Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMATTA DAILY BKE : TUESDAY , FElflirAttY 7 , 181) ) ,
Wheat Was Sluggish Early , but Closed nt a
Slight Advance.
Corn IV n * Riri-rdluKljr Hull and H I'luetun-
tloimln 1'rlccn Wrre Almost In Sym
pathy with Wheat Throughout -
out the Ilnjr.
CIIICAOO , III. , Keb , 0. IttM a weather mar
ket In wheat today , and for n whllo trade was
rather sluggish ; pi Ices wore decidedly firm ,
nnd during the first hour May sold l'c above
the close on Saturday nnd held a good portion
of the advance for a long tlmo , The condi
tions , which Inivo been admittedly bad for
winter wheat-ln the west and southwest for
sotrio day ? , wuro looked on as quite alarming
today. The recontsoft weather had converted
the snow covering of the Holds Into ponds and
lakes , arid a bll/.zard carrying temperatures
of from ll ( * to 16O below /oro was reported In
the territory between Kansas City and Des
Cables note firm and Hi" receipts at Interior
points weio little. Allot thesu things madu
the shorts nervous and anxious to covor. The
result was that the futures Opened at from
78JiC to 70c , against 7 Hc at the
close on Saturday , and a further
appreciation to 70'/ie ' losultcd. At the
advance longs proceeded to take their
jiJoflts , and their offerings , together with tin
unexpected small decrease In the visible sup
ply , caused the market to weaken , and the
close was steady at from 78c to 784C ? , or
only a shade above thu lowest prlcu of the ( lay.
Corn was exceedingly dull and Its lluc'uii-
tlons In prices weiu almost In symnathy with
wheat , closing with a loss of 'no , comnared
with Saturday's last llguies , the final weakness
being lidded to bv the vlslfile supply and hca\y
estimate of receipts for toninrniw.
Hog products woie snmiiwlml unsettled.
Hogs wore lower and this fai-l , with free offer
ings In the piodnel , caused a period of weak
ness ( luring Hie early trading , but later there
was a rally , owing to covering by shorts , und
then another period of weakness , though tin :
Jew point tnurli"d In the early trading was not
Kstlmaled rcoi'lpts for lomortow : ,
22H r-irs ; I-OHI , 6iHiars ) : ; oats , 185 cars ; hiys ,
15,000 heuil.
The loading futures ranged as follows :
TTmci.rsr oi'iss. " fTiinii. i. < iw , n.o.s icr HAT"- "
75M , 745H
tll t 7cH 78l !
TM 78 ! 1 -a
CM 47'S 47H
47t !
SIM 8 * 3IK 31' <
85 a ut
19 G4 192 * . 19 ij 19 67K
11 70 II 85 II 831 ,
11 45 11 47K 11 45 II 45
10 law 10 I2K II ! > 5 10 10 10 10
Cnsh quotations wure as follows :
I'l.oiiu Dull and unchanged.
WllKAT No. 2 spring , 74174JiC ! No. 3
nprliigG2o ; No. 2 red , 70c.
ColiN-lUglier ; No. 2 , 43Jic ; No. 8 cash ,
BOlif ; No. 3 yellow. 41ffi42c. '
OATH--No. 2 , 3l' ( B31fc ; ; No. 2 white , no
tali'sNo. . 3 white , 33c ,
1 , Hvi : No. 2 , 03c.
HAHI.KY No. 2 , G4c ; No. 3 , no sales ; No. 4.
no .sales.
KI.AX HKKII No. 1 , f l.lR'ltlM.lSV
TIMOTHY SIKI ; > Prime , $4,62.
I'oltK Mess , per lib ) . , new , $18.12(318.25 ( ;
lard , per 100 Ibs. , $11.80IJ11.82'/ij short ribs
Hides , ( loose ) , $10.10 10.20 ; dry salted shoul
ders ( boxedi , S9.87UQ.10.00 ; short clear sides
( boxed ) , $10.0610.70.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal , ,
HUUAHB Unchanged ; cut loaf & ! ' < a5'io ;
granulated , O'ie ; standard "A , " Oc.
Thu following wuru the receipts and ship
ments for today :
On the Produce cxclmn u' today the butter
niurket wan lower ; creamery , 2228c ; dairies ,
2227o. Eiib's , lower , 27c.
New York Inrketa.
NEW Vonit , Fob. 6. Fi.oun Receipts , 32-
OD4 pkps. : exports , 0,751) ) bbls. , 20,589 sucks ;
unkvs , 10,150 pkg.s. ; murkut dull , steady ;
winter wheat , low grades , t'J.lOftti.GQ ; fulr to
fancy. $2.&oai..75 : patents , J3.85O4.2B ; Mln-
ncsota cluar , J2.GlWf3.OU ; .straights , J3.00 ®
4.50 ; patents , $4.25(115.00. (
COIINMKAIjnlot , htcady ; yellow western ,
HAHI.KV Mrrn , quiet ; western , COSSOc ; No. 2
Toronto , H-tiTra5c.
HAIIMIY MALT Dull , steady ; western , C5
@ 85c.
WIIKAT Itecelpts , n,075 hu. : exports , 142-
207 bu. ; sales , 095,000 bu , futures ; 72,000
bu. spot. Spot market moderately active for
export , llrinor ; No. 2 red In store andolova-
tor , SOiiftBOyci atloat , Bl4'8U4c ! ; f. o. b. .
8lH H2jc ( ; uiiKiaded red , 0575 ( : : No. 1
Iiorthorn , BOl .BGJir ; No. 1 bard , 0191'Se :
Ko. 2 northern , 84'/i < a844'c ; No. n spring , 8014
eHOc. ? ( Options were moderately nctlvo ;
upened linn ar ifd'-jc ' udvunco und gained t'jo
on tinner i-nblos. foreign buying , small India
shipments und Miurts coverlnir , declined V.iasc ( (
v lib the west , decrease in vlslhlo supply llihter
than expected and local realizing , closing weak
} 4ffl,0 over Saturday's ; No. 2 red. March , HHi (
W81ic ! , clOklngat 8 ( > Kc ; iMay,82 0-10 < ilH33-lGc ,
closing at 82 je ; July , 83Ka84jc. ! closing at
3C ! *
Stocks of grain , store und nlloat.l'obruary 4 ;
wheat 18,471,003 : corn 772 598 ; outs 1,1)71-
780 ; rye 110.708 ; barley 300,020 ; mult 27.714 ;
pens 12,410.
CoitN Receipts , nR.COO bu. ; exports , 29.-
000 tU. ; sales , 180,000 hu. futures. 48,000 bu.
spot. Spots lower , with options dull , closing
Jlrm ; No. 2 , 54 c In elevator , GG'/Uc
ullout ; ungraded mixed , 54c ; steamer
mixed , G3e ! ; No. 3 , 01&lic ; No. 2 white
&Bc In store. Options advanced early W@ c
with covering by shorts , declined HVC on
the Increased vlslhlo and closed weulc , 'Wiiic
under Saturday : February 54W55c , uloslng
; March. 53jffi54c , closing oajtu ; Muy ,
G3U < a54e , closlli 584-e. }
OATS Hecelpts , 94,800 bil. ; exports , 70000
tm.i sales , 75,000 bu. futures , 59,000 bu. spot.
Bpot.s , quiet , tlrmur , dull : Muy. 30&4f3'JSc ! ,
closing at 39Bu ; spot prices : No. 2 , white ,
41Kc : No. 2 OhlcuKo , 39JC ! ! No. 3 , 37Jic ; No.
8 white , 4Uo ( ) : mixed western , 39ii40c ;
Whlto western , OOA-lOc.
HAV Moderate demand , steady.
llpi'S-Oulet. unchanted ; stale , common to
choice. SlfltfGc ; 1'ncllle coast , 2JtJ'24c.
lluiEs Fair ( tumiindi nncliangod ; wet
salted. New Orleans selected , 45 und 00 IDs. ,
4'4 ' < a"e : Puxas selected , GO and UO His. , 55/.7C.
t'trT MKATO-JMill , Kteiidy ; jilckled bellies ,
? ! W. ! ! > ; ' ! " ! ( . ' 'i Pickled hums ,
14fel4iej mlddle.s , dull , steady ; short clour ,
1fa > . ! . , , \ ' ' , ! Klu > r. ! western steam closed
nt J12.1U bid : sales , noimt options sales ,
iioiioi Maroh. $12.10 hid ; May , H2.10 Did ;
u.y.vUlW4llhl ! ? < tiai ' " > rkl < lull , flrm ; old mess ,
H9.'JGai9.75 ( ; new mess , $20.75.
