Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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\ ! T11K OMAHA DAILY BEE : TTATtntDAY , FEmiUAllY 11 , 1803 ,
Shorts In Provisions Getting Severely
Pinched , with No Hope of Recovery ,
iun In I-nr.l Mill Oli-nr Mi Hundred
Tliouminil Dollar * Out of It * I.uteit
Mniitinlntloti | .Htocki nntt
IIuiuU Quito Dull.
CIHCAOO , 111. , I'cb. lO.-riio shorts In provl-
BloiniiroKiittliiB'smcrely pinched , Tlio clny
fur thfin was excitedly hrltk. Thoclliuo | has
been Kradually tlnlitctiliu Its grip nnd now
appears tolmvu all thuin products under con
trol. Tlui hltfli prices which ruled early In the
season on the scarcity of IIORS tempted a largo
ntnonntof nhort Milling. May pork , which was
M > lil a few months URontflO 00 , solif today at
f'JO.17'1 , May lard , which vuis7 00 not many
months IIRO , was up to Sl'J 712 tod.iy , ind May
ribs hno : sold lot Id 15.
1'rlces fluctuated wildly at times ilurlnp the
B"sslonhiit thocloso was very to the lop
prices of the duy. It Is Mid the clliiuu still
lias 00,000 tleices of lard unsullied with less
than 7,000 In stock , and talk of il& 00 l.ird Is
lieaid nn every han I. The 00,000 llorces , It Is
rumored , will not tliu cllquo even at present
prices fully 10 per cent pel lleico , or fully
tbOO.OOO. Computed with last nlxlit lard
closed 4Dc hlKhei , pork 2Cc and rlhs 22'to.
Wheat shown a gain of fiom a c to V Torn
nudu'itsaro 11 sluulo lower. The cold wave
which was hooked for this morning ; did not
innterhll/p , unil It Is s.ild to he IhauInK In the
Eouthuest hut as the signal sen Ire sent out a
picdlctlon of another cold snap , the weakness
in wheat was quickly checked. St Louis had
Inlying oideis here today anil was apparently
making evei j cll'iitl to coin Inro the tiade
thr fcui of I'rop illumine was sincere and vu 11
founded The market at t he opening was about
tlm suim to fiom'so to Uc lilirhcr thnn the
opening , but receded and then adviiiicid ' <
nnd the close was about 3 i'lilclii'i for .May and
Xr lilghrt for .Inly than vesteidny
Corn and o.itiere dull and fe.ituieless
within a iiuiKi ) of 'ic '
DstlmatLd melpts foi tomorrow : Wheat ,
05 rars ; corn , -47 cms ; oats , b7 cars , hogs
11.000 bead.
'ibo lending fiituu-s mined as follows :
AHril I EH
Wheat No
February 74T <
Mny W *
July . . 7 w' < 7'J'fj '
Corn Nn 2
l < ebrunry
Mnjr 47 47 47
July 47H IIUM47 47
CnU .NO 2 -
Ketrunry SIM ai'i 81H
ilcn fork-
May 20 1 3D07K 19 85
.Mny 12 72- ! 1355 12 70 U 25
July 12 10 11 'JJ 12 41) ) 11 85
Short IlIbB
May . 10 U 10 (0 10 ! SO 10 2S
Cash quotations were is follows :
I'l ( Kin- Dull and unchanged.
WIIPAT No. 2 spring , 75'icj No 3 spring ,
nnfflGBo. No 2ied , 75V.C.
CC'OIIN No 243Mfft4.1'5c ; N'o 3 cash , 30c ;
Ko. 2 jellow , 43'iC ; No 3 yellow , 40'jc.
OATH No 2 , 31'4 < ii31"jc ; No. 2 white , 35Jic ;
No 3 white , 33iM.JtC.
KVE No 2 , 53c
IlAUiPi No 2 , 04c ; No 3 , f o. b , 43 < ii54c ;
No 4 fob , 4V350c. (
ri.AShmNo in 22.
TlMOTlil Sl'Klh I'llme , 14 4S.
1'OIIKMess , per hlil. , J1U.40&10 50 ; lard ,
per 100 Ibs. , $1'270 ; shoit illis sides , ( loose ) ,
110.15010.60. dii Milttd shoulders , ( boxed ) .
t'J87' ' , < aiOOO ; shoit clear sides ( boxed ; , 810.UO
10')5 )
WHISKY Dlstllleis' finished goods , per gal. ,
SuotnsCntloaf , 5'sia5'c ; granulated,5'8c ;
ctandiiid "A , " 5c
The following weio the lecelpts and shlp-
menls for todav :
Nnvv York Murkulg.
YoilK , I'eb. lO. I'i.ouil Hecelpts , 42-
410 pkgs ; exports , 4,310 hbls. , 25,03,1 sacks ;
miles , 10,000 pUgs. ; fair demand ; win
ter wheat , low grades , J2 HW&2.05 ; fair
to fancy , $2552.75 ; patents , JJ85 < il425 ;
Minnesota clear , f 2.50M3 50 ; stialghls , tJ. 00
@ 4,00 ; patents , J4.255.00.
COMNMKVT , Steady , quiet ; jcllow wcstotn
lUni.KV I'lrm , qulol ; western , 0080c.
ilAituv : M\I.T llnll , steady ; nestein , CO ®
WIIKAT Kecelpts. 4,800 bu. ; exports , 90-
000 bu. ; sales , 3,810,000 bu. futllies , 48,000
bu. spot. Spot market Ilimer , with options
moderately active. No. 2 icd , In store and olo-
inior. Hlc ; alloat , 82c ; f. o. b. , 81ffi8234c ; No.
1 northern , 8l > c : No. 1 haid , Oljfc : No. 2
noitliein , 813c ( ; No. 3 Mining , 80'c. Options
were moro active , Irregular , and Influenced
byjepoitsof eiop'd.inlauo early , but closed
Kteady at \ < ft\v advance. Thomaiketnas
Hi m at 'so advance , declining 'sfflUc on easier
nrlv ale cables , roruUn hulling and realizing ,
nuvanced jUlcon light lecelpth , fuithei re-
} orts of ciop damage , lirmer Chicago , foreign
iniyliigiuulhlioitscoxoilng , No. 2nd , Mutch ,
BOd/hOV , closing at 80' ' , c ; May , 82'ifo
82 10-lOc. closing at 82'4c ; July , 6.ia84'Bc.
closing lit 8lc.
COIlN Hecelpts , 01,000 bu ; exports , 43.350
bu. ; hales , 240,000 bu. futures , 191,000 bu.
fcpot. Spot active lower on fieer otleilnzs ; No
a , 030 53 Ho In elevatoi , 54@54'u ' alloat ; un-
giadedmlxcd , 01'854'ic ' ; steamer mixed , 02' ,
O53HC ! No. 3 , 61'j(3.52c ' ( ; No. 2 white , 55c.
Options were dull and ! jit.atc ( loner on I
tlon , closing steady ; I'ebruarv. O2'stf,53c ,
Closing ntOJc ; May , 02 ll-lo < ( ? 5211e. closing
tit 5u : July. O'JfcOJ'ii ' ; , closing "at "ba'iei
bteamer mixed , 02t\u. !
