H THE OMAHA DAILY "REE : SUNDAYr-FElWrARY 10 , 1893-SIXTEEN PAGES. CARING FOR THE VETERANS Ocucrous Provision Made for IOWR'B Needy Comrades. THE SOLDIERS'HOME ' AT MARSHALUOWN J'rrpiirntlonn for llto Mnrtrriith Atiniinl iiicuiipini'iit : : nt Kcohtilc How tlio Colonel \\n * Kiivcil A till ( liuiif ) ot lIliilT , The following clrcn.nr insued by Uio coinmittco of the bolillorahomoof Io\v , hus been nppiovcd by the dopnrtincnt commander : The ton iott.iies ; provided for by tlio Twontjfourth Rcneinl iisscinlilv ut the bold tors homo nt Mnnhnlluwn , nro coin- lilotod , nnil tire now icndy lor Pivtiiuncj , Onlv ten \otonms and their \\i\cscnn occupy tlicm , hut thurimo ON or forty ajipllcationi on flic , from these who tlcslio to no so Tlio rottnKfs nio well built , fomenii nllar , - limped , nnd their nppcni anco viny crcillta- Ulo linked , and thci mid nmtuli.lli to the liomcllko appc.'ir.iiuo of the pounds Mcnntlmc , tlipio arc m.\ny of out nuotly tornindos and their \\l\cs , uho should bo provided with Just * such eomfoit- nblo litmioH , without \\altiiit , ' U\n jers , or until the leglsliituto tticpts npnln To this end jou aio asked to eimiinuo the \\nik nlro.id.v bc-c-un , and build muic cottages as soon as jiosslblo Thorp should bo at least tcnt.inoio . cottages built within the next jc-ar , and this \vork o.tn i-.tsllv bo ac- LOinpllRlicdlf wo onl.\ put foith the noccs- saii effoits Wh.it post will li.ne the iicdit of huildhiLT the Ihst onu' H should be undeistood , thut iisunifoimlt ) la essential In bulldliiLr theselOttiiRrs , thut the plans must ho ajipiovcd by the lommis- sioner of the home In dill1 time , after fui'ds arc raised or pledppd sullli icnt to build thieo or four 1'ott.ipot a plan will be adopted , and and Information sent out as to the evict. lost , which will not be less than * JC > 0 , or mot o than 8-VHj each Hut now is the tlmo to comim nro worlt In this line , and it Is leeommcnded Ibateu'O post piocttd at once and stint .1 fund for this put pose 'J hose posts that think I hey aio too we.ik to undertake the ereetlon of a cottaRe alone , ran lalso funds th.it will bo applied to the jiuipose. uiidoi the dltcctlon of thceommls- sloueis ot the home , the funds , of course , imssliiK thiouRh our department tieasuij nnd disbursed as other funds .ipproptiaUd to chat Itublo put poses The cott.iRes already built are furnished , thioiiKhout. with tlio exception of stoves , by the Women's Hclief Corps of our depart ment , and it Is safe to sa > that the.\ will do the same for such as miij hereafter bo built Imui Ippiirtiiu < iit Not fl. Gcnoiitl order No. 0 , ibsucd by J. .7. Slcudnmn , depurtinont rommundor of lowtv , contains iinportiintinfoiiniition for Town NctoraiiH. The dcpiirtinont eoininnndcr desires to announce thut the dates arranged for holding the nineteenth annual encamp ment , Dopiu tinont of Iowa , Guintl Aunj of the Republic , aio Tuesday , Wednes day and Thursdaj , April i'j , 2(5 ( und 27 , It is tlio purpose of the citi/ens of Kcokuk and the conn ados of that city to make the nineteenth annual encamp ment one of the most notable in the his tory of the department. The natural en- viionmont of the city , its beautiful sur roundings and Its hospitable people _ in- Mire a most satisfactory and interesting besslon. Many comrades of national reputation have been invited to attend the encamp ment , among vyhoin arc Gcneial Scho- of the United liold , commander-in-chief States army ; Genoial Noble , secretary 'of tlio interior ; General Weisfcert , com- mander-in-chlef ; and Major Warner , past coinmiinder-in-ehiof Grand Army of the Republic ; General G. M. Dodge and Geneial Prentice. From some of them have already been received a posi tive assurance of their presence , while it IB confidently expected that all will attend. The pi csenco of these distin guished men , with others , who will bo invited , makes it absolutely certain that the encampment will bo resplendent with oratorical talent. A movement has been started which will result in bringing to the encamp ment on the day of the parade several thousand comrades from Missouri and Illinois. Itv is expected that each of these states will have in line on the day of the pai ado a linger delegation than attended the national encampmon. at Washington. These visiting delega tions will bo under the command of their i espectivo department oflleors and itis the purpose to make the parade on the llrst day of the encampment aie- petition , so far as it is possible , of that momoiablo piuado witnessed on Penn sylvania acnuo at tlio national encamp ment. It will bo remembered that many of our comrades have been laid to rest in the National cemetery at Keokuk , which IH ono of the most beautiful in the United . States. Excursions on the Mississippi vivor wllfbe given to points of historic intoi cst , and In general it may bo stated that no expense will be spared to give the comiades of Iowa a royal welcome. District commanders should at once put themselves in communication w ith stall olllccrn in their i espectivo divisions , tc tbo end that every post In the depart ment may bend a large delegation to this encampment. The Colnm-1 Mont Hit Sit\eil. A Louisville Courier-Journal roportoi once spent thico days In the early summer mor at the Rockridgo Alum opring ! during Colonel Thomas Peyton's ad ministration , and those tin co days \vll' always bo remembered asthopleiibantesl that no over experienced. The colono talked incessantly , and was always sur rounded by a group of eager listeners. Ono of the colonel's stories concornet Colonel Blank , who commanded a dash ing Virginia regiment in A. P Hill's corps. On ono occasion this particular icglinent had been do taehcd on special duty and was some distance away from the main body o Leo's in my and without support. Om day the command \\as in camp on tin bank of a small stream , a little too deep however , to ford. The colonel's tent with tlioso of i.no of the companies , w a on the side of the stieam away from tin unemv. who \\ero known to bo not fa oil. The other companies \\eio on thi cnomj's side of the creek , which \ui Bpanncd by a small woulen bridge. Dur Ing the day pickets brought in now that the fedouils had begun a rapii advance in foico and would sooi bo upon them. Theio was considerabl consternation and the captains of th companies on the enemy's side of th Btream were pioparlng to cross it to th other side when , to their surprise , the Haw some of their own men attack th bridge with axes. In all haste they 01 deied the work to bo stopped and Mer talking with the workmen when C km Itlunk rode up to the opposite side of th iti ( am in a great lairo. C'ut down that bridge ! " ho ordered i i'M of thunder. Hut , colonel , - tvcrio of the Biiboi lllcoi-H interposed. i' mind , sir ! shouted the colono l/i tlio fact ) with wrath. "Neve