Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Bears Balded Oorn Vigorously Yesterday
Under Beam's ' Leadership ,
Provisions Opened Htrnnp ; on thn Very
binnll Itrrrlpt * of HORH rinrtniitloiM
In Ciirn Were Unite Ulile
Stock * unil Homli ,
CHICAGO , 111. . Kcb. B. A bear raid In corn ,
led by Itenm , was wlmt attracted the most at-
tendon today on tlio Hoard of Trade. That
ccicnl closed at 11 decline of V compared with
ycMcidny. Wheat and outs show n lost of 1(0
each. I'tovlslons opened strong on the very
Mimll tcrclptsof linxsand lilKher prices than
yesterday. In coin there was for the Hist
lionrand a half only a fluctuation of V , but
tin support , which was pronounced up to this
time , was withdrawn , and then came a rapid
nnd material rliangu In thuiippoaranco ot the
pit Hi am. ( Jiirri'tt , Champlln , I'arker , lliy-
unt , and , follow Inn them , the entlro scalping
rtowd eoiiinicncid to sell , and expressed their
offerings with Hiicli persistency tint a break
followed as a natural consequence. Trade
became suddenly bilsk as thu price declined ,
and fiomITc for May down to IG'io theru
wen ; vcty heavy transactions.
f.Iilly sold oft" less , ( ho efforts of the shot t
sellers beliiKdltectcd mainly to disposing of
the May fiiliite Weakness Kept deepening up
to IhocloM' IttMin was reported to bo a heavy
( alncr on tin ) covirlnjrof a line ho had been
| irilonly ) shot t The receipts were snrill
Hilears and only'J14 arc expected for to-
tnoriow but comment was made that the mod-
cnilc ( inotatlnns of coin aio Kolnj ? around
Chicago with slocks lit the se.ibo ird acctimu-
lalliiK Then , too , low qradiu were olTerod for
fnnvaid dollvciv at a wide discount from the
prices of the speculative Kradc There was a
llhcial tr.tilo In oats and a lower r.mxu of
jii Ices , due to Increase of olTeiliiKsalid to H > m-
p.ilhv with corn. Thu market opened stead }
vvltli' < advance di'dliiid from > ( c to to V
and elo > i d ens } The iceclpls weio lltfht-I ! )
cars and ( ipcnliiK steady hut the selling was
loofne foi | ii Ices to bold up I'ail.ei sold
Kill.MX ( ) lin pii'Mimahly foi
( July a Ik-lit Im-lness was tiaiisaetPd In
wheat and the ficlliiK developed was easier
riuctu.itlonsveio conllned within ' 5c i.uw
the openliu belli ; ! about the same as jcslcr-
daj's closing , then advanced about ' c , r.ised
off and di cllned fiom 'tc to V , ruled sleadlei ,
nnd the closing was about ' 41' lowei for May
nnd fiom V to ' 41' loner for .luly than ycslet-
The icrclpts In the noitbwest were larser ,
but H vvas said that this did not signify any
thing moio than the cars which weic
blocked on no omit of thu snow v weather weio
coming foivud IKIU Cables were Kencially
loner and while some teportsof d linage weio
iecel\ed llii'icas not much confidence placed
In these Illinois Shorts , howovcr , did some
covering , llii'io evidently belli , ? some fe.iis
that cioi | scales mlL'lit develop and cieato
higher pi Ices. As a lulc opciators weio watchIng -
Ing anil nailing foi otheis to act.
l.aico tiadeis were doing but llttlo and let-
lltiK the market take care of Itself The un
certainty of the anti-options bill acts with some
Inlluencu on the market 1'iovlslons were
Irrcgulai and featuieless The bulk of I lie.
trade \\as CD dlted lo local opeiatois and
largely In the Inteiest of patties who woio
willing to accept small profits or losses.
IMIniiitrd iccelpls foi tomorion : Wheat ,
117 cms ; coin , 210cars' , oats , Hu cats , luys ,
11 OIK ) head
The lendliiK futures ranged as follows :
AIITK I IS 't N ' 111(111 low lost.
VV licat Vo 2
I ehriwry 7 11 . ' <
.lul Mil ) ) TSdt' 'TTH
Corn No 2
tebrnniy 41V , 41 41 ( Uf ,
Mnr 47H iraiTW
Jill }
31 3U4
tiny. . . ails
ilcp fork-
War ID C. 19 35 I' ) U 19 M
-May . 1300 12 00 II K u ! > ; ' *
Juliv. . . . II 70 11 711 11 M > n ou n w
May 10 tt 10 I 10 07ii 10 10
Cash limitations weio as follows :
Pi dim Dull and uncbanKcd.
WIIKAT No. 2 spiln71Uifl7la.c ; > o 3
spring. GfVftOBc ; Xo. 2 red , 71W1 \ \ \c.
Con.N No. 2 , 43c ; No. 3 cash , 30c ; No.
2 yellow. 42"jc ; No. 3 vollovv. 3U34'c.
OATS No 2 , : il'a3Pc ( ; No 2 white , f. o b ,
BCc ; No. 3 vvhltf , f o. b. , 32'JHi34tC. ' !
HYK No.2.52'c.
UAIII.KV-NO. 2 , Gtc ; No. 3 , f. o. b , 45GOc ,
No. 4. f. o. b. , 38@4C c.
TI.AX HhH'o. . lM.20ij.
TlMOTllvbn-I > Prime , $4.42'4. '
1'oiiK Mess , per bill. , now , $18.25'218 37'4 ' ;
lard , pcrlOO Ihs. , $11. J511.U7'4 ; short libs
hides , ( loose ) . $10.10310.20 ; dry salted shoul
ders ( bovedi , $9.87'JQ ' 10.00 ; short clear sides
( iKXCl ( ) . $10804410.85.
WHISKY Distillers'finished goods , par gal. ,
HunAlis-l'nchanged ; cut loaf 0 ffi5'ic :
Rianulalcd , OUc ; standaid "A5c.
Tlii ! following were the icculpts and ship
ments for today :
On thn Produce exchange todav tbo butter
markorwiissteadycteamcry ; , 2t2Hc ) : dairy.
2OS27C. KRgb , quiet ; stilctly fresh , SOUffiSlt ;
Now York
NEW YOIIK , Teh. 8. 1'i.ouit Hecelnts. 20-
800 pUgs. ; mports , 11,047 bbls. , 13,800 HiicKs ;
sales , 9,1.00 pKgs , ; matlvet dull , but gcneially
hteady : winter wheat , low grades , J2 lOtl'J.riu ;
fair to fancy , tJ.05ft'j.75 : patents , ja.ssfea.'jr ) :
Minnesota clear. I'J.GOfta.&O ; btialghts , ifJ.bO
< iJ4.50 ; patents. ? I/JA O 0' ) .
CoiiNMB\ir > btuiidy ; yellow western , } 2.75
funi.EV I'll m , quiet ; wostein.COasOci No. 2
Toronto , fMCjaSc.
U.\ui.LVJlAiT-Iull ) , steady ; westurn , G5 ®
861 * .
Wltmr Itecelpts. 17.0.101)11. : e\potts , 1R7-
710 bu. ; hales , 035.01K ) bu. futures ; 144,000
bu. spot , bpot market easier , more actlvo for
o\port , closlmt linn ; No 2 red In stoio and
rlovator , 7M4S80callat. ! ( ; ) Hl > tf48mc ; f. o. b ,
Blilb2e ( ; No. 1 northern , H&KHS'fc ; No. 1 hard ,
00itc ; No. 2 noithern , H3c ; No. 3 spring , BOc.
Upllons onenud linn at ' { is advance , fell ! 4 ©
'icon easier cable * , foreign hellliiK and local
realizing , rallied > ( c and closed weak at ' 8 >
J < e under jesterday vvlth tr.idlng slow ; No 2
red , Itritrch , 7y > < 'i70'Ilc , closing at 7U'4c ; May ,
HlJ4i ( H2'4c. oloslliKUtHl'iu '
: July , 82\83'iC.
closing at H'2\c.
COIINHecelnts , 72,000 bu ; exports , 145
bu ; sales , rjH.OOO bu. futures , 40,000 bu.
spot Spots dull , weaker ; No. 2 , 527 , < 3r > 3o In elevator -
ovator , 04li < ie54Vc alloat : iingi.iledml\ed. ( 53
' teamer mixed , 524 < 30Uc ; No. 3 , Die.
Options weio dull and 'iJjiVc loweion b'ottei'
Rradlng , Increased leceljits , fiee olleilmis and
Vestern , 381(30 1' ; whlto wojtern. 3UU4GC
II A v PI rin , f ill r demand
lloi s Quietwea ! ; .
Hun H i'nlrly active ; flrm.
