ft TT1K OMAHA DAILY THURSDAY. MARCH 2. IfiM. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Defeat of the Anti-Options Bill llatl Little Effect. NO INTEREST IN THE WHEAT MARKET Inlo Iti tlio Somlou ot tlio Hoard Seine Btrougth Developed In Tliiit Cerent but no inlliu > ln > mVni Mniilfc tetl. CHICAOO , 111. , Mnrcli l.-llullettni of tlio progress of tlio iintl-optloii llRht wcro con stantly posted on 'change toilay mid tlio crowd BiirroundliiK tlicin wai lighter UUMI tlio crowd in tlio nheat pit. Tlio defeat of tlio bill seemed to bo expected so Kcnerally that tlio announce- nrnt of tlio final vole near tboclo o of tlio fusion produced only 11 fractional npwnrd ( liittcr In prices from tlio bottom ( Inure of tlio day. .Meanwhile trade had been dull. Compared wllh last , nluht wheat Is 1i loxrer , com Uc and outs ! ( c. I'rovl.slnns show .slight gains for pork , 1'Jiic for lard tinil So for ribs. Tlio wheat ninrkct XV.IH a waiting one , oper- ntors beliitf Indisposed to trade heavily , nwliij : to tlio uncertainty refjardliiK tlio notion of congress. When tbo wxvs arrived tbnt tlio bill bnd boon defeated tin ) market shoxu-d strength , tml fulled to create much ciilliiyil- iism. Ili'sldcs tlio null-option bill there was moro than tlio usual number of bad crop re ports fiout nenily all parts of tbo winter wheat ivicloiiM , particularly from Illinois tind northwesl. teirllory. These reports weio aln > accompanied In many Instances by buying orders. At the opening considerable imeel - Inncoiis Milling XVIIM liulttlgid In , ami prices after ! { c advaiico declined he. On tlio break * there was buying by partli-i credited with representing I ( ID | i > ndlni : holders. Tlio corn mm Ui't was dull and narrow and for the most pait It was Influenced by puts and calls. Prices kept within Uo ot last night's closing. In oats what llttlo business was done was by shorts , principally In tlio way of buying to cover Changes In quotations did not iiel be yond ' ( ( ranee. Theiu a a fairly good trade in provisions , mid nftiT i iillnn weak fora tlmo Improved and became < | iiltu .steady. Itccelpts of bogs were heavier than yesterday s es timates mid the price at the yards was some what lower. The ( 'udahy I'arulns company came In as hnvcrsoti the drcllnoand liudtomo Inlliienco on the crowd who were short. Kstlmated lecelpls for tomorrow : AMieat , 400 cars ; corn , ICiO cars ; oats , ItiO cars , ! hogs. Sil.OUOIiciul. Tlio leading futures ranged as follows : JtliriCI.ITH. ci.o.sr : . vr-s'v. XVIiont No V March. . . 73 73H May ? ; < July " 15ft Corn No. 3 Mnrcli. . . . KM KK < < 0 II July CM < .No. 2 March . . . 80 TO Mny Mom I'ork May 18 K 13 20 IS 33X I.nrd Mny 12 72H 19 ! > 2M 13 65 13 75 July 11 fii II UJ II M 11 ia\i Sent 11 371 $ II 70 II OIK 11 37.4 Short Klbs- Mny 10 10 10 25 10 10 IU 20 10 IS ( 'nsh ciuolntlons were as follows : KI.OUIIDull : jirlces barely steady : winter patents , } : UiO < 3-l.OO ; xvlntcr straights , $ : i.2 ( ) @ 11.35 ; sptlng patents , 83.VMM.H ) : sprint ; straights , J2.50ft3.00 : bakers , S2.f W.2.25. WHEAT No. 2 spring , 72'.5 < ti 72He ; No. 3 Jpring. 67WOc. ; No. 2 red , 72H72e. COIIN hotter ; No. 2 40eNo. ; 3 , cash , 3GJc ; No. 3 yellow , 37c. OATH No. 2. : iO30 > No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 54He ; No. 3 wblte , f. o. 3133Jie. KYH-NO , 2 , GOlic. HAHI.UY No. 2 , 02c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 40S68c ; No. 4 , f. o , t ) . . 38fit45c. FLAX SKHD-NO. l.jt.21. TIMOTHY Hum * Prime , $4.44. 1'OIIK Mess , per bill. , ? 18.17'/t&18.20 ; lard per 100 Ibs. , Jl2.aOai2.85 ; hbort ribs sides. llooM * ) 710.2(1 ( ; dry salted shoulders , ( boxed , ) f9.76rap.87H ; short clear sides ( boxed ; , J10.GO G10.G5. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per sal. , U.17. SUOAIIR Unchanged : cut loaf , Bi < JJC5 ? c ; granulated , G'c ; standard "A , " Oe. The following xvero tlio receipts and ship ments for today : Omaha ( Iniln Market. Tlia following prices are for dellx-ery at Mississippi river points : WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 70o bid ; No. 2 bard , C2 < : bid , OATS No. 2 white , 32 { c bid ; No. 3 xvblto , D2Hc bid. CoiiN-No. 2casb , 37ebld ; No. 2 Jlarcb , 38c nsucd ; No. 3 or better , March , 37e bid , ! 18c asked ; No. 3 or better , last half of April , 38c bhl , 3'Jc asked ; No. 3 or better xvhltc , 37c bid D'Jc asked. AniotiK the sail's xvcro tbo folloix-liiK : 30 cars No. 3 or better corn , Toledo terms , March shipment , 37c. IIOAIII ) HHIF.l-3. J. Wllbors of 1'erclvul , In. , xvas among the visitors on tlieboaid. The property committee ( solacing the Hoard ot Trade building In Kood shape. A. 0. Allen , lepret-entlni : Hall & liobln on grain buyers of Kansas City , l.s spcndlni : a fex\ \ days In tbo city. Now York NEXV YOIIK. March I. I < 'i.oim Hccolnts , 43 , . 700 pkRs. ; eximrts , 2,351 bbls. , BOO sacks Miles , 1O.200 pkgs. . ; market unsettled am ( inlet. HAIII.KV Dull , ( Inni xvestein , G080c. lUni.EV MALT Quiet , steady ; western , G5O W'IIKAT ItocelnlK , 13,000 bu. : exports , 70,000 bu < ; sales , 0,525.000 bu. futures , 152,000 bu hpots. Spot market lower , xrllli options moro actlvo for exports , closing llrm ; No. 2 red , In More and elevator , 704'c ; alloat , 77Ji678c ( ? : f. o. b. . 77U&70c ; No. 1 northern , 83jiU83i.c No. 1 hard , 8Hc ; No. a northern , 82 > iij ( HWiC. Options xvero moro active and openet weak , declined Jc on largo ilellyciles on con tract , xveak cables and loxxurChrcagii ; was dul and Irregular as Inlluenci'd by the nnti-optloi bill li'glslatlon ; advanced U < ii ? c on dlspatche from WashliiKlon , closing steady at iV ® ! under yesterday ; No. 2ied , .Maieli , 7070Jie closing at7 ' ( e ; April , 77K77 fe. clo.slngai 7754c ; May. 78li4t70 3-lOc. closing at 78'ie .lime , 7UMtt704C ( ? , closing at 70Juj July , 80) ) aatl'ic , closing at 80 iC. COIIN Kcci'lpls l.GOO bn. , exports , 17,208 till , ; sales , ! )45l)0 ) ) ( ) bu. futures , 35,000 bu. spot Hiiots llrni.dull : No. 2. Hl &Ka Inidex'ator B2Uc alloat ; ungraded mixed , 53Q53UC steamer mixed , 5151ic ! . . ; . . No. 3 , GOe. Op lions were lull -.n. - , . . , . . . . ' ' ; generally llrm all day will Hi e clo o steady at yesterday's prices ; March 51 , e ; May , BtkftSOUc , closing at 50e ! ; July GOOATS ( , closing at 50Vjc. OATS Hccelpts , G9.3Hi ( hn. ; exports , 315 bu. : sahis , filMMH ) bu. futures , 40,000 bu. snot Spots llrm , dull : options iinlet ; .March , 37 .c May , 37 ? , 37Sic , closlngtit 3714c ; July. 37c kpol , No. 2 while , 41 < 241 < fc ; No. 2 Chicago 8Hic ? ; No. 3 , H7c ; No. 3 xvlilte , 40i4c : int.xei western , 38 3l'5e ! ' ; white xvoslern. 4K345'tc ( ! IIAV-Qulel. llrm : shipping , J7.OtS7.60 ; gooi to choice. * 7.50 < ! J8 , fiO , 1118 1)1111 , xveak : common to choice. 20 ® 23c ; I'acJIIc coast , loa'J3c. lllDKHKalrly active , steady. 