* . . .1ly. . M.t. _ . _ _ _ _ . , _ THE OMAHA DAILY BEEiLSlONDAY , FEBRUARY 27 , 1803 , A TRAGEDY OF THE PLAINS How Two Kentuckians Settled Their Differ ences on the California Trail. A STRUGGLE WITH A MURDERER A Holrinn Court ( if ilunticn Amid the Alkali HciU Trial mill lltociitlmi of ( li Orlin. liml TlirlllliiK lIplsiMloof i : rly Illntory mi tlio Trull , In April , 1852 , ti company formed ivt Harry , Plko county , Illinois , to como to California. It consisted of Pnlnscl Green rind family , Isiuic Holman und futnily , James Allen ami family , Mrs. Hull , a widow , and two children , Jeffrey Madi son , Frank Donaldson , Malon Hill , II. Huntley , Joseph Black , Samuel Kistinc , Nolhon Gray and Jay Green , the writer of * this Htoryin the Woodland ( Cnl. ) Mail. Mail.Wo made our way through Missouri to the city of St. Joseph , May 1 ; wo crofcbcd the Missouri river at Duncan's ferry , four miles above St. Joseph. Our first night on the plains was amid a tor- rifle thunderstorm. Torrents of rain fell upon us. This was our initia tion to the long journey of perils and hardships before us. Our route lay over a rolling prairie country for eighty mllcH. Passing Fort Kearney up the valley of the 1'lattc to Fort Laramie , thence across the IMack Hills and up the South 1'latto , wo toiled on slowly and without any particular incident. Wo crossed the Rockies at "South Pass , " and shortly came to Pacillo spring ! the first water flowing wcstwa-d. Wo were now in a land of alkali beds , gravel , bottle rock , hand dunes , sage brush , miakcH , horned toads , lizards , tarantulas , and everything that goes to make a first- class desert land. I should have- wild that after crossing the Missouri river our company had been joined by other companies , and had become quite strong in numbers. At Uig Sandy creek , where wo camped nt noon , two Kentuckians , who joined us , and who were partners in the team ihoy drove , had a quarrel over their private affairs. Their names were Col onel TJosloy and Major Deal. The war of words between the two being ever , we proceeded. Two days brought us to what was called "Lost River. " At this place wo took a vote of the company , and determined to camp until noon of the next day. The country was full of hostile Indians , and there was borne op position to on'1 delaying so long. Hero Bosloy , Heal an d the wi Her went fishing. Wo caught a line trout , and that even ing the Kentuekians invited me to eat Biippor with them. Wo divided the trout between us and enjoyed it. The best of feeling Rcomed to exist all around , and I then little dreamed of the terrible tragedy to which the thrco of us should bo parties in a few brief hours. Early the next morning I was awak ened by loud and angry talk. I got up and found a heated dispute going on about breaking camp at once. I tald , ' 'I thought this thing was bottled yesterday that wo were to stay here until noon. " The talk quieted down. But Boslcy was determined to go on. Ho wont out and got Ilia two mules , and with the assist ance of another man began to harness the animals. Beal 'naked , "What are you going to do ? " " 1 am going on , " was his partner's reply. " 1 am not , " was Bcal's quiet answer. Bosloy having hitched his mules to the wagon , drove out of camp , taking the two young men with him , Dave Dye and Steve Deems. Bcsley and Beal wore under contract to take these men to Cal ifornia.Bosloy in tills manner loft Beal with a pair of mules and harness. Beal applied to mo and my partner , Mr. Gray , for conveyance to California. Wo took him on condition that he do an equal sharo'of camp duty , and Unit wo have the Ube of Ills mules , Theio was. a feeling of uneasiness in the camp after Bosley had gone , and after talking the matter over wo decided to move on. This was about 10 o'clock a. in. About noon wo ovo"took Bosloy , who had stopped to feed his mules. Wo passed him , and teen came to a very Btcei ) hill. My team was in the lead. Beal was driving it , and I was riding a small mule. When wo gained the top of the hill I told Beal to wait for the other teams to como up. I dismounted from my mule and Beal got down from the wagon. Just at this time Bosley ap peared at the top of the hill , riding a mare and carrying a double-barreled shotgun on the horn of his saddle. Ho rodoup- quickly , his eyes flashing intense - tense anger , and demanded : "Major , are you going to leave mo in this kind of a way ? " Beal replied firmly : "Yes , sir , I am. " Bosloy instantly raised his gun , mut tering something I could not understand , and fired. Beal received the charge in his left breast. I sprang forward lobavo the man's life , but not in time. I grasped the mu/.7.1o of BosloyV gun and hold it down , but the fatal messenger had sped. I commanded Bosley to surrender. Still holding the gun by the barrels , I tried to wrest it from him , and in the ollort pulled him out of the saddle. Then on- Bued a terrible struggle between us for the gun. Bosloy retained hib hold upon it. Ho was a largo , muscular fellow , and ho was in a frenzy. He cocked the lock on the loaded barrel and pushed mo backward , all the time endeavoring to bring the gun in range with my body , while I was struggling as desperately to how the muzzle on the ground. In this way ho ran mo buck to some brambles. My feet boeumo entangled and 1 fell on my hands and knees , Bosloy eoveriii" my head and shoulders with his breast nnd throwing his arms around me. I btill held to the gun. I called for help. I Hhouted murder ! No one came to my relief. The rest of the company was not in sight. My legs were crossed. I was powerless. 