THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TttUIlSDAY , FEBRUARY 2 , 1803. NETTED HANDSOME PROFITS Cost of Production and Output of Three Noted Mines. SEVERAL MILLIONS PAID IN DIVIDENDS llnlcl Mountain's Inrttinimtlliln "Mineral \Vrnltli AnotliprOrpntNnlloimll'nrk Thn t'lilnrun llojiott In .tloit- Innii U'cfttcrii > CM , The cost of silver mining Is discussed ox- tcnslvcly by custom papers , particulai ly by those urging the liniiicillitto repeal of the Sherman nllvcr purchase net. Statistics nro irrcscnted in supi > ort of the argument which nro Intcirstinp : , apart from the conclusions drawn from them by the Now York Times : The I-nst Chance mine , Crcedc , Colo. , which was opened In November , IS'Jl , paid $750,000 in dividends between January , 18yJ. aud Sep tember of that year ( wo have no iccord of the payments after the latter date ) , nnd the cost of production , nil the outlay upon the property being Included In the ex penses , wni only W4 cents nn ounco. With the total original outlay included In the expenses , the cost of pro duction In the Amethyst mine for the same year was It cunts an ounce , lint so much had been spent In improvements and the prepar ations for Inexpensive mining in the future bad been HO complete tint nt tlio end of last jcar then vtere accessible In this mine sev eral million ounces which could l > e talccn out nnd marketed nt n cost of only a few cents per ounce The Molilo Gibson mine nt Aspen , Cole , has paid fcJ.fiWl.OOO in dividends Jn less than two years. 'Iho cost of produc tion in 16'Jl was 10 0 cents nn ounce and in the last months of Ib'JU It had fallen to less than 11 cents , The Gr.tnlto Mountain in Montana has paid $1J,10,0 ! ! ! < X ) in dividends , although it took possession of the property only twelve jcarsngo The company's teport for 1830 Hhows up to May 1 , ISil , there had been expended for development $7,7(10. ( The re port also shows that tlio company received Tor Its silver In the joar ending July Ml , 18SO. the sum of $ I.W4. : ( < 80 00 , and out of the prolits p lid $ ' .110,000 in dividends. It appears that in the same year the company depos ited in bank * l'J7ilU : ' i of undivided profits The icport nlso sot forth the ex penditures for mining , smelting , supplies and all other items of test , the total amount ing to $100,470 , or n little less than izyt cents per ounce. . Chinese Must ( in. The nntlChlncsoar has bioken out afresh In Montana towns. About a jcar ago the labor 01 ganbations of Dutte , Anaconda and Mlssoula waged war against tlio employ ment of Chinese , and tlucatuncd to boycott Utl/ens employing them in any capacity or patronising Chinese laundries or t ebtaurants Since then the light has been kept up by lalwr unions , A few weeks ago a citizens mass meeting was hold in Anaconda , with the icsult that a committee ol titirens , not members of labor unions , v\as appointed to help dilvo out the Chinese Tlio ' icsult has been that all but ono restaurant lias boon closed nnd half thu laundiymcn liavo gone out of business and are le.TV Ing town. In Hutto the same policy is being pursued with telling result. No violence Is icsortcd to , but the majority of citizens have determined that the Chinese must go. Men who aio known to patronize Chinese laundries will not be emplojcd in the city works nor by any of the largo mining and mercantile companies. Sim o the movement was inaugurated the Chinese population ol TUitto and Anaconda shows a falling oft of nearly one-third. llnlil Mountain Ui'iiHh. r The mining expert of the Dead wood Times estimates that the blanket formation of Bald mountain , covering an aio.i of eight' miles square , contains in the aggregate 180,000,000 tons of oro. This estimate docs not include the sr.ond contact known to exist 'below that , fiom which our producing mines draw their supply. This enormous body of ere is practically inexhaustible. The above llgures do not nor could not give any Idea of its magnitude. To icduco this pile of ere it would rc < iuli03 nearly 5,000 100-ton dally capacity reduction plants working night and day to icduco in n jcar. These llgures are given to convey to the uninitiated the mag nitude of tills ono contact. In value , reckon ing the ere to average $20 per ton , the body represents neatly $1,000.000,000 , nnd yet some say thcio is no ere in this section. A ( Irout Nntloiml I'nrlc. In accordance with the law authorizing the president to reserve from the public domain such land as In his Judgment Is necessary to protect headwaters and which possesses great natural scenic attractions , the famous Mount Kanlcr or T.icoma has been designated ns a reservation. The re serve Is forty-two miles squaie , an area of 1,704 squ.uo miles , nnd will constitute a na tional park not inferior to the Yellowstone park , nnd in some respects more remarkable , as It jiosscsses glaciers of great extent un surpassed w ithin the United States , except ing only Jn Alaska , and hns the additional attraction of magnillcent forests and streams. From Its heights the waters of the ocean and Puget sound are plainly visible. This combination of mountain , forest and sea form together nn unsurpassed panorama of the beauties of nature. 'Western. N s. A gold nugget worth $170 was picked up in an abandoned placer In Oregon toccntlj' . The now Butte dlrectorj * estimates the population of that city nnd vicinity at 43,005. Towns on the cast side of the range in Montnna nro rolling in two feet of snow. The mercury is out of sight. \nnglish capitalists contemplate purchas ing 100,000 acres of land near San Diego and engaging in the cultivation of sugar boots on nn extensive scale , An Investigation into the affairs of Berger & Hnyblum , collapsed clothlcis , Cheyenne , shows that much'of the stock was snipped out of town before the firm failed. Smallpox patients in I'uget sound towns WHO doped with whisky and survived. As soon ns the treatment became generally known laige numbers of people Imagined tliumsoUcs ulllictcd and applied for medi cine. Surfleot St Dunnigan nro pushing work in the tunnel , running to develop ut the depth At 400 feet the Sunlight , near Idaho Citj' . This ledge carries a high percentage of copper - per , and Is rich in silver. They expect to cut the vein In the couiso of a few weeks und commence- shipping ere to Omaha or Denver