THE OMAHA DAILY KEE ; SKTrUDAY , FEBRUARY 18 , 1803. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL It Was a Shaky Bet of MarkcU on 'Ohango Yesterday. CORN AND OATS CLOSED AT A DECLINE Wlient Hold OT ( Onn Cent Knrly lint Ito- gained 1'nrt of the Decline I.ntcr In the liny Provisions Were Quiet. CntCAOO , 111. , ' Feb. 17.-H wm n. shaky set of markets on'clumso today. Whcnt sold off lc , but regained ? jc of the docllnei Tons of Know In Right and a chlnook temperature wcro mainly responsible for the tumble In prices. Corn closed at n decline of ! ic for last nlghl'a figures and oats ! < c. Provisions , after many fluctuationsclosed nt a small advance , Ittiie for pork , lOc for lard and 7"c for ribs. Wlii-iif Nfartrd about He lower than the closIng - Ing of yesterday nnil after sonic slight lluetua- lions prices declined ? ; c more , then rallied allRhtly , again eased off mid the closing was about .c lower for Mny and Uo lower for July thnti llio cloning ( Inures of yesterday. Operators hail bum buying wheat of late , expectln-i that u hard frcczo would follow the recent thaw , in which event bolter prices might result from crop shares. Hut the fall of snow , If It extended through the winter wheat belt , would uTord ft protection against cold weather and make the proipects of ilaumgu to the young plant less liable , ami this belief brought out ninth ) inoro wheat , and under Inrtfo offerings the market was weak. There was no special demand and support to the market until th < 3 lower prices were reached , whe'i I here was some demand to cover shorts from other tources , and the market held S A"lmd'break In stocks In New York created poino little uneasiness among dealers. 1 ho northwest Is offering fair quantities of wheat , rhlciifro No. 2 grading guaranteed at from 3Mc to 4c under May prlcea to arrive here. Corn wns shown only IndllTorent support and the sentiment led toniinl weakness , pilces Belllnc down from He to ? { c followed by a partial recovery. Traders talked of the ac cumulating stocks both bete ami In the visi ble supplv and under n lack of bull news It was mil iflfllciilt to sell the market off. 1 ho casli slluiitlon was reported unfavorable for holders and shippers of corn to the reabourd and buyers hero of the contract grades en- thu speculative market as sellers of deferred futures. 0110 or two well known houses with eastern connections weio also liberal sellers. " In oats there wns fair sellliiK by commiss ion houses and elevator men and llio decline In corn assisted In making the market weak. Not much Interest wns manifested in the market for hog products. Thu bulk of llio trailing bclmt butwee.ii local brokers and for small quantilles. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : \\hcnt , 104 cars ; corn , 300 cars ; outs , ICli cars ; hogs , 9,000 head. The lending futures ranged as follows : AHTICI.XH. Wheat No 2 May February. 74 73 < < BS July 77 Corn No. 2 February. 4W3W Mny. . . . 4 7 15 C M July 45H 43i ! Onti No. 2 - February. 80f .10 UJ May 31 ti Urssrorlc Mny 19 SO 19 82H I9C7H 19 77K 19 C7H I.ard- ilay 12 u : > 12 K 12 70 12 CO 12 SI July 12 : w 12 KM 12 SO 12 .V.'H 12 25 Hept n 10 12 35 12 10 12 23 Gliortlilbi- .Msy 10 < r. 10 i : > 10 < 2V 10 JJJ < Cash quotations wcro as follows : Ki.ouu Dull and unchanged. WIIKAT No , 2 spring , 7nv : : No. 3 spring , f. o. li. , MQGGc ; No. 'J red , 73 , o. CoilN-No. 2 , 414@42c ; No. 3. cash , 371ic ; No. 3 yellow , 38e. OATH No. 2 , 31ei No. 2 white , on track , BB'saSGc ; No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 33 < S34'o. Itvc-No. 2. Basic. HAIII.EY No. 2 , G4c ; No. 4 , f. o. b. , 87G2c. FiAxHr.r.n-No. l.n.24. TIMOTHY Sr.En I'rlmo , $4.IiO. I'OIIK Mess , per hbl. , J10.00&10.12' ' , : lard , per 100 Ibs. , $12.90 ; short rlts sides , ( loose ) , tl0.40ftlO.0 ( ; dry salted shoulders , ( boxed ) , P.H7M < aiO.OO ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , 110.00 a.n.uo. WHISKY Distillers' flnlshecl goods , per gal. , SmVAfis Unchanged ; cut loaf , B'j35 ? c ; granulated , uno ! : standard "A , " Be. Tha following wuro thu receipts utul .ship ments for today i On the Produce oxchntiRO todav the huttor market was ijulut ; creamury , 20S28Hc : dairy , 2oai0c. ! Eggs , excited , higher ; strictly fresh , 20 < 330c. Omulia Grnln Market. The great drawback to the market Just at present Is the scarcity of cars. There nro plenty of huyers , and their bids are very tempting , but these having the grain to sell nro tif raid to enter Into a contract to deliver It for fear they cannot got the cars In time , 01110 Idea of thu seaiclty of cars may be gained from the remark of n prominent grain man to the effect Unit ho could only got five cars yesterday when ho wanted 100. The daily session of the hoard wns fnirly well attended , but n good many absent them selves when they ought to bo present. A > hinted above , there were plenty of buyers nnd no lack of bids. While sellers were scarce , ( hero was stilt Mime trading. Tlio following prices tire for delivery al Mississippi river points : WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 70c hid ; No. spring , tile bid ; No. 3 red winter , 70c bid. UVK-NO. 2 , t > 2c bid. OATS-No. 2 white , 33c bid ; No. 3 white 32yc hid ; No. 2 mixed , 29'ic bid ; No. ' . colored , 30c bid. COHX No. 238Ucblil ; St. Louis terms ; No 3 or better , St. Louis terms. 3Hc bid , 38 > , J < naked ; No. 2 , March shipment , Pt. Louis terms 383 c ; No. 3 or butter , March shipment , 38 ! < i bid , 38 c asked ; No. 2 , April shipment , HOiii bid , 40unskcd ; No , 3 or hotter , April shipment BOcbld : No. 2 white. 4sc ) ; No 3 or better white. 