THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : Tltt'nSIUY , MAttflT 2. 1R03. 1 THE DAILY BEE F Fit 1 ISO ii rEARt. ETBOCT. r rrt r * * TILTOJt - JIA.AC . t 1 , uff LuntMtr On. A 1 . - j , rf li" w wa L n , ) * and AuftatU SV bCft. twtfc ' w cMMnioei fnr y < Mtta a t f , vi ! < Ji iM.ital at CJarin * * . i shaff ww t to Noohi butt rraolnf t L t > r marrta- hi brfUfcer. ihm > ! * ui.H. Mb * Amy LVowaa , both ctf tt : . . - V Vt the. KM hotel. Marrb t tSW. J r r i. Mu'lory ' nf Miondotiia , la . an * ' i 'aliir nf Caniou. Ta , Kov. H. H. "i .anc ; A n f < > : a trial was fitodfatbe n- -T M * : raayb > the * d mdi.nt la ' si , under * watort McNally , which . 1 1 u decided lart we k. Ran ; . , t balloto lor the rt ri rti n > 1. . , iriBMtd and are mad ? for 4 -i i.r . in a different ticltrt for th * 1 , , rt . and Sixth wards , while the Se < .ud . a d Fifth wHl aU t the \ .latino made in tb city . c " ' -jf Amount of land on Cat OS island iw. ' ih . Council Bluff * > o fc t _ . - Kb t.rrrtor. < acquired by the late J .t i. f ; Li nir n court amount * to 3L. . a T > I i i > William * of the Dadjire Ueht F _ - . L. s s k i d a call for an election to b * tiday from a m. 1 lo p m. at ' t for'the purpoM of riwtinr a f rr .iu to nil tbe vacancy caused ny 1. . T iv ti" a si vial cnrnmtmication of I f C . i nice No 71 . Ancient. Free and A " - - . . V : < im > thM e\tmlnir tor work ki t. s iii.'irw All fellow craft * te ftoM s'- ' .j.j r , r.irdiallj invilod. By ordar ft ll. wshn 'ul iimhter. I uti un.u'cotrotaMe nristalt * the stt - n ' wus n.uie yesterday that tbe suit of tLr V a..a sunups bank acainst the eStiacms s : b-r.K ft hi * city had i f eti decided te fu * ' i it < plaintiff Tbe decision was in far f tb < - defendant. Antw ciarrtape word will be opened at the c xt bi-uw txidny In honor of tne init i > i--.i : Owrk Fenlon M-ill hold a liar- jr " sajr T iic iHt , ri iwr a larjre inarriftpr vtiriih four fat cupid on it , at hivlf w.Lb t-ai h jinniaw An cL-trtutnment will lie piren at the Cimti ] Arir.j uall th.s t-rcnine under the ajri'cs ft'he Women's Relief cnrjis Ad- Crcf-Bta .ruj in made by L. TV-Ross and Rev. II P Ja'ny and n irmnbcr irf readinrs , re , 'L'iit.s and rntmical selections will be rrr. lewd TliC Tval serrices at the First Baptist ct-r ; h ci.cTuiue to draw larpe audiences Mrs Drc t. who Itiads the sonc serriccs. has ar. ur.jsuu..v plonstnir vuicr and her shiritiR 1s. ttunuroJ' > > all There wUl be buptizhur t , i.n.U i n.n.j.ti.lit half paK 7. followed h.\ a cra i > bj E-ntnpcJist Tiioroiwon The } Kilice recclvBtl word yesterday of a f'xiw ? liud robtiinc that took place in a S t Mnn : strwt salmm a dnv or two nco A farmer uvmp ra Kaut-uv entered the place nn j ITU * arutrrcd Yesterday when he cnaie t I. . MT.S. . s h - found that he was at the li JIL , of the tiartctider and that be was c. j.s ? < * ) The case it. lieitir ; inrestijratod. J l.n Sn.ith and u liov nttmed Blair were arrested i. stordaj on the charge of Btealinp fli in muti'-v from Mrs Edpertou , wbo lives on F .urth ttrt t. They wfll be tried this murcaic at * o'clock lieforp Justice Vien , and there is a { .trims probability that tiiej will be Bi-ut ti the leform si-bool , as the } have In-c-n ir.ixt'i3 uji in almost iiinaniorahle scraiies litf jre , B W TiVvman. wbo bc ps tbe jrVanaftsr barn TO Fourth street near Tenth aronne , WHB fluinir ib/Tipper story of the buildinp With ba'etl ' ka.T Tut-sduy afw-noon. when the 2jjiir'r ptT" way and let the bay fall with a crash to tbc floor below A farmer had tlriv. n tt from under less than a minute be fore an ! taas e c.ujiat } btinr C''astiftd to flcatb Thr danuvpe w ill litconsiderable. . Tht fire department was called out Tues day tupbt u. the ftaar house on South Eirhth Ftntot. Mrs Puddv A\nite , who lives there , ha J tijijied the store over and tbe bouse was In flames but they were soon extinguished , with a small loss Yesterday Airs "White was taken before tbe commissioners of in- fnr an examination , after which sbe was ardercd taten toSt. . Bernard's hospital for treatment. "W H. Ilall vas tried j'esterday before Jus - tice Vien on tbe charge of stnallnc Mrs. Wooiej s trot from the corner of Willow avenue and Bluff strnet He claimed to have he apht the tent from a stranger who met Mm by thr river iast summer. All efforts to Rbakc Lim in his sk > ry were fruitless , and as there wus ni > one who had seen the theft act - t JOT C3 nutted or who could idemtif v be- j 11 J a-a u iubt the tent as tbe one wbich had been rjnss.i.p for so long a tune , be was dis- Thelical jiopulists metat tbe court bouse Tuesday tirht for the purj > ese of nominating candidates f jr tbe school board. The state ment had been made l > j some of them that thry \ \ jjuld nominate women for tbe posi tions f srhool directors , and the eonse- qin r.e war. that the men who aspired to the h-nnr had put their political aspirations unjcr the influence of opiates , knowing that the , w .jd stand no show asainst the juenibfrs c.f the fair sex. It was dis- ccvcrtid however , that there were no wimvn to l > o found who had any bii toward entering the prize ring. and tiirjcvas a dearth of candidates. It was aoeortlmcly dwidfd to