Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Union Pacific Officials on the Oapturo of
Baker ,
Central Trnfflo AModatloii McrtlnR Jlontly
Tnlk Itnllronil Men Admit ( Icnrrul
llntn CiittrtiK < lcnrrnl Mutineer
llolilrrgo 1'rotrcU Kmployr * .
Chief Detective W. T. Canada of the
Union Pnclflc railways , arrived In Omsilin
over the Northwestern yesterday forenoon
with A. H. llalccr , alias Walters , who was
arrested in Chlcnpc Saturday iiljrht whllo
trying to ( llsDoso of some boxes of cigars
that had been stolen whllo In transit over
the mountain division of the Union Pacific.
In order to avoid bclnt ? noticed by any one ,
especially employes of the company , Canada
traveled u 1th his prisoner In the chair car ,
and oven the conductor of the train did not
know that ho was carrying n special agent of
the road and n prisoner.
When the train stopped In Omaha De
tective Canada took his man off on the north
side , and with a close tfrlp on his arm walked
along under the Hlevcnth street viaduct anil
up to the Union Pacific general offices.
At thu headquarters Baker was put
through a couiso of questioning , but through
the long slcgo ho stood his ground. Whllo
admitting his own guilt to some extent ho
declined to glvo away his partners In crime.
After the examination was over Uaker was
taken to the county Jail for safe keeping ,
and ho will bo taken back to Montana to
day.In speaking about the matter last evening
Judge Kelly , assistant general solicitor for
the Union Pacific , said :
"Tho reports published In the morning pa
pers about tnls case wcro ereatly exagger
ated. In the first place this man linker Is
tnily charged with stealing fourteen boxes
' of clgais , and wo Intend to take him back to
Montana and make an example of him. Two
other people , whom wo know , assisted Hnker
In purloining the goods , and wo will have
them arrested before many hnuis. As for uh
organised gang robbing the road , that is all
nonsense ; nothing of the sort exists. Baker
will merely bo tried for the larceny of SKX )
worth of cigars and hh confederates will
have to face the same charge. "
T\ro Hrtikcinrii , One Outsider.
The additional particulars developed yes
terday Indicate Unit the story published In
yesterday's Br.c. given byondof the rail
road officers , was correct. Hut three men
sire Implicated. Two nro brake-men and the
third an outsider. The v.iluo of the stolen
goods given by the Chicago dispatches was
n gross exaggeration. Mr. Charles J. Italic ,
division freight agent of the Union Pacific ,
said yesterday :
"Of course wo knew that petty thieving
was going on , but not to the extent stated.
That Is absurd. The story that this arrest
Is the beginning of the breaking up of an or-
ganbcd gang of thieves Is nonsense. There Is
no organized gang operating on the Union Pa
cific system. There U not u trunk line in the
United States that at homo tlmo or other is
not made the victim of petty thieves. The
railroads arrest a few and their operations
uro transferred to another road and another
section of the country. Conductors , as a
rule , are too sharp to go into a business they
know In n short tlmo will lead to their detec
tion. There Is no organl/cd movement
among the conductors or brake-men , and you
can depend on It that , with the system of car
sealing now in vogue , n leak can bo found
I'eadlly and the guilty parties caught.
Speaking again of the Union Pacific con
ductors , I want to say that I don't believe
that any railroad has u better sot of em
ployes than ours have proven. "
P. J. Nichols , supciintcndcnt of the Ne
braska division , made almost the same state
ment given by Mr. Lane :
"Tho won't amount
stealings Jo anything
near the sum given , and J am confident thfcro
Is no organized gang working the road. If
there Is I vow I don't know anything of It.
It will simmer down to three or four people ,
and I think they will prove other than Union
Pacific employes. There IS always some
petty ttiievlng gang on all lines , , but there la
none in Nebraska. "
.v or KKSUI.T.
Oneot tlio3roinlirrTnllcsof tli Mectlu ; ; of
the Central Tralllu Association.
