Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered 1 > y cnrrlor to any part of the city
No. 43
rrrr i mmvt-u I HnslliPssOnico
} | Klt | Editor No.23 !
MIXOlt ,1//.VT/O.V.
N. Y PlumblnpCo !
Council Uluffa Lumhor Co. Coal
Hcv Stephen Phclps unltod Jesse t ) . Snyder -
der nnd Corn Naee. both of Omaha. In mar
riage yesterday at his home In tliif city.
Uc-gular meeting of Mlzpnh Temple No. ' .I.
Pythian .Sisters , Wednesday afternoon at
KnlflitR of Pythias hull. Mis. 0. W.
Jloberts , secretary.
I M Trajnor. tirand refrent of tlio tloyiij
Arcanum for the state of lown. hi : Issued
his call for the state convention of thoonli-r ,
to ho belli nt Clinton I'Miimcneliitf Tuesday ,
April fl , 1MKI ,
JudsuThormill spent yesterday morning
In limiting an iiNnlHiimi'iit of law causes for
the thif-o wi cln conimcm Intt next Monday.
In thi' ' nltcrnoMi the case of Ixiuirc-e It Tov.-lo
iip'alntt PaulllerKman , .1 foil-closure suit ,
was tried
Marrlaire licenses were issued yesterday
to the following parties : Dolbert Foote and
Kllwi Mealiham ( .f Council Hluffs , Walter K.
I'rnibu and I olilso H. Hoyd of Omaha.
Ccoi-tfo II Smith nnd Alice Wllloutjhby of
K'ausaH f 'ity. '
A teh ram was received yesterday after
noon at the ofllce of the Kansas City road
here xtittliifr that the funeral of A. ( . ' . Uawi-s.
late Keniral passenger and tlcliet iifjcnt , will
nccur Wedm-mlny afternoon at It o'clock at
St Joseph All of tbo employes who can be
hpaied and who wish to attend Ino funeral
uill bo role.iHed from their duties in order to
be glvi'ii an opportunity to show their rcHpect
for thi'lr dead suncrior.
C'l.-istlpation cured uy UoU'ltVs Karly
Tinfiiow and ivild weather drps not
iliininlih the deniund for ucreugu in the
JCIrln tiiti-l , L'j miles east of the post-
< Mice : : K I aeres yet for s'alo in frnm one
to li'ii line traets. suitable for fruit ami
garden. Day & Hess , atrents , UU 1'eurl
C' < al and wood : best and cheapest
MihHiiH-i hard wood in the city ; prompt
( It'lhorj. II. A. ( 'ox , No. ) Main.
I'KiisiHiA i. r.tit.nsii.irii.i.
Born Sunday mot ning , to Mr. and Mrs. C.
10. Luring , a t > on.
.1 A Ilarrett of Lincoln. Neb. , Is the guest
of Ins brother , H. P. Harrett.
Miss Webb lias returned to her homo In
{ -"ilverton. Ore. , after an extended visit with
her sister , Mrs. Henry Stevenson , on Hazel
Mrs A . ( . Rtephcnson left yesterday for
ChlllUotbe , Mo. , in response to a message
announcing the serious illness of her aunt ,
Mrs C' Wilson.
.1 M Matthews returned yesterday from
Mount Pleasant where he went to attend the
funeral of his uncle , who was killed by a
Chicago. Burlington Si Qnlncy train. The
coroner's inquest resulted in a verdict against
the company , the Jury finding that the acci
dent was due to the negligence of the company
in failing to provide a flagman at tbo plnco
where it occurred and in running its train at
the lateof twenty miles per hour.
Perfect tirl..n ii'i 1 ports so hoilt'i roi il
from the useof 1X > Witt's Little 13 irly Ulsow
A perfect llttln pill.
Ndjv Hint diplithoriii is"provnlont in
C'oiincil lilufl'ti and Omaha every family
t-hould bo provided with Di1. Joll'orls' in
fallible diplithoriii preventive and cure.
H run Ix ) had of Council Ulull's drug-
jjiHtH or at 2-101 Cuinintf Htroot , Omaha.
Cobs , ccul , wood , 117 Main.
Surprluc I'urly.
I. C. Wooloy was f-.iven a surprise narty
last Saturday evening at Ills residence , 11110
Third avenue , Mrs. Wooloy was the prlncl-
pal consjilrator in arranging the surprise.
T. J. t'arothers detained Mr. Wooley at the
f-lcctric light house until 8 o'clock on some
proto.xt , . .nd when lie arrived at homo at
that tlmo ho was surprised to find that the
rooms had been handsomely decorated dur
ing his absence with flowers of every species
u nd color. A company of about thirty
ladies and gentlemen was there to greet him.
The evening was spent in various amuse-
inentSj among others high live and dancing.
String music wart one of the attract Ivo fea
tures of the entertainments. At 11 o'clock
excellent refreshments were served. The
following Is a list of those present : Messrs.
and Mesdames A , A. Hichardson , T. J.
Cut-others , Henedlek , 13d wards. Pool , Mead ,
Hinkel , Uarrott. Daulton ; Misses Unrrett ,
jaulton , Jessie Uaulton , Ida Cnrothers , May
and Jennie Pool , LIndIo Wooley. Mrs. Har-
rott , Mrs , Daulton , Mrs. Henderson , Messrs.
Cromor , Nolan , Moore. I
Are you a lover of champagne ? Do you 1 I
wish a superior article ? Try Cook's Extra
Dry Imperial Champagne. It is lino.
Jsottloyour bill at Davis' ,
and ttivo c.xpciiho , nsnftor lllth iiiHt. bills
will bo given attorney for collection.
] 'OK SAI.K Citizens Stnto bank
Submit cash otTor. 13. II. Slicafo.
