PITH OMAHA DAILY HEE : .MONDAY. MAItTir ( i. lfi)3. ! ) SPEBIflL NOTICES , ADVIMITIHBMKNTH KOll TUKHK COLUMNS will Imtnken ontll IJ-Mp rn for the nvpiilntt nnd until I ; J p , in , for the morning or Sunday edi tions , No advertisement tnkcn for le * than 2i touts for Ilia first Insertion , All advertisements In theip column * IM rent * word for tlin first Insertion nml I rent mini for rarhmibicqiionl Insertion. nr II.W pnr linn per month Terms , cash In advaaco. Initial * . Ognreii , pymbolii , rlo each count a word. Advertise ments mnit run consecutively. Advertisers , by re questing H numbered check , run Imru tlm letters nddrcssed to n numbered letter In careof Tllit Urn. .Answers to Bdrtrrs'crt will bo delivered on the pro * tenliition of Ilio check. _ ' WANTED , , J\H. Mrs. Oaklry , WON. 21th. Children's clothing. ° A - WANTIII ) , A POSITION AS hTKNOGHAPIIKIl by experienced male operator. Address X HI llco 721 A-WANTKI ) , POSITION AS OFKK.'K ASSISTANT and stenographer. Address X 63 lice. 721 WANTED , HTFUATION , IIV K.XPKIUKNCKI ) young lady stenographer nnd typewriter ! can npcrato Smith Premier or llomlniiton. Address , II Ti , lloo. OW IAN WHO HAS WOIIKKD IN PLANING mill and who li capable of running wood work * Ing machinery and taking the place of foreman In small planing mill In the best town III foutheru Nebraska. Address IIIX ) , Omnhn lioe. M802 10 A -WANTKI ) , WASHING IIV TIIK IJAV. dress II M , live. " MUM WANTED MALE HELP. fJ-SALAUV oVrcOMJifsSION TO AHKNT TO .Dlinndln the Potent Chemical Ink Rrnicr I'uncll. Thu mast uioful and niivi > l Invention of the aee. Kracvs Ink thoroughly In two second * . Works HKo rnniilc. L1KtoMKpcr ) cent profit. AuoiiH mnklnx f.V ) per wrnk. Wu also want u ucnorul nunnt to take rtmrKOOf territory nnd appoint sub agent * . A rare rhanco to tnako money. Wrlto for terms und a speci men of erasing , Monroe Kraslng MfK. Co. , V3M , Ln Crosse , WU. 72J T ) WATKI > . IILACKSM1TII TO DO PLAIN WO1IK Dnnd general blacksmlthlni * . Address K. W. licck , Douglas , Neb. 81(5 ( ( ! \ \ A MAN"TO WOIIK ON f\\\\\ \ \ , 20 MILKH J'from omahai nnirrlnd man preferred. Call iifterG p. m. M , V , Martin , 701 North lull street. MS'll T-W"ANTKI > AN ACTIVK MAN AS CITVHALKS ; JJ man and manager for u IHIIISO sclllntl tbo fro eery trade , to call on the tradoof Omaha , Council JIlulTs and South Omaha. Fair salary to fin accept * able man. Party preferred who can become Inter ested t..UUUnr i.l.ouo In the house and enter Into permanent arrangements. Wo want n man of bus iness ability and who Is a rustler. Addru > for llvo ilnys , 11(11. ( Ute onice. M87I 7 -WANTI.I ) . A GOOD HAltNl'.SS MAKKIl AT oneo. A. n. Kcmpcr. North Ilonil , Neb , 878 U -WANTKD-FIIIST CLASS HALKSMKN TO sell exclusively , on commission , a first clans line of toilet writers , porfumoi and soap * Good territory and liberal contract open for right man. ylddrcsi , with references , Palmer Mfg. Co. , Kansas City , Mo. M928 II' B-WArKD , A 11HLIAI1LB STATK O1IQAN- Iror nml mnnavor fern strictly Icultlmntobene ficiary order , tun year nn lowment Insurance. An excellent ch.inaa for the rUMit party. Address , Mating nuo nnd rcferonco , 1' . O. box No. 3M , uirh- inond. Vn. J1UI5 ; -WANTHD , A WATCHMAN FOIl NIOIIT work , n man who can furnish tha Tory best of references , No other need apply. Addresi II M , lleo. MWti 7 T-MAN AUOUT 23 : yt'ICIC TO LKAIl.V. CAN I 'find permanent employment and salary weekly. ] JIH Douglas street. Mi"i.lAt WANTED FEMALE HELP. C-WANTKD. OIIIL FOIl ( JKNKUAL HOIISK- work , small fnmlly , 13J7 North 19th St. 7DJ /-IJIIIL ( WANTKD , 2 IN FAMIL1 , GOOD V./rtnnoi. Mrs. U. Klsuttar , 1113 S. 10th. 8.YJ C-WANTKD , GIIIL IN SMALL FAMILY. 3113 VVoolworth Avo. Wl " 1-WANTHI ) . < } IIIL FOIl GKNKltAL IIOU-SK- work. nt 1810 California. MEM < ) - lIIIUS WANTHD AT MUUI'IIV G , , WASKV Jfc Co. 'ttchulr factory , Bpauldlnz and 3'ncl stroot. .MP.1I 7' _ _ C-WANTKD. (1IHL FOIl RRNK11AL IIOU8IC- work. Rood homo , coud waxai ! small family. Apply IIOJ Fnrnnm street. M'JU , p-WANTRD , I.ADIIvS AND ( IIIIL . WK WILL vy pay yon ( I to (10 per week to work for us at your own homos ; nopalutlnK or canvassing ; send Itnlf BddrcsfiMl onvolopu. Cooriii ! F. Kmmons & Co. corner llattcrymnrch and Water streets , lion- ton , Mass. MUTT 8' C-WANTKI ) , G1IIL KOII UBN13UAL HOUSK- work. IWJ Kurnntu. 8IO-t > FOB BENT HOUSES. D -FOll HUNT. I1OUMKS IN ALL I'AKTS Of city. The O. F. Davis company , Fnrnnm st. K3 D-FOK IlKNT , S-IIOOM MODIUN COTTAOH with Larn , nlco lawn , bath , cistern ; all conron- Icncos , 125.liH. Apply on promlnos. 8J2 8. 3Sth BTO , LouTi-nwortli cars ono clock south. ( BJ r V KLATH , DWKLLI.- , COTl'AUKb. IN ALL J.'imrti of the city. Kilkenny & Co. , Hoom 1 , Con tinental block 721 I-J-KOII IIKNT , TWO 5-uoon COTTAGKS ON .L'ciotor. Call at aouthwcst cor. Uth and Uouglai. 7'8 TVFOIl IlKNT , NKW 11-IIOOM IIOUSK , 2513 ; J 'also 10-rooin hovnn , 2G2I Capitol aroniio. All inodarn. Call 2J2U Capitol avenue 11. II. lloblson. 431 D-G-KOOM COTTAGK3 , STANKOllK ClUCLB , now , modern. C. S. Klgutlor. 504 lloe bldjr 311 -LAUGK LIST HOUSES. PAUL , 1Kb KAHNAM. MOT M 1U VvCOri'AGU , i'31) AND CL.VUIC. INQUlltK 1S33 -LMackson. t MillH AMKHICAN IIOUSK , V20 DOdGLAS ST. , 8.X ) l < or month. J. M. llrunnor , < I2 lleo bulldiug. i Mini Mar * D KOII IlKNT , CKNTHALLV LOOATKI ) IIOUSK , modern Improvements , 70S .V. 19th &L Wtil T\-SIX.IIOOM COTTAGK AT NO. 1118 9.VVH faT. , JL'f.UUO. Klvo-room cottage. No. 913 S. 33th st. , at Jlau ) . OI. ( Jrctn , Ilarkur block. 702 T-V-I 1IAVK KOII IlKNT TIIK FOLLOWING l-Mlrst cluBshouses near llanscom park : No. S2U3 Popplutoniivunuo , brick bouse , 8 rooms , with bath , fnruaco eta. , south anil east front , corner I'opnloton uvuuuoandS'jd street , fti.Oj. Ko. 3103 1'oppletun avenue , new frame house , 8 rooms , modern built , furnace , bath , etc. , south front , JM.OO. No. 3003 Pui'lllerilruet. Ono of tha finest finished nnd eor'pst houses In Omaha ; 8 rooms , all moilorn conveyances , ( M IK ) per month. Kcyacnn bo obtained at my oUIco nt any tlmo. George N. Hicks. HOoN. V. Llfo bulldlug MB.'O a fVKOll KK.Vr , SJIALL COTTAGU , L'OUNKU J-'Otb anil Vluton , ( O.OU. lllcka,305 N. V. Life. - T II T\-FOIl IlKNT , COTTAGICS. (1 ( U. , ALL MOIIKIIN , SJfll.Ul ; 1 r. u. front , modern , l.'iuJ. Hdellty U'rust Co. , I TO. Karnam. 