for treatment. A ton-stump mill Is going up at Shaw's mountain , twenty miles below Idaho City. It Is going up ns n rustoin.mlil , nnd It Is bo- llovptl that more sumps will bo added in the spring , as there Is an abundance of free gold ores In the district. A good deal of work is going on in the mines , ami a district of valu able propertU Is sure to bo developed. It Is figured that nearly $400,000 will bo ex pended in Heno , Nov. , this j ear in the build ing of a new hotel , the electric street rail way , the burned district on Virginia street. the business block between 1'ownlng's and Qnlmi's brick , and the othr now structures and residences that plans are being prepared for. The j car promises to bo the most ilelj1 in the history of the town. The Cora mine , In Two Bit , nr-conl ing to the Deadwood Pioneer , Is putting out some high grade ore. This propom is under lease to the former emplojes of the owncis , and has produced considerable ere luiming from $100 to $21X1 a ton. Some shipments have boeq maijo to Omaha , but the last was sent to the Dcnilu oed nnd Delnw nru amnltcr. The Cora hasn largo dump and Is in shape for exten sive production , the only complaint being on account of the expense of shipment of tha oro. Before breakfast nromo-Soltror Acts ns a bracer Trill bottln lOc. _ > ot r. Detective Savage was walking down Far- nam street yea ton ! ay afternoon when ho was accosted by a stranger who asked him the \YaytoCaiteUarstreet.Thoomcerseldomfoi'- Cel n face that he has once planted his op. ties on.uud the first glance told him that the aucjuoiwr was none other thun George Heynolds , who was Rent over the road for ten j cars for the shooting of William Nctz- ler , n clerk In a Thirteenth street boot and shoo store , nbout three years ago. Heynolds had received n commutation of his sentence and was on his way to San Francisco , having already procured hU ticket The ofllcer took him down to the jwlleo station , but ns ho was going to leave tovMi Immediately ho was lelcascd. The jwllco claim that ho Is nn nil around thief and a dangerous man to have In the city. Tlio Ti'itlmonlils Published on behalf of Hood's Sarsaparlll.i ureas reliable and as worthy your conll- dcntc as if they came from jour best , nnd most trusted neighbor. They state only the slmtilo facts In regard to what Hood's Sarsi- p.irlll.i has done , ulwajs within truth and leason. Constipation nnd all troubles with the dl- postlvo organs and the liver nro cured by Hood's Pills. Uuequaled as a dinner pill. A .V.N O l/.N (3 KM KST S. Pauline Hall will present the over pop ular and favorite comic opera "Hrminlo" nt Bojd's Prlday night and SUurd.iy mitinco ami will IKJ seen In her origin il character , the title role. There nro many gems nnd bits of humorous song running through the opera , throughout which there Is perfect melody , abounding with drollery , comical situations nnd incongruous doings of which the theme permits. ' Ktniiiilo" appeals to nil classes und w Ithotit doubt contributes more genuine amusement to the auditor than any so-called comic opera now before the public , contributing much to the completeness will bo ttio cast , together with the scenery made from the original models , and dainty new costumes ftom tlio original designs "Piirltanla , " the latest grtat success in opera , will finish the engagement on batur- dii } night The sale of seatsopens this tnoin- ing nt U o'clock for the entire engagement. "A Parlor Match , " -'Scries 0 , " which sig nifies that the old favorite farce comedy , with an elongated title , has been materially changed , will bo presented by Uvans and Hocy nnd their company of twcntjthree superb artists nt Bojd's now theater four nights beginning Sunday , Febrtliry 5 It is literally ctowded with now songs , now specialties , now Jokes and gags nnd new business Miss Minnie French is still with it. She has some new dances for her nimble and graceful feet to perform , while the stars will piesent numetous fetching novelties , fresh songs , fresh Jokes and fresh special ties. Walter Sanford's "My Jack , " with two carloads of scenery and twenty-eight people In the cast , will ho the attraction at the Par- itain Street theater with Sunday matinee , Februarys , with the usual Wcdnesdaj mau ineo , closing after matinee Saturday. The play isery strong In dranntlc effects nnd scenic display , tha company catrying nil of the scenery used The story is intensely Interesting In the gradual unfolding of the plot. The climaxes are arranged ns sur mises and nrc theioforo nil the mote pleas ing The twelve complete sets used w era painted by the late Matt Morgan , nnd nro all beautiful specimens of the scene painter's art Jn the llrst net are the explosion of P.tlmouth lighthouse , the wreck of the French smack unU the rescue boat riding the stoiin-tossed waves Thun follows tlio mur der in the old mill on the Falmouth road ; the deck of the English itonclad Sea Gull ; the tinilliug incident of Jae1 * nnd Clio , his enemy , slowly starving on the arid , sun- scotched African desert , and tlio homecoming ing of Hero Jack. How It Ilecumo I'opulnr. When people find an article much superior to inj thing of the kind they ha\o over be- .o q used , they are almost sure to tell their friends about it , and especially if they know of sumo friends needing such nn .uticle Dealers also soon learn 'tlio true value of their goods , nnd when they have tin article of unusual merit they will almost mvaiiablv mention the fact to their customers This accounts in n great measure for the largo sale on Chamberlain's Cough Uemedy Hero is nn instance : W. L. Needham , u promi nent citi/en and business man of Orrsburg , Mo , has been selling Chtimberlaln's ' Cough Uemedy for several i ears and recommends It to his customers , because in his experience It hns proven to bo the best for colds , trotip nnd whooping cough. Hn sajs it is the most popular medicine that ho handles nnd phes the best satisfaction. 