THE OMAHA DAILY IJEE : THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 28 , 1R03 , JEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Member of the Oity Council Payi His Ec- spectj to John W , Paul. ASKED TO SHOW SOME SIGN OF FAITH If i : l < ! riiro of flood Intention In Afforded 1 tlia IinjiroTcniriit * I'rnpojeil fur North Twentieth Street May He Tut Throiicli lu Tune. Some of the members of the city council think that the Issue l-twccn them and John W I'aul as to paring North Twentieth street is not fully understood by the public * . They do not wish to be looked upon a * standing in the way of any Improvement that would tend to the aclvantape of Council lilntTs , but hare allowed the matter to hang lire In order that Mr. Paul might have time- in which to show that he really ineiint busi ness and was not seeking to have the street jiavod merely In onli'r to endanec the value o'his real estate in the northwestern part of the city "The statement that Mr. Paul has agreed to pave the street from Avenue G to the levee , if the city will order the paving done from llroadway to Avenue G and assess the cost up to the Drupcrty owners , is not cor rect , " said Councilman Smith yesterday. 4 He may have made some such promise on the outside in a general \vny. but the round ) 1ms never s"cn anything of th" klml'la write- ins , "I" ' the petition ivhl'-h was jirv- stntcJl about three inotitlu aeo ask ing that the street l > 3 | Kived is entirely silent on the subject. -icU-sn > the cust of pavinir. cut bun ? anil sewer on that part of the stwt between Broadway nnd avenue G , would amount to won- than the abbuttlng property would sell f' > r. and what Is to hinder him from tutting hi * lots go foi taxes after wo have put In the 1m- jirovraients ? It is his propi'rtj In the ex treme northwestern part of the rity that he expects to be most benefited by the paring , and he mig-htlx : willing to let go of all the lots fronting on Twentieth street if b > sodoin/ ho could have thn entire street paved. "The cost of the intersectious alone.which the city would have to pay , between lircnd- ivay nnd Avenue G , would bo t .biO , accord ing to the estimate of the city engineer. That is a large amount to lay out for the benefit of a single property owner. If Mr. Paul would lay a brick , or show a contract with some manufacturing enterprise , or in any other way com Ince us that ho was going lo do something for the good of the city in stead of selling out his privileges to an out- ider , us he did a few years ago. most of the objections would bo removed , and wo should , In all probability , goon with the work as he wants us to. " TllKii : CONVENTIONS TODAY. Political I rtlr AVHI I'tit Thrlr City Tickets In the 1'lt I < 1. * Today promises to be an interesting one from a political standpoint , us three conven tions will be held between the hours of 2 o'clock p , m und 10. The conventions are of considerably moro than ordinary interest , for it is likely that resolutions will bo pre sented to ono or more of them on the subject of the dilllculty with the motor company , with n view to putting the members of thn party , and especially the men whom they choose as candidates , on record u | > on that all-absorbing question. The opinion seems to prevail that It is upon that line that the battle will be fought this spring , and that the voters will insist UK | > n knowing how the candidates stand be fore casting their ballots. The republicans will open the ball this af ternoon at 2 o'clock at the superior court room and choose a candidate for councilman at large and a candidate for park commissioner. The democrats will hold their convention nt 8 o'clock in the evening at the same 'place , nnd while they are transacting their business the populists will meet at their headquarters , 1ft Main street , and place in nomination their candidates. With three tickets in the field the contest promises to be a lively one. The republicans met last evening in the various wards and chose the men who will act as delegates In today's convention. The following is the result of the caucus in each ward : Second Ward Delegates , Theodore Gulltar , 1. . Q.Knotts , C' . S. Htiuuiirtl. f. A.TIbbltt , C. HOXPII , L. CI > alt > , rriink druhs , Otiptaln J. 1 > . Williams' . Geoipo M. Giiuld. Third Wind P. O. ( ili-nxm was nominated uldermnn by acclamation , mid the clelczntes nt-ro Instructed to vote for E.I. . . fhucart for park commissioner. I. . A. Gray itud James Ariu tr iiR veit > elected ward commlttceim-n. Jk'U-KaU" * . C' . W. Itrown , J. II. Drle-bacli. M. H. riiamtK-rllii. E. H. 1'onda , N. L. Treynor , U.V. . Hewitt , \\illlamAiml. fourth \\ard-E. E. Maync was nominated candidate for ward alOiTinan overT. L. Smith oy a vote of 'Jl to 3 , anil Cory A. Iti-i-d was fleeted waul commltttemuii. Delegates K. U Hart , \V. t' . Dickey. K. E. Wayne. C. II. Wnlle. 