U THR OMAHA DAILY BICE : Sl'NDAY. MAlim r > , 1S03-S1XTKKN I'AOES. SPECIRL NOTICES , FOH TIIKSIO COI.tT.MNfl AnVKHTIRKMKNTR IJ.Mp m for Iho stoning and until t p , in , for the morning or Sunday edl- Nn nilfcMliemr-nt taken fur leu than K ccnli for the tint Insertion . . . . All advprtlneinentii In Ilir'e columns U { cents a word for the nrst Inrrrtlon and I cent a word for rach iibipqiipnt Insertion , or fl.M PIT line per month Terms , cash In advance. Initials , flgnros , symbol * , rle , each count as a vioril. Aavprtlto tuenls must run codseciillvoly Advortl er , by re questing n numbered chrck , ran have the letters addrrnipd to a nunibpred letter In careof Tlir. HKK. Answers so addressed will bo delivered on Iho pre- sentatlon of the check. ' BIT CATIONS'WANTED. . tt. sTmi'rAT ) iioMKf4T\VIIAPPEll9 Mrs. Oakley , WON. 2llh. Chlldron'i clothing T 72U A - W A NTKD. A POSITION AS S-TKNOGIIAPH K U / by experienced male operator. Address X M Hco A-W/TNTKH. POSITION AS OFFICE ASSISTANT and stenographer. Address X 13 Hco. .21 - ' ) . SITUATION. IIV HXPKItlKNCKI ) A-WAN'KI youtmlady Menographpr and tjpowrllnr : can operate Smith Premier or Hcmlngton. AddrcM , 11 S7 , llee. 0 _ "A W/NTID. : ii v"A" YOUNG "MAN wim DK- -Viiirps to mckc his homo In Omaha , n position as tanngrapher Cninpctcnt and experienced. Klmcr Hnler , Lincoln , Neb. " 'll "A MAN wilO HAS WOllKKir'lN PLANTs'll jVmlll and nho Ii cnpahln of running wood work ing machinery nnd taking the place of foreman In * mall planing mil ! In the best town In fouthcrn Nebraska Address H m. Omaha lleo. MtU 10 AHOYI.KS A IIAIllI , 61.1 N. Y. I.IFK , TKI.K- pho aK , liavo a list of experienced ( lonog- raplicrs desiring positions. Furnished to business n en free. M9I5 6 T WANTID. WAHiTiNG ifv TIIK DAY. AD- Jtltera HCS , Hep , MIOt 7 * -WANTKI ) . A SITUATION AS DHA UHUTB- man or trncor. neat Ipttorer , can also do ch'ilcnl work. Address C.H. UPP. OW 6 * 1 > - SA1.AHY Oil COMMISSION TO AGKNTS TO .I'hnndlo the Patent Chemical Ink Krasor Pencil. The moht useful and novel Invention of the age. l.rntcM Ink thoroughly In two seconds. Works Ilko mnglo COO to tm per cent protlt. Agents making f.1) per week Wo nlso want a general agent to take rhargo cf territory and appoint sub agents. A rare ( Imncc to make inotiny. Write for terms anil asppcl- men of prnrlng. Monroe Krnslng Mfg. Lo , Y 'M. La ( rotsc WIs 72' . ' TTLA IH I It KIIS A NlTTliJCK UN ON THK II. A M. J'extension In South Dakota. Stod ly work ; fro ) IIIIBI. Kramer .VO'Hearn , labor agency , JOI S. llth ( t. M7I7-.V T > WATKD , HLACKSM1TH TO DO PLAIN WOHK J'and general bhicksinllliln- . Address P. W. 1'eck , Douglas , Neb. 8IIC ) * T ) A MAr7' ? ( ) WOHK ONAHM , 20 .MILKS Jfrom umahn ; married rnin proferreil. Call niter ( i p. m. M. F. Martin , 7UI North 17th slrcet MS'II ' "i > - WANTID-AN : ACTIVK MAN AS CITYISALKS J ) man and manager for a house selling the urn eery trade , to call on the trade of Omaha. Council ItlniTs and South Omaha. Fair salary to an accept able man. Party preferred who can become Inter ruled f..OUU orlOW In the house nnd enter Into permanent arrangements. We want a man of bun- Incss ability and who Is a rustler. Address for llvo flays , HCI. HLO ofllco. M874 7 * TI-WANTKII , A ( JOOI ) HAHNK9S MAKKIl AT 4 > onco. A. K. Kcmpcr. North Hond , Nob. 878 0 II CO.MPKTKNT STKNOOUAPIIKHS WHO DK- J'sirtf poslllons call or address Hoylcs A Ilnbb , CI4N. Y. Life , toll-phono 60S. MV33 S O-WANTEI ) . YOUNG MAN NOT UNDKH lit TO J'learn undertaking business. Gorman preferred. Address II ca , lleo olllco. V33 S 1 > - WANTKIF1IIHT CLASS SALKSMKN TO J'scll exclusively , on commission , a first class line of tollel wnlers , perfumes and soaps Good territory and liberal contract open for right man. .Address , with references , Palmer Mfg. Co. , Kansas City , Mo. M'J28 II' 1WANTED A GOOD GKHMAN HLACKSMITII J'rlght away ; man with tome means wanted to build a shop Work waiting lor him. N. A. llovce , I' .M. , Teltmsta Neb. 9.V1 6' B-WANTED , HIIIGHT TYPICWIHTEH 8ALES- mcn. Liberal salary will bo paid : references re quired. Address Hammond Typewriter Co. , 69 Maunrn street , Buffalo. N. Y. 920 5 * E-WANTED. A HELIAIILE STATE OltOAN- Iror and manager fora strictly legitimate bene ficiary order , ten year en lowment Insurance. An excellent chance fur the right party. Address , elating ngo and reference , P. O. box No. 35H , lllch- inond , Vn. M9I5 7 * n-WANTED , LIVE SOL1C1TOII , 81AT1ONKHY J ) | lne. to represent a Chicago house on patented shipping books , salesman order books , bank ucctnlttOB. etc. Exclusive ngency given fur Omaha and other towns. Trade established. Lib eral commissions. Address Walter N. Uundcrson Manufacturing Co. , 12.'U Newport nvo. , Chicago. 911 S' "n-TWO COAT MAKKHS IMMEDIATELY. GOOD J-'prlccs , steady employment , good town. T. J. Kclloy , Denlson , la. WS ! > ' 1J-WANTEI ) , A WATCHMAN FOH NIO1IT 4) work , n mnn who can furnish the very best 'of references. No other need apply. Address II W , lco. ! MDOO 7 T > -COMPETENT STENOGHAPIIEH9 CAN PHO- J' euro good positions. Address , Information Ilureau , Co-opcrutlvo Stenographers Association , 504 Tacoma Building , ( hlcngo. 6976' T-WANTED , EXPEHIENCED SALESMEN , TO -IJ ell scheme linking Powder to grocery trade In the country. No use to apply unless you can shown Huccessfnl record In this lino. Will pay salary nnd commission to satisfactory party. State experience fully. Addreis Spencer Haklng Powder company , Chicago Heights. Ill , $95 6' 15-WANTED , TWO Al SPECIALTY ADVE11T1S- Jng | salesmen calling on retail trade on our double premium olfur. World's fair feature. New brand. Liberal Inducements , .Merchants' Depart ment , \\orncrCompany,315 to34l Wnbnshavo. , Chicago. 1 > 7 , TO JI5 PEIl DAY AT Iln.MB SELLING , ' LUhtnlng Plater nnd plating Jewolry. wntches tableware. He , Plates the finest Jewelry good as new. on nil klndn of mctil with gold , silver and nickel. No experience. No cnpltnl. Every house has goods nojdlnit plating. II. K. Dolno S Co. , Col umbus , Ohio. tji 5. T-WANTID : , A COLLECTOR , MUST HE WELL JJacauBlntod with the city nnd bo able to produce Brut class reforencos. AUdrcis B 07 , care Bee. 8C4 6 _ _ _ _ -MAN A1IOUT 25 ; QUICK TO LEAHN , CAN llnd permanent employment nnd salary weekly. street. _ M9C.IA4 1)-A(1ENTS-SALAIIY AND COMMISSION. BEST 4'frntornal order. Assets f300.000. Both llfo and endowment classes. Glltodgodln every respect. Borne dlntrlct agents wanted. A rare chanco. Ad- iJros King & Co , , S Union Square , New York. 948 6' WANTED FEMALE HELP. C-WANTED , GIHL FOIt OENEUAL HOUSE- work , small family , 1357 North i 19th St. 7S5 f I-GIHL WANTED , 3 IN FAMIL\ , GOOD v'wngoj. Mrs. H. Elguttor , 1112 S. 10th. 856 C-WANTED , ( Hill. IN BMALI , FAMILY. 3IU Woolworth Avo. Ml C-llKaT OF WAG1J8 TO COMPETENT GIHL- must bo good cook and laundress. 2403 Farnam. Airs. J. M.Thurston , BoO 5 p-WANTKI ) , dllll. FOH OKNKHAL HOUSK- v/work , al 1810 California. Mfftiti * C-G1UI.H WANTKD AT MUUPHV , WAHKV A Co , ' thalr factory , Spauldlng and 3Jnd streel. M9JI 7 * p-LADlK. * CAN KAHN IO,00 A WEEK WHIT- vMng at homo , r-ond Btampod envelope for par ticulars to Miss Harriet Hummel , Ohio City , O. 120 * fi' -A LADY OF PLKAB1NG HANN11HS , NOT younger Ihivn 20. who Is willing to work In- dUBirloufcly seven hours n day , and follow Instruc tions ; iivrmunent position and tJ.WI per week to rultablo person. Apply after 10 Monday. W. T. Marshall room 12. LraUbton block. MTOO * C-I.ADIKS WI81HN.3 TO MAKE JM.OO WKUKLY by doing writing at tlielr homes , address , enclosing - closing Blaiup , Miss Louise I'alillDld. Honlh Hond , l'"l. UI6S * p WIS MUST IIAVK MOHK LADY AKNTS ( AT V'onoo. Knormoim sales on our specially , Prollt Itninenie : wrlta quick. Isabulln Tollel Co. , Houlh llend , Indiana. g < U h > * p LAIIIIN WHO WILL 1)0 WHITING Full MK V 'nt ' their houips will rnako good wagos. Itoplr with self nddn-ssod , stampjd cnvclopu. Miss Mil- droil Miller , ( u-ath llend , Ind. BS7 i' p-I.AI < \ AGKNTS WANTHI ) FOH TIIK I1YGKIA 'clcctrlo cortets. Kxporlcncn unnecessary , ioaii lor ni.