THE OMAHA DAILY JIBE : TUESDAY , KEHIUTAllY 7 , 1803 , WSTERY OF HARM PEAK Siuponfllon of Work in the Tin Mines Orcatca General Surprise. . NO SATISFACTORY EXPLANATION GIVEN Amlcnrcl Tnll to ARFCA with Known 1'ncts Vlown anil Iiitnrvlewi ficrrn to Inrrcunn tlm Clnuils That Screen the C'liuno. Dispatches announcing the suspension of -work In the mines nnd mills of the Hnrncy Peak Tin company , In the IJlnck hills , assign - sign as the cnuso the desire of the English owners to supply the American market with the product of the Cornwall mines. The ox- E iilnnatlon docs not explain. From the moment tin was discovered In H the Hills , English capital was Interested in it , English agents cxamini'd the property , H English papers published the reports of exports - ports ntul discussed the value of the ore , and H English capital was employed almost cxclu- slxcly in its development. The duty ou lin- Ported tin Imposed liy the MeKlnley 1)111 had inlew the protection of the Black Hills and the Temascal , Cal , . tin mines from foreign competition , nnd the duty waste to lie pcrmaiiLnt in the event of the V American product aggregating 12,000,000 H poundsbyJuly,18lM ThoTemascalinIncsha\c petered out , hut all accounts agree that the I Ifarnoy Peak mines contain a larger per cent I of tin ore than any known. If the English I. or Welsh owners deslro the abolition of the I duty , the suspension of the Hlack Hills I mines would not ho neecssiry , for it Is more ! than probable n tariff reform administration I would do the woik at the proper time I H must bo ri'inembciod that two or thrco I million dollars ha\o been Invested In de\elop- I , lug th pioiiertj East fall a largo mill , I equipped with costly machlnety , was I Btattod up on a test run Tlm largo i Investments made since the MeKlnley law F passed contradict the assumption that the f imposition of a dutj had u lioai ing us to the I mispciision Nor is it probable the quality I of the 010 suddenly deteriorated Onlj u few j weeks ago it was announced that a now lead If jlcldcd tlio richest ou- jet found Besides , f t ho company had sulllflent prolltablo ore on I. the dumps to keep the mill going for tin eo I : ears It Is evident there are other reasons | than the tariff or the quality of the oio at I the bottom of tlio suspension. 1 Humor * anil Speculation1 ! . I Tlie action of the company Is as surprising I ns it is Inexplicable to the Black Hills people B Sneaking of the suspension the Ueadwood I U. lines sajs- If "A week ago yesterday Supciintcndent J. I S. Childs ot the Harnev Peak Tin Mining I i-oinpanv loft Hill City for New York , having I licen called thither by the chief ofllcers and B' ' stockholders of the company Ho was , how- I over , met at Chicago by certain mem- I liors of the company , at which place I a consultation was held and Mr B ( . 'hllds returned to Hill City , anhing Ij hero Wednesday , nnd x cry soon after stopped I nil ojienitiou In the mines and mill. 'Iho I men were all discharged , numbeiing over I ono hundred all told , and every sign of [ { activity sunnniiiily stopped even to the I prospecting that had been done on some of [ i the claims J "Superintendent Childs is very reticent II concerning the matter and otheis do not | [ bcem to know the true inwardness of affahs I ! The machinery was mndo and put in b > It Kr.izcr it Chalmers , and is the llnest plant ii ever built by the linn. It cost SlfiO.OOO and I I ; was paid for in thrco payments , the last I * ontr being made a few days ago , when the < mill was accepted by the Ilainoy Pcalt com- ' jinny. Oeorgo I ibram , who superintended placing the machinery and has had charge of the test run for Ki.-uor & Chalmers , left for Chicago yesterday. Before leaving , how ever , ho Instructed masons carefully about the details 61 ft furnace now being built for ( hying concentrates before shipping. The fuinaco will bo built as fast as possible. It is not an expeusUo affair , but is being built substantial and c\idontly intended for larec two In the future. Several weeks ago Sujv- erintendent Childs informed tlio Times that the mill wras running satisfactorily and that n laigo quantity of concentrates had been in-cumulated , but would not bo shipped until they hud 100 tons on hand. So far as wo are able to learn there has not been a pound of c'onccntrates.shipped yet. Conning Over Theories. ' 'There cannot bo any doubt that the run of two and one-half months has not paid operating expenses. Hut It wns scarcely ex pected It would , as there was moro or less experimenting about It , as is tlio case will all now plants. But the management was. and probably Is , conlldcnt of overcoming all obstacles and working to better advantage in the future. Of course there nro a thoii hand theories advanced for the suspension , but nobody outside the management is cog' nizant of the facts , and it Is iiniiossiblo to ob tain the truth. Many are of the opinion that the enterprise is a failure , while ot lifts contend that the closing down is for the purpose of depressing tlio tin district and buying more property. It is laioun that the company has bonds ou about llfty claims in the vicinity of their croup. Not a great while ago a certain Englishman , who took $150,000 worth of stock in the com pany , and who Is laipely inteicsted in tin property nt Comwnll , in con vet sat Ion with a well known and reliable Black Hlllor , frankly asserted that the Hatney works would not produce any great quantity of tin until the tniifT boicmoxed by congress , or until the Cornwall mines are worked out. Ilo said theiois plenty of tin In the Ulack Hills , and is ofery line quality. SIny Ilu n Directory Hon. "Another theory is that thcro has been n ruction between the stoekholdcis on the American side nnd the Britishers. "It Is claimed that the Englishmen ha\o futnishcd most of the capital , and that the \ New York stockholders weto made the ofll cers and management to evade the law , and that the management hns been extravagant , and now the Englishmen propose to ha\o something to say The extravagant local management has been frequently commented ) upon , and it is a fact that besides Chief En gineer Wilslo , who has drawn n salary of 7,000 a jcar , there have been three other engineers in the ofllco w ho have cost nearlj $10,000moia , and that thcro hasn't boon work enough done for ono man. In other wais wo leal n the company has been under too much expense. "It is said that during the operations for the past two months and a half the onlj ore reduced has been taken from the Addle , ( Jertio and Tendeifoot workings , the ilchest ore j ot found ; that instead of developing the low' gradn workings , reducing the ere there from and bilnglng up the average with the high grade ere , no attempt w ab made to open now workings. Anotlirr Clnin. "Elmer Capol , ono of the engineer corps of tlio Hui ney Peak Tin company , ni rived in the city yesterday on his way to Hello Fonreho. To a Times reporter ho said ho could not explain the cause of the shut down of the company's works. Whether because his lips were scaled by his superiors or be ) cause ho didn't dare lo tell , wo were unable to learn. He did say , however , that the shut do\\n wns not a complete ono. It isIs true thu mine and mill t-mplovos were dis charged. 