1 kept on struggling , and at last got my feet squarely under mo. With a I my strength I suddenly raised erect , lifting Bosloy olT his feet , throw ing him over my head and wrenchinj : the gun from his hands. As to in as I was clear from Bosloy I ran to Beal , raised him up and reposed him agaliibt a clump of bago brush. Ho WIIH human aid. beyond His heart was riddled with buckshot. He died without baying word. Out- u Outentire train was sotn on the fceno , and shortly there ar rived another ox train of fifty men. Wo burled Beai and piled up a inurnment of i-rckHuvor his giave. Biulev was put undtr iruurd and wo all traveled on , the object being to join another largo iininl- giutlon train , and with thin increased number of men to hold a council and determine what should be done with Ucsloy. On Juno 1,1 , l < r > 2 , wo found a inulo tralir from Pennsylvania , bound for Oro- ijcu , and boino puckers. Wo met at llama Fork of the Green river. Wo now hud at least 100 men in the crowd. Jt did not take longer the leaders of the companion to decide upon n plnn of action. BotU-y should bo tried thi-nand there for murdor. A hollow square was formed of ox yokes. In the eontor of this nqunro liosloy wan mudo to take a seat upon an ox yo'ko. A iniin by the name of Hush consented to act as Mosley's lawyer and conduct his defense , Ho also vat within the circle , by Hwley's wldo , upon an ox yoko. A jury of six unbiased men was chosen to hear the evidence. The cap tain of the Oregon company conducted the trial. The following witnesses wore called : John Peters , Spencer Knapp , Charles Kills , Dave Dye and Jay Green. The prisoner asked that the witnesses might bo sworn. The Oiegon captain administered the oath in behalf of the California and Oregon immigrants as plaintiffs and Leonldas Bosloy defend ant. I was the last witness. I testified positively to the killing , but was careful to give the prisoner the benefit of every word or act that might be in his favor. When the testimony was all In Bosloy arose and said , "Green , you have done mo justice , but John Peters has not. " The jury retired from the rest of the crowd and soon agreed that the prisoner was guilty , but could not fix the punish ment. The Oregon captain then made this statement to the crowd. Ho then drew a long line on the ground , and said : "All of you who are in favor of Inflicting the death penalty immediately will cross this lino. " The crowd rushed like a flock of sheep ever the "dead line , " not half a dozen refraining from this call for vengeance. The jury again retired , and then cumu li ! with the verdict that Bosley should bo shot at 0 o'clock the next morning , Juno 11 , isr > 2. A special tent was pitched , and Bosley was hold through the night under guard. I visited him that evening. Ho seemed to euro little for the sentence. I touched his feelingd bv asking him if his mother was living , ilo dropped his head a mo ment , then said : "Oh , Green , say nothing of my fam ily. " Ho then made a request of mo that I take charge of some letters ho would write , and deposit them in the postoflleo at Sacramento. I promised to do so. Ho then asked mo to remain with him through the night. I told him I could not. I was greatly weighed down by the strain of the whole tttVulr and with fatigue , and I told him I would have to have some rest. The next morning I visited him early. I found him dressed in a line broadcloth suit , white shirt and black cravat. Ho xx as a fine looking man in features and physical build. 1 looked upon him and thought : "Dresced for eternity in this wild and ragged desert land. " Ho gave me three letters and told me that each contained a leek of hair , ono to his mother , ono to his x ifo and ono to his brother. Thcso wore messengers to boar the sad news that would break the hearts of loved ones in Kentucky. The hour of execution came. Should I live 10,000 years I oiuld not forget the scene that then transpired All the teams were ordered to drive on with the women and children , ono mail only was stationed with each wagon ; all the other men wore retained. The Oregon cap tain ordered all present to form in a half eiiclo. A few refused to do &o , whereupon they were commanded by the captain to too the mark or leave the ground. All then formed in line except myself , I waded a slough near by and stood on a high point. 1 was determined to watch the proceedings , but would not consent to participate in them. Twelve men were drawn by ballot to act as executioners. Ono of the party ' volunteered to'load the twelve rifles. Ilo wus instructed to retire from ob servation and load six rifles with powder and ball and six with powder only. After leading the guns the man loft them were they wore and departed. The prisoner was held under guard about fifty yards distant down the road. Two men wore sent to bring the guns , which wore placed in the hands of the twelve men , who were then marched into line to the place where the prisoner awaited death. The rest of the party took up places in file on each side of the road. The captain said to Bosley , "What is your distance ? " The doomed man re plied , "Twelve stops. " The captain then baid , "Step off your ground. " "I cannot do it ; you do it for mo. " The captain answered , "I will do it with you. " These two , judge and convict , then , side by side , paced oil twelve stops from the line of men who held their rifles in parade manner. The Oregon captain then took a blanket from Busloy's shoulders and spread it on the ground. Bosloy knelt down upon it with his back to the rifle men. Up to this time ho bore himself with horuio fortitude. Ho iibkod that ho bo allowed to give the bignul to lire , by raising his right hund , and his re quest was granted. Ho turned his head , looked behind him , and asked , "Gentle men , are you ready ? " I saw a marked change coming over his face. I cannot describe his look , but it was so strange and impressive that I can never forgot it. Ho dropped his head and asked a question that started the tears in every eye : ' 'Is there any ono present who will pray for mo ? " In the file of men with rifles , waiting the order to lire , was