8 THE OMAHA DAILY J1EB : SUNDAY , FEBRUARY 19 , 1893-SIXTEEN PAGES. W , R , BENNETT COMPANY Great Clock Snlo .Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday , OR AS LONG AS THEY LAST , I For Uio rurpono of Hotter Introducing Our AV'ntrli mill Jewelry Itfijmlr mjd Our Jewelry nnil Cutlery Iepirl- : incnU 1'rlccM Anny Down. We will sell clocks at great bargain prloen. I Every clock warranted to keep good | time. time.Vo have a thoroughly skilled work man In thlH department who makes it hit ) business and takes pleasure In Bcclng that everything that goes out of this stock Is in perfect order and that it will give entire t-atisfaction. Call everyone and e.xnniino our clocks and' prices whether prepared to buy or not. Examine the kinds of repair work wo arc doing and the prices wo charge. Bring along your jewelry and watches and ask us how much wo will charge to iix thurn. You will bo astonished at out- prices. DENNETT'S HUTTER & EGG DEPT. Is booming as usual. Our prices to meet the declining butter market is ap preciated by all. Choicest country but ter selling at I lie , liic , 17clc. ! ) Our carfully candled eggs 2lc. This department is our pride. It is , and always has been under the direct management of the Bennetts. Nothing is allowed to bo bought or sold without consulting them , that is why wo have built up such an enormous trade. Our facilities for securing the best products of Nebraska and Iowa are unexcelled. Our daily sales are moro than the combined sales of all other re tail stores in the city , consequently our stock is always fresh , we never carry over any butter. What the "small fry ' can't sell today they must carry over till tomorrow or next day or possibly next .week : it must be "worked oil" ' on someone or they will lose money. Buy your butter where you know you will get what you want. IN BEN'NKTT'S ' FURN1TUDE DE PARTMENT. Wo have a few moro bargains In book cases , tables and chairs , also a now line of It-piece chamber suits , in styles and prices that we boldly assort nro better and cheaper than any other dealer dare sell at. in blankets and comforts we arc mak ing CLEARING OUT PRICES. It will pay anyone wanting articles in this line to examine our goods and prices before purchasing. IN BENNETT'S TEA. COFFEE AND SPICK DEPARTMENT Wo arc offering a now line of present ? . Don't fail to examinethem. . You will iind it for your interest to buy your teas , coffees , spices and baking powder of us. BENNETT'S DRUG DEPARTMENT. Wo are THE ONLY CUT PRICE DRUG STORE In the city. Wo still continue to lead in prices and qualities of our goods. OUR OWN preparations are being bought in preference to those greatly advertised patents. People are quick to appreciate our position in the matter. Wo DO NOT spend millions each year In advertising , consequently wo can afford to toll at low prices and giro the consumer the beneJit .and soil them better goods. Our list is long and meat complete. Bennett's Household Amoniu , 25c size , our price So. Bennett's Sarsaparilla , $1.00 si/.o , cut- price Goc. Bennett's Royal Prescription , SI. 00 size , our price ( Joe. Bennett's Kidney and Liver Remedy , $1.00 size , our price Goo. Bennett's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion , $1.00 si/.o , our price 0. > c. Bennett's Liver Regulator , $1.00 size , our price Coo. - Bennett's Fig Laxative ( largo ) , $1.00 size , our price ( ioc. Bennett's Fig Laxative ( small ) , oOc size , qur price .Tic. Bennett's Universal Linamont ( largo ) , GOc size , our price Me. Bennett Universal Linaracnt , 2oc size , our price , I20e. Bennett Royal Dyspepsia Cure , 50o size , our price , Me. Bennett Rheumatic Remedy , $1.00 size , our price , CMC. Bennett Blackberry Cordial , 25c size , our price , 20c. Bennett Worm Lozengors , 2oo size , our price , 20c. Bennett Beef , Iron and Wine , Sl.OO size , our price , GOc. Bennett I a Grippe Specific , Sl.OO size , our price , OOc. Bennett Anti-Chap , 25o size , out- price , 20c. . Bennett Rat Poison , lee size , out- price , lOc. Bennett Bay Rum , 50e size , our price , . " ) c. c.Doji't fall to visit our second floor and examine our line of Trunks , Gurnet Bags unil Valises , Baby and Doll Buggies. All sold at low prices. In our notion department wo will make very low prices , and at this time wo wilt Hell our 2oc towels at 20c. It is a great bargain at .Tic. And to make it more interesting dur ing this period wo will continue to sell elegant ' 'all sound oranges" at a penny apiece ; only 1 cent each. STORAGE. STORAGE. STORAGE. We are still receiving clean , select storage at reasonable prices. Remember wo are licensed warehouse men author ized by the state to handle storage. See to it that your warehouse man has the proper license and bond , thereby guar anteeing you absolute protection. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. We shall continue to sell crockery at former advertised prices. W. R. BENNETT CO. Stock and fixtures of a first-class dress making establishment for sale. M. Me- Gruth , 313 Ramgo block. W. T. Souinun , wagons and carriages. Samuel Burns goes east next week and would bo glad to attend to any commis sions for his customers in the way of matchings or special purchases in the line of china or glass. Peacock is the best soft coal. Sold only by Jones , opposite postolllco. IJfo Underwrite 1 llaiiqurt. The Nebraska Llfo Underwriters associa tion held a special meeting at the Murray hotel yesterday afternoon and completed ar rangements for the banquet to bo given next Tuesday evening. Already 112 plates have been engaged and the banquetpromlses to bo au elaborate and successful affair. Thus far nlnety-ono agents and thulr guests have signified their Inten tion of participating in the festivities. MOCANDLISII , Mrs. Francis , wife of W. N. tlcCnndllsh , ut her homo , U21 South Twenty- olghth street , In the 46th year of her aao. rEACOCK-John , URcd CO years , on Saturday oveiiluc , I obruary IB , JB9J. ut 8 o'clock. Funeral Monday afternoon at his lute resi dence , 837 b'outh Twenty-Unit street. He- jnulns will ho taken to Chicago ( or Interment. Chicago papers please copy. BOSTON STORE SILK SALE Tomorrow the Grandest Bale of Now Silks Ever Hold in Omaha. 