CniCAOO , 111. , Fob. 18. The managers of
the lines In the Central Trafllo association ,
who have been attending the Joint committee
meeting , returned yesterday. One of them ,
speaking of the conference , said : "It was
entirely barren of results , , Just as I predicted
it would bo. Everything that came before
the meeting was referred back to the board
of presidents. The only question on which
there was any considerable discussion was
that relating to the abolition of commissions
on passenger traftlc. It was held that some
of the differential lines were paying commis
sions to secure business and a great
pressure was brought to bear upon
them lo induce them to turn
from their ovll course and got into the band
wagon of reform before it was too late. 'That
sounded very well , but during the discus
sion it transpired that while the rates from
Now York to Chicago by the differential
lines varied only from SlT.fiO to $18.50 , there
was a rate in force by way of the Now York
Central and other trunk lines in connection
with the Nickel Plato of § 14 , thus more
than wiping out the differential. Of course
nobody accused the trunk lines of partici
pating in the reduction , but that tlio.v
winked nt it , was too evident to bo denied.
It was said the tickets from New York to
Buffalo wcro bought up and sold in connec
tion with tickets over the Nickel Plato from
Buffalo to Chicago. Furtheimore , it was
> > aid that the brokers ucro dealing In these
tickets at a profit to themselves , which Is an
indication that the Nickel Plato rate is oven
less than ? 0.
"On eastbouml business the conditions are
the same. The rate from Chicago to Buffalo
over the Nickel Plato is$0 , which , added to
the ? b-rato over the West Shore to Now
York , makes the through rate $14. Some
times you can got a discount on this from
scalpers. Wo are told that the Nickel Plato
is taking this advantage because It has no
through passenger service and cannot make
good timo. That Is n mistake of those who
are not nwnro that the company has recently
improved Its passenger service. It is now
running a through vestibulcd train and mak
ing oveu bolter time than some rojids that
have been trj ing to bo content with their uu
thorlzTd differential rate ,
"Can you wonder tfiat there was n great
row over the coihlnlsslon question , and that
the matter was referred back to the prosi
dents for further consideration ! "
Next Tuesday a mi.ptlng of the general
passenger agents of the Transcontinenta
lines will bo held In this city for the purpose
of agreeing on a schedule of World's fair
rates from the Pacific coast and intermediate
territory. General Passenger Agent Good
man of the Southern Pacific , who called the
meeting , suggests that reduced rates bo
made effective on or before April 1 for the
benefit of foreign visitors and exhibitors
who will arrive early ut San Francisco. Ho
also thinks that the reduced rates should
apply In both directions , and that they
should bo used In the sale of both single and
round trip tickets , the single trip tickets to
bo closely timed and to bo sold to accommo
date those who would not expect to make
tin ) return trip within the limits liitd for
the round trip tickets.
A HlKlltriiili Order.
Some thico years ago the management o
the Burlington Issued a circular frowning
upon ( ho everlasting custom of giving pro
scuts to retiring oniclala and others con
nceted with the road. The order him beer
morc'honorcd In the breach than in the obser
vance , and Mr. O. Holdrcgo has Just Is
BiHil thu following rhvular bearing ipou : tlu
bubjoct !
"The receiving of presents from their sub
ordinates , bofllcrs , and others in charge ol
men , Is very objectionable ( tint ii not per
mitted ou this road. A little reflection will
convince any one of the ovll of such a
practice. Too often men u ho cannot afford
to rontrUmta toward such presents feel constrained -
strained to do so rather than run the
rUlt of incurrliur the displeasure Ofor seeming
unfriendly to those having charge over them. .
Courtesy toward the employed on the par )
of tWo iu charfo is aa uiuc&Uut ) as U cheer
X *
ful obcdlrnco on the other side , and docs not
not rail for recognition through the means
of presents Neither should employes bo
BO ) lei ted by those In charge to contribute
toward any object whether charitable , re
ligious or of any other character. Every
employe Is entitled to dispose of the com
pensation he receives from the company as
Ills Inclination or necessities may dictate ,
and should not in any manner be Influenced
in so doing by his superior officers. "
AVIii , itinioi : : KATI : ' .
