TUK OMAHA DAILY UEH WEDNESDAY. MA11CII 1. BROTHER'S ' PERJURY IN VAIN Gad McQniro Confesses to Burglaries to Bavo a Brother. > OUT A PAL TURNED STATE'S ' EVIDENCE Juror I.nrnon , AVIio Otijrctnl tn Hrlnj ; l.ocknl Up for the Nlnlit , Tnkr * I.CK llnll Notrl Suit AKiiliiftt nil Architect. Doug McOulro was found guilty of burc- Inry ycstcrdny Inntlto of his brother's o.Torta to sao htm by nssumlnRnll tbo blame lilmsclf. Tlicycro mcmljcts of n gaiiR vhlch committed a number of burglntics and other crimes In the nottli p.irt of the city , including the pluml'Tinf ? of Mnigniet Ken nedy's store lit Thirtieth and Si > rjuo ( streets 1 ho police finally succeeded In ar resting Cad and DOUR iMcGuIro and Harry Holt. After the arrest the house of the McQulics was searched and It proved a gold jnino so far as JhidniK plunder \\as con cerned In the rooms of the llttlo lottngo nud under the beds the oni.crs found hundreds of ilollais worth of stolen nropet ty , conslsthiB of morvhnndisc , pioUslona and almost cM-rithlni ? else imaginable When the thtto men \\eio nri.iicncdC.id MoOuirc acknortlcdped the coin and took a three ie.irs teim in the pen lh" other men maintained that they were innocent and ( idled the court to prove their guilt Alon- cln.thu . tri.il of Deut ? Mcduiio and Hnrtv Holt \\as commenced , hut theto weio no ftt.irtllnn developments Ycstci daj , hoe \ cr , It was different and there was a gcncr.il paddling of responsibility from ono to the ctlier In the Hist place Hurry Holt turned state's o\lucnco and squealed on his pnls Ho detailed the m.inner'in which the bur glaries were committed , declaring that the only part that ho took was to go along and hold the team while the McUuiics wont thiough the buildings and took out the plunder Ho was ahvajswith them on their raids , but not once was ho the Hist p.irtj to enter a house or stoic At the robbing of the Kennedy store ho dro\o the team and helped secrete the stolen goods While Holt's testimony produced some thing ot n sensation It was not a marker to that of Cad McGuiif , who has been sen tenced Ho went upon the \\itmss stand to take the whole blame upon his own shoul ders Ho suoreih.it not < mlj was ho the leader of the gang , but that ho was the pr nclpal actor He , slnglo handed and alone , planned all of the lobbciics and dis posed of the swag 'J bo mother , ho dccl.ucd , nus as Innocent as a habo at its mother's breast , but the Juii didn't bello\o him. ilnror l.urn < ) ti 1 ltd. Thcio's ono Jmjmnn who will bo put upon the lack when couit coin ones this morning L ist night the case of Dcnnej ys Stubendorlf was submitted to the Jury in .Tudiro Daiis' comt As the twcHo men \\eic being cscoi ted to their room In the basement , thci o to bo locked up until \erdiet was reached , Andrew laisonof llenningtdn broke away fiom the Daillff and skipped out Haifa doen bailiffs went after the Hooting Jutor , but ho o\aded them all and made good his . escape SnIiiKiin Architect. - > John T Dillon has sued Henry Voss , archi tect , for $20,000 In Ibb'J Voss made the pi ins and supenlsed the construction of a wire- house for Dillon at Ele\cnth and Nicholas streets A short time aftei ward the super intendent of buildings found the stiuctuio out of plumb and condemned it. 'Iho walls weio pulled down and the owner ehaigos his loss to thoaichitcct OetB l'i > ) Tor tha ( irlllliiR. James Irvine Rots $ -118 for the work that ho did in can Ins the ( 'argojles that look out over the Fiirnam street side of the city hall He sued Schall < fc Herring , the stone con tractors for fl'JO , hut thu Jury concluded that { 318 would pay the bill. Ilii8inii < > IlHsimiHHi'ii's I'rnpcrty. Intho jnohatc court Lena Hasmusscn has asucd to ho appointed administiatnxof the cntnto of Hasmus Hasmussen , deceased. She makes pi oof that there is Slfi.OOO worth ot jnoperty to ho disposed of and that the heirs aio herself , n father , a hi other nnd a son. Court Calendar. The call for today is as follous : l.ttV IIOOM NO 2 JUDOK SCOTT. 