-er.tB' terms or send Jl.W foruutllt nnd sample iorscts.cslern ( .orsct Co. , ti Louli , Mo. p-I.ADlKS WHO DO WHITING FOH MK AT V 'home ' make H8.XI ( weekly , lloply , with self ad dressed stamped envelope. Camlla A. , . , , , , Atcry. . . . Dox . A , t t tl. llend , 1,1,1 . tSI & .1 CM , , . - TUIMMKII , STOIIK. i Allco Isaacs , Agent , 3U7 South loth. JIW 6 -WANTKD , riiiti. FOU ( TKSKUA"I , IIOUSK"- ' . . . ( ? 1" " " ° ' BOU < I w li i anmll family. 110' ) rnruaiu street. jp.m , . p-WANTKI ) , l.ADIKh ANI ) ( JIHI. ' WK WILL V pay you ( I to Jll ) per week to work for us at your own homes : no painting or canvassing ; send elf addressed onvrlupo. ( ieorgo F. Kmruons * i o. corner llatterymaruh unJ Water streets Hoi. Ion , Mats. X1977 8 n TWO l.AIIIIW TO THAVKL ; NO CANVASH- k 'Ing ' , ln < | Ulru Pulliuau house , | 31I ) Hodge. Ul f FOB BENT HOUSES. .DFOIl HKNT , HOUtiKS IN AL ] , PAUT8 Of . 'clly. TheO. F. Duvls company , IWJ Farnamst. ilJ D -MW HUNT. D'tlOOM MOhKIlN iOTTUK ; wllli barn , nlru lawn , balh , cistern ) all convan , f . ' 4 VI Ap | > ! y on lirenil.ur mi s , ftjlu av , t rs ouj uluoi sou.U. ukl r- FOB BENT HOUSES ( 'OIldMIICll. DKI.AT9. . DWKI.LIMIH. COTTAllKS. IN AI.Ii paitsrifllio city. Kilkenny A Co. , llouin I , con tlnenlal block 7 4 " 5-liixM COTTAdHS ON D-FOirilllNT7"TWl ) - ) oolor. Call at nouthwcst cor. Dili and Douglan. - HKNT. NKW IIlOOt ( IIOUHK , Mil. D-FOH ID-room home. ) ft3l Capitol avenue. All modern. Cnll 2WJ Cnpltol avenue. II. 11. llublion. -6-ltOOM COITAGKS. STANFOHI ) CltlC I.K , now. modern , ( i S. Klgutter.J04 lleojlilg. 311 _ _ , a AND CI.AHK. INyUllll ! IM3 0 ( Jackson. MUM 0D - IIOIISK , WO DOCGLAH ST. , fib 0D par month. J. M. llrunrier , 411 L'eo building. . . D | modern Improvements , 70S N. li'th st. MfM _ _ - - COTTAGK AT NO. 1118 i < . Ul'H ST. , D-SIX-HOOM . . collngn. No M3S. SSlh si. , nt IIOl/O. G. L. Grpen , llarker block. 7U2 -1 MAYI-r F ( i H "uKNT Tl"fH FOLLOWING llrat class IIOIIBOS nonr llnnscum park : No. 3202 Popplclon avenue , brick house , 8 room * , with bath , furuaco etn . south and east front , corner Popploton avcnuo and 33d Mrept. HJ.OI. No. 370S Popploiun avoinii' . n-w frame hoiuo. 8 rooms , modern built , furnace , bith. etc. , south front. Jj'JOi1. No. 3003 Pnclllestreet Onnoftho ItneU finished nnd cojlext hou ' In Omaha : 8 room * , nil modern convenient-OS. f.VMtU per month. Kpys can he ohtnlnt-d at my ofllcn at any time. George N. lllcks. II'Jj N. Y. l.llo building M8200 M-'Oll HlTsT , SMALL COTl'AGK , COHNKIl J ) ! 0lh and Vlnton , ffl.JW. lllcks , 303 N. Y. l.lfc. MS'.IJ 8 n-I-Olt HI'.NT , COTTAGKS. I ! H. , ALL MODKHN , t'fl.M ; 7 r. o front , inodorn , J''iOJ. HdPllty Trust Co , 1703 Fnrnain. 812 -3 HOOM COTTAGi : , I71U WKHSl'KH STHKKT M8UI D-C.LOHE HOTEL , PI/I' IN FIHST-CLESS CON- dltlon. L. Woodworth , or WoUhano' Agency , \Vhltnell block. Mllll ll | ron HENT. NICELY FIMISIS1IED UESI- donee. 7 rooms , all modern conveniences , mile from postolllce , tvto car lines , good neighborhood , will lease lor one year to family without children , Ii ) per month. Call on or addtess 11. N. M. . 10.14 < o York Life , or telephone 8DO. tIO ) 5 _ D-lKH'Si : FOH IIEST. FIIIINITL'HE , CAHPKYS , etc. , for sale. Everything new nnd h ouso mod ern. Cheap for cash If tako.i at once. Inquire -"ill ) uvcnport street. U5S6 * \--TIIIlKH HOOVrt , C.1I SOIiril I7T11 STHKKT , JIO. K. C. Gnrvln A Co , Snoely block. 955 fi D - til To 850. E. C. Garvln & Co. , Shccly block , 954 5 D-SMALL HOUSE , FUHNHHED , J25. NETH- crton Hall , ! KI5 South Kith street. 17-HOOMS. 1IUAHD IF DKS1HEI9U \ Dodge KJ M 130 MU * E-3 FURNISIIKII HOOMS FOH OKNTLKMKN only , 2U2I Fnrnam street. b'H 8 * E-STKAM HKATKD HOO\IS FUHNISHKI ) FOH housekeeping. 1711 Nicholas. MOJ ] 7 * | ? -3INOLK IIOOM FOH ONU , $5.00 MONTH COI 1-JS. 17lh st. B80 C E-KOll HENT , PLEASANTFUHNISHKI ) HOOM for ono or two gentlemen nt 1121 N 18th. 935 5 -THE WOHLD'S FAIH VIS1TOHS CLUH OF Chicago oilers acconimodatlona at the ex- rcmely low ratoof fl per day. Write for prospee- tus E. W. rnrtrldce , 40'J Inter Ocean building. Chicago cage , 111. Aiuirj b' E-NIOIU.Y FUUNISHED HOOM SUITAHLE for ono or two gentlemen. 2017 ilnrnoy street , M97I E -NEWLY FUHN1SIIED. ALSO tlNFUHNISHED rooms. 502 S. iith : street. Apply room 3. : d floor. M941 11' 1 i TWO NICKI.Y FUHNISHKI ) FIIONT HOOM3 ' with board. Call al 2107 Douglas. Mj33 8 I7-T1I13 DOLAN , 20J AND 211 N 16 I'll ST. 7 8 _ 1P-KOHHKNT , PLKA8ANT FUHN1SHKI ) HOOMS _ VflthJoard. 622 N. lllth. M'JJ'J ' FFO11 HKNT , MCKLY KUHNIHIIKD FIIONT rooms attho Webster , Mti aiul&18N. 1'Jth st. 7UIS' F-YOUNG WOMISN'SHOMK. UNDKlt CAIIKOF Woman's ihrlsllan assoclallon , 111 So. I7lh st 727 _ F-NICKI.Y FUllNli-llKD FKONT IIOOM ANI ) board. [ > 20 N. I'.Hh street. MS70 7 * 1 VVANTUI ) , MAN ANI ) WIFK Oil TWOOI5N- tlemen to bonnl : on cur line and pleasant loca tion. Address U 1 , lleo. 6V1 6 * F-nnSIKAIU.15 FUHNISIIKD FHONT HOOM wit hhoaril ; modern residence. Terms reason- nhloi references. 24o" llarnoy. HANDSOMULY I'UIINISHKI ) K11ONT - room , also few table boarilora. Mrs. TiiompEon , 2'JO'J l-urimni. JIU U' FOB BENT-UNFUKNISHEB BOOMS G-3 UOOMS. I Kit N. 2IST , J1.0) . 3 rooms , 1031 N. 21st , fS 00. 2 to 4 rooms. I''th ' nnit Ilnrnoy , ( a to $13.00. il rooms , 7th nna Pacific , NiOU. Houses of all kinds. U. K llulta , 20 S. 17th.B37al B37al G-FOH HUNT. 4 USKUHNISHKI ) UOOMS , SUIT- able for housolteoplriir , iiiOlrn ( lmprovenient i rent cheap. 1701 Webntar Btrcot. MS-J4 G FOIl 1.U1I1T HOt'SEKUKPINO , 4 UNKUll- nlshed rooms. 1331 b. 2Uth street. Hti8 G-ONK UNKHllNISIIii : ) HOO.M WITH CLOSIS1' . i-nllublo for lU'ht houaoltccpliiK ; steam heat nnd KRs. 124 S. 21th street. U',7 5 * FOBBENT-STOBES AND OFFICES _ fOXK FOUK-STOIIY UlllCIC 1IUI1.II.SO 23 FKKT J-wlUc. HOii Harncy Bt. . . * " , yj I-FOH HUNT. S'lOllH ON . 13T1I ST. . LANOK 1 block , suitable for meat market , hardware or dry ooils store. Inquire U)8S. ) 13th et. 679 I -FOIl HKNT , THH4-3TOHY IIKK'K IIUII.I)1N(5 J'JK ! 1'nrnnni tt. The bulldlni ; hna a tlroproof cement ment tmsemcnt , complete stcum hentliik' llxturus ; water on all the llooro , KI ' , etc. Apply at the onico of The lleo. 9111 1 FOHUKNT.COOI ) STOIIK HOOJl Wl'IH NICK JLfivo-room tlat corner Cnmlnn and Vista street , Just outuhlo cltr limits. For terms , etc. . nee Ceo. N. llicss , ; iU3 .N. V. l.lfo Hide. M82G ( i AGENTS WANTED. T AOItNTri WANTUI ) , MAI.K OH FKMAI.E , TO " accept a itood poDltlon with us , to sell our "llroad , Cnko nnd Paring Knlvos , nlso ' 'arvor. " HlfTKest Inducement ever otferud. No CApltnl re quired. Address with stnnri , Clum Shear Co. , P. U. Uox 3 > X , Kansas Cltr , Mo. miJJl-ni26 > T WANTKI ) , AOKNTS TO HUM. Till' ! r.UANI ) 'St. PntrlcK's ilay ornaments ; fi.DU to ( JU.OO nmdo ithout tronbto ; two dltTeront samples , lOc. Investi ate now. M. ICrnst , Cloreland , o. M'ti" C * J-K.OO TO J3.00 A DAY. Jli.W OUTFIT FIIKU. Work roar round for man or woman. Write at once. Kicelalur Portrait llouao , 41 N. Clark Kt. Chlcaco. MIM M3 -WANTJSI ) . AKNTri ANDSAI.KH.M1SN TO SKU , 'our Koods to merchants and business men throughout the country. tWJ per month In It. Ad dress I.union Mnfif. Lo. , Soillh llend , Ind. Wtl I' J-WANTUD. ( JOOI ) AOKNTS KVISUYWIIUIIIJ for latest olllco apcclalty work , julls Itself ; blK pay ; write now. American Lock-Crunk Co. , Mil- nankooVU. . UIQ , 1-WANTKI ) , AdK.STS TO SOLICIT OltUKItS " for portrallsifj adny ua lly inmle. Wrlto for particulars , tj. F. Klohs , 371 W. Van Huron ht. , Chicago cage , 111. 