XcirTrniioconllnpnlnl Turin : Sheet Slim n
Ciiimldrnililr Cut In Turin' * ,
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Pob. I' ' . The now west
bound tariff , which after n month's session
the transcontinental railroad conference
formulated , was plvcn out today nml changes
the entire complexion of
rates. The now rates will go Into effect
"clirunry 15. The tariff Is Issued jointly by
the Union Pacillc , the Northern Pacific mid
the Great Northern , and covers the entire
territory penetrated by these s.vstoms west
from Chicago to the Pacific coast.
It has been the avowed purpose Iti making
ICMO rates to build up the country through
which thu rends run , and all classes ot
freight have bicn acted on and are Included
In the schedules. There Is an average re-
tnctlon of ! M per cent on all frcljrht rates
from St. P.iul to Spokane , a reduetlon of
from I'J to HI per cent on coast r.itcs ,
and of from 2 lo 7 on rales to
Montana , while the only castbound ro-
ducllnn Is 5 cents on lumber from
f > "i to f > 0 , aild the eastbound lumber rate to
Chicago and St. Ixiuis remains at GO and 57' < J
respectively , deductions to Spokane are
the result of an appeal ny that city to the
Interstate Commerce commission , and the
new rates arc oven better than ordered by
the commission. The reductions to Montana
: ire n concession to Its commercial develop
Ono or two factois enter Into the situation
which give It an additional Interest. The
present agreement embraces only three
roads instead of ten , the number subject to
the old arrangement. The now tariff ox-
tcnas no farther cast than Chicago , whllo
the ono it supersedes provided for trans
continental business. It is a notable fact
hat whllo only three roads have joined In
the now tariff , the transcontinental roads
wore represented during the early days of
the conference. Why they withdrew is not
known , but no complications are expected
from that quarter.
The roads to the south will bo compelled
to reduce their rates to I'acltlc coast points
If they Intend to carry any transcontinental
business at all.
It Is understood that the TTnlon Pacific ,
whllo not directly nppearliiir in the agree
ment , will coincide in the result. The new
tariff directly applies to thu northwestern
tier of states and the north Pacific coast
points ; its influence on other territory will
bo indirect.
livery Itallriiad .Mini Kiiimn Ills Itlval IK
DciliiK It.
Freight rates are In a state of chaos. De
moralization Is cverywhero noticeable , and
tariffs nro openly cut from the Missouri
Ivor both east and west. But as all the
roads are engaged in the delectable pastime
of carving rates , no one is quite willing to go
on record as having enjoyed a change of
heart. As an instance of what is being
ilono , a factory located on the line of the
Northwestern and consigning goods to
Omaha parties , Is shipping its product by
another road , which has to make n longer
haul by twenty-live miles than the i\oith-
wcstern , the direct line. Of course to
freight I.gents that is n clear indication that
rales are being cut.
As for transeoniivjcntal rates , they have
not been so demoralized in years , all the
roads being engaged in meeting the "clipper"
rates nud the Panama steamship trafilc with
but little success , as their freight earnings
for January will show. Air. CJ. McFadden ,
secretary of the West ot the Missouri Hivcr
Freight Ilato committee , when in Omaha
this \veek said i.
, ; " [ L'o saj ; the least , the situation is one that
does not promise much for the ftiture. Hate
enttlijg , 1 presume , is made necessary by the
action of tlio water lines , but I havo. no oil- !
eial knowledge of the matter , as it docs not
como within the province of the freight rate
committee. It means , however , that for
mutual protection there will have to bo a
transcontinental association ended upon the
ruins of the old one , and 1 IOOK forward to
the time when the Transinis&ouri will bo re
organized \\ll\i \ broader powers , more con
servative ideas than the old possessed.
Nothing works to t no good of railroads so
much as rate wars , for through them the
railways reoogniro their strength and their
weakness , and naturally 'got together' in
consequence. At best tbe freight rate situa
tion is precarious , and you can't tell what a
day will biimr forth. "
Kiiiluiiy Notes.
