Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1893, Image 9

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Black Dress Goods ,
Wo have just received a new line of
Imall Mguted black mid trray and black.
I ' 10-Inch all wool Gorman henrietta.
J/orth 05e , special Monday 60c.
40-lneh all wool German honrletla ,
i'oith $1 , Monday only 80c.
10-inch all woo'l imported bcngallne ,
Ivorth $1.2. ) , Monday , $1.
I -10-Inch all wool small figured fancies ,
( beautiful pattciiis.l.
I -10-Inch all wool Impoited giay mixed ,
IB ) .
40-Inch silk warp hcnrlelta , ! ) Sc.
48-inch very line serge , $1.
10-inch brllliantlne , 4c. ! )
48 inch btllliiintinc , 75e.
88-inch all wool camelctto cloth to
[ close , 4c. ( )
40-inch all wool surali twill , 6Se :
40-Inch lieavy storm berge , worth ? 1 ,
[ reduced to 7fie.
61-inch heavy storm serge , worth
[ $1.05 , reduced to $1.25.
Colored Dress Goods.
Monday wo place on halo a full line of
new spring goods in all the now styles
nml wcaveH. We are closing out all of
our heavy goods at about hiilf price.
135 pieces Jamestown serges in stripes
mid plain weaves , all nice clean styles ,
wet th 60cMondi'y 2ic. )
40-inch all wool chevron and plaids ,
worth 60c , to close 2lc.
40-Inch all wool suiting , worth up to
C5e , to close . ' ! 7Jc.
64-inch all wool flannels , worth 75c , to
close 60c.
61-Inch all wool flannel , worth C5c , to
close 45c.
38-inch chameleon fiuicies , in change-
nblo effects , ! ! ! ! c.
40-inch changeable mohairs , in all
colors , 60c.
40-inch all wool very fine French
scree , in all cole s , $1.
38-inch silk and wool pongee , in
cbangoablo colors , $1.
38inch sillt sublime , all colors. $1.
40-Inch duchess honriott-.i , bilk and
wool , beautiful goods , $1.2-r > .
40-inch all wool plain popliiu , in all
colors. 8-3c ,
40-inch fancy poplin , nil colors , $1.45.
Wash Dress Goods.
Now styles of saline , 15c yard.
Now styles of saline , 25o yard.
Now styles of saline , 31o yard.
Now zephyr gingham , 20c yard.
Now zephyr gingUam. lOc yard.
New seersuckers , 7jc yaiU.
Now ginghams , oc yaid.
Now prints , 5c yiird.
Now llama cloth , lo ( ) yard.
dress goods of every do-
6criptlon"Bttcli ns printed India llnons ,
nil now designs , ISD.'tbtyles , " .Inpanctto , "
the latest out , plain , soft evening shades
in batiste and bunting , all colors.
Largest line of liguroil and dotted
Swisses over shown at lOo , Ice , 20c , 25c ,
Hoc. 40c and 60c yard.
i , White checked nainsook in remnants
\ iflirect fiom the mills , 2Jc. 5c , So , lOcand
12Jo , just half regulixV prices.
[ Special Linen Sale.
Wo have just finished our invoice nnd
, -vo iind our stock much larger than it
ihou'd bo. Wo will place on sale on
Monday 200 dozen of line all linen buck ,
tai'opo unJ damask towels , fancy weaves
| ind Turkish towels , plain and fancy ,
towels lluU have been selling at lilt1 , 25c ,
We and 40c. Everything in towels that
sold at less than S'c ' ) each ah in ono lot
on Monday at 17c each , 0 for $1 or $2 a
Jo/on. limit ono do/on to each customer.
Hero is a bargain jou can't duplicate In
any house in Omiihn.Vo won't , prom
ise' you any of those towels on Tuesday ,
but if there are any left you will bo wel
come to them as long as they last at 17c
All linen nroam damask , 2oc yard.
All llnon crenm d-.mank,35o yaid'
' Wo call partuuiltir altonUo'n to the
bleached , cream and turkey red damask
which will bo on Mile Monday ut fiu ( ) ;
the equal to which has never boon
bhown in this citj.
; \ Compare our 75c damask , for which
others olinreuyou $1 a jard.