IIITTTKII Quiet and steady ; western dairy ,
CUT SIKATKQuiet , llriu ; middles ijulot
' . ' .y.vJl.VHr' ' I"1'- 'inlet , steady ; old mo
tlO.25551U.75 ; now mess. If J0.70.
run siPair demand , llrm
KOHS Lower ; better supplyjrccoluts. 2,900
kRs ; western fresh , 34fft35o.
liter. Plrm.
MOI SSMNow Orleans , open kot tie. peed
to choice , fair < lemand , linn.
fl'UAiiItaw , tlrm ; fair demand ; fair relln-
Iiig. 3 l-ll e ; sales , 2,500 hag centrifugals
Ot > test , at 37-ldc , and 40O bags molasses
MI- " ' 80 test , at 2 3-lOc ; rollned oulet
fiii liio.N Dull , steady ; Amoilcan , Jl2.75a
foi'i'Hi Quiet , steady ; lake , $12.00 ,
J.KAI > Steady < liinestlc. } .l'J7't.
TIN -Quiet , llrm ; Miuli.H , tJO.20.
Omnliu rroilnrn tlurlict.
The talk on tbo market was principally re-
Itnrdlnit eggs and aiijono with Information 01
ttmthtihltct could gain an audience without
iniirb dlllk-uliy. The general trade was Mow
mid there was an absence of both receipts am
liiiyi r tlmtwo usM-ntlals for an aitivti mar-
kol Ullhlhii . xcepllon of eggH there was m
IIIPIM. riant change In the situation.
Ai'i-iit : SlK-ks ( ni hold at tJ.50ai.00 fa
fnlr In choice Htock.
IUNAKAH Quoted at $2.0 ( > Tt2.fiO per bunch
IITANM Cbolce \y.J.Ot > itJ.20 ,
IICTTKII Thn arrivals are light and the mar
hot llrm ( food country roll soils at 1I > & 20 <
nnd munll lolM of fancy loll irixid enuugh fu
I | xi IH al retail trade brings 20CtJ3c.
I AI.IMI/INIA / I'MMUm : ( JIMKl Block 2'IQ3C.
CKI KIIY Per do4tkv
( HANiiiniiirM Hell and cherry , 18.50 ; bol
and hiiKlc , 110 00 1 Jersey Cal < Cod. ( O.QO.
l id * Tim chnnxo to milder weather , the
wmkmids of eastern marUetH and largo Htockh
III Ik * bundt of local dvuk wuro tbo foaturcg
> f wpaktipxs In the egit market The receipts
mvc IH-CII iinlle largo for Iho < ea on , wlilli'llii'
'iK'iil nales have been uxceedlnttly small Tbo
inly tlilna that has .iintiilncd the market lias
H-en the fact that eastern markets wore In
neb olnipe that eggs could lie shipped out If
I hero had hi en no outlet for tetelpts except
bo local consumption the market would lm\o
M > en down to 20c long ago. The knowledge
bat the market was being sustained largely
ly the Nblppor and I ho cold weather has kept
tenters on the anxious seat and they have
) ecn leady to lake alarm at the least snow of
i decline. Plenty of eggswoio to bo had on
bo maiket at 2fic , anil a shipper claimed to
ia\o lAiught llfty cases at ( hat price ,
ncliidlng ti.o cases , which was equivalent
0 about 2lc. It Is very dllllciitt lo tell any-
blng about Ilio market at tbo present time ,
is there Is such a dllTcrcnco of opinion among
leaiers , and as thu situation * ls so liable to
iiidden changes.
( lAMi : llarillyenougli rabbits hero lo niako
1 market. Small , tl.5O ; Jacks , $4.OO.
llim.s No. 1 green , 3'ct No. 1 green salted ,
4 > jc ( ; No. 2 green salted , 3) ) ( i No. 1 green
salted , 25 to 40 Ibs. , 4 > ( c ; No. 2 green salted ,
JO to 40 Ibs. , 3'fc : No. 1 xeal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. ,
" 'ietNo 2vealcalf , 8 lo 15 Ibs. , r > 4c : No. 1
liy Hint , or 'ic ; No. 2 dry Hint , 45ic ; * > - '
Iry called , 5ifiic ! ; part cured hides d per cent
> -r p-iund less lhan fully c'.lied.
HA v riiu market Is about steady at JO.OOa
IIOSKV Choice lo fancy white clover , 183
JOc ; fair to good. 105J18C.
I.KUIINS Choice to fancy. $3.754.)0 ( )
M illAl'FS-OoodslilpplngstockH.50. .
NUTS lai go hickory , $1.U5 ; black walnuts'
1 0031.25
otsrt its The local market Is steady at 20JS
2o per can.
ONIONS Homo grown , $1.00 per bushel ;
"panlsh net crate , $1 90JJ2.00.
OIUMIM The market Is about steady ,
"l/os 170 to 220 are minted at $ .1.75 for rns-
settsandfJ.OO foi brlghts. Sl/es 250 to 320
no iuoted | at $2 75 for brlghts and $2.50 for
ussutts. Tangeilnes , put up In half boxes ,
' 1 00.
Pot'MHY Uecelpts continue extiemely
iL'hl. Piincy chickens , I Ii7 ( > 12c ; good fowls ,
SlOc : cholco turkeys , 1410c ; geese and
lucks , IDJillc.
I'OTvrom only small lots moving fiom
store Western Nebraska stock Is iUoted | at
85c ; riuh and Colorado , UOc < ill.UO ; cbolco
atlvc 75USOC.
SVVH-T POTVTOJS There area few In the
naiket which are selling at $4.00.
Vt vi. ( liolco and fat small \c.Ui , 8(2.lOo ( ;
aige and thin , 3fiOc.
1'HODUCn roi.NTiius.
A report fiom llalllmoro s.ijs : "Selects are
ery bard to gel \Vhllntholco has Miftencd
ind Is bieaklng up , the dilfl Ice will cause
rouble aim pievent In a gteat measure the
xi.tts fiom catcbhu stock. "
A great deal Is being said In the pipers and
) > commission men regarding tin commission
louses In ( blcngo that send out decoy iiuota-
lens for the purpose of deceit ln > i shippers
nto consigning to them. \ \ bile It Is doubtful
f this practice can bo suppicssed the discus-
Ion ot Ibo subject may tend to post .shlppois
mil lead them to loall/o that the house which
the highest pllces usually makes the
owesl letutns.
It would appear that there are snide
louses engaged In the oystei business as well
islnothet lines of ttade. A circular was 10-
elved fiom a II iltlmoio house jesterd ly glv-
ng pi Ices on stock way behivv what It was pos
sible foi old and reliable bouses to quote.
\MilIoltls Impossible to catch any one who
imleistands his business with such printed
natter there Is no doubt but what a great
naiiv businessmen are taken In by Just such
catch adveitlsements as this.
Ivatle Prank has sold her South Omaha
Wiirien i Hoover , tailors at Palrbuiy , have
JosluSt D'Ment , druggist at Crab Oichard ,
ias moved to SmallIllo. .
Uiisl Odencrant/ closed out his confec-
.loneiy business at ( Jothenburg.
( I > Kelly A , Co , In tbo haidwaio business
it l.lncolii , lias been closed on a chattel mort
age of $11,340
Thorn is Cocluan V Co , Lincoln grain men ,
i.ivo sob ) out their business at NeUon to
Isham Mai Ion.
Plelschman , t < lelnberg A. Levin hao filed
ntlcles of p.utneishlp and will do u meat
inai Let business In Omaha
Hullei \ l'oi | | ) vvholmNO been In the meat
naiket and grocery business at Palibtiry ,
mve been succeeduf by A. Popp.
The llawkevo Commission comp-iny , grain
mil piov Islon Inokeis , li.ive op'iied fur 1)11-1- 212 New Voik l.lfo building.
Oil M'irlu't.
Ni.w YORK , Pel ) . 8. ' peculation In petro-
ouni cci tlllcatcs was more restricted todav
hough a Hun temper marked the limited
: iaiisactlons. There were no sales on the
' -lock oxch ingo , but at the Consolidated boaid
1 Him opjnlng at 54'tC was followed by a ilsu
lo 04\e ; closing oir at the latter price.
Opening , 54' ' c ; highest , 54V : lowest , 54 ! > c ;
closing 5 P.c. Sales. 10,000 bbls.
Tu.iow Mrong , active ; city ( $2.00 for
, ikgs. ) 7' c asked.
COTTON Si.ri ) On. More active , firm.
HOSIN Quiet , fair demand.
TtlHl'K.NTINh I'llIII , 35(230'J. ( '
Livi iirtioi , , Peb. b. I.AIIU Pilme westein ;
CDs per cwt
Trni'i-NTiNnSi'iiiiTS 24s Cd per cwt.
I.I.NSI.MI Ou < 2'Jnpcrrnt.
pet iimilei. |
ruiii'KNTiMSi'iiiiw : 24s 4'idpei cwt.
St. I.niiU .Market I.
ST. Lotus , Mo , Peb , 8. 1't.ouil Dull and
\Vm : IT Slow and easier ; closlmr about ' .c
below vesti'idayicash , ( > 0'c ; May 73'573tc ;
July. 74\c.