OArb-ltccclpts , 30,250 bu.j o\porls. 91
tin. ; wiles , 15,000 bu futuies , 113,000 bu.
spot. Spots , moderately active , lirmer : options ,
dull/li regular : Jluy , ao'.c ; No 2 white , Pol ) .
fuary , 41'c ' ; MaicFi,41'c ; spot No 2 white ,
4Hc ; No. 2 Chicago , 3'Jjfe ; No. 3 , 37'Jc ' ;
No. 3 white , 4Be ; mixed western , SBttlOe ;
vyliltu western , 3Q@,40c.
1IAY 1'ulrly active , linn.
llors-Hull , easy.
Hun's I'ulrly active , llrm.
Wooi < - riini , active , ; domestic fleece , 27 ®
82C ! pulled , 20 < ? i.37r ; THMIS , 17a21e.
Cm .MrATH-l'liiner ; wantul ; pickled bullies ,
ll'JonilcUled hums , 14U'ii' ! middles , quiet :
larci , dull nnd hlKher ; westein steam closed
ut f 111.00 , nominal ; sales , 500 tierces ut $12.85 ;
oiitIons , sale2DO lluri-os ; Maicli , * 1,1 oo bid ;
Mny. * 12.'J3 , closing at ! 13.00 asked ; Jiilv ,
112.4(1 ( ; pork , moderately active , lirmer ; old
mess , fll > 7o@2IMlt > ! nun mess , $21.00.
IltiTTEit-Quiet and about steady ; webtoru
fuctory , 17fc23'i- .
C'IILI.SK liiMxl domaiid and Hrm ,
I'cios Hull and weak ; western fan'y\\3'\ \ \
receluts , 2d21 pkgs.
HICK Active and llrm ; domestic , fair to
cxtia , 3vai > e.Tapaii,454 ; < ii5i1.
iloi.vssmNew Orle.ins , open Kettle , good
toeholee. scurcu ; lu good demand and firm at
2Hf 37e.
StlOAii Kaslcr and quiet ; centrifugals , 90
test , 31" , ; sales Into jesteiday of two cargoes
ci > iiiiriiirnl | ! ) test , ut 3 7-lfe ; lellned. nulut.
PioIiio.NSteady but quiet ; American12.75
Cori-KU Steady ; lake , $12.00.
IJKAII Quiet but Hrm ; ( Uuuestlf. $4.00.
TIN Quiet but steady ; Straits , IJ0.10 ,
St. I.onU VlurkelH ,
HT. l.outa , Mo. , 1'eli. 10. l'ioun I'lrm but 1
WIIKVT Opened Uc higher , then became un-
nettled , lint Inter advanced again nnu closed 1
Vie ubimi jesteiiUy ; cash , C0 ic ; May , 74f ®
_ II'N Cash and IVliruury wern a shade bet
tor ut 40'c ' ; futures closed 'BcoH ; May , 42'iC-
July. 43 > tc.
OATS Illghei ; cash , 33c bid ; May,347c.
HVE53c bid.
ItAlil.l-.v- Nothing done ,
l.KAU SK tidy at $3.70 ; spelter ciulot ,
rLA.xsttr.n- I Irm ut $1.8 ii.
lliiTTin : I'nclianired.
KlisLoner at 2Jc.
COIIN MFAI I'lrm ut $2.10.
\VliiSKV- Steady nt $1.17.
HAddlMiI'ncbaiiKed ,
CITTON Tihs UnchniiBi'd.
l'itovi8i4 N8 Hlichor and llrm. 1'ork old
(20.00 ; now , $20.25. I.ard , $12.12 ; dry sull
meats , leone shoulders , $0.60 ; longs ami libs
110.50 ; shorts , JI0.70 ; htrlps , $0.7O ; Iwixei il
lots 15c more. Ilacon , shoulders. $10.50 ; longs
$11.50 ; ribs , $ ll.t)2'i ; shoits. $11.87) ) , ; strips
$1050. S'ugni-curfd hams$15.KXaiD.50.
KECKifTS-riour , 0,000 bbls ; wheat , 3flOO <
bu , ; com , Itl.UOO bu. ; oats , 11,000 bu. ; r > e
iiniiu ; barley , none ,
rllui'MhNTS Klour , 7,000 bbls.j wheat , 10 ,
000 till : corn. 12O.OOO hu.i oats , 14,000 , bu.
rj o , H.OOO bu. ; Imrloy , 1,000 bu.
Cotton .Vliirkrt.
NKVV Oat.KANa , Ln. . Veil. 10. Easy ; goo <
inlddllni ? . U l-U > c ; middling , Oo ; low middling *
H ci good ordinary , BUC ; net rccolpts , 3,0b-
bales ; gross 4.34U liales ; exports to rrancc i )
1HH bales ; to the continent. 0,100 ball's ; coast
wise , 1 000 bales ; sales , 1,200 bales ; stock
321,700 bulutt. Weekly Not receipts , 35,57' '
bales ! grnsx , 35,077 bales ; exports to ( Irea
llrltalu , 17,300 bales ; to Prance , 11,211 bales i
to tlio continent , 24bG5 lulc * ; coaktwist'
5,518 lulo * . Futures bttadjr ; February f
! 70 hldi March H72iiJfl7ni April. H 7fl 6
H 70j May , $ H H4HH H3 | .Inne.lM HOiH , ) ti , July ,
HlM HOoi Annum , $ H.04tlH'JO | Seplcmbor ,
18.05 bid ,
Onmlm I'rodiire llnrlipt.
The feature of the miuket wns the "lump In
rggs , as noted below. Vent does not appear to
M > | | quite KO well us It did it few ( Insago.
Prices on other lines of produce did not show
any material change.
AI'fl.fc--Slocks are held at $3 60 < J4.00 fo
fair to choice stock
IHVA.8Quoted nt t2.fKWl2.Ml per bunch
HK.A.N * I holce nav y. $ ' 2.M ( > i52.25.
Ill TTi.n The market Is llrm and good fr h
country roll hells at 2OB22c and strictly
choice at 22412ic. Tliu receipts tire light.
Chi.Kitr 1'er do40c. .
CnVMiFiiiiu.sllell and cherry. $ " 1.50 ; bell
nnd bugle. $10.00 : Jersey Cape Cod. $9.00.
Ddiis1 ho weather nas again warm and the
signal set vice reports vvcro predicting a con
tinuance of the mild temperature for Satin-
day. This was of Itself Milllclent lo break Ibo
market , but In addition to that there were 10-
porls of weaker markets In the east. Minne
apolis especially , which has been a good buyer
In this mai kel and contributed not a llttlo
towatd keeping up prices here , was reported
tower , nlth lugu receipts and llcht demand.
Altogether thu condltfmTs favoring loner
prices were moro than the market could
stand , and the break could not bo avoided
Dealers showed considerable anxiety to tin-
loid , but buyers were not at all plenty ' ome
dealers were strongly Inclined early In the
morning to stem the tide and weio bravely
holding for 2Cc , but buyers were not to be had
at that llgure. The majority weie ottering at
20c and lound lots as low as 23c. The n.aruel
rathei giuvv weaker as the day advanced , and
he f 010 Iho close one dealer said Ihat he would
close out his stock It any one could bo found
( i Uin Them nero more rabbits In than has
been the nile of late , bill still no great niitn-
bei. Small rabbits soldatl 00and Jacks at
f J 00.
II AV Tlio market was steady at J5 500,0 00.