B. A. Branch , ono of the best known and
best liked traveling passenger agents , rep
resenting the Krie lines , Is in the city.
The commissioners from Ha wall represent
ing Queen JJlluokalaui will arrive In Omaha
this evening by the Union Pacillc on No. S.
They will go cast by the Northwestern.
' I ho eating of meat" means the building
up of tlesh , bono and tissue , if the meat bo
Cndahy's ' -Hex" Brand
Kxtr.ict of Beef.
Sow AVcuthrr Iliirrun .Map Slinulng Local
ities liming tl > llriuitinil.
The weather bureau at Washington has
recently gotten out a map showing the snow
line across the country from the Pacific to
the Atlantic coastIt is of special Interest
to men engaged In wheat raising , for every
Monday morning they can see exactly the
territory covered by snow and can keep
themselves pretty well posted upon the
prospect for the wheat crop. The line ot
snow covered area of course is likely to
chingo from week to wcok , Iiut the territory
far to the north is covered the greater part
of the winter by several inches of the beau
There are some peculiar features about the
no\v line as shown un tbe map issued last
Monday mprniug. On the Pacific coast it is
well up to the north of the state of Cali
fornia , and as it reaches the mountains it
dips to the south , taking in Salt Lake City.
Then turning U * the north , It formed ah Im
mense loop In the state of Wyoming , passing
to the north of Lander , anil , making a sud
den whirl to the south' , .It takes In Cheyenne
and dips down firouml Denver. Coming
north again , it passes eastward to North
Platte and bearing to the south clips a slice
out of Kansas , takes' the north end of Mis
souri in its path and reaches the Mississippi
river in the vicinity of Cairo. When . the
snow line reaches Indiana it bears again to
the north and misses the greater part of the
state , but swings back to the south agajn
when it reaches Pennsylvania , passing on
down below Washington and down toLynch-
burg , from which point It again bears to the
northeast and passes on to the Atlantic
coast , reaching the ocean In the vicinity of
New York.
The deepest snow Is In northern Michigan
and Wisconsin , where it lies twenty-live
inches on u level.
An honcbt pill is the noplost work of the
apothecary. DoWitt's Llttlo Early Hiscrs
cure constipation , biliousness und sick head
Enterprise of Onnilm l.udlcs.
The ladles of Omaha , In addition to fur
nishing the ( lag for the Nebraska building at
Chicago , have decided to send n window for
the woman's building. The window Is to bo
of opalescent class , richly studded with
Jewels. H wilt bo manufactured In Omaha.
After It has served its mission at the cx\ \ * > -
sltlon It will bo returned to Omaha and
placed in the public library building.
The window will cost * 13 , ami it is to bo
hoped that there nro forty-five ladles who
will contribute their * 1.
Remittances may bo made to Miss Sadie
Nash , ! IM Hurt street ; Mrs. Ashbol Patter
son or Mrs. M. Allan Bock , president
Woman's auxiliary.
CiirlotiM Kiprrlciiccn of MmmRrrn as Told
toy Tlinin ol cii ,
Several well known theatrical men , who
mot by chance In Tom Mulvihtll's ofllce , wcro
discussing the effect of cold weather on the '
show business and telling fairy yarns gen
"How did you get through at Cheyenne ! "
asked Ed Rowland , manager of "Fairies
Well , " and Billy Garcn of the "My Jack"
company. "I hear the manager there will not
transact any business with agents. "
"Ho docs not , " said Garcn , "and you must
bo careful. ' He locks jou up In a room , and
you tell all your uuslncss Into n phonograph ,
giving the reasons you forgot to leave the
house program copy and newspaper ads. , all
about the show , how strong the cast Is , all
about the elegant scenery you carry , and
everything. You have to stay in there an
hour. Then when the company arrives and
the performance has been given , this foxy
Cheyenne manager takes the show manager
Into the room and grinds out what the agent
has said , and the difference between these
sterling remarks and the performance causes
htm to deduct all the way from 10 to 'M per
cent on your sharp. " *
"That's a crazy manager nt Grand Island , "
said Billy Lykcns of "Puritania" fame.