391'c bid , 40c asked. Among the sales were tlio following : It cars No. 3 or better corn , Toledo terms , 3 ( days shipment , 38o ; 10 cnrs No. 2 corn March shipment , St. l.ouls terms , 38ifo ; 3 car No. 2 wbttocorii , prompt shipment , tit. Loul terms , 40V4c. IK ) A HI ) UIUBrS. Grain cnrs are scnrco nt terminal hhlppln points. H. H. Wood of the S. II. Wood Produce coin puny , Minneapolis , was n visitor on the boaril The value of a dally call can not be measure ! by the amount of grain sold on call. Tne prlnn object of the call Is to make prices , thus cn-nt lug what might lie called an oMIelal marlie which can bu sent out Into the country for tin guidance of shlppets nud buyers. A great ( lea of grntn Is nnd has been sold nt nnd througl Omaha , but at thu same tlmu ( hero is practl cnlly no market here , none at least that couli ho reported. Tlio holdlngof a dally call make It possible for tlio iieuspapcts to quote tb Omaha gram market. If thn sales happen t hn light on n certain dny Hint Is nothing to th discredit of thn plnii of having n dally call. A tit. Louis , which Is probably tlie second larges Krnln market In the country , they hnvo n dull call mid It Is nothing unusual for little o nothing lobe sold during the call. The groa bulk of thn business Is ilnno after the call o oven before. At Kansas City they do a larg grain business , but the dully call docs not brln out nny more trading than does thu one n Oiiuilm , Uiimlin 1'rudiiro .Market. Most everything on thu innrket Is too high I stimulate consumption , ami consequently th general market is dull. Hutter , eggs , po'ultr nnd M'getables are all retailing nt high price1 nnd consumers cnn be expected to buy sptii Ingly until they come down. When eigs ar low enough nt wholesale so the retailers ca sell them at ie 20c then consumers wl commence to eat rggs , There wns no ver radlcnl change In the markets , but eggs wer a little tinner and chickens not oulte u * tronz. Ai'i'i.M Stocks nro held ut ta.&osj.ooto fair to choice slock. lUKANAtt ( Juotrtl at S2.XV32.50 per buucl UKA.NH I'holce nuvy. t'J.Vi. HtTTiii ; The receipts nro n little large ( Jor-1 parking Mock , iHftSOc ; fair to good rol SHWlr : choice to fancy roll. 228.24C. CAI.UUIIMA C'AIIIIAIIH I'cr lb.,2ic. CKIKHY I'enloz. , 40c. rilANDKIllllUX- Hell and bugle , J10.0 ; J .t toy ' ! Cod. I9.&I ) . K ( < J Th < rvrelptH hnvo been very Unlit f < l ( ; da > , uml utkiocks hnd been ptetty we r.lruwl in > I jr sMupcni. tln-ro were not man Ml mi llio mutket. t'lider such comlitloi \\n-if \ \ liak tx-un u tendency toward nn advum nl [ ) dr < - . The nmjorlly of the sales muil ttiliitrfjitcd : ut 'Jlc , although there wet Mi.r wiio woo iiokliiff more , uml some wli > IkiiDi-i ) lliot I'tfp'i were to be hnd at 20c. Tl ( j.uj riy ) of ilrdlcnt unn-ar | to look UJKIII tl tiri > + * iil tlTi ( nlnic of prlees ns only temuorur ' 'li w l < xU ni on Ihii kltuntlon In this llgl uitt I/lining their Judgment upon n Niippodttlc tlikl llii'if will not ! any more continued col Vthfr , mill Unit I'ifgn must got mure plonl In -i-oiiiilry / noon. intii , fmulltablilU , tl.fJOj Jack rabbit 13 W. JUvTlio i/mrkct wa steady ut t&&n&O.O JJ1JJU - Ho. I ( te a , BSici t < o. 1 green sallo ic ; No. 'J ereen aalted. flkc ; No , 1 green lilted , 25 to-Ill liu . 4' < ri No. 2 ureeti Railed , 2.1 to 40 llw. . 3 < ( c : No , 1 veal calf , H to 15 llx. , ' 4Ci No. 'J veiilcnlf , B to 15 His. , 5'ici No , 1 ry Hint , Oftl7' Ci No. 2 dry Hint , 45l5 ei No. 1 ry suited , 5 < < lr ; purt cured hides 4 per cent ier pound loss than fully cured. llosr.Y Choice to fancy white clover , 16 ® JOr ; fair lo irood , 10 < aiR < * . LKMONS- Choice , in.D ( > an.7r < i fanry. $4.00. MAI.AOA OiiAl-ns-Uoodsblpulm ; stock , $8.50. NKW Vr.m.TAnt.ESLottuco , radishes and parsley , 45c per dnz ; green onions 4fK % NITTSLarge hickory , $1.60 ; black walnuts , 1.0W11.25. ONIOSH Homo grown , tl.20jll.25 per bushel ; 'panlsh tier crate. $1.9OiJ2.00. OHANIHW- Florida fancy , perbor , $3.50 ; flvo o ten box loU , $3.26 ; russetts. $3.oo ® 1.25 ; Mexican oranges , single boxes , $3.25 ; live o ten box lot.s , $3.00 : California mountain rrnngcH. (2.50 ; navels , $4.00. OVSTEIIS Ovsters are being uifTered at 104t 38u per can. which Is n reduction of 4c uercuti. I'ot'i.Titv The receipts of chickens were nl ho r more liberal than they have been elate ate and as tin * demand wns not very largo ellerswero a Httlo weak. While it was possl- ilutoget lie for fancy small chickens thete veto verv fewsales at that price. Some very rood stock went at lOc , but strictly choice and Ight weight chickens wore not plenty. 'rices on other kinds of poultry remain un hanged. Choice and small chickens , 10Q Ir ; large and rough , 9 < 3 > 10c ! choice turkeys , 4ftl5c ; rough and pour , 12ftt3c : gccsu and Inck.s , choice , ll12c : noor , 9U10C. I'OTATor.s unly small lots moving from lore. Western Nebraska stock Is quoted nt 85c : I'tah and Colorado , 90cttl.oO ; cholco l.atlve. 75TJ80C. HWKKT POTATOES There nrn a few In the mirket which arc selling at $4.60. TASIIEIII.NES In half boxes , $3.00. VKAlrCholeo and smalt fat veals , 74J9c ; urge and thin , 3&Gc. ( Now Ytirk Alurkots. NEW YOIIK , Feb. 17.Fi.otm Uecelpts , 21- 0(1(1 ( ( pkgs. ; exports , 0,000 bills. , 34.200 sacks ; ales , O.OOO pkus. ; the market wns dull , easy. COHN MKAI < Dull , steady ; yellow western , 2.76fi2.80. HAIII.KV Oulot. nrm ; western , GOiJSOc. llAiu.nv MAi.T-Dnll , steady ; western , CS'B ' B5c. WIIKATHecelpts , 5,400bu. : exports , 103,400 ni. ; sales , 3,840,000 Int. futures , 9G.OOO hu , pots. Spot market lower , fairly active ; for xports. steady ; No. 2 ted. in store and ele vator , 70'c : nlloat , 79 c ; f . o. b. , 79S.ff.h'Jc ( ) ; So. 1 northern , 84'c ' ; No. 1 hard , 884 ! < a8H"je ; Nu. 2 northern , 83'Jr. Options were modur- itelv nrtlve. opening weak and dcrlliilng ? c in easier cables , lorn ; stilling and realising by ho west , advanced He on covering and closeil Inn at " . ( ft'tr under yesterday ; No. 2 red , March. 77 13-10fTf.7H V. closing at 7H'8c ; May , ho 3-1G-381C. closing at 8l"c ( ; July , bl 5-lC 8l 15-lOc , closing at 81 .c , CHUN Iteceluts , 4H.200 hu. ; exports , 38,20 ( ; ill. ; Miles , 295",000 bu. futures , D l.OOO bll. spot. 