a Gorman who , the previous evening , had visited Bosloy at his tent and sought to talk with the prisoner concerning his spiritual wel fare and his pence with God. Bosley hud at that time waived all such con solation. But now at the open grave ho bowed his head and penitently called : "Is there any ono present who will pray for mo ? " It was this Gorman who at once laid his gun upon the ground and stepped forward. I never heard a prayer more fervent and eloquent. It was an intensely solemn occasion and among all the hardy , roughmannorcd men present there was not ono who was not deeply nllected. I claim that no man but a Christian could have per formed this double duty of mediator and executioner. IJi prayer concluded , ho stopped back into tlio line and took up his rifle. Then the captain pronounced thejo words in a clear tone : "Make ready ! " and twelve rifle bar rels wore leveled at the kneeling bucrl- llco to border justice. "Take aim , " und tlio gunners steadied themselves for the fatal signal , and Bos- ley's right hand went up. "Fire ! " and instantly flashed the vol- len , reverberating a wild and unearthly death knell among the crags that looked down upon that awful scono. In the clear morning air the smoke of the guns curled lazily , and hung like a funeral pall ever the mangled and bleed ing form. Four bullets had pierced his body. Ho fell on his face and lay motionless for a few seconds. Then ho began to ralto his head. 1 came near and stood in front of him. him.Ho Ho continued to rftKo his head and body without a struggle. Ho looked mo In tno eye ) and his mouth wiu In motion as though ho was trying to speak , I watched him cloeoly. In an Instant a dimness came ever his eyes , and ho fell and was dead * I believe ho know mo and tried to toll mo something. Wo dug a grave , rolled him in his blankets and buried him whore ho died. Do not let your dealer palm off on you any V1OWirt'lu ! > Jy lor coldsIU8l3tou l uvli K Dr. Cough Sjrui ) . COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL frnntfo Selling in the Lust Hour Was the Feature Yesterday , sLOWER - - LOWER CABLES STARTED THE BREAK ItVai n Scalping Mnrkct InVhont Mont of tlio .SrfMloii Corn \Vrnt on IJnrly nnil Closed lit u IOKI. CiitCAtio , 111. , roll. 25. rrnntle selling In the last h : ur xvas thu notablu Incident nt today's huslnoss on thu hoard. Demorall/lng cables started the break. Some foreign orders for corn xxoro said to have been xxlthdraxvn. Holders Nlarted to unload and stop-loss orders were quickly reached , adding to the doxxu course of prices. The most conspicuous .slump xxas In pork , xxhlch scored a fall of COc fiom top prices. Wheat and corn each xxeut oil Tic. At the close , hoxxovor , compared xxlth last night , the net declines xxero much less , bellic ) In xxheat and com , l'J'io ' In pork , lOc In lard ami Cc In i Ihs. _ . Uxasa scalping market In xxheat most of the .session. It Is argued that Chicago Is rela tively higher than any other market In the xvorhl , and that the stocks In sight niul the ap parently unlimited reserxes are all against the price , yet holders aio Inclined to continue their grip , hoping for some fax'orablo action by thu big bulls to help them out. The open ing xxas about 'tc higher than yesterday s closing , hut became xxeakcrand prices declined He for July and ac ( for .May , then became steadier and the closing xxas about \c loxxcr for Slav and 'nC loxxor for July than the clos ing figures of yesterday. It xvas estimated that tlieio might bo an Incioaso of about 250- (100 ( hu. In the x Islblosiltiply , though some p ir- tlesdo not look fur any Ineicaso and possibly n slight reduction. A year ago there xvas n do- ci ease of 302,000 bit. After a short buying xx axe , led by Cudahy and Hoyden , the com eioxxd xxoio Inclined lo talk of the big lescrxrs of corn at Interior points \xlth some opi'ratois conteiulliig that stocks at count 13- stations are unusually heaxy and pressing for an outlay. N'o. 3 corn XMIS suld to be dull and dcpiessed at the sea board as xxell as In thexxest , ami olfers tode- llxer In Mxerpool at a loxx prlcoxxeie not ac cepted. Tlio estimated receipts for Monday ate 325 cms , and this suggested a llboial movement from llrst hamls ne\t xxeok and started freu selling. Oidurs xxeie largely of that character anil the suppoit xxtm feeblu at any time. Their support UHS small. Outside domestic mailiots xxeto steady to firm. The local out Inspection xx as more favorable , and as soon as navigation opens shippers o\pcct to move out llboial diiantltles. O.its opened a shade better , hut there xvas fair reall/lng by longs and Millies' receded 'Je , xxlth but fe\x lenctlons , and the close xxas easy at about the loxxest llguies anil a net loss of ' .i * . About the only support came from shorts. The action In the piovlslon market xvus qulto violent The market opened xxlth a de- elded III nincHS unit a good lecovery from the bleak of yesteiday occurred. Theio was good buy Ing of pork for Cudahy. Wilghthad htokers bidding for stulT also. Hately's bid for laid , but the market moved axxay fiom them on buying by others for July and September. Some of the advance was lost after 11 o'clock and after midday the market took a similar doxvn turn to Unit of Friday. Local longs resumed the raiding and unloading. The outside holdings came out on stoponleis and those xxho bought for a scalp eatly xxeic quick soljors. The hogs xxero lost sluht of. Kecclpts xxeio but 7,000 and the estimate for ne\t xxeek but 00,000 , yet products sold oil' as If a great inn xvas In sight , ( -'losing prices xveio at omo recovoiy. Kstlmatcdlecelpts for .Monday : Wheat , 42(5 ( cars : coin , 323 cars ; oats , 200 cart , ; hogs , 1 .000 head. The leading futures ranged as folloxvs : AltriCI.ES. I.MXV. CLOSE Y's-'nr Whi"it No 2 February. OT < 73M 73 73' < 7351 May 77W 7 ; > d , 73'ffl ) ( July 75H ' < ! > > < , Corn No. 2 February. 