Our SI. 115 and $1.60 a yard bleached
'damask has been reduced to $1 a yard.
tWe have too many damasks on bund ,
bunco these great reductions In prices.
, Our loss will bo your gain.
, 3-4 dinner ' si/.o all linen bleached nap
kins only'91 a dozen nnd up.
22-inch all linen unbleached crash ,
very line nnd heavy , cheap at lee , our
price lOoyard.
All llnon crash , 6e yard.
Largest stock and best assorted btoc.c
of lunch cloths in the city.
If you are looking for bargains in lin
ens It will pay you to look over our
block and get prk'o.i , for the block is
here , and wo nrolotting down the prices.
Got our prices on white bed spreads ;
wo will save you money. Buying them
in larger quantities than any other
house In tills city , and from the in 11 la
direct , wo are p'auod in position to make
you the lowest prices , and wo do it every
day. Our Increasing business in this
line shows plainly that the people are
becoming convinced that Ilaydons'
prices are the lowest.
Lace Ciirtains.
A good lace curtain for 50c pair.
A better lace curtain for 7oc , Me and
Some very choice ones , $1.25 , $1.60 to
Chenille portieres , $1 , $1.50 and $5
Poles and trimmings In great variety.
Mill remnants , 3e per yard.
Curtain draperies for 60. 80 , lOo to 15c
per yard.
Outing Flannel.
The demand la on the increase for out
ing tlannol.
\Vo place on snlo on Monday 60 pieces
of llannolotto , dress style , 5o yard.
Now spring etylo in outing llannol ul
80 lOc , 12Jc and 15o yard.
Baby llannolotto , lOoyard.
Fast turkey rod printed outing flannel
lit 121o yard
New style of outing flannel for drossei
( or Btroet or houeo wear , only 12Jo yard
Blanket Sale.
The stock has boon Invoiced. Prices
are cut lower in order to sell the blank
Now if you will bo on hand trmorrow
yon will have a chance to buy white or
gray blankets at 25o each.
( } ' -iiy blanket * at Me a pair.
0 Ib whUo wool mixed blankets at ? 2 03
a pair.
f > J Ib 11-1 white wool mixed blankets
$1.2i pair.
ti.6U : white blankets now $1.50 pair.
ll-l line California white blankets ,
slightly soiled , worth $ o.85 and $0.60 ,
only a few more left , tnlco 'cm awiiy
Monday M.7 j pair.
At the prices wo are now making on
blankets it would bta good investment
to lay In a supply for next so'ison.
Plush & Fur Laprobes.
The Puritan light brown colored
plush robes only $1.05 each.
Dark green eoloj-ed plush rebus only
$2.2o each.
Fancy striped plain black bade plubh
robes , $3.2o each.
Double plush robes , red or grcon on
ono side , lined with blade or green on
the other , good si/.o and weight , at $5
and $5.0 > each.
Double plush robes , green on botti
side * , at $0 each.
Double robos. greo'i plush on one bide
and green broadcloth on other , $
Double plush robes , both sides hand
some dark shades of blue , at $ > .7o each
Double plush robes , both sides dark
shade of blue , bound with blue broad
cloth , $7,50 each.
Fancy mottled plush robes , handsome
patterns , black backs , $5 and $0.75 each.
The favorite ombro plush robe , black
b.ick , extra largo si/.a and weight , only
SO. 60 each.
Gray goat and fancy plush lining only
$8 each.
Black goat and gray mottled plush
lining only SO.75 each.
Now is your lime it you want a bar
gain Li plush or fur robes , us thcao
prices are all below their value.
Wo call your attention to two lines of
horse blankets which wo are closing out
in the same way , both regulation si/o ,
shiipcd and buckled , at $1 and $1.1:5 : each ,
worth $1.60 nml $1.76 each. They are a
bargain and will not last long at these
reduced prices.
Largo comforts , ! )5u ) , worth $1.60.
Full si/.o comforts , 76c , worth $1.
Satino comfor'.s , $1 , worth $1.75.
Saline comforts , $2. worth $3.
Down comforts , S-l.fiO , worth $7.50.
Down comforts , $7.60 , worth $12.
