> AY , MAUOII 10. my } . THE DAILY BEE ) couNCiMH.UFFa ( iFFICKt NO. 13 1'KAUL STKKKT. tiy cnirlcr lo nny part of the city II. W. TII.TON , - MANAOIIIL VIM , rniinvi-cj I IliiMm'M Ofllce N > 43 THK1'I0 ! > K8 ( Night Kdltor > o. 23 JIJ.\OJt MKXTIUX. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Council Bluffs I.umner Co. Coal A marriage license was Issued vcstcrdny to Otway F. Applcgatc und Alice M. Hounds , both of Oakland. George W. Fitzgerald nnd Mary IJrohaskl , Irath of Omaha , were married by Justice Fox yesterday afternoon. Unity guild will meet in special session this afternoon at UM : : ) o'clock with Mrs. Harris , corner First nnd IMcreo streets. James I ) . Kelly , n deserter from Fort Omaha , was run In yesterday by Marshal Templeton and Is being held , waiting for the United States officials to come and get him. George Apple , n switchman on the Union Pacific , got his hand between the bunmcrs of two freight cars in the transfer yards last evening nnd lost a thumb. Ho was taken to the company's hospital In Omaha. hpcclal communication of Bluff Cltv lodge No 71 , Ancient Free nnd Accepted Masons , this evening for work in the third degree. All master Masons In good standing are cordially Invited. By order of the worship ful master. ' The continual Inroads that the Missouri river has been making on the ilnnd along Its borders in l ewls township have resulted In heavy losses to Kphralm Jenkins. Ho has lost about half of his UiO-acre farm , nnd has been compelled to move/Ills residence away from the river. "Dutch" Bnyington who was serving a twenty-five-day term on thu street gang for drunkenness nnd disturbing the peace , was sent out for n pail of water Wednesday after noon and nothing bus been seen of him since. The theory of the men at the city building Is that Boylngton hns had so little experience in telling water rom other things .that he lias decided to stay away until ho has posted up a little. Articles of Incorporation liavo been filed with the county recorder by the Mcschendorf Meat company , the capital stock of which Is $10H)0. ( ) The Incorporators nro George H. Mcschendorf of this city , A. P. 1'okorny of Omnha nnd Charles Ostcrman of Fremont. The establishment which Mr. Mcschendorf hns been running will bo en largcd nnd will be in charge of Mr. 1'okorny , whllo Mr. Meschendorf will devote his at tentions almost exclusively to the Omahn trade. Lizzlo Smith filed a petition in the district Court yesterday asking for an injunction to restrain Sheriff Hnzcn from selling n lot belonging to her in Mynster's addition , judgment was rendered against her for in favor of .1. M. T. Schneiter , but she claims she was not served with notice of the Biiit , nnd had n good defense. The Judg ment was rendered on default and the sheriff would have proceeded with the sale had it not been for the Injunction. The injunction machinery of the district court was set in motion yesterday , all on ac count of n $1.25 Judffincnt rendered in a little Justice court out at Ncola a little while ago in favor of P. D. McGooy and ngainst George NKcminulon. . Itcmington claims that ho was willing to pay ? J. but McGooy stucl for $0. The Judgment was finally rendered against him for $ l.2Ti ! , and ho wants an Injunction to prevent Justice S. H. Hanlt nnd McGooy from levying on his property fo : the amount. II. C. Burbank , an amateur "detective , ' was run In by the police Wednesday night 1 on the charge of drunkenness and disturbing the pence. Ho wanted to whip every man In the police department nnd marshal's force , but stopped before he had begun nn active campaign. In police court yesterday morn ing ho was given thirty minutes to leave town , with the alternative of staying In the county Jail thirty days if ho chose not to take advantage of the opportunity afforded him of getting n\vay. He ehoso the thirty minutes. Charles Konigmuehor is arranging to build on his ton acres , purchased of Messrs. Day & Hess , in the Klein tract Over 1500 acres 2 } miles east of the post- oflleo yet for sale in tracts to suit. For warming guest chambers , bath rooms , etc. , our gas heaters are just what you want. Look at them. Clean , convenient , cheap. C. B. Gas an.d Elec tric Light Co. ' I'EltSOtf.ll * 1M/M GJt.lI'HS. C. A. Case , formerly of this city , now of Rock Springs , In. , is in the city. Miss Kittle Uuchell of Lj ons. Nob. , is In the city , the guest of Mrs. F. T , True. C. H. Judson of Chicago Is renewing ac quaintance with his Council Blurts friends. Kov. Mr. Barrett of Iowa City Is In the city , the guest of Dr. and Mrs.V. L. Troy nor. J , D liMmundson has returned from Wash ington , whcro ho went to witness the In auguration ceremonies. Free' treatments daily from 2 to 4 p. m. nt the Council Blutl's Medical and Surgical institute , 2ith ( and Broadway. Emma Kennnrd. stenographer , notary depositions , commercial work , letter writing , 10(1 ( Main. Dumncnit * Momlimto School Dlrontorn. The democrats of the city mot nt the court house Wednesday evening for the purpose of putting in nomination two candidates for the ofllce of school director. A committee con sisting of W. H. Ware , J. C. DoIIuvcn and Frank Trimble drew up n sot of resolutions denouncing the levying of taxes fur In excess of current needs nnd the letting of contracts to the highest bidder nnd demanding that hereafter no member of the bonrd partici pate directly or indirectly in the profits arising from any contract. After these resolutions had been adopted the nomina tions commenced. W. II. Ware nominated Lucius Wells and John Schocntgcn , but they both declined. Wells then nominated William Moore and W. II. Thomas , and Em met Tlnloy nominated L. A. Dovlno and J. 1) . Stuart. The former wore declared the , nominees of the convention by a vote as fol 1- lows : Moore , 31 ; Thomas , 13 ! ; Devluc , U ; Stuart , IS. Just before the convention ad journed Colonel A. T. Whlttlcsoy presented a resolution thanking Mr. Wells for the capable way in which ho had performed the duties of his office during the term just ex plrlng , nnd thu resolution was adopted , ' Seed I'otntoog. Three hundred bushels of pure Ohio Feed potatooi nt Thomas KishUm , 2100 West Broadway , Council BlutTs , la. BourlchiB Musio House. Fine pianos and organs for cash * or payments. 