Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Attorney Eogon Btrnok Ganoral Oowin in
the Court Boom.
Olijcctoil to 1'njliiR'tlio lr w.vor Who Ait-
Tiincod Monry , Huvoil Him n fortune -
tune nml Wnltcit Ten Venn
fur Ilaiiiiinorntloii.
During the nftcrtioon session of the dis
trict court thcro was a play that hail not
been billed. Tlio case of John Avomlet
ngalnst.T. C. Cowln was on trial lu the
equity division. The testimony was nil In ,
when Judge Irvlno naked the contending
lawyers If they wanted to rnalco any argil-
tncnts , Mr. Cowln replied that ho was will
ing to leave the whole matter In the hands
of the court. J. W. lingers , who appeared
tor Avondot , stated that ho had n few words
to say. In reviewing the trans.ictlons and
the testimony ho took occasion to remark
that Cowln had bulldozed the old man into
giving him a mortgage. Mr. Cowln took ex
ceptions to the statement and replied that
whatever ho hnd ilono had been in the old
man's Interest to protect him from the
sharks who were trying to rob him of Ills
property , closing his remarks with , "If you
say that I tried to bulldoze , you nro n dirty
cur. "
Hogers , not belnc a man who would stand
nny such playful remarks , reached for
Cowin and caught him just below the left
eye with a right-hander. Tlio blow was not
n bcav'v one , but It was about to bo repeated ,
when Judge Irvine called the two men down
nnd assessed a $10 ilnu up against Mr.
bank account. Hoth of the uiuii
apologized , after which the court dissolved
the Injunction nnd decided that the Cowln
mortgage was n valid claim against the
property and that Mr. Cowln had a perfect
right to Institute foreclosure proceedings.
Some forty years ago John Avomlet , then
a young man , came to this city and by prac
ticing strict economy aecumuHted cUlto | a
fortune , which was Invested In property
that increased in value as the town took on
city airs anil extended Its limits. Avondot ,
being a foreigner and not fully understand
ing the ways of the land , was fat picking for
some of the sharps who were always hunt
ing for simps. Ten years ago ho fell into
the hands of some of thcso parties and for a
mere song some of his most valuable city
lots were transferred.
Ono bright morning a few years later ho
awoke to the realization that ho had been
cheated out of his own. In casting about for
aid and assistance ho came in contact with
John C. Cowin , to whom the case was stated.
Mr. Cowin took the matter under advise
ment and at the request of Avondot went in
to win. Suits were brought , and in the end ,
after advancing $1,000 of his own money , Mr.
Cowin succeeded in having the former
transfers set aside. The trial had cost
money , nnd in order to secure payment for
the money advanced Cowln took a mortgage
on ono of the lots for enough to cover the In
debtedness and the attorney fees.
Ten years passed away , and Cowin , feeling
that the debt should bo paid , commenced
foreclosure proceedings. It was then that
Avomlet showed his ingratitude. lie se
cured an injunction to restrain the fore
closure of the mortgage and the sale of the
property , alleging that thcro was no Indebt
edness and that the services had never been
rendered. On this showing the case went
into the courts.
Ilrutallty In llonncliip I'liKHeiigrrH Not Ap
proved by tint Cnurt.
The case of C. F. Hainan , n sewer con-
tractoriigalnst the old Omaha Horse Hall
way company is attracting considerable at
tention In Judge Ferguson's court , where
the plaintiff is seeking to recover the sum of
$5,000 on account of personal injuries which
lie alleges that ho sustained at the hands of
an agent of the company
In September , 18S8 , when horse cars were
upon all of the streets where the motors
now run back and forth , Hainan and a man
by tlio name of Fox were passengers on the
Cumlng street lino. The two men boarded
an castbound car at Thirty-sixth street. In
tending to como down town. After getting
into the car , so Hainan alleges , Fox went up
to the box nnd deposited a dime , paying two
fares. A few minutes later the driver pulled
his bell and intimated that Hainan had bet
ter contribute or got off and walk.
Human insisted that Fox had put up for
both , while the driver , Ed Kerrigan , claimed
that there wi's no truth in the statement ,
and that Hainan was trying to beat his way.