20-201 McdiitocU tsSloui , Johnson A. Co. 30-15 Ilydo tsltc'iit. 80-77 ( Jnialm I'l luting company vs Gar- nrnu. ao-83-Walla vs Casper. 30107Onmh'i Tin wan Manufacturing com pany vs ftlwiirds Hurnur company. 30-114 Whelan ts Omaha Iiru\\ng | associa tion. 30-175 Amei lean Loan untl Trust company vs Htratton 80-213 Colin vs rommiTctal National bank. 80-222 r.rnst t s Htmion. 30-251 HOMO tsOrottc. 30-2G2-Palrbankh , Moire & Co , t s Ooodlet i Johnson. 30-284 Dunn ts Itoeder. 30-302 Dot on ts West. 30-32 \\lnspo.ir \ tsUrlflln. DO JJO McCnhu tsl'iillon. 3(1.347 Omaha National bank vs McCoimoll 30-371 I'axton ts Klsilon. 110-3DO-Olscii ts Missouri Pacific Kallroad Coinpiiny. 31-25 IPIISPII ts Anderson. 31-32-riri.t National bank ts E. M. IIulso company. 81-77 Leo , Clark Androson Hardware com pany ts Morrison. 31-93 Johnson ts Peterson. I.AW IIOOM NO. 3 JUUaii BAVIS 28-i04-Ilnr.otsWay. : ) 28-33D Mason ts South Omaha. 28-351 ! SiMrt o t s bwoosoy. 28-371-S-ay ts Murphy. 20-140 I'axton tsl'oolev. JO-105 UiiMcliton t Sliurwood. 20-243 Haves tH IIluks. 29-270 IIUlap ts Midland Mining comp my. 20r3r > -\VuriiiM tH Omaha National b ink 20-300-Wood ts Omaha Tlmtaro Manufac turing company . 20 ! ) ai- Hun tsAndoiROn 30-0-Nebraska Land and Intestmcnl com- Dany tx Mliuii. aii04Manloy vs Clarke. 30-07-htaili'lnian tsSulIltan BO71ulliiA Wood Manufacturing com pany ts Miilliii1 , iMIlliiirn , btodilaid , V fo. i.Atv IIOOM .NO 4 JUDOI : muiiNov. 23-27 Kinvrson , Talent t X Co. tsllanna. 23-2HO lllllUotslli'llman 11-'JO ( > -Iliiiiit'ii tsOiniilialloiso Hiilhvuj Co. lttIIOOM \ NO 5lUIHlKOODtN. . 27-311 notrdim inn ts Wjutli. SH02I'mlrrtMiud tsstuln 2H-115 lliiiiil-in tsSi'linclilPimin. ' UH-l'JS-lucla-i th Omaha fctiret Kallway tompany , 2H-15'J United btatos National bank ts Johnson. 28-173 Mexico I'lio Hi Ick company ts John- ton. 2H210KKiT ts Lowe. 28-210-1'Miorts Union National bink \RTIininpMiii 2H-304 Anhcusui llurch llre\\n(5 | ( company 28 270 National Mfo Insuraiicocompany Norwich Union Pirn Insurance comp.iny. 28295Ijindrlrkson ts l.nrson. 23-3 NohrasUa Moituago Loan comiiauy " 28-337' VI iKht t s Jacob's 28304DuflyTrntirldgu ytoto Manufactur- 1ns conipiuiy tt > ( ilbbs , 28-378 bulra ts llachmann. i qunY IIOOM M ) oJUPUI : IIOPKW i i.r. . ni-2l-LMlwU-h ts rnnnoll. d.iril 31-55 Hampton Lumber company t * > God- 31-01 n-iloy tsOnnha. 31-00-Mollalots Lyinan. 31-125-Sntdrr \\imtvorth. \ . 3115JAmos tHSttibbs. ill IGl-Mc-ildlth bitln s bank ts Spottn- \TOOll. KQUITY IIOOM NO 7 slUDGl ! IllVINK. aO-100 Atondi't ts Cnwln 30-135 llutchlnsoii tsOmahi. Itlieinmitlim Is n s niPtom of dtsonso of the kidno.y s It will certainly bo icltoted by I'at Us'Sura Cure , lhat licadachc , backache and tired feeling comes from the same cause. Ask for Parks' Sure Cure for the ll\cr and kidneys , jirlco $1 00 All druggists I'rom thu 1'ullro Illuttrr. John Williams , a grader , was held up by a coupln of strange mcu at the corner of rVirty-thlrd and Grant sticets Monday night and robbed of u blhe'r watch and $7 SO in nioiu-y. There is no clew to the identity of tho.foot puds . Ixuls ( ilodncy , n 10 J car-old hey , loft his homo at Fifth and iJorcas sticots Satuiday and has not been seen since. His mother has become worried over tils absence and Juas requested the pollco to look him up. IIAYItHN 111103. Itnime KnrnlnliliiK OooiN ThU U'rrU. If you v/nnt nn Ice crcftin free or you cnn buy ono clicnp now. Ours arrived ti few woukH nliciul of time nnd tlioy uro piled nil over tlio floor. Following nro the prlccH : 12-qimrt , $1.21 ; 3-qunrt , $1.5 ; ) ; 1-mmrt , * 1.8t ) . The Christy nnd Clnuss patent cake nnd bread knlvcH ( oOc per not ; overybwly else's price $1.00 per set. NOTICE. Don't buy your i efrigorntors until you ECO our prices. Wo ha\o u tturprh > o In Htoro for you. Keystone cgtf beater. 