114 Stutsman street , C. Bluffs , I'cll AnuuiK TliloveK. A stranger who came Into Council Bluffs from the wilds of Nebraska to see If there was an opening for a man who wanted to fresco the city with vermlllion is f'JO poorer this morning than ho was yesterday. Ho drifted into the Colorado house yesterday afternoon and made the acquaintance of a man who immediately began to assist him . in his work of creating a famine in thu liquor line. When ho went to pay for n drink ho found that $20 In change , which ho had just put into his overcoat rocket as the remains of a former liquidation , had disappeared | , nnd as ho turned to see what effect his dis covery would have on his now found friend ho caught n gllmpso of the latter's coat tall vanishing through the back doorway. ililo reported the case to the police , and ulthougl i his bruin was rather too much muddled to ndmit of his giving n complete description , there are some hopes that the missing man can bo traced up. The ( inind Hotel , Council Bluffs. Most elegant hotel in Iowa. Dining room on boventh tloor , Kates , $3 to J5 per day. E. F. Clark , Prop. . Another Improvement to the popular Schubert piano. Swansou Music Co FOU SALE-CWzens State hank stock Submit cash offer. E. H. Shcafo. Fresh mursh mallows at Driesbacli'a. NEWS | FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS lopuulloan Municipal Oonvontion Concluded with Evury Mark of Harmony. TWO LADIES RECEIVE THE NOMINATION 'lured on the Ticket Wltlmut Oppmltlmi from Any lllumcnt nf the I'uciillitr nUiippciiriiiico ot llookkocpor. The republicans mot .last' evening at the court honso and nominated candidates for the school board. F. S. Thomas was elected chairman and E. 11. Fonda secretary. A commlttco was npiwlntcd , consisting of C. O. Snunders , George W. Howltt and E. W. Hurt , to draw up n set of resolutions. After n shcrt absence the committee returned anil read the following resolutions , which were unanimously adopted : In republican city convention , Maroh U lHUi : , It It by tin.1 doleKalCM assembled : i Ucsolvi'd. Tlintvn believe In thu perpetuity of thu Amrrlcan public school sy.stcm when primci-ly conducted , nnd wu ivotitu Increase Its nnd extend If * bfnulit.N. llcsolvud , That economy shall lie exercised In the nsu of the'school fnmls , tluit the Inter ests of tinp'oplo who fimiMi thl ) tiioimy .shall nt all Unit's prou-elud In every outlay nnd that qualification and Illness shall Kiivurn In tliusi-li'Cllun ( if tuiu-hoi-s. And wo nrtMippniud to the ovcesslvo lovlcs of ta\T.s for tliu pur pose of nrrnmulatlim n lartfo MIIIII In thu hands of the school treasurer. Id'holvi'd. Tliiil mi Imvu n riant todoiimmlat meetings of the school hoard or this clly that urdiT and decorum which shall lie a proper ex- Miuplt ! to the youiii ; and rising Kt'ticralfon. Uesohcd. That the tone of our public MIOOH ! | shall liecoiilliiually raKi'd and never allowed to retrograde. Ui solved , That \vo favor the said of the pretpiit IliKh school building to the host ud- viMtwtiiit : th erection of a more snltiihlo ami model n slructnn ) In a convenient and nc- cc.stlhtu Incut Ion. IteMilved , That wo declare ourselveslnfavor of the principle of a nonpnrtlson school board. ! ! ( oh t'd. That wo will keep the American Ihil ? llylti'4 on our public schools und Ilirouuh them will ever dufend till ilint It stands for education , liberty , lollncmctit nnd n True con science. Tire I.mliiM Nominated. The work of making nominations was saon finished , and n ticket was made up that will- undoubtedly be the winning ono next Mon day. M. H. Chniuberllii suggested the names of Mrs. M. U. Aylesworth nnd Mrs. Anna Sims , and on motion of Sauiidcrs they were nominated by acclamation , unani mously. The convention then adjourned. The ticket met with favor from all the del egates , with but few exceptions , nnd those opposing were almost exclusively the at taches of the various banks , who nave been in the habit of setting up and knocking down candidates nt their own sweet will In order that they might have the use of $70,000 or more of the people's money. The election ol these two ladles will do away with the banks as a factor in the public school work and make the board , to a certain extent nt least , what it should bo. n nonpartisan - partisan , nonpurchasableaffair. It is hinted that the banks will do n great deal of work on the qulc't to defeat the election of these two ladles , and If they are defeated it will bo duo mainly to the efforts of thso largo corporatioiiH and their allies. TOK FIVK-CKNJC 1'AKK. AIiiss Meeting Culled to OrgunUo fur Its Ac-liluvc'inrnt. > ' The first systematic effort that has over been made toward scuring a fare of 5 cents on the motor line between Council Bluffs ind Omaha Is about to bo made now , as the result of all the agitation and p.ilitical cx- ast few weeks. A mass meeting will be icld in the south room of the court house Saturday evening. March 11 , at 8 o'clock , to alee suitable steps in this direction. A > aper Is being circulated among the business ncn , and about 100 signatures have so far > ecn secured , of men who believe that a 5- cent f.iro Is ono of the necessities , With but very few exceptions , all the men to whom the paper was shown put down their names upon the si > ot , nnd it is evident that the uililio spirited citizens are thoroughlya wuko on the subject. A committee pf 100 citizens will bo ap- lointcd to assist and co-operate with the city council and others In attaining the desired end , and with reference to all mattc.