THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MARCH 1 , 193 THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BL-T.TFS. t * 1 * T. ISO. 18 PEARL STREET. Ill tmr > y p rt ef the oty I ! " TILTOK , - J1UAO.H M1 J * Y I"in tune Cc. f T.I. uflt. Luaituir Oo OotA ( ! .j.i i U bm-tu twiU ent n tttradMUim J . IK rg { j , : crday in tbt Hujxtflor court. A n , Tiat-f Hc nMi * i t t pd ycterfl .v t , j.urerau ud H Jwig Kagol , both of T ( 14 .KS AW wirtety of tl * t ir. iur-li will hold a hurtuo nl 'L resiiMice of L. "H" Bo s this afVor- njmKrs Krs "u'-xander Pavi * enUirUin < I a jwrtj tf .njj Tnfn ' > nt rd j aftornwiu at her h r-n'titi Avenue C , butwetm Tenth HUS L..vtith streets Kf r .ar metitinc of MteMih | tempi * No. H J > u Sisters at Kniirhtt , of Pytliiw hull Vc.iiii'in eu'tmtr for inJtistkn. Mr * C.Ir -i \ \ HolwrUi , secretary 1 h La'ij-s Aid Hortrt.v of St .loUu's ISmr- 1. L L T'ieran chun-U mill m it Tunriii > B' ri K.I at the residence of Mr * OV S. ' r . ' 7 South Seventh sti-eel At t'jt i iiirrpcntional churcli this evening t'.rri . ! c IK Id the nnufcl sea-vioe j rfp r - t r tlj' i onmiuuLni of the Ixird's supi r t > i ' i , next Sunday. Rev 3 T ehyn : > - v . > t j Chicago wiU supply the pol3t on Z i uv .ittamie trJl * No 21. Improved C r j r f iJen Me n wiU meet in regular c-oun i ' . i ijiur , in Us wicirnm. w mer of Ir. . , / i.und Main tr et , at the dshth r A f ub athmduuco of the member * is act 1 T' , r v li a HfH'cial eommunicfttion of I..1" ' * inJcr No 71 Ancient Free Mid A ' ( jiU- Masons this evpniiur fur woik HI tl * irlecrec All mauler M ou in f M ij 'Mijamir Hre unrdiall.\ invited Bj err J , 'ji worshipful mauler. Tl.I jmt Deliatot. amontUly jiajW jnib- lihhf J i ! tli < muiresls < f DeUiiur" * nation , ! . - ( . 'ioei ttUarred this month HcrenfUxr it i v 'ii. ' > ii an acx'ouut of the wjirk of the 1 r nth .D tht mimion and the industrial BI h K 1 The editor is Harry A Delonp S t > br.v.ier the refettie HPI minted b.\ the f _ rt ii. the ( he of Era Oupp.v Csrtor u - ii' t LIJ nu "W'ttlliK-e. ot al. Hied a paper ii. 'he uitinrt court .venVerduy statinp that at v _ 1 ! l t impimsilile to partition the nroji- rt in-npation without greatly dimiuish- i. j's VAU ! ( and rooommeuaine that it l e h i . .n 11 lump and the proceeds divided among tht prtus Srinj court udjounied jesterday noon tir t j Marc h 10 in order that .ludce McGee CJa.J leave for "Washmpton. It may not he rf" mv jked even then , however , as he left a 1 iop hi if for himself by announcing that if li : t rand so much pleasure on tap in the eap- i a < iU as to render it necessary for him to sta. , jonpt'r he would telegraph home to that AV S Homer and C S 'Law son. the com ix , ttec i-f tht Younp Men's Christian asso ciation vlil-h was appointed to oversee ar rangements for the rooent state convention , fl-birc t ( x press throurh the column ! , of Tun Bur their thanks to tht people of thf uuwho pcnerousl.i provided places of un- tertMtamvtit tor the deleeatt-K. and -who lumped on bj their contributions of motiej Sheriff went to Wasliinetou town- si ip ji-sterdu.1 , nioruimr to serve u writ of it antion Tred Hoist und \ \ illiam Stroh- litUnlxvumc involved in a dispute of some t.iut'vcr a piece of proper ! j. Strohbohn tlircatcuiiip to tour doxvu a house situated on a 1 \vhu-h Hoist claims to own Hoist secured an injunction to i-estraiu the other man from carryinp. oat his thrfiat , and the Sheriff ircnt to sei-ve it Captain L. Shurwood has secured another ilne steel enpravinp for the Vnion Veteran Lepii > n hal It represents the battle of Gettysburg and is aiiout 8 feet bj r. in size. It portrays thejiorrors of the battlefield in a iva.\ that 3nds a cold chill dov\n the sjiiniil ( stlun.ns of the boys in blue even j et. Mv ? ilceJ.y framed , nnd will make a flue ornament to the hall of the lepion This organization by the \vay. ismakinp arraure- nM-nts to pet a new hiiU which they promise wiJ be the handsomest hall of any orpauiza- tlon in the city. The B-'ston Store oontomplates bavin"1 their AVHITE GOODS riALE in a lew days. Everything : that Ib white included in thissule. . Embroideries , luces , mus lins , Bhct'tinjr , muslin underwear , while nainsook , toweJt. , tidieh , splashers , lin ens , etc , etc.Vutch for future un- not-ncenn-nts of the sale. BOSTON STORE , Fothering-ham , Whitolaw & Co. . Council Bluffs , la. Charles Konijjnuichor it , nrranfrinff to "bt Id on lilt tea uorei , jiurchasoa of lko.strs. Day i : Hens , in the Klein tract. ( > ' r.1 300 acres "i miles oust of the jio&t- cHice yet for hale in tructs to suit. and wood : \ > ei und " "bheaiiet.t hard wood in the tiitv ; ii H. A. Oox. No. 4 Main. if C Lunre hns returned from a trip to he has been for the last mouth Itev P L Hityden and family loft Avoca Mondin for Logan , U 1. . where they will Ti-sidc in the future F E. Stvbu ; of Chicago is in the city risit- inc Jnenu s. He is now with the Urin of Bishup A : Ck > , furriers , of that city. B A. Gamble of the San rraucisoo Exam iner was in the city yesterday on uis way to "W slilnptou to witness the inauguration