1103 j 1-WANTKD. 3 ItKI.IAIILIi SAI.KS.M KN TO sell I.iibrlcatlni : oils and cniaspi cxclnilvelr eras as n slilu lino. Address , sterling ItetlnliiK Co. , Clertiland , Ohio. ; o | 5. T-WANTK1) , 600 AOKNTS TO bKM , OUH PAT- I'cntfoldhiK cniup stools and other novelties. Over liW pjrcj.it . protlt to auents Kxcluslvo terri tory. Will sell or trade county or nlnto rights. Clileaco and the WoiId's fair right for silo , bend for circulars and other Information. Audits Nov elty to. , 4.1 Fourth street , Slonx City. la.83Q 83Q & 1-WANTHI ) , PAl.KrfMKN ANI ) DKAI.KIIS TO " soil \ hlto enamel letters for window stuns , also signs enameled on Iron ; blu profit * : send for Illus trated price list. New Yorlc A. Chicago Iliiamel Company , 4(1 ( Chirk St. , . 'hlciiKO 8i ( ) t > WANTED TO BENT K-IF YOU WANT YOUIl 1IOU..KS IlKNTKI ) list wlih J. 11. Parrotto , Douclns block.M831 M831 A2 . HY AI.ADV. HOOM AM ) IIOAHI ) for a horl time In a private family where fancy work will bu taken as pay. Address II 04 , lcc. ! K-WANTKIITO KENT. WB HAVl ! PA11TIKS deslrlni : hou os , collaKes. llaU Landlords wanllnit tenants list property with us. Collection of ronti a tpeelally. II. C. Uurvln A. Co , 3J3 bheely block. 11534 FOB BENT MISCELLANEOUS. ' -UOU3KS. BTOIIKS. Hi.TKI.i' , FUIINISHKI ) -t houses \Nalilian * . Wllhnoll block. MVISII * STOBAOE. TlT-STOllAUli WILLIAMS 4 CHOSS , 1JU Ilainey _ _ 611 _ _ _ _ TLT -UON T alOUB IIOJiiKIIUia > ( iO JU8 WITHout - " out seeing our stor.igo deparim nt. It U thu U Oiujharitofu Uopalr Wurki.lJur Douglas. _ T30 _ "A kT -3TOIUK ( ! FOH UOimilOLD ( loOtSi oUau aua ulnau ratnt. U Wells , Illi larnnm. WANTED TO BUY. ton mi , rn an not HKIIOI.II s , etc nr will ppll for onnor In our niietlon sain , It , Welld , IHI Farnani M V PAUTIIM IIAVIMI STOCK llANCIIHs' 1 > lariro bodies of Nebraska or Wyuinliiit land for tali , will do well to address ( l-o M. lllck , rcnl pslale and Inrvilinen aRont , room 304 N. Y. Life bldg , Omaha , Nob. 7M ) C AT--WANTIlfTO "UV FOIl TAHII. ( IOOI ) UPi - i > right piano , must bo first-class , In good order nnd rery chc ip Addrn.s , glrlng full particulars with price , II M , llpo onico. WJ X-'A"NTKir SMAM. HKIIONIMIANI ) HTKAM 1 > engine , a toAhurso power. Address with prloo and full description. Win. Triccy. Casey , la.M6I3 M6I3 5 XT-W.rNTFT > rT 0 TlFv ! iTT HAaTUIIN NK- Jl > braska or wpslprn Iowa , stock of hardware from tl.MU to ftWO , In good localUm. Address , M. Fair- man , cnro Hector A Wllholmy Co. , Omaha. 8.)2 1 Is home * , lots farms or merchandise who . | c i' to sell for cash or lo cxchnngo to piid pnri'i II | M nndprlcoof what you havclo M. S. Hcnn.Dajior. ( . * . \T-WANTKII. SMAl.t. STOCK OF MKIIC1IAN- l > dlsp. Land nnd cash or all cash If a bargain. Address 11 & i. lice. FOB SALE FURNITUHE. " - Fo h A"LEomciaNlj IIB. UKSKS. 0 I- chairs , typottrlters , etc. Wt ) N. V Life llnlldlng. IFOIt SALE UOUSEHOL1) a I Call fro mil to 11 at UI Capitol avenue. " 15 & ' FOB SALE -HO BSE8 WAGONS ETC. f > -FlilbT CLASS LU'EHY. HTUCK COMPLETE ; X twenty-llvo head horses , hcarso , hacks nnd baggage - gage wagon. Address 1150 , lleo olllce. MM5 5' p-G-YEAU-OLl ) . ( IENTLE AND SOUND HOUSE , J- weight 1,100 , good harness and phaeton , for f2J. ! F. Hells. 291.1 Franklin street , Ml-a * FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. -FOIlHU.n. AN EDISON PlIONOfHIAPH. 7JI Q Vorth2ltb. south Omaha. Neb 1)77 ) ID * Q-FOlt SALE , A SEl.'ONI ) HANI ) , 25 HOUSE power Wiodbury engine and two 40 horsepower boilers , nil In gind order Not nee ling them In our now location we will sell them nt a bargain. Umnhn Printing company , No. 1005 Farnnm st. 7112 -THE Si'ANDAHDOATTLU COMPANY OFI'EH baled liny nt $5.0J per ton , on board cars nt Ameo , Neb. This pilco may be wllndrnwa at any time. 71 I-NEW FlHE-PltOOF SAFE CHEAP. A SI , HUB. Q MlttJM 10- - FOHALE ( Oil TllADE : ONE ACHE WITH Q liennery. Address 11. , 4WJ Center street , Omaha. 4b'J.MIU' -KNI1INE , H01LEU , HIIICIC .MACHINE. S hand ro press and castings. Addruis 11 OH , llee. MSII 6- -Full SAL. ' , FINE ST. HEItNAKI ) PUPPIES sired by the famous Champion Victor Joseph. Address ' . ' 2 , lleo. Mb'JO II -FOH SALE. A C.OOI ) UOL sTEIN MILCH COW , cheap. Milton llogjra , No. 11 couth 37th street. Ml 11 HANDSOME TnoitOUGIIHItED SI1OHT black-nosed light Jersey pug puppies , two montha old , cheap. U < H south 4Uth , between Mnrcy nnd Mason. 'X6 ' L * -FOH SALE AT HALF PlttCK , EAGLE PN13U- mntlcsalety , only used three months. Address C 6 , Ueo. WO 5' -FOH SALE CHEAP , TWO CHEAT DANE pups , 1 year. Large , handsome ; excellent watchdogs. Address CU , lice. VI'J 5' -FOH SALE , 55 HOHSEPOWKIl POIITAHLE boiler , 10 horsopovtcr engine , steam pipes , pul leys , belting , packing tables , Ice lioxe . wlro o 111 en partitions , letter Hie , desks , show cases , lot good dry lumber. Poycke Candy Co. A19I2 7 /"V-WANTED. LOCATION FOH A FI HSU CLASS VxwcoklT newspaper In a llvo country town where there Is no paper. Address C 9 , llee. 'JU5 5 * MISCELLANEOUS. R-WANTED. WOHK TEAM FOH THADE. A good farm for sale , a farm to rent and furnish cattle with It. n li-rooru cottazo to sell very cheap for cash. Marshall , room 010 N. Y. Life. MlKIIlt * IJ-FOll HENT , ON13 15-ACHE AND ONE JC- JXacro tract , nil under plow. Hoom 914 N. Y. Lite. .Ml'74 ' 0 CLAIBVOYANTS. c -MHH. NANNIE v. WAHUE.S , CI.AIIIVOYANT. Orcllnblo business medium , fifth year HI 119 N. Itith. 731 S-MHS. Dll. M. LEGUAVl ! , PHOPHKTESS , DEAD trtnco clairvoyant and life reader ; tells your life from cradle to grave ; cm ba consulted on all alTalrs of life ; has the celebrated Egyptian breastplate plato to unite the separated nnd cause marriage with one you love. Come ono coma nil and uc con vlnced of her remarkable powers , onicu nnd resl- denco417S. llthat. , hourstf a m. tot ) p. m. Strict life chart and photo of your future wife or hus band sent through mall Tor S5.0J , chart alone , & .00. All letters containing ! ojntj lu stamps promotly answered. MB33-1U * S-CLAIHVOYANT. PHOF. AND5IME. AllNOI.I ) , business clairvoyants , palmlcts and astrologers , bavo world wide reputation { ortheir marvelous nnd wonderful power In reading the past , unveilIng - Ing the future , give Indispensable advice , bringing HUCCOSS and happiness to thousands : tells the busi ness yon should follow for greatest success ; If your lover Is true and Intends marriage ; restores lostlovo ; removes family troubles , nnd through their wondrous magic mirror shows picture , tells name of the ono you marry. Satisfaction given. Open Sundays. Consultation , II to (2 ; full reading by mall , ti ; send dutu of birth. Otllci ) 218 15th street , near Fat n.iu , 2d floor , room 4. Honra 10 H. m. to 8 p. m. P. H. Cut this out , as It will not ap pear every day. 970 5 * MASSAGE , BATH , ETC. MrrMASo UK i THUAfMENT , ELECriUL-THEIl J mal baths , scalp nnd hair treatment , manlcllro and chiropodist. Mrs.l'OBt,319)4 S.lSth.WIthnell blk. , 735 SMITH , 'Ml S. 13TH , 2ND FI.OOH , - Hoom a. Massage , alcntoi , sulphur andsca baths. 9J'J IP _ rp MMU CAIliON. 1121 DOUGLAS STHEET , 3HD - 1lloor , room 7. um 9Hge , alcohol , sulphur and sea Imtlii. 65.1 9 PEBSONAL. Tf-lF YOU EAHNE8TI.Y INTEND TOMAHHY vJ quick , well , honorably , send lOofor Matrimonial Ncws-Mercur , mailed In plain aoalod envelope , Mercur , 228 8th St. , Now York. WJmU * -MAIDS AND WIDOWS , AM 80 , STHICI'LY tcmporato , north J2.0CM , want good wlfo with as much capital ; photos exchanged. Address H , Pocatollp , Idaho. 