8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; rTHlTHSDAY. FEBRUARY 2'J , 1803. IS DOCTOR SLOMAN DEAD Insurance Company Booking Evidence to Prove Him Alive. PAYMENT OF A 810,000 , POLICY REFUSED Alleged That the Doctor Mnilo Fraudulent Itoirceijtntlon to Hvt the Policy Htory of How Ho Won Itiiurcit by Detroit There will be a fight In the courts over the payment of the life insurance carried by Dr. Edward K. Sloman , who is supposed to have l-ccn drowned In Lake Matmwa on July 11 1 ist. At least one of the companies that had j-ollcies on the physician's life will contest the right of the hrlrs to collect the amount. An agent of the fidelity Life Insurance company has been in the city for some time looking into the facts concerning the death and former career of the deceased , and ns a result hb company will refuse to pay a pol icy for 810,000 held on the doctor's life. The defense will be that the policy was obtained by misrepresentation. Till ! All < i rd rrnml. Early In January. 18tt ! , Dr. Sloman met with n serious luvlilcnt in this city. Ho was netting out of his buggy one night when ho missed Ills footing and fell under the wheels. Ho held on to the lines and his horse backed up.nnd stepped upon the physician's groin , injuring him very seriously. Ho was taken to his homo and was in bed for nine weeks , a stomach trouble appearing in addition to the injury in his groin. During this tlmo and Tor cloven weeks ho received ? .r > 0 per week from an accident company In which ho held a largo policy , and also liberal benefits from several lodges to which ho belonged. In March Dr. Sloman left Omaha and went to.Detroit , his former home , and remained several weeks. While in Detroit ho took out two Hfo Insurance policies , one for ? 10- (100 ( In the Fidelity and one for $2,000 in the ( icrnmnla. In his application for the Insur ance In each of these companies the doctor In answer to the question , customary with all Insurance companies , as to whether or not ho had recently received any injury or had been under medical treatment for any disease or illness , replied In each Instance that , he had not. Jt is on this answer that the Fidelity will contest the payment of his life policy in that company. The Gcrmatiia policy for 2,000 has been paid. SIoinaii'M Death Doubted. But there Is another feature to the investi gation that is being made by the insurance companies. Dr. Sloman disappeared from Omaha about the 10th of July , and on July 14 the dead body of a man supposed to have been the doctor was found in Lake Manawa. The inquest , which was held in Council Bluffs , resulted In a verdict of death by accidental drowning. Thcro was some question just after the funeral as to the identification of the remains. It is now alleged that there was but one man who identified the body us that of the missing physician , and that the witness was an insurance agent whose company had no policy on the physi cian's life. It Is also claimed that several of the physician's friends who were present at the inquest refused to look at the body and that the identification was very Incomplete. The remains were for warded to Detroit for burial , anil the willow and brothers of the deceased have removed from Omaha. The managers of the company who are working on the ease have not decided yet whctncr to put in a defense of incomplete Identification or to allow the contest to bo made on the ground that the insurance was obtained by misrepresentation anil fraud. null' .Shell uiul Shell drawl. NOUTII OAi.vr.sTON , Tex. , Feb. 21. The Immense beds of shell and shell gravel in this region furnish a splendid building and paving material. This is proven by the words of praise our extensive shell streets and sidewalks elicit from visitors. North Galveston gulf sldo location is of infinite ad vantage. It affords uncxcplled transporta tion facilities , makes the climate delightful and healthy fiom January to December and gives the town its wonaerful oyster indus try. Ucsldes thcso advantages it is situated upon well elevated land , perfectly free from malaria and fertile witti agricultural and manufacturing resources. "Sie-l | : l Orili-r. " CHICAGO , MII.WAUKKK & ST. PAUL RAILWAY. GUNKHAL AGENT'S OPPICK , OMAHA , Nob. . Dec. 8 , 1892. Dr. Hirsoh- borg : Dear Sir Your