8 THTi" OMAHA DAILf liEl 'SATOUD AY. MA Wll 18037 r COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Went Down With tv Great Orasb Yesterday , LONGS ATTEMPTED TO TAKE PROFITS. Corn llrokc HondllyVlini It Hecelrril Kn- conrnK1"1"1'1 from tlio Wlient I'll Trnde Wiu Ijtrgo but n Xerroin reeling I'rovnlleJ. III. , Mnreli 3.--Whcat CMIIO down wltlin crash today. It xvns near tlio end of Hie session nnil the outcome pf a Mini-panic catwd by n number of longs sttmiltunoously attempting to sntitoh Uiulr profits when tlio murUct ronchcil 7c ! for Mny , nil ndvunco of 1 Jli ? over lust nlKht'fl eloslni ? llRuros. The prlco almost shot down from 70o to 77'ic , losing all todiiy's iKlvanca nnd ! 5c niMltloiml. July was loss bulllh uurly tlmn Mny nnd n it iiultons wi-iik on tlio brcnk. It closed nt 7o'jc , tiftur solllMKlit 77c In tlio morning. Corn lmku ra.iillly when It received ancotir- ngumi'iil from tliu wheat l > lt. Compared with yintonlny'H iirlco May corn Is 'ic lower. l'io- v HloiiM worn MrotiK , lint lliu BIIIIH | In tlio end were limited to Uic ! In fiork. " ' July liird mid be In rlln. Trade was Inrso In the iiBRrcRnlo bill sna * . inodli- and tlio fcollii nervous. The murkut waHlrrt'KUlarat , unadvaiiL't'of from he to y : . 1'rlccs nveded ' 4r. then rallied > /e and yielded to previous Insldu flKtiros , but ndviinecd ' / < . receded V. then adviineed Jic. but weakened nnd declined l\i- and closed weak at. the Inside iirlec.N with : i loss of from fie to 3.i < ; " 'om yesterday. Although theru was tsoiid ImyliiB nt tlmi'N oy outsiders there wns not the urgent demand for shorts that cut hiicli a llsnro yesteiday. Tim local traders were disposed lo follow any big leader and the lilBhest prices worn made on the. bidding by one of the largest holders. There was good sell iig by Mime of tlin largest buyers of July and bulling on the bicin by the largest Hhorts. A feature of the trading was the fieo selling for Jillv , causing It toM-llntono tlmo til U' . tinder May against IV yesterday. There was considerable comment over the fact Unit , other nmrkots failed to follow the bulge hero to any 'in com at tbe opening fair firmness was foil , prices Indicating a g-iln of about Uc over yesterday's closing llguies. 'I is was duo largely to the Mrength In liolgliliorlng pits , wllh : i few outside buying outers here. J ho hhorts weio naturally a llttlo nervous after the good advaneo and were Inclined to cover. The Initial advance did mil hold , however , the Mimiort , piovlng Inadeiiuato even In the light of stronger cables and a fair cash demand for relatively Mimll spot offerings. A few promi nent operators Idenlllled with the hear party entered us hellers and their ollerlngs proved too much for prices , which sold down fiom lie to fe. later recovering feebly. The liiml weakness was In line with the down turn In wheat , with general and heavy selling , which placed prices at the close at the lowest point ofthuday. There was not much demand for shorts In ontN. except for a period at the opening , when the highest pi Ices were recorded. It soon sub- Hided , and a llttlo nioro pressure to sell caused weakness and a ducllno of ? < c , and the market closed easy at about the. Insldo prices. The piovlslon market wns fairly active. 'Iho receipts of hogs were 18,1100 , against estimates of 10,000That started an advance of 10o for pork , uc for lard , and U' c for ribs. , I'oilt dec lined iWi-c from the opening price butwxm recovered Its earlier tone and from the low point roMj 6c ( per barrel , UDc of which It lost again In the latter part of the session. Lard was steady , with llalely taking nilrnnt- itgoof hard spots to sell a moderate amount. ThoOudnhy I'acklng company were sellers of pork on the advance , but gotmuch of the busi ness through Hehwart/-Dtipco and the North American I'ucklng company. There Isacon- Hlant demand for c-tsh ribs at the price bolus reall/ed for the May delivery. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 100 cars ; corn , i10 ! cars ; oats , 1UO cars : hogs , 1O.OOO head. The leading futures ranged as follows : CI.OSK. VKS'V. 74H 40V 43M 43H 44 45 S0' < la ? : 186T I8S7K 13 ! . ' > 13 15 13 15 12 15 r : 20 13 0 II SKI 13 ( W 1200 10 W 10 fX > 10 45 CnKb quotations were as follows : Fi.otm-Dull , steady ; winter pntents , } 3.00 (34.00 ( ; winter straights ) . } 3.20 < B3.35 ; Miring patents , J3.75S14.Ul ! .soring straights , J2.50 ® il.dO ; bakers' , } 2.ooa2.25. WllKAT No. 2 spring , 74 < < V74Sc ! ; No. 3 spring , DWWJc ; No. 2 rod , 745i74Ji ! : . CoiiN-Illglior ; No. 2 , 40 ? c ; No. 3 ca ib , 37We ; No. 3 yellow , 38 ? { < 23Uc. OATS No , 2 , SOtfe ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 34'/i e35Jc ! ; No. 3 white , 82c. HVK No. 2 , G''c. IJAHI.KV No. 2 , 02c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 44M4 ic ; No. 4 , f. o. b. , : i745c. FLAX Hur.No. . 1. if 1.22. TIMOTHY Sr.Kii I'rlmc , t4.42if81.44. I'OIIK Mess , per hhl. , 5lH,07'iia.70. ! Lnrd , per 100 lli . , Jl3.12't < ifll3.15 ; short , rib sides ( loose ) , $10.50 ; dry .salted shoulders ( boxed ) , t'J.TWiJO.b1 . ; short clear slde.s ( boxed ) , 410.80 © 10.80. WHISKYDistillers' llnlsbod goods , per gal. , (1,17 * SUOAH Unchanged. Cut loaf , GfiOO 'c ; granulated , 6' e ; htandard "A , " tic. Thu following were the receipts and ship ments for today : On the Produce exchange today the butter market was steady ; creamery , l'J < iJ20c ; dairy , 1025c. Kggs , strictly fiesh , 17(617 iie. Cheese , firm. Omalm drain. The following prices are for delivery at Mis sissippi river points : WHEAT No. 2 spring , 71e bid ; No. 3 spring , Clcbld ; No. 2 hard , C3'5c bid. ( ) ATK-No.2 hlte , 32ic bid ; No. 3 white , 32'ebld. , L Kiit , i u. u ut uuiiur jiiiu , > niu itifl. Among tlio sales weio ; 100 cars No. 2 corn , March , Omaha terms , liH'-iC ! lll'j cars No. 3 or bolter , Toledo terms. Kast Ht. Louis , March and April shipment , U8c. Nmv Vork It NKW Yoinc , .March I.'i.otm-Iiccelpts. . 31,008 lilcgs. ; exports , U.G'JO bills. ; 11,022 sacks ; sales , 10,000 jikgs , ; market ( lull but ( teady. COIIN JlKAir-Dull , steady. llAiii.KY Dull , llrm. llAin.ir : M ALT Steady. WllKAT Uvculnts , 30,590 bu. ; exports , 101.