1'iipvisio.NS flit meats , dull and easy pick ed bellies , llc ) ; middles , quiet , llrm J.ard , quiet , closed Him ; xvcstern steam closci nt < 13 ; sales , 1100 tierces at * l2.oali.05 : Opt Ions ( inli't ; May. $13 ; July , f 12.20. I'ork quiet but steady. HUTTun Hotter demand , steady. I'liKESK Moderate demand , steady ; par Kklms , 44101 > C. Kuan 1'alr demand , Qrmcr ; xvcsturn fresli TAI.LOXXQuiet , steady. COTTONSEED On , Dull , nominal ; crude 48c ; yclloxv. G7WCOC. rETiioi.EUM There xvas some Interest 1 the oil certificates today , but no other buy Ing was develoa | d , and while prices xxer pushed tea hlght-r llgui-u than ox-erbcforoat tallied , It was not maintained and the clos was weak at the decline. The opening strong at IH'iC , and 00\e was touched , but th price retired to ( Ho. at the clone , the tratlln being unusually lightonly 25,000 bbls. cluing Ing hands. This record of business xvas ex ceeded at thi ) Block exchange , where a strong opening at GG'ic , was followed by an advaiico to GOJic. The close showed a slight COIUH-S-- Mou at GDHc. Thu sales amounted to 2U.OOO bbls. HOSIN Onlot , llrmer ; strained comnion tote good. tl,4G1.47i. ! TunrKNTiSE I'lrmer , nt 34iiQ3Gc. HICK I'lrm , , ctlve. Mou ssurt Nexv Orleans open kettle , good to choice , actlvo. llrm. HuiiAii-Steadyi rellned. quiet , steady. tea I'm IrtoN'-ftimdy , dull ; American , (12.76 -a 1G.60. Cori'Kit Quiet , easy ; lake , * 11.85. LEAH Dull , htcady ; domestic , J3.03. TIN Quiet , Urm ; Straits , (20.40. Mnuclifiitrr Coininrrrlal Uovloir , MA.VCIIKKTKII. Jlnrch 1. The ( Jiiurdliin. In Its commercial article , says : lluslncss Is dluilnu- tlTe. Thu long stoppage of spindles has dis organized the trade. There U no Increase In the duinaml that will enable manufactured > - tueir own yarn to wake satisfactory rogrrits. Thrri ) Is a niimll Inflow nf biulnp . , nosily for t nil uilf * The bnslnoss for China H confined to goods iiadu from cheaply iKiuph otlon , on nhlch Rfllers are content to recelvn small advatii-e. Hotith America cotnplrxlns f dlllC'ultjr In obtaining the various kind.s of oods their trade requires. This Is IlkMy to ciuiltln the extension of the bunlncss of local miintiicturers. Omnlm 1'rodiirtt Alarkct. There win not. much change In the general tttlatlmi today. Kugcro lower and the eellng weak. Poultry IN slow , but It U hardly ate enough In the week to expect It to move iry ; frrcly. Ai'i'l.vs-Htooknaro held at } 3.60iJ .00 for air to choice ( .lock , KANAKAS Quoted at f2.0i > it'.50 ! per bunch HISA.VBChoice navy , 12.45. ilin-rnu Common packing stock , which con- lltulcx tlio great bulk of the receipts now ar- Ivlng , Mo. ' at loai8c. 1'alrlo good country oil , IBa'jOo. A few tales of small lots of xi ra choice country roll Bell to the retail rade ut'JUUUSi * . CAMTOIIMA CAiniAdi : 1'cr Ib. , 2yc. Cii : IHV : Per do40c. . CiiANlir.miiis : Hell and bugle , 810.50 ; Jcr- FCV fnuo Co < l , J'J.50. ftiKH Tliu nia.lorlly of the sales were ro- mrted at 14c , ami there \\oro reports ot sales .s low as l.'lc. The receipts aie iiultn liberal , mil dealers generally appear disposed to push ales , thus Indicating that they do not have iiuch confidence of any llrmer prices at least. tlllAl'K I'lll'IT-l'lT box , * 1.00. ( AMU The receipts are extremely light. , ilallaid ducks , 43.60 ; teal and mixed , (2 ; mall geese , (1.00 4.6(1 ( : Canada ieese , (0.00 ® ' .60 ; small rabbits , * 1.25 ; Jacks , * 3.60. HAY The best would only bring JO , and S'o. 2 w as offered at J5.60. IIiBi's-No. 1 gii-cn , 3'ic ; No. 1 green salted. 4 e : No. 2 green called , 3fc ! ; No. 1 preen Milled , 25 toin His. , 4'fc ; No. 2 green salted , -5 lo 40 Ills. , 3' < e ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibi. , 7"c ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 to 16 Ibs. , 5Ji ( : : No. I Iry Hint , 150,7'ic ; No. 2 dry Hint , 4'i&r ' > Hu ; o. 1 Iry salted , WfOcj part cured hldc.4 ii percent > cr p.iiiml less tlan : fully cured. HuMiYChoice to fancy whlto clover , 18 ® JOc ; fair to good , 1GJ118C LKMON.s-ChoIce , M.oii ; fancy. $4. MAI.AC.A OHAIT.S-UI od shipping stock , J8.50. Ni\v : ViiKTAiii.is : ( : Li'iturt' , radishes anil larslev , 45r per do/ ; green onions 400. NITS Large hickory , ' J1.6U : Ulack walnuts , .oof'i.2r. . ONIONS Hnmo grown , J4 per bbl ; Spanish uer crate , ! 'J. OitANUKS 1'lorlda fancy , per bov , J3.60 ; flvij o ten box lol.s , f3,25 ; russotts , J3.00 ; Mexican orange * , single boxes , (3.25 ; Ilvo o ten helots , { 3 ; California mountain ranges , t'J.GI ) ; navels , $1. OVSTKIIS Oysters are being offered at 1C ® 8c per ran. which Is a reduction of 4c percan. POIT.THY The general market Is very quiet , especially so on turkeys. Chickens , 8ft9c ; urkeys , 107ti2'ic ' : geese anil ducks , ll12o ; Ive chickens , 7'i 8c. I'OTATOIW Western Nebraska stock Is quoted nt. 85c : Utah and Colorado , 95cSil. 10 : choice mtue. TSjSHOc. HWKBT POT.VTOKS There anl : tow In the naikut which are selling at $4,51) . TAMIIIIINIS : : In half boves. i3.00. ViiAK-ClioIco and small fat veals , 79c ; large and thin , 3 .St. Louis Markets. iT. Loins , Mo. , March 1. FLonn De- TOSMM ! xvlth wheat but unchanged. Patents , $3.40 ( 3.50 : extra fancy. J3.00a3.10. WHEAT Itroko another record today , May selling for 70c at thoelosc , though atone tlmo t xvus doxvn to 09'jC , but It reacted and closed Me above iho boltom. The xveather and all ither noxvs xvas bearish , even the taking up of ho null-option bill coming In too late for Inal defeat to alTect prices. No. 2 cash , lo erGO'ac ; ; April , G8Kc ; May , GOU700c , closing , 70c : July , 71 ? c. Con.v Lacked interest and lost ! 6 © > fc very quickly , tallied xvlth wheat and closed near yi'stoiday's llzurus. No. 2 cash , loxver , 3Gtc ; Slay , 3Uc asked ; July. 40ic ! bid. OATS Very dull , loxver ; No. 2 cash , 32c ; May , 32'ic. KYI : Quiet and ( Inn ; unchanged , HAIIMJV Quiet and llrm ; unchanged. HAY-Dulf. FI.AX Siii-lllgher : at 81.20. ( i.o\T.u-10.GO. Ilurruit rneliangcd : choice separator creamery , 24&2Gc : dairy 24ffi25c. Kiids Unchanged at 15c. I.iKAi > Weak ; ? 3 asked ; spelter , $4. I'oitN MIAIJ : Weak. il.xddiMi AND COTTON Tins Unchanged , WHISKY Unchanged tit $1.17. I'IIDVIHIONS Llttlo doing In routrl lots ; pork , old , tlD.fiO ; nexv , J10.2G ; lard , * 12.02'/i ; others unchanged. HUCKH'TS Kmur , 4,000 bbls. ; xvhcat , 18,000 bu. ; corn , 103,000 bu. ; oats , 30,000 bu. ; rye , none : barley , none. Siui'MKNTS Flour , 0,000 bbls. ; xvheat , 0,000 bu.scorn , 150,000 bu. : oats , 11,000 bu. ; rye , 2,000 liu. ; barley , 2,000 bu. Wool , Itecelpt.s , 30,200 bu. : shipments , 10,000 Ibs- . ; market unchanged and llrm. llnxliicHH Changes , The following lira reported-at - Hradstrcet's : Inheldcr , t Son , 1'lerce , Neb. , hardxvaro , suc ceeded by Inhcldcr& Schrlover. W. O. I'arkor. HoynoliN , Neb. , general store , succeeded by I'arkor St Hunt. M. Long , Carlcton , Neb. , general store , sold out. Maloney Sc Page , Ivcno.v , la. , boots , shoes and groceries , sold out. J. A.'MrlCee. fainbrlilge , la. , meat market succeeded by Larson it rueiiunti , Ilertha Miller , Cherokee , la. , groceries , suc ceeded by William. ) . Hunter. lluena Vista County bank , Storm Lake , suc ceeded by lluena Vista State bank. L. Crouch , Modulo , la , , saloon , sold out. The following are reported at Dun's : CJeorgo Hazel , lleatrlce , Neb. , restaurant , sold out. .1. A. Dcsh&Cn. Uroto , Neb. , clothing , mov ing to I'rlend , Neb. Saup & llerblg , ICcarnev , Neb. , cigars , etc. , succeeded by J. ! > ' . "S. " Cook-Halloy CJrocery company , Lincoln , Neb. , retail giocerles , will discontinue. J. llullock& Co. , Hljipay , la. , general store , succeeded by " 11. " & Kramer. V. G. Lincoln , Vllllsca , la. , fancy goods , sold out. KIIOS.IK City .Marknts. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , March 1. WIIHAT About steady ; No. 2 hard , G2&G3"c ! ; No. 2 red , GOflGOHc. COIIN In fair demand ; No. 2 , mixed , 33 ® 3H'/c : No. 2 white , 3434Hc. OATS Very slow Mid weak ; No. 2 mixed , 28& < a29'ic ; No. white. 30V5fl31c. ItVK-Steady ; No. 2 , 62c. Kiiv.SKIU , : yteady at.S1.081.10. HiiAS I'lrm at G4diG5c. IlAY-Dull ; timothy , $7.0038.50 ; pralrlo , JG.OOffJO.50. HtiTTEii Light demand and dull ; creamery , 21Q27c ; dairy. 1019c. Kens Klrm at 14c. KKOKil'TS Wheat , 98,000 bu. ; corn , 12,000 bit. ; oats , 1,300 1m. Snii'MKNTS Wheat , 8,700 bu. ; corn , 2,000 bu. ; oats , none. Liverpool Market ! . , March 1. WIIIAT : Quiet ; hold ers oer reely ; No. 1 California , Gs Hjd'tfOs 2 > Jd pur cental ; No. 2 red winter , 5s 7idii5s ! ( Hd. ! Cons Quiet ; holders offer freely ; mixed western , old , 4s Cd per cental ; mixed western , new , 4s ll'jd. STOCK of HiiKAnsTirrrq Flour , 250,000 sacks : wheat , 3,143,000 centals ; corn , 120,000 centals , HACON Long and short clear , 55 Ibs. , B2a perewt ; longclear,45 Ibs. , 53s. LAUD I'rlinu western , 02s perewt. CIIKKSK American linest , whlto and colored , 55s Gd per cwt. i : St'i tTS 24s Oil per cwt. Cotton Market. NEW Om.riANS , La. , March 1. Quiet ; good middling , U 6-10c ; middling , 8 16-lGc ; low middling. 8 ll-10c ; good ordinary , 8 B-lGc ; not receipts , 1.83H bales ; gross , 2,100 bales ; exports to Krance ,4,248 bales ; to the conti nent , 0,005 bales ; sales , 000 bales ; stock , 325.178 bales. I'uturcssteady sales , 750,500 bales ; March , * 7.85 < 38.00 : April , (8.80 ; May , (8.93I&8.94 ; June. S8.81M28.90 : August , * 'J.04 tt9.00 ; September. (8.83 bid ; October , (8.73 bid ; November , (0.80. Milwaukee ( iniln .Market. MILWAUKEE. WIs. , March 1. WHEAT Qulot ; May. 074C ; No. 2 sprlntr. Otic. COHN Quiet ; No. 2 , 37'ie. OATS-Qulet ; No , 2 whlto. 34JJC ! No. 3 llAUI.EV 02c. UYK-55C. L'orTeo Market. NEW YOIIK , March 1. Options opened quiet , unchanged to 10 points down , closed barely steady. 10ffi20 points down. Sales , 11. 600 bags. Including March. * 17.45 17.56 ; April , $10.9Offl 17.00 ; May , (1G.7B15.90 ; June , (10.05 ; July , JIG.OOi September. 1G.6010.5B ; December , (1G.20. Spot Hio , dull , nominal ; No. 7 , (18.0O ® AIlnnrniKilU Wlieat .Market. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , March 1. Trade xvas rather light , today ; cash market llrm. Very fe\vcars _ olTert'd for mile. No. 1 northernL sohl at GGG7e ; No. 2 northern went at G2(805o ( ; receipts , 07 cars. Close : March , G4Jcj ! May , G7tc ! : July , oajle. On track : No. 1 hard , 7c ; No , 1 northern , CiB'jc ; No. 2 norllicrii. G2Ct)3c. ) I'lillailflplihi drain Miirkot. rnii.ADK'.niiA , I'a. , March 1. WHEAT Weak . Mill ) . Vll ' * rod Mtrl , . and lower : No. 2 red. March . TRI l/T jc. COIIN Sleady but quiet ; No. 2 mixed , March , OATS Car lots at better demand ; No. 2 white , March , 4040Uc. Cincinnati ( iriiln .MurUf In. CINCINNATI. O. March , I.-WIIEAT Quiet ; No. 2 reel , 70c. CoiiN Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 44li45c. OATS-Qulet ; No. 2 mixed-34' < c. WilltUY-lii good demand. S1.J7. . llaltlinortt ( Inilu Mnrlint. lUi.TiuniiK , Mil. , March 1. WHEAT Weak ; No. 2 red. spot and March , 74fc. ! ' t'oiiN Klrmj mixed spot and March , 4GX . OATS Sleadyi No. a whlto western. 40c. ! No v Yorlc Dry UuouY Market. f NKwVouK. March l.-Not much change was to U > seen lu the dcuuud ( or dry t'oocls , bu there \tn * ntt Improved iindorlono (0 ( the mar ket and n better outlook for the near future. Heportu from nome of the Jobbing centers were very favorable and the market was moro de cidedly active. Toledo Unilii Market * , TOLEDO. O. , March 1. WHEAT Actlvo flimi No. 2 ca h. 7ic. ) CotiN-Dull , steady ! No. 2 cash , 4HSC. OATS Quiet ! cimh , 35c. I.ondon U'niil .Market. LONDON , March 1. There has been nn actlvo demand for wool on continental account dur ing the past few days. The sale * have been large. STOCKS AM ) HONDS. Operation * In Securities for tlio Outftldn Account Were Not Important. NEW YOIIK , March 1. Operations In thn stock market for outstdo account were nt avery - very low point today , but a decidedly profes sional appearance was Imparted to their deal- Ings. Thd market showed great strength In the forenoon , but the buying was entirely to the short account , and when this slacked away the bears took hold of the list , and the early advances were In many cases wiped out , while a few substantial losses were estab lished , mid great Irregularity was shown at the close. The buying nt the opening Vns very urgent , and especially In Sugar and Northern Pacllle preferred. An Impression that considerable surplus will remain after the payment of 3 per cent on Sugar for the next dividend had been carefully cultivated , and as the charter compels such distribution , the hope still remains In some quarters that an extra dividend will follow. The shorts bought heavily and the stock was advanced from 1.M1 } to 12G'j , but as In other stocks n full supply was found nt the topllgnres , mid brokers who had been Instru mental In turning the market the other day became heavy selleis , and were followed by the traders with the result of uncovering many stop bus 01 dors , and Sugar was beaten down to 121li. A sllu'ht rallj followed , but It closed with a net loss of l' per cent. A favorable Interpietatlon was put on the answer of the Northern Pacllle to tie | report of the stockholders committee , and Northern Pacific piefeired was bought freely In the forenoon until It showed n net gain of 2 per cent. H resisted the Into decline belter than most storls on the list , and dually closing at 41 , with a net gain of l'g percent. There was nothing specially new In Reading affairs and It took a position second to Sugar In the market , but was advanced to 28 from wheio It was driven down to 20. The reiteration that the .statement will probably hf Issued tomorrow and make a bad showing aided In the drop of 2 pc'r cent to 20. Its llnal change , however , was Insignificant. The weak spots In the list were found among the Industrials , hut Cordage was the prominent example ; It broke 2 per cent In the early dealings , but rallied above Its opening price , after which It was again beaten down nearly 6 per cent , rallying 2 per cent toward the close , when It still showed