r OMAHA DAILY BEE TWENTY-SECOND YEAR. OMAHA , SATURDAY MOKfcfoNG , FEBRUARY 18 , 1893. NUMBER 2-12. THIS SCHEME IS LOADED \7hat the Recount of Votes on the Consti tutional Amendmentfl May Hean. GENERAL HASTINGS AND THE BANK Tcrminil Htulc mrnt iif Illi I'nsltlon In Itof- - cri-ntn to Diiitlnt ; Uli ( 'iiilt ) il Nutlciimt Adiclrn - It.illroncl Srimtiirn Ohciitud cif n Mc-o Hide. LINCOI.V Neb Fell 17 [ Special Tclegran toTiir.Brr , ' 1 lice lose of the thlrty-fourtl day of the session shows tint ! 177 bills has < byen Inttoduced in the house and 200 In tin humtc > , as against MIO in the house and 2S7 ii the senate at the sime time two jcars age Uheio are but six das.s left for 'tho Intro Auction of bills and the total number w 11 riot much exceed ( XX ) , svhlch sslll be a faillni off of about , ' ( ) per ccjit The ssrangh- the house oser the abolish mcnt of the ollli'e of secretary of the Stat Board of 'Iranspoitation foreshadows tn abolishment of that board , sshlch is us cct tain to como as fin il adjournment 'I h rouls are not opposln ? it , although th hoaid has been an cnjoi able luxury for their and the IiidltTcicneo of the looby to th action of the house In legate ! to the matte excited considerable comment 'Iho cxpl" nation is that they se-o the handsvilting o the ssall sshich sets foith the clissitisfactlo of the people and deteimination to has a ness deil all at omul A quiet mose i he-ing made to fore-stall it. boss ever , and th hidden mine' is in the bill presiding for th mount , of the billet * cast at thu last elci lion foi thi amendments to the c-onstitutloi It U u Trojan IlcirMr. 'Iho pt line inoseis gho it out that the haso no hope of see-tug anything but tti amendment piosiding for the Insestmcnt e the school fund to e airy , but the ie.il objee of the iccount is to haso the umendme-r ptoslillng foi aiailsvay commission cotintc in , and It Is certain that unless the schcni falls th it amendment ssill be found to has carried The roads hive managed to contit ono bond and the-j aio svllllng to take thcl e hanc-e s of controlling another , even thong the tianio Is dlfloicnt What thes mostfei is anti raliio id legislation , and the pingiai is to count in ar.iilsx.iv commission and till' to luck to see-uie eontiol of it The expect. tion of the enginrors Is to c omplotu the r- - count in ten clajs sxith ten clerks , and It safe to saj that the necessity sotes to can both amendments will bo found somess hci in some ssaj Attornr ) Ci-nrril HustliiKH' Slclp. A icjiiesfiitatlse eif Tnr Bri : called upr Attornc-.s Genet al Hastings this after noc and nskc el him if he had tins thing to s ij co loriilng the state-incut publlshe-d In Tin : Bi this nioinlng lelating to Mother and tl Cailtcl National bank The ultoines ge c-ial ss.is indignant and greatly Incensed ai c.ild in hingu me that sum emphatic and in to bo misunderstood "Goseinor Orounso informs mo that 1 ne-ser made tins such statements or insinu tions as aie contained in the ai tide in iUe tlon , and is not icsponsiblo theiufor Tl nssor lions and insinuations aic so far fie tht tuith 'is the north is fiom the sout' o I tlesiio to bo thoroughly under stoc that It is my sslsh to shoulder at all time und under all conditions nnv demcoof i h ) onslbilil.s that of right attaches to me , don't e-nio to bo thus grosslj misicpiesente Goseinor Crounse h is noser dircellj * or i elliectly asked foi an opinion fiom mo as the ; funds belonging to the state in the Cat ; tal National bank , but sso haso on BO\CI eicenslons con foiled together concerning tl inatto r , and htrvo been perfectl > agieed , to thepiopor com so to purstio HllHNllt lll-C'll > | C "Thcio has been neither neglect noi i nc-tivity in ins onico regaidlng the matt nnd the nssei tion that I had adsiscd tl goseinor to sign Iho bond of the Capital N tlonal bank , or that m.s position on accoti of my relationship to the bank svas ombn rasslng , Is as malicious as it is false has'c iioscrhad anj transactions withtl Capital National h ink in mv life unless has been on ono or tsso occasions dui ing tl past two jcais to got a check or elia cashed. I huso nes crowed the Capita N , tlonnl bank , nor ans person connected thei svlth a cent In m.s life , nor has the b.i or anj' pcison connected tbeiewi osor ossed mo a tent , and the suggi tion or insinuation that I ha been in any vtnj dlrevtly or indiiect e-oniiectc-d sslth the b ink or with am Inc victual that ssas connected thctowlth is fal-- The goseinor and nn.self haso practical agreed upon n plan of action ami sigoio nieasuies sslll bo inaugurated as soon us tl rcjioit of the examiner is finished I deem necrss.irj under the clicumstanecs , forie nous that must be patent to a lass j or , th so svalt for this. "In slosv of tlio magnitude of the Intcres insolsed , I haso siucested that thogosein cculo the serskes of a c-ompoteiit attonn to assist mo In the case I deslto the matt of the selection of this man to bo left wl the goseinor , and I also leain fiom him tl meets with his approbation " Inclc-pcMidc-iit .Slllilrn. 'Iho independents haso been busllj c gaged In cli-c-ulating a paper todav foi su iiciiptious to icliosctho cmbatiassmcnt the Alllanco Iiulependc-nt , and to put .1 Burrows In full control of the sheet on moie Kserj member of the IcglslUuio that faith was held up and scscial oft ! cmiUoj es as w ell U ho Independent caucus has dee Ided up two things Ono is the abolishment of t State Hoard of 'transportation , and il other is the abolishment of the olllce of c inspector Their plan IH to iniko e.n fiherill the oil inspector for tils counts s\l the goseinor at the head of that dep.u nienl. It Is stated that the gos ei nor has gis-en out that applicants for appointments maj ssell go homo for ts\o sseeks , but the undi standing pros-alls tliat this refers onl.s those clcshinc , ' places in the oil inspecting c paitment and that the oxecutUo'isulti to see sslmt legislation s\ill bo uiaetecl aio thut line Ainlcicis to Ou let Kiinmif ) . The Senate planned to go to Topcki tl escnlng to lend their inlluenco to the sett mcnt of the clilllcnltic-.i existing in the leg laturo there , but the scheme fell thiough the last inlnn'e A paper was ciixulat cailj hi the das lor sign lime's to an agic rnent to that effect Twentj the names we attached , although some of them we mihscqucntls sslthdrassn. Senatots ke dropiiing out and dropping out , till it was t intention at the tlmo of adjoin nine nt lease Inn special ear oscr the Missouri 1 clfii ) at 0-iiO. This plan would huso been ci r led out but for the receipt of a te-leifrr Just befoio the tlmo to start announcing tl the Icgislatmo had adjourned until Mondi TransiHirtation and a sleeping cur was bo fm lushed fico of cost , niul the onlj e pense would his u Ix-en the faio oscr t llftj rnllo stietch between Atehlson