- 003 bu. ; sales , 3.710)00 ! ( ) bit. futures , 10,000 bu. spot. Spot ninrUet opened llrm , closed weak wltli Options dull ; No. 2 red In store and elo- valor , vHH Bijt' ; alloat , 784c ; f. o. b. , 78ffft 8 ( ) < - ; No. 1 northern , 84081'fc ; No. 1 hard , H8'i No. 2 northern , b3a 3Kc. Uptlons opened llrm at ! fo adviineo on tinner cables and higher Chicago , declined ! ( < i4ij ( . ' on realiz ing , .reacted ? c on covering , declined 'ilc on free unloading , closing heavy at HiC under yi'vr' ' ' > ; ' . > jVii ' Jsu c.ci ( > sin at 70iC ; June. 80 ? (28lf-lic ( ( , closing at , bOV ; July. 81ai.a823 . c. closing at 81 4c : August , 81 ? , < ii82Uc , closing at Hlc ; October , 817 , ® B5 'if , closing at 84'c. L'oilNItecelntN. . 14,400 bu. , exports , 28.128 bu. ; sales , 055.000 bu. futures. 77,000 on. spot. Spots opened llrm , closed weaker and dull ; No. 2 , f)2g < if53 > fc , In elevator ; G3'iiS4ijC atloat ; I'.WUi'i'1 ' ' ' ml\Vl- - 0iari4ii't steamer mixed , 02J < 53Jcj No. 3 , 50' , 51'c. Options opened at > .e advance on tinner cables and following \\licat , declined llUc tin freer of OATS-Uecolpts , 12.UUO bu , { exmirts. 80 bu. ; sales , uO.UOO bu. of futures , 1)0,000 ) bu. ' cngo , o-j-ic ; f\o. a , atic ; o. ; i wlilto , 40Jjil ( 41c ; mixed western , 38 < a40c ; white weslern , 4447c. I llAY-Qulet. llrm ; shipping , 70c ; good to Choice. 7.iu'JOc. ( Ho ITS Dull , easy. v HIIIKS-.Steady ; fairly actlvo. Vfonirl'li m , ( inlet ; doineslKlleoce , 27 < 332c ; pulled. 2 ( 30c ; Texans , 17 i21c. I'ltOVlsidNS Cut meals. ( | iilul , steady ; nick- led Kliouldors , till ; pickled hams , il4,0014,2i ! ; middles , dull , limit fhortcloar. ll ? c. l.urd , ilrni , iiulet ; western steam closed at * 13.20j sales , none ; option sales , none ; .March , * 13.1I > ; May. 413.30 asked : July12.5a asked. 1'ork , qulut. llrmer ; old mess , * 10.76 , IIU7TKU Light rt'ctdpts , llrm ; Klglns , 27c. CiiitKSE Steady , fairly active ; part skims , i. , , Kdiis flood supply and easier ; western , frosh. lOJjc : receipts , 7.100 ukgs. TA 1.1x1 w-Qulut. kteadler ; ( city , 12 for pkgs. ) . 7CCoiTON8BED OtiOulet : crude , hlgbort yol- ) ow. btoady : crude , 62o bid : yellow , 3JOOOc. - 1'iinoi.KUU The market for petroleum cer \ tinrnton presented no foiiliiro nlmlnvor today and only 0,000 barrcli clumped at the Con- solldalod Ixiard whllo the tirlco remained ntcnily at 0 lfit04 , o , At the Block exchange Kl.ooo bls./lmngcd ut C4'K. . Tl'ltrK.NTl.NTDull. . flrm. Itin1'nlr : demand , llrm. . Neir Orleans , open kettle good to choice , demand llrm , HuoAll Dull , steady ! roflnctl more nctlre , ft tfl 1(1 V PHI litn.v Stendyi American , 12.7Biill6.60 , Cori'KU-OilK-'t , easy : lake , tl 1.86. I.KAii-Dull.steaily : domestic , (3.02i. ! TtN-Qulut , flrnij gtralts , 120.30. Onmlia Troducu 'MnrUot. The produce nmrkot was without any very Interesting feature. Prices on nearly every thing remained about steady. Ari'MN-Htorrfs are held at (3.5oa4.00 for fair to choice stock. . BANANAS Per bunch , Including crates and packing , 2.002.75. IlKA.vs Cholco navy , I2.4o. IIUrtKit Cominon packing stook , which con stitutes the great bulk of the receipts now ar riving. goes nt 10l8c. I'alr to good country loll , r8'i20c. ( A fow. sales of snrall lots of extra cholco country roll sell to the retail tr.ulo nt 20&22C. - CAI.U'OIIN'IA CAIIIIAdK 1'cr Ib. , 3c. l'M.KUV t'er do40c. . . I'ltA.siiKititiK'i Hell and busle , J10.60 ; Jer sey Capu Cod , 10.50. Healers were many of thorn asking 14c. the colder weather and the shipping demand hav ing produced a somewhat .stronger feeling. At the same time there were Mime cheap eggs on the market and salcd were reported as low as 13c. . " " , , , 0. * JIB The receipts are extremely light. Mallard ducks , f3,50 ; teal and mixed , $2 ; small geese , tl.oat.r ) > 0 ; Canada geese , JO.Ooa 7.50 ; small rabbits , tl.26 : . Ineks * 3.60. . HAY The best would only bring JO , and No. 2 was offered at . } 5.50. OllAl'K KltUlT Per bov , $3.75. lllliKS-No. 1 green , 3Vic ; No. Igroen salt4vl , 4'ic ; No. 2 green salted , 3tfc ; No. 1 green salted , 25 to10 UH. , 4'c ; No. 2 green salted , 25 to 40 His. , 3' ie ; No. 1 veal calf , H to 15 Ib-i. , 7ic ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , Oljc ; No. 1 dry Hint , 07lc ; No. 2 dry Hint , 4i35ic ! ; No. 1 ury salted , 5&iie ; part cured hides H percent per pound less than fully cured , HtiNUV Choice to fancy white clover. ISO 2Oc : tairtogood , lOTJIHc. LKMd.NH- Choice , * 3.50 : fancy , $4. MAI IIA UitAi'KSfood shipping stock , $8.50. Niw : VKIIKTAIII.KS Lettuce , radUhes and parsley , 45c per do/ . ; green onions , 40u. NiiTM-I.arge hickory , * 1.BO ; black walnuts , ! 1. HOB 1.25. OMO.NH Homo grown , $1 per mil. ; Spanish , percrale , } 2. OIIA.MIIIS 1'lorlda fancy , per box$3.25 ; rnssftts , J3 ; Mexican oranges , single boxes , J3.25 : live to ten-bov lots , { 3 California mountain oranges , $2.50 ; Washington navels , * 4 : Newcastle California seedlings , J2.75 ; Med. sneets , i3. OVSTKlts Per can , 10 < a.38c. POUI.THV The market was a llttlo llrmer on choice dtossed chickens which were quoted at O'aiOc ' ; live chickens , cholco young lions and roosters , 7ltiH'iC : , ,1,1 roosters , live , 5 < SGc : dressed turkeys , llUu ! ; geese and ducks , 10J112C. I'dTATdKS Western Nebraska stock Isqilnted at 85 < S.UOe ; Utah and Colorado , * 1 ; cholco native , 7571HOC. HWI'.KT I'dTATOliS There are a few In the market which are selling at # 4.50. HTUAWIIHIIHIKS Per quart , 4tc. ) TANOKUINIIS in half boxes , * 3. VKAir-Choleo and small fat veals , 79c. ; liuge and thin. S Oc. _ .St. I.ouU .tliirl < ut . ST. Louis , Mo. , March 3. Pi.ouil Un changed ; patents , $3.403.50 ; extra fancy , $3.K ( 3.15. WIIIIAT fie below yesterday ; No. 2 red , cash , higher at OHKe ; March. 08e ; May 71c. CditN ? .jo below vesterday ; No. 2 mixed cash , higher , 38i : March , 3Hc ; May , 3UiO- ? 