"When wo arrived 1 asked him for the com
pany's letters , but he said we could not have
the mall until after the performance , as
there might be something In it that would
make some of them sick and they would not
bo able to act. "
"At Fargo , " said Fred Wright , "there is
only ono dressing room in the theater. I
asked the manager if he expected twenty-
three ladies and gentlemen to dress in one
room. 'Why not , " ho answered , 'don't they
speak ? ' "
" 1 will tell you fellows something that Is
hard to beat , " said Frank Martineau , agent
for "Glorlana. " "For evidence as to the
truthfulness of this story I will leave it to
Punch Wheeler and Bert Dasher. They
have been thero. But no , on second consid
eration 1 will ask you to take my word for It.
When 1 was up at 'Winnipeg it was so cold I
had to wear a hot air stove in my plug hat.
1 dislike lo speak of cold weather up there ,
for if you have never been there you have no
idea of It and will be inclined to discredit my
statements. "
The crowd hastily assured him they wo--ld
place explicit confidence In everything ho
"Well , at Winnipeg at noon on Christmas
day it began to grow cold , and by U o'clock
that night it was
"Did you say 00 degrees below ? cro ? " asked
Garcn , as the agent stopped short.
"No , 1 did not mention now the thermom
eter stood. Gentlemen , I want to tell the
truth , the whulo truth , and nothing but the
truth , and yet 1 am positive you won't bo
Hove me.
"Oh. yes , wo will. Wo know 'it gets
awfully cold up there. Did it go to 70 on
the night you refer to ( "
"Gentlemen , it was a cold night. It was a
polar wave sweeping through from Hudson's
Bay. Had u spirit thermometer by my door
so there could bo no mistake. At 0 o'clock I
Jouked ut it and my hair stood up. "
"Good gracious I But maybe it showed 00
below , " said the listener with the cob pipe.
" [ hate to tell it , really I do , " said Marti
neau. "I glvo you the honest figures ; you
will bo disappointed oven if you don't call
me a liar. "
"No we won't , " called three or four in % a
"You want the honest truth1' ? '
"Wo do. At 9 o'clock you looked at your
thermometer and your hair stood up. Now
then , whatdcgrco of cold did it show ? Don't
bo afraid to spit it right out. "
" 'Well ' , gentlemen , as 1 am a living man
and upon the honor of an American citizen ,
it was 8 degrees below zero nearly I ) and
had u man tried to sleep out doors that night
with only a piece of mosquito netting 'for
cover , ho would have cauirht a fearful cold
sure. "
There was a long , sad silence , and then
everybody mentally sized up the biggest
liar.Don't o
Don't become constipated. Take
am's Pills.
County ClcrU Wnnt to Have tliu Issuing
\InrrliiKu I.k-cnsc'n.
The county Judges of the suite view the
situation with alarm , declaring that the
county clerks are after them and that they
are about to lose the revenue now derived
from the issuance of marriage licenses and
the performing of marriage ceremonies.
The clerks have a bill pending before the
legislature for the passage of a law to allow
them to take charge of the machinery of the
marriage mill in every county in the state ,
though the county Judges did not
discover the fact until n day or two
ago. M. Ncwifian of Wahoo , Saundcrs
county , was the first man who learned of
the measure and nt once proceeded to notify
his coworkers that the enemy was after
them. In his notices which ho has sent out
he calls attention to the fact that the time to
strfko the iron is when It is hot , and that dc-
hiys'iiro the worst things with which the
Judges have to contend. Then he cites a few
instances in which delays have played sad
havoc , ending with this positive statement :
"Tho county clerks have filed the bill , pro
viding that they may issue marriage
licenses , to rob our offices and enrich theirs.
