Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    JH m VNMv
Death of the Anti-Options Bill Onuwd
Qenoral Advance.
Wirnt .Inmpoil Two Cciiti nt Ont-p , 1'nl-
lowed by Corn , O.iU und ProvUlorn
fihurM Wrrn Nnmoroin mill Coiiltt
Mnko 1,11 lie Headway.
CiliCAno , III. , .March 2.-\Vhoat Jumped up
over Sen hu. , corn advanced over Ic , pork
GOc , lard -IDc-all apparently tin ) result of the
death of the anti-options hill. Traders showed
a disposition to operate moro fri'oly than for
months and the markets were rouslnRcnough
for a president lul Inauguration.
Tnu 1 > ooni began a few minutes after the
opening , as soon as the facts became apparent
that the offerings of wheat were not largo and
the demand urgent/ especially from shorts.
The dullness of late Induced a Rood deal of local
Bhorlfl selling and the market became oversold
to Midi an extent tbat the killing of the null-
options bill by congress scared many Into rov-
crlng. Tlielr buying , combined with that of
outsiders , and ale by traders wlio believed
that a change for tlm better was due , absorbed
the offerings .so readily tbat prlce.s were ad
vanced Ic In a few minutes. The upward
tmideney was continued until a net advance
of 2c from the opening figures bud been re
corded. A reaction of from ? , c to ! ic occurred
and was In turn followed by an advance of 'ic
and the close was strong , with a net gum ofc
for May and 1'io fur July.
( . 'roil lopoits were moio encouraging to
linldurs , and llic I'lnelnnatl Price Current re
ported thrit the belief In damage was Increas
ing and the average position ItMsa-iSurlng than
n week ago. The export clearances from the
Atlantic ports and New Orleans also showed a
largo Increase. Cables came easier , the re
ceipts In the northwest wete moio liberal and
the mild weather was said to continue over
the winter wheat belt , but the short Interest
here , the removal of the anti-option bugbear
and the fear of the. clique were Mink-lent to
cansuall tin ) bearish futures to bo overlooked
Corn opened steady and dull , ami the henellt.
Hint the l.nnd.imt of the anti-options bill had
been to the market was not Immediately per
ceptible. It fame , however , a little later , and
with such an Irresistible rush that the shorts
had no time to secure any until the market
was Ic above the opening urlees. Another bulge
near the end of the session lifted the marcet
to a. still hljjlnrpliine. The bulge soon siuead
from wheat ami corn Into the oats crowd and
there was a heaxy business done while the
price climbed about \K above the opening
quota ! Ions. The shorts were again the princi
pal buyers.
Trading was light for everything In the mar
ket for bog products. A strong feeling pre
vailed on the postings of the slocks of provls-
loiiHonhand , indicating that the quantities
were less than anticipated excoptof pork. The
fact of small receipts of live hogs at the yards
was also an element of strength and so was
( lie boom In wheat. The selling was princi
pally by holders and parties who bought dur
ing the fast two days tit lower prices. The out
side trade was mainly In lard and ribs and the
olferlngs were about equal to the demand.
Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
If > 0 cars ; corn , 100 cars ; oats , 1120 curs ; hogs ,
10.000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Wlicnt NoZJ
Mnrch . . . 7.1IV. 75 7151
Mny . IV. 75M 77JSK7S 1514
Julr . 75 7IH 74 > <
Corn Jso ! !
Mnrcli. . . 4014 40Ki
Mujr . 43V ( jfelSVt
July . > i&5 i'M
Mnrcli. . . . .10 31
Slay . b ) {
Mess I'ork-
Mnr . . . . 18 02)- ) b u 13
Jlnr . 1295 law 12 90 1.1 15 12 81
July . 1200 is as 12 00 12 20 U U5
fc'oiit . II 75 12 10 II 7'i- ! 12 ( XI
Ehoit lllbs.
Alpy . . . . lam 10 30 10 45 10 ! 0
( lash quotations were as follows :
FI.OITIIDull and unchanged ; winter pat
ents , iS.GOfi-I.OO : winter straights , J3.i ! ( ® 3,35 ;
miring patents , $3.7f > U4. 10 ; spring straights ,
tl.50(3a.OO ! ( ; bakurs' , JH.dOau.2f > .
WIIKAT No. a spring , 7-tfft741 ! c ; No. 3
spring , OSfl.O'Jc ; No. 2 red , 7-l'S@7-Pc. (
Coiix- Higher : No. 2 , 41tc ! ; No. 3 ca ill ,
aVHf ! No. 3 yellow. 3R03HUC.
OATS-NO , 2. ( ) ? ( © : No. 2 white , f. o. b. ,
063Gc : No. 3 white , 3l'/tC.
KYU No. i ! , Clc.
IlAiii.r.v No. 2. Oio ; No. 3 , f , o. b. , 3801c ;
No. 4 , f. o. b. , 3748c.
I''IAX HiuiNii. : . 1. $1.21 ! ' , .
TIMOTHY Suuii-l'ilinv. * l.421.44.
1'OllK Mess , nor bid. . J1H.G7H1H.70. Iard ,
porKIOlbs. , fi3.UKA13.iaii ; short rib sides
( loose ) , > U.4aii ) il.4Ii ( ) ; dry salted shoulders
( boxedl , J'J.7&B9.b7i ! ; short cluarsldos ( boxed ) ,
. .
WHISKV Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
tl.17 ,
HUOAII Unchanged. Cut loaf , O.SSS c ;
Rraniilated , 6'o ' ; stantlard "A , " Oe.
The following were the reccljits and ship
ments for today :
On the 1'rodncc exchange today the butter
inarliot wan slow ; creamery , lU320c ; dairy ,
H0@3o ! . Kgcs , easier , strictly frosli , 10 ? 5o
Omiilm Oratn.
The followliiK nrlces are for delivery at Mis
sissippi river points :
WIIKAT NH. 1 ! sprlnc , 7Ic bid ; No. 3 spring ,
COc bid ; No- bard , 03'Sc bid , O-lo asked.
OATSNo. . 2 white , 3l ! e bid ; No. a white , 32c
C'oiiN-No. 2 cash , 37Mc bid , St. Louts terms ;
No. 3 or belter , cash , ! 17i ! bid , St. Louis tui ins ;
fiatuc , Maivh shliniient , 1)7'ic ) 1)1(1 ) , : i8c asked :
fcaiiie , last half April , Utic bid.
AIIIOIIK the sales were : Ton cars No. ! J or
better corn , Cincinnati terms , Kast St. Louis ,
March shipment , 7i- ! ; 10 cars same , upper
Mississippi river ivolnts , Sf yc.
Now Vork
YOIIK , March 2. Ki.orn Itecolpts ,
21,80(1 ( pkgs ; exports , 1,987 libls ; 10,32' ! sacks ;
sales , 2'J.OOO pkgs ; market moro actlvo ,
llAitl.r.Y - Klrin , oiilet.
IiAiu.isr MAI.T null ; steady.
WllRAT 'Itcculpts , 10.DUO bu. ; exports , 218-
280 bll. ; Miles , .UfiO.OOl ) bu. futuies , 18,000 Im.
snot. Spot market iu Uic highervllli op.
tlons checklnix demand. 111 in ; No. 2 red
In htote and elevator , TH'iWJe ; ulloat , 7U ! ( @
711'ic ' ; No. 1 northern , m > fe ; No. 1 hard , H'J'c ;
No. 'J northern , HS c. Options were fairly
nctlveopening llrm and advancing ll' i :
with the west and shorts covering , declined
? c on realising , rallied 'I'fi'aC oil' tinner late
news and closed at * s © jc over yoMerday ;
Jlay , 7b'.fil80ie , closing at buuc ; July. tiO't < S >
B2c. closing at HLV- .