-s beno- Jting the city. Hon. Lucius Wells has been selected to preside and the rights and needs of the city , with reference to the motor line , will"be discussed by prominent speakers who liavo given the matter thought nnd investi gation. All citizens und taxpayers arc In vited to attend. Heretofore nil attempts that were made In the direction of n 5-cent faro Imvu ended In wind , but those who have the matter in hand state that something definite will bo done from now on. Efforts nro being made to enlist the sympathies of prominent citizens of Omahn In the cause , and there is little doubt that those who attend the , mooting will hear a good deal that will interest them. - - Itciimrl.-il > lo .Success. The 8-day white goods sale that opened tit the Uo.ston Store Saturday last hits been a wonderful success. There are still bargains in store for everybody , al though the sales wore largo , wo were fully prepared for it , every department being stooked to overflowing with all the newest , latest nnd nobbiest goods to bo found in the white goods lino. Speaking of "whito goods , " remember this sulo does not mean white wash dross goods or muslins only , but every thing that is white is included in thu sale , such as table linens , muslins , sheet ings , towels , table napkins , white llnn- nels , embroideries , laces , gent's white shirts and" night shirts , stamped goods 'I . white muslin underwear , lace curtains , etc. etc.This This t-alo will only last until Monday , March 1I. ! Don't fail to t-co the line of embroid eries offered at this bulo from . ' ) toJOo / a yard , the prettiest line over shown in Council Bluffs. Towels Wo show the best 25c towel in America at this sale , don't fall to get a few. Muslin Underwear See the line , the styles , the quality , compare the prices , by long odds the largest line , the lowest prices and best selection to bo found In the state. SHEETINGS. Sheetings , pillow ease muslins , yard- wide muslins , both in bleached and un bleached , all go during this gulo at man ufacturers' list price. All cotton goods have advanced considerable during the past two months , but wo were fortunate in laying in a largo stock previous to the advance , which wo are giving our cus tomers the full benellt of during this sale. Take timely warning and make your purchases now while the opportunity oilers itself. White bed ! spreads , all special bargains at 80 , ! )0 ) and $1.00. Sco bargains in gent's white shirts and night shirts for this mlo. LlNBNS. Never before were wo bettor prepared to show you such a beautiful line of table linens und table napkins test match or in handsome sets , the most complete line over brought to the city , direct from the well known manufac turer , William Liddoll & Co. , Donael- onoy , Lttrgan , Ireland. The abavo are all offered during this sale. Stamped goods a very largo line at our sale prices. Boston Store , Fothoringhnm , Whito- aw & Co , , leaders and promoters of low irices. : 401 to 405 Broadwav , Council Blurts. la. illtl N. B. Agents for the celebrated Standard paper patterns. Kill gloves dyed und cleaned en the shortest possible notice. limiting lor Nontaxpayem. Mitchell Vlncviit Is prosecuting n rlalm la the district court against the city for f 17,000. ) The trial was commenced yesterday mornIng - Ing , and most of the morning session was occupied with the search for tbo men who , in the estimation of the attorneys forotho plaintiff , worn fi'mllflcd tc net ns Jurors , The principal ro < | iilMto was thni the pro | > cetlvo lurymnn should not , bo n tnxp.iycr. If ho had a dollar' * worth of property ho was promptly i-hiillcin.'Cl ( "for cause , " nnd the sentvh went on until nt last it jury was no- cured , coiiMstltiK nf men who were not worth n cent nnd never expected to be. The mso has loen pending ever nlnco 18S , " > . nnd grows out of a change In the tnlmls of the democratic council which then nmnnpcd nl Hairs. ! It was at llrst decided that the out let of the nmln city sewer should bo nt Lnko Mi , nnd that the course of the sewer sh bo directly south from Fourteenth street. The contract for the work was nl- i lowed to Vincent , nnd the price was fixed nt SI'.UOO. Later on the council doi-lded to chnngo the plan nnd run the sewer In n southwesterly direction from the Intersec tion of Fourteenth street nnd Twenty-fourth avenue. Vincent's contrjct was declared off , nml ho commenced suit to collect the price agreed upon. The interest amounts to nearly half of the original claim , nnd the costs , before the litigation cuds , will un doubtedly run well up Into the hundreds of dollars , without tailing Into account the fees which will liavo to bo paid by the city to the assisting attorney , Flnley Hurkc. ' Yesterday afternoon tbo attorneys for the city Hied an answer nnd counter claim In which they stated the casofrom their stand- iroint. They claim that the bid upon which the contract was let provided for the work to bo done In sections of DOO feet each , nnd In no other way. Vincent had prolonged the last section Indefinitely , and would have run It clear to the river if ho had not been stooped by the council. The city's attorneys claim that Vincent was not damaged by the change , as ho would h\ve : lost money If ho had been allowed to complete the contract as ilrst contemplated. They also allege that when the change was made Vincent was given the contract for making the sewer according to the now plan , and was paid In full for his work. The counter claim calls for a Judgment of $10,000 against the con tractor , alleging that the work ho did was