812 D3 HOOM COTTAGK , 1710 WE1ISTK11 STUI.KT. MSiil Tv-OLOlilTlIOTKL , PUTIN KIHST-CI.KSS CONJ - Jdltlon. . U Woodworth , or V.'ulshans' Agency , AVliUnell block. Mail ll T\-TUKKK ItOOMS , ( ill ! aoUTH I7TI1 8TIIKET. X/IIO. K. C , . Garvln.VCo. , Hboely block. UM fl V-SMALL noiISB , KUIINI.-SHBI ) , NKTII. / rrton Hull , aw youth Uth street. .M933 3)flH' | ' OM FLAT. MODKHN 1MPHOVKMKNT , 1112 H. llth street. C.U 3 * TOB BENT FUBNISHED BOOMS. E-IIOOMS. 1IOA11D IF DKS1UUD. I'Jil Dodge _ M I3li JIH' B Ft'IlNlSHKD HOOMS FOH QKNTLKMKN only , itai Faruam slroi'U 8M 8 * E iTKAM 1IKATKI ) HOOMK FUHN1SHKD FOH honsnkvcpInK , 1711. Nicholas. M3J ) 7 * - < 1NOLK HOOM VOll ONE , OJ MONTH SI . -1 , 17th st. SSO C * ETHB WOIILD'S FAIH V1SITOI13 CI.UIl Of" Chicago oners accommodations at the ex tremely low rate of SI per day. Write for prospec tus B. W. 1 artrldev , 4ih Inter Ocean building. Chi- cano. III. p MIIKLV KUIIMSIIKI ) IIOOH UUITAIILK J-.for oncor tno ganllemen. .fCIT IlArney street t , _ J197I 0' IpNK.W1.V nniXISIIKI ) , ALSO U.NFUIINISIIKF ) Jroouu , WJ 8.13th truct. Apply room 3. 3d Moor. M'.HI II- E-l'AULOaANDAiTcoVl. . SIO N. 1'JTIl ST.CM CM 3 rURN .3HED7ROlDuM ; XND ] BOARBr NICKLV Fl'IIXISIIKD FHONT IIOOM3 L1 with board. Call at 2107 Douglas. M33 g LAN.sra AM jin _ _ _ l-KjlUHKNT. PLKASA.NT ' FUHNISUKI ) HOtM3 X' with board. 4 N. Uth. j | 5a ij'VrmXfl WOJUSN'S HOMK. UNI1KH LAHB OF \ \ \\omanathrlitlitu association , HI So. 17th st. _ 727 -Ti- KUItNISIIKri FIIO.NT HOOM JL leIf , HO N. 19th street. MS79 AND 7 If nKSIIIAULK FUilNHIIKll KHONT ItOOM J- with board - : modern rcildenco. Turras reason' oblu ; rofcriinca * , 2W7 llaruny. M'Jrt.17 -I , ' LAUOH HANTmOMKLYFUItxTsilKlVFItONT n orn , also few table boarders. Mri. Thompson i , K)9 hariiain , ' M'JUi TOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS G--S HKMS.Iill N. SIHIMVOJ. j roomi , IIHI N. Jlst f i 00. Ho 4 room * . I''th ' ami llarnov , U to 11X00. S rooms , 7th and Pacific. H.UU. UOUSM of all kltd * . O , K UutU. ) S. IJlh.U7at U7at POR RENT-UNtURNWIIED ROOMS Cnnlfnutii. _ _ _ G rbii flMST. lY'NKUUNIMIIKli UOOMH7HUIT- able for lionsokeoplng. modern Improvement * ! rent cheap. 1701 Wabstor street MM4 -1-KOIl 1.K1I1T 1101 HKKKKPINO , 4 UNKUII- Jnl.hed roomi , IMI M. I'Jtli ill cot. W8 FOB RENT-STORES AND OFFICES - -O.NK VOfU-STOKV IIIUCK UUII.UINU 11 FBKT wldo. HOi ; llarncr st. 729 r-KOIl IIINT < HTOUK ON . I3TH HT. . IjANOK 1 block , suitable for meat market , hardware or dry oodi store. Inquire KM H. I3tli at. 87V I-KOII IlKNT. TllKmiKV IIHICIC HUIMMNG Jfllil Karnam it. The building linn n fireproof mcnt basement , comptnto steam hpatlngllxtiires ; water on nil tlio floors. Km , etc. Apply ol llco ottlco .of The lioo. IU 'I KOIIHKNT.GOOI ) HTOHK IIOOM WITH NICK Jllvo.rooin Out corner Cumlnit and Vista street , JustouUldo city limits. Korlorra , etc. . sen ( loo. N. lllc , 305 .N. V. Lira IlldB. MM AGENTS WANTED. r AOICNTS WANTBI ) . MALK Oil KKM.M.K , TO < > accept n good petition with us. to sell our "Dread , Cake and Paring ; Knives , also ' 'nrvor. " Illggost Inducement over olljred , Nn cipltal re quired. Address with mm ; * , Ulauis Shear Co. . P. U. llor 3tW , Kansas Llty , Mo. m141ni2V "i WANTKI ) , AOKNTS TO HULL TIIK GHANI ) "St. Patrick's day ornaments ! IUM to ( MM mnde without trouble ; two different samples , lOc. Invest- ! Bate now. M. Krnst , Cleveland , u. MTii7 6 * T-M.OO TO 13.00 A DAY. tli JO OUTFIT KI1I.K. Work year round for man or woman. Write at onco. K.tcolslor Itjrtrolt House , 41 N. Clark St. , Chicago. MI2MS ! * WANTED TO BENT " " "IK""YOU' ' WANrdouii Viouiiis KKNTUD list with J. II. 1'nrroUo , Douglas block.MS11 MS11 A2 K WANTKIMIY A LADY. HOOlt A.ND DOAltl ) for a short tlmu In n prlrnto fnmlljr "licru fancy urk wllT bu tnkcn as imr. Address II til , llci ) . MOM C * FOR BENT MISCELLANEOUS. -IIOU3KS , BTO11IJS. 1Il < TKL ! > . KOIINISHKI ) houses WeUlmns , Wlthnall block. .Mill''II * STOBAOE. M-STOltAGK. WILLIAMS & CHOS3 , 1211 Uarncy 6W DON'T HTOUK 11OUSKIIOLU GO JDS W1TII- out sootDK our storage department. It Is tha best. Omaha Stova Itupalr Worki,12U7 Douglas. 730 M -STOHAOK POIt HOUSKIIOLD QOODS ; clean nd cheap ratui. It. Wells , 1111 Knrnani. 391 WANTED-TO BUY. ol FUuiriTiiB nousniioLD ' goods , etc. , or will neil for otnor In our auction sales. II. Wells , 1111 Farnam. on ArI'AUTlKd IIAVI.StJ STOCK UANCHKS OK l- > largo bodies of Nubrasku or WyomliiR I'I ' nil for sala will do well to address ( Jeo. N. Hicks , real nntnto nnd Investmon atfunt , room 303 N. Y. Llfo bldit , Omaha , Nob. K'J C xf-WANTKI > TO 111JY FOIl CASH. COOD UP- 1 > rlKht piano , must bo first-class , In good order and very cheap. Address , KlrlnK full particulars with price. 1161 , llco olllcu. SUJ FOB .SALE FPBNITUBE. - 'chairs' ' , typewriters" , etc. 6J3 N. V.'Llfb llulidin SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Q FOIl tf ALB. AN KDISON IMIO.NOUllAI'H. 734 \ortli2ltb , South Oniah.1. Neb U77 IQ * FOIl SALK , A SKCOND HANI ) , 2i IIOHSK- poncr Woodbury onKlno and two 40 horsepower holler * , all In KJod order. Not ncoJIntf them In our new location we will sell them ntn bargain. Omaha Printing company. No. IDui Karnam st. 733 Q r-TIIESl'ANDAUO CATTLU COJll'ANY OFFKH baled liny at SS.09 par ton , on board cars nt Ames , Neb. This price may bo withdrawn at any 1 1 mo. 7M _ NE\Y KlllB-rilbOfiiAKUCllUAl * . A SI. 1I15U. _ MjtBM 1U' -I'OIl SALK Oil TIIADK ; O.VK ACIIK WITH hennery. Address U. , 5.'J Center street. Omaha. ' QKOII SALK , FINK ST. IlKltNAltl ) PUPP1KS sired by the famous Champion Victor Joseph. Address V3 , lleo. MbiK ) 11 -KOII SALK , A GOOD HOLSTKtN M1LOJICOW. cheap. Milton Hogari , No. 1I south 3Tth street. MUlil 11 -FOH SALK , 25 UOU8KPO WKIl POHTAULK : boiler , 10 horsepower engine , steam pipes , pul * loyn , belting , packing tables , Ice boxes , wlru olllco partitions , letter file , dunks , chow cases. lot good dry lumber. Poycko Candy Co. M'JC , ' 7 BnSOELLANEOUS. R-WANTKI ) . WOIIK TKAM KOII TIIAOK , A good farm for sate , a farm to rent and furnish cattle with It , a U-room cottage to sell very cheap for cash. Marshall , room 1NO N. Y. Life. MOJIU- -KOII IlKNT , ONK 1S-ACUE ANO ONK JC acre tract , ail under plow. Hoom 9M N. V. Life. M.I74 ( i S MilS. NANNIK"v - reliable business medium , II f tli year at I HI N. llith. 