51,00 SCOTCH PLAID SILKS 29C Over 2,000 1'lcccn Now AVnxli Bilk * , FlRiircd China Silks , Hlmnglml Silk * , Silk Itlmil- nmeit mill ( iron Onilii Silks nt Onc-roiirtli Vntiir. An elegant line nt new Scotch plaltl surah Bilks 29c a yard , sold all over the city at 31.00. Ladles' rubbers lOo tomorrow. 200 pieces imported wash Bilks in fancy stripes and plaids 3Uo a yard. Shoo sale tomorrow. A superb line of floured china silks in dark , light and medium grounds , fJOc u yard. Shoo sale tomorrow. . ' 10-inch wldo polka dot china silks in blue und black grounds at ( We , worth $1.25. $2.00 BLACK DRESS SILKS 70c. Extraordinary bargains of the highest grade blacl gros grain dress silk In dress lengths , worth fully $2.00 , go at 71)o ) a yard. Elegant line of imported rhadamas , all new spring shades , guaranteed strictly all silk 85e , worth $1.25. Ladles' $5.00 shoes $2.50 tomorrow. The finest grade of very wide all silk French failles In new grays , modes , gros blue , lizard , russo , hussard , gobelins , now greens , blacks , etc. , at 03c , worth $1.50. 10-inch changeable gloria silk , strictly silk and wool , frco from cotton , only 5 Yards required for a full dress pattern , DSc a vard , worth $2.00. VELVETEENS AND SILK VEL VETS. A grand line of wide vclvottccns in black and all now shades at 2e ! ) , worth 50c. 50c.Ladies' Ladies' Oxford ties 59c. lf > 0 pieces all silk velvets at 30c , worth 91.00 , in all shades. The linest grades of pure silk velvet n all shades , none bettor imported , go ut HSo a yard. Ladies' $1.00 slippers. fiOc. BOSTON STORE , N. W. Corner 10th and Douglas. , Itctiill Clgir.Iealers. I It will bo to the Interest of retail cigar ilealers to correspond with Julius Pop- icrberg 11 they want a reliable and rust worthy 5o cigars. "Buds $ . ' ! 5.00 per 1,000 , Santa Rosa $33.00 per 1,000 , ex press prepaid upon orders of 500 cigars. To convince dealers that the "Buds" und Santa Rosa brands are unquestion ably the finest fie cigars in the west , upon receipt of $1.75 or $1.051 will sendcxprcss ( prepaid ) a box of 50 cigars of cither of the above brands. Union labor. Refer by permission to the OMAHA BEE. Ad dress orders to Julius Popporbcrg , manu facturer , Plattsmouth , Neb. To Ilo.uston , Tex. , and return , $25. Thursday , February 23 , 181)3. ) I will leave Omaha for Houston , Tex. Tickets good until * < Tuna 1 , with stopover privileges each way , , fifteen days. For particulars address S. M. Crosby , 5-18 Board of Trade. Applicants > should address mo previous to'tho day of starting. WHlulrftiv.il of lloirnrd. Having no further financial interest in the arrest of O. F. Coon on this day withdraw our offer of $100 reward and leave his arrest with the staj.o. THE E. M. IIOLSE Co. , Omaha. Closing out entire stock of musical in struments tit f > 0c on the dollar. Simon Bunk , 114 South 10th street. Thu Hurlliictou'H 4:45 : p. in. Train for Chicago Arrives in that city at 8:25 : a. in. ; carries magnificent sleeping , reclining chair and dining cars , and is the finest and most comfortable train between Omalm and the World's fair city. The Burlington's daily service to Den ver , Kansas City and , St. Louis is equally Mitisfaetory. Ticket ofllco 1223 Farnam St. Sec Dentist Koira , 40 & 41 Barker blk o Notleo to ( irnillnj ; Contractors. Estimates wanted on the removal of about 10,000 cubic yards of earth. Ap ply to J. C. Brcnnan , on South 13th St. , near city limits. The service offered by the Burling ton's 4:50 : p. m. train for Denver is a per fect combination of fast time , magnilU cent equipment and smooth track. The next time you go west take the "four-fifty , " it'll land you in Denver at 7 a. m. sharp , on time. Ticket olllco , 1223 Farnam st. o Sheet music Cc per copy. Simon Bank , 114 S. Kith st. Golden Eagle store. Wanted A traveling drug salesman with established trade in Nebraska. None other's need apply. Address B 7 , Omaha BEE. _ Good square piano for ealo or rent cheap. S. Bank , 114 South 10th street. I'onles Wanted. 50 saddle ponies , sound and fat. In quire Tuesday at Pccack < fc Proctors , Twenty-fourth and Clark streets. $5,000 SIIOi ; STOCK 11 For Siilu 111 11 Lump I The stock of boots nnd shoos of the George S. Miller store , 1311 North 24th street , is for sulo in a lump. It is a good general stock. Bids for the sumo will bo received up to Monday evening , Feb ruary 20. 1893 , at ( J o'clock , by agent In possession of store. Stock open for in spection from 2 p. in. to 5 p in. of each day. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK , Mortgagee. A flenrral Heal Kututo lln liio s , Will negotiate sales of Omaha prop erty nnd farm lands In Nebraska and Iowa ; make first mortgage loans for short or long time and building loans when requested ; collect rents and take general charge of non-residents' prop erty. Money on hand. W. HA Green , Room 217 , Ivarbach block. > Special fund $50,000.00 to loan at once on Omalm property. Lowest rates. Fi delity Trust company , 1702 Farnam St o Sheet music tic per copy. Simon Bank , 1US. 10th st. Golden Eagle store. Frescoing and Interior decorating d'o- Blgnsand estimates furnished. Henry Lehiuanii , 1503 Douglas street. SPECIAL LOW KATK 12xciiriloii To Citronollo , only thirty miles north of Mobile , Ala. , on Tuesday , February 21 ; 1500,000 acres of the best fruit and farming lands along the line of the Mo bile & Ohio railroad at from $1.50 to $5 per acre. If you desire to make a trip south for business or pleasure join this excursion. For further informa tion and u folder giving a description of the cllinuto and lauds , call on or write J. R. RJCE , Room 201 Merriam Block , Council Bluffs , la. BOSTON STORE NOW HAS IT * " " " * The Grandest and Most Varied Dress Goods Block in the Oity , 3,000 , PIECES DRESS GOODS JUST OPENED Wo WlKli Wn tlnil the drnln * to Tnlk ns Strongly an this MnRiilflccnt Stock of Ore * * ( loodn Wiirrunti To Tell Truth It's the most comprehensive the most refined , the most exclusive of all , and still this don't begin to describe it. Wo nsk for a personal inspection. 