H THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : gJUTRDAY. FEBIWJARY 25. 1893 , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Pork Broke Nearly One Dollnr Per Barrel Enrly OUTSIDE ORDERS WERE RECEIVED Corn AVnn Riiiporrni | by Seine CovrrlnB I'y the 8hortWliint TrndliiK 'n < > f Itrstrictoil ChunicttT StpcUn niul Honda. CniCAfio , 111 , , Kub. 24.A brcaU of nearly Jl per barrel took place today In the price of pork. I-'rniii $10.10 , last nlRht's clo-dng llKiires , tliemarKutfeltto$18.a25 ! , closing at $18.'Ju. The spt'culatlvo branch of tliu trade has been In the hands of tcalpors for several day , no outside orders having been received. The III * plutiftcra took advantiiKeof thlsconilltlon of thliiKs and orjanl/.ed ! a vicious raid. They found the market poorly supported , and pressed their advantage with vlftor , lirliiBlni ? out a lot of properly on Hlop Itw orders and preclpllatliiK a violent Hurry. The closlni ? price marks a decline of } ' 2 a barrel In pork from the outside price made on the recent ad vance. Tlin slump was a Hoard of Trade af fair entirely , the hos market at the stock yards feelltiK the elVects of the raid only KllKhtly. Il was looked upon by many as the IOIIK looked for bi'KlnnliiK of the end of the bull campaign In provisions. Compaied with yesterday's eloslnj ; prices , the May deliveries lire 'JOc olT for hud and ilbs tonight , and wheat from H ' to aic. Corn was Mipportcd by some rovrrliiR by the fchortsand luiiKsiilTi'rliii ! ! ( c lilKhcr. Wheat trading was of a rest ilcted character. Trices early In the day declined ' , < : below the closltiK llKiires of yesterday , then b came KtroiiKernnd tlm decline was recovered , but cased off ? 4f iiKnln , closing steady. The attitude of the clluue Is still the pilncl- pal consideration wllh operators and o lonir as It Is believed to hold on tolls line there will jirolmbly not be niiich deposition to short the market , however bearish leaders may feel unless tlicie should be something unusually LentIsh In the way of ne s. Ono of the llrm features was the fact tint local receipts wele KlOcnrs less than e.xperted niul cullies reported a little better tone abroad. Tlieclliiues had u few brokers In tliu market , who picked up some wheat , hut It was more In let the crowd know that the clique was still here than to any dr-Ire to add much to Its holdings. The dispatch showing I''irmer llalch had sulTeicd another defeat In his nltorlR to bilni ; the anti-option bill lo a direct Tote as another streiiKthenliiK factor. A InrKO bnsln'jss uasdono In corn and an early period of weakness pivo way to a subse quent recovery under Rood buying. The Initial decline currying May down \K was due to the blight weather , which HiurKcslod further lib eral receipts and sympathy wllhothcr'mar- kets. The inajorliy of traders strove to make May touch -IIk1 , liellcvhiK this would hrln out. some stop loss orders on tliosclllii ! ! side. Hut a Kood snowlni ; hud been scored during tin1 lust ten days' , and some of the operators on the Eliort sliln bavlnt ; a piollt camu In as buyers. There was ( 'ocul trade In oats within u range of ! 5c. The market closed steady at about the same ( Inures as yesterday. There has been a good deal of liquidation by longs of late , but it lias not been as thorough as In corn. The shorts have covered quietly and weio the best buyers today. The in irket for hog products was dcmor.il- l/ed and us prices declined under tree oller- Ings considerable long property was thrown on the market , and especially on behalf of out- Hide turtles , which had been carried on small margins , and this added to the depletion generally. I'rlccs llurtuatcd wildly and on the uhole range declined materially all around. Trading on behalf of outsiders was very unsutlsfuctory and It was almost Impos sible lo comply with orders. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 105 cur.s ; corn , i00 ! cars ; oats , 215 car.s ; hogs , B.OUO head. The lending futures ranged as follows : AIUICI.KS. OI'KN. IIKill. LOW. CI.OXi : . V'M'IIV 71 74 .T9l < 77W 74ji4 , . ji4 * 75 4.1)1 ) , ( < 4IH SO DO , < BJ 82J6S3.I 32) ) 32HGH 1000 11)00 13 25 18 27lj li ) 071 ( Ainy. . . . . . . 12 50 12 IU 1250 12 C. 12 BO July 12 20 1320 II 70 U 70 12 25 Sept II 82H II 4Q 11 40 11 V5 Sliortmbo- . 10 10 10 U ) 0 l > 2 > . 9 tl.'i 10 15 Cash quotations were as follows : PI.OUH Dull , easy , unchanged. WHEAT No. 2 spring , 73JiT.74c ! ( ; No. 3 spring , 0204c. ; No. 2 red , 73VJto733.c. { COIIN Lower : No. 2 , 401Jc ; No. 3 , 3C3c ( ; No. 3 yellow , 37M 3Hc. OATH-NO. 2. 3is30ic ( ) ! ; No. 2 white. 35c ; No. 3 white , 334c. IlVK No. 2 , 5'c. ! liAUi.EV No. 2 , C4c ; No. 3 , f. o.'b. , 43QGOc ; No. 4 , f. o. b. , 3G@50c. FI.AX SEKII-NO. 1$1.20. TIMOTHY SEKI > Prime , $2.00. TouK-Mess , per bbl. . $18.25 ; Inrd , per 100 HIM. , $12.05 ; short rllis sides , ( loose ) $9.05 4710.25 ; dry salted shoulders , ( boxcd.i $ : j.87Vi (2f.10.00 ( ; short clear sld < s ( boxed ) , $10.90to 10.115. WHISKY Distillers'finished goods , per gnl. , 11.17. y SuoAtis Unchanged ; cut loaf , 5'/5 ; c ; Cranulated , 5 > 4c ; standard "A , " 5c. Thu following were the receipts and ship ments for loduv : . On the 1'roduco exchange todav the huttor market was qulot ; creamery. 