and 'J pcka , but the seiuitois ssei-o ussuied tli each sjuld lw glscn a receipt for the mon thus exiic-ndcd and that the road would : fund it , 'Iho tallioad sen , , tens sscro me than anxious logo and were sorely dls pointed at the lecelpt ot the tolegiam , as gloi lous Junket was theiebj Itnoc-ked In t itri.Kii nTHI : cosiniNi : . Soutn Dukolu I t-Klnlixtor * Coinpliilu of t I nrnlriH'.n ot tlio spntkiir. Pii'iiui : , S , 1) , Feb -Special [ Tologn to TUBULE ] ' 1 IIP first leal contest of t e-ssloii ex-curre'd today between the Uoi hue combine and Us opponents. The co bine had officially announced that the hoi would not consider the World's fair billun the senate had passed a bill abolishing I railroad commission Opponents of the com bine mosc-d to lake up tbo bill nnd accept tlio senate amendment glvlm : the gosernor lessor to appoint the commission Thos sson bj a soto of M to iM , the speaker. Donahue , and Gold being sslth thu minority. Tills was a test The defeated combine leaders sseio throssn into confusion , but as a tsso thlids sole Is re linked to piss the bill the amendments sseio declared lost and n confcrcneo sslth the scu te orde-ied , During the deb ito the hall svas picket > s 1th spectators , and at times the speeches issumecl a personal tone ) and much excite ment prevailed Sheldon of Brossn. leader of the minor Ity , attempted to appeal from ; ho .u bttrnrv decision cleclaring the amend ent lost , hut though ho and others Insisted , the speaker icfus"d to put the appeal and ordered the inembeis into their sc its Gold made n piinted attack on Sheldon , huts1. hen the latter lose to icph the spcalcci shut him otf as out of order and refused tt Isten to an explanation Angi v feeling pro sails , and theie Is some tnlkof Imiieaciiment The combine claims tonight that It can present sent legislation until Its dem inds aio met but thu opposition is organizing tonight. Sniltcirlll , W\o , Feb 17 The Joint as scmblj took tin co billets on the scnatoiia luestion to.lay sslth no choice The firs Inllot wasC D Clark , republican. 22 , G W Bister , democrat , fi , H H Homer , demo rat. \Mlltim ; Brown , populist , 7 , C U Hlseleniiurg , democrat , 4 , John Ch.ulc Thompson democrat , 4 Second ballot C D Clark , 22 , Wllll anBiown.ri , John Ch.ulc : 'Ihompsun , II. Geoigo W Bixter , ti : K. H Homer , 1 Third billet George T Beck LCD Bhek 2J ; Will ! im Brown , (1 ( , Geoigi W Baxter , ti , John Charles 'Iliompson , 10 Hoiuei , ! l \IICK , N. D , Fob 17 Three ballot sseie fiken todav for senator Miller , ic public in , icce-lsocl foitj one totes on the last Foits-sesen are ) ucc.ess.rij1 to elect HLI CVA. Mont , Feh 17Tho senatoili sole lesulted Mantle , ! ! 0 ; Clark , 23 , DKon 12 , otheis scattering. r rnoti r/\/f u. c.titii. Ilu OliitH | to ItiItctlucl Irinil tlif Arinj- Au Opc-n l.c-ttcT l < > tlici 1'ti-slclriit. ST Lot is , Mo , Fob -Brigadier Gen cial 13 A Cair , whoso retirement is allege in some quarters to h.uo been sought for purpose , has filed ssith the pieslelcnt a sigoi ous protest In Ills letter , after ejuotlng the orders sen him at the time of his promotion , ho sa.ss Iliac c-ciid nice with the above , I reported o thy lt dny or AuuiHt and saw ( jciicr il fcc-hu tic-Id In pc I-MIU lie then told me th it he hi promise cl yon that I should , If piomotec retire-ficim ac-tlso sei xlco In tlmo for yon t 1111 the siii'incy CM c islcmc-d by sui'ii rc-tlie mcnt \\asiistoniidcd it this Mtitemom nnd told licneiilc hnlii Id thit had line n of Mich u promise Imild I nt lime ac ceptcd tin ) appointment ot htlh'tdlcj Kc-iit-i.il. \\lieiilleirnecl of t lie-so ptomlse from the consei'itlons rcfciicd tomj place i colonel of the Mxtheu ills h id he n tilled b appciliitini nt , and I \ viithiufou - 1111 ilih > t decline the-c oiiindsslon of hilitaclh-r nunc-rnl foi Hi it would liasc- put e-ntltc-ly out of Hi aim } I thc-ii foic-had no alleiimtUo but t take the oath of ollic-e ; \ou lame illiilnpon to ceny out the b ir K.iln madeltliout my Knn\\lc > dn'cin cunscn and wlicjfcl dec-line 1 am thrc Honed by ( Jen ei il ' ( hofle-ld with forcible ) lottieiiie-nt 1 base beiMi In the mllltaiy seislco of th I nltc-d Milc-s for foitj-slt jeirs mid feel lust Mililiuily pildo In Ihu sors Ices I h.isc-ieii lit ted mj country I nexei sought u pro eic : tlyn oninj cicinnd other th in of meilt , and deem injsc-ir too good --oldlc-r to accept ac ! s .nice mcnt for nnv othc-i ic a'-on 1 had siippo-cd that mj piomotlon ssnsdu to tliat service nnd to uppuclatloii thc-icc and my ability tocoiinn ind I am fully abl to pi'ifotni Hie diitlc-s and to exercise til filiations of my ofllco As to mv ability t c-ommnnd and the mimhorscommanded i-n vlic-n commanded , 1 lofei to the- records 1 the U u eloputim nt Had I not Intended and felt competent t cvc-iilc all duties of thu hil adlc-i general \ > ould liuctmnci accepted 01 taUc.n the oitl Mj rc-c-oid In the aimy N the only legacy huso to triiisnilt to mj posteilty , and I has dcte-imintd that no act of mine by aeceptln ic piomotlon , sc cured by uiiauthorl/c-d promise of IIMIIIIdlato retlieincnt. shall bo a pirt e that lecoid. If 1 am to bo retired for the purpose of gls In , ; pi u u to auothur in in , nuclei a law at lea- questionable , and sslilchvas noser Inteiide to bo use d foi such a purposeI I ha\e m ido n my mind to stand toliat I conse-lentloiisl he-tluse to ho thu duly of a soldier and that not to hea p irty loon.Ulfj anj iiuiconiui that svoulil In thesllKlitcst iimiini r atfcc t m Maudlin : atiioir thoofllc-ersof the iiiinyll whom I h ise solved so Ion- ; . rnin-lihu the potter to compel my InVolm taij lotlrenient fiom the active list of tl iiiinj on account of my his In , ; reac-hed tl : lUiiof iij jt > an > , I beg to siugcst that tlici dl < e-ietlon lodged Injoir by I i\v , ssas nuscr Ii tc nch-d to lHHi\e-ielseiloVL'c > pt Inn ot ho ollli c Miiulit to lie lellrc-cl was unlit to pel form tl duties of Ids olllee 1 Unon of no ] nc-ceclci vheio this ( llscietlon h.is hese-n \crclsed L the president for any othc-i c nise I apnc-il to } ou , tlu-rofoio , Mi Provident , I c-iiii Idc-i the situation In which I haso hec plai c-d without my knoulrilu'e or concent , an 1 have alsei to icspcctfully , but c-ariu stly pre test ac iliist any action hc-hiK take n looKhif , ' I my Inxoluntarfy rutlic-iiu-nt from the acth list of thu army wlthout.it least a full ho irlr of in } side ) of the case , which basso fur he-c hut Impei fe-c-tls pic-si-iited 1 am , Mr , wit respect , } oiti obedlc-iitsersaiit , Hi IK idler and Itros c-t iiu'jor ( Je-iie'ra The I'le-slcltnt , WusliliMton , 1) . U. . i u//cff i A AtHtbi'.irKit llulr Niltloiml AHKcichitliin Adjourns Afte ix 31 oat SurccHsrul Metlii ( ; . NBIS YOHN , Fob. 17 After a most succes fid meeting the eons ention of the Amenc.i Newspaper Publishers