ceremonies , _ AVhy U-t children die with diphtheria ? Y-iu can buve them by Dr. Jetloris' rem ; cdj . Has In-en u.sed tucceasf ully for U5 .yeurs. Price M.OO. For wile bV Coun- tA B.ufTtdrupjrifctb , also at 24W Ouming f-trcet , Otnaho. _ For wurminp pucht ohambors , bath rooms , etc. , our g-as heatorfc as-o ju t wLut you want Look at thtini. Clean , cfEvinitnt , chonp. C. B. Gas and Eloc- ti'jc Light Co. _ Have your iirewu-iiitions filled at Davis' , only punt , frofah drugs and chem icals in block. Do you ( smoke ? Ha\ you ti-led T. D. Kinp & C' ! < l.1 Partujras ? It's a charmer. J ubt iiffht one. Tby Want tin1'nrnlturr , . Several suits were comrntinc'ttd .in the dis trict court yesttirday against Mrs A. 1 Cra- pin formerly one of the managers of the Grand hutel , U' recover something over f7- OO'I which it is olaimod Mrs Cragin owes The IKiti.ins allege that Mrs Cragin exe- ctited notes to injure the payment of the purchase price of the furniture and fixtures of t be hott 1 Lud that these notes hare lieen assigned 1" IheKinilwll Champ Investment company to the various plaintiffs The names of the plaintiffs uud the amounts the * t.slc judgment for ar * s follows Keeue ITive ivmt Suvtaro bank , fS,7i5 ; Dartmouth Katiunul bank. fS.lWi AsUnttlot National bnnU. PS.aK ) JCatii ual Bank of Lebanon. C ! 7B Souhegnu National bank , K.U76 The Kimball Champ Investment company. C. R. Haunau. the rocuJA ar. umi the Phauiix Fur niture ( < omiany ] art- made defendants with Mrs Cragin. B niriciub music house. Fane pianot , and -f ans for cash or jiaj ment * . 114 Stutwnaa t-UtHrt , C. Bluffs. Rinest Aristo cabiiwt jiboton , 52 per dssfn. . AsbUiii't. r-tudhi , 15 Nwrth Main _ _ Another impfHH eiueut to UHJ ] K jmlar 5 oh ubort piaiia SWHIKKW M udlr OB F < * SALE C1 4 eiHi Stat bask toek. catfti offer. E. H. Sl milliuery. will OOOUHV 25 Main , Maroli L Cobs , oo J , wood , 87 Main. XE\VS \ FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Talk of Zroct&c a Yrong Man's HAS A GREAT WWIY EABNEST AOWCATES M intipmirtiAHKOnlmtlnii Itlnrao * HM > Mut ter InlttrmuMy > id for Morr Cum- i JUMrUT A r int lit- In JiiUlcK'us Attain. A inwUuc wm ? helT t the rooms of the Young Men's Chrtetiau HMorfetkni ye daj Bwrnht to talk ovtir the adristWlitj- pusuing before the public the idea of erect ing a bBildinr for tlit ass-K-istion ic th Unity. There were present , tieoides the men bnrs , of the board of dlrwtors , "W. A. Mag e and C. C Mlchwier , two ot tb stat * > ! > ctTeUirie ! > The mefltiup was rather iufurmal , aui was devoiod mainly to tbe di ni ) ton of tlte rrmttar referred to iti the call U > build , or not to build. The remarks nitide by prcnent ware vnlforml } favorable io the wheme Every one admits that it i a long time Rinoe Council BlaSs has tioen so ntirrnd up over reliiriouK matters in penerHl and Young Men's Christian aMiociation work in wrth'ular a * it is now Tht MiUs me tinrs of tbe fall and wjutef , the meetings bcld in no rly all the eliurches duriu ? the lust two months , and tbe four days sessioa of the Ktate convention of the Youuc Men's ISmtaian astsotiHtion laBt ween , have all combined to stir tbe rity fleeplj It is be- iierad that the present is. as coed a time as nn > to cammtmce the wtive worK of secur- inir tbe neeeesarj funds , to jnrfh ! .e a lot and put up tb ? bnildiue. and steis ] will tie taken at onre in this , direction Several lorHtiotiK ar undei' coiiklderatiot. . but which of them. , if any. will 1 teieeUfd will depend alloceUior ( iu tbe intei-est taken by the pub- lie in th * venture. Mont of the lareer cities of tbe suite h ve asfotiation tmildincs , nud tbe directors are anxious to see Council Ulufli keep up with the band wiurcm The roon. . now ocou- jued us headquarters in the Merriam block , are somewhat cramiwd and not > uit- able for the use to which they arc put , al though they were conmdernd at the time the.\ were wifiured. to bethe most available ones in Kirnt The gymnasium department is espwialft hamj > erwl and the need of more commodious Quarters is felt there more than in BIIJ other direction It is probable that when the building is put up it will be ar ranged so that tbe first floor may be rented for busmeas purj oses while the upper floors will bo used lij the association exclusively. In order thr t a part maj be rented it will be nocehsary to have the best location that can be secured , and it is to tie hoped , for the good of the city as > well as the organization , that the requisite funds nuibe obtained to Hush the work. The Boston Stare contemplate * havinp their WHITE GOODS SALE in a few days. .Everything that is white included in this su-le. Embroideries , laces , rnurJiiin. sheetinir. inuhlin underwear , white nainsook , towels , tidies , pla&hers , linens , etc. . etc. "Watch for future an- nouncurnontfe of the -ale. BOSTOK STORE , Fothoring-ham , Whitolaw V Co- Council Blufls , la. "William Watyon -purchased four and a half acres * in the Klein tract , which he is poinc to improve at once by building himself a "home and jilanting an orchard. Keller IX-uli-R. S. S. Keller , -who is running as