Iltm-Kli-Oulot , llrm ; western dairy , 1824c ;
I'll BKSK- Firm , fulrdemand ; purtuklms , 4 < a
Koris-Strons , fair demand ; western fresh , 39
® 40c ; receipts , 2.771 pkgs.
KICK- Firm , active.
Moi.As.sKsNew Orleans , open kettle , good
to choice , fulr diMnand , firm.
StKlAit Haw , llrm , qulut ; sales , 1,400 tons
of Museovudo , 80 test nt4)ic ) , nnd GOO hags
centrlfUKiils , 00 test , at 3 7-10c ; rullncd quiet ,
I'm IilONSteady American
; , 812.7GttlO.50.
Coi'iuaiOulet. . steiidy ; Uko , if 12.00.
l.KAlH-Dull , llrm ; doinestli ; , * 3.05.
TIN Qulut : Straits , 120.20.
Omiiim I'riidii
On Sunday niuniing the weather turned warm
and there were not a few of thosu Interested In
produce that thought the thno hud eomu for a
cliiuiKe In the situation , lleforu nl ht , how
ever , thu weutherchansud and the thermome
ter registered below yero before Momluy morn
ing. llenco the pre-ent week opens without
any esseutlul change In the marUut , The ru-
celpthweru light , on all kinds of product ) and
thu movement Of trnxN was very limited. The
veather Is so cold Hint no one ventures ma
only under comiiulsloti , ami that fact has
much to do with limiting thu dumund for pro
Al'l'l.EsStocks uro held at J3.GOB-I.OO for
fair ( o choice Mock.
HANANAMQuoted at J'J.OOTW.GO per bunch
llKANrtCholcu navy , fJ.OUifJ.2a.
HfTTr.n Theurrlvuls of butter are nolInrKu
cnouxh to maldi any very decided change In
thu niarket and prices continue In about the
unite ( rmovu. ( > IMM | country roll sulls ut 174i
2lit > ami fnney at 2l > (62''i ( : .
( 'Al.lfOIIMA ( . > AIIIIAUU--CiMd RtOCk 2)3C. )
Ci.l.Kiir I'erdoz. , 40c.
< lUMiKiiiiulloll and cherry. M.GO ; bell
and bugle. tlO.OO : Jersey ( -'a no Cod. tO.GO.
| J ; < IH Thu contlnucu cohl weather ( .tlniu-
Iktid ili-nlerx ( uhrild on to Htocks , and them
tun miii-h talk of MillliiK except at 227c. (
Tlii < r ii | > uriiptloii N alHiut the UchtOHt tliut It
) < n Mn ut uny time thin kenson. although the
l/.wfUt i not HO hitch im It was uMiort tlmo
tut' i. ltl KuttlnK MI lutoln the iUMii ) ) that
| * / > pl > I'H fi ( ivury day that prices will taku
| iif/l , | i , mid Ilidy urn walllnu for the decline
lt"tnt"itli-i. A yuml innny fnuen rgg arc
i < In l illio i > tv vul tlmu. In almost
o ory lot thrro are more or less frozen , oven
tluwn hipped 'ty express.
OAMK There were a few rabhtls on the timr-
ket whlrli weruliclni ? hold nttl.GO for ntnall
and (3.00 for jnrkx. The arrival of any quan
tity would make It Impossible to obtain any
nue.h prices.
II AYTho market IK about steady nt (0.00&
' '
-No. 1 salted , 4a4 ! < o ; No , 2 , 8 3ic ! !
HNKV ! t'bolro .to fancy whlto clover , 180J
2 < > e ; fulr to Kood. lft18c.
LKJIONt'holcn to.fancy , tJ.76ft4.00.
MAI.AOA OHAPIM Hood shlnplng stock. $8.60.
NUTSI.argohickory , Jl.Ou ; black walnut * '
OYSTints The local market In steady at 2t > a
42c per ran.
O.NIO.N.S Homo irrown. $1.00 per bushels
Spanish uorerato , $1.00ft2.0O.
OitANdf.s Thu market Is about steady.
Sizes 176to220 aru ( juoted at (2.75 for rus-
BOttN and (3,00 for bright * . Sl/.es 250 to 320
aru quoted at (2.75 for brlghts and (2.60 for
riisMitti. Tangerines , put up In half boxes ,
I'our.TiiY The market was very quiet and
prices were about steady. Chickens , small
and choice , lOBltc ; large and fat , tiaOo ! old
roosters and rough stock , 7c ; turkeys , I4(216c ( ;
ducks andg
I'OTATOIUnly : small lots moving from
slore. Western Nebraska slock Is quoted at
86c : Utah and Colorado , OOcQtl.00 ; cholcu
native. 76'dHOc.
SWIKT : I'OTATOBB There aru a fuw In the
market whMi a re .selling at $4.50.
VIAi.-Cholco : and fat small \eals , saiOc ;
largu and thin , 3UOc ; .
I'lionuri : PomTiis.
The recent cold wavu In I'loilda Is Mild to
have killed theciit worms , that were doing so
much damage , as well as freezing oranges and
early vegetaUles
Tlieoyslorsltuttlonat HiHImoro Is bright
ening up and there Is a much better prospect
for an'd supply of oysters than there
was a short time ago.
The southern Cullfornlnlfriilt growers have a
Miong union and a good many of thu largu
shippers nf California are only doing u com
mission business for th < growers ,
A llaltlnniro jiapcrsay- , that It looks to them
( is If sonic ono had cornered the egg market
and was fun-Ing prices up. It Is suspected
heru that old Iloteas Is the manipulator.
On Sunday a prominent commission man
who Is long on eggs hurried out a mossotigur to
notify his sidesman when hu opened up on
Monday moinlng not lo lefuso any offer on
egg * . In an hour the weather had changed to
froe/.lng und another messenger was dls-
pulched with inders to thu salesman not to
sell og < rs in any price , .lack frost appears to
have the egg market right under his thumb tit
The report of the secretary of the Klgln
Dairy llouid of Trade for 18)2 : ) shows that the
production In the Hut ) factories owned and on-
erafod bv members of thai body wore 30,19l > , -
284 Ills , of butter ami 7,115,735 Ihs. ohooso.
Cash transactions mi flu1 hoard for the year
amounted to7.725,72.1 on butter and $ &hUv.8i (
on cheese , making a total of tH,310,280. The
yeaily uverngu price of bitttor was 26jc ! and
choose 8 2-7o.
The cargo of oranges carried directly to Lon
don from I'lorlda recently by thu steamer
1'lholwold was uii experiment that was not
wholly burion of unuislng features during the
salu of the fruit. The cargo embraced 0,415
boves , owned and shipped by 132 grocers.
There weio all sorts of sl/us and all sorts of
colors , from clear bright to dark russets , in
every lot. und thu catalogue men had a fearful
Unit ! grading and assorting. The samiillng , or
opening of sample boxes , was equally slow and
tedious. However , ( hu russets proved unwel
come strangers and wuru regarde.1 with sus
plclon by most of the fruit buyers. Ono
dealer Inquired how thu russet was produced ,
asking If the orange had not been crossed with
a russet apple. Such Igmiruncu of pomology
by a fruit dealer Is lo bu duplored.
The orange growurs and shippers of Cali
fornia aru not slow to rccognl/.o thu situation
of the Florida giowors and try lo profit by
their misfortunesays : the St. Louis rost-DIs-
patch. Here Is a paragraph from a printed
circular to the trade seeking orders :
"I'lorlda has been having some very coldfrosty
weather , which has Injured bur orange crop so
It will be almost Impossible for you to get a
good , straight car freu from frost from them
the balance of the season. " Whllo this state
ment Is somewhat alluring , though question
able , the Callfouila f i ult will not come heru
until their figures go lower or I'lorida's go
higher. Another shipping concern out thuro
guts back at their hielhron with branch houses
in this way : "Wo have no branch houses In
any market to comprto with our customers ,
and will therefore notconlllot with the tradu
hy offering In lossqiiantllles than carload lots.
Wo sull only In carload lets to thu wholesale
trade. "
I1. 1' . Dalgh , druggist at Uumbolilt , sold
1" . W. Slietuer , a grocer at Nel.son , Is reported
sold out.
Ij. S. Smith , dry goods and groceries , at Su
perior , has sold out.
I ) . I Wolford will discontinue his general
store at West I'olnt.
W. A. Hunt A : Son have sold out tholr gen
eral store at Nelson.
William Chonowlth , dry goods and groceries
at Ashland , has failed.