L'OIINKeculpts. . 43,200 bu. , exports , 10,090
1)U. ; sales , fiiltl.OOO bu , futures , 'J7.0UO bu. spot ,
> pots idull i , l'c up.ehecklng business ; No. ii.
c , In elevator ; O-Ulealloat ; ungraded
mixed-niiOO-lc ; steamer mixed , 01\tO'JU ( ;
No. 3.J0'4 r"0'4e ; No. ii white , 63p. delivered !
Options were moderatlvely actlvo , . . „ . „ „
higher with the west and local shoits coverIng -
Ing , closing llrmj March , n'JUSi&auc ; Mny ,
CUV&M'sC , closing at filU Uti'i June , 60,54
61 > 4C , closing at 51 We ; July OViiiQlVi , closing
at ul'ji' ' .
OATS Itecelpt" , 20.-IOO bu.o ; exports , 1,083
bu. ; sales , 1VO,0K ! ( ) bu. of futures , 119,1)00 ) bu.
spot. Spot tinner , fairly actlvo ; options were
wblto western , .HKa4i'ic. (
HAVl'lrm. . nuluti shipping , 7Cc ; good to
cholco , 7MlOi' ) .
Hoi'sOulet , steady.
HIDKS ralrilemand.
IMiovisioNs-rut meats , Inactlvo ; mldnles ,
ulut , llrnier ; short clear , * 11. Lurd , quiet ,
tlrmer ; western steam closed at f 13.20 ; sales ,
1:50 : tierces at J13.20 ; option sales , COO tierces ;
Jlarch " , ei3.20 ; May , ) lii.3O ; July , J12.40 , clos-
"niS at * 12.liO asked ; September. $12.30 ; Octo-
jer. f I'-'JJ , I'ork , ijulet , steady.
lltiiTKit Moderato demand , fancy firm ;
ElKlns , 27c.
( .IIIKICSK I'alr demand , steady ; part skims.
Kous 1'lrm ; Rood western fresh , 20c ; ro-
celpts , Ul.'JSH nl < KS.
TAi.ix > w-tJtilet , steady ; ( city , J'J for nkirs. ) .
7c asked ,
CorroNSKKti Otir-Klrmor , with lard dull ;
crude , -Jlxanoc ; yellow , 59at'0c.
I'CTlHll.r.t'M-'riiu hurli'i : of petroleum cer-
tlllcates showed a deelded fallliiK oil' today
and while no tiansactloiiH were recorded ai
the Stook t'xclnineu only 7,000barrolschunked
hands at tbo fonsolldated boitiil , AlthoiiKh >
Koveral wells have been struck In the McDnn-
ald Held thu production remains unchanged
and ii llrm temper marked the trading today.
It opened unchanged at li-le and rose to U4 > tc , <
closing at tin : latter price bid.
JtdSlNI'lriii , iiuu-t.
Trin-r'NTiMi-yulet , tlrin.
ItVK I''lrm ; good demand.
MOI.AH.MIM Nuw Orleans , good to choice : ,
active , llrm.
I'm IiiON-Qniut but stonily ; Amorlcan
COIIHIIDull ; lake , 111.85.
I.BAUQulett ilomoMtlc.ta.U''li.
TIN rirmi StraltH. tvlu.20.
Ml'HAIl ltnwiUlet | but Kteady ; sales , 2,100
CfotrlfuKuU , OU tout , uta c , uud 2,000
bag * concrolr88 Ipsl , fit 3 0-lOc. It'-fltied
chanttod und iiilet. |
I'rndtien Murlirl.
Tin market win very iiulol and tlnro win
not miir-h change In tinprfiu on anvthlng.
-Stocks uru held at 18.6 ( > 84.UO for
fair to choice Mock.
-Per bunch , Including crate * anil
packing , $2 OU-a2.76.
III ! ANit Choice navy , (2.45.
HilTTtn I'ommon packing stock , trhlph con-
Htltutod tlir great bulk nf ilia receipt * now ar
riving , goes at Ki'dlHc. I'alr to gooil country
roll , I8820e. \ fewsaleiof small lots of oxtrn
cholco country roll sell to the retail trade at
CAMPOIINIA t'AiiiiAnt : I'ur lb. , 3c.
( 'ii.Kiiv : I'mdor. . . 40c.
CiiAMitniliiKH-llell and bugle , flO.&O ; Jer
sey Cape ( 'oil , $0.50.
f'dtis The local demand Is not large , but
there were a few shipping orders In that
helped to clean up the supply. * The general
inarkotlH 1 lift He.
UAMK Thu receipts are oxtrcnnly light.
Mallard ducks , M,5O ; teal and mixed , $2 ;
small geese , * I.OIll.6'l ! ; Canada gi'ot-.i , JO.OOI6
7.r,0 ; small rabbits. * 1.25 ; Jacks , J.1.50.
HAV The hunt would only bring JO , and No.
2 was olfered at $3.60.
( JllAl-K 1'IIL'IT I'er box , $3.75.
U III 4U IDS. , il-tCi .11) . L Vl'lll U.lll , o III 1U IIM. ,
7ic ! ; No. 2 veal Calf , 8 to 16 Ibs. , 6'c ; No. 1
dry Hint , 074n ; No. 2dry Hint. 4 < B'5'ie ; No. 1
ury salted , 6-iU'C : part cur/'d hides ' , i percent
per pound h-ss tliitn fully cured.
IliiNKV-ciiolcn to fancy whlto clover , 18 ®
2l c : lair to good , Hifl.lHc.
KKMONS rhoico ; * 3.6oi.fancy . , ! 4. _ , _ ,
MA I.AII A tliiAi'iis-Oood shipping stock , $9.50.
Nr.w VKIITAIH.US ( : Lettuce , radishes and
parsley , -I5c per do/ . ; green onions , 4c. ( )
NUTS Lnrgu hickory , SI. 50 ; black walnuts ,
"ONm-V Homo per bljl. ; Spanish ,
pi-r orate , $2.
On.lNUKS Florida -fancy , per box , J3.25 ;
rilssotts , (3 ; .Mexican oranges singly boxes ,
83.25 ; llvo to ten-box lots , J3 California
mountain oranges , J2.oi ) ; Washington navels ,
J4 ; Newcastle California seedlings , J2.75 ;
.Mi'd. sweets , * 3.
( JVSTKU.H- Oysters are being offered at iw >
3Hi- per can. w bleb Is a reduction of 4c per can.
I'OUI.TKV The market was a little tlrmer on
choice diessed chit-kens which were quoted at
9ftlic ) ; llvo chickens , choice young hens and
roosters , 7'iii'H'ic ; old roosters , live , fiQUu ;
dressed turkeys , 1144120 ; geese and ducks ,
l'orATOi.s : Western Nebraska stock Is quoted
nt HCWJtV ; I'tah and Colorado , ii ; choice
native , 75T6HOc.
SniAwiiKiiiiins Tlio Indications are now
Hint there will bo a continuous supply of
strawberries on this market from norf on until
the end of the season. At the present. ( Into the
locelpts are light anil good stock Is quoted at
50i ! per quart. ,
SWKBT I'orATor.s There are a few In the
market ulili'li are selling at it. 50.
TANiiuiNis- ( : : half boxes , } ! ) .
VIAI.C'lmlco : nnil small fat veals , 79c. ;
large and thin. .lUOc.
St. l.ollls .tfai'lti'tH.
Sr. Loins , Mo. , March 2. I'r.ouil 1'lrmer , but
quotations uere unrbanged ; patents , $3.40 5
a.50 ; extra fancy , i3.00fi3.1i. (
WIIKAT Started weak , but buoyancy and
activity soon took control and the market
shot up .steadily , closing 1'icabovo yesterday ;
No. a red. cash , higher at 7'5c ; March , GH'ie.