a loss of 2j ! per cent. Distillers was specially strong In the early dealings , rising 1'4 per cent , but It dropped away 2 pur cent anil finally closed wlfh n small loss. The railroad list , as a rule , showed largo financial advances during the forenoon , and Omaha at one tlmo was up ? i percent , but these gains were generally wiped out , and the llnal changes were small and Irregular. The leading operators In the room switched over to the selling side In the afternoon and the traders , quickly followed. The lack of outsldo buying became very evident ami prices changed readily throughout tbo list. The effort to cover In the Into dealings stiffened the market toward the close , which , however , was barely steady nt the Improvement. The Post says : That the current of liquida tion has for tbo tlmo nearly run Its course was apparent during the early hours of tbo stock market today. Several bull pools In the specialties renewed their operations and this , combined with selling by traders against pur chases made at the recent low levels. Im parted a brisk buoyancy to the market , which carried prices up all along the line. The ellorts or the bears were feelde and futile , and their operations weio handicapped by the cir cumstance that they were endeavoring to maintain prices already unusually low , In the face of some favorable conditions , In the llrst place there Is n growing belief among operators ( hat the Incoming adminis tration will offer some solution to the vexed Inanclal question. This prospective relief , combined with n present relief by reason of a iVeakness In foreign exchange , thus rendering ess probable any Immediate gold shipments , contributed materially to the pronounced rally n prices. The following arotliu cloiin ; nuitationsof the leading stocks on the Noiv YGI ic Stock ex change today : Atchlson 3 . ' 14 Northucn I'acino. . . . Hi Aclnms KxproBi 157 do preferred . 40Jf Alton , T. il 33 U. I * . Don. AQuIf. . . U do profvrruil 150 Northwestern . 112H Amcrlcnn Hxprojs. . 117 do preferred . . . . ill's IIMtlmoro.t Ohio. . DI : N. V. Central . lO'J imdtt 1'iiclflc DIC3H N. Y. AN. 1 ! . t nnmln Southern. . . Ontario A Weatarn. Central I'aclllo Oregon Imp . 19 tlios. A Ohio Uroxonuv . 1i Chlcnico Alton O. n. I , . A U. N . 1i'M \ ( ' . II. .VQ I'ncltlo Hull . 2:1 : Clilcauo ( ins H'J 1'eorln , Dee , AH. . . . lUJf CoiiBUlldntud G.u. . . IVS i'lttsbura . IK C. C. C. Jtbt. U I'ullrnnn 1'alaco . 1(2 ration Ull Cert , Heal Ins . 25 > K Del. llir.lion 120 Illchmond Terminal US I ) . U A W HUH do preferred . 38 I ) . A U. C. pfd 63 ' 4 IllodrandeW . 38VS I ) . A U. K. CO 35JS do profurrodc CU KnutTonn Itork Isliind . ' 83 Krle St. UA.S. V. 1st | ifj 75 do preferred St. 1'aul 77K Fort Wayne lot do preferred U3 Ot. Northern pM . . St. 1'ixul , V Omti'ja. . U3M ( , ' . & K. Ipfd do preferro.l US IlocktQK Vnlloy. . . . outliern I'ucllo. . . Illinois Central dugar Hennery St. 1'nul A Duluth. . Toun. Coal & Irin. . Knn. A Tex pM. . . , Taim Pacific LnkoKrluA West. . rol. , VO. Cunt. pM. 78 do prorerro 1 . Union 1'acltlc 38 I.akoShoro 127 U. S. Xlprrsi im < I .end Trust IW XV. St. I , . .VI1 l.oul . ANiisli 74H ilo urofcrroil l.ouls. A Now Alb'y. 2.1)j ) Wells Fariro Kxp. . . 14G Mnnhnttan Con ISSVii XVentcrn Union Memphis A C 4'J Wtuallnx A U K . . . MIclUKnn Coatr.il. . . 104 ? ' do preferred Missouri I'jiclllc M 'lllnn&tfl. ' I 1SW Mobile.t Ohio t ) A It. O NnshvllloClmtt llcncrnllloctrlc. . . . iosk Nnt'l CordiiKO uuw. . . _ National Linseed. . . 37 do preferred . . . . 110 C. Kui'l A Iron " N. J. Central I2J do pro erroJ io" ; > Norfolk * W. pfd. . Hona. A Tor. Cur. . . I ! North American Co Tol. A. A. , t It .18 The total sales of stocks today were -197,000 shares , Including : Atchlson , 4.300 ; Chicago , i.t , , ' , , iuif * \ - uii-u 1.11:1.1111 ; , uv/uu , fc Naslivllle , 7,000 : Iead , 0,400 ; National ( 'ordago , 90,000 ; Now England , ill,100 ; Northern Pacllle , 37,000 ; Itoadlng , 05,700 ; Uncle Island , 0,000 ; St. Paul , 124,100 ; Sugar. 11,000 ; Union Pacllic , 1,400 ; Western Union ; Now York Money .Market. NBW YOIIK , March 1. MONDV ox CAM. I'lrm at 4'5'3i7 ' cent last per ; loan 0 percent ; closed offered at 5 p r cent. I'lUMF.Mr.iiOANTii.u I'Ai'Rii OS01.5 per cent. STKiu.iNCi ExciiANdE Quiet and weak , with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.tiSy for sixty-day hills and M.H7U for demand. GOVEIINMK.NT HoMM Iliill mill steady. State bonds active and generally llrm. The closing quotations on U.H. is rux IIIK Nortliurn I'ue. Zndj It. S. 4s coup 1124 . W. Consols HIV U.S. 4 ! i ro < JJ'i ' ! Uo dubun. 5s I'nclHoCs of ' 93. . . . 103 r ) . U A I , M. lien. 1 Louisiana vt'ped 4s 'MWi St. Ij. A S. V. < ; 'n. M 111 Tenu. now Bit lij. . . Wi St. I'ft ill ConsolB. . . rn 'lenn. new setSs. . . 101 Jt. I' , t' . A I' . l t . . . 117 Tenn. now netla : . . 10175U r. I' . L. ( J. Tr. Itcts. 11777W Canada Ho. 2nds. . . UJ.4 T. 1' . II. IJ. Tr. Hen. 2J Ccn.l'ncltlolsts. . . . lew Union Tactile Ists. . 11X1 I ) . A II. ( i. l tB 118 W t Shore IU2 I ) . A It. li. 4s 87 It ( } , W. Uts 711 Krlo2nds I eel , : Atcli. 4s 82K M. K. AT. ficn. Os. . 8IH Atch 21.JS. class A. S3 > i II. K. AT. ( ion. 6s. . 411 U. . II. AS. A Os. . . . 10'i ' Mutual Union Us. . . 113 dor 2d5s 117 N. J. r. Int. Cert. . . lll'j II. AT. C. 5s limn Northern I'ae. IBH. mi II. AT. < l'pni fin. HI. ' , San I'rancHco .lllnlnt ; Stocks. SAN I'liANCisco. Ual. . March 1 , The olllclal closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows : Aim 20 Mnilcnn. . . . no llulwer 15 Mono & llolelier 75 Ophlr sou liestA Ilelchor KVJ I'otost la ) Hodlo I on 5 Havatio to Uiollnr 45 sierra Nermla 120 Con. 1'ul. A V 2XI Union Con lee Crown 1'olnt S3 Utah iu ilould A Curry 65 Yellow Jacket. . . . . . < o llnlo A Norcross. . . . 110 Notr York Mliilni ; Oiiotiitlons. NEW YOIIK , Mnrcli 1. The following are the closing mining qnotations : Crown I'olnt. . . . . . . . . U I'lynioutli jo Ton. Cal. A Va i''i Slurra Narada UO Deadwond 130 standard JS5 ( lonldand Uurrr. . . . W Union Con tie llalu and .Norcross. 110 Y llow Jacket . . . . . 40 llomeitako 1100 Iron Silver in Mvxlrnn 153 ( Julckllvor 3Jo ( Ontario 140J do preferred I4JO U.hlr ( li > J Uulwer jj St. F.oiiU .Milling OiiotutloiM , ST. I.OUIH , Mo. , March 1. ( following are the quolalloiinon the Mining exchange today : Hid. Anted Illil. Atkcd Adam * f V > > 'H . . . . Urnnllo..f 7.W 7.7,1 Hope 30 DO l.liiiflallle. , 7.2J i.ta ; Mlinboth. . 48 f ilH > ontru-u. . . 