0. A. Robertson , running a general store at
Smyrna , will discontinue.
Mrs. O. H. Go wet t , Is selling out her milli
nery business at Heaver City.
Abram Williams of Ittadon has sold out his
livery and hotel to S. K. llakur.
Bradford & Hays , confectioners at Hardy ,
have been succeeded by W. l > . Shullon.
II. K , Sterns , In the dry goods business at
Hiiinboldt , has been succeeded by Sterns
llros Co.
Weaver & Comstoek , In the Implement busi
ness at Oak , huvo been succeeded by Com&tock
& Knsley.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Keb. G. Ki.oim Unchanged.
WIIUAT VSi'ie above Saturday ; cash. G9 c ;
May closed , 73 < a73.'ic ! July , 75'&e.
COIIN Cash higher , lll'Jc ; options Jio under
Saturday ; Kubruary and Match closed 41uc ;
May , 41 wo.
OATS Lower ; cash , 31o bid ; May closed
HYK-DiilI ; 53'Sc bid.
I'AIII.BY No sales.
KUANHigher ; 7172'jc. '
HUTTKK I'neliaiigod.
KddS Lower at 27e.
1'oiiK Sternly ; old , $10.00 ; new , $20.00. Lard
higher , $11.02't.
KUCKii'T.s Klour , 22,000 bbls ; wheat , 16,000
bu , ; corn , 253,000 uii. ; oats , 32,000 bu. ; rye ,
none ; barley , none.
SHIPMENTS Klour , 7,000 bbls. ; wheat. 54-
000 bu. ; corn , 124,000 bu ; oat.s , 4,000 bu ;
rye , 2,000 bu. ; barley , 10,000 bu.
Oil Murkot.
NEW YOIIK , Keb , G. I'ITIIOI.IUM : : Interest In
petroleum has entirely disappeared and today
there were no transactions In the certificates
at either e.xchangC ! ] and no quotations re
TAM.OW Active , strong ; city ( $2.00 for
COTTON Sunn On/ Dull , but easy ; crude ,
07o bid ; yellow , Uii : ,
Kosix Scarce , 'firm ; strained , common to
good , $1.40f&1.42'.i. '
Tuid'ENTiNU More doing and firmer at34'S ©
30c. *
LONDON , Fob. 0. LINRKKD On21s Cd per
cwt.TuitPK.STlNK SPIIHTS 23s 4'-Jdpercwt.
CALCUTTA Ll.vsKKH-43.sOd per quarter.
LIVEIIPOOI. , Keb. O. TAI.I.OW Nominal ;
stocksu.xliaiisted ; quoted nt 33sporcwl.
LI.NSEED Oil , 21s pur owl.
C'oM'co .Market.
NKW YOIIK , I'eb. 0. Options opened firm ,
unchanged Jo 15 points up , closed steady , 5
points dow n to ' 10 points up ; sales , 45,000 bags ,
Includhig _ _ J-'ubriiary17.655 ' 7.05 ; March ,
10.80 ;
© 10.70 ; October. $10/70 ; NoYeiiYbur'fO . &da
10.55 ; December. " 10.6oro 10.55. Spot Uio ,
steady but dull ; No. 7. J18.251H.37'J.
Kio DK JANKIHO. I'oli. 4. Klr t ordinivrVi
14,000 rels per lo kilos ; good second , 1 l.oOo
rels , Itecelpts during the week , 08,000 bag ;
purchases for the United States , 34,000 bugs ;
shipments to the United States , 01,000 bags ;
stock 154 , OOO bugs.
SANTOS , I'eb. 4. Hecelpts during the week
wuro oo.OOO bags ; purchases for the United
Statps , 40,000 bags ; hhlpmonts to thu United
States , not e ; stock , bags.
KmixiiH City .MurlcctH ,
higher ; No. 2 h'iril , 0 ( itftii7c : No , 2 rod. 71c.
COIIN-HO higher ; No. 2mlod , 3tUI30'ie.
OATS-Kirm ; No. 2 mixed , '
Itvi : Steady utD'JVic.
Hu-iTKit lii light dumand and dull ; cream
ery , 24ij.28 ; dairy , 10'tt.lUc.
fiiids t'nsettled at 20c.
KECKii-rs-Wheat , 31,000 bu. ; corn , 4,1 ,000 ,
bu.soats , 1,000 bu.
riiiP.Mi.vrs-Wheat ! : , 04,000 bu. ; corn , 15i ,000 ,
bu. ; oats , none.
Liverpool M rk t * .
LiVEiifoou- . .
- O.-WiiEAT-Steady ; demand -
mand fair ; holdeis otrer moderately ; No. 1
California ' , tlsftOs ( Id per cental ; red western ,
1Sl ( < llli0'i ' ' * ' ' ' > 1
' ' ' * " ' " rt ' wllltor' &s
CoiiN-.Siealy ; demand fair.
HACON Long and bhort clear , 65 Ibs. , 52s
pc * r cwt *
iikoo Cntln JMitrknt.
, \Vls. , I'ub. O.-WiiKAT-1'lrm ;
May. 71 Mji ! No , 2 Hprlng , 00 71e ,
CoitN-Steady ; No. 3 , 42c.
" '
llAIU.KV 03u.
HY'U 000.
I'ourln * ilnrl < i > lii ,
. .11 , , Kob.O. COIIN No , 2 , 40'/ci No
3 , 40o.
noOATS l > lrmi No' 3 * " " ' ' through billed ,
O * ) sO.
llrltUh iiritln Tratlo Hrvlrir.
LONDON. Kub. o.-Thu MHrk Lane
In IUJwtpkly ruvlow of thu llrltUh grain Express trade !
Hay ! Tuo English wljfut holding la estlmulod
, Laiun
to t nmount to from 4.000.000 to 6.000,000
mmrters , Tweiitv-threo eountry mar(0ts ) nro
llrm on homo wlieat , whllii forty-six HIOa !
derllncof Od. . . . , .
TliirAniPrlrnn proposal to legislate apalnsl
npllon deallint doe.s nut help trade , \\llli
1,700.000 quarters ( in tht < passiiuo from Cali
fornia , further exports from the Pat'lllf coast
appear to be tinneeded. It Is not likely that
India will ship wheat until March.
The visible wtpply of corn I * over 12,000.000
bu. , aualnst 7,000,000 bu. nt Iho corrcsppndliie
tlmo last year. It l believed that Kn Ilsh
wheat will not reach ,124 durlin * the year.
HI. l.iHil * ( Irnln .ttiirkut.
ST. I.otlio , Mo. , Tub. \VheatIilKhor ; cash
COLjc ; Mny , 73 > e.
OOIIN Loner , cash 40'e ' ; May 43c.
OATS Uiwer , cash 31ie ! ; May * l4Hc.
1'oitK r'leadyjonow ' J20.00. Lard higher ;
VUlblc Supply of ( Irnln.
NEW YOIIK , Kob. C. Vlslhlo grain supply !
Wheat , H1.3HO.000 1m- corn , ; 13.402,00o bu. ;
oats , 6,9..4,000 bil.j rye , 017,000 bit. ! barley
iisi ! > ,0001m.
Cotton .Market.
NKW OIU.KANS. La. , Feb. 0. Steady ; mid
dling , 03-lc ( ) ; low inlililllim , H'ie ; KOOI ! or
dinary , 8fjc ; net reeelplK , 0.130 bales.
Moving i'urre In the Murlcot Wan the ( .old
( lui-xtl
NEW YOIIK , I'eh. 6. There was a moderately
active business In stocks , but with the e.\cep-
tlon of t.omostrciith | In early dealings , when
operators were watting for some Indications
of the prospects of the repeal of thuallverlaw.
It was weak almost throughout and final
changes are generally at the lowest , with many
material * for the day. The Rokl question
was the moving force In the market and when
the .senate refused to vole on a motion to re
peal the silver law , thu market weakened
under considerable pressure of Ions' Blocks ,
the decllno bulnjt accelerated by the opera
tions of the bears , who from that tlmo moved
prices their own way. Sterlln ; * exchange was
firmer , the hills drawn against Kold Nhlpments
havlii- } been readily absorbed , and bankers
announce that shipments of Hold are likely to
be made at the end of the week. Koreliin ad
vices received In the street state that should
the silver law be repealed there would proba-
blv bu less demand for Kold.
The Industrial stocks were not so prominent
In thedeallnjr.s , and only I'onhiKo and Suuar
showed any particular strenxlh , the mov
ing In unNon with the general list , and Dis
tillers shou'ln ; : a llnal loss of only l' ' ( percent.