Flannel Skirt Patterns.
All wool llannol skirt patterns , plain
styles , fancy styles , stripes , plaidsfancy
wove. , borders.
Largo size , all wool , that sold atl 25 ,
$1.60 , $1.75 , $2 and $2.25. take your
choice on Mondav of the entire lot tvtSl
each ; a good selection to pick from.
On Mondny wo will offer a line of
heavy stockinet seamless drcf > s blue-Ids
at 5c per pair
Drosb stiiys at 5c per do/.en.
Iloous and eyes at 5c per gross.
Corset luces at 6c per do/.en.
Pins at lOc per do/on packages.
Black tape at U'c ' per do/.on.
O , N. C icd lloas at lOc per dozen.
Corset fiteoU , 4c per pair.
Crochet cotton. 2c uor ball.
All kinds ncedios , 5c per picknge.
Ladies hose supporters , 5c per pair.
Misses' hoiso supporters , 5c per pair.
Babies' hose supporters , 6c per p > iir.
Knitting cotton , 45c per do/.on.
Cob pipes , 2c each.
Curling Irons , Gc each.
Rubber hairpins , 7c do/en.
Tracing wheels , 5c each.
Mourning pins , 2 boxes for5c.
Tape measures given away.
Get a fashion bheot of our paper pat-
rns , the Domestic.
l ° The Wyman bankrupt stock on sale
Wo have just ' -fcolvod a full now stock
of veilingt ) . including all the latest nov
elties in dotted , plain and bordered
goods ; also a now line of fancy colored
goods , all at bed rock prices.
Embroideries ,
Laces and Art Goods.
Hamburg embroideries at Ic , 2o , 8c ,
5o. Oc , 7c , 8c , lOc , 12jc and lee per yard.
If you need embroideries , buy thorn
now.Linon torchon laces , all widths , at 3c ,
Ic , 5c , Oc , 7c , lOc and J2c per yard. * ,
Cotton torchon lacosat 8c , lOo , 2ocnn'l
80c per dozen yards.
Cotton lace tidies at 15c , 2l'c , 2oc and
30o each.
Tilack and co'orod ' wool laces at oc per
All colors fancy cords , 5c per yard :
Half 07. . knitting biltt at 15o on Mon
day. This in the biggest bargain over
offered by any ono in thcso goods.
Silk ( loss , oo per doicn spools. This
is our standing price.
Stamped linen tidies and sp'.ushorJ ' at
5o ouch.
Trunks and Valises.
Ueforo you buy a trunk or valise ol
any kind , bo It our $1.50 trunk or out
$38 trunk , or any of our * 3. $1 , $5 , $0 or
$7 trunks , romoinbor our prlco is always
the lowest , and that it in no trouble tc
show the cooiie and convince you of the
Valises , 05c , 75c , 83c. Solid leather ,
81.85 , $1.75 , $1.05. Leather lined m
81.50 , $2.60 , in clubs , and any price you
want In ether shapes.
The best shawl strap on earth for 15c ,
Wo save you lOo on this strap ,
Domestic Dap't
Hnvo you aeon Haydcn B.-oe. stock of
Domestics ?
Huvo you heard of the prices they are
making ?
Would It not pny you to buy eomo of 11M bleached shooting tvt ITJoyun1.
Mill remnants of uiibluuchcd muslin
tomo-row 3o } yard.
Mill remnants ol standard unbloiiehod
shooting oo ynrd.
Yard wide bloicliod muslin , heavier
tluin Lonsdnlo or Fruit and &oft linishotl
at Unit. No totnmuits ( only 20 yards to
ono customer ) , tomorrow only 6c ynrd.
HaydetH1 are strict'y ' In it ; thny bought
all these domestics before the late ad
vances which accounts lor thcbo low
Unblcachud cotton llannol 3o ynrd.
White shaker llannclHo yard.
12-inch bleached pillow casing SJe.
13-inch bleached pillow casing lOo
Good cotton butts t rolls for 23c.
Remnants of bhirting , shooting , den
ims , cuttonados. table linens , etc. , at
prices to close.
Bankrupt Stock on Sale.