A I'uxtor I
licv. L. A. Hall has resigned the pastorate
of the Temple Uapllst church , with which
lie bus been over since it seceded from the
Klrst church , a llttlo over a year ago. Ho
has had this in view for some llttlo time
past and his decision was announced to the
church at its Sunday morning service. Just
what is the cause for his action Is not Mated
but it Is commonly understood to have
resulted from the inability of the organiza
tion to support a pastor. The mem-
ers have made vigorous efforts
to raise tlio necessary funds , but
they are few In number and have been un-
nblo to meet tbo running expenses of the
church , Mr Hull still retains the popular
ity he had nt first , and It was with intense
disappointment that the announcement of _
his dcclsslon was heard by tbo church.
Whether the resignation of Mr. Half means
the abandonment of the organization cannot
be told yet , as the members themselves have
not had time to form unv plans for the fu
ture. Tbo resignation takes eftoet March 1.
Mr Hall , it is said , has received a number
of flattering offers from other churches.
An honest plli is tlio noniesl work of the
apothecary. DuWltt's Little Karly ULsers
uuru constipation , biliousness and sick head-
Do you smoke ? IIu\o you tried T. D.
Kinjr & Co.'s PartairasV U'H a charmer.
Just light one.
Mine. Helen Merrill , halrdrc.ssingaml
manicure. Koom . ' 112 , Merriam block.
Didn't Si-it Ihotlokf.
I- J. A. Uiu-kley , who lives on Samuel Avery's '
farm at the head of
Franklin avenue , ran a
lot of coin thieves off his place last Friday
niuht and chased them to town , lie bad an
idea that ho would find them loalhiK nlwut
1 rii-e CJlbson's saloon on North Main street ,
and so Saturday night ho stayed at the saloon
for several hours to ascertain if his sus
picions were correct. When ho left the place
ho found that his hors < > , which ho had left
standing hitched to a telephone pou ! at the
ii'urtml of the building , was minus a saddle.
Yistenlay ho came Into town to find the
Middle and found ttmt Sam Dobson had It ,
Dobson did not know how ho camp by It , but
unld that when ho arrived at his homo
Saturday nlpht ho found the sad
dle in his slelKh. Inasmuch as ho had found
it , however , ho wanted S ) for his trouble ,
mid refused to jjlvo It up unless ho saw the
color of Uuckloy's money , Uuckley finally
went to the city clerk and swore out an In-
fivimitiPii I'liui-Kiny both Gibson and Dobson
with larceny.
11 you have piles Do Witt's Witch Hiuol
balvo will surely euro you.
Bourieius llndu out that Stutsman
Street in itll right for the piano buslnun ,
jiibt look at his now signs.
Am tlier improvement t ( > tj,0 , popular
Schubert piano. Swansou Music Co.
viMifc' i1n/ni rfli'Mfii nt t'nn1
Prowess of Boy Burglar Wordan Grows na
His Trail is Cleared Up.
llo rnimril Door * at lilt Will Hnil llypnotlrril
Hull OI > B WliPii l.'iicoiinti-ri-d
Looking titr n Typewriter
U'lit-n Tiikcn.
The police .spent it ( food share of the day
yesterday in investigating tlio case of .1. P.
Worden , thoyotiugman whoso exploits In the
wholesale burglary business were recounted
in Tin : Hr.n. Worden has Insisted all nlont ?
that ho was the only one Implicated in the
transaction , but there is some very strong
circumstantial evidence to show that ho docs
not tell all he knows. At 12 o'clock Satur
day night , the night on which the Spctman
burglary was committed. Worden called at
Kiel's hotel , next door to Spetman's store ,
with two companions , anil bought some
cigars. It was only a few minutes after 12
that the sound of ernshlngiglass was heard
by some of Kpotman's neighbors. Who the
two companions were and where they arc
now the police are very anxious to learn ,
but willing as Worden Is to confess to the
part he has played. Uc absolutely refuses to
admit that he received assistance from anyone -
A further examination into the younp
mnii'a effects resulted in the discovery of a
number of articles that were stolen from
Hrackett's book store. Among other things
there were a band glass and a lot of books ,
some cf them on the subject of shorthand
and mhers upon bookkeeping. Women had
a friend who clerked In Hrackett's , and
these articles are supposed to have been
quietly nipped while he was visiting bis
friend. Tills makes ten places where he has
excrclsc-d his talents , while there may bo
ollieis not yet beard Irani.
Worden evidently expected to make a raid
on some otllce when1 there was an uncnalncd
typewriter , for be bad told the other boys
in Kiley . * c Hbcrraden's place that ho had
lust beard from his molhcr and that she bad
promised to send him one.
Mr. Sullivan , whoso place was burlarlzed ,
called on the young man at the city jail yes
terday and after Informing him that he wired
nothing for the stuff he bad lost , asked him
how be had gotteU'lnto the good Rracesofbls
( Sullivan's ) bull dog. "I've liecn feeding
that dog on raw meat to make him vicious. "
said he , "for the past six months , and I've a
great. iiriosity to know bow you managed
him. "
"Oh , I Just patted him on the head and ho
wagged his tall , and wo were friends , " was
the reply.
Sullivan is trying to sell bis bull dog.
COUNCIL ritjiiiiNs. : :
ItcMiliitloiii for Tux I.rvlf * to lie Submitted
lit till ! Next ilrrtlmi : ,
The city council held its regular monthly
meeting last evening with Mayor Lawrence
and Aldermen ( leiso. .Jennings , Maync , Pace ,
Smith , Tibbits and Van Hriint present.
A resolution was adopted to submit to the
voters of the city at the next general elec
tion a proposition to levy a 1 mill tax foi
two years to nay the expenses of the Fair-
mount park litigation.
Another resolution was adopted to submit
at the election March 0 tbo question of levy
ing a 1 mill tax for tbo purpose of making
improvements in the parks.