C.OIIN Veiy slow and closing 'ic lower , cash ,
aye ; Slaich , 40UC ; Slay , 421,5i 2'c ; July.
: ) U'Q.43'c. '
OvTS-Lowei ; cash , 31 < Jo bid ; Slay , 34 tc.
lUK-Illgher ; OOc.
llAiu.i\ ; Quiet , Minnesota sold 07c.
Ilui Tfn Unchanged.
Kims Lower ; 27o.
-Ulghui$11.87'i. ; .
POIIK I'ncbaiiged.
IthCril'TS-Plour , II.COO bbls ; wheat , 38,000
bu : corn , 110,000 bu. ; oals , 11,000 bu. ; rye ,
none ; bailey , none.
.Siiil'MLNTH Plour. 8,000 bbls ; wheat , 31-
000 tin , ; coin , 14.0JO bu. ; oats , 12,000 bu ;
lie , 3,000 bu. ; harlov , 1,000 bu.
Kansas City Markets.
CITY , SIo. , P b. 8. WIIKAT > ; c
lower ; No. 2 bald , OGJiaOG'Jc ; No. 2 icd , 71'
< S72e.
Cons Weak ; No. 2 mixed , 35'a3Cc ; No. 2
white , ! Hiic.
O TS Palrdiiniand ; No. 2 mixed , 20 ! c ; No.
2 white , 3m31'c.
KVK Steady at 52'5c. '
Pn.xshKO-IIIgher ; $1.07(21.09. (
lilt \s-Mrong : 01(3 ( ( > 2c.
IIAV-Cholcc , $1.00 higher ; timothy , J8.00S
9.50 ; pintle , $ G.OX1i8.00. (
IltirTUt Light demand and dull ; creamery ,
24ft28c ; dairy , 17dHOc.
Kilils Wetik : 24G20c.
HucPli'TS-\\hoat , 71,000 bu. ; corn , 06,000
bn , ; oats , none.
hiui'MfcMS Wheat , 48,000 bu. ; corn , 0.000
bu.o.its ; , 8,000 bu.
Wool Market.
LONDON , Peb. 8. At the wool sales today
Hi.OOO bales , consisting largely of merinos ,
wore ottered Tbero was a f Ir attendance ,
and the competition was generally actlvo.
Tbeio wasa falrsbovv of cross-breeds , which
sold briskly Capo of ( ioud Hope and Natal
gieasles were In good lequest. Holders In
many places weie not dl-posod to take prices.
Ceiman puicbasers were actlvo. Prencn and
American Iniyors weio moderately so. Pilcos
woiu uncban ; ed.
Cnllitu M trkut.
Ntw YOIIK , Peb 8. Options opened steady
and unchanged to 10points ii | ) , closing.steady ,
U ) points up to 15 points down ; sales , 3i,75O (
bags , Including lobiuary , $17. ( 0
. > ; March ,
. . .
* iTf.rk'TiB Ti. .uii AiTi kdiTor. . ( . . . . diHin.
hpot Hlo , ( julet , bteady ; No. 7 ,
tl820 10318.37"
Cotton .Market.
NKVV OIII.KVNS , In. . 1Mb. 8-Weak and
Irregulai ; nilddllng , 0 13-lfie ; low middling.
H'sOj good orillnaty , ti\c ; nut receipts , 4,427
bales : BUMS , ii.0.10 Imles ; exports to 1 itince ,
ti.'JOO bales ; coistwlse , 2.0U5 bales ; bales ,
2,700 bales ; slock. 324,412 bales.
Mll\\nuked ( iriln .Murkitt.
MII.VVtiKfci : , WIs , Peb. 8. WiihAT Steady ;
May , 70 > , c ; No. 2 spring. b'Jc.
I'oitN Me.uly ; No 3 , 4142c.
\ra-No. . 2 white , 35'e ; No. 3 , 83Q344c.
lUui.KV 03e.
l.l\erpool Murlu'ti.
I.iVFiU'OOi , , Pel ) fl.-WiiK\T-Stcady ; do
nundfalr ; holders olfer modurately.
L'OU.N Mrudy ; doniand fair ; mixed weMt-rn ,
olil,4s7jd ( purcental ; mixed \tostcrn , new , 4s
7d per cental. _
Srrurltlr * AVcre Aealu t'nilor ' thn Intlnrnro
of tint Guhl .Miitoiiicnt.
NKW YOIIK , Peb. 8. Tlio MocK marKet was
iiiialn uiidi'r Ibo Inlluencu of tlio gold mo\u
nient , and In \ lew of tlio pie pccts for the fu-
tuiuconncctiMl with that imncmcnt.dlbplajcd
niaiUed slrungMi , though the tlnal clmnijcs uru
almost invariably losses. This Inllni'iico was
l > aramount today , wlillo holders dlsila ] > ed re
luctanco to part with their securities the buyIng -
Ing ponur Is rextrauu and encoiiraKement
Kl\i-u thu bears lo attack \ulni > rahit ! polntn.
There was conslderalilu pressure upon the
Bianisris , amUlockhha\lag an Intcrn.Ulonal
marl.i-t and brokers Idvntllled with the lead-
Ins bear operators were aetUo In depressln ; ;
tin's. ) hhari's. Thu utreofH distrust of Ills-
tlllerH llnanelal condition resulted In u decline
of from 4 1 > 4 to 391 , , and. althouKh the Into rally
of 1 per emit occurred. Us tlnal loss was S per
ctmt , Dclawaru
4 IJudsou ictlred 1 per cent
and Ihn exlremo decllnM ninniiK the Rranncr
and n few Micclaltli" * ranged up to 1't p r
cent New Ptiuland , Hi Paul , Itoi-U liland and
Omaha all Icd In the rarly decline , the llr l
named feeling directly the fnllncnco of the ab
sorption of the Old Colony by tint New lla\en.
AniotiKthu pet laities Miinliiittan was most
i pronilncnt.droppliiK fiotu UK)1 ) , last nlRht to
104 , but tallied nflernar d I1 , percent. The
market tallied mateitally when HieMicrt had
had time to digest thn heavy estimates of gold
In the Immediate future , which ranued up to
JHlH > 0OOil. The cloMi was geneially llrm at
fractional gains tM > r the lowest prices ,
The I'ixt says : It was only by Mtonu er-
foils that thu Block market was kept steady
at HID opening today and the temper of tlio
room In the early hour was unmistakably
bearish , This was due to causes not fai to
seek. Stocks have been steadily advancing of
late and some nro at nearly top prices. To
maintain this upnaid movement demands
favorable conditions , and the o were lacking.
In the ( Irst place , the piobablllty of u largo
gold shipment on Saturday seemed morn cer
tain , and especially on account of the changed
conditions of foreign exchange. Then the be-
llnChas become mote asstticd that nothing
further ulll bo done during thn present ses
sion of congress toward lepeallnK the sliver
purchase act. The grangets had a separate
cause of depression on account of thu threat
ened iniMir tumbles In the west.
The following are the closing quotations
the leading stocks on the Now York block ex
change today :
Alculsou metric .
Adnins Kllircss . l.'J TO | proforreil
Alton , T II . . Den A Dull
ilo prcfurrud. , Northwestern
Amorlcnn Kx | > ruei do prdferrvit 145
llnltluiorn A Ohio N.V Central
Canada Pacific Wl N V AN. V. . . .
I anniln Southern W'JIOnlarto A Western.
Centra ! I'acltla 27't Oregon Imp
Cliei A Ohio . . 24H Orcuon Nnv . . . . 81i
CulcaKO Alton . . . 44 Ore M K A U N . . iH \
0 II .V g 1Mb I'ncltlo Mall . . . .
Chicago ( lad . ! KJ4 I'corla , Dec A K
Consolidated Qa > 131 I'ltUbnrit . . . no
0 U C. A hi 1 * W I'ulluma 1'alaco
( ottnnOll Cert. . . . i < M llemllnx . . .
Del lludion 1.MH lllchmouil'lcrmlnal
I ) . I. A W . 1.V1 do iiroforroil
I ) & It I ) | > M . , tl't Illo ( iraiula VV 2J
I ) i L K Co 4UM ilo proferroil Cl
1 nst'lenn lto < k Inland 8(1 (
Krle St I , A * P Isl I'fd 75
do preferred K M I'niil . . . BU
fort \vnrnc . . . 155 < lo pruferreil
( U Northern pfd 140 " > t 1'nul AOinalin.
( ' . A 1C I pfd 140.W' do preferred . .
IlocUiiK Vnllpjr. . . , .W' < 'outliorn 1'uciac
Illinois Central . . , " . Iteflnery .
M I'aul.t Dllliltli 4US Icnn Conl A Irjn
Kan A 'lex pfd Vi't Tuxns 1'nittlu . .
l.ako Krle A Went ll4 ! lol AO lent | fcl.
doprufcrraJ . . . 77 > J Union I'arlllc . . . .