60 cent bottles for sale by nil druggists. BURNED TO THE GROUND. I'lre Totally Ocstrojs the Fniillon nt lltius- cuiii I'ark. Before the flto department could reach the spot , lire had gained such n headway in the handsome pavilion at Hunscom park jcster- dny morning that all efforts to save the structure were unavailing , and it was re duced to ashes. The lire was discovered about 8:30 : , and Frank Goodrich , the watchman in the horti cultural building , ran to engine house No. tO nnd turned in the alarm. Sovetal streams were turned on the bla/e but were not effect ive in subduing the flames The pavilion wns erected two ycats ago and the contract pi ice was $12,800. A num ber of extras were nddcd , making the total cost nearly $15,000. It was insure'd for ? 12,000. The blaze seems to have been the result of ! carelessness on thopirt of some of the em ployes. A lire was built in a Ilrcplaco in the building Tuesday and it appears that the embers were not properly covered. During the night they blazed 'up and set the wood work on fire , nnd as thcro was no ono in the building the flames had enveloped the entire structure before they wore discovered. The Park commission mot jesterday nfter- noon nnd listened to n recital by OlMcer Goodrich of what ho know regarding the tire in the Hanseom paik pavilion , Judge Tvako nnd Mr. Kilpatrick vvcro appointed to see that the city's interests nto protected when the insurnnco companies adjust the losses. No other action was taken Consid erable informal talk was indulged in and the fact was elicited that the three members uro in favor of rebuilding the pavilion Croup nt I'lnlnflclil , K. J. My boy , flvo years of ago , was recently taken w itli n severe attack of croup and I thought suio I would lose him. I had seen Chamberlain's Cough Hcmcdy advertised nnd concluded to try it , and am happy to say that after two doses ho was relieved ami slept till morning. He had another attack the next night ; I gave the same remedy and n prompt cute was effected. I feel that I cannot pralso this tcmedy too highly L U Mulfonl , 38 Pat k avenue , Plalnllcld.N J. Chamberlain's Cough Hcmcdy will not only euro croup , but will in event it. If frccli given as soon as the child becomes hoarse , or oven after the croupy tough appears , it will prevent the attack Several doses are usually ictiuired. Thote Is no danger in giving it freely as it contains nothing Injurious. Miirrlugn I , lemurs. The following marriage licenses were is sued by County Judge Eller yesterday : Name and nddm-s. Ago. I Jonathan .T Jones , Iloston , Mass . 45 \ llortcnso K. Smith , Umulm . 38 f Jrtmcs.Tohn on. Omalin . . . . . 34 ( Olonn Jensen , Uiunlia . 23 I Kobert M. SItmmo. Ormilin . 30 I Alice Joatinutta McICuy , Umuha . 2'2 olnp ; South" Should writti Gcorgo B. Horner , Di vision Passenger Agent of the Louisville and Niihhvlllo Kailroad , at 200 North I Hroadnuy , St. Louis , Mo. , fop Informa tion as to ronto und rates. The line above mentioned 1ms inaugurated through sleeping car service to winter resorts that Is mirpn < s etl by no other lino. The celebrated gulf coast resorts tire located directly on this road. , /rc , WHEN EATING becomes troublesome , di gestion defective , sleeping nn impossibility , nppotlta S8B , ' l ° . J o h o n ri ' Hoff's Malt Extract.1 U acts Ilka a charm and tastes splendid. Do sure to got Iho "genuine" which tnuathmo the signature of 'Johnnn lioll" on the noclc of every bottle , and tnko no substitute. Use Johnnn Hoff's Malt Bonbons for Sere Throat , GougUs , Colds. A Pure Norwegian oil Is the kind used in the production of Scott's Emul sion Ilypoplios- phitcsof Lime and Soda arc added for their vital ef fect upon nerve and brain. No mystery surrounds this formula the only mystery is how quickly it builds up flesh and brings back strength to the weak of all ages. will check Consumption and is indispensable in all wasting dis eases : Prep redliyRcnttnowm .N Y. All ilruKlst * . DEN SM TYPEWRITERS ORE OREThe Best in the World , MAOEATH STATIONERY CO. 1304 Farnam St. , - Omnhn , Neb tire tlmnnd cnorzlcs to tlio cnruf til study of pritlenti fntor- osts nnd wel fare , wo tire en abled to per form the nobto of roltuvlnir hu man surforlnz In the most effective manner. IP ARE TUB VICTIM OK ANY NERV OUS. OHUONIO Oft I'Kl- VATB uisiAsna : YOU IIuvo the hoitcut of our null ity , oxnurlonco , and sUlll If you will only lot us Ily olthor poriOiml or written application , that you wish to consult with US. COHSULTflTiON FREE. WE CURE CATARRH , All Dis eases of the Nose , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Bowels and Liver. Blood , Sldn nnd Kldnoy Diseases , Female \VoalinosHos , Lost Mnubood CURED. PILKS , FISTULA , HS3UUE , permanently cured without tbo use of knife , IlKaturo or caustic All maladies of a prlvnto or dollcato nature , of either e , positively cured Call on or addresi , with stamp for Circulars , Froa Uook and Itcclpes , DR , SEARLES & SEARLES , 118 S. 15th St. . Omaha , Nob. Next Uoor to Postornca Time and Tide Walt for no man ; nor do tbo fearful ravages of Yield to tbo HI dlreted o ( Torts uf tuoso who d not thoroughly understand their nature the remedies which will effectually oradlco them from the system. The ability , tuo ex perience , the skill of Drs. Betts & Betts comblno to place within their hands , the power to speedily nud permanently cure thcso obstinate maladies of a nd render them the most successful as well as the most popular Specialists in the United States , In the treatment and cure of those diseases which from their dis tinctive specialty. Send < 1 cents for a copy of their Illustrated new book of ISO pagoj. Consultation free. Call upon or address with 119 South 14th St. , Cor. Douglas St : , OMAHA. NEB. "Improvement the Order of the Aga. " A Trial of the Smith Premier Will Cost You N'o'thlng but will dononatrato all we claim.Yq will plucetliHmlth I'remlur botltla nnr wrltlnz inachlno on the market ; It will ajioak for It self. - ' IU durability can no loniter be quojtlonol Write or call on us for cnlalojue. tormn. on THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO. , Cor , 17th and Farnam Sts. , Omiha , M Telephone 1384. E. II , MAYIIUW. Manner. 8PEOIRL NOTICES. ADVKHT1SKMKNTS FOlt , TUKSK COLUMNS will Ito taken until 11 lp in for tlio ovonlnu nnrt until 8 30 p m fortho ruornlnuor Sunday odl tlons. No advertisement taken for less than 15 cents for the Drat Insertion. All advertisements In thcso columns 1M rents a word for the tint Insertion nnd I cent n wont for ntcli subsequent Insortlon. or II.