1,000 pieces of dross goods In plain color oftects have just been opened dur ing the past few days , outside of our dis tinguished novelties. These alone are worthy of much looking into. Wo select two very strong offerings for Monday. 100 pieces of 48-lnoh benirallncs in the newest shades and designs , regular $1.75 quality , go at OSe a yard. 50 pieces of 45 inch now whipcords , in every imaginable color go at 7oo a yard. FRKNCH CIIALLIES SOc. The greatest stock ever displayed In Omaha. Artistic and industrial tri umph of styles which will be unobtain able later on. Wo recommend your selection to bo made now. Great sale of shoes tomorrow. DOLLAR DRESS GOODS 25C. That's the essence of the bargain square for Monday. "You'll see dress goods hero that will make you marvel. You know what to expect from that square. It has never disappointed you and never will. Great shoo sale tomorrow. 200 pieces of line mohair , Panama cheviots , glaces , serges , changeable brocades , bedford cords , plain cash meres and numerous other spring fab rics , worth up to $1.00 n yard , tomorrow ( just as you enter the door ) 25o a yard. Great shoo sale tomorrow. BOSTON STORE. N. W. Cor. Kith and Douglas. Wliilt the Spcehil Correspondent Sllcl. : "As the flyer flew eastward at the rate of fifty miles an hour , Mr. Neuman talked freely of his visit to this country , and of affairs in the islands now attract ing so much attention. Had it not been for an occasional whistle from the engine to warn people away from road crossings , one might have forgotten that the inter view was being held in a train , so smooth was the road bed and so imperceptible the motion of the cars. As Mr. Noitman talked , the reporters wrote in their note books , a difficult feat on an ordinary railroad train , but it was like sitting at n table in this instance. " This extract is taken from the 10th February issue of the Omaha World- Herald and refers to an interview be tween that paper's representative and Mr. Nouman Liliuokalani's , Queen en voy , enrouto to Washington , D. C. , to consult with Harrison - President regal-d ins' the Hawaiian situation. The interview took place on the Bur lington Route's famous "Chicago Spe cial. " The smooth roadbed and imperceptible motion are characteristic of the entire Burlington ] system , a fact that intending travelers j to Chicago , Kansas City , St. Louis and Denver should keep well in mind. Ticket office , 1223 Farnam st. Good square piano for sale or rent cheap. S.-Bank , 114 South ICth street. To Whom it May Concern : Notice is hereby given that A. S. Collins is no lon ger In the employ of the Mutual Life In surance company of Now York , nor has ho been since February 7 , 18U3. W. F. ALLEN , General Agent. Dunhlp Hats. Frederick & Co. , leading hatters , will issuer the spring styles of the great Dun- lap hats on "Opening day , " Thursday , Feb. 23 , same day as the 400 other agents of Dunlap's in the United States. Ele gant style this spring. Itimlnpss llrlngf ) Ilcnellts. The Overland Flyer on the Union Pacific railway hereafter stops at the now watcrpowor city of Gothenburg , Neb , The waterpower plant at this place has been completed only about a month , but there has boon a rush -of people go ing there for several months" This increased passenger business has forced the Union Pacific railroad to stop its train of magnificent Hying palaces at Gothenburg. While a baby in ago and only n child in size , this Fall River of the plains en joys passenger transportation facilities not excelled by any city of four times its size and a hundred times its ago in New England. Electric lights , electric heat , cheapest power , joyous climate , wealth- giving soil and magnificent sunshine conspire to make the residents of Goth enburg happy , healthful and prosperous. LOW H.VTI : To Houston , Tex. , iind Ituturn 825.00. My tenth special excursion to Hous ton , Tex. , will leave Omaha Monday , February 20 , 1893. Tickets good to re turn until Juno 1. Transit limit 15 days in each direction and good to stop over at pleasure For all particulars , address R. C. Pat terson , 425 Ramgo Building , Omaha. Glycorolo of roses for chapped hands , faces , etc. Guaranteed by Kuhn & Co The President Coming to Omnlm , Wo received n telegram from St. Louis , Mo. , that Prof. Hirschborg , presi dent of theHit-schberg Ophtahlraio In stitute and of the II. Hirschberg Optical company of Now York and St. Louis , has consented to vislt'Omaha. ' The professor will bo at his agent's , Max Meyer , Bro. & Co. , Monday , February 20 , and will re main one week only. Those suffering from any defective vision or disease of the eye should not lot this rare opportu nity pa'ss , but consult the renowned eye export. Goo. J. Paul , 1005 Farnam street , wants an application for a largo loan on busi ness proper ty nt 5 to 0 per cent interest. Sheet music Co per copy. Simon Bank , 114 S. 10th st. Golden Eagle store. r E.sioiNT-KLiiCT CLIVILANIJ. Iimugurnl Arrangement * via. II , & O , For the second time since the civil war n democratic president is to bo inaugur ated at Washington : The Baltimore & Ohio offers an unexcelled son-Ice , through limited buffet vcstibulcd trains with Pullman sleeping curs from St. Louis and Chicago to Washington. ' Excursion tickets will bo sold to Wash ington and Baltimore at one first-class limited faro for the round trip February 28th to March 3d , inclusive , good return ing1 until March 8th , from all points west of Parkorsburg. For maps and time tables , rates of faro , and guide to Washington , call upon any agent of the company , or address O. P. McCAKTY , G. P. A. , Cincinnati , Ohio , or L. S. ALLEN , G. P. A. , Chicago , 111. A IMINTIHT-S INVENTION. I ' lly It Your Tooth * - < MI llo I'llieil Without the MllRlitoitlinrtlclaor 1'nln. There was nni interesting discussion on ilental surgery .jrnttcrday afternoon , and those discussingtho questions seemed to know all about It from personal cxiKricnco. One lady remarked to a r.clphbor that Mia had been suffering the worst torture for