1' . S , Thomas. C ory Heed , J. f. linker. . Fifth Wnid Delegates weri Instructed to toll ) for J. II. Pace for aldermun-at-largu and John SKIiiKlc for park commissioner. llele- elites \ \ . A. HlKhsmllh , T. A. llrowick , I" . E. Uimiaml , b. i'ayne , U. S. TolilnsoH. 1'eter ( -iultii ) - Thompson , G. AV.Mrong. Sixth Ward W. U. Dudley wa-4 nominated candidate for ward alderman over J. K. White Ijy \oteof 30 to 11 , and thuolowns inailu unanimous. Tliouk'lcpitcs troru Instructed to AGIO for A. C. Hitrdlni ; for alderman-nt-larRf. leh''ate ( , Geortov. . Turner , J. 1" . White , J. M Ilardln and W. James. Another Chance. The special t-ale of coats , blatikcts , c1 mfortors and underwear , which wus announced for Saturday und Monday at the Boston store , bus been extended until next Saturday night. It was fcmnd to bo impossible to clispOMj of all the winter goods in the tirao Jirs.t determined upon , und those who did not take advan tage of the extraordinary bargains will Imvo another chance till Saturday night at the Boston htoro. Mmo. Helen Merrill , hnirdrcdsinp and manicure. Room . ' 112 , Merriam block. Tulk of it New Hutue. The advisability of granting the petition of property owners in the western part of the city for a now $10,000 school building ucst of Twenty-ninth street nnd north of Broadway is being investigated by the school hoard. Yesterday afternoon Suiierlntcndvnt Sawyer and Members Stacy , Bridcnstoiu nnd Field tooK a trip over .the territory in question. T. J. Evans has offered the board two lots near the corner of Avenue B and Thirty-second street gratis , providing the board will buy two more , for a site. A meet ing of the board is to bo held next Saturday evening at which the committee will make a report. _ Coal and wood ; best und cheapest Missouri hard wot.d in the city ; prompt delivery. H. A. Cox , No.1 Main. For fine baby carriages , fee Crcckwcll. to llullil. P. W Tottcn , a well known capitalist ol Srioux City , lias decided to go into the busi ness of house butlutng in Council Bluffs. He has already commenced the erection of a { 3,100 residence at the corner of Fourth avenue and Twenty-sixth street , and has let contracts for putting up thirteen other houses in the same vicinity , each to cos ) f3XH ) . Ho is figuring on putting up a cold ilorugo warehouse , and if ho reed res suf' Sclent encouragement from the Blunltes svho ought to bo interested in an affair ol tnat kind , liu will organize a stock company lor that pur | > oso. Foil SALK Citizens State bank stock , Submit cash offer. K. II. Sheafe. Stop at the Ogden , Council BluiTs , tht : best iiOO house in Iowa. Y. M. C. A. Cuii\rittlnn. The state convention of the Young Men'f Christian association commences this oven' Ing and will last four days , closing Suudaj night The advance guard will arrive thi ! morning ami every train will bring frcsl arrivals until probably not less than -iOi delegates nnd visitors will bo present. Hu -committee on arrangements has been busil ; engaged in trying to accommodations fur the YiMtura. and although tbr > have been rtasi unbly successful UfrowlU bo n largo numlior unprovided for unless the ciilreni come to the front even more gi-nrr- ously than they have -lone The well , known hospitality of the people of Council I , Bluffs will be put to the t * st. but it will tin- ! doubtcdlv conic out of the test with new testimonials. The first meeting will beheld in the Broad way Methodist cl.urrh at 7 lu o'clock this evening. A half hour song service will pre cede the exercises iiroix-r of the evening. Then will follow addresses by Kev. Stephen Phfliis. C O Maunders and I. . Vf. Itoss , in which the visitors will be welcomed to the city. PrrM'lent ' W M. Beardhonr of the Iowa Agricultural college nt Ames will respond spend on tx-hnlf of the delegatesafter which liev. Xncy McOee Waters of Dubuque will pronch on "A Man : His Makers and His Maker. " The Iowa male quartet will iinp. r pcr ale. Prices nmrke.1 down from 20 to f 0 ] > er rout on all romnnni and 18S'2 ' stock. J. D. Crookwell. Coiiip irlMin of Kxipnte | * . Corsnr. BLvrr-s In , Feh SB. To the IM- itor of Tnr. Bnc : The reliability of the state ment furnished by me souiodajs since with regard to the i u.r nt cxj > cu es of the cit.V from April 1. ! ! . to January . ' ! ! , 1MU , com pared with those from April 1,1S'.U , to Janu ary 31 , IM'J. bavins been questioned , I desire to Mibrnit the following detailed statement for the information of the public- Any per son havimr doubt hi the matter is invited to cull at the auditor's oMco and examine the books for his vvn satisfaction , where any necessary aid will he cheerfully furnished SfJIlUIIV or OIIIIINAttV UC.VMMI rXl-E.NSIS OK CITV win ris : MOVTHC Ilonuluf lloaltli Klevllut.r Knirlnr * r > dfriirtment tin * dntJArtnicnl r.u ni.rt Ftiet-t llflll ! do | > nrttnent 'ntttu dcpurimtitit . rlntliift I.IH ! fiuttpttefi . tn-ftt ami nllvyr doiiartiui-nt. nlnrk > s of UIIU-TF . ewer ( Icii Cllr I'tmiut Total f ! "n.2CNlWf , TJ..Si. Dewease for ten months , IS'.U-.n , from the same ten months IWll-ttt , .T'J. Theapparrnt increase of expenses of the marshal's department is accounted for by the fact that he this year draws n salary of Sl.