candidate for alderuiau-at-large on the democratic ticket , is having a seance with the leader of the American Protective association , which has heretofore had Home influence in city elections The morninc after he was nomi nated siiuie of the members of the organization started a report to the effect that a vigorous fight -would be made against him , on the cround that ho was unfriendly to them. They stated th'it two of his emploves had applied for mcmbsrship into tbe order , but before they joined he told them that if they joined they would have to get a new place to work , as he would have no one of that kind about bis store. Keller avns approached by a-man yesterday and asked as to the truth of the report , lie stated emphatically that be had never stated anything of the kind , and as a guaranty that he was telling the truth offered $1K)0 ( ) in cold cash if he would find any of bis employes who would tell any different story. The IJrHiicl Hutel , Council Blufls. Most elegant hotel in Iowa. Dining : room on seventh floor. Rates , &i to & 5 per day. E. F. Clark , Prop. Student nurye wanted at "W. C. A. hosjdtal , corner Isinth street and Filth avenue , mupt be between UO and 30 years of aije , healthy atid of peed character. Six Mouth , , in llllllnc. Last July a tout was stolen from the lawn of Mrs Wooley. who lived at that time at the corner of Bluff and "Willow streets. There was a suspicion as to the guilty party , but immediately after the theft he skipped the town and has been nwny ever since. Monday night the police were notified that he had returned and planned a raid on his house. They found the tent neatly stowed away in tbe house , und the suspect , whote name is W H Hall , was placed under arrest. He will have a hearing before Justice Vlen this morning. The theft Uiok place in the night. AVhy tnrow away your money for every new cough syrup , when you can "buy that standard remedy , Dr Bull's Cough Syrupf Seed 1'utlitoeh. Three hundred bushels of pure Ohio seed jiotatoet at Thomas Rishton , 2400 West Broadway , Council Bluffb , la. First-class dairyman wanted at Iowa School for the Deaf. Oompetoncy and reference will be req uired. Fr ( e ) > t < rtK lit u Itauiucr ' ult. W. H. Knepher had a wagon ruffled Mon day afternoon Tbe motor company's street sweeper was out shovollmg the snow off its tracks , and Knepher F horse and wagon were standing in front of tbe store on Lower Broadway. The animal took fright and ran awnj. breaking the wagon into smithereens and seriously injuring the horse Kuepher is oousiderablj wrought up over the matter , and swears by all that is good and bud tbat he will make the oompdn.i pa.\ for the dam age or know the reason wh.\ John "W. Dorland of Lincoln. Neb. , has just purchased through Day & Hess , apents. thirty acres of the Klein tract. He will set it out in fruit this spring : and build good buildings at once. Williamson & Co. . 100 Main street , largest and best bieycle st. > ek in city. TxLfii troui the tlur.r. The cake of the Oca'.a. Fia. . Savings bank against the Citizens bank of this city was brought to a close in the district oourt yesterday. At the conclusion of the testi mony the oourt took the case away from tbe jury and instructed that averdict be rendered iu fuvtir of tbe plaintiff. Tbe case now on trial is that of the KU- patriek-Ktifk Dry Goods , uompuny against Brw ' Blotchky > AVeak stomach strengthened by Beucham's PfllRMine. Mine. Helen Merrill , liairdressing and manicure. Room 812 , Men-lam bK > ck. SU at the Opden , Council Bhifft. , the t & .00 IM > U J in Iowa. - Tlir OhrUtlmi Church Martin-h. The Carifctian obun-h iiMtetinps at the Mubimir tciB4 hall are dwakijHng n won derful interest , uad even that gruat hall bids fair ui IKHXW * Ute wnall to aooomiDO- dut ) all who desire t uu ud. Last nbt all the chairs were oueupiud and tne de i > est fouling was awakened by the strong und Appeals ' ? the'I'luttfu. ' . . K < v L. V A ifE There m thai alKt tbrlitiart B jdpj. that < m rmcei ana Rulisfies the mind stiJ it FMiipu1hcti < eurnesttiewi that rt c bs sti'1 tout DCS tbe bean and draw * , 11 away from UF own dross , lib * tbe womorjr of the prayer * of Mimed mothw Whutevw his subject sna ; be. ] thftp * old and trite , on ? tfcat yon harp MWH clothed in 1 pulpit oratory man.1 tiroes , yrt be makes it a I iiute Hearer tban it ever was before to yon , and it t icoBM9s H ixtrttraal anxial. aluvys ootnltic frotB tbe Pmuitkw * Man Th vw may if th * cttarsoteristKf , of th * rerivaltet. nt y t tbe yottnp jmeiUir do s not spiKtsr to b * a ri-virnltet of tbe cvaureUKt order. AB yon listen to kin and watcb him uud note tbe e.f 4Htc of bin mini tr.v y < ni IUT ouly ( oiikoiott * . that be is doinr a wonderful work uud is wonderfiOl. * qnaliiMI to do it IMfl nlrht th rewere five aowjsstens to the ohurrk. Wp rr 1 Cotinup. Hon James "Weaver will speuk lu Hurbes' hall Fjidajevenlup. . March 8. All are In vited ; ladies in panlcnlar. For fine baby carriasrer1 see Crockwell % cJ2.uA.vrs. The Nordica Oonetirt company arrivt d fn ai Kansas City last night , and will rest until the concert at tbe