about six hours la having a couple of tooth filled. Her features still indicated Intense suffering as sheisald : I verily bcltovo I would rather hare-every one of my teeth ox- tractcd than endure that torture again. It makes mo stuulilcr to think of It. Kcally , It ivns worse than torturo. "You must have been unfortunate In the selection of n dentist , " snld the other lady. "Hut then , pcrhnps. they haven't nil the same appliances and methods of doing the work. I huvo hud live very sensitive tooth llllcd today , and yet I have not suffered a particle of pain from the operation. I was fortunate enough to go to a dentist who hits n now dis covery , by the use of which all sense of twin Is absolutely destroyed. It Is a simple pro cess , and all p.iln ceases In a few seconds. Of course there Is a possibility of being hurt a little by the drill with which the cavity Is being cleaned out , but ho had an Invention applied to his dentnl cngtno which gives the patient complete control of that machine. „ "While ho Is nt work with the drill you simply hold In your baud n cord attached to the now device and the Instant you begin to feel pain you pull the string and the drill stops at once. I tell .you It Is nice to huvo such work done and bo able to stop all prog ress the Instant you feel pain and then huvo the pain removed almost ns quickly. 1 would as soon have my teeth filled by this process us to go out shopping. Yes , of course I will tell you where I had the work dono. It was at Dr. Wcrtz's dental rooms , 1007 Douglas street , and I shall tell all of my friends ol his now discoveries. I am confident that wnon people coino to know that they can have teeth filled without a touch of pain thcro are thousands who will save their teeth by having them promptly filled in stead of letting them decay and lose them entirely. " ' TRANSGRESSORS. Little Horn * ricked Up In 1'ollce Circles Ahoitt VarlollH ( ) ITi'll e . Robert Glider of 2-103 Indiana street swore out a warrant yesterday for the arrest of "Blondio" Clark , a constable. The latter went to the Gilder homo to replevin a piano , on which a small payment was duo. Mrs. Glider explained that the instrument be longed to her sister , but the coustablo used offensive language and broke some of the breakfast dish&s for emphasis. N. Dulstrom , a Sauuders county farmer , attempted to pass a counterfeit dollar In a saloon yesterday afternoon and was ar rested. The case against Edward Forest , charged with disposing of mortgaged property , was dismissed in the police court yesterday after noon because the complainant failed to prose cute. cute.While While J. A. Dawson , a butcher at 1H13 North Twenty-fourth street , was out in his back yard yesterday showing chickens to a stranger a confederate of the latter rilled the till of $10. George Adams , Fred Little and .Too IJradcn , confidence men , were sentenced yesterday to the cqunty Jail for-twenty , twenty-live and thirty days respectively , the first and the last live on bread and water. Ills Pultli Wulll'outnloil. DISSEIJ , , O. , Nov. J.MJ , 180-J. I desire to say that 1 have great faith in Chamberlain's Cough Kcmeily fortho euro of throat and lung troubles ; alsoTor croup. E. W. McCol- lum. There is good reason why Mr. McCol- lum should have confidence in this remedy. It will euro a soverc cold In less time than . any other treatment. There Is nothing that ' will loosen and relieve a cold so quickly. It will not only euro croup , but If used as soon as the llrst symptoms appear it will prevent the attack. MK'ent bottles tor sale by all druggists. BALKY ( CORPORATION. , Mayor Iloinls Quickly Humbled an iiectrlc { LlRlit Company. The clty.authoritles imd. . the management of the Thoms6n-Houstom Electric Light coin- pony came near clashing yesterday , and . the former came out victorious. The old build ing formerly used by the Hanscom Park Methodist church congregation is being moved to the north end of town. When the movers reached Thirty-second and Cumlng streets their progress was hindered by the o\'crhead wires. It was necessary to have the wires cut and the companies owning them were requested to do so. AU but the elec tric light company agreed to do so. That concern demanded $ i as a recompense for the labor and the damage that would bo dono. The contractor objected and paid a visit to Mayor Bcmis , who called in consulta tion the city attorney. The conference re sulted in the mayor instructing Chief Galli- gan to cut the wires In cuso the company persisted In its refusal to do so. After a good deal of talk Mr. Wiloy finally consented to cut the wires and permit the building to bo taken across the street. A I'opnlar Kcmecly for Colds. Mr. J. D. Copcland of Meycrsdale , Penn. , who has leen ) engaged lu the drug business in Kansas , Now Jersey. , Florida , Now York and Pennsylvania for the past nineteen years , says : "Chamberlain'sCough Hemcdy is the best selling cough medicine I have ever handled. " People who use this remedy are so much pleased with it that they recom mend it to their friends and neighbors. There is nothing better for a bad cold. It relieves the lungs , preventing any tendency toward pneumonia. It is also a pleasant , and safe medicine for children. 50 cent bottles tles for sale by all druggists. School Art Kthlliltloil. The exhibit of art work by tno pupils of the Omaha schools was put in order yester day at room ! ! 10 In THE DUE building by Miss Evans , instructor in drawing , and a corps 01 assistants. The exhibition will bo open to the public tomorrow without charge. Nouriisku I'liotogrnphom. The Nebraska State Photographers asso ciation will meet at the hall , 1001 Farnam street , Monday and Tuesday. " S. Hcyn & Co. will entertain the visiting delegates at the hall on Monday evening. TUB IIHALTY MAKICKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record February 18 , 1H'J3 : wAiniANTY nr.cns. . I S Hell nnd husband f o I'ote.r I'otor- Mill , lot 20 , block 5 , West Hide 350 E A Itviihon , trnsUHs , to Joseph Sadle- innyor , lota 2 ami 3 , block lie , Hcti- 5.011 . COO Itencdlck Itulter and wlfo to O a Wnnmatv' / , of nK hit 3 , hloclc 0 , IinprovenientAssociiUloiuultl . 