19jj27c : dairy , 20S26C. ERRb , unsettled ; line stock , 2 ( > a25c. Omulm Crulii .Muruct. ConsldPrliiK the dlsconraRliiK influence of freight hlockades and dull caslcrn markets It must ho conceded that the Omaha Kraln mar ket Is fully as actlvo as could ho expected. There Is no lack of huycis , hut sulleisaro afraid of not helng alilo to tet cars In tlmo to fill contracts. The following prices are for delivery at Mississippi river points ! WIIKAT No. 2 sptlnj , ' , 7c ) hid ; No. 3 sprlnpc , 58ohld ; No. 2 red winter , 70c hid ; No. 3 re ( wlntur , GScbld ; No , 2 hard winter , G3J5c hid G4c asked. OATS No. 2 white , 321ic hid ; No , 3 white 82o hid , 33c alcd , COIIN No. 3 or hetter , cash , 37',5c ; MIIIIU March shipment , 37UC hid , 38c asked ; same April bhlpmcnt , 37 'c bid ; No. 2 white , 38t ulil. Among the sales were : 10 cars No , 3 or bettor cash corn , St. Louis terms , 37'4c ; 25 cars No. n or better corn , Cincinnati terms- lest half of March shipment , 38c. r.OAHD IIUIKKS. J. 0. Il'nrrls of Cook has been In looking over the grain market. K. O. West of Gothenburg was among the vUltors on the hoard. The grain men held a meeting previous to the call Inthoolllce of Harry Miller , and after talking over the sit nation carefully decided to put forth every effort possible to build up n grain mai ket at Omaha. They all expressed themsolvch as being fully till vu to the necessity of having n good market at Omaha and of the advantages to bo derived from such a market Omnlin Produce .Haricot. Aside from the change In the ege market prices on produce of all kinds were aboui uteady. llggs , as will bo noted below , went down to 20c , its was picdlcted they would thu day before. Afi'l.rs-Stooks are held at } 3. 5034.00 for fair to choice stock. IIA.NANAS Quoted ut $2OOJJ2.50 ncr bunch UKANS I'holco navy. $2.25. HUTTUI A good many commission dealers imt complaining of the poor ( ( utility of butter that Is coming to market at. the present time Only about ono box out of ten Is good enougl for the retail trade , the other nine packages going to the ( lackers to bo worked over. Pack ing stock Is helling at about 18c , whllo strictly choice roll goes at 20c and occasionally as blph as 2Xi22c. I'AMKOUNIA tUllllAdK IVr 111. . 2 jc. Cii : KUYPer doz. , 40c. I'HAMiuiiitiKs ltell and bugle , $10,50 ; Jer sey I'apo C'od , J9.60. Kaon Tlio market was weaker and sale. were mostly at 20c. Pomedcalers were feellnt , BO weak that they were predicting that egg. Would sell nt 18c before the close of the week UAMVSnnill : ruutilts , * 1.50 ; Jack rabbits (3.50. llAV The market was a llttlo tinner am talcs generally were made at $0.50r 7.00 , -No. I green , 3He ; No. I green salted 4Ucj No. 2 green salted , 3Hc ; No. 1 greet sailed. 25 to4llhs,4Hc ) ; No. - green salted 26to 40 UIH. , 3Ci ! No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 I In. 7 < ivsN < > . 2 veal calf. 8 lo 15 Iba. . 5'ic ' ; No. 1 dry Hint. &i67'iCi No. 2 dry Hint , 4a5'tc ; rto. 1 dry bulled , 5i3c ; part cured hides } f per cen per ( vninil Urns than fully cured. HONKV-t'lioIco to tiuicy white clover , lea 20c ; fair to good. 10 18c IKUONSTholce. . I3.WM43.76 : fancy , M.OO. MAl.AOAailAi'KS Uood shipping stock , tM.50 VKOKTAHI.KS lettuce , radishes am , 46c per doz ; green oniony 4V. ( - Unlo hickory , 11.60 ; black walnuts ONION * homo grown , I1.2O31.26 per bushel Bpunish Dercrnte.ll.OOB2.Ou. XluANUts- Florida faucv , per bor , I3.60J fl u n Inn liot lotfl , 13,25 ; niMCtti. . 3.25 ; .Mo lie. 'in oinncen , ulnglc hoxc , ! 3.'J5t flvo o ivn box Join , 13,00 : California mountain ninget , J'J.Wi ; tmvcK { 4.00. OV8TKU9- Oysters aio being offered at 1MJ 180 pprcnn. which Is a reduction of 4c uercan. POUI.TIIV Chickens n re quoted at B'SlOc.bilt trciiulicMery fnncy Ntnall Kl/.ed chicken * to irltig tin ) top of the market. Turkey * are very low .ale at any price , the consumption liav- ng dropped elf nil of u Midden. Choice tur key * would- not hi Ing over 1 .Mil He , nml I ho ( eater part of the .stock that Is coming to iiarket ut the present time would have to sell owor. Oi-ese and ducks am In pretty fair ru- uett at ll&l'Je for choice and OiilOi ! for otigh , I'OTATons Only small lots moving from lore. Western Nebraska stock Is quoted at BC.cj Utah anil Colorado , ! 1.0Ujil.lO ; cholco llitlvu. 7580C. SWKKT I'OTATOM Thorn area few In the narket which nru veiling at $4.50. TA.Mmui.NK4 In half boxes. 13.00. VKAI.L'holco and small fat veals , 79c ; argu and thin , 3QGc. _ Nvir York MnrkcM. Nr.w YOIIK , Peh. 24. Ki.ottn Hccelpts , 21- J33 ] ) ! % > ( . ; I'.tports , 8,712 hills. . 22,322 SUCKS ; sales , .ID.UOl pkgs. ; market dull , steady , CIIKN MRtir Quint ; steady. IUIU.KVDull , llrm. IUIII.LV MAI.T ( julut , steady. \Vlir.AT ltecelils | , 2,325 bu. ; i-xports.31,314 m. ; sales , 2,125,000 bu. futures , 90,000 hu , of put. Spot market dull and steady ; No. 2 ed , In store and elevator , 7'JUc ; afloat , 70tA 79'iC ' ; f. o. li. . 7HW < ! lHOjj No. 1 northern , 81 ' . ( ( jj 81'tcNo. ; 1 hard , Ba'/ittbBVc ' ; No. 2 northern. 83'iT.83s.ic. ( ( Options wcio fairly nctlo and hlelly local. switching , deellnlim early i ? c with he west and on rca Jlzlng.advanclng ? c on for- ; lgu buying and shorts covering , falling MC and closing steady at ' < c under ; No. 2 red , March , 77 > . ( ! t,77'c. , closing ut 773.c ; May , BOaBOAe. , losing at 80'8c ; July , Bl'iaaiJic , closing ut . COIIN Kccelpls , 45,000 bu. , exports , 01,000 ill. ; .sales , 000,000 bu. futures , 78.1100 bu. spot. Spots llrm , quiet ; No. 2 , 52'Q,52fc ! In elevator , 53'553'c ulloal ; ungraded mixed , Ol' 53c ; steamer mixed , & 1H51 'i.c ' : No. 3 , .I9UW5IIC. Options declined 'i'fMjr "Ith wheat and the west , rallied Jict'ic on local covering , closed llrm and dull at 'dip. 3c over yesterday ; I'Obru- iry , 62fI02i4c , closing at 52'ic ; March , Ol W VJ'c , chulMgat. 52c ( ; May , 50H'il60 , c , clos ing at 60V ; .Inly , 50' jfi'51c , closing ut 51c. O.mUeeclptN , 48,30 ( ) liu. ; e.xporls , 1,497 ! iu.sahis , 145,000 bu. futures , 232,000bil. spot. "pols falily active , llrmer ; options quiet , ! ( up ; steady ; ruhriiary , 37J437'iic. closlmr at 17'c ; March , 37J.iW,37'iccloslng at 37'.c ; May , J7'i .37'jC , closing at37' c. Spot , No. 2 , white , Me ; No. 2 Chicago , 3Sl1t3c ! ) : No. 3 , 37iic ; No. 3hlte , 4H'.4iic ( ! ! ; ml.sed western , J8'jC ; white western , 40345'gc. ' II AV Moderate demand , llrm. Hois- Dull , wrak ; stiiterommon to choice , JOQ23c ; Pnclllc coast , 1932.V. llinn.s-l'alr demand ; steady. Wooi.-lliill ; dnmesllc Ilcece , 2732c. ; pulled , 20J737.TL.MIS ; , 17i21c. CUT MKATSKasy ; pickled slioulders , lOc ; pickled hams , 14c ; middles quiet , easy ; shorl clear , 10Jii- . 