Boyd tonight. ICosrly all of the members of the ctmipany attended tbe iKsrformance of "The Crust of Society" at Boyd's lust nlrht There are Ktill over 100 .seat * for salt in the rear bal cony foi tbe Kordica concert , and a few scattering single seats on the' first floor Tliis morning H false floor will be laid in the orchestra and fifty chairs put lu. These will be sold at S2 erfeh The sale of admis sion tickets for the trallery will commence at l > o'clock this morninc from the box office , contiuuiuc till T o'clock this evening , after which time they will IK- sold from the cal- lery box office * on the second floor Ladies alone and with escorts boldinc gallery tickets will be admitted throuch tbe main entrance of tbe theater up to T ! ) this even- ine. After that time the\ , will lie required to pass throurh the regular callery entrance The Miie of standing-room tickets on the tw. lower floors will oonmituiee at o.Mi this evei inc. The following Is the program for to- nlcht's concert. I'AIITI. I'lano solo Iluucftrlan Khapnody No. 6 Llsrt ' Mi. liUfUstonu. Aria < TheJewe--o . llolovy dull TlHclior. CavHtlna Nobll slpnor , ( Les HusuBiiot > Myeibeer Mine "ralrhl. Cavatlnu ricaro Jtarlilere ? evlglla . . Uus lnl Me 1'el 1'ucute. I'oloualse iMlgnon ) A. ThonuiB Mine. Nordica , Song Vorle Mortr Tostl > lp. Campatilul. Pone Pchujuau Emtl TNcher. ? enc Quando a te Mlota Gounod Mine , culchl. rinale Act II. Lucia dtTT-anieruioor dtTTanieruioorJtonlrettl -Jtonlrettl Mmu. Nordlca , Mlxs Enetil. Mimv Caiuiiinlui ) , Del 1'uente and TKcher. I'AUT U. Matcacni's beautiful opera. "Cavaflerla Ilut- tlrana , " in concert form and sune in Italian Cast : antuzza Mine Nordlca Iioln Mine , sralrhl Turlddu Sic Cuiniianlnl Alho Mp. l ullltiente On March , 8 and 4 Mo3jeska will becin her annual engagement at Boy d's new thea ter. The bill for Thursanj nteht and Satur day matinee will be her new produrtion of Shakespeare s "Henr.t. VfU. . " and which is the most important revival of the current season In the character of Katharine she finds ample opportunity for the display of those emotional qualities which she possesses in such a marked degree Dicmity. gentleness and purity are among the in herent attributes of Modjeska and fill the part she plays , while the anguish , the in dignation , the pride mixed up with so much meekness of the character , are elements provided with sureness by a mistress of her art. She will bring her entire production just as orurinally given at the Garden theater , .New York , and later at the Chicago opera house. On Fridaj night Modjeska's artistic refinement and poetic delicacy will Itf displayed in the character of Marguerite Gautier in Dumas' great play of "Camille " The exquisitely chaste skill of this actress is called well into play in the presentation On Saturday night Schiller's great traredy of "Mary Stuarr1- will be the bill. Each one of these plays is given as n production this year and Modjeskn's supporting cast is the strongest she has ever had. Her loading actor , Mr Otis Skinner , is said to lie a forceful and vigorous Henry VIH : and an ideal Armand in "Camille. ' ' . combining in tbe latter part tenderness and earnestness in an unusual degree. The sale of seats will begin at C o'clock this morning. James J. Corbett and his "Gentleman i Jack" company will be the attraction at the Haymarket theater. Chicago , during the World's fair He will open there June IS and continue until he goes into training for his contest with Mitchell. The attraction will appear at the Farnatn Street theater Priduj and Saturday evenings and Saturday matinee Saturday matinee prices same as night. "Miss Helyett , " with Louise Leslie Carter and Miss Lottie Collins in "Ta-ra-ra-boom- de-uy , " will amuse the patrons of the Boyd on Monday , Tuesday \Veduesdaj next. The guaranteed cure for ill headaches is Bromo-Seltzer Trial bottle lOc. l > ead Infant J'ouml. The body of an infant was found nt 4 . ! 10 p. m. yesteruny under a vacant cottage at S14 Dodge street. M. Banchas of St Louis made the discovery , and George M D. Graves re ported it police headquarters. The body was immediately given in charge of the cor oner > lr. Graves says it was found naked He pronounces it a colored boy baby , and de clares it as his belief that it was a still-born child. The body lies nt the morruo , wrapped in a newspaper and frozen stiff. It weighs five or sii. pounds and apjiears to be fully ma tured , having UJK > D its bead a fair growth of hair Its limbs are somewhat drawn , and its bodj seems to bear no marks of violence. WEA THEIl Sontlierlj" M'lndit and MljrhtljAVarmpr iu Ntbruhku 1 udfiy. WABIIIXGTO ! ; . D C. . Feh. 25For Kehraska and Iowa Southwesterly winds , sliphtly warmer For South PaUota Fair ; warmer in west- ern ] > ortiou ; westerly winds. rc fml ilt'Corcl. OrrjCE or THE WEATJICU BCIIEAU OMAHA Fobs Omaha record of temperature and rainfall compared with corresnondiug day of past four years : 1S83. 1B92 1861 IBDn Maximum temperature. 342 24 = 11 = 10 : Minimum temperature. . . 