Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Hovero Penalties Designed to Make Western
Roads Act Square.
i t'lty'd Nrn Unto to Kniman City on
Tiirril Mont * \\ttl Not AITi-ct
Onmlm l.tTi'rt of Proponed
Ciitllo Itiitc.
News of the settlement of the western
passenger rate war was received bv whe
several dajs ago , but the ( letills of the
agreement vvcio not inadoknown The new
compact is the icsult of a tlnee-daj 1011-
fcri-nce between Ocnetal I'assenjfcr Agent
Ixmiax of the Union Paclficiand .1 II Hen-
nottof the Rio Grande Western who also
lepresentid the castein connections of that
The cmnpiet prescribes | > en.iltlcs for the
\lolit Ion of the seveial ai tides which sug
gest the "boiling oil" and "melted lead" of
Mr , Sullivan's "Mikado , " and ticket agents
of connecting lines have , since the issuance
of the agreement , "lingeilng deaths" con
stantly before them , should the piovlslons
bollghtlv regarded
Tnr Hi i is peimlttcd to give the Hist com
plete review of the agteemcnt which is
signed hi the Rio Oiandc Western , Denver
fi Rio ( ir.imle , Colotado Midland , Chicago
cage , Rock Island & I'acitic , Hur-
lington it Missouri River , Atchlson ,
Topeka ft Santa PC , Missouii 1'a-
clilc , Union I'.iciilc
rtolliliill of tint AKII cinrnt.
Article 1 provides that agiced rates
shall mean all lates named In the
Utah Joint i.itn sheet , and fmthcr
s.i > s "All rates , the sum of anj
two or more local or through tales quoted in
any local or thiongh t.ulff In ono ticket Is
sold , piovided suih lates aio not less than
quoted in Utah Joint late sheet , and all rates
mutuallv agreed upon and nuclei stood be
tween the Hues of turtles theicto "
Article It provides for a deviation fiom
ngiecd rates and att.u lies penalties there
fore "Anv ticket sold at less th in agieed
latcs or with excessive limits , or in violation
ofanjof the mhsof the Utah Joint tatc
Hhcet , or in violition of anv part of this
agieeinent , must bo adeemed at full tailff
into bj sclllmr line ' mid then follows a pen
alty for the violation of the article
Article lii relates to commissions leb.ites ,
etc. , to pallid outside the ugul.ulv cin-
plojocl agents of the several lines , which aie
prohibited under seveie penalties
Article iv prohibits the issuance of passes
or freooi i educed tic kots to socmc business
Article v lelatcslo the checking of bag
AiticloU has reference to the signatures
anddelivei.v of tickets and prohibits anv
agent or his representative fiom delivering
a i.ilhoad ticket to anj ticket bioUei's ollko
nrforan.v agent or ills icpicsent itivotogoto
any tic ket biokei's oflleci to obtain or to wit
ness the signatuio to a ticket , vvlih h must bo
made iu theofllcc atvvhlc h It is .purchased
'I hen follows a foim of sign itme
Aitlclo vil deals with placimr the retmn
coupons of Utah oximsion 01 lound-tiip
tickets on the maritet
Article vili su'.iks | of the ledcmplion of
tickets sold at Montana points found dis
turbing eastbound lates fiom Utah com
mon points This was one icason for the ie-
cent i.ito war , tickets from Helena being
clumped into Salt Uikc and Ogden and
scalped at these point t
Aiticlolx iHohibitstho division of commis
sions between agents and p isscngcrs one of
the evils which rallio\ds : must foievcr take
into consideration
Aiticlo x i elates to the rodem ption of
tickets purchased to test the maikct.
Need * fin Illimtratloii.