ophthalmic exam ination made of my eyes seems to mo most thorough and painstaking , and I can earnestly recommend you to all in need of glasses. Yours respectfully , P. A. NASH. The drctor can bo consulted this week only at the store of Max Meyer & Bro. Co. UP HER NOSE. PhyglvIniiH I'liul 11 1'cnch .Stone In n Young ; ( llrl'H Niifiiil 1'iiBtuigo. A remarkable case of long-standing injury was discovered at the Institute for the Deaf Tuesday. Superintendent Gillcsplo and an expert auricular surgeon wore engaged In making an examination of tno hearing of the students at the institute and they found one young lady who complained of an impedi ment in one of her nasal passage , She ex plained as best she could that she had been troubled in this way over since she was a small child and the physician decided to make a care ful examination for the purpose of seeing If It-were not possible to remove the obstruc tion. It was found that there was a hard substance cysted underneath the mucuos membrane of the nasal passage and it was .necessary to cut this sao or cyst in order to discover the real nature of the unwelcome anil unnatural occupant of the cavity. To the surprise of the surgeon , when ho cut the cyst ho found the haTd substance therein to bo a peach stone in almost a perfect state of preservation. The stone haa evidently secured a loilg- mcut in the nasal passagojjf the patient at a very early age , when tno membrane was delicate and tender. It was a great relief to the young lady to have'thn substance re moved and to have the nasal passage restored to its normal condition. Ills I'nlthY1I I'omtdiMl. BISSEM. , O. , Nov. 21) ) , IS'J-J. I desire to say that I have great faith in Chamberlain's Cugh ) Hpmedy for the euro of throat anil lung troubles ; also for croup. E.V. . McCol- him. There is good reason why Mr. McCol- him should have routldeneo in this remedy. It will euro a severe cold in less time than any other treatment. There is nothing that will loosen and relieve a cold so quickly. It will not only euro eroirp , but if used us teoon as the first symptoms appear it will prevent the attack. fiO-ccnt bottles for sale by all druggists. What the Hon. George G. Vest says o : the skill , etc.-of Prof , lllrschberg : , 'UNITKD STATUS SEXATK CHAMHEK. " I am using glasses which I purchased from Prof , lltrsehberg and they are tin. best I ever tried. It affords mo grcal pleasure to recommend Prof. Illrsch- borg as an excellent optician , and liU glasses are simply unequalled In my ox perlenco. G. G. VKST. The Professor can bo consulted thlt week only at the store of his agents Max Meyer & Bro. Co. IT WAS THE OAT. Jtlneldnn Ilcrriimmi ling n Suit Acuhist i Sioux City .Miiimgur. Herrmann the Great has a griovnnc < against the manager of the Peavy Gram opera house at Sioux City , and nothing short of a transfer of $5,000 , from the Cori Palace amusement caterer to the pockets o the magician will settle the scoro. Herrmann has for several years carried j number of trained pigeons which ho uses h performing ono of his pleasing and bowlld crlng feats. The birds were valuable am had been trained for years for their jnrt litho the performance. They wore perfectly tami nnd trcro allowed the freedom of the staiji nd dressing rooms during the performance , to careful was the magician of his pets that 10 always stipulated with the man gers of theaters that no dogs or cats vero to bo allowed In the theater m the evenings of his entertainments. At iloux City ho was especially cautious and varncd the manager and theater cmplo.sca hat cats and dogs must bn kept out of the louse during his stay. Ills caution was not iroperly heeded and during the evening two f his trained pets were killed by the theater at. at.Now Now Herrmann has decided to sue the pera house manager for fTi.OOO damages for lie loss of part of his supporting company. o Chllhlnlin unit Frost Illtefl. A few applications of Chamberlain's Pain lahn will relieve the itching and burning icnsntlon caused by frost bites and chit- ilalns , and its continued use see effects a lerraanent cure. Pain Halm is also a sure euro or rheumatism. 