Illlils No , 1 green , 3' ; No 1 giecu suited ,
4'c ; No 2 crecn salted , 3' ' < c ; No 1 gleen
salted , 25 to 10 lln ,4'c. No ii green sailed ,
25 to 40 Ibs , 3 > ( c ; No 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs .
7"cNo 2te.ilc.ilf , H to 15 Ibs , 5'sf ! No 1
diy Mint , f > % Tf , No 2 drj Hint , Itt5'e ; Ao 1
diy salteil , OSJtic ; put cured hides'i per cent
per p'uind less than fully eared.
llosht Choice to fancy white clover , 18 ®
20c ; fall to good , IbQIHc.
LcviiiNS-Cholcu to fancy , 13 50Q4 00.
M VI. VdA ( Jn VIM s Uood shipping stock , $ s.OO
Nrrs Lmgulilckoiy , $100 ; black walnuts ,
tl OOJM 25
( MKTHH Thu local market Is steady at 203
I2e pei can.
OMovs-llomc grown tl 007J1.20 per bushel ;
patilsh uerciiite , tl 903200
OlUMuis The ni'irket Is about steady.
Sl/es 170 to 220 are quoted at * J 71 for ru--
setlsiilldi.1.00 for brlghts Sl/es 250 to 3JI )
aie limited at J2.7G foi brlglits nndJJOOfoi
liissetts1ashlnglon navels , f4.00 ; tange-
i Ines , pul up In h itf boves , $ J 00
I'OII.IIM The iniitket was about steady.
1'ilces continue llrm on aciount of the light
lecelpts ; choice chickens , ll12c ( ! , tuikejs ,
UttlOc ; gicseandduclts , KKiOl2c
I'orAiois-only small lots moving fiom
\\esteinNebiaska stock K quoted at
80c , 1'tah and Colorado , 90el.uO , choice
native 75W,80c
Sni.tT I'OT\TOI-S There area few In the
market which are selling at $4 50
VKAI. The lecelpts have been a llttlo moro
llheial and prices are not quite so Him as they
were ; choice small and fat veals , USiOc ; lai o
and thin , 4QGc.
t'ttonucn roiMnis.
llurr.ilonon has aiegularly established frult
auctlon house.
Ojsters are becoming quite plenty once
inoio In llaltlmoio and no lioiihle Is anllcl-
paled from non on In tilling orders fiom Ihat
Jim Mooie's pink butter bill has been de
feated In the Missouri legislature. The MIs-
sourlans will continue eating bulterlno of the
regulation buttei color.
The boys In the produce district are just
learning of the m.u i Live of one of thuli num
ber , Thomas Ituichmoie , vvhldi occuried last
fall Newsapp.uenlly liavcls shnvly In that
p.n tof thcclty.
N II. Nelson of Itrauch .1 Co has returned
fiom ail extended trip nest over the t'nlon
Pacific lines He leports Ihat they have had
\erymlldvveatherthls winter west of Noith
I'lalte Counti > meichants aio complaining
that business has been vet > dull evei since the
tlistof theyeai. The f.nmeis aio selling elf
oveijthlng In Ihe shape of cattle and hogs
on account of the high in Ices , and It Is feaied
that the piocess
iled MI f.u th it not enoiuh sto'L cattle and
IIOK- . will bu left In Iho country , and that the
lesiilts v\lll be felt In thu coming year or two
In diminished pioducllon.
1 ! O Cole , a grocer of Lexington , has sold
out to Willis Aller.
S. Williams , In the finnlturo business at
Utlcu , has sold out ,
I'.ige , Williams & Noith , In the wholesale
paper business at Lincoln , have dissolved.
lluidlek A. Co , fruit and confectionery at
Noifolk , have been succeeded by K. J. Ilurdlck.
A message to H. G Unit & Co from Cieto an
nounces that creditors are In possession of the
saloon of A. Kempkes.
According to Dun X Co.'s report J. P. Hcb-
ard has been appointed iccelver for the busi
ness of Tyschen A. Iteusch , wholesale , liquors
andclgais. It Is that the credltois
will bo p..ld In full
Kuimnft City Murkots.
KvusCiTY , Mo , I'eb. 10. WHEAT rirui ;
No 2 hard , ( )5 > JffiGOo ; No. 2 red , 72c.
CoitN riini ; No. 2 mixed , 35'ie ; No. 2 white ,
OVTS I'lrm ; No. 2 mixed , 29' * < 330c ; No. 2
white. aKil.ll'ic.
K\K-I'lrm ; 52'J53c.
I'l.sni n-rirm ; $1 OSS1.09.
HIIVN I'lrm ; ( > JGJc.
Hvv-rUm ; timothy , $8OOS9 50 ; pralilc ,
* 7 50(88.00. (
Hun MI Light diiiiiund and dull ; cieamciy ,
24 28ci dairy. ICOl'Jc.
KttOseult : 2ilc.
Km.iiTSWheat , 02,000 bu ; coin , 9,000
hu , ; o its , none.
Hiiii'Ml.M * Wheat , 38.JOO bu. ; corn , 14,000
bu ; o.Us , none.
( Ill Market.
Nnv YOIIK , rob , 10. I'LTIIOLEUM Certifi
cates exhibited no feature today , being en-
tlioly neglected at the Consolidated board ,
\\nlhionly 1,000 bbl . were traded In ut the
Stock exchange at 54'c. The close was steady
at thu price bid.
T.vr.iovv bc.uco , firmer ; city (12.00 ( for pkgs. )
2'ic bid.
COTTON SVM > Oti.-rirmer , scuice ; yellow ,
G3o bid.
Kosi.v I'll m ; good demand.
TunrKN TIM : I'lrm.
Livnii'ooi , , Tub. 10. LlNStitn On , 21s Cd
poi ewt.
Liverpool .Vliirlicts.
LlV'Flit'OOU I'eb 10. WHEAT Steady ; de
mand poor ; holdeis olTor moderately. Ite-
celpts for the past thiee. days were 127,000
centals , Including 123,000 American.
COIIN P.asy ; demand poor ; mixed western ,
old , 4s fl'Jil pei cental ; mixed \\estei n , new , 4s
Gml per cental.
UnHITS American coin past three davs
weie 48,800 centals.
I'KVS Canadian , 5s3'id percental.
LMID Pilmu western , ( AS ( xl per en t.
Colleo VlitrUet ,
Nrw YOIIK , 1'eb -Options opened steady ,
5 points down to 10 points up ; steady , llrm ,
closed 10 to 20 up ; sales , 30,250 bags , Includ
ing I'ebiuary , $17.25 < fU7.15 ; March , $17.35 ©
17.55 ; April , $17.00 , 17 15 ; May.l ( > .8f17.00 ;
June. * li 75ftlG.H5 : July , $10,55@lb GO ; Seii-
tember , fill 557110 70 ; Oelohei , ; ii.40&li ( ( > ( ) ;
December , Mli 30xjill > 45 Spot Itlo , quiet ,
stead ) ; No. 7 , $18 12V , .
American Itelrl cr.itor , lleef
LOMION. 1'eb. 10 AvituicA.v KIIIIFIIATOII :
lln -I'lirvqunrtpri , 2s 4dU2i od ; hlmhiuar-
ters 3s 4d3s Ud per 60 Ibs. by the carcass.
Securities Worn Dull nnil the Heir Crovvit
v Did All the Iliniiiex * .