731 s - . Dlt. JL LBOIIAVK , I'HOl'lIKTESS , DKAD trance clairvoyant and Ufa reader ; tells your llfo from cradle to grave ; on t > 3 consulted on all affairs of Ufa ; has the celebrated Egyptian breast plate to unite the separated nnd cause marriage with ono you lave. I'omo ona come nil and oe cou vlnccd of her remarkable powers. OOIC3 and rosl- denco417 > . llth st. , houMUik m. to'J p. m. Strict life chart and photo of your future wlfo or hus band sent through mall for * 5.0J , chart alone , I..IW. All letters containing 4 cjnts In stamps uromotly answered. MS9j iu * MASSAGE , BATH , ETC. rp-MASSAGK TIIKATMKNT , 1 -Lmal baths , scalp nnd hair treatment , manicure and chiropodist. Mrs.Post.19H : S.lMh.Wlthnell blk. i MAIIAMB SMITH , 602 S. I3T1I , 2ND KIXJOH , . Hoom 3. Massage , alcntol , sulpnur and sea baths. UJ3 11' ri . CAHSON , 1121 DOUOLA3 STUKKT , 3UD JL floor , room 7. massage , alcoLol , sulphur and sea Imthi. bM 'J PEBSONAL. U IK VOU KAltNKSTLY 1NTKNO TO.MAUIIV quid , well , nonorablr , aomt lOo for Matrimonial Ncira-Mcrotir. mailed In plain sealed envelope. Murcur , 2280th it. , New Vork. \r-i , K uiaiKNnKCK. IIANJOTBACHKII.N , w. > curncr ! 5tn and ilarney. HaruerMreutentrancu. Hit WILLIAMS HUITAll AND 1IANJO teachcvlU3 ( Karnaui street , lloom 1.MM MM ] Mil MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. \\r-L6WKSTUATKS. "KliEUTY TllUST""COM" " i > pany , 1701 Karnam street. 730 ir-MONKV TU LOAN ON IMPIIOVKI ) CITV > property , low rates. A. C. Frost , Douglas blk , - . JjjJ IT-MONKV TO LOAN AT l.OWKST ItATKS. I The O. F. Davis Co. , IMS Kurnani stroet. 713 r CK.ST11AL LOAN i TllUST CO. BKK 1ILDG. > 3J AY ANTHONY LOAN ANDTHUST CO , SH N. V. Life , lend ! at low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. 710 ir-C. K. HAItltISON,9l2N. V. LlfK. 741 l\r-MOHTOAGK LOANS LKSS THAN 7 PBll cent , Including all charges. Charles . llalney , Umalii. Nat. bank bldz. 745 \\r-FIll8T & SKCOND MUHTOAQB LOANS ON ' ' Onmlm property A on farms In adjacent coun ties. end full description. Alex Moore , 101 Uoo bldtf 7IU \V-OMAtIA LOAN A THUST COMPANY , 10TH ir and Douglas , loans money on city and farm property at low rates of Interest. .M303 MI3 \\r--MONIIY TO LOAN. M.SOO PIUVATK EA8T- " crn money , on Improved UTiiilm or Co. Ulutls real fituto ; niieor uioro loam , Address A II L' , careofrarrlerNo.il , Omaha. 353 \ \ rWANTKI ) ATONCK , LOANS ON IMPIIOVKI ) " ' t nmUu property ; low rates. Fidelity Trust company. l'\rs \ Karnan st. 7'JU l\r-l AND YKAIl UANd ON CITV'AND KAIIM ' iuortK ge < . Hi-oil i iclby , ail Uoard of Trade. Wcl UANS ON l.MPIIOVKD AND UNIMPIIOVKH Ity iiroperty.tl.uouand upwards. B to7per cent No delay > . W. Knrcaiu swllh .t to.15lli and llarnoy 74'J \\7-1 PKll CKNT MONKV .NKT TO IIOIIIIOWKIIS 11 on Ouiaha cltr properly. No extra charges of any kind. Why pay high rates ? Money Is cheap , toucan set full benetltor low rates from Globe Loan and Trust Co. , 16th and Hodge. 741 ' -OMAUA HAVINC3 11A.NIC MAKI.-J LOANS on real citato at lowest market rate * . Loans made In ( mail nr Unto um for short or long tlmo. No contrultilon li chawml am tbe loam are not old In Uie fait , but ran alwar * bo found at tha bank on the corner of 13th. and Douglas atreeta _ _ _ \\r-UMS3 , O. 0. WALJ.ACB , Stt OllOWN BLK. JJ 7W _ " \\r-MONEV l TO UANO.v"uitAII A AND roU.V- ell UlBttireal ettatn and Nvbraikaand Iowa fariai at fruui S to B ) , inircent lulermt.wtth no ad- dltloimlcliar e furromDiltiloniorattornoji teei. W. II. Molklv , l.t , < jml I bank bld , Omaba. 430 \\r-MO.NKVTH LOAN AT I.OWKST UATKS ON ' Ipmrorvd and unlmprortd real citato. I to A jre r . Hdalltr Trim Co , , IWI Karnam. Wi > MONEY TO LOAN -CHATTELS. j OMAUA MOIiTOAOB LOAN CO. ' : I INCOIIPOUATKI ) . . " " ' ' ' ' ' ' "IK'VO'U'WANT'MO'NI.V , Van can borrow on HOKSntlOfitl < KUIINITUIIK AND PIANOS. HOIIftKS. WAGONS AND CAHIIIAOKH , WAIlKlIOU-i : IIKCKIPIV. MKKCI1ANUUK , Olt AND OTI1KII SKCUItlTV. We will Irnd you any amount fromtlOintofl.OiO. O.V TIIK IIAV VOUfK KOH IT without imbtlctty or removal of property. Vou can pay the money back In any amounts you wl h , and at any time , nnd each payment so made will reduce the cost of tha loan. llemember that you hava the u n of both the | ire | > orty nnd the money , nud pay for It only as long as yon keep It. There will bo no expense occlurge kept out of the nmount wanted , but jou will receive the full amount of the loan. llaforo borrowing elsewhere call and * co us and you will rind It greatly to your advantage. OMAHA MOIITGAGK LOAN CO. , IKX ! SOUTH ItiT HBTIIKKT , first floor above the stront. TUEOLDKST , , LAUGKMT AND ONLV INCOm'OIl * ATIID LOAN COill'ANV IN OMAUA. ' DO VIU WANT MONKVJ k. TIIK KtDKUTV 1XMN OUAllANTKE CO. , ItOOM 4. WITI1NKLI. IILOCK. 3IDM SOUTH I5TII , COHNKIl I1AIINEY 8T , WILL \ LOAN \ YOU \ ANY \ \ \ ' BDSI LAIIOB OK SMALL FROM \ TEN \DOLLAU3\ \ \ UP. WK MAKK LOANS ( ) > f VUIINITUIIH HOltSKS , CAKII1AOKS. WAHI2IIOUSK UKCKll'Td Oil I'Kll- SONAL rilOl'KHTY OK ANY KLVH. OUIt TKIt.MS WILL JIEKT YOIIII APl'IlOVAT. You can imr the money back nt nny tlmo nil In any nniount you wish , nml thus rcducu thecost ofcirrjr- IIIK the loan In proportion to nmount 7011 pay. II' YtHJ owe n bnlaiica on jour furniture orothar uornor.nl property of any kind , wo will pny It off for you nnd curry It ni lonit n * you doslrc. VOUCANliAVK YOUH AIO.VKY Iff ONK HOUll KIIOM'fill : TIM t ! YOU MAKI ! Al'I'LICATION. No publlcltr ur roniovnl of property , so thnt you Ret the use of both rnonay nn < l property. You will also flnd us In from 7 to V u. m. 733 X JIONKV , 40 , 00 , M DAYS. C11KAP 11ATKS and easy payments , on furnltnrc , pianos , llvo stock , etc. , without delay or publicity ; cash on hand. Duff. Green , room B. Marker block. 7&5o x- . tt. VAN UlLIMtlt , 112J7 , OMAUA NATL UK MI63 M'J * --PUlTCHAHD.St DOUGLAS ULIC.lli A DODGK. L. 754 X WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY IC1ND OK SK- curlty ; strictly confidential. A. E. llnrrls , room 1. Continental block. 7KI BUSINESS CHANCES. \r XOTITE. ONLY DIIUK STOKB IN TOtVN. 1P L Lossof health cnuso of solllnz. It will bo cod place for u doctor. Address A 'A Ilao olllco. 