i * t" MM A it A mu.Y ircimiTAHY .T isni : SI\TI.NV PAHK.Q Ladies' Muslin Drawers , 19c 800 pairs ladies' mcslin Draw ers , 3 tucks , nice material , all our 250 , 350 and 400 goods are at one price now igc pair. ladies' Night G-owiis 44 ° 08 do7.cn Indies' Mother Ilnbbnrd night powiis , full sl/.cs , US Inches long ; they must go ; got whut you want Monday , only i price , -lie each. Ladies' Night Gowns 68C 40 dozen loft. Ladles' Mother Ilub- bnrl gowns , tucked yokes , trimmed with embroidery , worth $1 and $1.25 , all at one price now , OSc each ; only i price. Now Is the time to buy your muslin un derwear ; every garment at lesj than i regular price. Ladies' Night Gowns 9c All our finest gowns that were $1.25 , 11.80 and $1.50. trimmed with flno lace nnd embroidery , only | price now , OSc each ; they must all go. Goinsf out of Business. o Corsets gOCPair. Our entire stock of Dr. Warner's corn- llno corsets now going at j price , only COc pair. Satin Corsets $1.SO Our entire stock'of imported , very flnost corsets , in pink , liclit blue , red and old gold , were $3.50 , $4 and $5 , now nil atone price , $1.50 pair. Bennison Brothers , SPORTS OF WANING WINTER Jack Davis nnd Bob Ferguson to Wind Up the Olnb Season , JOHN D. CREIGHTON'S STRING OF FLYERS Grinin nnd Slurphy Tomorrow NlRht Daly anil U'DouncIl Tlt-Tnttlo of the Cylers Local Miscellany and 4 > ucrlc Aimwcrcdt ERTAIN It Is that the final contest of the scries to bo given at the Omaha club this winter will bo a fitting wlndup of what might very prop erly bo called a brilliant season. It will not only bo the most attractive in sofar as the con- tcstants are con cerned , but calls for double the outlay that has been made on any club night heretofore. These facts behoove a rousing attendance on the part of both members and nonmembers of the club. Strange as it may appear , the club has barely cleared expenses on the erics of contests given thus far. ana It Is to bo hoped that the coming event will bo potent enough In attractiveness to provo a profitable venture. The contest in question will bo between Jack Davis , the well known heavyweight , formerly of this city , and Bob Ferguson of Chicago , better known as the Stock Yards Giant , Tht purse will bo fl,000 , and the meeting takes place Tuesday evening , February 21. Fuller particulars next Sunday. Billy Murphy , the Australian Torpedo , and Johnny Grlflln , the Bralntrco boy , battle for ihukcls and glory before the Coney Island Athletic club tomorrow night. The mill ought to bo a cuckoo. The Australian punched Johnny out in "Frisco three years ago In the third round , but I don't think ho will over bo able to repeat the trick. In that fight Grinin bad all the best of the milling up to the time of the climax. Ho hod Murphy groggy and going , when Just as everybody thought ho was finished his long right arm shot out like a streak of light , aud his mil landing square on Johnny's Jaw Johnny for the tliuu being was dead to the world. They called it a chance blow , but , as Is well known , 1 take no stock In chance blows In a prUo Ilirlit. But that Is neither hero nor thcro ; it Is tomorrow evening's meet that is Interesting "tho people" Just . now. Up to Thursday night , I notice by the Now York press , but llttlo wagering on the fight bad been In dulged in. but it opened up rather Urlsk at that late hour , and thcro is a chance j Tt tc lose or win lots of money , The 'Australian's followers uro demanding odds , whlcl gives the affair a decided Griftlnesqu air , considering the easy way h which Billy o has claimed all along h was going to punch Johnny out. Both men have trained with great care and were down to the featherweight limit 'last night , ye I think Murphy Is a way off fron proper rendition , . They both profcs confidence In their ability to do th other , land under ] any circumstances wil five the club's patrons a run for their slmo : onr The affair Is to be prefaced with twenty round tilt between "Dolly" Lyon nd "Kid ' IIt > enn , another small pair. Jim fV/rbctt'i idea that simply because ilia heavyweight BENNESON BROTHERS ; Only 20 days remain to dispose of this mammoth stock- . Fully $100,000 of this great stoc'c yet to be closed out. Just stop and think : only twenty chys to soil it all. Every dollar's worth must go ; from now until all is sold. We will cut prices still deeper. Every article in our store , commencing Mondoy. at and . . . j . . . . . cost , Come in Monday with the crowd. Still more sales tivcrv persons item c.ircfullv. engaged-making , over 100 salespeople , so' all can bs waited upon promptly. You will never again bay fine Dry Gooch , Carpets , Curtains and Clonks , at such prices. Read Slinker Flannel Yard. 3,000 yards of wlilto slwkor flannel , our lOcquiility , now only Co yard. Is that cutting the prices ? Iionsdale Muslin Don't pay otliors lOc. 1'nsltlvoly Goino ; to Leave Omaha German Blue Print 10 ° Yard. GO pieces of extra heavy Gorman blue calico , ourlOc quality , now lOc yard. Pillow-Case Muslin 9 ° 42-icch bleached pillow-cnso muslin , closing out , Ocyard. Did you ever buy it before at 9e yard. Outing Flannel C5C cD All our 8c and lOc outing flannel now Co yard. Muslin 4 % C 30-inch unbleached muslin , -He yard. Ginghams 7c AllourlOo nnd 12 } dress ginghams , also our finest apron check ginghams , now at one price , down they go , Toyard. Going Out of Business. championship and by the way It makes Jim hot to he alluded to as a prize fighter ho should bo enveloped in a halo of glory is an erroneous otio , ana the sooner the sportIng - Ing writers convince him of this fact the better it will bo for the game all 'round. The heavyweight champion of the world should not bo allowed to use the title as an adver tizing dodger for any fifth-rate theatrical scheme. Ho stepped Into this exalted ( ? ) position with about as little opposition as a man would experience in swallowing a well lubricated saddlerock , and he should bo made to show the world that , as ho claims , It did not matter much what barriers were In his way. he would nave got there all the same. All the prerogatives ho secured by winning his crown ha'vc been gracefully acknowledged , and ho should attest his ap preciation by giving something besides a bit of clumsy acting in return. Let's see. John I. , , held the championship something over eleven years , and defended It , too , whenever occasion demanded , not withstanding certain claims that ho pur sued pretty much the same course that Cor- bett Is pin-suing. Who can put his linger on the bona lido challenge , backed up bv the coin , in all that time that the big fellow wasn't ready to accommodate its author. The trouble was that Sullivan received hut foiv real challenges in the main they were simply shrewd advertising schemes engin eered by this or that clique of disgruntled sports. In John IVs. career , from the night ho first mot Prof. John , Donaldson in Cin cinnati , ho fought" nearly 400 lights , with big and llttlo gloves , and the raw ones , limited and unlimited. Ho gloried In the championship and woo unto the man who disputed his rightful possession. Even after ho had grown old and stale , to once more show his army of followers that ho was the champion , ho entered the ropes and faced probably the cleverest man In the world. You know the result. In his pride and Im aginary power the HIg Fellow overlooked a simple law of nature , Ho was hold enough to think that seven or eight years of continu ous carousal had wrought no change in his perfect physique. Any child could have told him that a single drop of water dripping un ceasingly will intime wear a hole in a mar ble slab. And now , because Jim Corbott mot and hammered Into a state of helplessness the wrecked hull of this erstwhile giant , ho mounts a pedestal and calls for fighters and fighters' patrons to Hock around and apulaud him. They were agreeable for a while , but soon began to sour. Thn.v saw in It all the fine Italian hand ! work of his clover manager , Hilly Urady , the old Omaha newsboy , and began to tumble. A naturally pugnacious public wants a fighting , not ail-acting cham pion , and If Corbett won't fill the bill , give us Jackson , the Midnight Mars , Goddard , the barrier gladiator , or , must I smother patriotism and say it , oven the Englishman. Sneaking of Mitchell reminds me of a llttlo almost forgotten scene that occurred in the Olympla's arena on the night Sullivan fell. Just before the light was on a cablegram was received from Mitchell and thought lessly read to the big crowd from the center of the ring by ono of the club ofiicials. That a mistake had been made was quickly mani fest by the storm of angry hisses that greeted the reader before ho had fairly fin ished the Briton's challenge , for that is what It was. Joe Goddard sort o' crouched In ono of the boxes , and at the conclusion 01 the reading of the