60-cent bottles for sale by 11 druggists. Do not fall to consult Prof. Hlrschberg it Max Meyer , Bro. & Co.'s store about our eyes. fiEGKOKS Iff UUtfl'liffTWtf. liiny of the Colored People In the South ItrcollllllK Iunil Oiviii-m , TUSKKOKK. Ala. , Feb. ± ! . [ Special .Telegram to Tun BEK. ] The second an- inal negro conference at Tuskcgco was icld yesterday and was attended by about 400 negro farmers , many of whom are engaged in educational work in the onth , and about a doxcn northern visi- ors , who came up from Florida winter esorts and from Montgomery. General Samuel C. Armstrong , a pioneer of ne gro cducaticn , was the most distill ; ruishcd visitor , and ho made a short alk to the conference- regarding their I'ork and their ambition to become lanrt- lolders in the south. President Wash- ngton was gratified to find among UOO of ils visiting farmers today that there voro ninety land owners and. their hold- ngs ranged from two acres to100 acres , ind ono man had 1,100 acres. A year igo ho had but few land owners in his conference. All are ambitious to secure and and the example of those who have arms has been beneficial to the home- ess. The evils of the mortgage system vero reported lighter and the condition ) f the schools better. Ono feature of this conference was , hat Prof. Washington presented each of his visitors plans for bis three and our-room cottages that can be built cheaply to take the placeof the ono- oem cabin which was the homo of the icgro in the south during slavery and HIS boon since then. The declarations of this conference reaffirm those of last car ; discourage the colored men from caving the country ; urge them to secure and and become taxpayers ; the drawing of a sharp line between virtue and vice n their own race ; bring public sentl- nent to bear against the idlers among ho colored men ; demand fair treatment rom the railroads and condemn the uimorous lynchings in the south. The conference endorsed the message of Gov ernor Thomas Jones of this state con- lemnlng these outrages. Whiter Cholera. A mild form of bowel complaint , popularly cnown as winter cholera , made its. appear- mco recently at Paribault , Minn. , and sev eral other places. No apprehension need bo elt from It , as a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhnsa Remedy will effect a euro in every ease. For sale by all Iruggists. If your vision is not perfect see Prof. lirschborg , the Now York and St. Louis eye expert , at Max Meyer Bros. & Co.'s store. o I'nrkcrs in Convention. ST. Louis , Mo. , Feb. 22. The ninth annual jonvention of the Western Packers' Canned Goods association was called to order this morning shortly after 11 o'clock by President j. G. Seager of Oilman , la. Delegates wore n attendance from nearly nil the western states. President Seager read his annual iddress. The association then proceeded to the election of a new set of officers. The re sult is as follows : President , L. G. Seager ; vice presidents , Ohio , A. W. Coulter , Ciu- Innatl ; Illinois , Peter Whitman , IJloomiiig- ton"Michigan. ; C..M. Eaton , Bcnton Harbor ; Juliana , I. B. Williams ; Missouri , B. B. Boatwright ; Iowa , A. F. Blrchurd , Marshall- : own ; Nebraska , A. H. Baker ; Colorado , Max Kuner ; Wisconsin , A. M. Landers ; Minnesota , F. C. Dorsy ; Tennessee , J. H. rimmins ; Texas , S. S. Linn ; Kentucky , D. W. Archer. The old secretary was re-elected. The re- nalnder of the day was spent in hearing > apers on various subjects of Interest to the issociation and discussing them. An honest pill is the noblest work of the ipothccary. Do Witt's Llttlo Early Hisers cure constipation , biliousness and sick head- icho. e DUmlHHod the Indictment. CINCINNATI , O. , Feb. 22. United States District Attorney John W. Herron , by direc tion of the attorney general of the United States , has entered a nolle prosso to the Indictment against E. II. Horner , a banker at S3 Wall street , New York , which was fouiul by the United States grand jury hero April 13 , 1801. Ho was charged with violat ing the anti-.lottery law by selling European premium bonds on the lottery plan. His re tiring from business is the occasion for sus pending the prosecution. Ignorance of the merits of Do Witt's Little Early Hlscrs is a misfortune. These little pills regulate the liver , cure headache , dys pepsia , bad breath , constipation anil bilious ness. National Ouurry Workers. CHICAGO , III. , Fub. 22. At today's session of the National Association