'Jhls Includes the high salaried oftlrers , with the tmsslhlo exception of Su perintendent Childs , The men who bo- fojo the eloso down were excavat ing for the foundations of the smeller and dryltiK room were not dis charged , and from tlio looks nt present will not bo , at least not before the contract Is completed. The pumps arc , with the sp - tinnof one , which was taken out ay for repairs , still in operation. Menwhouro cognuant of some of tlm Inward workings of the comimny are of the opinion that the shut down ia only temporary and Is fora purpose. "Some claim U is for the purpose of dust- Ins Superintendent Childs. who works slat va lance with the w ill of the directors. Ho ins often been heard to remark that ho would have his own way In running the property , unit , from nil that can bo learned , hi" did it. It is nrobanU ) that the directors > will bo hero t least the American directors - limdo of ten dnj s , when it is hoped the mjstery now surrounding tuo shut down > w III bo cleared. " Look Out for Ailvcrtlilnc Fnklr * . The principal cities are soon to be worked by advertising solicitors for display adver tising In directories , guide books and cata logues for the World's fair. The World's fair directors have authorized no publication for sale to IK > issued on tho. World's fair grounds which contains display advertising , and canvassers who u.alto such claims nro not stating the truth , these publications nro not to bo allotted on the World's fairgrounds , and consequent ! ) they have no sane * tlon. Her. Hjlvninis l.nnn Of the Cincinnati M. II conference , makes a good point when ho says : "Wo have for years used Hood's Sanmparllla In our family of five , and find It fully equal to all that Is claimed for It. Some people nro greatly pre judiced against patent medicines , but how the patent can hurt a mediclno nnd not a ma chine Is a mjstery of mysteries to me. " " Hood's ' Pills euro liver Ills. The Ilont Train to C'hlcngn Is the Burlington's No. 2 , Icnvinjr Onmlm at 4:15 : p. m. dally ; ina iiillcent sleeping curs ; comfortable chulr earn ; perfect dining cars. The Burlington uUo oilers uncqnalcd double dully sci'vico to Denver , St. Louis und Kansas City. Ticket olllce , 122't Furnnm street. S OF HtltlllATlOX' . OMAHA , Fob 0 To the Hdltor of TUB BEE : In jour editorial on "Irrigation in Nebraska , " which appeared In the edition of the 4th lust , you rely upon the census bul letin for the figures given The statistics there compiled were based upon the are.i Irrigated In 18.3'J. ' The method adopted In i obtaining them was so unsatisfactory that it snot at all stirnrlslng that they fell far hort of the fact , and knowing of so many in- tanccs in which this discrepancy occurred feel tempted to make a few comments to upplcmcnt the good work your artlclo'is ' cal- 'iilatcd ' to foster Mr Newell , who had charge of this branch if the census , expressly says In his bulletins hat "the information was deilved from cor respondence with IrrliMtors and ow ners of i.inals and ditches by means of special irrlga- lon schedules scut to all parts of the west , ind that it was not i > ossiblo in this way to ob tain exact statements " I icceived ono of its schedules , and amnng other questions A as the cost of the canal in which I am in- crested and the price of water lights As the canal was incomplete the cost could only have been guessed and the price of water right had not been agieed on , so not being prepaied or willing to inswer these. I neglected to answer any That enterprise has since been completed ind has leclaltncd 50,000 acres in western Nebraska Again , the statistics aio based on the irrigated acreage actu illy cultivated , which ghes but an imperfect idea of the work of reclamation even then accom- ilished , because a man who owned \\ater ight to a quarter section of land under a : anal but recently completed would have .irobably not to exceed forty acres under cul tivation. I'lio special bulletin for Wyoming from w hieh von took your figures and w hicli showed iSO.O'O acres irrigated and cultivated ,11 18MJ also showed that canals wore then completed co\ci Ing 1,500,850 acres. So also the bulletin for Colorado gave less than 000- 000 acres cultivated in ISb'J ' , when the report of the state engineer for sairo jearsbowcl o\cv 12,000,000 acies cultivated and ncaily -l,000)00 ) more under ditch. The number of acres , therefore , credited to Nebraska for that jear wcio , I feel confident in sajing. equally as far below the maik But what- over the fact may have been in 1881) ) , the re markable piogrcss tuado In the thiee years since that tinio shows the great Interest which the subject has awakened. Western Nebraska lags far bo- hind the other states within the said belt , yet I can name on my lingers completed en terprises on the Noith Platte river nlono which cover over 300,000 acres , Nor do iou suggest a tithe of the advan- tagcs of irrigation when you say that the fi.rmcr's crop is thereby assured. That is much. I admit , bnt the yield is also increased from four to six times as much ; the quality Is far superior and the growth Is so acceler- atcd by apnlylng the water just when it is needed and by having constant sunshine that successive crops are grow n the same year. And besides , the most profitable crops are such as tin ho best in dry climates. Again , woik is not delayed by rainy weather , nor is the farmer delayed from market by muddy roads. But the actual results nro what nro most startling , Colorado , for instance , is known as a mineral producing state and agriculture is not thought of in connection with it , and jet within the past few few j'ears so rapid has been the spread of her irrigation s\stcm that though her mineral output last year