-'OO as full compensation , in lieu of $ . ' > 00 per year and fees , as heretofore. These fees in former years amounted to several thousand collars and arc also a net gain to the city and should bo lidded to the above total decrease in ex penses , as he has turned in to the cit.v treasury ! , U'J4.GO for the last ten mouths. G. M. GOUI.P , Auditor. Another iinprcnement to the popular Schubert piano. Swanson Music Co. Cobs , coal , wood , 117 Main. Sheiird-L.ut7. | Mr. Wallace K. Shepard and Miss Ida Lut ? , both of this citv , were married last evening at the residence of the bride's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. II. I Kutz , on Perrin av enue. Itcv G W. Crofts of Beatrice , Xeb , oflUiatinsr. Only the immediite relatives of the parties were present. Both brUe and groom are well known in social ciixlcs , the latter being connected with the Xcbraska National bank of Omaha. The hipp : > couple will begin kiopine house at once at their new home. 10J I'arlt avenue , auiid the good wishes of a host of friends. The Grnml Hotel , Council BluiTs. Most elegant hotel In lowu. Dining room on seventh floor. Rated , $3 to $5 per day. E. F. Clark , Prop. I'emoniil I J. B. .Tohanson of Walnut is in the city. Hon. I. . . T. Gcnung of Hastings , Neb. , was in the city iesterday. Miss Edith Floyd of Lincoln , Neb. , is in the city visiting Miss Ola Ogden. Her. G. W. Crofts of Beatrice , Neb. , is in the city visiting his many friends. He leaves for home today. Ma then * MeCook. proprietor of the Deaf Mute Critic of Dubuque , la. , was a BEE caller yesterday. Judge Thfirncll adjourned district court yes terday in honor of Washington , and spent the day with his family in Kidney. C. W. McDonald , with the Kock Island Plow company , left Sunday night over the Hock Island for an extended business trip through New York and Pennsylvania in the interest of the factory ho represents. Do you smoke ? llne vou tried T. D. King & Co.'s PartairasV it's a charmer. Just light one. First-class cook wanted at Iowa School for the Deaf. Apply in person. Minor Mention. N. Y. Plum Ling Cc. Council Bluffs Lumoer Co. Coal Opera creams and caramels at Dricsbach's today. Joseph C. Brown and Cora A. Ritchie , both of Council Bluffs were married yesterday by Justice Fox. The ladies of the Congregational church gave a Columbian tea last evening in the church parlors. L. A. Casper is announced as a candidate for the nomination of park cominisskmer on the democratic ticket. Blufl City council No , 7 , Junior Order of United American Mechanics gave a pleasant social last evening at the Grand Army hall. Adolph Burmelster , who shot and killed John Dethlcfseu at Walnut a few nights ago , has waived examination and the case is now being investigated by the grand jury at Avoca. Charles Allen , who attempted to emigrate to the bright and shining shore by the mor- phincroute , is still on earth , and the pros pects last night were good for his making a prolonged s.ay. The young ladles of the First Presbyterian and Congregational churches will give a supK | > r tomorrow evening for the delegates to the Young Men's Christian association con vention at the parlors of the Presbyterian church. William Cumo of Crescent is authority for the statement that Henry Hartiug is dead. Mention was made in the telegraph department of THE Srxrur BEE of Hartinsr's attempt at disemboweling himself while tcmx ] > ranly Insane. Uevlval services are being held every evening at the African Methodist church at the corner of Sixth street nnd avenue D. Preaching by Hev. Mr. Ball , Mrs Fuller , Mrs. Davis and others. A great deal of in terest is manifested. Sheriff Hazen returned yesterday from Decatur county , bringing with him Mr. Suthcrlan.vho is wauted for an examina tion before Judge ThomoU as to the amount of property ho owns. The. examination will probably take place today. Willie Nelson , a boy who attends the Avenue B school , was arrested on the charge of sendius an obscene letter throwrh the mail to a young lady of the city. He wcs given a hearing before the United States commissioner and taken yesterday to the county Juil of Polk county , where he will await the action of the federal grand jury in March. A copy of the first issue of "American Young People" has been received at THE BEE office. It is a magadno edited by Clar ence II , Judson , formerly of this city , and published in Chicago. It has a very neat ap | > earancc , and will no doubt prove a gold mine to the company which has been organ ized for the imriwso of publishing It. Among the contributors to the first issue is Nixon Waterman , formerly a well known news paper man in this city aud Omaha. The patrol wagon