1 Aim Dull , loner ; western steam closed at > t2.)5 [ ) ; sales , none ; option sales , none ; March , 12.95 ; May. ? 12.'J5 ; .Inly , $12.11) . I'OHKijiilct , lower ; old mess , $10.50S19,75 ; lew mess , * 20. < W3.20.25. Ill'TTKitQuiet , weak ; Klgln , 27iO28c. ! CIIKF.SK- Quiet , Ltuiuly. KdUH l.aige supply , lower ; receipts , 4,030 : > ! cg . western flesh , 22mi23c. 3TAI.I.OW Quiet , weak ; city ( } 2.00for pkgs. ) , Y'jc asked , COTTON SKBU Oiii-Dtill , weak ; crude , 50c ; yellow , 5Hj ( asked. Ti'iii'KNTlNU Dull and easy at 34 > 4'K344. ItosiN-Qiilct llrm. | 'ITIIOI.IH'.MThe : limited production In the Held has further stimulated bullish sentiment on tno niemltim certificates and at the Consolidated hoard today , although Ihey opened ? jc lower they wore steady to Olc with considerable Increase : ) f business done. The clo o was 4rong with Glc bid. At the Stock exchange 8,000 Ibs. changed hands at 67iffi58c. HICK l-'lrm , active. MOI.ASSKS Now Orlunni open kettle , good to choice , llrm , good demand , Hi'dAit Haw , llrm , active ; sales , 58 hhds. and 11) ) tierces ; muscovado , 98 test , at Uc ; centrifugals , 9i ( test , at 3''jc ' and 100 bags ; molasses stig.ir 89 t-st at "lie ; rellncd , llrm , falily artlve. PKI IiiosSteady , quiet ; American , $12.75 (3,15.50. ( Coi'i'iit--Qulet : , steady ; lako.f 11.05. I.KAD Dull : ( iomestfe , f3.95. TIN rirni ; Straits , J2D.10. St. l..Htts .MiirUutS. HT. I.ouis , Mo. , t'eu. 24. Ki.oun Quiet , steady. \ViiKAT--lpcllned eaily , partially recov ered. gradually worked olt and closed > ic down : No. 2. red. cash , higher at-G7 ? c ; l-'ebru- nry , 07jc bid ; March , G8'jc ' bid ; May , 71 = c asked ; July , 72ic asked. COIIN Unsettled , following wheat , recover ing and clo-dug He up ; No. 2 , cash , 37'jc ; Kiibruary and March , 37-iic ; May , 3'JJic asked ; July , 40fac asked. OATS-Dull ; No. 2 cash , 32H33cbld. HIIAN Dull and unchanged. KYI : Dull and unchanged. ItAiii.cr Dull anih unchnngcd. I-'I.AXSKIP : Lower at J1.19 , Ci.oVKll-ill.50B 12.40. li.U-J3.70 ; ; .spelter , $1.05. COIIN Mi\is : Weak at J2.05'iJ2.10. IlAddiNO AND TiKS-l'nchangod. WlllSKY-11.17. I'lioviHiONrt Dead , dull , lower. I'orlc , $19.50 both old and new. I.ard , $12.50. Dry .salt meats , shoulders , $9.5(1 ( ; longs' and ribs , $10.37s ! ! shorts , S1O.G2'J ' ; boxed. tl0.37' { ; shorts , S10.G2'/j , boxed 15c higher. Ilacon , shoulders. $10.25 ; longs and ribs , $11.37i ! ; shorts , J11.50 ; hams , tl4.00@15.00. UECKli'Ta Klour , 4,000 bliK. ; wheat , 37,000 bu. : corn. 170,000 bu. ; oats , 24,000 bu. ; rye , none ; barley , none. SHIPMENTS 1'lour. 12,000 bbls. ; whcat,81,000 bu. ; corn , 2GO.OObii. ( ) ; oats , 22,000 bu. ; rye , 17,000 bu. ; barley , 2,000 bu. Cotton .Miiri < nl. NK\V YOIIK , I'ol ) . 24. llublmrd , I'rlco ACo.'s cotton letter says : .Spinners have again do- ser'ed thu Liverpool market and their takings uiu butS.OOO bales , whllo thu arrival market lias been the scene of wild fluctuations , finally closing very steady at 70ijc , a decline from yesterday's closing. At the opening of our market thu liquidation of the long Interest caused n decline of from 8 to 10 points , though the maikot quickly recovered a portion of this loss on a rumor that the mills were resuming work with the assistance of nonunion men. Our private cable dispatch shows that the market Is very discouraging to the holders of cotton unless the men surrender uncondition ally to thu demand of the masters. During the afternoon the market recovered most of thu loss and closed steady at tliu highest of thu day and within 4 points of yesterday's figures. The strength of prices Is founded principally upon the exceptionally light In terior movement. The present movement seems to point to a total production of less than (5,500,000 ( bales. ST , Louis , Mo , , Kub. 24. Steady ; middling , 0ic ! ; sales , 3,200 bales ; receipts , 1,400 bales ; Shipments. 1,300 bales ; slocks , 104,000 bales. > iw : OIU.KANS , La. , Pub. 24. I'uturessteady ; sales. 110,300 bales ; February. $8.88 bid ; March , $8.88'28.90 ; April , $ d.98ffiH.99 ; May , $9.07 ; June , e9.13-ao.14 ; July * 9.19S9.2U ; August , i9.10JtYJ.20 ; September , J8.90 bid ; October. $8.75 bid. Nr.w OIU.KANS , La. , 1'eb. 24. Steady ; fair In middling , 9 7-lGc ; middling , 9 1-lGc : ' low mid dling , 8 13-lGc ; good ordinary , 87-lGc ; net receipts , 1,000 bales ; gro-s , 1,100 bales : experts - ports to Great Hrltaln , 100 bales ; sales , l.OOC hales ; stock , 331,044 bales. Kiiiis.ia City .UsirknU. KANSAS CITY , Mo. . I < 'eb. 24. WHEAT I'lrin ; No. 2 hard , G53GGc ; No. 2 red , 70'ife71c COIIN U4t'.4c lower ; No. 2 , ml.xed , 33)ic ) ; No , 2 white , 35 . OATS-Weak ; No. 2 mixed , 29i@30c ! ; No. 2 white , 30'i31c. UVK Steady tit 52c. KI.AX SUKU Lower at $1.08 ® ! . 10. HllAN Klrm iltG3GG4c. HAY Weak ; timothy , $8.0039.50 ; prairie , $0.60(38.00. ( HtiTTEii Light demand and dull ; creamery , 24 < ii27He : dairy , 17lUc. Kdds Weak at 18c. HKCISI ITS Wheat , 67,000 bu. ; corn , 8,000 bu. ; oats , none , Sliii'.MKNTS Wheat , 91,000 bii. ; corn , 23,000 bu. ; oats , none. Liverpool .Miirkots. LiVKnrooi. , Tub. 24. WIIBAT Quiet ; de. mum ! fair ; holders oiler moderately ; No. ' . led , spring. Gs 4dBG.s 5d per cental ; No. 2 red winter , 5s 9ddl5s Hid. Receipts of wheat the past three days , 231,000 centals , liichulliit 175,000 American. COIIN Qulul ; demand fair ; western mixed , old. 4s 1'jd per cental ; western mixed , now 4s 41.4(1. ( Itceelptsnf American corn thu pasl three days , 00,100 centals. HKKP K.xtni India mess , 80s per tierce. I'OIIK Prlmo mess , western line , 93s 9d poi blil. blil.lt.roN lt.\roN Long and short clear , 55 Ibs. , 62s Oi per cwt. : long and short clear , 45 Ibs. , 53s Gd. LAIIIV- Prime western , 02s ( icrcwt. LIN.SCKU On. 22s Gd per CH t. AlllivanUoo Or ilu Al-ir.'ift. MILWAUKEE , WIs. , 1'ob. 21. Ki.ouu-Qulet. WIIKAT Steady ; May. G8 c asked ; No. ' . spring , G8c ; No. 1 northern. 