40 41G40H July May fii Can , \u. 2- February. 30 SO SOU M y . . . . . . 33 3J .May. 13 25 IB CO 18 00 18 12V 18 27)4 ) Lard Mny U S5 12 ro 12 31 12 ffl U K July u so 11 U24 11 65 U 674 11 70 Hopt 11 M 11 CO 11 25 H 27)4 ) 11 40 Ebort I'.lbs- May 095 10 15 9 SH < 9 00 0 P 5 Cash miotiitlons xxcru us follow- , . Fi.ouii-lull ) ; xvlnter patents , $3.GO-1.00 ; xx Inter straights. . JH.20tt3.35 ; spilng patents , $3.754.10 ; spring straights , J2.&OS3.00 ; bakers , W.00.25. } WHEAT No. 2 spring. 735J73i4c ; No. 3 spring. or(307c. ( ; N'o. 2 red. 7373fc. ! ' COIIN Steady ; N'o. 2 , 4uc ; No. 3 , cash , S6J4c ; N'o. 3 yelloxv , 37 © 38ic. ! OATS Mo. 2. 3030 ! c ; No. 2 xvhlto , f. o. b. , SWi&'M'le ; N'o. 3 white , 31 } < ffi32c. KYE No. 2 , 02c. HAIII.EV No. 2. Clc ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 45350c ; N'o. 4 , f. o. b. , 3SU I7c. KI.AX SEKU-N'o. l.fl.Sl. TIMOTHY HEUD I'rlmo , $4.50. 1'oiiK .Mess , per bbl. , J1H.OO ; lard , per 100 Ihs , , * 12.00 : short ribs sides , ( loose ) J9.90 © 10.00 ; diy salted shoulders , ( boxed , ) $9.87 > , i 4ilO.OO ; short clear sides ( hoxciO , $10.I5. ! WHISKV Distillers' llnlshcd goods , pjr gal. , J1.17. HuilAiis Unchanged ; cut loaf , 5'/i354c ; granulated'Ti'sc standaid " " ; "A. 5c. Tha folloxvlng xvcro the receipts and ship ments for tod.iv : On the 1'roducu exchange today tha butter 111:11 : lie ! wasdiillcreamcry,10'27c ; ' : dairy , -Uii 2Dc. Lggs , easier ; strictly fresh , 10 < i20e. Omaha ( iralu Mantel. In splto nf the weakness In the market there was considerable business transacted on tlio board. CiiiiN No. 2 March shipment , 374c ! ; No. 3 or bolter , cash , 37'c bid , fel. Louis terms , 37'/Jc asked , Omaha tei ins ; same , iMuicIi shipment , 37' < c bid , 37'ic asked. Among the sales were : 20 cars No. 2 corn , March ' shipment , SI , Louis teims , 37ic ! ; D cars N'o. 3 or better corn , March shipment , upper Mississippi il\or points , 30c : 200 earn No. 3 or better corn , Omaha teims , 37c ; 30 cars N'o. 3 or better corn , Toledo teims , 1'obruury and .March , 37ie. ! IIOAIIII nimrfl. : C'lark Pheldon was In fiom I'orclval looking over the grain market. II. It. Crrer of Hampton and W. 0. King of Waco were among the visitors on the board. Hherton , la. , was lopreseiited on the board by John Samuel. . , gialn man , and M. I } . Dalley , the superintendent of schools. The Omaha Klovator company Is putting In a now- wheat cleaner made by the t'easo Man ufacturing company. ltwlllha\u u capacity for cleaning " ,50 J bushels of wheat per hour. Oinalui I'roducci As expected the egg market took another drop. The hay market Is also reported lower as will bo noted fiom the quotations given be low. Iliitteris very weak , and poultry not very active. Al'i'l.M Stocks are held ut i3.503 .00 for fair tocholco stock. IUNA.NAS Quoted at J2.0032.50 per bunch HIA.NS : 1'holco navy. { 2.25. ItUTTKii A gooil many commission dealers are complaining of the poor iUHllty ] of butter that Is coming to market at the present time. Only about ono box out of ton Is good enough for the lotnll trade , the other nine packages itolng to the packets to bo winked o\cr. Pack ing stock Is soiling at about IHc , whllo strictly choice toll goes at 20o and occasionally as hlghas20a.22c. OAl.liOllMA CUllIIAOK l'crlb.,234C. OKI BUY I'erdo ? . , 40c. ( ' ] iAMiiitluis : : Hell and bugle , $10.50 ; Jer sey I'aue I'od , tU.OO. Koos The market was weak at 18c and there were minors of Miles being made at a itlll lower llguro. IJAMK Small raoults , Jl.SO ; Jack rabbits , J3.no. 7'-e : No. \ealcalf. . B to 15 Ibs. , cio. dry Hint , tVT67Ic ( ; N'o. 2 dry flint , 4Qf > lc ; No. 1 dry salted , fiftUe ; part cured hides ! j percent per pound less than fully cured , HO.NKY Choice to fancy while clover. 183 > ' " " parsley , 45c per dor ; green onions 4'tie" NUTS Largo hickory , S1.50 | black walnuts , ll.ouiil.25. ONIONS I lomo grown. * 1.2O1J1.25Ver bushel Spanish ucrcrate , { 1.UO&2.0U , OHAMIES Florida fancy , perlrax , } 3.50 ; flvn to ten box lots , $3.25 ; iiissOttH , $3.0014 3.25f Mexican oranges , tingle. IHIXOX , 13.25 ; IIvu to ton box lots , 13.00 ; California mountain crnngeti , 12,50 ; navel * , M.OO , OiBTKlW"Oysters are being offered at lf > il 3Ho per can. which Is a reduction of 4o uorcun , 1'ouLTUY TUo uiarkut Is blow anil veuk. About Iho Inn for gixxl-drcx-rd rlilrl.nifi I * Op , while fnlrMtK-k goi'mirtiH. Turkeys ar < < mill ing in n Kiniill xMtrnt llWUc The troiililo with the great intiloflfy of thu Mock nrrlvinu Is that It Is too \nritf \ , Thu trade xxanl * small nnil fal turkey * . ( , eV e and ducks are \ery Hfarco and are nollliu .U llftl'Je for cholco Mock. M > POTATOIM Only snutll lots moving from store. Western Nebraska stock Is quoted at 860 ! I'tali ' ami Colorado , tl.UOai.IUi cholco tintlvi' . TCCtHIM. Hxxr.CT POTiTOKoVnero area foxv In the market xxhlch me soling at ft.00. TAMIKIIIMM- hrVujioxes , $3.U ( ) . VKAI , t'holco and Small fat voals , 79oi largo and thin , 3Gc. i Noxx Yiiflf. irkrH. Nrxv YOIIK , 1'eb. 25.yriltiiHecelpls , 17- 021 pkgs.j exports , 3,301 lilils. , 12,709 sacks ; sales , 4,200 pkgs. ; market dull , steady ; win ter xxheat , loxv grades , $ .MOf 2,55 ; fair to fancy. $2.65'S2.G5 ! fancy $ 'J.85iil.23-Mlnno- ; sola clear. $2.5O7 ,3.60 ; Minnesota stialts , J3.00 ® 4.00 ; .Minnesota patents J4.25J50.00. COMN Miu/-Qulot , Meady ; yolloxv western , $2.76 < i.2.80. H vi : Nominal ; xvcsternOOJl05c. ll.xiu.nv MALT Dull , steady ; xxestcrn , 053 85c. 85c.WIIHAT Horelpts , 3,100 bu , ; exports , 8,370 bu. ; sales , -lOO.oOO bn. futilics , spot none , i-pot market dull ; N'o , 2 red , In storu and elevator , 7HUe ; alloat , 70rj,70'4Ci led , 78' ' , < < j 80'c ' ; No. 1 northern , Hi'f < S8l'sij : No. 1 haul , 88M88Jfe ; No. 2 northern , 83hy8H c. Op tions weio xeiy dull anil changes limited to > < c xxlthout feature , closing steady and un changed to 'He up ; No. 2 roil , Mau'h. 77c ( , closing at 77f < e ! .May , 80 l-KiftHU 3-1 be , closing at 80'ic ; July , 81 6-lGasiHc , closing ut 81'ic. Coiix Receipts , 10.400 bu. , expoits , 2,011 liu. ; sales , 175,000 bu. futures , 22.OOO bu. spot. Spots Him , dull ; No. 2 , 52W52V' In elevator , 53Vic alloat ; ungraded ml\ l , 52 < il53 fe ; steamer mixed , 51HQ52C ; No. 3. 