' 1 he ( jiiestloti of vacating that portion of
Fourteenth avenue between Alain and
Fourth streets was referred to the commit
tee on streets and alleys.
The now ordinance requiring pawnbrokers
to keep a register of all goods bought and
sold , with a full description of the buyers
and sellers , and to send a copy of tbo regis
ter to the chief of police before noon of the
day following , was read and laid over under
the rules.
P. Wind asked the council to sell him n
strip of land between his ofllce and Hroad-
way. Hefcrrcd to the committee on city
S. H. Wadsworth .appeared before the
council and stated that the board of super
visors had appointed a committee to confer
with the council with reference to making
a survey of that part of Council Bluffs west
of the Missouri river for taxation purposes.
The matter wns referred.
The Courtlaml Ueach company llled its
acceptance of the ordinance granting a right
of way for a bridge over Cut-off lake and a
railway in Council Ulufl's.
O. W. Drake llled Ids bond as meat Inspector
specter , with H. II. Field and W. F. Patton
us sureties. It was accepted.
The bill of George A. Holmes for Sl.OflO
for his services as attorney for the city in
tlio Fail-mount park case was referred to the
judiciary committee.
lilds for grading and paving Fourth ave
nue , from Eighth to Tenth street , were re-
ceived us follows : .1. .1. Hughes , p.iving ,
; ? I.-IT ; grading , l ! . " ) cents ; Stimsjii & Iluber ,
Sl.M ; grading. : > ants ; 13. A. Wickbam ,
fcl.4" ; grading , ' 0 cents : M. A. Moore , class
ltl.i" : ; classy , $1.Sclass ! ! ; I ) , i ? ' ; grading , 10
cents ; S. M. Folsom of Ashland , Neb. ,
Sl.OU'tf ' ; grading , " 3 cents. In each of these
bids , excepting tbo hist , it wns specified
that Council Bluffs brick should bo used ,
while Mr. Folsom bid on Heatrico brick. A.
T. Fliokingcr , one of the property owners
affected , stated that most of the property
owners had expressed a preference for the
Heatrico article. The bids were finally laid
over until tlio next meeting.
Alderman Smith stated that n great many
defective bricks bad been palmed off on the
city through the failure of tbo latter to have
an inspector on the ground until after they
had been piled up by the roadside. Ho
thought that a resolution should bo passed
providing that no bricks should bo hauled'
until the inspector was on band , and none
accepted unless they had been inspected
properly as they were laid down. Aftersomo
discussion It was decided that Smith should
draw up a resolution embracing the points
ho had mentioned and present it at the next
meeting. The council then adjourned until
the 'JOth. i
Mclire InlllctK the t/iiw'H I.linlt on 11
lie * ! lul Unite.
K. W. McCurdy was brought before Judge
McfJee yesterday morning fora trial on the
charge of making an Indecent exhibition of
himself a short tlmo ago at the corner of
Fifth avenue and Eighth street. The case
was a very aggravated ono.and thocourt had
even less sympathy for him than ho would
otherwise have had for him from the fact
that McCurdy had run away after being re
leased from Jail on his own recognizance.
The girl who had been the chief witness of
the affair came into court and told In a
straightforward mttnncr all that happened ,
the court room having been previously
cleared of all spectators. At the conclusion
of the hearing the court sentenced McCurdy
to pay a tine of $100 or servo n term of thirty
days In the city jail in default of payment.
He did not have the money , so ho was locked
Numerous complaints have been tnado at
various times of the actions of a man who
did precisely what McCurdy has been sen
tenced for. It Is now suggested that the
women who are aggrieved call on him at the
city jail in order to identify him , if possible ,
us the man who was guilty in the cases. The
sentence , although the most severe that can
bo given under the statute , Is altogether too
light for tbo crime , and McCurdy should bo
given a lesson that will deter other wrong
doers from following in his footsteps.
1'layt'il the Onmlm IJiuni' .
Council IllulTs was given an exhibition of
how the change nickel is worked in Omaha
yesterday. During the afternoon n fellow
went to the grocery store of .Peter Tholl on
South Mala street nnd purchased 5 worth of
groceries and ordered them to bo sent to bis
house , when ho was to pay for I hem. The
address given was that of Ofllccr Kemp , and
an hour or two before the groceries were
delivered the ladies of thaonlror's family
noticed a man walking backward and for
ward In the street in front of the house ,
Finally n grocery wagon drove up' and the
follow went out and took nn uriu-
ful of packages from the boy
who drove It and entered the front gate el
the residence and wcnl around to the rear ol
the . houao , The Indira wondered what ho
wns bringing the xtulT there for nut hiving
Jlvi'ti an.v onion * , mid they reached it rear
Jiior to Investigate Jut In tlmo to * > 'o thn
fellow scaling an eight-foot alley fence with
111 * load. When the boy got tired of waiting
mid went In to see why the man of the
lioiiso did not brlnvr nut the p.iy for the stulT
a ? ho had promised , ho Icnincu the trim situ
ation. The man is described ns of medium
lu-leht , with smooth face , nn.l wearing n
black ) suit of clothes ,
Coy Conduct of i Kun : n City Widow I'nitcr
I'lrr tilt ; Si'cciiut Time.
Justice Fox wns called upon yesterday
afternoon to marry a couple -from Kansas
City. Uoth had been through the matrimonial
menial mill before , and the groom took the
thing as a matter of course , but the bride
wns a coy young widow of 27 years , and , In
her excess of womanly reserve , the llrst
thing she did after arriving at the place
where matrimony wan on sale , was to do
niand that all the men but Fox bo wit out of
the room. The next was to enjoin the utmost
secre.'y on the justice , especially urging him
not to tell , any newspaper men about It.