924 fi * -IHCSPEOTAHLBS , HEF1NED , NICE LOOKING , uccompllsbod lady , good housekeeper , wishes acquaintance of single gontlenmn of menus or good Income , over M. lieu references given nnd expected. Object matrimony. Cora Y. Stuphson , Omaha. b'J. 5 * _ MV7SIC , ABTAND LANGUAOES. f-CJ. K OELLENIIECK , 1L\SJO TEACHEll , N. W. ' corner 1Mb nnd ilarney. Ilarnuy street entrance. 914 WILLIAMS GUITAIl ANI ) UANJO 1 leachur , 1IJ2J Farnam street , Hoom LM2UCM11 M2UCM11 MONEYTOLOAN BjEAL ESTATE. \\r-LOWEST IIATKS. FIDELITY TllUST COM- ' pany. 1702 Farnani slrcet. 730 \\r-MONKV TU LOAN ON l.MPHOVKI ) CITY 'i property , low rates. A. C. Frost , Douglas blk , 737 \\T-MONKY TO LOAN AT I.OWKM' IIATKS. i The O. F. Davis Co. , IMS Farnam str.iet. 7(3 \\r CKNTHAh LOAN A THUST CO. II15U ULIHi ! > * 73'J _ " \\r-ANTHONY LOAN ANI ) 1'HUST CO , 318 N. Y. > Life , leiuli nt low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Ouinliu clly properly. 740 AV CHAHHISON , 012 N. Y. L1FK. > 741 \\r MOIITAGK LOANS LIWS THAN 7 PEIl cent , Includlnz Hllchurgos , Charles W. Italney , om.ilia Nat. bank bldg. 745 W-FIllbTASKCONDMOIUGAOK LOANS ON Omaha properly A on farms In adjacent coun ties , hend lull destrlptlon. Alex Moc-ru,4Ul lice bldz 7(11 ( -OMAHA LOAN & THUST COMPANY , lUMt and Douglas , loans money on city and farm property at low rates of Interest. .M3U3 MI3 W-MONKY TO LOAN , f..SJU PHIYATK KAhT- crn money , on Improved onaha or Co. lllutTs real estuto ; OIHI or moro loans. Addruis A H C , care of carrier No. 11. Omulm ' 35'J \\r-WANTKOATONCIJ , LOANS ON IMPI1OYKI ) ' Omaha property ; low rales. Fidelity Trust company. 17u ; Fnrinim st. ' 3D W r-1 AND XYKAIt LOANS ON CITY ANI ) FAHM mortgages. Heed & tclby , 341 lloard of Trade. ru \\r-LOANS ON l.MPHOYKD ANI ) UNIMPKOVKD ' I clly properlyt.1.000 and upwards , ( i to 7 per cent No doluyn. W. Faruutu smith i Co.IMh and Harney 74 \yr-7 PKH CK.NT MONKY NKT TO UOUIIOWKUS it on Omaha clly properly. No extra charges of any kind. Why pay high rales ? Money Is cheap. You can gel full bunulllor low rules from lilobo Loan nnd Trust Lo. , ivth and Dodxc. 747 \V-OMAIIA SAVINGS HANK MAKKS LOANS ' on real estate at lowest marLet rates. Loans made In small or largo minis for short or long time. No commission i cnarged ni.d the louns are not sold In iho east , butcnn always bo found at the bank on the corner of 13th and Douglas slrcels 743 \\T LOANS. G. G. WAILACK , 312 1IIIOWN 1)1.K. V 74 \V MONKY TOUANONOMAIIA AND COUN- ' ell Illntlnrcnl estate and Nebraska and Iowa farms nt from 3 to 0 > i per com lulerfnt.wlth no ad- dlllonalcharges lorc < immlsili'n > orntlornuys fees. W. II. Mulklu , lit Nut'l bank bldg , umquq. I'M \V-MONKYTO LOAN AT LOWKH ! ' ItATKS ON ' ' tpinroved and unlmprovnd real estate , ! to A years. i'Ulcilly Irust Co , , UUV Furuaui. 'M MONEY TO LOAJtf OHATTELS. V II.ATTIIKb.t-rU50F " uV - , , . , . . . . . . : OMAHA MoirnfAOK LOAN ca i I FYWnfaNTio.NlhV AND UJJ . We will li'/itl / joii an amount * _ . , 'ri" > t OWliil.ttW. ON 1IIH ll\ Ytl ) ASK FOIt IT without publicity , nr rimornl of properly. \jiii can pay the moaltSark In any amounts you w Mi , and at any tlmfcrfanJ each payment so iiindo will reduce the cost otftliWloan. Henipmber that you have HIP use of both Iho property and the money , nnd pay for It only as long in yen keep U . 'Chi > ro will ho no ftpensc orclnrgo kppt out of P'oiimount wanted , { but , you will receive the lull Miionnt ol the loan. ' llcforo borrow Ing elsowliprc call nnd neo us and you will llnd It gri'ally to your advnnlago. OMAHA MltTiAiK ) ( LOAN CO. , WKI fOUTII Kil' IIRTUKKT , llrst llnor nhovp the street. TIII : ot.nnsT. i.AiuiKyr AND ONLYINCOHPOII- ATKD LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. _ _ _ _ 7il K DO YOU \V\NT MONKY ? TIIK FIIIEI.1TI" LOAN C.UAHANTKK CO. , IIOOM 4 , WITIINDLLIll.OCK. 3Ull < SOUTH ISfll , COIINKU I1AIINKYSI' . . WILL LOAN YOU ANY BUM \ IiAlKlE \ OH \ BMALI , FHOM \ TEN \IO1.LAH3\ \ ) \ UP. WK MAK1J LOANS ON FUHNITUIlll HOHSKS. rAUItlAOKU. WAItKIIOUSK KKCKIPTS OH PKH- KINAI. PIIOPKIITY OF ANY KIND. WILL /DO WKLI ONUS FIIIST OIJIl TKHMS WILL MKKT VOUIl API'ltOYAI. You can pay the money back nt any tlmp and Innnv amount yon wish , and thus reduce thci-ost of ctrry- Ing the loan In proportion lo amount you pay. IF YOU owe a balance on your furnltnro or other personal property of any kind , wo will pay II off for yon nnd carry II n long as you dpidro. YOU CAN IIAVK Yorn MONKY IN ONK noun FHOM TIIKTIMK YOU MAKK APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of property , su thai you get the use of both moil iy and proporty. You will alao llnd us In from 7 to U p. m. 752 X MONKV. 40. 0 , IKJ DAYS. CI1KAP IIATKS and laiy pn > inputs , on furnllnre , pianos , llvu lock , etc. , Klthout delay or publicity ; cnsh on hand. _ DnJT ( Iri'cn. room h , llarker block. 765 0 Y-J. U. YANUlLDKIt , H2J7 , OMAHA NAT' I. UK < + - MI.U M'J' X-PUtTtHAHD , SI DOuiLASHl.KTT H. DODC.K. _ 751 X-W1LI. LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF HK- curlty ; strictly ronlldentlnl. A. K. Harris , room 1. 1 ontlncntal block. 7.VI BUSINESS CHANCES. _ \r-NOTlCK. O NlTY tm UV S TOHlTTN IXMV'Tr. J-l.ossof hcallh canto of selling. It will bogo.nl place for a doctor. Address A 4j , lleo olllco. 14li M 8 _ V KOll SAL13 OH KXCHANOK. A PATKNT J- right for Nebraska , out of which a rustler inn make money. Address , 213 McCaguo llldg. 617 V-FOIl SALK , HKTA1L HAHinVAItl ] STOIIK 1 doing a good business. Address Lock Hex 1M ( > , Lincoln , Nob. MWU 7 Y-FOH SAT.i : , AT A HAIIOAIN , O.NK OF TIIK bcstpaylngsaloons In Eolith Omaha ; good stock and fixtures. L. C. ( .Ibson , -'I'J".1 N. st. , South Omaua , Neb. Tin f _ Y-POULTHY FAHM KOll SALE , WITHIN 15 minutes drive of postollico , consisting of U- room house , barn , well , cistern , now brooder house , Incubator room and other buildings. Incu bators , etc. Latest and Host appliances through out , Location cannot bo excelled for rnlsln t all kinds of poultry , luor 2U acres ground on loaio at low rental. Prlco very low ; must sell. Address P. O. box 01 , On.uhti - . M797 & Ar KOll SALK CIIICAP. nitlCK YAHI ) , TOOLS. -L learn and wagon. Apply at J.'iJl lllotido strcpt. M7'Jti 7 * _ v voit SALK , AT'YOUU w.PHICK , SODA apparalim complete ; no oncrator. A i\ Slokes , Harvard , Ncbr . H15 li * \rFOH SALK , AN OLD KSTAHLISUKD HAIID- 1 ware. Implements and furniture trade ; will In. voice near ftf.OJJ , with store roonn nnd Ion valued atSI.CUO ; 1ms an establUlicd tradu of about J J.IWJ a year ; ono-hnlf cash , and tlma on the roiiuilndir at 8 per cent. Investigate If , you mean buxlnoss ; or will sell Block and rent bulldlnz. Addro.ss II fi5. iiee. HAT.B , SMALL UHO' KKY STOCK ANI ) -Lbulldlngcucap for cajh. Address W. H , lions- ton , Neb. MM I u " Y-FOIl BALK. CIIKAP. A B.MALL STOCK OF hardware , a full set of tinners'tools with pat terns , at Hebron , Neb. UcaBon , death of proprie tor. Call nt once or address Martin Dewnhl. Dewnhl.M8C07 M8C07 * Ar WKLI. LOO ATKD 11K9TAUHANT FOH SALK ; . -1 will toke real estate as paII. . 