reached the enoi inous sum of $ . (8,000,000 ( , j ot her agricul tural nnd horticultural product , both wholly dependent on irrigation , amounted to but a fraction less than $50,000,000 in value. The vast population supported by this of agriculture In other countries Is a startling fact to an American and which Illustrates , too , the Increased yield produced by It. There is n canal In China over 700 miles long , which was constructed before the Christian era nnd Is still in operation , which supports along It banks the densest popula tion per square mile on the face of tbo globe. Again , in India. The province of Punjab has an area of 100,633 square miles , or about one-third inoro than the state of Nebraska ; of this area IiG,7.V > square miles only are cut- tlvatcd that being the area under ditch , and less than ono-half the area of Nebraska ; j et it supjiorts a imputation of over 22,000,000 of people , or one-third of the total popula tion of the United States. The Intel est in irrigation that Is now so rapidly giowing , both among farmers and invcstois , will soon awaken the nation to the fact that the great American desert is. its most profitable portion , capable of sus taining the largest population and destined to acquire thogieatcst nggiegato wealth of any section of the United States. States.G. . J. Hu.vr A Chilli injijs : 'I ho pleasant favor , gentle action nnd sooth ing effect of Sjrup of Figs , when in need of a laxative , and it the father or mother bo iostl\o or bilious , the most giatifving results folio w its us > o ; so that it is the best family icinedy known and every family should have a bottle. TO ' Till : UAKNIVAI * CITIKS Vhi thuViibiisli ICnllronil. The celcbrution of the Murtll Gras carnival Fob. 14th in Mobile nnd Now Orleans will bo on n grander und more gorgeous frealo than over before. Special low rates from Onmlm Fob , Oth to 12th. Now lb the time to take a trip south for business or pleasure. Only 40 hours Omaha to Now Orleans vin the Wubush. For tickets , bleeping cur accommoda tions and a copy of the Southern Home- bcokorb" Guide call ut the Wababh oillco , 1302 Fiirmuu sttoot , or write G. N. Cluy- ton , Nortwcstorn Puss. Agt. , Orauha. Neb. ed'I Perfect Baby Health ought to mean glow ing health throughout childhood , and robust health in the yearsto come. When we see in children tendencies to weakness , we know they are mining the life of food taken. This loss is overcome by Scott's ' Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil , with Hypophos- pliitcs , a fat-food that builds up appetite and produces flesh at a rate that appears magical. Almost as palatable as milk. Prjrurfrtlif Kott .1 noon * N Y All rtni ! ls. rfaawHtamnrstwir - - Women Will Vote as usual at the next school election but t for many candidates. They give a unanimous vote every day m the week in favor of KIRK'S ' WHITE RUSSIAN because they know it has no equal as a labor and temper saver on wash-day. The "White Russian" is a great soap to use in hard or alkali water. Does not roughen or injure the hands is per fectly safe to use on the finest fabrics. JAS. S. K1R1C& CO. , Chicago , Dusky Diamond Tar Soap , MaVn' < 1tScm8ouotnh.oft ! Time and Tide Walt for no man : nordothe fearful ravages of YIoW to the 111 dlrutod efforts of these who d not thoroughly understand tholr nature tlio romcdlos which will cITectunlly or.idlon thorn from tlio system. The ability , tlio ex perience , the skill of Drs. Betts & Betts combine to place within tholr hands , the power to spoocllly nnd pernnticiitly euro these obstinate mnladlos ut u ud render thorn the most successful asvoll as the most popular Specialists In the United States , In the traatmont/'and cure of the so diseases which from tuolr dis tinctive suocmlty. Send 4 cents fora copy of their illustrated now book of 120 page3. Consultation frao. Call upon or address with 119Soutli 14tli St. , Cor. Douglas St : , OMAHA. devoting our entire tire tlm ; nnd cnorzles to the careful study of patients Inter est1 * nnd wel ( tire , wo uroon allied to per form the noble of relieving liu- mnn suirerln In the ino tolToctlvo manner. IP Aim TIU : vie mi or ANY NHUV- OUS. OIIUONIO OK I'lll- VATn uisuAsns YOU U ivo the ) ) onoflt of onr nlill- Ity , oxnurlonco. und slIll' If you will only lot 113 lly olthor pnrsonal or written application , that you wish to consult with US. CONSULTATION FREE , WE CURE CATARRH , All Dis eases of the Nose , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Bowels and Liven Blood , * Skin and. Klduoy Diseases , FomnloVonliuos8os , Lost Manhood CURED. IMLR4 , FISTULA , tlBSUUB , permanently cured without Iho use of knife , IlKalnro or caustic. All maladies of it prlraloor dollcato nature , Of either tax , poilllroly cured. Call on or address , nltu ilamp for Circular * , free Uook and KoUpos , DR. SEfiRLES & SEARLES , 118 S. 15th St. . Omaha , Nob. Next Door to I'ontortlce. "Improvement tiu Order o [ t&3 A . " A Trlnl of the Smith Premier Cost You Nothing but will denonstrata all we claim. Wo will plncoUi1 Pmltu 1'romlcr beside any writing machine on the market ; It will spuak for It self. It * durability cnn no loruor benueUlonol Write or call on us for catalogue , terms , ou SMITH TYPEWRITER GO. , Cor. lilli and Farmm Ms. , Oouha , Ke ) Tclepliona 1381. C. II. tIAVIlEW. Maaacer. SPEGIKL NOTICES. roiUTHKSK COI.UMN8 will ho taken until 11.30 p. m for the otenlnjj nnd until 8 30 p in for Iho ruurplnRor Sunday edi lloni , i No aitrcrtlioment taken for Jni than U conti for theHrit Iniortlon. Alladferlltemenli In hoio rolumnn 1U cenli a word for Iho tlrnt Insertion and 1 rent n word for each subsequent Insertion , lor 41 , W per line per month. Terms , cmh In ndinnr * . Initials , tlgurcs , symbols , ete , parti count i , word AilTortlio * menu must run conseoullTely. Adrorlltert. by requesting - questing n numbered check , cm have the letters addressed lo n numbered leltrtr n.cnro of TIIK 1IEC. Aniron BO nddrpsspd will be dellTered on the presentation of the check. SITUATIONS VENTED. uuicsa'Ks'MAn ATlioMK , i4r\vu/Trricus / , n. Mrs Oakley , VGON.341U Children's clothing GOT A -WANTKI ) , A I'OMTION A8 STKNOOHAI'IIKIt bynn , experienced operator. Artilrois X 51 Ilec i -SITUATION WANTKI ) HV A WOMAN TO JVcook Cnll nl 1415 fnllfornla slrcet. SIW1 8 * WANTED MALE HELP. T > -SALAItY Oil COMMISSION TO AOKNTS TO I'Imndlo lho I'utoil Chemical Ink ICrasor 1'oi.cll The most useful anil now ! Invention of Iho nee Krmos Ink lliorouiihly In two tcconds Works Ilkn ninitlc