COIIN Advanced from tbo start , closing 1'eC
up ; No. 2 mixed ; cash,37'i3Mc ; March , 38Hc.
OATS Quiet but llrm at 7 c up ; No. 2 cash ,
32'c ; May , 33'ic hid.
KYK-No. 2 , 51 Vic bid.
HAIII.KV ( Jnlet. Unchanged ; choice separator
creamery , 24iQl2Ge : dairy , 24(5'-5c. (
KdHS Higher at 15ic. !
I-'I.A.X SKKII Klrin at J1.20.
TIMOTHY J4.ooffi-l.CO.
( 'on.v MIAI < Lower at $1.90.
I'oiiu tlO.CO for old anil now.
LAKH412.75 ,
KKCKHTS Klour , 4,000 bills. ; wheat , 15,000
bu. ; con , Ibl.OOObii. ; oats , 21,000 bu. ; rye ,
2,000 bu. ; barley , 0,1)00 ) Im.
Slin-JlKNTS-riour , 9,000 bbls. ; wheat , 43,000
bu. ; corn , 187,000 bu. ; oats , 11,000 bu. ; rye ,
3,000 bu. ; barley , none.
Kansas City .Markets.
Higher ; No. 2 bard. 03JS04ic ! ( ! ; No. 2 red , 70 ®
7/8c. ( ) '
UOKX MI.&KC higher : No , 3 mixed , 33534c ! ;
No. 2 whlto , 3Dc.
OATS- Slow ; No. 2 mixed , 29329c ! ; No. 2
ItYi-Steady at 52c.
I''I.A.Sr.r.D Firm at 81.08 ® ! . 10.
HIIAN Klrin lit 04ll"0c. ( (
HAY Dull ; timothy , aa.009.50 ; pralrlo ,
. ( lull ; creamery , 2427 ! c ; dairy ,
. . . . ( W Firm nt 14 ! c.
UKCI-.HTS Wheat , 02,000 bu. ; corn , 0000 ;
bu. ; oats , 3,000 bll.
SIIII-.MKNTS Wheat , 00,000 bu. ; corn , 9,000
bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu.
Cotton MnrUet.
Nnw OIU.MANS , La. , March 2. Quiet ; peed
middling , 9 5-lfio ; middling , 8 16-lGc ; low
middling , 8 ll-10c ; good ordinary , 8 6-10c ;
net receipts , 3,0tU ( ) > ales ; gross receipts , 3,447
bales ; exports to the continent , 4UO bales ;
Miles , 2,300 bales , stock , 328,225 bales.
Futures quiet ; sales , 34,600 bales ; March ,
$0.71(20.72 ( ; April , * 8.778.78 ; May. J8.8G © '
8.87 ; Juno , J8.924i8.93 ; July , H.9741H.98 ; Sep
tember , J8.80 ; October , J9.0U bid ; November ,
JS.GO bid.
Cfill'eo Jlurkut.
Nnw YOIIK , March 2. Options opened ntilot
and unchanged to 5 points up und closed
barely steady at 1O points down to 5 points
21,500 bags , Including : March ,
ril. $10.05 ; May , $10.8010.85 ;
.Tuiio.tlG.70 ; July , J1G.G5 ; September , J10.00
010,05 ; December , $1G.2010.30. Spot Hlo ,
dull , nominal ; No. 7 , $18.
MII\viuiUi'o Grain .Market.
. WIs. , March 2. WHBAT I'lrm ;
Jlay , 08'jc ; No. 2 spring , GGc.
CoiiN-Oulet ; No. 3 , 38c.
OATS-Mrinj No. 2 white , 34't35c ! ; No , 3
white , 3233'ic.
HAIU.KV Quint ; No. 2 , 02c ; sample , 3705c.
KYB-qulot ; No. l,66c.
Now York Dry Gooils .Mnrket.
Nnw YOUK , March 2. Continued fair
weather Is having a good effect upon the Job
bing trade here , while It 1ms not been MI actlvo
at the beginning of March In many years
There was no manipulation. The demand was
well distributed over tbo several department
and prices are maintained.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , March 2. Actlvo tradIng -
Ing In May and very fair business done. Oabh
market , llrm ; No. 1 northern , GG'ic ; No. 2
northern , G3c. Itecelpts : Wheat , 277 cars.
Closing : March , Gj'ic ' ; May , OS i ; July , 70lfc.
On track : No. 1 hard. G7 ! e ; No. 1 northern ,
GGc ; No. 2 northern , G3c.
Hnltlmoro drain .Markets.
llAi.TiMOin : , Mil. . March 2. WIIKAT Unset
tled and higher ; No.2 red , < spot and March ,
COIIN unsettled and higher ; mixed spot
and Mari-h , 473 ( Ti48c.
OATS Qulul ; No. 2 , whlto western , 40Hc.
Liverpool Mill'kcH.
LtVKiirooi , , March 2. WHEAT Qulot ;
holders offer moderately.
COIIN-Steady ; demand fair.
LAIIIJ 1'rlmo western , G3s per cwt.
The following are reported at Dun's :
Norrl * . Wllcox .t llayward Shoo company ,
Omaha , succeeded by t rank Wllcox Shoo com
I.ovgren AHalllnger. . Omaha , groceries , dis
solved , Halllnger continuing.
CYi-opeiatlvo Publishing company , Omaha ,
Hied articles of Incorporation.
Hrockman llros. , Avoca , Neb.aloon , burned
! ' . P. Stevens , Alliance , Neb. , harness , suc
ceeded bv II. 1 > . Payne.
W. II. Torwllllger. Dwlght , Neb. , Implements ,
etc. , succeeded by Tenvllllger & Cook.
William Stollln. Kills , Nub. , craln , coal , lum
ber and Implements , suld lumber business.
Machlem & Jones , Kiillerton , Neb , , restau
rant , succeeded by ii. M. Machlem.
C. Hoehl .t Son , Holdrego , Neb , , succeeded
by Hoehl & Hcheler.
M.I ) . Welch , Hastings , Neb. , agricultural
Implement ! ! , gave bill of sale to the WtMurn
Manufacturing company of Lincoln , Neb.
11. Hess & ( 'o. . Miller , Neb. , general store ,
gave chattel mortgage.
Wood Hull & Adams , O'Neill , Nob. , livery ,
etc. , dissolve . succeeded by C. II. Adams.
Sullivan & Davis , Tecnmseh , Nob. , general
store , succeeded by A. V. Sullivan.
Mcfluskey , t Ncedlmm , Wlnslde. lumber and
live stock , sold lumber business.
Creston Lounge Co. , Cieslon , la. , sold out.
Murray & Humes , Implements , Elliott , la. ,
succeeded by Thomas Murray.
O. ! ' . McC'arty , Jeireraou , la. , meat market ,
sold out.
R A. Kiillor , Hock Valley , la. , moat market ,
siu-ceeded by J. Hronkhorst.
O. A. Moody. Waucoma , la. , general store ,
succeeded by D. P. Moody & ( Jo.
0.0. Axtell , Topeku , Ivan. , chattel mort-
Sfc-iirlltt-ii Coiitlnncil to Show a Uwliullliiff
Viiliuno of lliuliit'4 * Ycatorihiy ,
NKW YOIIK , Miuuh 2. The stock market
continued to show a dwindling volume of
business today , while the Interest In the tradIng -
Ing , aside from that In Heading , Now Kngland
and Northern Pacltlc
, was con
centrated entirely In the oparatlons among
the Industrials. These shares all developed
marked strength lu the early part of the day
and Imparted a firm temper to the rest of the
market. The buying of railroad shares , how
ever , was mainly to cover shorts , t hough the
. ' 'A"0. ' ! * ! " " ' 8 wcru 1 < ? l ! c < l to take the long
' fmwifw' , * . iur" ' " ' } u > lltl"lvo way. The bears.
i..iiiV10 5nro UC"Y ° " ' coustilurablo
selling of bugarunU Cordage u",1' cauicda decilno early
llOl the first nainpil of 1 % per cent to 120 and
one of I iln the latter to 5H.