I.nkeMioro . . . 123H , i ; H K.M'ri'H
Lend Trust . . . . 47li\V' | M I , A 1'
1 uuIs Jc.Nath , 74'jl do orcferrod
lolit * * Now Alb y 24 Wells Fnrito i : p . 145
Manhattan Con IM1 * ! Western Union 145JO
Memphis A C 4J 'Wb ' ollnit AUK. . JO
Michigan Central lo.i 1 < ilu tirufcrud.
Mluourl I'ncltlc MH Vllna A St I ,
llobllo.t Ohio . . . . Jl'f It A It 11
hTlllo Chatt 87 ( icnernl Klectrlc . 1IOK
Nat'l Cordaffo new 74K.N'ntlonnl Unaecd. . , ' " > i
ilo proferreil II4 C 1-nel A Iron . . . 70
N .1 Central 127 1 do pro erred 1U8
Norfolk A VV pf.l .li.Ulllous A Tex Can . IU
N'orth Aiuerlcin lo II i
The total s ties of stocks today w ( ro 307.3(10 (
hh.ires , Incltidlm ; : AtcliUon. 3,200 : Iturllni-
on. 7,000 ; rhlc.-iRo ( ias , 'J GOO ; Cotton OH ,
4,000 ; Dlstllllmi , 3'J.OOO ; I.oulsvlllo .v. Nash-
vllle,3,000 ; Missouri I'aclllc. 1,400 ; National
Lead , 5.HOO ; National I'oidaco , 11,000 ; New
: iKland ) , 1,1)00 ; Noilhern I'aclHc piefeired ,
J.)00 ! ) : Notthwestern , 4.00P ; KradliiK , 4'2,000 ;
Klchniond Terminal. fi3BOO ; bt. I'aul , 32,400 ;
St. Paul A. Omaha , 11 000 ; f-URiir , 10,000.
London I'lnanrlul Ituvluvv.
( Cnpin lylittil 1803 hy Janm ( Jnnlnn Itenntlt ]
LONDON , Pel ) 8. [ N'ew York Herald f'ablo
Special to Tin ; HhK 1 There has not been
much dohiK on the Stock exchange , the iiilet- |
iiuss Kcently pruvalllii ) ; buliiR ( 'iinnncod by
ho fact that iittiMitlon has been directed by
[ he .irraiiKcmcnt for the settlement. Puiiils ,
lowever , aiu distinctly hcttci. Consols , foi
mill money and the account , advanced.
AIIIOIIK Iltlllsb lallw.iys * the tone
lot been Inspliln . Movements weiu
list niostlj donnward , with a recov-
< iy later. The features have been a
'nil of 1 pillnt In Mieflield and a llK ) upward
Jump In llilxhton , which was subsequently
lost. The foreign maiket imaln linn ,
Prcnch rentes leadliu the way with a sllulit
advance. Spanish .ind l'ortiiiie-.u ) both hn-
iiioved In connection \\ltli the somewhat
lietlei new > as to thoflnancl.iloutlook In tlio-o
ountilcs. i : } pllins weio In some demand
and the advance In AiRentlnu secuiltles ,
noticeable jestorday , has been continued.
Amei leans , with few exceptions , closu
( lull , due lo the closlm ; of u
nttnibei of accounts and the absence of New
Yoiksupport , wlillo a certain iiiimbi-i of onui-
atoisgol It Into their heads that labor troitnles
ate Impending. Notfolk Westetn profeiencu
h is fallen 1 pci cent , Loulsvlllo .x. N.ishv Illo
per cent and sax etui others from ' to S jier
cent. On the other hand Wab.ish Issues ad
vanced 3i to 7 percent and Missouri , Kansas
X Texas ' ) per cent. Can.iilliins woie Hat ,
having been fieely olTeied Theio was veiy
Httlu Imiulry for money. Shoit loans were
obtained at 'i ' to ? .i per cunt. The discount
market was tilsoiinlot ; two and llneo months
bills being iiuoted at 1' ( to i\ per cent.
Xoiv York Jioney .Market.
NKW YOIIK , Peb. 8. MO.NKV o.v CAM-
Plimat l'i ' 2 per cent ; last loan 2 pur cent ;
closed olfeied i ! per cent.
I'niME MI.IIC V.STII.K PAPCII t'i0 per cent.
hTKUUMi KxctivMii : ( julct , nut Him with
actual business In b.inkers' bills at $4.bGf } for
sixty-day bills and f-1.88 for demaml.
OovciiNxitNT HOMIS Dull and heavy , btato
bonds dull .ind steady.
riio closing iiuututions on bonds :
U S. 4s reit I I.I Norliitirn I'ur 'nds
I ) a. 4s coup 111 N.V Consols . . . . in
U. S. 4M re * 103 do deban 6s . . inbit
I'aclllL'on of ' .r , 1115 S U A. I .M ( icn 5s bit
I/ouUlana jt'iieil 4 > )7Wi ! ) h * 8 F ( ion M. in
Tenn new ttu . . Wi tit. I'aul Cousom
Tenn nuiv set 5s . 101 1. ! C. A I' , lets . .
Tunu liontot.Is 75 i' 1 > . I. ( i Tr , Hcts
Canada So. * ai\j. \ , 101 I' . 1' 1 ! ( I Tr. Hcti
( < ni. I'nclHc lets 10J Union I'aclllc Ists
I ) A. II ( i. lets . . . 118 WoUSlioro
I ) . A U. ( i 4s . . . ( OV 1st
Krlo 2nds UCU 49
it. K AT ( ion ( js Vtcli Ha , class A.
M K AT ( ien &s . 40 , U II Jt 8 A.lis . .
Mutual Union Oa . 111 do ' . ' ( Jos Sl7
N. J C. Int. Cert. HIT * II A 1' . C. 5s 105
Northern 1'nc Uts 1IH-1 II A r ( Cms fis. 104
linstnn St ick Ouot itloiiK.
BOSTON , Mass , Pob. 8. Call loans , 3'fat'j ;
time loans , G. Thu following are thu clos
ing stock quotations :
Atchbun A'lVpeka. KOHrtmr/u
Iloston .V Albany. . -'III Osc.'iilii EliW
Iloston A Maluu. . . KoH Qulncy IU > < 4
I' . , 11 A. y 10J > 8 Minta To Copper. . . It
Ktutorn iv It Is 13UJ4 Tamarack 1C !
HtchburKlt tt lifd. J4 AnnlBioa I.iuirt Co. . It
K. C. M. J. & C. 11 78 120 llostnn Land Co. .
.Ma i. Central 12020M Ucst I2nd l.init Co.
N. Y A .N. Knyland. t'JH Hull Telephone
OldColonjr 210 I. imson Stort ) S
Allouoz M C' . ( now ) . . ! ' < Water I'owt'r
Atlnntlc 10 C M
Iloston A Mont . Si N. IS T
Calumet A. Ilecln. , 30.i II A. 11
l-ranklln Oca 1'k'o
San I'rnncUco .Mining Storks.
SAN'PiUNClsCO , Cat. Peb 8. Tlio
closing iiuotatlonij for mining stocks today
were as follows :
Alia If , Jlono s
Ilulwor 13 Mexican ISJ
llclchcr 75 Ophli SIO
lli-st A Iloloher . . 110 I'otoal MO
I'odlo < 'on 10 Savaxo lu.'i
Chollar. Ul Slcrrn Nevada. . . . 1J5
Con ! A Vo . . S15 Union Con 10)
Crown 1'olnt b5 Mali ii
Uould A Curry . . 9J Vcllotr Jackut U )
Hale A Xorcross 12J
N < ) York Mining 4 > uiitntlons.
NKVV YOIIK , Pub. 8 The following are the
closing mining quotations :
Crnnn I'olnl tU I'lymouth
Con Cal \ Vn . . . J < 0 Blerrn Nerada '
Deadwond . . . 1.13 standard 160
Oould and Curry. . . . UO Union Con 10J
llnle and Norcroan 11J VelloiT Jacket . US
llomesttko Hi Iron Silver 41
Mexican . . 10U ( Julckliver Vxj
Ontnrlo . . . . .U75 do proferrud ITCO
Utlilr . 1W llulwur IS
St. I.ouls Iliiln ( Jiiotittlons.
ST. LOIIIH , SIo , fob. 8. The closing quo
tations of the mining stocks weio as follows :
Aclnins . t .bo II (10 ( Klliabotli I7 > n J .60
AID .Set . . 20 Hope . . . a 60 4 UO
lUuietnlllc. 10 Hniall lips. , k& .W
( irnnlta . .1 ' .0 4 ta .Montroxo 43 . . .
I'lll.tiul.ll Nole * .
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , 1'ob. 8. Clearings , II , .
I'Aius , I'eh 8. Three per cent rentes 08f
2ie for the account.