Hot words followed , which ended by Human
saying that lie would report Kerrigan. Ker
rigan told him to report and he'd a , that ho
know his business unit would carry no man
without ho pjid his faro or ( lashed a pass.
This playful remark brought on another war
of words , which eventually caused a row ,
from which Human came out second best.
Bruised and beaten and looking as though
ho had toyed with the business end of a pile-
driver , ho was put off the car to wend his
way to the olllcns of the company , where the !
conduct of the driver was reported.
Suit was brought In the district court and
after a tedious trial , which lasted several
days , the Jury returned a verdict finding for
the plaintiff and assessing his damages at 10
cents. Mr. Hainan was not satisllcd with
any 10 cent. Judgment nnd at once appealed
to the supreme court , alleging that the ver
dict of the Jury was contrary to law and
that the llndlng was not sustained by the
testimony. In commenting on the case the
Judges of the supreme oourt expressed the
opinion that , according to the testimony of
Kerrigan himself , the assault was most
brutal. The verdict was set aside and the
case remanded for a new trial lu this county.
.union HINT ; IIOMI : .
A I.Ittlo Too TciHiriint liven for n Mcxlrrii
Andrew Larson , a farmer from Bonnington ,
was the Juror who cludi'd a ballllT and went
homo instead of spending the night in the
jury room. Yesterday morning ho was in his
fenat to state that ho agreed with the find-
Jugs ol the other Jurors.Vben called be
fore Judge D.ivis to explain his conduct he !
remarked that ho did not know that it was
wrong to leave.
"You went home , did you ? " nslied the
Judge ,
, "Yali , " answered the man from Bcnnlng-
Instead of sending the fellow to the Jail.
Judge Davis took Judicial notice of the
ami. nut of ignorance possessed by the man
and simply remarked : "You may go homo
now , and you need not como back any more. "
COMMISSION" Mi.N : 1111 , ICCI ) ,
Advanced SHOO on Cattle Tlmt Did Not
i\ut. :
The case of the state against W. R. Theilo
is on trial in the criminal division of the
Distrust court. The charge is made that
some time ago the defendant went to Perry
Bros. , commission men at South Omaha , and
represented that lie was a member of the.
llrm of Woouward Bros. , residing in the
central part ot the state. Ho stated that lie
had a lot of steers which ho expected to ship
to the South Omaha market and to Perry
Bros. To help him along In buying feed , ho
wanted $ ; ! 00 until the cattle were sold. The
IVrrys swallowed the story and advanced
the money , but later they found out ttiat
Theilo was not a stoclunan and that ho was
not the owner of a single steer. This state
of affairs accounts for the present prosecu
iiitAci : or ri
Awarded Wl.flOO fern llrokcu Leg A Coin-
utliuliiii Alloui-cl.
\VJicn Igro Madscn sued the Omaha Street
J till way company she expected to recover
t ) ' . ' < > f ) ana comjMinii.itlon for the injuries BUS-
on uutsouiit of a broken leg , which she
( , ) , r * . ' ! | 'i > l wlillo rUiiif , ' on ono of
, * 4 f. vl < Mjt' * ' < r * Ttui cane WHS sub-
ff no. * it , HH > ttifjf TiH-Kiluy , and yesterday
v * . < . < ivr tl ' / / WIN rnltirmvl
, i , vi/.v Ht > i * i lit Denny against
fcr- * . , ' , * * ttu * < ! " ( ! brwiivlil t < > collect
* * . * < * Oirmiuu of a building on
tunitJ a verdict
yesterday , finding for the plaintiff nnd
nane-islng $ tr > 0 as the amount that he should
_ _ _ _ _ _
Court ( 'ulrnilitr.
The cell fgr today Kris follows :
r.\w IIOOM m 2-yuwiB BCOTT.
30-77 Oinnha 1'rlntlng company Onr-
HO-H3 Wrilln VH Caipor.
30-222 Emit VH Htratton.
80-284 Dunn VH Itocdor.
30 302 DJVOO vrf Wost.
30-32 Wlnipoar VH Griffin.
80 330 McCubo vs I'allon.