assoc talon sxi bioughttoa close thisescning wllhabai cuot ) at the Hotel Impeiial List j ear 5flOi 000,000 was thoaggtegalo sum lepicscnte hi Iho Muious newspaper oxxners , .but th je.il it takes ss'OJXX,000to ( ) coxer thonmoun The consenlion has accomplished much tin sslll in the futuio aeertto lo the bcne'lt ' i the newspincr readers and the nossspipi business 'i'ho election of oftlccrs for the ei suing sear is as follows James W Sco of the Chicago Herald , president , li I Woods Huston Herald , sico pi evident , V ( ' Bijnnt Brooklyn Times , see rotarj , .1 ! Se.vmour , New York Post , treasuicr 1 * eeullse council M MacKea , Cinclnmi Post , C W. Knapp , St I tiis Kepublle Fied Diiscoll , St Paul Pioneer-Press Butler , Buffalo ( N Y ) News , S H Ho : man , Washington Star The nu\t weetli xx ill bo held in Chicago Maj 21 , lb'J.1 T oSllls Iliol.e'll. IViuu Hu-liH. la , Feb 17 [ Sped il Tel gi.im toTnn Brc'lho ] jury in the Hosi xx ill e.iso brought in a sordid at 1.0011 todr scttiii ) , aside the will , on Iho ground th : Sampson C Boxer was of unsound mind . the tlmo of mal Ing the doeumcn 'Ihej found thcro xx.s no u duo inline nt o 'Iho two daushtei of Mr Hoser , sxho sxere left about $ -100 cuh out of an estito of ? 1 tHXHKi , the re golne to thteo sons , hi ought suit to bie.i the w 111 on the ground that ho was of 11110111 mind and xxas undulv inline-need h.\ the son Tlio trial of the case took oser six xxeeks IMMX.SU 01 is , liul , Feb IT--Tho jurx the case of the contest of the will of the la Fulled Slates Senator Joseph i : McDonal In which II svas chaiged the slgnitiuo thu will sxas forged , this moniini ? relumed sen-diet for the platnliff 'Ibis bleaks tl 1 will Additional Ittllruud r Siot'tTx ( , la , Feb 17-SpecialTcl | gram to TinBiu. . ] l'hoSlouCitj , Chlcaj . .V Baltlmoio road lodaj filed Us amende aiticlcs of Incorporation giving it iho rigl lo build , buy and operate roads in Missoui to give tt connections si lilt Hannibal , Wo Quine-j , St Louis and Kansas Clly 'II company noxv has a line survoj ed and 1 ciited from thlsclij to Klrksxille , Mo , ai has the funds with which to build It diuli the present jear The amended aitlcles we filed lo enable it to complete the purchase the ( julncy , Omaha A Kansas City ioa rimiiliig froni Qulncy noith und west Kirksvillo and west from there toward Ka BUS Cltj.for which it has about perfect ! negotiation ! . WEAK PIPING PEACE REIGNS War's Loud Alarms in Kansas Arc Drowned in Sighs of Relief. EACH SIDE CLAIMS THE VICTORY ( lotc-rimr l.iiwi-llliif ; Siihinttit n I'rnponltlon tci thn ItipiihllcansVlilcli It Aetrptcd , and Armed llci fllltlc"i Are Kiulcd SSItlioeit Unnc-e i-s * cry Delay. Toi-DKV , Ivan , Fob 17 [ Special Tclegran to TUB Bun ] Grim visagcd ssar no longei liosoissslth thieitenlii ! ; mien over the fall capital of sunny Kansas 'Iheio has beet no bloodshed , theio Is no subst.intl ilsictoiy but there Is peace , and the tidings are re eels eel Dj all law-abiding , order-losing cltl cns ssith feelings of profound relief. The troops has'o been onleied homo , tin sheriff s posse has bc-en disbanded , the 5,013 xoluntccrs , xxho Hocked into the citj fion the rural ellstiicts to do battle under th Hairs of the populist or republican pit ties according to their political ufllll itions , at leasing for homo sslth their shotguns am other pilmitlvo ssoipons of ssaifure , am mat till laxv no longer riile-s on Capita scjuaro Si\tj-nino republican leglsla tois ssith the ofllccts of the house and 20) ) assistant serge ints-at-arms titter an imprisonment of fifty-tsso houis 1 : rcpiescnt.itiso hall , once moro breathe , th pure air as fieo me n , and xs ill tonight slee in a ic U heel Instead of on the lloor , am breakfast tomorrow morning on the fat o the land instead of on a s indss i > h and a cu of coileo hauled up a hunched feet at the cm of a lope lopo'I 'I reiops Sc nt lloinn. Holies ing orclois xxere issued to the militl nt ! t o'clock this afternoon , and the sheriff thousand deputies , sxith the exception o eighteen men retained to prescrso the pc le nt the eapltol and on the siu'iomulin grounds Of these latter tsxelso are o : dutj in the building and sK outside , the si outside being instructed to allow no out dee populist meeting which might stir u b.ui blood and Icul to renoxxal o hostilities All cscnlmr compinlcs o the National guilds haso bee : marching dossn Kansisascnuo toss-aids th depot , sxhoio tiievonls jaxs.ntitlio anixal c special trains to take their clep u tui o fo home Drum be iting and bugle calls has been famlli ir sounds for dass , and tonigh thes sxe-io beaut for the last time as th niillti i oiacuited the e ity iThoj gasoplacot the less melodious but moie sscleoino musl of college sell. xxhU-h e-aine from the thio.it of DUO students , assembled hoio to ix lines the state orator leal contest Through snox a foot deepsoldieis and students trudged ut : eompl liniiigls . ind It was h.ud to tell whic sxas the happiest The restoration of peace and of the stat quo ante helium is the result of the slgnin of an agreement Oetsxcen Goscrnor Loss c ling and the republic fn house , sshich su tuall.s establishes an aimistico 'L'ho cond lions of this agi cement aio as follows : Ti-riiiB cil tlio I'rutuccd. First It being the understanding that th house presided oser bMr Dimsinoio ha seemed a hall in sshich to meet , the hotis picsuled over by Mr Douglass shall ruiiinl in possession of icpicsjnlutuo hall undl ; tuibed and unmolested. Second I'ho house piesided oser by M : Dun moio shall In like manner bo undistur be and unmolested in the possession of the ha which it has sccuicd and maj if it desire select a loom in the state house for Its nice ings other than icprcscntatisc hall Third No ai rests to be made bv el tin house of members or olllccis of the other Fourth The militia to bo immediately re llos-cd , including the noxv iccruits sxsorn i and the shot iff 's posse to bo immcdiatel disb Hided Fifth Militia companies noxv enrouto fe Topcka to bo Immediately telegraphed to b the goseinor to return to their homes. De-llheratoit Upon nnd Accepted. This proposition sxas sent tothorcpubllca house bj the gosernor at 1 o'clock last nigh and the adslsabilit.s of accepting sxas tli subject of dubato until r o'clock thlsmoii ing. sxhcn It ssas agiced to by n ling majority , the soto being accompanied ti loud e-hcciing At 0 o'clock the house con mittoo mot the gosernor nnd after a coi fcionco of txxo houis the document xsn signed and at 12 TM ssas letuincd to tli house , xshcro the noxss that a compromls had been concluded sxas icccised xxith tremendous shout and a regular lese feas svas immediately inauguiatcel Mcmbci and oflliois clasped hands and embrace each other , anil all joined in singin "Auld Iing Ssno , " svhllo the dooi ssero thioxxn open and the