of Quarry Work ers a committee was appointed to frame resolutions of sympathy with marble pro ducers respecting the discrimination against the domestic marble by the government. The committee is composed of W. H. Smith , of Atway. O ; II. W. Clark , of Oxford , N. Y. and A. F. Cadcn , of Evansville , lud. I'liUiniin u UlK Huy < > r of ICt < mHii | ; . NKW Yoiuc , Fob. 2-2. [ Special Tele gram to THE BKK. ] Gcorgo W. Pullman is said to have been a big buyer of Head ing during the recent raid on the stock of that company. His interest before was considerable. It is believed when the situation clears up a little ho will bo found to bo ono of the dominating fac tors in the coal combine. You don't want a torpid liver ; you don't want't a bad complexion ; you don't want n bad breath ; you don't want a headache. Then use Do Witt's Little Early Risers , the famous little pills. Dhl Xot l > pntroy the Itocorili , PEOltiA , III. , Fob. 22. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The lire in the "Whisky trust" building did not de stroy the records of the company. The lire was confined to the top floor , and tin offices are on the two lower floors , whore the Vaults containing the papers arc lo cated. A slight cold , if neglected , often attacks the lungs. Brown's Bronchial Troches givi sure and Immediate relief. Sold only ii : boxes. Price 25 cents , IIAYDENS' SHERIFF SALE Yesterday Wo Bought ftt Auction Snlo a Dig Line of Furnishing Goods , ALL TO BE SOLD OUT AT ONC Wo Untight Them IVity Down nml AVe Will Soil Thrni Wny Down Much of the Stock Will ho .Sold nt One. Fourth IU Value. You have probably read about a lot of Rents' furnisninq : goods being roplo.vlnetl by a certain Omaba bunk ana stored away in Johnson Bros , warehouse. Those goods wore sold at auction yes terday. Wo scoured the entire lot at about 40c on the dollar. In this lot will bo found gents' negligee nhirts , sus penders , silk and Hncn handkerchiefs , inuniers , foreign and domestic 1 hose. Wo will put a price on these goods that will close them out at once. 1 lot of gents' Initial silk handkerchiefs , fancy navy blues , only oc each , regular price , 2 , " > o each. Boys' negligee shirts only 15c each , worth -lOc. 1 lot of gents' fancy silk handkerchiefs worth Me each , while they last , only J'Jc. 50 dozen gents' lace buck automatic suspenders , the best in the market , only lc ! ) each ; regular price , tide. In this lot was an elegant line of gents' fine all wool negligee shirts in line broadcloths , tricots , cochecos and wool bcdford cords. The regular price on these goods is 82.00 , $2.25 and $2.50. In this sale wo will close them out. Your choice of any shirt for ! )8c. ) 1 lot of men's and boys' pure silk Windsor tics only 15o each ; regular price. ! l."ic. 2 , " ) dozen gents' linen handkerchiefs , pure white , only lOc each ; regular price , 2oc. 1 lot of gents' white silk handkerchiefs worth 75o to be closed out at UUo each , less than half price. 1 lot of gents' extra heavy and extra largo size silk handkerchiefs in pure white , only 50c each , regular price Sl.OO. 100 dogents' British brown 1 hose , double heels and toes , full regular madp , have never been sold for less than 2. > o per pair , in this sale at just i price , 12Jc per pair. 1 lot gents' fancy night shirts , full size and made from good quality of mus lin , only -loo each , regular price 75c. Gents' linen collars , the very best made in all the now spring shapes , only lOc each. 50 doz gents' linen cuffs , regular 2oc quality , in this sale at 15o per pair. 1 ease of gents' unlaundcred shirts , double baclc and front , linen bosom and cull's , hand made buttonholes and good quality of muslin , only Me each. DRESS LININGS. New stock of silesia at lOc yard , all colors , just received. Why pay others J5c for this same grade' ? All colors cambric , fancy percahne and fancy printed silesia , canvas ducking , wadding , padding , collar and bslt canvas , farmers' batin in black and colors , serge , fancy sleeve linings , in fact , the most com plete lining department in Omaha ; all at Haydons' well known popular prices. DRESS GOODS. All wool dress flannels , 20c per yard. Union storm bergc , all colors , only 29c. 29c.50inch heavy German serge , $1.15. A beautiful line of now spring fabrics now