'pots ' Ilinir moderately active ; No. 2 , 62'i < B 62'iC In elevator , 62'4c afloat ; ungraded nixed. il8'J'l52c : .steamer mixed , 51"r ; No , J , 4935UC. Options declined with wheat ind then advanced ' © ' ( < on covering , closed lull and Irregular with 1'ebruary and Marcli ( r up , Mny and July 'jc down ; trading local , March , 5'j' , 524-i- ! closing nt VJ'fc ; May , il , ® 51'.c , closing at 51'ic ; July , 51ia ( 61V , closing at 61 Bc. OATS-KecelptH , 22,000 bu. ; exports , 17- 800 bu. : s ilo.s , 30,000 bu. futures , 109,000 bu. pot. Spots moderately uctlvo , lower. Options lull and unchanged to ! jc lower ; February , T7 c ; March , 38r ; May , 381i@38'c , closlnc it 38I4C ; spot , No. 2 , white , 41' . c ; No. 2 C'lilrago , 3HJic ; No. 3 , 37c ; No. 3 white , 4042 4IIJ4C ; mixed western , 3838Uc ; white west ern , 40TM5'4r. II AY Fairly active : firm. lloi'S Dull , easy ; Pacific coast , 21 ( 23c. limns Moderate demand , steady. Wool , Firm , quiet for domestic ; domestic leece , 27G32O ; pulled , 20337c ; Texas , 17 © 21c. CUT MKATS Quiet , steady ; pickled bellies , .I'icbld : plrkh-d hams , 11 HI : ; middles , ciulct Inn : lard , quiet , firmer ; western steam closed it $13.'JO ; sales , 050 tierces at $13.07"i ! op- Ions sales , none ; Marcli , $13.20 ; May , $13.20 ; Inly , $12.80 ; pork , llrm , quiet. Ili'TTllll ( Juletj western dairy , 18ft23ci vostern creamery. 21fi29c ( ; F.lglu's , 28Jia29c ! , CIIIISH : .Moderate demand , steady. KdCH Loner , liberal receluts ; receipts , 7- 631 pkgs : western fresh , 28Hc. TAM.ow-Uulct , llrm ; city ( J2.00 per pkg. ) 8r blil. COTTO.V Sur.D Oit.-FIrm , quiet ; ci tide. 57' 69c ; yellow , G4005C. I'r.Titoi.r.tTM-Fair demand ; cnrdo nrmen lackers , $5.50 ; packers In bulk , $3.00 : L'nltei ! | OMI | at 59 ? c for March ; llrm , moderate de- mind. Tmir-u.NTiNn.-Q.ulct , easier at 354J3515C. KICK Active , llrm. MOIASSIS : New Orleans open kettle , good tc cholco , good demand , fair. Sun AK Ita w. dull ; fair refilling centrifugals , 93 test , 3 ; Q3 7-10c ; sales , 20 hluLs. am 9 cerevous Muscovado , 89 test at 3c ; refined quiet , sternly. I'm IiioN'-Steady , quiet ; American , $12.71 © 15. 00. Cori'Kii Oitot ; lake , $12. LIAI : < Dull , steady ; domestic , $4 , Tl.N-Quiet ; straits. $20.15. Stv I.oiiU Market ] . ST. Louia , Mo. , Fob. 17. Fr.oun Un changed , WiiEAT-CIosed ii'O'ic under yesterday cash , G8c : May closed at 72Hc. COIIN Declined without reaction and closed fi8C ( lower ; cash and February , 39c. OATS Lower ; cash , 32c bid ; ilay , 337ic. KYI : None olTered. IUIII.EY No sales. llUTTEit Unrhnnged. Kaus illghor at23ft24c. UlLCiui'TH Flour. 3,000 bbls ; wheat , 24,000 bu. ; corn , 100,000 bu. ; oats , 30,000 bu. ; rye , uiiio ; barley , none. SIIII-.MENTS Flour , 0,000 bbls. ; wheat , 31- )00 bu. ; corn , 165,000 bu. ; oats , 7,000 bu. rye , 4,000 bu. ; barley , 2,000 bu. Kansas City Markets. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Feb. i 17. WHEAT- Dull early , became more active , closed /i owcr ; No. 2 hard , 054iCGc ; No. 2 red , 70c. Conx Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 344c ! ; No. 2 white 35 > > E3Ge. OATS Finn : No. 2 mixed , 2930c ! ; No. HYB Steady : 52c. lltiiTF.ii-Llght demand ; creamery , 24Q27c ' ' Kun's Flrm2222vc. : } KECUii'Ta Wheat , 00,000 bu. ; com , 5.00 ( bu.ioalH , 1.000 bu. Hllil'MENTS-Wheat , 89,000 bu , ; corn , 1,00 ( bu. ; oats , none. Liverpool Markets. Livnnroor , , Fob. 17. WHEAT Quiet : holder offer moderately ; No. 1 California , 0 3dGs4 < per cental ; No. 2 red , winter , 5s 9,5d5s 10)d ) Hecelpts of wheat for the pastthreo days wen 39.00U centals , Including 27,000 American. COIIN Quiet ; demand fair ; receipts of Amcr lean corn for the past three days were 80,101 centals. Hosts Common , 3s lOlJd per cwt. AMKIIICAN UKKIIIIIIIATOH ( : HEKI < Forcnuar ters , 4d ; hludiunrters ] , 5'td per Ib. Cotton Market. NKW Oni.iiANK , La. , Feb. 17. Steady : goo : mhldlliig , 0 5-lGc ; middling 815-lGc ; low mid dllng , 8 11-ltic ; good ordinary , 8jc ? ; gross re celpts , 2,345 hales ; exports to France , 28 ales ; to the continent , 240 bales ; sales , 3,001 ales ; stock , 338,080 bales , Weekly net ru celplK , 27.701 hales ; gross , 29,000 Dales ; experts ports to Great llrltuln , 3.000 bales ; to France 0,870 bales ; to the continent , 340 bales ; coast wise. 3,251 bales ; sales. 13,000 bales. Mlnne-ipolis U'luvU Market. MlXNHtroMs , Minn. , Feb. 17 Trading wa even tl 10 ighout the. session. Good dcmaii forcush , DUI thn market showed Httlo weak ness from sales of the past few duvs. No. northern. G7c ; No. 2 , northern , 03'/i4i04c. Ho relpts , 370 ears. Close : February , G.VJc May , 09c ; July , 71M.J. On track : No. 1 hare 08c ; No. 1 northern , OOijc ; No. 2 northen 0304c. Mllivnukuo Grain .Market. MliWAtiKEK.WIs. , Feb. 17.-WiiEAT-Stcady No. 2 spring , Cfl'ic. COIIN Steady ; No. 3 , 41c. OATS-Qulet ; No. 2 white , SOo ; May , 33U ( 34c. IlAHI.IiY 03c. HVK57'jo _ _ riilt.ti'rlii'ilii iir.ilu .Mnrknt. I'niI.ADEM'lllA I'll. Fell. 17.-WllF.AT- Sperulatlon bearish In nil markets and price declined ; No. 2 red February , 70 § ( < i70Tic. CollN- Options weaker ; No. 2 February , 605 60C. OATS Cur lots steadier. Futures , dull , uu changed. _ London .Markets , LONDON. Fob. 17. CALCUTTA Li.NSKti4& : > Od pur quarter. UKIMM ; ! ) I'I-.TIIOLKUM 4 7-10d per gal. LlNSKCl ) On. 2'Js per rwt. AMKIIICAN Hr.FiiuiiiiAT\u HRKP Forcnimi ter . 2s 4dQi2K Od : hlndiiuarters , 3s2d4i3sO per Ib. by the carcass. * Iliiltlmorii ( iraln .Market. HAI.TIMOHK , Md. , Feb. J7.-\VnnAT-Wcali No. 2 red. spot and February , 70r. CoilN-Kasy ; mixed spot and Februur 4H'C. OATa-Htcady ; No. 2 wbltn western. 41c. Clci Immtl MurketH. CIXCINNVTI , O. , 1'eb. 17. WniAT-Ingoo ; diimiiiiil ; No. 2 red , 72c. Cons Hull ; mixed , 434ft44c. ! OATS- Weaker : No. 2 mixed , 33i ! < Q3lc $1.17. Toledo Gr.ilu .Murkrt , TOI.KDO. O. . Fob. 17.-\ViiBAT-Lower ; cas uml leliuary,72'Sr. COIIN Dull , steady ! No. 2 cash , 43c. OATS yuleticash.SOc. Wool Market. I'liii.iDKi.i'iiM , Pa. , Fob. 17.-MurUi quiet ; prices flrm with nariowlng Iu values I rU S ! Slollt"lia' 1 ° ® 22 ; Tcrrltorln Cod'eo Market. KMnV ° , UK > robn.Optlons , opened btead o to 20 points down , closed Mcndy , 10 coin Uowu to 6 polnu upi talcs , 17,700 bags , luclui Ing Fobrtmry. $1720 : March. $17.20) ) April $10.76'iilO.H5t Mny , $10.D.Vi l0.06i June , $10 61 0110.66. July$10.46i Svptembrr.