After this promise had been made by the
Justice the ceremony went on , but the squire
had only succeeded in n.arrying the man
when the bride Jerked her baud away and
nmdo a bee-lino for the dnor , through the
glass of which she thought she saw some-
Wly peering. Once outside the door she
decided to stay , ami it took all the urging
that her stater could bring to bear upon her
tit get her to return to the ofllce and have
the : other half of the ceremony performed.
At last she came back , the ceremony was
repeated and the groom was relieved of the
embarrassment of finding himself married
but without a wife. They gave their names
as Ueorge H Smith nn.l Alice Willoughby.
After again ordering the Justice to keep
mum they left the office and went to Kansas
City in the evening.
For rheumatism and neuralgia you cannot
get 11 better remedy than Salvation Oil. k jj
For wuriniiifr pucst ehnmbors , bath
rocms , etc. , our j'us heaters are just
what you want. Look tit them. Cli-un ,
convenient , cheap. C. B. Gas iitul Elec
tric Light Co.
Finest Aristo cabinet photon , $2 per
dox. Ashton's studio. IS X. Main street
Dr. ( Jurtrr St.tyH lli-rr.
The report that Dr. Carter had accepted u
call to the pastorate of the Christian church
nt Crcstoii appears to have originated In the
simple fact that he supplied that pulpit for
one Sunday. He says ho has no intention of
leaving Council Hluffs , and that the report 1 -
wholly without foundation in fact.
IVoplo Pester Olil I'm'-iitbllUlcH with 1m-
nmlrrliil and Iiivumpi-tont
Last night a HEE reporter climbed tno
three long flights of iron stairs in the post-
oflice building in order to call uixm Captain
O. 10. Hunt , lociM forecast ofllcinl of Jerry
Husk's weather bureau.
Notwithstanding the fact that the wind
was blowing from the north at the rate of
about forty miles an hour and the exposed
thermometers were 'way down below zero.
Uncle I Sam's weather prophet was In a good
humor 1 and put in all of his spare time
1t shoveling anthracite into a big heater re
gardless of expense.
"Very few people. ' ' said tbo captain , "who
read the bare figures given in the weather
reports realize the immense amount of work
It takes to compile tbo data and prepare it
for publication. You know that tbo draw-
lug of the chart lines and the care wo must
observe in watching a storm movement is
jften times rather wearing on ones nerves.
The catechism that I am put through at
such times is something awful and enough
to try the patience of a do/en Jobs.
"As a general thing , though , there is a
tinge of absurdity In tbo questions , and the
amusement thus caused makes us oftentimes
forgot that we are tired ami busy. But the
greatest of till our troubles is the 'telephone
fiend. ' Hero is where our patience and good
nature is tiixcd to its utmost , so much so , in
fact , that I often almost forget that I am a
public servant. Everybody calls usjip , and
frequently wo are asked to give a forecast of
the weather for three , four or a half dozen
days ahead. Thcso calls come mostly from
women who want to go to a party or something - .
thing of the sort some tlmo during the week.
This job Isn't the snap people think it is , "
concluded the captain as ho wrapped his fur
coat about him , preparatory to making n
trip to the root to examine some of the in
Di'trrtlvn Viuiliii ( Arrests I'olir Hoys fur
UrcukliiK Into I'rrljlit Curs unil Sti-nllni ; .
For the last month or six weeks the Fre
mont , Klkhorn & Missouri "Valley Hallway
company has been missing merchandise front
Its cars and one of the company's detectives
was put on the case , but didn't make much
headway. The matter was reported to the
police detective department , and last night
Detective Vaughn not only captured the
gang , but recovered about 10 worth of tbo
stolen property.
The prisoners are all young men and have
the appearance of youngsters trying to bo
Isaac and John Shopnrd , living at 81U
North Twenty-fifth street , are tbo leaders.
They are about ' . ' 0 years of age. I1. 1C. Ben'
nett and llay Cotton are a little younger.
Vaughn went out to the Saratoga school
yesterday and talked with some of the chil
dren , and a little boy named Doo/.cnbcrry
gave the whole thing away. The detectives
visited the Shepard residence and arrested
the two boys and found a lot of the stolen
goods secreted In the house.
When questioned at the jail the gang con
fessed and told how they worked the deal
They would select a car in the yards
along about Grace street , break the seal
and climb in. When the train pulled out
they would throw off the plunder and then
jump off themselves. The merchandise was
then gathered up and secreted. All of the
young toughs were charged with burglary
The parents of the Shepard boys denied all
knowledge of the larceny.
Still DrinvliiK 1'mivcln.
Tlio interest manitlested in the wonderful
experiments of I'rof. Heynolds , seems not to
have abated In the least. The Young Men's
Christian association auditorium was again
well filled last evening although this is the
mesmerist's secon.l week hero. The experi
ments last evening was of a nature similar to
those presented last week , a slight change ,
however , being introduced. Prof. Heynolds
repeated his performance of putting a sub
ject Into a state of catilepsy nnd placing him
In n horizontal position , with head and heels
resting on two chairs. Judge Davis and
several gentlemen from the audience exam
ined the subject and ono , a man weighing
nearly UK ) pounds asked to stand on the body.
A number of uniubiiig experiments were
given and a strorg effort was made by the
operator to control the actions of n young
woman who sat in the audience with a pencil
nnd note book In hand , but the pencil was too
strong a counter attraction. A matinee for
ladies only is to bo given Saturday ,
Dfiili'B Mr. limit. "
OMAHA , Feb. 0. To the Kdltor of THE
Hci : : In this morning's paper the state-
mcnt is made that the superintendent of
Hcscuo hall "will no doubt bo surprised to
learn that Edward Dean , who for some tlmo
past has been ono of the reverend gentle
man's most cfllclcnt lieutenants , is none
other than Ed McGlll , one of the toughest
and most expert burglar's in the west. "
Other statements are made of his public
speaking In churches and of his going tlio
rounds of missionary work with the superin
tendent. Allow mo to say we have no such
name on our records nt Hcscuo hall. No
such person over spoke In a public service
servico. I never met thn man referred to ,
and do not believe ho ever visited Hcscuc
nail , Respectfully yours , A. W. CHIIK ,
Superintendent Hcseuo lull ,
Death from Snlclilo ,
A coroner's jury returned a verdict of sui
cide while laboring under mental depression
In Emma Christcnsen's case yesterday.