l lrf I know what I am doing ! Tli I * w-itilng , Hlr , and by destroyin fr < i > * i/ltfM I will bo able to retire In go * ttf ' w liiifhl , ttlmt will become i rAfW/l' ? / " Itftkt'd another captain. tt ( I if fflfr J ' liim t ! " yelled tl " "W/.i / t ( lees U jnuttor ubout tl rt'tfltnont , nnyuixy ? The colonel must bo Httvod , Hlr. Cut down Hint brid o. " Hut the other olIlcoi'B took the innttor into their own hands nnd the brldgo romnlncd Intact until the lust confcdor * ittc folcllor had crossed niul then it was cut down. The enemy BOOH ciiino ii | ) , but were checked lonir eiioii'h ( , nt the sti'ouin to allow Colonel Illank and hla H'glnicnt to refrain thu main army. You don't WTintntoi plil liver ! jou don't ' w aiit't u bad tuinploxlon\ don't want a b.ul btcuth , jou don't uunt n huailtirlic. Then use lo NVltt's Llttlo ICnrly Risers , the f.unuus llttlo I'ltls. 1 Improvement Hie Order of the Age. " H IB unnccpssiry to mention the points of mi- pmiorlty nosiossod by tlio nq It Is now so no I known. Its Record of SUCCORS Is Its Boat Ro- commondatlon. \\hciii It wns tint on tlio nmrkot rivals said It \\ould not noiir. Titnu bus shown thoin \\ronultiovury pirtlcu nr nnd hns nto\un thut OKI Smith iToinlnr lSTUKIir.ST nn < l hruoNonyr Tvi'iwutnn : : HVKII IN- VKNrrn. ASM > TOHAY M'SPANDS TAII Alin.M ) OP AM * COMl'I/rtTOHs. THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO Cor. J7th und I'nriiiitn i > t9 , Umahii , Nob. K. 11. MA Hl.W. Manager. BEWARE OF QUACKS AND FRAUDS WITHOUT DIPLOMAS or vortllcitrs ofirgiHtriitlnii , Alnit } * ask to RCO tliolr cro- ilc'iitluU. Serif they lurvo n rlRlit to pruc- i tire In Nolirns- or in o r c 1 y nci-nts. ( Jo to thn ruconlor'g ulllco nnil sec It ihvyiire irc- iHtoreil. Ors. Searles & Searles nil. r. 1. . sivilM > . rniibiiltlnB Surgeon. Oradnato of Husli Medical Collpso ( iON- rilUi : ) . I'Jr the troutincntuf A NO "We euro Cntnrx-h , All Diseases of the NOHO , Throat. Chest. Stomnoh , Bowels nud Liver. Blood , Slctn nnil Kidney Dlsoasoa , Fotnnlo Woaliuossoi , Lost Manhood CURED. PII.K3 , FISTULA. FIESSIJlir , permanently curaJ without the n > o of knife , .ligature or caustic. All maladies of a private or dellcato nature , of cither sex , posltlvel ) cureil. tall on or address with stamp for Circulars , Free Hook arid lleclpes , Dr. Scarlcs & Sci Next Door to Postotnco OUR EMPLOYMENT DEPT. , whllo costlnx tlio employer iind omployco notlilnz. his on iblud 119 to udvatico the Inter ests ot liolh. nnd also our onn , by securing better reiutts with ilia machine. Wyckoff , Seaman & Benedict THLKl'lIONE 17.Y1. 17U PAUNAM ST l iUil Uud.Vnd all tha train ol EV1L3 , WKAKNIISSBd , DKIHLirY. ETC. , that no company them In mon QUICKLY and PKHMA. NENTLY UUHBI ) . Full srilKNUril nnd ton given to ov ry p rtot tlio body. I will send ( so- cnrely picked ) FIIKK toaiy sjllaror tbj praicrlpt tlon thstcurol meof tlioss Iro.iDlJi. Addrjls , u. A. IlllADLEY IUTII.B I'llKKK MIOII StocKllillilcrs" 'Meeting. Notlco U horoDy clvon thit the r ciilnr nnnnnl nipotlnir of tlio htouUholdois of the Houth 1'mtte I/and coinp.iny will bo held ut thootllcoof fsnltl conipinv In Lincoln , Nobr.-is- Uti. on thu first Woclncsdny In Maiuh , IsW , be- in n tlio llrst diiy of thu month lly uidcr of the bn.ird of d rectors. U. O. I'lIlkUl's. seoretiry. Lincoln. Xob. . Jan ao. 1H)1. ) Jlldiilt I'roiosnls | for llnrdmiro. Scaled proposals will be received by the seo- retmy of the no ad of oiliicullon until t o'clock p. in. , Jlondny , 1'cbruary W. IhUt , (01 snuplvhiK the beui-d all kinds ot uiilldliu aii.l other hurJnaro and nmtorluls for iho uorlod of one your. The board reserves the rltfht to reject any and nil lildH Itv order n ! the board of education , flldst ( IHAKLi : * ( JONOYKlt. hocrotixry. SPE01HL NOTICES. A DVKHTIHKMKNT0 KOH TUK8K COLUMNS -A will bo lakon until 12 JO p m for the evening and tinlllS 30p in for iho morning or stindav edi tions. No ndrertlsoment tnkcn for Icsi limn S3 cents for the first Insertion All advertisements In these columns IH cent * n word for the first Insertion nnd 1 rent a word for cnch subsequent Insertion or II to per line per month. Terms , cash In advance Initials , figures , rrmtols , elc , each count as n word Advertise- mcnls mutt run consecutively. Advertisers , by requesting questing n numbered check , can hare the loiters addressed to n numbered toiler In rare of THE llpr , AnsT-crs i > o addressed will bo delivered on tbo presentation of the checi. SITUATIONS WANTED. i DHKhSliaMADi : AM Mrs Oakley.WWIN. 4tli children's clothing C07 A-WANTIII ) . A I'OSITIONASSTENOdllAl'IIKll bjrnn cipcrlcncod male operator. Aililross X 51 lice Mb 7 _ _ _ A -WANTIII ) , I-OSITION AS OI- KICK ASSISTANT Vnnil itenu r plicr Aildrcss .X 53 lice M8lf A IIOOKKKKI'KK ANI ) OK.VKIlAli OKHCR jVmnii , Isyoir * pxpurli'no- , desires po l tlon with nn Al liouno ( Hr reference J , cm Kl TO tonJ If ro quired. AUilrcin A & \ lloo. M J2I _ A -SITUATION WANTKI ) IN WIIOM'SAI.H jVlioiisoli ) ruling mnn of ifiioil linblts ; references Klvtni inlnry no object. Atl.llci' _ > I3 1U * MII.1,1-,11 WHO UNDiniSTANDSTIIKTIlADlt L llmroughlr nnntn plnco A l > 3 , llco. M < ( X ) VI * WANT KI ) , IIYOU.V1 LAIV. POSITION AS tenegrnihermoderate | salary Address 1110 lloo 410 ID * t A-IlOOKKRKPKIt Dl lllKB TOS1T1ON , IlAl'II ) nnd occntato anil can furnish beet of references U ! O llox 421 , city SUSS 2U % A- WAN T K I ) , l'KII.MANi\T POSITION BY I.ADY pt noiriiilier ) , omo knowledpo of bookkocplnp , to Hturt OUBUinll aalarjr Address II H , lieu I WAN tKI ) , POSITION IIY YOt'NU MAN WHO Vumleratnmli ! bookkeeping lie-in on anmll cnl nry nnil work up , rcfcrenccn AUilrees Jolid 1 al bolt. Alison , Mo- 4tj ) 19' A-AN OMAHA I.AIWl'Iin1 ) * "ITUATION AH inirru for Invnllil or j-oiina child or n house keeper In itootl family uooil ruferouccs. Adilrens 1' U box M8 , < .olumt.ii . ! . , Neb. .M4GI ' 'I * \-IIYAOIIVn AM ) 111 I.lAlll.K .MAN OP 30 , V nfniiKer In city , lm"o experience us Hiilcjinnii , ppeTk ( iiriimn nnd KnullBli Addrcia H II , 1,133 N Sevcnteent'i Btroet 45J lu WANTED MALE HELP. * - AI AUY OHcoM MIS3ION TO Dhnndlc the I'ato it Chemical Ink Krasor 1'ci.cll 'Iho mci't unefulnnd novel Invention of the nge Krn es Ink thoroughly In two rccoiuH Works Ilko ninKlc .Ul to WJ per cent profit Agents milking fM ) per ncekVo also wunt it Kenrftl nnont to tnko olmr > ; < > of territory nnd appoint ub agents A rnro < hancu to make money Write for terms und n spec ) men of crating Monroe hraslixMft ; Co , Y J'J La IronBCYls Tl'j B-WANTKI ) , TIIAVKLIMISALKSMKN TO SKUj balling powder Wo put our Moods In Kins ? rolling pins JtSJ month salary ami expanses , or 25 per cent commission. Good tide line If yon want njob , wrlto Send sta-np for reply. Uilcaxo llaklng 1'owderCo , 507 Van Huron street , Chicago KJ1 E-WANTICI ) . I.ADOIIKUS VOlt TUM IIFiAPK