was called out yester day afternoon by a telephone inessacc stat ing that n jnun had fallen from a motor train near Tenth street and was bleeding to death. The men at the police station wel comed what seemed Haely to furnish a little excitement , nnd loft for the place men tioned with a market basket in which to carry the pieces. When they arrivi d they found that the corpse had gone away. He was tracked to his homo at the corner of Seventh street and Thirteenth avenue , where ho is recovering from the loss of a piece of skin from his face about the size of a silver half dollar. formal Welcome to Hev. Orapsey at Trinity Cathedral. BISHOP WORTHINGTON ENJOINS A . DUTY Churchmen Should Aiteml Servlee * with Itc- cejitlvu Heart * The Mlnloiicr IHi- cu mthe MlmlouJulrt .Scrrlrcn Noon Meetlnc * . The mission at Trinity cathedral , in which all the Episcopal churches of the city will co-operate , was Inaugurated last evening by the reception by Bishop Worthtngton of the herald sent to teach the Word. Interest in the mission has been on the increase , and it culminated last evening by a large audience of church people. The services were dccid- edlj novel , as well as instructive , as bun- eds in the congregation had their first ex perience in the "oiucc of the benediction of a missioner. " After a short service of prayer and song and the reading of the epistles by Canon Whitmarsh. Dean Gardner , addressing the bishop , said : -Hight reverend father in God , I present unto Thee this person , who desires mission and benediction for the work of an evangelist in this our city and cathedral.1 Bishop Worthington Let the mandate of his appointment be rcau. Dean Gardner then reaJ as follows : IteeeltltiK the Mktpluner. . "I , George , by Divine iKjrrnissIon bishou of Nebraska , having duly questioned Algernon S. Crapscy. priest , \\ho is desirous of devot- intr himself to the work of preaching and teachlnir the word of God. and havinir satis fied mj - > elf of his soundness of doctrine , godliness of life and sufficiency of knowl edge and wal in the work of the ministry , hereby appoint and authorize him to labor i for the furthcrence of the gospel in this our ] city and cathedral. " I Then the bishop addressed the candidate ( as follows- I -Dost thou in the sight of God nnd this I congregation accept this appointment to i labor in this our city and cathedral ? " Mibsioncr Idol Bishop Dost thou promise steadfastness , ' and zeal for souls therein ? Missiouer 1 do so promise , the Lord being : ny heli > cr.- Bishop The Lord be with you , and with thy spirit. Let us pray. Almighty God , who didst send Thy only begotten son into the world for the redemption of mankind , and that the gosiiel of His kingdom might ; je made known through the in-caching of [ Us apostles , send , we pray Thee , Thy Holy Spirit upon this , Thy servant , whom Thou hast called to labor in Thy vineyard. Anoint him to preach the gospel to the poor , send him to heal the broken hearted , to [ ireach delivcreuce to the captives and re -every of sisrht to the blind , to set at liberty them that are bruised , and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord , and grant that lie may follow after righteousness , godli ness , faith , love and meekness through Jesus Christ , our Lora. Grant. O Lord , to this Thv servant , aptness to teach und to these. Thy people , willingness to learn Thy blessed \\Ill. that the hearts ot the disobe dient may bo turned to the wisdom of the just and we be an acceptable people In Thy siiht. Through Jesus Christ , our Lord. After the singing of a hymn Bishop Worthington preached a short sermon out lining the work to bs done during the con tinuance of the mi.isioa ana what would be expected from chuivh ] > eople. His text was taken from Eira x , 4 : "Arise for this mat ter belonging unto thee. " lllslioj ) U'orthlngtuii'K Kxhortiitlnn. Ezra , " saW the bishop , "had been sent , much like the present missiouer , to tell people ple of their sins , of their riol-ition of the law of God. He had exhorted them to re pentance , he had spoken to them collectively anil as a congregation to arise and go to their Father. While Ezra was one of the earliest of the missioners.o have through the providence of God been sent a messenger to exhort us , to point out the way that leudeth toward heaven. He is to unfold to us the whole counsel of God during these services. Hecognlzc , I beseech you , the character of the person who has coma to us as a mis sioner. He is come to lift you up from your dead selves to the heart of God. If you thus recognize the mission and the missioner. If you are as you have been exhorted , then will bo an outpouring of the divine spirit such as this city has not seen ; a blessing will be given us that we will not have room to receive It. Those who are careless will arouse themselves , those who are penitent will hear the words of tenderness and love , and all hindrances