You don't want n torpio nvorj you don't
want u bad complexion , you don't want a
bad broathjyo'.i don't want a hoadachu
Then USD Do Witt's Llttlo Early Hlssw , tlu
amous little iilll.i.
Interesting Meeting-of'tho - ' Oity Oouncil
.Major U'lillcr * unit yMr , , Wyintii ttnvu u
I > lpiilu Coiici-rnliif ; thd l.lin | > r
I.HUA I.iirtfii tliinbi-r of
Hills . '
The city council met : Uwt night and trans
acted the usual iimouAt ofbuslncss. A llttlo
tilt between Mayor Walters and Councilman
Wyman with reg.ird to enforcing the
ordinance revoking tbo license of Saloon
keeper . Klteh was ihr- only Incident tonry
the monotony of routine business. Wyman
wanted the license law enforced and Walters
said ho was ready to enforce It whenever all
other saloonkeepers who have been equally
guilty of violating th law were served the
same way , which caused Wyman to retort
that no effort was being made to secure evi
dence against others. It looks as If the
matter would not bo dropped very suddenly.
Hills were allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the various funds as given below :
Salary fund . i nio.oo
Police fund . f.Ul.OO
Street repair fund . 10.411
r.lert rli- light fund . 314.00
( trading district No. H . . < >
Knglncer's fund . IHH.OO
( ifiioral fund . 6011.35
rirennd water . 010.113
Total . J'J,707.78
The Missouri Pacific Hallway comp.iny
presented a communication offering to pay a
portion of its taxes , Wl 1.117 , but not includ
ing personal taxes , and presented a voucher
which would be a receipt In full for all
taxes. H was referred to the city attorney.
Interested In City lloluN.
Splt/cr it Co. , the purchasers of S-tiVi ( ( )
worth of South Omaha city bonds at JIMK )
irendum and accrued interest , signed by ,1.
5. Walters , acting mayor , desired a ro.solu-
ion passed showing that tbo bonds were
iroperly signed , and the s.une was done.
iplt/er & Co. propose to pay Interest to Jan-
lary ! JS to the amount ofM ( ) , while really
pj I red to pay only to January 1.
A petition was presented asking that an
ordinance bo drawn providing for laying of a
six-foot sidewalk on the east side of Twenty-
sixth street , from DtoK : south side of D ,
from Twcnt.vllfth to Twenty-sixth ; east
side of Twenty-sixth , from H to F : north
side of E , from Twenty-fifth to Twenty-
F. M. Smith , chief of the lire department.
isked that an ordinance be drafted reiiulr-
ng handlers of powder and oils to take out a L
lernilt and that the location of their store-
oems bo Hied with the department. Ke-
A petition for an electric light and .fire
ilarm at Twenty-sixth and L' streets , and a
ire plug at Twenty-fifth and K streets ,
was referred to the committee on gas and [
mblie lights.
Patrick Hincs was granted permission to
transfer his liquor license from Thirty-first
md Q to the Transit house.
Clark Howard , inspector , reported four-
, ccn bead of cattle condemned during Jan-
J. M. Tobias , sfrcqt conimissioner. handed
n bis report showing the disbursement of
SLIMU/J. ) for nine months ending February
1 , KS'J.l.
The petitioners for the removal of the
market place from Twenty-seventh street to
Twenty-sixth between M and N was granted.
Councilman Howloy wanted the sidewalk
ordinance enforced in the case of T. Geary ,
wlio has three feet of snow in front of his
n-cinisos in the Thlr/1 / ward and the chief of
> olico was instructed to see that not only
Mr. Geary , but others clear their walks of
snow and ice. _ . ,
Hoard oKiluciltlon. .
The Board of Education held a regular
monthly meeting In' ' the High school last
night with all m riibers present except
[ Julia , who holds too , mjmy offices to attend
' "i all of them. . " .j
A communication from' Miss Mabel Silver ,
dated Indianapolis , tendering her resigna
tion as a teacher , was read urn ! the same was
Miss Lavina Jones , principal of the Al
bright school , also handed in her resig
nation , which was accepted.
Miss Martha Evans and Miss Lizzio T.
Hayes were employed to fill the vacancies.
Misses Mary Elgin and Etta Bonsel were
applicants for positions as teachers.
Bills were allowed amounting to $ ) , ( Mti.OI.
Of this amount $ < 2ir > ! ) . > went to pay teachers
and flM.1 } to Janitors , $100.11) ) for coal nud the
balance In smaller miscellaneous bills.
The board adjourned to meet Tuesday
night , February 14 , at 7 o'clock sharp.
Koport of the South Onmlm schools for
month of January , 181) ) . ! :
The total enrollment for this year exceeds
that of last year by only 2'J. " > , while the aver
age daily attendance exceeds that of Janu
ary , IS'.y , by y:37 : , showing a very markon im
provement in regularity of attendance , snow
ing also that the population of the city is
more stable.
Stockmen I'lensi-il with Their Treatment.
Delegates to the National Live Stock ex
change wore profuse in their compliments
passed upon the handsome manner in which
they were entertained by the South Omaha :
exchange. Members from other cities
even went so far as to express
a wish that in future the ban
quet feature would bo dropped , as only two
or three of the exchanges , members of the
National exchange , could afford to keep up
with tbo pace set by South Omaha. Natur
ally , each local organization has an ambition
to at some time entertain the national body ,
a thing they would not be able to do at so
great an expense. At a meeting of tbo
executive committee , field immediately bo-
furo the closing session at the I'axton. it was
decided that the next meeting of the Na
tional exchange should bo held In Kansas
City at the call of the president , and the
next meeting of the executive committee at
I'eonu , also subject to the call of the pres
Caught from 1111 Klcetrlc. Wire.