(0 per line par month. If tin * . c sh In advknco. Initial' , figures , symbols , etc , rncli count as a word Advertise ments most run consccuUvily Advertisers , by re questing n numbered clfcck , can have thelcttori addressed to a numbered letter In rnro of TIIK HER. Ansrers to addiessod will bo delivered un the presentation of tlie cbeck. SITUATIONS ! -WANTED. .4 WANTKD A POSITION IN WHOLKSALB OU Vjobblnit onlcc , by boy ILIlvIng at homo. Ad dress , " \ M Deo. GS7-1 * -DnK 3KS MADK AT I1OMK. fl | W11APPKU3 , fJ. Mrs Oakley , VtjON 7llh. Chlldren't clothing A -WANTED , KNOAOKMK.NT A8 HH8T CLA9 cook , DO washing. M , I * , 1816 north 3.M street. M8I3 : -WANTKI ) , 1IOUSKWOIIIC IIY A YOU.NO flKIl- jVnmn Klrl , upstairs work preferred. Inqulru at HIM North 2Kb MBI5 2 * A WANTRI ) S11UATION IIV COMl'KTKNT jvlady bookkeeper , ten years ozporlcncei whole- nalo or bank preferred Address for une nor , HuoniM. , N. V I.lfn billlitlut M8I1 6' WANTED MALE HELP. B - SALAIlOH CmiJIISSlON l aandlo the I'alu'it fhcmlcil Ink Krnsor I'oi.cll ho most useful and novel Inrentlin of the ago : ra es Ink thoroiiuhly In two seconds \Vorksllke ' traitlc SOO to LOU per cent profit Auents funking . per week Wo also want a Rcnora ! aKent to take iharirnof territory and appoint suh intents A rare hanceto make money Wrlto for terms and nspecl iicn of erasing Monroe UraMiKMtK Co , YJJ , La rrosse , W Is 743 B-W , * J T1I > . TIIAYHMNH SALKHMKN TO HULL baking powder We put our Kuods In Klass olllnuplns fuj month salary and expenses , or 2i lerccnt-cotnmlsslon flood sideline If you want Jou , write fcmiil sla > n | > for reply Chlcnico llaklnjt 'owder Co , 707 Van Huron street , Chicago 11403 KSl" B-WANTKI ) , UELIAIII.E AND K-NKHQETIO business man to tuko the ninnancmont of an of flco business In this city. Hmnll amount of capital equired Address Western llusluoss Auoncy .110 Y Life building , Omaha. MM 8 B VANTKI ) fjAIIOHEUS FOIl TIIK "LACK Hills Call nt tcandlnaTlan Kmploympnt Office loday , NO UOG South 10th St. , uortb end of viaduct. B-TIIAVELINQ BALUSMEN TO SELL IIAKINO powder (75 month salary nnd expenses or 300 coiumlss'ou Steady employment , expcileneo un necessary If you want a position nero Is n chance U S Chemical Works , 810 to 311) Van Huron , Chicago M < > 37 F37' B-AQHNT8 IJO TO J7& PKR WKEK MADK BY Jlvo agents canvassing for hair watch chains , etc Particulars , wrlto lit onco. Cruvor A Hammond mend , I and J North Clark street. Clilcnuo , 111 4 * B-WANTED STKNOailAPIIKH. SIU8T HEAD and wrlto German. Apply with reference to Icspcrian Nurseries , P 0. Hoi CM , Yanktou , tf I ) MG85 I > -LA1IOHKHS ANDIIOCKMK.N ON TIIK II A M JJextcnjIon In South Dakota Steady work ; free pass Kramer A. O lloarn , labor agency , J01 8 llth st M740-4' B-WANTED , AN KM'KltlENCKD TIIAVKLINO alemun by wholcsalo plumber's nnd steam titters supply house. Olvo age , references and salary expected Address \ U. Ueo M7.IJ 2 B-WANT El ) . (1 ( MKN WITH HKMSItRNCES llrst class teams furnished American Urlnitor Co , 1W > Howard nt 604 ! > BANY YOU.SO MAN OUT OF WOUK WILL DO well to call at l&lii Douelas street M8I8 F28 B-WANTED AT 1I10H IlllIIXJK , .IA . HIVET- crs , rivet heaters and brldcomen. Address < tco. K KluK IlrldKO Co , Dos Mqlnos. la -M81 ( , t 1) WANTED. A F1I.ST CLASS IlbANK IIOOK l ruler Apply at onco. State Journal Co , I In- coin. Neb b35 3 B - , DHIVEIl APPLY AT 81 IMNE st , at 1 p m Or lluncbott 631 1 * E-ti000 10 15,030 i YKAIl * OIl A LIFETIME TO actlro men , with nnd without capltil. wo Rive full control In nlarRU territory of the best selling artlclo In the world : business legitimate Address at once. Corporation , 173 anil ISO Lonuuurclnl street , Lynn , ilass SIBI 2 * B W AN PED , A GOOD UE NKIIAL 11LACKSM1TI1. Address J II Evans , Callawuy , Neb M849 2 * WANTED FE1WAIEIHELP. C-YOUNU L'ADIEti ' CAN SOON1 ACQUIltK A working knbwledge of < shorthand aud type writing at Van Basts , 613 N. 'Y. Llfo. 7W I-OIIIL FOlt GKNKIIAL HOUSEWOHK , MUST -/be competent. 1WJ Sherman avenue. p-JKNSEN'8 DANISH AND SWEDISH EMPLOY , wroenlotllco , corner luth and Douglas , upstairs ; all kinds of help always on hand ; 60 itood girls for Eoneral housework. IS } FIO * C-I1UDD1NOTON ACADEMY OPEN MONDAY. Jan. 9 ; ladles are taught the art of dressmaking , basting and Mulshing ; can work on their owndreisos while learning. II WI , Drown blk , cor Douglas A lt > th MD3J Vt C-WANTED. LADIES AND GIHLS. WE PAY you from f 100 to 110 00 per week to work for us at your home ; no painting or canvassing. Send self addressed envelope. Ueorgo K. Emmons & Co , corner llatterymarch and Water streets , Boston , Mass k 801 J * WANTED , OIIIL , OOOD COOK. NO WASHING. V-/good wages. Mrs. E. L. Louinx,550(1 ( Donelasst MSW 3 * C-LADIES WHO DO WHITING KOH ME AT homo make ill ) DO weekly. Ilcply. with self ad- dressua stamped envelope. Cnmlla A. Avcry. Ilor A , South llend , Ind. 8211 * 1-WANTED. GIIIL tOK GENEUAL HOCSE- 'work 1714 Douglas Btroct. 8JO 4' FOR RENT HOUSES. D VOK KENT , NO 2411 UAl'llOL AVENUE , moaern. The O. F. Davis Co , 15J5 Farnam st. 751 D-FOIl IlKNT. HOUSES IN ALL PAKT3 OF city. The O F. Davis company , 1103 Farnam st. 751 D-FLATS , DWELLINGS COTTAGES IN ALL parts of the city. Kilkenny & Co , 203 Karbach. 752 D-NF.W 7-HOOM COITAOEd. MODEItN. IN Stanford circle. Convenient for business men of Omaha and South Omaha. C. 8. ISIguttor. 201 lice .Hiding. 753 D-rEN IIOOM MODEHN HOUSE , COH. I'JTU and Mason utroets Call at 607 llrown bldg. MS84 F4 D-FOfl IlKNT , TWO & -IIOOM COTTAGES OH motor. Call at southwest cor ! > tu and Douglas 171 \-KIKVK.N IIOOM IlOUt-B , I'AHTLY HJIt /nlshed. Inquire nt 191il Dodge st. MM ? F2I D-4 IIOOM COTTAGh. WELL AND LIS'IEHN city water In yard , Wf ) lecatur street. Inquire llobt. Hunter , I'co olllco. 31701 D-FOIl HENT , bTKAM I1BATBD FLAT OF C rooms , Llnton block , corner of Mason and Uth streets ; Inqulro at UI7 In block , John llamllu , agent. \-7 IIOOM COTTAUEaj2 IIOWAIID SlllKICT. ' Wl-3 * \-FOUIl 1IOOM Al'AltTMKNT. BTKAM I1HAT. /Von Horn block. Reference required EOb D-FOll HENT , 10 IIOOM HOUSE. Ill H I8TH Lor Dodge Inqulro next door or 1318 tarnotu street. J 7UD-2 D-rOH HENT , TI'REUMCK HOUSES. EIGHT rooms each , near llaniccm pirk , 515 , (50 nnJfjS UoorgoN I licks , 303 N. i./.lo bldg M334 ! ) _ - COTTAGEVbNB IILOCK SOU I'll Omaha motor , 115 porimonlh. UrlghtALas bury , loth and Howard 817 I FOR RENT .FURNISHED ROOMS. E-NICK PLEASANT HQOJ1S , WITH Oil WITH , out board 2303 Dougla * 6G3 1 * 171-NICBLY FUHNISIIKD UOOM3 , WITH Oil \ without board. & 2U North J9th. MWd 3- 171-Nh.WLY FUHMSIIED WITH FUHNACE I Jlicat , 21C North lllth street Mb78 4 > E-S BTKAM HKA'IBD IIOOM8 KOIl IIOUSK- kooplnK. ( urnlsbed or unfurnished 1714 Mcu- olas street. , .Mbil 4 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. TJW AN/.Vll | / X IWU&V. H , ' 754 i -YOUNG WOMEN'S llffME UNDKIl CAHB OF Woman'sChrlstan msocluilon , HI So )7tu ) st. 210 " 17 tOIt HUNT , HWMdllKU 1KIOM8 WITH i' IIOAItD , atuurn heat , Utopia , 1719 1HI Davenport street. Urt-l' 7-IIA DsoMK Bourn IIOOMU wirit HOAIID. -L1 HofCTenccs. 