6J , Ueo. 8TS ( ; \r-WANTKI ) , A PHYSICIAN WITH SuMK KX- J porlenoa In a rich , well settled nnd practically unoccupied torrllory- Address A , Sol North 2.'U1 St. , Lincoln , Neb. M'J3I 7 * 7-FOH HALE-SMALL STOCK OF GUOCKUIKS . In good location , for cash. Address U 4 , llpo. U30 6- \T If YOU WANT TO INVEST TKN DOLLAU4 L write for my plat and full Information concernIng - Ing the loin 1 nm Boiling at flu each. Thcaa lots are located between Omahn and new Fort Omaha ; arc freol'rom mortgage ; every lot a nlcu building lot. and SID IB full payment. Kncloso 2c potitngo for more Information , Charles P. lionjamln , l.iIM Dodge street. UU . ' , A.7--WANTKI ) , KNI5I1C.I5T1C MAN WITH fllOU 1 capital to manage branch olllco for manufac ture , palnry fl..Wnnd comnilsslonB. Must have A-l references. Adurosi , ManiifacturorB , Uoxi'j',1 , St. 1.0ills , Mo. 6'.KJ& > \7-lFYoU IIAVK A SMALL CAPITAL WK CAN i show you how lo enlarge It with our new Inven tion , the greatest and cheapest electric lire and burglar alarm In America ; everybody wants It : city or comilry. County rights for sale. Alto FUVCII western utitoii. Investigate. Hulto 2ft , U4 , Washington utrout , ( .hlcago. B'.U 6 * - BALK , A CLKAN , AI1OUT f2.000.00 , stock of hardware at Imiorlal. : Nob. Will soli with bulldln/or rent same. Good reasons Oven for Boiling. Address Lock Hex No. iU- , Imperial , Nob. b'.i3 a V -FIIIST CLASS LOCATION FOIl HAKISHV JL for rent , near llock Island depot. Apply box 123 , Lincoln , Nob. U7G& * - A SNAP ; WHOLE Oil HALF INTKUKST IN YA onoofthu best country now spa pars In Nebraska ; business , tl.UOO per year with less than luixi olllco expenses. Address II yt , caru Hco. Mli7j.ii * V WANTKI ) . PAHTNKH WITH MONKY IN 1 Fleam laundry. Addrojs W. K. , b. K. Cor. lull and Howard Bis. . U7U & FOB EXCHANGE. Z CLKAN hTOCKOFGKNKUAL M'D'S-Kj WILL lake real estate & money. Ilox29jFrankforl , Ind 75i ( y-4PO ACUKS OF CLKAH LAND IN ONK OF / Ihe best winter wheat districts In Kansas to ox- changa for 10 or 20 uuro tract near Omaha city lliulti. Will pay cash dltTurcnco if property Is good. AddrcBn , giving prlco and location , o 2tl , lleo zas r/-I OWN 100 FA It MS IN NK1III\SK.\ . KANSAS fJDakota. . Will sell cheap , or u.xcnango for mdB. , horses and cattlo. Add. box 70 , FrankfortInd 7.V1 1/13,500 T > > 11,00) ) l-i DHY G'jODi , HAT * . CAP. * , /Jboots. shoes , notion" , etc. , for deslrabln No- hraska land. Address Ford & Pjck , Mrouishnr , Nob. SIWJ Mil * fV-tJOODOJIAHA HKNTAL PHOPKIITY TO F.X- AJchango for properly In or near Los Angnlcs , Cal. Give number of your property and save time. Ad dress Hex I H , Los Angeles , Cul. 1X3 < ( l Z IIUSINKSS PIlOPiSHTY FOH GOOD FAIl.M land In Nebraska or lovto. G. II. Peterson , 1412 H. 13th. MIVSI MM Z TO K.\i'HANiK. M.OX ) STOCK OF GKNKHAL merchandlsa. Wnat clear. Improved Ifnd or western land and ciibh. Address Hex 42 , What ' ' ' MCTii-l * Cheer , la. r/-F01l K.\cnANGF..4lQACHK.HOFiOUD CLKAN / Missouri timber lailrt. clear and perfect title. : J7 N. Kith St. , Omaha , Neb. b3l 8 * y FOH I'.xciiANdi : . twooo STOCK OF HOOTS /-/and shoes , wont laud nuilsomo cash. Addrcst C. Snydcr , Amos , la. ' ' ' MSltl 7' -rt- rWANTKI ) , HOOKS..AW i II MISCKLLA- /Jncous , In oxcliiuigc for real ostato. AddreH J. T. Patch , room tll ! > , N , Y- Life , ( mialm , Neb. .M b U-S KOll KXCllANGrX ' K. C. ( JAHVIN , t ( O. , Z Telephone IlllU. 'JUSheoly block llanscom Placp. largo modern ho-jso , want farm. House , iuith. and casH. cnaumbranco fiftu , prlco J2.200 , want farm , will MKUIIIB. 2 stores , house and lot , With grocery and meat market stocks , encumbrance 51,300. wanl farm , Ne braska or Kansas. ' , 610 acres , Antelope qounly , want Omaha resi dence equity. ' Hiu acres Improved , .Vadtson county , clear , wunt , Omaha iesldenc-0 equity. 1UJ horses , want Omulm property or land. MVJ3 0 r/-l WILL THADK CLKAIl PHOPKIITY FOH /Juooil pnully In house and lol ; mint bo fairly well localcd and desirable ; homo of (1 ( or moro rooms : want It soon. Address H 05 , Deo. 1)12 ) & ' / TO TIlAOlT FOIl 1.AIIGKII PHOPKIITV , /Jt'-room colloco. barn ami lot ( clear ) Will pay difference. I ) . F. Hutchison. HID N. 1Mb. MU44 7 r/KOH K.\CHAM1K. HKiT PAVING CHOP /Jhouso In Omaha. Address C 7. lice. M9IU ll FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. KO ACIIKS IN ONK-ACHK LOTS. NKAH HOUTII Oumaha.wlllbe placed upon th market March 15th. No mortgages or trues upon this property , abslracl frou Within Ii minutes rlda lo 2lih and N Iroetn. Healthy locution , good reslilencu nlacu , nno cliunoa to raUo vek-elnbli's , poultry , utu. Terms eiiny. Pur- ions & Merry , aoulu omuUu , a ! . ' UU FOR BALE BEAL ESTATE. t Jllllmil'll. ii AMIMUMi : 1IOMKH NKAU 1IANSCOM PAIIK For unto V Hy Geo. N. Illck * . Dpalpr In ( 'holm He'ldiMipo Properly. nLItOAVrCOUNKIl llol'SK. ten room * , ! ' reception hall , spacious piirlur , library , dining room , smoking room , elegant largo hod rooms , etc , handsnuin onk finish , electric light , gs * . furnace , large ball. roonrThot nnd cold waicr , $ touo walks , clo. clo.IIANDHOMn IIHICK AND FUAMK COTTAGE , new and modern bulll , elegant hardwood finish , hlrdaoyn maple , iiunrlpr sawed oak. Ptix. all modern convenience * , lanndiv , furnace , liuth , etc HAMISOMi : IIOUSl : , .No I < W South aid street , new and modern built , nlno rooms , llh spacious porches hard wood llnMi. largo parlor , dining room 20 fiM't long , reception hall , library , kltclipn. four bed rooms , one of the llnpst places for the f\to \ In Omaha. South front with large ground * . Hit 170 foot , covered with beautiful shade nnd frnll trpp * . Property heads on 32d street , escaping all special laxps. KLKGANT HHICK ANI ) FIUMK COTl'AGi : , nlili hindsonio reception room , parlor , dining room , kitchen. I lied rooms , with bath room , nil modern conveniences , Including laundry anI tor vants' closet In b.tsemcnl , MODKIIN IIUILT HOOM HoUSn.oIegnnlly fit" Ished throughout In colonial MylP , with bpautlful reception room handsome dining room , parlor' nnd front bed room llnMicd In white and gold. All modern conveniences , corner lot , cnst and north front. MiiDKUN ilt'll.T FIIAMK IlorSK. No. .1209 Pop- plctun avenue. cUht ronms , with furnacp. bath , sewerage , gai , pic South front , lot 40x10) feet. MCI. COTTAHI' : . live rooms , sulHtantlnlly built , only four blocks west of High school , within piny walling dlstaiicp of hiislnps portion of the cltv. All complete , 3i feet frontagu. f.L.UKJ. Thpsu houses can hu ollurcd forth" iipxt thirty days al prices Unit make them cplentlld barcalus. Call and tec them. oeo N. lllcks , COu N Y. Life Illdg. 72 B COO-A.MOKTOAGKD HOME is NO HO.MI ; AT ip all. 1 want every rich or poor man who has no home to Investigate ) the lots 1 am Belling nt fill each , lying bptnc'Mi Omahn and thn now fort. No mortgage on his property , and MO Is payment In full fur a lot up to u certain number. Wrlto for . pint nnd full Information to C P. Hctijnintn , 1600 ' Dodge utreel. WO & A-FAHU LANDS IN NKHHASKA. KANSAS AM ) South Dakota for sale on long time , easy terms and low rate of Intereil. Liberal commission lo ngetilK. Send for calalogno. I ) , llnyos. Manager Mutcntltio Morlgago and Trust Co. . room 2. 3l'J 4 So , ISlli sireel. MlliO M19 'I'KN DOLI.A1IS INVK TEIl IN A LOT LYING 1 between Omahn nnd the new fort might make jiui hundreds within the next tnelvo months. No mortgage on this property , and f0 ! Is full payment for lot. nbslriict nnd deed. Wrllo for plat and In formation. Chas. P. Ilenjamln. solo agent , I MO Dodge street. ' .07 f > ' I AIIM FOIl SALK. H SUCTION , KVI'ltV FOOT good , partly Improved , poo'l spttlpmcnt , never mortgaged : must sell at once for half price , fli.uu perncro Fidelity Trust Co. , I7U2 Pnrnnni. 6106 V"OW IS THE TI.Mi : 1 > TO iiuv Ariin I'ltopniiTV JUST WKST OF T1IK tlTV LIMITS THE Ulll-JAT PI.ATri ! ItlVKIl CANAL AM ) VVATHll I'OWHII. Will mnkoltndvnnro rapidly In vnluo. 6 ACUI5" . close to city , SI. WO. & ACIIK.S , with small eottiwo. J2.SW. 10 ACUl'.B , elegant traet. H.flOO. 10 ACItKS , with rottiKO : , * J.iWU. a ACHKS , choice piece , only if.1,000 , M ACIIKS , nice itnnlen tract , $7r > 00. 40 ACKICS , splonilhlly located. $1(1003. ( BO ACUKH , ilnest around Omaha , f.U.un. 12J ACU1W. clone to new fair uroundj. { 15,000. THIS PUOPKIITY l8 entnnd aoutiiwcst of tlio city limits , cscaptnK all city taxes. IT OKFICUS an opportunity for the safest and best Investment now on the market , nud with the IIKUIN.NISO OK WOUK ON TllHailKAT WATKll I'OWl'.U SYSTEM It w 111 advance from 300 to 600 per cent. Within the next sixty days you will see a great change In Omaha renlty. Call and let us show you the bargains we can offer. ( JKOHliK N. 1I1CKS. Heal Kstntn nnd Investment AKent. 