For the purpose of advancing our bill and
preventing the clerks , sheriffs , clerks of the
district court and others from filching from
us what is our own , we must have a good
man In the house and the senate , and with
money. "
Mr. Newman volunteers the Information
that the work already accomplished has re
quired the expenditure of $ 'MQ or $300 , and
that more is needed to make the machinery
run In the proper grooves. That the money
may bo forthcoming , he has levied an assess
ment upon every county Judge in the state.
County Judge Eller , who happens to bo ono
of the unfortunates , Is asked to put up $10
and ask no questions.
That there will bo a fight when the Judges
and clerks come together there is no longer
any doubt , as each o.ticlul Is anxious to pull
down the other'smeat house.
Judge Eller says ( hat the judges bill is a
three-time winner , whllo County Clerk
Sackott openly declares that the Judge and
all of his side partners are simply talking
through their tiles. He says that the
clerks bill Is In the best of shape and that it
will pass before the Judges can form their
battle lines. As n side remark ho suggests
that the judges hud better keep their money
in their jmcketa , as it is too late to place the
long green in any locality where it will bring
in returns.
H you have piles DoWitt'a Wltoa Hazel
salvo will surely cure you.
And Ht111 They Come.
Yesterday the police arrested" John Way-
bright , Charles Burke and George Cooper ,
The trio confessed to having stolen WO worth
of tools from Droxcl & Foil's stone yard.
Piles of pcopio nave piles , out DoWltt a
Witch Hazel salvo will cure them.
Orator * fur u
The Nebraska Underwriters' association ,
which will glvo a banquet ut the Murray
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum
in Milli-as of Homes 40 .Years the Standard.
hotel on Fobrmurj21,1ms secured the fol
lowing speakers iJIon. John M. Thurston ,
Hon. 13 , Hosowivtcr , llov. Father English ,
Governor Croumav Mayor Uemls. Lieuten
ant Governor Majurs and Hon. A. E , Cady.
The assoclatlnn Is also preparing to pub
lish a paper to 1m called the Nebraska Life
Underwriter. TWo first Issue of the Journal
istic- venture will appear on February 25.
Ho Wotfkril it .Hchrinc.
W. J. McKcnalcowas locked up in the city
Jail yesterday on suspicion. McKenztc , it Is
said , went to thoihnuso of nn acquaintance
and upon producing a bogus order obtained n
suit of clothes. The property Is not worth
much und the complainant , W. A. Hnirsdale ,
is now serving a term In the county Jail. The
case may not come to trial for some time.
To'Citi'onollo , only thirty miles north
of Mobile , Alu. , on Tuuvdny , Fobnmrv
21 : tiOO.OOO uoros of the best fruit nml
funning Iniuls itluno ; the line of the Mobile -
bile & Ohio railroad'ut from $1.50 to
$ < " > pel * ncro. If you tloslro to inuko n
trip south for business or pleasure join
this excursion. For furtherinfornm -
tlon mill n folder giving ti description of
the ollnmto and lands , cull on or write
.1. H. 1'ici : ,
Room 201 Merriiim Block ,
Council UluIVs , la.
The Only Dining l.lno to St. l.onls
Is the Burlington Route. Its St. Louis
niyht express leaves Omahaat ! ) : J5 p.
in. , and reaches St. Louis at 3 the next
Note further The. Burlington is the
only line operating through sleeping
ears between Omahii mid St. Louis.
The Burlington also offers unequnlud
double daily service to Chicago , Denver
and Kansas City.
Ticket oillce , 1223 Farnam street.
To Houston , Tot. , mid Ilotnrn 82/5 00.
My ninth special excursion to Hous
ton , Tex. , will leave Omaha Monday ,
February 13 , 1893. Tickets good to re
turn until Juno 1. Transit limit 15 days
in each direction and good to stop over
lit pleasure
For all particulars , address R. C. Put-
tci'bon , 42o Rumgo Building , Omaha.
Knund Trip
A special Texas excursion from Omaha
to North Galveston , via Houston and
Galveston , will leave Omaha , Friday
evening , February 17 ; stopover at all
points allowed. For particulars and
tickets apply to F. F. Williams , room
522 , First National Bank building.
