in HA V MAllPfT Iftfl.T THE DAILY BEE Ol'HCKi NO. 12 PBAHI. STttKET. \y \ cnirlrr to nny part of the city I ! \V. TI1.TON , - MANAOBIt ttt tiovt-u lllii lin. < OIIIco . S"'i2 I-KIHOM.H | ; , ntor . .No. 23 .M1.\OH N Y Plumbing Co. Council Bluffs Lumoer Co. Coal Fidelity council No. ICO , Iloyal Arcanum , will hut J Its regular meeting this evening. James Myers and Hattlo 1'lorl , both of Omaha , were married by Justice Fox yester day.Horn Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. Morgan O'llrioii , corner of Eighth nvenuo and 'Ihlrteeiitn strcot , a son. . Unity flulld will meet. In regular session this n'ftcrnoonat 'J : 0 o'clock at the resi dence of Mrs. Hogg , corner Pierce ana Frank streets. The case of Uarl Blair and Mlko Smith , charged with stealing 81(5 ( from Mrs. K. U. Kdgerton. was continued yesterday until next Thursday. Marrlago licenses wcro Issued yesterday to A M Johnston of this elt.v ami Anna II. I'hambors of Quick , and to A. W.oung und Ida .Sorenson of Council HlulTs. General James B. Weaver will address the cltl/ons of Council IllulTs this evening nt Hughes' hall , at a meeting to bo held under the auspices of the people's party. Golden Hod camp No. " , Hoyal Neighbors of America , will hold its regular meeting lltls evening nt 7 : ! ) o'clock to transact bus iness of Importance. Uy order of oraele. Fannie , the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs John T. Smith , died at 1' ) o'clock yesterday morning after nn illness of two weeks The funeral will take place at 10 o'clock this forenoon from lh family resi dence in St. .Mary's township. Mills county. Charles K. Thompson , the printer who died on the Northwestern railway between Council Bluffs nnd Missouri Valley several weeks ago. will be burled In New York City , his former home , word to that effect having been received from hU relatives. Thu remains - < mains wcro disinterred from Walnut Hill ccmctorj yesterday and wcro sent east last evening. Last night during the middle of the ser mon ot Ki-v. Mr. Allen at the Temple hall meeting two young ladles who occupied scats near the front and about the middle of the hall , uroso and walked out. Whllo mak ing their somewhat devious trip from their seats to the doorway ono of them dropped a $5 bill. She can have it by calling at Inn Bin : ollico and Identifying herself. There Is no evidence of any abatement of the interest that lias been awakened In the Temple hall meetings. Tlio big hall was filled again last night , and two more acces sions to the church were the Immediate re sults of the earnest ministry of tlio preacher who is talking and working himself into the hearts of the people. The prospects are that the building will bo far too small to accom modate all who desire to attend on Saturday night , when the Wilsons will l'Ivo their sa cred concert , as the demand for tickets has already exceeded the supply. Leo Forman was lined $18.10 In police court yesterday morning for drunkenness and disturbing the pcaeo. Whllo under the influence of a jag ho attempted to purify the moral atmosphere of Plerto street by annihilating several denizens of Hottcn How. Ho was overhauled by the police whllo in the midst of his missionary work. Ilo was put on the streets .yesterday to work out his Hue , out after ho bud handled the shovel a while ho came to the conclusion that ho was too strong to work , nnil started for another climate by the leg route. Oniccr Wlatt , who had charge of the chain gang , let lly a couple of shots with his revolver , but failed to stop the fugitive. Iditlirr Mri' | > Than take In any other form Is what many people thlnlt , and Parks' tea is made for Just those folks. It cures constipation , and though not n cathartic , moves the bowels every day. All druggistSy. The Star lecture course itt Broadway is attracting great attention , as furni.shinp ; the llncnt array of ontortain- inonts over onwajjcd for thin city . TlckotH now on Bale. Procure them for the coui-r-o. Firbt lecture , llobcrt Mc lntyro , Monday , March ( i. Louis , millinery , will occupy 25 Main , opposite Beno'b after March 1. Finest Aristo cabinet photos , S2 per Ashton's studio , 13 North Main street. Another improvement to the popular Schubert piano. Swanson Mu.sic Co Williamson & Co. . 10(1 ( Main street , largest and host bicycle stock in city. For wui'iniiitf guest chambers , bath rooms , otc. , our gnu heaters are just what you want. Look at them. Clean , convenient , cheap. C. B. Gas and Elec tric Light Co. r.nt tutt.ti'iis. fccorgo T. Webster of Sioux City Is at the Grand. .ludgo N. W. Macy of Harlan was In the city last evening. 10d Jerome Shamp of Lincoln , Neb. , registered at the Grand hotel yesterday. Frank M. Compton and Dr.Dcotken are rusticating at Mobile , Ala. , and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. IJccr of St. Paul are in the city visiting friends. They are stop ping at the Grand. Among the arrivals at the Grand hotel Veslunlay were H. .1. Wattles of Missouri Valley and .T. L. Flemmlng of Les ) Molncs. George Doughty , who lived In Council Uluffs up to seventeen years ago , has re turned to visit his old tlmo friends. During his abscnco ho has resided for some tlmo along thu Dcring sea , on the Husslan side of the water. Sheriff Ha/.cn Is In St. Isolds , where lie went to take John MIthcn to the hospital. Mr. Mlthen has been ailing at times over blnco ho was struck on the head whllo at tending a llro as a member of the volunteer department , and It Is now found necessary to glvo him more careful treatment than ho could receive hero. A Now I.rune of l.lfo Given to sufferers from asthma by using SchilTmann's Asthma Cure. It Instantly reMoves ; - Moves the most violent attack , Insures COMI- fortablo sleep and effects cures where others fall. Ask any druggist. Trial package freo. Have vour proscriptions filled at Davis1 , only pure , fresh drugs and chem icals hi block. ny. Emma Kennard. stenographer , notary , depositions , commercial work , letter writing , 100 Main. There arc thrco things worth saving- Time , Trouble and Money and Do Witt's LUllo Karly Misers will save them for you. These llttlo pills will save you tlmo , as they act promptly. They will save jon trouble Bias they cause no pain. They will save you money as they economize doctor's bills , In u Html Komi , M. V. Swift and K. Swift wcro brought teen this side of the river yestordav afternoon nnd deposited in the city Jail with a churgo of being fugitives from Justice. They were arrested several months ago on suspicion of thulr being Implicated In the burglary of a tailor shop at Shenandoah , and a couple ofof the ether members ot the crowd wore tried and convicted ' 1 ho two Swifts escaped by being tiikon to Omaha to answer to another charge , They have been lying In Jail over ; since , and the days of their trouble do not seem to IK > over yet. They will bo taken tour Shenandoah today for trial. AVllllam Watson has purchased four nnd a half acres in the Ivloln tract , which ho is going to improve at once by building hinibclf a homo and planting nn orchard. Seed I'otiitooH. Thrco hundred bushels of pure Ohio toed ixitaUioi at Thomas Hlshton , 211M West Brcadway , Council BlulTs , la , Bourlclus musio house. Fine pianos and organs for cash or payiiiuutd. 114 Stutumun street , O. UlulTs. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Ex-Alderman Caspar Snya a Tow Words in His Own Defense. NEVER OPPOSED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS U'lillo an Alilcriimn Ho Alwnyn Worked UnrilrU for II l < Own Wiiril The Course HiV1II I'limito If Elected I'urk Coiiiinl lont'r. Kx-Alderman Casper , who lias been nom inated for park commissioner , took occasion yesterday to emphatically deny the reKirt | that had been maliciously circulated that while ho was In the council he was opposed to public improvements In the western part of the city. "It has been numerously reported In the Sixth ward , " suid ho to Tnc BIB : yesterday , "that if 1 should be elected park commis sioner that 1 would oppose a park in the west end of the city. I would like to set myself aright before tlio public ! that re spect. 1 bellovo In and will support any reasonable proposition for a park In the western part of the city. I belljvc that they are entitled to a park. "As to the rumor in regard to my public work while I was In the council , being done on the west or south end , It is false and malicious. It Is true that 1 opposed the "Paul scheme. " on the grade of Twentieth street , because under his petition the city would bo liable for all dirt hauled in ami when the thing was changed so that the abutting property would pay , I favored it , and it will bo remembered -by the petition for cradoof Avenue A by some of the property owners that 1 did everything In my power to have the prayer of the petition granted. While I was chairman of the Ilro and light committee I favored locating sixteen lights west of Broadway , and , as the records will &car me out , I alwavs favored reasonable improvements for the west end of the city. Worked ( or IIU Own \Viu-il. "It has been also rumored that I have worked for the upper end of town. That may bo a fact. I was in Justice Ixiutid to work for the ward that oleeted mo. I was ward aldornrin and any alderman that docs not look out for his own ward cannot expect that the other aldermen will look out for it for him. "If I am elected park commissioner my duty would bo to care for the interests of all the people alike. The sixth ward would then bo the same to mo as the First ward and I would treat it Just us fairly. When a man is elected to a ward olllco It is his duty to look after the ward. It is a duty to the alderman-at-largo to look after all the wards. It Is the duty of the park commis sioner to look after the whole city , showing the same favor to ono ward as he does to an other. This is my policy and if elected I will follow it out to a letter. "It is certainly folly to say that I would op pose west end improvements. Why , sir , two-thirds of my real estate in this city is west of avenue D and is in the Fifth and Sixth wards. Is it natural for a man to work against himself ? "My opponent , Mr. Shutrart , Is a good citi zen , and if the people prefer him to mo I shall take no offense at It. " Keudy lor Uutliirt * . Wo are now ready for business in the wall paper line. Our stock will bo found the largest and most complete in the city , having ju t received a ear load direct from manufacturer , bought outside of the combination for spot cash , which onti ablos us to soil you wall paper at about one-half our wall paper competitors. Wo have none of tlio 18'J2 ' styles , every thing wo show is 181)3 ) style , and made in IS'.Kl ' , although the your is but young. As wo said before , ISU.'l goods wo can hell you at about one-half regular wall paper pi-Iocs. Why buy 18)2 ! ) goods when you can buy IS'J.'l ' goods for loss money ? Papering and painting done by export workmen. All work done guaranteed erne no pay. FOTHEHINOIIAM , WHITUf-AW & Co. , Boston Store , Council Blulfs , la. MAYOIt luYWUKNCK'S DUFUNdU. Ho Cites tlio Iti'oorclri of tlio City's Present Financial Condition. The partisan attacks made upon the re publican administration of city affairs have been treated with n seemingly silent con tempt by the ofllclals themselves. At last Mayor Lawrence has decided that the people i should know the facts , ofllclally stated , ami stated in iv fr.uik , manly manner so char acteristic of the man. It will bo notlcci that his fair , dispassionate and nonpartisan statement is in striking contrast with the nature of the attacks made upon him. HI says : Statement ( if the Mnyor. To tun CITIZENS or Corxcii. Bi.vrFs : Fron the charges made and by the clamor raise < by n certain partisan sheet , it might bo In fcrred. If no explanation wore offered , tlia the city ofllclals had been guilty of Incom potencoand gross mismanagement of the city's funds. I do not wish in this place to discuss the financial condition of the city but will make a few brief and plain state incuts and then lot the reflecting portion of the community Judge and decide for themselves solves as to thu merits of the matter. Upoi assuming my ofllcial duties I earnestly en dcnvorcd to ascertain , the exact llmtncia condition of the city , with thoviow of aiding by every means in my power to brinj tlio current expenses of the city within lit protablo receipts. 1 found that a largi amount of the city's special bonds wouli mature during the present year , s much larger amount than In any preview year. Upon consultation with the chalrmai of the llnaiico committee wo found that i would bo necessary to anticip.ito tlio iucotn ing tax. An arrangement was made will the Citizens bank to take up the bond maturing previously to October 1 , and .1ti hold them until the city should have avail able funds to redeem them. Wo are aske < why wo did not use other funds belonging to the cltj In liquidation of these bonds ? I em phatically answer , because such action would have been Illegal and would not have been within the scope of our duties. The law expressly provides for the manner In which taxes shall bo levied for the payment of these special Iximls and no other fund belonging - longing to tlio city can bo legally applied for this purpose. I will not for myself , nor do I bcliovo any member of the present llnanco committee will bo goaded into any action tending to thu misappropriation : > of the city's funds. I know this has : been done , but I nellovo such action was taken under n mis taken ociiso of duty. Permit mo to ask Isa ( | Ui'stlon : In what condition is the sinking ' f mult Where is a largo porthn of this fund which should by law have been kept invio late for the redemption of the $74,1)01) ) ) gen eral bonds of the city maturing in Ib'JSJ ' wiutr" mn.oooYnt. . The records will show where among other items fr > , ( XJO of this fund went on ono occa ? sion. Jui.v 22 , 1880. In Common Council , Mayor Hohrer I'ri'slillui ; : Unsolved , That thu .sum of { 5,000 bo trans ferred from thu fmlds [ or thu uMlm-tlon ( if the funded debt to thu special paving fund of dis tricts NIH. 1 , U and 3. Isp Alduniu'M l.acy. Waterman , Weaver , Ivnep- hur and HullliiKcr voted uyu. Alderman Kver- ett voted no. The following record appears in the treas urer's oflleu : Funded debt account , creditor : Hy triui'.furrud lo pavlni ; District ii 12,000 ) District 3 8.000 ) $5,000 A bo vu trnniforreil by resolution of thu council. ! illy a1-1 , 1S80. , found correct and vouchers re turned. „ JOHN \VIAVIII : : , Chairman I'lnuncu Cdiiimltteu. Now let mo emphatically assert that I do not wish to i-ollcct hi the slightest man ner upon the integrity of those gentlemen , more especially as neither of them could derive the slightest personal advantage by this transaction. Nor do I make this state ment In a partisan sense , for I care not itOa rush for politics where the interests of Council Bluffs are concerned But I reiter ate that 1 believe Uuoy acted from u mis- nkcn sense of duty In corrotraratlon of the ( legality of this tinveduro allow mo to re- Itc a section of the cede of Iowa relating to he funded debt Any member of the city council or any nicer of any city U-vylng and collecting axes under the provisions of this act who hall In any manner parllclpato In or advlso he diversion of said tax to any other pur- ioso than provided for in this act shall bo eemed guilty of the crime of embezzlement , ml shall bo punished accordingly. " Anxlmi4t < > 1'ny tlio Inlrrmt. No pel-son In Council Bluffs was more inxlous than I to liuvo the payment f the Interest on these bonds ccaso ftcr their maturity , and no ono was nero gratified when a legal way , was bund for the accomplishment of this result. \nd hero I desire to extend my sincere hanks to Alderman Jennings , a member of , ho finance committee , to whoso strenuous exertions the city Is greatly Indebted for his gratifying result. That a deficiency must constantly arlso In this fund will bo apparent to any person , vlio shall consider that many assessments an never bo collected , that the bonds draw semi-annual Interest while assessments iraw simple interest payable after many years , and for other reasons that space will lot permit to mention. The tax arising from the assessment fronting the postoftlco is un- loubledly lost. This amount over $2,000 ! had , after an interview with Congressman Itdwmati , strong hopes would be collected , nit the appropriation for it failed. It is to bo earnestly hoped that the county treas urer will strive by every means In his power to collect the amount Justly due from the motor company to this fund. This amount , over $11,000 , would In Itself bo a large item toward the extinguishment of the present deficiency. I am pleased to be able to state that the ill-dent wish I expressed upon my advent to olllce , to sec the expenses of the city reduced within its receipts , Is almost certain to bo ' norc than realized. This to mo Is gratify- lit. In tlio extreme. 1 shall , so far as in my power , endeavor to pursue the sumo policy in the future as in th past , undpterrcd by detraction traction or unfriendly criticism. 1 have lately been accuse.l of not glvhiu sufllclent attention to tlio affairs of the city. To those who are acquainted with my ollicial action it is unnecessary to offer a refutation. I will simply state 'hat I have devoted each day a large portion of my time to the interests of Council Bluffs , and I allliin that I shall contltyiio to do so until the end of my term of oillco if my health shall permit. If I bellovo myself unatile to perform the duties of the ofllco I shall cheerfully and gladly step aside lor perhaps a more competent party. But I liopo to still bo able to assist in the reduc tion of both expense and taxation without detriment to any department of the city gov ernment. N. D. LAWIIUNCU. Busy people have no time , and sensible pee pie have no Itu-llnatiou to use pills that make them s ick a day for every dose they take. I'heyli tivolcarned that the use of Do Witt's 1-ittle IJarly lllsers does not interfere with thcirhoalth by causing nausea , pain or grip- Ing. U'lieso little pills are perfect in action mil results , regulating the stomach and Iwwels bo that headaches , dl/.rlness and I lassitude arc prevented. They cleanse the lilood. clear the complexion and tone up the svstem. Lots of health in these little fel lows. WIIITI : ( ioois SAM : At tlio HuNton .Sture. The white goods sale that has been looked forward to with so much interest by the ladies of Council Blurt's and sur rounding country opens SATURDAY MORNING , and will cont'mio ' for eight days. There will bo many special bargains in the way of towels , linens , muslins , sheetings , embroideries , luces , muslin underwear , gents' white shirts , handkerchiefs , and everything white , included in this Mile. Come early and avoid the great rush , as this palo will certainly bo no excep tion to sill our previous sales. See bargains in white bed spreads at 80c , OOc and $1.00. 100 dozen of 50c towels for 2C ) each , without doubt the largest and finest towel ( ever sold anywlioro for 25c. See show window. See bargains in embroideries marked 'Je ! , 4e , Co , lie. 7c , Sc , 'Jo , lOc , lUJe to f > 0c. See bargains in table linens and nap kins. See bargains in white goods. See bargains in muslin underwear , in'corset covers , nightdresses , drawers , chemises j , otc. Five cases of handsome goods just to hand all ready for this great salo. See bargains in handkerchiefs. Ro- member this sale commences Saturday , March 4 , and will continue for eight ,1nvu BOSTON STORE , ' Fothoringllam , Whitclaw & Co. Loaders and promoters of low prices. Agents for the standard patterns. Kid gloves dyed nnd cleaned at the shortest possible notice. Coal and wood ; best and cheapest Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompt delivery. II. A. Cox , No. 4 Main. Fou SALK Citizens State bank stock. Submit cash oil'or. K. II. Sheafo. Why lot children die with diphtheria ? You can save them by Dr. Joll'oris' rem edy , lias been used successfully for 35 years. Price $11.00. For sale by Coun cil Bluffs druggists , also at 2-101 Cuming street , Omaha. Tliu ( intnil Hotel , Council Bluffs. Most elegant hotel in Iowa. Dining room on seventh lloor. Rates , $3 to 85 per day. E. F. Clark , Prop. Mine. Helen Merrill , bail-dressing and manicure. Room 312 , Merriam block. Hud I'caoli. Frank Peach is the natno of a man who hasTjocn around the Women's Christian As sociation hospital for some time past , doing odd jobs and especially taking caret of an old man named Jackson , who is cared for by the ladies of the hospital. J. Ij. Forman. overseer of the poor , has paid the expenses of his keepi ng. Yesterday the ladies and the overseer both withdrew their aid , and Peach was thrown out upon the cold world. When ho went ho took with him Mr. Jackson's over coat and a pair of mittens. The theft was soon discovered and an oflleer was sent after him. Ho was soon overhauled , and when found had the stolen goods in his possession. Fresh eggs J5c a doz. W. S. Homer , 538 Broadway. Bishop Vincent of Chautauqua fays : "Robert Mclntyro filled the bill at Chau- tanqua. Ills lecture was magnificent and made a great hit. Wo are glad our , assembly had him on the program. " Broadway church Monday , March 0. John W. Diirland of Lincoln , Nob. , has just purohascU through Day & Hess ; , agents , thirty acres of the Klein tract. ! Ilo will sot it out in fruit this spring and build good buildings aj , once. lgD. Do you smoke1 ; Ilavo you tried T. D. King & Co.'s Purtiiu'u * ? It's a charmer. Just light one. Charles Konlgmachcr is arranging to build on his ten acres , purchased of Messrs. Day & Hess , in the Klein ) t Over . ' 100 acres 2 } miles cast of the post- oillco yet for sale in tracts to suit. Stop at the Ogdcn , Council Bluffs , the best & 2.00 house in Iowa. DrclilKil lit l.uxt. The case of the Kiipatriek-Koch Dr.v Goods company against Blotchkv Bros , was decided last evening. It occupied the at tention of Judge Thornell ami a Jur.v in he district court for several days , and was at last given to thu Jury yesterday morn ing. After being out about twelve hours the Jury brought In a verdict for the de- fcndunt. This Is tlio third time thocasohas been tried both of the , former trials having resulted in a disagreement. The verdict tucots with the approval of thosy who watched the progress of thu trial. A lllKli l.ivrr Usually has a bad live. * . Ho is bilious , constipated , has indige&tion and dyspepsia If there Is no organic truublo a few doses laof Parks' Sure Cure will tone him up. Parks' Sure Cure is the only liver and kidney cure wo sell on a positive guarantee , price ( 1.00. All druggists. PROHIBITIONISTS CONTROL Special Prosecuting Attorneys to Bo Ap pointed in South Dakota. LEGISLATIVE FIGHT'QUITE ' , ; BITTER Dolngi.VII In Tliclr Power to Mctttu the MuUi-r lit Onro III of tlio'l.lroiiAB ' Pinuitn , S. D. , March 2. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bin. : ] The house held u stormy session tills morning. The first bill considered was that requiring tlio governor to appoint a special prosecuting attorney for the counties m which he knows the prohib itory law is not enforced or from which a pe tition to that effect Is received. After a ively controversy this was indefinitely post poned. The house then by a unanimous vote indefinitely positioned all house bills. The bill granting women municipal suffr.igo met the same fate by a vote of 50 to 27. The house amended the senate bill so as to cause the elections of Judguf in November of this year and theb ill passifl unanimously , as did the bill prohibiting endowment fakes. Krause of Yankton. recently appointed public examiner , this mm-nliig resumed , stating thatstnco th" republican party had refused restibinlsslon ho was henceforth a democrat , and would throw his paper , the Yankton Freio Prcsse , into the democratic ranks. The governor this morning sent in nomina tions for railroad commissioners as follows : John U. Brctinan of Rapid City , II. C , War ner of Sanb.irn county and F. J. Conklln of Clark. All were immediately confirmed. Cash Brnughton of Alcestcrm bo secre tary and Frank Conklln chairman. The governor sent to the senate and the latter continued the following World's fair commissioners : Oschenriter cf Webster , Brown of Hioux Falls , McCIurc of Pierre , I'ilchcr of Rapid City , Kvans of Hot Springs. Powers of Yankton. Baker of Oeadwood , and Quarvc of Marshall. The governor appointed on the board of charities W. J. Sibbison of Dell Haplds. N. Laughlin of McCook and / . Richie of Yank- ton. There is considerable objection to Richie and the nominations were referred without action. NO iiiCIK.V : : IN MONTANA. Sunder * ' Cliimco lo Succeed Himself In the Seimti , Now Very ( innd. HELENA. Mont. , March ' . ' . Not oven the opening of the famous Yale lock legislature throe years ago equalled Ju excitement the dramatic scenes enacted today when the third legislative assembly met in session to take a final ballot for a senator to succeed Sanders. As the roll was called breathless silence fell. The first republican to break to Clark was Senator Hatch of Park county. No sooner had ho voted than cries of "Traitor ! " " " " " "Bought up ! "Put him out ! etc. , were hurled at him from lloor and gallery by republicans , while Clark demo crats cheered wildly. With difficulty order was restored. Bouner A. Dixon , democrat , next switched to Clark , whllo live more republicans , Cor- dor , Lewis , Graves , Anncar and Van Cleveland - land , voted for Clark amid cheers and hisses. Amid deep silence tho' ' result of the ballot was announced as follows : Clark , Ii ; Man tle. 'J3 ; Dixon , 11 ; Fo\yler , T ; Carter , 1. No choice. The legislature adjourned slue die tonight. The appointment will be made by the gov ernor Tuesday night. The chances appear in Sanders' favor. I'nsxed thu Woinui ; Sullrngo Hill. TOPKKA , Ivan. , March 1. The senate this afternoon concurred Injiouso amendments to the woman suffrage blUrwhlch now goes to the governor and will receive bis signature. The vote stood in the senate , 2S to 5 ; In the house. 04 * to 17. Thcrblll is very brlof , and provides } ! ] that the .proposition shall bo sub mitted to the electors of tljis state at the general election of the representatives to the legislature In 1604. The senate and house have both passed the W orld's fair bill appropriating 05,000. CiinTENxc , Wyo. , March 2. Governor Os- homo today appointed ten delegates to rep resent Wyoming at the meeting of tbo transmlsslsslppi congress , which will con vcno ' at Ogdcn , U. T. , on April 24. These are the delegates named : J. C. Davis and II. Kasmussen , llawllngs ; A. C. Campbell and William T. O'Connor , Cheyenne : W. II. Holliday , LaramiojJoel L. Ilurt , Casper ; L. C. Tidball , Sheridan ; S. T. Corn , Evanston - ton ; Kobert Field , Buffalo , and F. W. Man- dell , Newcastle. No Cliolcu lii W Oi.Y.Ml'iA , Wash. , March 'J. Today's sena torial ballot was as follows : Allen , 47 ; Turner , ' . ' . ' ! ; Magimus , 13 ; Van Patton , 0 ; remainder scattering ? Tlio Illlrllncjtoii'H 1 : l.ri p. in. Train fur Arrives in that city at 8:25 : a. m. ; carries magnificent sleeping , reclining chair and dining cars , and is the finest and most comfortable train between Omaha and the World's fair city. The Burlington's daily service to Den ver , Kansas City and St. Louis is equally satisfactory. Ticket olllco 1223 Farnam St. WK.IT1IKH FOHEC.IST. Fair and Colder with North \Viniln U the Prc- " diction for Nvbniidiii Today. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 2. Forecast for Thursday : Nebraska generally fair ; north wind" ; colder In western portions. For Iowa Generally fair ; northerly winds. For South Dakota Gcneraly fair and colder ; northerly winds. IloHtun Wool Market. BOSTON , Mass. , March 2. There was a slim demand for wool and sales of the week ) wcro ii.'JSS.-OO ' jiounds. Prices were very linn und unchanged. Bcecham's Pills cures bick headache. "Miss Helyctt , " to bo seen at Hoyd's now theater on Monday , Tuesday and Wednes day next , quaintly blends David Bolasco's crisp and witty comqdy with the gay inol- u"odiesof comic ope. . . . Audran's music ills hummed and whistled wherever heard. "Miss Helyctt" has' been successful every where. Many now and taking features hav \ been interpjlated , iii'cluding a topical song for the ( junker fattjcr. In the cast are Murk Smith , J. W. Herbert , George Lading , Ix > tta Nlcol Furst , Frttinlo Hall and Loulso 1-eslie-Cartcr , who personates the little Quaker maiden. Thdfo is the distinct nov elty offered at every 'performance of the famous Lottie Collins in her creation of "Ta- ra-ra-boom-de-ay , " which set all London talking and which 'all fashionable New York , Boston ami Chicago have been HockIng - Ing to see. The salu of scats will open at 0 o'clock tomorrow mgrijlng. The play which has boon constructed for Mr. Corbott's use answers well. It serves to show the pugilist to advantage in a csn ber of becoming costiltues , Including evening dress , training and ring costumes. Corbotl Is a man of handsome physique , rather graceful In his bearing and mo'tcst in his demeanor. The fourth and lifth 'acts Every EVJonth mtny women cuffcr from Excessive or Scant Menstruation ; they don't knov/ ' who to confide In to get proper advlco. Doa't confide in cnybody but try Bradfield's nSpsclRo Icr PAINFUL , PROFUSE , SCANTY , SUPPRESSED and IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. Book to "WOMAN" mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO , , Atlanta , Oa. BoM bj all DruL-iliti. of the piny called "Gentleman .lack" serve to show Corhett as ho appeared at his training quarters In I/och Arbor , nnd before the Ol.uiiplo club at Now Orlcnn * . Personally , the pugilist-actor makes a good Impression , p.trtti-ularly In his "lighting clothes , " and In his pretty work "punching the bag. " Tbli exercise makes somewhat clear the methods by which he defeated the herculean ex-champion. At the Farnnm Street theater two nights , Friday and Satur day , and Saturday matinee , March il and -I. Saturday matinee prices sumo as night. "A F.ilrKobel"Interpreted by Miss Fanny Glllett : , Mr. Edward H. Mawson and a largo cast ; , will be next week's attraction at the Farnant Street theater , four nights , be ginning next Sunday matinee , March 6. The story of "A Fair Hebcl" affords ample oppor tunity for the skillful blending of romance and dramatic Incident , and some remarkably correct I pictures In the civil war are the re : . The romantic lovcmaking of a yvouthful Yankee colonel and a southern beauty devoted tolho cause of her state and her father furnishes the theme upon which a most entertaining plot has tiecn con structed. Miss Fanny OIllott appears as the daughter of the sunny south , while Mr. Kd- ward K. Mawson fills the role of the northern colonel. A largo cast and an jiuundanco of scenic accessories contribute to the success of the play. Matlneo Wednesday , any scat In the house forM cents. The attraction at Uoyd's theater for the latter half of next week will bu It > bert II Graham , the singing comc'llan ' , In the musical comedy , "Ivirry the I < ord. " Mr. George L. Smith , advance representative of the company , Is In the city. IN COURT CIRCLES. PriiNprets or IpiotirliiK ; Slonry from C.V. . Mixlirr' * KMitlVM. United States Attorney linker still has hopes of completing negotiations with the friends of C. W. Mosher , by which the sum of ? ir > 0,000 will bo paid to prevent the send ing of Mosher to the penitentiary. Ho said today that the recent scare about tno dis covery of an additional $200.000 ol fraudulent paper was nothing new. The affairs of the incorporated company known ns the Western Manufacturing company ami those of the linn known as the "Western Manu facturing company" had been mixed up In the printed reports. Ho believes that the defunct bank will yet pan out from M ) to 100 cents on the dollar If the negotiations can bo completed , amrtbero appears to bo very gooit prospects that they will be carried through. Cldsril Up HlH UllHlllCHH. J Gabriel Guilder-son , ono of the proprietors of the planing mill nt Twenty-ninth street and the Belt Line tracks , has sued the First National bank and Sheriff Dennett In an ac tion to recover $1:1,000 : damages , which ho al leges rises from the fact of the bank having taken possession of nnd closed the factory. Court Calendar. The call for today Is as follows : LAW IIOOM NO. 2 JUIHir. SCOTT. 30-77 Omaha Printing company vs Oar- neau. 30-222 Krnst vs Stratum. 30-371 I'axton vs KKdon. 31-25 JciiM'ii vs Aiiili't-son. 31-32 First National bank vs E. M. Hulso company. 31-77 Lee. Clark Androscn Hardware com pany vs Morrison. .11-93 Johnson vs IVturson. 31-119 Ili-rnctt vs Cavanaush. 31 1-10 Kelly vs Do Uolwrls. 31-1H1 Clalllln .t Co. v.s Stonohtll. 31-101 I'helps v.s Homo 1'lro Iiidiiranco 31-2(10 1'rapoll vs Hocco. 3114 lloNti'ln VH Donss. 31-223 Talcott vs Stoiieliill. 31-20(5 ( Illaek vsStotielilll. j 31-200-Sliliu-y vs lilbson. 31-274 West v.s Omaha. 31-2'J'J iiermaiico vs Cu 31-320 Hodson vs Mayor. 81-333 Tiuniiin vs l.i'Wlt& Son. 31-3-10 llatnllii vs Splcglo. 31-340 .letter vs poster. 31-301 Sams vs Spl le. LAW IIOOM NO. 3 JUIKIU DAVIS 28-304 Hurko vsVav. . 2H-371 Hoay vs Murphy. 29-14'J I'nxton vo t'oolov- 29-19.1 C'relchton vs Hhurwood. 29-243 Hayes vs lllclt.s. 29-270 IINlap vh Midland Mlntni ; company. 29-357 Warner vs Omaha National bank. 20-360 Wood vsOnnlmTlnwuro Manufac- turliiB company. 30-ti Nebraska Land and Investment com pany vs Miner. 30-04 Mauley vs Clarke. 30-G7 Stnduliniin v Sullivan. 30-71 Walter A. Wood Manufacturing com pany v.s Mollne , Mllbiirn , StotWard t Co. 28-204 Anhoubcr Uuich Uiowlng absocla- tlon vs Thompson. LAW IIOOM NO. 4 JUDOi : KUIIQUSOM. 23-27 Etnersoii , Talcott k Co. vs llaiiua. 23-289 Ilillku v.s Hellmali. 11-290 Haiiicn vsOmaba Horse Ilnlltrny Co. 2413&.Icxel vs Sacltutt. 24-103 Ulbson vs lldll'iaun. 24-226 Anbul vs Umaha. 24-242 Seavcy vs Htecle. NATURAL FRUIT FL 'ORS. ' I Vanilla I Of perfect purity- Lemon t Of great strongth- | prango | Economy In their use. Flavor as delicately and deiiclausly ss the fresh fr i . A perfect insurance against theft or accident is the now famous BOW , the only bow f ring ) which cannot he pulled or wrenched from the case. Can only be had on cases containing this trade mark. ' MADBBY Keystone Watch Case Company , of Philadelphia. the oldest , largest , nnd most complete Watch Case factory in the world 1500 employees ; 2000 Watch Cases daily. One of its products U the celebrated ' Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases which arc just as good ns solid cases , and cost about one half less Sold by all jewelers , without extra charge for Non-pull-out bow. Ask for pamphlet , or send to the manufacturers. Or tJioI.ltinorlliilitt l'nltl\'oty Otirotl It can bo ulvcn In n cup of ojlfeoor tea or la fool without tlio kiiowlinleuof Ilio pntUiit. Itlinln-- lutely hrtruilu iin.l will uiTuct n pannmoiit mil nxji'dy euro , "liottur tliu ii.tttnni H n uu.lorua tlrlnkrr urnn nlculiullovrorlc. . ltd 14 linn uUa nln lliou .imli of cn ji iin.l In uvorInif.uo ) a pjrf jci euro linn fnllowu'l ' It uoror full Tin njrujii on co IniproKimteil with thoSpesltlr. It bjo Jiiu , n ullcr liiiiiumlbllltr f'ir ti ! ) II IIHK u.iJJtltl u utlit ( iOl.lll.'N.SI'KUll'IDOO. . 1'fjpi. Clnol riitl , U 4S'imiu buuk uf p.irtlculnn fro. I'jljjuil it Ktilin & Co 15ti ! uud Douitl.ii Uti. WllolaUo liy UlHko. llriico ii i.'o. . uuJ Ulainrj ! jn Urjz Uo . , umalin. NoD OUR EMPLOYMENT DEPT. white costing tiio omplovor nnd employee nothing. Ii a anubicd us to a.lvaiico tlio Inter- cstsot botb. and also our own. by noeunn { Iiotlorreiutts with tna niacblno. Wyckoff , Seaman & Benedict TELEPHONE UiJ. IHi I'AH i.ii 3 C 21-311 lmllcrvxNn < on jn-IU3 Swecrry v Htulit -.Ti-Utl ( limt VMdlbbon. U3--J43 ( KiliUK'lii vKdlllun and O'llilcn. Ul-1120 I.i-vl v Oninlia I.A\V IIDOM M ) , Ti.If till K ( X1UKX , J7-H11 ( letzi-hiimiiii v < W.votli. V8.8'JUndorniKid vs Sti-ln. VH-llf ) - lloiidoson vsSrliin-ldi'riinin. ! 2H-l'Jrt-Tili'krr vs onialiii Sirvct llnllwny coinpiiny , J.H.iG'JUnited States Natlomtl bank VN .tobiioon , ! 2t-173-Mc.\lco ) Vlni HrleU roinpany v Jobn- " ( in. in.Jrt240 l'l ln-rv t'nlon Xitllonal bunk. 28-304 Anlioiiii-r Iliiu-li llri'\vln roinpany vs'riiiiiiip-.iii. 'J8-l70-Niitlonal ! l.lfo tii'ttrniii'oroinpany vs Nor lcli Union I'lro Iniurancn i-oinpany. 28 203 lli'iulrlokson vs l\r-on. ; jiil'JNebraska : ; Mortuaso Loan eompany VN NlllllllllL' . UH.a.17 VVrleht vs , Incob < < . 'J'J-20 ' leaeli v.s Umaba Street Hallway com- piiny. S -5S-l arliy v Knlisht. 'JU-HH-lliirdniT vs Cliallnian. 1MOI ! ! Clarke vs Non-land. 20-141 Knlm vs Unuili.-i Diamond nnd ' Vt'ati-li eompany. i'J-15i ! : CuvniniiiKli .VTliomas v Kdncy. U'J107 MontKuiiiuiy vs Patrick Land eom pany. au-aOS-Mt-Ki'II vs I.pvlmrston. UOaaJ1'owell v.sSnutli Omaba. r.yUITV IIOOM NO. 0.Illlllli : IIOPIlWCMf. 'J8-M'J : Ilainptiiii vs , Tniio . r-yt-iTV IIOOM ? ; > ' . 7 .jfniin invisis. 30-135--Itiitoblnuon vs Um.ilia. MAKES ITSELF FELT the prcat , prlplnj ; , old-l'ashloiictl pill. Not only wlieii you taku It , lint 1111- plea ant , from llrst to last , and It only ylvcs you u llttlo temporary good. The things to tnko It3 idacc tire Dr. Piurce'9 Pleasant Pellets. Onu of these nt n do-so will regulate the whole system perfectly. They're tiny , sugar-coated granules , searci'ly lartrer limn nui tanl seed ? . They net in Nature's own way. No rcnction'nftunvurd. Their help lasts und they do permanent good. Consti pation , Indigestion , IJIllotH Attacks , Sicker or Bilious lluaduclics , nnd nil derange ments of the liver , stomach , nnd bowels are prevented , relieved , and cured. They're the cheapest for ' , they're guar anteed to give satisfaction or money is re turned. Nothing can bo "jiift us good. " BEWARE OF QUACKS AND FRAUDS WITHOUT DIPLOMAS ou > . rut ni orrpfjiHtrntlnii , Altniy * unit tn co tlii-lr cro- < lcntlHl/ < , Sec if tlii'V h it vo u right tn pnic- llciIn > otirnn- .Itn. tico II tliry ii ro prliirlpiiln n r in v rely IIKClltS. ( Ill to tinrrcurclcr'H DlllCU Illlll 8I'C U ilii-yuro i'C - Islcicil. Searies nit. r. I. . "HKI.l' ' : . ronsnU'nir Surgeon. Oriiduuto of Hmli Motlli-nl t'ollnjo. ( . ON- VluN ntl'M : ) . I'or the trnntinontot Wo euro Catarrh , All Diseases of tUo Noso. Throat. Chest , Slomnoh , Bowola nnd Livor. Blood , Shin null Kiilnoy Disease * , Fouuilo WonUuoHSos , Lo t MiinUood CUKKD. .J , K1STUI.A , FlPSintK , pormanontlj cural win out tlio iiso of knlfo , llu'nturu or cauitlc. Alt nmlndlc * of a prlvalo or ilcllcato imturJ , of I'lthcr sex , positively cureil. Cnll on or niMrcss. ivltli stamp for ClrcnlfrJ , troa Hook and It dpcs. Ur Qnirln- ' Xoirbs " " - " " " ' 1K" Ht- > ) oCilllw X 1)1. oUlllS . < , UMAIIA , Mit. Knit lloor to I'osumlca COUNCIL BLUFFS STE\M \ DYE WORK All kinds of Ilyplnc und Cloanlns done In shit highest style of tlio nrt. Kivlod mil tnlnoil ' fabrlc.s nuiilo to lotil ; as goo I as now , U'OIK promptly ( lone nn I dollvurol In all purls of the country. Send for nrlco list. C. A. HIACHAN , Proprietor. Ilrcudwnv. ueitr Northwustorn 'a ' ot , Cannot ! ItliitT * , [ n GO TO A Specialist If you are snirorlni ; " J'nlnt'iilsorior A' If you are sulTorlnv with cold In the he'id , cntarrh , earachi' , uuafnnis or dlsuhiir t's from the cars ; if you nru suirer.n ; ; with dlsni : esof the throat. DR. M. H. OHAWltliiRLIN Is a coinpulunt and rnllablospouiallst In ouiairii and dUo ises of the eve , unr and throat. OIHro over llono & Co.'s store , Council Illull's , Iowa If you rend this , you will not bo do colved Cued tiling * Iwvo nhruys boon t'oim t' . foiled und ImUtUod-nrUcloa merit-IIOTOP. Wo cautioned you lust wool' ngtiliiHt tlio Imitations of CAUTKU'.S UTTM' UVKlt TILLS. Nobody llko.1 to bo doiclvodco don't fofjrol ilio cnutlon tmk fur C'AHTBU'S LU'TLKMVKU PILLS , insist upon \\n\-lnx \ C-A-U-T-rMr-S. und * eo tlmt you get thorn. Don't foFjrot the cau tion --don't bo deceived. A I'OSITI VK CUHK ] i\ll SICK UK AD- ACHE , Small PHI Small Dose Small 1'rice "AteoiuTolyiiTB'BBstMadB,11 "A. DcIiclotiH Medicated Con- Cool Ion" for the rehtf of Coughs , n Colds , Hoarseness , Sere Throat , nnd O > fur clearing the voice. For sale by * "C5 nil Htuygists nnd Confectioners. C/3 1'ackcd in full two ounce packages , , - Trice 5 Cents. If you are unable to j procure the Pomona Cough Tablets ft ) from your dealer Vend us H cents in 3 stamps and receive a bo c by mail , p jfilude by the manufacturers of the celebrated Pomona Fruit Juice Tablets. DUQUETTE & 00 , , Council muffs , In. lmprovjTsifji7 : Eievahri J ga < sv _ > KIMBALL BROS. OMAHA OPriCK 1011 DOUUIjAH STUEET Cor. 9th St , and 11 Avo. Council IllulTs. it-lrw. 1'ruo- n the stuto nnd ( edur.'il courts. Kooins OJ-7-s-O - - - , Sbiignrt Council Illiiir . r-u OVIDE VIEW , Justice of the I'oacu - - 415 nrorl\viv : ; , Upstulra COLLECTION'S A SI'HCI A I/TV. Special BLUFH , 1I1UV Improvi'il rusMcneu property for dull whuu tlio price In low onunxli. H. ( J. McUco , 1U Mnln tt. A Iii lIlACTS unit lonui. Parm uirl olty prupertr -ii.ou [ tn unit sold. I'uior , v Thom.u , Council 111 ll Us. > 3 ACHKS2 > 4 nilloj from paitullli ] ; Inr a U OIUB barn nnil othur ImprovumoiU ; ripplus , gropa * iimlmiiull fruits ] for unto cheap. UrutumululiU , McholMin A Co. SKVKKAIj < 0-ncro trncls no > r city limits ! tins fruit land ; will soil ; worth tlio niouuy. Urcou- Blileld8L.Nicholson A Co. * 1U-ACIll ( ) { well Improved fnrm In Iowa at J2A. < 60 ncrra Improved S.'J. ( iunljii and fruit tnrm near Council Illiills , M ) . Splonill.l li'J-ncro fnrm nonr' ( ilcnwood , fM. Farms , cnrdeu and fruit lands for nalo. Jolinaton A Vnn I'.Hton. 17 ? Olt SALt.'ciioiiplf takenTomiTnS foot front on Oakland nvunue , H ft'ut front on Lincoln nvenuo. Also two lots In Wright's add. ( irvun < plik'hls. .Nicholson To. 61(1 ( ACU1SS In IlawDon county , Xub. , nt WM. UlO In Krontlur. t ; < .M. Improrod : i-'J ncros In Iluf- fulo county. tn.M. Rood Ilia throu mlloi from llloomlnxtiln , Franklin county , ft. IU/J othor' fnriue for anla. Johnnton .V Vnn I'littuu. lAHiAINS-ror ealc. 71) ) by 830 ft. on Franklla iJiivo. , 11,639. , ythi acres botwoan Flmt , it. ami Franklin uro. lcbt ! iihitllnB property In the city , IZJ.IWJ. ' 1 wo lotn oppoillo Third it. nchool , < I,5IJ. Ono lot In Wilson Terrace. fi(5U. ( Three lot ] cor. Mnln at. and 12th are. Host alti foi Implcmunt house In thu city , $7'iW. l.ouKei'A ' 1'oiYlUi 235 I'cnrl at. DO YOU want to rent your homo ? \Vo linvo tenantn who are wultliitf for It. Uroenshlold , Nicholson A < \ ) . _ _ GAHIIAH ) rcraoTcil. con poola. vnults , chimneys cleaned. Well prepared for the work. Uil Ilurku , city hulldlni ; . ITOIt BAI.K Full rc of tinners' tool" . Kooilcondi tion ; n bnrKnln. Iininlrn of llardwiiro Co. , Council Ululla OOVOUNd HOItSEH , ( tnndard bred on alro ildo ; ) nlAo Ouooct roshlunco lots In henandoall , Ia.t tooiclianiu for friim one-half to n Bi'ction ami a half of Innd within 125 mill's of Omaha. Will par dlllcrence In cash. Mi : t b ( rood land , tireon * a. MolioNon JtCo. . Comu-ll I'.lnllH , I/oil HKNT A modern brick house , with ntablc. -L If denlred. Dr. 10. 1. Wuoilbury , corner lllulf nnd Story ntrcets , STKN ( Olt.\rillll wanted ; miiHt bo experienced . .mil nlvo lolcrouco. Addroas U 27 , 11EK , Council Hinds. "T.y 1C. CJ.III5 , clairvoyant and fortune toiler. i'l. accurately reveals the most hidden secrets at the past ami future. ; lovo. nrmla u , business iilTalrH. rncllle homo. Council DluITs. _ wanted ; must bo oxpnrlcncca Onnil clvo rorcrcnce. Adilicsa F. J. ! > . , tUlh avo. , Council IllulTs. l/Oll UKNT At very reaxinublo rate , furnl hoct 1 rooms ; cooil location ; blull Blrect. Inqulro at Ilcuudlco. JT ife ff C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprlotor. Dyeing , Cleaning find I Gfinishing OF GOODd OF KV'lOHV DKSCUIPTION. Omaha odlco , Ki21 Farnnm St , To'.ophono ' 1W1. Council HitilTn olllco andvor S \vor ; cor. Avo. A and SiOth til. Tclcphono 310. SonU for irculars and prlco list. $ : oo High Grade Pneuma tic. $125-33 Ib. Road Racers. 12 years oxporioncnInrtfcst line of whcola in the wctt , too wholumilo or rottnl. Honnirli.j , ' dono. Wo can c.haiiKO your old Holld tire to n pnou- inatlc. Send for catalogue. COJJ3 & GOLB , Council Bluffs , In. Sole Agonta for Victor liicyclea