Hills Call lit t'candlimvlnn Kmploymcnt Onico today , No UJ tiouth 10th eU , north end of viaduct T > TiiAVCMNO BAMBMIC.V : TO HKI.IJ HAKINO pondpr. J75 monlh salary nnd expensei or ZOo commlis'on Htendy employment , expcilencc un necessary If you want n position hero Is n chanoo Chemical Works , 8(0 to Sflonn Huron , MUtt V-2T 1 > - ANor.SO .MAN OUT OK WO11K WILL DO I'well lo call nt 1510 Douglns street MS18 VIA B-YOUM1 MAN , DO VOU WANT A POSITION Ihnlpayii upw-irlJ to II MM par you' Tor lull pnrllculnrs address Sterling Silver Co , ' hlcnzo , H ] MSGl > U BLAHOHBHS ANDHOCKMHN ON TIIK II & M. extension In South Dakota Stevly work , froa pass Krniucr iO'llo.irii , labor iwoacy , JQIS llth "f J14W 20 * TJ-WANTKD. A K1HST CLASS IIOAH SALKS I Jinan one who Is pcrconnlly ncqunlnted with thu Nebinska trnde ; none other need apply , nuood rnlnry to tbeilzlit mnn Address , A - " . ' , cure Omaha Dee. .MTU n r > -WANTii : > , "I C.OOI ) lIAUNKSbMAIClSIlS , NO -1'olhcia need apply. SchuilU A Pnnhorst , Wymoio , Neb dJil ! ) ! -WANTKI ) , AOKNTS 1 OH 1NDUSTIIIAL IN- finranco In Omaha nnd Council lllufls Good wages , steady work. Address U 15 , Uee , Council lllulla. M850 13 -WANTED ThW 'iOUNC MKN OK NKAT APpearance pearanco for light outibjor work Steady em ployment all year urDund Address 11 15 , Dec , Council lllufls. MJ57 IU n.-WANTK | > . \ KII18T CLAoS COAT.MAKKHS and 2 panln makers Now York tailor , Alliance , Neb. M3M21 * --IHK LINK TAKKS NO TIME FHOM OTUIilt business : no burdensome eamplos , big pay. Ad dress A Vt , Hee. : b3 l'j ' 1J-WANTKD , L'XPKIUKNCHI ) HOHCMIAN Dclolhlng salesman Address stating full par tlculnrs 1H , Hee Ml07 10 -WANTKD , GOOLCUTT15H. . MUSI' UK ALL mound tailor pml wcrk on bench. ( Jooil wages. Address for ono week Charles L. Allehuler , Sac t-lty. In. MIOJ20' WANTED. HIl T CLASS SHOK SALESMAN for misses' nnd ehlldron's department at A D. Morse's , 14th and Yarnam Etrccts. 4U M -WANTKI ) , AN A 1 BPKCIALTY MAN TO SELL Standard Ilorso and Cattle Food In good torrl tory , must lo slrlctly , reliable n worker and able tocnrn n good calury ; this position will pay tiiOO a year to Iho rlgLt man. The K. K. Sanborn lo , UUa Howard t. 410-111 -HOY WANTKI ) : (5001) SIZM ) 11OV CALL AT once Ui 1-urnnm street. Must bnvo reference 407 ID O-WASl'KD , MAN IN KACII C1TV ANI ) ( IOI ( | ) 1) country lown lo open smnll onico nnd bundle my goods Modernle salary lo start , btnmp nnd referencen A , T. Morrl , Clnclnnrtl , O. 4W ID * -WANTHD , A HHST CLASS PATnNTMUDI duo Hnlcmunn to canvass .NcbraBku nnd Iowa None other need apply , rcferenco required. A. II HollUtor , .Madison , Win. 445 ID * D-K TO | P > PHI DAY AT 1IOMK , 8KLI 1N(1 Llghlnlng Plnlcr and plntttv Jewelry , wntchcs , tablewnro. etc I'lntes the llncst Jewi Iry good as now , on nil kinds of metal with gold , Hllver and nickel No experience. No capital. Kvery house but goods needing plating. H K. Iielno .I Co , ( o- liinibus , Ohio. 4j | pj -I5-SALKSMKN. TO I.-.THODUCK OUIl Sl'K- I'clalty to dry goods nnd urorcry Irade. Quick vales and lurto profits guaranteed Wrlto quick for pnrtlculura lo ( icorgo A Baker & , Co.t-outh llcnd , Ind. ( jj | 'j > TJ-A SNAP FOll THAVKL1MJ MKN HALKb I'men who visit many towns and villages ran mnko their dally cxponsoB In 10 or 15 mlnutos whlla waiting for Irnlns , appointing agents ! no sales to make , no pamplc * to carry tor particulars cd dress "Honlns , ' Lock box 818 tlilca o 4JJ 111 * AC.KNTd-SAL AH Y AMI TOMMIS-SION 11IC8T J/fraternal order. Assets , fTOUOOO roth life and endowment clasips ( lilt edged m every respect 01110 district agents wanted A rare chance Ad- ilrt'SB King A. Lo , 8 Union Square , New \ork ork43i 43i 10 H-HrtLHi-MKN , (75UO PIMl MOM1I HM.AHY If you want a position wrlto Kncloso Hump Kenwood Taking Powder Co , 517 Mndleon street Chicago , tn'j \ < n-WANTKI-HH3TCLASSTlLl ! 'KTTKIIS , HV a i hlcago llrm Steady work to good men Ad drees A , 3 ! > . I Old A Thomas , Lhlcngo 4.5 10 * T-WANTKI ) SO TKAMS1IMIS Toll HA1LIIOAI 1'work In Teiiin good wngc ; free faro , shli early Monday Otilco ope-n nil day Hunday W hllo'i l.nbor Agency , llUNoith H.th l , 471 111 * LAItllllKItS ANI ) TKAMhTKIlS < ) V THf Kock Island lly Inlexnp free pa < s , fhlp Slon day8nm Krnmar A O'Uenrn , labor ngcnor 101 toulh Illli slreet. 41,0 lu * B-11AKKII WANI'KI ) TO TAKE CMAHOE Ol o\en , town , 800 S J Corner , ( ircclc ; l enter , Ncbr JI43J 2' ' , * DANTK1) TWO Al SPECIALTY ADS'EUTIH lug talesmen ctlllng on retail trndo on on double premium offer , World a fair roature N cv brand Liberal Inducements , Merchants Dopnrt ment , The \\erner Coupany , 315 to J''l Wabail live , l hlcago. 41V IU' WANTED WAMIJII , IIIIIL Hilt HOUShWllllKMALI ; family Mrs H I ) . .Nee ly , 4101 Hamilton street 1-W1LL PAY LADIKS SLAIlOK 1100) PCI V _ weeKlo work for me In their locillty r.t home light work , teed pay tor part tlmo IVr.tu wit Btaaip Mrs f A llussett , uib lilalto bldg. ( h'cagc C-WVNTKl ) , Cllll , I- Oil ( iKNEUAL HOI'Sb work m ( assst , 181 1U' HM-EIHhNlKI ) tALivhL \ I IKi i all nt Iloslon stole M ) J7 ; o 0WANTKI ) , OOI > GIltL I- Oil ( il.NKUA housowork. mutt bo gonil coot ! ; rcferjnc.'t rt qulii'di llpir wcc < Airs J , A lavanuugu. tvi InpHui ave. < IS ID' f -IiXHIVH WHO 110 W1HT1 ( i Kill JK | A \ home mnko * IHU ) weakly l > rply nlthfclfm : Orested stump d cnrelope , tumlla A. Avcry. box ; l-oi.lll llcnd Ind 411 ID * AlllrSlblll.M ! TO MA\t. ! Hi Uhl'.KL by doing wr llnu at tlulr numcs AdOnaici clotlnK btamp. Miss LouUo HilrllHd , toulli Ilci i Hid 4SS HP' _ _ / 1-I.ADY AdF.MH NVAN I'KIl F II Til llTtSKT V 'Klritilo * orocti Kxporl nca uniii-c nnry. HJII < or a7c nt ' ivrnit nrsenil $ i IH ) lor nuttlt nnd tan plo corset * Woilurn uonct to , 1 1. i.ouU , .tlu 4.7 i 0 "i-WANTKK , LADlltS AND ( llltl.x , WK T-A > ) ou from II UO lo IIOiO per wi-oi tu work for i at your onn home ; no ptlulliu or canvastln lleorife F hnimoni ft Co , corner llatterymarcli at Water ilreots , IJoitou , Musi , AUbU 1 * FOR , REMffHOUSES. . DIOll IlKNT. lllJilKS IN ALL PAIlTd OP city. TheO K. Dnf ( company , 1WJ Karnam t , D - " . DWKl.f.lNdS COTrAOKS IN "ALL parlsuf thoclty , Kilkenny A Co , UI Knrbir'i ' \-KIKVKN IIOOM m7u K , PAHFLY HMl 'nlthcd. Inqulro nt I8IU Dodge st M5o * VSl D - - ItKNT , TWO 6-llOJM COITAOKS ON motor. Call at southwest cor Mb anil Douglas. -JIAHCH 18T. CIIOICK HOME. UOUII LOC'A- llon , nil modern conveniences , with barn , 8 room * , nice lawn. A good opportunity for rliiht parly to rent or buy on good terms , owner leaving city , Address \ U n-S > TKAM IIKATHU VLATS , KILK1NNKV ft CO , AJ.au Karback block SC-'J D-C IIOOM tO1TAliH , bTANHmi ) CIUCMi , new , modern. C. S Klgullcr. Ml llco bldg 311 -FOll IIENT. 10 IIOOM HOUilC , ISTII AND Dodce , cheap Inquire next door or 1118 tnr nani , Samuel Hums MS71 III D-1 Llb'l 11OIISH8 1'AUI , , IW. 1'All.SAM. M17i Mil. ' DCorTAUK , 2JI ) AND CLAHK. INQUIHK I in Jackson .M l' D-l-Oll UK.NT. .NKW 12 IIOOM IIOtlSK , I'M , nlsu 1C room nniisc. 