The operations of the be'irs were directed
larjrcly aualnst the itran ers , and buying of SI.
Paul by l.ondiiH had little Influence to stop tin. '
ell'ect of their sales. Thu weak .spotln the ,
however , was the coalers. The further notion the Jersey t'entral In the New .Jersey
courts , Ineonnectlon with the persistent sell
ing of other anthracite slorkn , was ull'ectlve In
lower ipintaltnns amoiiK the whole group.
Delaware & Hudson led with a loss nf 2 per
cent , but I.acKawanna and IteadliiK each lost
1'f. The losseunion1 ; the -rangers were
nearly as liu-no , however , llurllnntdii losing
Hi percent , Omaha 1'iper cent and Ht. Paul
1 per cent. Manhattan was without support
and declined ' per cent net for the day on
comparatively small transactions , but thu
other chanie.s were Rencrally for small
uiiounts. The strong feattiro was NowKiiK-
land , but that was only In thu forenoon when
there was an lit uent demand for the stock , and
Iho proximity of the time for the closing of the
iHiolis led to the Inference that ono or thu
other side In thu contest for control was
3lrenKthenlnf * Its line. Later In thu day , how
ever , It was allowed to run ofT to about Its
lowest point and finally closed unchanged.
Among the specialties the arrival of the
Oily of Pckln Infused a llttlo life Into Pacific
Mall , but C'olorado I'uul was the only ono to
make any material change , rising to 70 and
falling back 1 per cent. The market closed
active and weak at about the lowest prices.
The following aru thu eloslng quotations of
the loading stocks on the New York Stock ex
change today :
Atcblson .11) .Noruiurn r.ciilu. . . .
Adams Kxprusa 157 do preferred
Alton , T. H 3.1 0. I' . Den. AOult. . .
do preferred 15 ! ) Northwestern.
American txiri | > 4 * . HU do prefer rod 145l $
llHltlmure.V Ohio. . UJ ( N. V. Central llov }
Canada 1'acltlc- . . . . 8U ) ; N. V. A N. K 49 > ij
i anada Southern. . . 57V ; Ontario A Western. 13J <
Central 1'adllc 28 Oregon Imp 18
Choi. .V Oliiu 21' , _ j New 8-1
Chicago Alton 141 lore , st. I. . A U. N. .
C. 11. , t Q 100i , | I'aolllo Hall
Chicago Una flU'l I'eorln , Dec. A H.
Consolidated Qis. . . 1354 157
C. C.O. A. St. 1 MM I'ultman t'nlaco l'J7 * (
Cotton'oil Cert tKH Uealliiit (3H
Uol. lludion U4 Klchmond Terminal Wi
I > . U A W I53 > < do prefen-od 4U
O. A It.O. pfd 64H Itlo orando W * n
1 > . AC. P. Co 42X do pru.'enoit ( II
KaatTonn &M Hook Island 8Ui
Erie t& at. I * AS. K 1st pfd 75
do preferred 55V * St. Paul 80H
Kort Warno 158 do preferred 114
Ot. Northern pM . . 112 St. I'aul & Omaha. . 5 * > M
O. A B.I pfd. io do proforro.l. . . . U'JH
Hocking vallcj. . . . Southern Pacltto. . . . 3.1U
Illinois Central n Sugar llptlncrj 13.1)4 )
St. raul A Dulutu. . Tonn. Coal A Irja. .
Kan. & Tor pfd. . . . Totns Pacific
Lake lrle , t West. . rol A o. Cent. pfd.
do preferred Union Pacific
Lake Shore U. S. Kipress
LeadTrual W. St. I. . AP inc
Iout3. A.Nnsli 75H do preferred
Louts. \ Now Alb'y. Wells Karco Kxp. . . Hi !
Manhattan Con lMi ! Western Union. . .
Memphis & C 40 Wheolln * & UK. . . 20
Michigan Central. . . IIW < do prefered
Ulisourl t'ncltlc. Minn A St. I ,
Mobile A Ohio. . , ill I ) A U. O
NaihTllloChutt. illS ? Ocnornl Bluctrlc. . . . 111H
Nat'l Cord.nizo node Nntlonal I.lnseed. . . : t'J ! <
do preferred H5H U Fuel A Iron C,8 ? {
N. J. Control. . flu pro erred 105
Norfolk A W. pM. . Houa. A Tux. Cea.
N o rU Amorlc 1IH
Ex. dlv.
Thu total sales of stocks today were 381,87(5 (
shares , Including : Chicago , Iturllngton k
Qulncy , 0,600 ; Chicago ( Jus , 7.000 ; Chesa
peake & Ohio , 0,400 ; Cotton Oil , 0,900 ; Distil
ling. 31,200 ; Loulsvlllu , < c Nashville , 5.100 ;
National Cordage. 24,000 ; Now Knglund ,
27,700 ; Northern I'aclilc ( profurred ) . 10,900 ;
Heading , 09,500 ; Ulchmond Terminal , 15,200 :
Ht. Paul , 21,000 ; .St. I'aul .t Omaha. 0,100 ;
Hiigur , 30.300 ; Union 1'aclllc , 4,400 ; Western
Union , 4,700.
Xoiv York Money .Market ,
NEW Yonic , Tub. 0. MONKY o.v GAM ,
Easy at2@2't percent ; last loan 2 per cent ;
closed olTered 2 per cent.
I'litMK MKHCANTII.E I'APEII 4i0 ! per cont.
Srniu.i.NO KxciiANdE Quiet but llrm , with
actual business In bankers' bills att4.85 > i for
sixty day bills and $4.87 for demand.
GOVERNMENT IIONOS Steady. Statu bonds the
The closing ( monitions on Uonda :
U.S. (8 rtu Nortnern 1'ac. znda Ilo
U. 8. Is coup N. W. Contois Ilom
U.S. 4 s re * , 100 do dcbon. 5s 109M
PacificC > of ' ! > . . . 1U5 S. U A I. M. ( Jon. 5s 83
I/oulBlatm t'pc > d la 07 S. h. AH.F.en. ! St. JO
Tcnn , nun tot Us. . . 102 St , Paul Consols. :
Tonn. novr act5s. . . 101 ii. P. C. A P. Ut . . . 117
Tenn. new sol : is . . T. P. I , . O. Tr , llcts. 80
Canada So. Snds. . . T. P. It.O , Tr. llcti.
Cen. Pacific Ista. . . . 105 Union Pacificists. .
I ) . A It.U. Iste 118 Woit s'horo urn
O. A It. ( , . ( K. O.V. . 1st
Krlo2nda Alcli. 4s
M. K. AT. ( Sen. 6s. . Atcli , nit. clnna A.
> l. K. AT.on.6s ! , , U. H. A b. A , Vs. . . .
Mutiiul Union Us. . . lli ; do 2d5s
N. J. C. Int. Cort. . . H. AT. O. 6s
Northern Pac. lulu. H. AT. C Ccns ( Is.
Host on Stock guotiitliins.
HOSTON , Mass. , Feb. ( i.- Call loans , 3U4 ;
tlmo pani-r , rif&Ti'i. The following ate the elos
lng stock quotations :
Atchl'on A' . SIM hrauklln.
lloaton A Albany. . . il'J 12
lloaton.V Maine. . . Om-uuU.
O. , 11. A y 101 Qulncy isa
KaUern u. II. Us Snntn Ko Cojipcr. . . . 6
ruclitmrif It. It. pfd. Tamarack
I.ltllu Itock A F.S.ia Aunlston Land Co. .
Mass. Central lloatnu l.nnd Co. . . .
Max. Con. com . . . . SVi-st Knd hand Co. t74 !
N. V. A N. Knvlund. lloll Tolci > huno. . . . WJ
OldColonr l.nmson Store y
llutland common. Water 1'owjr. . . . . .
Kutland pfil ( \.M
Win. ( entral com. . . .V. K. T
Allouoz M.C. ( new ) . II. A II
IIOBton A Mont Oen. Klec
Calumut A Huclii. . . nw
Now York Mining Onotitliiis. :
NEW YOIIK , I'eb. O.-Thu following are Iho
closing mining < | iioUtions :
Crown Point. . . I. . . . 5U I'lymoiith 5J
Con. Cat. A Va ! 5J Slerrnoviida 125
Dcadwond IW . timlanl 115
( iould anil Curry. . . , ut ) Union Con lull
Hale and Norcrosn. Si Y'pllow Jacket . . . . . t > 5
llomeiitake 1'J.V ) Iron rillvcr 45
.M 01 Iran 1.VI Quick . > llrir .TiO
Ontario 1 ! > 03 ilo pruferred I7CO
Oplilr liO llulwvr 10
Sun I'riinrlHco Jlinini ; StoekH.