3i-347 ( Omaha National bank vsMcConnoll
30-371 1'axton VH Itlsdon.
30-300 Olseti vs Missouri 1'nclflc Railroad
81-25 .Ii'iispn vs Anderson.
31-32-l'lrst National bank vs E. M. llnlso
31-77 Leo. Clark Andrcsen Hardware com
pany vs MiirrNin.
31-03 Johnson v.s I'oturson.
31-100-Gulst vs Missouri I'aclflo Hallway
compiiny ,
31-110 llprnott
ni-14C-Kelly vs Do Koliurti.
31-184 Clalllln & Co. vs HtonHilll.
31-1'Jl 1'hclps VH Homo li'lro Insurance
31-200 Krapoll vs Kocco.
31-214-ltolstoln vs Irot.
31-223-Taleott vs ritonehlll.
28-304 lltirki ) VH Way.
2H-33U Mason vs South Omaha.
28-3.1:1 : Solrvo vs shvei-soy.
2H-371 Huiiy vs Murphy.
20-M'J 1'axton vs ConloV.
20105'rultrliton vs Shurwood.
20-213-1 layus vs I licks.
20-27(1 ( Illslap v.s Mlilliind Mining company.
20-3r > 7 Wnriiur vsOinalin National bank.
20-3(50 ( Wind vs Omaha Tinware .Man ufac-
turlng company.
30-0 Niibraikii Land and Iiivcstiiiunt com-
uany vs Minor.
30-01 Manloy vs C'larko.
30-07 Stadi'lmati vs Sullivan.
UO-71 WaltiT A. Wood .Manufacturing com
pany VH Mollnu , Mlllmrn , Stoddard & Co.
23-27 Emerson , Talentt & Co. vs Hanna.
232HOlilllko vs llollmitn.
11-2'JO llanii'ii vsOiiiuha Horse Hallway Co.
21-130 Zlttrfol vs.Saeki'tt.
24-103 Ulbson VH IlotrtuiUi.
24-220 Aabel v.s uniaha ,
24212Soavcy vs S trolo.
24-311 Si'linlfer V.s Nnson.
20-103 Swvivi-y v.s Stuht.
-211-(3ast v.s Olbbon.
20-243-ioldstuln ( VK Olllan and O'llrlon.
25-33 J llonsliiKur Sulf-addliiK company vs
I/AW IIOOM NO. 0 .iuixii ; OODDN.
27-311 OuUchmiinn vs Wroth.
2H-G2 UtidurHood v.s Stoln.
2U-110 Iliiiidioiun v.s S'olniL'Idcrinan.
2H-12H-rTuuUur vs Omiiliu Street Kallway
28-100 United States National bank vs
28-173 Mexico I'lro lltlck company vs John
28-210 K Nor vs Lowe.
2H-2IO I'lsher vs Union National bank.
2H-304 AnhousiT Iturch Itrewlng company
\sTlinmpMHi. '
28 i7'J ! National I.lfo Insurancocompany vs
Norwlc-li Union I'lre Insurance company.
2H-205 IliMidilcksun v.s Larson.
23-312 Nebraska Mortgage Loan company
vs NobllltiL' .
2H-337 WrlKht v.s .lacolM.
28-304 nully-Tmlu-Iduo Stove Manufactur-
Init company vs ( illibs.
20-2U Lunch vs Omaha Street Hallway com
20-34 Hanson vs Missouri Pacific Hallway
20-5H-larby ) vs Ktiluht.
20-HH-GaidiiiT vs C'liallman.
20-104-'larko vs Nuwland.
20-141 ICiilin vs Omaha Diamond and
Watch company.
20-103 ( 'nvamiUKh &Tlinmns vs Krtnoy.
20-107 Montguinury vt , Patrick Land com
20-208 McIColl vs Lovlnirston.
20-222 I'owell vs South Omaha.
31-65 Hampton Lumber company vs God-
31-00 Mr-Halo VH Lvman.
31-125 Snydur \Vontworth. .
31-103 Amos vsStubbs.
31-101 Muildtth Savings bank vs Spotts-
wood ,
r.ijutTv IIOOM NO. 7 juoui : IUVINIS.