2ii2l Capitol avenue All modern Cull 2J29 Cupltol avenue. II H. lloblsou D-MIOOM 1IUUSK , ALL .MODKIIN , I.AHUK jnrd , shade treer , near Ilnnerom park , 135 per month Inqulru II IH , Marker blocK 420 D-l IIAVK I Oil IlKNl' THtC ITOI Urnt class houses near Hanicom parki No 'Mt 1'opploton avenue , brick liou'e alglit room * , with tilth , furnace1 , olc , south and cast front corner 1'oppleton avuuuo and .l.'d street 150 No 3203 1'opploton nvcnuo , now frame liouso eight rooms , modern built , furnace , bath , etc , south flout , M , No .1005 I'aclllc struct Ono of the finest furnished and corlcxt houses In Umnlm , clghtrooms nil modern ronvcnleiuc's , fMHKI per monlh Keys can bo oblalncd nt my unlco at any time , < iio. N HICK , Henl estate nnd Investmi'iit ngenl , JWi N * l.lfo bldg 4I.S-KI FOB RENT JFURNISHED ROOMS. OOMb lSlMKU i IV DIISUli : ! ) iu7ri)0Uo ) M Ud Mb' i-viin : iK.s iiiAiii.n IIOOMS wiriiou wini J- out board 1'Uj Capitol nvo , .11J I'J * TP-l.AIK.i : ANI ) SMALL SOU 111 IIOOMS Xal IJlIiirnoy MW.I2I * I HONT AM ) bIDE Blnglc or ensiilte , lu no * corner llat llrnt floor tu' outh Itith ntrevl Mlo.'IU * 1. -1 ( III HUNT KUUNISHKI ) SOUTH IIOOM I-OU il gentlemen , 2001 Davenport 41l > I'l' FUBNISHE KOOMS AND BOA11D. " " " -PLISASANT "i-UHNISIIKD AM"lTM UK- J nlshcd rooms , Kfi N I'Jth , with or without bo ird 'T-VOUNJ ( WOMKX d IIOMK UNDKIl CAltK Ol' -L1 v.'omnn s Lhrlslnn msoclnllon 111 So I7lh st 210 _ _ l.i lUi : IOLt.N , 2OT AM ) 311 N IS111 Bl J : 754 l.i-1 Oil ItKNTllll IU ) Mil ) , I-UllNlSHhl ) A loom , : OI'.I California street MIO NICI'.I.Y HIIIN1SIIFI ) ItOOMSWIl'H HOAUD ut the Webster. 41(1 ( and618 N I'.Ulut 4IS . ' ! LI-KUIIMSIIKD IIOOMS ANON , H * T < LASS l board for Ihroo or four gctillcmcu l' < 24 tar namsi 4ir.U' 1 ? - N1CKLY HJIIMSHKI ) IIOOMS W11II -I board ! at ZMI St Marjaiueiiue. M4W K * FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS ? 1-1 a ItuOMS CHhAl1 , 603 N 13111 a 1 419 US' -'l < iOI ) SI/III ) IIOOM MODKIIN CO.NVUN JlonccB , runt ieasoiabte ) lli'l Douglas .1 > J 13 * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES lUUUSIUHYllKICIC 1IU1LUIM12J tKKT wldo. 1407 Ilnrncy st Vj5 TO 11K.ST. ' 1I1IIBK b'lOUY AND 11ASKMKNT -luloro bulldlnu lOOi l-nrnnm ono slor > and Daso icnt 417 South llth street , store at Hit I apltol ve 'lurms rcasonnblo ? Inriulro loom JU Hr t atlonnl IlunkbldR. I'J * . ' FOUUKNT'IHKISiroilY IIIIICK nUII.DIMi. J-'MO Tarnam si. The bAlldlnx h is u fireproof co luent basement , complete steam healing fixtures , ater on nil tlio Moors , nan , etc. Apply at the nice of The lleo UIO HALF OP BlOUBjiUOU KAIINAM 8T1HSUT. J-lnqulrc Hat store. , M4I1 ft AGENTS WANTED f WANTKI ) . OOOD AOKNTS lOtl OUIl NEW ' book "Phillips llrooki , tb Mnn , the 1'reachor nd the Author " Ucantlfnl memorial TOlumcof moilui's foremost preacher , no uiilrorsally loved ; nd mourned , Introduction by Joseph Cook. Im- tieniodemandnssurod , cxcluilvo territory given , ilvo references and state experience J K lln t nge , 47 Cornhlll. llonlon , Must. M WO ID' T-AIJKNTS WANTii ) UVKHVWHKHK , LADIl'S " preferred No trouble selllnir , lllic protlts till particulars. Address lock box 11)77 ) i-outh lend , Ind MTOJ 20' T-f7 0J 'JO tSlO.OO CAN 111' MADB MONTHLY "working for 11 f. Johnson i Co. , No . ( So llth t , Itlchmond , Vn. MSt4 312' JOOTOI500 A DAY. ! - > 50 OIH'Kir rilKIJ. i'Work year round for man or wonnn Wilto at jnco Kxcelslor Tortrnlt House , 44 N. Clark St , "hlcago. MI28 M8' 1-AOK\TS WANTKI ) , FOll TUB AUTHENTIC t ) "Life of Illalne. " We onor most liberal terms iver given to agents Wrllu us , no matter what idltlon > ou nro selling , It will pay you , Outtlt reel freight paid Credit given II H. Woodnard A Co , llultlmore Md MJOS 1U 1-At.U.NTri INYK11IUATK UNK bllK LINK. tl Itapld Killer , paying article Itself. Wllllnrni .V Co. , 'lopcka , Kan MMI Jl * T-AGEN'IS ' 10 SKLL OUIl MJllbEllV bTOCIC. > ' salary or commlislon paid weekly Address May Urns , nurserymen , Itochcslor , . " > Y. M405 2 ' T THOSE DESIIUNU AN KAB\ AND UAl'If ) i' inono-inaklng business send address and Blimp 0 12. E tterl ng , VUO .Main ntruot. Kansas City , Mo. 1 ( I I'J ' 1A WOMAN'S 1NYENT10N. AUEN'IS WANTE. ) . > ' quick seller ; nenln make } 1 to } 5 a day , liberal erras , snrnplo by mull JOc. money refunded If not atlsfnctory , J.A. Mclrlnuion , llealrlce , Nob. 451 IJ J WANTKI ) . AdIJ.NTS , 15VI5IIY COUNTl ANI ) state , to sell "Carp't Poap , " something no , ells nt eight , utcd In c\cry household , mukos a carpet equal to now nt n cost of IK cents n yard 'llg protlts for HVH agents Address with 2c rt&nip , .ho Ohio boap Co , 87 and u'J Hucu blreet , Clncln nutl , O. iiS 1U * T WAMKD , HM.K--MKN AM ) DEALKIIS TO il sell white enamel letters for window sign" , also signs enameled on lion ; bit ; profits , sendfnrlllus truted price list , Now York nnd Chicago Knauiol Co , 411 Clark st , Chicago ( . ! . ' 19' WANTED TO RENT K TWO UKMIUMlliU ; IIOOMS WITH llOAlil ) , references exchanucd Address A OJ , llee .MSC..119 K WANTED , DiSK : UOOII ANI ) DISPLAY window , ( .round floor. Address stating location nnd terms A a , lice- , Jli'W 19' K-WAM'KI' , IIOOMS ANI ) I1OAUDIN I'HIVAIK family , brother nnd slsior , clthor on cable 01 \\nlnulUllluiolor.stulcprlco. Address II U H.ie 448 19- WANTED TO IIENT , ONE S OH 9 11OOJI house nnd n 0 room cottu/o ( with barns ) , nd Joining nr within n block of each other Address gl\lng prlte nnd location , M lull ! North IPth street 417 I'J' K-WANTKI ) , ON V-'AHCK 1ST IIIOUND gentleman , cumfdrtablo room , In suburbs 01 near or on car line ) /ulr Krounds district pro fi'Jred , bath room ro'ivlrcd ' , reply stating tormr etc llox .0. Omnha ' M440 l'J - ENTIItB PEHSO A C ATTENTION (51VKV TC L- rental property ChanfOJ roasomblc , 4 y > r * ' ox lerlenci ) U V llutts , fU . I7t'i street UlfU \ : STORAGE. _ " DON 'r"hToiih ilpusKHOLT ) to ) Jbs wnTi. out 09lm ; our sturige depnrtmunt it Is the bust. Ouiahaalovo llopalr \\orki.l.'Jf ionglas r bTOIIACti : 10H1 HOIMKIUII.D MJODS Lvlcan and cheap rulc-x' U Wells , 1111 1-nrnam WANTED--TO BUY. - I-Oll Fl.Hlll'HK ' * 1IOU-EHOLI goods elc , nr will soil for o.vnor In our nuc lor sales ItHls , 1111 l-dinnm u'/J - . . TO I't'Y ' ' A LAIU1U J1A1.1C LAN tern outfit Address H I , lite > IM 11" XT-l'OMI.h WA.MM ) M ) SADDLE PONIKI 11 K > und and fat Inquire Tue.daj llocork I Proctor. 