done in a careless and unworkmanlike manner. St. I'litrlck'n Iliiy ( 'clrliriltliill. At St. Francis Xavicr's church a lec ture on Ireland will bo given by Kov. Patrick Smyth , and n concert by St. Francis Xuvior's choir , in which Mr. Jules Lumbiird of Omaha will take a leading part. Several choice poems from Moore's melodies together with some patriotic selections , bth : vocal and instrumental music , will make a delight | ful 1 evening. Mr. Sims , organist of St. Paul's church , will preside at the organ. Admission " , " ) cents. Why lot children die with diphtheria ? You can save them by Di . JclToris' rem edy , lias been used successfully for tl'i years. Price S.'l.OO. For stile by Coun cil Bluffs druggists , also at 2404 Cuming street , Omaha. The kulic-d of the Christian church will serve dinner anil supper at Masonic temple Saturday , and 2T > cjnls will pay for a splendid meal. Evorybady is in vited. The Third Ward Tic. The aldcrmanie contest in the Third ward Is very likely to go to the courts , and it may be two weeks or more before it will bo known positively whether Olcason or Hathaway was elected. The official canvass of the vote cast nt the Inst election was made yesterday afternoon by the city clerk nnd mayor , but it was a purely formal affair , and no ques tion came uii ns to the regularity of the count. In addition to the dissatisfaction on Nolan's part , it is now cl-ilmcd by Hatha- way's friends that there were two or three votes counted for Glcason which should not have been so counted , on account of some nllcgcd irregularity in the marking , and if this is so , Hathnway's loss on Nolan's ac count may bo inoro than made up by Glca- son's loss in other directions. The question as to the legality of the work done by the Judges must bo raised , if at all. by ono of the L-andidntcs. The council , which meets next Tuesday evening , may then order a recount , or tbo case may bo brought into court. In any event the questions may not bo settled for some little time. The canvass of the vote , while It did not change the aspect of things from an nlder- manio standpoint , resulted disastrously to the hopes of the park commissioners , who have agreed on having $5,000 each year for the next two years to spend in park improve ments. And it was all' on account of the eight voters in Cut Off , who evidently do not appreciate fully the advantages of hav ing parks. It was learned for the first time when tbo canvass was made that the returns from the election in the Second pre cinct of the Sixth ward , known as Cut-off , had not been correctly written on the out side of the envelope from which the pub lished figures were taken. Bp some book or crook the eight votes that were cast by the Cut-off islanders against the park appropriation had been recorded by the judges in favor of it. That ina'do the total vote , as already given , 7W for and 77 ! ) against , and tlio proposition was declared carried by a major ity of 13 votes. The m'stnko ' being reetilied , the vote stands 7ST against to 781 for and the proposition Is defeated by 8 votes , ii. A. Caspar , the new park commissioner , takes the discovery a little harder than any body else , It is said , for ho had already begun laying plans ns to how the money stiould bo spent. To bo elected to n non-salaried oQleo without any money In the treasury to spend and without anything , in fact , to do , Is a hard blow In deed , and Casper is regretting bitterly that the council , of which ho was a member , worked so hard to get cut off Into the United States. William Watson has purchased four and a half acres in the Klein tract , which ho is going to improve at once by building himself a homo and planting an.orchurd. . John W. Dorlund of Lincoln , Nob. , has just purchased through Day & Hess , agents , thirty acres of the Klein tract. Ho will tet it out in fruit this spring and build good buildings at onco. Coal and wood ; best und cheapest Missouri hard wood in the city : prompt delivery. H. A. Cox , No. 4 Afuin. If you have property to boll , list it with mo. I have customers for bargains. II. G. McGee , No. 10 Main street. / . MUslng llnolckceper. George C. Hawaii head , bookkeeper ir David Bradley ft Co. , Is missing nnd Is friends are very anxious for his safety. Iso asked for a week's lay off , which was granted by the linn , and ho loft for Now ISr leans. This ro was about a month ago ; nnd nothing has teen heard from him since. Ho gave the name of n hotel In Now Orleans where ho would stop , and directed all letters to bo sent in euro of that hotel. After ho had been gone a week or so ana had not been heanl from , bis mother , who lives ; at 721 First avenue , wrote to the proprietor of the hotel and uskcd foixiiiforniatlon con cerning him. A letter In roiily brought the information that ho had ito there and given them Instructions to : send bis mall to Cuba , but had not stopped any length of time. All attempts to trace him any farther have failed. The manager of the firm of David Bradley & Co. stated to a reporter last evening that so fai ns Is now known there is nothing wrong with his books , and ho has no Idea as to what is the reason for his sudden disappearance. Mrs. Rowan caused a telegram to bo sent yesterday Illf ternoon to the town of Cuba where no IsIS supjKiscd to have gone , in the hope of gaining some Information. She fears that ho has been taken ill or has met vith some other mishap. Do you Finokc ? Ha\o you tried T. D. King & Co.'s PurtusruuS1 It's a charmer. Just light one. Finest Aristo cabinet photos , $2 per dozen. AsMun's studio , 18 North Main street. Mine. Helen Merrill , hnirdrcssing and ( manicure. Room Hli : , Merriam block. Williamson ft Co. , 100 Main street , largest and best bicycle st-ck in city. Louis , millinery , will occupy 25 Main , opposite Bcno'tt after March I. Geo. S. Davis , prescription druggist. MITCHELL IN HIS- - ; OLD ROLE Backed by Jack MoAu | | $ ' nnd Others Ho Attempts to Bulljf'Fitzaimmons. ' HE AND HIS CROWD ARE' CALLED DOWN I'll * Otvm 'Sijulro AMifj-iliiii ndunil TOIIRIIO it A fight I'rrviiitrd A l.lttlu lnsldn llNlnry fit Huppmlng * llcforo tti'61 V\KM. \ Nr.