Article xl prohibits the absorption of local
fines , a foim of double dealing which , while
considered \ety unpiofesslonal , is > ct often
piactlccd bv competing lines The aitiele
reads as follows "It Is further agreed that
noiio of the Hues parties hereto will icfund
local fates fiom anv points to Utah common
points to secmo the silo of tickets from
Utah common points " This aiticle may bo
best explained by an illusliation
A is a point on a Him of lalhoad ten miles
from H , which is a Junction point whcio two
lines compete for business One railroad
8is ! ton tout 1st pav .vour faro from A to H
and buj a ticket over our load to jour des
tination and vve will lefinid jou the faro p lid
from A to H That Is known in i.iilio.ul
pail nice as ' absorbing the local "
Aiticlo xii relates to the ledemntlon
and ] > iincut of penalties , article xili as
to notice of violation and aiticlo xiv
the length of time c cneicd bv the agreement
-vhiih went into oftcct at mldniirht of TUPS-
dav , Pobruai.v 7 , 1MM. and shall continue in
full fence and effect fiom said date subject ,
however , to a ten dajs written notice of
withdiawal of any line p.irtj thcieto
An J xprrt'N Opinion of ClnciiKcs Miulv iinil
Mr. 1C. C. Moi chouse , fieightagent
of the IJlkhoin , In speaking this moining of
the ai-tlon taken ) the sub-i ate
commit teu of the west of the Mlssomi fi eight
late eonmntteo in loduclng the late pel hun
dred on tucking house product from .Sioux
City to Kansas City , s iid
"Tho i eduction will in no via ) aflcct the
Interests of Omaha , nor would the KIKhorn
IKS a paity to anj thing that would seriouslj
handlcMp Omaha's Intel csts Noi would the
Cndah\s do anj tiling to embairass the mo
troXlls | of Nebraska , for thej reali/o what a-
future she has , and their inteiests are puicl ) I
Omaha inteiests 'I he u-duetiou in the late
was made to give another m.uket to Sioux
City packets for their mu iiredshouldoisand
hams the Cud ihv 's not h iv hi' ; fat ilities to
cure their own meats at the Sioux Cit\ pant )
It will not alter in a single degieo thoiela-
tlvo st.indlm ; cif the two points on the Mis-
sout I liver for Omaha Is too far ahead of
Sioux Citi to even fear a ilval iu that dhce-
tion "
Speaking of Mr SKmner's sc-hemo to
divide the teultory between Kansas ( Jit )
and Omaha , Mr Moiehousesald
"Wo.iioin fi\orof the Idea , bc'causo it Is
manlfrstlv Just , but I amafialdnf tliofutmo
thotild It bo inthcii7ed bv the committee
While it would gicatlj benefit Omaha at
piesent , what is to pievent Sioux City fiom
-omlng in In the vcr.v near f'ltmo and de-
inanding > ndleaci' bisis as hei light in view
5f the fact It was inado with Omaha
ind Kansan Citvf Should shn Un this U
jyould affect tlu > cntho not them portion eif
ffebraska , which , while at picscnt not send-
ngmaii ) hogs to nun ket , Is ranldl.v glowing
nto lmHitanco | These people , who now
thip to Omiha , would naturally ship to
douxCIt ) and theiebv gicatlv lessen houth
Jmaha uvelpts All the phases of the
iiiestlon should t > o oxamlned Into bofoie
Dual action U taken "
iallivu : > Vet > < ,
Mr R. R Rllchlu U In Chicago
Mr U Dickinson , general nuinagnr of the
Union 1'acltle , has 10 rained fiom hU tilp
Tlio Adams Kxiire is coiiianv ) ) has i-ioved
Into Its now quartets in th store icccntly
occupied by ltnlr\ , the dru ght.
Charles Hunter , lontracting freight agent
of the Rook Island , mid C It Coli'nmu. top-
icscntlng U M Steele ft f > , wcnt to Dos
Molnrs last night to meet a sprclnl solid I
train loadtcl with sugar , which will bo de
livered to n. M. Steelu fc Co. In thlscit ) this
nvcnlng. _ _
NOHTII ( iAi.\etTox , Tex , , Fob. 10. I his
plau ? Is visited by finjuent streams of ex-
' ui'slonlstsInvestors who have como hither
with a vlow to looking Into thn talked of ad
vantages of North ( Jalve'.ston Ono of the
largest of thcso excursions vvas a recent one
from different points In Kansas , Iowa. Ne
braska and Wisconsin Uheso visits from
the outMdi' world it-suit in a steadily in-
rreasinp number of healthy industtfes
vvhlih fact proves the real resources of this ,
Hie iom.itf Indtistilal city of thu gulf.
Frescoing and Intoi lor dceoi atlng d > -
. Hlgiitf and cwtliiiik\s ! furnisliod , Henry
Lohmmin , 1508 Dou liin Htrcot ,
Falconer has a special mile of muslin
underwear Monday. Walt for It. Par-
tlctilafB Sunday.
Tor the Ladle * Only.
2.1c adinlKHion In all tmrtsof the house ,
Saturday matinee. Prof. Reynolds at
Y. M. C. A. hall.
Hit ) ilcn llroK.
An excellent opportunity to buy
ladles' nnd gents' ' fin nlshlng goods tit n
Wo will put on sale tomorrow the fol
lowing bargains :
1 lot of ladles' combination suits , worth
Sl.'i'i , to bo closed out tomoriow nt tiOe.
per suit.
Ladles fast blai'k jersey ribbed wool
tights , worth 51.75. icmtecd to l)8e. )
1 ease of jotwj' ribbed vests , long
sleeves , woitli .lOc. . on Satuiday all day
tit IJIc each.