3U c. OATS Higher : more active ; No. 2 cash , hli.'lier.iUiCi : May , 33c. Itvi : I'lrm ; steady. No. 2 , 51VSc HAIII.KY 1'lrm ; steady. nl'iiovisioNS - - I'lrm ; lard $13 ; pork un changed. IturriMi Slow. Kdis ( Steady. KKCKIITS h'lour , 5,000 bills. ; wheat , 17,000 bu. ; cor-i , I'JU.OOObu. ; oats , 32,000 bu.i rye , none ; barley , none. Sllll'MKXTS-l'lour , 8,000 bbls. : wheat , 05,000 bu. ; corn , 108,000 bu. ; oats , 1'J.OOO bu. ; rye , 3,000 bu. ; barley , 4,000 bu. Cotton Mnrlcct. NKW OIII.KAKID , La. , March 3. Quiet : good middling , U 5-lGc ; net lecelpts , 1,530 bales ; gross receipts , 1,702 bales ; exports to Oreat llrltaln , 7,832 bales ; to Krance. 038 bales ; to the continent , 1,047 bales ; sales , 1,000 bales , stock , 320,035 bales. Weekly net receipts , 28,555 bales ; gross receipts , 31,002 bales ; experts - ports to Great llrltaln , 11,282 bales ; to Krance , 13.0HO bales ; ( o the continent , 14,251 bales ; coastwise , 0,079 bales ; sales , 7,400 bales. 1'utures were steady , wiles 25.400 bales ; March , $7.88 ; April , H.H38.85 ; May , $8.02 © 8.03 ; June , $8,0b8.00 ; July , $0.02 < f9.04 ; August , 59.02ao.04 ; September. S8.80 bid ; Oc tober , $8.70 bid ; November $8.05. Liverpool .Markets Livmii'oor , , March 3. WIIBAT Ptoady , demand f ilr ; holders olTer moderately ; No. 1 California , Os 2d8)0s ) 3d perce.ntal : 80. 2 rod winter , 5.sQ,5s 0(1. ( Kocolpth of wheat tlio past three days were 374,000 centals. Including 288,000 American : llrm demand , fair ; western 4s 3d per cental , for new , Kocelpts of Ameri can corn the past three days were 42,700 centals. HACON Long and short clear , 55 Ibs. , 52s Gd per cwt. LAIIII Prlmo western , C4s per cwt. PEAS Canadian 5s 3d pur cwt. Kansas City Markets. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , March 3. WHEAT Firm ; No. 2 hard. 04ffi04'/sc ; No. 2 red. 71c. CoitN Kle higher : No. 2 mixed , 3 OATS-NO. 2 mixed , sajiaa'JMc. Kvi-l''lrm : at 52VS.ffi523.io. HIITTKII Dull ; creamery , 24Q27JSc ; dairy Kdl8 Strong at 14'Jc. ItKCBHTS Wheat , 37,000 bu. : corn. 17,000 bu. ; oats , none. fnii'MKNTH Wheat , 49,000 bu. ; corn , 0,000 bu. ; oats , 9,000 bu. Milwaukee ( Jraln .1 Mn.WAUKKn , Wl.s. , March 3. WHEAT Ner- vous.Mny ; , GS'So : No. 2 spring , C7c. CoiiN r'lrin ; No. ! ) , 3H < ci,3H' e. OATS Illeher ; No. 2 white , 34s ! < 3,35c ; No. : while , HU'l 33ic. ! HAW.i : * No. 2 , C2c. HYK-5G > ie. CollVu Market. NEW VOUK , Jlarch 3. Options opened nuio to 5 points up ( o 5 points down and closc ( barely steady at 5&2t > points down Sales 25,500 bags. Including ; .March , J17.2O&17.30 April , If 10.U5 ; .Mayiflfl.05ftl0.70 ; Juno.iflG.GO July , * 10.5KT6l0.i ( > 5 ; September , JIG.35010.45 November , S10.45 ; December , $10.102110.20 Spot Ulo , nominal ; No. 7 , ! H7.B7S. ! Now Yurie Dry ( ionds .Mnrlu't. Ni\V : YOUK , .March 3. The jobbing tradi continued the fcaturo of tlio dry goods mar kot , the dlstrllmtlng being actlvo In all do Fcrlptlous of goods. No material change however , was apparent at lirst hands. llamll ton turlcoy red prints were advanced 2VJ per cent. Mlmionpolla Wheat Market. MiNNKAroi.is , Minn. , Jlarch 3--Market wa very easy ; good demand for cash wheat ; No. northern , firm , 07c ; No. 2 northern , 0-11 : Ko celpts : 317 cars. Close : March , C5i : ; May 07Me ; July , 7c. ( ) On track ; No. 1 hard , C7Hc No. 1 northern , GCc ; No. 2 northern , 03c. I'hlladotplihi ( Sraln .Market. I'liu.ADiu.i'iiiA 1'n. , . .March 3. WIIUAT Opened llrm , closed lower ; No. 2 red. .March 7oi < < S.7G4e. ! CdiiN OptlotH weak ; No.2 _ mixed , 49IJ49Uc OAM-QuIot but linn , with light olfurlngs No . , 2 white , Jlarch , 40Q40Uc. ! Cliicliiiintl .Mnrlu'ts. CINCINNATI , O. , March 3. WHEAT I'lnnor No. 2rell. 70'jc. COIIN Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 44l/i45c , ( > ATrt--Strong , blither ; No. 2 mixed , 3&c. ; WHISKY In good demand ; $1.17. ' lliiltlinorii ( irnln .Uiirkuts. llAi.TlMOiiu , JId. , March 3 , WIIKAT-Strong spot and March , 70S4C , CoiiN Strong ; mixed spot and March , 48i.ic. OATS Steady ; No. 2 , white western , 40iic. Toledo drain Market. TOI.KPO , O. , March 3. WiiUA-c-Lower ; No. 2 cash , 72c. ( 'oils Steady ; No. 2 cash , 43c. OATrt Quiet ; cash , 35c. Ainerlciin Ktifrlgt-rator Hoof. LONDON , March 3. AMKIIKMN KKPIIIURATOH : HKKF I'orenuartors , 2s UdV s 8d ; hindquar ters , 3s 2d3d Ud pur 8 Ibs. hy the carcass. London Oil .Market. LONIION , .March 3. CALCUTTA Now crop , Aiirll and June , 3Ds 3d pnr iiuarter. Timi'KN'TlNK Si'illlTrt 24s per cwt. STOCKS AM > BONDS. Seciirltli'H Sliownil Jloro of n rrnffgilniinl iliunirtcr Vcnterduy Thau Uminl. NKW YOUK , Slaich 3. Tlio stock market show od more of u professional character today , but covering by the shorts was apparently concluded , and this element of strength being removed prices fell oil of their own weight nt llrst , but the decline was accelerated later by bear selling In addition to which the traders were again Inclined to go short of the list. Apart from Heading , New Kngland and Northern Tactile preferred , there was llttlo special feature In the railroad list , whllo Sugar monopolized attention among the Indus trials. The brokers Identified with the lead ing bour operations were persUtont sellers of jdurlng the forenoon , but Mr. Whltu came Into the market as a" buyer and the story was circulated that the dividend will posl- V Ivcly bo 5iJ percent , ftlvlnu color to llio laic rumor * and Justifying tfio action ot the o who Imvo boon no confidently offering iper cent for tlio dividend of Into. There Is iuiciiThofo'wiii'bo'ii'tVytiiltfg" 3 tier cent however , and the event alone will rovpal whether Iho offerings were a speculative dodge or iniido entirely on ofllclal assurance. The general market showed some strength at first on continued covering of shorts , but this demand wa * KOOU satisfied and whllo llttlo pre. uro was brought to bear , prices retired all along the lino. Later reports were that Heading's floating debt has reached the enormous figure of 17- 000,000. and , while not ( iitallllod In anyway , had a decidedly depressing effect In conjunc tion with other report ? ) of an unfavorable nature. Doubt was thrown upon the control of Now KiiRland by Mr. McLeod's friends , and , whllo Heading yielded 2 per cent from Its best , price , New Kngland , after mi early ad vance