189. ! pattern , 75c , just received ; n ffrent iinprovenient over the old style ; cups and saucers , 20o per tetash ; bowls and pi tellers , 2le ) per set ; chambers , liio caeli ! plates , 2cle iinil fie each ; slop jurs , ( ) Uo each ; tum blers , 2c eacli ; luinirlii ) , ' lamps , with ex tension springs , $1.ill ( eiich , worth $5.00 ; Muml lainjis Ii'om lOo up ; tyrup iiitehors , He ; cicnm sots , consisting of su ar bowl , cieam jiltcher , butter dlsli and spoon holder , ll'i1 ' per sot ; wilt and pepper shakes , He each ; \\lno glasses , lie each : decorated cups and saucers , f > ! ) c per bi't : wiuco dislies , six for lOc ; albcta tctispoons , 2"c per sot ; lamp clilmneys , fie each ; fjood scrub blushes , Cc. Wo lia\o a few mote 100-pleco im- portt'd dee'oiated dinner ' ots at S7.1C ) , worth Jlo.OO. Wash boilers , copper bottom , lc ! ) : coffee and teapots. 10c ; milk jians , , ' ! c ; pudding jians , . ' ! c ; dust pans , Tic ; pint cups , 2c ; co\ered pills , fie ; copper bottom tea kettles , 21)c ) ; wash basins , 3c ; Hour sieves , fie ; nutmeg gi liter , le , can openers. ! ic ; clothespins , le per dorcn ; 2 packages tacks , le ; mouse traps , le : teaspoons , 0 for oe ; table spoons , II for fie ; tea strainers , le ; wooden bowls , lie ; DoMjregg beatois. fie ; THE GENUINE ; Airs. I'otts and Mrs. Streator sadirons. $1.05 per sot ; the largest line of clothes wringers you o\er saw , fiom Sl.fiO up to1.1)5 ) ; Ink , 2e par bottle ; mucilage , 2c per bottle ; tacks , lo per paper ; best sperm sewing machine oil , ' ! c per bottle ; perfotated chair beats 7o each ; French blacking . "ic per box , icg- ulaily sold at Lie ! toothpicks 2o per box ; scrubbing brushes " > c each. SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY. Fine Hint blown initial glasses , any in itial jon want , ut fiOo per bet. HOTELS , UESTAU15ANTS AND CHOP HOUbES. Just received , n solid car of vitrified pounds of china in this cat1. This car ought to have been lioic 1 weeks ago , but it pot into a blockade in Chicago and was detained. All our eustomets who luuo been waiting for this cur can now bo Hiipphed. SHELF AND BUILDERS' HARD- WAKE. Disston's D 8 rip saw , 2S-inch , 5 } pts. , $1.05 ; Dlbstoa's D 8 hand saw , 20- inoh , 10 pts. , $1.25 ; Disston's D 8 hand saw , 22-inch , 12 pts. , $1.20 : Disston's D 8 hand saw , 20-inch , 8 pts. , $1.05 ; DKstcn's O 12 hunt ! saw , 22-inch , 12 pts. , 85c ; Disston's buck saw No. 4 , 10-inch , OOc ; becket firmer chisels , lOc , 15c , 20o each ; rhot feotb , 2oo ; boxwood nilcs. 5e ; Hcrew dihcr bits , 5c ; lose ' pounter sinks , fie : Huntcr'b nail bets , fie ; How ai d Allaid's spiral triple bit sciow driver No. A 1 , $1.00 ; Aemo screw driver , ( i-incli , 20c ; 8-inch , . ' ! 0c ; No. 10 iion smooth planes , $1.10 ; No. 'I iron binooth planes , $1.20 ; No. 4 iion smooth planes , $1.30 ; No. 18 iion knuckle joint planes , "Oc ; Nicholson's blim taper lilcs , 3c , 5e , 7e , lOc ; ratchet screw drh ors , 5c , 50e ; plane hi aces , 20e ; lutchet biaces , 45e : diuvv knives , H5e ; measuring tapes , 25 feet , 15e , fiO feet , 25c ; model tool handles , iOc ; bucket scratch , awls , 80 ; Moydale hammers , Hie , 35c. To contractors , builders , carpenters , etc. : Got our figures on anything1 in builders' hurdwaio and tools if you want to save money. HAYDEN BROS. Chrap Itutra fur tlio InniiRiinitlon. For