1X ( ) do/en gonts' negligee shirts pur
chased lit auction compi iwlng line ehov 1-
ots. ciepe cloth , bedfoid cords , black
sateens , silk stripes and cnngo cloths ,
made oxpiesslj for line retail ttade.
Your choice of niij shirt in this lot for
" " > c each.
Tomorrow wo will put on t-nlo 100
do/en gouts' unlaundeicd shirts , double
back and front , linen bjsom and cults ,
hamlmiidu button holes , and made fiom
good qualitj of miiHlin. all day Satin dttj' ,
at : tic ( each.
Hig drive in gents' suspenders for to-
moriow , niuklo wiio ends , embroldeied
webbing , and ovcrj ] ) air eomo with
drawer supportois. onlj 1-ic per pair.
100 do/en ehililton's full icgular made
hose , fast colors regular i"io quality ,
onlj Kits per pair.
1 lot of ladies' fancy cotton hose , full
made , line guage , everj pair worth t'Oc ,
on sale tomorrow at le ! ) per pair.
Wo have just icceived our spring im
portation of black cotton hose , and to
stai t the season we will put on sale 100
do/en of ladies' hose vvoith-iOo per pair
on Satin daj * at - " ) ( .
Special sale of ladies' cor&cts and
nightgowns tomoriow.
Now ( m exhibition in our fin nit-.uo de
partment u fit -t class line of Mat and roll-
top olllco desks , also 2'l stjles of icvol
ving olllco chairs in wood , cane and
leather , all y > per cent lus- , than regular
d-pieco parlor suit , best ci uslicd plush ,
silk plush band * , spring edge , solid oak
fiamo , W9.00. tegular price $ , ' 15.00.
( i-jileco jwrlor suit , sjn ing edge , n
largo suit , solid oak. silk jilnsh bands ,
best quality mohair plush , tub finish ,
Wi.OO , icgiilar jirlco Wll.OO. These two
suits sit side by nid and aie bargains.
We give vvitli everj bedioom suit 1 pil
low sham holdei and I towel holder.
Elegant line of polished oak side-
b-mids , $ i : .00. $18.00 , $ l.r ( ) > 0 , $21.00.
Special sale on out elegant line of bed
steads , springs and inattt esses. Bofoie
jou buj call and see our lino. Tis all
w e ask.
llayden Uios. will sell jou eteamory
buttei for lite , 2Ir , lilc and : T > c. Best
country butter. I7e , llc ) and Ulc. Re
member it is all iiiudo fi om the pure
pioduets of Nebiaska dairies and cieam-
eries , and overj po'und guaianteed to bo
as lepiesented or inonoy lefunded.
Wbcno\or jou want niij kind of im-
l > oi ted or domestic cheese , come hero
as wo luuo all kinds. Itccquufort im
ported , f > 0o per pound , Neufchatel
cheese , 7o } per package , stip sago , 80
per package , biick ehecue , l:2Jo : , 1-iu and
Limburgcr , 12 jo and Lie : Swiss , Lie ,
17Jc _ and UOo ; full eieam Wisconsin
cheese , So , JOe and l'2iceastern \ process
full cream , 14e and Kic ; and all other
kinds too numeious to mention. Apple
butter , Co pur pound ; i enifimbor this is
the best ; mince meat , 7'c ' per pound ;
flesh Ualtimnio ousters , -lOe per quart.
In our meat department wo have : Pig's
feet , 5c per pound : tripe , . "ic ; bologna ,
head ehecso and liver sausage all at oc
per pound ; bieakfast bacon , lite ; corned
beef , blato , or boneless rump pieces , 7ie
] ) er pound ; finest blood sau ago made ,
7iu-und all other meals at lowest prices.
Piomoters of home industry.
Falconer has a special sale of muslin
underwear Mowluj . Walt for it. Par-
ticulais Sunday.
The Hi-it 'li.iln to I'lilrugo
Ts the Burlington's No. 2 , leaving
Omaha at 4:1,1 : p. in. dailj : magnilicent
sleeping cars : comfortable chair cars ;
perfect dining cars.
The Burlington also otleis unequaled
double daily sorx ice to Denver , St. Louis
and Kansas Cilv.
Ticket ofllee.'liM Fainam street.