49'i'iJ50c. ' Options xvero steady all day and closed un changed from yestotday , xvltli trading dull ; May , 50 V.July , 5W51 l-lic ( , closing at Die OAM-UocolplH , 10.500 bu. ; expotts , 148 bu. ; sales , 10,000 bil.futuies , 109,000 bu. spot. Spots ( Inner , moderately active ; options dull , steady ; March , 37' c ; .May , 37' c. tpot , No. 2 , while , 41H41'4C ; No. 2 Chicago , 3b'ic ' ; No. 3,37'sc ; No. 3. xvhlte , 4034 ( jc ; mixed xxestern , 3W2,3U'p ; xxhito xxestein , 4034O'je. HAY Moderate di'matid , ( Inn ; shipping , $7.007.50 ; good to cholco , * 7.50"fH 50. Hoi's Quiet , xxeak : state , common to choice. 20't ' < 5,23c ; Paclllccoast , 10S23e. HIDES Steady , fair demand ; xxct salted Noxv Orleans M'loctiMl , 45 to (10 ( Ibs. 4'i < flGe : Texas Hi'leotcd , 50 to 00 lhs.,7c ; Texas dry , 20 Ibs. , 8 ® 8'sC. ' Pitovisio.ss Cut meats , dull and easy ; pickled bellies , ll > < < iill'c ; pickled shouldets , lOc ; ] ilckle < l hams , 14c ; middles quiet , steady1 ; short clear , 1034e. Laid , dull , easy ; xxoslmn steam eloped at $12.80 ; sales , none ; option sales , none ; Maich , f 12.75 ; May. $12.75 ; July , $12.O5. Pork , quiet , steady ; old mess , $ l9.50 < s 10.75 ; now mess , t20.OUii2U.Uu. IlL'irnti Dull , xxeak ; xxestern dairy , 18fl > 23c ; xxestern creameiy , 21 ( < J28c ; xxestern factory , 1723o ; Klgln , 27'i ' < f628c. CIIKKSK ( iulet , steady ; pait skims , 4 < 310'4'e. EHUS Llbeial supply loxxer ; receipts , 0,170 pkgM , ; xxestern fiesli , 20c. TAI.I.OW Qulot , nominal ; city ( $2.00 for pk s ) , 7'ic. COTTON SKED On , Dull ; yelloxv .steadier ; etude , DOc ; yelloxx.COc. I'KTiioi.Kiixi Steady ; crude In b.itrels , ( Par kers ) , J5.50 ; cnido In bulk , $3 ; refined Nexx York , J5.30 ; Philadelphia and Ital- tlmorn. $5.25 ; Phlladi Iphlaand llaltlmoio In bulk , J2.75to2.bO ; United closed 02'8c for Match. HOSIN Quiet , easy ; strained , common to good , Jl.424rcSl.45. Tt'lll'K.NTl.M : Quiet , easy at 34'i34V. I'KTiiol.i.uxt The Increased scarcity of oil , oxx Ing to the decreased production of the Mc Donald Held and the disappointment over the ( lexelopments In West Virginia , resulted today In Incieased specuhiUve activity In the oil nrirkots at Plttslmric and N'cxv Yolk. The transactions at hotJi exchanges xxeio linger than for a full day foi a long time past , and though some propottlon of the business m ly be tittllbuted to sxvllehlngon quotations , the statistical sltu.it tun-fully justifies both piesent activity and the advance , xxhlch Is no\x neaily 10 cents from the ] ox\est pi Ices pievalllng si feu xxeeks ago. The maiket opened sliong at 01 "ii ; at the Consolidated exchange and ad- xanced to O'J'nC , tho-lust inIco being the highest of the davy and closed at li'Je bid , ollered at ' 8c on salMtlf 105,000 lilils. At the Stock exchange It opened at l > 08c and lose to Clc , xxlth sales of 23.lCni ) hills. Hii'i : Active , llrnii domestic , fair to extra , S lffGc ; Japan ffUJc- .MlA-siN ! Now Oilcans open kettle , good to choice , good domaiicltirniat 2MJ37c. ritldAii Quiet , fir jP 'falr ' lollnlng , 3c ; centri fugals 00 lest. 3lm retliu'd , fairly active , Him ; olT A,45-10V , c ; mold A , 4'i4J51-10c ; standard Ao"jii5 ( 3-16cconfectioners ; A , 4'J fit ll-10c ; cut loaf , A'(05 ( 7-lGc ; crushed , & 4 < iT > 7-lGc : Jioxxdercd , 4' ( ! J5 1-lGc ; granu- luted,4fsffi > iJC-lGoL ) < tuioA ) , 4'itJ51-loc ; bran , 4 , @ 4 15-10cr ; cubes 4 > 15 1-10C. ' . Piu IilON--lull ) , btcady ; American , $12.75 ffl 15.50. " ' C'oppcn Dull , steady ; lake , $11.95. LlAl ! ) Quiet ; domestic , $3.95. TIN Firm , quiet ; fatralts , J20.30 ; plates steady , moderato demand ; smelter dull ; domestic , $4.25 , Kansas City .Markets. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , I < Yb. 25. WHEAT Sloxx ; No. 2 hard , fiSSGUc ; No. 2 red , 70(471c. ( COIIN Weak ; No. 2 , mixed , 33 ! ' c ; No. 2 xxhlte , 30c. OATS Loxvor ; No. 2 mixed , 393 > 39 c ; No. 2 xxhlte. 331c. ( ) KYH Steady at 52c. TI.AXSKED Steady at $1.081.10. " HllAN Scaico at04SJ05c. HAY Weak ; timothy , t8.00a9.00 ; pralrlo , $ G.508.00. HttTTEii Light demand and dull ; creamery , 2427"c ; dairy , 155olOc. ioo8 : Demoralised ; 15c. ItECUll'TS Wheat , 75,000 bu. ; corn , 23,000 1m. ; oats , HOObu. HIIII-XIENT > Whe.it , 54,000 bu. ; corn , 11,000 bu. ; oats,5.000 bu. Nexv York Dry Ooncls .Market. NKXV YOIIK , I'oli. 25.-2riicre xvas a very fair Patuiday trailo In dry goods. Quito a number of buyers xxcio In the market and Increased Interest xvas disclosed. Along xvlth the inoiu general filling In requests there xxero Inquiries and negotiations looking to moro Important transactions In tlio near future. CJoodsato so xxeak thatscllors are moro or less Indltrcront.VIlJ ( sheetings and fine bleached goods are sold months ahead , as aio some bronn cottons , dross cottons and silks. Leading makes of anything aiodltllcult to get for spot delivery , and there Is consldeiablo shipping for substitutes. The xxholo market tone contlnups strong and xvaltltig upon de velopments with dlstuibors. I'lnanelul Notes. NEXV Oiti.nANS , LaTob. . 25. Clearings , $1. 829,073. PAIIIS , 1'Vli. ' 25. Three uor cent rentes , 9Sf 42'ic for the account. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , I'oli 25. Clearings , tl- 809,275. nxchango on Now York $1.00. OMAHA , I-'oli 25. O lonrlnibl,23 ,392. Total for the xxeok ondlg'Satuiday , * 0,7 800,980. HAI.TIXIOIIE , Mel. , Koli 25. Clc.ulngs , J2.0G2- 928 ; balances , 8477.257. Money , 6 pur cent. Mr.MI'lllB , Tenii. . 