jrostpone nomi- nalintis untii batorduy evening at the same ( uacc. _ , If you have piles De Witt's Witch Hazel talve will surely cure you. Charles Konigmac-uer is arranging to bUi.d on Ms ten uores , purchased of McattiTH. Day & Hess , in the Klein tract , Over UOO acres 2i miles east of tbe jiost- Dfiiet ret for sale in tracts to suit- Step at the Ojrden. Council Bluffs , the best &J.O < ' house in Iowa , City Engineer E. E. Cook has retamed frcin a trip to Chituipo. J A ( j > rham has raturnwl from a visit to tus CMI ! home m Jam-sriD * . Wis M. O Clolef has pone to River Stoxwhere bew J eupaee in the business of fruit cul ture Dr Se } bcrt an * W C Estep left yester- Jav for Avuca. here the furawr was to tef- Uf j l > the grand Jur } in the Burmeister E order case Mrs. IKxry L Duell has returned to her aid home in Fort Wayne , Ind. . accompanied bv her Bisters. Mrs Jessie Stackhouse and Milctoth. P rs r.f } iopte have pues , out De Witt's \ \ uh Hazel salve \vdl cure tbem. For warming ginist ehamlors , bath rooms , etc- , our gus heaters are Just what you want. Look at them. Clean , octnvenifut , cheap. C. B. Gas and Ek e- tric Lagbt Co. _ Have vviir j r s < jnptjons fllk d at Dava ' , only pare , irosb drug > and oheai- icals in t-tock. 1V.1 laud-Child * NaptUlk. At hurh noon. W dM4a } , March 1 , a verj prvtlj hone w d4Uitp oocurrud at Mil Seventh aveuue. at the rosMtwce nf tbe fande lnu-euts. Mr attd Mrs F G. OhBdt. Miss Ellen D Cuildc was Biarrwd to Dr A O Wj laud of L'uderwood , la . Ker. Mr PhUi's onk4aunc AfUr tbe w dtep ra un i'tuou . diuuer was s rv * d Ouij the fanuJ.v and rtuativet , were jireMiut. Th * roonp.upl reoeiwd man vateahir plfts. Dr aud Mn. Wyland wttllK ! at h mc te tfceir trifiuls at I'uderwkMid , la. , ufvur Aprtl L Thr tirttud llutri. t\'Uni-U Bluflk. Mo t alegtiat beUJ in Lnr. Duuag IXHHB on seventh JU * r. & 3 t & 6 per iay. E. p. Clark , For fine baby carnages see Crockwell NEWS ] FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Important QmrtMBt 1 * Be 3nbnU id to tin Votes K rt TO BMIE MONEY FOR PARK IMPBDVEMEM1 * t I > rdd > 'Wbollter a I-rry Shall Rr Made to J er r thr Kr rtte of tint r rk UUeattan- Pew Im portant Tmitk. At tbr fttacUm next Monday two qnc-- ttans will be submitted to th * voter * On * b ac to wtortlMir a levy f-i 1 will fcball be to prtrrtd * fund * for park lav a4 the other a erjof a lit * far tbc pwfKwe of. dctraybur tbc * - ihe park Btieation. In corcitvctkm with the latter tbe sn pitian has b en made that in one th * voVert should doctor Mntmut nuttcinr tbe ) rvj ttar cttj treasurnr and tbe council mtarttl find thfimselvrs in a predicament. As to wen known , tbr a I tor- * ej t wbo rcprenentouS thr citj in tbr park | iitteatton Bave alrofcdj rerefrad their $10.009 fat * , and tbc denipn of tbe proposition is merely to bare thr 1lO.OOO raised by taxation to fill uj. the police fund , from which it was taken. Inquirj atnonc tbr city officials yes terday , however , snows that tbenlectinnwUl have no effect upon tbc oSli-ialfc whether h results in tbr levy tiringr tnudc or not The law forbid * thr trxnferrtntr of mowv from aae Xmid to another , bat tbcire is no such pro- lision made wth rcfrrt'ncr to tbr police I fund , as all the money it contains come * from I saloon and other ftnr * . instead of a direct | levy m m tbe people. Tbe jwtipe fund , therefore , is prm < "ticUy under full control of I tbe citj officials , and If tbc ? choos * to appro- ; pruue i Vl.KK ) out of it to jnalntain a freak I i tnusrura in Baylins park it is probable I that they would have tbe riefat to do it. The amount otmtriVctpd to this fund durine the year endiuc March 1 will be in round numbers about tflo.KX ( ) . nearly nne-h&lf of tbe entire amount contri buted toward runninp tbe cii.i expense * . We arc ncnr rendv for business in tbe paper line. Our t-tock will be found tbe largest and most complete in tbe city , baring just received & car loud direot from manufacturer , boag-ht outside of tiie c mliinaticn for spt t - h. wLicb en- ablfs TJS to.ell you wall papar at about one-half onr wall pujmr competitors. We hare nine of the HH2 stylus , everything thingwe 5-how is 1SM3 style , and made in 1SSI3. although tbe year is but younrr. As w < > fmi4 Ittfore , 1SH3 ffiKids we can sell you at ab. > ut one-half ropular wall paper prices. Why buy 18SG roods when yon can buy Is.i3 } sronds for leas moneyY Papenns and painting done by erpert workmen. All work done g-uar&nteeil erne no jmy. FOTHERINGHAM , WHITELATT & Co. , Bnfcton Store. Council Bluffs. la. v The Toaiple Uall Meetlnch. Tbe Temple haH roeotinp last nicht was acain larpe enowrh to fill all tbe seated portion tion of tbe room , and the same deepening interest that has drawn and 'held the people so steadily for many ui.rhts past held the larcf ooncourse araiu. Wbother the crowds po there for the purpose of listoninc to the starrinc music under the leadership of Mr Birdsall or the dear and i'mpl" locical dis- l y tbe younc pastor , they po away that they have received a beacflt. Tiie solos of Mr Birdsall seem to be tbe blossoms naturally b"rstinp from tbe ser mons of the preacher , and the "Old , OW Story" acquires tiew beauty as it is told apain