of 1 percent , retired 2 ! ( per cent. The poor showing of earnings made by the granger roads led to declines or from 1 to 14 tier cent , and Union Tactile , Loulsvlllo ft Nushvlllo and Northern Pacific preferred all declined over 1 per cent , the last named , however , being raided on a rumor that a trust com pany had decided lo soil a block of the stock hem ai collateral. Wllh the appearance of Inside support on Sugar the tr.idors again displayed u disposi tion to work for a rally , but money became scarce and 15 per cent was exacted for loans running till.Monday. This put a damper on the ; buying sentiment , and while Sugar was carried back to Its best figures , the rest of the market was sluggish and closed barely steady at only slight gains over the lowest llgures. Sugar was the only stock showing an advance of. note. Its gain being lj ! per cent. The 1'ost says : It appears Ui bu the general Impression among the banks that Interest rates will bo higher next week. The quickest result of this would bu experienced by the In dustrials , which are received none too will ingly In collateral now. Hut It Is open to question whether the week's currency with drawals and gold shipments are by any means sum to allYct the street rate for money In the absence of largo stockH speculation. The plans of the gold exporters certainly do not seem to bo counting on any such stringency. The following are the closing ( juotallons of tJio leading stocks on the Now York Stock exchange - change today : AtchlsdrT Northern 1'nclllo . . . Ailmus Kxprcsa 157 do preferred W4 Alton , T. II I ! . I' . , lion. \ ( iulf. . HH do preferred . . . . 15'J Northwestern W American KxpruM. do preferred llnltlinorcohlo. . . 11,1 N. V Central Catmila I'ncltlc. . . . . 11,1Ml N Y A N. 15. Cntmda Southern. . Ml * Ontnrlo A Western. K.H Conlr.il 1'nclllo n Oregon Imp IB Olios. & Ulilo OreKori Nar 72 Clilcnuo Alton 141 O. B. U & U. N lift a u. A . , 141UIU 'ncltlo .Mull S.I CblcagatJiii E'jiij'l'oorlii ' , Hoc. li 10. . . . IBM Consolldiileddan. . . 128 ll'lttMinrg 151 c. C. C. &bt. I WHI I'llllnmn I'alace 1H2 Cotton i.II Cert 4l < ljl ( lending " 5J Del. Hudson ,23 jKlcumum ! Terminal ' . 'H ' ' Oo preferred' . . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' l > ! ' ! . . . . 61) ) < .lo ( jranito W. . . 22 22M ! . & ( . K LO _ _ ilo preferred 22S Kaet Tcnn 4 Hock Island . . * Krlo < 21 . . . , M. L , . .VS. F. lot pfd S do prufcrruil . 5V < St. I'liul Toil Kort Wayne IM do preferred IZJ ( it. Northern pf it. . . HO St. 1'iiul .VOmnlm. . . M1- C. & K. I pr'il doproforreit \ 117 Hocking Valley. . . . JS ISontliern 1'aclllo . . . 82 Illinois Central Snirar Hellncry St. I-mi I A lluluth . . tut Tenn. Coal A iron. . Kan. A'fax pf'il . . . Texan I'aclllc I.nko KrloI Went. . . 2. Tol. , V O. Cen. pf'd. . ilo proferrotl Union I'aclllc I.nko Shore 0. 8. Kxpreo 05 Lend Trust 40 W. Bt. l.fi I' l.oiiln. , t .N'nsli do preferred I.oil Is. & New Alb'y. Wolli t'arKO Kxp. . . HO .Mnnhattnn Con Western Union WheelliiKAL. 13 . . t'entral. . . 10li < do preferred CO Mlanourl 1'acltlc . . . Wl Minn At. ! . 1 , Moblln & ohl ( S.'i > < 4 11. .til. ( J NasliTlllo Clintt i ; ( ianeral Klectrlc. . . . National ronl.iKo. . f',2 National I.lnseed. . . MH ilo preferred Ill C. Fuel It Iron BSJi N. J. Central llfij { 108 Norfolk &W. pf'd. . 31 IIous. &Tcx. C n. . . North American Co tV ) { Tol. A. A. A N. W. . . The total sales of stocks today were 380,000 shares. Including : Cotton Oil , 13,100 ; Chicago cage , Iliirlliigton .V Qiilncy , 7,200 ; Chicago ( ias. 22.700 ; llsllllliig,3 ) , JOO ; General Klectrlc. 3,100 ; Louisville .t Nashville , 0,300 : Missouri I'aclllc , 4.400 ; National Lead , 3.800 ; National Cordage. 11,000 ; Now Kniilaiid , 19,400 : North ern I'aclllc preferred , 11,800 ; Headlrig , 75- 000 : Hock Island , 4,700 ; St. 1'aul , 13,500 ; Sugar , 70,200 ; Western Union , 8,400. London Flimnclul Review. tCo | > j/H3/ir / / ( < lSW l b\i \ James flnnlnn Hentl'tt LONIION , March 3. [ New York Herald Cable Snecl'il to Tliu HKB. ] llu-dnos was gener ally ijulet on the Stock exchange. New en gagements were entered Into very sparingly. Consols Improved 1-10 to 's percent. I'orelgn government .securities close Irregular. Greek 1881 advanced li ! per cent. Greek 1884 ? 4 per cent , and Kgyptlan and Turkish 1871 mid Turkish defense i ( per cent. Un the other hand a moderate "decline. . .la estnbll.shoM In Portuguese , Spanish , Italian , Costa Klca and Argentine. Homo railways , after having been generally dull , close with a butter tendency , an Improvement of ! J per cent being established In London & Southwestern and Great Western , ! S percent In North llrltlsh and from > to H per cent In Ilrlghton deferred , Caledonian and Midland. Americans close more or less depressed. Nor folk & Western preference have been pressed for sale , resulting In a fall of iy per cent. Union Pacific has given way U per cent , Chicago & Milwaukee and Erie ? ; per cent and several others ! J to ? per cent. With regard to Canadians , Canadian Pacific was strong and advanced ? per cent , while ( . .rand Trunk was flat , preferences guar anteed having fallen H to ? percent. Mexican preferences have also given way ' , ( to U per cent. There was a fair demand for money. Short loans wore charged 1JJ to 1J percent. The discount market was very easy ; two and three months bills were quoted at no better than 1 ? to 1 7-10 percent. Now York Money .Market. New YmtK , March 1. MONKV ON OAM < Easier at 5 > i l5 per cent ; last loan , 2 percent ; closed allured at 12 per cent. I'liiMUMKiiCANTli.K 1'Al'KU GQG' { percent. STKllLINd KXCIIANOK Qlllut , Illlt llrill With actual business In Hankers' bills at * 4.8G for sixty days and S4.87 ? ! for demand. GOVUIINMK.NT HONIIS Steady to llrm. State bonds dull and steady The closing quotations on bonds : U. s. la rou- IT. Northern I'ac. 2nd9 113 IT. S. 49 coup ICI N. W. Consols U. S. 4 nre N. W. liobon.68 rnclllcGs of Mi 1UJ St. I , . A l. .M. ( ion. 5s Louisiana at'pcd 4s. t. ti & -i. K. ( i'n. M 111 Tenn. now not ( is. . -t. I'aul Consols. , . . 127 Tcnn. now eot 53. . . 101 St. P. 4i A 1' . lats. . . 