cablegram ho arose oxclt cdly and endeavored to make himself heard. That , ho .vcvcr , was Impossible , as the vnsi building was in an uproar. The suppositioi Is that the Australian wanted to accept the challenge , as ho Is ready at all times to figh : at the drop of the hat or the Hash of the wires. The next day , while at lunch In Leon's , I heard Goddard say : "I came hero to fight and It makes llttlo difference to me who I light , so long as there is sunicleni stuff In sight. I would rather light Corbotl now than any man In the world , because thcro would bo more In it. I think I cat whip him ; any way , I'm willing to bet 15.000 that I can. I'm ' not hunting for marks , bu would Just as soon take on a mark If there was money In It , and sooner , than I would ' tough nut who stands a chance to do mo. hear a good deal of guff already about I'ot. Jackson. Now , Jackson isn't entitled u anything over mo. I fought him it Australia and licked him , too. despite th referee's decision. . Ho mauo it a draw. CARPETS AND- CURTAINS pUTTING DOWN TIIK PKICI-S AND CUTTING DOWN Till ] STOCK ' " ' is what we are doing , and still another deep cut in prices. Von make a great mistake if yon don't buy your carpets and curtains of us. The war is now going on. You may never agttin in a Hf jti n i h ivj su'i ' an opp.ii * tnnity to buy carpets and curtains at such low prices. Leave your ordcr- at once. You save full } ' , ' )5 to 50 per cent on all carpets and curtains you buy of us. They must all be sold. Wo are busy night andday in this de partment. Extra help added for this department , so now all orders will be filled promptly. We are positively going out of business. Towels 12e 15c. Fully 1000 dozen nil linen buck and Batin damask towels yet to bo sold. An other deep out la prices. If you want towels it will pay you to buy now. Our entire Block at 5c , 7c , Oc , 12jc , 16e and 20c each. They are only i regular price. Bed Spreads $1.25. Only 65 left. The very finest crochet 11-4 bed quilts made , always sold at 81.75 and $2.00 , now only $1.25. Tula is a bargain. Lace Bed Sets $2.OO. All our finest Nottingham lace bed sots , wore 85 , $0 and $8 , now close at $2 a sot. Curtain Scrim G Yard. Bennison Brothers. mean when I say that I licked him , that I tad all the best of it. It was an eight-round TO and the referee , who was a close friend of 'ote's , said It was a draw. Jackson , you enow , was to knock mo out ; well , It was a larrow escape for him that ho wasn't knocked out himself. " Old George Slier , Chicago's pugilistic oracle , Is taking a different tack from most of the writers of the day anent the coming Censington between Joe Goddard and "Den ver" Ed Smith. Slier is doing the pugilistic for the Globe. Ho is a veteran of the squared circle himself , having , in his younger days , done lots of clover work as a ightweight , and even a low weeks ago ho stood off Champion Jpck McAullffo for three rounds and made a most creditable showing against the abnormal Fitzsimmons in the same number. Usually Siler comes pretty icar the truth hi his fistic vaticinations , but in this instance he gives symptoms of irojudico at least. He says that both God dard and his foxy manager , Billiam Madden , esq. , are chuckling like misers over their gold over the little "sleeper" they intend to : iick up at New Orleans on the 3d of next month. To them Smith is to provide so nuch strawberry shortcake. But how about Denver Ed and John J. Qulnn , his aackcrl They are not certainly counting on a snap when old George God frey thrashed Edward like a countrv school teacher would a truant , and in turn Choynski beats Godfrey , and Goddard llag- cllats Choynski twice In quick sccessionj If you ask Quinn to account for the faith that Is within him ho will probably tell you that ho saw Goddard fight Maher , and also witnessed the four-round contest between the Barrier champion and Joe Butler in Philadelphia , when Butler who is by no means as clever as Smith knocked Goddard down repeatedly. He would also inform you that ho saw Brennan , a Philadelphia "stiff , " make a "sucker" of the Australian la a sot-to , and also that the latter , scientifically speaking , Is a "chum ] ) " of the first water. Qulnn will kindly explain all of these little defects in Goddard's make-up as a fighter , and when ho does you will not wonder why ho and other Pittsburgers think as God dard and Madden do that they have fallen on to some very