sxise and d mghters of "ex-pi isoneis of the ssar thronged in and greeted their loscd one "xxith kisses and embraces" 'Iho Stat Unisersitj Glee club ss.is present , and by th imitation of the members of the house , the sang "John Broxsn's Body , " "Tenting on tli Old Camp Ground" and other airs. Aeon initteo of txxo members , sxho volunteered fe the scrslc-o , ssas instructed to plant the ll.i on the top of the dome , and actually climbe to the summit of the copper billtn.it su mounts the lantern , at a height of 2S2 fee and pin cod the flag theie It was n mo dangerous and foolhardy net , but it ss , accomplished , and on the committee icnoi ing the matter ssas made a pait of tl : iccoids of the house Kndc d tlio War. Then three ehccis for ex Gosernnr Ai thonv sxero gls'cn bj all on the lloor and th ssas folkwed hi all by thico cheers for tli dcput } sheriffs , the assistant sergeant a .1111 s , the Nation il gu.uds and the IxT.ms s , onion xx ho svc-to on the iloor won In badges us assistant sergeants at aims Mi Lama M Julius , one of these , sxas called r for a speech and SXOR hecrcd lo Iho cc-hi WlKMi she stepped to the spciKer's stancl tall colored man sxith n laigo llag stepped c a ch ill- behind he-r and sxascd It oser he head ssliilo she spoke The jubilee eonsentton ssas continued unt after .t o\ lock , sxhen the house took a iccc- until tomorioxx inoinlng Kmrjhoelj SiiUlle : > e1. Both shies claim a sictory in the terms c tuotomiuomlso Iho lopublicans s ij tin In sccuilng the undisturbed | K > sscsslon of tl lunisoand bringing the mailer into the com thej obtained all Ihey escr asked for Tl populists sas that the concession of the ha is a tux lal thing , and sxoull has'o bee jieldcd at anj time had no other Issue pi i hunted itself The goseinor holds that tl : liniwrtiint Item in the contract is theatric * mcnt not to make mi ) aiusts , wheiebi U lepublicans sxould huso been able in time I bleak the quotum in the populist house . sxaa this men ice to the legal house of icpii sentatlses in putlc-uhii that made It necc sir.to . call out the miliili , though the fen Iblo sclruio of u'picsentaliso hall and U general disturbed condition of the public1 lu their ss eight Manj ixipullstsaio Incensed at the go' einor for what they icg.nd as a "bic down , " anl handle him without gioxcs i llicir prisato councils Hut Lc-wcllir leignsnnd the cosc-r iimeiit at Topciiistl lis es _ UAMiUics or SVAH AMUTID. : : K.iimaM I'opnlNtt und Ki-putdleiiH Mm llccbiri'd an ArmUtlro. Toi-ckx , Kan , IVb 17 'Iho Inttlo itai nro furled. The stale troops have been sci home. The aimed IKJSSO of deputy shcrit has been dtsbimlod Uep-jhlicMus and pop lists alike haso laid dossn their arms Tl war ts over The threatening perils of tl lust four daj s lias e been asertcd and peuc again ic-iirns supicmo throughout Ivans is , Thn developments of Iho day aio legnrdc on all sides as a decisive siciory for iho i publicans. Us en iho popullsls , svlth ehagi ! nnd openly uxurcsscd indignation at svh ; Komo of them call tWs Rovernor's sseaknoss , admit that the republicans have triumphed for the time , nt leasts Peace ssas tcstorcilttiy iho acceptance by Iho governor and therei ubllcan house of n compromise proposition for the cessitlon ot hostilities By the Ifr-ma of this proposition the republicans sccuwjUiiHsputCd possession of repiesentalive hftil * In the cnpltoU the main point for sshlchiVicy have been strug gling The popullsM SDcuro the holloxv of ' In some privilege mcuting'jjUiidIstuibcd ) other place ropttlUtH Tlircnjt'i. Ihrlr Hindu. The failure of Ihe wpullst plan to drive the republicans ftitn rcpresentatls'o hall after they had ban tended thomsels'es there Weclncsdas tiiiirnlligt/vasduo / to the refusil to ciboi orelcrs of thi-Tery force ujxm tvlilch the tioptillsts hail eWpc-mled to carry the plin Into execution octato militia. Con sequently the populriB svom compelled tc sue for peace 'lly > "nvcraor claims the populists haso earr * . ' . thalr point , svhlch ss-as the prevention c , tuiest by the re publican house of Clr-i- Clerk Hleh of the ji > pulist house sshioiVs , ued all the trouble last Tuesd ij The es cuts of the _ esv days and tholi fin il insult xs ill havei , , . , effect on the unfor tunate legislative mir li' , land there sslll b : no amalg unatton of tjso bodies. The populist : sas the populist hoij > c svlll go right nhoad making lissu the sn.nuasif there were ) nc such thing as coitr * ; 10 matter ss hat the courts may do Thoti > vti ? sslll continue tc recognize the house ) itirt the governor sx 11 sign the bills p isscd \ ' , t. If such bills are declared to bo inxiif * " by reason of havini ; been p isseel by an ilr il legislature , then say the populists , Uifjilaino , svlll rest upon the courts In case * I oh a thing comes U piss , tlio state intfU jloiis , the colleges asilums , schools. ot'ff ill , doubtless , hare to close l ] ' Toniuht the city is > ry quiet The republl can inembeis hivoflo to their homes te spend Iho Sabb ilh. Tj'.ie troops huso all lef town and the deputy ! , U'-ritTs , who have bcei on continuous duty b o ycsterdax morning have gone homo for a much needed icst I'e-iic-o NrjtotlltloM.I. A confcienco pas held botxvcct the patties after , 2 this morninf anl an agrcemcir" ' sxas airls'ed at The troseinor accosted the eompiomlsc In praetic all.s the for".J submitted by the republicans publicans \esterday futnr noon all shoxv o foie-o to bo xxithdraxx1r&nd ! oserythiug to remain main In statu ctio till tliei courts decide the habeas corpus cases ti ( bo hi ought througl thoniic'st of the clc4 of both houses , tc test the question of svich house Is the lega one It piosldes dir the ixjssessiot of icpiosetitulis'o haU by iho republicans Iho populists to nitijp elsexvhe re and the sheriff to dismiss hlsyLupulIcs. A tucmorau clutn of this agicotne-n4' , xvas sent the repub liein house b.\ the governor this morning ant sx as adopted bj it. j * The plan of the c-o aromlsc s\as adoptee hi all par Ires The ppjhlisls huso cnvagcc eiuarteis outside thiijaultol 'u ' whrch te meet F i The confereneo came ? o an end at 1 o'clock and the republican cotarnlttce returned a once to the house to tya , < o Its ieport. Gov einor Lexvellin sent -sord to the populis house of the result of tlio conference , and in sti tie ted Adjutant Go.iqral Artz to prepare to e all off the dogs ofMar. Finally.it. ! ! ! 