187 ? Chicago street. MHI 2' It TWO N1CKLY FUIIN1SIIKD WAHM FIIONT rooms with board , IU No. lutb , b09 ] 1-BLE(1ANT SOU I'll IIOOM TOH TWO ! KOLD- J Injf bed , all conveniences , central ; board for two , also single room. UM Douglas -WOHLD'8 HA I II. LOIX1INU , IIHEAKKAST , Isupjur. . IIOO It engaprd DOW , Address , with stamp , 1UA Jones > t. , Omalia. 833 T ' ' FOR RENT-'trNFURNISHEP' Ur IS > UuOUS UIIBAl' , UJJ X , Ulll St , 419 FID 3TOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES T-tOtt LKA8E. 2 < i4 KT. THACKAOB , NBAH IITU .land Nicholas. I' , D. Wcad , Rth and Douglis FOB KENT-STOKES AND OFFICES Cnnllnuril r-o.NKruntsroitYIIUICK HUILDINUM Lwlda 1107 llarncy it. 75J T-roilllK.NTlllKISTOIlY IIUICK IIL'ILDINO , lylt Knrnani si. The building hnsa Hroproof cement - ment basement , complete steam licatlnit llxturesi water on all the floors , ( as , etc. Apply at the oRlcoof The Ueo DID I -FOlt HUNT , A MinYDKsIHAHLK IILMl.DIMl -isullahlo for a warehouse , with stable In connec tion Traokngn front ami rear Address K. A. larmlchaelcaro of McCord. llrajy A lo 7)1 T-NICK oVi'lCE UOOMsi Vt iT'flMKUrilUtCK. J-Applyroonig. 74 ; 8 _ AGENTS WANTED IN ' every county where wo Imvo not already so- rured u represontatUn to neil our "Nevada Mirer" folld Motiil Kulrei Forks and * peens tocomum or , n solid mctil us whlto us stiver ! no pinto to wear oil ! Koodi guaranteed ti wear n lifetime ; co t nliotit one tenth that of silver , the clmiico of n lifetime : ngonts average from M ) to f 100 per week and weut with rendy sates everywhere , so prenl Isthodemnml for our Solid Metal ( leeds Over Jt.OOOOOU worth of eoodi Inrtntlyuso Cnseof samples froo. ( Standard rillvarwaro Company , lloa ton , Mass Mill H3 * "I WANTED. 1.ADIK3 AND OKNTLKMKN 1O 'sclln staple article everybodi mint have A lifetime f business to thn right one Call or address with stamp tor aauiplo , loll Chicago atrcol. Uiuaha , Neb .Ml W 8' 1 ACTtVKbilKRIta KVimYWHKIlirolt : ' the I.lfn of James < 1 lllalne " Written by \\llllsHclclior.lotnuon , the New \ < > rk editor and Intlnmto friend uf Mr tilulno Memorial edition , embracing the history of Ills llfu from crnilln to grave , ( iU oxtrn lame pngei Mntmlllcontly Illustrated tratod llctnll but Jl SO Helling lmmon ely Uig money for workers IX ) ( WO agents wanted A hoimiirn. llcat term * Act quick Hook on M < lnr ) ! luC ! I'relxlit pild Outllt irlth full liKtruo tlonn tnnllod free upon nppllcntlnn Olobu Illblo I'ub fo , 7 1 Chestnut atreot I'lillailolphla 1'n , or .1.VS Dearborn street Chlcauo 111 -MI.IJ ( > ' -WANTKI ) AiKNTsKU ) OUIt OKKA"T 'I.IFIJ ' ' of.I (1 lllnlne , " tiy thu famous lilttorlnn , l > r J C Uldpnth Authentic , memorial vnlumo Miirnlvo qunrlo fiOO book cleKatith Illimtrntiid for K 60 ( * et Into the Held llrst with this Incompnrablti book nnd coin money JI 00 oulllt free send 2) cts for postage J K Ilagtliik's 17 Cornblll , llostor , Mara 1 AOI'NTS WANTKI ) Hlt TIIK AUrilKNTIO " llfoof Illaliip Achanteof n lifetime Freight pnlil Credit given Ili > 't Hook llesttcrniK Out- nt free Send nt oneo lOo for postngo nnd packing U. II Woodward & Co , llaltlmorc , Mil MISS V T WANTED , ACIIVB ACIKNT9 KVI'HWIIKUB ' to sell tliallfa of the grand patriot statesman orator anil diplomat , James (1 lllalno b > the noted Journalist and hla Intlumte friend , T C Crawford. 'Iho oniclal edition endorsed by senators aud cab Inot ortl ( r > Tliuoly Illustrateil octavo volume , over iluu paxes , only fiOO Send fOc at once for prospectus and full Instruction ? , bust terms D I ) . Harrow A Co , publishers , 319 nnd < )2U ) S UIi at , bt , Joseph , Mo. .MTV'4 ' 1 T-OHKAr HAUVKHT 1OII AOKN1H "I.U'K OF ' lllalne" Oatflt free Send lOo for postage Hratcomo gels thobw t territory American Hook Concern , U ; bocloty for ijavlnirs , tlovolund , ( > M791 0 T-WAN1KI ) , AtJKN'lS. MAI.K OU KKMAt.K * ' Quick sales and truniondous protlta make big money bolls nt wholesale and retail Send Jl and get free by inn'l samples on nblch > ou ( .an clear l < Send today Address 8 II Oarrott , Muncle , Indiana \I7M5' T -AOKMN WAMKI ) KVKIIWIIKIIK TO SEM. ' "Crawford H I Ifo of Clllnlne The olllclnl edl tlon , ( IK ) octavo pages 1'rlco $ J ( JO Act quick bend Imtutidlatcl ) % ! Uo for outfit nnd > ou i > lll coin money , W per cent commission J M Ircnch Tub to Omnln Neb. M8I4 8 WANTED TO KENT. K \SANTUI ) IIOOM AN1I IKIA1II ) KOH O.NI ! ynune man In prUnto family vVlsh room for p'nno Hofurcucos oxchangcd It K 3 ,15JI Don Klas street 1I3I2 2 > RENTAL AGENCY. L-KNTIUK l'EUSOSrAIj ATTKNTloCoiVKN TO rental property Cliarucs roasonahlo , I years ox perlenco ( J F Units 220 S I7th street oT2 F23 STORAGE. T I I K A l' , I arnam streft 757 M-DON T moitfi iiousunof , ! ) ooonu WITH- out soclnR our storage department It Is the best. Omaha Steve llepalrork. . < , U07 Dounlns ) TO BUY. 7W M25ii K13 T WA.NTKD A I'OIITAIILI ! HOILKH AltOUT ' 20 horsepowernddress XU Ileo 743-1' ' Ocl , ' cap , 2751 S. 20th avo. 745-1 * 0FUnNnUllEOKAUHOOM HOUSU CHEAP for cash Inquire IDOii Capitol nvo M8I4 4 TORSALE HOKSESWAGONSETC. P-FOIl SALE , 1 ELEGANT DIHVING IIOHSDS. Must be sold nt once Fidelity Loan Guarantee Co , room 4 , Wlthnell blk. .194 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. f\ THE STANOAHO CATTLb CO. HAS CON Wstautly on baud balled hay , for saloon track , at Ames , Nob. 7M ) 3"I Q-Folt bALK. THU UlllfIC 'HIAT IS TAKEN out of the County hospital. Inquire of the foreman at the hospital , Qtoil SALE. TYPEWIHTEIt , ItES l.NGTON ; No , 2 , for ISO 00 J II Unynes , Ileo olllco M410 Q-FOll BALE. TYPnWHITEH , GOJD HEPA1H and cheap. X43 , Dec. M8I1 2' ' MISCELLANEOUS. K-FOB 11ENT , LAND IN 'IUAOTS TO SUIT , near Florence lake , 200 acres Ib all Hoggs A Hill. 1403 tarnam street. M5I32 CLAIRVOYANTS. * 