NKVV YOIIK , Tub. 8. Clearings , $117,030.-
350 ; balances , J5.935.532.
HAI.TIVIOIIE , Md. . 1'eb 8 Clearings , $2,201-
813 ; balances , { 441,10(1. Money , U percent.
IMniMDPi'l'iilA , 1'a , I'eb. 8. ClearlngK ,
$12,082.050 ; balances , $1,730,54.3. Money. 4
LONDON , Pob. 8. Amount of bullion wltli-
diavvn from the Hank of Knghuid on balance
today , 100,000
CINCINNATI , O , Tub. 8 Now York ex
change , par and 15e premium. I learlngs
2,13 .800. Money , 3'iOlle. '
ST. Loins , Mo. I'eb. H. riunrliiRs , } 3f > 07-
018 : balances. 52lJltl. Money , qiilul at Uf&7
per I'unU i\chaiigo : on Nuvv'Votk , 25e
IIOSTON , Mass. , Tel ) . 8. Clearings , $17.684-
470 ; balanceK. $ l,82Olt > 3. Moiinr , 4 per
cent. KxchancQ on New York , lOc to 1 7t
NhW YOIIK , Peb. H.IHpeclal Telegram t <
THU ttbf.l Kxchangt' was quoted is followM
today : Chicago , 25c discount ; Iloston , lotf ,
17c discount ; M. Louis , 20u discount.
l IIICAOO. III. . Peb. 8. Clearings , $10,733-
043. New York exchange , 25c discount.
.Sterling exchange , tlrini sixty-day hills.
$4.80 ! < ! sight , $4.88Stnney , easy at 4QO
percent. _
St. l.ouU I.It u I Stock .Market.
ST. Louis , Mo , Pob. a , I'ATTi.K ' Receipt
3,100 ; sblurnuuts , 2,200 ; market active uud
natives , J3 | fed Texas iceM (
' 3 UMt ! I (11. (
lions fiblpnienls , n.HOOi
l * 7
. ,
" Itecelpl MKM idilmneiiK 1.20" .
llrtiii "natives- , , ( .0Trtl ) 50 ; choice muttons
i.ivi : SKJCK si.vitKirs. :
Cattle Supply ( ) qd | | nnd Deinanil StroiiR
lldghstill Srurre.
OVIAIIA , IVb. 8. Kl-l-elpls for the week so far
.how a decrease ( of , alxnit 2,500 cattle and
ti.OOO hogs , with an Increase of 1,500 sheep.
The run of cattle was a llitlu above the
ivcrage. both In-rjnantlty and timllty | , but
v In the shipping and ev-
iort deiimtid thu supply vvas none lee large
'or the demand. Tiado was brisk and gener
illy on the basis of steady pilces. lloth out-
Idors and buyers for local houses paid fiom
> CO to t5.35 for good to choice 1,200 to 1,400-
b. beeves , and fair to good 1,000 to 1,200-lb.
steers nold readily at from $1.00 to $4.55.
1'nlr to poor stuff sold at fiomtl.OO down. The
narki't seemed to weaken toward the close ,
Jut taken as a whole It was a fairly satisfac
tory market from the sellers' standpoint , and
ihcro was little of any consequence unsold at
lln1 close.
The butchers'stock market vvas unevenly
stronger some of the buyers called It 5c to
lOc higher than Tuesday. Oireilngs weie not
lee liberal , and with a good general demand
lie cows and heifers hair about all changed
liamls by noon. I'alr lo good siuir sold mostly
it fiom * 2.60 to $3 50 All kinds of rough
stock sold stronger , the bulk mound $2 5O < i8
f.1.25. Calves were not ollercd veiy freely ,
Imt the demand Is good and pilces i tiled Htm
uoundtJOO to $5 50
There was mote life and snap to Ihestocker
ind feedet trade , and some little firming up of
irlces. This has been naitly In sjmpathy
with the advance In beef cattle values , and
laitly on account of greatly i educed supplies. dealets lepoit a good Inqiiliy fiom
Iliecoiinti } , and the geneial ttadu Is looking
.ip again. Kepiesenlatlve sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
. 520 $3 25 31. 1041 . $1 20
17 810 3 45 39 1107 4 20
5 ! > ( > ( > 3 50 30 1054 4 20
1 J20 3 50 10 not 4 20
3 1120 3 50 34 1184 4 25
4 . U80 3 dO 1050 4 25
3 .1133 3 l > 5 1127 4 30
4 . . 900 3 75 10 1150 4 30
3 1010 3 75 18 . 1009 35
920 3 75 20 1100 30
10 10 ( > 2 3 8(1 ( 18 1208 35
13 . MO 3 hO 19 1153 30
0 . 983 3 85 9 1095 40
955 3 00 13 1223 40
8Ii . 015 3 1IO 18 H)8. ) ) 40
Ii 930 3 1)0 ) 18 1144 4 41) )
44 939 3 UO 40 1170 4 40
Kill 3 ' .10 81 1087 4 40
8 1143 4 110 20 1215 4 40
1030 4 ( HI CO .12J.1 00
14 'HO 4 00 40 .1129 50
17 1137 ' 4 00 17 1203 00
JO 1010 4 OO 40 1171 05
48 1090 4 05 2 ( ) 1220 ( .0
J8 1018 4 (15 ( 17 1305 4 00
11 1000 4 05 18 1208 4 ( )0
37 1000 05 22 1299 4 70
H ! 1117 I 10 5 1208 4 70
1O70 4 15 20 1345 4 75
1115 4 15 2 * 1245 4 75
9 1080 4 15 10 .1307 5 00
37 1110 4 15 40 .1370 5 20
10 1030 I 10
Sllll'l'INO AM ) KXI'OIIT.
20 1038 4 00 18 1422 4 75
1 1180 4 00 19 . 1435 4 80
20 .ll')9 ) 4 30 dO 1307 4 80
28 .1102 4 40 19 130.1 4 80
21 .1201 4 00 21 1295 4 85
34 1197 4 O2'i 38 1254 4 80
17 . 1229 IV 21 121 t 4 80
57 1231 7l 34 .1335 4 05
20 1208 70 no ' .1328 0 10
20 122J 70 18. 1373 5 35
, M I.ED. .
12 059 3 ! ( /
1 . 010 1 35 1 .1100 2 80
1 . 820 1 50' 0 . 800 2 ) ( >
17 . 772 1,90 47 . 8J5 2 00
15 ( > M 2 00 1 1130 2 00
(1T . 0.20 2 OO 25o . 800 2 05
T 8bO 2U ( ) > o . 970 3 00
i 1010 2 00' ' 9 . 941 3 00
i 0.10 2 00 1o . 870- 3 00
i 900 2 00 o . 900 3 00
i 10 Ml 2.00 , 1 . 9')0 ) 3 00
u 81,1 2'lO ' 4 . 770 3 00
o 840 2 20 1 . 820 3 00
3 880 2.25 _ I . 990 3 00
1 890 13 1081 3 00
1075 18 . 992 3 05
1000 2 25 4 700 3 10
1005 2(2b' ' 4 1130 3 10
1 990 2 25" ' 10 1098 3 15
3 . 743 * * o . 983 3 20
. 970 2 25 2l , 980 3 25
14 859 2 30 ' Id 981 3 25
9 913 tt 35 ufb .1020 3 20
11 DIG 2 35 23 1052 3 30
5 . 904 2 35 21 , 1047 3 30
1040 2 35 15 1078 3 30
1010 2 35 20 . 928 3 30
10 ' . 908 2 40 4 . 947 3 30
1 1020 2 45 0 .1003 3 30
15 7 < > u 2 50 no .1088 3 30
20 . 951 2 50 11 . 9JO 3 40
2 . 940 2 50 12 910 3 40
1 . bOO 2 50 10 1007 3 40
5 804 2 50 1 ( ) 071 3 40
3 .1130 2 50 10 1110 3 40
090 2 50 1. 840 3 40
17 919 2 50 44 .1043 3 40
28 . 837 2 ( > 5 19 1140 3 40
18 , 940 2 70 IbO . 037 3 50
( > 950 2 75 O .1080 3 00
11U . 082 2 75 37 1137 3 00
U . 873 2 75 1 1050 3 00
1 .lOlil ) 275 1 .1100 3 00
1O 1070 2 75 3 1110 3 00
O .1010 2 75
2t 1031 3 50
. 800 2 75 id , .1001 3 GO
II 103 t 2 75 18 980 3 75
17 .1043 2 80 4 1250 3 75
18 945 2 80 1 2020 4 20
3 .1050 2 85
340 2 10 8 . 812 3 SO
8 . 42H 2 10 1 500 3 30
3 . . 713 2 50 1 1180 3 75
o ' . 490 2 85 1. .1400 3 85
43. . , . ( > 81 2 b5 1 .10.10 3 80
1 . .1400 2 85 1 ( > .1009 3 85
17. . . ( > 42 3 00 47 . 901 3 85
11. . . 483 3 30 1. .1000 4 00
1. . . 380 1 75 . 110 0 25
I . 80 2 00 . 100 5 50
1. . . 180 2 00 . 140 5 50
5 . . 382 2 50 . 130 5 50
. 300 3 00 . 120 5 50
. 293 3 00 . 140 5 50
. 120 4 75 . 95 3 00
1. . , 120 5 00 . 132 5 50
1. . . 140 5 OO . 150 5 00
1 . . 210 5 00 . 120 5 00
. 205 5 00 . 410 3 30
. 170 5 25 . 180 5 50
. 000 > 2 1410 3 00
1250 i 1 .1700 8 OO
1200 J 1 1030 3 00
.1300 ) 1 1370 3 00
1 .1150 ) 2 .1020 3 00
4 .1105 1 1 1400 3 00
1 H.50 ) 1 .1340 3 00
1 .1520 i 1 111,0 3 00
1 . 01.0 I 1 13110 3 10
1 .1150 ) 1 1070 3 10
1o 1170 ) 1 1080 3 10
1T' . 070 J 1 1380 3 15
T' . 700 ) 1 1550 3 25
i . 1700 3 25
i 1440 1300 3 30
i . 1280 1020 3 35
i 1100 1520 3 45
ii ii 1490 .10:15 : 3 5 ( >
i . 1220 120O 3 01) )
3 . .1313 .1040 3 50
3. .1393 .1200 2 50
1 . .1100
1 1100 1410 3 75
1 . 1200 .1110 3 70
1 .1040 .1400 4 12 > ,
- ox us.