easy game. They must not lose sight of the fact , however , that it does not require a clover man to hit Goddard whore and when he wishes , as the latter does his utmost and succeeds most admirably to stop everything that comes his way in the shape of blows with his head , a trick in wbich ho stands par excellence. It is not a question of cleverness with anybody tliat goes up against him , but a question of down right hard smashing and bulldog determina tion that will make that tough ploco of humanity take the short end of a purse. That's pretty much the way Slier talks. A good sized delegation of Omahans will go up to Sioux City next Thursday night to witness the little fistic argument between Danny Daly and Billy O'Donnell. They con test for a J500 purse at 120 pounds. C'lilt-Clmt of the Horsemen. Joseph Garneau will bo out with a row pair tliat possess lots of dignity aud lots of speed. Starting Judge Swlgcrt Is awaiting springs return that ho may beat the assembly for the "word. " M. C. Kieth has also some fine brood mares In Kentucky , which ho expects to ship to his place at North Platte In the spring. Tno sulky for the coming season Isallumln- uni-paoumatlc , weight twenty-live ixmnds , which means about a 2:00 : mark for Martha Wilkcs , The campaign is over with the Omaha Driving club. The ofllcers have been elect ed. It was a fierce and vigorous battle while U lasted. Mr. Willard of Omaha purchased recentlj some very line brood mares , also a very line Hed Wllkes stallion , which ho will place on his farm at Calhoun. J. M. Woolworth has a palrof bay geldings of the good old Morgan tyi > o that Mr. Hum ming brought hero for him from Wiscouslu They are toppy lookers. During the coming season , on the drives 01 this city , many new pairs of line horses wll bo seen , as during the winter many have been casting about and getting together the very best obtainable. John D. Crelghton of this city has gotten together a great string of flyers at Donerail his Kentucky stock farm. They will bo Windsor Ties All our finest quality of all silk boys' and girls' Windsor ties in plaids and stripes , and changeable nilk , were 35o ana -lOc , now all at 20c each. Mull Ties Our entire stock of ladies' white mull ties were 40c , oOc and Coo , now choice at 2oc each. Dolls 9c. 100 left. Bisque dolls , natural hair , 18 inches long , only 9c each. Sold everywhere - orywhoro Going Out of Business. Saxony'Yarn Skeifr All our imported Saxony yarn , only cream nnd white. Bo skein. Going'to leave Omaha. campaigned this year , and some wonderful work may bo surely counted on. Will Omaha bo in the westeru circuit the coming season ? is the question often asked , o ono , however , seems able to sav yes as yet. With three tracks and the stables full of highly groomed trotters the public ought , o have a chance to see them race some , or nust wo go to Syracuse or Lyons again to enjoy the sport ? Mr. Cudahy bought of U. T. Kncebs of Sioux City , this winter , the brown gelding , Yccman , by Ccnlser , dam Nellie K , by Slack Hanger. Freeman Is a very stylish 'chow , and fast , and will make a great polo lorso. In the same stable Is the bay mare , Pride , bred at the Pickard farm. It is de signed that she and Freeman bo hooked to- rother , nnd they will make a great exhlbl- .ion. . .ion.W. W. E. Lake of South Omaha will bo out the coming season with a stable , and among .hem are two pacers ; ono , the black stallion , /Mcldmont , who Is.a game and fast finisher. The one that beats him to the wire must lave a good lead at the head of the stretch. Davy B , the gray gelding. Is another of the string , and Is as proud and pretty a racer as svcr got the word. Mr. Lake Is a consist- nt and honest teamster , and the one that joats him to the wire must bo very busy aud mvo the sliced. In Mr. Crcighton's stables Is the grand 5- vear-old mare , dura D. , record 2:27 : , the fastest daughter of Belmont : Mary Me. , 218 ; > , by Lumps ; Minnie Castle , record 2:10 , by Dictator , pacer ; Olivette , pacing record , 2:28 : , by Director ; Nelllo M. Green , ly Director , a 4-year-old capable of 2:20 : or better ; Dunbar , 2-ycar-old colt by Welton , first dam Nelllo M. ; Judgment , 2-year-old by Junemont , 2:14. : first dam Star Almont ; Tab Lee , 2-year-old filly , by Hcd Wilkcs , first dam by Jay Gould ; Boll Meta , 1-year-old , by Alfonso , ho by Byron Wilkcs , llrst dam Berkshire Belle , by Alcyon. This filly gave an