NKVYOIIK , Tub. 10. The stock market Has
a falling one , and , as usual under such cir
cumstances , was dull , except wheio the op"ra-
tlonsof the bearciond created a temporary
activity. In the forenoon thu comparative
smullness of the gold shipments stimulated
thu bullish feeling which uas manifested , also
on the part of shorts to cover contracts , but
Inter the burdening tendency of money and
the prophesy of u prominent bank president
that within the next thltty days \vo\\ouldseo
a stllT G per cent money market , created
further hesitation among buyers , and stimu
lated the professional bears to fuithcr ag
gressiveness und they \vcro followed by thu
ti tiding element.
The Hnanclal situation Is regarded by both
bill Is and bears as unsatisfactory. The mar
ket was almost entirely professional today
and besides thu factors enumerated , the dis
I crimination nxalu exercised by financial Insti
tutions against certain stocks , tended not only
lo restrict operations , but to depress prices
Thu early strength sutllced to advance prices
generally small fractions. Manhattan New
Kngland and Distillers were the. only ones Ic
show any special strength , but thu pressure
brought to bear later In thu day wiped out
these Improvi incuts with something In addi
tion. Distillers und Lead , iiinong the Indus-
trluls , and Richmond X West Point , among the
rullroads being exceptionally strong and clos-
lng It h fractional gams. S'
over , was brought to bear iixm | the coalers
d and all of that group was driven down materl-
, ully.wMlluun fa voraplu rumors wcru circulated
4 to accelerate the decline ,
, A heavy selling of Heading , which seemed tr
come principally from Philadelphia , drove ll
t. down from 48i ( tn 47i , . Humors vvcruulsi
7 rlfo nboiit u now uctlon t bu brought agulnsl
it the Ctiiitrul rallnnid of New Jersey , but not-
; withstanding tlicsosevuro drives , both of thesi
stocks closed with only fiactlunul changes
, Laokuwanun was not so fortuuatu and closet
down 1 | mr cent The only other material do-
< Urn , hotvi v u , were seen In Colorado I'dcl ,
which hut 1 per cent , nnd Manhattan , which
lost l'i per cent again touching 104 1'hu
bears showed llttlo disposition lo largely In-
ereii'o their short lines , and an effort was
made lo cover Into In Ihe day , which rallied
the whole market fractionally from Iho lowest
prices , On this rally the market clo-cd with n
llrm lone , and generally only slightly lower
for the day.
The I'oitxavs : Thestoek market apparently
rellected a somewhat changed sentiment re-
guiding the action of the binks In olTerlng
gold to the sub-treasury The action served
to call attention to the country's finances. It
was apparent that the relief wns only on the
surface , and Hint the banks had only temporarily
arily eiiM-d the slluutlon w IIlimit In any way re
moving Die causes of Ihe tumble , \\hlle Iho
action of the hanks Is called by many a land-
nblo act of "patriotism , " It failed to bring re
lief to the marUet. which sagged almost from
start to finish , \\hlle thu currency condition
does not cause any pronounced liquidation , It
was undoubtedly a factor that prevented out
side buying and deltveied thu market over al
most entirely to thu professional traders and
bear cliques. The statement made that thu
exchange condition favoiedthu shipment of
cold H us M'HIled by Ihe withdrawal of over
$300,000 for expoit tomorrow.
The following are thu closing quotations of
the loading stocks on the New i ork Stock exchange -
change today :
The total s lies of stocks today wore 301,500
VIMHIII ; iciciimond , 4t > uu ; KO
Island , 5,000 ; St. Paul , 24,000 ; St. I'liul -
Oinalm , 5400 , Sugar , 18,700 ; Union I'.icltlc ,
4,000 , ; Mlssouil I'.u'lllc. 3.300.
Xow York Money Uarket.
Ni.w 1 OHK , L'eb 10 MONI-V ON CAM.
1'isj at 2ff 1 pel cent ; last loan 2 per cent ;
closed otlered 2 per cent.
I'llIMK Mhlic.NTII.K I'li'EH 4ttfflO percent
Sri'iii.iMi Kxciu.vdK Quiet but lit in , vvlth
ni'tual business In b inkers' bills at $4 tib'i for
sl\t > -diy : bills and J4.8H for demand
OlIVEUNMPNTllOMH Dull 1111(1 llLM\y. StatO
bonds neglected ,
t lie closing quotations on omuls :
I' > ote * .
CITV , Mo. , 1'eb. 10. dealings , tl-
Puns , Teh 10 Three percent icntes 97f
95c for Iho account.
NhW Yonn , IVb 10. Olearlngs , J122.304-
030 ; balances , { 0.497,057.
l VLTlMOlir1 , Md , Tob 10 Clearings , J2.2G7-
300 ! balances , tJ78lll. Money , 0 poi cent.
.iMiM , P.i. , Teh 10 C'liMirlngo ,
} 13,17t > ,000 ; balances , $1,007,025. Money , 4
pei cent ,
LONDON , Fob 10 Amount of bullion with
drawn from the Hank of Kiiu'land on balances
today , iOJ.OOO.
Mi\ii'iiis. : Tcnn. , 1'eb. 10. Xevv York e\-
hango soiling at J1.50. Clearings , $327OJ7 ;
balances , J11B.332.
HOSTON , Mass , 1'eb , 10 Clearings , 113,954-
H59 ; balances , fl,453B ( > 9. Monev , 6 per cent
Kxchan o on Now Yoik , 15c to 20c discount.
Nr.vv YORK , rob 10. [ Special Telegram t )
TIM : IlFK.lKxuhangu \t s rjiioted 'is follow
tod.ij : Chicago , 25c discount ; bt Louis , pai.
NEW Oiu.mvs , Iiii , 1'eb. 10. ( Uearlnirs $1.-
870,420 NevvYoiU exchange , commercial , fiOc
pei fl.OOO premium ; bank $1 50 pel H.OOU
t'liiCAdO , 111. I'eb 10. Clearlncs , 114,580--
20H Nun York o\ch.ingo hold at 25c discount.
HlerlliiK o\chniiro ! , quleti J4.88' , for sixty-
day bills ; f4.88 for sight drafts ; Money ,
easy at 55JO percent.
Cattle Trices liroalc Unilpr illilit Deuinnd
UllRH ( ill Up (0 8H. „ ' ( ) .
OMAIU , I'ob. 10. Hecelpts s' > far this weeK :
14,509 callle , 17,048 ho s and 0.759 sheep ,
against 10,580 cattle , 17,110 hogs and J.23S
hhcep the coriespon < llng live da > s lust v\eek.
The cattle market was 'note 01 less domoial-
l/ed on steers The supply was not at all
excessive , but more lhan ample for the re
quirements of the trade under the circum
stances. Eastern mirkutsvveie considerably
loner , and allhoiuh the demand heio was
very fair , buyers started In bidding fiom lOc
to40c loner lhan ThuiMlay. t-ellers held off
for a while , and trades during the forenoon
nerollkoangelV vUlts , few and far between.
After dinner there was moro life , but pi Ices
aveiagedfrom lOc to 25c loner all around.