\v OIII.CAN ! ! , La. , March U. There came nearly being an Improvised fight of the rough nnd tumble sort at the Crescent City Athletic club this afternoon. Fitzsimmons visited the club at 3 o'clock. Ho went to the reading room and beiran writing a letter. With htm were two friends of this city. While Fitz was seated at the writing desk Jim Hall. Mitchell , 'Squlro Aolngdon and McAullffc entered the apartment. Fitzsimmons wore n buttonholeboquct of more than ordinary slzo. It caught the eye of McAullffo , who said to 'Squiro Ablngdon : "Some of us arc wearing the ( lower gardens today ; that's nice , now ain't It ! " Hall partly laughed at the sally , but Fitz- slmmons did not siy : n word. Ono of the party made a slurring remark concerning Bay St. Louis , at which the ex-Australian laughed. His ilaugh was taken as a per- sonal affair by the "squire , who spoke his mind freely. Ablngdon's remarks nettled Fitzsimmons , who arose from his seat and declared his ability and willingness to do anything In the way of making things even for everybody concerned. Hi ) sild : that It cut no fignro with him if "Squlro" Ablngdon owned the whole of England and that his wealth did not give him the right to put In his oar. Mitchell 1'uts 111 IIU ( Mr. Mitchell now took a hand in the argument and assured Fitz with considerable passion that every man in the Hall party w.is n gen tleman. Bob agreed that their actions proved this to bo true. Mitchell and Hall stood side by side , but Hall did not enter the row. He did not c\en look toward Fitzsim mons. Just at this Juncture President Charles Noel entered the room and the men quit talking. Fitzsimmons after the dis pute said that he had only been deterred from acting rashly on account of being tlu guest of the club. ' 1 was ready for any kind of rumpus , " ho said , "and if the Winters had pressed mo much farther 1 would certainly have used my walking cano over their heads. I was not looking for a row , and if I was I would not have visited the club room in search of them. I certainly would not have soiled my hands on them if the row had been started , but would have knocked down some of them dead sure. I bear no malice toward Hall. On the con trary I am Indebted to him for giving me a chance to win the purse , and I am not one of those fellows who crow after winning a battle. I am willing to meet Hall , but he doesn't seem to want to know me , and there the matter stands.1' ' Mr. Noel gave Hall hts check for $2,500 drawn on the Bank of Cdmmerce at Chicago , Hall and his party -left the club rooms at 4 o'clock. Fitzsimmons' atter the row , made a statement that Warren Lewis , backer of Jim Hall , visited him'and made a proposition to him to whack up the purse evenly and let him and Hall battle for the honor of victory on ii level. Spurned Thiilr OITer. "I did not line the gait , " said Fitzsim mons. "I had played'hp ' ( sucker role once In my life and it has taken'mo ever since to set myself right before the p'ubllc. I determined that I would never again leave myself open to criticism and refused Lewis' offer. I thought , too , that I had too good a thing to arrange to give Hall , ) ; v half Interest In a purse I felt I could easily win. " Fitzsimmons admitted that ho would have no sure thing against Corbett. Juekson or Slavin ; nor would Mall. "Of course , by chauco cither Hall or himself might whip ono or the other of these great fighters. Ho did not believe Mitchell ought to bo classed ns u first rate man , nnd said that ho In no wise had a claim to being in the list of champions. Choynski is a good clever man , " ho said , "and I place him as a llttlo heavyweight. But at that I thlnlc Hall could whip him. " Jim Hall , "Squire Ablngdon , Warren Lewis , Charley Mitchell and the 'squire's secretary and valet , with Bat Mastcrson , will leave the city Friday morning for Den ver. The" 'squire desires to see n bit of the west and proposes to stay at Denver for a week or ten duys. The party will then po to Chicago for a few days and proceed to Now York , soon thereafter sailing for Eng- liunl. liunl.Fitzstmmons Fitzstmmons has announced that ho Is ready to meet any man at 150 or 158 pounds. Ho will depart for Chicago early the coming week , whcro ho promises to knock out Milto Bodcn In four rounds. Fitzsimmons says that his right will do the work. Fitzsimmons ad- mils that Hall Is n remarkably clever fighter nnd is one of the hardest men to got in on ho over had to deal with. In speaking of the fight with Hall Fitzsimmons said that In the last round ho purposely feinted three times with his loft for the wind , expecting to fool Hall. Ho did so and that was the only explanation ho could give of the light. Fitz regards Jack Dempscy as the greatest ' ring general in'tho history of the ring , but says that Hall surpasses him in science. CASH ruizK r.EAGUi : . Xutloiuil 'Cycling Association Organized nnd Ili-ndy lor liuslnrsH. NEW YOP.K , March 9. The National 'Cycling Association of America met nt the Fifth Avenue hotel today and adopted a con stitution and racing rules. Temporary or gniiization agreed on in Philadelphia some weeks ngo was made permanent. The cities represented were : Now York , Brooklyn , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Washington , Buf falo , Troy , St. Louis and Milwaukee. Tracks will bo laid on the National League base ball grounds if permission can bo secured. The Indications are that P. T. Powers will bo at the head of the