Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1893, Part One, Page 3, Image 3

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Inaugural Ooromonlca Oonstunmntotl During
a Very Unpleasant Storm.
IlriiinrknlilP Intercut Shown on I'.vrry Hldn
In tlin AliivniiiFiitii uf ( Ipiirrnl llurrl-
iin anil IIU 1'unillj rlirlr I'ure-
\rrll to tlin Ciipllul.
WASIIIMITOS ; HrnrAtr OF TUP. lire , )
MM I'm urn".TII KTIIIIPT , >
WAHinsimi.v , I ) C. , March I )
A Rooond tlmo Orover Cleveland has been
lirotiotiiiced president of the United States
Ills huond Ineoinlng was not , however ,
under propitlouH nurroimdlngH It wan not
Clineland weather Inauguration mom
found WnHhlngton covend with a whlto
mantle and the air Illlid with llnki s ol snow
Ono might have mild that the snow Htoini
wan an emblem of thoeh.istlty whli h the
great cxptctatlons of the detnoi racj attrlb-
Hto lo the IIHlining ( admlnlsti.itlon weio It
not that the MIOW In the mlddloof the
Btrcets was ( illicitly tinned Into a muddy
nlush , suggesting a further umipiilson
which would be odious
Mr Cleveland and Ptesldent Hart Ison
ilrovo to the ( apllol , despite the dilvlng
Biiow.ln an open biougham 'IhoKU'iilCNtlntfr
cst centered In the si cue In the senate eh mi-
ber Itself l veiv seat was oicnplid when at
high noon the vonorahlodootkeeper , Hassett ,
performed his biennial act of mining back
the hands of the eloi k In order to make legal
the signing of Delated bills from the house
The galleties were ciowded with a quad-
rangulai eiowd of people Using fiuin their
cdgo to the vcrj nk lies mtppot ting the busts
of depirtod statesmen
Although the number of tickets Issued
was ntipposed to bo eitl | il to the exai t ca
pacity of the galleries , enough poisons had
found entrain e to the sen ito. wing of the
capltol to crowd the cottldois and doorway
leading into the galleries ' 1 ho senate and
Rtuatois clcit wi in huddled togothet In ono
side of the chambei door
Sllllllt III 'tllOM ! PriMOIlt
In the spice behind them were governors
of states , ox senators , pet sons who navoio-
celvcd bj n uno the thanks of longiess , and
others vvlio , Iav\ato \ entltlid to admission
to the floor The other half of the senate
chamber had been set npait for the diplo
matic corps , mcmhcis clcit in the house of
retnescntatives and the tmtmhois of the
IIK ii-n t house So umisu ill > laigo wasthoat-
tendatuoof thodlplomatlccorps and sonianv
arc the now icprescntativcs elect that long
bcfoto the membeis of the ptesent house of
representatives enteted the Renate chamber
the room was crowded and there was a long
delay bofoie thoj could bo ptovided with
seats or standing loom
Of couiso eveivbodj looked for Mrs
Cleveland , but he entered so qulctlj and
was dressed so plainl.N that few tciognl/ed
her , and there was not the gentle outbutst
of hand clapping among the ladles whldi
usuallv greets the aiipeaiame of the Hist
ladj of the land Mrs Clovelind was ac-
tompinlcd bj her mother , Mis Peiiine , and
by Mis James T Nouis of the re-iepthn
committee Piom her seat Mts Cleveland
could overlook the eiitlto senate chamber
and command a pet feet v low of the semi
circular sp.ico in fiont of the Hi ilr of the
presiding ottlcer , wheio two scats had been
jihued side bj sldo for tlio piesident and
Iircsldent-clect and \lco picsident-elect
Mrs Cleveland w01 o a dress of daikgiay ,
n seal cape and a str.iw-ioloml bonnet She
chatted to these about her , and ovldcntlj
enjoyed the seenoand the movements of the
actors In the drama on the floor below
Behind her sat the ladles of tlio btovcnson
family , to whom she frequently turned and
convci sed Thoblllliant _ costumes of the
Indies , the nodding plumes of their bonnets ,
the picturesque variety of the diplomatic
Pipa on the floor and the almost unlvcisil
black worn by the men weio
elements of color In the scene.
HiirrUon anil Clmcliiud Compnred.
After the usual guests vvero 'Seated the
vice president-elect , cscoitcd hi Senator Mc-
I'herson , and lltmlly the piesulcnt-clcet
marched down the nlslo leaning on the urm
of Senator Hansom.
Both Mr. Stevenson and Mr Cleveland
were applauded by the galleries Mis
Cleveland smiled and straightened her
figure with an evident dcgieo
of pride as her hush mil took his scat
by the sldo of President Haiitson The two
' men were In marked contiast as thoj vvcro
f thus brought Into close Juxtaposition , becoming -
. coming the cjnosuro of thousands of ojes
t Mr. Cleveland , much the taller of the two ,
f looked ruddy and vigorous , as if ho weio at
} least physically able to enduio the stiainof
I the conlllctH which aw ait Mini
I AU the members of his cabinet , except
| Jndgo Gicsham , wcio seated on the floor
i the senate , and it was noted that they looked
f both ponderous and stilt dj' Mr. Hoke
I Smith , the now secrotarj of tlio interior , at
tracted the most altoraionand wasobvlouslj
uneas.v under thu scuttinj to which ho was
The ccifinonles preceding the inaugura
tion itself were qtil ( klv enacted Air Mor-
ISu was visibly affected In leading his put'
ing words , which wet o hcattllj' applauded
Ho then administered the oath of
ofllco to his successor , whoso speech was
also applauded When the oath of ofllco
iviis admlnlstcicd to the senatois whose
terms begin today the pioecssion was foimed
for the march to the clm.ttcd pl.itfoim vvhiih
had been erected on the e ist front of th
capitol , the president-elect received
Ills oath of ofllco and dellveied his Inaugutal
i address.
Vluw itf the Cro il.