exhibition at 4 % months-old , and mndo one-eighth of a uillo in eighteen seconds ends under three watches. She Is entered for the coming season In stake races aggre gating $00,000' Castle Bird , 1-year-old , by Eagle Bird , first dam , Minnie Castle , 2:10. : \VlilsporlliKtt of the Wheel. The Omaha Wheel club holds its monthly business meeting Tuesday evening of this week at the club house. Many local wheelmen will glvo the light frame and elliptical sprocket wheel a thor ough test during the season of lb'J3. It is stated that Sioux City will bo ono of the first of western cities to Job. the profes sional cyclists association and reach out for cash prizes. Fifteen bicycloclubs In Bostonhavo united and formed an asspciation of bicycle clubs for the protection and general advancement of the sport. The question of the hour among local wheelmen "Who Is going to draw that wheel which is to be chanced off on March 14 ? " Tickets ican bo obtained from any member of tho.Tourist Wheelmen. All members of the Tourist Wheelmen are requested to boiprescnt at the monthly busi ness meeting' of the club which occurs Thursday evening.of this week.N The meet ing will bo hold in the parlors of the Hotel Dcllono. Nebraska division League of American Wheelmen has readied the 250 mark. Broken How sent in a trio of applications the past week. Chief Consul Pcrrigo's prize scheme for memberships proves a great in centive to the 'fboys. " President Hart of the Chicago base hall club Is ono manager of professional athletic sports who docs not believe In mingling professional b.iso ball and professional blcyclo racing together , as some enthusiasts in the N. C. A. propose to do. Stoning Elliott , of "Hickory" fame , Is the first comi > oser of cycling poetry to go on record as the "takcr-off" on class B. Hero is his first offense : "How doth the llttlo busy "B" Improve each shining hour , And gather plunknrs every day From the manufacturour. " From the Wheel : "President Bucken- bcrger , the Plttsburg base ball magnate , states that the cash prize' league will have on its pay rolls the finest racers in the land. Ho names the baso-ball-cycllng-cash-prizo team as follows : Bcrlo , Lumsden , Tyler , JoimsSn , Itowc. J imb , Hobb , Ilowell , Woods and O'Flannlgan , | K > sslbly Zimmer man. " The Tourist Wheelmen of New York recently gave a theater party at one of tUe Ladies' Mitten ' C 19' Pair. Our entire stock of ladles' blacl : all wool knit tuitions , were SJoc and 3ou , now lOc pair. Kid Cfloves 69' ' C Our entire stock of ladies' gonulno derby kid gloves , in bluck , tan , browns and grays , all si/es , were $2 ami $2.25 , now Glc ) pair. ladies' Silk Hess 88 ° Pair. All our ladies' pure silk hose , In all colors , also evening shades , were $1.50 , $2 and & 2.50 , now all at one price. 58c pair. This is a bargain you will never got again. Children's Hose 2Se and SSc Our entire stock of m'sses' , children's and boys' fast black fine cotton and wool hose , they formerly sold at 40c , 60c , GOo and 76c , now take them all you want at 25o and 35c pair. You will buy them when you see the quality. Gents' Hose 2O1 C Pair. We offer now nil in ono big lot all our gents' finest quality cotton hose , also lisle thread , all at ono prico. Take your pick 20c pair ; not half regular prico. Bennison Brothers. York theaters and Invited several of the metropolitan clubs. Two hundred and thirty scats were taken , many of the clubmen wear ing the full evening dress suit and being ac companied with their wives , aaughters or sweethearts. The ladles were out of compli ment to the givers of the party a knot of the club colors , red , white and black. One feature of the party was the general absence of the usual boisterous club yells , "He's all right , " etc. , which characterizes club theater parties. After the theater a dainty lunch was served at ono of the down town cafes. Denver is preparing to make a mighty pull for the national meetof the Lcagueof Amer ican Wheelmen in 1S9-J. It is the duty of all western representatives , consuls and dele gates to pool with the Donveritcs and try to bring the meet across the Missouri river in 1894. Denver can take care of the meet fully as well as Boston , Philadelphia or any of the eastern cities that have had a cinch on the meet over since it was organized. The west Is growing , and western member ships to the league are steadily increasing , and indications are that before the national