Heath's barber shop In the Fowler block ,
Twenty-fourth street , was set on fire Satur
day evening in a novel manner.
I'apcrhantjers had removed the electric
light wires , which interfered with their
work , and failed to properly replace them ,
When the currenti was turned on In the
evening the wires weru melted and , falling
to the floor , sot a flre-which , however , was
soon discovered andextinguished witti but
little damage. An alarm was turned In and
the lire departmentjuupearcd in short order ,
but their services were not needed.
( Slit I'lllt-rMl Dliyn.
Jack Hurley , better known as "Hed Muz
zier , " was arrested Jas yVedncsday and told
to choose between tnlrtv days in the county
jail and banishment from the city. Ho
chose the latter , no doubt thinking that he
could sneak back wltft6\H \ the oftlecrs troub
ling his worthless eareilss.ibut ho got fooled.
Saturday night aJioUtf'mldnight un oOlcer
splod him and pro' tilts took htm In out of '
the cold. This inornlntf ho was gUon llftc'-n i
da } A In the county Jali. first and last live on
bread and water. This treatment \\llt bo
continued until Jack Hurley gets tired.
\Vitnt tin1 1'mlt Ion.
Ah Item from Washington which appeared
In i TimSrxiuv Ilr.i : Is reproduced hero , as it
Is i of special Interest to many South Omaha
people. i It rends as follows :
Applications contlnui' to pour In at tbo Ag
ricultural department ht-to for the posltloimif
mlcroveonNN In the South Oitmlm packing
hoiM'M. U Is stated that there will not only
not i be any inoic of these appointment ! * iniide
for this M'uson , but that on ni-counl of the de
crease In \oliinu-of Im-lncss iii'lnit done
some of Iho-onlioady employed will bo dis
MiiKli- City ( Imilp.
A S'ouni ? Men's. Uemocratlc club will bo
organl/.ed next Wednesday evening.
Mrs Swink and her father of Pierce , vis
ited the family of C. Xeffon P. Street.
W. A. Narnctt of CJrand Island paid Cap
tain Van Wle of tbo police force a visit.
Cbnrles Kola , general agent for a Pom-la
Implement house , was tlio guest of W. H.
Hoscernns over huiiday.
The Ladles Aid society of the First Pres
byterian church. Twenty-fifth and J streets ,
will give a character social this evening In
the lecture room of the church. A dime will
be charged and all are Invited.
Allison's meat market in the Third ward at
Thirtieth and H was the scene of a small
bla/e Sunday. The lire department re
sponded promptly and succeeded in extin
guishing the flames with but little damage.
The ladies of the First Methodist ICplsco-
pal church will go Into the restaurant busi
ness at the church Wednesday , Thursday
and Friday of this week. Meals will be
served and all are invited to cat at the ban
quet ball of the church. The object Is to
raise money toward building a church.
J. C. McCoy , a delegate to the meeting of
the National Live Stock exchange , in speak
ing of Omaha , said he thought It was a good
town , commercially speaking , but he did not
think the people paid much attention to re
ligion , judging from the way they attended
to business , nnd added : ' -When our travel
ing men come back empty-handed and their
upper lip trailing in the dust , we always get
the repl.s toour iue.itlon as to what Is the
matter , 'Omabii took them. If there is a
steer lylnk around loose some Omaha duck
always picks him up , and for that reason I
have had a great curii.sity to see what kind
of people they are at home.
Prof. He.noids . , the hypnotist , whose won
derful powers have been exemplified at the
Young Men's Christian association hall.
Omaha , during the past week , will remain
during this week. Quite a number of South
Omaha people , including former stud
ents of Yale college , who wit
nessed the marvelous poweis of
I'rof. Ke.vnold.s duringj their college da.x.s
have dropped in on him , and all uirrcc that
his experiments are the most miraculous ex
hibitions of the powvrof manoverhis fellows
evilpresenreil to the public. Any ono who
wishes to spend an evening in unbroken
i laughter and at the same time add to his or
] l her scientific knowledge should go to see
1 Prof. Heynolds before the week closes.
Coat Thlcvi-K Ciiptnrcd.
I l.oul * Thornton and William Johnson were
arrested last night for stealing coats from
Hurmeister's store.
Opera singers and public speakers can
keep their voices clear and stronsr with the
family remedj. Or. Hull's Cough Syrup.
"ClilmtnyV Opinion of "rciniinj--l ( < it. "
Two rugged little newsboys stood sliiv- |
ei-ing on the corner , their bare little ,
tees blue with the eold. !
"Su-uy , C'himniy. did vor see wet a j
whaek 'in' wham de e teilegrafts cent
about dat ( lore lire1
"Yep. Oi-ful , wu/.n't it ? " _ „ '
"I'oh ! Y'don't b'lieve any such jyulT '
as that , does ye ? Dem dere lires ain't
never half of wet der papers reppy-
-elltS. "
"Dey ain't1
"Nope. It's jes' like do eowboy.s at
de eirkus w'en dey gits t' eavoi-tin'
aroun' an' blutherin' an' shoot in' an' hol-
lerin' dey don' never kill hail' dor
sereeehin' lien's dey Mild dey was ti-goin'
to on the bills. See ? "
"Yep ; but den ilat's der eirkus bin ,
Billy , kinder hippydromy , y'know.1
"Well , rtoy's all der cumo in Dutch !