'Itn i nd Clark streets y.411 .V " " XT-WANTED To""llt V 11)11 ) t ASH , A l.ioi 11 .oiinil gunt o buns about 7 years old vclg : IAIJ , good truve or illu M'r.h I .t'.i Mil a 'D FOil - t-Ai.i : njitsnuiiK o/ \ 40 no iv 0-Foit itltli or wllluut loisj I to & yours , nj bulldlnu , Bto.im no it , ail modern Impriiv jiiioitj : I. llniubiirg , in ell fora tali or trail i for g lu I roa eitutoln mtteiii Mibr.mk4or lojtnwesturn torn AdurJ Julian l iio WK 1 1 J 11 U u rrf , 4 .1 _ Siii U1 < "Ahll 1-0 I ALL KIN M OFSIluDND IIA.Sl 0 urnlluru Tel Irtl Uato Llty mrnlture 4u Illu | iodgo > t Mlrt _ liTfriTrri : , Afl'HO.NOF ri7MlUU. | ( . IlK 01 sirc-wl , Tuosrlnyjj pm M4It rt FOR SALE-HORSES WAQON5ETO l > -nnr 7LKl .AU L M licit ( Tl po ItTKU J ACK ! 1 Address M , F. Coolay , Union hole ) , ilumbarg , Ii &l U * FOR SALE-HORSESWAGONSETO. p-iOU 8AI.1I , A I1ANI ) 0\IM l-YflfoF IHiArK 1 hurscai perfectly found ntul gentle ( an bo teen nt y.'OI California slri'et MIM 21 * _ FOit _ 'SALE -V-l1 SALK. TtllC Mill K ' 111 AT out of the County hospital. Inquire of the foreman nt ttu ho pltal. MU'J -IOII < Al.ll. A HUCONI ) IIVND , Vt HOHSK- punorVoodhury onvlnennd two I ) hur * powi > r boilers , all In good nrdor Not needing them In our now locution wo will sell them at a b-ugnln Omaha Printing compnny. No 1001 Fnrnam st. 87t _ Q-IHKSl'ANDAItDCATTLH. COMI'AM OH-F.lt baled hir nt fJUO per ton , on board CAM at Aracs , rich. Ihls prlco may bo withdrawn ninny time. _ ' , ( ) -NK\Y HHIM'HOOFSAl E CHEAP. A III III5K. Q _ AIIIOM io / " \-l- Oil SALE \ EllCHKA"P SOI.IDOAk llllllt V\ [ counter sultnllo for olllce , bahk or bar Now , linn never been In use.V. . It. ( iricn 217 Knrbnch olock , i < il 19 -rOKHALK d'OOD SKCOND HAM ) STIIHLIMI pncMimatlu blc > clo at a t attain U. A Atkins t ouncll Uliifls , In. xn ; ; MI Ktu BAM : , KMKUM > N OIIAND piano , utuil 1 year cokt fo60i bargain Address II 8 llee. mill * _ -KOH SALE-PAIll SOLIMIKN I OILS , TWO musks twoghUKs , net boxlngglovcs Cost JI7.00 llestcnsh olir tnkcs lot Address L , llco 443 III * Q-lOIl SAI.B , IIUNIINd dUTKIT VKUlM ) plelp , cost flMlO No reasonable nffcr refused \\rlto for description Address II 6 lice 442111' Q10I18AI.V. CIlliAl1. HATK Bt'lTAlIM : Kill bunking jenolrt or murointlle business Inshlu measurements JIHlxlH , Including Heul burglar proof chest Inqulro .04 lire bulldlni ; , telephone 12WI. M4si so CLAIRVOYANTS. S Mil" NA.VMH V WVUIlhV CI.AI11VOV I1 reliable business medium , llfth year ntlU .N litli ibl O K.NO\MiKOIIK IS 1'OWl.ll ION-SI I.I Ol'rof and Mine Arnold , business clalr- \o > nuls. palmlsls and astrologurj , hi\a world wldo roputttlon for their mar \elmis and uon ttirful power In rjillatlu past unveiling Uu future glv ? Inllipiniillc ml rice hiliulng success a'ul hitpplncss to thousand ) , tells the busless ) you should follcitr for gruttust success. If your lover Is truu an I Intoadi mar rlnuo , ri-storps lost lovii ; ro novoi family I roubles and through their nondruits unglo mirror show picture , toll nanio of the ono you marry fitu tnctlongtrun ( onsnltntlon $1 to J i full reidl'U by mnlli , send date ot birth Otllo3 M 15th street near 1-nnnim , Jd floor , room 4 llouri 111 * m to ! ) p m. Mfr'Hll * S-MU1 * 1)11 M l.HOUAVlf : . I'llOI'Iir.inbS , Dl'.AI ) trance clnlr\o > ant nnd llfo reader , tells > our fo frnm cradle to ern\c cin bo coimiltoil nn nil tfnlrsof llfo , has the celebrnti'd ig : > ptlan breast ilato to unlto the separated and canto mnnlago tth one 5011 lo\e tome ono come nil and no cou lined of her rerun- , isle powers onicu nnd rest elite 117 S llthst .nurs'in in to'J p. m Strict Ifo chart and photo of > our tutnro wlf or hus nnil Hunt through mall foi $30) chart alone $ . ' no All letters coiit lining 4 cents In sfxmpK promptly nswered \ wml' \ MASSAGE. BATH , ETC. M-MASSAUK 'lllLATMKNr , KI.KCTIIO lllhll 1 mal baths , scalp and hair treatment , manicure nd chiropodist Mrs I'ost.lIU S l.r > tliItlinell blk 441 ' -VAIIAMH ' MITII. M } S Itl'II , 2ND 1-I.OOH , . IloomS. Massage , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. M-MMK CAI19)N , 1121 I > OUIAM ! 81'llUKI' , .11) I floor , room 7 ( massage , alcohol , sulphur nnd sea nths i- > > S7-'J PERSONAL. [ 7-11- \i U KA1INKSTL\ KNII T O M A11IIY U quick , well honorably ecmllOc for Malrlmonlal ews Mcrrur. mailed In plain sealed envelope ilcrcury.'SUth 8l , Now York [ T-IK UN.MAItllini ) SKND ADIilll SrS I-OU L largest and best matrimonial paper on earth [ luslneis conducted privately. > slab 1643 llolp- ng Hand , Chicago < ) 111 * ART AND LANGUAGES. Lr-0 K"oKIXK\llKCI < UANJOVKACHKI ) . N W * t cor lith and llarney. Harnc ) strcot eutrancoJ14 J14 .r-HAUllY WII.MAMB liUlTAH AM ) 11ANJO ' teacher , 1WJ 1-aruam struc't , lloom 1 , \rMMP l.A'-SAUOUH HAS Alllll\-Itl ) Al'I'I.I T cations for conceits or vocil Instruction 1'KXl Capital avenue. M470 25 * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. ir-i.owKsr lures HDKLITY IIIUST COM i pany , 170.'tnrnnm Btrcet 'i"o \7--.MONlSY TO LOAN O.N 1MIMIOVKI ) CI1Y > propoily , low ratus. A , C. 1-rost , Dougas blk r l ANDK Y15AH LOANS ON I 1TV ANI ) FAUM mortgages. Iload , V Selby , Jll llonrd of Trndo. \V-MO.\KYTOLOAN AT LOWKST IIATUS ov II Improved and unimproved real estate , I to 5 years. Mrtcllty Trust lo , I70i 1'arnam 770 \T CENT HAL LOAN illlUST CO. I1BE ULDO > 773 \yr-ANTMom LOAN AND THU.-T co. m N. Y. * Life , lends nt low rates for cholco security on Scbrasku or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. 774 AYC. . K. HAHHIbON , 1112 .V. Y LIKE. to 701 AY f-MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATKS. The O. F. Davis Co , 1505 farnam ( treat. ut WANTED AT ONCE. LOANS ON IMPUOVED W ( malm property , low rales Hdcllly Trust company. 170J tarn i m st 770 \ \ -\VANTED , I.OAN > 5 , HOUSBS TO 11KNT AND ' ' Insurance solicitor. ( ! eo W P. Coates , 10 1 I1 arnam. M33J \\T OMAHA LOAN A. THL'ST ' COMPANY. IBfll and Douglas , loans money on city and farm property at low rates of Interest AUU1 Mil W-MONEY TO LOAN , Si 6'JO PlllVATK EAST cm money , on Improved ( minim or Co. Uluffs real estate : one or more loans. Address A 11 C , core of carrier No 11 , Umnlm .153 W MOH'KIAGK 1OASS LESS THAN 7 PEIl cent. Including all charges Charles W. llulney , Omnha Nnt bank bldg 705 \ VIlllST & SECOND MOM'CAUK LOANS ON IT Omaha pioperty & . on fauns In ndjncunt coun ties bend fulldoscrlpllon AlexMoore,401 lloobhU V7LOANS ON IMPHOVKI ) ANI ) UNIMPHOVEI ) > > city propertyiOOOuniiMiiw rdsi. to7 percent No delays \ \ . I urnum tmltli X Co.,15lhand Uarney 1 jJ r LOANS U U WALLACE , 312 IIHO\\ UI.lv. AY 71.7 \\f-OMAHA HAVINS ! HANK MAKES LOANS i on real otute at lowest mr.rket rates. Loons juaile In small nr largo sunn for short or long time. NCI commission Is charged and the loans arc not sold In the east , but can alnays bo found at the bank on tbu corner of Uth and Douglas streets 7W - IT77PKIK ENT.MONEY NET TO IIOKItOWEUS ii on Omaha city properly No extra charges of any kind Why pay nigh r.itei' ' Money Is cheap \oucnngetfullbenptlt of low rates from lllot.o Loan nnd Trust lo , loth nnd l)0Uc- 7l > 8 V\r MONEY T0 LOAN ON OMAHA ANI ) < Oi\ 11 ell IllutTs real estate and Nebraska and lowu farms at from II to 7 per