117 Tomi. no - set Ss. . . 10175S ! f. I' . J , . ( } - . Tr Hcts ti Cnnailn So. 2nd : , . . . . Wit 1' . I' . It. ( ! . Tr. Huts. 2(1 ( Cen. IMclllo ! BU. . . . 1UU Union IV.clilc Ists. . 1) . A It. U. l ts 113 West Hlioro lot II. A H. U. 49 87M , U. ( } . W.lsts 7BW Krlo''nds IOJ'4 Atcli. 4a M. 1C. AT. ( ion. Ki. 8114 Atcli. i s , cliss : A. . M. K. AT. ( ion. fa. . 45 , ! . II. A ri. A ts ! IX Muuml Union U IK 1. U. A . A'MSs. . . 117 N. J. C. Int. Cor I. AT. C. 5s ! 03 Northern t'ac. l9tn. . I. AT. C. Con. us. . . 10. ' , Iloaton Stock Oiiotatlnns. HOSTON , Mass. , March 3. Call loans , 7@0 per cent ; tlmu loans , Gi7 percent. The follow ing are thti closing stock quotations : Atchlson &Topolcn > \ .Mont. . . . 3J Hosten fi Albuny. . . .17 Ciilumot A llecla. . . 305 Huston k .Maine. . . . IDU ! Franklin I'M C. , II \J M ! ICvarsarKO 11 Knttsrn It. U. lie . . . 121 IlKceol.k jtsjj Kltcliluir/ll. U .LI1 Qnlncy 132 Flint * 1'ero.M. pfd. 115 lumxracK Ky I , . H. A Kt. 8 7 H5 AnnljtonLand Co. . li .Man ! * . Central IS West r.'n.l I.unit Co. lii Mex.Cen.com 10 ! loiToliphon ! : ! 201 N. V. .V N. Ungland. 3iJ l.nra on fcrtiroS. . . . V.I do 7 12U ' Old Colony 2(11 ( XK'.V.V : : : : : : : : : , SW Win. Central com. . . U 11. .V II. Copper 10)1 Atlantic u : ( Sen. IClgo UK ; Now \orlc AllnliiOiiotatloim. : NKW VOUK , March 3 , The following are the closing mining ( imitations : Crown 1'olnt 45 I'lyraouth 75 Con. "IA Va 2u : Mt'rr/x .Nevada 115 Ilomlvvoo.l IW - tnndar.t HO ( iould ACiiirr i"5 Union Con Wl Halo A Norcross. . . . lui Vcllow Jacket W llonu'i-tiiku lloo Iron Mlvor 35 Mexican IM yulck Hlvor 203 Ontario I3UO rte preferred 1100 Uphlr IbO Hulwer. . . 10 Financial Notes. IMiH'Anr.M'iiiA , 1'a. , March 3. Wool , qulot ; prices steady. Niw : VOIIK , Slarch 3. Clearliigs , (137,021- 185 ; balances , J5.8U4.133. HAl.TlMditn , Mil. , Match 3 , Clearings , $2- 538,319 ; balances , i2'Jl,117. Money , G per cent. cent.KANSAS KANSAS CITY , Mo. , March 3. Clearings , $2,01)0,550. ) Exchange on Now York , if 1 dis count. PIIII.AIIKMMIIA , Pa. , March 3. Clearings , { 13,521,835 ; balances , $1 , 857,505. Money , 4 percent , MEMPHIS , Tonn. , March 3. Clearings , } 348- 037 : balances , IOD.35G. Now Vork exchange helling ut par. I.ONIION , March 3. 1 p. in. Amount of bullion gone Into the Hank of Kngland on balance today , A'32,000. CINCINNATI , O. , March 3. Clearings. f2.720- 050. Money 4H5li ( per cunt. Now Vurk exchange - change , 5tXitGOo dUcouut. llF.iu.IN , March 3. The statement of the Imperial Hank of Germany hhows a decieasu In specie of U,780,000 marlis. HOSTON , Mass. , March 3. Clearings. J17.7GG- R80 ; balances , tlb'JG'J57. ' Money 10 toH pur cent. Kxchungo on Now Vork , 22 to 30c ( lib- count. ST. I.ouis , Mo. , March 3. Clearings , $1,181- 444 ; balances , $405,543. Money iiulutnt percent. Kxchango on Now Von ; , 75c pru- mlunir- * -NKW Oitl.KANst. La. , Jlarch 3. Clearings , $1- 027,470. Now Vork uxchango commercial , ( jOc per $1,000 premium. Hunk , 15o pur $1,000 premium. NKW VOIIK. March 3. [ Special Telegram to THE llKB-l Exchange was quoted as follows yesterday : Chicago , 7Oo discount : Jloton , 25 U30e discount ! St. Louis , 75c prumluni , CIIICAO'O , 111. , March 3. Cluiirings , $13.347.- C&7. Now Vork exchange , 80c Ulicount. fetorl- i ng osrhatige , dulMV ? < * ! > for sixty-day bill * iunlfH7ii | for "Uut , drafts , Money , strong r it lHi7 percent. % " > OMAHA I.IVH STOCK MAHKMTS. Cnlllo Trade ( Injerullj- Stronger Hogs Act ive i iiIllghrr. \ | . " ' PittliAY , March 3. Hccclptsof all kliMKtoday were modorato. ) far this week.Compared wllli last , there lias been an Increase of 2,500 cattle and 4,000 hogs , whllo recolptVfU shcop have fallen olT over 0,600 head. , . , , The general cattle niarket was actlvo and strong , some buycCsjlald Oc lo lOc higher , but seller * generally stiniOy reported It easy to get full Thursday's prices. Hecolpts were not all heavy and with favorable reports from east ern markets and a good line of buyers on hand the movement was free and trading toler ably brisk from start to finish. There was u marked scarcity of rlpo. heavy beeves , but the general quality of the offer ings was very fair , ( lood 1.2OO to 1,400-Ib. beeves sold at from $4,40 to $4.00 , with fair to good 1,000 to l,200.1b. beeves at from $4.10 to $4.40. Poor to fair light and rough stock sold at around $3.50 to 14. There was a good healthy undertone to the Irade and llttlo of any consequence remained unsold at the close , Hutchers1 and canncrs' stock sold freely at about steady prices , the best grades llrmer. and tlio Inferior grades easier. Sales Included poor to good cows and heifers at from $1.50 to $3.85 , with the bulk of the fair to good stuiT at from { 2.50 to $3.25. Hough slock of all kinds was getier.illy In good demand and strong at from $2 to til.75. Veal calves weru firm at from $5 to $5.75 , wllh ordinary largo calves and yearlings slow at from $2 lo $4.5 ( ) . Kresh receipts of stockers and feeders were not very largo but regular dealers who had al ready quite a respectable supply on baud re ported a good demand from country buyers and trade was fairly brisk with prices Inclined to firmness on the moie desirable grades. Koprcbcntatlvu sales ; imnsur.n No. Av. 1'r , No. Av. 1'r. " . GOO J3 50 4 1142 4 25 IT" ! . 870 3 05 24 1000 4 25 1. . . . 850 3 75 18. . . - . .lOSS 4 25 8. . . 037 2 75 20..JK.1138 4 30 21. . . 800 3 85 11. . .1070 4 30 1. . . 080 3 85 10. . .113H 4 30 12. . . 041 3 00 40. . .1201 4 30 10. . . 921 3 OS 3. . .1300 4 30 7. . . 027 3 ! ) 5 20. . .1170 4 30 21. . . 845 4 00 23. . .1123 4 35 1. . . 880 4 00 24. . .1044 4 35 10. . .1037 4 00 22 . 1055 4 35 3. . .1000 4 00 40. . .1103 4 374 * G. . . 003 4 05 32. . .1140 4 37i ! 20. . .1009 4 10 7. .1101 4 40 21 . 055 4 10 30. . .1004 4 40 10 ! ! . 088 4 10 .UGO 4 40 5. . 1134 4 10 .1250 4 45 68. . . 012 4 15 13. . .1124 45 20. . .1021 4 25 , 23. . .1204 40 22. . .1034 4 25 30. . . 1127 55 ' ' .l'24t ) 4 25 10. . .1231 no lo' . .1008 4 25 8. . .1507 05 10. . .1003 A 20 18. . .1141 05 12 " .1040 4 20 * 20. . .1280 4 70 10" .1184 4 20 42. . .1000 4 75 10. . .1050 4 20 20. . .1320 80 .1110 4 25 4. . , .1305 85 25- .1003 4 25 14. . , .1317 00 ANII r.xroitT. 