iu soup and sermon. Tbe subject of Mr. Allen's well , it was not a sermon , not a di < * x > urse. and not an apjxtal. but yet it was all of these c.ouilnned was tbe necessity of the new and sjiirltual birth. Simple , loeictU and plain enough to tie fully prasjied by the commonest miud and at the same time deep ttnouph to pive the ln-iphtest intellect tiett Itiht and thoaeht. it vm * an ideal serciim. flttinp with a iwrsonal applica tion to all. An invitation had lieen espe cially erwnided to the business men of the dty , and the central portion of the room was well filled with men who po to church less perhaps than any other class. They came droppinc in until after > o'clock If you hear today twhiud store coantinprooms and oftices snatches , of melody hummed , yon may know that some one there attended tbe Temple hall meetinc last nirht and earned i away in his heart some of Mr. Birdsall s music and Mr Allen's eonviaeinp lopic The announcement was made last nipht that the Wilsons will pive a sacred conctirt I in connection wuh the services on Saturday uipbt. and tickets of admission were issued at the close of the meeting The quartet is said to be very fine Mrs M E Wilson , one of the number is a sister of the late P. P Bliss. Oniy those havmir ttekets wQl be ad mitted , as the crowd mieht otherwise be lee preat. The tickets do not cost anjthinp , and all those desirine them can procure them from Mr Birdsall. as lourr as they last , at the close of the nicotines durmp the re mainder of the week. The hall will accom modate fifteen hundred or more , and tickets will t > e piven lor all available space. The Hum of Industry. The hum of industry is crowinp louder in North GalvesUiu. Tex. The Compo Board Factory aud the Arncultural Implement works are nearly completed The same is true of the Kiuttinc and Hosiery mills. Wool scourinp eEUiblLihnieut. aud other enter prises tVit b peed markets for their prod uots. abundanu * of raw material and splendid Bhipphit ; facilities , manufacturers are earerly seirinp upon this new fi ld of profit. Mr Franklin F. Wftiiams. First National bank , Omaha , JCeb. , is the local apent of the North Galveston association , aud he will be plud to furnish all particulars Tne home address of the association Is Box 93S , Minneajiolis Minn 1 The Bor-ton Store con tern platef havin < T their WHITE GOODS SALE in a lew i Everythin * : that is white included in thi ? s-ttle. Embroideries , laces. mu : > lin.t. fehtetinpmuslin underwear , white nainsook , towels , Udit , fi ! asiiers , etc. , etc. Watch for futu'-e an- of the Mile. BOSTON STORE , Pothering-ham , Whitela w & Co. . Council Blufis , la , Oriranli Mlutnc Coiupmny. The Come Up Ml&inp company of Colorado has tnten orpanutid by a number of capital ists of Council Blu s and tbe articles uf in- oor ] > oration were placed on file in tbe oSiee of the county rworder yesterday. The eapt- tal sux-k is KUKUKM and the directors are Lucius Walls. James McShsne , D. A. Farrall , J N Casadj , A. 1C Suiue. John O'Douahoe , Dan McGuitin and T J Mu honey. Th other DMUulHirs of the are W D. Hardio , Johm A O'Keeffe W W Maee. P. H Mabone.v. H C Schultr , Thomas Rilev. J. B. Parr ttWflham P Itussell , Frank Byrne. Ueli rounded. Bli > .BU , O.Nov. a . lM i Idesiretosay that 1 have preat fuith in Chamberlain's OtKurh Remedy for the cure of thmat and luns troubles : also for croup E. W Me- Oollum. Th re is peed reason why Mr. CoUum should have ooniideuoe in this rem edy. It will cure a severe oold in Itt&s Ume than any ether treatment There U nitth- iup that > vill loosen aud relieve o W so quicklyIt will not only cure croup , bat if ust > d as scon as th first syrnpUims dcicmr it will prevent tb attack. KKant bottles f r sale b > all f3 " \ all Paper Sale. Prie t marked down Jroai 20 te 50 par oeat on all rttmaaatb aud 1K btoek , J. D. Ooekw U. mUU ry. will ootmpj25 Main , Ben ' aitar March L wood , 87 Main. II UVc ltU- OswaU Peujr&ec , who wab tried in eeart a tine ape OB the chrpe Mary CbnctiaBMMi has tak Veopinp hit child nut of the way of what - he ti * , u appear * Iron : a fiij it ! lif .Inlaid , rv.'irt \ > M'rria < 1 J" t tna li. us * < i tli - > i , - M v t < 1it that hr jru , t p < > Miituf 1 ' urii K ftmr | tli ( hiK1 ati , mmi MIofT iw time month for thai purT > w e e tiTi1 \ Prtrr J'PVrrxm ht * bn-tbrr filfd a petition of utatinf that be had ownnr- bip of ail wave * taat atfrbt MOTCM V at * i brother from rVbrawry U on. and a taw at ) Uie aMipraxmt wm atao fifed bearing tb t < * . The Nnrth < ateHH Itrtek Itunt. I Th * kin nf red pmwed brick that was " a few dav ape at North ( fcrtvMrto * . revealed a quality of material which wa * lOMMiummd by rjuia M felly equal m demity. durability and color to tbe bast 5 * . Unvte pruoMid brick. Tbr North OalreotoM Brick company i * a pretty Mr ooooera Tbe machine ! . . tmUdinx * . yard * , and reneral capacity equate. . Mine of tbr bast plant * ia bt country. Morr factories bemp rndit. a steady increase in jH > p l tkm and ae abundant influx of capital seems to be the present record of this thrifty younc city For particular call OB or addrr * * Franklin j F William * . First National bank. Omaha. Neb . UK' local aceat. or