Olc It KIWII becntno nol < olntiiut ( ) thntdlssenstons
e.xlstlng : In the pools In thosp 'docks hnd been
lipah-il. ! j whlln the offer to purchase the next
dividend , . . on Sugar nt 5 per cent , later followed
by n rumor that tin1 expected Hi per cent ,
extr.i dividend-would bo distributed In quar-
torlv Installment ) ! , wt the shorts to covering
In lively fashion In the homes-hares. Sugar
.shares mounted oiilcklv from 120 to 121V.
and C'ordage from OH to t > 3'Vi , Tlioso advances
nero well maintained and each closed with a
slight concession from the best tliriirps. Cordage -
ago with a net gain of 3'i , and sugar with
ono of 2'j. The other Industrials were
decidedly strong with the slnglo ex
ception of Distillers , which cMscd a
shade lintcr , but Cotton Oil rose
3'i per cent on rumor that capitalists had
been Induced to take up for cash lloating
certlllcates of the company. Chicago lias
rinsed with again of 1 > ( percent and Cleneral
Illectrlc with onoof l's percent. There was
consldcrablo reallr.lng In Northern Paclllc pre
ferred In the early dealings which drove It lj
percent to 3H . about half of which loss was
later recovered. Heading was stronger and
advanced 1 | percent In the forenoon , touchIng -
Ing 27'i , but tlio contention tbat the receivers
will have to borrow money by the Issue of
certificates kept It within narrow limits , and
It.s Html change was an Inslgnlllcant gain.
IIv New Kngland scored a largo llnani-lal nil-
vani-o In the early part of the day , but later u
report from Itouon that the Ueadtng people
had been offered control at considerable under
the market rates precipitated a bear attackon
the stock , and at al It was down 2' percent
from It.s biMl figures , but dually rallied n per < , closing with a netlo < s of \ port-out.
( Jrangers and coalers were Im-llned to ad-
vam-e , and both Omaha and Jersey Central
scored net gains of 1 percent , and Manhattan ,
after its usual violent diaiinc , ended up 2 per
cent. _ 1'nder the Inlliience of the bear drive at
New Kngland concessions were made all along
the line In the last hour , and the close was
/ rather ' heavy though generally at financial
advances fur tluday. .
The Post's financial writer says : A month
ago the Heading's January statement made
public today tnlgbt have been received with
lively Interest. Today It excited only languid
attention and hail practically no effect upon
the markot. The obvious u-ason Is that the
statements of the lain management have been
discredited In so public and extraordinary
manner that financial opinion Is not likely to
be Inlluem-ed by anything short of the re
ceiver's olllclal leport.
The following are the closing limitations of
the leading stocks on the New York Stock o.\-
change today :
Atclllroil -Vorthern I'nclllc . . .
Ail-Una Kxiircas 1JT do prufurrod
Alto.i , T. II 1JTi : i ; U. IDon. . A ( inlf. .
do preferred . . . . IM NortliMOstPrn 1I2U
American Kxprcan. . in do prefvrrud 1114
HuItluiorc&Ohlu. . . in .v. V. Contrnl
Ciiniula l-iiclllc N. Y. A N. 1' . 3H (
Cniiniki Southurn. . . Ontario A Wentcrn. I7J1
Contra ! I'nclllc ( 'recoil ' Imp r.i
( 'lies , ct ulilo Orvitun Nnv 72
ClilciiKo Alton 141 O. h. I , . A II. N 72a
c. u. * g 2.1
t'lilciiKoilns I'eorla. Dec. & II. IBJf
Consollilntecl ( jus. . . I'lllKlmrg 151
r. c. c. A , sit. I. " 'iilliunn 1'nlai-u. . I'.ll '
Cotton nil Cert
lit' ! , llmliuii Hlcliniond Tormlnnl
1) . IV W do prcforrtd. . . . . .
1 > . Jl II. (1. pt'cl filVi lilo urnndo W 22
I ) . .VC. K. co - do pr.-fcrrod U )
Knst Temi t Hock Island G : %
Erlo 2 < M. I. , .vs. F. let pfd 75
ilo prcforrcil I'J ' St. Punl ! 7 ? <
Fort Wnyno 151 do preferred lJ-j !
( Jt. Northern pf d. . . 40 St. I'aul AOiimlin. . . MJi
< ' . & 12. 1 pfd do preferred 118
HocklnK Vnllcy. . . . .southern I'nclllc . . . 82f }
Illinois re n trill ' , iaar llullncrj- 124
St. I'mil , t llulnth . Tenn. Coal & Iron. . 2SS4
Kim. A Tex pfd . . . Texas rnclllc I'M '
l.ako Krln.VVust. . . . Tol. A O. fun. pfd. . 78
do preferred . . . . , Union 1-nclllc 33W
I.nko Shore 1274 L' . S. Hxprcso IKi
l.onil Trust 4IMV. . St. I. . .V I' ll
I.oulB. X .Ninh 75H do preferred 21
I.ouls. &Noir Alb'y. " Wolla Kar o Kxf. . . IM con Western Union Wi1
Memphl ? ft ( - Wheeling A L. K . . 13i
.Michigan Central. . do preferred IM)1 )
.MI8BUIII-I I'uclllO . . . MM Minn \ st. I , 15
.Mnbllt- & Ohio 3.IUII ) A 11. U Kl'l
NnnlivllloClmtt E < i Ideiicrnl Klectrlc. . . . ICO
National Coidiix'u. . lav National I.lnseed. . . 37
do preferred 111 1C. 1 UL'l ,1 : Iron li'i'.i '
N. J. IViitml 120 1 do praferred 103
Norfolk A W. pfd. . 3.14 ! I loua. A Tex. Con. . . U1 *
North Amerlc'in To 11 4 ITul. A. A. A. N. W. . . XRW
The total sales of stocks today were 3120,000
shares , Ineludlngi Chicago , Iliirllngton &
Qulncy , 4,000 ; Chicago Cias , 181,400 ; Dis
tilling. 0,500 : Kile , o/JOO ; Louisville * Nnsh-
vllle. 5,5110 : National Cordage , 43.200 ; North
ern I'licilic preferred , 2O,2it ( ) ; Iteading , G- ( !
400 ; Itock Island , 3,300 ; Bt. 1'atil , 15,000 ;
Sugar , 50,000.
N -\v York . " \ lonojMlitket. .
Nr.w YOIIK , March 2. MONKY ON CAM.
Easier at : i'-l | Hir cent ; last loan , 4 per cent ;
closed offered nt4 percent.
STKHI.INO EXCHANOI : Qulut , butsteady with
actual business In uaiikurs' bills at t4.b5J4 for
sixty days nndiM.STU for demand.
GOVKItNMKNT llONDS Dull tllld lower. State
bonds dull and steady.
The closing quotations on bonds :
llostou Stock yi
UOSTON , Jlass. , March a. Call loans , 79 per
rent ; time loans , & ® 7 percent. The follow
ing are the closing stock quotations :
Now York Mlnliif-Oiifitntlons.