$10.35ftlO,40 October. $ lf. 30 : l > eccnibor , $10.20 , Spot HIJ dull , easy ! No. 7 , $17.H7'i. llrlefi * , QI . V. McCheMioy , a barber nt Nebraska City has Mild out. Johnson & Son have .sold out their meat mar kct at Wlliunvlllc. O. Womiiek & Co. , In the clothing business a lltoek , contemplate discontinuing. F. II. Frrytng contemplates moving his gen cral store fium South Auburn to Hyron , STOCKS AMI HONDS. AVIclth of I'liictiuitloiis In Securities Greato Than llmtiil. NKW YOIIK , Feb. 17. The stork iiiarkc today wns a remarkable one , not only for tin volume of tmslncss transacted , but for tin width of the lluctuatlons'iiud thu rather lieu tral result of the day's operations. The bear : wuro out In full force and inailo one of tin most vigorous drives of the season agalns Heading and tin : loading industrial shares but nt the close of the day only Itcudlng , Nev England and Cordugu showed any markci loss , while there were few Important galu nnd among the general railroad list tin changes were about equally divided betweci gains nud losses of small fractions. No clearer demonstration of the Inhcrcnl strength of the. market could ba given , am the general confidence of the holders of stock' ' was plain. The advices over night that tin president had left to the discretion of Score tary Foster the matter of nn Issue of bonds reassured the street. Theopenlng of the market kot , therefore , was generally stioug , but till ; did not deter the bears fiom carrying oil their prearranged program of a vlgorousdrlvi at the few weak spots In thu list. There couli be no doubt that the liquidation was genera In both Heading and New Knglaud loday though whether the material decline elTeetei In those storks would have heen htotighl nhou without llio vigorous bearish operatiousof tin ( lav Is hardly to be maintained. The movement was much of a mystery bu heavy selling orders were executed and es pcrlally during thu first hour , when oii < broker was credited with having sold a line o some 2O.UOO shales. The bears endeavored ti create the belief that a large inside lutcres was liquidated and the amount to be sold wa plai'ed us high us 100,000 , to say nothing o the Income bonds. At the same time thn he lief was general that Messrs. Kciiueriind Cam mack \\ere the source of matt of the selllm orders , while another interest.which hiisbeei known to bo bearish upon Mending for sonn lime , was credited with thu Inauguration o the movement. Thu liquidation was at trlbuted to Insiders who omui-cd the policy o President Mcl.eod In New Kngluml. New Kug land showed more rallying power In thu lati tradings. Heading opened nt 401 , nud stendlli declined lo 401 , and rallied to 42 , uud fallei to hold the Improvement by closing at 38 , i loss of 53 pnliiN , while tha transaction reached the enormous total of 400,000 shares New Kiigliiud opened at 40 , nnd nt one tlnn sold up to 40 % , hut from that point retlrei rapidly to 413 , rallying to 43'i nt the close , i not loss o2'i ' per cunt. The early oll'orts o thu hears were directed largely against Suga and Cordage nnd the former was driven dowi 3 per cent to 121 , while the latter , after open lug nt 07 , retired to Olvj. Thu declines b these stocks were accompanied by rumors of I disagreement In the Cordage pool a.s to th amount of stock to bo accumulated and o pool liquidations In Sugar , while certain1 ! both were without support of any kind. Tin manipulators of tliesu storks , however , tool hold of them later In thu day and Sugar wa brought to 125 nnd Cordage from Gl'i to 0494 Sugar dually closed at 1-4'5 , with a gain of ? iior cent , but Cordage was 2J1 per cent lowoi The rest of the industrials sympathized on i scale with these leaders , but their Una changes are In nil cases Insignificant , with tli 'xccjitlon of Tobacco , which closed with a gall if 2'a JUT cent , which was entirely In tin niture of a rally from Its Into depression. Kallroad .shares were fairly well held , bu were compelled to yield to the Inlluenceo these sharp declines , nud despite thusuppor jlveu by London biiylngof St. Paul , Loulsvlll mil others among its favorites , the whole 11s was biought down from * , i to llfpercenl With the appearance of support In Sugar am Cordage tlio traders quickly got over loth long side , and from that tlmo they workei mrd for a rally. In sto"k.s this was fully ac complisbed , though thu gains shown wuro fo small fractions only. Manhattan was shlftei out with Itssharpness ; , but. finally closed percent higher nt lOOjf. The market runinlnei j.xtrcmely active right up to the close , whlcli liowovcr , wns quite unsettled and ovldentl under the iulluunco of tlio weakness In ICcad Ing. Hallway bonds were quiet , but while th Headings were driven down sharply on over , largo trading the others remained steady wlti slight changes. The Heading's 4s retired fron 83Uto83 , tlio Is from 04J4 to 00 , the 2s f roll 63 to 47(4 ( and thu 3s from 45i ! to 40" , thougl recoveries extending to ubout 2 per cent wcr made in the lix-to dealings. Liquidation I these issues was believed to be n part of th < took , The Post says : The vulnerable nature o the Industrials and the case with which the1 can be aided nnd demornll/.ed compared will the railway shares is a subject so often com mentcd upon as to have become almost trite lint it has seldom been better Illustrated thai today. The so-called "gilt-edged" shares , n well ns those stocks more familiar will violent fluctuations , nearly all yielded locon certed attack nnd declines wore not by frnc tions , but by whole points. A largo amount o long stock was dislodged , and the shorts wer enabled to cover almost ut their own prl < Many who thought themselves secure wer rudely awakened , uml were made painful ) ; aware of the vicissitudes of un Industrial stoc when once It starts on Its downward way. The following are the closing quotations o the leading stocks on the Now York Stock exchange change today ; ex illv. The totnl sales of stocks today were 000.2C shnres , Including : Atcihlsou. GO.COO ; Hnrllni ton , 7,900 ; t'hlengo ( Jus , 'JO,100 : Cotton Ol HdOOi ) Distilling. 