cent Interest , with no add ! tlonalchirgesfor commissions or attorneys fees W II Mclklo IstNttl btnk bld . OmnlM 71. ) MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. -CALLAT ilIBOKHCEOt : OMAHA MoirraAciE LOAN co. : ; INCOKPOIIATED j ' ' ' iri'oa WANT'MOXKY' , You can borrow on HOUHF.IIOLD MlltMIUitig AND PIANO ? , HOUSES WAtlnNS AVI ) CAItlllAIJE4 , WAHBHOUpH HKCUIPl'MliHOil ANDIdH , nil ANY OllllSIt SECUHITY Wo will lend you any amount IromllOOO to JI OJO. ONTilCDAl IOUA"K1OH IT without publicity or loinovil of property You c in pay tha money bac < 111 any ninounts you n lilt and at any time , unit u 10 l p lymont s J muds will reJuce ihucost of thu lonn itcinc-nbjr tint you Invi t'i usjor hot i t'i9 property und tlio money , nnd p y for It oily at lon ns > on kooplt There will bo no vxpunso or chirga kept out of the imoiint wanted but you will receive too lull nniount of the loin lloforo borrowliuelsiiwhero c ll nnd seu ui and you will Und It greatly to y jiir adr nil.iu OMAII VMilltlliAliK LdANCO , .UoS illlll 1(11 ( II TIIEET , first lloor above the slrcet , . . _ _ TIHCOI.DKSl , I.AIU.nsr AS" ONLY INCOIl- PO1IATKD WAN COMPANY IN OMAHA -I ) l ll \VANT MON'KV X THE UDM.ITY LOAN ( .UAHANTKt ! CO , IIOOM 4. WlTIISrfl.L 1I1XJCK , hOUMI Urtl. ( OUV'tH HAHNKY bT. \\K MAKE LOAN.s OS HIUM l I'lti- . , , C-AltUIAdbt. . WAltl IIOU-i : HE. EllTd Oil PEIl HUNAL PUOPKltM \NVJ.ISD / W1U. / DO WULL / TO / /VOD / OMOB nuai / roa / OI.P. U.ltvHM L MErll \ il Al'PltliV A L \ouc4ii pay the moi > jy baik ! at Lnv tlmo in I In nni nmouni you wUh , anil thui reduce tin cent of carry Ing tliu loan In proponlon to un lunt you pay IT V < U ewe H biinncocin your fiirnllurii orotnei penonal property 01 onk n I nu will pjy U on foi yoj undcitrry It HS long ns you deilro . . „ . , . , MIU I AN IIAVK 1UUH MDM-.V IN ONB HOLM ! MIOM THF. TIME * OU MIC | APPLIOATIOV J\o publicity or removal of uroportr , so that yoi get tha u o of both money and propttty. lou wlllsUo nua uiln froui7 to S p U lit MONEYJTO LOAN- CHATTELS ( OllllllllfVl. - -yMONFV. . l , W DA > - . CIIKAP HATKS I Vnudeasy payments , on furniture pltnos llro , toc\ , rte , without didiy iir p ibllclty , cnh on | hand , Unit Urcon , room * , tlnrber blook 7M V W'TLlTlTt ) A V MO < K Y OV ANV K I MM S " uVciirttyi strictly conlldentlal A. K. Harris 2) Karbnck block , 7JI xPIUl'CIIAIUUl DOUGLAS lll.K 10 , t llllII ) ) ) ( X -J K. VANlllLDKIl , I13J7 , OMAIIANAI' L UK MIM Ml ) ' = " "BUSINESS CHANCES. . lBAt' tlrjl clam location , cash taint U3 pur civ Ad dutV 7 , llee. MJIIJ IIUSINKS AdKXCV tl'lS ' V I Ifo , conducts n Kcnernl bu luei > s vtchauio I.lst of wood bit lne < clnuces In nil ptrti of the country on application lluslno-ii po > ltlini su- ciireil MSi ; Ml _ " " " V-M > TICI : . ONLY nuuir"si"oiiirTS T"iiMv5r 1 I.osiof health caiuo of ellliiff It will place for n doctor. Address A A llco ollice _ _ _ A * "KHK IT IS , AHNAl'MUUK TlTK 1 pnloon In one of the brnttowrt In .Netirn kti for sale If > ou nron unloon man nnd out of InMneiF InrestlEnlo this Adlrcss lloom 2U. MtCnuuo llldtt , umiiha \\1V \ < V -I'AUTS KH wAriCA'lIStK [ Avlsr I < lass Inundr ) mnii Ith niuall capital to Hi p Into n pn > ltiK bunlnen II /elhr , JIuUUi'vi' N < M > . M .J . 10- V Kilt SAl.K ( JOO1) l.tfMIIUIt \ AHI ) IN ' 1 III ! 1 bout county neat town In southenftern .Si tirinKn populiitlon 1 ' > XI , llkodcnn nlock , ilolnx t.ooil burl ne. s < iood roiiKiiii/i for ncllltiK Address A lO Hcu1 W ID _ Yur sioHK Ton > AIK IN MuiTriT.As r 1 crn Notirafki dotnt ; wood bnslnus only tori In town nllllrxolcti nbout ( imxilHi , [ 0011 conn try , addroi > n II II , euro lllchunlson Inui ; ( u Oiniiliii .Neb | < U I'J * IIOAHDINd ANI ) I.U HllS'Allti | : iU silo lion I location nnd full 01 bo ir.lnrx Ail dii" > 11,1 , Hop , MiUsSU * V t OK HA I'M i lu rcssioit ANDM\S : I paper olllco , wo II locntcd lell i tat > li lieil job trndo , mpir well luitroiinlod clrculntt in i > 1) neil qiilpptMl plant mid k'ond bu > in < "i4 tiiilldinn don t wrlto iinlosH > on luivo JI.OJo to p ly doun propertv hfcur < " biilam i bor further purtlc utiir * itddiens Jlio It ( .nlej ri'itl i ntatv Iroston N b < H 11 \r-vnKAi' volt ( Thii IF'TAKUN bi ) N 7. 1 loom hoiue. burn tnroo Inrst1 cliliktn lion-ei" , liidibitoi nnd nil neccmvry \tnrui forMinei'K lull ) operating n poultry l rm on lm cd ground ono mile from I' o chc-np k-rouiul rent etc loniu nnd st'O me nbout thU ( .tun 1 * Ilinjiimln I * x > liolfe nt ) M lu * V-IAI III.l.KM" CIIANCK 'ID UKM H\KIK 1 nnd roBtiurant nt lluniphiii ) Neb , nnl > bakery In tonn ( population IIW > hiirtlur Inlotmntloii at bU7 North lUlh Hitit , uiunhn , or llumphre ) b.tkory < l. ) IJ YIOHAir. , Mcciv cos-iii'ir.o in biA J. tlouery , clRar tobntio millmn , confei tlonerj lend ( lood location KOOI ) oppnliiK lui olt.3 nbont ? l illy .1 t llnrmx , I uxltiKlou , > L | I < I7 < WAMKII , .MANAoiK toll l \ s ! I Olh Ike $ l. )0sntir ) { ) nnd eoniinUttl > n murt hn\o bUU cish nnd k'Kid rcfcrcuccK Addro n II I * Holt LOT Ml , M I oills Mo. l.'l UP I.NTI'.IIV.S'll'.lt IniunnliiK her < e < would like to coricnponil with parties who noulil back the * sumu fui Biiiull nmountn nhon Inforiiud to do DO Address loom TIMnouriinca ICxchiiixcbUildliiK ( hluit.0 4JO Hi' , r I-OHSALK , HMAIbTICK ! Ol1 GltOCKKIKS I Incltj Aildrcii II U , Hie 474 IJ' AND SI10K blOCK , INVOICK ! l TWI'lO M.CUJ. for nle , or nilnlit tul.o < innlin piopcrt ) bee spencer tv Hunt , Hour. I of 'Irndu bulldlni : A'-l Oil SAI.K KOK CASH $ ; WOh'KlLk Oh ( .f 1 ernl mcrclinndlsu nnd Hoio llxturenlll tell cheiip renioiiK , III lie illli luqnlro or nddreKs II A Oslirloh Hooper .S.b M)3. ' . ' . * ViO ' 1O < U 1'Kll CL.M' ' A.N 1113 MA11I3 t'N 1 imnllliiTO'tment In iunnnfntturliiibu < > iiiei > i NO competition pOHslblu HncUlunte for p.irtleu laracnllon 11 U llcttermun , IIJ7 No 2ltli stroi t 4" ! Ill FOR EXCHANGE. Z I'liKAN Sl'tKK OFOKNKUA1. M I-5 K1I.I , tnko lent entatc & money llox"b , I runkfort Ind 78. y-4SJ ACiti-.y OF OI.UAU LAND IN ONI : 01- /Jtho best vrlnler wheat districts In Knnsia to ex clmrtKO for 10 or 2U acre tract ncnr Omiilm city limits Will pay cn > h dllfuronru If property la liood AddrosH , KlvliiK prlco nnd location , o 2t ( , Hco olllcea 2U5 r/-10WV iuO PAIIMSIN MCllKAbKA KANSAS /.Al DakotaMII sell cheap , or exchange for mda , horics und cattle Add , box "o , 1 runkfortInd I/-M 000 AGUES OK SCHOOL I , AND TOtt SAhB ON /Jensy terms or will oxclmnKO for merchandlso and stock , Inquire of J. U Mutton , UloouiHold , Nub , MUU * rI'Oll THADI ! FOll LANDS AND fJASH. A clean stock of Koncrnl mcrchindlao Adlrcss ft.V Wntklns A. to , l-rankfort Ind , Kb-in I- ZI IIAVK ( iOOD IIUILUINC ; LOT , 1IHT AM ) tranklln If 1,00-1) ) , for small stock of merchandise In city or country. L' 11 Wlllets , South Omnha , MlUT-Ut * -FOIl SALU OH K\CllANll5. WHAT HAVH you to exchnuKO for