will be removed from the pathway that leads toward holiness. ' When the herald whom God has sent is speaking to us it is the duty of every one to trim the search lights within , and , after duo confession is made , to cry aloud for mercy and forgiveness. And this person ality that characterizes our work is not con fined to the primary character of the work , bat to other obligations which are placed ujion us. It is our duty to bring under the influence of the gospel those persons who are yet outside the fold. You are your brothers' keeper. You are asked , then , to go out into the highways and search for those who do not know the sweet , sad story of old. "Therefore , let me exhort you earnestly to individual endeavor toward perfect holl- ncsss in this mission which is now inau gurated. Heallze the personal obligation , the individual duty placed upon you and your faithful attendance upon'theso services. If you do it cannot fail to have an effect UKn ] your neighbor , and we will in this way do the duty we owe to God and this mission. Whether this mission shall bo a blessing to this church , city and diocese depends not wholly upon the missioner , faithful as he may be , but it depends upon the church people ple of this city , upon you and those belong ing to you. Realize that you are here not as critics upon these services but are sinners who have come to hear a message from God. " Then , turning to Mr. Crapsey , the bishop said : "I hoi > e , dear brother , you will have cour age to tell these people of their sins. Tell them of the holiness of Gotlj bid them repent lest it be too late. I give you my blessing. " i\palnlr.r ! the Mission. Mr. Crapsey , although he had preached five sermons to the clergy during the daj , told the congregation \\hat his idea of u mission wus He had been asked to come to Omaha to preach a mission. The main thing to be guarded against was overcoundenco in himself. Was It possible for a man by himself to save a single soul 1 On his way here from the east he had gone through the Saruia tunnel under the St. Clair river. How was it ] K > ssiblo for man to bore through the earth like that ? The engineer had studied the matter , brought the forces of nature to his aid and directed the men who did the work. By himself , with one pair of hands , ho could not have done it. So the missioner could not ot him self save any one. He would have to bring God to direct his aid , and then he would work. One of the main objects of the mission was instruction in Christian doctrine. To this cud one service a day , at 10I0 : ! a. ui. , had been set apart during the mission , and he cxj > ected during the twelve days that it lasted to go over the main points in the realm of Christian doctrine. Ho appealed earnestly to the members of the congregation to lend him their assistance in making the mission a success , and he felt sure that if they did so God would make the mission a blessing to Omaha. This closed the reception of the missioner. and Dean Gardner announced that the noon day services for business men would com mence Friday noon in the New York Life building. liifctrtirtlnc the Clergy. Yesterday the "quiet day" services in con nection with the mission \\cro held in Trinity They were for the clergy of the diocese of Nebraska only The service commenced with morning prayer and the litany at i ) o'clock. At 10 Kev. Crapsey began the first medita- A Straight Tip to all buffering from gouty rheumatism , too much adipose ti ms , unhealthy Uoih , constipation , indigestion - digestion , and all diseases of the stomach is to use the genuine Carlsbad Sprudel Salts. They have never ( ailed. Emor & Mendelson Co. , Agents , N. Y. tlon of the day on the subject of the mln-1 istcrlal call. In which ho | > eke of all that ' the call includes At 11 * ! i Mr C'rapseys meditation was en the prophetical or that I part of the ministentvl career which Is spoken of generally as preaching At 1 o'clock there was an inten nt for lunch , which was served in the crypt of the cathedral. At 2 Wl Mr. Crapsey conducted the third meditation , the subject of which was the priestly office. Thp subject of the fourth meditation was tht klugly office , and of the fifth the pastoral onicc. Mr Crapsey spoke in a very clear and forcible manner , which was very much enjoyed by those pres ent. Among those present' wore : Kt. Hev. Bishop Worthington. De'an Gardner. Yen. Archdeacons Sparling and Sanford , " Canon Doherty , Canon "Llwyd'Canon Whit- marsh , A. W. MacNab. I. Baxter , A. E. Marsh , A. G. Musseti , H. B. Burgess , I. P. Johnson , H. G. Shiirpley , Paul Matthews , Father Williams , John A. Williams and E. J. Babvock. AttntTiojfAL c'or.vtjtLut'Jti .vcir.s. ; Adopted Henolutlon * . The following resolutions , which were adopted by the members of the Temple Bap tist church last Sauday evening , will be of interest to all who are familiar with the church affairs of Council Bluffs : He It resolved. That the Templn Haptlst church ncci-pt the re-lcnatlon of their pastor , Kev. L. A. Hall , to taku effect Muieh 1. 