NKW YOUK. March 2. The following are the
closing mining quotations :
Crown 1'olnt M 1-lymoiitli bO
Con. i nl. A Vn 2J3 sierra Nevada 115
Dcudnood 130 standard 140
Clould ACurrr 185 Union Con 115
llnlo A Norcruss.r. . 115 Yellow Jacket 4'i
lloincnt.-.ko II.VJ Iron Oliver 40
Mexican IM Quick Silver SOU
Ontario . . . . .HOO Oo preferred 1IOU
Ophlr K llulwur lu
London Flnuncliil Kovlcu * .
| Coj/r(3htnl | ( 13T1 bu Jatnei fjnrtion Ilcnnttt ]
LONDON , March 2. [ Now York Herald Cable
Hpecl'il toTiiE Ilr.K. ] General business has
been iiulot on the Stoijk exchange , but In some
directions there has been a show of animation.
Consols are 3-10 per cent hotter for the money
account. Korelgu government securities close
somewhat dull In tone , but the movement of
prices has been unimportant. Home railways
were moro or less flat all day , tbo market not
having recovered from the effects of yester
day's bad trafllc statements. North Itrltlsh
closed from ° i to'
nor cent lower and nearly
all others ' 6 to ? j per cent. Americans
have been iiuleter today. They opened
dull , but during the afternoon Improved
and became firm , buying orders having
coino from New York , \\abash preference
close yt percent higher , andWabash debenture ,
Pennsylvania , Erie and Atchlson ' 8 to li per
cent. On the other hand Norfolk & Western
preference have fallen'B percent. Northern
I'aclflc preference have also given way ! i per
cent , and Philadelphia & Keudlng ' , , ' per cent.
Canadians huvo not been much dealt In. Mex
ican llrsts and preference Improved } J per
cent. There has neen loss Inoiilry for money.
Short loans were obtained at 1'J to 2 per cent.
The discount market was cinut | ; two and three
months' bills were quoted at 1 7-10 to 11J per
cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Financial Notes.
Nr.w CHILEANS , La. , March 2. Clearings , $2-
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Maich 2 , Clearings ,
JlKMt-iils , Tenn. . March 2. Clearings , $389-
333 ; balances , $70,710 ,
NKW YOIIK , March 2. Clearings , J103,4G7-
008 ; balances , fOCOS,257.
OMAHA , March 2. Clearings , Jl,343,909-
same day last week , tl.544,494.
ItAi.TiMoim , Mil. , March 2. Clearings , J2-
183,215 ; balances , 1301,017. Money , 0 pur
I'liii.ADKM-iiiA , Pa. , March 2. Clearings ,
$15,000,092 ; balances , $1,341,011. Money , 4
CINCINNATI , O. , March 2. Clearings. $2,451 , .
200 , Money 50 per cent. New Vork ex
change , 40itOOc discount ,
HUSTON , Mass. , March 2 , Clearings$20,803-
757 ; balances , 12,450.035. Money 8 percent.
Kxchange on Now Vork , 25 to 30o discount.
ST. Louis , Mo. . March 2. Olearlngs , $4,483 , .
409 ; balances , $301,029. Monev iiilutiit | ( ui.7
pi-r cent. Exchange on New Yorn , 75c dl -
I'AIIIS March 2. Three plr cent rentes , 08f ,
07c for the account. The weekly statement of
the Hank of 1'ranco shows an Increase of 750-
OOOf gold und 2,070,0001 silver.
CIIIOAOO , III. , March 2. Clearings today ,
$20,071,034 ; New Vork exchange , 9Oc din-
count. Sterling exchange , dull , $4.85 for sixty-
day bills , $4.87'i for sight drafts. Money ,
steady ; 0 per cent.
LONDON , March 2. The bullion In tbo Hank
of Kngland decreased i'20J,000 during the
past week , Thu proportion of tbo Hank noof
Knglaud's reserve to liability , which last week
vma 51.31 per cent , Is now 50.7 per cent.
Amount ! of bullion gone Into tht > Hunk It.of
balance- today , i'30,000.
OMAHA , i.ivi ; HTorii MAitiiirrii.
Cnttlo Trude ArlUrnt Ht.-ndy Prloi > llogn
HrUk nnil Klrin.
' Tilt-ltsiiAY , March S.
Keci-lptH today wcru again rather liberal , the
fmirdfiy.s tiiply | f jotliu up 14.NOiittti ! < i 12-
207 liiys and 4.101 gUWpp , agalmt 12.40J Cat
tle , 11.014 ho i a-iillltl ) sht-ep lha corresponding
spending four days liiU week.
The run of iattlo'jty \ again lllnnil , close to
200ciri , ociklng yiMtnrd'iy and to lay nearly
11,000 head. Tills
Tiiqt very inturully had a
rather iK-pt-OHliu lutluoni-jun tin trade , but
as thuro was a in3ro favorable tone toeastern
advices and the shipping and export demand
was unusually good for a Thursday , busi
ness was moderately actlvo from the start
and urlces went no lower except perhaps on
the common to Inferior grades , of which the
supply was liberal and on whlc.i competition
was somewhat limited , Ueally cholco beeves
were scarce , but good 1,200 to 1,500-lb. steers
sold nt from -M.40 to i > , with fair to good
1,000 to 1,200-lb. grades at from $4 to { 4.30.
Kalrto pour stilll sold InilllVeieiilly at from * l
down to$3.75. There was a very falrmoviiment
throughout and practically everything had
changed hands before the iMosj.
It was the same way with butcher' stuff and
dinners. ( Jirorlngs were fairly liberal , but the
demand was good and prices were
very generally lu Wi'dne dny's notches ,
Rood to cholco cows and heifers
sold freely at from $3.20 to $3.80 , fair
to good stuiv largely at $2.50 to t3.1O with In
ferior grades and dinners atarouiid $1.70 to
$3.20. I'at bulls wenin go id demand and
st longer , but feeding grades about sternly , poor
to very sto.-k 'selling at from J2.4U In
$3. < iO. Calves lu moderate supply and gen
erally unchanged at. from $2 to ? U for common
large to cholco veal stock.
The stOv-ker and feeder trade was slow with
prices shading lower on all but the best stock.