10-JOO : Erlo. 0,000 ; Ouin-ri Kh-ctrle. 0,800 ; Louisville ft Nuslivlllc , 6 , 0 ( Mnnbnttuu. 4,400 ; Nalloiinl Lend , 17,000 ; Ni llonnl Cordnge , 45,000 ; Now Knglnud , 44'JOI Nortlicru I'ai'lflo iirofi-rrod , 10r > OU ; Kcndln 403,700 ; Kock Isliind , 7,801) ; SI. 1'uul , 40,00 ! St. 1'nill A : Oiniiha , 7.HOO : Susiir , 1'21OOI Union I'uclllc , 4,000 ; Western Union , 10,000. Now York Monny Al'.irkut. Sr.w YOHK , Kob. -MONHV ON CAM. I'lrinnr nt 3sil ( peroent ; lust loan , 6 per cun closed olfi'iTil nt 5 pi > r cent. I'niMKMKHO\NTIM : I'APEII.1110 poreont. rirKiu.iNd KxciiAMia Quiet nnil eiiKlcr , wli iii'tunl liuslniiss in bxiiknr.s' : bills nt * 4.aGJ ! f ( Hlxty-d y bills uid J4.HH'i ' for diMiiiind. LiOVKILSMCNT ItONDS DllH Utld Ollhlur. Stil bonds m''li'i'lrd. ; I'M" closing uuotiitions on I.oiiilmi I'lnani'lal Itiulpir. | Cniyrfj/iffl | / 1.1)1 l > : l .Inwi ilonlnn llnwett. ] I.ONinix , Tut ) . 17. [ Now York llurnld Cab -Hpeolnl to Tin : Htil : : The ninoiint of gc ortil lU < iln ( > i H trausiu'tcd on the Stock o iMinnxi ) wns ronipiirnttvuly hinnll. A llrm tunduney In money ranged roiisal.s to Klvo wi 1-1U to 's mr 1'i'iit. Colouhil iovi > riiiiii > hotiils worodull. I'orulpu Kovorniir.'iilM-iui : ties woru IrrcKulur Iiiturnntlonnl htm1 iiiovod very little , Itiilhiu , Hpuiilsh nnd MII Turkish IsMR's bhowliiK a fiactlnnil : dorlli Miixlcuu Oi linprovi-il pur cunt , lloniura \uiys close with rntliur u beltrr t ( > ndi > n uflor havlutc hviiti dull , but dralln woio preutly restricted , UruutVesle rosoSi pur Rftit , nnd London Northwebtcrn , Slictllold doforreil and HrlKlit deferred M per cent Aincrlcnim wuro ( I cldodly itrougur thau they huvo bvcu , thou Now York sent feifltmvliiff nnli-rn. In plnco ol n full nn ndvnncd of" " , wns ustubllshvil In I.ouMvlllo fi NnihviUv nnd 'i to U 1'ur ' cent In mint other * . < 'iiim < HTun worn nlso In hotter tone. ( Irntiil Trunk' ' iireforred recovered the i eellue. of i. per VMut. nnd the full In I'miii- dliin 'ni'lllc wns ri'itilOeil lo ' per cent. Mexi- cnn Hirst proferenvny nilviinceii Ij. percent , hut Huenos Ayres nliildrent Hotitliern have Klveti wny 1 pcrcciit < 'cntrnl Arirentlno ii and Nltrntu , porceuuAloney wns In fairly coed ilcinaiiil , from 1 in U ( per cent belnn oh- Inlned for short loat . The discount market continued llnni two 'nnil ' three months bills bcltiR iiiotcd | ut I'i ty l"t per cent. OlldttltloiH. BOSTON , Mast , , iMi. 17. Cull loan * , Bftf. per cent ; time paper , MZ-Wj pur cent. The follow ing uro the clo liigivtock quotations : St. IjUiiU .Mliihid 4juut.itlons. ST. Lotus , Mo. , Kob. 17. The closltiB quo- latlonsof the minim ; utock.s were as follows : riiuiticlil : Notes , KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Tub. 17. Clearings , Sl- 005,004. PAitia , 1'ob. 17. Three uer cent rentes , 07f 95c for the account. NEW YOIIK , 1'Vb. ' 17.-Mearlugs , $131,739- H48 ; halancuM , S5.0GO.G55. H\V'ANA. Feb. 17. Spanlshgold,2.40ffi2.49 ! ' , ; e.xchange dull ; sugar quiet. HAI.TIMOIU : , Mil. . 1'Vb. 17. Clearings , J3.201- 208 ! balances , ? 127,930. Money , 0 percent. 1'im.AHr.i.iMilA , PH. , I'eb. 17. Ulearlnss , (12,059,112 ; balances. f'J,148,390. Money , 4 percent. HOSTON , Mass. , K b. 17. Hearings , (1H.343- Ills bulaiices , f2,001.708. Money , 4liWi per cent. Kxchaugo on Now York , lOftlScdls.- count. N'r.w YOIIK. IVb. 17. tSpcciiil Telegram to Tin : HriK.l K\c.htmo ; was limited as follows loday : t'fiicago , HUc discount for f 1,000 ; Sf Louis , par. I'lilCAHO , 111. , Teb. 17. Clcarlnc-t , $10,703- 121. New York \clmnii i ) , HlK : illscount. jferl' itf oxchaiigo , dull ; $4.HO'.i for .sixty-day illls ; $4.H8'4' for demand. Money steady at 5'S per cent. OMAHA. STOCK MAKKlirS. Cnttlo Tnulo Very , \ellvu anil All Cradrc IllBlier l\oj ; .lump Anntlier Dltiiu. I'niiiAV , Feb. 17. There has been a dccionso of 3,400 cattle so far this week compiired with last mid an Increase of 2,400 sheep. Hecelpts of hogs about the same. The supply of beef steers today was about up to the recent average , both In quantIty anil quality. OlTcrlng.s Included none that were strictly prime , but really poor cat tlo were not In over supply. There was a good line of buyers on baud and the market was strong on iillgrados. Good 1,200 to 1,350-lh. steers solil at from $4.00 to $1.90 , with filr to good 1,000 to 1,200-lb. steers at from $4.00 to $4.50. Kulr to poor medium lind light stutT sold at from $3.00 to (3.50. In Kenoral pi-Ices ruled .stroiisj to a dime higher than Thursday and 20c to 30t better than \\eek ii o. Hulchers' slock 'and dinners were taken freely at prices from a nickel to 15c hluhn thanTliursday. Kastern and local Imtchon came In competition with several speculative shippers and it did not take long to c.\huust the supply , which was none too large even foi the requirements of local houses. Good tc chnlco cows and liiilters sold at from (3.25 ti J',1.85 , with fair to Rood stiill' largely around S'2.40 to $3.20 ; common and caiinliiK urid ( " sold at from $2.00 to $2.25. OnVrlngs of bulls oxen and staK.s wcra only moderate and tliev changed hands freely at from $2.0U to $ .1.7 , Common largo to choice veal calves sold al from $2.00 to $5.75. The stocker and feeder trade was lively a far us It went , but llio business was as usual somewhat restricted on account of the limited supplies. There was an active inquiry from the country and all local traders were wanting their stocks replenished. 1'rlces ruled stronc with sales at from f2.40 to $4.15 , the bulk ol the fair to good stulf at from $3.25 to 83.00 llcprcscutatlvu bales : HEEl' . No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 1. . . . 830 $3 00 10 .1151 $4 10 r > . . . 820 3 GO iO .1009 4 IZ i. . . .1090 ' 3 75 22. . . . .1017 4 15 i. . .1020 3 75 10 .1054 4 15 8. . . 8G8 B 75 12 .1115 4 15 1. . . 930 3 75 50 .1115 4 20 7. . .1017 3 85 21 .1070 4 25 25. . .1001 3 90 21 .1202 4 35 13. . .1037 3 90 18 . 1007 4 50 13. . . 933 3 90 7 .1037 4 GO 12(1 ( . .1081 3 90 18 .1238 4 GO 13. . .1049 4 00 7. . . . ' , .1320 4 GO 12. .1009 4 00 22 .1208 4 05 22 .1005 4 0(1 ( ' . 