72c. CoitN-Qulet J No. 3 , 38'itV.IH'Sc. OATS-Quluti No , 2 white , 35o ; No. 3 white 32'33c. lUiil.uY-Qulet : No. 2 , 62iG03c ! ; sample 40IlG2c. Uvc- Quiet ; No. 1 , 67c. I'HOVISIONS Lower ; pork , Mav , $18.37i ! ; lard , May , $12.05. KKCKli'TS-l'lour. 5,000 bbls.j wheat , 80,500 bu. ; barley , 100,000 bu. Slin'SlKNTS-nour.B.GOOubls. ; wheat. 23.40C bu. ; barlry , 10,400 bu. riilludrlphl-i drain .Market. Vllll.ADKUMllA , P.I. , Feb. 24 WllEAT- Dull and feuturule.ss ; No. 2 red , February 7Ut G.70 tc. COIINOitloiiH | iiteady ; No. 2 mixed , Fob ruury , 49c. OATH In car lots , steady ; No. 2 white , February ruary , 401440' ic. _ DiilntliVlieiit .Mnrket. Diil.liTii , Minn. , Feb. 24. The market opcnoi weak und \u below last night's close , but th Ucclluo did not la t long uuJ was recovered bo fora noon. The rloso wm somewhat Irregu lar. Clo o ! No I html , rash and February , 08ici ! May , 73ct July , 754c | No. 1 north ern , cash and February , COci .May , 70Sc : July. 73oi No. 2 northern , cash , GOJ(0 ! No. a , 60cj rejected , 49MC. MliinrapciIlK U'lirnt .Mnrliot. MlNNEAi'ot.ts. Minn. , Feb. 24. There was only small decline from opening prices before an mlvtinca started that held untlMho close. ( ; ashiiulrknt ( eady. No. 1 northern , GOc ; No. 2 nortlicrn , G3QG4c. llecylnt-i , wheat , 298 cars. CloM-i May , I38c ! : July , 70'Sc. On track ! No. 1 hard , G7jc ! ; No. i northern , GOc ; No. 2 north ern , 63c. New York Dry floods .Market. Nr.w YOIIK , Fob. 24. The demand for dry goods at first hands was without material change. The market continued firm , although there was , ns always , some articles not up to requirements that seek u market below cost. Aitirrlenn Iterrlpenilor Href. LtVKiti'ooi , , Fob. 24.- American refrigerator beef , forcqilartcrs , ll'id : hindquarters , 6 > id. LONDON , Feb. 24. American refrigerator beef , foicijuarter.s. 2s Gd2s 8d ; hlndquartcr.s , 3s 4d < 33s Ccl [ ier 8 Ib.s. by the carcass. Cliirliinntl drain Mitrkrts , CINCINNATI , O. , Feb.i 24. WHEAT Easier : No. 2 red. 71c. COIIN- Stronger ; Nn. 2 mixed , 44'Jc. OATS-Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 3ti 35c. WIIISKV In good demand at $1.17. Itiiltlmore Grain Murkct. tlALTiMoni : , Mil. , Fob. 24 , Wiir.KT Steady , No. 2 red. spot and February , 765&76'ec. COIIN Firm ; mixed spot 478c. OATS Steady ; No. 2 whlto western , 40'ic ; No. 2 mixed western , 37c. London Oil MitrlietR , LONDON , Feb. 24. LiNSKiH ) 40s Gd per quarter. LlNSKlinOll , 22s Id per cwt. Ttmi'KNTlNK Sl'ililTS 24s 14d per cwt. Toledo drain .MurUet. Toi.r.po. O. , Feb. 24. WIIKAT Dull , steady ; No. 2ca lt72'4c. CoilN-Dull ; No. 2 cash , 42o bid. OATS-Qulet ; cash , 35jc. Wool .Murket. ST. Loins , Mo. , Feb. 2l.-Keeolpts , 20,400 lh . ; shipments , 07,600 Ibs. ; market strong , with u good Inquiry. Colfee Mirlii't ; , Nr.w VOIIK , Feb. 21. Options quiet ; un changed to 10 points up , closed steady 5&10 points up. Hiifdness Itrh'fs. Chris Ivlmmel Is reported as about to sell out his saloon at Howard. J. W. Wagner will bo succeeded In the hotel business at Tobias by A. White. T. C. Wells has bought the blacksmith shop of Wells & Smith at Valparaiso. M. S. llrlggs has bought out the Jewelry busi ness of U. W. Vass at I'lattsmouth. I ) . O. Seramllng succeeds K. L. Thornton as proprietor of a general store at Eddy vllle. A. Lawson In the hardware business at Fair- bury has been succeeded by I ) . Kavaimgh. STOCKS A.XI ) IJONUS. Decidedly HonrUh Sentiment Kxlstvd In Wiill Street \Ysterdny 'Morning. NEW Youu , Feb. 24. A decidedly bearish sentiment existed In Wall street this morn ing , hut as the day developed thcro was a ma terial changu In tills respect , and , whllu re sistance was given to the declines In the leadIng - Ing weak slocks , the market as a whole again ' showed'a disposition to break away from the influence of thcso stocks , as their movements were the result of special causes and not Justi fied by the recent .situation. The outgo of gold for tomorrow was reduced to a mere nominal sum , and money was decid edly easier than for some time before the holiday. While llttlo attention was paid to thcso Influences , they evidently had their full clfcct , and a weak , feverish and unsettled speculation was changed Into a strong one. Iteadlng and its alTalrs occupied still the piomlnent position on the street , but there was n decidedly weak fesllngand although the transactions In Heading were still large , thu pi Ice was depressed only a fraction and a full and substantial rally was In progress during the entire day. The stock moved steadily up ward , Iliuilly closing at 30 with a net gain of lipereen ) . It was somewhat handlcaped , however , by the course of Its ally , New Kn- gland. The bears found this stock an easy prey , tuid undoubtedly heavy liquidation was performed , whllu the bears uncovered stop orders continuously and from 37 last evening , It declined to 28'i with hardly a rally worthy of the name and finally closed at 29 with a net loss of 8 pur cent. Humors of the worst kind were persistently circulated and the chief of these was that the roads would certainly go Into the hands of a receiver whllo at ono tfmo It was said on thu board that Mr. Parboils had actually been appointed. An emphatic denial was received from Itos- ton and ono of thu directors who had recently resigned said that no receiver could be ap pointed when thu road was not In dubt and liu KiniW of his knowledgu that no obligation which could not bo Immediately provided for was pressing. Notwithstanding this , however , thu decline was not checked and the stock closed weak. Only ono other prominent fea ture marked thu dealings , which was Sugar. The belief was general that the liquidation In progress was for tliu account of the pool and a dcctlnu of nearly 5 per cent to 111S ! wus es tablished In the foienoon. Thu ippearanco of Mr. White In the crowd turned thu course of prices und almost u full recovery was established before thu close , stimulated primarily by Ills purchases. Among the other Industrials Cordagu was specially weak In the forenoon , retiring to 37 , against 42 o hiHl night , and in this also u full recov ery was brought about. The following aru the chuln-r quotations of the loading stocks on the Nmv York Btotilc ex change today : AtchUon ; ii > s .Northern 1'jclllc. . . . Adams Kxpross. . . . . 