Fresh oll'erlngs ijulto liberal , but as
regular dealers' supplies were already moro
than ample to supply the present demand from
the country the movement was decidedly
sluggish , lair to good siulT sold largely at ,
from f'J.80 to $3.oo. Itepresentatlvo sales : -
nut.vsii : : > inir. : :
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
H 1002 370 51 108H 420
11 OHO 370 10 1010 420
2 1080 3 HO 0 1330 425
19 027 385 1H 1122 220
41 840 385 111 1080 420
12 871 380 ft 1182 420
15 1009 'JOB 48 1180 425
8 1000 400 40 1303 425
10 1044 400 11 1125 425
18 1050 400 20 1293 430
12 898 400 12 1140 430
35 1000 400 15 1207 430
20 1100 405 01 1277 435
15 1030 410 18 1221 430
2 1200 4 10 20 1203 4 30
8 1010110 21 1200 430
1 1380 410 37 1121 430
0 1040 4 1(1 ( 24 1209 4 35
C. 1021 410 19 1281 440
31 1100 410 20 1278 440
18 1050 410 18 1212 440
31 1030 410 24 1139 400
21 1149 410 4 1432 4(50 (
3 123li 4 10 20 1357 4 00
23 1009 415 15 1311 470
04 1150 4 2O 84 1301 4 80
22 1181 420 18 1524 000
18 991 4 20
11 974 300 22 1191 440
11 1004 415 21 1214 440
49 1070 420 38 1352 450
15 1198 420 30 870 405
22 1100 420 22 1341 470
10 1140 420 18 1395 470
13 1147 420 10 1330 480
21 1139 4 30 b 1484 4 90
21 1134 4 30
24 088 380 18 1100 420
1 700 125 1 1000 290
2t 744 105 22 970 290
1 740 175 1 1030 290
1 1130 175" " " 1 1010 290
3 920 2'0l" ( 8 870 290
1 830 200 - 1 1020 300
1 1070 2 00 2 1100 3 00
11 918 200 11 989 300
3 1030 200 ' 1 1020 300
1 bOO 20(1 ( 0 1130 300
24 800 200' .1. 3 993 300
7 828 210. . . 1 980 300
31 700 2 10" C K ) ion 300
15 448 U 10 1 1170 300
21 895 215 ' 40 812 300
11. . . . 900 220 ' 20 1125 310
1. . ' 900 2 2.1 2. . . .1010 3 10
1 920 225 . , 15 938 310
4 700 22.1 : 15 938 3 10
1 070 225 0 HOG 310
2 090 225 , ' 14 740 3 15
3 823 225 23 003 320
1 0002 25-- _ 3 10SO 325
2 900 325 2 1170 320
2 950 220 17 1000 320
7 700 225 ,1 1150 325
7 084 220 4 040 320
30 903 235 2 1095 325
17 898 240 13 940 325
1 1030 240 87 927 325
1 880 250 13. * . . . . 889 325
5 952 200 8 1125 325
7 010200 9 1018 325
.1 1017250 41 1021 325
1 070 250 22 008 225
1 910 250 1 1180 225
1 1080 250 13 873 325
1 10GO 250 33 895 330
3 873 250 18 1138 335
11 900 250 14 1035 335
3 850 200 3 1230 335
11 901 200 10. . . . 920 340
1 1120 205 10 1042 340
1 1190 200 17 844 340
12 930 200 4 900 340
0 723 270 4 10SO 340
15 007 270 4 1137 300
3 10SO 270 1 1400 300
3 880 275 3 1200 350
9 1024 275 1 1320 350
1 1200 270 7 1092 300
1 1170 275 40 894 300
3 900 280 19 978 375
2 830 280 2 1000 375
9 879 280 1 980 3 bO
22 980 285 20 1087 385
9 097 285 2 1305 390
1 090 2 85
20 887 3 50
2 150 2 00 3 . . . . 130 5 00
1 380 250 3. . . . . . . 230 500
2 230 275 1 150 550
0 343 200 1 100 050
1 440 300 2 150 050
1 390 310 2 120 500
" 1 420 320 1 130 500
1 280 400 2 140 075
2 100 500 2 154 000
2 285 5 00
2 . . . .1125 225 2 1150 300
1 . . . .1300 240 1 1140 300
1 . . .1040 240 1 1470 300
3 . .1243 250 2 1520 300
2 . . . .1400 250 1 1300 300
1 . . . . 720 250 2 130300
a 1440 250 3 1110 300
4 1310 200 1 1040 310
4 1212 250 1 1200 310
1 1120 200 1 1020 315
1 1360 200 1 1810 315
2 805 205 2 1320 323
2 1340 205 1 1520 325
1 1200 205 1 1300 325
2 . .1190 200 0 1390 320
1 . . .1030 205 1 1070 330
1 1320 205 3 1310 330
; 1230 205 1 1070 335
2 1155 280 1 1000 340
010 275 2 1785 340
3 1187 275 14 1700 340
. . . . . 270 1 1040 340
1 ' 1150 275 1 1710 340
l' 1770 2 75 1 1710 3 45
5" . . 1340 270 1 1280 350
7 1174 280 2 1810 350
2 1535 300 0 1795 355
J 1140 300 1 1870 300
10 1532 300 - 1 1070 375
2 1235 3 OQ ' * .
- 1470 2 60 c 2 1230 265
STOCK r.ivvxi )
i ooo
1 . . . 830
1 090
1 , . . 410
4 725
" "
I" . ; ! 070 2 OQ
on cjj7 2051
o 900 2 8l ) '
' "
27' 815 2 80t'j
3 ! ! . . . . 400 285 * '
8 440 ! ! B5'
8 ' 578 II OlOf
0' . . . 411 300'
o 1)55 ) 300
li > 20 3 25 9
1 ' 770 3 20 ' i. 2
10 087 320 2
' ' ' '
14. . . . . . 057 3 30 a
No. ' Av. Pr.
4 steers tailings. . . . , 1110 $325
153 steers . JUO 4 OS
117 steers U09 4 00
2 feeders 1020 3 75
90 feeders . - . 102H 375
150 feeders 008 305
Hoes There were nhoiit 1,000 more hogs
here than Wednesday , 3,000 moro than aeel <
ago. There was considerable Improvement ll
the general quality of the offerings. Uthei
markets reported a steady trade , and with I
good demand from all sources the market hen
opened steady on nil good grades. Commoi
stuir was u shade olT at t ho start , and btfo
very long the nuirkot was quotably u shad ju
Total lituti oi CITIEB
t'onv'pom'enee lollrltcd.
70 State 9t. . BOSTON.
ruler on nil grade * , The strength In ttrovl-
Ions noon Imparted a llrnu-r tone n Ilio hog
rnilo , however , und the market Hnally i'lo eu
ip Mromr with everything out of llrnt hands.
liKMl to choice butcher right anil heavy hogs
old in from 57 70 to I7.wi. with fair to good
Ight and mixed stulT mostly at from (7.0O to
7.00. The bulk of thu Males were nt from $7.05
o $7,70 , the samn as on Wednesday , as com-
mred with f/.80 tn$7.00 n week ago , Hepro-
entallvi < .salesi
s'o. Av. Hh. Pr. No. Av. 8li. 1'r.
7..101 120 $7 115 70..242 120 $7 07H
2..150 700 84. . .238 120 7 07it
H..222 700 70. . . .211 7 07i (
5..240 80 750 7O..224 100 7 O7'j
8..101 40 750 07..201 200 7 07'4
3..270 80 705 71..231 40 7 07VJ
1..410 80 7 50 52..220 80 7 O7'i
1..4IO 7 05 02..223 7 07i (
1..202 200 755 74..213 80 770
0..270 80 700 09..332 120 770
5. . . . 102 700 05. . . . .230 770
7. . . . 193 lit ) 700 00..243 120 770
8..201 200 7 00 04..280 80 7 70
" . . .215 40 7 00 74..233 7 70
187 700 02..221 770
0..1H5 7 00 37..233 80 7 70
8..201 7 00 80..J40 4O 7 70
5..280 7 00 04..292 280 7 70
3..203 280 7 00 03..204 240 7 70
0..225 700 71..239 770
1..243 120 7 02'J 01..217 40 770
7..203 7 O2'i 09..270 100 770
1..240 80 705 07..201 100 770
O..232 240 7 05 00..201 80 7 70
7..210 811 705 02..281 20O 770
8..200 40 7 05 75..239 40 7 70
0..253 200 7 05 09..213 100 7 70
2..210 200 7 05 02..258 7 70
7..272 120 7 05 09..214 200 7 70
7..222 80 7 00 09..211 120 7 70
1. . .222 80 7 05 01..292 2(10 ( 7 70
3..240 7 00 09..212 80 7 70
9..243 120 700 74..200 80 770
7..204 200 700 00..200 120 7724
0..228 200 7 00 70..305 200 7 7Bii
1..230 80 705 47.03 : ! 120 775
0..224 40 705 74..241 80 775
9..239 120 705 73..201 770
4..224 100 7 05 70..252 00 7 70
0..120 80 705 00..338 780
.H..227 40 705 71..240 780
0..121 120 705 114..293 40 780
10..223 210 7 03
1..510 000 1..280 40 725 '
1..270 4O 7 00
SiiKii--IJ--eeipls : wi-io fair , but over half of
hem wont direct to Swift mid weie mil oll'ered
in the market. A hunch of 11811) ) natives
> rought $3 and tlu-ro were some not very good
nixed nathes that no one tried to buy. ( iood
tuitions were In active demand at fully steady
n-lces. l-'alr togood natives. $3.75W5.OO ; faire
o good westerns , $3.50C5.)0 ) ; common to stock
beep , $2.25143.70 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb.
ainlis , $4.00 ,0.83. , Itcprosomatlvo sales-
Vo. Av. Pr.