1294 4 75 " 21" . 929 4 00 21 ! ; ; . ! .1339 3 90 U. . .1011 4 03 104. . . . , .1317 4 90 33. . .1012 4 03 BlIIFPINfl AND EXI'OIIT. 1. . .1010 4 00 G . .1250 4 00 17. . .1183 4 10 15. . .1409 4 70 3. . .1180 4 25 1. . .1040 5 00 32. . .1234 4 00 COWS , 1. . . 810 2 00 oT'.l 9RO 2 75 10. . . 871 2 00 T'.l .1090 2 75 3. . . 920 2 00 . 1120 2 75 1. . . HOO 2 00 iol ! . 889 2 75 " . 880 2 00 31. . .1043 2 80 5" 732 2 15 1. . . 840 2 85 10. . . 745 2 25 3. . .1000 2 85 ti. . . 033 2 25 17. . .1024 2 85 1. . . 070 21. . .1013 2 85 .1070 12. . .1035 3 00 2 25 9. . . 000 3 00 14. 933 5 17. . . 859 3 00 7. 918 2 25 . 990 3 00 1. 790 2 25 " . 950 3 00 13. 783 2 25 3. .1053 3 00 20. , 904 2 25 1. . . 980 3 00 7. 945 2 25 1. . .1000 3 05 9. 877 0 25 .1005 3 15 1260 2 25 49 ; ; . 743 3 15 ' 15' 707 2 25 . ' 847 3 20 30. 704 2 30 is : : . 842 3 20 30.G. . 951 2 30 IB. . .1003 3 20 12.O . 008 2 35 18. . , .1051 3 25 O 1005 2 35 ' , .1120 3 25 24 ! 000 240 13' : . . 710 3 25 20. 979 2 40 o ' ' .1070 3 25 20.o . COS 2 40 4' . , .1115 3 25 o 885 2 40 5. . , . 952 3 25 24 ! 700 2 40 22 " , . 930 3 30 10. 800 2 45 14. , .1052 3 3.1 0. 781 2 45 8. . , .1209 3 35 9. 831 2 45 21. . , .1058 3 45 13. 892 2 50 14. . . .1070 3 45 6. 910 2 50 I ) . .1220 3 50 1. . 830 , 2 50 ' ' . .1470 3 50 1. .1180 2 50 12' . . 979 3 50 22 . 918 2 50 8 . . .1000 3 50 r. . 900 2 BO " . .1103 3 00 13. . 909 2 50 20" . .1057 3 70 1. .1000 2 50 17. . . .1005 3 75 3. 940 2 (10 ( ' ' . .1190 3 75 18 . 737 2 GO 'l' . .1100 3 75 3 .1013 2 75 .10K2 3 75 9 055 2 75 3i ! .1003 3 8.1 15 800 2 75 1U 1045 4 00 111 2 000 2 BO 48 7BG 3 20 8 05S 2 GO CALVIN. 1. . . 220 2 00 . 100 4 50 o . 385 2 a5 _ . 320 4 50 " 3" . 200 2 35 130 5 00 a. , . 2SO 2 51) . 120 5 00 ti. . . 293 2 00' . 110 5 25 a. , . 330 2 05 . 172 5 25 i. . . 320 2 70" . 192 5 25 401 2 SOP . 140 5 50 . 140 . 3 00 . 100 5 50 . 255 3 f)0 . 105 5 02J . 200 4 00 1 . 200 6 76 1IUI.I.S. .1300 2 'Ob , ' .1310 3 00 .120(1 ( 2 23 .1200 3 00 .1630 2 25 .15HO 3 00 510 2 35 .1493 3 00 .1020 2 411 .1020 3 00 . 1270 2 W ) .1550 3 05 .1270 2 5U .1700 3 10 .1310 2 GO . 1275 3 25 1380 1. . .1240 3 30 . 090 12. . .1355 3 30 .1300 2 03 , 1. . .1490 3 30 .1280 2 V5 ' 5. . .1070 3 40 .1300 2 75 ' 1. . .1500 3 50 .1110 2 00 .1010 3 50 I'OXKN. .1500 3 23 1. . .1600 3 75 8TOCKKIIS AND 1 . 670 2 40 12. 052 3 35 0. . 720 2 40 1. 77O 3 40 1. . 390 2 03 23.o . 890 3 W ) 33. . 493 2 90 23.H 850 3 30 1. .1000 3 00 H ] 821 3 65 5. . 504 3 00 19. 984 3 00 . 4 HO 3 00 31. 709 3 00 . 020 3 00 0 .778 3 05 7. . . 407 3 10 8 H23 3 76 11. . . 870 3 16 1 1100 3 H5 13. . . 605 3 25 6 038 3 85 . 910 3 25 14 910 3 90 . 826 3 35 6 9'JO 4 00 WVIttllNO CATTI.U. No. Av. .I'r. .NO. Av. I'r. 2 hulls .12'il (2 50 ) 'ffi'dors.lu59 4 30coWb..l037 340 COI.onADO C.mi.K. 31 feeder : . 7H 3 00 nmlco heavy IIORH Mild for8.37H to diiy hlch "in 7l ' ' higher than as e\or pil : i tlilH miiikot before. The gvncral nwrku w m 5c to Ilk ) hlirhor than Thursday and ver. Active Uecolptsweroonly fair iiiidthoru was in ' "c vo Hhlm fug demand' which absorbed full ; u third of the offorlugu , while fresh meat rue took nearly half the supply , leaving less than 1,000 henil for the packers , ime packer liouelit. ( Idod to choice heavy nnd huicher welirht huRSKohl to thcbcst ndvnntngc nt from 8.20ttp to 8.37' , . The llirhtnml mixed grndcs sold very unevenly nil the way from fH.OO up to JH.20. The pens were emptied by the mlihlln of the forenoon , the fair toirooil hogs of nil weights selling nt from J8.15 to JH.25 , ns ngnltist 18.10 to $8.15 yesterday nnil (8.00 to $8.10n week ngo , Representative sales : NO. Av. Sit. I'r. No. Av. SI. . . I'r , 04. . . . 191 1201800 70. . 232 801820 GO..203 10(1 ( 805 B4. . 271 100 82(1 ( 70. . .194 80 8 (174 ( 30..291 40 820 H..183 Hit ) 79..223 8(1 8 2O 2..350 810 71..233 120 820 4..205 810 73..203 200 820 71..205 810 B4..228 80 820 61..217 100 810 69..203 240 820 80. . . 223 240 8 IS' , 04. . .220 80 8 20 70..217 120 815 08..272 200 820 72. . . . 190 40 815 05..283 120 H 20 0..231 815 52..209 HO 820 73..218 120 815 08..231 40 820 73..214 815 80..227 1GO 820 07..220 4(1 815 58..222 120 820 03..232 40 815 6u. . . .222 80 820 20..20' ) 815 08..220 80 820 04..2(17 ( 80 815 01..204 GOO 820 85..217 80 815 G3..2i7 ; 40 825 l > 8..214 80 815 79..230 80 825 G.I..221 100 8 15 GO..244 120 H 25 37..204 40 815 72..230 120 825 02. . . . 203 815 GO. . . . 24 5 80 825 32..210 815 04..203 320 825 23..301 1,15 79..210 120 825 79. . . .191 40 815 70 . . 257 80 825 13..270 80 815 02..201 240 825 84 . . .200 80 815 68..20(1 ( 200 H 30 70..237 100 815 07..291 240 830 24..203 815 00..304 100 830 84..217 200 815 70..259 1GO 830 05. . . .228 120 8 17' } 01..257 40 830 32. . . . 273 12O 820 79. . . . 237 835 OO..2. " > 3 280 8 2(1 ( 53 . . .297 40 8 374 08..221 40 8 20 rum AND nomui. 1..2DO 3 oo HiiKiM1 On account of the continued heavy receipts and unfavorable reports from the east llio market has a lower tendency nnil trade Is rather dull. The movement todny wns .slowltli tirlces iuotnhly | n shade lower. I'nlr to good unlives , $3.70tt4.75 ; fnlr to good westerns , $3.00 5.1)0 ; common nnd stock sheep , f2.26ftn.76 : good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs , $4.0035.50. Itcpresentatlvo sales : No. A v. I'r. 145 Mexican wethers 92 4 76 140 Mexican wethers 92 475 149 Mexican wethers 94 470 177 native mixed 77 4 05 Uecelpts nnd DUpoUtlon of Stock , OiTlclal ro.ielpUand dUpnltlon of stn..k as shown by thn hanks of th1) ) Union Stock Vnrdi company for thu twenty-four hours ending nt 5 o'clock p. ui. February 17 , 1893 : IIECEII'T ! " . msi'osiTio.v. CbleiiRo l.lvo Stock Market. CiiiCAno , III. , Keh. 17. [ Special Telegram lo TUB IlliB.l There was comparatively n quiet market for rat tlo today , but the wants of the trade called for quite as much stock as was olVered and values were Ilrmly supported. They were rather stronger where the better grades of steers were concerned , the onVrliiRS of well matured and properly fulled lots hi-lng very few. Strictly llrst class shipping and ex port steers were salable at from $5.75 to { G.1O. From