIIK , March 0. The following are the closing mining quotations : Crown I'olnt 4J t'lyiiiouin , en Con. t nl. A Va 225 f-lerrn Aovnd.i JIX ) ncsdirood i : > 0 -timdnrd HO ( Jould A fairj 75 Union Con 75 Halo A Norcross. . . . IU ) Vclluw Jnckot 40 Moinchfiko 1I.U ) Ironhllver 40 .Moxlctin l.'iO yiilclc Mlvor SOi ) Ontnrlo IUX ) do preferred 1400 Ophlr 17(1 ( Financial Nr.w Our.EANS , La. , March 0. Clearings , $1 - ultiH'j2ut .t 1 ? " CITV > Mo > > M"rcl1CIoarIngS | 1 ttJill ' J l't * > i Nr.w YOHK March ' . 'O.-Cloarlnss , J133.022- 031 ; balances , JDC80,47n. OMAHA. March O.-Clearlngs , I1.278.&G8 same day last weuk , 81,343,000. It.M.Ti.Moiu : , Md. , March 0. Clearings J" - 100,304 ; balances , $253,058. Monoy. 0 ue'r cunt. PIIH.ADF.I.IMIIA. Pa. , .March 0. Oloarlnes 12D73.00'Ji balances , 81,510.101. Money 4 percent. MEMPHIS. Tenn. . March 0. Now York ox change sulllng at il.50. Clearings , t31&,557 balances , U407. ! CINCINNATI , O. , March 0. Cluarlngs $2 . 080.HOO. Money. ( | 7 per cent. Nuw York uxchange , 5oatoo ; discount. llosTON. Mass. , March 0. clearings no 030 520 ; balances , tl.281,814. Moiioy H' no cent. Kxchango on Now York , 20o dlscoun ST. Louis Mo. . March 0. Clearings J4 331 . 102 ; balances , ? f 23,270. Money iiulot atGfli ? pur cent. I-Achangu on Nuw York SOc dls. count , Nr.w Vpiijc. March 0.-Hpeclal [ Telegram ti TIIK llKK.i-Rxi'lmneo wa-s ( inoted as followi lodajr ; lilcago. . l.Oc discount : IIo-ton , 20i discount to par ; Ht. IxmU , 25o discountV' CiiiOAao , 111. . March O.-Cleanngs , 816,400 , 241. Now York oichaufo , OOo discount , titer Unit nxrlinnKC , dlilli | < ,0-dny lilllx , 14 flfli do- 'iinnili ' l HT. Mi.nry moreiiulel ) rate * tin- hanged lit n per iVfiK l iNtum , Mareh f'VXnumiit | of bullion In the I n ilk of Kngland llwfva ed JCIO.IKK ) diirliiK OKI nisi week , Tim .proportion of the Hank of Kngland's ie er\o in liability , which.tnst wkuk was 50.7 per cent Is now M.M3 per cent. OMAHA llVlt\3TOUK. MAUIUM' * . Cattle Triidn IteciiyVr * and CloKrn IlrUk- * ' UORK Svur'vc mid Higher. ' ' TIIUIISIIAY , March 0. As n result of tn'o ' , ( jcmorallrud markets of ho two preceding days , receipts of both cattle nd hogs today wt'ro , rather light. Itecelpts 'or the past four lUyn font up 11,482 cattle , 1,011 hogs anil 0,010 sheep , against 14,180 latlle , 12,207 hogs and 4,004 sheep thu cor- espondlng four days last week. The general cattlu markut was moru active , .nd . on beef steers prices ruled steady to a line higher than Wednesday. Offerings were ucldedly Indifferent In quality , and Included ery fuw really good cattle , Iloth on account if thu limited supplies and Inferior character if ( ho receipts , nnd on account * of this being hursday , thu shipping dumand was merely nominal. Local dressed beef houses , iiiwuvur , all wanted cattle and the computl * Ion between them was brisk enough to ad- , -ani'o prices at least on thu moru deslrablu iilTerlngs. 1'alr to good 1,000 to 1,200-lb. steers -old at from t4lfi to $ 1.40 , with a few bunches weighing 1,300 Ibs. and uiiwaids at $4.50 to (4.00. ( Common light stull and odds and ends sold at from tJ,50 to tt. Thu feeling was not iiirtlciilarly bullish , but It was a good , healthy nadu throughout and little of any consu- tueiicu remained unsold oor thu noon hour. If there was any change In the cow market t was on the side of sllghtlv Improved prices. Theru was a bettor outside demand and as IhoMipldy was rather limited tbu movement ivas fairly hi Isk and the pens soon cleared , ales Included pour to very good cows and lelfers at from $ l.t > 5 to $3.00 , but It was xery > oor stun that had to sell at under i2 , and myth Ing that sold oxer $ .1.30 had to bo choice. Hulls , oxen and stags were In moderate sup- ily , fair demand and steady at from $2.40 to ; 3.76. Veal calves weru generally unchanged iroutid M and 75.50. There was nothing doing In tbo stocker and ' 'euder line to amount to anything Coun- ry roads me almost Impassible and country > uyers are naturally scarce. The weakness In ici'f cattlu values Is also moro or less lellected leio and only tbu good to choice grades weiu n anything like fair dumand , whllu Inferior ituir was haul to movuat any prlcu. Kjpru- lentatlvu sale.s : imissin : No. Av. l'i No. Pr. 1. .10-10 3 50 4. . 002 4 20 0. . 770 3 75 0. .1027 4 30 3. . 703 3 HO 17. .1101 4 35 4. . 075 3 85 13 1071 4 35 0. . 870 3 85 43. .1314 4 40 18.n . .1001 3 00 20. .1178 4 40 n . 805 4 Oo 13. .1157 4 45 3 ; .1080 4 00 14. .1382 50 4' .1085 4 00 5. .1100 50 4. .1105 4 10 2. .15.30 JO 20. .1013 4 15 HIIIPPISO AND nXI'OHT. 10. . .1313 4 50 Mtxno. 18. . . 044 3 70 23 .1088 4 00 18. . . 071 3 80 14. .1007 4 ID 18. . . 802 -4 00 COWS. 11. . . 802 1 Go 1. . . 880 2 50 C. . . 035 1 75 1. . . 050 2 50 0. . . 810 1 75 12. . . 1)83 ) 2 50 4. . . 513 1 75 4. . .1105 2 50 1. . . 850 1 85 15. . . 003 2 55 3. . . 857 2 00 3. . . 013 2 CO 0. . . 873 2 00 1. . .1000 2 05 5. . . 822 2 00 20. . . 875 2 05 1. . . 740 2 00 o " .10SO 2 00 47. . . 010 2 00 ' ol" .1180 2 05 14. . . 712 2 00' 13. . . 004 2 75 ili. . 040 2 OU 4 o .1230 2 75 li. . 880 2 00 : 4. ! .1080 2 85 1. . . 500 2 1O t 38. . . 070 3 15 " . 020 2 15 12. . . 040 3 25 12" . 012 2 15 ' 1. . .1020 3 23 13. . . 007 2 20 ' 1. . .1310 3 30 3. . .1107 2 30 21 . .1082 3 30 13. . . 771 2 40 " 0. . .1288 3 35 11. . . 088 2 45 , 0. . .1120 3 35 0 . 708 X2 5(3 ( ' ' 0 . .1184 3 50 . 040 2 50 , 8. . .1180 3 50 . 800 2 50 , .1100 3 50 . 830 2 50. . oi. . 805 3 05 1. . 070 2 50. 32. . . 1000 3 75 .1010 2 UO .1 1. . . 010 3 75 10 ! . 720 ' 2 M ) 3. . 1010 3 00 1. . 830 2 50 iiranits. : 0. . 811 1 75 4. . . 785 3 40 1. . . 780 3 25 > 1. . .1110 3 75 fc'q.i.vr.8. . no " . 100 5 25 170 5 00" . 130 5 50 100 5 UO 140 5 50 II 1. . . .1530 2 40 1.1. . . 020 3 00 1. . . 1200 2 40 -1. 1310 3 00 3. , . . .1303 2 50 1. .1340 3 15 1. . . . .1170 2 50 1. .1020 3 25 1. . . . .12GO 2 05 1. .1080 3 25 1. , . . .1300 2 05 ] . .1730 3 25 1. . . . .1020 2 75 .1. .1850 3 25 1. . . .10JO 2 85 OXEN. 1 1200 250 1 1070 275 STAGS. , 1 1090 875 STOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. 3. 433 1 80 8. . 070 3 10 10. 071 2 00 12 . 044 3 25 2. 355 2 25 5. . 700 3 25 3. 533 2 50 4. . 782 3 30 0. 423 2 50 1. . 470 3 DO 1. eye 2 70 1. . 770 3 35 1 , 400 2 00 00. . 728 3 05 4. 303 3 00 * > r 881 3 05 lions Low prices In a measure shut olT re ceipts. ( July 22 fresh loads were received and Including holdovers and speculators' supplies there were consldoiably lu.ss than 2,500 hogs Tii sale , rhuru was a butter tone to eastein advices and with an Improved shipping de mand prices ruled steady to a nickel higher than Wednesday all around. There was llttlo If any Improvement In the good to choice butcher wulght and heavy hogs at # 7.50 to J7.00 , the advance bulng cblully on thu light and mixed grades , although they sold very generally at Wednesday's raugciof prlcesifrom 87.25 to $7.45. Today , however , there was voiy Iittlu of any consequence below J7.45. The sales woru vury larguly ut J7.46 to tv.55 as a alnst7.40 to $7,50 , ' Wednesday and $7.00 to $7.70 last Thursday' Uupre.sentatlvu sales : No. Av. Sh. 1'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 211 $7 25 74. ,211 $7 471J 220 200 7 25 70. .233 7 50 217 80 7 30 GO. .230 100 7 00 300 7 35 74. .210 7 00 . .206 80 7 40 83 .224 80 7 50 . .230 280 7 4O 03. .230 100 7 50 . .212 280 7 42j ! 