6 . . . . I.oiulon riimnulal Itevlmv , IS3.I by Jama Ciiiiitnn lltnntU ] I.ONDON , March 1. [ New Vork Herald Cable Spvclal to THE line.I The stock markets have shown greater nellvlly during the las hour. I'undsarti 1 1-111 percent easier. For elgn government securities close a llttlu Irreg ular. lireek | HIIIS | have been much offered and leave off from to 1 JUT cent lower Home railways were adversely Inlluenccd b > very illbcouruelng tralllc statemtnts , am rlokii Mat. Midland has fallen U | per cent London & Northwestern 1 pur cent , Northeast era & North llrltlbb preferred ft , and nearly al ' ( o < per .i-rnl .Amorlcnn * worn argely dealt In , burin g thn last hour buying rders come from iN > w York. The market loses qullo ratnpiintMid the result on thuday j a general nmterliil' advance In prices , In- lulling aw per cent In Northern Pncllle pre- erenco , 1' , per colit In Erie , IU percent In enver preferenceiX'lilcago * wnukeo and Jnlnii I'acllh1' . pvr.rent Is Atohli , and U o 1 per cent fit others , Canadians were tronitor. tlrand Trunk Is ! l to < ( per cent ilgher. .Mexican first and second references are' ' " ' \ ( per cent up. ho fraluro among miscellaneous securities Is i fall of lVi per cc'iit In ( lulnncss. Mining hares \yero dealt 111 Id u fair extent. South \frlca dlserlpl Ions UriX llrm. Amerlcat's were iiioyant. Irish stocKH are Hat. Money was nero wanted and 'J toa'j per cent has been laid for short IOIHH , The discount market vas easy , two and throe months bills being noted at Ji to IS per cent. Vlimnchil Notes. OMAHA , March 1. Clearings , tl , 100,007. IIAVANA , March l.-Spanlsh gold , 2.40a PAIUS , Maxell 1. Thrco uer cent rentes , 98f 20c for the account. " NEW YORK , March l.-Cloarlngs , J137.009- 48 ; balances , iD,01U,04H. IlAI.TlMoiu ; , MdMarch 1. Cloarlngs , J2,3 14- fi'J ; balances , .J301 , 377. Money , 0 per cent , CINCINNATI , O. , March 1. Clearings , $2,000- 77. New York exchange , OOJJOOo discount. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , March 1. Clearings , $1- 78a,0'J7. Exchange on Now York jf dls- ount. I'ltii.ADni.iMiiA , Pa , , March 1. Clearings , 13,841,251 ; balances , eiU40,332. Money , 4 icrcent. MnMi'ius , Tenn. , March l.--Now York ox- hango selling at Jl.OO. Clearings , J30U.340 ; jalances , $112,790. HOSTON. Mass. , March 1. Clearings , $18,199- 08 ; balances , Jl,04OriO. ( ! Money , 8 per : ent. Exchange on Now York 20e iflscount. ST. Louis , Mo. , Man-It l.-Cloarlngs , J3.H82.- ' 11 ; balances , t423 , 177. Money itulot at C7 ) or cent. Exchange on New York , 20SOO I)0r ) cut. Nnw OIU.KANS , La. , March 1. Clearings , 1,789,824. New York exchange , commercial , ' 5c perl,000 premium ; bank , il.OO perl,000 premium. Niw I'OIIK , March 1. [ Special Telegram to 'UK ' llKE.J Exchange was quoted as follows oday : Chicago , bOUSSe dlsi-ount ; llost jn , J5c discount ; St. Louis , 25rjOi ! discount. CHICAOO , 111. , March 1. Clearings , J18.310- 2CO. New \ ork exchange bOIOHOc discount. Ster- Ing exchange weak at $4.83.i ! for sixty-day ) lllsand$4.b7i ! for bight drafts. Money Urm at 07 per cent. OJIAII.V 1,1 VU STOCIC MAUICIiM. Icavy Kun or Cnttlo finds an Actlvo licit , Lower Trade Ho s Lower. WiiNisiAV : , March 1. March opens out with liberal receipts of all finds of stock. The unusually heavy supplies vero due to Monday night's blizzard , which lelayed stock fully twenty-four hours on icarly all roads. Heceipts for the three days 'oot up 9,017 cattle , 0,930 hogs and 3,008 slieep , against 10,274 cattle , 9,948 hogs and 10,300 sheep the llrst half of last week. Heceipts of cattto were the heaviest on record ( or this point. Tbo 299 cars reported n contained "nearly 7,000 head , the heaviest irevlous run being 0,781 head , whl'Jli occurred JctoberlO , 1891. Ily far the greater proportion of the offerings were beef steers , the quality as a rule being very fair. The buyers liad decidedly the best of the situation. Offerings were far In excess of the require ments of the trade and eastern markets were ill lower. There was a good line of buyers on liand , but prices naturally ruled lower. The good the choice heavy cattle that the shippers were after and the handy fat grades that just tinted the dressed beef men sold early about a : llmo lower than Tuesday. Medium and com mon grades were In tpdln'oient demand and considerably lower from the start , and after the llrst round ( no market got worse and bids were lOe to20o loweivon all grades. Sellers weie slow to accent the situation and trading dragged along all day , the market closing weak with a good many unsold , Good to choice 1,200 to lCOO-lb. beeves sold at from W.00 to J5.2.ri.with fair to good 1.000 to 1,200-lb steers at from $ I toil.00. Poor to fair stuff was neglected and a drug on the market at from * 3 tOJ4. , llutcher stuff and dinners were In active de mand and sold at uboiH steady prices notwith standing the heavy run. In faet good to choice cow.s and heifers In many cases sold at materially stronger prices from $3.40 to * 4.20. L'ommon and canning grades sold from Oc to lOe lower In many casOhat from $1.00 to $ ' 2.20 , but Hie bulk of the falnto good cow.s and heifers sold at right aroundTuesday ! prices from $2.00 to $3.20. There whs-no particular change to the market for bulls ! oxen aluTstags , prices ruling fully steady tit from $2.30 to $4.25. Comparatively few veal cnlvs were offered and prices ruled at from S3 to $0 , There was a moderate amount of business done In the stocker and feeder line , regular dealers being the principal buyers. Country orders were light , but prices were well sus tained. Kepresentatlve sales : No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 1. . . .1080 $3 60 17. . .1071 J4 20 22i. . 8CO 3 GO 20. . 1084 4 20 ( i. . . .1010 3 05 44. . .1000 4 20 1. . . . 720 3 G5 10. . .1110 4 25 15. . . . 827 3 70 20. . .1103 4 25 17. . . .1118 3 75 10. . .1090 4 25 50. . . . 807 3 75 10. . . 1002 4 25 18. . . . 9G3 3 85 83. . . 1182 4 25 11. . . . 991 3 90 o " .1050 4 25 30. . . .1025 3 00 21" .1014 4 25 17. . . . 970 3 90 17. . . 1194 4 30 1G. . . .1183 3 00 14. . .1212 4 30 9. . . .1001 4 00 40. . .1109 4 30 29. . . .1038 4 00 19. . .1107 4 30 ' ' . 1027 4 00 19. . .1210 4 30 IS' . ! .1054 4 00 48. . .1105 30 21. . . .1049 4 00 23. . .13G9 30 20. . . 1023 4 00 38. . .12J4 35 4. . . . 907 4 00 18. . .1090 35 oo .1027 4 00 14. . .1200 35 . 997 4 00 80. . .1199 35 . 990 4 05 24. . .1200 35 3G. . .1108 4 05 21 .1148 4 35 17. . .1091 4 10 45. . .1283 4 40 20. . .1098 10 20. . .1208 4 40 8. . .1132 10 8. . .1090 4 40 19. . .1000 10 10. . 1277 4 45 07. . . 071 10 18- . . . 1200 4 45 20. . 1091 15 17. . .1311 4 45 21. . . .1040 15 13. . .1307 4 55 20. . . . 080 15 18. . .1141 4 GO- 14. . , .1089 4 15 20. . .1312- 4 GO 27. . . .1008 4 10 20. . .1220 4 70 05. . . .1048 4 20 35. . .1348 4 76 19. . . .1081 4 20 MIXED. 792 3 70 20. . .1100 4 35 Sllll'l'l.Vfl AND nXl'OUT. 9. . . . . 074 3 35 20 . .1203 4 40 50. . . . .1013 4 10 40. . .1217 00 40. . . . .1140 4 20 41. . .1200 4 00 18. . . . .114H 4 25 8. . .1320 4 GO o " . . .1100 4 25 1C. . .1400 4 GO so" . . .1301 4 25 10. . .1408 4 80 1. . . . .1340 4 25 38. . .1430 0 05 20. . . . .1105 4 30 03. . .1320 5 05 21. . . . .131)3 ) 4 40 12. . .1013 5 25 04. . . . .1202 4 40 COWS. 1. . . . . 970 1 GO 10 . . . .11G3 3 00 1. . . . . 030 2 00 1. . . . . 880 3 00 9. . . . . 409 2 10 9. . . . . 824 3 00 4. . . , 902 2 10 4. . . . . 9UO 3 00 7. . . . . 840 2 10 0. . . . .1008 3 05 12. . . . . 010 2 15 21. . . . .1010 3 05 13. . . . . 