14 10G8 4 05 22 ll'JO 4 00 3 1243 4 25 G 1253 4 00 12 1101 4 30 33 13'JB 4 05 22 1208 4 40 23 1380 4 75 22 1200 4 40 MIXKD. 14 081 4 05 27. . . . .1020 4 15 COWS. 2. . , 070 1 50 o " , . . 030 2 70 3. . fj4G 1 50 17. , . . 980 2 80 10. . . GG8 1 75 4. . , . .1032 2 80 " , 84O " 1 75 a. . . . . 898 2 80 i" . 080" 1 76' , 2 " . . .1100 2 90 50. . . G52 1 85 I" . . .1030 3 00 7. . . 800 1 90' 8. . . . .1000 3 00 1. . . G50 2 (1) ) . . .1100 3 00 1. . . 000 S ° . ' ' . . .1220 3 (10 ( 28. . . 032 l' . . . .1250 3 00 , 3. . . 000 18. . . . . 980 3 00 iT . 920 2 ( )0 ) 3. . . . .1050 3 00 T ! . . 900 2 00 13. . . . . 927 3 00 i. . . 800 2 10. I ) " . . . 990 3 00 7. . . 1020 2 10 GO" . . . 092 3 10 20. . . 840 10. . . . . 084 3 10 7. . . 883 . . .1120 3 15 5. . . 832 2 25" . . . 900 3 15 . oi' .1140 2 25 j . . .1180 il 15 i' ! . 070 2 20 , / 17. . . . . .1127 3 15 i. . .1000 2 25' 17. . . . . . 918 3 17 ! i. . . 910 ' 3. . . . . .1020 3 20 3. . . 900 2 20 ' .J. 875 n 20 il. . . 040 225' ' * : : : . . .1225 3 25 1. . .1040 2 25. ' . . . 750 3 20 8. . 887 2 25' . . .1032 3 25 G. . .1013 2 35 ' . . .1200 3 30 1. . . 800 C 35 , , 10 ; : ; . . . 804 3 30 . 910 2 35 ! , 11. . . . . . 908 3 35 . 800 2 35'l 3. . . . . .1113 3 35 2. . . ' 010 ' 3. 35H , , j20. . . . . . 07G 3 35 27. . . 823 240 i 10. . . .T. 819 3 35 4. . . 8G2 2 45V 7. . . . . . 040 3 35 7. . . 910 2 45" 10. . . . . .1200 3 35 0. . . 851 2 50 17. . . . . 714 3 40 7. . . 905 2 50 ' ' 7' . . . . . .1140 3 40 13 .1088 2 50. 7. . . . . 3 40 . 985 2 50 4. . . . . 1027 3 40 .1110 2 50 4. . . . . .1130 3 40 1 .1010 2 50 12. . . . . .1145 3 50 10. . . . . 888 2 50 . . .1197 3 GO 1 . 970 2 50 . . .1030 ii 50 1 .1180 2 50 37. . . . .1030 3 50 1 . 840 2 50 15. . . . . 839 a oo " .1030 2 50 24. . . . . ' 977 3 00 10. ! ! . 932 2 GO 10. . . . .1112 3 00 10. . . . . 8G7 2 60 10. . . . .1009 3 00 ol" " . 900 2 75 o " . . . 870 3 00 l" .1310 2 73 5" . . .118G 3 GO 1. . . . .1210 2 75 , 17. . . . .1108 3 GO 10. . . . . 759 2 75 20. . . . .1027 3 75 i. . . . .1080 2 75 19. . . . 1000 3 75 i. . . . . GGO 2 75 14. . . . . 952 3 75 3. . . . .1153 2 75 15. . . . .1138 3 75 1. . . . .1030 2 75 5. . . . . 990 3 80 1. . . . . 970 2 75 22. . 1038 3 85 1. . . . .1090 2 75 20. . . . . 028 3 80 4. . . . . 810 2 75 1ICIFE119. 23 784 350 12 823 3 05 080 3 GO 15 1038 3 80 CAI.VKS. 300 3 25 2. . 115 G 50 210 5 00 1. . 210 5 50 245 5 00 1. . 240 5 00 1. . . 220 6 50 3. . 11G 5 00 1 . . 140 G 5Q , 3. . 180 5 70 1. . . 110 5 GO 1 . 120 0 75 DUI.I.S. 1. . . 1300 2 00 .lino 3 10 1. . . 1580 2 40 .1520 3 10 1. . . 1200 2 50 , .1430 3 20 1. . . 1580 2 50 .1330 3 20 1. . . 1480 2 50 .1090 3 25 1. . . 1200 2 50 1040 3 25 1. . . 1220 2 50 .1590 3 35 1. . . 1400 2 G5 .1030 3 25 1. . . 1380 2 05 .1130 3 35 1. . . 1540 2 75 .1300 3 40 1. . . . . .1140 2 75 .1530 * 3 40 8. . . . . .1203 3 00 .1000 3 40 2. . . . . .1075 3 00 .1040 3 40 1. . . . . .1420 3 00 10GO 3 50 1. . . . . .1550 a oo 1. . . .1020 3 GO 1. . . . . .1180 3 00 1. . . .1100 3 GO 1. . . . . .1740 a 10 1. . . .1940 3 75 OXKN. 2. 1310 280 1 , 1020 3 75 3. 1403 3 00 8TA08. 1. . 740 3 10 BTOCKKIIS AND 1. . 000 2 70 GGO 3 35 7. . 778 3 10 897 3 50 18. . 089 3 20 1 880 3 GO 5. . G94 3 20 8 1020 3 GO 3. . GG3 325 4 930 3 85 3. . 743 3 30 40 1008 3 90 4. . GGO 3 30 WYOMING CATTLE. No Av. Pr. 8 COWS 1032 W 35 42 btcers 1078 4 00 IDAHO CATTI.U. 1 stag 1300 2 20 1 btug ilA 1130 2 00 10 cows , T ; ; ' , 1024 2 70 3 cows \V. . 1070 3 1O 8 feeders * .M 005 3 GO 25 steers ; ffn- 10H8 3 70 1 feeder w < > ( . 070 3 00 23 feeders . , . , . 1005 3 GO a stag ' , . . „ , H40 2 GO 2 stags . , . . . 1075 2 00 21 steers MV. 1151 3 74 lions The s'\ij \ > nly was nearly 2.00C heavier than last , it i Idiiy , but the condition surrounding thiuUaclo were decidedly mor favorable than atthat time. Provisions wer stronger , eastern , markets were bettor , ther was a good shipping and .speculative ) ( Ionian and with an actlvo Inquiry from all local house trade was actlvo ) th , prices on an average 10 higher than Thursday. The advance wa mostly on the commoner grades , for whll some of tlio goodi heavy hogs did not sho\ \ moro than a 5c aCO.'Sncu , some ot the commo light ml\ed hogst < jl \ l lOc to 15c higher tliu on Thursday. Uonil to cholco medium am. heavy weight hol's'told largely at * 7.8U and $7.85. with iioortu'flilr ' light and mixed stun at from $7.05 to $1.75. Sales were nioatly at $7.75 and $7.bO as against $7.05 to $7.7O both yesterday and a week ago. Hepresentatlvu sales : No , Av. Ph. Pr. No. Av. 8h. Pr. 70. .183 Ph.4O J7 G5 79. . . .217 80 $7 75 70. .187 4O 7 (55 58. . .253 40 7 77V4 70. .208 1GO 7'G7 ! { UO. . . .800 7 77 V 09. .180 40 7 70 32. . .850 40 7 80 GO. .190 7 70 01) . . . .274 240 80 G7. . no 200 7 70 83. . .229 120 80 G4. .241 1GO 7 70 74. . .202 80 80 G9. .205 120 7 70 08. . .222 80 80 77. .178 1GO 7 70 74. . .228 80 80 ,325 7 70 47. . .239 120 8O .205 880 7 70 72. . .249 40 80 40. . .237 200 7 72 Vi OH. . .203 120 80 00. . .221 200 7 72'J ' 02. . .231 2-10 7 80 GO. . .241 120 7 72j } 71. . .233 7 80 77. . .209 80 7 72'i 70. . .807 240 7 80 82. . .193 40 7 72 ! { 75. . .251 240 7 80 18. . .244 200 7 7G 72. . .801 280 7 hO CO. . .213 40 7 75 GO. . .242 1GO 7 80 15. . .277 80 7 75 83. . 224 40 7 80 88. . .209 80 7 75 72 223 80 7 80 30. . 7 7G 77. ; .242 120 7 80 20. . 7 75 HI. . .241 7 82 ! J 72. . .228 240 7 75 42. . .334 Too 7 82 ! i " ,228 40 7 75 72. . . .201 210 7 82U G2" .219 7 75 04. . .250 80 7 82)j ) 10(5 ( 7 70 71..242 bO 7 80 70 230 100 7 7ft 71 37 40 7 lift f.7 22(1 ( 40 7 7(1 ( 02 .113 HO 7 HO 70 210 40 7 76 03 27O 40 7 H6 07 800 - 7 76 01 807 40 7 83 HI. 201 120 775 03 . .333 200 780 73 237 80 7 75 pins AMI notion. 1..100 GOO 1..420 000 4..127 000 00..164 120 740 1. . . . 110 0 00 SHKKP The market wa * actlvo and about steady. Hecolpu Included four double- decks of the Oswald Inmtii , which were not olTercd on the market. 1'alr western * sold nt 74.70 , and buyers were willing to take nil offered at nominally unchanged prices. Kalr togood natives , t3.75ft5.00 ; fair lo good west erns , } 3.60iO.IXj common and stock sheep , t2.25 < a3.76 ; good to choice 40 to 100-11) . lambs , f-4.002c.00. Representative gales ; No. ' Av. Pr. 302 western wethers 97 M 70 170 western ml.