1'ob. 25. Clearings , 83G3- 131 ; balances , $115,021 ; NowYoik o.xchango selling at * 1.50. N'KXV YOIIK , Tob. 25. Cloirlngs. T147,724- 082 ; balances , ? 0,321 001. Tor the Week clear ings , $715,871,999 ; balances , J30.089.238. NKXV I'niiK. 1'ob. 25. [ Special Telegram to TUB HKK.J lAchango xxas quoted as folloxx.s today : CHcago , 80c discount ; Doston , par ; St. Louts , 75c discount. Pliu.ADP.i.riHA , Pa. , Fell. 25. Clearings , $13,508,501 ; balances , $1,055,904. Tor the xxeek. clearings , $79,891,040 ; balances , $10- 400,310. Money , 4 percent. HOSTON , Mass. . Foil. 25. Olearlncs. $10,132- 988 ; balances , $1,080,319. Money , 7 percent. Kxchango on Noxv York par to lOc discount. For the XXCOK , cIeiulnBS.881,831,802 ; balances , $9.330,534. ' - CHICAGO , Ill..Fcb. 2bJ Clearlnas , $17,505.051 ; for the xxeek , f91,15y-101 ; for the correspond ing xveok last yoar.281,62117ia. Nexv York exchange sold at )5tM ) discount. Sterling ex- clinngo. dull. U4.80J4or slxty-daybllls ; de mand , i 1.88. Munu , jteady at G per cent. Sr. Louis , Mo. , l'ill/i25. Oloarln'-'s , $3,950- 992 ; this xveok , $2.1.1100,473 ; corresponding xxeeklastyear , $2I | 12,857 ; last xxeol * . $21- 204,940balances tiAuy , $485,015 ; this xveok , $2,331,409 ; corresjiopdlng xxeek last year , $2-,3y5,987 : last xxeokji2H90,079. Money quiet , G5J7 per cent. Kxchatigo on Now York , 25o UK- count. . . OMAHA LIVlJ'jTOUK .MAKICIiTS. j a"h Cattle Trade AoJIve nnil' 1'rlccn Stcuily i Slump VuothiT Ten Crutg. s SATUUDAY , Tob. 25. Receipts of cuttlo'tfohtlnuo to show a big In crease over last year and the same IH true of hheop. This weokVfu'n of sheep , 15,970 head , was the largest In thVi history of the yards. The previous banner week was the last of Sep tember , when 12,817 sheep were received. The run of hogs was the lightest Ino\erayear. Theotllclal figures : Cattlo. Hogs. Mieop. Receipts this week 17,1144 1G.G73 15,070 Receipts last week . . . .11,775 22,901 9,945 Same week last vear .13,1114 29,012 8,077 Considering the dlsadvantivges surrounding the cattle trade the market has held up re markably well. Receipts weio heavy , 3.OOU heavier than the ururlous week , and 4,500 heavier than a > ear ago. This , toguther with tlio generally dccio.ist-d demand during the Lenten season naturally depressed prices WANTED Tot l ll.lirn df CITIES , COUNTIES. 8CHOOL B / < us a nv < av DiarnicTs , WATER COMPANIES , ET.n.R.COMPANIES. Corri-ironiloncc lollclted. N.W.HARHIS&CQMPANY.Bankers , 103-109 Dearborn Street. CHICACO. IB ( A/all Street , NEW YORK. 70 Slate 9t. . OOSTCN. especially during tlio parly tinrl of the week when n decline of UV ( to 30Y wa < experienced With llttlitot ouppllpfi and ome linpiovement In the ultua- tlon eiist n part of thlN decline has been re named during the pa l day or two and prior * are not far from where they were at the close of last week. The trade today wns In u < ry fnlr hape. Offering * were fairly liberal and the quality bitter than recently. Speculative shippers were Inclined lo take hold more freely , the de mand was good from local houses and whllo pi ices were not quotahly higher they weio In the main fully nte-idy wltli I'rlday and busi ness was .brisk throughout. Uood to choice 1.3IKI to l,5r > 0-lb. teers Mild at from $1.75 to J5.10 , with fair to good 1,050 to l.'JOO-lb. steers at from H.10 to $4.60. I'alr to poor stulT was moro or less neglected but qutitahly tinchiinged at from $3.75 to $4. The supply was well cleared up , lea\lng little to lemaln In the pens oxer Sunday or go on through Jo Lhlcngo In first hands , Nearly ono half of the entire frc h receipts were made up of cows and mixed stock , ( food to choice stutf found a ready sale at stronger prices from (3.25 up to4.25. I'alrtogood grades were \eiy nearly steady at from $2.50 to J3. Theio being a superabundance of com mon and canning cows heie these grades sold lower , 5c lo lOc lowei than 1'rlday , at from $1.50 to $2.25 , Hulls , oven and stags while ( [ notably steady , are selling lOc to 15u lower than the eatly part of the week at fiom $2 to $3.75. Only u limited number of calves were ottered and pi Ices ruled about steady with sales at from 2 to J5.70. The feeder tiado has been IndllTeient all week , ( jood fleshy stock and of good finality has been and Is yet In falrdomand , but there has been > ery little call for the medium and Inferior grades. The maiket has picked up somewhat lat ly , howeM'r , und although the trade was quiet today , prices ruled firm , lions The market has experienced the worst lueak It has had In oxer thiee months. This piiiinot be atttlhutcd to heaxy leivlpts because receipts haxo been light oM-rywhcio nnd the i un here the lightest In ou-r a > car , 0,000 lighter than a week ago and 12.00C lighter than a year ago. 1'ilces haxcgonoolT fiOe toGOc ( luting the week and this can only be accounlid for by speculation In the product. When proxlshms broke and there was no money to ho made In manufacturing the packets s-lmply dropped out and pilces xxent down. Whether this weak Is permanent or only tempoiaiv lem.ilns to be seen. A good deal depends on tlio mattei of supplies , out In this pin ticuliir dealers aieas much at sea as exer. Naturally the feeling Is a trifle beailsh at pre-ent , hut this s certainly not on account of any Immediately piosnectlvo Increase In lecelpts The Cincinnati I'rlce Ciinent says : "There Is but one week more of the winter season , ami It is now plain that the total foi the four months will not reach 500(100' ( ' ) by acnnsld- eiable maigln. There Is such a condition of uncertainty cmu-emlng the fntuie of supplies that opinions do not shape Into definite foi m , other than a piexalent belief that liberal mar keting can not be expected before next au tumn or winter , although theie are Intima tions of aielatlvely fair number expected to be available In Maj and 'un ' . " The