The spectacle outside wasawintiy ono
Thi ) great pltu.i In front of the capitol was
Jammed , several acics of men and women
r till gazing with uptutned faces towaul the
great brono door at the center of the capital
whence the hero of the ( lay was to emerge
Bejond this densely packed throng , which
surged this waj and that wav under the in
llueiio ( of the chilling w md , theie stretched
long lines of soldlerj awaiting the vvoid of
command to escort the now piesident to the
rev lew Ing stage a mlle anduhalfawaj to
the west of the capitol The whistling wind
now and then boio to HIP car the strains of a
distant band marching to its assigned posl
It was nearlj half pist ono when Mrs
Clov eland and her party walked down the
main aisle of the grand stand and Hat down
Just back of the little cnclosmo wheio her
husband was about to take the oith The
crowd recognl/cd her and set up a lustj
cheer. A long wait and Vlco Piesident
Stevenson , President Haulson and Presi
ilent-elect Cleveland came down to the front
of the stand esiorted bj the commit tee
Mr. Cleveland In splto of the chilling
blast bired his head , whlio all others of the
juity buttoned their overcoats tl-htly | and
I showed bj their ncivous movements that
they felt the' cold Mr Cleveland sat down
In the largo leather chair ucsldo Chief Jus
tlco fuller and after taking a small roll
from his Inside pocket and ttansfctrlng It to
Ills outside nockot. tubbed his ungloved
liands , apparentlj to testmo stagnant cir
culation Piesldont HintUon tinned up the
fur collar of his oven oat
Diplomat * Kitlly l > l rmiriiril. |
The weather during this ccremonj was In
tensely told and diplomats after remaining
n few moments succumbed to the dlscoinfoil
of the stand and retired. Onlj. the rieneh
German and Chinese ministers rennlnlng
An soon as uu'ijbody In his linmedliito
neighborhood was seated Mr Cleveland
rose , advaiacd to the edge of the pKforn
nnd began the dcllverj of his Imiuguial ad
Ho did not refer to his manuscript , but
shot his words Into the llerco wind with a
rcudliuss whlih shuwtd that ho must have
thoroughly mc'inoil/cd his speech 'Iho do-
llvory oiciipled less than tvvcntj mlnuti-a.
Cui account cf the wind nonoof his wonl
vvcro audtbln at ti dlntunco of sixty foot.
Chief Justlio ruller then dellveied the
oath , using for the putposo the bible which
IwloiiKitl to Mr Clov eland's mother , and
which was used for the game pmixiso eight
jcnn ago , and which was used as well to
ndmlnlstcr the oath when ho Ixcauio cuv-
crnorat Albanj.
And o with the kits of Mr. C'lovi'lnnd's
UpH lu'on thu blblo at tliu coniluslon of the
oath thu icpubllcan party passed out of con
trol'of ' the federal fovcruuicut. Mr , Clovc-
and turnrd to hln wlfo am ) iraro her a
unrtkiKti I'teniditit llarrlnon fihonk
landRviirmlv with bin piediumor and BIK
e nof and thru the two men entered the
ip n diirlage vvhlili was waiting to It ad the
triumphal prou-Mlnti down PcniiHjlvanla
( Irnrrul Iliirrlmiii' * ( loiid llriiltti
When President Harrison entered thnurn
iti' chamber Just In-fore the oath wan ad
nlnlHtered to Vice I'intiliU'lil Hto\pimon ho
mirprlxed many by looking not only well but
leartj Pour j cats of time and blttergrlefs
iave whltenid his hair and added a few
ivrlnklcn to his face , but theto Is a ruddiness
n his countenance , a glow In his cheukn , a
Irlghtnens In hlx cjcn and Ilimnesrt In bin
step which upeak health and ntrength
'icsldent llairUon were a Mill of black , n
I'limo Albeit coat buttoned full to bin high
ollar , n black cloth overcoit with an edging
if dark fur and a nllli hat with a deep
mourning band
Ho Is the picture of health for one of fi'l '
and when ono consldciH what ho pinsed
through during the week Just closed the
splendid constitution of Indiana's ex-prcsl-
lent IH emphasl/ed
( lenoral I Ian Ison has iiractlcally hold n
imhllc reception at the whlto house on every
lay of this week Theio him been a petfiet
Httcain of cnlleiH Addul to thenn manifold
social duties has been an enoitnoim amount
of work which has ( ome to him fiom con-
giessand the executUo dep.u tments 'I hero
vveio thousands of men women and chlldien
inc'sent at the I ist public teieptIon held b.v
iilm on Thmsdav afteinooti iernight ;
this week he has been on dutj till II or IU
hunt night ( General Han Ison , after enter
taining at dinner Mr and Mrs ( leveland.
icpalied to his pilvato oOUo and enteted
Into ( onsidetatlim of bills wlilili hid bei n
passed bj congtess and awaited his nig-
tialuto .
Not n I'll iiminl < ) ( i iipiitloit.
This work Is taxing In the extieme It te-
ipilie" the closest mont il attention and the
most exhausting phjHlial elToit It was long
p ist mldn.ght w hen ho had attai lied his slg-
natuietothe la t of the bills befoie him
All othei membeis of tlio fnmllv hadlotlied
Knowing that he must be up at an earlv hour
this tnoinlng , the most memuiable day to
him slmo lie enteted the white house , ho
Knew himself upon a lounge and slept with
out imdiesslng Congtess was In srssl in all
of last night
At Oo'i loik this moinlng aseivantenten d
the piesident s loom and awal'enid him No
sooner had Presidi nt llanison made his
toilet than he was ptesented with an atmfiil
of bills sent fiom the capitol Ho s it down
and began to inn them oici when there was
a call for breikfast It will bo in my veits
befoto , if over , flemial Haiiisnn forgets
that meat It was the 1 ist one he ate in the
house which promised so miu h happiness ,
but whtih has been so dlffeiiut
Mr and Mis McKee and the two children
weio pi csent ' 1 lion ; w as an effott at enjoy
ment but the events of four jeats ciowded
their memorv , and at times theio weio tears
sllentlj stealing down saddened cheeks
.lust . four j cars ago this evening the H ir-
tison famllj , full of ptomlse , happiness and
longjoatsof hope , i'to their Hist meal in
the whlto house Theio vvero ptesent the
president , Airs Harrison , their son and
daughter , the giandchlldien and othei s less
dliectlj connected bj blood It was a happy
family with health and distinction and good
iheer evervwhcio Nothing \\as--uggestivo
of the events which have slmo transpired
'I In ii mid Nou.
The contrast this moinlng when the last
me il was pat taken of could not have been
miu h gieiter A half hour after hieakfast
found Pttsldent llanison at his desk looking
over bills fiom tongicss , signing oflk lai doc
uments , 101 eh ing telegrams and callcis
Mrs Mi Iveo at once set about to put ll.o
whlto house in peifect order for the new oc-
cupints Fiesh cut llowcis were brought
fioin the conseiator.v . and pi iced In v.isesln
almost evetj 100111 and corridor about the
house. Palms and other pit plants vvcro
brought foith to add to these alteadv
dlsti United about the mansion until
the gtatid old house was made to look its
best The chef was given instructions for
the piopiration of an elaborate luncheon
for piesident and Mrs Cleveland H waste
to bo icadj hv the tlmo thoj leauhod the
white house from ti.o capitol after the inaug
uration To the pieparatlon for this Mis
McKeogavo personal attention At 10 , iO
the cabinet aiiived in carriages leadj to go
to the capitol At 11 o'clock Mr Cleveland
dtovo up for the piesidcnt , and shortly
thcieafter the latter cntcied the carriage
and tl-o llttlo procession started to the white
building on the hill
When Piesident Harrison loft the white
house not to enter it again as chief magis
trate , that is not under four j cars ut least ,
and madostiaightway to the capitol , Mrs
McKcowas huiijlng orders at the execu
tive mansion.
i'ur CluXL'Iiind'H Reception.