1S03. We recommend to the Temple HuptNt church that our services be discontinued after I'ehruary 2G , IH'J.I , until such time as the pulpit committee , hereafter to be appointed , may deem wise tocall tln > eluirch together. He It further resohed , That In accepting the re-lcnatlon of our beloved pastor. Hev. 1 , . A. Hull , we do so with feelings of the deepest re- cret ; that we fully appreciate the loyalty , the fHlthftilness iind the emit holf-sacrl- flt-e that litand his beloved wife hi\f : manifested In orzanlrlng und put ting tiHii a tlrtn foundation the bi > ili- ! nlius of a proptrouHnptlst church. We will not endeavor to express In words the fvullnss of kindness , aud syjnpiithy that we ha\e for yon. May ( iod bless jou aud build you up in your future work. And tnav Ciod bless u as a church and build us up In Mich n way that we may all feel that this work has not been In vuln , but that it l-'or the best Interest of the Hnptlst cause. He It ii-Milved , That to whatever church you may be called we heartily commend you. Oi'i sympathy , our blj sln ; ami our prayer * tfo w ltd } ou. I , . U. JOSEPH. Church Clerk. Why let children die with diphtheria ? You can t-ave them by Dr. JetTerii > ' rem edy. Has been used successfully for Uj years. Price $3.00. For sale by Coun cil Blulfs druggists , also at IM04 Cuming btreet , Omaha. For warming guest chambers , bath rooms , etc. , our gas heaters are just what you want. Look at them. Clean , convenient , cheap. C. B. Gus > and Elec tric Light Co. I'atrlutlc Voting American * . The little ones of the kindergarten ob served Washington's birthday yesterday. A number of the mothers anu friends were present , who enjoyed the exercises greatly. The songs and games combine instruction with pleasure in so charming a manner as makes one wonder why more parents do not avail themselves of thi * privilege of putting their children under such excellent in fluences. Yesterday's exercises were in the main only such as characterize the cveri ilay work of the kindei-gnrlcn , rather than any holidav attempt to-'sbow off the children It is astonishing what teoble and misshapen conceptions arc held concerning the work being done by the kindergarten. Such op- [ nrtunities to get truer ideas of the work are ver.v helpful , therefore , as well as enjo.\ - able. Visitors are always welcome , and Mrs. Hardman. Miss Baldwin and assistants are so enthusiastic in their work that they gladly grant all information possible. It is marvelous what development the children gave in their ideas of color , form , figures , etc. , and the amount of general information concerning natural history , morals aud bi ography , while seemingly'at ' play. The king of scorchers will be hero in a few days. Do not' buy a bicycle until you &ee them. Union and Kenwood wheel * now on.hand. S. M. Williamson & Co. , No. 100 Main street. Bouricius finds out that Stutsman Street is all right for the piano business. , just look at his now signs. Have your prescriptions filled at Davis1 , only pure , fresh drugs and chem icals in stock. Honor \Vnnhlngtuii. . The Union Veteran legion celebrated the anniversary of Washington's birthday last evening at their hall. A large audience was present , composed largely of old soldiers and their families. Every military organi zation in the city was represented. An interesting feature of the entertainment was the presentation of three elegant steel engravings to the encampment from General G. M. DoJge , who still keeps a warm place in his heart for the comrades of Council Bluffs , and frequently takes an opportunity of showing his regard by sending some sub , . . * . w _ " WORga A GUIWBA A BOS , " $ COVERED WITH A TASTELESS AUD SOLUBLE COATING. Mu. % Dizziness , or Snlmmlni : In the Head , Hindi J Pale , and Sp &ni at the Stomath , Paia In Z the lUck , Grarel , and firing Pains la ILo | Bodj , KheamsUsm , rtc. 3 T * ' " ' 'oar. flTB or even 01i of Detchain'f g Plll > . and in nine nan outoflrx , lhry ult girl * > il\tfitlatrljtniKiila ; forlUe pill will go direct 3 to &nd roiuore the caa&o , < At rau being oa JJmoro nor loulhin wind , together with polio- Son ] and coiloui vipocra. and Mmctlmca 5 annholeaame food. g Ot ull drueslsts. Price 2B cnt3 a box. K Vew Yort Depot. 