the inauguration of Cleveland and Stevenson at Washington on March 4 , excursion tickets , reading via Baltimore & Ohio railroad , "The Picturesque Route , " will bo placed on sale at the ticket ollices of principal railroads of the webt. as well as the ticket ollices of the Baltimore & Ohio company. The fai o from Chicago will b6 $17.50 for the round ttip. These tickets will bo sold fiom February 28 to Match 3 inchibho , and will bo valid for icturn journey until March 8 inclusive. The Baltimore & Ohio is the shortest route to Washington from nearly all points w est. Its trains arc vcstibuled fi om end to end , and carry Pullman sleeping cars. No lailioad in America is better equipped than the Baltimoio & Ohio to tiansport with dispatch , safety and com 1 fort the largo crowds which will visit Washington to witness the inaugiuation ceremonies. Its long oxpoi ienco in transporting crowds to former inaugura tions , Gi and Army of the Republic en campments , Knights Templar conclaves and similar gatherings on an extensive scale , will prove mobt valuable in ar ranging for the coming inauguration. For rnoro detailed information as to rates , time of trains , etc. , apply to L. S. Allen , assistant general passenger agent , The Rookery , Chicago , or O. P. Mc- Carty , assistant general passenger agent , Cincinnati , O. Tlio llnrllmtili's lilfi ji. in. Triilu for CliIuiK" Arrives in that city at 8:25 : a. m. ; carries magnificent sleeping , leclining chair and dining cars , and is the finest and most comfortable train between Omaha and the World's fair city. Tlio Burlington's dally service to Den ver , Kansas Cltj and St. Louis is equally Mititifuctorv. Ticket otllco 1221 Farnam St. Sco Dentist Kolm , 1U U Barker blk Clou liiiul'H IniiiiK'ir.il. ' Greatly i educed rates to Washington , D. C. , and lotuin via the Noithwostorn line , February 28 to March 2 , good till Match 12 toturning. City ticket olllce 1 101 rarniim btreot. A Spli'iullil A now modern built ton-room hoiibO , just completed , near Ilanscom park , fin ished in haul woods , with largo parlor , library , reception hall , dining room , smoking room and four largo bed rooms , with handsome bath room , poicolain tub , nice laundrj , closets , splendid brick cellar with furnace , fuel and vegetable rooms. In eider to olT'ot a quick sale can otTer at low figure ; small cash pay ment , very easy teims. Call and seo. Goo. N. Hicks , 305 N. Y. Life Bldg. See the celebrated bouincr piano at Foul & Charlton Music Co. , 1508 Dodge. o Ficscoing and interior decorating designs - signs and estimates furnished. Henry Lohmann , 1503 Douglas streot. UNION PACIFIC'S ' PRESIDENT Railroad Men Bpeculivtlng About a Possible Ohango. MR. CLA'K WILL CONTINUE IN THE PLACE Itclliblo Tip That lie Ha * Coiiiriiteil to htny , Which Menu 11U Itc-IMcc. tlon \ Sun of .Iny ( loulil % 'lftlt * Omnliii. Thcro has been much speculation in rail- reid click's as to whether Mr. S II. II. hrk. picslclcntof the Union Pacific , will remain with that system or return to St. Louis and devote his services lo the Mis souri Paclilc. Both corporations want him , nud there ate manj conflicting Inlluciiccs to aTcet ( his decision It is known that Mr. Clark Ins been in doubt until within the pist week.but iufoima- tiou from a source entitled to the strongest confidence has it tint ho Ins determine 1 to remain with the Union Pacific The Goulds , however , will not give htm up ontiiely , and it is probable ho w ill retain some advisory position In tlio man igomcnt of the Mis souri Pacific Mr Cl.uk Is at picsout in St Louis , but is expected in Omaha this week. Hottiiril ( ioulil'ft Opinion * . Mr Howaid Gould , son of the late Jay Gould , was in the cltv , and in spcnkln