80. .221 120 7 50 . .230 40 7 45 GO. ,250 240 7 55 . .201 120 7 45 01. 228 55 . .224 240 7 45 07. ,234 40 55 . .232 240 7 45 53. .217 55 . .22O 280 7 45 00. .230 80 55 . .224 100 7 45 01. .252 57' ' , . .218 100 7 45 37. .271 80 00 . .23 280 7 45 37. .250 00 . .210 7 45 44. .201 120 7 00 . .216 120 7 45 07. .255 120 7 00 rins AND HOUGH , 20. . . . 07 - 3 00 Sltixr Kresh reculpts were light , three double decks , the quality fair. Western wuthurs sold at about steady prices , at $1.75 ® 5.00. Thu dumand Is good and thu markut quntably unchanged. Kalr to good natives , ? 3.75'tiD.OO ; fair to good westerns. $3.DOtt D.OO ; common and stock fiheep , J2.25&3.75 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs , $4.002) ) 0.00. Kuprc&untatlvo sales : No. Av. Pr. 104 western wethonj . 130 500 15 tailings . , . 04 350 05 Mexican uwcs..j . 82 425 143 Mexican uwew.V-- . 8'J 445 200 Mexicans , mlxrt ] . 70 405 010 Mexicans , inlxUH . 80 405 551 lambs . .V . ° 9 ° JO Itoridpts nnd Olipoaltton of stock. Ofllclal receipts anil disposition of stock as shown by thu books'of ' thu Union Htock Yards company for the twcily-fotirhoursondln ) iit5 o'clock p. m. March 0. 1803 : lion- } . , , HOUSES It MI.S Cam. Head Cara. I Head. 1.18(1 ( 2j | t'.M lilxrusiTloN. IIUVKIIS. ' ! 1 'li TlioO H. llainmonitCfi , Swift A Co ! ' < ! 455 1U4 Tlio Cuilnhr 1'iicklnit I'fl. * John 1 * . hqulrvs A ( QA , , , . 6.15 White. 1'euvej A DaxtBr. ITS ) Cleveland Tucking Co. ' . . KJ Sparry * H 2U4 Leftover i. . . ' . . . Total Chicago I.lvo Stock Miirl 't. CHICAGO. 111. , March 0. Iripeelal Telegram to Tin : HKK.l Prices for the several grades of cattle ranged ( ibifut the samu as for Wednes day. Thu run was light , but thu dumand lacked thu urgency necessary to Start prlc.m upward. Thu market opened voiy luwand did not develop much animation until thu morning was far advanced , Thu latlnr mo\u- munt was rcusoniibly actlvo and tlio close was ( Inner than thu opening. Quotations had a spread of from $1.75 lo0.2 ( ) for Inferior COWH to fancy steers. It took u pretty cholco hunch of steers to bring ( D.5O and sales at belter llguius wore ovtremely fuw , though there worn moio fat cattlu hero than for siimu dayN liast , Thu wants of lix'iil butchers weio met pilncU pally at from $ ' -.25 to (3,23 and from 14 in $5 took the bulk of thu d reused beef and shipping steers , The bog market was stronger today bill nut much higher. Prices weiu not as uond UN at the owning of business yestenliiy , hut u r aged Do better than at that day' * clime , Knin. 87.75 to 87.85 was paid forpoor to pi line heavy weights , from 17,03 to IU for lulled ami inu dliuii and ironi 17 : ll ( to 7 ft for light The duality as poor and while f rinn ( M ir. toJHjr , win scented for u few good ioaiU. 