4,000 Harriet Wlleox and Imsliaiicl to A ( J Frost , nii lot 5 , block 8 , 1'hilnvlow. . 1,850 William Qnliin umlntifo to J U llenln- per. nwsw 8-10-1(1 . 1,400 OKAxfonlotRltoAVLltoss , lot 11 , A.xford's udd . 4,000 Marie Nestrojel nnd husband to Jos eph Dopltn , lotH , Olson's snl ) . 1.200 1'oter JlcUiiIVrey tofltary llnidy , lots 4 nnd 0 , block 7 , UtlKhton's add . 310 I ) Jotter nnd wlfo to Jacob llohllbcr , lots- nnd t ) , Kaufman A : Jotter's sub . 3.00Q Oscar Quick too < J Anderson , nn Irrec- uhir tract In so corner Quick's park. 600 \V U IjaniH nnd wltu to W J llnhn. un til v interest of s W no sw 32-16-13. . . . 1 811 Walker to WDVoiilim , lots 0 , 7 and 8 , block 10 , Waterloo . 4,200 Lottlu llrmvn nnd hushiind to E U llespoler , ti.\CO feet , commencing at point 70 foot cast of HW corner lot 1- , mock 4 , llnrbni-li'iTJil add . COO Albright It k IMo to T U McUugue , lot 10 , block 11 , Patrick's 2d udd . 2,077 Snino to Biime , 46x00 feet In BO corner I and OOv'JO feet In HW corner lot "D , " RHnscall'snddtoOknhoma . 2.5GC Sumo tobiimo , 00 fe''t olt n fcldo lot "D. " same . 2,723 Same tohume , lots 23 and 24 , block 32 ; lot 12 , block 33 ; lots l.'J anil a , block 34 ; lot 8 , block 35 ; lot 24 , block 3D ; lots 10 nnd 18 , block 88 , Albright' * Cholco ; lot 14 , block 10. Insubdlvof block 30 , Al- brlKht'HUhalco ; lot 13 , block 1 ; lota 3 , 4 and U. block 2 ; lots 10 , 16 , 10 , 22 and 21 , block 2 ; lots 12 and 14 , blocks ; lots 1,2 , 11 nml 21 , block f. llotipo's llonaaza subdlv ; lot 24 , block 2 , Matl hows' subdlv ; lot 20 , block U , Ilukerl'laco . 7,778 QUIT CI.AIM DEEDS , 0 W Cokcr und wlfo to Wultor llrcon , lots 24 , 25 and 20 , block 0 , Jerome ' ' ' ' J VlVkioanYl'w'lfb'o vsCnowYton' Iot30 , Harlem Lauo . _ 1 Total amount of transfers . t 80,764 CO-OPERATIVE HOME BUILDING Introduction of a Bill to Repeal the Old Homestead Association Law , IMPORTANT RESTRICTION ATTACKED I.olib/lntn of I'orrlen Concern Cnmplne on the Trail of the Iliinklnt ; llonrd I.ocnl ' nnd ( Jrnerul Keports Co.Opera tive IMiicntlon In I'rnnce. A bill has been Introduced In both senate nnd house providing for the repeal of sec tions 'Oy , ! ! 00 , SiOl and : ) -Consolidated . Statutes of Nebraska. " These sections com prlso the entire homestead association law enacted In 1871 ! , under which loan and build ing associations wcro given a legal foolhoU ) In the state. The law provides how such associations shall bo organized and dotlnes their purpose to bo that "of raising moneys to bo loaned among the members of such . corjKJt-.itlon , for use lu buying lots or houses , or in building or repairing or removing in- cumbranccs from houses. " Authority was given "to levy , assess and collect from Its members such sums of money , by rates of ' stated dues , lines , interest on loans ad vanced nnd premiums bid by members for the right of precedence in taking loans , ns the corporation by its by-laws shall adopt. " The right to acquire , and hold real estate pledged ns security for loans is granted , and also exemption from the operation of the usury law ! Another important provision , and the real point of attack of the authors of the repeal billreads ( section 35' ) ) ; "And provided , nls'o , that no person shall hold more than ten shares in any such asso ciation In his own right , each share not to exceed > 00. . " Supplemental I.nw. The law of 1801 Is supplemental to that of 1873. It moro closely defines the principles under which building anil loan associations shall operate ; broadened the scope of the old law without affecting Its validity , and con ferred on tbo state banking board complete supervisory power over local associations and these organized In other states seeking business in Nebraska. The later law docs not apply wholly to associations incorpor ated under the original act. The matter of accepting tbo law of 181)1 ) in its entirety Is optional , but associations nre obliged to comply with the provisions in regard to annual reports and examinations. An examination of both nets will .show that they do not conflict , ns was stated in tbo senate when the repeal bill was Introduced , As a matter of fact , the framcrs of the act of Ib'Jl were particularly careful not to dls- turb tbo old law or repeal it by inference. The main object of tbo repeal bill is to strike out the wlso limitation placed on tbo number of shares nn Individual can hold In Ills name. The llrst object of n ouilding-Ioan association Is to furnish its members with a means of saving money nnd of purchasing a I homo and paving for it in small monthly | or weekly installments. It Is a homo builder nnd savings bank for wage earners , for people of moderatemeans. . Under the present restriction a member may borrow $4,000 or $8,000 Jointly with his wife if his security is acceptable. Very few pa trons of these societies are so circumstanced us to require even a ? 4,000 homo. The avert ago amount borrowed is about 51,000. There is therefore no real necessity for wiping out nn important limitation to the holdt ings of members of associations or ganized for the benefit of the many. Under the existing law the power of any member in the management is lim ited to lib holdings. It is practically im possible for cliques to perpetuate themselves in control if the stockholders exercise their i rights. If the limitation is repealed the ' check on speculative interests is removed. ' Auy association may then bo manipulated by the ) secretary or active manager , and instead of being an association la which nil members have 1 u common interest , it becomes a close 1t corporation for the benefit of these on the ground lloor. Opposeil to Hopcnl. Thcro are at present some seventy asso ciations in Nebraska. The annual reports of all but two received by the state banking board show assets aggregating ? 