of the situation said "When I left New- York nothing had been done toward settling the vexed question us to vtliich sjstem Mr Clark vtould connect himself with "lie has done vtondcis for tlio Union Pacific anil naturally the stoikholdeis of that system want him to continue ) at the head In m my rcspei ts I rcconni/0 him as ono of the great rallroul in magots of the conntiv , for ho has improved not only the phi slcai condition of tilt } Union Pacific , but its financial standing us we'll , Then ho has the icspect of the laboring classes which gives him a power that in my able men do not possess While 1 am not in n position to sa.v , as my hi other Gcoi go looks after the tailroad interests left by mi father , still it would not surpiiso mo to see Mr. Clink continue with both si stems us now " Mr Gould is interested in the saltworks at Ilutchinson , Kan , and speaking of his propcttv theio slid th it while the property was quite profitable the competition vvns vei'i keen , silt works being all aiound that countrv , and "there seems to ho enough s lit in sight foi hundicds of ieais to come , " said he. In replv to a question whether ho would look at his propei ty entour , ho said , vtlth a smile , that ho was hunting the bilmy bree/es of Te\as , not the ngois of a Kansas winter "We are looking over the Missouri Pacific sjstem in pirtleular , " said Mr Gould , "and the jouincy w ill bo continued down as far as Galvcston , Tex I have hcaid n gtc.it dcil auout Galvcston and am anxious to see the place " Kefcrrint ; to the innnngcincnt of their great railtoad interests ho said1 "As jou arc doubtless a\\aie : nv brother , Geoige. has pinrticjlly had the management of my father's business for the pist three years and it is the intention that there 'should bo no indicnl change In the pollcv for borne time at least The i.iilioads in which wo .no interested are > now in excellent condi tion from a physical point of view and the business is thctcforu quite sntlsf.icton " With icgard to the World's fair , ho said "Wo stopped in Chicago to sco the prepara tions that arc being marto for the great ex position I w is amazed at the magnitude of the buildings I had ic id a good deal about them but I must confess I was hardlj pro pired to see unv thing so stupendous I am of the opinion that the exhibition will not bo i cadi for visitois on schedule time t I do not s.co how it is possible to get exhibits ariangcd in so short n time. The business of placing the exhibits may be so' thoroughly MStcmati/cd , however , that the vvotk can bo llnishcdmoioexpedltlouslv thin ti mcio observer would Imagine. Unless theio should bo something like a cholera scare castein people will como to the exposi tion In great numbers " Mr Gould and Mr. 1C. C Bed , who ac companies him , will depart for the south to day. Notel P. P. Murray of tno Michigan Central shakes ttio snow of Omaha oft his No. 10s to day.A . A party of nineteen for Bowie , Texas , left Via the Hock IslanJ today in chnigo of C. U. Nelson , immigiation agent of that lino. lino.Tho The caisson onthc Omaha Bridge & Terminal compiny's site is down thhty-fivo feet , day and nlht shifts working to go still deeper by the tlmo the Ice breaks up. Srhlnm nn'H Axtlimn Cure Is used by inhalation , thus reaching the seat of the disease dhect Its action is im mediate and certain. No waiting for 10- suits Ask any druggist or addicss Dr H. Schiffmann , St. Paul , Minn. , for a free trial package. , _ COUNT.HY ROADS. County Commissioner * Ilfgln the Good Work orimnrovriiu-nt. The county commissioners yesterday gave their road committee authority to employ an engineer to prepare plans nnd profiles for grading tin eo country i oads leading out of the city. Ho will prepare