Monday will begin the grand .slaugh
ter sale of the Wyman stoci : of books
and stationery. You can suvo CO per
cent on any article in this line by taking
advantage of this sale.
lloavy note nape , onlyCc per quire.
Heavy envelopes , 26 for 3c.
Lead pencils , ; ic per do/.on.
Paper and envelopes in box , So per
fancy paper and envelopes in box , lOc
per box.
Fancy paper and envelopes iti box , 15c
per box.
.lob lot of monthly magazines , Includ
ing Scrlbnor's. Harper's. The Century ,
The Arena , The Atlantic and The
North American Review , all go at 6c
per copy.
Musical Echo , Co per copy.
Gospel Hymns , 16c ; regular price,75c.
French Speaker , by Liortr.uid , 75e ;
regular price , $2.00.
Comic valentines , 2 for Ic , or 5c per
Good tablets , 3e , 4c , 6c and 7c.
Heavy writing pads , 8c and lOe.
Uig job lot-fancy papjteries , very
Olllco supplies at half original cost.
Playing cards , ! ! c per package.
Lead pencils , He per do/.en.
Comme'ciuliioto paper , 18c per Ib.
Iristi linen note piper , 18c per Ib.
McCaulay's complete history of Eng
land , 81.-19.
E. P. Roe's works , 45c per copy.
Byron's complete works , 81.43.
Oxfo-d S. S. Bibles , very fine , $1.93.
All fiishlon books always in stock.
Wo are ngonts for the Domestic paper
patterns. Ask for fashion blicot.
O-pieco parlor suit , best crushed plush ,
silk plush bunds , spring edge , oak frame ,
polished , $20 ; regular price , $35.
G-piuc'o suit , largo suit , spring edge ,
silk plush bands , an elegant suit , $3j ;
regular price , $43.
Bedroom suit ? , $11 5'J , $14.50 , $15 , $18 ,
$10. $20 , $22. Wo carry as line quarter
sawed polished suits as any ono at $ . ' ! 0 ,
$33 , $40 , $47. Pillow sham holder and
towel holder given with o\ory suit.
Extension tables , G-foot , $3.50 , $4.50 ,
$5 ; 8-foot , $5.60 , 58.50 , $9 , $10. These
ate good tables. TXoy would not bo
any bolter if they sold , as they do , for
$2 a piece on the tablo.
Olllco desks and chairs at 25 per cent
loss than regular prices.
Oak dining chairs , 85c , $1 , $1.10.$1.15 ,
$1.25. Wo guarantee the prlco to be the
Elegant line of hall trees , 30 btylos to
pick from.
Sideboards In oak , polished , $15 , $18 ,
51050 , $20 , $21 , from $1 to $5 cheaper
than the regular price.
Opera glasses worth $5.50 on sale at
$2.51) ) .
"Opera glasses worth $0.50 on sale at
Opera glasses worth $3 on sale at
SI. 50.
Opera glasses worth $2 on sale at OOc.
Gents' gold-plated chains worth $1.3 !
on s ilo atloo. .
Gents' best rolled plato chains , war
ranted to wear 5 years , on sale at OSc.
Ladles' best rolled plate Victoria
chains , warranted to wear 5 years , on
sale at OSo.
Ladles' hairpins worth 50c to 75c on
snlo at 25c.
Ladles' solid gold band rings worth $3
on sale at $1.60.
Ladies' solid gold band rings worth
$3.75 on sale at $1.75.
Ladles' best rolled plato plain uand
rings worth 50c on sale for 25c.
Babies' solid gold rings worth 35c on
sale at 8c ,
Gents' solid gola band rings worth
81.50011 sale at $2.25.
Initial scnrfplus worth 35o on sale at
Nickoj alarm clocks worth 81.25 on
sale ut ( iVio.
Solid gold brilliant oar-drops worth
$2.50 and3.50 on sale at $1.60.
Ladles' watches worth $20 on sale ni
$12.5(1. (
Ladles' watches worth $15 on sale at
itulios' watches worth $25 on sale at
Gents' watches worth $28.60 on snlo at
Gents' watches worth S25 on sale at
$ ia6o.
Gouts' watches worth $21 on sale at
Gents' watches worth $15 on sale at
$8.76. <
Gonts' watches worth $10 on tale at
Wntch and clock repairing at half
jewelers * pi Ices.