1 buck 190 $3 50
19 native mixed 118 500
1 buck 10O 3 50
28 native mixed 94 435
Itccclpts mill Disposition of Muck.
Olllclal receipts and disposition of .stock as
liown by the books of the Dillon Stock Yards
oinpnny for the twentv-fourhoutsendlng at5
/clock p. in. March 2 , 1893 :
noliSKS A Ml.s
llttVEUS. nous. HMIIP. : :
) nmlm I-QckliiK Co l.S'JI
I'linli. It. IlaniiiiondCo. . 4S. ' ) l.S'JIW
Swift A Co 1,13V W ? S''l
lie Citdahy I'ncklni ; Co. . 843 1,102
oh n I * . Squires A Co bO'J
A. llnnn 43
I'nnsant A Carey 105
[ , Lobtnan 218
Cleveland. W
and feeders 101
.eft over (00 ( MM
Totnl. S.TII
ClilriiKo I.lvo Stock Mnrkot.
CIIIOAOO , III. . March 2. [ Special Telegram
o Tin ; HIK. : ] Holders of cattle were llrm In
their views today , generally asking some ad
vance on yesterday's pi-Ires , nnd they gener-
illy got It , the market averaging from 6c to
lOc higher. Kecelpts again fell short of tbo
Irst estimates , scarcely 16,000 head arriving.
Nearly all found buvers , the bulk at f rum f 2.25
o $11.50 for cows , heifers and bulls and at from
3.75 to $4.7.0 for steers. There were sales of
choice steers iround 15.50 , and extra 1,000 to
1,700-lb. steers were quoted as high as from
$0.10 to 0.20. Kow of the olTeriiigs fetched as
inui'li as $0.16 , the average iiuallty being very
About 3,000 hogs were left over from yester
day. The market was steady and llrm at that
Jay's closing prlce.s , salesmaklngat ( torn $7.60
to * 8.05 for poor to prime light , nt from $7.76
lo $8.25 for mixed and medium and at from JS
to $8.30 for averages of over 2" > 0 Ibs. Not
many good heavy hogs were lo bo seen , nnd
while there were scattering sales at from $8.25
to S8.30 at least { .oven-eighths of the stuff
wont out of salesmen's hands at prices rang
ing downward from $8.20. Mixed and medium
weights sold principally at from S7.00 to $ S.20
and from J7.75 to $ bought mo-it of the light.
Not a new feature was noted In I lie sheep
and lamb markets. There was continued ac
tivity In both branches and prices were as
satisfactory to sellers as any that have pre
vailed recently. Sheep were saleable at from
$3.50 to $1.75 for poor to common and from $5
to $5.75 for llrm to extra. The range of prices
for lambs was from 81.50 to (0.60 according to
Hecelpts : Cattle , 15.000 head ; hogs , 17,000
head ; sheep , 10,000 head.
The Evening Journal reports :
UATTM : Hecelpts. 10,000 head ; shipments ,
3,500 head ; market hlmdo stronger ; prime
steers , $5.805.'Jlj ( good to cholco , $ .r.OOJfr5,50 ;
medium , $4.GO < 34.00 ; Toxans. J3.SO4.35 ;
stockers , i3.25Q3.05 ? ; cows , $3.50S4.00.
Hoc.a Hecelpts 17,000 head ; shipments ,
8,000 bend ; market active , steady ; mixed and
packers , $7.bOfi.8.00 ; prime heavy and butchers
weights. $8.101fj8.30 ; prime light. S7.UO ; other
lights , J7.25Ii7.GO ; pigs , J5.5030.50.
SIIKEIKecelpts , 12,000 head ; shipments ,
2,000 ihead ; market steady ; good natives ,
$4.50W5.00 ; no fancy stock on sale ; Texans ,
$4.GlHt5,25 ; westerns , 45.00S5.30 ; Iambs , Jl.50
(2.0.30. (
N City I.lvo Stock Market.
KANSAS UITV , Mo. , March 2. CATTM : Re
ceipts. 2,800 head ; .shipments , 1,200 head ; the
market was quiet ; heavy steers weak to lOc
lower ; light steady ; good and cholco cows
weak to lOc lower ; common , 10a25c lower ;
feeders strong ; stockers stonily. Koprosonta-
tlvo sales : Dressed beef and shipping steers ,
$3.155.25 ; cows and heifers , i2.OOG3.75 ;
stockers and feeders , $3.004.35.
lions Kecelpts , 4,300 head ; shipments , 300
head ; opened dull and weak and closed strong
to Oc higher. Kepresentatlvo sales : All
grades , $5.76(28.00 ( ; bulk , $7.05(37.85. (
SIIIIP : : Uecelpts , 1,300head ; shipments,800
head ; the market was steady : muttons , $4.GO ;
lambs , $5.05.
New York Llvo Htnulc .llurhet.
Nr.w YOIIK , March 2. HIIBVES No fresh re
ceipts ami no trade , feeling llrm. Dressed beef
steady at Hffc'J'ic ' pi-r 11) . ; shipments today , 28
heeves , 50 sbeep and 4O quarters of beef.
OAI.VIM Hecelpts , 7H2 bead ; market ! { c per
lb. lower ; veals , * 5.0oaa.25 per 100 Ibs. ;
grassers , $2.GO ,
Sinii'AND : : LAMIIS HecelptR , 800 head ; mar
ket opened steady ; closed dull and Xoncrlb.
lower ; sheep , $ l.UU-SO.OO per 100 Ibs. ; lambs ,
lions Kocolpts , 3,408 head ; consigned
direct : nominally llrm at ta.10tt8.GO per
100 Ibs ,
St , r.oiilK I.lvo .Stock Miirlu-t.
ST. Louis , Mo. , March 2. OATTI.I : Kocolpts ,
2,000 head ; shipments , 3,000 ; market easier ;
fair to good native steers , $3.00I 4.75 ; fed
Texan steers , $3.20164.30.
lions Hecelpts. 4,100 bead ; shipments.
2,500 ; market sliado lower ; heavy , $7.70 < 2
8.00 ; mixed , $7.40147.00 ; light , J7.50&7.80.
SIIUKI > Kccolpts , BOO head ; shipments , 800
head ; market strong , unchanged.
T ) . 1) Kiu/.UE , 11.1) . ItoonBJr , JAS. V Iloonu
1'rcs. Vice I'raa Soey it Troas.
Capital $ i3. < XXj ) Omaha and Sioux City.
Grain and Provisions
Railroad Stocks and Bonds.
Room 212 Hew M Life Building
UEKEKENOF.S : lowafitato National Hank ,
Slonx C'lty ; Commercial National llunk.
_ _ _
Special attention given toloutsldo orders-
Correspoiiaonuo solicited.
, , , , , , , . , , : ,
INUAl-O. the ereat Hindoo Itemed/ . Bold with wrll-
ln cimriinliti ul cure. H mii1c rnt lrtr < i Auilrem
Orl.uUl Medical Co. , ( I fl/a < U MI , lU | t , til.
You Must be Mistaken
if you think you've used Pcarlinc , aiul
have any fault to find with it , It must
have born something else. That some-
imcs happens. Because Pcarlinc
is so well known and so popular , it
: has become a household name.