specifications for brick , sandstone aud macadam for a roadw ay six teen feet in width , to be laid in the center of Military avenue , Dodge and Center stieots nnd extending fiom the city limits as far as the proceeds of the $150,000 of road bonds will cany the improvements. Manager Comstock of the Omaha Piint- ing company protested ugainst the board dividing the punting into small lots , giving each to the lowest bidder Ho declared that ho bid on the w hole of the w ork ; tint the nd- \citisemcnt invited him to make such a bid and that the commissioners had no authority to sepaiate the bills , glv ing a qulio of paper to ono bidder nnd a beef pens to another Ho urged that , taking his bid as n whole , It was the lowest submitted and for that reason ho was entitled to the whole of the woik Without an } discussion the whole matter was inferred to the committee onjudliiiri A icsolullon was Intioduced to allow Clon- taif and Kast Omaha precincts § 50 each for impioving loads and each of the other dis tricts # 160 All the commlssloneis favored the proposition , but it was laid over a week to give the country precincts a chance to bo heard fiom Joseph Brown complained that Clcik Moores of the dtstilet court lofuscd to give | him $ J"J duo for sixteen dais Juii service Moores wanted to apply it on some court costs charged to Iho.ui This presented a novel issue for the commissioncis , mid they dh ectcd the Judicial y to ponder on the law Involved. You pay for what } ou get got what ion pay for. Accept no substitute for Cudahy's "Hex" Brand Kxtiact of Beof. Yc * . „ LOOAJla , Fob 29. To the Editor of THE Bru PIcaso answer through THE Bun the follow ing questions Is Umporor William of Germany a PiotcstantJ Is Germany a Pro tcstant nation f W. T. HOUAHII Perfect action and perfect health icsult fiom the use of DoWltt'sLlttlollulv Ulsers A pel feet llttlo pill. only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum iii MilliTus of Homes 40.Years the Standard \ IIATDIN : nitos. ItnmnnitliSnln Tomorrow , nomnnntH of 4fcam1iml calicos , flc. } llemnants ofjprinted turkey red cal ice , Be. Ilomnnnts of tmblenchod muslin , Z\o \ and -lie. Komnnnts of fjinglinm , satcont , ehevron anil all kinds of/wash poods. - KomnuntH of white checked nainsook nnd lawn ehcckm21e , fie , 80 , lOe and l'2c. } Remnants of fciblo linen and crushes. , , Remnants of muting llannol. all wool flannel , cottonadb , ote. Hlfj bargains In towels at liio each. It will jmv you to examine those bar [ gains. HAYDEN BROS. "A The Remington typewriter , which has heretofore been locally represented Incidentally to other business , can hereafter - after bo purehti od only through the mnnufaetutorsand proprietors , \V\ckolT , Seamans ts Benedict , No. 1712 Ftirnum ht-eot , or their salesmen. The correspondence spondence/ / intandino ; pm-ohii'-ors of machine's and ptesont patrons who have need of best yi ado of supplies is solicited. The Remington letnins its pristine lop- utntion , and some of the changes on the 180.1 machine relating to the convon- lon-o of thoopeuitor lenders the latest model a most satisfactory aid"to busi ness houses , professional gentlemen , teaehors , etc. , sustaining the loputatlon this gieat labor sttviiig machine has earned in the past. The Paragon rib- ' briis and linen papers handled exclu sively by this house enjoy the largo patrongo. The Oinuliu stole is at the left of the main entrance of Tin : BIK : building. " SI'KGIAL 1.0VV KATiS To Mobile , Aln. On Monday , Match ( i , my second ox- cuision will leave Council BlulTs for Mobile , Ala. ( ! 