WO to fiUD per cunt front , Auonls making f Opur wi-pk VSonl'o witnt a Kcnoritlnui'nt to Inko chnryo of lorrltory anil ntipolnl still uifunls A rare rhancoto nrnko money \N rlto for tprun nnd n sjiccl men ( if crmltiii Motiroo KraslieMfK Co , V 3J. ln Crease , Wls 749 B-WAN FBI ) , TIlAVrLl.NOSALKSMKN TO 8KM < boxing powder Wo put our xooils In Klnss rolling pins fiU month saliirjr nml oipmnos , or 2) per conl commission ( looil stdo line If you want njoh. wrllo Honil sln'np for rfply thlcnxo linking I'owdurUo , 707 Van Huron slrodl , UhlcaxoM40 -M40 Ml * HbWANTKI ; ) . ItKIlAMIl ! AND KNRUCIKTIR hn < ilncss ninn lo lake Iho nmnatrcmnnl of nn of- tire hnslncss In Ihls clly. Hniall timounl of oanltat roqulrcil Adilrn s Wcslrrn Uuslnoss Agency 'lid N 1 1 Ho liullclllif , Omnha MM9 8 ) WANTKI ) . I.A1IOIUCU3 FOIl THK ill.ArK Hills Call at Scandinavian Kraployment Oltlco toility , No. DOt ) South 10th st. , north uiul of Tladuct 1 > TUAVCLINO \LKSMHVTOBKUi HAKINO Jlpowder $7S month salary nnd expenses or 20o commission bteady employment , expoilenco un necessary If yon want n position hero Is a chnnco 1 ; f Chumlcal Works , BID lo 811) ) Vnn llurcn , Chlcngo MO.I7 K2J * B-WANTii ) Sl'iNOUAI'HU : ! ! MUST KKAI' nnd wrlle ( , ermnn AtMily with ruft > renco to Hesperian Nurseries , 1 * . O. lior C'.Hj. Ynuklon < I ) .MUS- , B WANIUII. MI'.V WIl'H Ill l CUKNCKB Hrslelnss tennis furnished American Wrlngar Co IWi IIOTnrd si Hi ) o > ANYYOUNd MAN OUTOI WOIIK Wll.l. 1)0 > cll to call nt 15IU lloiik'lm street M3IS fjj n-YOUNC MAN. l > 0OU WA.S1 A POSH ION JJthntimya upwiirds to II DM | ior yonr' Per full particulars mUross Sterling Silver Co , < hlcauo , III MShl M3' -IT-WANrii ) NIMB IIIIY r.oons SALLSMKN t'must be experienced nnd active Address \ CO 1'ee UJ2 n-LAIIOUICH8ANIUOCICMlSN ON THK It , V M. extension In South Da'cola floady work , frco pass Kramer AO'llenrn , labor agency , uots lltli st. Altrw 12' B-WAKI'KI ) , ? 1'IItST CLASS MII.KUIta. J K. llooh , Ames Ave dairy. U33 8 * -WA.NTI5I ) , A QOOO COOK AT THK ST. Inmcs hotel , Oborlln , Kan , must coma well rrco niondvd 1191 II * TKAMS WANTUU TO lll.lKll COAL J K11' W Bedford i M S'J B -WAN 1 HI ) , OKI ICK MANACUII. 5IUST HAVE IJJI ) cash AiUIrossA I'.i llcp. M Vti II * 1J-8 'l < r5T"TIIOUSAM > A VrtAll l-'Oll A MFi : 1'tlnio to active men with nm ! Without cnpltnl Wo Klvo full control In a laruo territory of Iho busl sell InKnitlcle In the world lliiMnc-BloKiUmiiU' . AddruHS nt onto Cornoratlou , ITS & 18il Commercial hi. l.ynn , .Mass .Mimi . ' . WANTED FE"MALE HELP. C \OUNU I < AIIKd CAN ' -SOON ACQU1IIK A norklnK knotrlcdio of uliorUinnil and lyiio- wrltlnK at Van SiicU. SI3 N V IJIo. ? S ) C-OKNSKN'3 DANISH ANII SWKDISII KMl'I.OV- nient otllco , corner IGth nnd DuiiKlni , up slain ; nllklmlsof helpalwixys on Imiirt ; ; M Kood girls for Keneralhonsawork f 1HJ MO' 1 WANTUI ) , POSITION AH OllFICK ASSISTANT yandstonographer Address Cf.6) Hoe MSilf C-WANTrl > , roMPKTKM tUKI , tOU OKN- oral housework Family oifjthreo ilrs U U. OrntT. 12 08.7111 nve. MB03 0 * C-WANTKI ) , F1VK SALKSLABlKd IN IIUV goods house : must bo experienced nnd active- Address \ U ) llco. UU3 / I-WANTKP , IMMKDIATELY , A GOOD COOK vynnd laundress , Jill Farnnm. MWJ7 C-WANTISI ) , A O01) GIUL FOIl GUNKIIAL housowork. Apply 4J09. iltli si. 9527 * C-WANTED. 01HI , FOIl IIOUSEWOUK. MUS IllliKlmm 614 South loth st. 031 8 * C-WANTKI ) . LAD1KS AND GI11LS. WK 1'AY jou from 11 lo fib per week lo work for usnt yonrown home ; no pMnllng or canvassing ; send self addressed envelope ( loorgo F Kinmons A. t'o corner llulleryuiarch and Waler sis , lloston. Mnss i'85-10 ' * FOR RENT HOUSES. DiFOIl HUNT. NO 2lH OAPITOL AV15NUK , modern. TheO F lavl Co. , 15J5 Karnarn st 701 D IFOIl HUNT , HOUSKS IN ALL PAUT3 OK I city. ThoO. F. Untlt company , 1M3 farnam at 751 D -FLATS , n\VELLINS ( COTTAGK8 IN ALL parts of the city. Kilkenny A Co , 2JJ Karbtch k-HI EVEN UOOM HOUM5 , I'AKTl.Y HJll /nlshod , Inquire at 1019 Dodge St. MW7 PJt D-tOIl UK NT , STKAM 1IBATKI ) FLAT OF U rooms , Llnlon block , corner of Mason nnd IJth streets ; Inquire at 017 In block , John Hamlln , agent JIWJ D - IlENT , TWO 5 UOOM COTI'AOES ON motor. Call at soulhnost cor. OIU and liouKlns 171 D -FOUH UOOM AI'AHTMENT. BTEAM UEAT , Von Dora block. Hoferonco required SOti D-KH HKNT , NKW 0 UOOM I1IUCK IlOUfii : , modern , motor line , line location ; barn If de sired. ( Oth and Cumlug- Call al Midland State bank. 6J2 8 D-.MAHCH 1ST. CHOICK IIOMI5. ( jOOI ) LOCA- tlou. nil modern conveniences , with barn , 8 rooniH , nlro lawn. A need opportunity for right parly lo rent or buy on good terms , owner leaving city Address X 11 Hue ' .HU \-bTUAM 1IKATiU : KI-ATe , KIIJvIN.NKV A CO , > X ! Knrbnck block gi T\-tOll HKNT N'KAIt IIANSroM PAIHC. 1 'llrick hoiino elKht rooms , No. 3-02 I'opplolon avenue , corner I'oppleton avenue and J3nd street , outh and ( ia t front , tlnlshod In oak , nlth hand omo mantels , bath , splendid furnace , brick cellars , etc. (4300. Kleeant frame house , modern built , ol ht rooms , No I'oppleton avenue , south fiont , wllh bath , furnnce , etc. llrick home , eight rooms , No. 1H4 South 32nd street , oak llulsh , with nlco bath , furnace , city water , cistern , gas , scworavc , brick cellars , etc , HO 00 Klcnanl brick house , No .1903 I'aclflc slreel , one of the llnest llnhhod nnd cosiest clghl room houses In Hie clly , wllh all modern convenlodces. Inelud I UK elegant porcelain bath tub , hot nnd cold water. stationary laundry tubs , etc , no Hner location In the city. MIX ) Tlm above hnutei are all on ptived slrexls , con venlonl lo motor lines. In perfectly healthy loca tion and pleasant nelehbnrhood , N I1IUCS. 305 N Life D-7-II001I HOUSE , 6T AH , ALL SIODKUN Improvements also cornerUat ) , boat In city 1 liard , 21th nnd Darenport lr ct Ml'5 > 7 * D-rOll IlKNT , IMlOOU'.MDnKKN COTTAOUi will rent furnished or sell ( iprt or all of furnl- turocbeap. Hdclltr Trust Co. ' , 1704 Karnnm " ' " KarnnmM'JI9 12 TOR BENT FUBMlSfeED ROOMS. 3 tTKAM HKAlkl ) ( tC'MS V Oil IIOUHK- koeplng , furnished or uufurnlibed. 1714 Mch olns slrcet. A1H4T-7 * ? -Nlv\VLY FUHNlBllrJl ) ' ' .WITH HJHNACK Jhuat , : iii North luth street " " ' M16I H E-UTOl'lA , 17111 l l OAMHSItOHT ST. , STUAM hcnl i , c , 003 1U 7-roll IlKNT , DFSIIlAUl'.lcV.bllNISHKDUOOME nltli or without board , ? -NIOB WA11M IIOOM , 1CHNT llbASONAIILIC UittM Harney. ' M07I 7 FTJBNI8HED BOOMS AND BOABD. ' FUIINISIIEI ) ANU UNFUl- ntsued rooms , Kt N. IDlli , with or without board. 