meet of 1S > 94 Is held , the , 'wild and woolly west" will cut a lively figure in league politics. MIscolIuiiiMHls Iicill Mention. W. E. Campbell of North Bend , Nob. , Is manufacturing a good article of smokeless powder. Frank Fournoy. the hero of Waubuncoy , so far as gccso nnd ducks go , was In the city a day or two last week. W. S. Harder of Port Huron , Mich. , has been installed as professor of physiculturo at Omaha Athletic club. Ho comes well rec ommended. "Points on Poker , " a pocket edition of de cisions in the great game , by William Timonthy Call , Is on my table. It is as neat as complete. S. A. Barren has Just been furnished by Cross with ono of the new Lofovers , a $ liOO beaut. Mr , Barren's fowling piece has a cast-off on the stock of a half inch , which now feature , Mr. Townsend says. Is quite common with the now make of guns. CD The Forest and Stream , unrivaled as a sportsman's Journal , has the sporting edit or's acknowledgments lor n set of Dimmer- man's "Ducking Scenes , " viz. , "A bide Shot , " "A Lost Opportunity" and "Stopping an Incomer , " a trio of beautiful , highly col ored sketches of life In the wild rice fields. Tim H. Murnane , the well known base ball writer of the Boston Globe , has the sporting editor's thanks for a copy of the "Champion Pocket Manual" for 1MK1. This llttlo book contains athletic records in base ball , foot ball , cycling , turf , pri/o ring , rowing , yacht ing , intercollegiate athloties , Intcrscholastic athletics , lawn tennis , criekot , track athlet ics , cross country runnin ? , billiards and pool. All the records nrt signed by such well known gentlemen as James Ct. Lathrop , T. H. Murnane , Allen I owo. Daniel J. Satin- ders , Eugene Buckley , William E. Robinson , B. E. B. Mitchell , Will Uoffo , H. S. Cornish , E. C. Carter , Captain A. W. Cooke , W. P. Marshall , Uobcrt J. Roberts , C. W. Four- drliiierand Henry Goodman. The "Champion Pocket Hccord Manual" will bo sent to any address on the receipt of HI cents by B. E. B. Mitchell , room 100 , ( Jlobo building , Boston , Mass. Oiipktlcnis mill Answer * . OMAHA , Keb. 3. To the Spoil INK Editor of TUB HKK : In a game of casino A has fifteen points , make.s big and little casino , two aces and spadei. ' It lias eighteen points and niaKe.s t o aees and caids. Tuenty-onu points iratue. Who wins ? U. II. Ans. B Wins. However , In casino you count out. That is , If A had made his big and llttlo casino , spades and two aces before B had scored cards , and claimed out , ho won , but If they allowed the hand to ho played out cards has the preference In the count , which runs , cards , spades , big and little casino and aces. OitAMi ISLAND , Nub. , I'ob. 1. To the Sporting Editor of Tin : llr.K : Kindly answer the follow ing question In next Muiclny'H I ! > : K : Does a team of horses In licliii ! hitched to u "header" push or pull the houdoi ? A constant leadei of TIIK HIE. SI. K. McAi.Mtw.u. Ans. While not a practical farmer , I would say that they push the "header" wheat header , I suppose you refer to. llr.Aiii , Nob. , I'eb. a.To tbu hporting Editor of TIIK HKK : Will you please answer by letterer or In the hporting column or Tiu : HKK Sunday , how many loiindsMilllvanand Kllraln fought ; Tobculoi. .Ispute wurofer to you for author ity. I'leaso answer. O. J. Lund. Ans. Seventy-five. HEATUICK. Nonr. Jan. 30. To the Fportlng Editor of Tut UKB : Will you pluuku btatvlu DRESS GOODS -AND- SILKS KS STILL LOWHR. ANOTHKK1)KKI > Ct'T. NOW IS TUP TIMK % to buy line dress io < uls anil silks. You can make money by yinir spring ilrcss gooils of UH. Any yard of dross goods , any yard of .silk from our onornions stock at } and I actual cost.Ve moan just what wo say. You can no\v liny line wool dross goods at the price of coininon cot ton caslunoro. This is the greatest sale of line dross goods and silks ever ' taken place in this city. Our store is crowded daily. Hvon amidst the extreme cold weather wo are crowded just the same. No lot up. Coats' Spool Cotton 4C Spool. 45c dozen. Corticelli Spool Silk Qc spool. ArrnFono He do/.on. Chenille , ' ! o dozen. OolTs' dress braid 2c roll. Silver plated forks 7o each. Silver plated table spoons 7c each. Silver plated lea snoons , 'ijc eaoh. Silver sugar BJIOOIIH Me ouch. I'oz/.onl'b face powder UOc box. Corticelli knitting silu ! ! 