7 M > tu IH arried away the greater part. There were iiiuiy tuides at from f7.r > u to J7.06. and a few ilgs aim culls were closed out at from H.fiO of sheep nnd lambs were nt cwntlnlly itnchiiimed prices. Although the demand was .lot as .harp as heretofore the decreiiM-d rti- L'e pis checked any ten lency to weakness. All things considered the market was fairly satis factory to sellers , theoircrlngx being taken tm n basis of from * I ( o J5.75 for poor tooxlra sheep , and from $1.75 to $0.50 for lambs. Itecelptsj Cattle , 13,000 ; hogs , 10,000 ; sheep , 1 ho Evening Journal report * ! I'ATTi.R-KL'colpIs , 12.00.J head ! shipments , 4,000 head ! nmrkut strong on iirlmo steers , Iliers , weak ; best steers , W.50QO.OO ! others , 3.00 .1.25 ; Miockers and feeders. * 3.1f > ttl.4l ) ; Toxatl Moors , * 3.5lKfl4.3 ( ) ; co s. * 2.00a4.00 , llods-Hoeolpts. 11,000 head ; shipments , B.OOO head ! market lee hlitliuri mixed , J7.50 ® 7.85 | huiivy , * 7.80a8.25 ; llaht , J7.004.67.75. HilK.KP-ltecelpts , 5,000 head : shipment" . 500 head : market steady ; natives , M.5OHO.OO ; wcstt-rni , i5.0oafi.50 ; lainhs. it4.OOaO.CO. Kunin City I.Uv Mock .Market. KANHAK CITY , Mo. March O.-OATTM : He- : olpts , 1,70 > head : shipments. 1,000 head ; BUM- 1 ral maike active , steady ; uliolco cows MIOIIK o lOc hi luhur. Hepresentatlvu sales ! Dressed eef an : \ shipping steers , t4.10K5.25 ; cows and heifers , * J.Un > Jt3.H5 ; Texas and Indian iteers , J 1.354.50j stocUui-H and feeders , J3.00 [ 4.52li. Hods Itecelpts , 3.700 head ) shipments , 3,100 .lead ; maaiket active , OO.lUc hUluir , liop' ' < ' - Mjniatlve sales : All Brinies , S5.25U7.70 ; bulk , 17.25517.00. s'lliiKf Receipts , 000 ; shipments , 100 ; mar- xot steady. Ui'picsontutUc ) sales : Muttons , * 1 ; lamb ! ) , $ t.8oari.20. Ni-iv York l.ltu Ntucli .Market. Nuw YOIIK , March 0. - - Hr.uvm No frnsb Arrivals and no trading , feeling firm ; ship ments , 325 becvus and 45 sheep. CAI.VKS Itecelpts , 300 head ; market ! i"c , ) er pound higher ; veals , $5.00&8.25 per 100 Ibs.j grassers , $2.50. Sllixi' ANII LAMiis-Ilecclpts 4,003 head : narket dull , shade easier ; sheep , $ .OOIo D.OO per 100 lbs.j lambs , 0.25H0.05. lloos Itecelpts 02D head ; maiUet noml- uilly Him at .fb.OOiiH.DO per lee Ibs. St. f.oiils I.In ) Mock M irket , ST. Louts , Mo. . March 0. CATTI.K Hocolpts , 1,400 head ; shipments , 2,300 ; market life less ; nothing on s'lle uvceptsom-fed Texan steers which went at t4.nD. 110(13 ( Receipts , 4,400 head ! shipments , 2,200 bead : market easlei : huavy , t7.7oas.00i nlxeil , $7.41)147.00 ) ; light , 87.BOa7.8l ) . SlllXi' Itecelpts , UOO head ; shipments , 300 hcadi markut stuady at $3.0'Jiit5.3i ' ) . D. I ) 1'iiAXKc , II. I ) . Hooni.lr , JAS. K lloniir. Pros. VIcu t'rus Secy & Troas , HAWKEYE COMMISSION CO. Capital$25.000 : Omaha and Sioux City. Grain and Provisions Railroad Stocks and Bonds. PU1VATK WHIRL. Room 212 bM Life Building OMAHA. nKKHIinNOKS : town State National Hank. Sioux City ; Commercial N.itlonal Hunk. Om ilui. Special attention zlven to outside orders * Ccrru.sprmuouco so'.lcltoJ. OV2t < SUU > SVL'l'LY , Some Startling figures on the Proportion of 1'nper .Money to the P.eservr. New VOIIK , March 9. [ A morning paper says : Ono hundred anil four teen million dollars In gold certill- catcs are out. Of this enormous sum only ? 20,000,000 worth , according to treasury experts , tire in actual circulation. The rest are hoarded. _ According to the reports of ' national ba'nks they hold * 'I7,000- 000 in gold certificates. Statis tics are not furnished by state banks , but it is a fair estimate that they hold J 1,000,000. Probably thu accumulation of the bills by some of tlio bankers repre sents many largo special accounts by indi viduals. Any financier may make a collec tion of gold notes and deposit them for safety with his hauliers , in which case no particulars are furnished in reports , and