00l)00 ) notes of choice farming and fruit growing lands along the line of the Mobile & Ohio R. R. at from $1.00 to $5.K ( ) per aoro. Stop over privileges at all points south of Jackson , Tcim. For further information and a descriptive land folder cull on or write J. R. Rice. Room 201 Merriam Block , Council Blurts , Iu. Thn I'ri'Hldont'H Iiuiu For this occasion the Burlington route will , on February 2S , Maich 1 and 2 , sell round trip tickets good until March 12 , to Washington , D. U. , ut the low lute of $ ; il < ij. The Burlington's cnstbound Ilyers , leaving Omaha at 1:1. : " ) p. m. and 12:10 : a. in. , carry sleeping' dining and teclining chair ears nnd make close connections in Chicago with fust morning trains for the national capital. City ticket ollices , 122.1 Farnam stieet. Choice fresh eggs only 15o a do/on at William Gentleman's , 10th and Cass. - Murrlnco I ICCMISCK. The following mau-ligo licenses vvero Is sued by County Judge nilcr jesteiday : Name and address. Ago j VVIIIIum VI Muiphj Oretna , N'ob . 34 I I'annlu H Harvey. Klkhorn , Nub . 22 ( Jc'sslull Jackson , Dm ili.i . 27 ICirilu Gimblc' , Urnilu . 18 i IMuard T Williams , Omaha . 2t I llelle I'ennei.Omalii . 21 Those 80,300,000 Jetties. NOKTII GAI.V FSTOX , Tex. , Fob liS It seems as though na tut o and Undo Sim had con spired together to glvo North Galvcston her wonderful resources and advantages. The town , besl Ics being exceedingly fcitllo in agiicultural and manufactuiing resources , is located on Morgan channel , maintained by the government across' Calveston bay , and giving it the benefit of the jetties , con structed by the United States government at a total cost of $0 , ! > 00,000 to secure deep w ater. "Mercury put to flight. " When the liver and stomach de cline to act in concert , and a de rangement of the biliary system is set up by a cessation of action , wholly or partially , on the part of those juices and sccietions which arc necessary in assimi lating food , and obstinate diges tion refuses to bend to simple remedies , mercury is used as a last resort , the effect of which is not only to salivate the system , but to leave in it a constituent which is difficult of elimination * Johann Hoff's Malt Extract ob viates all this and contains no. thing which can by any possibi lity leave dangerous consequences behind. Almost as dangerous , however , is it to try a malt ex tract which is not backed by pub lic confidence. The success of Johann Hoff's Malt Extract has excited the envy of unscrupulous imitators who , unacquainted with the peculiar seci et or science of its manufacture , have foisted their worthless articles upon the pub lic. The genuine only is Johann Hoff's. -signature is on the neck of every bottle. Eisner & Mendclson Co. , sole agents , New York. " raiCUITARS. u ( MANDOLINS , IBANJOS , ZITHERS. AND DRUMS. We nuke a varlrtr fro-n III -T CUFATr&T lothi ) MOST XLKUkM uid COSTLY liilrumruti C I : TJ IiKlrumciit fiiltl 0 t\arianLil. OUR LATEST AND BEST THE LEWIS BANJO , Cndaracd by tha BEST Ptnytrt Sntl for Ciitalngur < in < mention the Inntrvmentl ) ( n Ihinl. of jiurcluir mj. JOHN C. HAY1IES & .C ixf Tor ; , FREE ! tilVLN AWAY ! E'HLt ! TUB WONDERFUL TWELVE-ROW PUZZLE ! W Olter Valuable Prlzet ( or lt Solution ! * Ha ? " You Had One ? If not , call at once upon tin Leading I'urnlshine Goods Dealers of your city who will supply you Free of Co t , 17you want a Ready-modo Shirt to suit you , got th9 MARK. It la a aura fit. Wo mak * it and we know. CLUETT § COON & co. Postal Card us for Our Now Cntnlogtiu. DOWN STAIRS TODftl Ccine iii nud sco them Open Lvoninprs till 8 p. m S.ituidnys 10 p. in. "A BRIGHT HOME MAKES AMERRY HEART. " JOY TRAVELS ALONG WITH IIA1MOM ) , THE JU\\K.blL ! QPERA GLASSES whose lenses are strong and perfect , whose style is the latest , that's the kind we sell. Many and varied designs the most popular being