trade today was but a repetition of that of I'rlday. Tiesh lecelpts weie compara- tlxely light , but 39c.us , and the quality xvas good , although the weights weie light. Kust- ein markets wore lower and theio was no shipping or speculative demand to sustain values , so that when bityets started In bidding I'llday's xery xxe.ik closing prices , sellers gen- eiallx accepted the Inexliable , and the trade was fairly actlxe fiom stait to finish. All local houses xxero In It. both fresh meat men and packets , the foimcr , as usual , taking the best hogs and paying the best tn Ices. Uood to choice butcher \\elirht and heaxy hogs sold at from J7.55 to J7.G7H , while light and mixed stull brought from J7.45 to $7.55. A couple of loads of pigs welghlni : 101 and 177 Ibs. biought J7.20 and $7.25. The pens xxero neaier empty at thn close thin they have been for ton dajs. Siles ; weie largely at fiom J7.50 to J7.55 , as against J750tos7.70 Trlday and * 8.05 to $8.15 last Satuiday. hiir.Ki1 Receipts were again llbetal , but the bulk were consigned tbioiigh and not olleied forsale. ( Jood muttons aie In actlxe lemand and firm , but Inferior glades aio easier. Kalr togood natives , * 3.75U5.0 ( ) ; fair to good west- ems , f3.50ft5.00 ; comnioi , and stock sheep , J2.253.75 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs , J4.00jf5.85. ItorclptH and IUiiuitloii | of Stock. Olllclal iceelpt- ! and dlsp Mltlon of xfik as shown by the hooksof the Union Stock Yards company for the tw enty-fiinr hours ending at 5 o'clock ] ) . m. February 25 , IbUJ : UKCPII'TS. Ibs. , making a loss for the week of fiom 45c to GOc. There xvns only a lestilcted demand from local packers , and as shipping -ordets x\ero foxv the small supply appealed to be ade quate. Most of the hogs hoULJioloxx $7.95 , and J8.15 xxas the top of tlio markot. Quotations are from J7.40 to $7.70 for light , from $7.50 to J7.95 for mixed and medium and fiom $7.05 to J8 15 for heavy , IMgsand culls sold auy- where between tl.fiO and J7.25. Sheep w ere principally bought up at fully I'rl- day'spilces ( Jood to choice sorts were salable at from J4.GO to J5.25 , and poor to f.ilr grades weioqnoted at fiom J3.25 to $4.10. Hilesof lambs xxero on a basis of from J4.25 to JG.25 , which Is an adxaiice. Receipts : Cattle , 15,000 ; ho0's , 7,000 ; sheen , 2,000. The Uxonlnz.Journal reports : CATTLE Receipts , 1,500 head ; shipments , 1,000 head ; all soldjprlces steady. Iloas Receipts , 7,000 head ; shlpim nts. 0,000 head ; inaikot 5ffilOc loxver ; mixed and packers. $7.50Si7.55 ; pi Imoheavy , af5.85BH.50 ; pi line light , 47.bOS7.70 ; other light , 47,00 W7.40. hiiECP Receipts , 5,200 head ; shipments , 2,500 head ; murket steady ; nutlrus , 44.50 © 4.90 ; westerns , JD.OOjtO.25. Kuns.iH City I.lx o htiiak Miir'cnt- . KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Fob. ' 25. CATTI.K Re ceipts , 2,700 head ; shipments , 700 hnau : The market was actlx-o : steers and good cows. firm to lOc higher ; feedeis , steady ; common cows , weak. Repioscntatlvo sales : Dressed beef and shipping steers , $ -1.00 05.55 ; cows and belfets , $ .0033.85 ; stockers and feeders , * 3.50ft3.90. Hods Receipts , 3,500 head ; sblnments , GOO head. The market was KKTJ15C lower ; all grades , $5.25(25.75 ( ; bulk , iJ7.255J7.75. SiiKisi' Recelits | , 900 head ; shipments , none. The market xxas nominally steady , There xvero no sheep on sale , St I.milH I.lvo Stuck M irltut. Sr. Louis , Mo. , rob. 2j. ( JVTn.K Receipts , COO head ; shipments , HOO ; market linn , sup plies light and no basis fin nlshed for general quotations. HonST-RccoIpts , 1,900 head ; shipments , 2,200 head ; market 5fj 10c loxver ; heavy , $7. ( > 5 Cih.OO ; mlxe I. $7.45i&7.80 ; light. J7.50fft7.75. SHEEP Receipts , 700 head ; shipments , none ; market steady , film ; no quotations to bo made because of light business. HELP IS WANTED by tlio women who QIC tilling nnd suf fering , oreak nnd exhausted. And , to every sucli woman , help Is guaranteed by Doctor Plcrce'a I-'nvorlte Prescrip tion. For young . gills just entcilng -i i vMunnunnl ; wo- 1 = 1 * = * men nt tlio crltlcnl "change of life" ; women npproaehlng ronllncnicnt ; musing mothers ; and ev ery woman who Is " ma-down " or over worked , It U n medicine that builds up , strengthens , nnd regulates , no mutter what the condition of the system. It's nu invigorating , restorative tonic , n soothing und bracing nervine , nnd the only guaranteed remedy for " female complaints" nnd weaknesses. In bear ing-down sensations , periodical pain" , ulecrntlon , Inlltimmatioii , nnd every Kin dred uilnipnt , if it ever Jails to benellt or cure , you iiuvo your money buck. ' " < ' 'n"pA MV'TAnULEG rtinUalag ihe tumiAcli. 11 vi r nim bun rl > , rurl7. tr the Howl , ro mln juiil HIM lual | X ItLo U > 1 intiUnne kno n for hill nitj 'nun ' , rtmitlpalloii , U"l < f > ila. foulj hruith. heailntliv , luuirtliurii , ictitto arpttltc , Ti. 'nlnl tnpreMilon , ] Alufulo tUKCtlliiii rln.l'l ' . billow r < uirilti . j IonaiuU % try UlumuruuHtuK from < Jlmparo bljnd.nr fiJIure by ln tomiu It , llti i ut Ui- tMiloM to perform their proiwr f unrtlcni l'iKniu xn ( * n tootrroalUiif ArobeneflWiIhy ukin onfftfur ? X aclim al. 1'rlce IJY ri > ll , t nr < i , tl H.mil'.lie. J 1U1-AN8 CIlEUfCAL , CO. , IBBpniCett .New VorV I ! < > eo cl 3U 0 \ IVI The Eov. S. Ilnrtwoll Trntt , 70 Bclnionfc Avo. , Sprhigficlil , Muss. , gives lliia voluutiiry cxprcsaioii of his fnitli : "Unsolicited nutl with Uio ono dcsiro to direct nny who nro suf fering ns I have Buffered , I send you this testimonial to the efficacy of your remedy 'Alh-lo-pho-roa' for lUioumntio complaints. Three times in four years I huvo been nttncltcd with lUiouinalism , affecting my left side nud shoulder. I tried the pro scriptions of excellent physicians without nny relief. At last , in sheer desperation , I bought n , boltlo of 'patent