There had been left undone nothing that
labor or genius or expense could conceive to
conduce to attractiveness or the com-
foiti or happiness of President
and Mrs Cloveland. The couitcsles
extended by General Hairl on and Mis
Mclfeo to their successra ) have surpassed
cveijthinj ; In the hl tOij of changes , and Is
tonight the talk of everyone in Washington
thej hrAo not onlv shown kindness and
couvtesj' , but a com Illness whli h will make
a new era in outgoing and Incoming adminis
tration etiquette
After the in uigur.itlon and after Mrs
Cleveland and her mother , Mrs Pernno ,
went foith to the whlto house from the capitol
tel , thoj were mot bj Mrs MeKecand given
a coidlai welcome Colonel Lament had
onlj a short time before arri\ed with Babj
Uuth and overj thing was indeed homelike
to Mis Cleveland Baby Benjamin Hani-
son Mclvco and his llttlo sister , Marj Lodge
McICee , weio taken to the residence
of Mr Wnnamakcr dining the fore
noon so that Mrs Mclveo was the
onlj member of Gcncial Hairison's family
present in the white house upon aiiival of
thonow mlsticss Mis Cleveland and her
mother vvcro made at homo and shoitlj- the
piesident and ox-prcsldcnt arrived , the
hittci onlj lingcicd long enough to bid his
successor and Mrs Cleveland goodby and
usheiedMis McICco into the canmgo They
woiodilvc'iidiieetly to the icsldenco of ox-
Postmaster General Wanamaker where an
elaborate luncheon was spiead and wheio
gathcied the membeis of the old cabinet ,
their wives and a few immediate ft lends
The luncheon was a sort of love whine
cxpiesslons of afloetion were made and te-ais
mingled witli the goodb\s It was a 15
o'clock before the luncheon was over
Started Tor liidliiim.
Thogoodbjs weio all said and the dis
tinguished son of Indiana entered a
riigo with the remnant of his
llttlo fiunilj and was dtlvcn to the
Ponnsv , Ivaniii lallioad depot to begin his
Journoj homo Ho was accompanied to the
tialn by all who weio picscntat the faiewell
luncheon The Pennsjlvania train was In
the depot lead j tostai * It consists of but
thico cais. a Pullman sleeper , a biggago car
and a pilvato p.nloi car When the car
riages containing the ex piesident and his
fi lends lolled up to the station theio weio
gathered a number of these who wished to
lo-emplmslzi ) their pel son il esteem for the
gieat statesman bj seeing him away and bv
expicsaing bj words to him their well
It w as but a few minutes bcfoio all were
aboard 'Iho train Is to IUH through to
ItidlamiiHilIs It is under the personal super-
\islon of Mr George W Bojd , the assistant
general passenger agent of Pcnnsvlvania
lallroad , who has for jeais been a warm
personal friend of ( .iencral Harrison ami ac
companied him upon most of his Jomncvs
during the past four j cars Mr Bojd will
dlicct the lunnlng of the special train till
It icaches the Hoosler capital.
I'lTHOIllll'l Of till ! I'lirl ) .
The ovprosldent's paity consisted OH it
pulled out of the .station at 4 07 p m , amid
diet rs and the waving of handkerchiefs of
ex-President Hairison , Mr and Mrs J K
McICco , Baby Benjamin and Marj Ledge
McKc'o and their iiuise , Lieutenant John
Parker , George W Bojd. Marshall Dm M
HansdeU and Mr G T Tlbbott. who has
been the ptcsldcnt's faithful stenographer
for four jcais and proven himself the most
popular of thu in mj nttaihes of the
white house The train will run as a
second section of the Pennsylvania limited
cypress which loaves hoio for the west at
10 111 p in It Is not expected to stop be
tween Washington and Ptttsburg , lAUlt ) | 111
Baltlmoto. Vork , Hnrrlsburg and Altoona
It will aiiivo at Pittsbuig about 11 o'clock
tonight and bo sidetracked In a quiet suburb
of t ho Smoky city
' 1 ho patty will stop on the train tonight
and breakfast upon U on Stindaj n.ornlng
General Hairison Is op | > oscd to traveling on
Sunday and totnoirow moinlng It has been
arranged that Itov J. P , Kumlcr , a Prcsby
torlau minister at PHtsbutk' and aa ol
friend of the llarrlnnn fiitnlh , will in
and ( itturt funeral llari Isonaii.l Mm MKce
ot hurt h 'lh\ will taki hionnrdlniii r
with Mr Kiitnhr and at nip lit tlnu i.tnrn .
0 thcnpclal train , and a late n | > | HT will \v \ <
Nerved on the train and N mie time lifter th'f
Itnlted cxpicMhaspaNMil I'lttubuig for tlin
went on tlin Pennsylvania line , prolxihly ut
1 o'clock , tlin ex prenldcnt'H HH'clal | will ro-
icw Its Joiiiiicy
The m hiMlulo of tlmo arranged by Hovel
will laid ) the partj Into Indianapolis about
I ) ! 10 o'clock on Monda.v morning A tc < cp-
lion cominlttie U expected to meet Iho
iresldent at Ith hmond at H or H IK ) o'clock
mil lucompiuij him to hid home.
Mi Klrrn I'rimliiiin.