.1930 3,95 ,
12 . 302 2 10 1 000 3 30
3. . MM ; 2T25. 4 . 780 3 35
14 700 0. . 711 3 00
1. ooo 11 527 3 00
1 830 2 50 . 8 ( > 8 3 ( .0
5 , 048 2 cm 005 2 25
1. 350 BffH . COO 3 OO
13 431 2'70' ' . 880 3 00
1 700 " 76" 420 3 00
7. 430 851 3 30
480 740 3 40
21 003 3 OO 871 3 40
12 04d H'Urt ' 025 3 ( .0 .
4 005 3l'JO" 1080 4 115
HiM.8 The run .was again below general ex
pectations , the derii'.isu so far this vvtek com
pared with last being In the nelghhoihoodof
5,000 hogs , liiqimt ly tbo ho.'s continue fall ,
although the mer.lgo vvt'Uht Is running about
ten pound * lighter than a month ago , and
nearly forty pound * , lighter than a year ago.
There was an active hhlppln ilemaml foi
both heavy and light hogs and home activity
among local speculatou. AH local houses
were also In It and with hottot markets east
pilces advanced 5c to lOc on all grades. Par |
to good hogM of all weights Mild largely al
fiom $7.90 to$8.00. vv llli sales of good tocbolco
butcher and heavy weight hogs scatlojlng up
to * 8 111 and pool light * as low as$7.00. Pig ,
nnd iindoi weight stulffold as low as $7.OO and
$7.51) ) , 'I he pens wri > denied by tbo middle of
HIII foii'tioon. Hi" hulk hclllm ; at fiom $7,90 In
$8.00. agaliisi $7 85 to $7.00 Tuesday and $7.bO
toS7.85 lust Wednesday.
\veiagepilcestodiij were higher than evei
before on tills imiikcl and hogs are now helling
lOohlgbei than a week ago , l.Oc higher than a
month ago , * )45 ) highJr than a year ago and
$4.00 hlgbei than twoy mi * ago.
No AV Mi Pr MJ. B\v. Ml Pr.
UK. 1 5 40 57 5 u. : . ! . ! ! 80 $7 95
73 1'JI 40 7 t U ' 25 \ 7 95
142 ,1)0 ) bO 7 b. ' : Ol' . . .42 100 7 05
0 40 7 85 76 UH bO 7 00
52 8(1 ( 7 85 1M ( 2J5 200 7 05
04 UO 7 85 M , 241 120 7 05
04I. . 2UO 40 7 b5 1,5 aaa 120 7 05
14 21U ; 85 73 229 12(1 7 05
4. . . . 232 7 BO 00 , , .205 4U 7 05
77f. sin HO 7 00 240 7 Ofi
f. a i a HO t no HI 19 J 120 7 95
( .3 209 100 7 00 77 SOU 21 HI 8 no
24 22ft 7 90 ( .0 212 Kill H ( HI
70 . 217 40 7 UO 04 250 120 8 (10 (
0 221 7 00 02 273 Kid H 00
85 . I HI ) 40 7 00 70 231 80 H 110
70 234 7 IM ) 20 217 H 00
01 210 320 7 UO 55 301 awl H 00
83 105 7 00 ( , 'l 273 40 8 110
60. 212 200 7 00 74 252 HO H 1)0 )
4 . 190 7 00 00 301 ! ! ( > ( ) H 1)0 )
7 202 7 00 5 J02 H ( M )
80. 100 7 1124 05 240 12O H (10 (
88. .231 100 7 021 , 03. 2(10 ( 80 8 05
12 217 7 O2'i 71 281 120 8 1)5 )
71 23(1 ( iTo 7 O.-i 01 278 320 8 05
01. .215 200 7 05 10 , 287 8 00
1,1) , ) 2.14 7 05 ( .4 270 H O7'i
23 285 7 05 70 294 100 H O7'i
70 2.12 80 7 05 or. 249 8 10
(11 ( 200 120 7 05 02 250 Tat ) H 10
07 220 7 05 2. ) , 200 H 10
75 220 280 7 05 58 2.10 H 10
81 . 228 80 7 05 47 321 40 8 10
1'KIS AM ) itoftlll.
8 . 00 5 00 07 100 120 7 00
81 1 17 & 0 7 00 1 140 7 76
Siirrp Three fresli loads were received , one
of them hilled direct lo hwlft .V. Co. Kvery-
tblng desirable ottered sold readllv. The mar
ket Is quulnhly strong , demand good. Pair to
good natives , $ ,1.75teO.K ( ) ; fair lo good west-
ems , $ .1.5oa5.00 : common and stock sheep ,
$2.20'a3.75j good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs ,
Heptesentatlve sales.
No. Av. I'r.
114 western wethers . . 102 $ I 05
13 bucks . . . . 140 3 50
Odowes . . . . 07 4 50
IterelpI * and Dlsp xltlnn of Sltipk.
Olllclal tecelptsan I disposition of MO'k us
shown by the imoksof th.i ITnlonMock Yards
comp-iti } fort ho tw cut v-foili bouts , ending al 5
o clock p. m. roht tuny H , 180J :
IIKCl II'T < .
nr\ iis
Oiuatm I'ackltiK to .w
Tim I , . U. llninmoml lo . LSI ,
IwlftA Co 'ISJ !
'lliH ( inlnliy I'ucklnu Co .
Jnlm I' Siilrci | A. Co
Kbunii X Cu 88J
A. llnus 102
II lli'Lker \ DoK.ia II
S' 'opurs ' nnd feeders . . . . I , Jit ;
lutnl I 4 VI 4 VI
Mi ivniti : > rs.
railing OfTIn theTolal of SliuiKlilrrliif ; More
Marked Tliim liver.
OIMMNNVII , ( ) . , I'eli 8.l l peclal Telegiam
to Tin Hi-1 1 Tomoitow's I'tIce t'liiient will
saj . The mm uetlni ! of lies the past week has
been vci v light , Indicating a total of but 100-
OO'I handled bv western packets , which coni-
pate with 27f > , ( ) ( ) ( ) thu preceding wei'K and
315,01X1 lust year , making a total of 4,110-
000 since November , against ( > , JH.r ,00 ( ) a jear
ago adecieasu of 1125,000 foi the week and
L1,815,000 for the season , coin pared with last
jour. I'lomlnent places compaio as follous :
Dilcnuo . , I i')0)3 )
Knnna Cltjr H'J UJj
Oranba 3 > 4 001
gl I.uul 203 OJU
Cincinnati. . ,
Imllanapolla IB I OJU
Mllwnukeo . 110 110) )
Cedar llaplds. 010J3
MourCltr .
bt. Joacph 117 OOJ
Cblongo Murk Market.