0c ball. Sillc coi'sot laces lee each. Silk lacing cordx 2o each. Darning cotton 2c ball. Darning wool 2c card. Linen floss Ic skein. Everything in notions at less than cost. Underwear All our men's and boys' scarlotand gray shirts , no drawers , take them now , i price 2oc each. Ladies' Muslin Drawers 19c pair. Goinsr Out of. Business your next Snmjay'.s Issue the licit state lecord for jumping on hkalcs aim the bust state record for 100 yaids on skates ? Twins. Ans. Know of no such records. Auntm.v , Noli. , Keb. 1. To the Sporting Editor of Tin : Hix : I'li-uso answer In next Hnnday's "Question * and Answers" column : When mid whore , within the past two months , did Joe CJoddard whip 1'otur MiiherV 1' . H. U. Ans. December 8 , Coney Island Athletic club. ODDUN , II. T. , 1-Vli. 1. To the Sporting Editor of Till ) HKKS I'leaso answer the following In Sunday's IIDB : A bids 0 in high llvo and makes 13 , 11 makes Kami ) anil It puts both of them out. Who wins ? 1) . Kennedy. Ann. It all depends on how many A had to go. If , like 11 , A only had ono point to make , ho would win , because ho played high. Or if ho had three to go , high , low and Jack would win for him. If lie had more than three to go , 11 wins. C'OI.UMIIUS. Nob. , I'eb. l.-To the Sport In ? Editor of Till ) IlKi ; : I'leaso answer In ne\t Sunday's Ilr.n to decldu a bet : In two-hand eriblmge u plnjer play- , the lust card , making 31. How many does ( I count ? George Spear. Ans. Two. OMAHA , 1Y1 > . 2. To the Pportlng Kdltor of Tin : HDD : Will you please decldo In Sunday's Hun this ( | iiestlin and oblige : A and II play high live ; H pas-.es. Can A , the dealer , muliu tlio trump without bidding at least ono ? Sub- scrlbor. Ans. Ho cannot. OMAHA , I'eb. 1. To the Snorting Editor of Tin : DDK ; Kindly answer the following < iue- tlons In your Sunday edition In the question column of your valuable pa per and gieatly oblige : 1. Whom may I ob tain u book on dogs , dcserlbliiK the dllTeient races , their management , tralnage , etc ? i ! . Does a paper oxlst which principally devotes Its columns to the interests of western dog breeder * ? 3. If possible glvo address of breeders of bull and Newfoundland dogs. Kmll llaeft. Ans. fl ) The American Dog , ran ho pro cured at the Frank Cross gun store , this city (2) ( ) The Forest and Stream , Now York , or the American Field , Chicago , lills the bill. ( ! ) Either of the above mentioned papers will furnish all desirable Information. OMUII , I'eb. 2. To the Sporting Kdltor of TIIK HDD : A hand of cilbbage consists of a tiay. two fours , and a six spot , with an ace Tor the deck head ( no llu-.li ) . \\htit Is the count ? Answer In SUNDAY HDD and obllgo H. .M. Walker. Ans. Fifteen 2 and 2 for the pair. ! . UNION I'ACmc IIIAIIOIT\HTIII : , : < < . 1'eb. 4. To tbo Sporting Editor of Tun HKD : Will > ou please answer the following In .Sunday's sport ing columns , to decldu a bet : Does the color of the Insldn of a < l < u's mouth Indicate thoiniiitli or mixed breed ; I. e. , If It Is black does It Indicate I hoi onjihbred and If pink does It denote mixed or iiooi bleed ? 1 am bet ting ( hat iilnk-inoiiilieu dogs aio curs. Who wins ? A. I'lnkmouth. Ans Black Is indicative of peed blond in many species of dogs , especially bull terriers. Ill.AIH , Neb. , Pel ) . 3. To the Hixirtlng Kdltor of Tin : HKn : A and II aie playing eneher against ( ' and I ) . A Is dealing : < ' passes ; H eiders his partner up : can 1) play a lone band or nut ? I'Icaso answer In Sunday's HKD and decide a bet. A I'layer. Ans. II docs not order his partner up , ho "assists. " Yes , D can po it alone. OM.UU , I'l'li. -I. To the Spoiling Editor of Till ) HIK : : Kindly let mo know In Sunday's 1IKK (1) ( ) What nllil gaiiiKsliontliig Is to be bad In Nebraska In Maicb , Apilland May ? ( ' - ' ; Who In champion wrestlei ? I. . O. I' . Ans. (1) ( ) Ducks and geese in March , and ducks , geese , snipe and yellow legs in April. There is no game in season in May. (2j ( Evan Lewis. TIII : tuns . .i.voint.s. . New Yoik Times : ' ' .Spoil toes , " said the mother , who was teaching her little daughter , 7 years old , to spell. "T-o-z-e , " answered the eh lid. "No , dear ; that's not right. T-o-e-s spells toes.1 "llut it sounds like t-o-7.