'MJ New York l.lfo lIulldlnK. U72 5 'PWO DKSIltAHl.i : I.MPUOVI5I ) PA 1 1. MS KOUHALK -I 320 acres In DoiiRlns Co. , 15 miles west of Omaha. 4.10 ncres In NYnshlnuton Co.,12mllea north of Omaha. For prices and terms apply to W. 1J. Mlllnnl , Omaha , Neb. -MJ13 Ml ! ) IOH SAM-KAU.MS : , ( KNTUAI. AND 1. > cbrn kn. K. C ( iarvln JL Co. Shooly block..V7I3 .V7I3 17OH SALK , 2,500 I HOICK IOWA AND NKHHASKA farms. If you wish to buy. nail or borrow money on farms , write or call. Hoctfi & lllll , Omaha , Neb. ' 141 MS T'HK IIEST ANT ) UlIKAPK T FAll.M NKAU L Omaha. ICO acre * nt fill per ncro. 23 nprei Blx tnllCH from court house with 2.000 ypar-oldgrnpe vines , 1,000 fruit trees , cte. This Is a very pretty place nnd cheap , ntJO pur acre. Wo have houses nnd lota of nil kinds and at nil prices. Monthly payments. Ouiahu Heal Kotatu and Trust Co. , Hco building. Mil 1(1 ( FEW UKAI. ESTATE IIAIIGAINS. A A SPLKNDID INVESTMENT Substantial two-story bulncBH block , two stores with nice tlats , corner Cuming and Vista Btreets ; han 124 feet frontage - ago on Cumlrig : will rent fort'.W per annum , pay 10 percent on $9,000 , nnd thcro IB room for two moro buildings. Or.nor must fell and will take tfi.SOO. UUS1NIWS COHNKH , 7flx 7 feet corner Vlnton , Tncntloth and Spring ; six strocts rndlnto out from this point ; the opposite corner wa.s sold to Schlltz drawing Co. fotfs.ooo cash ; this property Is listed for quick Biilo at fti,500. KLKGANT DOUllf.K HES1DKNCI ! near Hnnecotn park , largo grounds , barn , city water baths , fur nace , sewerage , gas , etc. , on ono of the Ilnest resi dence streets ; will rent for 11,400 per annum ; can bo sold for IU,000. DOU1ILK COIlNKHon South Ilth street. ROxIM feet : will bo worth 1100 per front foot ; can oner nt S3.2uO. 63x119. corner Loavonworth nnd 22d ftreot. with threocottnges , will rent for fi.'iO per annum ; prlco GOxIM ) feet , east fronton 24th near U street , South Omaha , f l.SSO. NICK LOT near llanscom p.irk , good neighbor hood , only 2,200. T N ACHKS , West Omahn , will plat Into 48 beau tiful lots ; it big bargain at K'M > . FOHTY ACHKS near proposed water power ter minus In West Omulm , only } IOO pur acre. Geo. N. lllcks , N. Y. Llfu Hide. P72 & VOU WILL , NOT ALWAYS IIAVK A CHANCE TO 1 buy u nice building lot anywhere nround Omnha for ten dollnrs. No tanner will sell you a square foot out of the wnrht slough on his fa-ni for f 10.UO. while I will glvo yon n ' 'ox I'J.'i ft. building lot f or ex actly $10.00 ; warranty deed and abstract with each lot sold. No mortgage on this proporty. Kncloso postage for plat and moru Information. Chap. P. llcnjninln. solo agent. ISO ) ' . Dodge street. WJ & rpWO SNAPS. LOT 40X127 WITH GOOD HOUSE , i-oast of Prospect lllll coinctory , at f 10.00 per month , no Interest. Alxo full lot on paved street , ono mlle westof pOBtolllcu , at about one-half Its value . Xlltlc , Ilrown blk. 8JU EI.EC1ANT COIINEH FOH HESIDKNCIC , liU IT. m. , (18,000 : handsome rcHldenco , ' . ft. lot , tlV.OUJ ; line farm 12 miles out , fti.OOO. F. K. Darling , Jlarker block. 757 ( JAUDEN PUOPEHTY FOH SALE ON SUMMEIl . Just opposite Jluscr'a hotel and Scuulzon park In West Omaha , This property con sists of about fourteen lots with over 000 feet frontage on the main street , nil covered with u line groTP of sbndo trees nnd Is admirably adapted for cummer garden purposes. The Holt line runs directly past the property , with station right nt one corner of thu ground. The now fair erounds nro Just beyond ; the now boulo yard and drive to Klmwood park will cross Center street at this point. The street has boon ordered paved h ? the city to the city limits , nnd the county commissioners have agreed to pave from the city limits on out Into the country , which will ninkti this the londliiK thor oughfare to nnd from all the raglon southnost of Omaha. This property Is outside the city limits , thus es caping nil city tnxes and regulations. There Is biz money In It for the right party If properly handled , and the property Itnolf will don- bio In value within the next two or three M-ara. I can otTer thin place at n llguro that makes It a splendid big bargain. Ui-o. N. Hicks , lloom 305 N. Y. Life Illdg. U725 < ; ioo CASH WILL fcEctmi : im ACKES FIIIST Velnss lami In eastern Nebraska , balance long lime , 6 per cent Interest. The O. F. Davis Co . l.Mj tnrnam st. 1MM 10 ? HALK Small farm close to Council Illnffs 1OH a batgaln : splendid for grapes. No real estate nxcntB need nniwor. Address C 140. Hoe oRlce , Council lllulli. MBW 6 dMO-DO YOU WANT TO MAICR MONEY ? IF TTso get your cash Into rent estate. Own KOino- tlilnu , become u property holder nt llrnt oppor tunity. 1 nm spiling a limited number of lots between Omaha nndlho now fort for f 10 each. No mortgage on this property and 110 pays for every thing. Write for plot and more Information to Charles P. Ilenjamln , solo agent , 150t > Dodge sjjeot. EST OFFF.lt TAKES MY Nlxl.'iO COUSEIl LOT ; nice collage worth (3.000 ; will take pavmcnts : must sell. Address b. llojse , il25 South Western ' > ' " 4 * avenue , Chicago. 1/OHHALK , BLEr.ANT lll llEXCE COIIVEH 6BX J 145 feet , south front , corner Mill avenue and Paclflc street. This Is conceded to bo ono of the finest residence bltei In Oainhn. Opposite corners nre nil built up , streets paved iiml the neighbor hood the best In the city. Must bo old nt once. Price nnd terms can he obtained nt my onico , : l)5 Now YorkLlfobulIdlnu. lico. N. lllckn , Agt. DUY AlUK I'HOPEHTY I1ETWEKN OMAHA I'nnd the terminus of the Hullo Illver Canal Water Power location. An Inveitmont In ten , twentyor lorty acres will yield big returns. Call and see the choice tracts 1 c n offer for sale ( > eo. N. lllcks , 305 N. Y. l.lfo llldtf. 973 ! > d-IO.OO-YOU CAN IIUV A NICK LKVEI , IIUILI- u' ' Ing lotlylne between Omaha andthu now ton ( imaha for exactly 110 UO this week. Enclose postage for pint and Information. Charles P. Ilenjamln , 1600 Dodge street. 'JIV 6 * flMS.N ACItES CLOSE TO LOCATION OF TKII- L minus of Plait river canal water power In West Omaha. A splendid Investment If taken quick. Ueo. N. Hicks , 3a5 N. Y. Life bldg. Vil 5 TVOIl SALE-HOUSE AND LOT IN NOHTII PAIIT i. of city fi.fiOOUa. Terms JIDU.vOcnuh balance 115 00 per month. 'I he O. K. D vl Company. 1)73 ) 4 ) HAIIOAIN. A NEW MODKIIN built ten-room hodso. near IMIIICOUI Park , nnlihodln hnrd woidt , wltli l.irgo parlor , library , reception hall , dining room , smoking room and four l > riio bedrooms , with handsome bath room , porcelain tub , nice laundry , clotcts , splendid brick cellar with furnace , fuel nn I reguUblo rooms. In order toollecto nulck sale ran oflor at low tliure ; small cnili unyment ; vury ea.j t'rnn. Call and sue , Uto. N. UlckitfUiM. Y.HU Uldg. VTt ft FOIl BAT E HEAL E3TATE t/OII HAI.K , AT A HAIIOAIN , ONE IF THE I cn lc t homes In Omahn To any one nipitnlnn bnMneti and wnnti to l > o brnptlted by circnm stnnrei which romrol mit to ion nl once. I will Kindly sliow properly nnd ijlvu price nnd trrnin AddreM , CIO , lloo l > 7 } . & GOOl IIOOM ( \TTiANr ) lT6T , "wi"J ilAS Cfdll l. , 11.400 Cltr water nnd Ino lilorki from tiintor. M7 & . " LOST. STOLKN-IF PAHTY WHO HTOLI ! ANII HAM been soon with banjo will return to TV4 H. Kth street no questions will bo nske.l. VIS 5' ' " " 1 OSTHEVEItAL NOTES l'AVA'lTlVK ro"it"T7. IJHownrd. Ix-nvu at lleo olllco nnd receive le ward. U7J 5 I OST , LADIES' flOLI ) uWASrlN , SET WITH i-Jpearls ( about IM. IttUurn to Whitney's shoo slorj. 