white , smoked , oriental and canary pearl aluminum and solid gold mountings. " RAYMOND , FIFTPItMII AND DUUdLAS , OMAIU. Without money nnd without prl } > To the You uro not well , un 1 have ui money or tlmo to see iloj'or. Cut out thu iiunio prlntuil horj , KII'ANS CHEMICAL OJ. , NEW YOUIC rastolton a postal card. Write your own niimoon tha other si loot Uiueuril ; put It lit tbo 1'ost OIHce , mill by rottirn mull you will izot u letter iinJ Boino mo llulnothnt will do you KioJ. T ry It uiid tcilycu Irloutlj. j 1 PERMANENTLY CUE.EB orHOPA.Y WE REFER YOU 'IX ) 2,500 PATIEN1S. Financial Reference : Nat'l Dank of Commcrco. Oinalia. No DKTENTION from business. No Oporntion. InvcstUnto our Method. Wrlttnn Buarnntoo to abso lutely Cure nil kinds of KUl'TUKEof bothsuxos.wltli- out tlio uio ot Knllo orEyrlnpo , no matter of liotr loti Btnndlog. Btnndlog.EXAMINATION FREE. The 0. E. MILLER COMPANY , 307-300 N. Y. LIFE DLDli. , OMAHA , lltB Knnd for b ! reula r. Marcli 31st tlio Rolled Solo and ARCTICS , - RUBBER BOOTS , LUMBERMAN'S OVERSEXCLUDERS , Etc as mrula by the Hew Jersey Rubber Shoe Co- - will bo advanca J on the list prica. I am western ngont. DEALERS Now is the time to buy. ZAOHARY 1111 UwncyStroot , Omaha B-'Korvo Soocia. I the soriderful reniei l olcj .with s writ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ia ireJuiviMmuntv' Ctfculac'ti'tt't'Xttfmt A r ! Vri'n.7rbicaa < < > " ' For Sale in Omaha by Sherman & O'Connoll , 1013 Dodge Stroeit TUB NEW Chambers's Encyclopaedia NOW COMPLETE. AS a work ol / reference for ( he student , ns a handy book of facts and statistics in n business office or school room , as a guide in the home library , Chambcrs's Encyclopaedia surpasses all others. It is twenty jcars later than any of its competitors , and is really a new work. All the articles have been entirely re written or revised , and thousand * of new ones incorporated The type is clear and of a beautiful cut ; the numerous illustrations arc icmarkably fine ; and the maps show not only all the countries of the globe , but also all ( he States and Territories of the United States. In ten volumes. A valuable and extremely clieap set of books. Price , per set in cloth binding , (530.00 ( ; sheep , jjjo oo ; half morocco , j > | 5.oo. Twenty-four.p.ige illustrated orculai sent to any addass on application. < ! For Kile 1) ) ' 11 nnokscllers ort tbe \ \ tent by tha Z'ublishcrs , tree cf expense , on receipt of price. J. 15. LIPF'INCOTT COMPANY , PUIII.ISIII.RS , 715 and 717 Market St. , Philadelphia. MARVIN TRUSSES TheBest Truss Made Ho ansnltfliii | ) irti tint alidoimn nnd com. presses the rupture nous to briiu HID lirokou punstuxulhur anil oiroLtu cure I'nvnlo room fur llttliiK triihii" ) 'l.ady In utteiuluiicu foi 1 tdy customers THE ALOC & PENFOLD CO. , bursiual Instruments anil JU'ill ml buppllca 114 1'itli St ; , na\t 1'ostollUu. mi > o Answer Wlmt1'or ? " Consult Frco , < G , W. WILLIAMSON , M. D , , AND Of Hint MnllKimnt Illiuiil Dli- OE < -Hnit. Nn iiliiicur } , hut nutr. rrmfiil runifillits. Kin A rura QUICKLY KuiinintL-nl. Kli n iiuuli'Ntronj ; CURED cntly run il. I'lli N uiiil Urn till Llc < m rurrilt no knlfr or ciumtii . rutlentt mircpmrulljr trcalnl lj mull. AdilrcKN , with Htnnip , EW ERA MEDICAL AND , SuRGicALPJSPENSARY | ' " HIMI'SUN , WnililnKtoa PATENTS"1' Nu ntty fuu until li ob pnt * . ' i n i L.II i 'JIU1I101 | U'rllo fur liivunturii ( Julilo. I AND WOMtM AT OHCt. lk" l l lri llnr ) lo } lei'ietrnl ub , tlvriluc tiikliiliul * our ( rlnleil muter , and Introduce I itir ifrcll Stf4 < ly t mi' ymenl QnA UnUYU ALARVAHD IIJ | < I I iO U A rnUn I n I-yQ Kr rf 1 wol 1 lo c ( mi < lnl p iton Don I IH y a niomenl twl wrllt I j MEDO.ELECTRO PAD CO. . Cincinnati , Ohio j