17-YOUNQ VVOMBN'd HOME UND15K CAHE OV -L Woman's Clirlit n ajsoclailon. 111 So. J7lh st. 210 i -WOULO'8 KA1H. LOIKIINU , HHKAKFAST supper , 1200 if enitaired now. Address , with stamp , 10US Jones si. , Ouialia. IxU 7 _ DOIwiN , 201) ) AMI ) ill N. 1ST1I tT. ) " 17-ANKLHOANT HUITKOFUOOMS FOIl IIEN1 -L at tbo Madison hotel , Jlsl andChlcatfO Sis. Ji'-HlONT rAULOIl , OOOI ) HOAllI ) ! ALSO 1ilnglo room ! Id. No. Ill ) North IVlb street. FOR BENT-UNFURNISHED BOOMS Q.J iiuoiia ciiisAiVuw N , urn FOR HKNT - STORES AND OFFICES ONK KUril-STOUT 1IIUCK III'II-DINUSJ IKKT irlilo lll Humor "t. 7.VJ T-NICKOmCK 1100.MS. WITIIMiM , III.OCK -LAjipl/ room 9. 711 8 f-K7m"iTK. rfTiTc79ToTiv ] imtcK iu n , iNH > , I''IB ' K rni m l , Thd building ln H fireproof re luont bnjemi-nt , complete totm tiuntlnit nxltiro.ii wntor on nil the lloorc , mi , etc. Apply at tlio olllce of The lira DID AGENTS WANTED. l-WANTKD-A I.IVK MAN OK WOMAN IN v cvorjrconntr nhoro no hnro not lre Jr o- curpd n ropreientntuo to Dell our "Narad * filter" Solid Molnl ICnlToi Vorku unit fnoons tocoimum * erst n milM tuotut i s wlillonn l ( er ! noplntplo war mil Roods Ruitrntttoed (7 Hour nllfotlmol co < t nbout on tontli thnt of llYcn the cliniicn of a lifetime ! . nionM ururnxo from MO to 1100 pur ncoknnil moot with rcadr nles o orrnliern , no Brent Is the demand for our Sollil Metal ( loud * . Ovorfl OWIMI worth of goodi In ditlljr IKR Ono of nmpli's free Standard sllrorwara Company , llos ton , Mass. .Mill P13 < 1 "CiAJKST. ( . - < WANTKll r.VKItrWIIHIlK TO HUM , " 'Crawford's ' I.Ifo of Itlitlno. " The oftloliit odl tlon ; MX ) octavo panes I'rlca f..W Act quick fcndlmnipdliitt'ly wo for ontill and you will coin money , W per cent commission , J M Krcncli 1'uh. Lo , Onmlm , Nib. MHH b * 1 - WANTKI ) . AHKNTSi NKW STYLOdlt \ I'll If " prnpelllnit pencil , sells nt nlKlit fjrjo n tlajr Snmplo by mull , inc. onndoicn , ( Wo. Howard Manufacturing Co. , I'rovliluncc.H IMSMl I MSMl 8 * 1-JAMK3 (1 1ILAINK. AUTIIOIH/.K ! ) I.U'Il ' llonanm for agents Oiitlll enl > ! ! 5 ronl . 11 K Johnson , V Co , ,1 South 11 til ntroet , lllcliinond .MJ Ml * 1-AKNT8 ! WANTKll. OUTUT I'UKi : . KltOM " f-1) lo ! IOJ weekly regularly earned by oursnlrs- mun 1' O box 1371. New York. IMS 8 T-WtlKKKUS WANTKI ) AT ONOK KOIl "LIVK " nndorkof Jas O Illnlne. " by John flnrk Hid path nnd hx-llov ( onnor of Maine Illg prottts MngnltlcentR oiitfll , only cents. K \Mlklni Mluncupolls Minn VW < T -AOIJNTS WANT Id ) OIl TIIK AIITIIKMIC i" life of Illnlne Aclmncoofn llfcllmo trelghl paid ( redlt Riven llest book turns out ill free cc.nd nf once lUo for postngo nnd imcklnit It 1 lll pny you to wrltu for rpeclil termn on the nnlhenllo edition , no matter what book yon nro sollliiK' Oiler most extraordinary ever inado In history of book selling U \Voodwnrd .Vlo , Hnltlmore 1 , Mil Ml''S " WANTED--BOARD. - - . K'-YnL'NOCnri'l.B ' WirilZSMAMiCIMMIIIKN daplro'j roiinm with board ; private family prc3 forred Address A ( ! , Dee A1IUI7' _ K WANTIJ11 , lll. .BIC UOOM IVK LOCATION nnd lowosl prk K WAN'IUI ) , I IJIIMSIIKlTnoOM STATi : LI entlon ntid lowest prko Ueforenccs Addna A 17 , llco JPI38 8 K-4 OU B-HOOM COTTACJK Wl'lII HKMil\ : ono mile circle flu to fl > , two persons \\rlto nil pirttciilnrs. Address A Id llco MP9IS' K-1IOAUI ) AM ) IIOOM I1'lllVATi : PAM1LY by Htenoernphor w ho would K\O ! Instruction In horlhand und lypewrltlni ; lor part paiuent Ad Iress A M lleo All' * ) ti * RENTAL AGENCY propert ) ClmrKOs reasonable , 4 yoirs et lerlence O K Hulls i.-OH 17th street M. F2J STORAGE. M iTOItAtiEr CHEAT , CLKANV BtiLS. " Till tarnnm street 757 M DON 'J' STOUK HOUSiniOUKiOOim W1T1I- ont 0l'ln { our storngo deiiarlmcnt U IH the best. Onmlm btovc IlupalrVorSiIA)7 ) Douglim 7fH WANTED TO BUY. N - OOOOOUSKD STAMP'S' libv mi , cm AUV , H3 * -WANTKI ) TO 11UV A 1.001) M1COND HAM ) safe musl bo cheap , for cash Address \ ft. carooinnhn Ilec T-WANTirn-SKCONDHANIlSAKK J. K ( OU > nlsh " 4th and N streets , boulli Omaha M912 7 r WANTKI ) A OOOII SISCONDHANU OhFK'H i desk und cbnlr Address AH , JlBe , A1VJ7 7 * FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS. Q-F ll bALK. TIIK IIUU'K ' 11IAT 13 TAKKN out of Hie Counly hospital Inquire of Iho foreman nl Iho hospital Q - - HALK. TM'KWItlTKIl , nnVINCTON No. 2 , for (50 OU J. 1) . Haynes , Dee oillco ant , . , * - Q-FOlt PALK , A SECOND HAND. 23 IIOItSK- powcr Woodbury onglno nnd Iwo 40 horsepower boilers , nil In good order Not needing them In onr now locution wo will sell them al n bargain Omaha Priming company , ISO , 1005 1'arnnni st. Q IHK8TANDAHDCAT1LK COMPAN\ FKIl baled hay nl (500 per ton , on board ears nl Amcs.fteb U Ills price may ba wllhdruwn nt any lime , 7bl ) rI'OKTAllLK DOIL8U AND ENGINK , IIKBKS. vt4 drawer letter tile , oillco wlro nercenln'j , sUolvlng. partitions. Ice boxes , confectioner's tools , teller press. Must bo sold before Mnrch I J'o > cko tnndy Co , " JIW'J 9 CLAIRVOYANTS. 3-Mil" . NANNIIS V WAIlllhN , CLAIIIVOVANT , reliable business mediumllflh year at ll'l t > . loth 701 S-KNOWLKUGK IS POWKK CONSULT Prof and Mine. Arnold , buslnosi clair voyants , palmliu and astrologers , hive world wide reputation for their mar velous nnd wonderful power In reading the past , unveiling Iho future , give Indlsponsabla ad vice , bringing success nnd happiness lo thousand * ; lelli the business you should follow for gretlcst success ; If your lover Is true anJ Intends mar riage ; restores lost love ; removes family troubles nnd through lliolr wondrous magic mirror show picture , tell name of the ono you marry Balls fncllon given. Consultation , (1 lo 13 ; full reading by mall , tJ ; send data of birth Ofllce 218 ISth street , near Farnam , 2d Moor , room 4 Hours 10 n m to B p m. MJS7H8 S A1I18. nil. M LBURAVK , PltOPIIKTKbg , DKAI ) Iranco clalrvoynnl and tlfo reader ; lolls your life from crndlo to grnvo ; can bo consulted on nil atlnlrs of life ; lias the celebrated Kgyptlan broutt plato to unllo Iho separuled nnd cause marrlnge with ono you love lomoono. come all anil be con vlnccd of her remarkable powers Ofllcj and rest doneo417S. I Ith si , hours 9 n m lo ! ) p m Strict llfochnrl and pholn of your future \slfo nr hua band sent through mall for (5 01 , chart nlono , S ! U ) All letlors ionllining4 LenU In stamps promptly nnsncred MIUI ID * MASSAGE. BATH , ETC. rp-MAbSAQK TIlHAT.MIINr , KLKCTHO-T11KU- -tninlhalhs. scalp nnd hair treatment , mnnlcure and chiropodist 31 Post.HOh 8 15tbWlllinell blk 444 rp-MAIASIK SMITH. 