'O.I ' S. l tli. and receive reward. yto 5 * 1AllllONAni.K ! TimiES AM ) KYKNIN'O COS * ttimps. Inquire nt 1721 Capitol nvu. M 03 10' IjMVK IIIKSMAKIN(1 ( AND LADIKV TAILOII- I Ing nt moderate prices nt the Ladles' Tailor Dressmaking college , Mine. Corbctl. 601 Ilrown tlock. MiOJ Ai- SHORTHAND AND TYPEWIUTINO" CIIOUT1IANI ) IIV MAIL WITH ANOF TIIK k'standard typewriters it hontp. Great clinnco for the p ellhpr In i-lty or countiy who cannnl nltend a rpgnlnr Bhorthand ncliuol Address Van Hunt's School of Shorthand 61.1 N. V. Life. Omaha MWI "SECOND-HAND LtSA IIAIllI , DKALKHS IN TYPEWUII BUS. tJA II makes bought , sold , exchanged , rented UI3 N. Y. Life bldg. Tel 5M IU7 MU UNDEMAKERS ANDEMMALMERS p W. IIAKEIl ( KOHMEHLY WITNIl l. JA V ' . oobt. deceased , later with M O M nul ) , undo taker and cmlinlnn-r , : lli 4 ll'.tli at . tel Wl K < 0 PAWNBROKERS. I SONNICMIBIHl ' IXiuuinsst Lor.ns money on dlamo ids wntchos. etc. Old gold and sliver bouirht lol t.i > s | Vj If you don't want to Imy a lleiismmo Ty jio- writer , don't oxninlnu It , Mutfoutli Stutlon- ory Co. , ITU Finiun : St. . Oinnh.i , Nol > . 1 Improvement tfic Order of Itu * * FA - - > A ' svr It Is unnocpssTry to monttnn the pnlnts of su periority possessed hy the 1 1 as It Is now so woil Known. Its Record of Success Is Its Best Ro- common elation. When It was putoullio market rivals said It would not \viiar. Time has shown thorn WIOIIK 'no ' very p.irtlcu ar and hus proven that the Smith I'riiinliir IS THE IIEST and HTIIOX'JEST TYl'EWIUTICIl EVKIl IN- VENTK.I ) . AND TODAY IT STANDS K A 15 AHEAD OF ALL COM PKTITOUS. THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO Cor. 17th and rnrniiin Sts. , Omaha , Nob. E. II. MAYUKW. Manager. NOTICE OF THE SITTING Ob1 THE CITY COUNCIL AS A 13OAHD OF EQUALIZATION. To the owners of the lots , parts of Ion and real estate abuttlu on or adjacent to the streets , alloys or avouii s herein named or Kltuito.l : In whole or In part within any of the districts herein specified : You and each of you are hereby notlflcd that the city council of the city of Omaha will sit as a Hoard of KiiuulUutlon , at the council chamber , in the city hall , Omaha , No- braskiu on'Krlday. thu 10th day of .Mnroli , 181KI , from 0 o'clock a , m. to . " > o'clock p. in. , for the purpose of considering and equall/.lii ) ; the proposed lovyof spoolal taxes and assessments as shown by "Proposed Plans of Assessment" now on Illolnthe ollico of the city clerk , ana correcting any errors therein , and of hearing ull complaints that the owner * of property so to bo assessed and taxed may make ; said special taxes ami assessments proposed to bo levied bolus necessary to cover the cost of the several improvements duly authorized to bo iiindo and now completed , as follows : To cover the cost of ropavlni : I.oavcnworth street , from 18th street to 2Uth avenue , lu street Imorovomont district No. 417 , iiiuount- InK to the sum of $28,011.2.1. which sum It la proposed , by a report duly adopted by the city council , to assess on the real estate on each side of Lo ivenworth stro it from Kith street to 'JUtli avenue , pro riitn , as per foot frontage and the usual HcaluiK back process In depth from street KIJ foist as per district created : provl led that on north sldeof l.cavcnnurth street from 22ud street to ilth s'.root , the depth of assess ment sli ill bo to the center of the bock ) ; rate per foot , KU.'iTltt. . , To cover the cost of p.kvlni and curbing Cuss street from the west line of 21th street to 1H ! foot west of 2'itli stioeu In street improve ment district No. 433 , amounting to the sum of KiOU.\2U , for psivlus. wbleh sum It Is proposed by a report duly adopted by thoelly council , toasacsson both sides of said described street pro rata as per foot frontage : rate per root ill.1. ! ! ) . Tbocostof private approach amount- IIIB totboHiimof * KUi : , to bo atsossod to the real estate for which laid. Tlio cost of otirb- Inz , nmountlnil to lliosum of I1M.7 , " , to be as- sesjed on the real o- > tate before which laid , pie rata per foot frontage : rate per foot , iaii714. All to bo assessed In depth from street to the ( lr.it alloy according to the usual tcal- Iii2 back process. Tocovor tliocostof pavlnc the alley In Paul son's addition , from 2. 'ml street to 21th street. in street Improvement district No. 4.il , amount- Ill ! ; to the sum of Jl > 80 > 7 , which sum It Ks proposed - posed , by u report duly adopted by the city council , to assess on the real estate cm both sides of S'lld alley , from 22nd street to 21th street , pie rata , as per foot frontal , ' " mid the usual senllnz back process In depth to the Ill-ill alley or street ; rate per foot , tl.ltUI , To cover the cost of pavlna uiul curhlin : Hamilton street , from 4'lth ' street to the east line of licit 1 , Ino railway In street Improve ment dlhtrlct No. IVI. amounting to the sum of jso'tl.l" . which sum It is proposed , by a rcuort duly adopted by the city council , to assess onihoioalustito on bjth sides of Hamilton street , from 4iith street to the Halt 1. 'no via duct pro r.it.1. as per foot fronfiito and the usual scallnn back process Indcpth froni street as follows : To the r t nlhiy In IlloeU .lOr- ohani Illil. Donnol'a sub. block 21 Walnut III.I . a I Shi r's sub : to the center of block In o-kW Walnut Mill , and block 20 Orchard hill and the south UK ) foot of lot I Mayno's adltoOrchard lllll. and the cast 2010 : ) feet of uiiiMSHlor piece lying between Mllllary av- oriiio and Hamilton stn-ot east of the railway traolt : rate per foot. $ l.7iii\ ( : Oostof private aupro.ich nmouiitlns to ? i.U I to bo issossed tolho real estate forwhich laid. To fiver the cost of uradliu' 21st stroet. from Vlnton street to ( 'outer stroot. and 'Illi htreol from Vlnton street to II. & M. tracks , amountln" the sum of Jll.il7a. < O. which sum Its proposed , by a report duly adopted by the elty couni'll , to assess on the real cstatooii botli aides of 21st street , from Vlnton Ktieet to Coiner street , and 2ltn street from Vlnton street tu II. & M r.illw .y. nru rata. as per foot froiitajio it nil the usual scalln back process In centi'r of jlock. and ( leiitli to tlio llrst nlley ol . ? { . ( tr.icts IM fceti rate per ToMWii-bBi-oslof eradln-z P street , from " Otl- "tnii't to lllth stioet. ainountliiK to tlio sum of F'7.sV whlob binu H Is proposed , by a Feport duly adopted by the ctty council , to both sides of D assess on til" real cst'lto ' on Ltioet fr..i Dili stro t to liltli hlreut. pro rata foot froiitiiau and the usiiai Bia 112 as per lac process In depth from "t. " ' ' " " "L y ' ' . . . . . . . . . in j to mo mini in T. ' * .W < .w. ' - - , - , . ilulv adopted hy IHI city 1)00(1. by report com ell. to assess , uro nita , on tlio nml estuto oil hot HldcH ( if thu nlloy In block 3 , Improve mentAksociatlon addition , pro riitn. UH per foot frontage unit the tumil sci.ll.iz . . hnck nro- cess In depth to the llrst Btroolj rate per foot , " 'rifcovcr ' the com of crudlnz the alloy ho- twceu Pine nnd Hickory Kticets froin Ml. street to 1 itli stroot. iiiiiountln J to the Hiiiu of WI2.07. which sun. . H Is proposed , hy a roi'ort ' uulv Adopted by the city cpuucll to i o im iiHttito on both Hlilea " ' ' tfioronl f.s'l'i , , , , , u.imi pro ruta , us per foot froutii'-o and t 10 u l sortllnx back pro-oas In depth to the llrst street rule foot. M4SSKI. ! per . , . l.tl. strooi , To cover the cost of eritrtlnz from Vlnton street to H Htrcet , unioniiti IB to tkobiimof H.770.itl. : whlPhsuinlt l I1"1" " j- by iv report duly adopted by the city council lo ussuhti on iho real ratulu onbolh sides of 17th moot , from Ylntoii slit-el to H street , proruta , as per foot fronti.ge un < ) thu usuni icallni buck process In depth to the llrst alloy orcnntor of block i rate per foot. II.S-TA' ' , To eovor the co > t ot UUUIUKUI fur uruding slilrley . . tr . ot ft.vin . . 