158 do preferred 10 % Alton , T. 11 WAde U. I' . Den. & ( iult. . . Hl-i do preferred 15'J North < Te tcrn 112 American lixpro.ii. . 117 do preferred 11 mi HnlUmoro.V Ohio. . 3 N. V. Central 10SJ ( Cnnada I'nclttc MH .N. Y. , VN. I ! 2J nnndi Southern. . . (5 Ontario & Western. 1751 Central I'aclUo 2 Oregon Imp lu dies. A Olilo 23Ji Ore.o.i NUT 70 Chicago Alton 141 O. H. L , & U. N in C. II. Q I'SK 1'ivcinc .Mall.f'H Chicago < 2ns 8S > 3 I'corla , Dec. A K. . . . I'i5i Consolidated On. , , HUH I'lttsburc 151 C. C.U. AiSt. L 6iy I'ullman I'alaca 1'JJ Cotton Oil Cert tlf ItoalliiK y.UJ Del. Ilurtion 127 Klclimond Toruilual 9 ? I ) . I , . * W 14ii do prnferred 37 I ) . 4U.C1. pfil MS Klo ( Jrnndti W 22 I ) . & C. K. Co 8ii ! < do preferred VO KnatTenn 4' ' < Hock Island 83U Urle S2 > ( St. L. .VS. K. 1st pfil 75 do preferred 50l $ St. I'anl 711 l-'ortWnyni 13 do preferred 1-iJl Ct. NorlliRrn ptil . . 14.1 HI. I'niil .V OniaUa. . 6''l < : C. * K.I ptd \0 \ l do prefarrol IIB HocklUK Valley. . . . S5U southern radio. . . . 82 Illinois Central .U'u Suzar HuHnery St. I'auIA Dulutli. . 42 Tonn. Coal ft Ion. . Kan. * Toi ptil. . , . 24 ! ( Texas lacltlo 1) Lake Krlot West. . Vi'\ i 01. , VO. Cent. d. 78 dopreferrol 71' . Union 1'ftclllc ! K9i I.nkci Shore 12T' < U. H. ( -.5 I.onil Trust 4076 W. St. I , . ' * 1' . . . . . . . . 12 l.ouls. iNash 71) do preferred Loul . A Now Alb'y. 22h vVolls Kurxo Kxp. . . 14i' Manhattan Con ICO \Vostorn Union. . . . , 14i'm Memulilt.t C 41 Wheolln. A U 15 . . . ? MIchJKan Central. . . 101' ' < du preferred m Mlnourl I'.iclllc. h& ) & Minn Arlt. 1 , . 1C Mobile A Ohio 31 I ) A 11 , U U " NathvllleCtmtt 87 ( ienoral ICIoctrlc. . . . Nnt'l Cord.-iizo new. . ( > 2H Nutlonal I.lnseod. . . do preferred . . . . Ill O. Fuel A Iron . N. J. Central II ! ) do pro. erred . Norfolk AV. . pfil. . Sl Hous. A Tex. Cen. 6 North American Co ' . ' The total sales of stocks today wore 407,700 shares , Including : Atchlson , 11 , HUH ; Uhesa- ponUo ft Ohio , 0,100 ; Chicago ( ins , 18,700 ; Kackawiuma , 17'JI)0 ) ; Distilling , 14,2(10 ( : Krlo , 60.000J Loulsvlllu A Nashville , 5,003 : Man hattan , 6000 ; Missouri 1'acllic , 4,000 ; Na tional I ciid , 9,400 ; National Cordage. 20.SOO : Nor I hoi n I'aclllc preferred , 31,400 ; Heading , 18,000 ; Itlchniond Terminal. 5,800 ; HOCK Island , 0,000 ; St. 1'aul , 3H.200 : St. Paul , t Omaha , 0.11)0 ) ; Union 1'acllic , 3,700 ; Western Union , 15,700. York Money .Market. NEW YOHK , Ktil ) , 21. MONKV os CAM , Easy at 4 to 5 pur cent ; last loan 5 per cent ; closed offered at 0 p'Jrcont , CiUMii.MuitovNrii.K I'AVBii SitVi'j percent. HTCIIUNO KXCIIANOU Quiet but llrm , with actual business In bankers' bills at { 1.80 for sixty-day bills and J 4.88H for demand. UOVKIINMKNT HoNiis Htotidy to lirm. State bonds neglected and dull. Thu closing ( ( notations on liuncVs : London I''liiincl.tl : Itevlexr. i-ldril / & ' * / huJainti Gnnlim lltnn'lt \ LONDON , Pub. 24.-r.Ni York Herald Cable Hpoclal toTlli : IIKU.1 'Clii'ru has not liuen much disposition to untor Into ( . 'iigagcniunts for the ni'w account on tlia Stock i'\uhango , but a good deal has IIPCII donu In connection with closing outstanding business. Consols are 1-ltJ nur ci-nt bettor for the money ac count. Indian runco paper Is M nur cent loner , though hllvor Is iincnangtHl. rorelgn govern ment heourltlos cluso Hat. Moxlcun tis linve fallen 1 } ( per cent , Turkish II ft O ' } percent , Turkish 1) 0-10 ner cent , Urtek bomU } \ to ' . , pur cent , Spanish 7-16 per cent and most ntlirrs 'i ncr cent Homo railways have been wait the gruntor part of the day but were somewhat moro favor- nlily Inrllnod ut the close. Americans o.xnerlencud somu raliyion receipt of opening prices from Nuw Vorir.iaccompiinled by n few buying orders from thitl renter , but the last hour they again became weak on further real- Ir.atloiiHiind IImil quotations are about the lowest. Northern , Pm'lllc preference have fallen 4'4 ' percent , Nor/oik i Western preference - enco and Atchlson IS .tier cent and nearly all others U tn i ( percent * In the xtroot , after the close of thu hotisiitho tendency bccatno better again on New rork buvlng. C'anatllan lines , after being llatvcfoso ntuadlcr. Me.vlcan ordinary preference bililntiiln a rlso of H to ! 4. .Miscellaneous securHli s have not been much dealt In , Thuro wa.s agooddemand for money. Short loans ere clian-ed Hitoil per cent. The discount market mtlnucd llrm , two and tlircuinotiths blll.s being quoted utli to a percent , New York Mining ( JnotittlotM. NEW YORK , 1'ob. 21. The following are the closing mining quotations : Fltiiinehtl Notes. KANS vs CITV , Mo. , Fob. 24. Clearings , 12- 12U.H40. I'AIIIS , 1'Vb. 121. Three ucr cent rentes , 08f 77Jc ! for the account , Mr.Ml'ltis , Tenn. , 1'ob. 24. Clearings , } 010- 141 ; balances , $220,027. Mr.Mi'iu.s , Tenn. , Fob. 21. Now York ex change selling ut J1.60. OMAHA , Fob. 2 l.-'learlngs , $1,301,147 ; same day last week , * 1.17'auO. Nuw YOIIK , Fob. 2 ! . Clearing' , il30-78- & 37 ; balances , JO , 039 100. IUI.TIMOUK , Md. . I'ob. _ 4. Hearings , $2,000- 184 ; balances , J30'J.147. Money , 0 porcent. rilll.Alir.l.l'MlA , Pa. , 1'ob. 21. ( .Mearlnns , * 15,7d,880 ( ) ; balances , * 1,748,400. Money , 4 percent. LONDON , Feb. 24. Amount of bullion with drawn from thu Hank of Kugland on balance. today , i'30,000. CINCINNATI , O. , Feb. 24. Hearing * , $3,492- 000. Money , 4 ' 7 per cent. New York ex change , 40&OOC ( lUcount. HAVANA , Fob.I. . Hpanlsb gold , _ . 