\ed\ 109 470 llccrlptft anil Disposition of Stock , OniT-lal receipts and dlspatltlon of stock as shown by the books of the Union Stock Vards company for the twenty-four hours ending nt 5 o'clock p. m , March 3 , 1893 : IIL'VKIIS. CATTI.F. IIOUS. SIIKCP. Oinnlin 1'aoklnn Co ThuU. It. llainmoiiilCo. . Wl 151 Hwlft A Co 7 ( 77 Tliu Ciuliihr 1'nclilriK Co. . 411 7Sli7 17U John I' , Sii lro.o \ Co 730 Wliltu , IVuvcr A liextor. . 5 A. Huan 2Mi It. Decker A Hegen Vnnnnnt.V Cnrcy J. I.obmiui 2J Cli-viMnnil 111 Slilpporn mid feeders 4111 l.uft over 2JO To tul. SOS Chicago l.lvo Stoul < Mnrkrt. CiHCAdo , 111. . March .1. [ Special Telegram to TUB IlKiM There was llttlochangc In vuliio of cattle today. The oUVrlngs were all t'lKou . on a basis of from f.1.50 to $0.'JO for very com mon to extra steers , from $1.75 to $4. 5 for cows , heifers and bulls , from S2.DQ to $1.4(1 ( for slockers and feeders and from t'J.SO to $7 for calves. l''rnm $ . 'J5 to $3.00 for cows and bulls and from ? 4 to $5 forfetccrs . .ere the piovall- Ing prices. Prices for bogs were higher. They advanced from 10i to ir > c almost Immedhitelv after the beginning of operations and holders did not llnd It necessary to make any Important pi Ice concessions Intur In the day , though tliu close , as Is most often the case , was a trlllo weaker. There was an active demand from shippers and iho local demand also developing some vitality , sellers had things their own way. Heavy hogs sold largely at from i8.2f toH.iG : , mixed and medium principally utfroiafH.lo to fS.'J5 , whllo the greater part of the light weights fetched fiom J7.85 to J8.10. There were several tradesxit from I8.a3 toH.4l ) and atJB.50. Jjlttlo pigs and culls sold at from J5 to * 7.50. There was nothing specially now to IIP said of tlio sheep market. It was not less actlvo than on preceding days of the week and was ciulto as firm. Prices are substantially higher than they were one week ago. They have made a gain of fully 'Ji > o per Hid Ibs. , present ( imitations bolnir from f I to $ ! i,7u for poor to extra sheep , and from # 4.75 to iG.50 for lambs. Kecelpts : I'attle , 0.000 head ; .logs , 10,000 head : sheep , H.OOO head. 'J'ho Uvenlng Journal reports : ( 'ATTI.K Itecelpts , U.AOO head ; shipments , 2,500 head ; market active , steady to strong ; prime steers , ( D.O&95.UO ; fair to L-ood , $4.85 ® 5.25j , others , J4.00ffi4.80 ; fed Te.vins , $3 ; cows , $3.5l3.80. ) Hoes Kecelpts , 4,000 head ; shipments , 8,000 head ; market higher ; mixed and packers , JT.'JOTc.H. 15inrlmehuavy anil Imleher's weights , if8.2liJH..lO ) ; prlmo light , i7.UOfe8.00 other lights , t7.'J5S.7.ab. SIIKEP Itecelpts. 8.000 head ; shipments , 1,000 head ; market Irregular ; best grades steady to strong : others lower ; natives , $4.50 < r ! ,5.00 : Texans. * 4.00if > 5.25 ; westerns , } 0.00\ ® 0,30 ; lambs , $4,507iO.0. Now York l.lvo Stork Market. NEW YOUK , March 3. HIXVKS Keceljits , 1.08H head. Including 27 car loads for stilcj- market dull and steady ; native steers , * 4.45'j ! 0.30 ; Texans.f t.40 ; ImlUnnilcows$2.00 3.80 ; dresseil beef steady nt Hatic ) ! per Ib. OAI/VKS Kecelpts , 100 head ; market dull ; veals , Jj.OOTi8.00 per 100 Ills. ; western calves , ? 3.12"i' 3.20. ' HIMKI ; > A.NII I/AMIIS Hecclpts , 4,701 head ; market dull and weak ; Mheep , Sl.50ttU.UO ; lambs , $0.00ffi0.80. Hoes Hecolpts , 8G2bcad ; market nominally llrm nt $8.10a8.00per 100 His. City l.lvo Stock . Market. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , March 3. OATTI.B Ro- celpts , 4,20 ! ) head ; shipments , 1,300 head ; act lvo and steady to lOc higher. Roprosenta- tlve sales : Dressed beef and shipping steers , $3.055,35 ; cows and holfers. Jl.5Ua3.00 ; stockers and feeders , $3.154.GO. Hoes Receipts , 5,000 head ; shipments , 400 head ; active and 5Q10o , mostly lOc higher. Heprcsfiiitatlvo sales : All grades , $5.0038.05 ; bulk , 57.75S8.00. SiiKiU1 Hecelpts , 1,700 head ; shipments , none ; active , 5'$10c , with instances of 25Q30c higher ; muttons , $5.005.80. 81 Louis l.lvo Stock .Market. ST. Louis , Mo. , March 3. CATTI.K Hecolpts , 2,100 head ; shipments , 1,700 : market strong ; fair to good natives , J3.00ffi4.75 ; fed Texans , $3.2oa4.20. , Hods Hecelpts , 4,300 head ; shipments , 2,700 head ; market 510chigher ; heavy$7.80 ® 8.15 ; mixed , J7.G03H.00 ; light , J7.GO&7.00. Smii' Receipts , 200 head ; shipments , 40. ) head ; market firm , unchanged ; Texas , $4.008 4.85 ; natives , $4.75(35.25. ( D. D KIIA-/.BE. H. tl. HoonE.tr. JAS. V Honor. I'l-es. Vice I'ros Secy & Treas. HAWKEYE COMMISSION CO. Capital 82o.OOO ; Omaha and Sioux City. Grain and Provisions Railroad Stocks and Bauds. PH1VATEVIHEA Room 212 Hew M Life Building OMAHA. REFERENCES : lowaStato National Hank , Sioux City ; Commercial National Hank. O i a alia. Special attention Riven to'outside orders. Correspondence boltolieU. The sorvlco offered by the Burling ton's 4iiO ; p. in. train for Denver Is a per fect combination of fast time , magnifi cent equipment and smooth track. The next time you go west take the "four-fifty , " it'll land you in Denver at 1 > u. in. sharp , on time. Ticket ollice. l ii : Farnam st. Licenses. The following marriage licenses were is sued by County Judge Eller yesterday ; Name and address. Ago. j .lames II. Long , Plattsmouth , Neb 31 | Delia Thompson , Waterloo , Neb 21 i E. O. Nelson , Omaha 20 I llertn M. Christiansen , Omaha 23 ITCOVERSA OOOD DEAL OF GROUND Dr. Pierco's Golden 'Medical Discovery. And when you hear that it cures so many diseases , iicrhaps you thlnl ; "it's too good to bo true. " But It's only roa- nonablo. As a blood- cleanser , flesh-builder , nnd fctrength-rcEtorcr , nothing Imo the " Dis covery" la known to medical Eciciico. The ( Useases that it ciires como from a tonild liver , or from impure blood. For everything of this nature , it is the only uuaranteeil remedy. In Dysiiciisin , Biliousness ; all Bronchial , Throat and Lune affections ; ev ery form of Kcrofula , even Consumption ( or Lung-Bcrofiila ) in iU earlier Btagcs , and in the most stubliorn Kkin and Scalp Diseases if it over fails to beneflt or cure , you have your money back. The worse your Catarrh , tlio moro'yoa need Dr. Sngo's Catarrh Itemed/ . Its proprietors oiler $500 cnsli for a case of Catarrh in the Ilcad which they cannot euro , DUN'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK Jnusual Demands for Money Oomo from tlio West ami South , WAITING ON THE NEW ADMINISTRATION Moil and SpcrubitoM Anxious Con- crrnliig Clcvrlixnil'n 1'nllpy Indintrlul Production Hit * Xover Upon SuriitB < c < t nt' Tlili SCIMOII of tlin Yrnr. Nn\v VOUK , Mnrchn.