addrw * tbe North OalvestoB amwiciation , box 188 , Minneapolis , Mmn Tbe Bo-Urn Store eoBVemplates havinir their WHITE GOODS SALE in a few days. Everythine t.bat i < . whit * included in thLsale. . Embroideries , lace * , mus lin * , shfetine. mnslin underwear , white nainsook , towels tidies , splashers , lin- j ens , etc. . etc"Watch for future an- | aonacetnents of the sale. i BOSTON STORE. Fothering-ham. Whitelaw A Co. . Crnuicil Bl Jiffs , la. William Watson bus purchased four aud a half acres in the Klein tract. which he is poinc to improve at once by building himself a borne tnd planting an orchard. A. L. Hendricks had an experience with a burrlar early yesterday morninc at bis home on avenue A aud Fifteenth street. Mr ? | lieudricks heard tbc fellow walkinp about tbr bousf. but thonrht it was one of the j roomers until he ventured into the Imdroom She then screamed and awakened her tins- band , who Jumped out of hed and with a . chair in his hand put chase to the intruder. Tbr latter backed off , rernarkinp as be I reached the door that Hendricks would betI I ter let him co in peace. Hardiy had tbr words left his lii * . than he fell hradlonp off tbe porch to the frround Iwlow AlmnM the same instant tbe chair left Mr Bendrlrks' hand and narrowly misM'd the man's head. He was picked up b > a iml who had lieen keepiu ? watch outside , and tbe two left the place with eousi Jerable haste. Nothinc of value was missed Ipnorance of the merits of De Witt's Little Early Itisers is a misfortune. These little pills repulate the liver , cure headache , dys- jifljsia , bad breath , constipation and bilious ness. Nothinp Hard Al.i.nt That ! A new aud easy confidence pame came to li ht yesterday , and S W Scott , the pro prietor of the hotel which tiaars his name , was tbe man whom the confidence man chose for his victim A bill for a small amount wa left at the hotel some time ape by the collei tor for a prominent arm of the city , and was stuck on the hook for further reference Yesterday the collector called aaln and was informed that the bill had been paid. A tall , full faced younc man with a small tcustuche and a v'rtuons countenance had entered the offlce in a matter-of-fact way. taken the bill from the hook and called for the money It was paid over , the collector left tbe place and has aot tKtti seen since. He had evi- oeutly Iven present the first time tbe hill had ltH'n presented , and hud hcd taken advantage of the knowledge he had pnined at that time \Viuter Cholera. A mild form of bowul compbvint , popularly Iniown us winur cbolera , maae its appear ance recuntli at Fanhatut. Minn. , aud sev eral oth T jdoces. No apprehension tus d lie felt from it. as a few doses of Chamlierlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhosa Remedy will offtt't a cure in every case. For sale by all Dr. Mclntyre magnificently endowed in the way of voice and physique lor the lecture platform. He is alr-o Drifted with n rtronp r > ene of humor sind a happy choice of lanjruajre. all > of which make his lecture ? a delight to be lonir remem bered. London , Canada. Free Prer-s. Star course. March 6 , Broadway ME : church. John W. Dorland of LiacMn. 3 ha * ju = t purchased thrtmph Day & Hess , usreatx tlurty acres of the Kledn tract. He will it out in fruit this I und build good bnildiIlp' at once. Coal and wooci : be > t and cheapest hard % vo xi in the catv ; prompt delivery. H. A. OOx , No. 4 MLiin. FOK SALE Citizens State bank s-tock. Submit cash offer. E. H. Shuafe. Grape > Utpper . Orpanixe. Articles of inoori > oratJon were filed in tbe recorder's office > e"terday by the Council Bluffs Fruit GrowerShippinp association. The officers are as follows : Presid jnt , Alex ander Wood. vi . resident. P. Weis : secre tary. John P. Hess : treasurer , G orpe R. Wheeler , directors , P Weis. D. J Smith. D. L Royer. A. N. Rich and James Herald. Other members are A. C. Ranck , W. S Kee- line , F. B. HalL M. E. Meyers , Harry Leland - land , A. B. Mair , R McKenzie. A. W. Pin- ncy. L. O. Williams , B O. Bonhain. O. J. Smith. H Kingston , Tbe cajiital stock is fixed at SUKK ) to start on. but may lie in creased to ? ie.kK ) . The object of the corpo ration is the seilinp. shippinp. marketinp and handling of prapes aud other fruits. A ropnlar Itemed.v Jor Colds. Mr J. B Coieland ] of M yersdale , Penn. , ' who has l en enpaped in the dru ? business I in Kansas , New Jersey , Florida. New York | and Pennsylvania for the past nineteen i years , says : "Chamh rhun'sCouch Remedy | is the tiest selliup oouph medicine 1 have ever handled " People who use this remedy j are so much pleased with it that they reconj- ' mend it to their friends and neighbors There is nothinp lietter for u bad oold. It relieves the limes , preventing any tendency toward pneumouia. It is also a pleasant und safe medicine for children. M cent bottles tles for sale by all druppists. Why let children die with diphtheria ? You can save them by Dr. Jefferife' rem edy. Has bttm u ed suoeessfully for 115 years. Price S&OO. For sale by Ooua- tdl Bluffs dru ; jrists , ulso at 24W4 Ouming street , Omaha. Three hundred bushels of jmre Ohio feed potatoe. at Thomu' Rishton. 