727 2 10 4. . . . .1030 3 10 20. . . . . 7GO 2 15 G. . . . . 883 3 10 10. . . . . 815 2 20 7. . . . .1134 3 15 41. . . . . 83G 2 20 B. . . . .1192 3 25 09. . . . . 780 2 20 4. . . . .114O 3 25 4. . . . . 782 2 20 1. . . . .1180 3 25 3. . . . . 817 2 25 12. . . . .1120 3 25 1. . . . . 810 2 25 ' ' ' . .1290 3 25 10. . . . . 820 2 25 n' . . . .1080 3 25 0. . . . . 99G 2 25 18. . . . .1051 3 25 . . . 075 2 25 I 21 ' . . 941 3 25 . . .1020 2 3O' ' | 4. ; ; . .1070 3 30 20. . . . . . 87G 2 30 i' 18. . . . . 901 3 35 0 . , . . .1125 3 33 , - , 18 . . . .1042 3 35 18. . . . . 098 ' 5. . . . .1130 3 35 O " . . . 935 2 4f'- ( 5. . . . . 974 3 35 2 ! . . . 800 2 4d. " ° 20. . . . .1030 3 35 3. . . . .1000 2 50 " 4. . . . .1100 3 35 20. . . . . 005 2 6011 O . .1070 3 35 22. . . . 705 2 50 I" iS ; ; ; . .1090 3 40 1. . . . . BOO 2 50i. 14. . . . .1119 3 40 1. . . . .1170 2 0.i. ( 20. . . . . 948 3 45 o . . .1005 2 51) ) . ( I 13. . . . .1193 3 45 20. ; . . . 9GO 2 lilt'1 23. . . . .1000 3 50 10. . . . . 825 2 OO ; " ' . .1 ( ) ( ) ( ) 3 50 G. , . . . 891 2 00 ' 10' : : . .1190 3 50 8. . . . . 832 2 50" 0. . . . . 805 3 60 25. . . . . 762 2 55iU 3. . . .1090 3 60 17. . . . . 892 2 GO ; , , 11. . . . .1087 3 65 7. . . . . 053 2 GO ii 4 . . . .1107 3 65 4. . . . .1012 2 G5 12. . . . . 802 3 GO ? " . . . . 840 2 G3JJ ; , 24. . . . . 012 3 GO . . . . 910 " 1. . . . .1170 3 G5 3 ; ; . . . Ot2 2 70-i" < 27. . . . .1100 3 G5 27. . . . . 833 2 7011 ! ' .1043 3 70 24. . . . . . 8G9 2 70. , . 1120 3 70 " , . . .1030 " ' 1. . . .12GO 3 70 2" , . . .1030 2 8"V ) 9. . . .1090 8 70 2. . . . .1045 2 5 17. . . .1017 3 70 3. . , . . . 803 2 85 27. . . .1099 3 70 " , . . .1050 a oo 6. . . . . 070 3 70 10" , . . .1035 3 00 4. . . .1032 3 80 ia. . . . . . 000 3 00 1. . . . 080 4 00 IIUIFr.llS. 28. , . C8G 3 35 34. . .1133 3 00 1. . . 840 3 60 21. . .1120 3 90 3. . . 8Ht ( 3 60 39. . .1029 4 ( M ) 1. . .1040 360 1. . .1520 4 20 28. 741 365 IB. . .1148 4 20 21. tTlOlG 3 80 illl.KUIlS AND BI'IllNdnilS. 1 springer 127 00 1 cow and calf. $27 00 1 cow and calf. 28 00 1 cow and calf. 30 00 CAIA'KS. 2 ' . . . 310 3 00 3 100 0 60 l' . . . . 170 ' 6 60 1 .1200 2 35 1. . 13GO 3 00 0 .14G3 2 40 1 . .1250 3 ( K ) 0 .1251 2 45 8. . .1312 3 10 1 . 1320 2 00 1. . . 4411 3 16 1a 1i .1410 2 60 4. . .1317 3 20 i . 13UO 2 60 3. . 1620 3 25 3 . 12G7 2 60 .1620 3 30 1 1G90 2 60 ' 1380 3 3d , .1380 200 aa'.V. .1010 3 80 , . 001 i. 00 1 1400 8 85 2 , . 1390 2 M , I 17t0 ! a r > o i . 11.10 u nn n 1700 B 60 i . . . moo a 7n a .long a oo ft , , . .1441) ) 2 70 1. .2080 4 20 i 1700 aoo OXE.V , . . . . . . , > 3 270 20. . .1003 4 00 U ,1640 300 STAGS. 3 1470 2 70 RTOCKF.IIS AND F FT ! ) 1C It * . a. . . 890 2 25 27. , 3 00 040 2 00 10. . Hft8 3 05 480 2 70 18. . 801 a 8(1 ( 908 3 30 17. . 817 n wr > J2. 873 3 60 18. . 033 a oo 28. 008 3 GO 30. . 030 3 00 28.No. WF.8TF.llN OATTt.B No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 42 strs 1027 $3 85 IDAHO CATTI.H. 48 strs 1220 3 85 72 strs 1190 3 85 IIoos On the early market , with only a noderato supply In sight , trade was i fairly ac- Ive and prices ste ; < dy on good hogs of all weights. Common light and mixed hogs were lull and about 5c lower from tbeopenlng. All local buyers were In the Held , but as receipts ncreased to.sixty-four cars and reports from eastern markets came In very bearish , the narket weakened and the bulk of the offer- lies changed hands on the naslsofaOc do- cllno. Common llghl mixed to prime heavy luus sold ' at from $7.05 lo.7.80 , with the bulk of the 'air to good stuff of all wolghtsiat from $7.00 to > 7.70 , as against $7.70 to $7.80 Tuesday and S7.75 to $7.00 last Wednesday. Representa tive sales : No.o . Av. Sli. Pr. NT. Av. Sh. I'r. o .170 $7 DO . . .440 $7 70 2 ] ; .240 7 60 7fi. . .237 120 70 0. . .300 120 J 50 48. . .243 280 70 1. . .240 * 7 60 77. . .11H ! 200 70 0. . .241 80 7 00 74. . .UflO 80 70 0. . .175 7 05 75. . . 'JU'J 200 70 0. . .185 7 50 SO. . 240 120 70 7. . .204 7 05 DU. . .222 HO 70 80. . .187 280 7 65 04. . .200 100 71) 4 . .200 7 00 a. . .aoo HO 70 0. . . .241 7 65 fiO. . .271 80 70 0. . .825 7 05 HO. . .230 120 70 4. . .357 7 05 70. . .251 240 70 oK " .305 7 GO 01. . .234 HO 70 K ) .200 7 GO 75. . .220 40 7 70 J3. . .313 40 7 (10 ( 77. . .23H 70 1. . .300 7 GO CO .215 80 70 .4. . .190 1 7 GO 79. . .2H5 300 70 147. .217 24 ( ) 7 GO 70. . .235 200 70 II. . .190 80 7 GO 77. . .241 280 70 80. . 204 40 7 GO O'-J. . .238 40 70 42 .200 80 7 02 ! | 1. . .300 40 7 70 78. , .230 3CO 7 (10 ( 297. . .204 1440 70 reT .210 7 05 70. . .202 120 70 ; ; .222 80 7 05 03. . .201 240 70 55. , .2.17 40 7 GO 7V ! . . .255 40 70 ! 0. . .231 80 7 GO 07. . .233 80 ft ) 10. . .205 7 05 53. . .278 210 70 17. . .210 40 7 G5 70. . .248 100 70 73. . .200 120 7 G5 75. .208 40 70 80. . .212 ICO 7 05 59. . .271 80 70 15. . .2,18 200 7 53. . .248 40 7 72'/ 74. . 232 100 7 GO 70. . .254 40 ' ' 12. . .200 7 05 5 ! ) . . .250 80 7 75' 81. . .210 120 7 117 W 08. . .257 100 7 75 10. . .218 80 7 07 "j 03. . .201 80 7 70 70. . .201 200 7 07" 83. . .210 75 HO. . .230 200 7 07" 53. . .205 120 75 70. . .240 1GO 7 G7'J 02. . .201 80 80 08. . .239 80 7 70 D. . .324 80 I'KIS AND HOUGH. 1..230 40 7 30 3G..10J 7 50 HiiKi'.i * There was a very respectable run of Alice ] ) , a dozen double-decks , two of which , Imwevor , were billed direct to Swift and not offered on the market. 1'rotty good western wethers brought J4.75 and very fair Mo.\lean yearlings sold for $4.05. The demand Is active and prices are ipiotablv strong. Kalr to good natives , J3.7555.00 ; fair to good westerns , S3.50S5.00 ; common and stock sheep. J2.25ia 3.75 ; Booil to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs , $4.00 35.85. Heprchcntatlvo sales : S'o. Av. I'r. J21 Mexican yearlings 82 J4 05 224 .Mexican yearlings 88 4 05 718 western wethers 1)3 ) 4 75 442 Mo.xlean yearlings 79 4 05 002 Mexican yearlings 77 4 05 Kocolpts anil llsiiiltlc ; > n of St33k. ODlclal rooalpts 'url dl-iKMHIon [ of sto.k .11 shown by tlio books ot tlio Union Stock VnriM company for tbo twenty-four hour.4 ending at 5 o'clock p. m. March 1 , 1893 : KIIKICf. IIOKHIS * MLS Cnra. IlCttd Head Carn. II end Cars. Henil. 0.51:3 : Cl 4.S3.1 8,713 JIUVKUl. CATTLE. 1IOOS. RIILKP. 3mnhu 1'ncklnz Co 71I.V Tim ( ) . H. Ilnmmoml Co MJ8 SwIft.VCo 1,70.1 2,747 Tlia CiKliihr 1'iicklne Cn John 1' . Squires & Co . . . 831) ) A. Units 3H It. Ilc'ckor lc DCKCU 3HWJ Vntisnnt & Carey 4'8 J. hobmnn 4'87U ( JoUlsmllli ISO Shippers nntl f coders. . . , 631 I.olt over. SOU Total. 5C77 2,747 AVIJSTKISN INTKKKSTS. Close aT the Season Inilic.'ites a Considerable Shortage. CINCINNATI , O. , Maicb 1. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : It KK.l Tomorrow's Price Uurri'iit will say : The winter packing scJason has closed with a shorlago irreater than generally looked for as lalo as the 1st of January. Tlio final returns are not likely to vary much from 4,075,000 hogs for the four months. This compares with 7,700,000 last year. The week's packlni ; has been about 100,000 , against 235,000 last year. Prominent places compare for the winter season as follows : CITIKS. WJ-8. lb'Jl-2. Chicago Z,7i7,000 Kunsns City. . . , < ! 