10 = 21 = 9 = 12 = A Aerure temperature 22 = 22 = 1 = ! = I'roelpitatioii . . .02 .20 .00 .02 Statement shawing the condition of tem- parature and presipitutum ut Omaha for the daj uud since March 1.1:4 : ! ) ' . Normal mmjierature. . - . . 30 = 1 U'bciencj' fur the diiv H = Iiefloloucj hlnre March 1 & 20 = Normal jireclnitatlim .03 Inch IHifaciunry lot the dav Ol inch iMibciuncy xlucu March 1 S.40 Incho. liulow ruro. llnjiurtft iroin Other 1'olnti at 8 p. in. r C. E. LAWTOS , Obbervcr , 1 M , O'DOXAHOEIS PLAN FAILS 7 OctUMfl Defuses tc Use 10,000 far V WB lair Advertising. POPULAR SUBSCRIPTIONS RECOMMENDED I'rtty hquulililp OUT itbo ' Hrntinti of Library IMrertor to iBoeewd Sir. Poj > - plrtttu linutbrr Rim Sunjirctcd of Sharp J'rui-tlco. The council "ims refused to wijiropriiite MfUKK ) lor tue jianmsc of adrertteinc Omaha In the Nebraska unftdinr nt the "World's i air Tills action was taken at lust niirlit'tswinu , and not u voice vufuplifted in favor of maklur the appropriation Some of the members ere Iurornhlt' to Mr ElsaHsar's snccestion to vote (8,500. Irorll a $7.5(13 ( wns , raised \ > y the jmbHc spirited citiMms : but the sentiment was not penarnl tmottirh to votluc any sum , us the council did not hare the lepal fSxrht to appropriate inoitjr ! for such a purpose , and the members were not inclined to make their bondsmen liable. After u proloueod discus sion a reMilulKmvvat. . udoplt-d prondiuc for the apjiointment of a committee of three to act in flbcjuuotiun vith the Board of Trade and other orpauiKatious to secure the required sum b.t BUtc-crijition. commenaluc the jirnjwt and urcinp the dti- i yens to lend it financial support Ttie oom- , mittee oonstots of Mnnro , Bruner and j Howfll I Mr O'Donahue , the presidfnt of the Ne braska Developnicnt company , -.ra t present and expressed the belief that the sum rould not be raised by subscription Prom a per sonal canvass he had found but few business men opposed to the council makinp an ap propriation and had mot hundreds who were in faror of it The fouucfliaen were nil euthimnstir foi the projoct. but did not consider Themselves nstiiied in votius : the tuxpaxers in < mcj for ueh a purpose The conimendutor. , resolu tion ana the appointment of the conitnlUc-t are not expected to fount for inucli. and the prosjHict for the city beiuc advertised at tut bipshow is not very bripht l.llirar.i Hired or Clidt.rn. At the last meeting the appointment of Prank L. Haller by Mayor Bemis to ' u'-r-eeJ Hou A. .T Poppleton resirn-d as a member of the board of three-tors of the public library -\viis referred to the committee on Judiciary , upon request of Mr Wheeler , -who vas possessed of the idea that the council should flu vacancies The other members of the comuattec took the same view of the case tiud rep.irted that the council -was the proper bi > dto , name members of the library board A resolu tion by Mr Sauuders , proridiup for the ap pointment of Kichard S Hall accompanied the report Some of the members concluded that the committee ivas not uctinj ; fair and had taken altogether too much responsibility upon its shoulders Mr ConneU cave it as his opinion tha' the mayor possessed the power and the council that of confirmation As the quickest way out of the difllculty a vote WHS taken , which resulted. Haller 11 , Hall 7 The former was declared elected and Mayor Bemis' apiioluUuent was thus confirmed * i'i eriil Vet-orn. The following veto of Ivlaj or Bemis was sustained : , , I herewith return vltbout m.v approval reso lution No 03 of ruliruttry 21. introduced l > y Councilman Wliueler for finance connuitli'i- , dlrertinc tin cltv tieusurei "to refund to the proper owner of projwrrj' ta\ud all taxes collected und"r levj ortUnuicc No l&SS" and to "credit the same to tht proper owner * and jiroperty as assessed , under li\y ordi nance No. 1745 , ulifl In case tlieie should it'innin in the tntiiurer'b hunds any money still to Ixrolundrd from collections made under ordinance TV'o. 1JJC.S tlic Mime shiUl lie returned in cash , etc. " The resolution re ferred to Is ducldedH ainhlpuous It it. uncer tain whether the autlioi intended that the treasurer should pay 1o the owneriof the property in question the taxes paid by them under the levy which was set aside by the courts and also credit the same property owners with the amount levied li > ordinance No. 174D. Further than this , the llrirt ordi nance Is referred to in one place as belnc No 1S33 and In another place as being No. 1&D3 Mayor Bemis also vetoed the resolution ordering a sidewalk laid upon Tweuty-eiphth avenue The description should have read street. The veto was sustained and a new resolution adopted The ordinance amendinp certain sections of the plutnbinp ordinance was also returned without the approval of the mayor , for the reason that it was defective and the amend ments can be better incorporated The veto was sustained and the committee on sewer age and the city attornej were instrucod to prepare a new ordinance remedying the defects. The followinp was adopted : Itesolred. That the comptroller tie , and he Is hereby directed and Instructed , besides the iticular levy piovlcied for by ordinance , to lual.e at a basis fur bK calculation and to draw aculUKt the following sums : General fund. (70.000 ; water rent fund. 5D1,72ri47 ; B&7.4G , sewer maintaining fund , 11.203 , parUfuud. El hi,113.24 ; health fund , I'M * 49. The specifications for street improvement work w ere submitted by the Board of Public "Works for approval. In view of the fact that a question was- raised conccrniup the lepulitj of Hon A 3. Poppletpn submittinc to the mayor his resignation as a member of the board of directors of the public library. he submitted a copy of the resignation to the council and it was accepted. BEVABE OF QUACKS AD FRAUDS WITHOUT DIPLOMAS AltTHJI , Unit 1)1 M'f tholr crt < lfntml * . Sccll thrr liH\e u right to pritt- tkee In > ebrH - ku. MII tiif-y ure jirinciimU . u r uier | j ufnti > . ( > to thr rtionrai-rV ufllre Riid ce " ihrj-nrc rrc- iKicrcrt. Brs , SearEes & Ssaries iur r. hr.AKLic < > : Coiihu t Gruduate of liusb Jiledloul Ciourie l LTA-I l < I IIKL. ) . fjr tbe treatment of GHRQ iC , KERVQUS PRIVATE EHSEASES \\'e euro Catarrh , All Dlkeakot oftbe Note. Throat. Ch.e fc. Stojnach. , Bo\relv and Urcr. Blood , Skin nnijKidney Dlkeaae * . Female Wealrnotfcefc ( Lojt Manhood CURED. J'lLE * . nETin.4. neamm , permanentlr curel will out UIF UBe of kullc.illu turo or c u tla All maladlei of a prlv t or delicate natura of cither > cz potltlTul ] ' cured Tall on or addreit wlib ctarnp for ClrcuUji. Fro * Cbbk and lleulput , Dr.Searles & Searles)11c8 , rAuVA.15i'u ! ! > t" Itrxt l > pnr to rontofflo * DR.R.W. BAILED Teeth TiUai Wit i out P-iia 3f taj Latent ijrja- tioo , Teeth Extracted Without Pain ar Denser. i M Set uF Teetl OD Bnttar for $5. $ ) ) . > rurfeet flt C'iarante 4 Teeta enriatjl la th ] niorulnc eir uuei laiartoa la me cruaiat ut io anytte tt-e mnlni ui of l-enjoratjlii flrlaca tn-.l.wlmem uf Flexible BlwU2 f /.llwurk wMTKUlea iu raproxiu'.Kl Office Third FloorPaxton 31os leloukioue llMi. na ru-nirn bll Itke cUTKtur or italrwarlrom m : & St CRAZED WITH ITCHING l And Pain from EC/emu. Scratched until Itlond Came. Sanies Like FKli. Cured by ' Ctitlcurjt. 1 b d n verj bud p enf Ecreron on my Virl , It wng } Kt terrlbl * . At tlni < It Mwtt J UK if it would orlte tnecrrj with It 'blue nd pa.u . rBPoacu the day it would It-oh. CHimln me Vo sriKJli until tbe bxtud woa'd ' cimie nud Ouri Sne two ulElit It wuu d sr b ovrr xo tbut 1 iwuld Hcratch O IP * off llkr tbo < e of u fi li Dortrmd w itli the { mllr ulij-wlrlBti for one non-ton. He cutr me rcnipnnrf r * let. bni my trnulHf woulfl cnme liaok ui ntKiut tde sumi' Mmn onoli j-ear Turn I bncnu u lui Orrirr- tiA UUJIE : ns , wlilch > i vp pnllreiv eurnrl me Ml& > > UANH M. WILLIAM- Lnwr < 'ii' ' < .iip. ; Douruoru Ou. , Ind. Fine Head of Hair. My lieud bncnmr vprv no o und All my lialr foil out. 1 t.jiont nil I pould in a ! ii In doctnr- Inc. but notliln h ' ; i d tne ; Iiouetit CiTC'i in itr.MKMns. Mid In six wnek tl'iioiny head wur WBll. uua 1 tlien tt e i tne Ci'Tict'K * for inv hair 1 now fmy tliut thert is not h finer liisnd of ha'r ' ' In ortlle uludlauu th.iu wine fur oiny u year's prow th r KTrrvAHT. II n tier Indiana. Cuticura Resolvent , The new llhiad and frUIn Pnr fier. iutrrtii.ilr and Ct'TirriiA. the rreut Mtln C'ore. and CTTi- rent M > Ai' . tbe exuuU le & , .lu lieHUillier. n- ternnlly. Inctuutly relieve and speed ! j cure i very dUtiusr und lui > i > or of tlii'Kk.n. hru'p. ' i nfl blood , nttli Io4 < of hair , from Infiui- iy 10 urn , from piuiti fs to wrofuin. when the lie t t'hyblclaiis , bD pltals , and all olbur reme dies fa.l . Po'.d everywhere. J'ricePrrirrRA rut 5-nAl * . 2.V , llE.diVEM , ! 1. Prepared ty inc I'llTTCH Hiiro AJ.'H CMCMK4L CoHI'dllATH N lluHon. t5" "How to rurtekm Dldnatcs " 04 puri'S , v 111ustrutions , und tom iiiioniulR inHllecl free MPLTX lilueUheadR. red , rouzh , enainied and ol' ' 3' vkin enured l > r Ot'Tirt'UA S-OAI- KOW MY SIDE ACHES ! Arblnp Mde un1 Iturk Hip. Klclnpv r- , id t'terlne J'uin and Kbruti M S ijt rcll - i-il In our litintilf i theC utlcuru v iiv Vutl-1'uiu J'ln Ir. . 1'riue ! * "i rt * . Short Li id iams Are tliose ignorant pretenders -who , udtho-at any qualincntions , any ability , any ezpsriensa , any skill , claim to possess the power to cure all the ills of the human race. But their -want of worth sean becomes apparent to their would-be dupes , and these conscience- lessquaoks a- soon consigned to the oblivion they so richly merit. In strang-i ani stroaj cantristwifh these miserable boasters is the quiet , dignified yet courteous demeanor of hose noted leaisrs of their profession , "Wlio , during1 the past 27 years , have abundantly demonstrated their ability to effect epsedy , perfect and permanent cures in all the worst forms of those del icate sexual maladies embraced -within the general terms of HERVOUS , AND DISEASES , Bend 4 cents for their illustrated new book of 120 pages , "Know Thyself. " Consultation fres. Call upon or ad dress , with stamp , s , Bslls § Balls , 118 S , I4th SireaL Cor. Donglak St' , OMAHA , - ETEB. The Mercer. Omaha's Newssl Hotel COR. 12TH AND HOVUfU US. < t Iloomi at H.W per d r M ) J oem > at UMI pur fl r ItHiromi with Dath ut 18.03 ) .crd r. U ) Koomi with llath at 13 aO to < l i ) psr a > r OPSNE1L ) AUGUST 1st Modem In Evrrr lt < i ix > rt. J - 'ly I uriiuimd Throughout C. S. ER3. Prop. Tlie ouly hotel iu tbe c ty wltli l > ot and oo'.d ' WHUir. uo4 kto-tin n it in ererrjo m Tublu uud dlnlns rouui uiikuruutw d. HATES $2.60 TO $4.00. fcuooln.1 mtoi on uppllcatlon B. SILLOWAY , Prop. Hie Original and lienoine ( WORCESTERSHIRE ) SAUCE iivw tlie dirt di'ickm * tartr uia t BT lXT71.Kfrnni i t MEDICAL bLK. XIAMAA fctMnd. nutto hi * tiniUtnt at WCHiCESTEU. . . , SUJISC. . if HOT A- COLD rr r cUjr tliU their rauc IP hlirhiy Mtnenind In ludu , uid if in my nmulmi , the w tnr luiwt _ . tomtit Beware of Imitations ; or-m i . - ' see that yon gel Lea & Peirins1 i cry nntticnt Ortclt.i : i Oi. i. ' JOUM ] ' , 5 , , ifl45 HUiO. "i 5Slir- i T - * * L r175 I % .f2 B w ILs * { 7- ' $ 'S < * s& S3 SHOE Beet Cali Shoe In the woria iot the prlon. VL. . DotlclSsnUoeDEUBBoiaovBijTliore. Ereryboay eJaonlfl wear xlicin. It IK B finty yon owe yoamolt to got the Toent vtlne IOT year money Eoononare In your lootweRt toy pnrcbnBlng W. L. Douglas ShOBS.-fWoi" represent tbo l Et vcluf Et Uio prloos oa- PoniDoa ubove , CE tijancsniB oca tustUy. f Tnkc No Subptltuto. Ey lirwn-e offrnnd. Konc penulnp vlthnut 'W 1. Iowla * iiauic Btid iiricc diuiti > iod ou bottum. LUO& : tor it v Lea j-ou liuj . YV. L. PouclUK. Brcickton , MBCC. Snldif K lej ! Ptlcer & Oo ; C. .1 l nrlt-an E ins r-rtiB.tu I natz Ne wniau T , AV urehsy. outh Oinahn Architects , Surveyors , Contractors We have a full suppl > of jnatical Tpsti-u-rne-ptSj ipg papers , Trac'T > g Cloth , TrapsitSj fo3s Ctoai-psj Uev els , T-SP-SJ Squares. Ilhis- trated Catalogue free. J14 South 15th Strast , to P'ostoffice. Unlike the Butch Process | So Alkalies OK Other Chemicals are uwd in tbe preparation of TT. BAKER & CO.'S BreakfastCocoa [ irtiirh if almnlitlrly ] jturc and ZuMr. It has mttrrthan three timer < llicttrcnfilh of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrow rout or fcupar , auil it fnr more eoo- unmical , casting less lit an vne ttnit a rvp. It is delicious , nonrisliing , and EAEJL.Y DICESTCn. DICESTCn.Sold Sold by Ororcm W. BAZES &CO.DorclieBterl SEats. DOU'T Tou flon't .lined to sacrifice tbe lives of your vlien Dephtbcria and Menibranons Croup wlllcnclunrcrthc noisliborbtiod of your liomos Tlit-re U u sure hpHdllp in'dlrine Tt > 1'UE- VLNToontaRlon of tbuiti , uud tiiera U ulsj lure FpoKlllc medicine for . The Cure of Them wlicn tliey bare uot ran Ucyon J bum iu reach Write to R.C. SIGEL , In Crete , Sto. , If In tim-d of any trentmont. uud yon thut Lis treatment buhud ou imuiy ye.irt , ' ei- ) ior > mbuts iina Biudnukbuuurud li.m u t-ue- wi.l iKii-dibajipoint you A. K. DYES , atorKi Kniliousiik , lurtury Imtlninc * . Hiid nil wurlc trtjuiriu ; u thurmi'rli and pructlcal knii" li'dce ol ( iniKtruuLlim Mild r tt. as * , rn-miiit , N > I > . PKCU'0.-AI. = * ( Mut'-b InulHii Ser ifO. Koiubud Auuucy. &I1. rebrimry aitb. ISKL Sealed propOhiiiH , uudorhod i'rotiiMulc fur Tield eetHi , ' und ad- uretnoa to tbiuuaerslsntid nt lloiiebud Acuncy. E I ) , will be roculved at tbm usenty until OIK o flock p. in. , of WednosdHy , March ir > lh. Ixiki , fur furiilslitnc uud dnl V"rinc at this upeui-v 1.5UO bufcueis of noMd oats. l.WKi bufibt'U of k'dd putulocF : nd WKI liusholB of Httud wheatiliduert * are rttguebted to hlulf fepC'duciUI ) In tboir bids tbr proposed price 01 uuch article oflernd for dollvury undtir ut'dii- tructTliu ri-bt IE fikerveJ to rejoet anv or i. U bids or any of ant bid If dmtim-d for be busl Interest of tbe nervine CtHTlfTUO t ntrus. Curb bid must bo uoeou puuied by u cerilllod rbccU or dntfi upou I'liUfiMtut c dipohitorr , or Hoiteut uationiil bunk in the > | [ -mtty of the res deuce of tbf bid ler. tunde payuble to the order ol tbf Cominltisloiirr of Indian AR Irs. fur ut lu ifct rivi. rnit rtM of the * uinouut of tb nruposal. w Inch die U or ornft will be forfeited to thu flitted t-tutes In cuhKunr bidderor h.dder * . rwe\'lnr ! in awurd Klmll full to promptly execute u ooutruct with peed and huflluicut kurmifs , othtirwihu to be returned to the bidder , llids uc-oiupanltid br cukh lu llouof uerttflod chet'K will not IH * enn- fclder rt. I'urnnr fi'rther infoiimtlou uiipiy toJ. GEOKGE Wltllillr. U. h. Indiwn Atreut. niidi.1-m Illds will rnculvitd by tlie Mate Hoard of I'rlnUnp at the othcc of the "Mvretarj of tut < on or bffon 2 o'clock p. in. March lt , 1HH8 , for printlniT and binding In cloth one ttuiuhund a.Oiidi ( Kipleb of Volume V of the TruiiKurtidiii , and lU'iirt- ] Nebraska Mate liihUirical KK-lcty , to dflUernd coiiipleU' at tbe ( ittlre ( tf tinntcretary of thM > C ! M In tin Mutt rnMcniitj tiuildliiR , l.lncdhi "To contain SUM pacct. niortor ! Tin- § . ! of pupc. wlcht and uuallty of imp r. MyU- und iiuallrj Itu f biiidlni ; , M j le of Jdtorlnc ou cover , aud lu all riM > ct * . tlie w < irk Ui U < tbt httiue Uktlic Mimitle to l > e Ketui iu Uie ulilrt-if tlie MtrrtiUiri uf MuH > AWi bid * , will Inr * lvwl for lilndlnr lu clotli one bundle * ) and lifty ilW ) nnlxmnd < ilunji * , of \ oluine f 1 uf Mild wH-lftv i Work u > be Cmipl ( tnd w-ltblii t.lvty dfcyt , from ' < uwnixlliip < f the ( XiiiU-HCl Ewb uiuttt I * ucoouipauk > d by u - in thv ' " " t-um r' . . r n-t < rmd MI r J ct HUjr und uU bldk iy - I'riuUiiE iMiurd I'ebruarj- , 1H 8. , „ , . . JOHN C AI.MK. 1 J0dlt j fctcictury of State. "Absolutely tlie Best Made. " 1 "ADcliciousM MllcatcclCon- faction" for the re'n-f t f Coughs , Cvilds , Hoarseness , Sore Thron * . nnd for c'.eantu : the voice. J or t.Je by uli Drugcists cad C o n f c c t i o e r s. Tartcd iu fall two ounce jiarknges , Prirefi Cents. If j-cu n-c tmnMe to p-ocnre the Pomona Couj.'li Tablets muii your dealer tend UE y cents in etanips ctid rcccix-e a l > or by mail. M de by the inanufnrturers" the celebrated Toiaonn Fruit Juice Tal lets. DUQUETTE & CO , , Council PlufTs. IB ImproyaJ Safaly Bmin. KIMBALL BROS. I.L\- nri'li 11 t. tbp cribt per duv-l'ut tbt wiitiUerfiii renu Is tiik > i > . an. k of prutef ui jmtlents t > t rj to . „ , _ . . _ Is the vunnn pn ut it ) QUP" tlcin u permanent rurwo reully tneun It for < i uhs Cttturrh. hronchitlB. usMimn eousiiinptlon , lieudHche I , or norvousi , d.T - pensln nervous nrostrati < n t tuhatutlont of Oxvceti1 frcin. "Oxyrei ) lido sent free Con- Fultutlon and ndrioi' fr c SPECIFIC OXYGEN CO. , Suite aiJ Steely Bid : , Omaha. Parties MDSffi-BDSfll BEER , Anbeuser , Budwei or , Ftiust unn Pnle KEEKS. EITHER BOTTLED OR IN KIJGS , can loiiye orders ut No. 13 Muin Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , or Tele phone BiJ3. Gooas delivered promptly. SOLE AGENCY FOR rlEUSER-BuSGr ! ftSS il 01 SLlO'JlS , Bl COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORK Ail kinds of Dyeing and Cleaning done In sliii til sliest style of Uio nrt. Faded und tulnud tubrlufa made to looU u < > goal UB new. \\CIT-K proiniitly done uua dcllvoreJ la all imrts of the country , bund for price list. C. A. MACHA.N , Proprietor. Breadwiiv. near Northwestern 'e ot , ConuefJ GO TO A Specialist If you lire Bufferlne f i SOPE EtES J'n//i 'uTVhfonor A"oocJ GlmC" * . j If you arc HuHerlticwith cold In tlie bead , j catarrh , ntirache , deafness or dlhchurctiH from the ears ; If ron are BufTerms with cllBoanuB of tht-throat. DR. tfl. H. CHAWBERLIN IB Hcninputeut and rrllablcispufiaUsi In catarrh and disuhhBs of tlio ere. ( inr and throut OHlce oicr Keno A. Oo'h Ktcirc , Oouni'U ItlulTs , Iowa Attnrncys-at-lrw. . . . . . _ , J tice In tbe mate and fedornl courts. I'.OCMUS -T-S-D , bhugart blocl. . Oouuui ! Uluffk. la. OVIDE VIEW , Justice of the Veace - - 415 Broaiwav. Upstalri OOLLECTIOXS A bl'CClALTY _ _ Special Noticas. CDUNSIl BLUFFS. _ _ I 111 V Irnprmi'd regldpncit proiiurtr for c.itb when tlie prlue It low euuu.'Ii 11 O Mcbue. IU Mala it. A Li I HACTs nnfl IOED > Parm and oltr proi > arir Vl.iiuctit iina neil I'uiiT A 'J'nuain , OOUD31I liiun. ( } < ; ACUC Jn nill > fraui l > jtu.Il.-5 , lur/e h ou. tiftm bnd otbur liuprOTrajeata ajiil | H gr&pai uudHtufxU IruliH. iur itale cheap. Urtttiiitiululdi , Mriiiilinin A ( o _ QKVlillAL < l > ucritruclk nuar cltf llmlt fins Jrult land , will mill , worth the uumef Uroea- thluldK. MctiDlmiu A Cu _ IU ) ACUE * ell ImnroTiid farm m lua at tit. tat utref Ininruri'd tii. Garden and fruit turin mmr c ouncll Ilium. t-iU ; iiBnclia bJ acre faria niiur ( lt uwotid. V.VJ Farina irurdun uud Irult laud * for Hull JUlllKtUll V i'AlU'U : i D ' _ F-FOIt SALT : , cliuup U taken icmii at Idct front ( in OuUulid Kveuau , M Tent front uu Llncula uvrniin AUutwu li > u In Wrlebt uda ( > rvea > fhlnldii. Nlcliulfcun jt ' u _ 64UACKUdtn DUWHUD ( "ibntr Nnb. ut 1C M CIO ID frontier UMJ Impruvud Ku aaru > In lluf fixlo con itj. tf.iO buud Iliu three uillui froaj imiunilui-tun. KrmifcllD county tj l.Ujg uianr farmn fur al Juhnntun A. Van t BAHGAlNS ror mile 7U vj X ) rt. on rrautlln 1.500 Kit , uariK iKitweon I'lmt > t and I'rnokHn aro. IlcBt uluuluc iiropen- the c IT , t/UUUJ. Ivu lulu oppcraUe Tulrcl nt nchuol , H JJ. One IU1 Inllnun lerran MiU J'liree lau cur Main Hi and > 2th BTC Ilest lit * lui luipleniunt huun In the clir f : , JJ _ Ix.ugi.f A 1 owle SIS I'uarl t DO VOt' want to ri'iit jnur noune * We .liar * tenant * who are wultme Iur IU Uriienihleia , McholmiB t Co , ulimnndVnll prepared fur the jrk. tlurke city building Ipcill ( -ALE-I'uH nit df tlunorn tooli fMofl cnudl. tlun. a hariraln Inquire of ISmpfcle b Hardware t o. Council UluBn > OO VOUiNG noltSKH .tunflarfl hrttf cm > lm .lur tl hli o 20 ( Tddd rnnldHiine lulfr In Mienanduau la tuejuhunuo for Iruiu une lialf to u Mtauon and a half o > laud vltliln l j ml let nf Omaha Wn par ainrr uo In canh Mktl l > puufl land Urocn. uleld McliolMiii A Cu CJIBIIUU HluBt I UU KK.VT A mudero hrlck bou e wltb vtalile , L tl desired. Dr K 1 V i > M > urouruur II. uff and t-tory trm < i > . STjCKi GKJ * . I'B Ull vanUMI , uunt t > e pxiierieui td ai > 4 dv rBloronce Aitdrtnt 11 57. 11 1. 1. iuuucU llliiHn _ MK n.AUE , alalrruraHt ana lunune telMir auouratel ) ' rerealk the DioH hluarn mcri'U if tlm putt and future lore i ufi&lrt. 1'aclOc huUMtt , CuuticU