0 o'eUx-klGovernor Ijoxsellltif sentssoidthat the troops had been svlth diaxxn and oidcred { icvmo. The announce incut sxas icceis'cd s-th cheers. Speake Douglass made an adejre'ss ' , silting that tin lepulilic.ins had SXOIT * ii gieat sic-tory am would \\in another te'aiorrosv svhcn l\\ \ < supreme court sxould tefido that the renub lie-ail oigani/ation svj the legally const ! tuted house of representatives. Spcakc Pro Tern Hoch spolcU jltho simostrain. > , Dc-clsluu l > < LlliniCair | g < 4JHfe The district courl tliis morning heird 'anc took under advisement the injunction sui hi ought by the republicans to restrain tin gose.nior from pajing the salaries of tin populist members Under the populist appro ( illation bill . , The Dunn habeas corpus case before tin supreme court ssan postponed by mutual con sent till lomoiroxx * . , 1 ! ird Mfjlit fur the Troops. Snow fell to a depth of n foot , making i xco uncomfoi table for the soldiers durin the night This morning the guards aiouiu the capitol sxero in'cieased All passe issued jcsterdaysero rcsc-indcel 01 the grounds that , thc republicans hai hiokcn faith bj smuggling a lot of depute into tlio hall and the ? governor took the mat ter of issuing pisses into his own hands The guards icfuscd to peimlt baskets o piosisions to bo taken into iho capital 'Ih republic-air house passed an order appointini a committee to got pros isions When the ; came to the guard line the soldier jiescntcd bayonets , but they sxero thi us aside and the committee psssed in , folloxxci hi a long file of deputy slier iffs Lieutenant Pattj , m charge of the guarel pounced on a boy in the line ami began chok ing him , sxhcn ho xxas felled to thogiouni sxith a club. A shpotlng scrape SXMS nar rowlj as ei ted as a result. A company of militia art is ing Ihis morn ing sxcicsssoin in as peace ofllcei s by th sheriff , ssho sxill pursue the same cours with later arnsals Cost oT lIotillUliiK the Truupa. The cost of mobill/ing the military force- can only bo estimated. Conscrs'allvo esll mates place the cost at between $10,000 inn $12,000 , Including tiiq org.iniz.Uion of 2.00 pioxisional tioops , organized at sariou places tliioiighout the * state under the go\ einor's otdeis The 'c-ostof transportatloi Is placed at i,000 , pay of troops $5OOC commissary depaitment ? 2,000 The senate today took no action upon th bill passed by the populist house jcstcrdu cmpoweilng the goseinor lo remoxo , fo cause , the sheriff of any county at any time The entire time of thn son ito ssas occupiei In discussing a bill presiding lor thorcmoxa of the capitol to the interior of iho sialc xxhich Iho populists desito Ccilcinc-l IIutUcH Will lloC'cmrt II irtlilod. Toi-HKA , Kan , Fob 17 Many and s-arici complications xs ill i Uo out of the dispute be tss ecu the populists und republic-ins as ti sxhich house Is the legally oiganircd an c onstllullonal body. The latest doselopnieii Is announccel tonight Brigadier Gener.i Hettinger stited tint Colonel J W T Hughes sx ill bo court nnrti iled The com martial proccodings xx HI bo based upon tli refiml of Colonel Hughes to oboj the in sir iictlons of the governor to eject the rcnul licMii members of the loxxer branch of tli legislature fiom roprejentatis-o hall H i not unli'teli ' that other i-ouit maitial pix eccdlngs against other officers foi refus il t rcpoi t to Topcka for duty upon the insti uc lions of the gox etnor wjll bo Instituted Iho picsent troublQ will no doubt bo death bio w to tha ICaujias National guird sxhlc h has so long been , the rnllltaij prldo o Kansas Threat * of u I'npiillit. TOI-EKA , ICnii. , Feb 17 Uepiesentatis Us an , the leading senator on the populis side , is s'orx wrath at the turn alfuhs hav I tkenWe aio defeated for the time helm but we will got rorcngo None of the lust tutions in the stale svlll bo provided for i Iho appro ] ) ! latiou hlllti , unel these college and unlveisltles svhieli allowed thel students loswann tithe-round lakeside with the republicans svill find their mono running short In mighty quick drder " TO .1 w/i.vo j-ni : .Mii.isuici : . Ilouso and Scnitc Ciiiincit A n-e on tli 1'eilt llniulull Ite'Horxatloii lllll , WA-Jtiisorov , D , C , Fob 17 fSpcclti Telegram to TUB BIJE ] The house ha added , but the senito refus to accept , a amendment to the bill to mot Ido for the sui se-s and tiansfur of that pail of iho For Itandall military reservation in the stato.c Nebiaska to the state for school and othc- puinoscs as follo-ss Pi-osided. that bofor said lands shall bo opened to settle-men under this section f he secrctars of the It terlor shall appoint a commission of thrc dlslntoiosledeilizens of the United Stalef who shall appraise said lands , and fix th value of each quarter section , and person who maj take such lands under the home stead laws shall pij for such lands In thrc ceiual iustalliiients ut times to bo fixed b the secretary of the intciior , and they shal also comply ssith all prosislons of the home stead lasvs of the United States. HAVE WON A GREAT VICTORY Revolutionists of Rio Grande do Sul Defeat the Oastilhistas. GENERAL GOVERNMENT WILL INTERFERE Itrn/U'n llrguliir Army In lltpecte-d tn Til Ice 1'nrt In the Trouble ! nnil Asnlel Fur ther nloodihod lit tlio ! - turbeil I'roxlnco. tKkt bJeim'j | ( Janlnn Otnn'lt 1 VAI.PAIUHO , Chill ( via Galroston , Tc\ . ) , Feb. 17.By [ Moxk-nn Cable to the No * * . York Herald Special to TUB 13nu ] The Herald'c correspondent In Montevideo telegraphs tint the revolutionists claim to have xx-on n pi cat victory over the Castllhlstas tn Klo Grande do Sul , Brazil. Their sympathisers in Monte < video lm\o been Infouned that Oenoial SUMS la , who commanded the federal troops , gave the Casttlhlstas bittk not far from the UiURinyau bordci u ml gained the most decided advantage which has yet been obtained. Many soldleu svho has e boon fighting for the CastllliisUi cause dcsortcd during the battle and JoinecJ the forces of the federalists These ndvan < tribes have aroused great enthusiasm among the federals , sx ho now announce that thoj xx ill overrun the entire stito of Hto Grande do Sul , march against Potto Alcurc , the cap Ital , and that the resolution will not cue until Castllho Is ousted from the Governor. ship and expelled from the country There Is nothing in the way of success foi which they do not now hope , but their hopes in ly be shattered by the intervention of tin Kcner.il government of Brazil Many citizens of Brazil nro now demanding that the general oral government shall Intel feio and put ni end to the war In the proxincc , svhlch ha- already lasted too long This may bo done and in that event Castllho would probablj bo sustained. If the general government ol Brazil should remain neutral , however , the fcdoials feel confident they will succeed. That they nro getting more actlvo Is showi by the fact that the Urguaj an gunboat toelaj sel/ed a schooner which was loaded will : rifles and cartridges. ITho turns had beer piocurcd in Uruguay by federal agents , am' ' were seized because their shipment was r violation of the neutinllty laws It is reported tliat u large Iwdy of federals has o crossed the Uruguayan border Into UK Grand do Snl ; that General Fas arcs , will : 0,000 men , have invaded