Thu follow Ing pensions granted ate ro
Nelnaskii OiiglnalHlias J. Kamlall ,
r'alub GtiNklll AdditionalKdwln Stuwni t ,
la j ton Aedges , David A Anderson , Isaac
J Catlett , Clemmi'tit H Ivmo , Burton
Tiiller , Henry II. Shields Restoration -
AmosS I'.ager IncreaHO Hlclnird A Stun-
lltjh , William J Kdmanson , Henry I1 Gar *
H'U Original wldown , etc Sirah A Vln-
iint Indian war survivor Hlchard Hoge-
lioon Original John O Dawnon Incieaso
- Gtorgo W ICIrkpattltk , Benjamin 1'
Brown , John Tetter T.lon II Giccnman ,
loslah Hall , John M Brocktmm , ( leotgo
Walker Additional William U Wllhltc ,
larcd I. Diatingir Reissue Benjamin ! '
r.vanu Oiiglnal widows Hcctlna Winner
Mother , Annie M Tiavis Indian wat
wldowHPamella B Paine
Iowa Addition il Dividt. JOIICH , Joseiih
Gansell , John Roth , B ittus llosi h In
1 lease 'I hoiiniH I'tiisoiiH , Hmoiv S Rohln-
son llradford T Wicks , Joshua T Cm Us ,
I'rank Dose , James I iwiuv , William Bltnei
Kelsstie Chi 1st ! in Small , Samuel Ri Id
Reissue and imieise James S Ol ig
Inat widow K. eti Sillv Spioiil , mother ,
Iloi.uoG Williams , father , Maty ] . " Piigh ,
Illlin Doughiitj Indi m war Hitrvivots-
\Vllllim Ixiuman , Chi Istopher llauer ,
Joseph Pord , Alva U Hosklns , Juiilus It
MonIson Aliram S l.lddle Additional
Maik P Kellj , James P. Wind , Andievv
Anderson Im ICIHO WI11I im Bedms Re
Issue OllloW Holiomb. Milton K Walker
Origin il widow H. etc Mnrv H U'lldtr ,
Chill lotto M Seilj , Niiney A I'lathers ,
Robetca J Hcslwood , mlnois of Josiph
Smith. Indian wat sutvlvoi Wlllnm W
South Dtkota Oiiglnal Hugh Close
Addition il Piatuls Carver Imiease
Wlllitm M Hartupeo Oilgltul widows ,
etc - Ann i Piitslnger smvivor
James D Jenkins Oiiglnal Peter Week-
land Reissue -Gcotgo II Hill Additional
John W Pinker
Mill i HiitiroMN *
Postmaster Geneial Wan tin iker Is pin-
paring for a westein tour of ple.isuro and
observation Ho will pass thiough Omaha
and will stopover a dav Mr Wanamaker'H
first visit to Omaha was In fomptnv with
Pti sldent Hauison In Maj , Ih'Jl , and ho is
said to have been so favoiably Imptessed
with the citj that ho deslies to look it over
P S. H
Iiiduit .Im ICHIIII Suorii ln <
WASHINGTON , D C , Match I A small
gathering of personal fi lends and ladles of
the supt omo com t assembled In the supteme
couit this morning In advance of the great
In inguial ceremonies of the dav and wit
nessed tlio Introduction into the ollkoof
Justfto of the suiuemo touit of the United
States of Jtidgo Howell II Jackson , suc
cessor to the late Justice L imar
riturii c.ii'i nII.SON. .
Shu Marrlc d for I.o\c mill l.oht lle-rb ilviitlon
Army Slinulilur Mrapt.
Four Doixm. la , Much 1 ISpeciil Tele-
giam to Tiir BEI : ] Ciptain Wilson of the
local branch of the Salvation army has been
court martlaled and dismissed in disgrace
fiom the ai my for mat rj ing against the adv -
v Ice of her superior ofllcets C iptain Wilson
is .in extremelj ] ) iettj girl and had alvvajs
been one of the most active and cfllcient ofll-
ccrs the in my had Some time ago Tom IV
llngcr , a joung man who was not an aimy
member , began pajing her attentions In a
short tlmo a violent love aflair was in pro
gress Tom foiesworo his woildlj- way and
Joined the army Captain Wilson promised
to marrj him Ne.uljall the local annj'
membeis objected to the marriage ,
claiming that their captain was
throwing herself aw ajf on a worthless joung
man Major French and Captain Nelson
came up from DCS Molnes and brought all
their influence to bear to prevent the mar
riage , but In vain
rinnlly the joung people vverb married bj-
the Baptist minister Captain Wilson was
promptly shorn of her shoulder stiaps and
dismissed from the army.
NorthwcHtrrn Kxtontlons
Stot'x CITY , la , March 4 [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKE ] The Chicago & North-
vvcstein company has a party of survejors
In the Held , running a line from Ida Giovo ,
on its Maple Hlver division , noithvv cst to
Moville , the pressnt terminus of its Wall
Lake division , thcnco west to a Junction with
the Sioux Citj & Pacific road at Sergeants
Bluff THO latter road is now operated as
part of the Noi thw cstern This Is ov or prac
tically the sumo line located bj the Sioux
Citj' , Chicago & Baltimore , bids tor the
grading of which aio now being iceeivcd
ISullct In IIU lluiirt.
D u'CM-oiiT , la , March 4 [ Spccl-il Tele
gram to Tim Brn ] Thutsday afternoon
Kmil Bauer , a joung German , disappeared
fiom here Late Fiidaj' evening he was
found dead In his bed at his boarding house
It was thought ho died of heart trouble till
today , when his body was prepaicd lor
bin ml. Then n bullet hole near the heart
was found and later the icvolver was dis-
covcied iu his loom. He is supposed to huvo
committed suicldo
IMItor Iliusli Demi.
CHESTOV , la , March 4 [ Special to TUB
Bcr ] Sam D Hiush , editor and" proprietor
of the Dally Ga/otto , died at 7 I0 ! last even
ing at the homo of his father , State Senator
J B Haish Ills death lesulted from un
attack of la gilppo. which culminated in
consumption Sam Haish was ono of the
most promising and popular j oung men in
the state , and his death will cause unlvcisal
sonovv. He was in hls2.5d jear
u Hard right.
Slot \ Cm , la , March 4 [ Special Tele
gram to Tut , BFK ] Attoinojs in the case of
the state against Atlee Hart , J I. . Lewis
and George Crosbj , indicted for conspiracy
and ex toil Ion , through thu medium of the
Chicago Sundaj Sun. have been arguing a
motion for a change of venuu for four daj s
H was submitted tonight. Tullv MX ) afllda-
v its have been Introduced A decision will
be icnucicd Mondaj moinlng
Uri < k In Iowa.
CiiKsrov , la , March 4 [ Special to TUB
Buc ] Passenger train No U" ) , on the Bur
lington , ran thiough a switch this morning
near Osccola , dci ailing Uio entire train.
Sovcial passengeis wcie injuied , though
none fatally.
.Mawlior ClmrKc-d with Murder.
SiDS'ri , la , Match ( [ Special Telegram
to THE BI.E | ' 1 ho grand Jury tod.ij indicted
William Maw her for wife poisoning , and a
change of venue was taken to Pottawattamlo
count j' .