30-100 Avondot vs Cowln.
IIAVDIN : uiius.
Sprrlnl Attractloi'm Kor Thursilny.
_ Liulies' 25o eashmcro lioso reduced to
Boys' heavy cotton lioso J2jc just half
price. *
Ladlos1 kid gloves in all the now
Navy blue , or blood and Elglish fans
only 81.00 each worth $1.50.
1 lot of ladies fanoy aprons only 23c
each ; ladies' white jurboy ribbed vests
only 25o worth 40o.
To those ladies who are luoky enough
to bo able to wear largo corsets , wo
have a bargain. The sizes of tills lot
run from 25 to 110 , any "corset in this
lot for TiOc tomorrowthoy are worth $1.00
to $2.f > 0 each.
From Colin and Harris stock.
Unluundried shirts 3'Jo ' , worth 50c.
Litco baek suspenders lOc , wort 50c.
Negligee shirts for 75c , worth $1.50.
Linen handkerchiefs lOc , worth 2oc.
British i hose worth 25e , go at 12Jc.
A larger , bettor and lower priced stock
of wallpaper than wo have over had is
now on sale.
Dry Goods and Wall Paper.
ArrnnccincntR vln , It. SS O.
For the second time since the civil war
a democratic president is to bo inaugur
ated at Washington : The Baltimore &
Ohio offers an unexcelled service ,
through limited buffet , vestibuled trains
with Pullman sleeping cars from St.
Louis and Chicago to Washington.
Excursion tickets will bo sold to Wash
ington and Baltimore at ono first-class
limited faro for the round trip February
28th to March lid , inclusive , good return
ing until March 8th , from all points
west of Parkersburg.
For maps and time tables , rates of
faro , and guide to Washington , call upon
any agent of the company , or address
O. P. MCCARTY , G. P. A. ,
Cincinnati , Ohio ,
or L. S. ALLEN , G. P. A. ,
Chicago , 111.
1,000 I'ulm l.mllou'H MuUo
Ladies' $11,00 fine shoes on sale
at 51.03 a pair. We put thebo line
shoos on tables in the center aisle
ut our Itith St. entrance. Sale
begins at 8:30 : a. m. If you want the
greatest bargain of your life bo on hand
"and get a pair of LUDLOW'5 line $11.00
shoes at $1.93. Every ono knows LUD-
LOW makes flno shoes for ladies and
\varrantsovory.palr. Wo liayo them in
sixes 2 } to 7 and widths AA to D. Come
early , they will go fast. It is a rare
ehunco to buy a pair of line siiocs cheap.
Every pair lias LUDLOW'S ' stamp on
the solos.
Dry goods a'nd shoos.
See Dentist Kolm , 4U AsU Barker blk
See the cOlobratcn Sohmer piano at
Ford i Chui'lton Miiblo Co. , 150S Dodge.
Low rate to North Galveston , Tex. ,
every Saturday. Apply to F. P. Wil
liams , Fifbt National bunk building.
Union Paciflo Man Ootnplatn of
Daspatlo Yardmistors. i >
12mlo.rt | < Al o Wuntn NBIT Syitoin of Com-
lulling Ovcrtlino II ikor , tlio Ci
Thlnf , Turneil St : t 'n Kvl-
dcnco In .Hunt iniii
Union Pacific switchmen have some griev
ances nnd a committee from the Switchmen's
Mutual Aid association , he idcd by George
Fanner , will have a conference to.lay with
General Manager Dickinson. Tlio Omah-i
men say they have little to complain of , hut
at some other points the switehmon accuse
the yardmasters of being arbitrary and
despotic , of laying them off from ten to
thirty days for trilling accidents that are
iwtur.illy charRcable to ordinary wear and
tear. There will also bo a dem.iud for a new
system of computing overtime , but the mat
ters at issue are s.ild to ho not vital. No
serious trouble is anticipated by the
oftlcials. but there may bo more In this
grievance than appeals on the surface.