140 M 3 T -FOIl SALK Oil KXCHAXRK. A 1'ATKNT 1n right for t.cbrnska , out of which a rustler cnu make money. Address , 213 McCaxuo llldg. SI7 \r-FOIl SALK , ItKTAIL IIAKDWAIIK STOHK J doluis a aood business. Address Lock llox Wi , Lincoln , Neb. M530 7 Z \T FOIISALBCHKAP. IIIUCK YAHO. TOOLS. J- team nnd wncan. Apply ntWJl lllondo street. V I'OH SALB , AT YOUR oW.V I'HICK , SODA J-apparatus romplolo ; no operator. A. C. Stokes , Hnrrnrd , Neb. 815-C * V-l'OIl SALK , SMALL HIIO'JEIIY STOCK AND -Lbulldlnirclioap for cash. Addros * Vf. li.Ilnus ton , Nub. MSU1 Y'-FOH SALK. CHBAI * . A SMALL STOCK OK hardware , n full sot of tinners'tools with put- terns , nt Hebron , Nob. Itoason , death of proprie tor. Call at once or address Martin Dewald. Dewald.M800 M800 7 V' WKLL LOCATISD IIKSTAUIIANT FOIl 8ALK ; wll | take real estnto as paII. . M , lleo. 875 U * V WASTI.D. A PlirSlCIAN WITH 9OMK KX i perlence In a rich , well settled nnd practically unoccupied territory- Address A , 831 North 23d St. , Lincoln , Nob. Mini r WHOLK Oil HALK'INTEHKST IN i ona of the best country newspapers la Nebraska ; buslne ; , JI.'WO ' per year with less than J-'JOU ' olllco expenses. Address 11 M , cnra llea. JlWa " "V WANTKD , TO LHASK A OJOD PATKH IN X county seat , by n practical prlntar , or situation In any capacity on samo. 12.12. Slmckelford. Vork , Nab. S3J C FOB EXCHANGE. rf CLKAN STOCK OF OBNKIIAL M'D'S'Kj WILL AJtnko real estate & money. Hox393Frankfort , Ind 75U V 160 ACHES OF CLBAIt LAND IN ONK OF /-Jtho best winter wheat districts In Kansas toox- , change for IU or 20 ncro tract near Omaha city llmlti. Will pay cash dirterenco If property Is good. Address , Klvlnn prlco and location , o 21) ) , lleo 205 Z-I OWN 100 KA11MS IN NKHIIASKA. KANSAS & ' Dakota. Will sell cheap , or exchange for mds' , horses and cattle. Add. box 70 , Frankfort.Ind 75(1 ( DIIV OJ3DJ , HAT * . CAl' -Jboots. shoaa , notion * , etc. , for desirable No- lirnekn land. Address Ford & I'jck , Strounburk' , Kelt. MWJ Mil- Z -GOOD OMAHA IlENTAL I'HOPKllTV TO I'JX chanKQ for property In or near Las Angeles , Col. Qlvo number of your property nnd save time. Ad < dress Iloxllll , Los AnBoles.Cal. Ki < ! } I'HOI'KIITV FOIl ROOD FAItM -/land In Nebraska or Iowa. U , II. Peterson. 1112 S. I3lh. JIH1 M''S rFOH FXCIlANQKUIilACllSSOFROOD CLKAN Missouri tlmborland , clear and perfect title. S07 N. loth St. , Omaha , Nob. 831 8 * Z FOH KXC1IAXOK. n.OUO STOCK OF HOOTS and shoes , want land undsomo cash. Address U. Snyder , Ames , la. 31810" y FOIl KXCIIANOIS. K. C. OAHVIN & CO. . /-i Telephone 1010. 203 Shooly block. ( lanscom 1'Iacc , larKO modern house , want farm. Ilouso , iXUh and Cass , encumbrance StJOU , prlco f'JOO , want farm , will assume. 2 stores , house and lot , with grocery nnd meat market stocks , encumbrance ( \'M \ , waut farm , Ne braska or Kansas , CIO acres. Antelope county , want Omaha resl donee equity. 100 acres Improved , Madison county , clear , want Omaha residence equity. 1UO horses , want Omaha property or land. MM3 0 y-TO TIIADK FOIl LAURKIl PIIOPKHTV. f-16-toom cottasce , barn and lot ( clear. ) Will pay difference. I ) . F. Hutchison , 108 N. IMh. MDII 7 y-FOH KACIIA.NGK. IIEST PAVING CHOP AJhouso InOinaha. Address C 7 , Hoe. il'JIO u y FOH TIIADK FOH LANDS AND OASII. A A/clean stock of general merchandise. Address II. W. Wutklns It Co. , Frankfort , Ind. S2ml FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. JO ACUKS IN ONB'ACIIK LOTS. NKAIl SOUTH Oumaha.wlll bo placed upon the market March 15th , No mortgages or taxes upon this property , abstract free. Within 15 minutes ride to 2llh and N streets , lloaltby location , good residence place , tine clianco to raise vegetables , poultry , cto. Terms uasy. Per sons & Ilerry , South Omaha. 31. JH3 \ FAHM LANDS IN NF.ilHASKA , KANSAS AND jV Somu Dakota for saloon lontt time , easy terms nnd low rate of interest. Liberal commission to agent * , send for catalogue. D. Hayes. Manager MuscatlnoMortifago and Trust Co. . room 2 , SI'Ji ( Ho. t 15th street. _ MIlW MIS rnWODKSIHAIILKlMPKOVKIl FAHMS FOHSALK -L.S20 acres In Douulas Co. , 15 miles west of Omaha. 4I > 0 acres In Washlnuton Co.I2 miles north of Onmlm. For prices and term * apply to W. 11. Mlllard , Omaha , Neh. M513 5111) 7011 BALK-MUMS. CKNTIIAL AND KASTK11N . .Nebraska. K. C. Garvln & Co. Bhooly block. block.J17I3 J17I3 I. OH SALK , 2,500 C11O1CK IOWA AND NKI1HASKA X farms. If you wish to buy. sell or borrow money on farms , wrlto or call , llogzs & Hill , Omaha , Neb. UI MS rl IIKST AND CHEAPKST FAHM NEAIi J- Omaha. ICO acres at Id ) per acre , 20acroislxnillei from court house with 2,000 year-old grape vines , 1,000 fruit tree * , etc. This Is a very pretty place and cheap , ntfWO per acre , " Wo have houses and lots of all kinds nnd at nl prices. Monthly payments. Omaha Heal Kstate and Trust Co. , llco building. rpWOHNAPt ) . LOT < ( S.Xin WITH ROOD I1OUHU -Least of Prospect Hill cemetery , at (10.00 per raontb.no Interest. Also full lot on pavod'strcot onoinlls west of postoruca , at about one-half It value.Itllo , Drown Ilk. 8M T , > LKRANT COHNF.II FOH HKSIIIKNCK , Mi FT Uisq. . 118,000 ; hanilsoineresldencit , W ft. lot , I1MXTJ flno farm U miles out , lii.UW. F. K. Darling , llarko block. 757 S1UO CASH WILL SKCUHK 10) ) ACHKS MUST class lanii In eastern Nebraska , balance lee ; time , G per rent Interest. Tin ) u , F. Davis Co. . 15) . Farnam st. IWillO 17011 HAI.K-IinUHK AND LOT X NOIITH PAHT J or city I,100 00. Terms IIOO.vO cash balance 1150 per month , 'I ho ( I F , Davis Company. V73a DBESSMAKINO. 17ASI11O.VAULU aOIIKS AM ) KVKNINO COS -L lumen. Inquire at 1724 Capitol are , MBfil 10 * FINK DHESSMAKINR AND LADIKs,1 TAILOI1 Ing at moderato price * at the IjiJIes' Tallo Dressmaktoe college , Mme. Corbott , Wl II row block. JIUJ3 SHOBTHAND AND TYPEWBITINQ SHOHTUAND UY HAIL WITH ANY OF THL standard typewriters at home. Ureat chanca f o those either In city or country who cannot attend r regular shorthand school. Address Van Saul' fbtuool of Shorthand 513 M , IT , Life , Uiuahs. MWI SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. VI.M A IIA1III , l > RAI.Klu/N TVl'KWIUI KIIH ? JAIltnakettionitht. nolil , ( MHUnjed , rcnlol. nil ' Y. l.lfo blilg Tel JO * . I-it- 107 MV UNDER'TAICEKBAN MllAIiMERS iKon.MRuTi'rrwiTii ' "JNa'ci , J'A ' . coh , iloi-c.iKnl. Intur wIViT l. o. M mil ) , undo nkurnnil onitinlinir. : tt | s. lottut. i tel. nee PAWNBHOKEBS. [ HONNKNHKIIO , DIAMOND IIIIOKKII , ISOJ ' .Donalds nt. I-or.nstnone ) " < 1li'tllanio.ds : , watches , tc. Old gold and silver bnuahu 'let IMS. 15) FOUND. 