medicine' Ath-lo-pho-ros which completely cured mo of the first attack. I have tried it with the same results in the other two attacks. In cither instance I have used but ono bottle. I recommend it to every person 1 meet who ia Buffering from this disease. In niy case it has worked miracles. " SI per botllo ; G for $5. All druggists. A Plain , Common-scuso Treatise on Eheuuiatism nnd Neuralgia to nny uddresa for Cc. iu Btamps. The Athlophoroq Co. , New Haven , Conn. T72C Great Iivoiand Stomach JZcmcdy Cures all disorders of thu Stomach , Liver , Howcls , Kidneys , Hlailder , eryiiiis Diseases , Loss of Appetite Ileailaciie , , ( ] tiiistipatioii , Costiveiiess , nJiKestioii , Biliousness , Fever , Piles , etc. , aiul renders the system less liable to contract disease. - RADWAV'S I'lLI.S aro-xcurj for this coiniil ilnt Tlioytoni tin Intorail up 1th ' s oTetlons to v act 'on. ' restore stron tli to tno stomnch and on iblo It to perform Its functions. r ( , I'rlcoSSonbox. u nH'cclpt of pr.cc Hold , by alldnigulsts.or mnllod by HAUWAV & CO. . J. WarrouStrOof Now 181(3 DotiQlcis Street , Omnhn , Nob. Tlio eminent specialist In nerve u chronic prlrnto , iilaa.l skin nnitiirlmrj rtti3U3i Ara ti-iml registered vrndunto nmi'dicmo nsilliiluim , nnil cat title itas uliow Is ntllliniitMU with tin ( froilaits ia. cess cntarrli lost msnliooil sjmlnil wotkaois , nuit IJMBI anil till furmi uf | irlv itntluk J VomKJil- rj used New trentuiL'iit for Ion of vltvl tuwor 1'nrtlot unibla lo visit in' in i l ire i il it liom br curroapondoncc .MuJtcIno or Itiitrtiiud'Us ' so it by tnill or otpron Moaurol ) paccjl , nj in xr < * t ) In4lj vis contention suiiljr tine JMinillnurru rpr-jr 31 0 inltitl ) i trjt i Oorrjip in Ij ID U tally | irl vat [ look ( MjaU'rlu ) of Life nuiufreo OtUcatiuuriJa m to Jp m SuaJtyilJ n.m UtJ u 411 initiator. Or f ho rljnnrllnl > tt 7'oi/f t\'oly GnrotJ r. Iliilnott' It can bo Klvcn In n cup of cotfooor t3i or In without tliu knotrloilzu of tlio pitlont. It li abjo- lutclr Imrmless nntl wilt cttect n porminunt iinl Bpocily euro , wbcthor the putloat I ) n inaitorito drinker or nn nlcuiollo ? xvrcclf. 1th IE baa.i Klvo nl i tliousnndi of cnsos nnd In every Inat'.nco n p Jrfoct euro 1ms followed It uover filli. l'iu e/jtj a once Imprcenntod with ttiodpocl lc , It tiooJiius nn utter Impossibility for the llqtiur mjp3tlt3 to otlvt UUI.Ill'Nhl'iuiriUU ( ) . , Piopi.Clncl-inttl. O 48 pngu book of pnrtlcularj frjj t'o bo hi J jf Kuhn & Co 15th nuil IouKla > Sti Wholoila by lilnLe. llrucc .V i.'o , and lUcuttrdjaa Uruz CO. , Umuuu. riot } OR. McCREW THE SPECIALIST. Is unsurpassed in the treatment ofall PP'VATE ' DISEASES nnu HWoakneisii-ii and Diiorders of WCM 18 years expcrionco Write for circulars and question lUt free. 14th and Fiirnnm Sts. , Omaha , Neb JflQT UiTAI ITV ana v'Bor ' fiultlklr ro LUli I Vi i A LI 1 I utored trTuiisIliblllty - ! . , . : . . . . . ! _ . . : HlndnolUined ! " " 'jy"v.y1. V > IN1IAIMI , the ( treat leu gunrmiUf ill cure , hiimplr ( .vni Irt'C. firfKB Oriental Jlcdkul Co , is I'ljmontH riur , Ulwjo , III. . . H. DYEB , xx-arnhoiiHiK , lurtnry liiillillni ; * , nnil nil xvnrlc rfqiilrlii ! ; 11 tlun-oticli nnil practical knoxrlrUiro ill riiimtriictlou null BtruiiKtli of niatorliilH , u Kiccllltj- | : . iQDiSORDERS _ _ And all the trnla ot KVILS , WBAKNKSSK-i , liKHII.I I'V , KTi. that aa company ( horn In mon CQlllfKI.Y an I 1'HUMA- NKXT1.V CUICHI ) . Full Sl'UIC.SOTIl anil tons Riven to er ry part of tuj boJy 1 will unit ( s > curoly r"9'l > KllKK to any suloror tba proiorlp. tlon thatcuroj moot ttiaso trojlilji. AUJrojl , u , A. UKAKLUY IllTfLE t.'UKKIC. MIOU SOUTH OJ\/AJ A. Union Stock Yards Company , South ) O j-ii a Via. Host Cnttlo Ho nnd Shocp murket In tie ! watt. COMMI33IQN HOUSES. Wood Brothers. I.Ix'o Stock Commission Merchants. EouthUumUa Tolcphono I15T. Clilcnzo JOHN I ) IIAIH4MAN , I . , - - . . . „ „ „ WAl.THIl . WOOD , fMttaaso" Mnrkct Itcporta by nnill and wlro clioorfullyt nibbed upon uppltcatloii OMAHA AWNINOSAND TENTS Omaha Tent-Awning | Wolf Bros , & Co , , COMl'ANV. MoniifaclurorB of tents , nwnliiKi eto . 101 und noiisi : COVEIH , TUJ ri. Hith ntroot. 111,1 Ktinmm Ht. BAGS AND TRIM'S. ls Omi a Bij M. 0. Daxon , CO Ml'A NY. Importorj and min fri iUcycloi aold on monthly sacki , burlap ) , Hour iwlno. paynnnti I2 > N.lSth. BOOTS SI OH. Morse-C33 Sho3 Company , Ilownril 'trojt. Factory corner lllb ant DjiiilniStrsa'.i Wo nro making closi prla u to cii ! liurori. nil nro BUlllcu n clum of tfooilt whloh 1 * vuraalo I'Jlo wllb murclmnti. Kirkendall , Jones & Amar. Hand-Sewad COMl'ANV Wlmlotilo Hlior. CO , bootisho'i mfrs luontl IIK > i mil rubbiTituJi , UJi- Kubbur shoa Co HJi- 1JIU llarnay 31 - St lIUI-llODH-xrnoy COAl , I Omaha CDal , Coke & Works LIM1 CO , hir.l anil no ft Mrj l Iron coal. S H cor llilti an I cornlci w exp , Douuttis all. niotalllo 'iU , elj lllU-IIU DRY GOODS , M. E. Smith & Co , , -KQJi Dry ro , Dry K"od , nolloni , fur- N'utloiH uuiti' furnMti- iilihliiK uouli. cirnir InjKou tt.ojr. lit i un I Itthnnd Hjwardrid. llirniy nt . FURHITUR- . Omalia Upholstering CO. uiibolJtoro.l furnl- CO.Oracu ture , 1IWI1UI Mctiuln * bl. Wliuluiuluonlr. nnj I1t'i SU HARDWARE. Rector & Wilnelaiy Lo)3C ! ) < [ & Lin , cosii'A.vr , Ionli'r ln hardwaroanl Comer 10th andJackson mot.iintoa' tools dti * UUtl. Kill DouitUadt. HAT3 , Era. W. A. L. Gibbon K ) , Omiha Safe and Iroi WOHICS , Ilnta , cnpt , Safui.vnulti. Jail work , dlovi'M mittens , iron tthuttor * and tire ei and llurnuy Ms. lupus Aii'troju .t ( lar It , Utli and Jackson. LUMBER John A. WdkelljM , Charles R. L33 , Iinportod.AiiiLirlo tn ' 'ort llardximd In nuir. wjol Intnl u JIN jut. Mil r in Lirpoti in I pi wnlto lliuu. 'Jtll n Mil Do OmahaStOY3 Rapiir M. XViIIK.J. itovo ro.ulrJ .Mnnufnetururt ot n > U nilw torattao'imnti ' ileorn , blloUlunl for any klud uttiutj iiinulillii < < . brtiiuh ut Uju lu dt ncj , Um aoi