Omaiia , Council UlufTa nnd South Omaha
each has a separate local union , but all work
practically as one union , and It Is claimed
that since organization wages have been
raised and conditions of working improved ,
that 7."i per cunt of the switchmen tire In the
union and more coining in every mcetlmr
night. Local leaders say they have no
Important grievance of tlii'ir own in sight ,
but that the principal work of their organiza
tion at this time Is to light against and pre
vent any encroachment of privileges , reduc
tion of wages and above all to stand llrm for
the right to organize without being sum
marily bounced for so doing.
Mlstlllien IclciiH Alioilt thn Union Tactile
Hrori't Ht'rUoo Correcti-il. ,
Mr. W. T. Canada , superintendent of the
special service of the Union Pacillc , has re
turned from his trip to Dillon , Mont. , iti
company with Haker , whom ho arrested in
Chicago for railing a case of cigars. Mr.
Canada docs not have the most profound
regard for Montana justice. Haker turned
state's evidence and was held in $1,000 ball
by the district Judge of Beaver Head county ,
while Night Yardmastcr Abraham of
Lyman , who is alleged to have
done the stealing , was _ Jicld in $500
ball to api > car March 18.
The evidence before the court showed that
one case of cigars was stolen , consisting of
sixty boxes , fifty of which Mr. Canada Is
able to account for , Baker sent a package
of clc\cu boxes to His mother in Chica'go and
marked the consignment , "Buffalo horns and
Indian trinkets. " But when the package got
to its destination only nine boxes showed up.
Mr. ICclly , who was propelling the
pump handle when Baker had
Ills interview with the Union
Pacillc ofllciiiis , asked the prisoner whore
the other two boxes went. With a twinkle
in his eye , Baker replied : "I suppose one of
your men cot them , " which raised a hearty
laugh among those in the attorney's oftlco.
"I wish you would disabuse the minds of
people that I am at the head of the detective
service of the Union Pacillc. " said Mr.
Canada to a Buc man. "There is no detec
tive service on our road , every man in the
service traveling on a mss which is
plainly marked 'special service. ' lie Is known
to everybody on the road , and there is no
'old sleuth' business about him. We tried
the detective service , but without much suc
cess. As it is now everybody assists us in
tracing lost goods , for that is our business ,
and nothing Is thought of It. It is purely a
branch of railtoad work that must bo done ,
and we go about it In a business way. "
HillhvayotcH. .
G. A. McNutt of the "Katy" is In the city
- trying to rustic business for bis line In con
junction with the Missouri Pacific.
The Burlington has made the quickest run
on record between Chicago and Denver , car
rying the Wilson-Barrett company special
from the World's fair city to the
Mountain city in twenty-seven and one-half
hours. The company loft Chicago Sunday
morning and arrived in Denver Monday
morning ten minutes ahead of schedule time.
Ilallroad onlcials are congratulating them
selves over the aiiti-scaluers bill passed in
the Montana legislature by a vote of 87 to
15. With the governor's signature the bill
becomes operative in sixty days from its
The Burlington city ofllco will move back
to its jjld quarters , 1U4 ! Farnam street , on
Wo are not surprised that people will not
take a now cough remedy , when they know
the value of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
Of Interest to Inventor * .
The American Newspaper Publishers'
association , of which this paper is a
member , has a standing offer of a gold
medal , valued at $ ,10.00 , to bo awarded
to any ono who invents any mechanical
device whereby the process of producing
newspapers is cheapened , or that will bo
in any way a benefit t"o publishers.
The secretary of the association at200
Potter building , Now York , will bo
pleased to correspond with any person
who has anything in this line to oiler.
The Now htutionory Store ,
Two doors south of postolllco , will open
today with a new and complete line of
ladies' bocioty stationery , commercial
stationery , olllco supplies , news and
periodicals. Will aim to keep constantly
in stock such goods as the trade demands
and hope to merit a share of your
patronage. T. I. IIUMULE ,
110 South loth St.
Tlio service offered by the Burling
ton's ' 1:50 : p. m. train for Denver is a per
fect combination of fast time , magnifi
cent equipment and smooth track.
The next time you go west take the
"four-fifty , " it'll land you in Denver at
7 a. in. sharp , on timo.
Ticket olllco. 1223Farnam st.