70U.NI ) . LAIMKS' ( JOL1) CALL AT 710 i-1 N. lath , room I0i rail 8 'I fTrt 4' , If ' you diin'twnnttobuy a DonainoroTypo- wtltor , don't oxumlno It , Manonth Station ery Ca. 13)1 Parnum St. . Omixlia , Nob. " Iraprovonioat the OrJor of th ) Aji. " It Is unnecessary to'montlon the points of HU- porlorlty posseaseil by the ' us It Is now so well known. Its Record of Success Is Its Best Ro- commondatlan. \\hcn It was uul on tliu market rivals sntd It would .nut woatv Tlrno tins shown tlioin wronK Inavory partlcil ar mm lias orovcii tlinttho Hinlth I'romlur ISTHEIIKST anil HTHONOKriT TYI'KWIUTEU BVHIl IN- VENTK1) ) . AN'I ) TODAY IT STANDS KAK AIIKAD OP AM > CO.Ml > KTITOHri. THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO Cor. ITtli anil Farnain Sts. , Unialia , Nob. E. 11. MAYI1KW. Mnnnirer. Here's the Idea Of the Non-pull-out Bow TIic great watch s.tvcr. Saves the watch from thieves and falls cannot be pulled off the case costs notlmig extra. The bow has a groove on each end. A collar runs down Inside the KanJnnt ( stem ) nnd ts into the grooves , firmly locklnc the bow to the pendant , so that It cannot be pulled or twisted off. Can only be bad with cases stamped wiui this trade-mark. , . _ Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases are now fitted with this great bow ( ring ) . They look and wear like solid gold cases. Cost only about half as much'and arc guaranteed for twenty years. Sold only through watch dealers Remember the name Keyston&Watch Case.Co. , PHILADELPHIA. BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitors , Bee Building , Omaha , Neb 4yuara Examiners U. & Put. Ofllco. Advice free OR. McCREW THB SPECIALIST. IB unsnriinsBocl la the treatment of nil PP'YATE ' DISEASES am. JlWeakneisii-ir and Disorders of nflUS IS years experience. Write for circulars nod question list free , 14tb nnd Fnrnnm Sta. , - - Omolm , Neb. . DYER , EIorntorH , WBrolionscf , factory anil nil \rnrk reiiilrlnc | u tliiiroui-li nml practical knntvlvdcn of construction unit strmigtli of umturliiU , sjicciulty , r. O. Hot ; il : ) , frumont , Neb. RA1LWRY TIME GRRD I.oaves ( .HlCAROIlUHLINDTO.y Ik W Arrlva Om alia Depot 10th and Mason 9ti. Omaha 4.45 p m Chicago Vestibule. . . 8.00 o m 9.Ma m Chlcazo Kxpruss. . . . D..M a m ] ' . ' . < 0a m Chicago Kzpress. . . . , 4.25 pra OM p in . . . Chicago Jt Iowa Local. 6.00 p m Leaves . A MU. IIIVKH. Arrlrj Omaha Depot 10th aid Mtuou rtti. Omahi 10.15 am Denver Uipross , 4.03 pm 10.15 ' ] am Doodwood ISipross , 403 p m 4.60 pm Denver Kxpress 9.35 a m 4,50 p m Donvar Lloiltod 12. : J a m II I UO p m Hastlncs Local H.i7 : p m If 8.16 I am . . .Lincoln Local ( liicoptHnn ) . ll.a-1 i > m Leavui K. U ril' . J , X . . U. Arrlvei Omaha llopot 10th and Mason Sts Oraahi y.W a. m . . . .Kansas City Day Kzprttss . . . 6.00 pra ii.45 i p m K. U. Nlellt Kip. vl U. P. Trans 643 nm y.15 I p m St. Louis Express 0.13 a m . CHICAGO. K. I. A PACIFIC I From Hast. I Union Depot 10th fc. Muroy sts. I East. 10.00 n m . , . . .Atlantic Kinross 0.70 p m 4.40 p in Vestibule KJprwst 1.10 p rn 0 J > p m Mglit 850 n m OuInK I UlllCAliO , it. 1 rt'-l'AClnO. From West. I Union Depot 10th atui Marcy Sts. I West. 1.20 p ml Denver Lhrtltod I 4.KJ p m 8.50 ami..Kansas City ( ExceptSunday.I ) 7.0i p l.cavcj I UNION PAOI IC. Arrlvdi Omaha I Union Depot IQUi arKliMaroySts. Omaha 7.M a m .Uoatrlce Ktptusi il.'j p in r,60 nm . .Denver 4.0i p m 2.15 pm . .Overland 7.0) p in 4.15 pm 11.1) p m B.40 p m .Pnclflo 10.4) a m 6.30 n m lunrar 4.-JJ p m ' . t'AJi ( ; lArrlve Omaha I U. P. depot qndiMarcy Us. Omaha 7.05 pn. ) Chlcazo Kipnul | 'J..lo ' a m 11.10 BUI I Chicago Kxuriut p.51) p m Ixiaves I SIOUX UlTVJC' . lArrtvei Omaha I Depot. 10th and M rcy Sts. I Omshi 7.HJ ami tiloux Uty Puutnier IIU.Mp m k35 pm | -it. Paui BjprpsJIO.OJ \ a m Leave * I hlOU.X C1TV &HUCIF10. ( Arrives Omaha ! Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. I Omaha 5.45 pm | St. Paul Lmrlted ! U.25 a m Leaves | OMAUA A &T. LOUIa. [ Arrives OmnhoU. | P. Depot , 10th and Marcy Sit. I Omakk 4.1H pml St. Louis Cannon llall. . . IH.ai pa Leaves I C. . St. P. . M. It O ( Arrives Omaha Depot lith nnd Webiter Sts. I Orusil 8.10 am j.Sioux city Accommodation. . I 'Jit p n 1,15 pm SlouxClty Uxp > * ( Kx. Sunday,11.4) ) , p n 6.1.1 p m StPaut .iiilto , ! I l.li ) no & 15 pm llancroft I'assanirar ( Kx.Bund'yll 8.4i p ni Leaves I K. K. A MO. VALLKV fArrlvit Omaha II I Depot I5th nnd Webster 8t . I HUO am . . . .llcadirood Kxprusi 5.2J y n I'.OO am ( Kx. Sat. ) Wyo. F.xp. ( K . Mon. ) 5.2) pa 6.33 pm . . .Norfolk ( Kx. nunday ) . . . . . . I0.2i n 6.15 pm St. Paul Hxpra s V.li * at Leaves IClIIC.UiO A NOHTH WKSrKHNArrlr | OmahalU. P. depot. IQtb and Marcy Sis. I Uut&t. 7.20 am ( Kx. Sun'y ) Carroll Paisenger 10.40 a in i hlcnito Kxpress. . . , . . 4M pm Vestlbula Limited. . . . . . . 9.3) m a : T.UO D m Kasiorn Flyer 2.15 p n ttiM p m ( K , Hun. ) Chin. Pasi.tKx. Mon. ) 11.23 a n Leave * I M1S80UU1 PAClr'IC. Arrln * Umahal Depot 15th and Webster Sts. 1.10 pmT. . . . .SL Ixus ! Kiprois. 7.0U oi 1000 pm ft. LonU Kxpresi. 