People say "Pearline" when they
mean anything- that may claim to
help in washing. Perhaps you
haven't noticed and that's just where the trouble is. If
you've been using the worthless or dangerous imitations , no
wonder you're out of patience. But don't make Pearline
suffer for it. Don't give up the good , because your disgusted
with the poor.
Gi < atTI Tcildlcrs and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you " this is us Rood ar. "
O IJLU. or "the same as I'carlinc. " IT'S FALSE I'carlmc is never peddled.
UTT > 1 oml if your crocer sends you something in place nf Pe.irlinc. lie
Jt5cLCl lioncst stnt it kick. 353 JAMES I'VLK. New York ,
Dr. SYDNEY RINGER , Protossor of Medicine at University College , London ,
Author of the Standard ' 'Handbook ' of Therapeutics , " actiiatli , writes as follows )
"From the careful anal root of 1'pif. ATTI-IEI.H and others , 1 nm mitlHllod tluit
Is in no way Injurious to health , and that It Is deeliU'illy mnro nutrition1 ; tlian
other r-ocoas.-It in coitainlv " 1'uro" nnd highly UlR'-stlble. Th < tuiitiitlnnH In eor-
lain mlvcrtlDoniGnN ( from Trade rivals ) from my book on Thnrnpentlcs are unite
misleading , ami cannot pavdhlv [ apply ' VANllMUTEN'sCorov. " ,
Tliofalsi' retlrctinn on VAN HovruVn ( 'or < u mf'im ' rjffrtttailurrpritfiL anil 1'if rrry
autlioritvctleiltotiii'ir * it , < < l' w ' > /t'"iT | > 'r. o OH-P it a vrryhtiniliome ti-xtKnontal. 11
Omaha Wolf Bros. & Co.
Tent-Awiiing . . ,
Manufacturers of tonts.
IIOUHI : awning * , otc . 701 und
I M'l Knrn ni TO. ) S. loth struct.
Beinis Omilia Baj H , 0. Daxon ,
CO Ml1 A NT.
Importer ) anil mun frs. Illcycloi solJ on monthly
lluur nachj , Uurlnpi ,
tnlno. pixymtmti l2JN.lStli.
vritonto. > " " ° PKRS- .
Morse-CoB Sho3
- Company ,
HoworJ strojt.
Knctorjrcornorlltli anil Doujltn Slreo'.i.
We arc ! iiiklnn : clo o prlo's to cish buyers , nn'l a
Bolllcii a cliiaj of eooili which U vary sala tblo
with iucrclmnt3.
Kirkendall , Jones & Amflp , Hand-Sewed
COMl'ANV. VYIioIosnlo HIIOKCO. , bootl.sliooi
mfrn. ii ents IlDstun anil rubber Koodi , UJj-
Itubbcr 3ho3 Co. . HJi- 1U10 Ilarnuy tit.
110i-110iJlI rney at.
Omaha Coal , Coke & Ea Ie Comics Works
CO. , hinl anil soft Mfri. gnlvnnlzol Iron
coal , S i : cor. llllh ana cornice , window ctp ,
Uouilan Sts. luotiillla kyllilits , otc.
M. E. Smith & Co , , KHpatrlck-Kosli Dry
iOO)3 ! CO. ,
Iiry i ; Kooils , notions , fur- Notloin. ituntsfurnlih -
nlihlnu uooiH , cornjr InXKUO'licor. llth and
llth anil Howard Ilarnuy Sts.
Omaha Upholstering Beebj ) &
CO. , upholstoroil furni KUUNITUIIS CO. , Oraco
ture , IIJ2 1101 Nicholas
St. WnolUBtilo only. and ! 3ll ! Sts.
as usual at the next school election
but for many candidates.- They give
a unanimous vote every day in the
week in favor of
because they know it has no equal as a
labor and temper saver on wash-day.
The "White Russian" is a great soap to
use in hard or alkali water. Does not
roughen or injure the hands is per
fectly safe to use on the finest fabrics.
. JAS. S , K1RK& CO. . Chicago.
Dusky Diamond Tar Soap. nml the Hmooth. nhtn floft
The Best Truss Made
liei-HUBOltfuipnortH the abdoino i and coin-
pruksc-s the rupture so us to bring the broken
parts together anilulloutii eurtI'rlv.ito room
for fitting trusses. Lady In attendance for
lady customers.
Surgical Instruments and Medical Supplier
111 H. l.'itli Sr , , next. 1'ostolll-o.
A. H , DYER ,
Kluvutor * , iviiriilioiitui , factory
nnil nil work rc- < | Urliii.u ! thorough und
( inimical kniiwli-tlii > or conitrucllou unit
itrunctli of inntrrluU , u peomliy ,
lU. . Ilex 3U4 , freiuout , Nell.
Omaha Stova R-ipilr I M , A. DIrtj ? JT 4 C )
\\ltij , steve ro.nlrj I .Milnuf.iolurJra of sash
nndwntoruttuhiaoati I iluom , bllmli unl
fornny klml at tuts in itilillad , branjli o (
j ; Dj.i.-i u st I Ho ] nth iniiliirJ.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Ornalia.
Jlcst Cnttlo Ho nnd Slicup market In ttm trait.
Wood Brothers.
Llvo Block Commission Merchants.
Eoutli Omaha Telephone 1157.
JOHN I ) . DADMMAN , I Manner . .
' or
WAI/I'KU . -
/ K. WOOi ) , (
Market Itcporls by mall und wl
nibbed upuu uppilofillon
Omaha's Newssl Hotel
40 llooms nt f..W per d ijr.
tJ ( I'onniB nt H.OJ per
lOHeoms with Until utf 1.03 pcrdaf.
10 Ituomi irltli Hath utU..i ) lo JlSJpjrdtr.
Modern In Kviiry lUnpuct.
Nnivly I'liruUliod Throughout
C. S. ERB. Prop.
Tim only hotel In the o'ty with hot and cold
w n tor. and sto im li-i it la ) U m
Titblo und dining rou'u service un-iiirpamoa.
HATES $3.60 TO $4.00.
Sncelal rates on application.
Males Indliin S < r\l < 'o , Roiubud Auency.
H. I ) . . I'ebrnary Jth , Hu Huiiled proponals
endorsed " 1'runosiiln fur Field tjuoilB , mid ad
dressed to the undersigned at Roiubuu
Agonuy , t. I ) . , will bo received at thm aaencjr
until ono o'clock p , m. . of Wednesday. Maroli
mil. IMl'l , for furnishing and dul-vrmg lit
this ttgenuy : l.ttiO imslicjlH of tuuil oawi l.OW
bushels of puialoen und CM huxhul * of
sued wheat. Hlddora are reiiiustcd | to attito
specifically In their bids tbo propoiud price of
each article olfuroil for delivery nniliir acon-
truct. The right Is p.-norvod to reject any or
nil blilHorHiiy part of any bid if duumod for
h beit Interest of the nurvlue. UKirrmuu
i IIKCKS. Kadi bid mu t bo ucco'iipanlod by a
c-urtllloil check or drift upon United titutoi
depoaltorv , or solvent nnllonul bunk In the
vicinity of I ho ro4 donee of thu Ij.dlor. mnda
piiyubio to the order of the Oomiiilsslonor of
Indian AIT.tlri. fur i.t nvu I-BII CKNTof
the trnotint of thu proposal , which check or
draft will bo forfeited lo tlio United Suites lu
easn any bldderor hidden rneolvlng nn awnnl
slull full to promptly oxecnto u contract with
good and nullliMunt sureties. othurwUo to ho
returned to thobl'iilor. Hlds accomimnlod by
ciuh In lieu of eertlflud chouk will not bo i-on-
NldoroJ. 1-'oriiny fiirlhor informntlon apply
toJ. UEOKUU WltlUlll' , U. a Indian Agon *
t'llhUU iu