Some choice 1,458-lb beeves brousht 15.35 , hut
the bulk of the fair to good 1,00 ! ) to 1,200-lb
steers sold around from 13 90 to t4.30. Qulti
u few cattle wcru still In the pens ut the close
Cow stitlT sold sleady Ion dime lower thai :
Thursday , but the movement was tolerably
free and a good clearance eltcctcd. Poor tt
prime cows and huifers hold at fromtlTfiu
J4.IM ) the bulk of the fair to good stulf ui
$2.35 to } 3,25. Hulls , oxen and stags wen
quotably unchanged at from jl.95 tot.H ( )
Common lo choice \oul calves hold at fullv
hleady prices from J.30 to * 0.00.
lluslness was fairly brisk In thostockor am
feeder line and prices ruled Hrm , In fact abou
as hlRh as boforu the recent break The sup
lily nas limited and the demand brisk. Sale
neroatfrom * ' - ' ( ) ( ) to J'l.HS , thubulkof tin
decent stock at 12.75 to J3 00. Heproentatlv i
sales :
DllKSSfll llEEf.
No. Av. Pr.
11 1JOJ 1400
03 1093 4 O5
0 . 1170 O5U )
1 1070 1(1 (
4 120O 4 11) )
IB 1109 10
35 108H It )
0 .1170 K )
44U. 1151 15
U. . .1008 10
It ) 111H 15
41 1179 31) )
13 1230 3d
21) 1103 4 35
21 11H1 4 45
1 1160 4 00 [
2 . llbO 400
1102 4 OO1 23 11 "ft 00
22 1120 4 < Hr10 11U4 70
2fl 078 n 77 .tno8 no
aft Hull 3 HO" ' 32 I2in on
18 inn. ) 38 IIH'J oo
1H 1270 20 12I1H 05
11 .1283 17 .1458 0 3&
21 1271 safe
11 . . 781 2 86 , 1 * 21 972 3 CO
2a . . 005 1 75 * 1 1070 2 75
a . . 7U3 1 7G" ' 18 .1013 2 75
it . . 817 200 " 1. 1110 2 75
1030 .1100 2 75
23 . 773 10 7 2 75
7 . 900 2 ( M/ ? 17 .1004 2 HO
1n . . H80 2 OO 5 . 744 2 HO
n 9JO 2 00 10. .104(1 ( 2 HO
0 . 1)90 ) 2 10 12 . 005 2 HO
1 . . OHO 2 10 18 . 008 2 H5
4 . 005 2 10 1 000 2 85
3 . . 833 2 10 .lOtfi 2 85
7 . . 071 2 15 . 03ti 2 00
11 879 2 15 13 054 2 00
24 . . 707 = " ' a . 035 2 00
24Q 20"
Q . . 9SO 2 (1 ( . 000 2 00
. . 890 2 25 13 . H')0 ) 2 00
4 . . 090 2 25 H 1120 8 OO
11 . 803 2 25 1 . 1230 11 00
1050 2 25 .1040 3 00
5i 980 2 25 I . 010 3 OO
5i . 800 2 25 . 001 3 OO
i . . 850 2 25 .1100 3 00
3 900 2 25 050 3 00
20 . 791 2 25 10 1N,0 ( 3 05
3 . 980 2 25 11 ! OHO 3 10
20 . 793 2 25 It. . .1070 3 1O
800 2 25 12 OHO 3 10
1l . 8 do 2 30 12 1110 3 Id
l ! 1090 2 30 12U .1054 3 15
25 941 2 35 8 im 3 25
22 . 003 2 35 8U ) 1105 3 25
20 80.1 2 35 10 . OJ2 3 25
1050 2 40 ( i .1152 3 25
I ) 1002 2 15 en O.VJ 3 25
H ) 1018 2 45 in . 870 3 25
. 8-1(1 ( 2 50 23 .1014 3 25
1 . 70O 2 50 11 1145 3 25
1 1170 2 5(1 ( 11H 11 ltd 3 25
H . 1000 2 50 1 1040 3 25
980 2 50 1 .1180 3 25
li ) . . 930 2 t,0 . 0.10 3 30
10C . 904 2 W ) 1155 3 35
C > 1015 2 ( > 0 10 .1020 3 35
25 828 2 05 Id 10 JO 3 35
23 . 913 2 ( id 11 .1021 3 40
21 10JO 2 70 20 .1057 3 40
21H. 900 2 7(1 ( 20 1121 3 55
H. 1077 2 70 20 1108 3 ( id
3 1010 2 75 25 1000 4 OO
4 . 910 2 75 20 .1133 4 00
HUH li .
15 . . 315 1 HO 1 820 3 00
2 25 3 7fi ( ) 3 .10
13 ( .25 2 ill ) 3 7(50 ( 3 30
1 . . . . 310 3 00 28 810 3 40
. 382 2 35 1 . 00 5 00
. 240 2 50 3 ll > 0 5 00
. 80 3 OO . 125 5 00
. 205 3 25 130 5 50
80 t 125 150 5 50
250 4 50 21O 5 50
. 222 4 50 . 13.1 5 75
100 4 75 ICO 0 00
630 2 21) .1720 2 75
1510 2 30 10,10 2 75
1150 2 30 .10.10 2 75
075 2 30 1340 2 75
.1470 2 40 IbOO 2 75
1315 2 40 .1550 2 85
1450 2 40 1530 3 00
1320 2 50 .1505 3 05
.1000 2 50 1Q20 3 10
1240 2 50 .15120 3 15
1210 2 50 1210 3 15
1210 2 50 15UO 3 25
1570 2 50 15 ( > 0 3 30
. 1280 2 55 1070 3 30
1520 2 CO .1500 3 30
.1300 2 00 .1100 3 35
.1200 2 l > 0 1520 3 10
11 < > 4 2 M > 1310 3 50
1200 2 ( .5 1500 3 75
.11)40 2 75 820 3 75"
1020 2 75 1030 4 00
.1140 2 75
.1200 1 05' , , 3 . . . .1480 2 15
STOCK ! H * Axil H , ! 1)1 IIS
1 , 400 2 00 774 3 25
10 881 1 ! 15 ! ) J5 3 25
li 303 048 3 35
0 301 10 ' ,175 3 45
12 404 2 30 l 1 . 800 3 50
80 530 2 30 4 850 ! 1 50
3o 5'.i ) 2 50 - 5II . C.54 3 50
o 75rj 2 50' II 020 3 50
2 410 2 75' 1 . 800 3 55
17o 007 2 75 5 . 802 3 55
o 715 2 80 17 .1232 3 00
1 730 3 00 tr 30.o . 701 3 00
1 510 3 00I * o 1080 3 70
2 020 3 10 3 88J 3 70
10 883 3 Ifr 15 . OJ5 3 76
830 3 25 " 1000 3 85
500 3 253
lloos The supply was much the same as on
Thursday , both In quantity and quality , In
fact there has been llttlo ohaiiKO elthei In re-
celplsor quality so far this week , compared
with last. Conditions were all In the sellers'
fat or. The mnrkot opened fully lOc higher
and closed strong at the adance. . lluj Ing was
brisk and general , " -nippers taking about 1,500
good houiof alt weights , or fully a tblid of
the entde offerings The oxtremu r.ingo of
prices foi poor light and mixed to pi Imo ho.ivy
hog ; , was from 17.90 to J8 20 , Iho iattor the
highest price ever p. ltd on this market I'.ili
to good hogs of all weights , however , sold at
J8.00 lo8.10 , as agalnstl7.85 to $8.00 Thurs
day and $7.80 to $7.00 ono week ago. Repre
sentative Dales :
. . . . _
There weio thieo loads on s.ilo and
the market was active and about stead ) .