6.19 pm | Nebraska Local , . JULIETS COOLED HIS ARDOR VonttiMsomo Picket Shaved With Hobol Lead In Front of Petersburg. A MEMORIAL TO GENERAL DOUBLEDAY nml tlip Ami } ' nml Navy Union liiilcn .Slirrnmii'n lloiiinnil I'roni KOII- ttirky Olil ArniyOiinirHnt tlio liullnii- ii | > ell > i Xntloiml Unriiiniimont. Andrew J. Houok of Onmlm wns 5 inorabor of the 183th Pennsylvania in- 'aiitry during the war iiiul in u recent otter to ono of his comrades related the 'allowing Incident of the battle before Petersburg : "I shall never forgot the day that 1 was on picket in front of Petersburg Ike Ivipp and Ben Harris occupied the | ) lt next to me , and my companion was a man by the name of Burgess at least I think that was the name , and if 1 am not mistaken ho belonged to Company A. Bon Harris was of a rather venturesome disposition and a little reckless about exposing his person as a target for our friends across the wav. On the day In. question. Ben would every once in a while raise up in his pit and In a drawl ing tone nay : "Well , I think I'll have another shot at 'em. ' ' Ho hud kept this up for some time , until linally , the John nies got a little tired of it uiul laid for Ben , and the next time lie rose up they lot lly at him , ouo of the bails almost cutting the rim of his old slouch hut off and grazing the side of his head. It dampened Ben's ardor in that direction for the balance of that day. " Muniorlnl tn Oriicriil Dniililvilnjr. C. II , Smith of Washington , member of the Seventy-sixth Now York volun teers , has issued an address to the mem bers of the First Army corps , recount ing the valor of General Abner Doublo- duy , recently deceased , and concluding as follows : "Comrades , it seems right and proper for us to see that there is u statue placed in ono of the public parks of Washing ton or a suitable monument erected over his remains at Arlington , and it l > o- hoovcs us to see that the memory of this great and gallant soldier is thus kept green in the minds of the oncoming gen erations , as it will over be in the hearts of the soldiers who had the good fortune to servo under him. A comrade who served his country so faithfully from 1842 to J874 , ono who in all this time never faltered in his duty , whoso in tegrity , honesty and faithfulness to the interests of the country were never questioned , should , indeed , bo thus re membered. To this end , I would sug gest that the sum of $ . .0,000 or $ i"i,000 , bo raised by the surviving members of the First Army corps. If the above sugges tion commends itself to the members I would bo glad to have such comrades coinmunicato witli mo that I may for ward the above , with their suggestions , to the commander of the First Army Corps association. " Sliemmii's Komnval from Kentucky. The recently published interview In which the son of General Sherman explained - plained the origin of the Insanity story , provoked the following comment from Colonel A. K. McClure of the Phila delphia Times : Father Thomas Sherman , son of the late General Sherman , recently deliv ered u lecture In St. Louis , in which ho gave a detailed account of General Sher man's removal from his command in Kentucky , and later ho supplemented the statements of his lecture by an in terview for the newspapers , assuming to explain the misapprehension under which his father was removed. Al though the devoted son of General Sher man , Father Thomas Sherman had not carefully studied the history of his father's removal from the Kentucky command. Ho tells how his mother and her brother , the late Thomas livving , ap pealed to President Lincoln after Sher man had been removed , and how on the following day by direction of the presi dent , with the concurrence of General Ilalleck , Sherman was restored to his command in Kentucky. The chief error of Father Thomas Sherman is in saying that his father had been restored to his command in Ken tucky. Ho never was restored to that command after ho had been removed from it on the 23d of December , 1801. Ho was appointed to the command on the 8th of October , 1801 , nnd when in re sponse to a request from the War de partment ho stated that 00,000 men would bo necessary for defensive opera tions in Kentucky and that 200,000 men would be necessary for offensive opera tions to suppress the rebellion in the southwest nnd open the Mississippi river It was assumed In military circles In Washington that ho was demented and incapable of holding so important a military command. General Hallcck , then In command of the military division in which Shgrman was operating , in a letter to General MeClollnn , then com- mnndor-in-chief , said : "I um satisfied that General Sherman's physical and mental system Is so completely broken by labor and cnro as to render him for Both the method nnd results vrhcu Syrup of Figa ia taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , nnd acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head * aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptuhlo to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial m its eflecta , prepared , only from the most healthy and ngrccabjo substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for Bale in GOo and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist wan a may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Io not accept any Eubstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FtlANCISCO. OAL , IMI3VIUI , KY. titW YORK , H.K ho proHMit unfll for duty. 1'erlwps n ovv ' weeks rest may restore him. " After holding the comumud In Ken * upky for llttlo moro than two months Sherman was relieved of it nnd ordered SIW report to Henton Barracks , St. Louis , where ] ho waa unsigned to the duties of nilltary Instructor. It wan HO generally iccepted nt the tlmo that ho wan some what unbalanced in mind that the ( . 'in- Innatl Commercial , the loading udiiiin- strntlon organ of Slierman'H own atato , not only announced his Insanity but com- ueiited on it editorially , tt remains an undisputed fact in history , however , that | the chief reason assigned for the belief ill General Sherman s Insanitv was bin call for ( iO.OOO troops to defend Kentucky nnd for .100,000 to make an aggressive campaign against the confederates In ' the southwest , and it Is mman undis- Dtited fact of history that it did require hilly ( iO.OOO men to defend Kentucky and that quite 200,000 men wore necessary to ) pen the Mississippi and conquer the re- Bullion in the southwest. General ShorJ man was , therefore , adjudged insane solely because ho was wiser than the po litical and military authorities of his day.Tho The vital error in Father Sherman's statement is in his assumption that Ills rather had been restored to his com- 'mind. ' From the time that lie was re lieved in Kentucky in the latter part of December , JSU1 , ho continued at the St. Louis Barracks as military instructor until the ISth of February , 1S02. Ho was 11 rst ordered from St. Louis to take command of the post at L'ndiicuh , Ky. , where ho remained until the 10th of