Didn't yer see in all der papers wet a
gallorions ole Chrisselmns ev'rybudily
was bavin' ? "
"Well , did youso git any galloriiiiis
Chrisselmiibcs ? "
"Nope. "
" 'Course yer didn't ! I" tell yer it's a1. !
bloody fake , all dese big hurrahs.1
"Well , us pore ehups ' 11 have peed
time w'en wo gits tor heaven , anyhow ! "
sighed Jimmie.
"Yep. Heard iler preueher down tor
der Salvation Army tellin' about it , an *
it's a hangup bully bird of a place ,
rtimon' gates an'gole street-puvin' , same
us granite blocks an' hot air radyatcrs
on all tor eoniiers , an' free lunches , an'
siire-nnIT Uichter month haps fer all us
kids , an' no more hand-me-down iluds to
wear , an' Sunday pops every day in der
week , an' nothin' ilut ye'\o goiter do les-
ben yer wants tor do it , an' "
"Oh sugarsticks , Cliimmy ! Yer don't
swaller till dat tommy-rot , dees yer ? "
"Wh-y-y , Billy , tint ain't tommy-rot
dat's heaven ! Don't youso b'liove in
heaven ? "
"Wot ! Mo b'liove anything like dat ?
An' mo been a sellin' papers for goin'
enter free year agon .lime ? Well , I
guess not ! Dat ain't nothin' but dat ( lore
preacher's tidvortiain' dodpri o for bomu of
deso hero summer resorts ! "
.Ihiimio's faec looked badly fallen us
they trotted awuy in the uold.
A letter from Dr. K. K. Brown says ho
and party have made a imwt wonderful
discovery up in Kinpr's river canon , says
the Selinu , C'til. , Iri'ijjutor. In eroHfliiiK
a minill urek they c.atne ton beautiful
canon or basin of about three acres of
level meadows bin-rounded bv perpondie-
ulnr walls some . ' ! 00 feet liifjn. A line
htream of uold clour water was Mowing
into tlio little meadow , but there sectneil
to bo no outlet There was no way of
trotting dowu into the yalloy. but quail
and rabbits seemed to inhabit the little
A pair of operii glasses brought to
light a numbo.r of snakes basking in the
Bun on the Hat roek. They wore ono to
three feet in length and had heads
shaped e.xaotly like a blacksmith's hum
mer.Vhilo the party was examining
with the glass the maneuvers of a num
ber of the snakes crawling through the
grass a very largo ono was noticed mak
ing a sneak on a cottontail rabbit.
When within about two fcot of the rah *
bit the snake stiffened the front half of
its body and bent into u right angle.
Then his snakeship straightened out
suddenly , bringing the rabbit a swing
ing blow on the side of its head , which
laid bunny out completely.
Another btiako was ob-erved to creep
on to a quail sitting on a bernbby tree.
This snake twisted about four inches of
its tail along a limb of the tree and used
all the rest of its body for a hammer and
handle to whack the the quail on the
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
head ) such a stinging hi > w Unit it
without u llnttor of it- , wing * . The
snuke cciMtuxt to have the wonderful
power of lengthening IMi > ilv out nearly
double Its normal length and IIP small ns
u whalebone whip , tl o heavier part
being next to the part wrapped urouiul
the tree.
After killing the quail tintl rabbit the
snake hammered the body into u pulp ,
bones and all , with Its head , and then
swallowed the whole business. The
swallowing showed that the hummer
part of the head could bo laid back out
of the way while the swallowing was
Kverv effort possible with the appli
ances they had with them was nmdo to
get ono of the snakes , but they failed.
SniiirtVnMiliiRtoi' tilrln.
The young women of Washington arc
not all given over to the soeial fascina
tions of the city. Miss Spoirord. only
daughter of the librarian of congress ,
although one of Miclety's favorities , is a
member of charitable and s-eieiititlc
organizations and is a leading spirit in
the Women's Anthropological r-oi-loty < > [
America. Miss Hiiiily Mason , daughter
of the I'lirutor of tho'Nutioiml museum ,
is one of the directors of the same asso
ciation and a writer on si-k-ntilie sub
jects. Miss Mary Dean Powell , whoso
father. Major Powell , is director of the
geological survey , is both a reiuai-kable
pianist anil a student of scionee.
. Much llhldeil.
The small town of Criflon , N. O. , can
probably lay claim to more division than
any other s'uiiill place in the country.
The village is located , it is .said , in two
counties , three townships , two coiisircs-
sional districts , two senatorial districts
and two judicial districs.
In tilfamil are more nfttn the * tcsu't cf
keif feace in a $
family , by curfnc <
Mtli lluiutiiulir ,
Weak aiumacli.Impulrctl JHiri-sllnn , tf
llliurdrrril I.Ivor. fon.MpiiUim nnil J
ull Illllmii nml IVcivmn lUiir < ] rm
nrlnlns ( V m tltviu ciimra. <
CoTcrcJ vrllh a T.vitclovi A SolubleCoating. . !
Of all tlriK'clstB. Trlcn 2K cents n box.
I > ew York Dopol , llClt'annl itt.
Beef is Cheap as Everl
Hut pork , limns lard and bacon , while wny
up In (1 , iin * clu-iiiK'i' at Mi'M'liiMidnrf'N market
tbiin any other plai-e In tincity. . The place fo
get your meat Is where ; you gel I lie best and
the moil for your money , liook at t heso prices
IIIK ! recollect Hint tivi-rythhii ; ! > the best , that
Hwlft A I'o. slaughter :
Plato Holland Flank Boll . -to
Shoulder Clod . 60
Shou dor Steal : . Oo
MiouldorRTast . < Jc
Corn - 1 IJoof , ulatu anJ flank . < lo
j Coriml Ulo Is .ml Bu up i . So
. 10
f ,
Round Sieak , H llj for S&3 . lOo
Po.-tn 'house Steak . 12ic !