the southein pirt 01 the state , \\hilo General Saralva , who re ccntly gained a gi oat slotory , is marching tin ough the interior News of heavy light ing may Uo expected at any time. rt-rsccutliiB tin : Itlotcm. The Herald's correspondent in Corrlentes Argentina , tokgiahps that the citizens w hi were recently in revolt there are being har rassod dally by the federal troops of Argon Una. There are many cases svhcre extreme cruelties have been inflicted. The fedcra government has scut ssord frou Buenos Ayrcs that the oppressions wil disarm , but the robclsdeciato stoutl ; that they will not lay aside their guns untl they aio guaranteed protection fiom the vcn gcanco which Go\einor Hui/ will attempt ti w rcak should he once get them in his poxx er It appears , therefore , th it thetioubleso unhappy Corrientc-s mo still far fiom settle mcnt. Discontent seems to be spreading te all parts of Aigcntlna The troubles ii Coriicntcs which has o so long occupied tin attention of the authorities in liucno Ajrcs nio being bupplomcntod bj exhibi tions of disquiet In other sections. I received a dispatch today from Saltn the capital of the Aigcntino pros Inc-o of tha name which siss : that a combln itlon li ; . : been foinicd by the leading mcnofSilta Jnjuy and Tuenmnn sshkli has for Its objec the ousting of the gosernors of those tin ci pinsinccs These are ilch prosinces am thcio is a sphit of independence among tin peopleThej will not long submit to op picssion and should theio be occasion for it they sxould not hesitate to stall a resolution It svas Tucumin that-started the indc liendcnco of Argentina fiom Sp.iin , svhicl svas llrst piomulgatcd in 1810 , and in the cap ital of that province the Hist congicss w.ic held Should a resolution bo stalled then Ii xxould prose far more serious than an ; which the goscinmcnl of Aigcntina has hat to deal with in icccnt jcais. The Chilian minister of marine , Admira Castilho , announced today that a captain o the Chilian navy sxould bo sent to Argcntm : to observe the solar eclipse of the sun ii connection with the American obserxcis An ofliehl denial sxas Issued today hi th' ' Chilian goseinmcnt of the stoiyscntou from Peru tliat Chili had been coeiccd b ; Franco into signing the tieaty icccntly en tcred into betsx ecu the two lepubllps Thi denial is conlhmed by M FomierdoBn court , the French minister to Chill Prcpaiations.no being made hi tsvcnt , leading sxino m mufaetuieis of Chili to scni exhibits to the Chicago fair Among the e > hiblts from Chili w ill also bo many s aluabl mineral specimens CAHU AS , Venezuela , ( via Galseston.Tcx Fob 17 [ Bv Mexican Cable to the Nos Yoik Hetald Special to Tun BEE ] Th new ttcatj svhlch has been madobetwce : Venezuela and Colombii is the llrst step tc xxaid a tiiple rill inco to bo formed for often slvo and dofcnshe put noses , but will not , a the Paris Figaio asserts , haso anj dhee connection ssith the Panama canal < iucstiol IN THI : i\ounn rAiiii.\Mi\T. I > c-1 > ate on tlia llfiinu Kuln Kill TIi MttiiHiiro I'a ftus Iti I lrnt KrudliiK. LONDON , Fob 17 In the House of Com mons today Ht Hon Joseph Chambcrlai icsumed the debate on the homo lulo bill Mr. Chamberlain dcclaicd tliat the bil sowed the seeds of future discontent am pixod the ssay to demands that ssould b cettain to bo urged sxhen England's cmci gency became Ii eland's opportunity. It ssa iccomincndcd as a Dual settlement , jot it dc piived the Iiish Parliament of all contiol o ti.ulo undiommeico 'Iho speaker remindd the house that Mr Painell insisted that n finalitj was possible until Iicland had th power to impose a letalialor ) duty insteai of guaiantecing imperial unity , thu bill in solsod lisle to the existence of the Unitei Kingdom Ho hesitated to think of w ha the country's position ssould bo In tlmo o s\ar. In C'iisc of U'nr \ \ Ith u ] 'ur < - | ; I'oxx i r. "Supposing , " Mr Chamberlain asked "that Cheat Jliitatn should become Involsei In xx ar with the Unitc-U States , sshich heasoi foibld , for it ssould bo fiatrlcide , Iiolam might owe giatlludo to England , but did no she owe It to the United States ? [ Unlonis urceia ] Supposing Great Biitaln becani Involved in sxnrxvlthFraiveo or Russia f Will eight } Irish members coining to the Impciia I'aill.iment to embuass and hamper th gorcunmont in tunes of difficult } helaiii ssould get what bho demanded or serlousl ; crlpplo Great Biitaln s struggle for exist Clll'O. " Continuing Mr Chamberlain dcelaica tha thomcasuics left the Impel lal Parllamcn not a shadow of genuine supremacy. lit. Hon. George J , Goschcu scscrcl ; criticised the bill and especially the financial clause ? , mainly on the same lines as previous speakers on the unionist aide Ireland , he said , poor a * she svas , would havn to dcpcuil mainly upon the people's drink. There svas no precedent In history for placing the whole .sprvleO In the * Ir.indu of the Irish. Ho protested against expecting Englishmen to forgive and foi-gcl tha language of Irish agitators dm ing the last seven years. What ss-as to become ol the landloitls In the three jears duilnp sshich the British Paillament svas to retain authority oscr the land question t Were they to bleed to dc.itht Amid cheers Mr , Gos-hen quoted Mr Morloj's svor.ls that nc power on earth could pros'ont the Irish mem' hers from still being aibltiatoisand masters of Qipllsh education This bill nos'cr ssoulel pass Perhaps there ssould boa third one , perhaps not. If u third ono should conic , ii oucjht to bo bound together sslth the othov two and labelled , "A failure to solve u problem. " iTnliii Slurlry Mnhi-n llcpl ) , John Morley replied In lolly to Mr Goschen's special objections and then 10 furred to Mr. Chamberlain's speech. Mr Clmmborlaln , ho s\id , svas In fasorofcen tr.xllzatlon and for the ascendancy of the ohl dominant party in Ireland. Ho rcmlndoil the right honorable gentleman from Binning hnm , svhn hnd nsaoited that the preimblu ol the bill declaring the supremacy of the Im perial Parlhment svas of no importance , thai nc. less an anthoi ity than Sir lidsvnrd Coke , of svliom probably the right honorable menv bor had never heird ( laughter ] -hud af firmed that the preamble svas the key tt the bill. 1 hero sx.is no likelihood , said Mr Morley , that Archbishop Walsh ssould hi able to promote the endowment of Catholic institutions Ho did not regard the reten tion of Irish inembeis at Westminster as n secondary matter , but ho did le-vard It as n secon-inii m ittcr to their paramount object Ho svus conshiced that the bill s\ould piss The late goscrnment had promised u local goscinment to Iicland , but Its bill had been laughed out of the housa Mr Chamber lain , Mr Moilcy thought , hid not ic-pn- diatol the pilnc-iplo ot hume iiilo , but Irul mcrel.s criticised thomcthol. If tue govern mcnt failed vsould