March and was not permitted to take the Held until after the capture of Forts Henry and Donolson and the city of Xashvillo. It was General Grant who was instrumental in having General Sherman placed in command of a division to join Grant for the Shlloh campaign and the skill and courage Sherman exhibited during the lirst day at Shiloh miulo Grant appreciate him as the best of all his lieutenants and from that until the close of the war ho ranked as second only to Grant as the military chieftain of the army. Such is in brlof the history of Sherman's removal from Ills Kentucky command and his rein statement to a subordinate command at the opening of the Shiloh campaign. Niitloiml Kiiciimpinunt ( lump * . Secretary J. L. Smith of the "Veteran Homestead Fund , " 1ms sent the follow ing circular to Grand Army posts : At the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic , hold in Washington , D. C. , September 21st , u series of "old army games" wore given on the base ball grounds. None but members of the Grand Army of the Re public were allowed to enter or compote and there were long lists of starters in each event , comrades being entered from every department , even far away Cali fornia being represented. The prhes , which were very valuable , were all contributed by friends of our organization. In each event there was goodnaturcd rivalry , each comrade doing his best to win. It was demon strated at this meeting that the sumo spirit that animated those "old boys" in the days of 1801 was still wlthin'thom and that not all of them were candidates for the retired list. In order to foster this spirit and keep alive the memories of out1 many marches by day and by night , It is proposed at the next national encampment ut Indi anapolis to present to the winner of a llvo-mllo "forced inarch" a homestead oompieto in every particular and fur nished throughout In a comfortable man ner. ' ' Messrs. Hallott& Davis of Boston , Mass. , have already given an 81,100 piano to grace the parlor. Judging from the long lists of entries at Washington meeting it is safe to .say thousands of comrades will try for this elegant prize , both for its mstrinsie value and the honor of being the best preserved veteran of that vast army which saved the union. Competition is to bo absolutely free to every member of the Grand Army of the Republic in good standing in any post , who is the head of a family , from Maine to California , from the gulf to the lakes , white or black , if they "marched in ' 01' to ' 03 they are welcome to compote. To enable us to carry this plan into effect wo nsk your post to subscribe such sum as your generosity may suggest. The trustees will expend this fund with strict economy and render a state ment at the close of the encampment. Please send with you" subscription the names of any comrades who would like to complete for the prize , with addresses. The house will bo built in Indianapolis and bo readp for occupancy when the encampment meets , September 4th. The deed will bo delivered to the winner at the camp-lire the evening of the day of the contest , which will occur the day after the grand review. Army mill Navy Union Itnilffe. The committee on military affairs of the house of representatives recently submitted the following self-explanatory report : Tliis resolution authorizes the officers and enlisted men , members of the Regu lar Army and Navy union , to wear the distinctive badge of the order upon all occasions of ceremony : The Regular Army and Navy union Is incorporated under the laws of Ohio and is composed of "honorably discharged or retired members of the regular army , navy and marine corps or re von no marine service of the United States , " and ollicors who have at least served 11 vo years in the regular service of the United States , of good moral character , indus trious habits nnd possessed of HOIIIO known reputable means of support and They declare the purnoso of the or ganization to bo for social and benevo lent purposes and for the protection and welfare of their families and dopond- " onts. The committee finds that this organ ization is similar to that of the Grand Army of the Republic , oxeopt that mem bership is conllncd to discharged mem bers of the regular service. A similar privilege was granted by congress by joint resolution passed September 2. > , 1890 , to military societies of men who served in the war of the Revolution , the war of 1812 , the Mexican war and the war of the Rebellion. It is held by the secretary of war , and the committee thinks correctly , that this resolution docs not extend to mem bers of the Regular Army and Navy union. The committee believes that no detriment can como to the service by the passage of the resolution , and that it , will bo conducive to the cultivation of patriotism and manly character among the veterans associated in this organiza tion , and that equal privileges ought to bo extended to this body as nro now enjoyed - joyed by the other societies mentioned. The unprecedented sale of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup provokes cmnpctitlclu ; but the 1 people cling to Dr. Hull's Cougli Syrup. 1n < ln y llalr. . | Gray hair is BO common now that ono t wonders what it comes from. Young tt tr ' r men havo' it in profusion and young t women uro very proud when they have s coilluro in which gray has a prominent t part. The prevalence of gray hair is I attributed to frequent cutting and soap. 1 The doctors speak of inherent tenden 1 cies and old women gabble of curly piety , 1)ut soap and the barber do moro toward 1 taking color and strength out of hair than anything else docs. The singeing of hair IB done to prevent the oils from oxudlug from tlu ends of clipped halra ami singeing It l tu thin regard botU-r than cutting , But ammonia-hmdotl soaps nro the worst factors. Many per- nous use ammonia when washing their head mid It outer * Into all shampoo mix tures. It Is ulfK ) an ingredient of nunt Honps , It dries up the seal ) ) and robs th > hair of all Its moisture. That is wlu < ri > most of the gray hair of today comes trom. FOR SHAME. "II l.lliorly , Wlmt 1'rlmiro Cnmmtttrtl lit Thy Niunu. " Kate Field's Washington : The day for calling people names because they object to the