H acroa farm Innd 7ta miles of o'Noll , .Soli , close to bhortLlnolt.il I want stock of ready made harness , collars , lenther etc Hoots nnd shoc . If clonr stock , or furniture also 2SO acres 2 1 miles from WhltlnK , la , No 1 hay laud cash no trndo Address with stamp , ( ' i ; care Lock box 21 , Onawn , la I'/J 19' Z 13 M T > > 14,000 IN DIIV O ODS , HAT * . CATS , bootx. shoos , notions , etc , for desirable No- hraika land. Address Ford & Pock , Hromaburir , Neb Mm Mil * Z KIIIBT MOII1I1AGK AND CLKAIl HKNTKD property for land , \\llllnma & Mlttnn , < ! d Moor , Mc.aituc building , opposite postottlco M2SO 1U y-JOOI ) OMAHA KQUIT1K4 Til RXCIIANOK /-Tor Nebraska InmU JU Me nKue HldK. M-'il riiusr ci.vbs iiiiicK iioruL. IMHCBf 15,000 /Jlncumberod forJS.OOO. Lou&cd for $ " 00 per ycnr for laud or city property. SOZ N lUhOninlmJ15M J15M- Z-FOIl LAM ) ANI ) TASII , A CIIOICH * 7,000 stock of dry i00d9 , clothing , etc. In Kood slinpit , a coed opening for u business mull llox 4V , I o- lumbus. jveb -MJ.'S . ' ! y--\MIA'l ( ! OOI ) 1'1101'KIUV HAS'K \ Oil K ) K.X / cbunizo bend description Alor'Moore , 401 lloo bide MJ74 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. nANDSOMK HOMKSKorBnlo lly ( Ion N Hicks , Dealer Infholco llc-ddciuo Property 12LKUANT CoItNUIl HOUaK , No 110AOutli3Ut street , ten rooms , eleitnnt reception hull spacious parlor llhrnr ) , dlnliiK room , smoLliiK room , elo Knnl larco bud rooms , etc , hontUomo oak llnlbh , olcctrlo IlKlit , Has , furnnic , larRf Lath room , hot and cold water , stone walks , etc Lot 40xlUU feet , coruer Jl t and I'm Hie IIAMISUMi : IlliltlC AM ) HIAMI3 COTTA iK No , W19 I'aclrlo ctri 11. now und modern built , elc uant hardwood tlnlrdi blrdsejo maple , quarter xaned onk etc nil modern convenlencpn , laundry furnace bath , etc , 1 ot .Uxluo feat north front HANDbOMK IIOUHu No lOil South , nd street nuw uud modern built nlno rooms , with spacious porchor , liur-\\ood tlnlsli , larito parlor , dining room 10 fei t lena , reception .hull , library , kitchen four led rnomi ( innoftlie llnunt places for the l/o InOmahn Pouth front with lame Krounds lUx ITU fell covered "Ith beautiful tdindx nnd fruit trees 1'ropcrty lieudi on J.'nd etuct , cscnplriK all III1K K AND 1 IIAMBOOTTAOK. No iOI.S Paeltlc Blriet with handeomo reception room parlor , dining room kllchen 4 bed rooms , with bath room nil modern conveniences Including laundry nnd eorvanlfe i local In basement .MODKH.N HUILTIMIOOM HOUSK , No 1101 Po 31st street , coiner "IH nnd luelflc C'lngnntly tin Ished throughout In colonial style with beautiful reception room , handsome dining room , parlors nnd trent bed room finished In white and gold All modern convenience , corner lot , es.nl and north NI.M' IIOOM ( OT1 AdK , No .12111 Popploton nvo nun ! will uinka n coxy home has furnarp , bath , EBB. towerntrf , ete btiith front lut 5J > IOO fcrt MOIIHIN III ll.T Hi.MB llul'SK , No 01 Pop plcton aveni o eight rooms nltli furnaio bath , onornko , KOMlr 'outli front , lot 4.1x110 feet Kl. I.AM DOLilILK IIOU-K , Non IlJbnndllJO bouthJlHt Direct , with liiriju lurn lloiinr hntu nine loonneach with all modern conveniences 7Sxl'jftit fpnclousirroundH , en > t front on onoof thn nlei'ut residence streets In the city Will rent tor II 401 per year NIC liillAi.l' No 2ii.ll Capital avenue five ) rooms hUPBtanllall ) bulll cnly four blocks west of Hlifh school Hltliln ( any walking dlnlancu of bud nec portion of Ihocll. ' All eompleto , 81 feet front Tbiso turnup * c-in be ofleri'il for the nct Ihlrly dayit at prlees that make them splsndld bargains call and sco them. I.eo N Hlrks J05 N. I Llfo Illdg 41419 HJACHK1 2 IIOlMKi llilLIUHl ) SMALLVllc.IT andgrapcs ( H miles of P o. fJ7jW par acre run payment I ncrei on 44th > t K.IOJ turiiu e y Tl II PurrolU . ' < Douglas block \HiJQ.Ml Fo AcTtKh IN ONb ACHK I.Oltf. NKAH lOITII ) umihawlllb placed upon the market Slanh 15th No moiteat.es or tnios upon this property , abstract true Within U minutes rldci to 211 b and N st ed * Healthy location , good residence place , tine chance lo ralio vegetables , poultry , cle Terms easy Per ronsIIorry South Omaha itlJ > H8 C-IUO CAHII WILL r-rciJHK IfO ACHP8 Hllal' 'iPclass land In eastern Nebraska , balance Ion * lime , t ; per cent Interest The O. K Davlsro IJJi l-arnamst 1V5 M 10 6\LK , IIUlI.SiAND : I.UIri AT I'lllCKrl I7OII on tsrnn that defy competition. Call at , or ndclrv-ss , t\i \ McCaguo bldg. before you pur chase m 2' ' ' ' AiriTAUK HOI.K AIJKNTS I-UK DKI IDKI1 HAH > i gains which wo can recoiiiumnd as beln vary detlrjble ni well ns vey chaip , ono rourlh cJsti hull lot nl 1th and Albor streets , ouly IUJ. \\elilocitudlot , Ilodford Place , for Jill I Icont South Dmub lot , rfull ) , sn > ptj > ) Klne corner , Orchard 11111.137 % Lliolcuit lot lualiilil Hill , trcoi Mto I..OJX Mostdetlrubla lot on Ixmo avenuj , ( i.lU ) lluilimi lot on South Wth , worth HOW. for 12,01) . lleautlful iDOduru homvs can be secured In onr nvw AvondaloPirk. Inside mile limit , at ItotaWif ) toll.OOO Come an J see us , fidelity Trutt C'o ,17W i'araaio , M81i l i FOR SALE KEAL ESTATE vov s i > TO in \ AiiiK. PiuiPKirrv JL'HT WF. < f OH I III : I IIY LIMITS. nn : IIHEAT PI.ATIimini IANAI. AND WAIEU POUKII \MII mnko II ndvnnio rnpldly In tnluo. ! > AOllK-i , clioetodty , ( i IW. 5 ACHKS , with small i ollngi > i,900 10 Al HICS rloimiil tract , ( I ' < 00. 10 Al'IIK * . with cottage , M U. Hi AlllKx , rliolcH piece , only M ( XX ) M ACIth , nlco garden trad , 17 'iOO 40 ACIIKM , splendidly locnttd , I1I1UOJ m ACIlK" , finest around Omaha imu. IS ) AC1IK1' , close toiuiw fair grounds , (13000. THIS PHOPKItn Iswestnndnoulliwvst of the city limits , e'cnplng nil rlty Inxos II' OI-FKUS nnopportiinltt for tin safest nnU btsl Investment now on the market ami with the IIEHN.MM ) OFO11K ON TIIK IIIIKAT WA1ICH I'O\\KH SYSTEM It will ndvanci * from Wtl to 50J per cent Cull nnd lit us show you the Larmliis wo cin offer iii'oiiiii : N HUK * , Ilcil Itslnlpnnd Inuntmonl Agrnt , 805 New Uuk Life building. 4I IV \\'E OH-KU Tiit nii.i.owisti i > properly on monthly piymontt of IIO each II Is nil desirable , nnd th prlcoi tru dlrtclioapnl un nil cash tlguioi deed turner , iJth and 'prm/ui1 , IIM turner lOlh and Dominion wil < si < to ti ) ) I Im-eormir ll- Vcr Pho on cur line ( , JI "oiitli front tot , i rthird Illli tiOO Valuable \\alntit Hill lot , ! l KM I Icgiint corner i hner.lile two lots il Jl 1 1'iu 4 r i oltngo , burn , etiuward stranl , { I MX touhlc * or pxtuuso to shuw this property Heinomber that In otiruUgvnl now addition of Aiunilnlii Park > on oin secure n bountiful m home nlthln the mlle limit for f I ( MM" l ) JI Ml" U ) Irimt lompiiii ) , 170 1 l-ariim M40T FIO XUINKH KUl UP ID'tN'rr ' IJJ IT I J i | risno h inilviiiin ri ldiMui > ! " ft liUSI-HfAl , line liirm ii mllesout , J10JJ I i < Darling llnrker I lock M8I7 ( l K Will// " M.