Falconer has a special sale of muslin
underwear Monday. Wait for it. Par
ticulars Suiubu
"Tim I'lilln of MiiR.irn"
Is.tho tltlp of a new book , beautifully
printed and elegantly bound , containing
some thirty dillcient views of Niagara
Falls i opt educed from the finest instan
taneous photographs and accompanied
by descriptive te.xt from the pens of dis
tinguished wiiteis , extending fiom
Fatlier Hennepin down to Charles Dud-
loj Winner and Sir ICdwiu Ainold This
sumptuous little \olumowill bo sent to
any addioss on teceipt of the publishers'
price of f > 0 cents. A similar volume ,
containing twenty large plates with de
scriptive text , foiming an admirable
practical guide to the Falls , under the
nppiopriato title of " ( low to See Niag
ara , " will be sent for the same pi ice.
Addiess , enclosing * moiiej older or
postal note. Mientano's. : M4 Wabash
n\untie , Chicago , 111.
Itoituil Trip 9 5.00.
A special Texas excursion from Omaha
to North Gulv vton , \ia Houston and
tJaheston , will leave Omaha , Friday
in cuing , 17 ; stopover at all
points allowed. For pai tluuliirs and
tickets apply to P. F. Williams , loom
o'JJ. First National Hank building.
N. B.All applications must bo 10-
ceived by the 1,1th lust.
Buy your monthly maga/ines at Tal-
conor'd. Best boleetion in the city.
1.0ittii : i\ciiHMON- :
'In Houston , I ex.uiiil Ri turn HIff , 00.
My ninth special excursion to Hous
ton , Tox. , will leave Omaha Monduj ,
February l.'l , JS'j'l ' Tickets good to to-
turn until .Juno 1 Transit limit LI days
In each diiection and good to stop over
at plojsino.
1-or all } ) uUiculut > , address R. C. Pat-
toison , li ) RamgoBullding , Omaha.
See the celebrated Sohmor piano at
Tord it ( . 'hurl Urn Music Co. , L10S Uotlyo.
See Dentist Id im10 A. II Baikor blk.
Suing for a Quarter Section Near Hans-
coin Farki
Intcrrmlng Story of n Miuty Cn p Tom
Jlurriiy llltrn AiiDllinr Slij nt
111 * VVhllo Allf ]
tlio Cllj.
, Tmlfo ( Hopcncll of thodlstiict coutt ics-
tcrdny bv nn the lic.irltitr of im action tlmt
has been in the courts for jcats and b < come
a \ctcran The suit Is ouo of these \exntlius
( | iR'silons of teal estate title iitul it is of
iniiLh Intutost IHV.UIBO It Involves laud \\hkli
his boon pliitunl Into city lots In Oin.ilm and
bcLoino vcri wimble.
If the iilcadlnps in tbu case tell the tuith ,
mid It is presumed tlut thcj do , an loir. ? a o
us the jear ISIO August Graotcr moved
from the state of Ohio and settled In Qm.ihii.
Shortlj after his imlvrtl ho iire-einiited a
quaitcr section of jo\ciniiH'iit Iniul west of
H.insroin lurk , wheio ho teslileil for u
or two After iierfcctlng the title us the
stoii ROCS , ho sold his possessions to his
son a vomif ( in in v\ho born the sitnc nnrnc ,
v\lth"jr" attached , and , then roturncd to
Ohio , where he died dining the ISti'l
Durinj ; his rcsldc'iico iu Om.iliu the elder
Oti'tcr had coutiacted some debts which he
forgot to s"ttlo before he left the eitj , and
the creditors , thinking a bird in the hand
was woith so\era ! In the bush , quietly loviud
upon this pirtlcuhir tract of land On
November I. 18 , " > ( i , on a Judgment for $1,015
In favor of A P Uiwklns , the pinpeitv was
levied upon , mid In IbOJ it sold bv
ShctilT lliloiiuiii , , T M Woolwoith becoming
the purchaser Aeir or so Inter Henry
Orcbovhn had succeeded to the slulcvnlty ,
undo the dcud , but not thinking tint the
puichnso wasaiii snap Mr Woolwoith sold
to Robert 1CVoods , who in tuin sold to
soaio other putj After tint tlicto weio
numerous sales until the piopcitv i cached
the hands of C.uflln Sinilh , who platted
an addition , w hie h is now ono of the fash
ion iblo icsulence poitions of the iltv
Some jcais ago the heirs of the deceased
Graotcr appo ued upon the secne to contest
the title which the putchascis held Pliej
wont Into the courts and thcto alleged that
theio never was anv judirmont londoroil
against the dead fji.ietcr , th it there was no
shoillfs sale mid that the whole tiansaction
was a scheme to defraud them out of tne
ptopctty that\vas left bv their deputed
relative It was tegardcd as a big and
bold bluff , but to avoid suits some
of the lot.owneis paid the heirs and
secured quit claim deeds while others 10-
fused to tome to tcims and \\int into comt
Aftur that thoie was a lively light , the case
going from ono tourt to another and each
time the lot putchaseis coming outsoveial
lengths ahead
Thice jcais .iio the belts appealed to the
supieme comt on the paiticular suits which
liad been won bv W , T Council and Rebecca
White Alter a lone and vveaiy bittlo the
jumnnent of the lower court was io\crsed
and the i ase lorn inded for tiial Since then
it has been hanging ill o until .vcsteidaj when
itas leached and all of the points aie being
bionght to the attention of the com t
llic Iliiriirj Str < > i > t lllllniiitlic'H roiulilit
Af iln llrfori' u .Turj.