1'alrtogood natives. $3 75ic5 00 ; fair to good
westerns , $3 50fi5 00 ; common and stock
sheep , J2.25t3 75 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb.
lambs , $4 OOQ5 75 , Kepiesentatlve sales ;
No Av. l > r.
145 Coloiado lambs . 52 ' $4 30
253 Mexican lambs . 53 3 75
12ti Mexican mixed . . . . . C5 41(1 (
127 Moxlcam mixed . . 03 4 10
llecclpts mill DUjHMltlou of Stock.
oniclal lecelnts and disposition of Mo k as
shown by the hooks of the Union Stock Yard <
company fortho tnenty-fourhoiirs emiliisuto
o'clock p. in. I'obriiaiy 10 , Ib'JJ :
O lrtW Stoek Markot.
, III. , I'rtti io [ Special Telegram to
Tiih HKK.l The sltli.itlon In c.illlo was les
sallsfaclory lhan on jestordav and the day
before to Ihe sullliulnturest. Voiy rarely ha
rrhlay'N receipts ruHched M > larpo an au'gre
gate as VT.IS recorded for today , and as there
was In addlllon belneen 1,000 urn
J.OOO stale caltle , thu Hrm tone for homu days
p.isl pervadliiKlhe nnirkel was conspicuously
absent. Cons , hulfcn > and bulls , thu kinds
that aie hcuiL'lit by local Imtchars , cannersuiK
diLssed beef tit ins , weru all rlKhtj they
sold alMJUt an vvell as hefore , hut
steers had to go down a point. The
averatro of pilces for the latter nus
ficm lOc to 20c lone ) than \\ednesday
and thn elo-o vury vvc.iU , l.irgo lecelpts
for .Monday bulii * In prospect. ThoiuiiKo of
iiuolatlons was from < 3 W to $0 ID for very
common to extra dressed beef and shipping
steers , tJ.BO to f4 OO for poor to extra cows ,
heifers and bulls. a.SU to W.aii for slockers
and feedms and from JJ.)0 to } G 7fj for calves
Hogs weio higher Benin today Heavy
welahls eiilned &c mid there was an advance
In 1UIH meilluni and mlxeil of fully HV
Although there wi to no authenticated salt s .it
as high a llguto ii * was paid on yesterday thuru nas n linger manlier at prices
alK > vo JH BU , I'ho creuter pan of the
heavy hiusbidd al U'lter than iH.40 and the
pomilar prices for mixed and medium weights
wurofromlH.4lMoW.G6. Llulit wirlb averag
ing under V00 ! Ibs. sold us high as from Js.45 to
lU.tjO , and lu fact there was exccealugly little
rndlng tM'low t 20 , Thnre wru nn ncllvo
lilpplng demand uud a fnlr liiiitlry | from Idea
mclters uud no hogs hud to be carried ov r.
The sheep Irado vrns dull and prices , Ihomth
ml much loner th'iti yesterdiiy were \erv
reak. This week H receipts are elo e to the
urges ! ever know u und sellers have found It
niposxlble to place them except nt materially
cduci d prices. The decline for the vu-ck Is
ully .Tic per 100 Ibs. l.ambs have dropped olT
oa Ilkeexteiit Closingiiiotatlons | are from
n.oo to ( n.40 for poor to cominou and from
4,00 to J J.-T ) for good ( o choice sheep , l.nmbs
ireilonn to fiom JI.UO to for poor I o
Hecelpts C'atlle , 1'J.OOO head : hogs , lO.OOOj
beep , H.OOO.
The Evening , Iournal reiiorts :
CATTl.t : Hecelpts , lv',000 head ! shlpmcnls ,
4,000 head ; market slow , prices stead ) i inline
o extra steers , lO.'JS ri.Odj good to medium ,
- .V&isri.lO : feedeis , J4.OtHil.40i cons , M.ooa
ll )0t )
llm ( ) ( ltecclps | , 15,000 head ; shipments ,
O.OOO head ; market active , steady , strong !
nixed and pnckeis , JH.OOJi8.Hr > ; | iilmo heavy
illtcherH1 , Hl > OtH ( > r > ! light , * < 0VJi8.35- (
other lights , * 7.i6tt7.7fj ! ! pigs , id.OOttO 05.
Siin.1Heceljitu , 8,000 be.uli shipments ,
4.000 head ! market steady ! u.itlves , JMHITt ,
& .50J westorns. $5.0O35 Ifij liimlHt4.503G.lfi )
Now York l.lvt ) Meek MiirUet.
Nr.vv YOIIK , 1'eb. 10.HKKVBS Kecululs , l.noo
lend ; market steady ! oittve steers , $ l.llf > tt-
i.'JO ; bulls and con * , f lOit I : M ) ; dressed beef
steadyHJJ'J'if Shipments todaj , 'JUS beeves ;
omonow,343 beeves and lO.lbOnuartcrs of
t'Ai.vrs HecolptH , 100 head , market sleadv !
eals , $5 iWC'J 00 ; graders , * ,1 Ufi
SiiKKi1 A.NII hwiiis Hecelpls 5,500 bond !
Market shin hut steady ! sheep , t ! .751ij.t)0 ( ) ;
limbs , J.505i7 ( 00
Ilixm Heeolpts , 1,10(1 ( held ! miitUet
lomlimlly llrm at JH pur 100 Ibs ,
KIIIISK Cltv Livestock Market.
KASS\S CITMo , 1'eb Id C'\TTlK-Ke-
clpts ( i.HOO hc'idi shipments , MOO head ;
stieis , dull and Hlc lovvoij COWH , stead ) ,
xtockeis , Hlc lonei ; lepiesentntlve sales-
liessed beef and shliplng | steels , M 0(10,4 ( H5 ;
ovvs and helfeis * J 10S4 00 ; stockeis and
feeders , 3 Hi I ( Ml tin
Hoot.Hecelpts , 7HOOhead ; shlument- * , 1,0(10
icid ; good to choice In us active , 5oc ;
ilghei , closing steadv , poor , steady ; all
giades , JO.OO'iiH JO ; bulk $7 H5 < ( H 05.
Uecelpts , 3,000 held ; shipments ,
none ; maiKet dull and l ( > T25c loner.
SI. l.iinls Lite Stock Market.
' l. I.ot'is , Mn , 1'eb 10.CviTl.H Hecelpts ,
2,100 ; shipment * ; , 2,001) ; maiket easlei ;
fall to good native steers , $ fl.5i7.4 ) | 85 ; choice ,
500 ; fed Texas steers , $3 504 25 ; glass
Texas sti eis , $2.00-3 J 70.
Hods Hecelpts , I.OOO ; shipments , 2)00 ) ;
maiket higher ; he-ivy , J8 ( )0ci8.55 ) ( ; packing ,
J7.7fi,8 ( ) 30 ; light , $8,00'Ti8.25 '
SIIH i' Heeelpts , 40U ; shlpineiits , none :
maikel Him ; fait to good natives , $ J.50io
500 ; choice muttons , $5 50.
D. Dl'uA/tE , II. I ) . , , JAS. P HIMKIF.
1'rcs. Vlco I'rus. Secy A Troas ,
Capital Jil.000 ; Omaha and Sioux City.