N. B. All applications must bo re
ceived by the 15th inst.
Wanted For an old line life Insur
ance company , manager for southern
Nebraska ; 2 or 3 first-class specials for
general soliciting. Top contracts given
to reputable men. Address A13 , Bee
Frescoing and Interior decorating de
signs and estimates furnished. Henry
Lohmann , ISOSiDouglas street.
See the celebrated Sohmor piano at
Ford & Charlton Music Co. , 1503 Dodge.
See Dentist Koim , 40 & 41 Barker blk.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refrcehiug to the taste , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , aispels colda , head
aches and fevois and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs io the
Dnly remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to tlio stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in ita
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agrccablo substances , ita
many .excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60 < j
and 81 bottlea by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono Avho
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
We . inafce a variety from t'4 '
rm.Al'f&T In the > IO T EUUMM
nd ( , 'OMi.Y invtrumeiitt.
I-vi'ry Instrument fullj
Warm u toil.
Indorsed by f/ii / BEST Players.
Send for Catalogue ani tttt Instruments yv\
Mink of purchasing.
t\AM 1MJ1A
Are NttVKll Hold
Delay Is Dangerous
If so , cull and consult
\VIio will bo nttlio store of MAX MRYKK i
and hnvo thorn llttod with ji pair of his
Noncliangeable Spectacles.
Mas Meyer & Bro. CoM
Solo Agents for Omaha , Nob.
The Paragon
Itlbbon Udurnblo , pro luces ulom : norK , e'vcn ,
iitlstn''tlon ami nit limiuro sold.
Wyckoff , Seamans & Benedict
The Girl at the Theatre
The social laws which govern
girls at the theatre , the opera ,
the concert and at all places
of public entertainment , have
perhaps never been so clearly
or so concisely pointed out as
they are
in the February LADIES' HOME JOURNAL , in the
fourth of her popular series of articles on
"The Well-Bred Girl in Society. "
Ten Cents Send One Dollar for One Year to
on all News-stands The ,
Curtis Publishing Company Philadelphia
NE\V I Hot a ( tool
THKATER I Scat for 53c.
Comiiionclnp HnSY , I'dlL \ Wednesday Slatluee.
Enormous Success.
Crowded Houses Everywhere.
THE The arnnilpst Production
Known totlio
Aminlcun Stage.
13-HEALlSTia SCn\KS-3 |
The Oroat
'Now ' York and lloston Success.
The sain of etuis will onen Saturday inornlnc
ut the following prices : First llonr , .Vo. ) 7flo
and 9li bilcony. Wo and ? . "ic , Itemeiiilicr the
popular Wednesday Matlnco SOo for u scat In
uny part of the house ,
l.lbo Uoma all Honils load to tlio Homo or ducooin
All next week , njA * Sunday , Feb. 12
The greatest of all Comotly Successes ,
A Inrjto company of nl'nvors from England and
Australia. Marion and Post Junco kings ,
Matlneo Wednesday and Saturday Mut noe.
Every night nt 8. Everybody should see the
greutiibt living
Tlio most luughublo entertainment you over
attended , j
Y. M. C. A. HALL.
Admission , UOc : icsoncd .scuts , 50c. Scats
on sate ut C'huso & Kddy'.s.
Corner 15th and Capital Avo. , Omaha
lwo houvenlr Days ' 1 ui'uilny nii > l trlilay.
Best Colt Shoe in the world for the price.
W. L.DoUglasaboosareBold everywhere.
Everybody ubould wear thorn. It is a duty
you owe yournelt to got tbe beat value tot
your money. Economize Inyonrfootwoar by
purchasing W. L. DoUglnsShoeSwhich
represent the boat value at tbo prices ad-
Voitlsed above , as thousands can testify.