association In this city. Mr. Byrne said the constitution and rules would bo so carefully drawn and strictly worded as to preclude the possibility of col lusion on the part of the riders. A minimum of § 10,000 in cash prizes for each meeting had been decided upon. Already the assoet- ntlon has received communications from cities in England and Australia expressing a desire to como hero and compote. The entire - tire afternoon was u > Yotcd to the perfection of a constitution anq'rai-ln : ; rules. The racing rules .adopted will conform essentially to these in vo-fiioinot her'cycling associations. The , following oillccrs were elected : C. H. Byrne , president ; F. A. Fagan , Philadelphia/ / secretary and treas urer. Governing boUrd , P. T. Powers , New York : F. C. llaetcr' ; Philadelphia ; C. Von derAhe , St. Loulsj'ki S. Elliott , Philadcl- ! phia. Schedule cojnniittco , P. T. Powers , C. Von dcr Aho mii , J , S. Franklin of Buf falo. Further detail ? for putting the now association upon a strong working basis will bo made at the inceiintf tomorrow. Iln o llull.Sq . Hloti L'liiHed. NEW YOUK , March-t ; > . The league finished its labors at yesterday's session , making known nothing of Its transactions beyond igu few changes In " the ( ' phraseology of certain rules , the fact"thnt 4l' nD'J' : lmd ° cen elected an honorary momocr and the schedule. The championship season opens on April 27 nnd closes on September ! ! 0. Double games will bo played May SO and July 4. The league is made up of the follow ing clubs : Boston , Brooklyn , Now York , Philadelphia , Chicago. Cleveland , Baltimore. Washington , Plttsburg , Cincinnati and Louisville. Monster * Mutrliril. BmiKJEPonT , Conn. , March 0. Joh > i Daley , known as the "Springfield Giant , " and Fred Berulll this afternoon signed articles lola fight to a finish within thirty days for $500 la sine. Daly stands 0 fcut 0 inches in his stocking loot , whllo Bcrulll mcasnres 0 foot Z } Inches. Both are clever sparrers of some reputation. < ) olu Jolim tlin ( ilunta. Knw YOUK March 0. John J. Doyle , the crack all-around player of the Giants last year , was signed by Manager Ward today. Negotiations uro In progress and In a fair way of settlement for Itoger Connors. t'tmrrrt nl Aimirlntliin Unit , The Llstoinnnn concert at the hall of the Young Men's Christian association last evening was far and away the lending event , from n musical stnmliwlnt , Omaha has had this season , with the single exception of the Nordlcn concert , nnd In Its scope it was qulto the equal of that Tory brilliant enter tainment. What n pity It Is that the concert could not have been held In n room better adapted for concert imrposes than Is the Young Men's Christian association hall , for the iJsteimuin club qulto deserves the very nest of surroundings. Its orogramoof Inst evening abounded In musical perns , many of them heard for the first time in Omahn , For a number of years the Llstc- maim club has occupied a high position in the musical envies of the east , for its Indi vidual members are always thorough artists of the most classical of school , and in en semble work they Invariably show the great art of the concert master. Mr Bernhard Llstctnann , who was and still is ono of the greatest violinists In America. Although Mr. Ltstemann shows the flight oi the years , ho nevertheless plays with the strength and ardor of fifteen years ago , when ho stood at the head of masters of the violin. Ills marvelous technique and the forceful use of his left hand arc still subjects for laudation ninong musicians. Last night he played a new concerto by Hubax that won for the artist demonstrations that amounted to a real ovation , to which ho responded with n Hungarian dance by Bazzinl. But the real treat of th concert was the appearance of Fritz Gicse , the 'cclloist , easily the greatest master of that instru ment living. Although this was Mr. CJicso's fourth appearance In Omaha since ho first came as a member of the Mendelssohn club , many in the audience wcro listening to this master for the first time. mU from this on they will have a inoro exalted respect for the instrument which Gloso knows how to play. Under his touch it seems endowed with lifo and breathes Its passion in the tones that are unrivaled in nil the stringed Instruments. His reception was most llattering to the artist , 'his first number , n concerto by Gottevman , requiring an encore , which ho recognized with an etude by Duport , and then to cap it all he played a cappricio by Jacquard , strengthened In composition by his own skill. Mr. F. Kucquoy plays the llute exquisitely , and In method very much suggests Mr. Bar rett , the English player , who was seen in Omaha with Albani several years ago. Miss Nannie Hands , n product of tno west nnd n most promising soprano , won the audi ence by the resonant quality of bur volco. She is n pupil of Mr. S. Ivronbcrg and u native of Kansas City , which may feel a certain pride in the fu ture , before this young woman. Her singing of the scena nnd aria from "No- bucodnosor" showed a rich voice , particu larly brilliant in the middle register , her low notes being Just , a bit rough. Some fault might bo found with her English methods , but so excellent was her work that these little fallings of youth can easily bo remedied. Of the playingof theclubonly thowarmest words of praise would fit the case. In tempo , attach , modulation nnd finish. It was perfect , and the critic only regrets that the beauties of the evening cannot bo told at length. "I.nrry the l.ord"at the Iloyil. "There are only a few of us here , but we're having lots of fun.1 That was the put Interpolation of Mr. H. E. Graham last evenIng - Ing on being recalled for the fifth time for n clever song ho sings in the last act of "Larry the Lord. " Lots of