Grain and Provisions
Railroad Stocks and Bonds.
Room 212 New Yoric Life Building
ItnPEHnNOP.S ! lonaStato National Hank ,
Sioux Cll ) ; Commoiclal Nallonal Hank.
Umjiia , .
Special attention Riven to outside orders.
Correspondence soMcltcd ,
I ) . It. .s < ott No r.inierr linnglncs IlioiHcir it
\Vlld ( 'oiinnanelie.
D. R. Scott , the veteran employe of
the stock yuidb comjiany who \\as given
up to die tit liis room in the Mxohuiiffo
building homo months afro , hut after
wards recovered KO fur as to bo removed
to St. Joseph's hospital , is u ain walk
ing about the ytuds. When lirst taken
siekhovvas violently criuy. iinugininn1
himself a Ooinanohe chief und would rush
from his bed into the corridors of the
hotel with a blanket over his head , yell
ing like on Indian.
During his stay at the hospital the com
missioners of insanity visited him , ox-
peeling it would bo necessary to pluco
him in the asylum , but on the pleading of
the patient a different \ iew of the ease
was taken.
Mr. Soott explained that in 1888 he
was injured in tlio head by being
jammed agttinght the fence by a eow ,
and that over since the accident ho felt
that his head was not right , often doing
and baying things of which hovas
afterwards ashamed. Through this ex
planation the doctors made an examina
tion and performed an operation , tre
phining the patient and removing the
pressure from the brain. From the day
the operation was performed Mr. Scott
claims ho began to improve , and is now
a well man , though looking somewhat
feeble. Ho is receiving congratulations
on every hand , as ho is a general favor
ite among the fetock yards people.
One U ) ( Irani in tlio Ward.
The Fourth ward housewives who have
been depending on city water were com
pelled to provide dry toast for breakfast
yesterday. Tlio only hydrant in that
wattl went dry yesterday by order of
the water works company. The fact is ,
the South Omaha Land company con
tracted for a a wafer hydrant at Thirty-
becond and J , as an inducement
to settlers to pin chase lots in
that vicinity and paid the bills until
now , as registered by a motor , every
body in that neighborhood using all the
water they wanted. Many had the
water put in their houtcs and others
carried it from tlio common hydrant. A
prodigal UbO and waste of water canned
the land company to icfitsu longer to
foot the bill , and when the water com
pany requested the consumers to take
euro of the hydrant , bee to keeping it
closed and pay for the water used , they
lofip-cd or neglected to do so. hence
"Prohibition IHU" as that portion of the
city is named , is without water as well as
beer. Councilman Bruce of the Fourth
ward , is intotcsting himself in the mat
ter , though ho things the people them
selves ate to blame. A great majority
of the residents of that waid get watot
from wells.
All OmlVolBlnd. .
Citizens are requesting the city coun
cil , by petition , to puss an ordinance
com.iclling all coal dealers to wolgh
retail orders on the city scales , and bend
out each load , or order , with a cortill-
cato of weight from tlio city woigh-
master. As there is no coal ex-change
in this c-ity an ordinance may bo neces
sary , but in Omaha it Is a rule
Malt is
'tho life
of grain.
Johann Hofi's
Extract of Malt
Is the Malt of
'all the HALTS.
A Dollofouo Table Bovornco.
rurchatert are vramed acalnit Impost-
lion and disappointment. Inuit upon the
"Genuine , " which musl luye the tlgnaliaeOI
"JO11ANMIIOVF" on tU * neck label.
if the exi'htingo that If
iy the ctistomor , the oonl shall bo do-
Ivi-rcd wltlLwolghiuimtci'V ct'i'tllleato of
volght. tin ,1'Iioofalghlng , which Is
10 cents , no matter how \nvgo \ or how
Binall the load , tobo paid by the custo-
iH'r In addition to the prlco of the coal.
riioro can bo no doubt that a majority
) f fonsumerH of coal would wllHnjrly pay
ho 10 cont-4 for the atlsfaotion of know-
ii } , ' whether or not they are lioliiL'
cheated out of a portion tif the black
liamonds they are compelled to burn for
Uel In these tuiys t f hlj'h prlcoj of all
producti of mines and farms.
Sequel tn n SH | IIK .Miiclilno.
Temple Hilton , who was in jail Tlnus-
lay , charged with sclllnj ; mortuajrcd
iroperty and tlefratidiuj , ' Walker vfc
Vincent out of a jji-ocoiy bill , is free to-
lay , but the lawyer who defended htm
mil secured his lUcliurj < ; o wishes the
follow was in a hotter climate.
True to hl.s former rec ml Hilton paid
ils attorney with an 'irdcr for $10 on a
good man who did not owe him a penny.
.AI Klo City Uomlp.
Tlio Transit house will change hands
March 1 , Mrs. Frank having sold to S.
S. Reiner.
Charles I'outer , captain of hose com-
> uny No. I , lias boon sick for a week.
Thursday be appeared on the street ,
miking UHtnrt for Crcstonlit. , to visit
friends , hitting been granted leave of
absence for a week.
F. M. Cttrrio , editor of the Sargent
rimes , was at the jards Thursday and
paid the cash for the carloads of feeders.
L'Mve Beat's ago Mr. Currie went to Sar
gent and b night the Time" * , giving a
mortgage for the major part of the pur
chase price , and now he is a bit tiled
cattle dealer with plenty of icuilj cash.
Mr. and Mrs. C' . II. Watts returned
jeitordaj from Moodjville. Kim. , where
they went a week ago to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Watts' mother. Mrs.
Watts' father , II. H. Ayer , and her
younger and onl.\ sister , Miss May mo
Ajer , accompanied her homo and will
remain in South Omaha.
Tlio local lodge of G > , xl Templars will
gi\o a valentine party next Monday
evening , February l'l , to which the pub
lic is invited. An interesting ptogram
is being prepared. The entet tainment
will bo free , but a temperance jug will
receive contributions for the good of the
cause. The party will be entertained at
the Presbyterian chut eh , corner ,1 and
Twenty-Hfth streets.
11 you have piles DoU'lU's Wltc'a H.i/ol
County Judge uud ComtnlnNlmirrR AVII1
I'lKlit ( ur Thrin.
Tlie county commissionerht'lil a uicctiiiR
yesterday urteriiooii , and tlic llrst tliiuij
thu.v did wis to throw down tlio ( ? l ° \c. iiuit-
liiK County Jmipo Ellor to enter the aieu.i
anil engij'c in a iljiht to see when , uheto
and how tlio fees for performing iii.uriago
cetomoulos should lie disposed of. Diirin < {
the jears that luuo lollud nway the couut\
JudKos of the county h.uo leaped quite n
harvest by pel forming man lag" eerenionles ,
and at the s inio tlmo they have held on to
all such foes , claiming that Ihoi weio not
compelled to account for them In icpoiting
the receipts of the ollice
While T. J Mahouey held the position of
county attorney ho passed upon the question
and told the commissioucis that wedding
fees vvcro a part of thciccelptsof the Judge's
ofttce , and. that hclng so , they should go to
the tic.isury However , the law , ns con
strued by Mr Muhonoy. v\as never enforced ,
hut simply icmaiucd a dead letter , vvhllo tlio
judge went on mairjiug and giving in mar
riage. Yesterday the commissioners called
n halt and adopted a resolution hy which in
the future Judge Ellor will be icqtihod to
report and turn in everything coming from
tlio mairlngo dcjiartment of his offlce
Ofllceis of the Hurt stieet Homo for Aged
Women asked for aid to assist In suppoi t of
the institution. The request was placed on
lile , the commissioners holding that under
the law they had no nuthoiity to appropri
ate funds for the support of pi iv ate hospitals
or infirmaries.