524 N. ISFH. 3D KI.OOII. -L Massage , ulcohol , sulphur nnd sen balhs Altai II * OAliaiV , 1121 DOUGLAS S PUHU I' ) -1 tloor , room 7 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and ion balhs 670-u * PERSONAL. U-WANTKll. TllK 1'HKSKNT ADDIIKft.S OK 1'etor Norm , who loft lowu nbout thrco ycnrs nk'O nnd , U In nuppoicd , routed In Nebruskn. hyhla brother , ( > eerie Norsl , KeadlnR , I'a M'/ll 13 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. \ cor 15th and Harney ilarnoy struct eutrnncoUK UK MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Vr MONKY'TO""iioAlS ON iMi'iiovKi ) crrv ii property , low ralos A C. trosl , UOUKBS hlk 771 \\r-l AM)2 Y15AH LOANS ON UTV AND KAHM > > niorleaKO. Hojil A bolby. 311 Hoard of Trade 77J _ \\r-SIONKV TO LO AN AT LOWKST 1IATKS OV * 1 Improved and unimproved real oslato , 1 to 6 years , rtdellty Trust Co , 170J Farnara 77U \ \ p CKNT11ALIXAN&TUU8TCO. I1KK UI.DU 77J \V ANTMONV LOAN AND TlttTiT CO , JI3 N. V ' ' Life , lends al low rates for cliolca Hecurlly on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omnha clly properly J7I \\r-LOANS U U WALLACK , JI2 IIUOWN iliilT -IT "NY r-7 1'KH CUNT MONItV NET TO IIOKUOW K US on Omaha clly properly Noexlra charKcs of any kind Why pay hlRh rtites ? .Mon'y Is cheap You can eel full benellt of low rules irom 0 Loan anil Trust Co , lOlh and Dodge 70S \\r-WANTKDATO.\OK IXANu ONI IMI'lTovlo ) 'I ( iiiaha properly ; low rates Mdollty Trust company 17UJ t'nrn in st 7TU \\r-\\ANTKU , I.OANrf , IIOUSKd TOHKNTANII * i Insurance solicitor , ( iooV I * Cotlcs. \ U rarnam. M HO \V-U. F. IIA1UUBON , I2 N. Y UKK. 11 764 \\r-MONKV TO IXJAN ON OMAHA AND COLIN- II ell Illulfs real citato and Nebraska and Iowa farms al from 0 to 7 per cent Interest , with no addi tional charges for commissions or utlornoyt foes , W. D. Mclklo. 1st Nafl bank blUif , Omaha. 70 > ) \V-HKSTA. 8KCONI ) MOIlTfiAGB LOANS ON II Omaha property A on farms In adjacent coun- lies , bend f ullduscrlpllon AlexMooru.iUl lleo bhl ( WI T MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWUST IIA1K8. ' ' Tlio O , r. Davis Co , 1J05 farnam moot. 7U \V MOH'IOAHK 1-OAN8 LKsS THAN 7 li cent , Including all cbarutis diaries W llalney , Omaha Nal bank bideT \\T LOANS ON IMI'HOVKI ) AND IINIMI'llOVKD M clly property.M.OOOiuiUupwardsII to7 percent. Kudelays.Faruaoi baillb A ( .o.,15lhond Hnrney MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. \\r-OMAHA HAVIMJS HANK MAKK8 UANS ) li on real oiltttt nt lowest market rules Loans inado In small or largo sum * for shorl or long time. No commission Is charged and Iho loans are not no Id In the east , but can always bo found at the bank on Ihe corner of Uth and Douglas streets MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. X -rilirCHAItI > .M ! > OL' < U.AS ill.K. Id.V OOIIOK X 110 VOtt WANT MONKV 1IIK KIDK1.1TV LOAN ( IUAHAKTKK CO , IIDOM 4. WITIINKM , 1IU > OK , SOUTH 16T1I , COIISMil IIAUNKV HT. WILL \ LOAN . - „ „ . , . SUM \ LA nOB FHOM \ TON W I ! MARK LOANS ON HIKN1 ITU K , HOIf.U1 , rAHIUAtlKs , WAItKllUUMK KKt'KII'Trt OH I'KIl BUNAIi I'UOl'UlllV OK ANY KIM ) /TOO / WIU , / DO WBLL / TO / IALION /OT riitaT / roit / Ot U TKUMS WIIL MIIK1OI II A I'I'llOVAK Voucnn pnylhe money bntK nt nnr tlmonnd In nny amount you Uh nndthiM reduiu theio tof enrry Ini ! Ihu loan In proportion lo amount you pa ) IFOU owe n bnlancoon yonr furnltiiro ornttier personal proper ! ) ot nn > kind , nonlll pay It oil for jo i and inrrr It ns long ns yon desire Mil' ( .AN II VK0l'll MONhIN ONI ! IIOl'U KIIOM TIIKTIMi1)U : MKB VI'I'I.ICATION. No publicity or remo\nl of properlr. eo Hint yon get the line of both mone ) nnd pioi erty. \ ou will nl o nnd us In frum 7 lo U p m 7D X -CALL AT i UK Ol I ll.'K Ol OMAHA MUinoAOIC 1OAN CO. ! INCOIU'OltATKI ) | Il'IOi ; WANT MON'KY , Yon eun borrow on KuiiNirinii : AND PIANOS , : ! ? . WAlON- ! AND CA Kill All IJ3 , iii : ui.t ini'iy. MCUOIIANDISK , nil ANY OIHKH SKCUIII'IV We will lend you an > nniounl frnmflUUUlo Jl.lw ON TIIK 1 AVOI ) ASK toll IT wltboiit publicity or icmovul of properly You can pay the money back In any nmounts yon wish , and al any lime , nnd each pi ) mcnl so made u II ! re luco the cost of the loiin Iteineniber thai you hnvu Iha unit of both t'io ' iiropcrt ; and the mone ) , and pny for It only ns loili ; ns ) ou keep It. ' 1 hero will bo no expense or clrirffn l > epl out of the nnionnt anted bill ) ou will rccuho Iho full nmotinl of Hie loan llaforoliorronln vlMitvlicio call and sen ns nnd yon will tlnd it urcntl ) lo your advuntiiKO. OMAHV MllllltAiK I.IIANLU , .iDisoinii itiiu sTiiin.r , tlrst lloor above the street THKOLDKSr , LAIU.KHI AMI ONLY INCOIt 1'OIIATKI ) I.OAN COM1'AN\ UM MI V 777 V -WILL LOAN MONH ON ANYMNliO ! ' 8i : Acurlt ) strlitly conlldcnllnl A II. Hurrls . ' 0. Karback block 7id A" MONF.Y. XI 10. 00 IA\S CHKAI' UA'I K1 * vandensy paymeiitH on furniture plnnni II\u stock , etc without delny or publlilty , cash on hand Dull Oreen , room 8 , llnrber block 77s BUSINESS CHANCES. V roil * ALK. IlKI'AIL MKAT MAIIUKT. L llrst class location , cash sales ! Jj per day Ad dress W 7 , lice .M''IO . ONK-HALI'Oll ALL OF HAHI ) warevtock ( iood location itood trade Ad cKH lock Lot lOjo , Lincoln , Neb HI' ' li vr-THK VVKsThlN IIUSlNKiS Au.SC11(1 ( N J Y I tfo , con I nets a general buslii ( > AS exthanue List ot Kood biinlnesi chnncet In nil partn of the country on triplication Uuslnt'Rs iioxltlon secured cured M817 I"M V -lll'SlM-oS OI'DNINOS IN ICXLIIY Tl > WN I Stnto luil ) < ni II buy Van 1'iitlen Merenntlle Co , Hoard of Irade Mb3i 7' \T FOUSALi : ItKIAILb'lOCK or HAUDWAIIK I stoves and Imulcments In k'ooil lOcntlon ; In \olccd at riUOOUO licnt of reasons for telling Address'Juylor A , Co , Dimlap Iowa IXW IU * AT 1'AIITNKII WANTKI ) WILLOrKIU MALI J Interest In ono of best louitcd restaurants In Omaha forf.HX)00 ) Address A H , cure lice FOB EXCHANGE. y CI.F.ANSKK K OFtlKNKIlAL M I ) .s K ; WILL AJtako icnl cstalo A money llov "b , rrankfort Ind 7S ! ' /-M ) ACIIHS Or Cl.lIAll LAND IN ONH Ot /-Jthe best winter wheat dlstllets In Knnsiii to iv chnnKO for 10 or 20 ncro tract near Omalit clt ) limits Will pay ctMi dllTeronco If properly is cooil Address , Klvlnx prlcu and locallou , U * , Iteo OtllCCH 2Qj rCLUAll OMAHA IlKAL KVrATi : r-Oll MI)9K ) / actual valuation Money to loan IloxilS Omaha Z IOWS IOU hAKMSI.N N KIIUAM < A. KANSAS A Dakota \\lll sell cheap , or oxchnnuo for mds , horses and cattle Add. bux7t ! , 1'rankfort Ind _ 78. y WILLTIIADI ! UI.KAtttlTl \ \C MAN I foil , AJColo. , for clear Nebraska land oruooj