the honorable gentli'min pioposo another loir.id table ! Mr Merles declined to admit that Ii el uul was in coon cilablo Thcio svcro lis'fs , hut not gras-o ones Ho bellescd It was possible to excr- cisii the osll spult betvs-eon Unclniid an I lie- land and in this belief ho once moiu pleadei ! for the bill liquid applause ] U | on the inosing of the llrst rculing. Mr Glulstone stated that ho vs.is icul.Loud . cries of assent and dissent gicctcd his ucclai-ations Mr Gladstone retired fion the bir sshilo the liberals , radicals and liisl inembeis made a scene of ssild cnthusl-ism Amid thosvnsing of hats and tiomcndon : chceiinif , Mr Gladstone adsnnced up tin lloor of the house and presented the bill The homo inlo bill was then lead for th ( llrst tlmo and the second leading ssaslixci for March 1.1. The pi mtod copies of the homo rule bil svtll not bo distributed among the mcmbcrt of Parliament until Saturday afternoon VOX OAI'HlVlS UIlLA'l ULTOItT. Uo DulUorgit Notnblu Spuccli Ilofori ) th < Mi mlicrn of Ilia UclrliHlit ) ; . BEitLiv , Feb. 17. Clmncclloi sun Capiis dollvuicd u posset fill addioss in the Heic-h btagtolay Ho dcclaicd svith unusinl vo hemcnco that the attacUs sshich the ugrar lun and untl Semitic paitics svoio dlicctiii ) : against the goveinment and himself wouli : noser mos-o him to resign. If the ngrailans ho exclaimed , had any special grievances 01 desires lot them ctcclaio svhat they ait and the goseinment will giso ttien duo consideration but s'nguo attacks ttmistiVefiilttirV'-'t. It v\v'iu Jinp ; a'tjlo tha the gos'emment should mcept hl-motilllsni because it ssas neither able to ptopound r si homo acceptable to England , nor to disie gaid intoiimtion } ! maikots The agraihi and anti-Semitic1 ) mty , the c hanccllor do claied , sxeto ecu tain of thofr oveitluow The promoteis of anti-Semitism weu already running oser ssith socialism Per soimlly , the chancellor dcilated in conclu sion. ho ssould picfer to i diminish tin buider.s of ofllce , but in accord s\ith tha1 spint of ohl Prussian fidelity , ho would 10 main to fulfill his dutj , toseiso the Intelcst : of the cmplic This speech has mused . gicat sens ition , as It is holloscd to mark : complete ruptuio botssccn the go\ciunion and the causers atlses S Ult l.uii. Uosii : , Fob 17 Tlio pope today iccciscc 8,000 pilgrims from various puts of Hal ; s\ho visited Home in regard to the Hplscopa Jubilee of his holiness The reception be .u at , 10 o'clock this morning ami at 1 o'clocl this aftcinoon the pilgiims , ssho weiobtil pissing , lovfiently bowed and kissed tin liana1 of the vicar of Chi 1st. and this ncrcs saiilv added to the tlmo occupied In icceiv ing them. r ni.ii > or A L HUH ; ic/.w. ItiHliirsn Troubles < il Vdiuiprildwn , O , 1 ! inltcr ( ioXLTiiol , Ml Khilrj u Vlrtlin , YOU.NQSTOWX , O , Fi-b 17 A sensatioi ss.is caused in business , finamiil am manufactuiing elides todi-y by the failure o KobeifJj Walker , a prominent banker am capitalist , who made an assignment thi afternoon to Hal K Taj lor , a well know i attorney , for the benefit of his creditors Tlio failure svlll bo widespicad In its effects insolsin , ; Goveinor McKtnle.s and the indi cations are now that escr.s dollai of piopeit ow nod by the goseinor s\ill bo swept asv.iy Dining the past ten ycais Mr Walker 1m been i.ited as a ser.s sscalthj m.in Ho 01 ganUed the Youngs toss n Stamping conininj taking a largo block ol stock , and has beei Its president slnco it began business Tod.v the Commercial National b ink made a les upon the plant of the stamping coinpiny I secuio a Judgment of fT,0,0")0 This svas fol lowed bj Walkoi gising moitga es to ( jov or nor McKinlos and ' 1 hom.is ( jiiy on a fair In Wilton and his homo in Pol uul , nix mile fiomhc-io Sec-ing that thc-io was no hop of being extiicateU from his finaiicla dinicultlcs , Mr Wall.ci this after noon made an assignment to Attoinoy Taj lor for the benefit of his < -ieditors As nc.i as tan bo ascertained tlio liabilities s\il icach t-00,000 , most of It paper foi smal amounts , held by lountry banks 'Iho fall uicisduoto Ins'cstiiieiits in piojicitius 11 ( lulling alaigo outl.vy of monoj that h is no \ot been ptoductlso In addition to th stamping w01 Its ho insestcd in the Glran Stosowoiks , coil mines at West Nosstoi ; Pa , an < l ballnosillo , O , and svns intcrcstc , hi it laiyo number of smaller cntoipilsc-i Ihisustdup all the funds at his comm.un and neccsslt ited seeming the cndoisemen of paper by friends From bojhood Gosoinor MiKinloyandMt Walker h.iso been the closest peison.i filends. When Mr Walker requested th goseinor to cndoi so his notes thc-ro ssas n hesitation In the govoinor nrtKing his sign.i tuios\ithout making anj inststigation 'I'll goscrnor continued placing his blgnatui-j 01 notes until the crash came In response to ; Hicsstisc , Goseinor McIClnloy came lici todas to ascertain the condition of aftah and leal n sshethcr lie is bankruiit or not It is estimated that ho is on the paper of Mr Walker for from ; JOUX ) to ( TiU ( XX ) , and If i amounts to less than the first named figm etfoi ts w 111 bo made bj the irosoinur to tak caio of It Otherwise ho s\ill loseoscry e-cn ho has In the ssorld Goscrnor McICiuloy said tonight' "Al tint I desho to say is that I ssill pay ovoi , note of Mr Walker's of which I am th indorscr. and not ono bhall lose a della through mo. " Flguies weio obtained tonight shossini that Gos ei nor Mc-Klnloy ts on OO.OIX ) of th Walker paper Walker has sustained i spotless reputation In the buslntb community , and the fulluio is at tiibutcd to his engaging In mor enterprises tnan ho could successfull ; cairy thiough Ho sajs hosslll turn ovc his homo and every dollar ho has In th ssorld to assist In paying his creditors. HI family consists of a ssifo , son and daughtoi Nona of the money has been squandered ii oxpcnbUo Using , the family piaetielni economy In both the household and svcarini apparel. 