To Mobile , Aln.
On Monday , March 0 , my second ex
cursion will leave Council 13lulls for
Mobile , Ala. ( iOO.UOO acres of choice
farming and fruit growing lands along
the line of tlio Mobile & Ohio R. R. at
from $1.50 to $5.00 per aero. Stop over
privileges at all points south of Jackson ,
Tcnn. For further information and a
descriptive land folder call on or write
J. R. RICK ,
Room 201 Merriam Blcek ,
. Council Bluffs , lu.
Low Unto i\cur lin. (
My twelfth special exclusion to Hous
ton , Tex , , via tlio Santa Fo route , leaves
Omaha March 0 , 18'jt. ' : Addl-ebs R. C
Patterson , 425 Ramgo building , Oinnha
Contractor * .Muxt C'lmin Up.
The Board of Public Works has issuud an
order to contractors to remove from the
paved streets all dirt that has fallen fron
the dump wagons. This applies p.irtlcularli
only I'ure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum
iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
and every other man who is a judge
of good Tobacco , praises
No other smoking tobacco ever equaled the universal popularity of Bull Durham. For 25 years it has been the prime
favorite with veteran smokers in every walk in life. Sold everywhere.
Made only by BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO. , Durham , N. C.
o the contractors who are bringing nuisance
ots to grade. Farnnm street from Eight-
icnth west is in a bad condition and the
lirt will bo removed as soon as the frost Is
> ut.
nno Omiiluuif ) Are ( li-owlng 11 Hundred
Varli'lk'i ol Kimrs.
An association will bo formed in this city
vithin a short time , having for its object the
ncouragcmcnt of rose culture. G. W.
Mbbles of the Union Pacific railway and
V. G. Lipplncott , chief clerk of Uradstrcot's
Mercantile agency , arc the originators of the
novcmcnt and are at present busily engaged
n the work of preparation.
The organization will probably bo known
s the Omaha Amateur lioso club , but pio-
csslonal llorists will not bo allowed to com-
> otc for its prizes.
The promoters are enthusiastic upon the
ubject. They say thcro are many people
u the city who are willing to co-opcrato
vith them , and who can make a line and
aried display of roses at a public exhibition.
There nro'rcsidCnts of the -oily who have as
uany as 100 varieties W. I. Kierstcad being
unong them , and a considerable number liavo
Ifty and upwards.
It is probable that within , a month the first
ncoting of the organization will bo held. In
ho meantime all persons who desire to b o-
oino members should communicate with
Mr. Tribblcs or Mr. Lippincott and have
heir names enrolled.
Insist on getting Cook's Extra Dry Cham-
lagno if you want a pure article ; there are
10 headaches in it.
John I ) . Cowic , Formerly Munngcr of N , II.
Kalconcr'8 Store.
A telegram was received in this city yes-
crrtay announcing the death of John D.
3owio , who was for several years manager
of N. B. Falconer's store. On leaving Omaha
Mr. Cowlo went to Grand Island , where ho
went into business. Afterwards ho removed
, o Minneapolis , where he was conducting a
argo business enterprise at the time of his
Mr. Cowio had been for some years a suf-
'ercr from consumption and during the win
der had been traveling through the south In
; iopo of checking the progress of the
llseaso. Ho had started homo from the
[ lot Springs and reached St. Louis , where
icjwas taken worse and d ed at 0 o'clock
Tuesday evening. Ho leaves a wlfo and
live children at Minneapolis. His wife's
relatives reside in Omaha.
Wlillo on Trial Ho VVlia Thought to Ho
Frank Holly , the young man who was con
victed of forgery at the last term of court
mil sentenced to ono year , will bo given
mother chance to breathe the air of freedom ,
as ho has been pardoned by Governor
While in Jail nnd at the trial Holly worked
the insanity dodge , but ho was not success
ful , the court and jurors thinking that ho
was spreading it on. After going to the
penitentiary ho grow worse and a yloan bill
is the result of his efforts.
The Rugged Child
is largely an
p r o d u c b.
Fresh air
and exercise
usually pro
duce sound
appetite and
sound sleep.