2.40'j ; exchange weak , quiet ; short sight gold , 'J ! . ( ! ; on London , 20tu premium. HOSTO.V , .Mass. , Fen. 2-t'learlngs. ( $10,943- 010 ; balances , Hl.u7,4HO. ) Money , 7 per cent. Exchange on New York at par. ST. Louis , Mo. , Fob. 24.-Cloarln.ss , $1,552- 017 : balances , J3n7ft71. Monny ( inlet , G7 percent. i\chango ; on Now York , 70SbOo dis count. Nr.w Ollt.tiANS. I.-i. , Feb. 24. Clearings , $3- 240.H74 ; New York exchange , common , 7i > c per Jl.ODO premium ; bank , Ji.50 pur 41,000 premium. Nuw YOIIK. Fob. 21. [ Special Telegram to Tin : HRE.I Kxchange was quoted as follows * : Chicago , HOc discount ; liosluii , par ; St. Louis , OOc to75illscount. I.'IIIOAOO , Hl.Feb.24.-riearlnis , J10,931,47.r ) . New York oxclmngo sold at 80c discount. Sterling exchange , dull , $1.H4' ( for sixty-day bills , ? 4.H8i ! for sight drafts. Money steady at 0 per cent. - _ _ OMAHA 1.1VI3 STOCK MAKKKTS. Cattle Tradn Still Improvlng-IIoKS Strike the Doivn ( inidu Hotvlly , FlllDAY , Fob. 24. Receipts of all kinds to-lay "w < irj light. So far this week , compared with last , receipts show an Increasa of 3,000 cattle and 4,000 slu'op and n falling elf of about 3,000 bogs. The cattle market was better again today. Kecelpts were light , ( mi 73 cars being on .sale. A good share of lho' ' o were luaf steers , but the general quality of the oirerlnijs was com mon. Shippers could lind little hero to inter est them and bought. Very sparingly. Local houses all had good orders and hjirlit freely : it prices strong to a dime lil.fhor Hunt Thur.s- iluy. Fair to good 1,0'Kl lo 1,20'J-lb. stoor.s sold largely at fi-om"l4.15 to J4.35 , with ex treme sales at from } 3.7(0 toil.50. Tha trade was tolerably active throughout and llttlo of any consequence remained unsold at the close. Cows sold rather , tinuvonly. , The good to cliolce grades sold a shade stronger at from J3.23 to3.85 , bill common and canning grades were in Indlll'ereiit ( luluand , and sold 5c to lOc lower tlmn Thu ri-dtiytul around 12 and $2.35. Fair to coon stuIT sold right around .steady prices nt | 2.50 and $3.25. Hulls , oxen and stags were In only"modornto demand and steady to a shade lower at from $1.50 to J3.50. Common to cholco veal calves wore In good demand and linn at frotu$2.5 Ki.fO. There was not a great deal doing in the stocker and feeder lino. The better grades are In very limited supply und bold at prices too high for the uverago country buyer. Poor stulT Is not wanted by anyone unJ the ordi nary grades are soiling at about'steady'prices around $2.80 and $3.45. Representative sales : DIIKS3EI ) IIEKF. 3 . 480 ! 1 25 44 601 3 SO VHMTRItN CATTtiH No. Av. I'r. 4 cows . . . . . . . . . tilt ) $370 a steers , hayfed 1,222 4 45 lions Tlio market wni .simply drmorall/od. resh receipts wore light , thlrty-Mv earn , ntul deluding holdover * nml speculators' hogs licru wore not over 3,500 head on sale. Tlio logs were largely light wulitlit * , but pretty good as far as quality was concerned , o far Ills month the average weight of llio hogs has icon titinut1)7 ) pounds , which Is about twen- y-llvo pounds lighter than two yours ago. -.astern markets wore all lower , provisions vcro lowiTi shippers wore But In It to nny srcat extent niul .peculator. * hud mom on iiinil tliun tlicy could get rid of oven ut : i reasonable loss. Hollers hud everything igalnst them , but when buyers started In bid- line 10.to 15c lower It look their breath iwuy. Fro h meat men bought good tocholeo mlulior and heavy weight hous at from (7,05 lo $7,75 , whllu packers wore bidding from J7.45 : o$7.70 for fair to good light and mixed stuff. At loon less tliun two-thirds of the hog.s hud ihii'igod hands , but after dinner sutlers "cut nose. " tooU their nuMllcInc , and the puns we.ro iraetlcullycmptv at the. close. Sales worn argolv at from $7.00 to J7.70 , against $7.80 to * 7.00Thtirsday uml$8.lr > to8.25 lust Friday. The general market average was KM to 2' ' > cower ewer than Tliuivlay , and all of 50o. lower : hun u week ago. K"pro < oiilatlvo sales : No. Av. Hh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r. 83..202 1121) ) $7 45 ll.'J37 $705 > 7..2i2 100 7 fit ) 127..242 200 705 70..ail ) 80 7 50 00. . . . 104 80 7 05 i..aio 7 05 HG..aao 100 7 05 8. . . . 257 7 r,5 01. . . . 202 200 705 1. . .ail ) 7 55 09. .224 40 7 05 5..218 280 755 87..204 7 07J | 00. . . . 18 ! ) 80 700 7ll..ai7 ! 770 13H..207 32(1 ( 700 07..280 770 77..aaO 120 7 00 (10..315 ( 120 7 70 GO..200 80 700 00..221 120 770 70..2011 7 00 08..240 80 7 70 )9..231 120 7 00 05..225 7 70 51..240 120 700- 03..2 ! ) ! 120 770 ! ! ) . . . .203 100 7 00 00..255 40 7 70 78..244 7 00 75..244 40 7 75 0 . . .275 7 05 78..258 7 70 'i3..204 80 7 05 08..234 7 70 72..20H 7 05 48..24U 7 75 " 3. . . . 243 200 705 01..275 120 770 0..207 705 4..1U7 780 40..235 100 7 05 0..430 480 7 00 1'ItWNI > Iiomill. 2..310 400 5..100 700 1..420 425 15..100 700 Hmxi'-Tlicro we.ru right loads on sulo. All uciil homes wanted some and theotl'orlngs chanced bunds freely at rather stronger irlces. Fair to good weslm-ns sold at $ t.40J 4.70 , ami a bunch of fancy black lambs avorag- ng 80 Ibs. lii-ought $5.85. Fair togood natives , ta.70ftO.00 ; fair to good western" , t3.00ao.00 ; common and sloolc Hlicop , $2.25113.75 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lamlH , $4.0035.85. No. A v. I'r. 74 mixed wootoins 83140 25 native lumlM 50 440 27 nil.Ned westerns 101 4 05 119 western wethers 80 470 120 weterii wethers 89 470 -UOnullvo lam&s 78 585 Itccclpts mill lUi ] [ > lltl : > n of Stuck. OHlclul receiptiri Idhindtlon of sto.rk ns shown by tliu baak-iuf tliu UnionStock Yurdi company forllm twenty-four hoursonUlnsut 5 o'clock p. m. February 24 , 1893 : HECEII'TS. ! IIIISK3.t Ml-I II end Cnrs. 11 end Cars. lleail Cars. Head. 7:1 : 1,7'JI Si ; 2,3111 8 I.J-tt DISPOSITION. HITVKUS. HIH1S. SIIKKI' . Onmhn Packing Co S The (1.11. ( Hnmmunit Co 274 113- ! Swlft.VCo IV.1 l.UU Thi > Cmlnliy 1'ocklnu Co 70il I.