Sewing Machines.
Just received another shipment of the
celebrated Nobraska-mudo dewing mu
ch' lo ; pvory ono fully warr.mted fi
years , at the same price , $18.
We arc going to sell more silks this spring
than we have ever sold in any one season in
this city. We have bought an unusually large
stock for which we placed the orders early last
fall , and at prices which arc 15 per cent less than
the same silks can be bought now. We are
going to give our customers the benefit of these
timely purchases and we feel assured that at the
prices which we will offer you silks , you cannot
afford , in justice to yourself and your purse , to
fail to pay us a call and examine the many at
tractions we have to offer you. /
For this -coming week we have three num
bers of
Black Peau de Sole
a very handsome , lustrous , soft , fine texture , and
excellent wearing silk , 0113 of the most service
able weaves that a silk loom produces and which
we offer at prices that will surely close the en
tire line in a few days :
1200 yds No. I at 98c
800 yds No. 3 at $1.15
1500 yds No. A at $1.35
We have reserved two pieces of each num
ber for our mail order customers and orders for
patterns ofithem will be promptly filled , as long
as supply holcls out ,
"prices are for this week only.
Sale for This
9f P
We sell for cash or on monthly payments. We will rent
you a new piano and allow the amount paid as rent to apply as
purchase money if you buy. Eight different mikes of standard
piano of all kinds of styles and cases , thoroughly reliable and
guaranteed. We are sole western agents for the world famous
In the sale of pianos and organs we intend to strictly main
tain the reputation so honestly earned That von can buy any-
thiiig cheaper of Ilayden Bros , than anywhere e'sc.
Pianos from$155 to $1,500. , Organs $35 up.
We carry a full line of
Violins , Zithers , Guitars ,
AccordGonft- Tambourines Banjos ,
Mandolins. Clarionets , Fltitos ,
Baud Instruments , Harmonicas , Autoliarps
And everything else pertaining to a first class music house.
Get a catalogue of 70 sheet mus'c. ' .
Carpets. '
Wo have a few lef ( of these nil wool
Ingrain carpets at 65o and Wc. )
Also , a very complete assortment of
Lowell's extra , super , the Hnost carnet
made , and all'tho lower grades of in
grain , from 15c per yarQ up ; something
very choice far -10c.
Every grade of Brussels carpet inado
from 60c , OOc , 05c , 70o and 7oc up to the
finest goods. ,
. A few days mote the snlo of thoao rugs
at 20c and 35c will soon bo gone and can
not bo duplicated.
Our iiBso"tmont of tlno Btnyrna rugs Is
very complete , at $1 loss than any prlco
Fur rugs , to close out , at not cost.
Hood's sarBapnrllln , 76a
Sulphur blltors ( Dr. KaufTman'a ) , 75c.
Pain's celery comound ] ) , 75a
Dr. Kennedy's Medical Discovery ,
Scott's Emulsion , 76c.
S. S. S , large , $1.85.
S. S. S , small , 7Cc.
Castorla , 25c.
Fig syrup , I7c.
Ayors' Hulr Vigor , OSc.
Butter , Cheese & Meats.
Iliivtlcn Bros , will hell you creamery
butter for lOo , 21c , 23o and 2C. Best
country butter , 17c , 19c and 21c. Re
member it Is all made from the pnro
products of Nebraska dairies and cream-
cries , and every ' pound guaranteed to bo
as represented' money refunded.
Whenever you want any kind of im
ported or domestic cheese , como hero
as wo have all kinds. Rccquofort im
ported , f > 0c per pound , Neufchatel
checbo , 7e per package , bap Migo , 80
per package , bricic cheebc , 12Jc , He and
Llmburgor , 12o } and 15c ; Swhs , lee ,
J7o { and 20c ; full cream Wisconsin
cheese , 8c , lOo and 12jc ; eastern process
full cream , He and lc ( ! ; and all othei
kinds too numerous to mention. Apple
butter , So per pound ; remember this is
the best ; mlnco meat , 7io per pound-
fresh Baltimore oybters , 40 < # jioi1 quart.