Dr. Gluck , ejo and ear , Barker block.
io.v v.ii'ittn coM'iin.\r.
llu Uui'ii Nut IVt I Alarmi'd Concerning tlin
( irriiiun Army Hill.
BEUI.IS , March 4 Chancellor von Caprivi
shows no disposition to either dally with
the agrailan partj or suticndcr a single im
portant point to the opponents of the annj
bill It Is surmised that Instead of testing
upon Kmpcior William's suppoil ho has
underground guatanteo the
adoiitton of the measure ' 1 ho agrarian
leadcts are falling to use the stiength of the
party to the best advantage
In eastern Russl i and westein Germain
enormous property losses from floods are 10-
ported In llung.itj also the rivets are
ovci flow ing their bmUs , submerging villages
and suicplng away thousands of cattle
'Iho small river Raab has swollen to thico
times its usual size and has wrecked
some J1000 houses In the illy of Kaab
and the surrounding district More than
40,000 acres of land have bctn laid waste
near Orvlna A small mountain stream over-
llovvt'd during the night and swept aivaj two
woodmcn's-buts. Twp men , two women anil
suvcial children vvcro drowned.
Dr. Gluck treats catarrh , Barker block.
Thousand ! Attend the Great Inaugural Ball
in the
i H i
s'niitiiiir Ilin Oimtiiiiim \ \ < > niy \ Ihn l.nillm
In Alii iiiliiiuii iiiiliiMlitn : ninl ArtUlIn
DIM uriltloim I'limi'N Anil Illiimolin
lUiTyHliiTi- llrlllliuit Hit-Hi' .
WAMIIIMITOV , I ) 0. , March I Mmli of
Jit ) HpCCtaCllllir HWCl'HS ( if tholimUglltal I ) , ill
it tlin I 'fusion building wan doubtless duo to
llll ) IIHllU'lll lloVldOpmi'tltH III till ) IISO Of Ulc'l'-
irlclti , of whlih full mlvantago was taken
omi'iiu uns falollkn The M out , of How-
, the tomhlni'd tadlaiic'o of mil I. ul c'lrc-
trie globes , tliu < liiuit.v blending ot gritnand
gold and whlto , Hparkllng fountains of tinted
water , peifi-i t hatnumy of musical Instru-
iiontH , nnil , WIIH to tiiiinv , tlio most In-
X'H'Stlllg fcallllOof tilltolh'tHOf HIM putting
Lanto and magiilllconc" all uiitiblni'il to
niiiko n snct'tai'lo that will bo tan led for
many .VIMIN in the minds of thuso who wlt-
lessed It In UH fullness
I'aiii'i ti i liainliei of IIK ) iiitds In length ,
mom tlitin fniti intds in lite.iiltli and llfti
1 .UIK ! from llooi to telling for rfwh an * tin )
llmeiw'ons ' of the pi .it ( mill of the pension
illlie building , where thu bill was held
Kltfhtj feet fiuin the floor to the framework
) f the roof , Bitppoitcd hv right ,
tnasshu In Hire , wt.ippud lound and 'lonnd
In aitlstte fashion with limiting unit Ivy ami
8inlla\ , and studdul with numotoiis electile
lights In globes of vauuiw colorrt
rrofimi l > iiritllniii ,
'I IIK o Cilleries range on nil sides of
the sp u-iotis court , tlin first twenty f < ot
high from the ball room door , Hiipiioited bj
in.inv Nplendld ( olinnns , thu baltoiii tailing
eaped | 1) } hugo V.IHCS Out the .shining sur-
fuee of tno columns and thu hion/cil ( olor of
the vases won1 hidden In the masses of thu deeoiiillons , tlio one tovuivd hhang -
sitings of smil.ix and Biiiiihu pendants , the
othei ( lllid with glowing palnm ,
gllttetingIth thousnndH of elutilu
beams. Similar tie itinont was ateordcd the
suppotts and cippmgs of the two iiicr | ) | gal-
leiles White , gold and red atu dtaped
about thu walls of the < nllro Interim'
Wherever the eje wandns these thico
idiots piecloniln Ue , with just enough of
Moral gt oen to make a pleising effect 'llio
colling , 1HJ ! feet ilxno the throng , Is n mass
ofhlto anil gold , a magnificent pieio of
workmanship that elicited admlr.ttlon from
the hoholdois Ten thousand \ards of
m.iteilal were ( onsuined In driping this
vast canopy Tlio stars ana stripes are
ovet vvvht'lu , on plllaifl , on walls and In the
waiting looms 'Iho lower gallery Is co\eid (
with plush of pm est white , gold embroldoied
and gold ftinged , forming a b ukgiound for Hags and binncis. nnil while In
the center of the nltisli , direi-tlv abo\ , mtd-
vvny In the au lies liclovv the supporting
[ illlus , aio emblems of chivalry , shields of
oi on/e and steel , highly iwllshed over suits
of minor , with a conventional sprar In the
usual position. ' , ,
I'lnnrrH livrrj lii'rr.
The pieces ovet' each supported
the Hist gallery. Ou 'tho ' gallery walls ate
silk banneis representing the fou\ four
states The si eond 'gallery Is decorated
similar ! } , and decked with ] neces ,
almo each column are vises neatly over
flowing with roses and Other flow eis , while
the sides are covered with national and state
escutcheons altcinatiiiK roicign ipo\ern-
ments are complimented In the decoratioiis
of the hiphtst galleiv which em brato flags
of all nations , and , of com so , the national
coat of arms
riowors and growing plants nro cvory-
where about the pHLn-ScWerlnp the music
stands anil o\er the arches In the center
of the court is ii fountain of play
ing water , translucent in the
rays of elcctiic lights of many
colors The fountain Is suuouniled by grow
ing plants , flowers and \ines , and Its effect
is so uiliuo ) thai It ( buns ono of the most
attiMOtlvo fcatmes of the general scene Two floral arches , each sixty-lho feet in
height , are on each side of the court , while
in front and sut rounding them aio the
stands for the musicians. The arches are
trimmed in pure w hito bunting , for a back
ground for plants and \lnes and odorous
llowcis They are the erownlntr features of
the room. From the top of ono the magic
of "Cle\ eland " in bla/cs
name \ , / of electucity ,
from the other "Sto\cnson" shines
The band stands are man els of artistic
floral beauty
Artutlc nnil Beautiful.