2,840OUO. The sutn represents a business in its infancy , fostered mainly by tno old Inw. None of the established associations have asked for a repeal of tbo old law or any change In the existing law. The demand for a change comes from parties who are organizing a national association in Omaha , and being nnablo to make their plan of operation lit the law , they seek to make tbo law fit their plan. The interests of asso ciations having nearly $3,000,000 employed in homo building in Nebraska are of greater Importance to tbo state at large than the wishes of the managers of an cmbryotlc association. Iind nn Imported Lobby. "Foreign associations are a nuisance. They make life a burden for us. If I had my way I would wipe them out of existence. I regard them as the most successful schemes yet devised to rob a man of his money without arousing his indignation. " It was a state ofllcer who thus relieved himself , in reply to a question. SInce tno state banking board rejected the applica tions of foreign associations for cortillcates to do business in Nebraska , agents and drummers have haunted thccapitol , uttering lamentations nnd bewailing tbo sad condi tion of citizens who arc thus denied tbo privilege of being plucked. Ben Butler once remarked , to illustrate his contempt for peti tions , that men will sign petitions to hang an innocent man. The petitions filed by agents of rejected associations prove that Bon's head was pretty level. Prominent men have signed requests which have but ono moaning that tno banking board ignore the law and authorize fraudulent concerns to do business in the stato. It is not probable tbo board will reconsider its action , and the lobby is wasting its time and energies. Evidently Nebraska was a rich Hold to operate in. Hail it been u poor ono , n Now York state concern could not afford to send a delegation to plead for reinstatement. Co-Oncriitlon In Franco. The attention which is given to the cause of co-operation in Franco may bo Inferred from the recent establishment in Paris of an institution that may bo briefly designated as a "museum and library of co-operation. " This institution is under the immediate charge of a "musoum and library society , " to which , at the Instance of the Society for the Study of Proflt Sharing , the government has turned over the exhibits in certain sec tions of the Paris exposition of 1889. Among the trustees of the Museum and Library society arc such men as Leon Say , Waldcck- Itosseau und Charles Hobcrt. The formal opening of the museum and library took place last March , in the presence of repre sentatives of the ministry , the parliament and the Society for the Study of iProflt Sharing. Itooms in a public building have been assigned to the museum and library society , and that society lias addressed cir culars to cooperative associations und so cieties and to linns sharing profits with ein- Cloves , asking for copies of constitutions , y-laws , rules and regulations ana annual reports. These the society promises to in corporate Into its library and. to make ac cessible to the public by means of proper cataloguing and indexing. The topics embraced in the exhibits cover a wldo range. Section 2 comprises studies on the wage question , Including salaries , wages , rents , scales of wages , division of profits , etc. Section ! 1 covers the history of institutions touching the Interest of the wage-earners , such us (1) ( ) apprenticeship and trade schools , (2) ( ) free employment agencies , (8) ( ) mutual Insurance against acci dents and measures for their provcntioif , life insurance , (4) ( ) mutual aid societies , in cluding societies for support and protection in old ngo , ( C ) co-opcrativo stores , (0) ( ) cheap dwellings. (7) ( ) people's banks and agricul tural credit unions , (8) ( ) arbitration between employer nnd employed , (0) ( ) special reward for long and faithful service , (10) ( ) social hygiene. (11) ( ) the weekly day of rest. lias a Lesson for America. The society appeals to all to supiwrt it in its efforts in behalf of "Social Hcconcllla , tlon" ana the amelioration of the relations subsisting between employer and employed , and requests trades unions and students of these questions to send papers and reports on these subjects , promising to arrange all contributions systematically and to make the library a center for too study o ( toe question * Involved. The friends of the building association In this country may Icnrn a lesson from the wldo rnngo of topics Included In this list , and whlto giving careful attention and thought to the perfecting of the building nssoclntlon and to defending It against the cnroachmcnts of these who would "steal the livery of heaven to servo the devil In , " they should plvo still moro careful thought to the principles of co-opern- tlon nnd the ixxvslbilltlcs fir their extension beyond the comparatively narrow limits of the building association. U Is also to bp hoped that the co-opcrntlvo exhibits nt the-'Columbian exposition may ho preserved to this country In some form simi lar to that adopted In Franco , to the end that they may become n nucleus about which the constantly growing literature of that branch of economic sclonco may be gathered. A library of this charm-tor , If easy of access to the people , would tend to perpet uates ami Intensify the interest now taken , not only by students nml men of affairs , but by the great army of wugo earners , lu the cause of co-operntlon.i I'r.iKperons Institution. The Albion association makes n crcdltablo showing in itn annual statement. Thcro nro two series , A and U. In the llrst there uro ! i" > 0 shares in force , on which seventy monthly payments have been made , and each share Is worth flW. In series A the ns- celpts to the close of thoycar wcro$21,703.110 ; 1II loans 1 , JA'MOO. In scries H the receipts amount to $17,710.07 , of which SIT.-'OO was loaned. 