'Sill - - - .I- * ! uvirIM > t > lint.ll'l < VV. > - , nvenuc. Ainmiiitlngr to the mini of timun wliloh inn II ' ' 10'1' ' " report duly ndopiud .lA1 " - - - - ! . . * - ? i * i I'm * 11111 r mi fiiiuH br tlio j. . . , coittioll , tu IIMUM nn tlio roul osUto on iSI'i' ' " . ' " . " ' * ' ' " / "tr ( < nl " . ' " " . WUi tro.t to . , : ' , 'in ' nn the tisiml ical : i back pro.-oM In depth from Shirley Mroct luo feoti rule per fool t Ul ,1 luoitrnr tliu cost of dnnuKos for clinnioof orado of DoiiKlas mrout from Ssth ulrc't to west line of Mount ft Hlll'ii Snd nddlllon. S8th iivoiiiiofronHiiHlrtMroot lo ( nrninn Mrcoti 20llil S. .riot fri > l" ' ' ' " 'KO't'ret ' ' t. ) I'lirnnm Mrcot mid 2 th from avciuio DoiUo street lo farmim itrcet.ainoiii.tlni : to the mini of f.nidfei. whlnh sum t Isproposod by n report duly ndopl d by the cltv council , lo iu < os on the real o ' . . . . . . . . , , . „ . . , . * . . , . .niitiicn nnd thu usual scul riK back procos. Indcpth to the llrsl alloy or thu i oplh of one lot In the gtrcols r iiiiilnz nor h nd . outh : on D.iuulns.treot to S center of b ock on north and the d"pih of fou ? lots on souths rate pur foot iuoti7u > . lo C-WT iho cost ol fillln which cost It Is proposed bv u report duly o city council I it. as follows : f.s 43 15 4tl n hj IturrOnk 8 78 llced's Jrd 124 TI ; 1.18 CO 123 1(1 ( 111 2 M 60 Tocovor the cost of RlopliiK nuisance lotn , which cost It Is proposed hy a report duly adopted by tlio cltv council to assess on the real estate sloped , an follows : Lots or Addition Description. llllc. or City. Amount wCift7 ; 104 Cltv of Omaha till" al oi ! ! > 4 Campbell's ! 7 28 w',5 4 - ao > To cover tlio cost of or.onlncnid evlcndliiK lath streot. from uiloy uorthof Mi-holas street , to south line ol I'nddock 1'lin-e. and from Routli line of 1'addoi-k I'laco to Ohio street ; nlbo flnrk street fniiiil'uiiniimlmni's addition to lath street oxtcndpd , unioiintliiB tn tin- sum of i : ! ) .4iil.oo. : which sum It Is proposed by a re port duly udoptod by the city council to assess on both sides of lath street from Nicholas Ntrcel to Ohio street as follows , ( iiiphidlii ) ; Clark street from Uumiliiuli iin's addillon to lath Htreoti. as lots In I'addo-k I'laco at one hundred del lars each , amounting to jiw ; UKi. On lath street from I'addoou I'laco to Ohio street , at the rate of J.'IW ) per front foot , amounting toiso.i'.i. . il. On the front.'iuo of lath street nnd C'lark street In tax lot No. U. section l. > . at the ratoof HdOpcr front foot , amoiintlni : to i.X'JIi ' ID. On the frontage of lath street In tax lot 8. section l."i , al the rate of il.MllU per front foot , unimuitliu to tilUI.'II ( , This assessment holiiB inadoaceordln ? to the nsiml senII111 : back process In depth from , street UK follows : In Paddock I'laco , the depth of ono lol : North of I'addock I'lncn , the depth of 11214 feet ; South of I'addock I'laco. the depth of 112 ! ' , feet on east nlde , and the depth of ia2 foot on the west Bide. On Clark street to the depth of 133 feet on oaoli side. Tocovor tlio cost of oponlni ; 10th street fiom north line of Uartman's Reserve to Center street , niuoiintlni : to the sum of JIO.ail.44. which sum It Is propose 1 by u report duly adopted bv the city council to assess us follows ; " "On the "Meyer lot" SITUIX ) ; On the east side of 10th street fiom lot No. GO to ( ho Union I'aclllc rhhtof wav , and on the west side of I'.lth ' street from the Meyer lot to the Union I'acllle rl ht of way $1,011.TU Kato per foot tl.43.K > 0 : On the eastatdeof 19th street from the north line of lol 00 to Center street mid on th' ) west side of lilth street from tlio north Hue of lloau- volrs Place to Coutor street. Kojaii. ) . Hate per foot i. > . ' .iTls" ] . No assessment belli' nia o on II. & M. , I'o. the rJKlit-of-wny of tlio . Km wiy You are further iiotlllo-l thai H.it 1 'I ropnsed I'lnii" of Assussn.cnt" are now sub , -ttothu Inspection nud oxumlmitum of nuy of the owners of sild lots , p-irts of lots or pieces of real estate , or the Inspection or ex mlnxlion of any other person intercsled In sai.i pro posed useessmcnls , nt the olllcu of salu city clerk , and tint hy a report of a committee of said council duly adopted , It Is proposed that unless for Rood uml sit indent cuuso It may ho otherwise ordered and determined , that thu oostof said Improvements rospo'-tlvely bo us- scshcd on the several lots , pnrtsof lots and plccos of real ostatu as shown hy said pro posed plans of assessment. You. and each of voil. are hproby notified to appear before said lloard of Kqnnll/.iHIon nt the time and place above spoelllrxl. to maka any comuliilnt. staluuiont , or ohjuctlon you desire concerning any of said proposed levies und assesanionts of succlal taxes. JOHN OUOVKS. City Olnrtt. Omaha. Nob. . March 1st. ISOX "m'Jil7t HOPOSALS roil riKlil ) SBKD. * I'nltcd P .states Indian Kcrvleo , IlosubiKl Agency , S. I ) . . Kulirnury 'JOth , lh'.ii.Sealed : proposais , endorsed "Proposals for Klold Seeds , " and ad dressed to the uiuturslgiiod at Uosubud AKoncy. S , D. , will ho received at this au-ency until one o'nlouk p. m. . of Wednusdiv. ; Alnroli 1.1th. 1MU , for furnUhliiK and ileiv | rlnif at thlsaRcncy : 1.5UObiiHhuls of soi-il oatss l.OOJ bushels of send potatoes nnd WW bushels of sued wheat. Illddors are reiiuustcd to state specifically In their bids Iho proposed prlco or each article olTorcd for dollvory under accin- traet. The rftlit Is rosorvoJ to reieet anv or all bids ornny part of any bid If doomed for ho bust Interest of the service. I'liiiTiflui ) CHECKS. Each bid must bo aceompanlud by a cortllled check or draft upon Culled States depository , or solvent national hank In the vicinity of the residence of the bid lor , made to the order of the Oommlssioncr of Payable AIT.ilrs. for at lo.ist nvi : I'Bii CUNT of the aniount of thu proposal , which cla-fk or draft will lie forfeited to the Tinted States In oasoanv bldderor bidders receiving ; m award fihill fall (0 promptly execute a contract With peed nnil snlllciont aurotloM , otherwise to > o returned to thobl'idor. Illds um-oiiipanlca by cash In llou of ccrllflud chock will n"t be con- bldorod. 1'orany fortlior inforiiiHii'in imply toJ. UKOUUK WUIlilir , U.S. IndiinK < it l.'l'.id'il " 'i H I El , ' QI'AKTBIIMASI'KU'H ol I K h Omaha. Nob. . Mureh 1st. | KO ( Seated proposals. In triplicate , will bo rocnlved hero until U o'clock p. m. central standard time. April 1st , 1MI.I. and then opened , fur furnish < B transpiirlatlon. clraya e. and for nandli'iir Mores In llu Duiiiirliiiunt of Iho Plalte. dur Inu the llsi-al year beirlnnliiK .Inly 1st , 1MU. The ( ovornmont reserves the rl ht to re ject any or all proposals All Inter- iiiatlon furnishedon apph atlou to this olllce. KnvoloL's | ) containing pro posals to be marked "PioposaU fortranspor tatlon on Hon to No . " and addressed to Ibis olllce. OIIA'd.lCS ' R'HUMPUKI-V. Ma jor and Quartermaster , U. H. A. . Chief Quar termaster. inldtlt _ I'ropmiils for Urndln . Boated proposals will ho received by the soc- rctury of tlio hoar Jot udiioatlon until 4 o'clock Ii. m. , Mondny. Murch H. ls'.ii. ' : forKradlnK IntsS and D , block W. Urudlt I'Vinclor addition. In accordance - cordanco with resolution on ( lie In secretary's olllce. The hoard reserves the rljjlit to rujoet any nd all bids. lly orlurof tlu 'nir ' I of ud'inatlon. ' JdUt CilAlll.m 0 > S > \ ' - , I Su PATEHT BUREAU. GUES & CO. .Solicitors , Boo Building , Omaha , Neb < yonr Kjamliiors U. A Put Olllcu. Advice free PENSIONS ! CLAIMS !