-a , ii'j ' Suerry \ II an It. Ilockur At Dcxun ViiKimt A. Cniey I.obunn Shippers anil feeders. . . . Leftover iOO Total. Chicago l.lvu MuuKMiru'l. ; ! . CHICAGO , III. , Fob. 21. IHju'clul Telegram to TUB Iliil-Cuttle : : worn higher today. Dressed beef and shipping steers wores'llable at from $3.50 to JO , most of the tiailing bolus at ftnin $3.05 to S4.75. StncKers and feeders were In demund ut from $2.50 to $4.25 , and there wus u continued uooil iiuiulry for cows and bulls at from $1.50 to W. Sales of IIORS were at .substantially yestnr- 'iy's quotations. Uood sorts of ull sl/.es worn steudlly held , liit ) for poor and common MuIT the market was us weak ns before. I'rlnu ; heavy IIORS .sold at. from fS.25 lo J.S.30 und cholcu llKht wulchts futchutl from $7.85 to $7.90. l''rom the.so prices wiles were reported all alon down to from $7.40 to $7.00 for poor , llitht and Inferior mixed , und to from $ -1.75 to $7.25 for culls and piss. C'loslllK quotations wci-u from $7.40 to * /'JO for poor to choice. llKht , from $7.00 to $8 forml.xed and medium and from $7.85 to $8.25 for heavy. Tliu cloo was lower than the Opening. 1'rlces for sheep were firm on Monday , but durliiK the hucccedlns ! two diiys tlmro wus a drop of f rom 20c to 30c pur lot ) Ibs. In sheep and rather more than that much was knocked oil' tliu value of lambs. Prices ranged from $3 to $5.25 for poor to choice .shpep und from $3 to $6 for lambs of conespondlne nuallty. Kecclpts : Cuttle , 7,000 ; hogs , 12,000 ; .sheep , 3,000. Tiio Kvonlnc Journal reports : OATTI.K Hocelpts , 7,000 head ; shipments , 2,000 head ; market active , trlllo higher ; choice steers , $5.40 5.75 ; no o.\tru steers on sale ; fair to peed , $5.00Ji5.25 ; others , $4.00- @ 4,90 ; ruiiKO Te.xuns , $3.75 ; stookcrs , $2.45- O3.25 ; cows , $3.75ffil,10. HOGS Receipts , 12,000 head ; slilmn.iits | , 7,000 head ; market slow , OitlOc lower ; mixed und puckers , $7.403.7.80 ; prime heavy und butchers' welshts , $7.85S8.25 ; light , J7.00 ® 7.45 ; pigs. $8.0030.50. HilEEi * Keculpts , 3,000 head ; shipments , 1,000 bend ; market brisk , steady ' to stronger ; owes$4.0lii4.05 ; ml\ul , * 4.85ai.'OL ) ; westerns , $5.0035.25 ; lambs , $4.5030.25. K'uigtts City l.lvu Stu ; < Mirknt , KANSAS ( . 'ITV ' , JIo. , Feb. 21. OATrr.E-He- colpts , 3,900 head ; shipments , 1,100 Imau ; good to choice cows and steers active and strong to Uc ) higher anil common steady ; coed feeders strong ; common stockers weak. Heprosentutlvo .sales : Dressed bout and .ship ping steers , $3.8035.25 ; cows and hulfers , $1.50 © 4.00 ; htockers and feeders , $2.2033.20. lions Hucelpts , 0,200 head ; shipments , 1,200 head ; cholcu hogs were stiong to 10c higher ; common steady ; closlnc S.W.lOc lower ; ull grades , H7.50Ti8.00 ; biilk.$7.45a7.70. SiiEKi'Keceipts , 1,700 head ; shipments , 100 head. Keprescntatlvo sales : Muttons , $ yaw York Mvo Stock Marknt. NBW VOIIK , I-'ub. 24. llr.KVKs llorolnts , 3,300 : market opened dull and lOc lower , und closed llrm ; nutlvo steers , $1.45315.50 ; bulls and cows , $1.905)3.20 ) ; dres-iod beef steady ut TAGi'Jc per Ib. Shipments tomorrow , GUO beeves and 9,700 quarters of hoof. HALVES Receipts , 382 head : market dull and iio lower ; veals , $5.0039.00 ; grassers , $3.250,3.50. SliKKi' AN IJ.VMIIS Receipts , 7,300 ho.id ; market dull and sluulo unjr : | ; sheep , $4.253 -1.75 ; lambs $0.10S0.021/a per 100 Ibs. Ilous Receipts , 3,337 head ; market weak. St I.fiuU l.lvo Stnck .11 ll''tut. ST. Iouis , Mo , , Ko ! ) . 21. ( JATPI.B Receipts , 1,700 head ; shipments , 1,200 ; market slow all around ; some fed Tuxan steers , $4.10. HOGS Receipts , 4,800 head : shipments , 2,300 ; murket lOc lower ; heavy , $7.7038.10 ; mixed , $7.50@7.90 ; light , $7.0037.85. SiiEKl' Receipts , 100 head ; shipments. 100 head ; market steady. The Oyster Industry. NORTH OAI.VESTON , Tex. , Feb. 2.1 Tlio lii- oxhuustible oj-ster beds of this locality tfivo. North Gnlvoston an nclditionul promise of metropolitan prnspnrlty. Tlio bivalves are within easy access , and the excellent trans portation facilities reduce the shipping cost to u minimum. Any ono of the many advan tages of this place would niako It in time n city. All these resources are destined to mnko this town of a few mouths the verita ble Chicago of the south. D. D riu-/.r.B , II. I ) . ROOGS.1 r , JAS. V Hooou 1'rcs. Vlcol'res 8ecy < fc Troaa. HAWKEYE COMMISSION CO. Capital $ i' .003i Omaha auJ Sioux City. Grain and Provisions Railroad Stocks and Bonds. 1'IUVATn WIRES. Boon 212 HwM Life Inlldin OMAHA. nCKKREXOKS : Iowa State National p nl < . Sioux city ; Conmisrulul Nutlouul Hunk. Umunu. Bpeulal attention given to outsIJo orders. Ccrrcsponaeuco eolioUeJ. DUN'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK Little Apprehension is Felt by the Business World About the Monetary Future , SHIPMENTS OF GOLD ABROAD DECREASING I'livornblo KrpnrU from Trnilo Center * Con * corning Itmliirin unit the Outlook for the futurelliulnrm I'ullnros Oc curring for th P.ist Week , New YORK , Fob. 24.H. . O. Dun & Co's. weekly review of trade : While $ . ' ,030,000 In gold has been shipped this week und half a million Is expected to RO toJny , there is no increase of appt-ohcnslou about the mone tary future nml the business .world pays little attention to the action or Inaction of congress , though the Increasing probabilities of nn extra session arc rcgftvdej with some interest. At ISoston wool Is steady with s'lles of 1,000,000 pounds and prices of lleeco tliu highest for u lung time , Philadelphia reports some uneasiness among lenders on account of the Heading failure , but the banks are well supplied for legitimate business. Iron is weaker ; wool stronger. Iron is unclmnpfedatPittsburpntul finished products fairly active , whllo glass holds recent advances. Cleveland shows Improvement In general trade , with iron firm and money easy. At Cincinnati foundries and machine shops are busy with full orders. Furniture manufacturing opens well at Indianapolis. Detroit