Ihoinas Muiraj1 may fmnlsh a moisel for
gossips bi turning a thrifty penny on a second
end hand loQin and ho mav defy public
opinion hi maintaining a low of lamshackle
ho\cls within hailing distance of his palatial
hotcJ , but the chances arc that he has his
share of human nature in spite of his ap
parent indifference to con\entlonal ideas At
any rate his quondam housekeeper , Amanda
Garllck. has convinced two juiics of that
probability and Is now trjing it a tlihd tlnje ,
It was Just two years ago that the woman
brought the suit In her petition then and
in her petition now the s line allegations ap
pear. She dining the fall and
winter of 18b9 sko was Murray's house
keeper , looking after the domestic affaiis of
the houses in poverty row , as the Ilai ney
street houses aio known Then under oath
she declares that during the night befoio
Christmas of the jear above mentioned ,
when everything was quiet and she was
wrapped in the slmnbeis of the Just , Mur
ray hied himself from his own bed and ap-
pioaUied her loom , forced the door open
and attempted to commit an assault In
laying the foundation for damages she avcis
that the acts of the gay old millionalie
caused her to suffer a great shame , humilia
tion , mortification and disticss of mind
The first time that the case vvas tried the
woman recovered damages in the sum of
> 00 , but Mmuii thinking that it vvas better
to fee lawyers than to pav the Judgment ,
moved fora new which vvas granted
and last Fctuuaiy the case went bufoie
another Jur\ and again Amanda succeeded
In getting a cidict for $ o < )0 ) Muriav vvas
notsatistlcd with thatand atonco he decided
that ho would try the law the thiid and last
tune. He hunted up moio testimony and
upon making a showing that he had new U
discovered evidence , ho was given another
oppoitunity to vindicate his name. Ycstor-
duy he was befoio Judge Scott , trj ing to do
that very same thing.
Odd ClHlm lor
Walter Brandcs is the plaintiff in a pe
culiar suit on trial befoio Judge Ogden , inv
\v hich ho demands damages of the city to
the amount of $1,000 He vvas i mining a
s iloon on Tenth street when the construc
tion of the viaduct was begun That work
reduced his business and he moved out. He
put In a demand for damages to the council ,
but it vvas ignoied , and then he went into
At no tlmt In thohistoijof the countrj
has pneumonia been so prevalent as dining
the winter months of the last two \euis liu
times past a common cold was not considcied
at all serious , but of late j c irs the great ten-
Jenci of colds to result In pneumonia has
.undo people apprehensive 'I ho trouble Is
that colds .lie not alwais piopcrli ticated
No piepaiation containing opium , wild
cheiri orchloiofoun should bo used , as thei
have a tendenci to di'i up a cold , whcieas it
should bo loosened mid the lungs lelleved
It has been obseivcd that when Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is used the cold never
icsultsln piioumoni i The reason is that
this lemcd.v stimulates the mucous mcm-
biauo which lines thq tlaoat and lunrs to a
healthy action , causes a fico expectoration ,
thiowinifo'l the poisonous matter , andioun
tenets any tendency tovvaid pneumonia
I'oi sale bi diuggists
M Philips has dlscovcied near the site of
Ilellopolls , in Kgjpt , the n ° ciopolis used bv
the I'lmraohs , at least sosajsM Grelwut
until icccntly director of the museum of
Ghi/eh , and now piofessorat the Soibonne
Hcliopolis was as ancient as Memphis , and
louned with It a twin c.'itj , with the Nile be
tween Memphis was the io > al abode , Heli
opolis the piiestli capital
I.o\r Hate
To Houston , Tox. , and return $2.1.00.
Wcdnebdav , February 1.1 , 180.1 , 1 will
leave Omaha for Houston and La Porto.
Tickets good to letiitn till , luno 1 , 1,1
dtiva stop-over either wav. For further
information apply to S. M. Crosby , 618
Bouid of Tiude , Omaha , Nob.