fun was cer tainly had. "Larry the Lord" is the taking title of a very weak farce ; that is , weak in itself as a farce , but it is the means of intro ducing some capital hinging anil superior dancing , the whole forming an entertain ment worth seeing. The first act is some what slow , but the second and third go with a bang. Mr. Graham himself is a very clever comedian , though it must bo said his part of Larry personating the lord , his mas ter , is not ono that seems to give fullest opiK > rtunity for display of his peculiar tal ents. Yet ho makes much of Itjind through out Is.very funny. The company is espe cially strong musically , and in Miss Edith Crasko has a dansciisc of unusual freshness , grace und art. The songs are all new ana most of them are much above the average of those heard in "musical comeuies , " an.l all In all "Larry the Lord"'should bo seen by those who can appreciate two hours of clean , honest merriment. J'lehl'n MlnstrcU nt the I'ilrniln. : The enpiiKcmcnt of Al G. Field's American minstrels opened with every seat occupied at the Farnam Street theater last night. The minstrelsy was considerably bettor than the average and afforded a pleasant oven- ing's entertainment. 'I he flrst part intro duced a symposium of the old plantation melodies that always llnd favor with an audience when well rendered , and they were followed by 11 program which contained u number of unique and interesting features. The specialties were all taking , and the humor lacked the chcstnutty flavor which mars many similar performances There was the usual amount of good singing nnd dancing , and altogether , the show is well worth seeing. Twice Appointed United .Stnte ; Soiiitor. ! CiiEVBNNi ! , Wyo. , March I ) . A. C. Beel- with , who was appointed senator from Wyoming two weeks ago by Governor Osborno , WHS today rcappolnted. The first appointment was made before the vacancy existed , and It was feared would not bo re garded as legal. It Will Kitln In.NebraHUiiTodiiyain Will ll i Ciilil. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 9. Forecast for Frtdny : For Nebraska Halns , followed by local rains Friuay night ; winds shifting to westerly and colder Friday night. For Iowa Fair and wanner ; southerly winds ; showers ; slightly colder Friday night or Saturday morning. For South Dakota Slight rain , colder ; northwesterly winds. Local Kccnrd. OrriCB OF THE WKATiinu BUIIEAU , OMAHA. March 'J. Omalia record of temperature and rainfall , compared with corresponding day of past four years : 1803. 1892. 18Q1. 1890. Maximum temperature. & : ! = > 'JOO 3to fl-lb Minimum temperature. . 3li = 1'jo 010 070 AveniKo temncratiiru. . 4-to 2' ± o 123 303 Precipitation 01 .OS .00 .00 Statement showing the condition of tem perature nnd precipitation at Omaha for the day and since March 1 , 1803 : Normal temperattiro 33 o Excess for the dny lie Iiullrlency since March 1 IC.o Normal pivolpltatioi , ol Inch Kxci'ss ( or thu dny 03 Inch since March 1 07Incl G. E. LAWTOX , Observer. rON'T BE CARELESS. Don't bo too careless to examine closely when you po to uuj u bottle of CAR L'EK' LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Many uu- prlnolpaloddeulors will linnd you ii bottle put up In u RED wrnppar , tind cloioly imltntinp C-A-R-T-K-R'-S" Don't full to oxnmino cnrofully , nni don't bo put oil with soinotblnt , ' "juat us Rood as CARTERS. " There is tiothiiiH : BO good us "CAR- TEKS. " The only biifoty is in jjottlui ; the gonulno CARTKR'S LITTLl LIVER PILLS. Ask for C-A-R-T-lvR'-S and bo euro you get thorn. A I'OSITIVK CUItK I'Olt SICK IICAO ACIIK. Small I'll ! Small Dune Suinll I'rluo UR. WIcGREW THE BpeCIALIOT. Is in8uri ! > n w l In tbo & ' ? < t tmfmVntofnil PP'VATE ' DISEASES an > - K nnd Diiordtu of . . . - < Write for and qucotion list free. 14th and Farnam Bt . , . Omaha , Not ) . Jttst rooclvcil a fine Htiu of ENGLIBI-I GOODS. PETER THE TAILOR Have removed from my old aland MU ! now occupy the mitlro Moor. Over 510 Uroadwuy , Council HtutVs. SIOD-High Grade Pneuma tic. $125-33 Ib , Roatl Racers. 12 years cxporlcntv ; , largest line of wheels in the west , too wholesnlo or retail. Honnlring done. Wo cau ' 'hntigo your old solid tire lo n pneu matic. Send for catalogue. 3 ACO&B , Council Bluffs , la. solo Agents for Victor Blcyclca Are these ignorant pretenders who , without any qualifications , any ability , any experience , any skill , claim to josscss the power to euro all the ills of ho human rnco. But their want of worth soon becomes apparent to their would-bo dupes , and these conscience- essquacks ara soon consigned to the iblivion they so richly morit. In stnxujo nui strjnj contrastwit'i hcso miserable boasters is the quiet , ligniiiod yet courteous demeanor of hose noted leaders of their profession , Who , during the past 27 years , have abundantly demonstrated their ability o effect speedy , perfect and permanent cures in all the wornt forms of these dol- cato sexual maladies embraced within , lie general terms of NERVOUS , GHHGNiC AND PRIVATE DISEASES , Send 4 cents for thotr illustrated now book of 120 pages , "Know Thyself. " Consultation froe. Call upon or ad dress , with stamp , Srs , Salts & Beits , 119 S , I4til Stmt , Cor. Douglas St' , OMAHA , - NEB. [ ere's the Idea Of the Non-pull-out Bow The great watch saver. Saves the watcli from thieves and falls cannot be pulled off the case costs nothing extra. The bow hac a eroavc on each end , A collar runs down Inside the pendant ( stem ) and fits Into the grooves , firmly locking the bow to the pendent , BO that it cannot be pulled or twisted on. Can only be had with cases stamped with this trade mark. Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases "arc now fitted with this great bow ( ring ) . They look and wear like solid gold cases. Cost only about half as much , and arc guaranteed for twenty years. Sold only through watch dealers Remember flic name gfl Keystone Watch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEM DY2 V/3'.tt / All kinds ot Dycln : nnd Cloaniru iluno In sha hluhost styln of tlio nrt l-'u-lo I mil talnod fabrics ma'lo to lool : us i"oi ) I asno.v. Worn proiiitly | donu mil ( lollvoro I In all purls of the country , Send for prluj lUt , C. A. MAGHAN , Proprlotar , Ilrcudwnv. nour Northwestern > o oi , Co neil H/iirrN. / rn fMatlopal u. s. uizi'usi-roitv , OAI.I//.I , aKU , Lnpital $100,000 Surplus $05,01)0 Cnicert and Dlrjclori--Hanrj W , Vatot , nrnl 111 It. C , Cuihlnx , Ttoa prdtlO'ili U. H. Uurlo ) , .V. V Stone.John .S. Colllni J. N. IL 1'Jtrloi ; bull i KuvU , caiulor. caiulor.THE THE IRON BANK. w. 1'rao- In the tutu nml f edcr nl conru. Koonii ihcigurt bloc. , Council iilull'i. In. OVIDE V1EN , Justice of the I'uueu - 413 Hroadway , UpUtilr * COLLF.OTIONS A Sl'EOIAI/rV. "Absolutely ( JIB Best Mak" "A Delicious Medicated Con- - . fection" for the relief of Coughs. Ir Colds , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , nnd for clearing the voice1. lfor sale by r.ll Druggists nnd Con feet ion era. Packed in full two ounce packages , TricoS Cents. If you arc unable to procure the Pomona Cough Tablets from your dealer renil tin 8 cents in stamps nml receive a box by mail. Mnde by the manufacturers of the celebrated Pomona Fruit Juice Tablets. DUQUETTE & CO , , Council Bluffe , In. ImprovaJ SihElavahn ! / , KIMBALL BROS. MAIIA OFFICE 1014 DOUCHjAS STREET Cor. Oth St , and 11 Avo. Council Illiifffj. lERE'S THE WAY [ t Is used to euro vnu n nrlco- ess. pure. pluuSuiiUltltlvATII- JNO treatment. Thi > wnndnr * fill , swift. .SUHK CUIIU for 'oushs , Uiitarrh. llroituhllls. \sllnnH , Consumption , IIeul- ; talie ( sick or norvocis ) . Ner vous 1'rosiration. Ilrlglit , rich ilooill Nowcncrtryl Elastic- step ! In fuct , u now person. uoMn "Oxvcen Hook" unit 4 trials ( ICNUIIATOrt. KKl-lEl Oiiil or wrlto SPECIFIC OXYGEN CO. , Suite 511) colBU , Omalia GO TO A . Specialist If you nro stifforlns E If yon nro snlTerlni with cold In the head , catarrh , oarncho. flnnfnnss or dlsuhurKes from thu ours ; If yon are tiilTorlni : with diseases ot tlie throat. DR. M. H. CHAMBERLIN ' iicompolotitund rollaPluspecialist In catarrh und illsoKKOH of thn eye , our and throat , onica over HminV Uo.'s store. Council ItlulTs , Iowa Special COUNCIL BLUFFS , All.STltAOTSnnd IOf > n . Farm unit oltr pruporlr bouiibt und nolil. t'uioy & Tliom.u , Counoll llhlltB 1)3 ACKK'2',4 ' miles from pouolll : ! ? ; lurio hem " Lnrn itiul other litiprovoinoiiUi iipplcs , itruiid * niiilmunU fruits ; for tftlo clicnp. UrcoimuloldJ , Mrluilruu & Co. OKVKUAI. (0-ncro tnu-U nenr cltr limits ; Una O fruit liMnl ; nlll irili worth ilio nioner. Groun * i-lilcliln. Mcliolson AL'u. QOVUUMI 110USKH. itandanl brort on slro side ; t ) al.to ? 0 ( rood residence lota In MicnnnUoiili , la. . toGxctmiico for frum oiiO'Imlf to n aocttOU and a Iinlf of lund within I''i inlloi of Omnlia. Will par itltTrrunce In cneli. Must bo irond Mud. Grocn- . Ntcliolion'o. ( . . Council lllufTn. 1.MH SAI.K Full ot of tinners' tuoU , KO' 1 condi tion : n bargain. Inquire of ICmpklU'SUuxart llimlnaie ( 'o. . Council Ululla 64UACUKS In DntTnon cnu.itr , Nou. , nt tAW. OH In frontier. f-S..0. Improved DTJ ncroa In lluf- fnlo coiiMtr. f 17 50. ( iuu'f ' 1'Kl ' thru * ? ratl'ji from IU ! > omliiton | , Krnuklln county , fl. I.UJ ) otUar tnrms for i lo. Johnmon fi Vnu I'ntton , BAUOAINS-Kor nlo. 73 by ! J ft. on franklin HTO..S1.600. 22Mi ucros botwoan Klnt at. and Krnnlclln ara. 1'est plaitlnn property In the c.ty , IW.OUJ. Two lots uppoatto I'hlnUt. ncliuol , tl,5JJ. ( mo lot In \ > llson Tcrrnco. MiO. Three lots cor. Main tt. nml > 2tli nro. Host sit * foi Implement house In th'j cltr. 11MJ. l.ouiteo.t ToHle. V 1'enrl it. DO VOU wnnt to rent jrour house ? \\'o hare teimnU nlto are uulllnu ( or It. Ureentulold , NlchoUon A Co. GAIUIAIir. rumoroil. cjstpaoli , raulti , clilumors clcunud. Wall proparo.l far tua wjrlt. Kcl liiirku. city building , 1IO-\CIUC well Irnprov9il f.irni In lown at g > . Jncre liuprored { . ( Jnrdsn und fruit farm near Council KluiTa , IM. Splu.i.ll.l ( ij-ncro fnrm nuar ( ileuwnod , 5.VJ. Kanns. unrdon nnd fruit land * for Bale. Johnntun It Vun I'.itton. CTK.NOCUAI'HIilt wanted ; must bo oxporlonoo.1 Duml clre reference. Address I' . J. I ) . , WJ yizttt are. , Council Illulln. " | 7 > ) K UKNT l.arKO 10 room homo with nil modern -I. luiprorcmonts. on 1'nrk nvunui * , t ! i per month. 8-room home wltli food barn , nevt , Us pur month , Lincoln UTenuo. four cottanc ho > j ei In Twin Cltr 1'lace , near Kcji llron. ' factory , f < ! per month cncu , 6-room cottnio > on Third uvenuc , north of Irani- fi T. Ill per month. 6- room cottuueon Avcnuu C , nonr SOtli ilrect. tS per month. Apply to K. It. ( Moll , No. 7 , llaldwln block , Counoll nlurfi , IllAVK n Jaruo Hit of property. Improved and unimproved , for s.ileln all part , ot Ibu city. moil of It ut low prlcui ; romooflt very cheap , if you think of buying , coinu nnd orhut 1 can orturruu , It may aaro you money. 11. ( J. McUeo , tio. lu &Uln < tre t. _ _ GOOD Council nlufTs lot and some luiproreroenti. ulmi two lots and modern retlilor.ee In .Nemali * ( Ity. Neb. , all clear , worth t J.KU.I , to exchange for clear reildenco In Council llluIN ot c < | ual value. Addren M. II , M. . WnrncTTlllo. Neb. I Olt BALI ! , onico lurnlture , 1017 Ed uvcnuo. I7O11 UKNT. furnlibcil room for mau and wlf . iAddreii It t , licoofllco. Infill 11KNT , Kurnlihuu roums , with board , Mr * . i1V. . W. IllUer. 1017 K > ayonuo. LT. JUDSON. clill engineer , llluo print * ui .Council UluH * and all additions ; alto i > aituraf ) for MO head ot itook. V.'U ( Itti avenue.