reports larger business than last year. At Chicago the feeling in leading branches of trade is goo.l with larger business than a year ago. nti'l collections good , except in re gions where storms cuuso delay. .Milwaukee notes fair trade. At Minneapolis the Hour output Is slightly decreased , but prospects In lumber ami the building trades are good. At St. Joseph the dry Roo'ls trade Is act ive , but collections in other lines slow. At Kansas City live stock receipts arc lib eral. grain receipts light , 'nit jobbing business a full average. St. Louis reports a good outlojk for spring tradu ami fairly goo 1 collections. At Iittlo Hock prospects arc improving. At Memphis trade is loo'.tinu' up and busi ness is fair at Nashville , though collections are not so good. Atlantic trade Is good. Mo bile and New Orleans report fair trade. At Charleston trade Is Improving. Speculation in products has not been very heavy. Wheat is 1 cent lower , with sales of only 10,000,000 bushels , and corn and pork products scarcely changed. Cotton is an eighth of a cent higher. Cattle are active at Chicago. Iron Is still the weakest of the great industries ; that not of the best brand is a shade weaker than a week ago. Copper and tin remain quiet. Lead is dull. The business failures occurriuc through out the coun'.ry during the past seven days number 230 , as compared with a total ofIII lust week. The corresponding week of last year the figures were UTO. Nc iiousi : sr.riuivrs. : . Omulm Sliinvd an Innreasn for tliu Week Itcports from Other Cltli-s. NnwYoiiK. Feb. ! J4. The following table , compiled by Ur.idstrcut's , gives the clearing house returns for the week ending Feb ruary Z18'Jit \ ' , with pcrccntago of in crease or decrease , as compared with the corresponding week last year : . A remedy which , If used by Wives alioutto experience the painful ordeal attendant upon Child-birth , proves an Infallible creel- Co for.andobviates the tortures of con finement , losconlne the dangers thereof to both mother and child , told liy nil drupRlstu. Bent by ejiuroas on receipt of price , 31.60 per bottle , charges pro- paid. BHADFIELD ilEOULATOn CO. , ATLANTA. QA. Inst ncok'B totitla. The. Kloclrleliin t Work. City Klcctrlclan Cowgill has made his first examination of electric wires. Ho Inspected the wires of the Western t nloit company , and found them in Urst-classorder. Mr. Cowgill has on his hands r mammoth undertaking. Ho is required to prepare u map showing the location of poles , the num ber of arms on the pole , and the number of panes on the arms , together with the num. her of wires stretched , to whatcompan\ they belong , and any other information that Is supposed to appear upon n map of that char acter. This is to embrace every polo and wire in the city , and to prepare the map is a very dilllctilt task and will require u vuat amount of labor. * Piles of people have piles , but De Witt's 11 Witch Hazel salve will cure them. o- I > cilijln County Tc On Satunlay , March 11 , at 1:80 : o'clock p. I in. , the teachers of Douglas county , outsldo of the city of Omanu , will meet In the largo room in the court house for the purpose o ( holding the regular quarterly meeting. The program of the exercises has been prepared by County Superintendent Hill and Is as fol lows : 1'aper , "The Teaching of Clvlm In Our I'ub- llc Schools , " by ! ' . ( llll'ord ; discussion by If. Kliy and T. Dubulsc. "Heading I'lrclo Work , " by li. A. Holllng ; discussion by 1'rcd Itohlnson and \V. II. Wood. "The School Library , " by B. I' . MrColiI ; discussion by .1. A. C'ummings und .Mrs. Nellie 1'arker. . . JCavtred with a Tasteless and Soluble Coatlnj. | BEECilMS ! ! arc a tnarrolloui | ! Antidote fcrlVeokj * Nlomneli , SICK HEADACHE - | ACHE , Impair * cd Illffc * . oil I.lvcr , . ctc.ffound > alsotob eipcclally frticncloui and reuiedltl , by FE.M.IL.R STIPPr.UEns. > Ot ell drupct"tB Trlco 2T. cent ! a box. N w Torn Dopni. 3fi5 fnnol flt. in , SOUTH Union Stock Yards Company , Soutb OfnaVia. Bctt Catllo Ho nnfl Shocp market III the west COMMISSION HOUSES. * * * * - Wood Brothers. Live Stock Commission Morchunts. EoutbCiualia Telcpliono 1157. Chtcajo JOHN I ) . DADISMAN. I „ . _ . . . . „ . . U'AI.TKII K. WOOD , f Managers .Mnrkct Ilpporti by niall anil nlro olioarfullyt nl3liDi ) upon application OMAHA AWNIHGSAND TEHTS BAGS AND T > VIHtS- B33113 Om'n ' Blj M. 0. Daxon , CO Ml * A NY. Importorj andmiin.fr > . nicycIoisoUl on monthlr Hour inc-i , burlapi , twine. - 12) N.lSth. BOOTS \\W \ S1Q-3. Horse-Coa Sho3 Compiny , Howard -treat. Kactorj- corner llth and DoiulaiSlrau'.i. romiktn cloviprlo tocnlilj'jrort.nnJ a lllDU a dual ofoodt which U vorjrsaljiJla with morclmnti. Klrkendall , Jonas & m3r. Hand-Sav/oi / COMPANY. Wholoj.ito BIIOICCO. , booH. .io jl mfra. lUtints llattin and rubbir oed > , \iti- \ Itubher rthou Co. . M'J.1- UIU llaruey . HUI-llU'lllsniey St. COAL. CQC. I CORHHE. DRY GOODS , M. E. Smith & Co , , Kllpitrlci-Ko3. Dry UOOD.S U ) , Vtr Rood * , nollorn , fur- Notion ) . IM.HV farnUh- ulililnii itooM. ujnur u li.ojr. lit l Jl llth anil HJiiarJ dtk FURNITURE. Omaha Upholstering B33033 & Raiyai CO. , niiholitore-l furni FUltNITOHB CO. , Grace ture , IIJJ 1101 Nicholas bl. Wnoluialoonlr. anJ 13t'l SU. HARDWARE. Rector & Wiltielmy LobackS LUi , COMPANY , hardware naj Corner 10th unJ Jackson moc.iatileii1 tools .il. ' UJll. HOI Dan.l.is-t. HATS , Er. . W.A.LGibbon&Co. Omak Safe and Im Wholoalo WOIIKH. MM * . ci | n , mr.iw < oH. r-areiv ult , lall work. glnvi-9. mllleni , 2th Iron nliulteri and lira ui and llarnejr sti. ui | > 09 , Ali'lreiii , t ( Jar tt , Utll anU Jaokion. LUMBER. John A. Wakeflsld , Caarles R. L33 , IrnporloiliAmarlcan.'ort lloriUuod lu n'Jir , luiul ojnunt. M1U.IU- keo uo'nutit * uJ 'J-ilti J/ miorliiK , wtiltu lliuo. Clh fin 1 Uo.iuUi. LIQUQ3J. MILUHESY Frlc'i . o..frjii. ! . ' &G ) lmp > rtri anl Ju'J'J Wholeialollquorda-lJri uf nilillnor"Jlla .Mull or.Url liro.ujt. 1091 farnam SU -.JKJIiri. lltU _ _