25UM Ki'.l 009 Omuhn 4tt.ixn ( KI5.00J St. Louis ZM.UJO HSO.WJ Cincinnati 205.0JO 28S.OOO Indianapolis. . . S17,00 J JJIlwuukoo IM.IKO mum Cellar JtnpUU. . 103.000 212,003 MouxClty 15-.MMO 115.0)1 Ft. Joseph JOU.OJO CItiVGlMIUl ll'OJO ! Louisville . . . . 110,000 101.000 IHiuimvii 67,000 112,00'J NobrnBkaC'ltjr. 4.1.0UO imi.ooo \Vlchltn JV.OOJ 81.000 Chicago I.lvo Stoelc .Murltnt. OIIICAOO , 111. , March 1. [ Special Telegram to Tliu ItiiE.l The cattle market was slow today and weaker. Choice heavy steers were scarce. Very few bunches reached an average of 1,400 Ibs. , and of 1,000 to 1,70.1-lh. catllo there was practically none. The hulk of tlio steers weighed fioni 1,000 to 1.361) ) Ins. mid generally sold at from J3.76 ( o $1.75. Cows and hellers were In continued active demand and sold well as compared with steers. Uood fat bulls also brought fair prices. Tlio upward course of prices for bogs was summarily checked today and given a down ward Inclination. There as a decline of from 6c to lOcper 100 Ibs. , light weights selling ou * to from $7.50 to $8.05 , ml.vd and medium to from $7.76 to J8.20 and heavy grades to from $8 to $8.30. The proportion of good hogs was larger than for some ( lays pust , but still thcro was but llttlo business atover8.20 , the prices most frequently paid being from 17.00 to J7.95 for light and from $8 to $8.20 for medium and heavy. 1'lgs and culls sold at from K > to 7.25. There was no falling oil'In the demand for sheep , and the liberal supply In tlio pens was all promptly taken. Prices were strong and higher , tbo best westerns selling up to 95.25 , and cbolco to extra natives being quoted at from $5.25 to $5.50. The lamb market also showed strength. It was quoted at fiom $4.50 to J0.60 for poor to extra qualities. Sales of sheep were principally at from $4.85 to J5.20 and from J5.50 to t > .25 was the range at which the greater part of the lambs were weighed. Kecelpts-Uattlo , 19,000 ; hogs , 18,000 ; bheop , 11,000. The Evcnlnc Journal reports : UATTI.K Receipts , 19,000 head ; shipments , 4,600 head ; market quiet and 10U5c loner ; heavy steers , $5.75 5.90 : medium , M.90Ji5 25 ; others , $4 5xa4.75j ( Te.vans , * 2.25&4.6'J ; feeders , * 3.9O3i4.25 : cows , W.25Q3.75. lloos Receipts , 18,000 head ; fahlpmonts , 9,000 head ; market actlvo ; closed strong ; mixed and packers , $7.80ftb.05 ; prime heavy D. DKUA/EE. II. D. inoaRJr. JAS. V IIOOOB 1'res , Vice I'res Scoy & Troas , HAWKEYE COMMISSION CO. Capital ja.000 : Omaha and Sioux Oltv. Grain and Provisions Railroad Stocks and Bonds. I'KIVATE WIUF.A Room 212 Hew M Life Building OMAHA. nEKF.UENOES : Iowa SUto National { Unk. Bloux C'ltyi Uomtnorclal National llank. Omuliu. Bpeclul attention given to'outildo ordori > Corresponaonco follaltod. ami butcher * ' wolulil * . IS lO S n % prime llKht , ITOO.tNOO ) cccoml clas , J7' . ' . . . SIIKEIllecelpn , 0.000 Imadi , U.OOO hradi niarkPt active , llrini Mixed ewes mid wethers. 4.Haa5.00i Toxnn , (4.00t4.U ( ) | westerns , IO.OOitri.aoi Imnlrt. f4.50ifO.50. KniKnt t'lt.r I.Tvn Stosk M. kiU. ItANgAB CtTMi ) , , March I - t'Arn.uUc - cclpts. 4.-IOO head ) Hhlpments , 1,400 heart ! market for Moot * was weak and quiet lo KM lower ; good cows steady and poor dull and weak ) Mockers and feeders unchanged ! dressed beef and Milnpln * steer * . J ; .H5 < it6.H6 ! cow.s and heifers. { l.hoitl.OOj stockers and feeders. ? 3.3&a4.35. Ilods-Uccelpt.s. 4.000 head ! .Milumrmts , .100 head : market oiiened active , about 6c higher and closed weak and 5iiHOi' lower than best I'l'Vi'i ' N 'liPi ! ! all grades , 5.0oa7.05i bulk , 17,00 7. i ) HiiKKi--lleoelpIs , 1,300 head ! shipments , 300 head ! chol.-o muttons and lambs were acllvn and strong , others weakj muttons , JJ.25a4.40 ; lambs , ? .V75. Vurk I.lvo Murk Market. Nitw YOIIK. March -UKRVU Iteceluts , 1,605 head , Including 39 cars for sale ; market .slow but steady ; beef steers , M.5lHa5.60 ; hulls anil cuws , Jl.OOU l.OO : dressed beef .steady at 7VK90 per Ib. Shipments today , l.ooo iiuarters of beef ; tomorrow , 2h8 beuves , 50 Kheep and 40 quarters of beef. t'AiVES-Kecell.s | ) , 034 head ; market firm ; veals , fu.OtK&H.OUj gniMMir * , iUtlij3.&tl. : ) ! SIIKIUA.xi ) LAMIISItecelnts , 2,247 head ; market acllvo and llrm ; slieep , il.75itO.10 ; lambs , $0,40510.9 , ) . llods llei-elpts , 2,825 head , consigned di rect ; nominally llrm at fH.lOilH.30 per 100 Ibs. St IouU Live Muck ST. hnttis , Mo. , March 1. OArri.nItecolpts , 3 , 300 head ; shipments , 2,100 ; market strong for natives ; steers , J3.0ffi4..K ( ' ) ; Texas grass cows , J2.4OiT2.00 ; Tas steers , $3.00 3.25 ; Texas fi-d steers , J3. 50,9.4. 10. lloiis-Kcculpts , 6,01)0 ) head : shipments , 1.SOO head ; market opened sleaily , closi-d lower ; bulk inKo.l , $7.60i/.7.8a ; hutcher.s , J7.'Jo'y.8.00 ; packers , * 7.25ii7.H5. Siiiti : : > Kecelnts , ( ,00 head ; market steady ; Texans , $1.00t4l.85 ; natives , J 1. 75Itj.25. You don't want a torpid liver : you don't wnnt't a bad complexion ; you don't want a bad breath ; you don't want a. headache. Then use Do Witt's Mttle IJarly Ulsors , tlio famous little pills , CUDAHY'S HOO FARMS. to ItuUn Ills Own Stock nt l.os , Mr. Michael Cudahy , not content with his business at South Omaha and Kansas City has cast his eyes coastward and proposes to erect : v slaughtering house In Los Angeles , which he hopes will eventually control the Pacific coast country , now supplied by Omaha , Kansas City and Chicago. In addition to securing permission to erect the necessary slaughtering houses in Ix > s Angeles ho has bought the Nadeau ranch , about four miles distant from the southwest limits of that city. Kvor.v acre Is good land , mid much of It is virgin , and upon none of it has anything s.ivo barley mid alfalfa been grown. It is all excellent for alfalfa , on which hogs thrive as well as upon corn , and into that It all is to be thrown. as Mr. Cudahy has bought this ranch , pay ing spot cash for it $180.000. Another ranch ot ii.OOO acres that adjoins this one is likely to bo sown to alfalfa when the business of raising hogs will commence. AH acre of this food will support liftccn hogs , with something over for cattle or horses. Mr. Cudahy says that in thrco years ho will have 40,000 head on his ranch. The neighbor ranch'Will ' have more and about twenty miles distant there is another ranch of 20,01)0 ) acres that now renls at $1 an acre to different growers of barley , that will , If the market for hogs is not then supplied , bo changed into an alfalfa farm and stocked. Then the great p.ekcr will have under his control , in three divisions , a hog nasturo containing > , SOO acres. In it will bo Il'jT.OOO swine. There is opposition in Los Angeles against his invasion , hut Mr. Cudahy is not to bo hindered. He has announced that ho thinks ho has in progress a gooil thing , and that ho is prepared to stay with it. As if to make his Jlxedness of purpose moro plain he has purchased a ! 