the amounts are not included in the gold totals of the bank stutuinents. The $10JOJOuoO , , gold reserve which is thought by some to bo imperilled may bo called on iiny day by United States notes or "greenbacks , " of which the limit of issue is340,000,000. On this b.islsof proportion of paper money of this sort to gold tbo ratio of the United States is as 84 per cent. Recent reports of the Uanlc of France show u per centage of 48.80. Keports of the Bunk of England show : l percentage of 00.40 , and the banks of Germany , whence no exact reports nro available , show , on an estimate , a per centage of 70.81. Money I'nuy nn the Now York Market. Nr.w YoitK , March 0. There is n decidedly easier feeling in the money market and call loans wcro quoted at from 0 to 8 per cent. The withdrawals of currency for shipment to the interior are smaller than for weeks past , and money brokers assert that they don't expect u recurrence of the stringency which prevailed early in the week. The sub-treasury in this city has increased its gold balance , ? 2r > ,000,000 having been received from Canada during the p.ist _ few days. There is less talk : of gold exports mid the al leged now bond issue by the government. The head of a prominent Nassau street house with important European connections , said today : ' 'Our linn has been credited with having made up a syndicate to pur chase $ llKKMK ( ( ) ( ) of bonds. Wo know noth ing of this alleged syndicate and don't believe - lievo that any exists. " Keady to TilUn Our llonilH. New YOIIK , March 'J. A Post's lyorulon special says : Further inquiry lias been made on behalf of President Cleveland con cerning tlio readiness of Knglish banks , in surance nnd financial houses to tuko * 10.000- 000 of government bonds , provided tlio bonds nro kept hero niiio months without realiza tion. The feeling on tlio whole is favorable if interest at tlio rate of 3jj per cent can bo secured. WILT. TEST THE LAW. Decision to lln Kernrrd on the Local Peddlers Ordinance. " F. B. Wood , H traveling man for n inro-o St. I.fluis fancy grocery firm , was arrested by Oftlcer O'Gortnan Wednesday for peddling without a license. The arrest was made under the ordinance , which , it is claimed , is capable of being constructed so ns to prevent any person from selling goods in Omaha for any linn which is located outside ot the btato. This would apply to all traveling men. men.Mr. . Wood , who was arrested , Is in ono sense rcprcsentini : a local Jinn. Although ho is employed by a St. Louis linn nil the orders which ho takes in Omaha are Illled by Paxtou , Ciallagher & Co. Ho s.iys that If ho is prosecuted lie will see that the ordinance is enforced regarding every other traveling man who does business in the city and see how it will worlc. In Memory of llUhnp Cliirlmui. A memorial service for the Into Bishop Clnrkson will bo held nt Trinity cathedral at 10 o'clock this morning. Bishop Worth- liifton will celebrate the holy communion. After a night with the Hoys Yours for a clear head Bromo-Seltzor , WANTED .Total Ilium ol CITIES I COUNTIE.8 , ( SCHOOL m v * , H uv W DIBTRICTG. WATER COMPANIES , ST.R.K.COrVlPANIEO.cta t'oriripomUnct * lollcilert. N.W.HARRIS &COMPAHYBankers , 103-109 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. 10 U/all Street , NEW YORK. 7O State 9t. . UO8TON. TO iri.v on i.oKi : Mit.in > \ * . ifitmrn t , . Krcne'K Itlu llpnl IIIVhrnt An Immi'iiM' Annum ! limdtrd. Citicvio , 111. , March D. Jnnu. \ , . KI MIO stands to win or lose ? 