JTic only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum
died iu Millhus of Homes 40 Years the StaudaitL
DiscMsc1 , like ii train , ncvniliTs nioiiiuntuni.
One't .ittciul to e.irlj to the SRIIS | of
\ousilobilltv Habits uiuinc'.ibcs in the
boilj often in.uh1 as thoughtlt'ssly as the folds
In an old newspaper Kveiy time jou double
upiuuler the p.itn of ilipunmlism or dinpop-
sla or ncuialKia jou deepen \cry bad hublt
Giasp.vonrillnuss hi thu foreloelt , thuj ? it
fi omits hiding-place , and it loses half its
temir. passenger agents
in the United States , as well us one of the
ablest , is Mr II II Tookor of thu Gi.ind
Tinnk i.iilroad His home is ut Suspension
Hi Idiro , K Y
Mr Toolter , whose poitiaitispiinted lieie ,
is know n ov ei , \ w hei c as a man of gi ca t enei gi
and push'alwajtgone along
vvaj in rallroid nnitteis , and ho is possessed
of those r.uc qnalitiusliioli inaku him a
friend and advisor in ovcri-d.iy inatteis of
Several .veais ago , Mi Tooker was a suf-
fc'ierfrointh it\ers common complaint , theu-
niatisin , which has been not.iblj pievalent
for the last few ycnis As eveii one knows ,
A telegram received from the Pabst
Brewing Co. , of Milwaukee , states that
they have boon awarded over all com
petitors the solo right to soil their beer
in all buildings erected at the Worliys
Solo Representative ,
Wostoi'ii Cold Storage Co. , Omaha.
Sales for 1892 tO52,50O barrels.
devoting our en
tire ttm * and
eiiorzles to thu
patients i n tor
us I-i and wel-
fnre , wo are cin-
nhlod to per
form the noble
of rolluvlnt hu-
mun HiitTerln.
In tliu most effectives mminor. IT
VATR iisiAsr.s ; YOU
lla\o the iiuneflt of our abil
ity , experience , und sUIII If
yon will only lot us
lly olthor poraonal or written
application , that you wish to
consult wltli
eases of the Nose , Throat ,
C hest , Stomach , Boweteand
Blood , Sliln and Klilnoy
Fomnlo Woakuossos , Lost Manhood
PH.KS , HSTIILA , VIPStlllK , pcrrnnnentlr cure 1
without tlio use of knife lltdturo or caujtlo
Ml nmlnclle of a private or ilellcato naturJ of
Cllbvrnox po'HlTOljr cured
Cull on or mldrcjs , "HU stump for Clrculnr.i , Free
Uook and Iteclpes ,
118 S. 15th St. . Omaha , Nob.
hnU Dour Iu I'ostnlUco
iicoutcK4 TICK iBorn _
KtJtl I.TS In HO IH\X. C'uremill
htrvucu niipami tallU'lf ' Mrlnory
I'arenU , Slpililf"1 Vveaknnwn ? ---r .
illaiid | iiliLlybui.iiurslyu' > iuiiii l.o.l vii.lir In
olcloryouiik' fa Uircnrrleil In vnt rocket I'rlcf ,
I.OO | iac.V lte ( > U for * M 0 will , uwrlllni nur'
Miilrxtoruro or BMM7 rrliliiilr.l. lloll tlrlaiiy un
l rlnilpli il drURIfl't iwll sou M0 ktndnf tntttatton In
> lht on lia llicf I.SUAl' * * none other If tin ha * not
itot It.KowlllMndli fcy mall upon rrrrlpt of prlci-
I'ainpVlot In foalnlmvi-loiio fite Ail Ircn ( Irlrnul
3lrdlcnl Co. , Ml I'ljnmulli I'Uic , llil < u o , III.
SOLD ty Kulm tt Co Cor islh and Douglas Sts ,
and I A I uller & . Co , Cor Mill and Dounlat
Sis. OMAHA N1U1 liy I'aul G Schneider , 511
Uroadnay and 6 I'carl St , COUNCIL ULU1TS.
IOWA , and oilier Leading Druggists.
jiurjimnn Habit Cum. n ,
to XfiuovB. No pay IIM curcu
Ilr. J. > trubva . I bauuii. '
U. S. DKl'OSiroKY , OAfAl/A , Nlllt.
Capital . $100,000
Surplus . $05,000
Cfflcen and nirectors-HanrrVY. Vales , praild ) nIt \
It C CuiblnK Tlce i > roilct .it ; O. H. Maurloj , NV V
Mori .JohS J. Colllw J. N. U. I'ai/lc * ! ! , ) * ! d
1U J , tasbkr.