3-Mil" NANNIE V. WAiatKNCLAIUVOYANT , rollabla business mediumtlfth j car at 111) ) N loth. 7111 S-MUS.DH.M. LEGHAVE , I'HOl'IIKTBSS , DEAD trance clairvoyant and Ufa reader , tells your life from cradle to grave ; can bo consulted on all affairs of life ; has the celebrated Egyptian breast plate to unite tbo separated and cause raarrlaga with one you live. Come one , coma all and ha con < vlncedof herrsmarkable powers Onlce and rojl dence 417 S. llth it , hours 8 a m. to a p. m , Strict life chart nnd photo of your future wlfo or hus band sent through mall for 15.00 , chart alonu tl 00. All letters containing 4 rents n stamps promptly answered. E41 F2 * S-KNOWLEDGE IS I'OWEll CON8UL1 Prof nnd Mmo. Arnold , buslncsi clair voyants , palmists nnd astrologers , have world wlda reputation for their mar velous and wonderful power In reading the past , unveiling the future , give Indispensable ad vice , bringing success and happiness to thousand ! ; tells the business you should follow for greatest success ; If your lover Is true nnJ Intend ! mar riaire , restores lost love ; removes family troubles and through their wondrous magic mlrrur chow picture , toll name of the ono you marry Satis faction given Consultation (1 to i ; . full reading by mall. Ii ; send date of birth onico 213 15th street , near Farnam , 2d door , room 4 llourt lUa m to i p m. M117MS MASSAGE , BATH , ETC. rp-MASigAdK TIIKATMUNF. KLKITHO TI1KII -Lmnl baths scalp and hair treatment , manicure und chiropodist Mrs. L'ost.llBH a ICth.WllunoIl blk 4U 'P MMK C'AIISON , 1121 DOITCLA3 BriUSKr , 3 . J-floor , room T , massage , alcohol , sulphur anil tea baths 623 ! rp-MADAMU KMU'll , nil CAPITOL AVENUE -1 room 3 , 3d floor. Massage , alcohol , sulphur andsna baths 144 3' PERSONALS. U-OMAHA KINUUIUIAIITKN. SOU DAVEN port street Now term commences Monday , January JO Mrs. a GrlnlthsSlallard , dlrectoress Mi.77 4' U NOTICE. I WILL NOT UK HBSPONSIULB from this date for any debts contracted by Mn M. L. Wilson M U Wilson M7UH 2 * TJ ANDKUSONVILLK I'llISO.SKHSI WANT1IIK U nddress of comrades that siw or picked mo up to keep rebels from killing mo , where I fell from snnstioke outside ilockado , while being strlpood nnd robbed , about llrst pal t of Aucust , 1301 Cap tured near Joncsboro In roar of Atlanta Address me , John Zimmerman. Altada , Outer lo Montana M8I3 a U-PEHSONAL. TO II A M Yl'Si KINDLY send ma Tour address , plaaso , and I will write you C. . K. N 834 1 cor. Uth and Harney. Ilarney stri et ontiance. MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. " vt - MON K Y TO LO A N ON 1M I' HOY 151) Cn Y propertr , low ratal. A C. Jroit , Mo UK as blk , \\T I ANIU YEAH LOA S ON UfV AND FAIIM ' ' luortgtiues. lte < ) J i bolbr , 311 Hoard of Trade. \\r-MONKYTOLOAN AT LOWKST IIATKS ON M Improved and unimproved real citato , I tot years. Hdelltr Trust Co . 1707 Karnam 770 " \\r-CK.NTItAL IXJAN A. rilUBT CO 1IKK HLDu" 11 771 -ANTilONY LOAN AMI TIltlo'l'oTHlJ N. Y. Life , lends at low rates for rholca security on Nebraska or Iowa firms or Omaha city proptrtr. \\r-LOWK9l' It A1'IIS. KIDKLITY TltUsT COM ' pnnr , Kul tarnamitre t. 776 \\r WANTKD ATO.NCK. IXANfl OrTlMIMioVKD > > Omaha propertr ! low rstss. tldelltr Trust comoaar. ITtuVuraiiu it. II'J MONEY TO LOAN REAIi ESTATE. \ WANTKII , U1ANS , IIOUSKS 1O IlKNT AND > Insurance solicitor , ( leo W. P. Coalo . IttM arnniii A\ MONKY TO I.OAN AT LOWKST HATK9. The O K. Dart i Co , IMS 1 nrnnm itri'ct. 7 ' -LOANSONIMI'IIOVKD AND UNIMI'IIOVKD i city property. ! 1000 nnn upwards II to 7 percent , to delays Vi. Fnrnam Smith A Co.,15th and Ilnrney 7tU ir-C. K. IIAUIIISON.OIJ.N V UFK W - 10ANS 1.HS3 THAN 7 I'KIl cent. ; Including all charges UurltsW llalney , Unialin Nat ImnkliMff 70J \v tr-MONKV 10 LOAN O.N II.MAIIA AND OOU.N- ell IlluHs rent vstntti nnd Nebraska nnd lown 'arms nt from ! ) to 7 per cent Interist , nlthnonddl .loiml clnrei'J for commissions or nttornoys lees W II Mclklo Ist.Nnfl bank bldit Omnha 7Cn \r-LOANd U U WALLACE , 312 IIIIOWN III.K. > 71,7 \fr-7 I'KIl CKNT MONKV NKr TO 1IOHHOW Kits i onOmahn city iiropcrty Noextrn charges of nny kind Why pny hUh rates' Mo nor Is cheap. \oucanitclfullbcncllt of low rates from ( ilotio Loan nnd 1 runt t'o , ll.tli nnd Dodge * l > 3 \\r-OMAHA SAMMiS HANK MARKS LOANS ii on reale tatuat lowest mrrket rates Loans Jo In small or lariro SUIIH for short or loni ? time. No commission Is chanted and the loans are not sold In the cast , but can alnayi bo found at tliu bank on the corner of Utli and Uouxlas streets 701 \\r-HIWrA8KCONI ) MOKrOAOK LOANS ON ii Omaha property Jt on farms In ndjacnnt conn ties bend full description Alox.Mooro 4UI llcobldit M7 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. X -DO \ OUVA.NT MONKV TIII : ! iDKi.irv LOAN ( IIJAIIANTKH co , IKIOM \\1TII.SKLL IIIXK'K , 3194 SOU III 1511ULOUNKU IIAUNKST. . WILL \ LOAN \ YOU \ AHT BUM \ LAUQB \ On \ 8MALIs\ PUOU \ TEN \DOLLAn3\ \ \ UP- \VK MAKK LOANS ON HIItNl I IIIIK , HOIISKS , AUlUAHKSVAHKlIUlISi : IlKCKIITS OH TKIl- HONAI. I'KOl'KIUY Of A > \ KIM ) /TOD / WIIJi / DO WELL / TO / IALI.on /m FiiisT / rou. / OUIt MKHMS WILL MUKT 'kOUll Al'l'IIOVAU Vou can pay the moucy back at any time and In any amount yon wish , nnd thus reduce thecott of carrj * IIIK the loan In proportion to amount sou piy _ It'OU owu n bnlancoon your furnituru or other personal property of any kind wo will pay It on for yoj and tarry It as long as you deslro 10U CAN 1IAXKOUlt MONKINONK IIOUIl FKOM TIIK TIMK VOU MAKK AI'I'I.ICATION No publicity or removal of propertr , so that you eet the USD of both money nnd property. Vou will also llnd us In from 7 to U p m 778 X - AT ' 1 HE OKI' 1CU OF ; OMAIIA MOllTOAOH LOAN CO j : INCOltl'OHATKD j il'VoU WANT MONKY , You can borrow on IIOUSKHOLI ) HJUMrUIlK AN'D PIANOS , 1IOUS1CM , WAliONSANDCAHHIAlll'.S , WAimiiousic ui cr.ii'i , MICKCIIANDISK , OH ANY 01IIKH SKCUIlirV We will lend you any amount from flU 00 to JIOW. _ _ O.N THU DAY \OU ASK M > Il IT without pubtlrlty or lemovnl of property You cnn pay the money baik In nny amounts you wish , nnd nl any lime nnd each pa ) menl so inndo will remit o the cost of the loan lleme'nber tlmt ) ou have the use of both the proport } nnd the money , nnd pny for It only ns long as jou keep It ' 1 hero will bo no expense or chnrga kept out of thoamounl wnntcd , but jou nlll rocclto tba full nmoiint of the loan lloforo borrowingelsewhere call and sco us nud you nlll Mini It grcntly to your ndvantago. OMAHA MOllK.AGK LOAN LO , JOU SOU 111101II STIIKKT , first lloor above the street TIIK OLDhbT. LAIUlltSI AM ) ONLY INTOIl- 1'OHATKD LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA 777 V MONKY. 