Salaries weio not touched upon though
'flOTHER'S '
is a scicntiflcally prepared Liniment
nnd harmless ; every ingredient is of
recognized vnluo nnd in constant use
by the medical profession. It bhort-
ons Labor , Lessens Pain , Diminishes
Danger to life of Mother nnd Child.
Book ' To Mothers" mailed free , con
taining valuable information uud
voluntary testimonials.
Sent by express , charges prepaid , on receipt
of price , $1.M per bottle.
Sold by all druggists.
the t'liMnimn of the committed of Ihovhoi
rex | > rt < Ml | irotfroM nnd nskcd lrn\-o to sil
tiKnlit stntlnjr tlmt It would lie scu'mtdinj
liofotiMi nlH | > rt i-otild lie timilo to the Imnul ,
Cloorgo U StryliiT npplled for nndriti In
HtrtictiM to oniploy u Rciimstrcss ut tlm
county IKXIIfnrui , tlioiinh iiothttiR was snld
about the salary tlmt the woitinu sliouUl bo
Soiuo Unto n.RO C li Clmffro hid on fur-
nlshhiK liiinbcr to the county , hut when the
bids \\ore oponpil U was found Hint ho wns
the lowest bidder on ouli the hard Mood ,
Yosti'rdn.v ho dtMnittidcd the return of his
$11X1 check or else the contract for the whotn
of tlio
County Surveyor Smith wni lustrnctcd to
confer with the county surveyor of I'otta-
\\attntnlocountv rulntho ton atirvov of the
tracts of hind nffected bv the recent decision
of the United Stntcs com I In the cases of
the state of Nebraska niralnst the state of
loua , and to innlio tilat.s , .showinghat | Hr ) <
tlons of the lands should ho entorcd fortiixa-
tlon In DoiiK' county
Monday tnornliig tlio Innrdwlll hold an
other session , nt which time the cotitiacts
for the conntj Joh pi lutinglll conic tin for
dililgo I'.lli-r'H \ li < * .
When seen last nliht In to the do-
clslonof the county cotuinissionets telntlvo
to the dlsiwsltlon of the nionejs ntlsin from
the performing of niiril.ito cctvmonlci ,
Cottntj ,1udo | Kller staled tlmt he had in.ido
tip his mliiil to 0110 thliK , and that
he . \s cap.iblo of running his own business
Those fees ho did not propose to tmn over to
theioimtj treasurer The st.vtvites did not
provide for mi ) such thin ; ; , and it no\or
been the custom , the lec-ehing of siieh
nioiuns alw.ijs h i\lng been a pi-i'n usite on
the side
In support of the position the judge s.iid the eoniiidssloneis could with mst us
much propiioty go out and .isle tile ilorg-
men and the Justices to come up to thn
treasury and pa ) In the fees pUd thorn each
time that the ) mauled a couple
Croup t I'liilnllt Id , S , J ,
Myhollocars of recently
taken with a se\ere attack of cioup and I
thought sine 1 would lose him 1 hid seen
ChamberKiln's I'otijjh Ueincdadvertisedntil
com hided to . , and am h ippto saj that
after two doses he was tcllcuvl am1 slept till
monilng He had another attack the next
night , 1 g.uo the same iemd > and u punnpt
cure was effected I feel f cannot prilso
this lemed ) too highh h H Miilfonl ;
Park avenue , Plainllcld N.I C'h tmbi-ilain a
Cough Homed ) will not ouh eir-euoip but
will prcMMtt it Iflreeh gl\en as soonas the
child becomes lionise , or e\cn aftei the
crotipN cough appeals , It will pucnt the
attack .Several doses aie tisualh ieiilied |
There is no dancer in gh ing It fieclj as U
contains nothing inlurious
Thcri is a club of n.vtho women In .Inpnn
which has for its object the mutual mental
improvement of its membeis Sh Ldwln
Ainold addressed thrs club during his last
\lsit to the Mikado's countr )
A Child I.non )
The pleasant favor , gentle action and sooth *
ing effect of Svrup of Vigs , when in need of
a laxative , and If the father or mother bo
costho or bilious , the most gratifing losultn
follow Its use , so that it is the best family
iemed\ known and every family should ha 'o
a bottle
Mrs Stevenson , mother of the \ice piesl-
dent elect , is biteaisold She is one of the
best authorities on tlio call ) htstor ) of Kcu-
tuck )
who nro pun ) , nale ,
weak , or scrofulous ,
ought to take Doctor
1'ieieo's Golden Medical
Iisco\ory That builds
up both their flesh nnd
their stiongtu. For this ,
nniL for puiifylnc the
blo'l , hero's nothing in
all modiclno that cat )
equal the "Discovery. "
In recovering from
"Grippe , " or in con
valosccuco from pneii *
- monln , fevers , or othci
wasting diseases , It bpet llly.and surely in ?
vigoratos and builds up tire vvholo dy toiti.
As an appetising , restorative tonic. U sets
nt work nil the processes of digestion nnd
nutrition , rouses every organ into natural
nation , and brings back health and strength.
For all diseases caused by a torpid liver 01
Impure blood , Dyspepsia , Biliousness , Scrof
ulous , Skin , and Scalp Diseases oven Con
sumption ( or lame-scrofula ) In Its oarliei
stages the " Discovery" is the only giuuuil.
teed remedy.
If. It doesn't benefit or cure , in every case ,
you have your money hack.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South OrnaTia.
Host Cattle Ho and bhcep market In the wett
Wood Brothers ,
I.lvo Stock Commission Jlcrchunts.
EouthUmaha lelcpbano 1157 Lhlcaja
JOHN I ) DAIH-iMA.N , I . , . „ „ . , .
" „
" " * "
Market Ilcports by mall and wlro choerfullyt
nlshcd upon application "
Manufacturers' and
Omaha Tent-Awnln *
IIU Karnam-U
Bemls Omaha Ba3 M. 0. Daxon ,
Importers anilman fri lllcycles > old on monthlr
Hour lacki , burlapi ,
inlno. payment * m N 15th
Morse-Coa Shoe Company ,
Howard "trnit
Factory corner lllh and DoiulftiStrm'.i
VVoareinuklnifClosoprlox to cull btijon nj nra
olIlceaclainorKood. which li verj saloblo
with uiorcliantJ
Klrkendall , Jones & Amer. Hand-Sewed
COMPANY VVholoialo BHQK CO. booti.ihoii
mfr > aventt lloiton and rubber Koodi , 1JJ3-
Itubbor Htios Co IIUJ- IJ1U llarnoj St
llUI-IIOli Harnejr St
M. E. Smith & Co. , Kilpatrick-Koch Dry
Drr Boodi. nolloni , fur- Nolloni. iteuU' turnlili-
ntitiln * itooili , oornsr
Illti and HuivurdM ) . rner HI'
Omaha Upholstering Beslw & Ruuyaa
CO , unholitered furni CO , Grace
ture. I1J11101 Nleholai
HI , WUoleialuonljf. I3tb 8t >