It is one of tlio most painful of diseases , and
until thu iccent disi-overi of 1'iof 1'helps of
U.iitnumtli Collcji ( > considcied almost
; cl\\.ijs Incurablo.
Mi M'ookor's e\peileneo was vci-y much ,
HUe that of st-cnes of people- inolublj evcii
town Inifjo enough to have a din } , ' stoic
"i"\r two veais , " mvs Mr Tookei' , " 1 suf-
fuicd fiom ilicumatism and Ulclnej tronhle ,
for vxInch I tiled \.iiions lumodlos with no
success A cleipynian uilvised me to ti >
1'alne's teleiy ccimpound I did so , uncl was the eflVi t After taking one
bottle 1 was enthelv lelievcd I have taken
two bottles and am cm eel "
As a well-know n and conseivative phjsl-
iian in Omaha has said. "I'.tlne'scplcrj I'om-
iwund Is generally considcied a ceitaln spe-
t Illc for the cine of i heumatism , and so much
better lesults are obtained fiiim it than fiom
all the usual icmedies that it has become a
icgnlar picsciiption among the most eminent
] ) i.ictitioneis 1 prcsciibo it icgulaily and
believe that eveii ilieumatic MCtim should
use it '
Omaha's Ne/vssi Hotel
40 Itooms nt t-W per city
MlloomsatHOOper clijr
to Itc'omj iTith Until at H U ) par ilir.
CO Itooms wltli Until ut lil to il 5) IIT i
Aloilern In livery ltoniu > ct.
Annly I iirnlilioil Thronjjlioci t
C. S. ERB. Prop.
Tlio otil > hotel In the c'ty with liot and cold
w tor , anil sieiuu Mu it In every room
TalJlu and cllnlni ; loom surviuo nnsuriiassed.
BATES $2.50 TO $4.00.
Sncclal rates on iiiijillcutlon.
llnie the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are need in iha
preparation of
which ia ( ibsolittdu pure
and soluble.
It hai mot e than thrte tintt the itt tngth
of Cocoa mlieil vnth Starch Arrowroot
or Sugar , nncl Is far more economical ,
( ostvtrj leu ihciH one cent a tuji It
is delicious , nonrUhlng , auc ! EASILT
8old by Orocors everywhere ,
W. Baker & Co , , Dorchester Jass
Elastic Stocking
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies
114 S,15tlV. , ,
Next to Postofflce
At nine o'clock on Saturday morning nncl con
tinuing until we've shod eighty more than a thou
sand men -we will offer in our shoe department
what we candidly believe to be the greatest value in
covering for the pedal extremities of men that has
been offered In any room where shoes are sold in
this great and slippery country. At that time our
shoe men will begin selling ninety cases-a dozen
pairs to a case ten hundred and eighty pairs of
men's full stock
shoes- medium spring weight in any and all
sizes with flexible pump soles with globe toes
the handsomest toe ever put on a shoe in lace or
congress as you like shoes that would give the av
erage shoe man heart disease to see sod ! under
three dollars and fifty centsat
a pair. Whv.we . bought them when we bought
them \vherewe _ _ bought them -how much we paid
for them whether we.majce.or IQSG by the operation
-whether it's another of"The Nebraska's" advertis
ing schemes are not interested
you in ; but you jue
interested in the fact that th 2 price is two-thirty and
not three fifty '
13JQ A'eb.
The eminent i > pclniut In iierroui c'lronln private bland , ikln nndcirhnry dln-uiM Areimlirnnt
ri'Klittred armluMo n meinicnc n > ell plum n nnil ojrtlMc-ntci liow In > tllltretlln { nllli th > il U
grc in-
( OBB cnlnrrlc lost tuntchtxul H inliiAl Meiknois nltrhl Inisei anil nil f ircu * of prlit clliu i IM No cn rcu
ry uiocl Now IrfatmciU for km uf vltl p i vjr I'arlloi u i iblo to vlilt un in ir li > Irj i i | nt leu n i lir
corre < ponilenci > Mc'lUIno or lintrmnontna il hy m ill or ncpruii J3 irsl ) pic. ) I n i inrti t > In In it >
: ontorilinri nclar dnop'ri milltunrru v , r nrrel U intuit M ) i fri c jr. ujiiUi n i i , , t
Doolt ( MjBUTlcnof l.lto oiu frjj O HJJIOJ | Jii m f ) J p m rf n 1 lyj 10 J ill tjin [ u i c U i u i r ir , j l/
AM TJri. . E M LuN TS.
This ( Saturday ) Feb. l ( .
List Two 1'orlorui.iiK'O' of
Mr. Chzis. licl <
Ana His Own Company of Merry I'ayn , In
Mrs. 1'iuHUGO'S ( onicclv.