o uLllnj Address B J Illchirds , llox l'JJ3 , Denver , Cole _ r/-a ooo AciiHS OF ICIIOOL LAND ! on bALio ON /Jousy terms or will exchange for mcrehandlso nnd slock. Inquire of J. IJ button , Illojinlleld. Neb f.9if.4' - ( OMAHA IlKNTAL ' ' ' ' r/-JOOD I'lUJl'iClll'l 10 I A f-l ehaiiKO for property In or nenr I/os Anitelcs , Cttl Address 1'uxlj.H Los Angeles Cal bU.L _ y FOlt TUADK lOlt LANDS AND f'Ahll A uclean slock of uenerul mcrdiandlso Adlrcss U W Wnlklns A. Co , Frankfort. Ind K ml' y rou n.xciiANUh , A BTOIIH , DWKLLINO AJiipstnlrs nnd barn nnd Iwo lots ( or a farm In eastern Nebraska. Henry K 1'urvln , ( entrnlln , Wash _ MM.s 10 * fHIST \ MOUICAOK , IJNIMl'ilOVBD LOTS Oil /-Jfnrm lands lo exchaiiKu for lei nnd house wllh conveniences. Loildas , IMS Webster street Z I HAVK ( JOOI ) IIUILDINJ lOT , .ilbT AM ) Franklin ( JI.UOO ) , for small stock of merchandise In clly or country. U. 11 ttlllot * , boiuli Omalia MU17-M4 * fFIltST MOIITUARK AND OMAHA LOTS 'IO IJ Irade for land ; also nloro bnlldlnB , clear und rented , In iiood Nebraska town , for land \ > Illlnmt & Mlltan , McLntuo bulldlntt. opposite pontolttcc MiH I 7 FOB , SALE REAL ESTATE. jew is I'ICIC Ul > IIAIUJAINI IN IlKAL K'TATIJ NKW iin lenitiillt house near Hiinscom park , splendidly flnlnbeil throughout , till conveniences. Anyone naiitlni ! it hiindsome homo will llml this n big bargain If taken nt once iil ; ( JAST ri'ildence , Jnitcompletedcorner 3'st and 1'aclllu streets , tolimlal ilettgn mndnrn con vi'iilencc's , Including lurnuio. laundry bithn , hot and cold water , UT.K suwcrngo , etc A heaiillful home Must ho sold quid , N IJW nine room honte nil modern Improvements , Just IliililieJ on iiuu of tlm nicest niHldonco streets In iminhi HPIU.IOUS grounds with nn almndnnui ofshndolrees fruit , r-lc A moil iliMrnblrt re-1 ilenco for an ) ono whliln. nniplu groundi nd fa cllllles for keeping u team Owner wishes lo clumt out at once mid 1 cnn oirer this property ut n Ion tig uro IILKGANT douhlc rcsldc'nco nllh 7ixlV ) feel ( MIDI fronl ononaof Iho nicest resldunio sin tin In this clly. Will rent for f I 4Q ) per annum Cnn sell unil luke a good share of purchusu price In fnim landMCK MCK flte room collage and lot. four blocks west of High school 'Ihls propoily Is In KOOH bhapo and within ensy walking dlslanco of business per lli.nofelly Prloo fJ.WU .MOIJH11N eight room cottage nenr Iliuinconi park , splendid ! ) furnished , n perfect Hem of u house in ! ! and gel price 'III.N AUUCH In WoalOmaliu splendid ! ) ailaplod for fruit and early vegetables ' ) Ills prop erty 1 % locnttil rlghl In tlio wuy of Hie fnluie growlh of both Dmnlia anil r-outli Omiiha. Cnn ho subdivided within Iho next fuw years Intoi ? cholio lots If sold ut once , only } 4 bOO ItUiiNKvS CiIIMit : VUtli Vlntonitnd bprlng In eluding Intersection o ! three sln-ots. splendid bnsl nets block stores and Hull A bit bargain If taLt-n MW'I V ACIlKSioulhnesl ofclly. clfkant tract only flvo and one Italf miles from the court liouno , can nITer at IJTA per acre DLTdlMCSS t'Hul'hll'l Y. corner Cumlnc nud Vista street ) ! , 121 feet frontage on Ciimlng with sulmliin tlal twoslury buslnn s bloik Will rent for f'KW pernnnum room for two more liulldlriKsI A big " " "vACAN r I HACK Adi ! and wnolenale lot near lath nndJackion This li tlio most convenient and Illicit wholo'alo propurtr In Ihurlly Can oTer ut n low n < iirelnorilir locloso out an cnlnlo lull ( or price and tnrms OM : nuMiitni ) ANDTWKNTV ACHKSclose. 10 New iimwood : park In Wcsl Omiilin , II nest In test mi nl properly In Iho west cnn oiler for a few 'lays ul fitM an acre and lake one half of HIM pnrilii. o prli u In Improved Income bunrlnc properly or guud Netrabkit Innd COItMIlt 2ltli and "C street , South Omaha , ( Ox IV ) feet room for two collages on lenr wlthSOxSi ) feet siiltablH lor limilncsi on the corner .Must ho told nt mil o a JOI Uixl.VJ feet east front on illh ncir ' II If told al oneo only II.KOll I-1 Itr CLASS Investment , I MI : I IK leet. south and i < ust from , corner "I' " and /nth utruel , Soulh Omnlia , will inaknllireonlroioulli front lot" .Milli. worth from II WOto fl.'UUilrh Can offer Iho on Urn niece of property for it fuw dtyit for IJ..IW rllLLLor , Wlil'iO fci-t , near ) ih and 11 ntreeU , fouth Omaha , on ! ) K" ) rilKAl'IXJr.l'lnlVtfcct , near27lli and C , Koutli Omaha If sold quick only IT7j t-U.MMiitlJ.\llliK.S rilol'rJUTV , ronslillngol 14 lots , covori" ! with beautiful shade trvoni right at licit line nation opposite llnsor'n hoiel andrvhul it'll park , In Wekt Omaha New boulevard and en trance to fairgrounds are right at this polnl Ono of the nnost placgs In Omaha for summer garden purposes There Is big rnnn y III Ihls , I'rice. (8 Ml. lioo N , Illcks , M'i N. Y. Ufa building ir-LOWIIST HA I'IM. riDKLl'l Y ' 1 HllsT i 1 panv , 17'I3 ' rarnam street. OSACItKi. J IIOIMKM. OUCH A III ) SMALL Fill 11' end grapei , ( H miles of 1 o liiri ( par acre , easy payment & arms on 41th st t.Muo , lormii easy. J. U. 1'arrolte , TIDoiulas block MJJC Mi HOICK IIAIIC MNf , rJOUrilOMlCA Midway luvottmont Co , , 717 N YLlfobld.- nn FIU _ LOT F'llhALK ON (1001) 'JKilMT "l/irTi In block one In HprlnndaloadJIllun lo tlioclt/ of Omaha Address Jouai Oak , Andoror. Ill , box 1 3. MM I ! * ' JTOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ( 'illfltllldl \\'K tlKrHIt TIIK KiI.U\VI\l \ ( IIKtl KIIIKII JJ properly on monthly piyment * of flu paeli ltl iill iltxlrnblo. ami Ihu prl jtnni dirt c.t 4J nl .i nn nlK'nuli lluiiro ( lood corner , Wth nnil pra up IVX . I'nrnor. luth nnd liomlnlun wtlli.olr IVi ] Mnacurtmr , llaker I'lnoo , tut tnr lino. fj ) foutli front hit urclnrd Illll. lirtl. \ nluahlo \ \ ulnnt Illll Int. ( \K \ ( I'loinut corner i lou'r.Ule t ulol < ! l JI HMO 4 rrotlitip , barn , do , 'owiird lr < mt MM ) . No tioutdo or i > tiinn > n to slioir this protmr ty lUinioiubrr that in our olpifAMi now t IdltUi.i of ATonditlf I'ark you etn i > citr n l n Hirnl tnJUr.i IIOIUK nllliln thonillo limit for MU Ki 11'JJ ' ) ' 'I nut company , KUJ hnr.iniu _ _ ' MIMKIJ nOWW ACIIKS ( ) p"'ll(7fcrt'TAirM 1\N'H | Kill ' nlaln Iriintlor , ( Unpi-r , | ) I\T UII and Lincoln romitltn. .Noli , ni from ( I to fli per ncroi irniy Icnin II II llonon Kuitl < . Noli Mil * Ml l l.KOANT IHIUXKIt 11111 UKill ) . Ni K I1J I'tC lira IISU U ; liindnoinp roJhh'nro.lM n lot.HH.uxi. line farm ii'iiiiies'oui , } ) ,6jj K Darl IK , Darker block MSI7 1'AIIM HAim.UN I2J Aritlts IN yol fll CKN- I tral Nebraska thrivi miles from a good town on II AM U H , worth MM ) PIT niro. tan bo bou < hl forlllHjo llalfctsh , bnlnnco al n per cent per nnminlllliiini A Mlllan. Moi ngno bulnllng , opposite poslutllce , Hum Hour M > 4) ) 7 i gains which we cnn reiomnuMid n being ti'ry dCMrahliHt't trull as vefy clieap , one four Hi I ash Mill lot nl "Hi nnd , U bo-it l reels , only Mil ) \\ellloe.iteillot lleilfor I I'liue forf.vlii 1 li'gnnl Sonlh ( imiihi lot ( ml.V , snap f-IO line corner Orchard Illll ; ( lioUenl lot \\ninnt Illll trees ote tlPO. A nM desirable lol on Lowe acnue. . U.liU llu < lii'M lol on tMMilhZOih , tturth f I IKK ) fur J2fOJ ! lleniillful moilern homes can be secured In onr nen AMindali'ISrk. Inildomllu limit at fromfVJW lofl.uui Lome an uoo s I ldi'lll > Trust i o , I7W I nriiam MSH VU | -y > VOUW\NT A NICK IIOU-'H KOIl WHAT -Mon nro HUM pi > Ing rout , ami still not llvoln lh suburb * U1 .Nnltlruur. CliaiiiDur of I'om mi-rea. 171 no | t'0lt S.M.I ; tin l7l7\7 > f. l < n " i miles mirlliwt'M of i mahn I1W 1 cmi'll worth slreel Oninlia Ml'M IV SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINO. OMAHA CUI.I.KUKOr'HHOIlTIIAVI ) AND TVI'K wrlthiK A C. Out , A. M . prln , lloyd'n new AlUflf ! ' Nnr 'nw tniiilnnl typewriters nt homo ( irent ihniuo for tho'.o cliher In < lt > or country who run mil ntluml n rcvillnr Khorlliniul rihool Addtex \ nil t-iint "ihool -north-mil 511 N V I.lfo Omiiln Mini | 11LOOD POISONING. H"nnd nnd ertlniy niimes In ( ID tol'ldiyiot monoj refnndeil Ihotreitment thorouuhly er 1 1 U lies nil piiliun fiom the blood nil I ilooi nut do- tnlnon from > our liuvliii'ii , o 1 1 in bo trottot nl home urottlru All oorroipomlo 10' ntrlctly prl \nln | or fin tin r Informitlon eull on or million the 1 onllnuntnl I'omody ' Co , room 5S. Iliu k r block , ( .innhn Neb Mofol * ! ! * ' COSTUMES. ANI > ( hNl .M \ turner for renl ill 114 S Kill MIVJITJ * 1111 : on roconl IVbru iry 0 , IH'JJ. \ > tllllVMY lfl.l)4. IL ( ' IfiiKlirs Mini lfo In .MrCoy A , Olnistc.ul.s's lilt' " ) Itn-s IMiico J 0,500 Mrl'ov A Dlinsli'iid In Miir1i > l.i ( HiiKlK's , lot ! Ii ( mill n 'S lot 3' ) , I)1U ) 8 , llllllSOOIII I'lllCC 8,000 . ! I' , ll.i } mill wlfn td l.iu-y Illnlilc , lot T.lilU 8. lul 15 , lilU 5 , lot : . I)1K ) 0 , llnl.or I'lncc , lilt III , 1)1 Ic 1 , liniin- IIH'ICJ p.lllt J.GOO .MlII 1' . nn liiiulloMis .Iiiltu I.Mi" . Nil 7 hllv I ) , 1 ii-,1 mid inouth Om.ilui . . . 2,155 I ) II Uniitfli nnd Ifi'tn.l. M.cslor - ll < III Illiil > , Idls H , ' ) , H ) , 21 , iH ! , bloc-k I. Mlxxoui I AMMIIIC piuK 750 J I , . Hind , , iiid wifeto \ \ A ( icMilry , lol II. llliu-U s sub 300 liulolili ! | Id : il \ Cd In lliMiiinn llonl , s 10 ft lul J , bind. Us. Smih Ujn ilia 1 S.iino to Uudolpli Hriil , lul | i , block ' \ , " Il\M''h llllll 1 S II ll.riuHv , tin-.ti'c' t < i ( ' . ( ' , .lulin- son , lot 10 , bloc'K 8Vfsl Side 300 grir ci. VIM nri m. A. A Hidwni't ulto Manilo A.Sultlos , u 's nu 1B-15-H ) I Tolnl iiinountof Ir.uisfcis , $ 10.008 DEN SM ORE The Best in the World. MAOEATH STATIONERY CO. 1304 Farnam St. , - Omnha , Neb BUREAU. SUES & CO.Solicitors , Boo Building , Omnlm , Neb 4yeiirs Kinuilners U S I'.tt Oillco. Advloa free WtetBrantl is on.gour Collar ? IS IT THE It ought to bo , if you \venr n 2O-cout collar ; for this brand of collars is the very best value to bo Imd for SO cts ; three for CO cts. Watch cur advertisements next week , CLUETT. COON & CO. RfflLm WlgGMD Lot\oi 1 ivIIIC'Ati I IIL'llLlxlToV A W . Arrlvj" dm tint i Dopol lUlh itnl _ MqsunStt I Oinalia TTfp in Ihlctgo Vesllhitio HWJn m ViUii m . . . Chicago Kxpresi . V IJ it m ! .HOn rut . Ihlcngo Ktprcsn . . t n p m I. MJ p ml .Chicago Alona Local bW p m I.COVOH LIM.INI.'UiN , V Mil KlVrtll I Arrlvt Oinalia _ JlopoUUlh an I MMOi _ " < li _ I uinih * lOI'iitm . . Denver Kiprons 4 ut p m It ) l ! > a in . lleadirood Kxpress 4 01 p m 4 W ) p in . .Denver Kxpros * ! ) Hi it m 4 fiU | i in . .honver LlmlliHl . . I. I ) it m 1.60 pm I . . . . Hasllngi Local ij p a H IS a m | .1 ln'Olnlocal _ ( Kycopt * < nnl II I ) a m iT t 5T T"X > li llejiot lUlh and Meson Mis V STam1 . . .Knnoai Clly Hay fatten .I4f > pm K li Mghl K | i vlt LI I * 'Iriuil 'Jl > pm | . . bt Louis l'Airo | > . UoInK I ' Hll AOliTii r'ATATTflT" Kii | UnloitlepotlOlli _ ) A Mitray St fo"ou alii . Mlantlo Kjirm | * 4 4U pml . . Vvstlhulu Itxprcsi II. . ' ) p in . . . . . . * iL'lil Kiprem. . . " l.ofiu I 'illOAlfD'U 1 * "iVtUirTi Wusl I Union Depot Ulli and Marry S l.ft pm j . . . Denver Llmllud . 4 U p ru k'ti niu I Kiuism city iHncopt hiiniUr LJ0- ! ! ! ! ! 1 eaves ' O nintift Union lleput'lOlh and Mitruyflls.l Uaialia lluxtrlcj in r.W am , , . Denver Kiprjii. . . 4U > p i li p m Ovorlant flyer 7U ) p m 4 I' , Pl.1 Uontrlce V iiri-nbz Kxtex aunl I. IJ p m 11.49 p m 1'aollla I5xin | > ii IU 13 n m CM p m . .Ddlivnr rust Mitll 4 it o ra _ l mvei I i/iiii AiTiriirLT.v * i i' ' \TTi4. | Arrive" " " Omilml U I * 'lapot and \Iaror | Onit'i ' * " " O.i p nr . . I hhajo'Kipr < i i ) it m 11 U ami Ji ) p nt Icnviii I M < ll ) i \r if Oniahitl liopot liltli and Marry sn i _ O n t'lji Tt > a m . Slum i Ity r.tssuiuar II ) Alp nT U.lo p m It I'anl Kxpross ID UJ a in Lravim i hll\ [ ) ( 11'V I'ACll III. Arrival Oniali l _ llniot. | IStlijtnl WelnUr hli 'fj 4iTi | in i _ _ . _ _ jljl auj Llmllod , l > S > a m Leaves" 1 U M ATTA S I' . LOlJIa" | Arrl/os' Oinolialr ! Depot. lUth iin-1 Mnrcy Bis I UllMlll 4 ( / ) pin1 . xt Louis Cannon ) tttll 1 1. 1 1 pm Loiivoi" ! LVTHl. 1'rvO.T ) Oiiialial _ Depot litlijtiiilyBbiturSti. _ . | Diuit'av ' KlUaml bloux city Acu muio litllon I ' . ) p m" US praibloux i.lty ixur. : > . " ( Ux. Sundiyljl ) II p m 6.4 pml . bt 1'aul .mltod . , i uji Am SIS pml llalKiroH l'ns oniorKr. ( Huiid vlj 8 l'i | m iTavi'li "j P. K. A M"(7 VAlTLK V " " | A frivol" ( Miiuhul Depot 1'itli and Vehstor Pit J ( ) mali l'.Uj ' m | . . .Duudwood hxp'e * , < tl pm I'M i inKKx. Hit.Vyo ) K p ( Kx. Mon ) 11 pui ftfupni .Norfolk ( Kx bninlay ) 1 ) ! i it m & 15 pm' ' . . . * l l'auJHjyiioj . . _ . . J J. u ia Ix-tvos irilllMdOX NO'll'H \VrtrrilN\riiv3 ; | Omahnlt' I * ilvjiOLjOtlijiiul Vlarc Hls "f 3(1 ( nml ( Kx Min'Vi I'nrrosTl'msoiiKor * " > W p m 10 40 a ml , i hlmva Kxpresj. . r.Oi p m 40 } pm Vvillbula Limited . . 9'JI m roOiinii ' . Kantern Flyer . .Ml p m JfSIji m'lKx HunKhla l'm ( Kr Mon.l U''J H in fTaves" "j "MISsTTLifn'All'Fll' . ( Arrives * _ _ ttnali ( illleponsih _ _ nnd Wtibsler Bl . | Omnha 1.10 pull , . .r1 ! . l/juit Vjiircm . l " 00 a 01 IbU ) pr | . St Ixiuls Kvprcss . I 403 p nt 6.10 p iu | . , , . . NtDrtika Lucitl . UZJ m