on sale. The celebrated Jamestown goods , worth 50c , tomorrow only 20c. Our prescription department is com plete and all prescriptions filled at low est prices , and Vy a registered pharma cist. Cifll and got our prices. WALL PAPER. A larger stock , bet ter quality , and still lower prices than wo have over offered. offered.HAYDEN HAYDEN BROS. FAK.1I13US' JI.VKCI1 KXCUHSION To Chcycimo County , NrbriiHkn. Special to farmers and those wishing to become farmers : I have from fiftec to eighteen thou sand acres of land in Cheyenne county , Nebraska , on the famous Bellmont irri gating ditch built last year. This sys tem insures a full crop every season , multiplies the product capacity of the land at each submersion , destroys insects and produces per fect fruits. It maKcs the farmer independent of rain fall. Rain does not fall on your harvest crop before you can get it gathered , or spoil your hay before it is stacked. No sand lleas , "gallinlp- pcrs , " or aligators knock at your door at midnight hour for admittance ; but 270 bright , sunny days in succession not only force your crops to a more abundant yield , but make the life of the farmer what It should bo , as bright as a picture , free from care , and supply him with the comforts of life. For particulars concerning this great enterprise address or call on W. H. Green , room 217 Karbach block. Sec Dentist Koim10 ' & 41 Barker blk Sco the celebrated Sonmer piano at Ford & Charlton Music Co. , 1508 Dodge. Iimucunil Arrnncoinpiits via. It. K O. For the second time since the civil war a democratic president is to bo inaugur ated at Washington : The Baltimore & Ohio offers an unexcelled service , through limited buffet , vestibuled trains with Pullman sleeping cars from St. Louis and Chicago to Washington. Excursion tickets will bo sold to Wash ington and Baltimore at one first-class limited faro for the round trip February 28th to March 'M , inclusive , good return ing until March 8th , from all points west of Parkcrsburg. For maps and time tables , rates of faro , and guide to Washington , call upon any agent of the company , or address O. P. MCCARTY , G. P. A. , Cincinnati , Ohio. or L. S. AI.LUN , G. P. A. , Chicago , 111. A tfXU UXVH.U K.V TS. On Wednesday evening. March 1 , the Nor- dlca Opera and Concert company will give ona of tlicir famous performances at Hoyd's , This organization Is the only approach to op > eratlc form of entertainment which wo shall got In this country this .year. It is certainly the strongest that can possibly bo gotten to gather , and embraces such artists as Mine Lillian Nordlea , the famous dramatic so pvano , whoso triumphs in Europe have Deen mutters of musical record. The most nota bio oveat in the concert hero will bo tin appearance of all the artists In the complete tlie only Pure Creatu of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum , 0ed in Millias of Homes 40.Years the Standard * operaticropresi'tiiutlon of the fnmous ono net oiicrn , "Ciivallsrlii Husllcnua,11 which will bo Rvon ! In ironcci t form , with Mmo. onlleiv ns S.intman. Mmo. Scalchl i\s Ix > ln , Mls ' ? , , LnK ° l , n,8 l' 'ln. SIR. Cumiianlnl ns I'lirlildu anil SIR. Wcl I'uonto as Alllo. The sale of scuts will bit ] u at 0 o'clock Monday morning. Amoiit ? the clcvor cotcrlo of entertainers with the HophtnM Transoccatilo Specialty cpmimny , which nUl bo the attrnctlou nt lloytl s theater f r thrco nlhts ( and two natlnccs. commcitritiff this inornmfr , arc Misses Mcl.vlllo Stetson , two youtittladles who 'Rlvo illaloct Imitations of all the HlTercnt people > vojnieot In our tlally walks of life , anil situ ? riMtlro on that ever popu- ar la-ra-ra-booin-Uc-ay , with striking effect. They arc stared In conjunction with the famous Trowey , and mnko their IIrat appearance lu tills city. The sale of st-ats forthoentlro engagement will open at 9 o clock this morning. "Mr. Potter of Texas" If , as Is saW , It Is a complete dramatization of the famous novel , should offer great opportunity for stronir ictlng , every scene helni ; vlvW with Hfo nnd ictlon. Many of the names In the cast are veil known nnd seem exceptionally well se- ectcJ. At the Farnam Street theater 11 vo lights , beginning with a matlnco Sunday , "ebruary BO. The usual Wednesday nnd Saturday matinees. Any scat In