Matlneo Today at 2:3O.
1'rites I'Ir- lloor "iloaucl 7n ; b.i'ejuj ' , Via ,
general ; ulinUskiti to balcony J * > a
TonlRht at 8.
I'rlcos Tirst lloor , > ) a 7u im I 11 , iiiliony ,
.Vkj and Tie.
Drt'VTh'GS NEW I nit n , ( .nol
fi\J JLJU f3 THUATER , I Heat fur ?
ruurNlRhts , CllUniV WPR 10 Woilnehday
Coinmoncliii : uUHUni , 1 EiD. 1/5. / vi-itlnon
Enormous Success.
Crowclocl HOUSOB Everywhere.
mPDWPT ) I liu ( ii.indusl I'locln lion
riMIEm Knovtn to Ilici
A HUM loan t-tiKc.
isHHAMsncC'IM. : . ' 13
PRESS. I lie ( Jrnif
. Now oili nnil lloaton
Thobiloof siuts whlonmiS itiuclny n
tit tlie following prices 1'irst llniit Vic- , rio
nncl ! 1. hilconj Mo inn ! ? Itoincnil ci Ilio
popnlur Uortnuiiliiy Mutlnct 'idcfoi n uut In
tiny purt of the house.- ,
Like Itomu nil lloml * 1 c nl to the Mouse ofin <
FflRHftM St , THEaiER ,
I.Uu Homo All Hold l l.cnrt to Hie lluutu of iiiictciH
Ono Nljlit Ouly , Saturday Eve , Fob. 11
7Vit > i . Prof.
, .iviFZf fn0rM John Reynolds
A most Mlrthfcil VlyHl cut uncl miirviiloiiH
cntcirt iliiinent. Yon c'.uinol ulTcinl to miss
l'ls 1'rlces iio and VJo
I , Iio Home nil Houil ! loul to the Homo of MICH en
All next week , 'W ' , Sunday , Feb. 12
The creates ! "f nil I'omolv
Widow Olien BRISTOL
A Ixrk'o conip my of iilnycirs from Kiislniic ) mill
Australia Miirion mul Post Jnnco kliiKi.
MatlnooVednciJiiy nnil Nutnrdny Mat nee
Corner 15th and Onpital Avo. , Omnbn
r ANI > 'I UK -
.II/.SVKA/.I.I.V , Vf tl'l'.l , TV CO
3 llour uf hollil llcillnod AiauitMnont 3 I'upular
prlcei Matlnoci dally SJc CrenlnKf , takonr
' .Vc , parquel Uic
Poultry Show.
Admlsiion 25o.
Oinaba J'o < fltry AitooUtlon ,
Is all itvill cost joii for , i
room in ( lie ( . N. W.
hotel ( lining : tlu
World's hi ir ,
if you engage it
before Maich ht.
, , iXattinycr ,
Room 11 , Ctianfjai1 of CoininTce ,
The usual iate > aie S3 ID $ a
day foi no bfttei
VVttwill ten I v u th pmrtfr tial
/MEN Mcinli I'mparali m CALTHO3 I
trvr. anil ii lc l Kimritiili-i Hint )
I M Illns will llr * | ii > .T.inrJ
iKfrE-sff Jlmllll , Mi mslll aim > liior. |
I f 'tin I pu\ * i f fit
Hsl. in.ri-t. i ( . U , ( Utlnolll , Oku. |
NlltllC * llf Illlll * ) ! ! ! lIllPSM
Nolli iNhc ic liy ir.tin lli.n liu Hi ' > dfii-
tli'inrli s ItiiiiNni i lull liu in ,101 i > > in no
Inilnlili ilni > > , I M II Mill I u I' ' " 'it
II C I'l ItllV , Si'i ii'luiy
C H I iivi i I il
| i I i in i IN"
VV ii i MM hsviilll
Illn HIM.
Oiii.iliu , Ni I ) I In In M I 1'Hil VIMi
* l1" > ' > ' Answer
J \Vl.Mlol . ? "
Consult Free ,
6 , W. WILLIAMSON , M , 0 , ,
AND Of Hint MtliRrmiit Illnoil DU-
np c i n. No IMi-riury , hut nrtr.
m , , irit mircMafiil r incilli > ii. A rnr
QUICKLY ciiarantrril , JMr/i iniiclrnlriinr
CURED h'oiniiln Mrrnknriiirit iii-riiiun-
ently cnrrcl. rllm anil lltrlnl t'lrrrm ' cirnl ,
ice knife or ruuntlci. rnllentu ncirrpmfjlly
treated by mull. AUdroii , with Hlituiji ,