-Il. O. Dim & Co.'s wcokly review of trndo : The ( ? roit : fc.nturo of the past fortnight lias been the unusual louiiinil for money from the west ami south , vhlc.li has drawn largo sums from New York and telegraphed reports show that while money Is tight at only 0110 or twosmnll mints , there Is a strong demand at lioston uid Detroit , Chicago , where the drain from .ho west Is heavy , and at Milwaukee , and a 'air demand at St. Joseph , while money 1st 'airly easy at Cleveland , In light demand at Philadelphia and Kansas City , and also easy with light demand at Mobile and * Ncw Orleans. The largo withdrawals from this city under these circumstances are by tinny men ittrlbutcd to distrust of specultlvo opera tions here. The situation Is , to a largo extent - tent , waiting on the action of the new ad ministration , hut it is evident that a better feeling has prevailed during the past few days , and rates hero , after rising from 4 to 0 per cent , have lallen to 5 per cent. Speculative markets have waited for developments. The defeat of the anti- option bill was followed by an Improvement In grain , and while wheat' had fallen 'JV ; cents , it has since risen 'J cents ; sales for the week being 'J-J.tMW.OOO bushels. Corn is one , lialf and oats three-fourth of a cent higher- Imt pork products are slightly lower. Clot- ton declined an eighth , because the expected settlement of the ICngllsli strike did not come. Huttcr and eggs have declined sharply , and copper is weaker at 1'J cents , and lead at ! ! ' . ) cents though speculation has lifted tin to jyo.lir. The dry goods trade Is stroneer. Cottons are stronger , sheetings being all sold ahead and business in carpets being sold ahead , mil business in carpets and wool knit goods Is especially largo. The Iron business con sumption Is enormous , hut production rela tively greater , and concessions arc frequent for pig , not of the best grades , while bar is at the lowest point ever known. Plats are demoralized in price , though the mills are busy and structural works are quite well employed. In general the industrial production has never been surpassed at this season. The business failures number ! il. as com pared with a total of UM last week. iiousi : STATIUI.VTS. : 'rt Kluitrcs for tlioVi > nk Show n Do- cldrd Inerenin Ki'om Other ( Miles. New YOUK , March I ! . The following table , compiled by Br.idstrcot's , gives the clear ing house returns for the week ending March 2 , lb'Ji ; , and the percentage of In crease or decrease , as compared with the corresponding week last year : I had a malignant breaking out on wy leg below the knee , and was cured souud and well with two anil a half bottles of B3SS85SJS Other blood medicines had failed St KSfl to do mo any good. WILL C UE.VTY , I was troubled from childhood with nn npr- avnted case of Tetter , iiiul t hrco bottles of , L it M An ri Mannville , t.T. Our book on lllood and Skin Diseases inallpjl frco. ; uWji-rSi'icmaCo..AtlauJ : , i'a. III * rultli UVll roiinilnl. HtssEi.t. , O. , Nov. 'J'.i. ' 1S ! . Idesiro to any that I have great faith In Chamberlain's Cough Kcniedy for the cure of throat anil lung troubles ; also for croup K.V Me- Coilum. There , Is good reason why Mr. Colluin should have conlldeni'o In this rein- edy. It will euro a severe cold In less time than any other treatment. There Is noth ing that will loosen and relieve cold so quickly. It will not only euro croup , but If used as scon as the llrst symptoms occur It will prevent the attaclc. f > 0-cent bottles for sale by all druggists. 81'KUIAI. 1.0\V KATiS : To .Mobile , Ala. On Monday , March ( I , my second ex cursion will leave Council IHull'H for Mobile , Ala. 000.000 acres of choice farming and fruit yrowinj , ' lands alon the line of the Mobile & Ohio U. It. at from $ l.fiO to $ .1.00 jicr acre. Stop over privileges at all points south of Jackson , i'enn. for further information and n descriptive land folder call on or write J. R. HICK. Room " 01 Merriam lllock , Council UlulVs , la. The Rugged Child is largely an "outdoor" product. Fresh air and exercise usually pro duce sound appetite and sound sleep. Sickly chil dren obtain great benefit from of cod-liver oil with Hypo- phosphites , a fat-food rapid of assimilation and almost as palatable as milk. - - SOtTTJJ O fAKA. Union Stoci Yards Company , Sovitli Ornaha. Beit Cattle Ilo anil Suern market tn the we CQMMI3SI3N HOUSES. Wood Brothers. Mvo Stool ; Cominlssloa Morchunts. Eoutu Oraalia Tclcpliono 1157. Chicago 1 JOHN II. IIA11ISMAN , I . , . . , . . WAI.THIl U. WOOIl. f"1"0" Market Itoporti by mall and nlro oUoorfillly nlsbcil upon applloatlon OMAHA AWHINDSANQ TEMTS Omaha Tent-Awning Y/oIf / Bros. & Co. , COMPANY. Mnniirainrera of tents , awning , etc. . > OJ unit . rovKiu . , 7Uj rt. Itilh stroot. lll.l Kitruvn XI. BACISANDTVM-'S- Bsnils Oraatia Baj M , 0. Daxon , COMl'ANV. Importer ! anJmin-frs. Itlcycloisold on monthly Hour lack ) , burlap ) , ttrlno. payrasntl. IZ3N.15th. BOOTS 'NO SHO : > , Morse-Coo Sii03 Company , Howard Iron. Factory corner lltli nnJ \Vouro nmktnuolo 3prlm to null biiro.M , nn 1 nra Boiling ncl.tai ofaood , whlo'il. vary aaloililo wllti inorclinnts. Klrkendall , Jones ft Anier. Hand-Sewad COMl'AMY. Whulocilo siioico. : , bioti.iiiooi mfr . iiKJnti llosion and rubbr'u.iodi. IJJi- Hubbor rthoo Co. . IIU < - Uiailaruey dt. llUI-IIOlIIarnoy St. GOAL , COX : . DRY GOODS. FURNITURE. Rector & Willielmy COMPANY , Doalora tn hardwnro an ! CornerlOta nnj J.icluon uieuiianlus' tool * die am. 1UI Douglas dt.