the theater Wednesday matlnco 25 ecu : s. Ilnntl'H ( Jure. In saying that Hood's Sarsaparllla cures ts proprietors make no Idle or extravagant claim. Statements from thousands of re- lablo pcoplo of what Hood's Sarsaparllla las done for thorn conclusively prove the act Hood's Sarsaparilla cures. Hood's Pills act especially upon the liver , rousing It from torpidity to its natural duties , cure constipation and assist dlcostion. Help wanted to distribute circulars. Wo > ay $1.00 per 1,000. Must give good rofor- cuccs. Apply at once. Address. Mutual Advertising Co. , Chicago 111. Clipiip Trip to Ciilirnrnlti. The Phillips Rook Isltiml porsoimlly conducted California excursions for kluvch will leave Omaha on the lid , 17th and 'list. Through tourist sleeping ears to Los Angeles and San LYanoisoo ; also special through car arrangements o Oregon and Washington. For par- tieulars cull on any Rock Island agent or address Ghas Kennedy , .gcn'l. N.V iba. Agt. , 1G02 Farnam street , Omaha COURT CALENDAR. ,1st of Tcxhiy'H Culls In HID District Courts. The call for today is as follows : LAW IIOO.M NO. 2 .IUIX1E SCOTT. 28-338 Olson vs Oinnlia Packing company. JH-HOH-Mczottl vs Ish. 20-77 Elslo vs Itoyd , sheriff. 29-100 lltinscn vs Adams. 29-147 MorrKey VH Htoirord. 2U-177 Dli-key vs Hflni. 20'198-Mllllkun vs Xowell. 20-2l)0-0llbs ) ) vs Ilrcvort. a'J-248 Nebraska Mortgage and Loan com- lany vs IM.xIey. 20-201 Mi'Oavoek vs Slonn , Johnson & Co. 20-320-Klelil vs Albright. 3l-in llyclu vsKent. 30-77 Umalia 1'rlntlng company vs Oar- ii-au. 30-83 Walla vs C.'asper. 3U-107 Omtilia Tin waru Manufacturing com- taiiy vs Kdwanls Iliirner company. 30-114 Wltulan vs Omaba llrowlng nssocla- lon. 30-125 .Mutual Loan and Trust company vs Argood. 30-175 American J.oan and Trust company vs Stnitton. 30-1HH Klnkend vs.Tnncs. 20-217-Ilolvlir VHTrelt/ . 20-331 United SUiU's National bank Vs Mc- llrldu. LAW HOOM NO. 3 JUIIQi : DAVIS. 28-3 Yolxtir vs Omaha Street Hallway com pany. 2B-1G4 Irwln vsBcbnll. 28-175 Htizclton vs Klllott. 28-100 Woods VH Murphy. 28-20'J Moroarty vs lieu Publishing com pany. 28-2G8-Clnrk vs-Wolsbans. 2202 Dunny VKStiibbendorfT. ' 28-304 llurkurfWav. . 28-332 MadHcn ITS Otiiulia Street Railway company. 28-330 Mason vs Poutli Omaha. I.AW IIOOM NO. 4 JUIHU : 1'KitausoN. G-118-rLa Cletlo I'lro Ilrlck Manufacturing company vs Thompson. 8-331 Cunningham vs Fuller. 18-170 ( 'olmrn vs Salisbury. 19-2 Hood vs IJIco. 22-215 Monoark & Co. vs Wilkinson. 23-27 Kinurson , Talcott.t Co. vs lliintia. 23-132 Mechanics and Traders bank vs Howe. 23-289-HlllUo vs Ilellman. IAW IIOOM NO. 5 .11)1)1K ) OdDCN , 25-340 Oosnoy Live StockOommlaalon com pany vs Paddock. 27-203-llarbach vs Shields. 27-311 ( lotrclmiami vs Wyctli. 2C-27U 1'orvls vs Munro. EQUITY HOOM NO. C JUDGE ! IIOl'BWEI.I , . 20-225-ltlcser vs .Sloman. EQUITY IIOOM NO , 7 JUDOB IIIVINI ; . 29-184 Globe Loan and Trust company vs Hrown. 20-302 Krob vs Holns. 30-81 Sblpman VH Kronen. 30-100 Avondut vs Cowln. 30-130 Hutchlnson vs Omaha. 30-141 Hosenburry vs Omaha. 30-1G1 Alton vs Cunnlmiliam. 30-182 Cunningham vs Allen. Fulled to Agree. The Jury in the case of the state against Theodore G. Scott , the young man who was accused of appropriating diamonds of the value of $175 belonging to the estate of Victoria Howell , an old colored woman , who died last January , after being out twenty- four hours failed to agree , and was dis charged at noon yesterday. Orrnt Promlso for Wood .Mtuiiifucturers. It is only quito recently that manufac turers ot furniture , wagons and wood work generally have become aware of the wonder ful promise offered by North Galveston , Tex. Directly tributary to this young city and not many miles distant in easterii Texas are over 40,000,000 acres of timber , which com prises all of the high grade hard and soft woods. Many pcoplo are coining in and are now doing business , but there is room for a great many more. With rail and water facilities for shipping and markets In all directions there should not bo any hesitation about the outcome of manufacturing ventures. For further particulars call on or write Franklin F. Williams , First National bank , Omaha , Neb. , the local agent. The address of the home otllco is North Galveston Association , Box 1)33 ) , Minneapolis , Minn. Frescoing and