In our meat department wo have : Pig's
feet , Co per pound ; tripe , 60 ; bologna ,
head cheese and liver batisago all at 5o
per pound ; breakfast bacon , llo ! : corned
beef , blato , or boneless rump pieces , 7io
per pound ; llnest blood sau&ago made ,
7io , and all other meats ut lowest prices
In Fine Shoes
You Cannot Afford to Miss ,
$1.97 , worth $3 and $4
Monday we put on our bargain
counter ISO more pairs of ladies '
shoes taken from the finest of our
stock at $1.1)7 ) a pair , goods worth
$ : ? . < ) ( ) and $ ' ( . ( ) ( ) . Come and look
them over ; it will pay you.
Ladies' line dougola , turn soles ,
$3.50 shoes at $2.75.
Ladies' Hue cloth top , patent tip ,
$1.00 shoes at $2.95.
$3,95 , worth $5.00.
400 pairs ? men's fine calf hand-
sewed $5.00 shoes tit $ ; ? .J)5. ) These
are the finest goods we carry and
$5.00 and $ G.OO will buy no better.
Kvery pair warranted.
Men's fine casco calf $11.00 shoes
at $2.00 a pair.
Men's light 15 calf $2.00 shoes at
$1.50 a pair.
Men's Now York s-ilf-acting One
Hoys' fine 1 $ calf button $1.75
shoes $1.20 , si/es 3 to 5.
Hoys' fine H calf button $1.50
shoes $1.00 , si/cs 12 to 2.
Missus' UoiiKola patent tip $1.50
shoes $1. 25 , 12 to 2.
Misses' Trench donjtola cloth top
$3.00 shoes $2/10.
Children's ( hie ilon ola button
$ 1.00 shoes 70J.
Infants' patent leather 50. : shojs
Children's line pebble lej$1.35
rubber boots $1.00.
Misses' and youths' pebble le-j
$1.75 rubber boots $1.5. !
Ladies' fine pebble leg $2.00 rub-
her boots $1.05.
Men's fine pebble leg $3.00 rub-
her boots $2.15.
Men's pure sum $ ' 1.50 waders
Ladles' New York storm rubbers
Ladles' plain croquet rubbers 15c
Ladies' line pure gum croquet rub
bcrs , 4 , c.
Misses' line spring heel rubbers
Children's fine spring heel rub
bers 20c.
Mail Orders Filled
Hayden llros. ' best 6X Hour , $1.25 ;
test superlative , 1Ko ) ; PiunvllaUo , 05o ;
yo Hour , S5c. $1 and ! ? 1 15 ; Aunt .Jwnl-
nii'st pan cake Hour : icor"Kfor ? 2pound
NU'kngi1 ; Aunt Sally's pan oalto Hour ,
! Sc or "jo J pound p.ickngo ; Liob'a
{ yenlnjun Map jack cake Hour , Her !
> r 7o lor 2 pound p.ickngo ; solf-rislnfr
ntekwheat Hour ! ! Jo or 7c } for 2 puunil
Finest home-made catsup , in bottles ,
Two pound can corned beef , 15c.
Ilolognn ausago , cc.
hlver sausngi1 , fie.
Soda crackers , Cc.
Oyfitor crackois , 60.
Sweet chocolate , fie.
I'remlum chocolate , 171c.
20-pound pail very line fruit jolly , 75o
Imported chow-chow , 15c per pound.
Imported mixed pickles , 16o per quart.
Imported olives , ! lie per quart ; they
are vorv line ; would bo cheap at 75c.
All kinds of wash powders 2Sc per
7 bars best laundry soap , 25c.
California dried g'rapcs , oc.
Imported Valencia raisins , 12jc.
Imported seedless raisins , 12c. }
California loose Mnscatollo raisins ,
Oc ; thcso all are new , and the finest
that money can buy.
it-pound can now Cnlifornia apricots ,
nit up in pure granulated sugar syrup ,
nest delicious fruit , 17jc.
It-pound can new California pouches ,
n pnro granulated sugar syrup , llc. )
Very line blood-red salmon , lOo per
an ; they are delicious.
Snrdincy , 60.
Mustard sardines , lOc.