365 Canal Bu - - ' GO TO A Specialist If you are siifTcrlnc WflhSORE 1'Jnlnnnr Xo If you are RtilTcrin ; iw/th / cold In the bead , catarrh , o.iruche. deafrie or dlsuhnrces from the ears ; If you are suffcrlne with ol , DR. rVj.H pHAWlBERLIN U ucoinpctontiind relUWuspecialist In cuiarrh and disc .sea of the eyf , nnd throat. Ofllre over Ileno & Co.'s stord , Cou null IllutTs. Iowa Parlies Pule OR IN . _ . _ Main Street , Council r fla , Iowa , or Telephone - phone S 3. f , , ; ; Goods delivered promptly. SOLE AGENCY' FK f.nHUSR-BUS8H [ [ Bffita flSS'H 01 SHOE H ) . _ OR. SWCCREW THE SPECIALIST. la imsnrpoAKed ia the treatment of all PP'YATE ' DISEASES and Disorder ! of 18 yean experience. Write for circulars and quertion list free. 14th and Fnrimm 8U. Omaha , Na * > S45 a XVeek With S200. A safe c-onservatlve and practlnl InveXment. ltowe'8 Infallible handicapping system oo eastern races , becond successful year. Ueferencei form subscribers , I'rosprctus IfJ1 ( free , U. U. HOWE P.O. Box UT , Brooklyn N Y stnntlnl token The presentation speech wa made bv N 1' IXnlire ntiil the ro | > onsc by Jtulfro C'arson Jnmcs Mi'O ib.i ntnl Colonel U B. Dallcv made addresses nnJ liss Tomllnsou pare n -ltntion. . while arlcty was plreu to the program bv the In lnp of several rouslnp sold ler sonus. In vhlch the whole nudleiu-o joined cnthu- lastlc-nlly. An < | iiitntrtl n I.linli , I' . S. Bandy , who foil from the scaffolding t the new bridge last week , had to submit o au oi > erntlon yesterday nftt'nioon at" the Vomnn's Christian nssoclatiou hospital vhere lie hns been undergoing treatment ver since the acoldrnt. It was found neces- ary to amputate the limb Just lx > lo > v the ilp. It was n severe shock , and for a time t was feared that he would not survive. During the cvenmp It was reported that he was rallying ns well as could bo expected. although there vrns still some danger of ilood poisoning. Crrat ( iiiine. That basket ball is becoming one of the most iiopulnr sports in the west was clearly demonstrated by the immense nnd enthusi astic crowd which assembled in the galleries ind gymnasium of the Young Men's Chrls- lan association last evening to watch the > laying of the "rubber" between the 5 and S o'clock classes. The S o'clock class , captained by Bullock , von after a spirited contest by the score of 5 to 10. Captain Anderson of the "Fives" lad the misfortune to break his hand during ! iigame. . game.Women Women Will Vote as usual at the next school election but for many candidates. They give a unanimous vote every day m the week in favor of WHITE RUSSIAN because they know it has no equal as a labor and temper saver on wash-day. The "White Russian" is a great soap to use in hard or alkali water. Does not roughen or injure the hands is per fectly safe to use on the finest fabrics. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. Dusky Diamond Tar Soap.M'V l the Pnmoth Bliln * Soft ; . W. PAMLE , Ih Good Samaritan. 20 Tears' Experience. BBADira OF D1SEASCS OF MEN AMD \VOMI5N. PROPKIETOR OF TOE WORLD'S HliUIJAL UlSPEJJ- 5ASV OF .M103ICINB. f treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the Dead , Throat , and tangs ; Dis eases of the Eye end Ear , Fits a 3d Apoplexy , Heart Disease , Liver Complaint. 1'lducy Complaint , Narvous Debility , Mental Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness. Wabete .BriGhrsDi easo,6tyHus' Dancer KBeuiatlsm , Paraly l . White Swelling , Scrofula , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors and Fistula In ano removed without the knife or drawing a drop of blood. Woman with her delicate orpuns re- Btored to health. Dropsy cured'wiihout tapping. special attention slvoa to ticatmcnt of ull bloo.1 taints nrUln ? by excesses or vices .Surer and chenuer than u trip to iho Hot Sprlnss S.V ) to f.vio forfeit for uny fullurolo cure without mercury. Tape Worm's removed in two or three flour * , or no pay. Ui-norrholds or Tiles cured , THOSE WHO ARE AFFLICTED Will tare lifo and hundreds of dollars by calling on or using DR. G. W. PANGLE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. The only Physician who can tell what all ( a p r ou without aiklng a question. All correspondence strictly confidential. Medlcla' ' Beat by express. Address all l turs to G. W. PANGLE , M. D. 555 BROADWAY , Council BluiTs , I a. Serifl 4c stamps tor confidential reoly Special Notices. COUNCIl BLUFFS. IltUY Improved residence property for cash when till ) price l low enough. 11. U Mcliee , I'J ' .Mum > t. AliSlltACTaandloans Farm and city proprr bouiiUt and toll. 1'usey A ThO-ul ) . Council BluOs. OTL'DENT nurse wanted at W. C. A. hospital O comer Ninth street and Fifth aren-ic. muit be between 2J and 39 Tears of nza , tioalthy and of peed character. GOOD ticoountant. collector and solicitor , wants situation ; can furnish bt it of reference * and security. Address George 10 , lies. Council lilutu < > j ACI'.i : > 2'ij miles from lustunijj ; Urz ; ii uuio w burn and other Improvements , apples , trapes nudsmall fruits ; for sale cheap. Ureensnlotdi .Nicholson .V Co. SKVKUAL W-ncro. trncts near cltr limits , nna fruit land ; will sail ; worth the money Cirean shields. Nicholson A Co. 1 tH-ACUK well Improved farm In low * at tr > . < l3 ! -L acres Improved t''i. Uardn and fruit farm near Council Illutls , I a plenald C ) acre farm near ( ilt < nwcod , IX ) . titrins curdcn and fruit lands for sale , Johiuton X Vau 1'utton. GlOACItKS In Dawson county. N t > . . t