BANKitANClsi'o. Cal. . Kob. 0.-Tho ofllclal
closing ( tiiotatlons for mining stocks today
weru as follows :
Alta 15 Motlcan IO
llclcnor 63 Ophlr 210
Host A Ilolchor IV'i PotoM 135
Cliollar. fa H.'iva'to 115
Con. Cal. A Va . . . . 37n atorra Noradn MJ
Crown Polui 7i Union Con 1UJ
Could A Curry IOJ Utah 2U
Italo A Norcross. . . . 7) Vollow Jacket 75
St. l.ouisMilling ( Jllot.ltluiii.
ST. J.Olim , Mo. , l-'ol ) . 0. Thu closing quota
tions of thu mining stocks wuro as follows ;
blocks. Hid. Ai > ked , MocksHid. . Asknd ,
Am. Net. . . f .2J t .U Small lips. I .85 % . .li
( irunltoM , . 3.75 ( .00 Hope 3.1U 4.101
lllmvtallla. 850 Montrosc , . .UJ .07
KllialiBlli. . M < 4 .11
I'limnrlitt JSdti's.
CITY , .Mo. , Fob. 0. Clearings , tl ,
87t > .402 ,
PA ins. Teb. 0 , Tlirco uur cent rentes 07l
H5o for thu account.
NKW Y'oiiK , Kob. 0. Clearings , J80,710-
4UO ; balances. tO,2u7,044.
nsr. I I.ouis. ilo. . l-Vli. 0. Clearings , 14-180.
333 ; bulaucex. (534,020. ilonuy , tiilut | ul Uii7
per rent Ktclmngd on New York , U5c dis
count to par.
HAVANA , IVK OrrHpanlsb gold. IX50' <
2.60't. l-xcliaiirtTiiut. :
| , | . Hunarinlet ,
llAI/rtMoilK , Mrl. , l-Vb. 0. Clearings , $2,143-
170 | balance.s , ffSOS.oSS , Money , 0 per cent.
I'llll.Alir.U'iii.oii Jfa. , Keb. O.-Clettrlngs ,
10.258,2101 ImllljwJ , (1,508,284. Money , 4
pur cont. - *
CINCINNATI , orrrffl ) . 0.-Money , n'jiRu | > er
cent. New li orkr.vxehanttc , 25i3 piemlum.
Clearings , l3.088iH5o.i
1I03TON , Mass."V'lf. O.-ClcarltiKs , (14,578-
678 ; balances , ,11,830,808. Monov , 3 per
cent. Lxchangd'on Now York , 10J16o dis
count , i , . ,
ClllCAno , 111 , , Kch. O.-CIearlncs. (10,290.-
140. Now York VjclmnRe , lOJllfic discount ,
sterling exuluuiKo ; t ( lull ; sixty-day hills ,
W.85U ! demand'w:87i. : ! Money , easy at JWtO
pur cent. . . . . . "
Light It ( > rrlt | _ iuid Cold Wrnt'ior .Make
I'rlcos Illghcf , jind TruilliiK llrlsk.
OMAHA , I'eb. UV-Tlio week .starts out with
rather limited receipts of all kinds.
The run of catllo was unusually light for a
Monday , and It was considerably after 1 o'clock
! > cforo thu last train had arrived. On the early
market desirable cattle changed hands readily
at prices strong toadlmo higher than Satur
day. Hoth shlp"rs | and local houses bought
reoly , thosharp , biting north whrl being of
material assist anco In get ting dealers together.
There was a big bunch of 1,142-lb. beeves here
that brought jj.10 , but fair to good 1,01)0 to
1,200-lb. steers sold very largely at from $4.00
to4.G5 , with fair topoor.stiitY from that down
Ioi3.40. Although the afternoon tradu was
inrilly as active as In thu mornlni * , prospects
favored a vury respectable elea ranee.
Cow stulT sold at fie to lOc better than Satur
day for all grades. I-\trcim ) sales of poor to
choice cows ami heifers were at from $2.00 to
$4.00 , with the bulk of the decent Mo-k at
from to M.'Jfi. Itough stock of all kinds
sold at considerably stronger prices , with com
mon bulls as low as $2.00 and choice fat stags
up to J4.30. Kulr to good calves sold at steady
to strong prices , from $2.00 to J5.75.
The yards were full of Mockers and feeders
In tlio hands of regular dealers , but with no
country demand to speak of on account of the
ntensely crtld weather ; prices remained In
iboutlast week's low nolcne" . wltli no Imme
diate prospeet of any Improvement. Kcpre-
sentatlvu sales :
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
4. . . . 007 $3 40 10. .1107 $4 3.1
1. . . . 020 3 50 51 .1151 4 40
24. . . . 802 3 05 20. .1218 4 40
15 . . . H84 3 70 32. .1225 4 40
115. . .1102 3 85 20. .1080 4 40
20. . . . 1032 4 00 19. .1235 4 40
40. . . . 1050 4 OS 18. .130.1 4 45
21. . . .1008 4 10 30 . 1252 4 55
12. . . .1053 4 10 70. I13G 4 00
8. . . .1040 4 15 42. .1200 4 05
20. . . .1070 4 20
22 1032 4 0018 1105 4 15
22 HtaO 4 15 40 . . . . 1178 4 C > 5
2 12DO 4 ID 80 1442 5 10
4 1170 4 15
1. . .1000 2 00 21. . . 070 2 75
1. . . 810 2 00 20. . . 007 2 75
3. . . 803 2 00 7. . .1008 2 75
1. . . 800 2 01) ) o ' . 885 2 80
3. . . 1000 2 00 14. ! . 840 2 80
20. . . 704 2 10 21. . . 024 2 00
23. . . 8H2 2 10 8. . 1007 2 00
1. . .1000 2 15 14. . . 057 3 ( K )
7. . . 007 2 15 14. . .1018 3 00
0. . . 033 2 20 12. . .1105 3 00
11. . .1007 2 25 10. . .1100 3 05
1. . . 030 2 30 14. . .1005' 3 15
10. . . 757 2 30 2 . 1000 3 20
20. . . 745 2 30 21. . . 1020 3 25
2. . . 050 2 35 o .137O 3 25
13. . . 914 2 40 2 ! ! .1170 3 25
11. . , .1123 2 40 24. . .1071 3 25
20. . . 870 2 40 . 1320 3 2.1
20. . . 773 2 45 24 ; ; .1023 3 30
o " .1080 2 60 70. . . 1040 3 40
2" , . 030 2 CO 0. . .1201 3 50
1H. . 2 70 40. . . 000 4 00
24. 020 2 70
1. . 300 2 60 , 1 110 r. 50
1. . 310 2 50 255 5 75
0. . 200 3 00 140 0 00
115 5 00
1 cow and calf. . . . .f.10 00-
1 cow and calf , . 2H 00
1 springer ! . 30 00
. 010 $2 OO . 040 $2 00
.1213 2 25 . 1350 2 75
.1350 2 25 . 1653 2 75
.1440 2 25 .1380 2 90
.1303 2 80 .12HO 8 00
.1280 2 40 .1320 3 00
.1300 2 40 .1405 3 00
.1300 2 60 .1010 3 15
.1620 2 50 - .1015 3 25
.1200 2 60 - 1. .1720 3 35
.1460 U 50 : 1. .2010 B 36
.1010 2 GO
3. . . 070 2 50 ' 4. .1250 2 CO
I. . . b'tJO 2 60 30. .1417
STOCKEItS AM ) KiEt : > r.HH.
80. . 723 3 00 13. . .1017 3 25
4. . 060 3 10 20. . . 834 3 25
8. . 802 3 10 6. . .1024 8 40
1. . 870 3 15 2. . .1090 8 40
3. . 003 3 25 8. . . 017 3 CO
1. . 040 3 25
lions There were hardly enough hogs here
to mnko a market certainly not enough to
Interest packers. The cntlro receipts were
only 21 cars , and a third of these did not ar-
rlvu until after dinner. On thu early market
the only buying was by fresh meat houses.
They took tno hogs at prices strong to a nickel
highur than Saturday , poor light to very good
butcher and heavy weight hogs selling at from
$7.70 to { 7'JO. Theru was no great amount of
llfo to the trade , but the early oll'urlngs were
very generally out of first hands heforo noon.
Sales were very largely at * 7.80 to 47.00 , as
agalnst$7.70 to7.80 Saturday and $7.80 to
$7.1)0on ) lust Monday. Hcpresenlatlvo sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. i\'o. Av. Sh. 1'r.