present pension list has gone by It is possible for a southern member of congress to protest without Intending an Insult to "tho old soldier. " U is u national disgrace thitt sectional feeling should bo dragged up whenever there is n discussion of what has grown to bo nn outrage on the Dockets of the people. Said a distinguished republican recently : ' -Two yearn ago , on the passage - ago of that las $ pension bill , men tn my town , who up to that time hud never dreamed of pensions , became "old sol diers ; ' they now grumble that their pen sions nro not bigger. This plundering of the treasury must bo stonpod. " Who * over dared accuse this critio of disloy alty would bo mad indeed. This man lives in New York. Why should not n man from Alabama bo permitted equal freedom of speech ? Last Thursday the house of representa tives witnessed" s-eoiio worthy of atlto- bellum days. Pensions were the burden of the fray. "There is in the pension olllco nn employe who receives a pension of $10 a month for deafness and draws n salary of 31,800 for attending to n tele phone. " Thus bays Mr. Ttirpln of Ala bama. Chorus His name ! his imino ! Mr. 't'tirpin From the fact that ho comes from that doubtful state , Indiana , 1 should think him a democrat. Ills name is William 1C. Davis. Mr. Wtiugli In the name of Indiana , I protest. I do not believe the state ment. Mr. Turnin The statement is true. I will not allow any man to say I nm false. Mr. Waugh I don't believe it. Thereupon Mr. Turpiu leaps from his seat , rushes nt Mr. Waugh , doorkeepers and members interfere , and Tiirpinitos and Waughitt's prepare for n conflict. Brushing the temporary chairman out of his seat. Speaker Crisp beats his gavel on the desk. "A most unseemly exhi bition , " ho exclaims. "Thosergeant-at- arms will preserve order. " A small man with a big mnco on which ho poised the American eagle , appears on the floor , and to save the rags of decency left , some ono moves to adjourn the house , a suggestion Speaker Crisp most thank fully heeds. Have not things como to a pretty pass when the honor of no man from Indiana can bo doubted without calling forth u protest from the whole state in the per son of its representatives ; ' What right has oue congressman to give the lie to another , especially on the magnificent assumptian that everybody in his par ticular state is above reproach ? What right has the insulted congressman to make a battle ground of legislative halls ? "Unseemly , " aye. and moro ! Look at this picture at Washington ; then gnzo on that much worse spectacle atTopoka , and ask yourselves whether popular government is not wringing its own neck. If you waut other object lessons , go to Wyoming and Montana. Before you have made the circuit you will remem ber the last words of that glorious wo man , Madame Roland , "O liberty , what crimes are committed in thy name ! " You need not despair. Salvation Oil will heal your burnt arm without a scare. EVILS OF PRONUNCIATION. Ho Not Ho Cnrrlcs.i ur Slovenly In Your Mini. HIT of Snci-ch. The slipshod way in which some people ple talk is as distressing to a sensitive ear as it is bewildering to the senses. 'Didshu seems James when you were In- ton yes day ? " means , freely translated : "Did you see Mrs. .Tamos when you were in town yesterday ? " I was listening to a reading once nnd caught these words : "Its shoes. " She was tolling us something about a child , I thought , but inquiring I learned that the reader had boon declaiming u piece about our country's flag , and the phrase , "Its shoes" read in the original "Its hues. " "Smother day" does not refer to a period of execution. It is the very com mon way in which your friend informs vou that ho will see you "somo other day. " If you will notice the conversation of any two people you meet you will hear words that Bound as unintelligible us if taken from a foreign tongue with which you arc unfamiliar. "Don monshun it , " Homo elegant speaker says , and you really promise that you never will. A single phrase which ran the gauntlet of the American nation was played upon like a harp of n thousand strings "Why , certainly , " It became , Wy , cer tainly , " "Wi , Hiittingly , " "Certingly , " before it dropped out of sight. Educated people will toll us that they are "goin" tormorror" and ask if wo heard the "noos , " and , if wo have not , assure us of being "stoopid. " These are barbarous mannerisms in an ago when people devastate libraries in order to learn the wisdom of the ancients. In Franco words are of such impor tance that an academy is consulted and its dictum fiecurcd before n now ono is introduced into the language. Wo have no bettor oxumplo of clear and correct pronunciation than that of the educated foreigner who visits us. Ho vocalizes his few English words with u most musical intonation , giving every syllable its full value , and pronouncing his final letters with resonant distinct ness , oven though ho may never in his own tongue have sounded n final letter. But that which ho knows , ho knows , and is much worried when he hears bin Yankee friend talking about a "stun bawn , " Inhtead of n "stono barn. " "Sneak little , but speak that llttlo well" would bo a good motto for the people whoso speech runs down at the heel. And If there are words which you are not sure about refuse'to ' employ them until you have learned their true ring and value. Not to speak our mother tongue cor rectly is to have an unsightly and dangerous - gorous substructure for nil future knowl edge. Nuuralglu headaches promptly cured by Hruino-Solt/.er. Trial bottle lOc. Doctor * DUugron. It is hard to follow all tha advice which the health-food people uro in the habit of giving. "Bo sure and boll milk and water before drinking them" Id the exclamation | of ono wing. "When milk and water are boiled , their most valua ble nutritive proportion are destroyed , " retorts the other wing. "Molt butter to the boiling point before eating it , " said the London Lancet recently , "for there may bo moro bacilli in u pleco of butter than there nro Inhabitants In Kuropo. " "Don't oat butter that baa been cooked , for it Is u deadly poison in thosyittorn , " earnestly exclaims nhealth' food journal. Impaired digestion repaired by Ocechamt