30 , (0 ( , SW DAYS CIIKAI' 11ATI53 uvnndonsy payments , on furniture pianos , live stock , tie , without delay or publicity , cash on hand Dull Green , room K , Ilarber block 773 V PIlirCHAIlD.M DOUGLAS III.K 10 A DOIXIU A 771) ) V WILL LOAN MONiON ANY KIND OK 813 j Vpurlty ; strictly conlldcntla ! A K. Harris , 2U2 K n rback block 780 X -SPECIALLY IX\V IlAlr.S ON PUIlNirUHK -ivhorsesor nnr good security. 3J , w or IK ) days Kqulty Chattel company , room 207 Omaha Nation * bark Mug KU' BUSINESS CHANCES. Y WANTED , IMIir.Vfc.Il IN WELL KaTAIi llshed business clearlm ; f2.'i'J to flUO per month Must bo capable of handling cash , nnd not over 45 years of ago Small cnpltnl nnd good opportunity lo right party Address or call Itroonshlelds Nicholson , ti.'l llroadwuy , Council liluns In MH.'J 2 V'-FOll 8ALK , ItUfAIL MKAT MAIlKKTs L tlrtt-class location ; cash sales 125 par day Ad dress W 7 , Ileo. MOJO Y KOHSALK. O.NK-HALK OK ALL OF HAIID wnro stock , flood location , good trado. Ad dresa lock box 10JO , Lincoln , Nob. 612 0 Y-KOR SALE MY HALF 1NTEI1EST IS THE South Omaha Holler mills on easy terms , or will trade for unencumbered Omaha property A. L Ilcrcqulst. South Omaha , Neb WU7 6 Y THE WESTEUN BUSlNKbb AGENCY. 31(1 ( N. Y Life , conducts a general huslncns exchange List of good business chances In all parts of the country on application lluslncss positions so- cifred M817 FW V-H1OCK OF GENEIIAL MEUCI1ANDISK. IN- JL voiced ut (7.UXJ. Dry goods , clothing , hats caps , boots and shoes and groceries , for trade forclear Nebraska land , part cash Good paln | ! huslneca. Address , M H. Look , Waterloo , Neb M843 4 Y tOH SALE , THE I1EST PAYING IIUS1NESS In northwest Missouri , etoik of general mer chandise of about (2WJO , coutioiling a trade of 115.1100 per year , good town , dctlrablo locution : a bonanza for thu man who has some energy and 2W)0 ) In cash ; owner's reasons for selling , poor health. For parllcularj address X 1 , Ileo otllco MSJO 4 * Y-I20000WILL NET $15.00 WEEKLY , HOWE'S Infallible handicapping y toiti on eastern races. Second successful year ; rofuruncos tn subscribers Safe , conservative , practical ; for terms and pros pcctus 1393. nddrots C. D. Itowp , P. o. box 127 , Urooklyn , N. Y. 51833 2 * Y--IIUSINESS OPENINGS IN * EVEltY TOWN , btato what you'll buy. Van Patten' * Mercantile Co , Uoard of ' 1 rado .MBJ3 7 FOR EXCHANGE. r/ CLEAN BTO ( K OFGBNKIIAL M'D b'E ; WILL eal estate .t money Box ? G , 1 rankfort Ind 783 r4HO ACHES OF CI.EAlt LAM ) IN ONK Of /-/tho best wlntnr wheat districts In Kansas to ex change for IU or 20 aero tract near Omaha city limits. Vtlll pay cash dlflerencu If property is good Address , giving price and location , O 20 , lice offices 20o _ rAJ CLEAll OMAHA HEAL ESTATE I OH MDSE , AJ valuation Money to loan 110x518 Omaha , 731 V-1OWN 100 FAHJISIN NEIIHASI1CA. KANSAS / Dakota \MII sell cheap , or chanto for nidse.horsos and cattle Add box 70 , Frunkfort.lnd ni Z-tOK SALE. Iltl'LBMBNT STOCK. AT IMO gouo Address 1' . J Itogers , tnnxono la WILLrit\DK tJI.ICAIt LOT ! Af MANHOU , ' -I Cole , for clear Nebraska land or uootl niiultlHi Address B J Hlchards , Dux IM , Douvjr , Cole Z MOOOACHESOFhCIIOOLI.ASD holt SALE ON easy terms or will oxcliangu for merchandise und stock Inqulru of J G Sutton , Illuumtluld , Nob. M-tlP y-rfltbrMOHTOAHK , LNIMPHOVED LOIS Oil /Jfanii lands to oxchangs for lot and house with conveniences Lealdas , 1518 Wobiter street streetMC10 MC10 S / WILL I'HADi : HAW nil'HOVKD PHOPEItrV , /J equity < 40 < M , for Improved farm AdliessO H J . Dinaha Neb Mi 7 4' r/-CUS10MIll HAS tlODil TO J7OiH IMPHOVED /Jrcstdeaco property * Omaha , near car line , clear , to trade lur farm within M mllus of Omaha soma t'i'iber prefiirred Wlllassnm somn lucumbrance or put III some cash i : U. Wallace , 312 llrown Illk I/-II3JOO IN CI.KAH HENTAL PHUPKIirV rOH A/stock general uiorchandlst ) U W I ) Mont , Crab Orchard , Neb M7MI 1' rKOH EXCIIA.Nf.r , CLEAlt LOTH * OK 1M / proved city property ( iood modern house , 9 rooms , on lllnnvy street for smaller bouse 70 feet onN. 2tth street for lmpro\cd propeity well locatCMl ( .rahaui , 305 Mc ( agua block , 6324 V-rOil HALE OH EXCHANGE. 62 FEET O.N / Military Avo. 11 * block north nf Hamilton St , house Ornoms Graham , TO McCaguo blk 8124 y-GOOI ) OMAHA HENTAL PHOPEHT/TO EX. /J change for property In or near Ixjp Ankeles , Cat Address lloiWI , Los Anxoles. Lai h. 7 FOR BALJREALESTATE. . D 16 YOU WANT A NICK ! TltSE ! l-OH WHAT you ara now paying rent , and still notllvoln the suburbs. G. A ! . Nattlugur , CbaiuDer of Com- roorr * . It ? FIO /1IIOICB UAItOAINH , bOLTTH OMAHA HEALTY Midway Investment Co,717 N. Y.LlfubhU MITO KIU FOIl 8 A I.IS. COKNKlt LOT I3TII AND NICHOLAS stroet.OAxlt : foot , bargain nt H.'AW ' 43 acres near Ouuha tracka < at R bargain flra ham. 8U ) McCagiie block M } 4 C lIoTt'K TK.N ACHB "rilACT WITH SMALL cottSKO cloiv to city. A big bargain It sold quick. I all and KOt price Qeo. N , Uloks , lloom W N , Y. Lllu Illl U Mima FOR aALE REAL ESTATE. tiiNtlllllfd. " ' " " "A ND "tilt- braska farms , many oioellont t > amnlu , land railiilyndTanclnir | HOW in MUwpor ncrn niw lall for particular ! lloittrs A Hill , lim trirnini si _ _ _ _ _ l.VH8ALr.