75..185 801770 71..272 80 $7 80
70..202 80 770 05..237 80 780
2..250 776 70..215 7 82H
34..254 80 775 74..224 60 7 82J !
40..014 770 25..230 785
140..203 80 7 77iJ 78..234 200 7 80
08..241 7 80 04..302 80 7 87 ! }
78..200 - 780 70..240 80 7 OO/J
28..240 80 7 80 03..248 7 00
72..231 120 7 80 71..253 7 00
89..231 120 7 80 74..249 7 00
Slll'Kl' The market was again bare of shuop
early , although thu demand Is nultu brisk for
both muttons and feeders of the right kind ,
and at good strong prices. Knlr to good
natives , $3.76555.00 ; fair to good west
erns , $3.5030.00 ; common and stock sheep ,
S2.203.75 ; good to cholco 40 to 100 Ib. lambs ,
84.004i.5.fJO. lupru ( ! > cntatlvu Miles.
No. Av. I'r.
230 Mexican ewes 70 J.20
Hecolpts und lUp < > 3lttim of Stoclt.
Official receipts and disposition of Flock as
shown by thu nooks of tliu Union Htock Yards
company for thu forty-eight hours , ending ut 5
o'clock p. m. Kobruary 0 , 1893 :
luivims. CATTI.K. IIUUH.
Omaha I'acklni ; ( 'o
Tlio I ) . It. Hamimmd Co .
Bnlft.V Co
Tlio Cuilnlir PacklnK Co .
A. Haas
Shlppcri and Feeders
Left over
Total. .
ChlciiK" Mvo.Stuck
( 'HICAOO , III. . I'eb. B. [ Special Telegram to
Tilt ! 1IHK.1 The cattle market was not , alto
gether hatl.sfaetory to the hulling Interest.
Buyers are malting a hi IIV light against an ad
vance , but unless all signs are
will come , and h fore thu .season has much
further advanced , The market was sloiv
today , but prlecs"-nV < > l-o fully as good as on
Friday last for all < le-.fiIptions. Quotations
range from J1.50Ui $1.75 for old straw euvin ,
to from < 0.00 to ? fi.1'i ultli e.\tni steers. Most
of tlio day's work was at prices below f&.OO.
very few rlpn hteoi * IjiJng olTered. I'ows sold
principally at fnyik.tii.lO to $3.00 and from
H.OO to $4.00 tonU'tne ' tmlk of the .steeis.
The demand for hogs was of an IndllTerent
clriracter , and uhiXllhstandlng the fact that
only alHiut 20.00U head arrived , holders had
hard work to turn them over at tinturdiiy'H
iiuotatlons. That thuy ge.-ierally Micceedud in
doing , however , .sales making at from f7.25 to
7.00 for poor to prlnio grades averaging under
200 Ihs. , at fnimiTl73 totl. 15 for averagm of
from 200 to 250 Ills. , and at from $7.85 to JH.30
for common to cliofcn hogs weighing 250 to'DO
Ihs. Keweholco hMjvy lots were to ho seen and
sales at butter than Ja.25 wuro scattering.
Krom 17,70 to 17.00 jpQk most of the light , and
from 47.90 to t8.1i > and from $8.00 to 18.25
were thu prices most frequently paid for me
dium and heavy. The close was very dull and
many lots were hold over.
The weather was ualnst active trading In
sheep and the heavy receipts gave prices a
weaker turn. All grades hold a llttlo lower
and bold hlowly. Thorn was also a weaker
market for lambs. The greater part of thu
trading was at from 11.60 to 85.1O for Hheep
and at from (5.25 to < 5,75 for lambs , A eon-
blderablo part of the receipts uerusllll In the
. . _ . . . . . , . 10.000 ; hess , 19.000 :
sheep , 11.000. ,
The Kvunlng Journal rpports :
OATTi.E-UeculptH. 10,000 head ; shipments ,
3 000 head ; market lowur ; fair to choice
steers t5.2 * > 3.5.wu : ono lot extra fine steorn.
10.60 ; others. W.25ft5,25 ; feodurs. WKa4.25 ;
btockuru , 13.00U.3.75 ; Toxanuteers , fs.OSit
4 " 0- cot's f3.0O < (3.05.
HodsItecolpts , 20,000 head ; shipments ,
8,000 head ; market barely steady ; -
imoklna I7,0 < W17 7&i pafklna and mixed ,
1 7.H04J7 < )0 ) , prime heavy nnd imtdicr * . $8.10
( ilHnoi prliur Itiedlltms. | H.lty/H , J5 ,
Slir.Ef ltecelpt ! , 1HM ( headi Nhlpments ,
1'JtHlheadi market closed a shade weaker ;
natives. I.OO-J.5.50j westeriM , fa.0ltt5,10j )
Nrttr Vork l.lvn Stork .tlnrkol.
NRW VOIIK. I-Vh.O.-lltir.vr.H Iteceluts , 4.306
head , IncluinngUOcars for alei market active ,
16c per 100 Ibs , hlghornitlvo4tl.60i)4.02'iper ; : )
100 Ibs. ! Imlli nnd cows , 11,00124,05 ; dres cd
beef , steady at Hi"'J'ic ' pur Ib , ; shipments to-
morrow , 700 hooves.
CAI.VKIjecelplH ! , 440 head ; market firm ;
veals , 5.000.00 per 100 Ibs , : grassers , 13.0O ®
3.40 ; western calves , $3.02'iQ3.70.
HIIKBP ANII LAMiis-Kocolpts. 12.080 heads
aellve , shadu higher ; sheep , J4.00ffi5.76 per
100 Ibs. ! Iambs , IO.OOjlfi.HO.
110(19-Uecolpts. 6,003 head , consigned
direct ; nominally llrm at J7.'Jua8.30 per 100
K ilium City Livestock Mnrkrt.
KANSAS CITV. Mo. , Fob. 0. CATTI.F.He -
celpts , 2,200 head : shipments , 3.400 head ;
market active , I Oft ) I Go higher. Hoprosenta-
tlvo sales : Shipping steers , J3.255.60 |
stockers und feeders. J2.20i5fr.80. :
11009Hecelpls , 2,000 hond ; shluments , 300
head ; market oulotand steady to 5c lower ;
all grades , if5.60(17.80 ( ; bulk J7.00rf.7.70.
SllKKP-lfecelpIs , 300head ! shipments , none :
market iiulot and unchanged : muttons sold at
St l.iiuls Live Stock M'irltet.
ST. Lotus , Mo. , 1'V'li. 0. t'ATTi.K Receipts ,
3,100 ; shipments , 1,400 ; linn ; no good na
tives on sale ; steers , $3.013,0.00 ; fed Texas
steers , J.V.'S'cJ-l.40.
lions Uecelpts. 2,300 : shipments , 2.300 :
steady ; heavy , J7.7oaH.20 ; packing , J7.40 ®
8.00 ; light. $7.00147.00.
SIIKEP Itecelpts , 1,700 : shipments , none ;
firm ; natives , } 3.25 t.r > 0 ; choice muttons ,
Sun Vapor Lighting Company Not ' 'ncrr li
Aeeept Oiimlm'H Term * .
Klthcrtho oltyniust draw up anew form of
contract or the Sun Vapor Mgbt company will
refuse to ratify Its aijroomant to light tliut
portion of tlio city upon which glows tlio
Ilieiccr of j-asDllne lamps.
AttliereeentmcotliiKof tlio city counel" bt
one bid was received to carry out the con
tract term of the Metropolitan company.
The bid was accepted mvl * , nstcrdny a representative -
sentativo of tlio Sun Vapor concern urrivc.l
and immediately tiled bis objection to the
penalty elauso of tlio contract.
It was tlio tests of the iuspaetor that ,
forced the Metropolitan to the wall , as
whenever a test was in.iilo showing. the
lights furnished on any pmietilar night were
not up to the slxteen-candlo jiower u rue-
ment a pro i-.ita reduction was made upon all
the lights burning on the niijht tlio test was
inado. Frequently the light furnished did
not exceed three or four candle power.
Tlio Sun Vapor company does not propose
to bo caught in the same box as . the
Metropolitan company and does "not
cherish the idea of so severe a penalty being
attached to its failure to furnish the
required slxteen-candlo power light.
Should Stand liy Ita Agreement.
Gas Inspector Gilbert says that the penalty
should remain in force and not bo changed.