Banked around the base of each of the
eight gieit nillars supporting the roof , arc
flowers and plants in pi of union , while from
the tops of tiics.e pillars depend wa\Ing lib-
bens of smllax lifty feet in length The col-
umrs bear artistic shields , cach'lmving upon
it the name of one of the twentj-two presi
dents of the United States and Vice Picsl-
dent Sto\enson But these elaborate and
tasteful decorations are only made pcifcct
by the harmonious effect of many colored
electric lights The ractiatico comes from
ceiling and b ilcony , thoj peep out from the
smilax and fern , they shimmer fioin the
water of the fountain Uhousands of them
aid in bringing foith the grandeur of the
whole effect
The ball had been In progress for some
tlmo before the ptesidcntlal p-uty aiii\ed
Many persons of distinction fioin all parts of
the country , senatois , icpiesentatives ,
prominent politicians , govcrnoi" of states ,
ofllcers of the aimv and nivy , diplomats
fiom many lands , militi i ofllc rs , all theio ,
with thousindsof ladies , foimed the throng
that passed thiough the four great doorwajs
of the buildinij and made merry in the ball
It is estimated that 12,000 persons attended
the affair , but onlv a sm ill jioition of these
took p irt in the dancing The tluong was
too gicat to admit of ficedom in the waltz
and sehottlscho and polka and the pressure
about the siju uo sets was so intense that
the ic volets were given but little space
for their tcipskhoicin evolutions Mr
E. B Ha ) , chairman of the
committee on inaitguial bill and
promenade , was ( lour manager and
each of the I''O sections into which ho
divided the ball room was in charge of an
assistant Chairman Hay had a station near
the orchtstia and ho communicated with
his aides bj means of olectiical signals
When a square danco.was icady to begin , in
each section an ck'i Ufc annunciator made
known that fact to , Jr Haj and when the
lust set in the lat siicfion had been formed ,
hogato the oilier jfor the music to begin
The piogram for the. Conceit , promcnaio and
dancing was as follow 41
Musical I'ViiKram.
Grand Iiitiiuunil SIiittM Thu Hroal Itepnbllc--
riiiunilll Hand1 lind ouliistra'rliii > n
for the oceuslon > 'iind ' di tllratiMl to Mr
Cleveland tl
Sjinplumlc1 IIOCMII I.t j J'reludes M > ? t
Si'lcclloii The.Mi'ii'lianl of Vi nlci ) I'liiMitl
rantasluLoinliiiio T lp to .Mais ranclulll
WaltClirUtmns Httii . .fohns
IVncliiK Mastur lie Iviivim
I'olka May Hells. , , ij . bantc'lmaim
Promenade I'/.irlne. . . Ciinno
Lancers Nlo of Clrilnp'igiio I'mist
\\altz I'olar Mar , , i , \\iildtt ufel
.S'hottUchu Country Itaiid bmlth
I'roiiic'tiado DlvcrtlsifUjlu'iit K
V. ' . Uesdrmes
Lancers Ito.ul to Mooton IK' Ixn'tr
W lilt/ l.ti I'lBtilo . . t Aiidran
I'loinenudo-lliil Ciislunu ) . lluliliisti'ln
I'olka .lolly Miuli'ius .March r.ilirbuch
\\altz-ll ichi lots I'avorltu \\lllianis
l'roiiieiiidi.Ni'w ! Vork. ranclulll
waltz Due Mi art , Ono Nml ' trails *
l.nncers Koliln llikiil De ICoven
\\ult7-Kspuiu \\aldtiufol
1'olUa High K-hiHil ( adut March Mitisa
CoStlllllfK III thu I.tllllOH.
The costumes worn foj Mrs Cleveland and
Mis Stevenson and bj Uie wives of tlio
cablnnt olllcers were not the attractive
of the m.inj elegant toilets dlsplajed
Thogownwoin by Mis Clov eland was
made of hi-avj white sittn emplro front and
tight Ilttlng back It was tiihlj trimmed
with point Incoand embroidered with costal
beads The ombruMur ) ran up in ravs
about twelve liuhcs from the iMJ'.tom of the
skiit. which was i > olntod in thu luck The
omplro front was outlined with hro and
eo stal embroidery The sleeves wore largo
puds , made of nitln , dottitl with the beads
and had stllT sjtln bows at thu shoulders A
heavy fall of lace completed ttiu corsage.
the gown wax B.mpli in dtylr , litit vt rj rkh
and urai < fit !
Mnt Htovi nHi n wifi of UKltt < pri illenl
wan ncioinpiiiil''d to tin bull in all the
lndlen of the pirty ivho ( aim with liirfrnin
IlloomitiKUiti mm * Mr * Hmtt In r Aliitcr ,
vvlio In In tnoiiiiiliiK Mm MtcNcim in H K'IWII
wan a eonibliiiitl'Hi of erenrn and hi llntttipo
of molro antliie ( | and vuhel The nklrl mid
( omagn WITH of cream moire Almnt tliij
bottom of the nkli t VVIIH a nat row arrniigomeiit
of the heliotrope vdvut 'I ho inniigo WIIH
ilceollottn with nileh bertha of late old
Diichifw * lace , outlined b ) a garland of vliilotn
MIH HtuM'itHoti n glovt'M and fan in.itchwl
\olvntand tie wotu no Jewel *
MKH | Steii-niton wore pink ihlfTou inn-
liiolilered In colon * over pink Milk
MHS ! .liilla Stovetmon , white bennillnn ,
with full puffed idtxiNv nl'MivcHof mlnbow
ftatln and peal p inNuinenlerh ,
MliM IxOlii Kti'Vcimon , jot a school girl ,
woio n Josephine xovui of tir < | iiol o blue
falllo and lace
M Ins .lull i .Si oil were whlto tordid wlllf ,
combined with lavender n itln .
Mm . ( amen K Hwliu , old HMO Mlk arid
thread lai o
MlAH Lucy llnnii , lemon hrocadu
Allits ratinlo Dunn , lilac ctepo
Ciililimt Imill n I'ri'ru'Ml.