2-Take No Substitute.-"Jr
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for It when you buy , ,
\Vi It , DoiiirlaB , IlrocUton , lYIaM. Bold by
Magnus Wcbbor. Kollcy. Stlgor Si Co. . O. .J ,
Carlson. K Ins Svenson , I-jiiatz Nownun ; l'\V ,
Creasy , tontli Uinuhn.
GW.Williamson , M.O ,
ct ! jeijatr , tut ectiuilrptriuoiily or lij atl'l , ib
I'rlvnteiClironlr.Ncrvnn.Kllecasciino mnt-
tnr haw long HtiindlntHcTinil djiiorilrrg
permanently nml qulrkly rnrrtl. I'llen.I'M-
lulu and Itcctul I'lcciH c-urcil ultlinnt imln
or ilctrntlon from linslnctH. llyilrorpldVar *
Irori'le nixl ViirlcnuoI'll rrscured promptly.
HjphllU completely removed from the y -
tcm liy our Illicit and Impruird \ jetiil > lo
rrinrilloi ut olio-tenth tliu cost pfn short
vUlt tn the Hut SprlliRD. Oircn p-riiiuiifiit.
AiUlonfrco. Send Sobliiuiplorimrtlculurt.
Trcutnipiit liy nitll. :
HO rM AT DKCf. ( fi" ' ! ' ei lr llnjr } lo 1
u. . .Jvelllu : , ilnlii ute our printed Duller ,
iml Introduced our RomX Slcj Ir enil'u ymrot
88 0 A WON ! H ttMBWV.r.
I lo mraitrnt ntrtoix. Ilun'i ill Ijv > moment 'iut weile I
MEOO-ELECTRO PAD CO. . Cincinnati. Ohlo.f
March 31st the Rolled Solo and Edge
as made by tlio
New Jersey Rubber Shoe Co ,
will bo advanced
on the list price. I am wcstorr )
Now is the time to buy.
1111 Haruoy Street , Omaha.
Goes your system
Heed a
Stimulant ?
If so , use
For Sale at all High-class Drinking
Places and Drug Stores. If your
Dealer does not keep it , write to
Financial Reference : Nal'l ' Hank of Commerce , Oinaha.
No DKTENTION from business. No Operation ,
Invcsllirntomir Alnthod. Wrlttnn piimuite ; < > lonbiov '
lutoly Ctiru nil kinds of Kl'l'TUUKof liolh H .xrflih .
nut ino use of unlfo urnyrlnnu , no mattur of how Ions
307-300 II , Y. LIFE BLDG , , OMAHA , HED ,
Horn ! for 0 ! reulii r.
1816 Doug/os Street , Omaha , Nob.
Tlio eminent spcclnllU In nerrnni. chronic , prlvaU. lilDO.I rtlioaiei A ratn\iana \ *
' "HofvoScodo , "
the Hindorfu ) rcnmljr
In to-ij itt < a wi-l-
ucli ni Vi'eak Memo } ? .
' ' 70-hr"niiVf7ifortsr ! With "overJuii linrvrnnOvqifrfifcn atiarantit tatiui
OT rrJuiultMmviuil. Circular Hot. AtMjeofturtnncciH i. . . Cblruao. IU.
Fop Ssleln Omaha byShormnn < fc O'Connoll. 1BIB D-rlfje Stra
W. II. IMKICKIt. M.M. , No , 4mrtni\c \ H . ,
HosTo.v , Mjfs. , thiif nninlllni ftiyili Ian of the
\nOIV KI > IOAMNbTITUTK.lanii"'t
awaniol Ilia OOLII wriui , liy Ihn NiTH.v .
\ fATinNforllioriU/K KHHAVon
i ni ito nr tantit o iin ,
llio y < > i < iig , lh tnlilJIt-aynt and oltl.
j'j.3KiiA n MA * if. . * *
criptloai. full oalj tlW by mall , wiled.
What Brand is on gour Collar ? ,
It ought to bo , if you wcnr
cent collar ; lor this brand of col *
Inrs is the very licst vuiuo that
can bo bud for -5 cczite.
Watch our advertisements next wook.