All kinds stows , veil , mutton & beet' . , ho
VoalRO'bt . lno
Veal Sto.ik . 12'a
VeatCnons . 10
Mutton Chops . l 3'4o
Mutton Legs . lOo
, Now Comes the High Pork.
Pork Chops . lee
Porlt Butts f > r roast . 124o !
California Hams . 12'ic
Spare Ribs . lOo
PorkTenleriolu . 20o
SaltPorlt . ISJio
Pork Sausage . 12io !
Wholesale and Rotall
333 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs.
( mine Kciiulno without br.m Mitln i ) our larva
Impruvpil style , Is n. ull < l inn'ie. lini ilop llnnio
BlroiiKbut lilKliurnto. unit vloiaj pcrruutly llyhi ; '
mvca 31 | iur cent niitrltloiM oIcmuntH. I1'nil do- I
scrlptlvocirculir on iippllcntlun. AOM.N'TS WANT I
lODInovury county In tliuU M. Aildrem. CIlAltIH ,
IJ N. Main St. , Council llluffs , 'ft
the equpj or
forthe Prbmpt &ido |
K. W. PAN6LE , M. S ) .
Tlift Good SamarlUa. N Yean' Cifttlcaeo.
WO5IH.1. rilOridUTOK Ol' V11B
\vor.r-i ) ' uKI
SAItV Of .
the folia-Ming Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head. Throat , ami I.in3 ! Die.
cascnof tbo Kyeoml ICnr , I'lunid Apoplexy , Uoiitt
DlKcaso , Liver Complal it. Kidney Complulut ,
Nervous Doblllty , Mental Depres
sion , Lees of Manhood , Somlnal
Weakness , l > iubcte. . nntht s in-eoso , St Vltus'
DRHTO. lllicmliulfciu , rawly * ! * . White Swolllni ; ,
Bcrofuio , Fever Sores , Cnncors , Tur.ioru
and Fl.ituln In nno removed v lthouf
the knlfo or drav lnu a drop of
blood \Vomsn with ln-r delicate ori/i-ns ro-
Btoccd to health. Uroi ty cuml whhout tupping.
Special Attention given to private
and Yonoieal Dlsonscn of all kinds.
SCO to 350O forrelt fyr any Vonoronl Dlo-
ease I caunot euro without moroury.
Tape Worms removed In tw n or thrco houra , or 110
j y. Horaorrholila or Plica cured.
Will eave life and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or using
Tlio only I'hyslclon who can toll what nllt
a iivrniui without anklng a queittiin. i
All correspondence strictly confidential. McdlolaT ,
Boat by express. Adilteui all Utters to
G. W. PANGLE , M , D.
65'i BKOAinVAY , Council , In.
Scud for my now dlsoaso list nud reduced
for tniiitnn-nt.
Money IOUILM on Di.-i'iioniU. Witihu. oti ,
II. K barzalnsln unrodeoinod plediroi.
Justice of tbo 1'aiicu -
- ) ( . * > llroadway , U ] > stalri
"I 1IUV Imprurcd n8ldi > ncu property for cush wliea
J tllO I'tlCO In low C'llOUKll. II. li. McllUO , ID Mllln It.
AllSTHACTSnmtloan * . Kami anil city property
ImuRlit and BO LI. t'usay & , Council
Din It * .
ij'oit K.VCIIANCiK , il-rooiu hou o ; inodjrn convon-
Unices : best Incitlou In Council lllutlJi"clenr of
rnctimbritnro ; will cxolmiue fur biisluonH liouso In
Homo mii.iller town Invuxlurn IOITII or uajtorn .N'n-
bri : ki. Ijrcvnslilulds , Nk'liobon .V Co. , Council
6(0 ACKi ; Nobrp Ki : ! > ptiil Irani for milo nt tl per
ncru. l.'n linprovn I } J per nure. Joliniton
AVniil'atH'n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.VH HA 1,15 A number of KOOI ! lots bolwueii
llruiiilnnr and thn umv brlil/u ot vary low urlcon.
Urrrntiiil.'lda. .Mcbol-son , V'o. _ _
1 , ' Ml S VI. U Several pulu's if tlno Knr.len liuul at
it bnrpilu jiromi-ihlolils NlrboNon it t o- _
. Ilirea KO > ) d rualdonccM In
Council lliti I for n l.tud , ( jrcciishlclds.
I c 1 1 oliion \ i .
SOA1IC cntii and cl ar loin to exchange for n
plccmif liuslm'm iiropoi ty. _ ll.ll..Vr < li'i' , lUMalimt
CTIJIIKNT nurse wnntpil ntV. . f7 A lionpTtTl ,
O corner Nlntb Htri'ct unit Hflli avt' ; munt
bo between 2J nnd 'M vc'iirs of uno , liualtby and
of KUOI ! cburnctcr , _ _
LOST llluck. iloii dklii Inprtibo. A man driving
hay WHKOII wua ct't'ii to pick 11 up on corner oc
Slxtb Btrool nnd Slxtli avi-nue. Klnilor will plcnsn
return to John ScliountKi-n , oil lit-r at oturu or rcil-
A NV pornon doslrln/ no Intel tlio grocery buil
J\nvf on easy terms , ci.ll on J. Wurdlan , IWIt
West llroadwuy.
. . , Proprietor.
Cleaning find KeFinlshlng
Omaha ofllco , 1621 Fnruain St. , Telephone 10.J1. Councv.l HiulTs olllea and wor'ta
cor. Avo. A nnd Sillth St. Telephone. 10. Send for irculitrn and price list.
Address n postal card to the
Council Bluffs , Iowa , in regard to the CRIl'PLE CREEK proportion belonging to
this eompnny. Late advices vary favorable.
Refer to C. R Hunnan , Cuahlor Citizens' State Bank , Council Bluffs.