interior decorating designs - signs and estimates furnished. Henry Lohmann , 1503 Douglas street. NATURALFRUITFLWORS. jjT i Of perfect purity Lemon Of great strength Orango. Economy in their uso. Rose.ele. and deliriously n the fresh fruit. Mat Brand is oo pr Collar ? It ought to be , if you wear a 35 cent collar ; for this brand of col lars is the very "best vuluo that cau bo bad for U5 cents. / Watch our advertisements next week , 0 CLUETT. COON & , CO ? . De Koven's First Waltz The first independent set of waltzes ever written by Mr. Reginald de Koven , com poser of "Robin Hood , " r will shortly be published in THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL 'rj ? i 111 and will prove , it is believed , the most popular piece of dance music of the season. Under the title of the They will inaugurate the JOURNAL'S notable musical series , to which the foremost composers of America and Europe will contribute. Send One Dollar for One Year to The Curtis Publishing Company , Philadelphia Are those ignorant pretenders who , without any qualifications , any ability , any experience , any skill , claim to possess the power to euro all the ills of the human race. But their want of worth soon becomes apparent to their would-be dupes , and thcso conscienco- lessquacks are soon consigned to the oblivion they so richly merit. In strange and strong contrastwith these miserable boasters is the quiet , dignified yet courteous demeanor of hose noted leaders of their profession , Who , during the past 27 years , have abundantly demonstrated their ability to effect speedy , perfect and permanent cures in all the worst forms of those del icate sexual maladies embraced within the general terms of NERVOUS , GHRONIG AND PRIVATE DISEASES. Send 4 cents for their illustrated now book of 120 pages , "Know Thyself. " Consultation fres. Call upon or ad- dress , with stamp , Drs. Beth & Belts , 119 S , 14th Street , Cor. Douglas St' , OMAHA , NEB. cimltli > tliod.VRl > ciitolo ! cut wlmtovor lin wlsie ! * . Tln-y c-niisu Ilio f ml titns- .Miiillntoiiml iiottrlsli tin ) body , K""t Juiiiiotltonnttilin-Bl > p limit. I'rlff , 0 roiiti. KxurtHlTisMiowiiliiIxinlcr. ; ! AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. A medical work tlmt tells the onuses , describe * J thocrfeuK , polutatbercniedy. bcleutin'inlly tlin j most valuable , artistically lite most Ijeaullfuit medical book evrr imblUlii'd ; V6 iitigrR , rvi > ry < 'inaee bcarlnit nlialt-tone Illustration In tints. i Hubject treated : Ncrvou * Debility , Im potency , , Htorllltr , Development , Vnrk'ocele , TUo Hiis- ' i Every man tr/io trould know lite Qi and Trulht , 'the ' I'laln t'nrti , the Old Srcrcti anil AVtpJi - , cat-erlfioflUnllcril frlciice us at < t > Hnl to Mari - i 'ried ' Hftt\oho irou/d / alone for stnat folllrt i and aivhtfutureiiltfalli. ihmild urile far tlifi < , WONDKRFVh I.MLK iiOOK. > It will bo tent free , under teul , while tuecdl ' tlon lusts. Address the publishers , iiir. niii : > iCAi < CD. , iimiuio , x.v. Agents Wanted Everywhere. THE RENOWNED COAL SAVER 8a e one ntmrter of jour cnal bill , prevent" noot and elnitori , dettrofa eoal KM , produces perfect cotnbmtlon. keeps boiler Hue * clo.in. iniket hot tire In live minuted , iicti equally well on hard ai on oil coal Ono paokaKO cuatlni : S cents In sulllrlunt totroatono ton of coal. For further Information call on or addron wHn ilamp , L. S. ELLSWORTH & CO. , 400 S. 13thS. OraahaNob. OUR EMPLOYMENT D3T. while costltiK the employer nnd omployco nutlilnv. his : oniiblcd us to advance the Intor- csts of both , and tilso our own , uy socurln'i bettor results with tue inaclilno. Wyckoff , Seaman & Benedici TELEI'HONB 17i3. 1TJ2 FAUSAU 8C 1IAVMONI ) , Till ! JliWKt.Cll. If you have a good eye You should have our expert optician test it anyway cost you nothing1 save your eyes. We guarantee satisfaction and we are here always to make our word good. Finest assortment of glasses in the country. RAYMOND , FIFTEENTH ANIJ UOUflLAS , OMAHA. 181(3 Doualas Omaha , Nob. The eminent spcclatlnt In nervotu , chronic , private , blood , akin andurlimir illsoisoi. registered graduate n meaicmo. as ill plain 11 nnd certlllciUm show. Is mil I trailing with III > uroatojt nil o- cuss catarrh , lust mnnhootl aomlnal wonknois , nlitlit loj oi nnd nil forms of prlv.iu dl o nes. No iimau- ry used. Now treatment for loss ot vital pjiror. 