The cabinet ladl 'H prcift nt wi ro MesdaincH
C'arllsle , l.imont and Ulmii'll , and Mlm
Herbert , daughter of the HI i rotary of the
navy Mis ( iiinham and MIH Ilnkc Smith
were not In thei llj. and Mis Olney did not
feel i < | iial lo the lank
' 1 ho materl il of Mis Cirllile's gown win
a Mti | > oib brocade , In whli h plnlds'i ' mauve
HhailiH pit-dominated 'I he train wan a verj
long an 1 full tourt triln Tin- waist was
eli-gaiill.y tilmmeil with point la < < and gold
HI cd pen Is and had high puffed i Ihou
sin-vis of thi ) broe tile Tin neck w IH ( In-
Ishi d with tIi h old hu e Hlxti i n Ini h < s wIde ,
taught up on one Hhinildor with oslili h tips
Ono end was hlddi n I ndi r the velvet b iw In
front , and then < an led down the sld.of the
Hkht and fiiHteni d with a I irge violet vel
vet bow 'I hen It w IH festooned IICIOSH the
fiont of the nkli t In UH full width and dl .ip-
pea i I'd under Iho tialn
Mis I/uiiont w IH attlied In a gown with
an old gold H itln front , the hick Inorided
with terra cotta stripes The nlievts win
purred , of velvet to m itch the color In the
biocado Htilpes Tim hu a wan j ibotteil
around the bottom and up the front and
caught with bows The Imllco was of velvet
tilmmtd with gold and pearl filntfu , with
fall or line
Miss I . .I'll . i Herbert , d mghter of the ei ro
tar.y of the n ivi , woie a gow ti of the lj lo of
IH.lo The mati rial wan cieatn H itln The
skit t had no train and Blood out Htlfllj at the
bottom , ivhero It was iloutn ed dee-tilv with
lace over silver gau/o and fi stunned with
bum lies of i team roses ' 1 he bodlio had the
late at ringed in pretty bertha fash Ion
l' ( irl ornainctiis were worn
Ahs Htssfllihose a gown of p lie jellow ,
hioiaded s'llln. striped with pink and blun
and finished with an abundance of 1.110 old
Mis Morton wore heliotrope hiocido and
velvet , made in the Dliectoiy ntjlo nnil
ttlmmed with minx and Duchess lace.
Mrs Cat Motion , black silk with whlto
and him k lace.
Mis Paul Morton , corn colored brocade ,
combined with pile heliotrope satin and a
fall of old lace
rri-xlilmt nnil Mm. C'lmrUlul ArrUc.
H was twenty mlnut's to 10 o't lock when
Mr and Mis Clevelind arrived at the pen
lion ofllie building aieompanied by a letinuo
of ft lends \\itliout going to the rooms reset -
set veil for them , the pusidi nt and his wife
started on a tout of the b ill room The piK's-
ident lul away on the aim of ( ienoral Scho-
lleld , while Mis Clevelind followed under
escort of Justice Oil ay of the supreme' ijeneh
Pollowing tlii-m tvme Colonel and Mrs Dm
S Lament , Mr an 1 Mrs Wilson S Uisscll
with their daughttrs Ii , law , Mr Hoko
Sniltn , Mr and Mis .1 Sterling Morton ,
Mr and Mrs Kit h.ud WatKon ( illder , Mr.
and Mis 13 ( J Benedict , Miss Benedict and
a number of others
As the party entered the Marine band , at a
signal from the doorway , starled up with
"Hail to thu Chief , " and this familiar air
was thu first intimation given a m.ijoiitj of
the people piesent that the guests of the
evening hid arrived Theio was a general
movement of those In thy center toward the
sides of the loom , and particul.ul } toward
the west , or rifth stieet entrance , through
which the piesidcntial parti had entered
The gathering had by this limo numbered
fully 10,000 , and this immensocrowd was nec
essarily so compact that there was llttlo
room left for the promenade of the
guests of honor Several thousand people
did not oven know that the piesident and
Mrs Cleveland were in the room Uho
greatest interest was manifested in Mis
Cleveland and hundreds of \ omen vied with
each other In getting to the front of the line ,
where they might catch a glimpse of her
A few minutes only vvcro consumed in the
circuit of the ball loom and then Mr and
Mrs Clovel.iud went upstairs to their apart
ments and there received a largo number of
prominent persons , including senators , rep
resentatives , foreign ministers and ofllcers of
the armj and navy The coming scticlary
of the navy. Mr Herbert , then joined the
uarty wilh Miss Herbert
Arrival of tlm Vlco rrenlilrntliil Party.
The vice piesident lai parly arrived al Iho
hourof 10 and a circuit of the hall was made
In u manner similar to that of the piesiden-
tialpaity Mr and Mrs Stevenson , wilh
their son , daughters and the fiieuds who
accompanied them lo Washinglon , then
Joined the president and Mrs Cleveland in
their rooms
ThoSlovcnson family remained somewhat
later , as did also several members of the
paitv who came with the Clcvclands Mr
Carlisle was one of those whoicmaiued and
he and Mrs Carlisle held Impiomptu
icccptions ii : various parts of the hall
Prcciselj at o'clock the band struck up
"Homo Sweet " and the
, Home. assemblage
quiellj dispersed The whole proceedings
were inaikcd by n staid and statelj decorum
more thaiaclcflsllc of an ancient minuet
than of a modern ball.
Tin ; I'rt'slilent'H ItoolllK.
In the committee rooms prepared for the
presiitenl md vice president the s uno lavish
manner of dei oiallons and adornment that
prevailed in the h ill room , with even moio
profusion , was repeated Hoses piedoml-
nalcd In the floral decorations gi cat Ameri
can Beauties , swcct-stcntcd Mngni Clmrlas
and Uliic Uruners In every nook and cor
ner were plants and cut flowers that could
not bo passed In luxuriance and nicety of
ai rangemcnt The president's rooms , three
in number , vvero Ihoso used by the commis
sioner of pensions and his chief clerk the
Hist in ranged as an ante loom This apait-
mcnlwas coveted on ono side with vines
and flowers , while on Iho opposllo walla
silin lapeslr.v formed a bic-kground of mag
nificent pieces In the presidenl's
room , the second of the suile , there vvero
plants , flowers , \Ines in profusion , banked
in the coiners and atound the
walls A mirror framed In smilax
and ferns and spliced over Iho mantel and
in the open llrepluce roses and tulips vvcro
arranged with so much aitistlc effect as to
give the idea of binning coals Above the
minor , a duplicate of w hit. h w as on the op
posite wall , a star of oleetric lights , en
twined bj a wieathof 1 iurelgao a brilliant
effect , while ivj garlands , more flowers ,
flags , banneis and rich drapciies completed
the decoration of the room A miniature re
production of the capitol building in humor
telles was Iho piltuipal floral piece in the
Ihird icxim. icseived for Ihe private use of
the president and Mis Cleveland Koics
and plants vveie artistic.-Ulj nrranped drap
eries into a veritable bovver The rooms of
the execulivo committee of the Inauguration
w ere also profusely decorated
So inn of the roruuT Hnll .