-e. " "I know it , hut you cannot go by the sound. " Then , in order to enforce this proposition the mother called on her daughter to spell froze. "F-r-o-o-B , " suld the child. "No , you're wrong again. This time wo do use the z and spell the wont f-r-o-z-e. " "Huh ! " grtm'cd the child. "Now spoil rose , " wild the mother. The child hesitated. Finally she said , "I don I know whether to say r-o-z-o or r-o-o-s , and rc.illy I don't know that cither way would he right. " "Spell it r-o-s-f"saUl the mother , "though there is auothcr word pronounced just like Turkey Red Damask ISC Yard. 30 pieces , colors guarantied , worth liOc , Me and lOo. Did you over buy turkey red table damask at this price. Books 19 ° The greatest bargain ever offered ; our entire stock of hoiks , written by all tno best and well known authors , were COc to $1.50 , now all at ono price , 19o each ; not i actual cost. Books All our children's story books were 26c , 35c and 50o each , now 13e each. Everything at % Cost. Ladies' KTight Gowns each. Bennison Brothers. it that's spelt r-o-O-s. That word is the , namu of the spawn of llshes. " The poor little child looked very miserable. "Just one more word , " said the mother. "Tell 1110 how you spell blows. " "Well , " said the child , who had had quito enough nonsense , as she viewed it , from her mother , and had suddenly made up her mind to pay back in kind , "I spell It three ways I spell It b-1-o-s-o for breakfast , b-1-o-c-s for dinner and b-l-o-7.-o for . , - - - - supper. k ' ! spell it b-1-o-w-s all the time , " said the mother. The child said nothing for a minute or two. Then , looking up , she solemnly remarked "I think , mamma , that the English lan guage was made for persons very , very well educated. " * Harper's Drawer : A certain small boy had told a He. Very sidly his mother had re proved him for it and to help him to resist temptation .she said : ' Now , my boy , If you over feel like tellinff a Ho again come to mamma and she will help you light against it. " The l.Vl went off with a sober face Only a few moments.j'lapscd , however , before ho appeared again and with an eager smile said : "Mamma , I want to tell a He.1' "Well , my dear , tell mo what you want to say , " said the mother. "I want to tell that sumo old Ho over again , " observed the boy. Puck : Warburton Mamma , may I have a slieo of bread and jam now ! Mamma No ; you must not think of eat ing now because you will spoil your appe tite for dinner. It will bo ready in three hours. Warburton I only had lunch three hours ago , didn't 1 ? Mamma Yes , Warburton Then I don't see how tha bread and jam can spoil my appetite for din ner when my lunch did not spoil the uppctlto I have now for bread and Jam. # A Washington ladyYoccntly overheard the following conversation that was going on in the kitchen : " "lasses. " "Mammy , gimme some "Yer doesn't ax mo right. " "Howort I axyerf" "Yob wantter say 'glmmo some mo lasses. ' " "Mo" lasses 1 Why , mammy , I hasn' had none yit. " "Did you go and tell your papa that Mrs. Fizilcgass is here ! " said the llttlo tot's mother. "Ye-s'm. " "What did ho say ? " " 1 can't tell. " ' " \ " \\hynotf" " 'Cos Hain't pollto to whisper In cotn- jiany. " "Papa , " asked the * little boy. "why docs rabbits have cotton tails when they can ralso fur of their own ? " * * * Teacher What is ahcro ? Tommj The man who marries a heroine. TrnlnliiK Herman Coolin. There are probably 150 schools for cooking In Germany and Austria , the best of which are at Vienna , Berlin and Lelpsic. A man who wishes to become a chef must begin at the very bottom of the ladder -at peeling potatoes and work up round by round to the top. A course of schooling as strict as that of any polytechnic school in this country must bo followed for four years before - fore the student can got a diploma. Every year competitive exhibitions are given , In which as many as 200 chefs take part The chef who was employed at the white house by Grover Cleveland , and who , It Is rumored , may bo again , has a gold medal which war presented to him by the Empress Frederick1 for excellence In cookinir , a silver mcdaj given by the king of Saxony , a diploma froir the queen of Austria and numotous other marks of approbation nnd honor won In com * tiHtltlvo contests In cooking It Is not to bo wondered at that Kuroi > oui cooks command extraordinary salaries In this country. In all likelihood the Theater Francois will ho closert for two or three months next sum mer for repairs , and thcro is some question of a itortlon of the famous c-omiiany coming to Chicago during this recess. Hut If they ap pear there It will bo in a body , as representa tives of the Corncdlo , uucl not on their "own hook. "