241K5 West Broadway. Council Bluffs , la. First-clas ? dairyman wanted at Iowa School for the Deaf. Comjidtiency and reference will lie requir < d. Do yon smoke ? Hae vou tried T. D Kin ? .S : Co.'s Partasrui. ? ttV a charmer. Just light one. house. Fine pianos and organs for ca-h or payments. 114 Stutsraan street , C. Biuffs. Rne t Aristo cabinet pbou , J2 per doeen. Ashtoa's studio. It North Main Another impro * eiaent to the jiopular Schubert jtiano. Swan -on Music Co Williamson i Co. , 1W Main street , largest and best WeyeSe stock in city. Helen Merrill. hairdroM-mg and raaaicure. Room 311 , Merrium J'ollcr I'oiiiK-r * . T. F. Jardin aaa G. H. S ith. , who are eharfi d with Ktealiap Murar fma freight cars , have waived eraminatioc and been bound over te tbe district otMtrt im tbe sum ef # liKW each. H. Peters , a dishwasher in th New York rtcBraut , was amK4 d OB the chare * of E.l uHuc frtHB E. G. Marj * ? , a wattur , a watch valued at HO. I An hwuKBt pQl tb BoUest w rk / tbe apothecary De Witt's LHile Early Kiser * cure coocupation , UlUeusQeu and ache MA J PROHIBITIONISTS MAD n 3wnre ! That ! hw Leadm Bar * BMB DW NOT SELL OB7 T % THE KMOCHATS ti' Mate Teror > eranre AMfukte PnavenMon the I MemtK-r AA. f r an 1 ti nt CMS > * * tts s la. . 'March 1. [ 9p rial TtOecraw to TMI BMC 1 Tbe wetter of the I State Temt r * ( aHiMtoe today was on * of I tbe KMM > t errttttu : in tbe hintory of tbe j orcanlnUcm. Tbe first trouble arne at th * j apn&inc this momtec over the admitumce of , fire d leeal s from WashhirU * county They were knowa to l > e probilntkm repobii- cans. nppowd te tin- third jmrty td . The objection WM nude that they had not kept up their does , but these were Avail ; paid aad tbe.w . re admitted Than came tbe wrancle ovw tbe action taktm ] last nltrbt in pormtttinr tbe president to name a workinc com itt Tbe d < TH.- . hion was very spirited , laotinr for more than two . hour * , and anally ended hi tbe wbtile matter bcitur laid on tbr table learinsr tbe apjKintuints in the presidtmf * hajids , who procmded to natrie ronrmilVpcs President Ayl < * worth of Drake university then created the wildest cKritemrnt of the suasion by rasdhic n communication from the eKnrutive commitu-e of tbr alliance in whh-h tbe State Reritnr wait cienoanced in the bittorent lanruwre imacinable for its charcr acahist Ihc oSli-ers of tbc alliance , all of which were vehemently denied and tbe writer of tbr article roundly s-wed for his lintruthfiilfieHS. The communication closed with a demand that the alliance apKiiut a committee of five to inve tic t the charpes made arainst tbe oSicors and force the Register to furnish its proof for its statements that the executive commh toe had sold out to the democrats for $8.r > ! U ) . Ilie commu&icatinn was siimed by J A. Harvey , chairman : Rer. B O. Aj leworth , dhatt. R < v. Allen Clark , Aaron Ouster , John J Hamilton , Mrs A , E > ScMurra.v. memlias of the ejcecutire > ra- mittoe. Numerous bitter sp < wches arainst the paper and its editor were indulml in by Rev. Dr Emcrj Miller , Mrs Helen Goticar. Rev. S H. Taft. President Harvey. Jnde Nourse and others Mrs. Gouear took occasion to deny the charce lu the Recister that the Temrrance Alliance had anythins to do with the distri bution of her circular against President Harrison. She said it was the prohibition party. Will lu-sln 1.11.P ! Snlt * . .ludre Nourse mnde a motion which was adopted , callmc for the apjioictment of a committee to investicate the charges re ferred to and autborinnr tbe said committee to send for persons and papers Amonij the witnesses who will be assed to test'fy in the investiratinn will t > e Ket Clarksoa and Cyrenus Cole of tbe Rrrister. John Pojie of tbc Review , F M BuWO. J J. Bruce Mrs McMurray and eihecs It is said that unless - . less the witnesses apf ar and cive tht-ir masons fi > r maKnic UKcbarccs of l > ooalinc tbe pKlcers of the AHiancc will commence criminal action for lil > ol ueainst tbe t-ditors of the Register. The committee on noiMuatious rejiorted as follows President. J. A. Hanej . secretary , Mrs. A , E. McMurray , treasurer , J. J. Hamilton : nre presidents , .1 B Wilson. H. H. Rate. Linsey Josjejih. H. G Parker , Watson Roberta G. F. Maroun. J. W Brown , J B. Lamberu C G Treat. U. S Coflln. W W Wedewood and R. L. Turner. I J J Hamilton declined to serve another term as treasurer and Frank Pcttit was named instead. The directors are W P Moothart. L. D. Lichtcr. C. R. McFarlm H. D Smith. Aaron Ouster B ( J A.ilesworth , William Groesbeck. S. Wilson , D. L. Scar- Iwrs aud F. E. A\'nit nore. The list of oarerswas unaninmusly elected. A resolution was adopted author izing tbe callinc of a mass meetiap of prohi bitionists in DOS Moines in May to provide atrainst the Alliance beinc captured by un faithful members or desisminc pohticians , A by-law was adopted spaciyinc that no i > er- son can Ixicome eligible to not with the con vention until hr has been a memlxir of the Alliance a certain lencth of time before the annual meeting. i ? loua I'urmcrfc Meet. LEMAII" ! . la. . March I fSix-cial Telepram to THE BEE. ] The third annual convention of the Alliance and farmers institute of the Nintb district met in the city hall this after noon. There were about forty delegates present. The afternoon was devoted to the discussion of horticulture and kindred sub jects. A committee from the molders onion at IxH-ds was present and asked the alliance to pass resolutions boycottinp the Baris Stove works at Leeds , Mild resolutions were passed extending sympathy to the union. 