tln < M > llgurcs the quotations rniipo down to from $1.50 to $1.75 for old straw cows and emaciated bulls. Extra cows and heifers sold around $1.00 and ashtli ! as from H.OO to $4.23 was paid for bulls of e.xtra quality. Cholco heavy hos sold within fir of the highest price yet paid , or at $8.70. That was lOcabovothe best llguru paid yesterday , and the general market at the opening wns from 5c to lOc higher ihau on Thursday. The later sales did not show to as coed advantage ; in fuel , most of thu onrly advance was lost be fore 10 o'clock , and the close was quite weak. With the number leftover from yesterday the. supply amounted to 30,000 head , most of which were welched at from $8.00 to $8.20 , for common to good ll ht , at from $8.20 to $8.40 , for medium and mixed , and at from $8.30 to S8.60 for heavy. Culls and pigs wcro quoted at from $5.00 to 47.75. The sheep market has developed surprising strength when the magnitude of the present receipts is considered. Although the present week s arrivals will foot up about 57,000 head and' the total for the last two weeks reach 115,000 head , prices are very little lower than the best that haviipiovallcd this season , They are a shade higher for Rood grades than they were one nook UKO. There was a fairly actlvu demand today and the market was .strong at from $3.25 to 5.30 for poor to choice sheep and at from $4.25 to $0.30 for lambs of corresponding spending quality. Hecelpts Cattle , 7,000 ; hogs , 14,000 ; &hccp , 5,000 , The Evening Journal reports : OATTLE Uecelpts , 7,000 head ; shipment ? , 2,500 head ; market active , higher ; topstuer. ° , $5.4030.00 ; ioodtocholro$5.00@5,25 : ; others , J4.25fe4.90 ; Texans , $3.05@4.50 ; cows , $3.50 © 3.95. lloos nccelptn , 1,400 head ; slilpini-nts , 8- 000 head ; opened strone , rinsed a trifle lower ; mixed ami packers , $ S.OOft8.35 : prime heavy and butchers' weights , $8.00 8.40 ; prime llehts , J7.50J18.15. KiiKEi' Receipts , 5,000 head ; shipments , 1,000 bend ; market steady ; natives , * 4.00 ® 0.00 ; fed Te.xans , $1.85 : lambs $4.4OG.25. Kansas City Mvn Stuok .Market. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Fab. 17. CATTLE Ko- celpts , 3,000 head ; shipments , QUO head ; market fairly active , steady lo strong. K pro- sentntlvo safes : Steers , i3.05S5.10 ; cows and heifers , $2.50514,15 ; no stockers. lions Hecolpls , 6,900 head ; shipments , 1,000 head ; market active , about lOc higher ; all grades. $0.25458.30 ; bulk. $8.0XSS8.15. ( SHEEP Kecelpts , 1,000 head ; shipments , 100 head ; good sheep dull , 5c lower ; common , 1016c lower ; muttons , J4.00Q5.00 ; top mut tons , J5.25 ; lambs. $0.00. Now York l.lvo Stock Murker. NKW Yonic , Feb. 17. IIKBVR4 Koi-nluts , 2,943 bead ; dull , but sternly : native steers , J4.00 5.20bulls ; nud cows , $2.0B4.10drcsseI ; ( beef steady , t8.0Xft9.50 ( , Shipments today 430 beeves and 5,900 quarters of beef. UAI.VHS Kecelpts , 05 head ; steady ; veals , $5.00(38.00 ( per cwt. SIIKRP AND LAMIIS Kecelpts , 5.700 head ; Market ( lull ; lambs , $0.05(80.75. ( Hods Kecolpts , 2,077 head ; nominally firm , 88.GOa9.00. St. Louis l.lvo Stork .Market. FT. Louts , Mo. , Fob. 17. ( IATTIK Kecelpts , 1GOO ; shipments , 1,700 ; market llrm ; no good native steers ; fair to good would brlngi3.0li { $ 4.00 : choice , $4.75515.00 ; fed Texas btecrs , $3.60Ii4.25 ; cows , $2.003.SO. HoOS Hecelpts , 4,700 ; shipments. 3,400 ; market lOc higher : heavy. $8.00iia,45 ; packIng - Ing , $7.90ft8.30 ; light. $7.95448.25. SliEEi' Hecelpts , 1,100 ; shipments , none ; market llrm ; fair to good natives , $3,25-1.75 ; choice muttons , J5.00i30.50. I ) . I ) FIIAZGE , II. I ) . Itooou.Ir , JAP. F Ilnnue 1'rcs. Vice I'rea. Seoy & Treas. HAWKEYE COMMISSION CO. Capital $ iXOOO ; Oinnlm anil Sioux Citr. Grain and Provisions Railroad Stocks and Bonds. 1'IUVATEVIKEA Room 212 New M Life Building OMAHA. KKFEKHNOES : low.-xStntn National Hank , Sioux City ; Vo.nmorclal National Hank. Uniulin. Speclul attention civen to outsklo orders. oloIleU. : Vr/ANTED . Total iMUi'i or CITIE COUNTIES , eCHOOL 'DISTRICTS. ' V/ATER COMPANIES , BT.H.R.COMPANIIiB , to ( 'orrfspondcnw solicited. NsW.EIAnRiS&COrflPAHY.Bankers , 103-IOS Dearborn Street. CHICAGO. 19 Wall Gtreet , NEW YORK. 7O8tot9t. > BOOTCH. ' ' " " k DUN'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK Gold Exports Now Show a Decided Falling Off in Volume. INVESTING IN AMERICAN SECURITIES l-'orelRii .Money Coinlnc to the Unltril SUit"riuttrrlni ; Itcport * from the Ilimno-n Center * of the Country-- Tlio Week's llmlnes * Fiillures. Nnw YoiiK , Fob. 17.-U. G. Dun & Co's. weekly review of trutlo says : Exports of Kohl today will not bo $8,000,000 ns at 0110 time expected , but probably no inoro than 3,000,000 , and the treasury reserve of over * loy.)00ooo ( ) has not OCI.MI diminished. Moreover - over , quite n largo purchase of securities on foreign aeeount nro reported , which would cancel heavy adverse merchandise balances , and to that extent prevent gold shipments. Distribution of dry needs at liostou Is lar o. Solo leathci has risen 1 and J cents nnci uppers arc strong ana hides are linn. Wool is steady. At Philadelphia woolen mills are working full time and western purchases are hirpc , and especially of dressing , nnil money In hotter demand. At I'ittsburg a better tone Is seen In the iron marhot.wlth higher prices for Hessemer , and the glass trade is improved by combina tion. The hardware trade is excellent in Cleveland. The clothing trade at' Cincinnati is good , and the shirt trade is better than last year. At Detroit business exceeds that of a year n go. go.Husincss at Chicago Is better than last year and collections lire satisfactory. Fears of n railroad strike and doubts about gold imiko banks conservative. Trade at Milwaukee Is Improving and at St. Paul shows a sligh increase. llnlnesH Aetl\e lit Oiimlin. At Omaha business is very active. At St. Joseph trade Is fair , with money in 'good de mand , but collections slow. At Kansas City trade is satisfactory , with good receipts of grain and liberal of cattle. Husincss at St. Louis is