CHICAGO , III , Peb. 8 [ Special Telegram to
TIIK llKF.l Cattle weio stiong today Sup
plies weio comparatively llghl. There was a
good demand for local accounf and lll < ow Iso
foi shipment , and the 8,001) ) head olTend weie
taken by btijeis with apparent relish Theio
was an aveiago advance on Tuesday's quota
tions of fiom lOc to llic pel 1001ns There
well * a number of sales at fiom $5 75 loth.00 ,
and th bnlkot the steers sold at pilces lang-
Ing upward fiom $4 25 , Cows and bulls were
wanted bv local butchers and canneisat fiom
Jl 75 to$4.00 for poor lo eMiu qualities , and
theio vvero icady btteis foi s > tockers and
feeders at ftom $2 50 to $ 1.35
Hogs ate working along up tonnid the $0 00
111:111 : , . Anothei lUc per 100 Ibs was added to
thovaluoof the animal to lay , canjlng the
pllce lo from $8 00 to $8.05 foi choice heavy
grados. There was a good demand for ship
ment , and as a few of tbo local packers weio
looking for hogs theio was reasonably sharp
competition. Thn 10,000 to 12.000 head In tbo
changed hands at from $5.50 to $7.40 fertile
Kens pigs and culls , at from J7.0O to $8.25 for
poor to choice llKhti$7.90 to W.55 for medium
weights and $8.15 to $8.05 for heavy. It was a
very poor lot of hogs for which sellers had to
accept less than $8.00. The bulk of tlio heavy
welghls sold above J8.25 and fem $8.25 to
$8.35 took most of tlio medium and mixed
( Jood hogs sold as well at tlio close as at the
opening of business.
Tlictowas u good demand for sheep and
lambs and buyers did not hesltato lo pay
slightly advanced pilces for unythlnir , that
Just suited them. Good to cholco sheep were
saleable at from $4.85 to $5.40 and t lie best
la nibs sold around $0.20. Poor to common sheep
sold at fiom $3.25 lo $4.50 and sales of light
thin lambs weio slow at from $4.25 to $4.50.
The bulk of the olleilngs weie westeins and
llio prevailing prices weio fiom $1.00 toK > .25.
Itecelpts Cuttle , 8,000 head ; ho.'s. 10,000 ;
sheep , 6,000.
The Evening Journal reports ;
CATTI.I : Uccolpts. 8,501) head ; shipments ,
2,500 head ; nuukot 10Q15c higher ; best
natives. $5.00 0.15 ; fair to good , $5 00 < 85.50 ;
others , $ l.45 1.75 ; feeders , $4 0XR4.50 ( ; stockers -
ers , $3.50(33.75 ( ; cows , $3.50 3BO ; TOMIII
steers , $3.80J&4.50.
lloos Uecelpts , 10,000 head ; shipments ,
0,000 head ; maikot 1015c hlghei ; mixed and
packers , $7.5Kfl8.30 ( ; prlmii heav y an J butchers
weights , $ .840318.05 ; prime light , $8 OOS8 15 ;
other lights , * 7.50g,7.55.
StiF.M' Uecolpts , 8,500 head ; shipments ,
1UU ) head ; maikol trllle higher ; natives ,
$540115.50 ; westerns , $5.003500 , Iambst5.40
(25.45. (
Now York l.lvo Mock Market.
NF.VV YOIIK , 1'ob.R. llf.RVliS Kereluts , 1,200
head ; muikel active , 15c higher ; natlvo
sleets , $4 loa.r .85 ; bulls and cows , $2.10 ®
3.75 ; dressed beef , steady at 8@0'c ; ship
ments today , 2,500 quai lets of beef.
CAI.VKS Uecelpts. 800 head ; market ( Inn :
veals , $8 OCWiO.OO ; grassers , $3.00413.25 ; west
ern calves , W.OOB.4.00.
SlIhFl1 AND LVMlis Receipts , 4,200 head ;
market' < c peril ) , higher ; sheep , J4.50iSO.50 ;
lambs , $ ti 5CK&V.OO.
lloos Hccelpts , 5,300 head ; market nomi
nally higher at $8.1OQ8.50.
Kiiimiis City Live stoi It Mnrket.
K\\8AS CITV , JIo. , Kob. 8. CUTrt.F.-Ko-
colpts , 5,200 head ; shipments , 1,200 head ;
maiket active and strong ; stozkms steady ;
iiipresenlalive sales : diessed beef and ship
ping steeis , JJ.OOQ.5.40 ; cows and heifers ,
fJ.10S3.05 ; stockers and feeduis , } 3.42'i ©
lloos Uecelpts , 0,300headslilBinpntsl,000. ;
The market was active and stionglo5c higher ,
closing sliong ; all grades , $0.0038.00 ; bulk.
MifcU1 Hecolpts , 1,400 head ; shipments ,
400. The market was active and stum ? and
lKj,15c ( { higher than last week. Uopruaunla-
llvo sales ; muttons , $4.85.
D. I ) PlIA/LE , II. I ) . IlonnE.Ir , JA . P HOOIIK
1'res. Vko 1'res hecy A. Treat , ,
Capital $ i1.000 ; Omaha and Ploux City.
Grain and Provisions
Railroad Stocks nnd Bonds.
Room 212 New M Life Building
IUPE PN'cr.S : lowaSiatn National Hunk ,
Blonx City ; Commercial National Hunk.
FpoeUl attention given to oimldo order ! .
Coircsponucnuo soilollod.
Wnnt tlio I. IMK infc.rcrd. :
The petitions circulated bj the Ministerial
union and the Ushers union , which demand
the enfoi-fomeiit of laws nguliisi gambling
places , Sunday s.ilojns and bouses of 111-
r.imo , will till 1)3 called In today Those re
ceived up to jesterd.i } had ovei y.ODO signa-
Cook's Extra Drv Imperial ChumpaKW ) has
no superior. 'IVi it Kecord , fortj icarb
Warranted pure Julio of the grape.
Tor Oil I import or.
Herman Tlinmo , postmaster at Hennlng-
ton , has been endorsed for deputy oil in
pwtor lii thn Harrison claim of the thirteen
roiiiitn prwMhi'ts , which held nil eitthiinlns
tlo meeting nt lli'iinlii'jton hall , Tuesdaj
nielli .lamoR U'nlsli nnd ( leornc U NVll-
lluiiiseixt nnined a committee to urtfo his
appointment , nnd thojIUiw lo I.liiooln to
ilnj to call ondovoinor L'romisc
NOHTII 0 u.KSTOV. . Tex .Poti. -Thotrains
of the Ninth Oalveston route North Halves-
ton. Houston A : Kansas I'lty H -will be
rnnnltiir Ithln n day or so Accommodation
trains hiixo been coining within two tulles of
tliuclt.\ for the past week The remainder
of the track Is fast beinir laid , nnd the hours
tire numbered until this great factor in the
progress of the coining industrial oltj of the
gulf shall bocompleted.
A YOIIIIK Crrmim Army O filer r found Demi
In llnl.
Carl von Wolff , n roomer nt 1VM ( Douglas
street , was found dead In his bed about 4
o'clock iesterdu.v afternoon by Mis. llcmnn ,
the landlady. Coroner Maul was sent for ,
inado n thorough Investigation of the case
and decided lint an inquest would not ho
necessary , as evei\\ thing pointed to hctut
failure as the enlists of death
The deceased came to Omaha about nlno
months ago to look for employ incut , and for
the last sl\ months has mimed at the place
vvheio his bodi was found During his
iesldenco here \VollT did nothing much but
givoafew German less ins and vvas supported -
ported princip illy b.v remittances from his
mother , who still lives in ( ictiuaii.v
Mondiij eveninir vvas the last time \\'olT (
vvas seen b.\ the Inmates of the house At
that time he was apparently In good health
andsplilts. and he ictlred as usual Noth
ing was thought of his not being seen Tues
day as ho kept rather ii regular hours nnd
often slept all daj long after having been
out late the night bofilro
Yesteidaj afteinoon a dlsurrec-ible odor
was detected coining from the room occupied
by Wolff , and Mis lleman. looking over the
transom , made the discovery that ho was
dead When the coroner examined the boih
ho stated that in his opinion Wolff had died
Mondaj evening , as the corpse vvas consider
ably decomposed when found
'I ho deceased aer.v . llesln man and i
was used to living well Theru was no evi
dence of poison having been taken and j
nothing in the surroundings pointed to sui i
All the moiie.v the man had wasI , nnd
this was found in a poekctbook under the
pillow A cablegram had been sent onl.v the
dahtfoie asking for a remittance
Tbo deceased was about ! W\eais , of ago
and came of aery good family He was
formeil.\ . lieutenant of cavalry in the Ger
man ntm.\ and had an undo in the old coun
try who is a geneial of artillcr.v in the aini\
of the kaiser .Several photogiaplis of Wolff
dicsscd in full uniform weie found among
his eflects
Filends will take charge of the hod\ and
see that it is deccntli buried The funeral
will take place today at 2 o'clock.
At no time in the history of the country
has pneumonia been so prevalent as during
the winter months of the last two jo.ns. In
times past a common cold was not considered
at nil serious , but of late jears the great ten
dency of colds to lesult in pneumonia has
made people apprehensive The tumble Is
that colds aio not propeili ticated
No pieparation containing opium , wild
cherri or chlotofonn should be used , as the\
lm\c a tendency to dr.up a iold , wheieas it
should be loosened and the lungs iclievcd
It has been obsoned that when Chamber
Iain's Cough Horned is used the cold never
results In pneumonia The icnson is
this lemcdv stimulates the mucous nioin-
btaue which lines the throat and lungs to a
health.v action , causes a fiee expectoiatlon
thiovvingolT tbo poisonous matter , nnd conn
tcraets any teudcnci toward pneumonia
Tor sale by druggists
a Thorough System of Itcllcf Tor
tbn I'onr ol Oinah i.