1'rnmliicxit llurhrmun Killed. DnMOIXES la. . March 1 _ [ Sj > ecial Tele- pram to THE BEI- ] Richard Williams , a well known horseman of Knoxville , la. , was injured tbis evening while drivinc vvith a companion on Sixth "avenue. Tbe team be came unmanageable and ran away. Williams was thrown acainst a telephone pole and nearly every bone in his boay broken. He died in an hour. Ufc-trin t.lir > oltl. la. . Mairh L The Allen Swiney electric railway was sold today by order of the United States court. It was bid in by the Old Colony Trust company of Bos ton , which holds the first inorUrace for J5.- 000. The road has been in tbe hands of a re ceiver for a year. Acquitt.-d thr Ofhrlul. DE ? MOITTES. la. , March L [ Special Tele- pram to THE BEE. ] The case against ex- Supervisor James Brooks of Polk county , charged with Iraud In the manacement of the roud fund for his district , was concluded this afternoon , the Jury bringing in a verdict of not puilty. Two Sudden I lent lit. DAVESPOHT , la. , March 1 ( Special Tele- pram to TBE BEE. ] Tuesday afternoon Mrs Charles Schroder , wife of a wealth v farmer , died suddenly of paralysis When her daughter , Mrs Charles Brockmau of New Liberty , heard the news she fell dead. Before breakfast Bromo-Seltser Acts as a bracer Trial bottle lOc. Cunt Him UU I-okltlnn. DCS MOIVES. la , Marrh L-J. W. Shaffer , assistant United States weather observer , received his diSL-harR from Washington todaj on account of bis connection with the recent grave robbery in this citj. QTTJXG imjORS.Mand coraom , skin honor * . O cap ! bnmomwith Vxn o ! hair. an4 every other hcmor , farther hchlnr , u llnc. Meeding , ca'T , crorted . , pimp "ror biKcby , vtiether imple , crofUIOBI. . or herBdllarjr. from infancy to ape , au now peed.r ) jicnnaner VT and economically cored by that prettiest at all tno n linmor ccre , the A fcKjf in < 5 Wood purifier of InroroparaUe pen y 1 and cuntire IIPM cr Antl.l ) wl lre < i upocific ol orW id > cc ! Lrtty tn .re \ervtal.M' laic. Inoccvot. nut julataUe ESucw dai man preal eare i > t Ua feir. and l.iood hi-niori than an Mher ( tin and l > hK > d rrroedie * tl < re O * tml.lic. f ale cnaler lean the eombiiM > d n-le. at ai oUier blued cad tkia mnadin. frtd prerj-wliere. I'rlce. Jl PoTTrB iD CBCKICAI. OncrPKATinii , Dooum. -Xl-f1 * tor "Tlew to Core P | rinr Kood llcsort , Ekia Hamorm , ScalpUumn. " . - . or ir BI rlran < - ( t * < tlnn If Ito tilti..iiM cut i lot m t I T- lui.i. h * \irrn niartf In Die tUat * 'Mik < ta I * bi < lnf flcMMtfO with ' I * nM < r arrma Vkr orran benmrn tbr Otr i t * fart * and tfcr Tenwmtr tbr tarter w < hy | f < iw bout * a 4 fony MHIIIMW. Kamnrt > d tH-olfUm nf thrfYrdMW > > nnl tbr ra r at * erllr e Ul Uw NItM thr 1 * ocV ft thr tnMt m t H- New Y A tarj * fl i. oii of fntk i MT ranmr ( piiw tVtron. MX * vm. v Mtrad tbr ta ararUmi TVr Ktrk t > M > ] dl * v o ndrlcm too. Trx. . t v. hare rrord tbr RtoGrMKtr ko4 mMMl tkr Mrtrtrk * nc4w am tbrn th Hldr i of tbr rivrr To tbe Mnwitrha Ptt m tbr eammtt * < r mi * fortfnU relMkm * tin * rrfiattrtf In favor nf tbr rmolvttoti * { rnrtni ; tbr M wx U < m of tbr RawfcllkB Klandv , KMtoii Hure of Sooth Thtkntn HNhop WnrtMnrtnn erf N > tint kn rr hi Nr * Yorl nty ( In attrndmioe on thr aunvftl t.ev > .loti ttt rr f r rk Hintlnrer. a pomtiNrrJal fnr a Inrre F.nrlt * * firm. lent ail bl * > mnnry t the Mout- Curio mxttio Nrw Vork. , anfl xfcM hinwU Attkd vi Itki a rrrrrf vrr. Tbe ArinntineinilWy bits r * rd a bin i n- thfiriclnr wotm-u vnnr w in tbr territory d It ! cnnrrdr > d It will | raw , tbr ra t Ml * rr- ! tb . Borrmor' ! . Hlctwtnre. Jodie ? tow iti rrlmlokl wiurt , h wwrrulrd Ibr HKitlmi tut a new trial in tbr r r nf Hurt K. IH-miwcy and Rcibcrt 3 I f tty. rhurptHl irltli ixKinlnc Hoiot . d la nonankm wwketrs. Asrem Ellis of 1'uynllnp Indian rr e > rratto hn . rwlf ( d InMrurtlon * from Indian 1)0111- mi-rtlotirr Morcan ui krri .l MO ttp Hrr all Jter on * Tibo t tempi to Jtradr railways IKTIHW the rewrvaUon. Tlir rjsrcutHf romtntrtrr of the tamcnral pfTrHicmJe IIH- . unanimously auoptod a rs o- louon jK tjxmlnjr tJir pnmirnaxle panp < n to ba - . tMH < n dv - In tb - jfirwkm bollclnr at w n iiln toti on > unday next. lu tbr Minnesota s-nate a rtxmlatlnn ha Uif n tntnid urod for tbe inre-itlp-mlon of al- Icirtid rxt4n lrr UnitH-r fraod tn lta"fti coontyoiur of the lartf ) .1 tlmhrr dealt r in tlir ponniry artllkrly o l e Involvod. THliordrri ! of Uieh Tok e Mrn ! n Umiinred with honif seekers , marty u > iu W < - a rnih tor rbolce kKtatlons. b < 1h r rcni rn"t . tJirovr Uie laiirl-i o | 'ti to * niemi tit or in t T rutli Ul t Upl pr OB tbr 6tli ln t , HotuiuandrT'lti-Ohlrf Weirrt < f Uie Grand Army of tue BepnhlkImvajmolntodtlie nicli- dchti.p on hi * < tn.I ! atoonc thrni hehic 1 > t MlUiir. ManliHtuin. Kan. ; Hr.nnan Huftit ck.t . St. IxuiK : Jotui W. lldvit-n. Llnculn. Neh 5ehtfrl d WorUiaiu of New York ( Ity , Itn- jK rt ir of sulphate pulp rnd nanr viork. liu * . iii d < > au HHsirnincuj to t'hurlcs llowitrd W il- llatns. HN liahllltle > . nrc not dcilnhely known , tmt are are reinirtod ui tie upward of t-joo.ini" Georce Brown of Loul vllle. 