better and money is easier. At Denver trade Is fair. At most southern points business shows Improvement , though the movements of cotton is small and prices somewhat lower. Speculative markets have been compara tively quiet in view of moretary uncertain- tips and somewhat weaker , excepting that oil has risen > > cents and lard nearly } ; oj it. Wheat is ' cent lower , with receipts of 1,000,000 busliels at the west in four days ; corn is 1 ' 4 cent lower and cotton an 'j , ' cent lower , though the receipts continue small. Oats and colteo are each ' 4 cent lower. In slocks the market bus been somewhat de pressed by disappointmentabout bond issues. The woolen works are busy and sales of wool at the chief markets have a gain of LM Her vent. .Trade in dress poods is excellent in every department , in knit goods strong , and in carpets as well , but cottons are u lit tle active. An imprcecdcnte.l demand Is seen for cop per iu electrical work , but tin is lower. The call market is called as sloppy as the weather has been. In tint Iron Triiilu. Iii the iron trade no distinct Improvement is seen , for , while business is largo , prices are entirely demoralized by intense competi tion. Halls are an exception , for 75,000 tons have been sold -dthout reported change in price , and structural works are well cm- ployed , though at very low prices , but the demand for plate is not up to the capacity of the works , and bar iron is quite weak. The financial outlook depends largely ucon the fact that exports of the principal pro ducts In January were $29,000,000 smaller than last year , while imports at Now York alone were $17,000,000 larger than last year , which indicates a considerable excess of im ports for the month aad explains the heavy outgo in gold. In February thus far exports from Now York have been but Httlo below last year's , though at cotton ports very much smaller , and in the meanwhile imports show an enormous incrcaso , over 30 per cent. IJut these who dread disaster may well remem ber the rule that when a panic is expected it ne'vcr comes. The business failures occurring through out the country during the past seven days I am seventy-seven years ola. and have had my ago renewed at least twenty j ears by the use of Swift's Spccihc. My foot „ , „ and Ics to my Unco was n running sore for two years , and physicians said it could not be cured. After taking fifteen small liotlles S. S.S. there Is not a sore on my limbs.andl have a new lease on % fKfflR3 ? } ? fffifi flB life. Yououghtto W KLUal IsLllS let all sufferers know = of your wonderful remedy. IRA F. BTILRS , Paluer , Kansas City. IS A WONDERFUL UEMEDY-especially foi old people. It builds up - . . , „ . . . „ . the seneral health 1 real- ilood mailed Irce. SWIFT SPCIFIO COMPANY ; Atlanta , Ga. number 23,1 , as compared with a total of 2M ' nst week. For the corresponding week of last year the llgurcs wcro 'JW. OI.UAIUNd MOUHi : STATU.ltI'.NTS , Omnlin' * FKnro | Still Show nn Inrrrnno Over I.n t Yunr'i Proiii Other IMtln. Nnw YOIIK , Fob. 17.-Tho following table , compiled by Uradstreol's , gives the clearing house returns for the week ending Feb ruary 17 , isiw , and the percentage of increase - crease or decrease , as compared with thft corrcsiwndlng week last year : A . nnw , wirTtwitivn ribaHj ) Dr. I'icrco'H CJoldou Medlcn ] Discovery purities the blood. By this means , it reaches , builds up , nml invigorates every part of the system. For every blood-taint nnd disorder , nnd for every dis ease Unit coinoH from nu inno- tivo liver or impure blood , it is the only remedy EO sur nnd effectfvo that it can ba guaranteed. If it falls to Iwncflt or cure , you have your money back. These diseases nro many. They're different in form , but they're like in treatment. House up the torpid liver-iulo healthful action , thoroughly purify nnd enrich the blood , nnd there's a positive cure. The "Discovery" does this , ns nothing else can. Dysi > cpsia , Indigestion , Biliousness ; nil Bronchial , Throat , nnd Lung Affections ; every form of Scrofula , oven Consumption ( or Lung-scrofula ) in Ita ear lier stages ; nnd the most stubborn Bkin nnd Scalp Diseases , ore completely cured by it. SOUTH OJVZAJIA. Union Stock Yards Company , South O pi aba. Hot Cattle Ho and Sheep market In tharosU COMMISSION HOUSES. Y/ood / Brothers. Live Stock Commission Merchants. South Ouinua Toluphone 1157. Chicago JOHN I ) . DADI3MAN , I WAl/1'Klt H. WOOD , f Market Iteporti br mull and nlro ohoorfiilljt nlnlifil upon appllcatlou OMAHA AWHIHOSAND TEIIT3 Oraalia Tent-Awnin * COMPANY. 1IOII8K COVKIH , 111.1 Farnaai ? < t. BAOS AMD TWIH3. . J iH Bsmis Oral1 ! ! BiJ H. 0. Daxon , CO SIP A NY. Importer ! and mun.frs. Illcrcloi > old on monthlr Hour sacKt , burupi , parmanti UJ.N.15th. twine. BOOTS S < Q : > . Horse-Cos Saoa Company , Howard StrcU. Kactorr corner llth and Doujlai Stras'.i. irlO' tO COlll tlllfOM , ail KT3 nilklnK OlOSO | Wnorn " "cUHiifVaoa. whlcll. vorr .aloibio with morclmntJ. Kirkendall Jones & Amsr. Hand-Sewstl , . Whuloialo H11O1C CO. , nnoM.slioil COMPANY. rubberuooili , UJJ- mfr . azJiits"n , and . Itubbcr Hnoa Co. . 11U * 1U10 llarnor t. 1101-IIOailirnar St. CQAl , CO (5. ( CORNII : . Omaha Coal , Coke & EaglaCornlcj Works 1,1MB CO. . huril and oft Mfr . ualvanltol Iron coal , B K cor. ltlh ! mid ujrnlcj , wUlW c ps . , Uoiubs tits. met'illlo ' nkvliuhls , eta. DRY GOODS. FURNITURE. Omaha Upholstering I Beeb33 & Ruayai CO. . upholstered furnl- I KUUNITUItB CO. , Oraco turu , lUt 111)1 ) Nicholas HI. Wholesale only. and 13th Sti. HARDWABE. Rector & Wllhelmy Lin , COJIl'ANV , Doaloriln hiirdvrarounl Corner 10th and Jackson uiuciianloi lt'jla ' .Sir ojtj. 14UI llouila St. HATS , EH. W. A. L. Gibbon& Co. Oinalia Safe anl Iron WOltKS. llnt , cap ) , Blr.l v noi I' . Fnfas.vniilli. jnll work , Klovci ) . inliloni , H.i Iron bhutiori and tire as and Ilarnojr sit. iapuj. Anlrajn A liar tt , 14th uiul Jucixm. LIIMSE ? . John A. Wakefleld , R. L93 , lMiportHdAm rloinl'orl Ifardxrool In HJ3r irj ) .land cirujnt , Mlhr.nt- carpet i .in I piri DI keuuiuunt : audtjuluo/ tUnulntf wnllo lime. Oth un