-O-J \Sh-HOOM HOI felt Fl'LT. ' -"in l front lot , Ilinihcom pliu e noith ofool worth nve , kObbler II \ bholes Lo llrst Nnt I bnuk 41117 * \\rAi\i : l P AND sii : : Tin : PUOI us ION ii 'iUOl bu > s 7 "ooin house full lot. t. OCO I'll ) F 5 room house J lot * 1,0 U buys I room house , corner lot ( I iUhit ) ) s 5 room holier , half lot All sold on small payments M Old buys 7 room iiiudt rn house full lot II.0 hnrs U room modrrn house prosrod brick , triMind" 7I\I 10 iligunt loiatlon Most of these prnpeitlts ni'iir ( ir line ' I oncer A Hunt room /4i / lloud of T nidu bulldliu MI7I JO I UT 1 U- < ALi : OS ( .01)1) TKilMS Ldl' SIX J-iln bloi ti ono In Sprlliudillcind lltlon to thuclt/ ot iMiiuhn. Address Jonas cmk , Amlovvr III box 4s M'H.7 1J . .I ) I llOU'tllOWX ANDSFI1K\ V i fnim If you \\lsh to buv sell or borrow money 01 fiiinih , wrllo or call HOJJ : \ Hill imi.iha , Neb 111 M3 roio ) At ius IIF ciioii' . : FAUM LANIH von < ' nle 111 I rentier ( , nsp > r , Dinsin nnd Lincoln ( omitltK Neb. at liom ( I to tu pui aero otiy terms II H UOIHOII l.uslls Neb MS < 1 Ml pi U III. PlU.i i-.iii i I ) Just est ot thocllv ilmlt-i , Iho Urrnt Platlo Ither Cannl and water POVUT \\lll niiiku It ndxuncu ranldly In vntuo 5 nire.s , only Ii 4UO fi lilies , nlth small cottage K.SOO. 10 ncre s choice plen1 * l uJ U lures llh eullnue. f\WW 20 acres close to Hell Line Hnllwny , ? DOU. 25 at ns cholco gnrdon tract , J7 , > ) J 40 acres elegant tract , ( hi 000 M ncrcs tlnut nrouiid ill ) fIJOOO I JO acres near new fair grounds 141030 cull and eo tlio bargains wo oiler ( iconic N Ulcks , Ilcnl estito und Invt stinunt ngent , Smvork I.I rebuilding 171 I1) MA II A. POPI'LAIION 1'OOJO TIIK HlvM'clTY In the United Mates In nhloh lu m ku roil e tate lincFlmunlBltiUOUCO to be ln\catod In Just llv o of be renli'rprlseei xU Two r illro id brhlgos across the Missouri river union depot new government tort and 2 mile canal besides new piu klmj houses for soulh Om ihn , hole U for Onialui and one * hun dred oilier cnlcrprlses which will make in Iho an- grcaluoviM $ I.'UOIOOO ( I am selling lots lying between Oinalin and the ne I ort Omaha for exact' ) ten dollutB each n Ilmlfd number to I'nrli pcmon * o morUn.jo oil thli * property Knclosc siamp for pint and full In fornmllon ( luirlesp , Henjniuln , solo agent IVXI Dodge strict 4H. lil * oiT SALI : r , IIOOM coirAt.u ONH IILOCK from motor nud wllhln walking dlstaiico of bu > lniss l'rleoll < VO terms easy D b Hutchison , 1'itliM Mlbl 21 l.iAI'.ll LANDS 1 Oil SALI.-IIUIITON H IIAHVUY "of lirlcnim Neb oiler for solo over twelve thou sand acns of their own lands In l-rrnklln , llnrlnn , 1 urnas Ittd NMIlow , Illtthcock I'hilps , ( .oplier and l-rontlercountlcsln Nebraska and llepubllcsn , Hooks , Phillips , Norton , Decitur , llnwllns and I hejenne ( ounllos , Kansas I ) Ing near the Hurling- ton , Hoik Island anil Central llrunrb rallrondv Terms to suit purchasern We loaned li/iHttwOon form IniulM nnd obtained tltlntoniany trtuls dur ing the depression of a lew > ears ago , cuid at sucli valuations ns enable us tu soil nt very roasonsMo prlcex 1-nr price list ( | LM rlptlons , lie. rail onv" address ( ice W llurton ( Irleans > ob . or A t Ilur\ey. lloom ? , AcAdeni ) of Music , Lincoln , Nob. .ifil ml _ rWllJT LAND-TIIUHi : AHE STILL A HW I- ; thousand acres of choice Innd In the great Mis * sour ! \nlloy corn belt Unit cnn bu bou.ht at from 18 00 to JL''iO nn iitru diaries Mix county , South llakolu , contains the best of thcso lands An ex tensive list of fiirnm for sale or rent In lharles Mix and I ouglns counties l-.lcven jears a resident here Itofercnces given ( or maps and particular * csll on or wrlto to Irving H Welch , Kdcorton , UiarlQS Mix Co , H 1) . J9Jm2 * _ 17011 SALE CHEAP-A 40 , I.J , M OH lt ACHE 1 farm nicely Improved U. F Hutchison. lOb N. I5lhst M4fil il _ * -FAUM LANDS IN NEHHASKA KANSAS AN Vsouth Dakota for saloon long llmo , easy term * and low rate of Interest Liberal commission to agents Send for catalogue I ) Hayes. Manager Mii catlnn Mortgage and Trust Co. room 2,31914 So 15th street M4U1 MIB _ lOIt SAFlt , IMMhDIVTKLY NICE IIKJ11 ANI ) 1 dry lot ncxl to corner , In Potter A Co lib's 1st add toMiutli Utuhlin for N.75. half caih , balance on tlmo. Address P O box 155 , Elk Point , toulb Dakota M4tt.fll' _ THU-E ACIH.S ( JAHDKN LAND , HNK-T IN 1 county. slKhtly ; one third ciish , balancu time , F. K Darling , llarker block M470 il foiT , ON SHKItMAN AVIl CAll ON S I HE I'.T JJor at Itojds , pair of old mounti-d opera glasses and velvet holJiir The Under " 111 bo lib- irally renardc-d by rutiirnlngsamu to Mrs T Mul\l- hill , 1 18 .Madison ave _ 417 ID * - MTbTHl' DOd. FAWN COI.OB , , ; LfiBI-A frame , ono jenrold Ilevinrd paid If re turned to Win Lyle Dickey 140J Douglas 459 19 1 OSl'-SATUHDAY , I P. M , IIKTWEKN 2IHII l-l nnd ( > slrccts nnd 25lh nnd N streets , South Onnilia , ono sollalro diamond ring , two otH diamond mend oarrsngs on turquolso ring sot with diamonds mends Liberal rewatd Kill ! Doud , 2.rd and U htrccls Soiilu Omaha 4W IU' T -LJ'TOIl BIOLEN. IHISH BETTEH IllTrH Ijpup , round hole In loft car. Liberal reward for return lo 1510 Corby < " ' " I osr-tollMr HEPHEHD l)0 ( . 1 ONI. SILKY Ijhalr , IlK'it colored llud inlliir and chain when lott ndn llclurn lo N PI ell , MS 8 JOth Llber | rownid. * ' * T"ii"r-iN urn ST UK-JWKKN IIAVKNIMKT J und l hlrngo Indies pockutbook with money In II Hownrrt lor return t J Ml North Itth si. 47Z U * BLOOD POISONING. 01)11 ) P01S ) .V IN ITS PIHMAIIY BKCON'DAIl- HI nil frllary slagns carJd In < U tollJdiysot money refunded. I ho treatment thoroughly era ! leitos all polun from the bio jJ nildoainnt ( In- lain you fro-n your b isliusi lOion bo iroitol at lioiiioorotllco All ojrro pon1 101 strlcllr pri vate torfil thcr Information call onor nddrBis the Conllncnlnl llemedy Co , room 53 , llarker block , Omaha Neb. MiWMl * SHOHTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. OIIOinilANI ) IIY MAIL WiTII AN\ O laiirtardlyp wrllcrsnlhoiui. ( Ireat chtiico for thone cllher In clly or counlry who cannot attend a regular shorthand school Address Van Hint rchoolof northind 61 IN V Llfo Omaha Mi > U PAWNBROKEKS. 1 t-OVNKNUKlKl , IIMMONI ) HHIIKKII , 1304 ) .DounliiB st Lor.n money on diamond" , watclns , etc Old gold and sliver b mght lul I H 1 ) "SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. t. 1)AII nmkes bought , sold uxchsnged , routed. 1113 N t Llfo bldg Tel S51 _ 1 7 Ml ) COSTUMES. A DIES' AND UKNrV MAhQUKH 1KB COJ- jtuiiia * for rental III H lotb M4TJFI9 * 8WI ORE DEN TYPEWRITERS OREThe Best in the World. MAQEATH STATIONERY CO. 130'1 Farnam St. , - Omaha , Neb BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitors , Boo Building , Omtiba , Neb < yemiiiiuinlnoriiU : , B. I'at Om e. Advloe free PENSIONS : CLAIMS ;