1'hllllp H m- Imrpw of lltt-imrs. .lohii rt. Roarb of Loul rille and IVtr Ilorth of Milwaukee have IM-I u iiann-d inetiilHTfc of Uie tiourd of rontrol of tiie American IM-tillert , atKl Witolesale Ltciuor The rt-.ldenre of Cyrns lire , fonr miles north ofGrvmiville KT. , was coiit-umt-d liy lire r-un- day nlclitTiie ocrupants , t'yrus ier sW r mid lirotlier , wife and childrrn , wen1 burned with Uie Iralldlnc There is no our lft to tell Uie tale of ho * It nricluated. News 1ms IKK > II rerrtvt < d at Dallas. Tex. , of a desperate buttle In the Usace country lift ween deputy ii.arvhuK and n cane of vrhlskv : icd- dlers The licht t < mk place uliont mldnlcbt One of the outlaw wus Uillcd and tint inH Trail k Les ett. receirrr of public tnoivpy' ; at Hoswell , N M. , has ti"fn misMtic since I"Vtirn- ary 7 and foul play is feun-d. Tiie last heard of liinu w as when he drew fSHHi trom an Kl lan < i tmtik. prt'suniKtily for the pnrptiM ! of M-tUiii ? hU uccouut-s with Uie curerauient. I Lena White , lietroUfed to W. Gi-ol < oi of Ot i tawa. Ont. , lias fltsd withronsjdpranlep.xiperty ! rittlimxi hy tier tmiice mid oflicera ure kmUnc i for her viUi warrants. The iKilIrr tu the MahonitnedHn baths in Raku e\7iloded w lien 1h ( i VHliiUhlncm was crowded Muri than 9"11 WMUHI. and children tied ticked intc. 'h ( strct t.s > t-tral jn rs.jns were sraid-'d to death A preu. unj . f tt n ru per 1 iNm Is lieinc [ itt'd ' tn LoaJon ft" .nsura ct ui the , , i 1 ' I Cures Pain Promptly. g. W. PAMLE , M. B. Ch Good Ssmoritin. 29 Tocn' xj < tricnu. fiEADKR OF DISEASES OF KEX JLKB WOKBX. rEOPKIKTOB OF THE WORLD' * UEIU1AL DISPEX. -MJOJIC1XK. . ' ttretii the fallowing Diseases : Catnrrh of tb Head , Throat , tad Lzngs : M * eoaoioftbt Eye and Uar Fits B nil Aioplexy Heart pwetse. Liver Comt.lJiIat. l.ldney Complaint , Harvous Debility , Mental Depres sion. Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness. BUlftes Brirhfs Dheooe , 9t Vltor1 ELnM KSeuEntuim. Pbralysli , White Swelling Berofula , Ftrrer Sorea , Cancers , Tumors and Fittula In ano removed without the knife or drnwinc a drop of blood Woman with her delicate orrt u re- Btored to health. Dropty cured without ttt.alac- iji'lai attention c ea o treuimcnt ul uJ tiluod tatni > ari .ns by cine" ? ' " " * ur iees § urer and chenper than u tr.p tr > tliu Hot jir.nis I.K ) to tvK ) lorfe.t for any fai.ure to core w.thout mercury Tape Worcit removed in tw or three aoua , or no pay. H DorrhnUt or Jilt * curi'd. THOSE WHO AKE AFFLICTED Wfll Bare Ufe and hundreds of dollaii by caCiag on or ucin ? DP. G. W. PtKGLFS KER3SL REDICIhES. The only Fhyatclanwbo can t Il what &IU a per on irtthant tk.inf a < jne tlon. AH enrrtsronaenct Birictlr ccmadcntiai. MeiicS sent \ij cipresfi. Addrets ta lotleu to G. W. PANGLE , M. D. 555 BROAD WAY , Council B. tflf. la. 4c itarrps lor cccfiaential renly jnof-puine ( Lnblcart - . iS-rj" ' * ' * " " " " " " * ii * - I TnEKXCKt.SJi > BJI"MB BAKER AXH RJASTKR i ( i une Enainr w tniat tra Cctxac * war larre | improTMt mrle i > main lat Heap ftau VUDI ; bBt bl ti cniie oJ uu i ) > erfectlr tVbt tarei IB rer c-ut nutrttluBi eiemenn 1'ul. d - kcrti.urvmrrular oa i > pl ) atloa AuENT WAST Kit in rv rf ct nnty In tn * L' K Afl4reift. CH AI1UC5 ' ij X v 'n si CVHOCU & > ci .a. h ff. fH n . .r of t | r W > > t -I T 1 iir nl.lri I , 'i 1 , . . | . 11,1 . BH.Y 1 1 r .r N. > > rk * arri > f ; \ ru T.r.viH . t.rt r ai. < ) fi tn rn ' H . I hi \itrii > r * . | ituiJ IIRM arrlteci t N < . -knim , l \vc AM il.i | -.i. , .i > , n in f i.f.tan. . ' , lamtxr men hauls nf \ \ .irlprf , ki warn Mia Hot I'nriast hatr funned a cnri l > lti < und will fofii. jnrni fk r < nni iiy wilji J H M 1brf. UM bMnhrr Kh t nt _ K rw n . Tbr fjp. ct ta f4 > rcnM Wktvr in ffi Tbr nmnMiialton mntml * MI cwtpat < 4 < HK . 10 Anrr MI all nUrtit wnMlim of tbr mi a otm > . lakni n - IT 1Urk rl r rlwrbTw1' a nr 4im-fii drvterhic fur tbr ItwmfdhM * rrt k of tbr tarlf In fmvxtf of tmer trade Tbr amfMltirem WB * d itMtid. . An arm > ndmrti pmrMitte that MitdUkC voter tbfrrr llt bar * NWD t xu v uOl trcniWad with , Mid in ( tack cmrv brr u * A Brow * > uwb . w hfc-h hare ne r tuOfd , Mil I mnt My tbry arr . hcnod to wme ta tbr wwlFrtix H. Mj , CMhtar St Minn M -j CETI > K RrrrK , la . Marrh 1 - Wbrm Mayor IHiris and Rpcwrdw Krans of Owtrnl CSty wtsrr arraynd ta tbr conn bftrc l d * > tbr chare * ftraltil tbrm of rtalathw tbr AHA- traJian twliot l wwas withdrawn on tiwdr protuiar to place thr name of G B RHUlna on tbr oSlrial ticket as Indei ndtml modi- dale for mayor. This mid * tbe matter. The rre lt > e t' I iHtnj For thL ocxmskm ib - Burlinirl * * rout * will , on Fel ruary N Mnrch 1 tw d i tUl round trip tickets , peed until March 12. to WuhhineUm. D. C. . at the li > w rat * of S34.65. The BurlinptouV witbund fljor * . lea inp Oamha xt 4:4'i : y > m n l 12 ; 4" a m. . cairrjhl epinc' diiurur xnU rt > cl nin chair CAP- and make dun ? omnocUnn : * in I'hiciur i with fa tniirniCjrt- - fiir tht- WQETIX A GUINEA A EOS. " v A WONDERFUL HEOICINE FDn . Want nf Arprtllr. t c/TTrr / JW * thr Rtntuarh , Jlfllnui 'or Jirr > CVi - Z J j.Tn.t.K , Sirfc ? / jiinrhr.O.I/f O ( J.1 , / JT > i ) , ( n(7-/'Hraf. ( J trnrs.f./ . J ilf. and All \rrpouf Affrrtltnin. H * Tn enr * tbnsv rnn lOatntfc wp trnrt rmoTp * to l. founu In the tumucti and llTera T' * % ' thtnt try * * * right anrf a ? / / * t n T-om V J tiratn ( nur twirr a d f r a nbwt time J i 1 Trmrvr tlii > pril and rimure tSio auflnrrr ? in > nund knd hutlnc Lraltt. { ' o : til drupelet * . ITlc 5 25 CPSW a bPi. J Sew Ynrfe Petiot. 