KM CI3 In Frontier , f.i W. Improved S3J acres In Ruf- falo cou ity. II7.M Good ItiJ thru * uilles from liloomlnirton. Kranklln county , tJ. l.UJJ otbor farms lor sale Johnston \ Van 1'otten. BAUOAINB-for sale , 79 hy 3 * . < 0 ft , cm Kranklln are. . tlVKt r.'Jn acres between First t and Franklin are. lies i platting property In thu c ty , tAMJUJ. Two lots oppi lte 1'hlrdst. school , fl ) } One lot In \ \ llson Terrace. J'liU 'Jlirea lots cor Main st. aud I2th nve. Host eltj foi Implement houto In the city. t7.'iOJ l.outtei 'loivle , Z3i Pearl st I Olt HUNT , steam heated onicus elevator , etc. tow rents , In llrown Uulldmt , 1'euri street. Apply to J J. Drown O3-ACKK fruit and vegetable ( arm lor rent , m smiles cast uf the city. Address N. U. Ward , 3ta bcott st . council lllulTi. AirA.NTISli Man to handlit coach Halllon on i share * , farmer prolerrt-d. Also IK ) acres Im proved farm for bale or rent. Address U IS , Ilee uttife. Council UluSt. r WANTto buy 13 loJi acres from too to three 1 miles out. and will par spot caih. Address f > . U , Ueeomce. Council lllua * . \\TI.I. ! buy a or ii room liouie up town If price Is ' i low enough. Address ti. IS. Ilee oltiue. Council Illugs. UU you nant lo rent your house' We have tenants who ure waiting tor U. Urecnshleld .Mcholnin It Co. \\rANTKU-Asslstant In oroee ; must be nblsto operate typewriter , ttood penman and accurate at fluuref. Ar.sorr In own handwrlilni. . stating salary wanted , acd rcfeiecces Address ll-.l , lice oftce. G.AUIlAfiK removed , casspouls , vaults , chimneys cleaned , \\ell prepared for the wjrk , d Burke , city building I OIl HALU Full set of tinners tools , coodcondl. J- lion , a barraln. Inquire of mpklo-hhucart IIardwar Co. , Council IMuCs. THE BEST IN THE WORLD Bull Durban ? Tobacco Situated in the immediate section of country that produces a grada of tobacco , that in texture , flavor and quality is not grown elsewhere in the world , and being in position to command the choice of all offerings - ings upon thL > market , we spare no pains nor expense to give the trada THE VERY BE5T. When in want of the best ; ask for uI ! Durban ) . Sold everywhere. None genuine without the Trade Mark of the Bull on each package. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO. , DURHAM. N. C. We are going to give away 5 dollar bills Watch for the announcement , White Shirts. Shirts made to wear and warranted to fit are as much of an art as a ready made suit of clothes. We have nothing to complain of. Those we have are cut full enough in the body and are neither too Ions : nor too short in the sleeve. O You can have any length of sleeve , open front or back , or both , reinforced front and back , with a yoke , linen bosom , double stitched , with cuffs or bands , full laundered , at 75c cents each. They are Wilson Bros. ' make. Look at the dis play in our window. We will give you an elegant silk or satin teck scarf for 15 cents. They are also displayed in the window. Columbia Clothim 4 Company , 13th and Farnam Streets. CrtiJ Sleaiji pJe ? Works , C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor. Dyeing , Cleaning and JtJefjjiishlnof OF GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Omaha oflice , 1521 Farnnin St. , Telephone 1521 , Council BiulTs olflco and work2 cor. Ave. A und iiOth St. Tclajihono 310. Send for irculurs nnd prlco list. THE KXCK1.SI011 ItOJI K IIAKKU AMI iOASTBIt loonet trenulne w. . brin Itiln7i ! > our larce Improved stylo. Is asolld maia Ims desp Ha-iire strong but Mich grate. onJ cloiei perfectly tight : raves 34 per oint nutritious elemunM Full de scriptive circular on application. AliK.N'Td VV'A.ST Kll in every county In thftUH. Address. C1IUI.C3 4)N Mitnsu Council Ululs la. 1JA.\VN J3ROKJ312. 406 1MOAMV\Y. COU.NCIL HLUI'l'i ' Money Louned on Diamonds , Watsno * , oti Uig bargains lu unredeemed pledges. Beef is Cheap as Ever ! Hut imrk , liunis liinl mid l > a > : on , nlillu way up In u , im > chfiitivr in .MesclifiKlorf's market limn any other ( ilaui * In thu city. The jilucu to put your meat li > wlinru you sut the Ix-st utitl the most for your money. IxtoU at tlieio prlcui anil it-collect that uvciy thins i * the best that Hwlft & C'o. bluiichu-r ; Plate Boll and Flank Boll . 4o She Ider Clod . 60 Shou.der Steak . Uo MIOJ Ider Roast . o ( Jo Corned Beet , plate an iflink . 4o Cornntl UloisauiRjjipj . . : . 60 Kl i Roast eef . f . 1O Hrloinst ak . IS'/ia RoundStealr , Slbfor 253 . lOo Forto.-hpuse tJteak . 12"o All Inn-JsBtowj , veil , mutton & beef. , tie VoalKo st . lOo Veal Steak . 124o VualC.lops . 10 Mutton Chops . \S'-tO \ Mutton .Less. . lou Now Comes the High Pork. Perk Chops . , 15o . P r * Butts for roast . o California Hams . 12' o i- pare Ribs . lOo Pork Tender'.oln . . . . , . 20o BiltPork . . , . . . i2Ho Fork Sausage . , . . . 12io $ GEO. H , MESGHENDOHF , Wholesale nnd Retail JVZJS-AT 333 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs.