* THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY ) FEBRUARY 10. 1893-S1XTEEN PAflES. Bennison Brothers GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Carpets and Curtains. Another big reduction. Don't wait. Now Is the tltno to buy your carpets and curtnlnn for spring. You will never again huyo such nn opportunity.Vo ftto golntr to cloiui out every ynrd of cni- pct and every : > ! > of curtains in a very short time , if cutting the prices In half will do It. You can just as won stivo fully : to to oO per cent by leaving your order with us. Come in , see the good * , get our prices , and wo know you will btiv. All short ends of carpet * at half cost. Do you need any aliudou ? lou can buy them now nt just about naif what you have nlwn.vi paid for thorn. Wo mean business. Wo are positively going out of business. Lace Curtain Stretchers Wo have In stock come of the genuine Gilroy's lace curtain stretchers that wore $ ! t.50 ; now to close thorn out , $2 set. French Percale 12C Yard. Our entire stock of imported French percales , oO inches wide , beautiful goods ; was 20c ; now they must uo , only 12c yard. Lace Bed Sets $2.OO All our finest quality Nottingham lace bed sets , was $5 , $0 and $7 , now $2 set. Mclntosh Coats All our Indies' finest Molntosh rain coats ; nowi.25 : cucb ; woro$7nnd$8. Collar and Cuff Boxes Each All our 2oc and 35c collar and cuff boxes now 5c each. Bennison Brothers. MARCH'S Ooinrnencing on the First with the Ryan- Duwson Mill. SPORTS OF FOREST , FIELD AND STREAM Meager lluse Hull NOWH The Ilykcr's p I.ucronio NotcH mill the Umuil IJuvHtlons Answered. O the second fistic carnival g i v o n u n- dcr the auspices of the Now O r 1 o a n s Olympic-club , I see will open up ono week from next Wednesday night with the welter- weigh t fl g h t b o- t ween Tommy Hyan of Chicago and George Dawson ol Australia , which will doubtless prove ono of the most interest' ing combats over witnessed in this famous arena. That another very largo attendance will be on hand to witness the sport Js now a foregone conclusion , as the interest manifest nil over the country in the Olympic's events as well as the now Crescent City club's great attraction , the $ -10,000 fight between Jim Hal and Hob Fitzshnmons is but precious UttU milder than that evinced over the original carnival lust fall. Much of this is un doubtedly duo to the excellent business cap.T city of the onicers of the two clubs. The fact that they know a little bettor how u work up thcso affairs than any other set ol men in the country will admit of no dispute , Then , aside from this , the united program : of the two clubs tire of such extraordinary merit that general and widespread attentlor has been commanded In spite of every othci influence. Boston , New York and Brooklyn , Phila dclphlu and Baltimore will again have train : specially chartered for the nccommodatioi of those cities who nro desirous of witness ing the sport , and while the attendance fron thcso towns may bo numerically wcaket than that which graced September's Jubilee it will bo fully up t6 the standard in the en thusiasm and prominence of the parties win make It ui ) . In the middle section , Pitts burg , Buffalo , Cleveland , Chicago , Oincin natl , Louisville uid St , Louis , will boiargelj represented , while in the west Omaha , Min lu-aitolls , St. Paul , Kansas City , Denver am "Frisco will oven send greater crowds thai ever. 1'ho advance sale of scats for tin Olympic's first night is oven nov prcator than that shown for the MoAulilfe Meyer fight this far in advance , and tha the club is bound to pull out with a nice bal unco is now a guaranteed fact. The Olympic's program opens WoJnesda' evening , March 1 , us noted above , will Tommy Hyan and George Dawson , for i JO.OIX ) purse , with the following sealo o prices : General admission , fli ; ros'jrvei seat , ? 5 : box , 7. March 3 McMillan am nines light at welterweights for $1.000 , aiv Ernest Hooher. the German Hercules , un Kvun I-owls , the Strangler. meet ut wrest ling , mixed styles , for . ' , r > 00 , for the chair pliumhlp of thu world ; general admission , 'J reservoa scat , f.1 ; box , (5. Friday evening Mnrch II , the Olympic's punching saturnuli reach the wind-up in the hcavywelglt battle botwcen Joe Goddiird , the hug rusher from the land of the mongoose an kangaroo , and Denver Ed Smith. They wi tmttlo for the princely sum of $10,000 and sUfo bet of f.yxXj ) general admission , $ o ; n ter-ed * ent , 17 j box , tl . That this Is nn attractive card nny 011 will freely acknowledge. In every detnil ; far outclasses iait September's card with II triumvirate- abuse n good word < Cuichc , Th MoAullffo-Mcyor fight wji Bennison Brothers ONLY 8 8DAYS DAYS MORE Lonsdale Muslin © 3/4C Yard. All you want. Don't pay others lOc. Cotton Batts Roll. 6,000 rolls cntlon baits ; all our ICe quality now nt.C'c t oil. Shaker Flannel Yard. (10 ( pieces ; all our lOo and 12Jc white shaker llannol now 4 price , Oc ynrd. Pillow Case Muslin 9C Yard. 42-inch bleached pillow case muslin , ! ) c yard. Colored Bunting ! C Yard. Our entire stock of colored bunting , all colors , was lOc , now to close them out quick , ! Jo yard. Cotton Flannels C ' 4' Yard. 50 pieces unbleached cotton flannel , 4c yard. Apron Check Gingham Yard. Our entire stock of apron chock ging hams , was 7c and 8c , now 5c ynrd. White Flannel C Yard 6 pieces all wool white flannel , was 30c and Me , now 21c yard. Did you over uy all wool white llannol before at 21c ard. * Bed Twilled Flannel 12c Yard. All our rod twilled Humid , also pink nixed and gray mixed flannel , was 20c und 23c , now 12jc yarJ. Bennison . Brothers. best of the former program , but it can not lie spoken of In the same day with the meet between Hyan and Dawson ; the Skclly-Dixon collision was a pudding stuffed with raisins , while the climax , Sullivan und Corbott , was akin to an oyster stew at a church fallTho Hoebcr-Lowis wrestling natch will bo worth a dozen such lights as Skelly and Dixon might put up , and I'll stake : ny reputation more fighting is seen in the lirst round of the Goddurd-Smlth battle than s seen in all the twenty-one rounds between Sully and Jim. Winners , why Hyan , Hines , Lewis and oddard , is the way I would slzo it up preju dicially , but between you and I and the gate post , that man Dawson is liable to treat Hynn most ungraciously , and as for McMil lan ami Hiues , I know nothing about either , excepting that Hyan punched McMillan out In a couple of rounds a year ago over near the Windy City. After this quartet of turns all eyes will be directed toward the now Crescent City club , who will restart the ball in motion the'ol. . lowing Tuesday night with n fight between those clover lightweights , Austin Gibbons and Mlko Daly. They will argue for the butt end of $3fiOO , and Danny's brother will bo there or thereabouts when the division Is made. Ho Is probably the only man , save Jem Carney , who over got the best , -\vithoul winning the fight , however , of Jack McAu HfYo in u bona lido contest. They do say thai that fight really belonged to Miko. But lei that go. Gibbons Is a likely scrapper him self , but the artistic way in which Jack Me Aullffo threshed him , or would hav ( threshed him had the fun been allowed t < proceed , I don't think ho will bo much mon than in It with the sturdy , stocky , stubborr Mr. Daly. Admission ? ! ) , $5 and * 7. Then comes on the next night , March 8- the great $4XX ( ) ( ) controversy between Jin Hall and Bob Fitzshnmons. This is surolj the attraction that must rank only second t < Sullivan and Corbctt , in the annals of tin sporting world. It is the largest pot o inonoy ever subscribed for any sort of i sporting event , und no two lighters won ever talked much more about than Hall am Fitzsinnnous. The question of the super ! ority of ono or the other is what the sporting universe wants to sco decided , and a vcrit able crush will bo on hand in the Crescent1 ! mammoth arena on the night of March 8 Hull has the best wishes of a largo preponderance pondoranco of the public , but Fitzshnmoii ! will bo the favorite. Still that will not wit for cither. That this Is"a light open to ani amount of guessing all intelligent connois seurs of lighting flesh , all sporting writer ; and all sporting authorities , agree. So : shall lot It go at that , \\ith thohopo that tin best man wins , and that ttio best man , whet the clouds roll by , will bo found In Jim Hall'i shoes , It will cost you Just a ten-dollai William to got in the door to see these tw < megatheriums clash. ? 5 more for a rosorvi scat , and ? lf 0 fora box for a half dozen o you , and it is cheap at that. BAY ST. Louis , Miss. , Fob , 14. To tin Sporting Editor of Tnr. UKE : I am stil training , not too hard , but Just enough , as am down to weight and have only to kce | well and strong. The weather Is very warn hererendering ; outdooroxcrciso Just the thlnj My system hero has been pretty much tin same as I went through at Omaha fo Wilki'.s , and I never foil butter or inoro con lldi'nt in my lifo. I rattier Hko Ilawson am hatn awfully to bo compelled to thresh him but I Just need $0,000 Just now badly. Th way 1 um being picked for a win has givet mo additional contldcnco , and I will pu forth every effort to Justify the faith of in many friends. I'll make u careful light and at the same time a sure ono. I uisl you were hero now , for I need a man wmi i head on his shoulders , but will wait pa ticntly , knowing you will como us quickly n possible. Just heard from "Spud. " H wrotn mo a newsy letter. 1 will not attempt to give you any lines o nny ot tha lighters here you remember put you on Corbctt , but you wouldn't hnv " TOMMY KYAN. 4luck C'hurniH lliu SniovUa. The readers of tlm 1-ooUinpt Glass wh have followed in it the movements of Juc Prlneo , the chntnp'-.n wheelman , who mail so many friends and created so much lute cst hero , will bo glad to hear the latest b of news concerning him , especially as it IB ( u very romantic character. Last \vcck I'rinco was billed for a scries < Bennison Brothers GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Corsets Still they are going. Dr. Warner's genuine C'brnllno corsets. Wo have them In all sizes , white and drab. Lay in a supply now ; you c.tn buy two for wViat you will have to p.iy later for ono ; 50c pair. Imported Corsets $1.SO.Pair. . Our entire stock of imported 0. P. , I. C. and P. D. Corsets , also all our finest s\tin : corpots , all at onn price , now $1.60 pair , wan $2.50 , $3 and $3.50. Ladies' Night Gowns 44c. 18 dozen Indies' Mohor Ilubbard ' { flit gowns , full sizes , 68 inches long , oed material , as long s they last 41o ach. Ladies' Chemise 18c 33 dozen ladles' chemise was 25e and 5c , now all at half price loc ouch. .adies' . Muslin Drawers 25c House Jerseys § Oc Our entire stock of Indies' black and olored jerseys , was $2 , $2.50 and S3 , now all at ono price , GOcuuch. Satteen Skirts 12 dozen ladies' black sattoon skirts , beautiful goods , was $1.50 tind $1.75 , now choice $1 each. Bennison Brothers. aces against horses at Ybor , City , a Ilourish- Jig little town excited by the cigar business n the outskirts of Tampa , Fla. Nearly the entire population are cither Cubans or naIve - Ivo Spaniards and the manners , customs and language of the place arc nil alike for eign. The Ybor City folks took a great in terest in the stalwart wheelman and the adies were particularly enthusiastic ever lim. The day before the race ho received a jtiagnitlccnt bouquet at his hotel and an invi tation In a quccrly spelled very Spanish looking note to take a carriage ride and visit the points of interest of the town. The note was signed "J. Gonzolas , " and never doubt ing but that J stood for Juan , Jules or maybe Jim , Mr. Prince replied that ho would bo happy to accept. At the appointed hour up drove a magnifi cent open barouche and In It was seated a dark eyed , raven tressed and altogether distracting Spanish fairy with a laeo mantilla ever her head and un armful of flowers in her lap. She sweetly explained to the dumb founded athlete that she was the Senorita Julio Gonzolas , who had had the honor of dropping him a line that morning. To make the situation more critical Mr. I'rinco was well aware that the caglo eye of Mrs. Prince , who is his constant traveling companion , was glued upon him from behind an upper window blind. Ho accordingly controlled his eager desire to' inspect the sights of Ybor City and told the lady that ho was very sorry but that ho had a prior engagement , mo mentarily overlooked. The beauty pouted and replied in a flood of Spanish , of which Prince understood not a syllable. Ho started to explain again and she responded in inoro Spanish. Mr. Prince had picked up Just ono word of the language and that was "si , " meaning ' -yes. " Ho thought It would have n soothing effect , so ho repeated it a number of times , and to his great relief the dark eyed Venus smiled radiantly and drove away. Next day after the r.ico he was horror- struck to sco her swoop down upon him. Ho tried to expostulate and she drew herself up proudly. "I usk you yesterday , " she said in tragic and broken English , "if you go today when zo race done and you say yes , yes. Don'you deny , sare ! You know you say him. " Mr. Prmco broke away with difficulty and went homo to dream of stilettos. All week long she haunted him. Ho was afraid to leave his room , for she had a habit of pop ping out of dark corners and unexpected places and alternately unbralding and be seeching him. Moreover , Mrs. I'rinco be came very curious to know the exact facts. Between the two the champion was in hot water. At last the engagement was over and Mr. Prlneo hurried to the depot with his wife and luggage. The first person ho laid his eyes on was his fair pursuer pacing the platform. By a stroke of pure good luck ho managed to slip into the smoking car unob served , and didn't breathe easy until there was at least 100 miles between him and the charmer. Savannah , Ga. , Looking Glass , To Nurcced lli ; u Hull. The Omaha Lacrosse club Is commencing to stir and the members are getting out theit sticks , wiping the blood oft thorn and fixing the gut , preparatory to beginning pr.ietico , All the members are anxious to got out anil commence work for the coming season , and the Indications are that this year lacrosse will In a measure take the place of base ball us an amusement for the public. The Omaha team will bo a very strong ono and largo membership Is expected. The strongest additions to the team will bo the colored player who was the backbone of the Kearneys last year and who is considered erod ono of the finest players in America , Then they will have a genuine full-blooded Indian professional , said to bo the best al around player in the world and a whole team In himself , Mr. William Green , ai .ild-timo player of the Brants of Paris , ani Mr. H , Tudor , who kept the , ilags for tin Stutnn Islaiul team , will strengthen tin Oinahus a great deal. The annual meeting will not bo held bofon April , but the members will bo In the tleli long before that time , and indeed last Sun day itierossu sticks wcro seen at practice n several parts of the city , so enthusiastic ant eager to play are the members. The clul promises to put up most exciting game throughout the summer , und the citizens cai rely upon lots of fun and excitement. Lit ; coin will bo the lirst team to play hero , ani Chicago and St. Paul will follow closol , after. The Omahas htart out the seuso with the determination of bringing th championship of America from the Worla' Bennison Brothers Only 8 days loft to sell it nil ou * elicit and clean. Woi 'Imvo yet about $ COCOO worth of line mocohnndlse , consisting of carpets , curtains , fine silks , dross goods , linens , white goods , wash goods , laces , embroideries , handkerchiefs , hosiery , underwear , gents' furnishings , cloaks , corsets , etc. Now you will buy any at- tlclo in our store during the next 8 days nt less limn \ and i actual cost. This is a big stock to close out in 8 days , but from now on wo intend to move things lively. This will bo the greatest 8 days sale over known in the history of Omn- hn , Don't miss it. Como in the morn ing If possible and uvold the great after noon rush. Everything must go inside of 8 days. Turn out every day in the week. You will find nothing but bar gains. Wo are busy night and daj pil ing the stulT out on our counters at slaughtering prices. It will pay you to como hundreds of miles to attend this great sale. Road every item carefully. Everything sold just as advertised and nothing misrepresented. Wo arc posi tively going out of business. Black Satteen ISC "Yard. 15 pieces , all our 25c quality black sattccn now lee yard. Beautiful for skirting. I > ap Oc. Wo olTer our entire stock of summer momio cloth laprobes ; , worth 85o and $1 , now choice bl entire lot 50o each. Bennison Brothers. fair , and of bringing the great Indian game into popular favor in this state. Clubs are being organized in several of the state cities. Wlint Tliry Propose. OMAHA , Feb. 15. To the Sporting Editor of TUB Ben : As there Is no prospect of a Western league this season I would like to [ ) repose a good circuit which I think would meet all requirements , both from a sporting ind a financial standpoint : Piattsmouth , Fremont , Blair , Nonpareil , Fort Omaha and one more team , which I have not yet named , but which will bo composed of the remainder of the old Crane company team and some few peed state league players wlio have signified their willingness to play with the team which I will organize. By making this league co-operative in every respect , and playing homo talent as much as possible , I think it will cause a very friend'.y rivalry , which has not been noticed in the state for a few years past. The Omaha teams have all signified their willing ness to be a part of such a league , and if it meets with the approval of the above men tioned teams it would bo advisable to correspond spend at onco. us it will take considerable time to complete all arrangements. Teams that take notice of this will oblige by giving their opinion and addressing all communications to any ono of the following parties : John Carrigan , care Crane com pany or 1S07 Mialnt street ; Dave Shunaliun , southwest corner Sixteenth and Vinton streets ; Lieutenant Wright , Fort Omaha. JOHN CAIIUIO.AN. It Would linn Kiillurc. There is some little talk of organizing an eastern Nebraska semi-professional base ball league for the season of 1893 , but that is all It will amount to , and no sensible business man at this stage of the game will bo found foolhardy enough to encourage such an en/ tcrprise. What Omaha , Plattsmouth , Ne braska City , Fremont and other live Ne braska cities most want Just now is a health ful rest from professional base ball , and until they have had this it will bo love's labor lost to endeavor to ro-establish the sport. Of course , THE BEB would support any such project that gave promise of success , but as this docs not , nor cannot , it Is better to stnto the facts coldly and unqualifiedly. 1IU Three S < | tmrran Day. ST. ArousTiNB , Fla. , Fob. lii , To the Sporting Editor of THE BEE : Thought I would drop you u-lino and let you know that I am still gettIng > Hree squares u day. I am riding hard and good and feeling and looking out of sight. WA are having summer weather here , audll wear my lawn tennis robes every day. 11 race hero Friday , then go to Key West , thanco to Cuba. Why don't you mail mo n SII.XIUY BEE occasionally , so 1 can BCO what is going on. JACK PiiixcE. 1 < 'orcHt , 4-'lol'l unit Stream , John H , Shaw .Is. spending the winter at Pensacola , Fla. H writes that quail are very plentiful in that state and ho has inudo several line bags. Ho also declares that the Florldians have the finest dogs In the world using the pointer almost exclusively , ant that no dog can boat them m the Held. Ho will bring a pair homo with him. Justice von Lenyorko of Now York , the American agent i&r the Schultzo Powdoi company of England , has accepted M. F Llndsloy's challenge to test the comparative merits of Schultzo and American wood pow der. Such a test will bo of interest to ovcri user of nitro powder in the land and Tin BEE will give space to reports of the proposed tests , ' _ Dropped in to sco the champion rifle shoi the other day. His front name is Colonc John Petty. In the course of our talk the name of that erstwhile champion Germai shot , Fred Fuller , was mentioned , and the Colonel suld that ho had given his rlflo awa > and bought n bow und.arrow , and gone out to Pine Hidgo to make n match with Llttlo Big Bull , Don't bollovo it , though , H. E. Chubbuck Is back after a two weeks Colo. Ho that ho Imi visit to Pueblo , v/ * * states blltll IIU lltll a line time and that , of course , with Chub means plenty of shooting. Ho says the traj shooters out there are way behind thu Omaha shooters. Ho tried to got -matcl on with some of them but fajled on nccoun of n lack of gainencss on the part of the Col orudo sportsmen. Do not sco why Mr , Chub Bennison Brothers GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Table Iiiueu SOC Yard Monday mornlnp wo will offer unheard of bargnliiH in bleached and oroam ttiblo dtunask. 15 pieces cream table dainnslc , 0-1 inulios wide , was "oc and 85c , now COo yard ! Bleached Bamask 75 ° All our finest quality bleached double satin table duma&k , 00 Inches wide , was $1 and $1.23 , now "oc and 85o yard. Turkey Keel Damask 19C All our better quality of turkey rod table dnrr.aslc was Iloo'tuul10c , now to close them out , lOe yard. Towels Our entire slock of satin damask and buck towel * , was JtocI0c and 5Uc , now cut still lower ; they must all go it 20c and 25c each. Bed Spreads $1.28 11-1 the largest and finest crochet bed quilt manufactured ; always sold at § 2 nnd $2.25 ; now until till are closed $1.25 each. Curtain Scrim 3c Yard. All Xtiiien Crash 4c. 200yards all linen crash only -Ijc ynrd. Napkins. Napkins.$2.OO All our finest quality of double satin damask 3-4 dinner napkins , was $3 und $3.50 , now choice $2 dozen. Bennison Brothers. buck has to go way down there In the moun tains , though , for a match. Why doesn't ho tackle some such n man us John J. Hardln ! He'll shoot him a 100 live bird match and make him like it. That genial gentleman and sportsman , John Field , now at Glenwood Springs. Colo. , was in the city a few days last weclc. Ho says Omaha hunters do not know what big game is. Ho was out ono day in December and bagged two cinnamon bear , ono weigh ing over 700 pounds , Ho killed seven deer in two hours and could have made It twenty- five if he had wanted to. The deer are very thick about Dot Zero in the early winter , when they como down from the mountains in droves ; and are very tame. Small game , Mr. Field says , with the exception of grouse , is very scarce. Before leaving ho invited the writer to como out next wintcruud catch a bear. Guess I'll go. J. A , H. Elliott , the champion wing shot of Kansas City and for years defender of the American Field cup , has foresworn matches for money and will hereafter shoot only for fun a conclusion that J. A. H. should have arrived ut about four years ago. Sportsmen all over the country are con tributing to the Forest and Stream's fund to erect a monument to the memory of Ness- muk. an old schoo'i fisherman , hunter and woodsman , and for years the Forest and Stream's star contributor. As a depicter of wild woodland scenes G.V. . Sears Ness- muk hud but few equals. John W. Potty is waiting patiently to hear from some of the crack rillo shots of the country. Ho can get backing to go against the best of them. J. E.lCnowles is making big preparations for n grand onslaught on the geese and ducks this spring. Happened into his shop yesterday and found him busy overhauling his decoys , tacking on heads , rcfastening anchors and repainting. Ho says ho knows Just where the ducks board , in March and will show the gunners around hero Just what a bug of birds means. And Jack snipe , well ho knows where they drop down thicker than flies on a molasses barrel in Augustand will go out and kill three or four barrel. Speaking of shooting , Jack say.s that ten years ago it was nothing for a good shot to bag 100 ducks u day almost anywhere within a radius of llfty miles of Omaha , and de clares that ho will show them it can bo "d'd" ' yet , Ho says the spring prospects couldn't bo finer , there will bo plenty of feed and water , and the birds will como early and stay late. The Omaha Gun club met at Parmcloo'sgun store ono night last week for the purpose of deciding on dates for thu next trap tourna ment uf thu States Sportsman's association , and May M4 and 25 , was finally unani mously agreed upon , the management being entrusted to Messrs. Frank S. Parmnleo and W. E. Nason. The club , however will super vise the drafting of the program , and willadd * il ,000 to the purses. The arrangements for the meeting will nil bo made OH an elaborate scale , and there Is but little , if any doubt , but what the affair will bo a big success. The club has given Itself plenty of time to perfect everything , and It goes without saying that this time nothing tending to assure success will bo overlooked or neglected. All the crack shots of the country will bo present , Including Budd. Fulford , Work , the Kline- man's , Harvey Hill , McMurchy , Stlco , Par ker , Hicks anil scores of others. Even the "Only" Pcnroso promises to bo on hand anil show the natives how to shoot probably with his moutn. The unlawful business of fishing through the leo at Cut-off lake Is still being prosecuted with impunity. This mls'lit bo n matter callIng - Ing for the attention qf the state fish com mission. Banker W. D. Mathews of O'Neill was In the city sover.il days last week. Ho is a thorough devotee of both rod and gun und has an inexhaustible fund of reminiscence ancnt hunting in thu early days of No- biaska. At some future Umo the tulo of his adventures in the NIobrara valley will bo recounted in these columns -particularly hia night with the wolves on the banks of the legendary Minnacshaduzu. A correspondent from P-Uxtcn , Neb. , writes mo that Clint Hicks und Clarence Trent of Bennison Brothers ONLY 8 DAYS MORE Children's Hose : C Pair. 200 dozen misses' , children's nnd boys' fast blacU cotton Jersey ribbed hoso. Our entire stock ; the very lltiest gooila made ; they formerly sold nt oc ( ) , OOuand Too. Now i * the time to lay in n supply. Don't miss thorn. Your choice , 2oc oal'r. Ladies' Silk Hose § cDC Pair , 00 ilnzon , till our ladles' pure silk col ored hose , also all light ovoninir aluulos ; wcro $1.6" , $2 and $ ' . ' .50 ; now choice of entire lot they must go We pair. Ladies' Underwear -SOc Our entire stock of ladies' heavy cot ton Jersey ribbed soring weight vests and pants ; now to close them out , 50c each. Fringes IOC Yard. Thousands of yard ? of aUkr-ml worsted fringes ; wore 2oo to 7oe ; all in ono big lot now. choice lOc yard. Corticelli Spool Silk © CSpool. Coats' Spool Cotton 4e 15c dozen. Ostrich Tips OC Bunch. ifcro'H a bargain. Our entire stock ot genuine ostrich tips , 8 tips in a bunch , nil colors , 2oc bunch , not one-fourth cost. Stripe Velvet Our entire stock of stripe velvets ; wore $2 , $2.50 and $3 ; now all at ono price , "oc yard. Bennison Brothers. Paxtou killed eleven Canada gccso on the North river ono day last week. The ducks hnvo begun to drop in in strag gling flocks and the shooting Is apt to open up almost any time. OtirRtlons anil Answers. OMAHA , Tub. 10. To the Hnortlng Editor of Tun llin : : 1'lcuso answer the following in Sunday's HUB : Did Jno Ooddard over sny ho whipped Peter .Tncksoii In