1HMHX ( ) ( ) In wheat on the Chicago Hoard of Trade. Thin nt least Is the cum1 lit gos'lp hero tonight , and the Information Is added that as thu deal now stands It Is n toss up whether ho wins or make * another lingo contribution to the ex perience fund charged against Chicniro wheat. Fourteen yo.irs ago the Chicago wheat jilt took from ICecno below fil.OOO.OOO slightly ( hut Henry Clews says 10H)0OJO. ( ) ) H Is said that the present venture was started by Keeue In the nature of a grim settlement of old scores , The story is that ho is opsratlm ? through Slgmimd Oruner , a stock , cotton and sugar broker of Now York. ICcetie has obtained control of about 'JO.000,000 bushels of the best wheat lu western store douses and has accumulated a prodigious line of futures. The cash end of ' .ho deal is in charge of "Sandy" Egglcstou , and the speculative end In charge of John Citdahy , both masters In their special dis tricts. Nearly all the "contract" wheat In Chicago , amounting to about 10,000,000 bushels , Is Indued \ \ tth ICggleston , and nearly as much more 1ilgh grade property In St. Uniis , Minneapolis , Duluth and other western centers Is controlled by the same Individuals Besides his Immense cash holdings in this city , Eggloston has cornered about all the elevator space In Chicago that can by any possibility become avallablo , for the storage of new receipts between now and the end of May. Ilo has accomplished this feat by contracting with elevator companies to provide him room for several million bushels of grain which he expects to receive before the end of Mav. If by any chance ho should not get the grain the elevator com panies will not care , as Egglcstoti has con tracted to pay full storage rates on the space. ICeutii ) laid his plans with consummate skill. Eirglcston is said to be the most com manding ilgure in the cash grain market of the west , and as for the speculative branch ot the campaign .lack Cudahy , the great est Speculator on 'change , was Just the man to run the deal to a conclusion. In the Hush of a successful series of bold \entures in pro visions and famous for terrific play in wheat and corn , operations could bo carried on under cover of his mime without exciting suspicion. H lias been charged for u month or more that Cudahy has been milking the market. Cudahy displays a remarkable preference for directors in the distribution of brokerage favors , probably because it hap pens that most of the directors are responsi ble gentlemen and excellent brokers. When ICecno undertook to run his first wheat corner in this city ouo of his mistakes was in his selection of brokers. Ho complained bitterly that ho was robbed , and that ho could obtain no redress through a prejudiced hoard of di rectors. Harper , now in the Ohio peniten tiary , has mournfully declared that ho would have cleared $8,000,000 on his 18S7 deal but for the fact that ho had to fight the directors of the Chicago Board of Trade. In Wall street Kceno has since met with equally galling setbacks , but within the past two years , it is said , has cleared enormous win nings by the successful manipulation of Sugar , Cordage , Lead , Whisky and Gas stock. Neither Kgglcston nor Cudahy is thu man to engage in operations of magni tude without ample financial protection , and from the first there has been plenty of money to meet every possible demand from the Chicago cage end of the deal. Kecne's advances up to date have been at least , it is said , $15,000- 000 in cold cash , ami possibly $10,000,000 moro may bo required , depending on whether the deal is pushed through or dropped. There are two chances for the success of the deal. Ono is thu government estimate of farmers' reserves and the other serious crop damages. The Department of Agricul ture will publish the estimate of reserve to morrow , and if the llgures should bo under 100,000,000 bushels , general speculation may spring up and let ICucnc out of his bargain. A spell of freezing nnd thawing weather might also assist speculation. If the deal can command help from neither of these sources , Kecne , in tlio opinion of some , will iiavo the grizzly by the tail and be yelling for somebody to lot him go. At breakfast time a strcngthcner , at lunch time a comfort , at dinner time a delicacy Cudahy's "Hex" Brand Extract of Beef. City Klrctrleli Now that the city electrician has entered upon the discharge of his duties , the ordi nance creating his onico is found to bn very detective. For example , it makes no pro vision for the testing of electric lights , nnd it neglects to give the electrician authority to order the removal of unused poles left standing in the streets. It requires tlio Mr. , T O. Sanaa , ot Fulton , 1 Baysoff "About ton years ago I con tracted a cc\eroca o of blood pol- * son. Leading phj Elclans prescribed medlclno after medicine , which ! took without any relief. I also tried mercurial and potash remedies , with unsuccessful icsultn , but which brought on an attack of mercurial rheumatism that made my lifo ono of agony. After suffering four jcars I gave up all remedies and began using S. 8. S. After taking ec\cral bottles I TfM entirely cured and able to resume work. Is tlio greatest medlclno for Mood poisoning to-day on the market. " Treatise on Dlood and Skin Diseases mailed Treo. Swiii' Si'icirio Co. , Atl-mta , Ga. cloctrlolnn to cntiao Iho removal of nil iionil Iron but thow of Iho tclcplumo romimny , aUlunigli the latter Is the chief nlTi'tidcr In thlt , particular , Certain cotmcllmon are moving for n ruvlMon of the ordinance. KAIlTIIQUAItlt IS XHW Mil 1C. Kmplro Cltr Much HlmUcn t'p mid Unite Hrnnatloii ( 'rented. Nuw Ytmif. March HSpovlnl [ Tolo- iiiii to TllK HKK.1 Tlio severe shock , uvltlcntly cmiHud bv nil oiu'thquako inovo- iiiont , which wns foil In the cinitrul part of tills olty early thin morning , extended from Thirty-third to Ono Hundredth ntrcota. It sounded moro like u roar than anything else and lasted at luust ten seconds. It wakened inanv persona who wore already asleep , and In the hitf apartment houses ulonj , ' the wide side of Central park It created a sensation. Heads wore htuck out of windows ! and some men put on their clothes and hur ried out to see If there had been an ox- plosion. On West Sixty-fifth street it was particularly heavy. Iluildlntft ) were shaken from top to bottom. At police headquarters reports of the earthquake were received from all the stations above Houston street. It was also felt in Brooklyn and at other parts ut Lnnp Island. It b'cjjati with a low rum bling , followed almost Immediately with a jar like a heavy explosion under- ground. Then followed a prolonged rumhle. At Long Island City the shock was especially severe , In many itihtances shaking pictures from the walls and creating havoc among china and brle-a- brac. At several points persons lied in terror from their notihes to the streets in their night robes , siijijiosliig that the houses were settling or falling. Most of these persons say that a dull boom and a strongly marked Minultanootw trem bling of the earth wore perceptible. The seismic disturbance lasted bovoral seconds ends and then passed away iu a southerly direction. _ _ Tearful Fulliit Nl.iiirii | Pnlli. NIAGARA FAU.S , N. Y. , Mareh 0. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hii : ; . | A ter rible accident happened in the wheel pit of tbo Niagara Falls Paper company last night. Joseph Malcolm , a Scotchman aged 21 , lost his balance and fell from the top of the pit to the bottom , 150 feet. The body was found a shapeless mass of pulpy ilo-sh and broken hones. IllgToxnn Land Claim Settled. EI.OIN , 111. , March ! ) . A lawsuit in volving 55,000 acres of land on the Brazes river , Texas , of which Colonel John S. Wileox and certain relatives claim 1,200 acres , has just been decided in their favor and against D. U. Williams in the United States supreme court. The land is now worth about 813 per aoro. "Oldent Maxim" lelit. : POHTIAND , O-o. , March i ) . William Gardner , said to bo the oldest Mason in the United States , died hero yesterday aged 07. Ho came hero from Kansas City , Mo. , only a few months ago. IT FASTENS ITS HOLD ujion you before yon know It. It is sure to l > o in the nir wo breathe , the water wo drink. The germ of consumption is every where present. Tlio germ begins to grow as soon ns it reaches a imiA : spot in the lK > dr. Catarrh , Dronchitis , and a hcrofuloti1) condi tion , furnish thcso weak spots. The way to flglit these germs Of/in / rurlii render tb liver active nnd purify the blood with Dr. Picrco's Golden Medical Discovery. 13cbldos , It builds up healthy flctli. It's guaranteed In all bronchial , throat nnd lung affections ; every form of scrofula , oven Consumption in Us earlier stages. If tbo "Discovery" fails to benefit or euro , you have your money back. Fortify yourself ngnlust di case by making the body germ-iroof , then you will sav yourself from grip , malaria , and many ot the passing discuses. Too well known to need lengthy advertise ments Dr. Sago's Catarrh Ilemedy. JSOUTIX OMA JETA. Union Stock Yards Company , South Ornaria. JJcot Coltlo Ho nnd Micp nmrket In the wolt. COMMISSION HOUSES. Wood Brotte Llvo Stock Commission Morcliunta. South Omafia Telephone 1157. Chlcazo JO11.V 1) . DADH.MA.N , I . , _ . . . „ „ - „ . WAhTKIl ft. WOOD'fMnnagorj Market Iloporti by m.lllu.U wlrJ oliojrful nlsliod upon application IT OMAHA BACISANOTvVlirS. I 0,11111 Blj M. 0. Daxou , COMPANV. Importers and m n.fn Illc/cloi soM on monllilr lluur > aclci , burlnpi. ITTlno. purmiiti I'J ) N iJth. BOOTS 'NO SiO-v Morse-Cos Slio3 Company , IlownMIron. . FnclorjrrijrnorHt.il mil Donjlni-UrjV.i VVonre miking oloso prlo' * to cull l > iiror . nn1 nro tolllcz ncl-ix of KOOiti wlilc1 ! I , vorjr nlJil lj with morcluuit ? . Klrkendall , Jones & \mt. \ Hand-Sewed COMPANY. Wliulutilo HltOHCO. . tooti.iliotl mfrs. iu < int lloucm an < I rubbjrKOOdi , IU1- Hubbcr rihoa Co HJi- UIO llaniay dU llUt-UOlHuniuy SI COAl , C0 ( : . connm. Omana Coal , Coke & Ea.leCornic3 ? Works MMK CO. , li'inl an'l ' nofl Mfr * . Kilr.inlol Iron tool , S li cur. inn niitl curnlcj , nlmliw cip , buuulua at * . niutallo | elcvhtfUtt , OKI. DRYOOQDS. M. E. Smith & Co , , Kilpitrlc'i-Kooi D/ ( iOOIS CO , Dry itooil ) , notloni , fur- Notloni. Kuiti' ; furnlib- nlflilnK Koo.n , inriur Inz ju ti.cjr. IKIi ual lllliaail I Harnjall. . FURNITURE. Omaha Upholstering | B33b)3 ) & Ruiyai CO. , upliolitnroil furni co , at tea ture , IIJ11101 NIclioUi BU Wiiultutl * onl/ . and mil BH.