2-pound can very line gooseberries ,
8c. }
2-pound can blackberries , 72c.
2.pound can raspberries , put up in
mro granulated sugar syrup , 17jo.
2.pound can strawberries , in pure
Migar syrup , 17Ji * .
Under democratic inllucncos sugar
ins dropped and will continue todiop.
Wo will give our customers the bonellt
> f this drop and Monday wo will eel ! the
jest grade of granulated suirar21 pounds
'or a dollar. 21 pounds for SI.
Tea and Coffee.
As usual , wo continue to load in glv-
ng the best goods'at lowest prices.
Monday wo boll gocoa shells at 3o
Try our celebrated cocoa , only 35c a
can.Crusbed Java and Mocha , lOo and 22c.
No. 2 Ulo coiroo , 24i- .
Choice Golden Ulo , 2oc and 28c.
Combination Java and Mocha , 27o. }
Gualatnnia , choice , , ' ! 0c.
Santos Poabcrry , Jit'c. '
Boat Old Government Java and Moolm ,
350 , It ponndn for $1.
Wo make the very lowest prices on
teas.Nico sun-drlod .Tnpan , lOc.
Fancy sun-dried Japan , 25c , 35c , 60o.
Choice spring leaf Japan , 60c.
English Breakfast , ! tc15c ! ) , OOc.
Formosa I olong , COo and GOc.
Moyuno Gunpowder , I5c ! , 88015c , GOc.
Try our own blond mixed tea , only 40o
Evaporated Cream.
I'lie Highland , the Economy and the
Columbian brands atl2ic per can.
Condensed milk , lOc per can.
House Furnishing Goods.
Koyhtono egg boater , 1803 pattern ,
lust iccoivod ; a great , improvement over
the old htvlo.
The Clauss brcnd , cake and paring
knives , put _ up : ! "m n sot. This is the
finest knife made fur the purpose in
tended. 50c per sot. We also curry the
Christy sot , which wo sell for 60c.
Cups and saucers , 20c nor sot.
Wash bowls and pitchers , 20o per sot.
Chamber , lee each.
Piatcf , 2o , If anil 60 caoh.
Slop jars , Ge ! ) ouch.
Tumblers , 2o ouch.
Ilanglnir lainiH , with o.xtonsion
, p-lngs : , $1.0 ! ) each ; worth $5.
Stand lamps from lOc up.
Syrup pitcher ; ! , Oc.
Cream set- ! , consisting of bugar bowl ,
cream pitcher , butler dish and spoon
holder , UK1 per sot.
Salt and popper shakes , lie each.
Wine ghibSCH ; ! c each.
Decorated rup& and saucers , 5'Jo per
* ot.
Sauce di'-liCH. six for 10u.
Albcta te.i and table apoons , 2"c > per
oot , as good asilver. .
Lamp chimnoyn , oc cuch.
Good' sol ub brushof , 6c.
\V"o have a few moio 100 piece impor
ted dccoratou dinner bets at $7.05 ,
worth $15.00.
Wash boilers , copper bottom , 40o.
CotTco and teapota , lOc.
Milk pans , lie.
Pudding pans , Io. ! .
Dust pans , 6c ,
Pint cups , 2c.
Covorcd p.iils , 6c.
Copper bottom tea kettles , 20o.
Wash bihins : , 3c.
Flour sieves , 5c.
Nutmeg grater , Ic.
Can openers , He.
Clothcspine , In per dozon.
2 packages tacks , Ic ,
Mouse traps , Ic.
Teaspoons , 0 for 5c.
Tablcspoops , It for 6c.
Tea strainer , Ic.
Wooden bowls. 80.
Dover egg beaters , 6c. THE GENU
INE. Mrs. Potts and Mmo.Strcctor bad
irons , 81.05 per fcot.
The largest line of clothes wringers
you oversaw , from $1.50up toi.05oacb.
Ink , 2o per bottto.
Mucilage , 2o per bottle.
Tacks , lo per paper.
Wall Paper.
Our spring stock of wall paper has ar
rived and the Ht.ylcs are olegimt.
White blank paper , full length , at 4io
and 5c per roll.
Fine gilt and embossed paper , vritfe
borders to match , equally