Australia ? IfbO , how many rounds ? Subscriber. Ans. They fought an eight-round draw and Godaard claims ho had the best of it. Piuncr Nob. , 1'Vh. 10. To the Sporting Edi tor of THE Ilix : Plunso stnto in your Sunday number If Nancy Hunks ever truttril u ( inar- tor In bettor than thirty seconds , and If so , whoru and when and the u.xact tlmo. Horse man. man.Ans. . It is claimed that Nancy has made the quarter m :2U : and a fraction. OMAHA , Fob. 10. To the Sporting Kdltor of Tun HKI : : Will von pleuso state In Sunday's HUE who you consider the bostlivo bird .shot. In the state , fomo say one and homo say an other , and I would llku to bear from you , as wo consider you authority on sports ? George K. Smith. Ans. I think Prank Parmelco the best live bird shot in the state , although there are a number of shots , among whom I might mention J. ' J. Hardln , who would give him a tight race. However , I think ho can boat any man in Nebraska , and most any man in the country for that matter. Los ANtmi.ra. Cal. , Feb. 14. To the Pportlnp Editor of Tun Hin : : In phiylng the gaum of high live do wo olthor have to follow hull or trump ? .lames W. Mann. Ans. Trumps must bo played on trumps ; or off suits suit must bo followed , but it is not compulsory to play trumps If you cannot follow. lIUMl'linr.v , Nob. . Fob. 10. To the Sporting Editor of TUB Hen : Will you answer in Him- day Ttnntho following question todecldoa li'tt : Ilia six-hum ! eiimonf ra//.ln da//lu high llvo No. 'J bids 14 , No. 3 10 , No. 0 10. and No. 5 claims If ho plays It alone and makes 14 points 1m wins. I'nn bo bid 10 In a high live guino of nuzlo darzlo ? Hub-orlfoor. Ans. Ho cannot. lis ) : MOINKS , la. . Fub. 12.-To the Sporting Editor of Tin : Hir. : : Sunday's I EK , In giving an utToiint , of bow Jim Hull was training , hiioko about his putting a heavy strap around Ills forohuud und lifting two forty-pound dumb bulls. Will you kindly explain wlnit their meaning Is ? Does ho lift the bolls with Ills head or how docs ho use thorn ? Answer In SUNDAY Hen next. A Subscriber. Ans. Ho lifts them with his head. This Is for strengthening the neck. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Feb. 10. To the Spoiling Kdlior of Tut : llix : Will you pleuso inform inu under your answers to corri'spondcnts column the whi'ri'iibonts of Omaha's onoo famous shortstop , .Joo Walsh ; Is ho dead or still playIng - Ing during the luaguu season ? IA. . II. Ans. Hois an attache of the Pacific Ex press company , and will play ball In Atlanta next season. CiiEtrmTON C'OU.KOI : . Fob. 10. To the Spott ing ICilltor of TUB UKU : A few wt'uks HJIO 1 noticed an announcement that probably be- forotho coming spring wusovi-r un amiitcur championship would bo hold In Omaha. Slnco then I havn soon nothlntr more , und as I take : v irri'til Intcrc'st In athletics I should f ( ; 'l obllccd If you will Inform mo through your correspondents column in .Sunday's IB : when , wlieie , und what nvents the competition U llkuly to talto phico.-Knqulror. Ans The Omaha Athletic club contem plated such a competition , but have , 1 bo- llovc , given it up. Fubiuary 13. To IhtiHportlng Editor of Tun HKI : : I'lrasu answer In next Sunday's IlKK the following : A , 11,1) and I ) uro plnylug erlhbaKt ) . A holdx two iilghlM , ono suvcn and iihlxspot buforo the cut. 11 cuts the curdH and them is tin eight spot turned up. Whut dou.s A'h hanil comity Me. Ans. Twenty-one. / There are letters at the snorting depart ment of TUB nun for Dick Aloorc , ISmll Haeft mid Xlck Abraham. 8U.1IH MK.Of M.HtlC , Ex-Senator William M. Evarts has Just rounded out threo-tiiirtcrs | of a century of lifo. Uu islcss actlvo In the pursuit of his profession than formerly , and spends much of his time ut his Vermont farm. Dr. Mary Walker Isn't bothering about the rcintroduction of crinoline. She will ( juicily persevere in her I'rinco Albert coat , durk trousers , button shoes , Bilk hat and brown military capo , which is her do riguour. A memorial statue to General FItz John Porter , who for many years Buffered an un just sentence by court martial , is about to ho erected in Portsmouth , N. 11. , where the ieimisra Brothers1 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Dress Goods and Silks Oroatcst bnrgnlns over known in fine dross goods utid silks. C'oino in with the crowd ; nil can bo waited upon. You ctm now buy them cheaper than ovor. \Vo are going to clonn out every single yard of dress goods and silks. Another big cut In prices. You will buy the fin est wool or silk dress now ut u lower price than you ovorilronmoil of.Youro going to loavu you HOOII. Como