If the company intends to furnish the city
with slxtcen-candlo power light it has no
reason to fear that the pro rata reduction
clause in the contract will work any hard
ship. If the company is looking for a loop
hole and hasno intention of fullllling to the
letter its contract as to the power of the
light to be furnished then It would bo well to
wipe out the clause , abolish the office of gas
inspector , dispose of the photometer belong
ing to the city und permit the light company
to do as its own free will dictates.
This is- what Mr. Gilbert believes. Ho
also says that it is impossible to furnish a
gasoline lamp of sixtccn-caiidlc power with
the kind of burners now in use , and that any
company bidding to furnish that kind of a
light does so with the knowledge that it
could not fulfill the terms of any such a con
tract , and hopes to evade the enforcement
of such a contract. B.v the use of the photo
meter , owned by the city , Mr. Gilbert is en
abled to accurately test the gasoline , gas
and incandescent lights furnished the city
by the different companies and can detect
tholeast variation. When the Vapor company
submitted its bids it wus aware of the fact
that the city makes very thorough tests of
the lights furnished and will not pay for
any which are not strictly in accordance
wlthitho terms of the contract. Mr. Conncll
was ready to draw up the contract and was
only prevented by the intimation of the
Vapor coinpany's representative that the
obcctionablo clause roust bo stricken out
before the contract woula be acceptable.
Will ' .Vult Awhile.
The Vapor company is willing to stand a
reasonable penalty , but is not prepared to
accept the same terms as existed in the
contract with the Metropolitan company.
Such a penalty the company believes origi
nated from another lighting concern that is
very anxious to crowd out of existence all
companies furnishing gasoline lights , in
order that their lights may be substituted
and their business 'ami earnings increased.
Mr. Cowan , the company's representative ,
is In communication with the officers
of 'tho ' company nt Canton , O. , and
the proposition of accepting the pro-
rata reduction clause of the old lighting con
tract is under consideration. Until the
officers of the company uro heard from no
action can bo taken in regard to drawing and
signing the contract.
Meanwhile the suburbs are shrouded in
darkness and the residents must sutfer the
inconvenience necessarily following such u
state of affairs.
Members of tlio llnuril of Health Hour
from th Inspectors.
The members of the Hoard of Health with
stood the fury of the frigid northern breeze
that was wafted In through the window case
ments of Dr. Somers' office In the city hall
yesterday afternoon for two hours while
they transacted routine business of the
The reports of the different Inspectors were
read and placed ou flic. During the month
of January there were U'i do.ittia in the city
Sixty-two cases of contagious diseases , with ,
twenty deaths , were reported. They were
divided as follows : Diphtheria 20 cases , 4
deaths ; scarlotina 2 ! ) cases , 4deaths ; typhoid
fever'-cases , tj deaths ; measles 5 cases , no
Dr. Somors , Chief Seavoy and Councilman
McLcario were appointed a committee to
prepare a blank form to bo printed for the
use of the food inspectors in making their
reports , the present plan being unsatisfac
tory. The committee will also decide
whether it is best to have printed eaeh
mouth tor general distribution the reports
of deaths and the causes , the same as is done
in many other cities. Inspector Holmes re
ported upon the sanitary condition of the
different school houses in the city. The sec
retary was instructed to request the build
ing inspector to investiirato the condition of
tlio plumbing In tjie Lake school , which was
reported to bo in very baJ condition , andjho
ventilation is also said to bo not of the best.
Propositions were received from the vari
ous hospitals to take the city cases for $5
per week for eaeh bed while actually In use ,
and o for each time the operating room is
used. They were Illed.
Mr. Niday s contract with the city for re
moving dead animals expire ; ! with the be
lt Corn Coldt , Coughi , Son Threat , Croup , InSa-
n , Whocplnp Cough , Bconehltii > d Aithmt.
A ecrtiin curt for Consumption in flrtt itac < * >
and * lure relief In advanced itagei. uio at onei.
You vlll ito the ezctlUnt ( fleet after taking the
flret doio. Bold br dealcra everrwbcri. Luff
bottlei 0 MiU and tl.OO.
ginning of the new year , nnd It wns voted to
ndvertlso [ J . , for Imln fordoing the \vorlt for tlio
1 ,
present ' year
, Hx-l'oiinellman Mlltrt Tx > o wns toniK | > rnrlly
' placed | niton th.i Inspection fotvo of thoboard
' li.v Ur. Homers a fuw days iiijo. The nieiu-
bora of tlio ) Ntiril dlseu.ssed tbo matter and
llnnlly laid It over for two weeks without
netlon. J In the mcantlmo the ox-councilman
will draw salary nml wonder whether his ap
pointment will be conllrmed by the board on
that date.
Application * for appointment to the sruno
position were received from Cyrus Uhodes ,
Wnrrcu Urccn iitidJ. II. t'nelps.
Orprntor IMmiiml-um liiHtiintly Killed
While Working In the Itnrkrr Illork.
"If I got my head knocked off In this tiling
someone will have a widow and a dog to
take care of. "
1.1) . ICdmundson wns engaged In doing
work in the elevator shaft tn the llarkor
block , and almost Immediately after making
his playful remark ho was struck by a de
scending cage , his forehead literally crushed
In , and before the body had reached the
bottom of the elevator shaft , In which it fell ,
life was extinct. The accident was ono of
the most horrible added to the largo mim-
berof similar casualties that liiivo occurred
recently. The body was nt ouco removed to
the morgue , and tin' coroner's Jury returned
a verdict "death as the result of his own
Kdmiindson was engaged in cutting a hole
through the wall In the rear of the elevator
shaft , He was leaning forward to see how
near ho was sawing to tlm wire cable when
ho made the remark. Ho failed to notice
the car coming down and as there was no
one to warn him. he was struck squarely on
the forehead with great force. Ueath re
sulted almost instantly.
Wilhou Clark , the boy operating the ele
vator , felt the shock , and on stopping the car
to ( look out iin.l ascertain the cause of the
trouble i was overcome by the sight of the
blood and brains bespattering the sides.
The dead man was 00 years of ago and
lived with hi.s wife at the northwest corner
of Fifteenth and Jones streets. lie also had
n daughter living In t he city who is married to
Mr. Georgu Hamilton. He was a steady ,
sober man and an industrious workman.
( ruin Committee ofthn Itoanl of Triido Anx
ious lor Legislation.
The grain commltteoof the Hoard of Trade
held a meeting in the secretary's office yes
terday afternoon and toikup the dls.-ussion
of grain transportation rates The commit
tee want th" to take action looking to
some legislation that will do away with the
discrimination against Oinah I and In favor
of Missouri river points. Tlio committee
urge that as the legislature Is now in session
active steps should bo taken at once to se
cure a more fair and equitable rate of trans
portation. The committee drew up and will
present at the meeting of the board of di
rectors next Monday the following :
OMAHA , Feb. ( > . To the llonorublo Hoard of
Directors of tlrj Hoard of Trade ; At ameut-
Ingof the cruln committee of thu Hoard of
Trade , held at the secretary's nlllro at 3 p. m. ,
I-'ehruarv 0 , 1H03. It was decided to open thu
call board on Tuesday , IVbriwry 14 , ut 12:30 :
It. m. , and each business day thereafter ami
continue the call until all the products dealt
In hail been called.
The board of directors are hereby requested
to Instruct the secretary to lie present at I ho
hour named and report tlie transactions , also
to provide a culler.
It wus further decided to request the board
of directors to Instruct the committee on
truiisjiortatton to take Immediate steps to se
cure fnrOmalm mllllii ; , ' and transit rates and
local rates on all farm products into und out
of Omaha MI tliut. the sum of the two loculs
will equal the through rate. Mi.1 ! ) as are ac
corded to IVUIHIIS I'lly , I.eavenworth and other
cities competitive with Omaha.
A. II. .T.vgrmi , Chairman.
K. K. WHITI : .
Demand an Indemnify Hond.
A bond has been prepared by the Board of
Public Works to bo submitted for signature
to the gas , water and street railway com
panies indemnifying and protecting the city
from any damage or loss sustained by the
opening qr tearing up of the streets in which
tno respective corporations may be doing
The bond has never been required in the
past and the fact has been but recently dis
covered that the charter requires the giving
of an acceptable bond by any company mak
ing excavations in the streets to thoroughly
protect the city and not render it liable for
any damages that may result to any person
Every Month
mtny women suffer from Excessive or
Bcnnt Menctrumtlon ; they don't know
who to confide In to get proper advlao.
[ Don't confide In anybody but try
Q Specific for PAINFUL , PROFUSE.