Secretary James of the Associated chnrl
tics has divided tbo city into 17. ) districts ,
and ho wants the co-operation of twice that
number of peisons to look after deserving
poor. He made a call for volunteers among
Omaha's philanthropic women , and about
100 have alic.uly icspondcd
Tlio two things most needed arc cloth
ing nnd money It is not piactical to so
licit all kinds of food , for it cannot always
bo distributed bcfoto it is unlit to
eat Mr. James .sajs that theio is gicat and
piessing need of women's clothing. Many
families arc In need of fuel , and otbeis could
Or Debilitated Women , should uio
Every ingredient possesses superb Tonic
properties and exerts a wonderful influ
ence in tonmfj up and strengthening her
system , by dm ing through the proper
channels all impurities. Health nnd
strength guaranteed to result from its use.
"Jly vtlfo.-vvho ivnii bedridden for alftil.
taen month * , aflor uilii Jlntdflcld'a
J'emale Jtcyiilator for t o months !
gottlngvoll. . "
J M. JOHNSON. Mnlvcrn , Ark ,
BaiDriEin IlrutiLATon Co . Atlanta , Oa.
Bold by Uiuggibt * at $1.00 ncr bottle.
Manufacturers' and
Jobbers' Directory ]
Omaha Tent-Awning
IIU Farnam Ht
Bsniis Omita Bag M. 0. Daxoa ,
Importer * and mfin.frB Illcyclci aoltl on monthly
ttuur aacki , burlip ) ,
tirlno. paymontl 12) N 15tll
Morse-Cos Slioa Company ,
Factor/corner llth and Uoiulni Stros'.i
\VenromaktnuolonoprloiitociilibiiforJ nnl nro
Boiling acluat of modi whlc'ilt verf tMoablo
wllb incrcaunti.
Kirkendall , Jones & Araer. Hand-Sewed
COMl'ANV Wholoiilo hiioi : co , hootiiiuDi
mfn uKJnt lljium and ruhbprtfoudi ijJJ-
Kuutier .shoo Co HOi- UIU llarnor til
llOI-IIOtillnrnor tit
COAl , CQ ( ! . CORNICE.
Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornlca Works
I.I MB CO , bird oniKoft Mfri yalvanliat Iron
coal , h K tor Idlli ana uornlc ) MT | iitowr rip * * ,
i sit tncUMIIc > trliulit > uia
1I1U-1II2 D' )
M. E. Smltli & Co. , Kilpalrlci-KoBi Dry
I.OODS co ,
Dry Koodi , notions , fur- .Votloni uunti' furnhli-
nliiilntc uoodi , ojrnjr ln/ifood , cir llt.i auJ
llth and lljward ritk llurnay BU
Omaha Upholstering l B88b33 & Runyaa
CO , upliolitore.t fiirnl- I FUIIN1TUIIK COroco
turn. IIJJI10I N'lcliolaj
bl Wnolutaleonly. I and l.llli Sti
provldofor tlinmaolvo * If the men could net
\votk of mi ) kind
TliH band of self MiTlllcliiRvnmcn vvH
neilln the work of Mtlteltlnu ; nld nnd of
ni > .iivlilni ( for deserving poor rlitht nwav.nml
It Is hoped that In this vvn.\ the distribution
of charities In Omalui iinj bo more thorough
and Just tli.ui over before
Kor n head nnd ste.uh nerves
Use llromo Selter't'llal bottle I Oil
H Test unrslliin In thu 'lYnchrri'
Tralnlni ; Sohnol ,
The question which has been troubling
the Hoard of IMueatlou
for sotno time 10-
latlnj ? to the legality of maintaining u teach-
ers' tralultiK school upon public school funds
seems likely to be taken to tlio supreme
court nt once for llnal adjudication
A icsolution vvas Introduce I list Monday
night at the board meeting for tlio patiKiso
of preventing the payment of the salarv of
the principal of the training school for'tha
month of January on the ground that it was
an Illegal expenditure of monej Tlio object
in vle\v vvas to got the hoaui K refuse to pay
the salari , and upon this to take the matter
before the supreme court , but the resolution
failed of passage
The fi lends of the training school hnvo
adopted nitother plan , hovvevi r which will
pmbablj icach the deslicd end Thi'i liaio
requested Treasmer Holln to refuse to cash
the vv arrant Isstte.l to Mrs Siulbnrough ,
piincipalof the training scluMil Then an
action will be begun in the supieme court to
compel the i.i.vment of the w at rant and tlio
whole question will be laid bifm-o that
Tteasmer Holln admitted to n Her re
porter that ho hail agree 1 to refuse to ( ash
the warrant In question on the jjiv md of Its
being illegally Issued
An honest pill is the nomest work of the
npothecar.v UoWitt's Mttlu Katlv Kisots
cine constipation , biliousncbs and suit head *
The UcHt I'raln to Chicago
Is the Burlington's No. U , leaving
Oinnha at 1:15 : p. in , dnllj ; nmtriillieeiit
sleeping cars ; comfortable chair enra ;
perfect ( lining cars.
Tlio Hurlington also niTers uncqualed
douhlo daily sorv Ice to Denv ct , st Louis
and Kniistus City.
Ticket oflleo'l2Ji : I'aniaiii street
"i ; < bed < | "
erj ) > OIK | Soiilli"
Hliould vvriU ) ( Jeorjju 15 lloiiui 1)1-
vision I'usseiifjcr A cnt of the 1
and Naslnilk * Knili'dad , at iiii ! ) North
Mroatlvvay , St. L ) iiis , Mo. , foi informa
tion as to ronto and ratis The line
nb\o ) inentioned has. inuupiintcil
tlirou li sleeping car service to winter
resorts that is surpassed bj no other
line. The coli'brutoil < ; iilf collet lesorts
ate located dliectly on tills road.
Itonnd Tilp S'jr > . ( )0 ) ,
A special TCMIS excursion from Oiunlm
to North tJahostonia Houston nnd
Oalveston , will leave Omaha , Friday
evening , February 17 ; utopovei at all
points allowed. Tor particulais and
tickets apply to K. F Williams , loom
fr-2. First Natioiiiil Manic b\iildin \ <
N. 15 - All applicatioii must be to-
cehedbi the IJtli Hist.
It Cures Colds , Coughi , Sort Throat , Croup , Infla.
nia , V7boopln ; Cough , Bronchitis and Aslhma ,
A certain euro for Consumption in first lUgti ,
and a sure relief in aivancea ttages. Use at once.
You will ace tbo excellent clfcct after taking the
first dose. Sold by dcalera everywhtre.
bottles CO ceats and 1.00.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Soutn Ofnahai
llc t Cattle Ho nnd hecp market Ir. the west.
Wood Brothers.
Live Stoolc Commission Merchants.
Eolith Omalia Ic'lephonu 1157 LlilcajO
JOHN I ) DADISMAN , I . , _ .
Mnrkot Hrport by mall and wlro cliuDrfullyf
ninlicil upon application
Rector < S Willielmy LobecM Linn ,
OOltl'ANV ,
ealerfl In hardware A
Corner 10th anil Jackson luoi.ianl.K tool *
du ujli 1IU < Ooiixl.nHt
W. A. L. Gibbonfi Co. Omaha Safe and Iroa
Wholcialo WOHKS
llntn. cap ) , tru > T uooill Fafo > Ynultt jnll work ,
Illovpa. rnUtoin , 2tti Iron ehutturi ivn I lire 01
and llurnoy atn mi > c An Irejn , V Oar
It , lUh tuul Jin > "
John A. Wafcetlsld , Charles R. IA
Iiuporloil.Amorloinl'ort ardKooil in n ) ir rtaal
Inn t ojni mt Mil * t cnrpeli in I pu-i ut
kejMaijut ItoMnni ;
Otli and l > o ulli
Frick &C )
Wholesale liquor doiler i of mlllli3rf n olio
Mall ordi'r * proinpL
1001 Farnam Su ilt-ll ) a llth dt.
Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. ,
Carry a full nock of
prlntlnif , wrapping an I llennoil and lubrlc tia
nrltliiK pipjrs , tar.l
tmiur | , uta ( ill ) , a < le ( rroaie , ota.
Braac'j & Co. , Jas , A , Clark S Co. ,
Produce , fruits of all llutter , rhuiio , ffti ,
poultry and icabie ,
kinds , nyiteri Jl , S. Ulli nt
Omaha Stovj Repair
\VOIIKJ. store rapalri Manufacturers of stilt
and watof uttachmanll douri , bllndinnl
( or any kind of ito inoulillngi. hrana b nt
uade.UUT U Ut. Us * , Ulb