1 There are HI I shares In this scries , valued at $72.30 each , on which fifty-six pay ments have boon nmdo. The Albion illus trates the economical features of building- loan societies. A fraction over $ -12.000 was handled at an expense of $700 , which was moro than met by receipts from lines and transfer fees. The association has been ex ceedingly fortunate wltli Us loans. Should lie Lookoil Into. The Central National of Omaha Is In trouble. Karly last year , after the state banking l > oard denied Its application for a certificate , the association filed a request for a few months time to wind up Its affairs or re organize. Late last fall an agent canvassed the western section of the state. A largo number of subscribers were secured in Alli ance. A number of payment a wcro uiado by each subscriber , some of the money being paid the agent and some forwarded to Omalm. Whether or not the money reached its destination is not known. At last ac counts the subscribers h-itl nothing to show for It. Kepoatcd requests for certificates having failed , some of the subscribers ap pealed to the banking board. An investiga tion was ordered. The Central was recently merged Into the Great Western , nnd it is probable the trouble arose from the change. IliillilliiK-Loin Notes. The semi-annual statement of the Livings- ston of Plattsmouth to the close of business January IU shows the total business to bo ? T4,0'JO. Loans outstanding amount to $ lUI5 ; shares in force , 712 ; salaries and miscellane ous expenses , $1,229.83. The association has been 1 in existence four years , anil its profits averaged 20 per cent a year. President , D. 13. ] Smith ; secretary , Henry li. Goring. The officers of the Omaha for the ensuing year 3 are : George W. Lootnis. president ; 1CI- 11101" E. liryson , vice president ; G. At. Nut- tinner t , secretary ; Lewis S. Koc.l , treasurer. The Eastern of Syracuse , N. Y. , one of the excluded foreign associations , informed the Central National of Omaha by mail that the State league had introduced a bill to amend the Nebraska law , and further that "Wo ( the Syracuse people ) , have arranged with Mr. I Blank of Lincoln to kill the bill. " As the State league lias not oven drafted a bill and is opposed to a change in the law at present | , the S.vraeusoans are needlessly ex travagant. The fellow who was "fixed" to do : the guillotine act will have ample time on his I hands to hook a few moro profitable gudgeons. yjitrs von THIS .I/MM- . List of Chnngci of Importance In the ItcKuliir Service Venterdny. AVASIIINOTON , D. C. . Fob. 18. [ Special Telegram to Tim BEK. ] The following army orders wore issued today : Lieutenant Colonel Charles C. Byrne , deputy surgeon general , Is detailed as a member of the board of officers appointed February 13 to meet ut Vancouver barracks , Wasli. , on the 1st day of March for'tho mental nnd physical examination of ap pointees to the United States military acad emy , vice First Lieutenant Thomas U. llay- mend , assistant surgeon , relieved. Captain Alexander II. M. Taylor. Nine teenth infantry , having been found incapaci tated for active service , \vlll proceed to his' homo and report thence to the adjutant general of the army. First Lieutenant Robert F. Ames , Eighth infantry , is detailed for duty pertaining to the World's Columbian exposition and will report in person to the commanding general , Department of the Missouri , for duty accord ingly. Leave of nbsenco for six months , to take effect upon being relieved from duty as engincercommissloncr. District of Columbia , is granted Captain William T. Hossoll , corps of engineers. The following officers of the corps of engi neers , members of the board of visitors to the engineer school of application , will pro ceed to Willetls Point , N. Y. , for the purpose of attending the semi-annual examination of the school and on the completion of that duty will rejoin their proper stations ; Colonel Cyrus B. Comstock , Colonel David C. Houston. ClillljInliiH mill Friiftl Illlrn. A few applications of Chamberlain's Pain Balm will relieve the itching nnd burning sensation caused by frost bites nnd chil blains , nnd its continued use soon effects a permanent euro. Pain Balm is also n sure euro for rheumatism. M-ccnt bottles for sale by all druggists. Lacking In Harmony. CHICAGO , 111. , Fob. 18. The indications are now that there will bo no meeting of the Wcstcrn'Passcngcr association to hoar the report of the committee having charge of the revision of the agreement until April. The postponement is duo to n misunder standing among the members of the com mittee , which makes it necessary for thorn to hold further meetings und may result in their returning u majority- und minority report. Knowing the lack of harmony on some of the points nt issue , many of the interested officials believe that the revised agreement will bo udoptcd some time in April. The Kunsas City , Fort Scott & Memphis road has announced u rate of $20.7" ] from Kansas City to Washington nnd return on account of the presidential inauguration. The Missouri Pacific has given notice of its intention of nicotine this outsidocompctitlon under the rules of the Western Passenger as sociation. The chairman has authorized other lines directly interested to take similar action in the sale of tickets from Kansas City und intermediate points on direct lines affected , which allows the numo rate to uo used from Ateliison , Lcavcmvorth , St. Jo seph , etc. At the request of the Chicago ft. North western , the chairman bus authorized that company to use the same rates to Washing ton and return from Watertovvn und IClktmi , S. D. , and from Cedar Kuplds , In. , ns have been put In olfcct by the Cedar Itapids & Northern. The annual report of the Chicago & Alton railway for the year ending December 31 , IbW , shows gross earnings amounting to $7- 730,1110 , un Increase , us compared with these of Iblll , of $ ii'J,72" : . The operating expenses were M,807,7US , an increase of fcll'J.OIS , und the net earnings wcro fiW3,812 , , a decrease of t20UU2U. An honest pill is the noblest work of the ap'otiiccary. Do w'itt's' Dttio'l-iiiriyliis'e'i-s ] ' " euro constipation , biliousness and ulck head- ache. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA ] Qua Hazlmrg Oowhidcd on the Street by ] Anna Hurt BECAUSE HE WOULD NOT MARRY HER ! _ _ _ _ - < Nc\v Uomorrntta Club CliniiRO In High ] School I'tlbllo i : ercl e llntrrtnln- incut by llollovun CoIlrRo Student * Minor. Noun In Item * . An irate female and and a rawhide lively times at Blum's hotel on Twenty-sixth : street , opK | > sltc police headquarters , yester day morning. Miss Anna Hurt , a domestic j at ono of the hotels , wis tryln r to got ovou with Gus Huzburg , a p.icklng house em ploye , for failing to marry her acconlinff to I promise. Hnzburg took his punishment I manfully , making no disturbance. Ho I probably took his choice between what h considered two evils. The llellcx ne < ! lcc Ulnlm. Ono of the plc.iRanto.it musical entertain ments over given In the iIty was that of jho Bcllovuo College Glee club Friday night at the Albright Methodist Episcopal church. The following excellent progr.ihi was rcn dcrcd In n faultless manner : Song Merry Men are Wo . Oleo club Sonit Sleep On . N. of O intiirtottO' ' Solo The Kxllo . II. Taylor Instrumental selection . Mandolin club Hong-Sail On , Sail On . N. of O. quartctta Solo A Hundred I'athonis Deep . , . , . 0.V. . Loworl Glou , Health to the. Kill re * t . Uloocltlb Intermission. ( llee The Engineers SDIIK . nice club Instrumental selection . Mandolin club bo"-l's In. Slurr of Summer Night . - ' fHnmiinlhn'ri Hollow Toi.th . . N. of O. quarto tt Instrumental selection . Mandolin club Kecltatlon Noah and the Ark. . . . . . Tlieotlote .Morning Nearly every member was eneon-d and the nudienco showed Its appreciation by vigorous applause. The glco club Is composed of the following young men : It. Taylor , Theo. Morning , O. T. Bull , F. C. Lyman , George Lund. Samuel Shields , C. W. Lowerio and George L. Wil liams. TJic University of Omaha quartette has for Its members Messrs. Morning , Lyman , Wil liams and Lund. The Mandolin club , George Lund , Samuel Shields and tihaunccy F. Bell. i\ereliies : ut tlin Ill li School. Hereafter the pupils of the High school will prepare a literary program every two > weeks Instead of every Friday afternoon , n formerly. The change is made to eirvblo the pupils to put moro time on their regular studies and devote less to special features. The next program as given below , will b rendered next Friday afternoon : Kocttntlon . Mltli Whltlocle lis-ay . Uosu 1'otta Dulmto . Anna Calkins und Mllln Savage , ulllrinutlvo ; Menno Durllngaml MoruSnyder , negatives. News Items . James Dcnlilnson Kssuy . In mes I'l vonltu Music . Chrlhito C'omlou Heading . Maude Thomas llloxrnphy . Mangle. Hlomnn , It" view . ( iruco Kowlatid Journey . Mubln Thomas Abstract . . . l.auru Whlttlesy HIV It at Ion . Illunclie. UIasj'o\r lie vlo\v . Oy pdiA lexander Kssay . Ned Sa VUKO Hecltatlon . MurKure.1 KrilbO .Miscellany . Kttnlto d Duet . Munllno Latter and 111 inchu Oliibgovr Voting DnmocriitH The younger members of the democratic party of the city met at Ilex hall Friday night and perfected the organization of a club to bo known as the Young Men's Demo cratic club. A.M. Gallagher was elected president ; A. Pollard , secretary ; P. Martin , firae F president ; James Firming , second vice pi- ward , J. Murphy. A constitution 'and bylaws - laws wore adopted. The club will hold regular - ular meetings on the first nnd third Tues days of each month at Hex hall. An Ideal Hop. The Ideal club gave ono of its most pleas ant dancing parties at Knlshts df Pythias , hall last Thursday evening. These present were : Messrs und Mcsdamcs Munshaw Stearns. Cornish : Misses Laur , Krlon , Hlchardson. Brown , Dlunchard , Elliott , Allen , Callahan' Norris , Graham. Honey , Woodard , Hiiu , Cornish ; Messrs. Naudain , Ifcmpcr , Jackson , Etter , Stormbcrg , Axtoll. Kelly , Phillips , Hall , Gosney , Norris. Grlf- Jlth , Gotschall , Hunt , Suplcs , Cockroll. An derson , Molten , Pcarcl. Hosa , Wilcox. Itcdiirlnc tlio.Mlcr.i-copIc Conn. Word has been received from headquar ters that about twenty , moro or less , of the nucroscopists will bo lot out for want of em ployment. Of course it causes a flutter of feminine hearts almost equal to the throes of u bad case of trichinosis. It o ) at Arcnn'iun. The members of Knoxvull council No. Hill will entertain their ladies ana a few friends at Knights of Pythias hall Tuesday evening , February 21. High five , music , ro- freshmcnts and possibly dancing will consti tute the order of the evening. City ( ioxlp. A son has been born to Mr. nml Mrs Archlo Miller , rcsldlug at Eighteenth nnd M streets. A'llttlo daughter of Henry Boal got a grain of corn in her windpipe yesterday. Drs. Slubaugh und Kelly performed an oper ation , removing the obstruction , and the , child is doing well. . Patrick Mortimer's little child is recover ing from diphtheria. Ono child died with the disease a few days ago. The family lives in n small liouso between the tracks ut the L street viaduct , The Epworth league of the Methodist Episcopal church will give a literary and musical entertainment at the Presbyterian church , corner Twenty-fifth und J streets , next Thursday evening. Mrs. J. P. Evers , who has been in Chicago for some time past , has boon very ill from anaimia , resulting from vaccination. Mr. Evers received u letter yesterday stating that she is hotter nnd out of danger South Oinnha was" recognized at the state encampment Just closed at Fremont by the selection of Mrs. J. W , Cress , past president und present secretary of the local Women's Koliof corps No. 1 lit , to represent that organ ization in the national convention to be held at Indianapolis next September. The Parks-Jackman shooting case , which has bsen postponed for weeks , pending the result of the injuries to the wounded man , was called In police court yesterday after noon und again continued , owing to the in ability of .lucicmun to appear. The prob abilities tire that no prosecution will bo made. ' The HIch school seniors wont through the Omaha Smelting works yesterday umlur the guidance of I'rof. Taylor , principal of the South Omaha -hools. . Guy Barton , man ager of the works , piloted the ptrty ot sojkcrs after knowlcdgo through the various iloparun nts , giving them every opportunity to comprehend the processes to which ores are sub.ojtcd In com so of reduction. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; iu Millions of Homes 40.Years tlie