Sickly chil
dren obtain
great benefit from
D _ _ _ -
of cod-liver oil with Hypo-
phosphites , a fat-food rapid
of assimilation and almost
as palatable as milk.
P.-.1 , . , | 1 SP..H AJI " NV _ Ailj driirci'L'
\YONDnriFui. .
W Offer Valuable Prlzet lor Id Solution !
llata You Had One ? If not , call at once upon the
Leading I'urnlshln ? Goods Dealers ol your
city nho uill > upply you Free ot Colt ,
Is if ib ?
It ought to be If you near a aj-cent collar ; for
this brand ol collars Is the very best value that
can be had for 5 cents.
Are those ignorant pretenders who ,
without any qualifications , any ability ,
any experience , any skill , claim to
possess the power to cure all the ills of
the human race. But tlioir want of
worth soon becomes apparent to their
would-bo dupes , and those conscionco-
lessquacks ara soon consigned to the
oblivion they so richly merit.
In stranja and strong contrastwith
thcso miserable boasters is the quiet ,
dignified yet courteous demeanor of
hose noted Isadora of their profession ,
Who , during1 the past 27 years , have
abundantly demonstrated their ability
to effect speedy , perfect and permanent
cures in all the worst forms of these delicate -
icato sexual maladies embraced within
the general terms of
Soml 4 cents for their illustrated now
book of 120 pages , "Know Thysolf. "
Consultation froe. Call upon or ad-
dress , with stamp ,
119 S , 14th Street , '
Cor. Douglas St' ,
Is \umdurtuHv skillful nrop-
nratlon of OXVUliN - u do-
lUlilful truntmcnt for Ilron-
cliltls. Asthinii , Cliionlo
Coiuhs , Consumption. Hcal-j
ncliu undNorvoim I'ro-itriitlnn.
For UATAItHII hu Una Sl'B-
CIAI. Aixn.iAiii ( ; . us iioco
seated Catarrh Is vuuv on-
Try his solont do 1'roath'nr OKNKIIATOII.
treatment It'd wondoru ) , swift anil suru ,
"Oxygen Book" and 4 Trials Frool
Suite JUU Shooly tfldj ; , Omaha
A medical work that telh the cnu e ,
thocffii'ts , | > olutsllieriirieil } ' . biluutlfl'rolly Ihc
iiKwt valuable , urcl.llcally the mint licnullful
medical liuulc ctcr pulilUheili V < lugrn , vrtry
) > aRu ucarlnK almlMono Illuktratlnii lit tints.
mibjectf trcatc'l t Ncrvou * Debility , Impnteiicj ,
Sierllllv , Development. VarUrxelo , Tuo HUB-
band , Tliosa lutendlnit Marriage , etc.
Kvtry man who trouM tumi- the Oi nnct Trvtlti ,
the i'lutn t'ncts. the Ohl Sfmti anilKtw Uii-
cm-eri'aaftliiHcnl frltnef at ari'Hfil la Har
rteil Life , tcha iroud * alone for fntt fjUIti
mi atviilfuturrtiltfalli , rtiovlititrlte fur
oxDxnrui. UTTLK iiooK.
It will bo cant free , under f i nl , while the eill
lion Iniln. Address tlio | itbJUli ) ( ri > ,
Eltli : MiiIOAI : < CO. , llu uln , N.V.
while costing the employer rind employee
iiuthlirx. h s onulilud 119 to uclvancu the Intor-
cstsuf dothan'l ulso our own , by souurliu
better renuttH with tlia miub nu.
Wyckoff , Seaman & Benedict
TELEl'UONE mi UU I'Att < A .1 31'
. ,
Tin :
ENAMELED LINKS on y ur cuffs are not only
the proper thing as to style , but comfort inducers -
ers , such as no other cuff button is. We have just
received some very late designs in rings and
scarf pins. Cuff buttons in every style.
tGpleasure in announc- " *
.to our fritencls and patrons
that JProf. HirschbGrg has con
sented by special request to re
main \vlth us one weelz longer
this time , and can be consulted
at our store every day until
March the 4th inclusive.
MA.X. MBYBK & 33RO. Co.
1816 Doulas Omaha , Neb.
The eminent apoclnllst In nervmn. chronic , prlvntj , biped , akin n.lurlniir < " ' A racuUr n menicmo. n < llplora nd oortltlo to lioir. li with tli3 ; gromtojt o-
reis cntnrrh. lost mnnhood samlnsl woikuou , nUht los omn.l all larmt of prlir itJ ilHaiiui No miroJ-
rru.od. Now treatment for lo of vltil pswor. farllot unable to TlJlt mo mir bJ troUoJ " ' ' ' ? " ! ? bJ
corraipondunco. Modlelno or lu.trmnonts soul by mill or oxprait soajfjlv piotJJ , no mu tx > InUlo
. . Oiniultitloafrji. nornipinla lontrlotlr prlraU
onopBrJjn llnt.rfljwprirdrrul (
UooMMjriterloiotLUe lontlroo. oaicjliour J .ni. to p.m. aunliyalDa.ui. toUnt. i nJitiniptor.
GW. Williamson , M.D ,
Ifiomretnlferlnitfrom injuif Ilio fnlli ( ln illmtnti to
notdcipilr , Imtconioll , ptrtomll/trb/mll , Ibo
t r huw ICIIIK HtuiulliiK. Sexual < lU < inlera
vrrinuiu-iitly mill quickly ciirnl. I'lliM , PU-
tuliiiinil Ilrrlnl I'lrcrs curcil without pain
ar < ! rt < ! iitoiirr ! mliuRlnrfiH. llydrcirclo.Viir-
lcnrc-l < t nnd Vurlvono t'lrcru cured promptly.
HyplilllH completely reimm-il from the fcyn-
tnn liv our Intent niul Imprmcd te ( ; tulilo
ri-mcillcH t olio-tent li the rout of u Miort
\l lt to Ilia Hot Kprliifrii. Curett permanent.
AilUre free. Hcml BoBtaiupforpartlcultira.
TreatincntJ > V Blall.
T heBest Truss Made
HernusoltsiipuarH tlio abdnino i nnd com-
nreiSCH the riipturp so M to brliiu Ilio lirokeri
iinrls tosutlmr aid ; olToutu cure. I'rlviito room
for llttliiK tnibsoa. haly In uttundunoo for
lutly ciiiiomura.
Surgical liibtruniontB nnd Mudli-ul Suniil o
111 tf. 15tli Hi. , not ! I'ostolll.'o.
. . , ' '
iMPAlic .u.t
l ;
( ho .toin .iili rainl IA. II. , I url
, Ir Uio bluixl. Lrauxiu iuul > Utl-ali.
Iba Iwrt int < Uk.iiiuiEiiuwaor kllktLr-
Ilium , euiiirtlrallvii , d * l'.ln. foulj
bnalh , h a < > a < h * , , lou cf o
le. i ( . < nuil il | irn l"U , | uiliifulo
un , | > liuple < . willutf r.uml.i
Impurn Uuod.or n Jlure 1 } Oi 'U-iiiaj ! i , llriri. Ir
iMllun tojwrfonn lrietr.roiii | funeUi4u f ' "i
imtn K > oT rfcatliw roUntirH llijr Uktnf on uur ?
Stttchmeal. I'rtwl'j mall , lirr M.Hi uauIvi.l.c. J
2 KU'ANSClllMfCAl0..1cepnicebt..NcwVorV J
IS a work ot / reference for tlio
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It is twenty years later than any of It *
competitors , and is really a new work.
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ones incorporated. The type is clear
anil of a beautiful cut ; the numerous
illustrations are icinarkably fine ; and
the maps shuw not only all the countries
of the globe , but also all the States and
Territories of the United States. I
In ten volumes. A valuable and
extremely cheap set of books.
I'ricc , perseJ , in cloth binding , gjo.oo ;
sheep , J5x"- ( > ; alf morocco , 8 5.00. i
Twenty-four page illustrated circulat
sent to any address on application.
I'or ulc b/ nil llonkicllcri , or will be tent by th *
Publiilicri , free uf opcnie , on receipt cf price ,
715 and 717 Market St. ,