There have been but two intermissions in
the series of inaugural balls lo commcmo
rale the accession of a new elected presl
dent since the dajsof Madison , covciing
a period of etchtj-four jears The earlier
balls w ere held on sites then deemed fash
Ion kble , but since given over to variet.v thca
ters or beer gardens Martin Van Buren
had two bills given In his honor , bul the
president and vice pnsident attt titled onlj
one William Henri Ilartisjti's biit-f term
was commemorated bj three inaugural balls ,
ho at tendril all and danced at one of these
with the wife of the editor of Iho Na
tional Intelligencer 1'ollt had two Inaugural
balls , ono at fid a ticket and one al ft ! The
last , as might be icidllv supposed , was num
erously attended and very disonlyrlj
Xaehary Taj lor , who , llko H it i Ison , dleit be
fore his term , had llueo balls given In
his honor and attcndod each of thorn , accom
panied by the vice president. I'ierve , poor
IMorce , as his coiiteiuponu los beeamo aceus
tomed to call him , wound up his Inaugura
tion In u snow storm and had no ball given
him *
With Buchanan the plan of making
temporary provision so us to concentrate al'
Kelley , Stiger I
& Co.
Corner Farnam and 15th Streets.
The Latest Fashions ,
The Latest Shades ,
The Popular Prices.
Dress Materials w x )
You may choose from n selection of over 150
new and pretty India Silks.
New Velvets o .im >
Changeable Velvets ,
Russian Velvets ,
Plaid Velvets ,
New shades in all grades
Corduroy Suiting
So stylibh just now andso serviceable 85 cents'
Wash Silks < N.W >
Pretty effects in changeable silk shot silks in
new effects , etc. , etc.
Dress Goods
This department now contains the fashions from
the best markets of the world , at popular prices ,
French Challis
Many pretty effects a complete change from past
seasons in styles and colorings.
Wash Goods
Replete in every fabric now in vogue. Our beau
tiful Sateens are really superb. The Batistes are
surpassingly pretty.
New Gloves
See our new brand of superfine Italian Gloves.
All shades be found the ,
new can now Empire
Browns , Steel Grays are the leading shades.
Dress -Trimmings
The latest novelties in Laces , Veilings and Dress
Trimmings will be shown Monday.
New Ribbons
The greatest bargains we have ever offered
Rich all silk satin and gros grain ribbons , in all
the new delicate shades 6c , 8c , i2c and iSc a
yard , worth almost double.
Faille Ribbons
Rich all silk faille francaise ribbons ( No. 40 , 3
inches wide ) , in all the new spring shades , only
2 ; c , regular price 450. See them in the win-
Kelley , Stiger & Co. ,
Farnam and 15th Streets.
the visitors under ono roof bepan The in
augural ball was held in a temporar.v wooden
btiuctuio erected as an annex to what is
now the inti hall In Judiciary square. Lin-
coin s inauguration , in spite of the
ovei shadow ing cloud of Impending
war. called for the construction of a similar
wigwam on the same square , but Lincoln
hiti'self , oppressed with the s > ense of his
coming rcsiKHisibllitii's. did not attend
Grant's flrst Inauguration was celebrated by
a ball given In the uncompleted north wing
of the treasurj building Grant and Vlco
President Colfax were present , nceompmied
by their wives , and among the honored
guests was Horace Greoley , who , four jean ,
later , was mmlnitcd for the prcsldcncj In
opposition to Grant s second term The de-
la jed decision of the disputed title of
1'iesident Hajes prevented any ball being
given in his honir
Garhold's brief administration , which
opened so auspii ioualj and closed so trade-
all ) , w as commemorated b ) a ball held in
the uncompleted nation il museum , whoso
vast proportions , with its arches , corridors
and masoivedome gave facilities for making
the bill the most Imposlrg of the kind ever
witnessed in this country This bill was
never equaled until the majestic central
hall , or otherwise uninteresting | > enhlon
building , created by the late Gen
eral Meics. placed nt the disposal
of the national authoiitlcs a ball room , the
equal of which It would be hard to find any
where Whatever eh-mires of administration
mav occur , it seems iikel.v that the pension
building w ill bo the nation il bill room of the
future Cleveland's flrst Inauguration and
Harrison's election vvero each celebrated bv
most successful bills held within this build
ing , but neither of them could compiro In
splendor with Iho oall to bo held there to
AMU InvrttlKUto tlin I liirjt < ' .
TorcK i , Kan , March-I In the scnato to-
daj n tesol .tion was introduced authorizing
the appointment of a committee to Investi
gate the charges of no vptlng hoodie made
l > i the Topok.i ( t.ipitvl against Governor
IXSHoiling , Attome.v General Little , the
governor's private , , and James
Ix > gate The committee will m.iUe n full
stenographic' report to thenvretno of htato ,
who will submit It to the hi'iiato ut the tirst
session thereafter
M-vJur llnlltiril hull * fur Kurupr.
Nrvv YOIIK , March -Major HalforU
sailed today cm the French liner La Oai-
cogno for Havre He goes to Paris at
special disbursing officer for the Bcrinur sea
commission , which will meet there very soon.
Dr Gluck treats catarrh. Darker block.
lirro of M Wreck.
Conpriossmnn Belknnp of Michigan
w ho did Mich heroic' M-I-V ice nt the rail
road w reck in Philadelphia lost Wednes
day , borved for eleven jears in the fire
department ol Grand Hapids , and ro o
to the po-iition of chief. It was to bo ex-
i > ec'tod , therefore , that in an emergency
iiko that of the other day , ho would
Bhow himself a man uf nerve and action ;
and ho pees around now with fccveral
cuts on hit liands acquired in that very
way. A Washington dispatch pays that
ho saved the life of ono young woman
who was pinned under the wreck with
the arteries of her wrists severed. She
was rapidly bleeding to death when
Uelknap crawle-d to her and with f-omo
ordinary rubber bands which ho had in
Ills pocket , bound the wrKU and stopped
the tlovv of blood. The surgeon , who ar
rived seine time after , raid that thla
I course saved her life. The roof of a car
was raibod with u jack and the during
congressman craw led under with a guvv
to roletk > o several jxsri-ons.
Trn Ton * of IliamomU.
London World : An astonishing gtnto-
montwiLs made Wednesday evening at
the Society of Arts in the course of a
paHsr ) by Mr. tk > nne > tt II. Hrough on the
"Mining Industries of South Africa. "
Ho said that since 1 7 , when the diamond
mend tields were flrst discovered , there
have boon exported from Caj > Colony
moro than fiO.UOO.OOO carats of diamonds ,
the vnluo of which approached 70,000-
000. Tholr weight would exceed tea
J tons ; a heap of them might form ti pyra
mid with a biuso nine feet square and six
fcot high. Putting It another way , they
would fill u couple of Pickfnrd's vans.
The figures are large , and are , I should
fancy , open to correction : but Mr. T.
Keunart , who is responsible ( or the
statement , is u man , I believe , who
knows what ho is talking about.