'Iho Girard steve svorks , in svhlch Mi Walker ssas a largo stockholder , failed tc night. Assets , fJO.OOO ; liabilities unknown MR , MORTON IN THE CABINET Bngo of Arbor Ledge Will Eutor Mr. Olovoland's ' Ofllcial Fftmlly , HE WILL SUCCEED SECRETARY RUSK Prmeiiml nnd J'ornml Aiinoiiiicomrnt of the Imitation and Accoptnnro SVhlrli I'liicc-i Iho Plntluxm-dicd Xrbruikau In tlio Agricultural llcpnrtinc-iit. Mr Kd Sheldon of this city has iccclsed a telegram from Paul Morton , at Chicago , stating tliat J. Stetling Morton had been tendered the iKtrtCulloof aeerot.irj of ngrl- ctilluie , and that Mr Morton had accepted. Contlrmue ! ut ClilcMgo. Cute iao , 111 , Feb 17 - [ Special Telegram to THE Bus ] - > loy Morton , son of J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska City , tonight confirmed the loport that his father was to enter Cleveland's cabinet. In reply to eiucstioni by u icpoitor Mr Motion said that Mr. Cleveland list Woelnos lay telegraphed. Mr. Morton to proceed to Iikowood. Mr. Morton came heio and asked his eldest son , Paul , to accompany'him oast. Tonight Joy Morton ice-elvcd the following dUp.itch : Ii\UKiiimn , N. , T. , rob. 17. Joy Morton , Chicago : Offered and accepted. Will Ix ) made public Immediately. .1 , SmiMMl MOHTON. Mr Morton added that v hllo his father had not sought the honor ho felt greatly plciscd at being asked by Mr Close-land to a seat In the cabinet I'uinutl ! } Annoitmrd. Lsifnxxooi ) , N .1 . Fe-b 17 Mr Clescliinel announced this enening that J. Sterling Moiton of Nebraska , ssho visited him at his icciucBt today , ss'as tendered the seeictury- snii ) of agriculture , und accepted it Colonel Dan Lament , Mr Cleveland's sec retary of sxar , c-amooutim iho earl v train from Noxv York and Ind a long talk xvlth thopicsldcnt-elcct After ho had departed Mr Morton nrr Is cd. Ho xxasdrlscn through n blinding snow storm to tlio collage. Aflcr a shoit talk Air. Cleveland asked him to look after the department of agriculture and Mr Morton accepted. This leas cs only the navy and attorney general ship to bu pros ided for This afternoon Mr. C.ulisle a'lived and went to the collage. Ho will bo Mr Cleveland's guest over night. Senator Uc-rrv of Arkansas came out on the train with Mr Carlisle and hud n short lalk with Mr Close-land Ho svlll remain at Lakoxvood hotel over night. IIo said hla presence hero xv.is for the purpose of attend ing the l.-lndergai ten entertainment , ot which Mis. Cleveland ssas ono of the patron esses , and that a pal ty of friends accom panied him , NcMXh ut Lincoln , LINCOLNNob , Feb , 17. [ SpecialTelegram to Tin : BIB 11 ho announcement hero at 10 o'clock tonight of the appointment of J. Slciling Morton lo the positron of secretary of agriculture under the coming administra tion was balled with delight by the Morton men , sihilo the spirits of the Boyd erosvd crept into tlio cellar. Tlio noxss came through a telegram fiom Joy Morton of Chicago cage to His brother Carl at Nebraska City , and srhlch svas forwaided to Lincoln. Jt was as follows : "Father has bcejn offered the portfolio of secretary of agriculture an ' haa accepted. " Senator Babeoek rushed to the telephone ) us soon .IB ho he.ud tlio hews and called no lii Sheldon of Nebraska Citj' . IIo was assured that the icpoit xxas coircct ' 1 luce of the fix o democrats ssho held out duiingtho senatoilal fight gave expression to intense jubilation , but the other tss-o , Mattes and Noith did not knoxv nhat to do , owing to something that hippenetl tills morning A paper sxas cliculatcd asking the democrats to drop Hoxd and endoiso Moiton lorsccietaij of agrlc ulluio Itxxent tofo.ntecnof the bourbon inembeis of Iho legislature and soscn signed It , sxhilo soscn refused to affix their n lines Subsequently Mattes and Noith sxiihciiow their names , hence their giief tonight Bos it stated lod.ij that ho did not svnnt the place , and sx-aa not a candidate for any position in the cabinet. Ho gaxo it out at the bantu time that Noith ss.is slated for the olllco of collector of intciiml losenuo. At Nolincskii Cltj. NrmiAbhA CITV , Neb , Fob 17 [ Special Telegram to I'ttn BIT I Nebraska City la jollifx Ing tonight oxei the appointment of J. Stcillng Moiton to the secictarjshlp of agtl- cuHuio intcrvloxxs svltn prominent demo crats and icpuhlUant , develop nothing but sitisfaction All unite in s.ijlug It Is a filling tribute to the father of Aibordny and an honor to Iho cabinet Airangemo.its aio being made for a rojal reception upon Mr. Moiton s icturn fiom Chicago. .1 , Meulinjf Mortem. J Sterling Morton xvas born in Adams , Jeffetson countj , N Y , April 22 , 1&S2 His ancestij xx as of Scottish birth and Puritans. Kemoxing sxlth his puciits to Michigan at an early ago , Mr. Morton x\as educated at Ann Arbor and at Union college , Noxv Yorlc , graduating from the latter institution in 181I While studs Ing ho had shown predi lections tossnrd itexxspipor ss'ork and contri buted to the Detioit Fiee Piess and other Jouin ils of reputation On October ! iO , 1831 , ho mat lied and stalled sscst , ai living at Bellevue calls In November. After u few sseeks at Uclles'uo the joung couple moved to Ncbiaska Citj.xxheio ho stalled in to edit the Times ncxxspiper In IWi ho was elected to the tenitoii.il le islatuio again a candidate in 1SV1 , v lien ho was defeated by eighteen solos In eoiui-ciueiico of his opposi tion lo c-hai tcilng "xxildc-.it" batiks Ho svenb hick a je.it- later , hcnxoxcr , and took an activopirt in the bittenstiugglo attendant on the icinox.il of thelcgislituto to Floienco. Mr Motion sucectde-d Thomas IJ Cum- ing as seciolarv of Iho te-iiitorj In the spilng of TiS. and within u foxv months became - c-amo active governor on the resignation of Goseinor Huh nelson. In the fall of ISbO the democrats nominated him for congiess , but ho failed of election Six jears later ho nspliccl to ho Hist goseinor of the now state of Nebraska , but ho failed of election , but , Divid Butler secured the honor Mr Morton sxas appointed to lepresent Nebraska at the Pails exposition ami sxas 0110 of the eom- nrisjioncis at the Centennial Ho has been actively and usofullj' interested in agileul- tur.il and hoiticnllur.il work , basing sensed as picsideiit of the slalo boaul in charge of these industries , and claims the honor of being thooil-rinilorof Arbor day In eco nomic s ho Is an out-and-out free trader , anil the theories of Cobclen and the "Minchester school" aio to htm the "last ssord" on the subject , basing all tlio foico and poxxor of u dlslne revelation Mr Morton's last cam paign in Ncbias-Ua is still fiesh in tlio minds of the leaders Ho svas nominated for gov- c-iiiorbvtho democrats , and made an earn est , personal c-ansass of the state VletlniH nl thu AIM l Accident. Drs MOINI'.H , In , Fob 17 Special Tcle- grain lo Tin : Urn ] Death has claimed tsva moro victims of the Cedar mines disaster , which occurred near Albla , la , Wednesday. James Graham and John Robinson passed nxs.ij1 jesterday afternoon nnd several others aio still in a prccaiious condition , of svnotn Call Andcison and Tom LYwln svlll piobably die Tsscnty-four men in all were injured. The explosion svas cau1 1 bj the dust being Ignited from u shot and was prob ably duo to carelessness of some miner C in putting in an oscr-chargu of powder. 'Iho company officialt has'o done es'erything in their posscr to ren der assistance to the injured. It Is not likely that thej' svlll bo held tcsponslblo for the ae- cldenl Thu mines sx 111 bo shut down until Inspected by the state mine Inspector. ofOcc-iiiihteaiiiori , Fchruiiry 17. At Liverpool Airived Hunla , from Nesr York. At Klnsalo Passed Lancaster and Nortdt man , fiom Boston for Liverpool ) .