9f. Canhl St J BEEF IS CHEAP AS EVER But pork. hams , lard and duron. wlitle wny up In G , are cheatier at -srliend. . .rf s tn-irUi't than any ptlier place in the city The jjlnrt n pet your meat ! > where yi > u pet t'ie IM-ST and tbe luost Tor your money Ixi > U at 1h He prx-es and recolle-rt that everything is the best that 5-wlft A. llo. BlBiirtiU > r : Shi n d'rCloi freeofSone 5 ; < oil -ir Bnnil i I'orasd Beef 5s SirloinBntts PC lolse.'Fleef . . > r Sirlom trip ? 6e = trlomSteak JOe to lE'.s Port rhou * Steak „ . , . . 12'i3 to J6c hinHoasL , . 8cto lOc ? honlderRoast . - . . . . . . . . , . . „ „ . . . .Octo7e V al5r-w . . : - . . , . . . . So Teal Roast - „ lOe Veal Steak IS c Mctton Lt ? . . . . . . . . . . . , . „ . . . . . . . . . I0e Matton Cnops 12jc P ritBntt i , . . . . Per < Loins whole. . * . . . , - . . . . 12So Pert Chops „ i5o SaltPork „ lS 4c raoa . " inc Lard lOcu-illo Hams I2sc to I7c Sli.eJ . . . . -Oc t-25c Sh rp. while . - So Poultry and j.l-waj o . hand. Kooth-rm rice' rar : daj ate : h s ? ' r.c > > s and nund th.s is fo * t .e bjst Mea s in tha city GEO.K. ESCHEKDORF GO. . . . , Wholesale anci Retail 333 BROADWAY. Council Bluffs. DUFFY'S PURE FOR'MEDICINAL USE NO FUSEL OIL I'nr rlicrVInc enld , prr r tlnc itncl i Hr.t i r * nf roiiinmptlon , thin whi tli nnlj ttHrilJ parr lurai In thr mm.rk < t. hikft tirrrr f il. I or nlrttnc delillltatrd men , ( or Hr nctli- ettlnc weak w imr.n Mi i renderlnc tlmrn more attractive , it t r > l ule-we. It khnnlct l > p taken u tlietlr.t Inrtlr tn.H i.f Hie rnm- lnc > f n cola. t > nnnt al.n } oar drngcl * ! < " crnrer to nt-ll jnn II IIIHC ! el e , rimmlnc tliat It U "JuM IK c > " l. " Innut apnn hatlnc ttie pnref.t a\iid t e.u t fnr Mn llln tnteil pamphlet. HI 1 I \ MA t.T M 111-KI V CO. , V \ . i nit i rs. V > ncy Lo.nMl on Da-mils. Wat ae * eti H E I'arciurnln unrtMlnrn.n I OV1DE VIEhJ , e of the Pcaot- - - 41. ' > Bn Iwar , r , CX1LLFCTIOX ? A 51'Bi IAITY Special Noiica.5. 1 Bl T improved rH iaencr t rt | M.rtT r , -nub nhpn ltie priw In Jim ennuffh M > lu Main t , \1.4 > KCT * ABU IOKFIA und oltv pr nr..r t i < u -S-t mllr Tri.m p > i ills. lare b U' hum and nlbttr Itiipri. inatf * tn. ui.pipn prapn nt.di.nia , . rralte , Ii.r rale cheap. Grroun..c dv s t'-ti A i o _ _ i -l \ LRAL tit-Acru IrapU oim * CUT llmlU Baa * f-n'itADd win null , north tb monfrj urt'cn lllt't llMobul l > l3 A Co _ : < b ACKL vnii Improrwl rjrm m Iowa at f < 0 arrr * lmtrnrt'd f& iturd.n and Trult farui n it ( ouuLll HluHv ( . .a sp.aaild IW-anrr ( urm near t. iin i > . Ifio t arm * carder ana trait .nna Jur kic Jolm Hn A Van 1'atcen -f-ORSAl.15 , clirantf taken iotm la tppl tr.ul I CD Oakland arimtm. M ti-f > t { rout un Line .a arcnnr Also two l t > In Wrlcat'i Ada Uri-ra * I10 A ( Flis In r > aw nn onbntr Nnli at fK-AO ClO vl in > ( tutl4tr , I Ml lfuirt | ) pd X9U arr 8 lu Atif luJt. r n ity f 17 .V ) Goou ) * ID ihr r muoi rr m liliM.mliirti'n , ITanLlln cunntr til l.UJb ulbar lanui. lor al Jouptaon Ji \ an rattan _ 1" > nUAl\s ror iiHle. : t JJ am ru on lTanL..a IJHTB tlJttW. KH tx-.rr * l.ctwruB Hr l > v and Fra&tlla aro. Upot l.lutuut iirntmrti In toe r tv. r i.uuj Two opDoMte I'hlrdnl nchaal , t. , aJJ One lot In Wlli on Tprraw frtj Turtv l u our Main * t and > ttb are ROM Mt fol ImplanMnt bocor In tbc ntr f ; liM lx.Bgt' < A 'i o le SU Prar < nt D O TOf r Dt M ) rent tour I.OUMWe t T8 Mnantk vbo are wultinp lor It. uret / t AK&AGB rrmorrd cnnM < iolft. raitltH cl. m vlrleanrdell jirruari tar tbe w irk. BurLc city bnUdlnc _ J OIl SALS I"till of t1unrr tooU tlun. a btrgaln ltnulr . of Kn.j. llard * arc to . tonne ! ! Blt.C 3D YOUNG HOIlsKS. .tandard bred on ilrn flrte al > u 30 ( rood rcMtli'ucr lui > In sbenandoah , la t fit * zcbantrt * Tor onr-Uall to a 9tHuon and * liBlf of land witbtn 1 > trllfn of Oniiiha Wi par HtCcrnDcr In canh Mun I" rood laud Grncn- > U < . | 1 Counrll BlnKn rx > H IttNT A nn > aern lirlrk benne witb utaMp , 1 11 ut-flri'd tr E. t. W oodbury GHAPnEn wanted tonut Le err'er'encea 0ve re ercocu AUdrenk H 17. 1IEC. Council ItluCi. \r E I'l.AIlK. clalrrojrant ano fortune teller .ill. accurately rcroain tb mon blddfn ecrctt < thr part n d future lorn. m nl cti , liualuoi aColra I'uoinc bbune. Council I Her a. If we should give you a Would you ' take it ? We will try you We will snve a five O dollar bill to every pur FIVE chaser of $20 worth of DOLLAR suits or overcoats , or both. 500 different patterns BILL terns to choose from. All the most desirable GRATIS. fabrics. Wednesday , March 1. Columbia Clothing Company , 13th and Farnam Streets.