In. Make m a visit every day before wo ga Hvoryynrd of silk uml wool dress goods now in our slock at loss than i actual COBt. Surah Silks All our colored oOc and 03c surah silks now cut again to JCe yard. Armnre Silks 86 ° All our colored artnuro silks , always sold at $1.J5 ! , now they're yours for 8Co yard. Faille Silks 86 ° Our entire stock of faille silks , nil col ors , was $1,25 and $1.50 , all at ono price now , SGc yard. Satin J&liatlame 86 ° All our finest quality of satin dames , till colors , was $1.35 , now 806 yard. Quilted Satins SO1 Yard. Black Silk Grenadine SO' ' Yard. Hero's a bargain. Our entire stock ot nil silk iron-frame grenadines that were 75c , $1 and $1.25 , now choice COc yard. " " s Bennison Brothers.v" general had many friends , both , civil and military. Scnor Snrasate , the noted violinist , Is the possessor of many watches , no less than thirty-two of which have boon given him at ililTcrcnt times. Some of them lire ex- tromcly valuable , and several are appro priately violin-shaped. Dr. .Tonkins , health ofliccr of the port of New York , Is a man of light build , about 5 feet 7 } < i inches la height. Ho wears a sot of ' auburn side whiskers , without which ho I would look like a boy of 1 ! ) , Ho is n bold fighter and accounts for It by the fact that I he came from Mississippi. I The Dcnlson ( Tox. ) Herald chronicles the I arrival in that city of Isa-To-IJa , ono of the I most picturesque characters In the Chicha- suw nation. His long silky hair , massive I head and generally imposing appearance attract - I tract attention wherever ho goes Ho has 1 been Justice of the Chieknsuv : supreme court I and national auditor. Ho is a full-blooded I Indian , but is known to the whites as Joslah I Drown. I Thu chance that General John Corso , who 1 "held the fort" at Altoonu and nfterater-J rlblo battle declared thai ho "could whip all l h I yet. " may again bo appointed to olllco j recalls this incident : When hu was innilo j postmaster at Boston the newspapers wcro ] full of stories of his valor , and scores of clippings - ] pings were sent to him at his homo in WinJ Chester. Repetitions of the phrase Just ! quoted wcro abundant. At length ono day 1 his wife , half in Jest and half in a feeling of annoyance , said to the general : "There i3 ! ono cqnsolation at least , and that is that you 1 have got through licking all h1 and will J occupy yourself for some time to como la licking postage stamps. " 1 BLASTS FROM RAM'S HORN" . 1 The devil's masterpiece Is a drunkard's homo. V A man with a twl liver very often has afl good heart. If tno tongue could kill not many would ! live to old ago. I Every man in a brass band thinks his horn I makes the best music. 1 There is no greater misfortune In life than I to have a bad mother. I The duvil has no better helper than the I man with a fault-lliiding spirit. I The diamond has the most sparklebut the I window glass does the most good. j The trouble with people who can talk Is 1 that they are apt to say too much ] The shadow of a misfortune will generally | frighten us more than the disaster itself The world Is full of lion lighters , but it 13 ' hard to Und people who won't run from u hornet. If you have the wrong kind of religion In . the street cars you don't l.avo the right kind at church. ] Do good as often us you have opportunity , and It will not bo your fault if you are not 1 kept busy. The recording angel never strikes a balance on his books by what Is said of a man on his gravestone. There are men who would bo willing to go on a mission to China who lot their wives carry In all the Btovu-wood. A little weed has no inoro right to live than u big ono. To spare any kind of a bin may mean toloso your own life. When nil people are willing to become na good us they think their neighbors ought to bo the millennium will conic. You can't always tell how much religion people have by the amount of rain they will go through to get to prayer meeting. There are preachers who would make sev eral radical changes in the plan of salvatlou If they could. The religion that is noisy in church Is some times very ( lulol in other places where It is more nccued , Every-new acquaintance > yo make has the power to tell us something wo didn't know about ourselves. Ono of the times when a man begins to cry and lgh that all men uru not honest Is when , hu gets the wrong hat. A ballet girl's costume , an experienced ballot muster tells us , weighs , on an aver age , about twenty-live ounces , but the ballot master docs not explain whether this cstU mute Includes the sinllo that seem to wcigo , so heavy on the ballot dancer's heart ,