0,000 residence for himself during one-half the year. Perfect action and perfect health result from the use of Do Witt's Llttlo Karly Hiscrs" A perfect little pill. Mme. ModjcsUn begins a notnblo engage ment tonight at the now Uoyd theater. Mpdjeska's portrayal of tlio role of "Mary Stuart" is ono of the strongest of her reper tory and ono in jvlilch she is unequsled Modjcska closes her engagement Saturday night with this play. Modjoska's repertory at tlio Boyd embraces the 'ol owing p'.ays : Cures Mrs. K. J. Rowcll , Mcdford , Mass. , says her mother 1ms bconciircdof Scrofula liythonsoof four bottles of ( PSESSfiffiB after having had much other tro | by ! > 5y$5lH ntincnrand being reduced to qul ysY""v" * " ' to a low condition of health , as lc was thought olio could not Ihe. INHERITED SCROFULA. M ittt"gB aH fared my llttlo boy of hereditary pvjl5tp578 ( Scrofula , which appcaro I all over biWihifriiirita ) ih tace. For a year I bad given up nil hope ot bis recovery , when dually I was induced to use 93v3iiSJ A few bottles cured him , nnd IJyCjJjSsj no Bjmptomsof the disease remain. MusTT. L. MATHEUS , Jlatherville , Miss. Out book on Ulooj and Skin Disease * nullcil free. iwn-T SfliCHMC CO. . Atlanta , Gr- ThwsJny evening nml nattirtlny nmtlnco , ' Shakcsiicarp's "Ilrnry Vllli" lYttlrty oven. ; ltlf ( , "IJUIllUtJj" Saturday evening , HMnru i Stuart' ) Tlicro will IK ) n iloiiblo attraction theater on nest Monday , Tuesday mill \\ediiosdny. "Mls Ilelyctt. " u witty com. cil.v by DiivlilJlclnsro , combined with popu lar muslo by Audran , xvlll bo revived , and Miss I < ottlo Collins will appear Inthoorlg- lual rendering of " " "Ta-ra-ra-bootiMleay. In the comotly will bo soon wi-'l Itnc.xva singers mid comedians , Including Mrs. I/uIse tesllo-C.utcr , who lias been rcinant * ably successful In her droll Impersonation of the little Quaker girl. Miss I'olllns' ox- plolt In ' . " Ta-r.i-ra-booin-do-ni" is original nnd Inimitable. Among the many wnr plays written none have been moro succossfti ! than Harrv P. Mawson's military comedy dr.uiui , "A f'ulr Hebel , " which will again bo seen In this city at the Parnam Street theater next Sunday - day afternoon and ovening. The play will bo given an elaborate and complete produc tion , with new scenery , costumes and tbo original east , Ono of the great scenic offivts of the play Is the escape of the union soldiers from Mbby prison , through an midertfrouml tunnel. Miss Fannlo ( illicit na the vouiifj southern tlrl ; and Mr. ICdwunl U. Muwson aa the northern ollleor , are still in the cast , At tht ) Farnam Street theater four nights , commencing Sunday matinee. March 5. mail- nee Wednesday. Any seat In the house Wednesday matlnco 1W cents. A Clllld iniiys : ) The pleasant furor , gentle action and soothIng - Ing effect of Syrup of l-'lirs , when in need of a laxative , and If the father or mother bo costive or bilious , the mo. < t gratif x Ing results follow its use ; so that It is the best family remedy known and ox-ery family should have a bottle. COMMISSIONUttS SQUABBLE. Stenher/r Alleged to Have Tied fp with the Demorriili. It has leaked out that when the county commissioners mot in committee room Tues day afternoon Messrs. Williams. Steuboru and 1'addock had a wordy altercation , which even took on a threatening appearance. The real catiso of the stratnnd relations has not been in.idu public , but those who happen to bo on the InsHo state that Hton- berg has tied up with IMildocIc mid given the democrats tlio majority , if this is so the plan will bo inado public in a foxv days , for at the present time then1 Is u mox'o on foot to do some decapitating in the vicinity or tlio court house. It has been ( jix-cn out cold that Mr. Wll- ams wants to hold .loliu T. 10vans in the position of auditor , considering him a capa ble olllcial nml well qunllllud for ( be position. Mr. Livesey xvants to get rid of Oscar Stevens , the present clerk of the board , while Mr Stonborg xvai.ts to make a clo.m sxveep and clean out all of the old appointive ofllcers. Another reason why knowing ones claim that Stenberg is playing into the hands of the democrats Is because they aver that ho voted for the appointment of Paddock's man for engineer at the county hospital. . Clilllilulns and Frost lilies. A few applications of Chamberlain's Pain Halm will relieve the itching mid burning sensation caused by frost bites mid chil blains , and its continued use soo" cIToets a permanent euro. 1'aln Halm is also a sure euro for rheumatism , no-cent bottles for sale by all druggists. "LOOK UP , nntl not down , " if you're n suffer ing woman. Kvery ono of the bodily troubles that como to women onlv has n vuarantceil euro in ] lr. I'iei-co's Favorite Pro scription. That will bring you eafo and certain help. It'sn powerful general , ns well as uterine , tonic and nervine , and it builds uj ) and invigorates the loutiro female Bysteni. It regu lates and promotes nil the proper functions , improves digestion , enriches the blood , brines refreshIng - Ing sleep , nnd restores health and strength. For ulcerntlons , displacements , bcnrlur > down rensations , periodical pains , and al\ \ ' fenmlo complaints" nnd weaknesses , 'jJSit- vorito Prescription " is the only gitaiiintred remedy. If it over fails to benellt or cure , you have your money back. In every case of Cntnrrli that seems hopeless , you can depend upon Doctor Sato's Catarrh Itcmcdy for u cure. It's proprietors are so sure of it that they'll pay $500 cash for any iuciirablo case. Sold by nil druggists. S O UTII QAIAJTA. Union Stock Yards Company , Soutli OrnaVia. Meet Cnttlo Ho nnd Snoop market In thi iroit COMMISSION HOUSES. , , H + f f * * * * * * * * * - - ! - * * * * * * * * * ! - * * * Wood Brothers. Live Etook Commission Merchants. South Omalm Tolrpliono 1157. Clilcnjo JOHN I ) . DADNMAN , I . , , . . . „ „ „ „ nna80 WAI.TKH K. WOOD , f Market Ilcporti by mail uad nlro cliaarfulljr nlxliuU upon application OMAHA AWNINOSAND TENTS BAGS AND TWIN-S- BI3/CLE / ) . B3.nh Oraria Bij M. 0. Daxon , COMl'ANV. Jmportorj ami man-fra. Ulcjrclei sold on raonthlr Hour sack * , burl.il > * > twlno. partusnti 12) N. 15th. BOOTS \HD SHOES , Morse-Coa Shoa Compiiy , Hownril motor/ corner lltli nml XVonronmklntccloas prltu to cull buireri. unj are eolllcg a cl s of Koo < t. which I. vury sals Ula with merchants. Kirkendall , Jones & Amer. Hand-Sewed COMPANY. XVIiulonlo HIIOKCO. , booU.ihoii mfr . a Jiit' Hoi ion nml rubber ooJ , UJJ- llubbcr rthoo Co. . I10 > I31U llnniuy dt. llUI-Ill * ; Hiirnoy St. COAL. COC. CQ3HI3E. Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Comics Works UMB CO. . hurJ and toft Mfrs. Kalranlittl Iron coal , S K cot. lOtu and cornlcj , nlii1)r cnp . luolnlllo > krll < liti , ulo. ino-im DRyoooos. FURNITURE. Omaha Upholstering B)3b ) ) ) & Rujyai CO. , iiibol | > tore < 1 furni FUlt.NITUH'.C CO. , tiraco ture , 1IJ11101 Nlctiulm Bt. Wholuialaonlf. nol ISth Ht-t