1'nrtloi unable to visit mo HUT bj troi'31 t liani t > r currojpomlenco. Medicine or Imtrmnonts soit : by mill or otprmi njourjly picc.il , no in ir'.n n Imllo "to contents or soail jr. ono purjjaullntnrvlu * prjrjrrol. O > mnlt-Uli ; frj i. Uon'jipja la 13) itrlatlr url r nto Uuok ( ilyjterlCJOf Llfo.ieat frje. OUJcanotirj Ja.m. t'Jl > m duili.iys 13 n.m to Urn. d n IHv-np for. Can you Answer "What Tor ? " Consult Free , G , W , WILLIAMSQH , M. D. , AND Of tlintMnllcnnnt Illoml IU- gp cagp. No Mercury , but now , " " " cpssfiil remedies. A euro „ \x QUICKLY Runruntecd. Meiiiiindentr < ) MK CURED > 'cmulo vrralcnrMca perman ently cured. I'llcB nnd Itcctul Ulcers cured , no knife or cnustlcn. 1'ntlontn aiicrrnifully treated by wall. Address , with etump , FNEW ERA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL.DISPENSARY , DEFORMITY BRACES Elastic Stocking Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , Water Bottles , Syringes , Atomizers , Medical Supplies ftlOE & PEHFOLQ , 114 sntiv. , , Next to Postofflca flatiopal U. S. uni'tiSl'M'OJtV , OMAHA , Xlill. capital SlOO.OOf ) Surplus $05,000 OfHccr and Directors Henry W. Yatoi , prail i in II. C Cuililnic , Tlc prmliUaii C. 8. M.turloj , V. V Morie.Jolmd. Colllnt J. N. 1L I'aUliU ; to.fli 4 Hoed , caiuter. caiuter.THE IRON BANK. STRENGTH , VITALITY , MANHOOb W.n. IMKKKll , M. . , No.4 lIuiniicliBt. , OOSTON , Ufis. , cMtf coniultlng p/iyiMan of t/tt I'KAIIOnVJUKIHCAI.IN&TrrUTK.towlr-J was awarded the ooui MKDAI. by the NATIONAI. MEUICAI. Amix-iATinnforthoI'HI/.nr.NSAYon Kxhnuitnl VitalUy , Mror.\yKrtout and I'hyilcul I > tl/llttyan < \ all JHiea , * 1 and Iftalcntt * ol J/an , nlinrn l'1B ' yxxff , I'10 mWdlt-agtil and old. S ! lnrronrnltallon In iwreon or by letter. UUIILU I'rooectun. wllh testimonial * , KUEK. Larso Look , SOI UNCK tV I.Il'i : , Oil SKI.F- I'UKSKKVATJON , 300 pp. . 125 Invaluable pro scription * , full K.Itonl7 1.00 hv mail , neak'd Irarurtttlood e * to perform ovt-reatlnif are I. I'ric * hjr mall , S | | B CHKMfUAU CO. . AMUSEMENTS. NEW Get n GOOD THEATRE SEAT for flOo. 1'KIIJA Y , 3 Nights SATUKDA.Y , S/AV7JAV. 2 jflafineess Saturday-Sunday Inter-Oceanic Specialty Co , HEADED H i"V T ° setlior with the I.ar- -ill X - Best nnd Most KKl'INKD VAHIErV CO. IN THE WOULD. SioonStuulny Mntltmc- . KQv Ho-crvcd to nil parts of the liouao. Feats Thursday mornlnx. 1'rlcej ; Klrnl lloorWJa , TScanctfl ; balcony Mo and 75oi gallery 2 jc. . 27 mid 28 The Qroit : Irnniatla Triumph of the Age , MR. JoHrvf STETSON'S Company of plujrors from ttio Olobo tlieutcr , Boston , In the orlzlmil version ot the famous pltiy the social burprlsu ' ARena man should ninrry none but n good woman. " A play of consummate olcvornosi w tli a ro- tnnrkuhlo oust , Arrinmod o.vprossly for mid pltiyctl only by tills orviuil/.atlmi. The sale of seats will open Saturday morn- ni : at the following prices : Klrst lloor. " . " > o , J1.03 undSl.Mi balcuny , We and TJU ; Kallury , 25a ' .VKUI GRAND BOYD'Sr , ! . \ CONCERT. Wednesday Evening , March I OPERA AND CONCERT CO. Including Mmo. Lillian Norcllca , Mmo. SoflnScnlclil , HlR. Cnmpnnlnl. Miss Ixiulno Kimel , bl . Del I'uento , llorr Until Kluchur , . Mr. I. l.uck.Munu , - IN A - Miscitr.iAyiSfn ; CO.VOKHT of Beloctlons from the ( fornnui. Krcnoi ! nnd Italian grand ( Ji > eru , olnttliiK vrltli ii'lecllotn from Muncasiil'B to be donn In concert form and In Ititllnn. Tito mil" of e t will npmi Moudny meriting i the fullowlnx SUAI.UUF rlllCKS : I'nrnuot . flfOSo ! | l < row balconjr.fl.W Klrst mows In circle 2.(0 I.nut II rows lialcony 1.00 NoxU rowiln cliolo 2.00 ( Ion u'liiin bulcony 1.00 ] , n t 3 rows In circle. I.MInllury , ( ; . to lien , iwliiin. l t lloor . 1 ( XKlr ) | t tloor boxo . . .I6tX > Klrntlirown balcony. Z.UOl llnlcony box 1000 i rreollit positively Kuriiondod. Mtnti will not beheld > hold for nnyono excepting pnrtlo oflUlde of the > city , t-peculallnu will not be allowed FflRHflHSi. THEATER , Iflo , if5e , IIIK ; 7fic , TONIGHT " A piJsv Bijou All this week TTtiJE MINER'S OATll Ana the Atlantic Novelty ropulnr price * 20 nnd 'JO conti , MA'I'INItliJ1.V. . Kvcry liidy , every day. at every porforra- ftuoo , roculvui a haadiou * trlple-illr bull.