Book to "WOMAN" mailed frea ,
Sold br all Irucclt > .
or thing b > reason of the existence of nnv
such an oxea\atlon , It Is expo 'led that the
bond will bo furnished Immediately by the
companies , us requested.
.vrir.s IX-H 77i/ : .
1. 1st of or Importance In th *
Yi < 4tirilnjr >
WnnixoTox , O. C.l-Vb. --ISpciMnlTct *
gram to Tin : llr.E. ] The following army or
ders were Issued today :
First Lieutenant Hobert A. Hro\vn , Fourth
cavalry. Is relieved from duty at the I'nitpd
States Military academy at West Point ami
will proceed to thu headquarters of hl
Ix > ave of nb.scnce for tlirco months on sur
geon's certlllcato of disability Is grunted
Captain Alfred Mortar , Ninth Infantry , tr
take etTt'ct on the expiration of the ordinary
leave granted him September 'Jil. IS'.U
The board of ofllcers convened at the War
department .Juno 11 , IS'.rj ' , for the examina
tion of officers to determine- their Illness for
promotion. Is dissolved , ati'l Captain Kruiilt
A. ICdwards. Flist cavalry , member , and
First Lieutenant William K. Shimi , "Vnth
cavalry , recorder of the board will pi'Oived
to Join their respective stations
The retirement from active service this
date b\ , operation of law of ( ' .ipuiu Frank
1) . ( wrrvlty , Seventeenth Infantn Is an
The operation of so much of special orders
January ill. as relates to Captain Charles H ,
Kwiiiu , assistant surgeon , Is MISIH mled until
Juno 1 , when ho will comply with the order
The appointment of Second Lieutenant
Orrin 11. Wolfe ( promoted fivmi corporal ,
company II , Fourteenth infatitrv > and his
assignment to the Tent.seinnd tnfinir\ : \ ,
company II ( Fort Keogh , M " t to rank
from Novemb'.r lit. Is'.i'J , are anne ni.-ed Ho
will be discharged as an en I . : i n. i m the
date pivcdliug tint of the dale * t .ireopt
anco of appointment , and will prmw-.i ti-om
Fort Leavenworth to join his I-OIIUMIU uol
later than March 8.
.1 .v.vo t . > < . ' / : . ! ; i.v r.i.
Kvans ft Hocy will pivo throe in ire perform
ances oft ' -A Parlor Match" at U.i.ul s theater -
tor tonight and tomorrow afii > ni iii and
evonlmr.Vo > lnosdi.v : inatiiu'i-s at the Hn.vd
are an innovation , and If the l-\ans & IKioy
luiitlnee tomoiTow afternoon pr > vi < success
fill'iiany of the lll-Ht class , it tr.u ti ms tint
come lo this house will nivc thi-m Kt'iy
cents will get a reserved seat in , in.\ part of
the house.
Mr. U. P.iclieco's "Incog11 will ho pis. . ii'-M
at Hoyd's new thu.itcr by .Mr I'h.til-s | ) > u
son and his company of tnirrci > no i. ms
for three nights and a niathi-c. IM-UH.I ug
'I'liurs lay , February it. Tluiiis alividy
quite a demand for se.its , the s i- ! , , r \ \ > i U
will open tomorrow iiuu-iiln ; .
The man who has been for . \ a power
in the theatrical world is AUIM IUS 1'noii
The coming next week to Hoyd'tnew thea'er
of oiu' ofhls latest and ono of his greitest
successes in stage creations should irene
great interest among theater patrons
Flora Irwln or Mabel Adler , as she li
known , who was found partially asphyxiated
in a room in the Ganlt house early Sunday
morning is now out of dunvor She denies
that she blow out the gas. an 1 had no sul
cidal intentions , but believes she uncon
seiously turned it on after having put out
Iho light. Her parents , aho sajs. live in
Dr. Piorco's Pleas-
hut Pel lots. TlieyVo
n compound of refined -
. fined nnd coneon-
Jtrnted botanical ox-
' /trnets / , These tiny ,
siiEnr-cout d i > cllcU
tlio smallest nnd
A the easiest to take
absolutely and
permanently euro
Constipation , Indi
gestion , Sick and Bilious Hcadnchcx , Dizzi
ness , Bilious Attacks , and all derangement *
of the liver , stomach , and boivcla.
They euro nermnnently. because they net
naturally. They don't shock nnd weaken
the system , like the huge , old-fashioned
pills. And they're more effective. One
llttlo pellet for ft corrective or laiatlvo
tlirco for n cathartic.
They're the cheapest pills you can buy , for
they're pHaranfcud to give satisfaction , or
your money is returned.
You pay only for the peed you get.
Union Stock'Yards Company ,
iSoutVi Ornnria
Dct Cnttlo llo nnil Slioup market In tlio wot.
Wood Brothers.
LiveStock Com mission Merchants.
Eoiitli O'uialia Teli'iibouo 1157. ( . 'tilca/D '
JOHN I ) . DADIS.MAN , I „ . . . . . ,
WAJ/I'Kll K. WOOD , f SlannX" "
Mnrkct Itcpnrls bjr nmll and wlru clioorfulljt
nl lied upuu iippllontlua
Omaha Tent-Awning
IIIH Kurnitin ft.
S- I
Bamis Omana Baj M. 0. Daxon ,
CO Ml'ANY' .
Importuri mid man-frs. lllcjrcloi solil on montlilT
Hour acki , burl.ipi ,
twluo. pnrmonti 123 N.lSth.
Morse-Cos Sho3 Compiny ,
Howard .stroit.
Factory corner llth ntrl
Wo are ituktnu clojj | irlou to c'isli buverj. nil nro
olllnii ftclimi of ifjoiti wliKiii li vary mlBjaio
with niorclmnu.
Kirkondall , Jones & Hand-Ssv/3il /
COMPANY * . Whole la bllOI. CO. , bootl , Uil
mfra. nljnti lloiiun and ruht > sr iuoJs. 1.IJJ *
Itubtxir Mho'J C'o. . 110'- 13IU Hnriiuy .
HUl-lllMlIxrnor St.
COAl. CQ ( ! .
Omaha Coal , Coke & Works
L1MK CO. , hard unit toft Mfri. unlrintiol Iron
real , H K ror. lUtli nad curnlc.i. H | nlm cipa ,
Douglas St . molnllle alrlmlili , uio.
M , E. Smltb & Co. , KilpitflcX-Koc ! . Dry
< ; OOD.S co ,
Drr ( toodi , notion * , furNottoui. . icealV furnlib-
Dl'hlim uuoiU , oormr Inxvooili.cur. I 111 und
Hill and Huword rit * . I llnr/iuf rtli.
Omaha Upholstering I Bael)33 ) &
CO. , upliol.tereil furnlrUUNlTlWM CO. , ( Jraco
turc. UJJIlOi Nicholas
HI. WlioloiBla onlf. I nnd 13tt ) Nt .
Blake , Bruca & Co , ,
Idlti and Ilarner
Rector ( X Wllhelmy LobeckS LiM ,
> i > Bk-r H Imrdivarennl <
Corner 10th and Jackson
HOI it
W. A. L. Gibbonfi Co. Omaha Safe and Iron
Wliulvnaln WOKKri
IlntM. capi. air ivr if o'l i. Hnosvnnlli. ( Jnll work ,
ulovt'H. mluom , iti Iron iitiiittu'Ji uul : lire e <
Biul Hnrnuy ? la. uipeH. Aii'lruin ' ft Unr
It , Mtli and Jackson
John A , V/aieasld / , Charlas R. LU
Hard.f'iO'1 In ill" wi
Irinil mm tut. M carpet i an I pin JJ
kat ) 03 mint find ll'i'.rln
\rulu ( llaio. ( > tll UIKl 1)0.1 jl U
Frick AC )
JIP irt > r an I Joaa
nf iiinn lorn ut > u
Mall onlurJ prompt
1001 Knrnain HI. lun dt
PAPER. OIL * ; ,
Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. ,
Curij a full ntooV of
printing , wrapiiln an I llollno'l nml lubrlaiti
vrrlllru puurj , car.l
caper , etc. oils , uila Kteno , to
Branci fi Co. , Jas. A , Clark < S Co. ,
1'ioduco , fruits ut ull Iluttor , cliono , till ,
iiuultry uud u rue ,
ktiidn , fijratori. ai ; n. mii , t
Omaha StovaRopiir
WOllICy. itdTO rei3lr ; ut iail >
nil w tar a'.tullsuV.I doori , tillnili nl
lornnr klnl nftor ) " brjnj bur
tu > dolr.'VI Jju l 4 bt.