-ELt.l\NT 40 ACHE 1IM \ T CI.OSK J Ui new fair grounds nnd Klmwood park inn oITcr nl fl'lUO per aero fora few dnys tiro. .N Hicks , HoomOittN f 1 Ifo Illile 'PO I.SVKvmiH-TIIK I'flirilASK Ol , l ono million dollars worth of ncro property by Drexel.thpwellRnonii nnnncler or I'hlUdclphln , nnd others during the past month , and tin polo of Rlncrot * ester llan com pnrk for flODlW to Do- troll rnpltnllits this week shows that the lido tins turned nnd that nrro property In rloso proximity to Omnhn nlll soon belli gront demand I urn agent for sonm tif the llnest ncro properly nrotind this elly nnd cnn oner the same In twenty and forty ncro tracts at prices that will certainly pay you lo Investigate (1KO N HICKS , Heal Hitalo nnd Invntmcnt Agent , lloomSoiN Y l.lfolllde J \\r-WK IlKI'llKSIiNT OVKlt UU iTiKriCIIKiT ? ' owners III the sain of omnlm properly , so nl- ways hnvu bargains F Ik Ueml , IGlh unit DoiigliiN U > U 9li ) ACUIW NKAIl OMAHA7flM 0 " J HID iicrei near Uninhn fii ) per ncro. ml Hcri-s fnrp ) Co t per ncro 100 niro < harpy to i7 pel ncri ) W ncrei"arpy Co , JIO pirncro. ! UI ncret nenr HCIIHOII , flue per ncro M section U miles of Omaha , $7SUJ 312 acres near Ncbrnski t lt > , $ | j per ncro. 407 niresTi. miles of Oinntin , fWper aim. 40 lures Cnsn lo , fiipor acre liO smooth Innd Coif x Co , I Jl per aero. li > , \nlle ) to , 110 perm re MO , Merrli k I o t st pi r acre VID nenr Illalr Uiperniro .1 500 in ar N I'lntlo , n per ncro H4I , Nliiliolilo Ji'iperncrn f F llnrrlion HUN Y Life BOOJ \\TK tin1:11mi. : . roi.Lowisd IIKMCIUIIKII ) property on monthly paymenti of JIO each. It Is nil do'lrnblc nnd thu prltoi are dirt cheap at nn nil cnsh llgure ( loot ! corner , SMh nnd prngue tIV ) Corner 10th ami Dominion wiUi , nlo , * V > 0. HMO corner linker I'lnce , on cir Ihlu fitfj niith front lot , i rchnrd Hill $700 \nlunblo Wnlnut Hill lot , lt W 1l l * ant corner , i lorerdile , two lots fl ? 01 I no 4 r cottage barn etc , uwnrd street , II.VXX No trouble oroxpenso to show this property. Itemcmber that In ourelt-gnnt new addition of Avondnlu I'nrk ) ou can secure n beniitldil modern homn within the cnllo limit for W OJO to fl.OW ul-ldollly Trust eompnny , 170J tnraam M405 FID A\ri : AUK SOLI ! AOKNlVr-Oll DKOIDKD HAH- " gains which wuinn riuimmcnd as belnu very deslrnblonsnoll ns voiy cheap , one fourth lash. I nil lot nt 7th und Arbor streets , only 1130 Well located lot , llodford 1'lnio. for J6WI Klegnnt South Omaha lot , iiOtl.Vj , innp. f8M I Inu corner , Urdinrd Hill. tali. Lholiesllot In Wulniit Hill , trees , oto , f 1 000 , Most ileslrnblo lot on I.owu nveiimS2.1W lluslnfss lot on youth 20th , worth IOOO , forB.fOO. llcnutlfiil mnilern homes cnn be secured In our new Avondale ISrk , inside mile Mult , nt fromfWX ) to f l.uou Come nn I see us HdPllly 'trust Co 170 l-nrnnm M81S l'J3 \VANI 1:0 : 'to ui"HOIISI : AND LOT ton > Ji.fflO. putting In cush UfKW.iclcarlots nt MtXJO- C. F Harrison , ill.'N V Life 71b 1 I OK SALH-NKW NI.NH IIOOM 1IO1IK .IL'ST l completed on ono of the nicest resl.U nee streets In Omnlm Colonial design , modern con > onienci < s Including furnnce. laundry , bnths hot nun rolil wntel gns seweniBc etc A binullful homo. Must bo sold ijultk t'nll for prlco nnit Icrnis UKOId.i : N HICKS , iloouioO > , n \ l.lfn blilir. MS.5-J ] OIISALK , TAHM IW ACIU'S.WKLLIMl'HOV'KD 1 U miles N. W of Omnhn trnhnm , oOi MeCaKuo Mock ( v 4 _ . tO.UIX ) ACIIKS OF CI1OICK I-AIIM LANDS FOIl snlo III trontlor , ( tosper , Dnwnon nnd Lincoln coiintlis Nch , nl from tJ to IIS pur nrro ; unsy urms II H llenson , I uslls , Xtb M843 Ml I7LI-OANT I'OHNKH mil HP-IDKNCK. Ui IT. l-Jar ) , flHO 0 , hniidsoino revldcnce , ! * ! fl lot , lt",000 " : Ino fnrm 12 miles out , td.OOO ! < K. DiirlliiB , llurker block. W817 170USALI : , IILKOANT KAHTKHONT LOT , W\I3 , 1 on .litli street near Dod j , cnsy terms , f J 400 Ail' dress X 19 lloo olllco M8HI f. ' BLOOD POISONING. 1J1.OOI ) POIS ) N IN I'H 1'lllMAHY , HKCONDAIl. J'nnd ertlnry stntreM Ciired 111 U ) to W days ot nonoy refunded Ihu treatment thoroughly orad catos nil poison from the blood nnd does not tto- laln you from your huslncii Vou can bo trontol nt homo or olllco All corruiponilonco strictly pri vate tor further Information rail on or utlilrojs the Contlmtnlal Hemudy Co , room M , Uarkur block , ) maha Neb , M6C8P2I * SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. OMAHA COLLKUKOl'SIIOHTHAND AND TYPW writ Inn'A , C. Onu , A , M , prln , lloyd's nuw theater MI26fJ. COSTUMES. LAUIKS' AND OKNTS' MASQUKUAI'i : COd- liimos for rent at HI 8 IGth .M400K1U * FOUND. UP-UAY 1I01IHK , WKIOI11'800. AT3IHD nnd Cumlng. Innulro Henderson A Mcllroy , 71 S 14th ex ! TIII : IUAI.TY HIAKICKT. INSTKUMENTh ] > lucod on rocurd Fobrnary 1 , 1HU3 : ntniiAMY nruns" . MIrlmol C'asoy and \\lfo to .1 W Koop- iiinn o ' /i lot 12 , block 10. 1'irkcr's . . . . . $ 1,400 \\Siiiltliuiulnirotoh. . ) binlth , 175 \DO fcutronimunfliiK nt point 220 fi-ot a nnd ill ) fi-i-t of uw cm nur of sw no 34-10-13 and lot 1 , block 0 , Jljor-t U and T's add 3,300 Louo uiuio'IVrnioo llulld'.iiK asso- olatlun lo Ui'OiKu Duvurull , lot , 8 , block 0,1'oiipluto.i li.irli 1,550 Tntnl amount of transfcra t 0,250 PATENT BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors , Boo Building , Omaha , Neb 4ytars Examiners U , R Pat. Olllco. Advice free PENSIONS ! CLAIMS ! RRILWKY TIME OflRD olllUAlio III.'HI.INUIOV A y. I Arrlvj llonot 10th and Mason Sis | Omaha leaves I II Lit LI M'l ON A MO IHVUIt lArrlvs Omnhn | Depot luth nn 1 Mmon Sts | Oinnlia llTl& a iu . . . Denver Kxpross . . 4 0 > p in lOliani . Dondnrood Kxpress , . . ( OJ p in I'I pin I . . Denver Kxpross . . . l)15am ) 4Opm ! . . .Denver Limited 12 U a m CWpm . . .Hastings Local d.JI pa _ S 15 n ml .Linen I n Jpcal ( UtcniiHun ) H Sj njii Omaha I Depot IQIh nnd Mnnon UU ) nm . .Kannai I'lty Day Kxpress ! MSpmiK U Night Kiu vl U I' . Trans 11.45 pui ! . . . St Louis ICxpres , , , _ doing i CHICAcioTTi PSTAn"FRT" Bast | Union Dupot IQtli A Maroy Hts ItlOOni Atlantic Kipress 4 40 p m ! . . . . Vestibule Kipross 8J6 pm | . .MirIn Kxproas "TfuIrTg f ClllCAIII ) , II l * l-AtUIC I Vfum West I Union Depot 10th and Marcy Sts I 120pml Denver Limited . . . , | ( .U p m HMuiul Kansas < Ity [ Except Sunday ) .1 7 Oi p in ITKIoN AT-rlTuJT" Omnhn rnlun Diip'ot'lOth and Mnrcy Sts Ouiaha 7 U a m lloatrlco Kxprdsi U AI p m C W n m Denver Express. i.OJ p m 2 15 p m Overland Flyer. 703 p in 4 li pin llontrlco tSirmsbx KietSun ( ) . \IM \ p m I. < J p in . . 1'aclllo Ktpress 10 40 a m .DonvorKa _ lMnlI _ . , . . 41 Jim TArrfvo " _ depot ami Mnrcy Ms I Omaha " 70i pml . . . .OiicaKO Hxpru . . , , , . \VM \ n in II. tl ) ami , . . Lhlcaxo Kxprois li.50 p m " " L avss I "sioUX l-ll'i .t I'Ai'IrlO I Arrlvut Omaha' ' Depot 10th an-l Maror Sts. I Omah.a T run I .Sioux Utr Pasiongur . .110 Alp m kfj piu' St. Paul Express . MOM a m LTavuT" ] HIOIIXCIIYA PACllll'T" _ Orcajial Dopot. 15th ana WobUar His. " " ' "S fTni1" Si Paul LlmlTixl , l/nvos t OM\IIA V8T. LOIJla" jArrlvos" OmjOia U I' Depot. 10th anil Marcr Hts. | Omaha Tuipm1 . it. Ixiuls Cannon lioll " ' " Lemes" I t' . St. ] ' . M A O Oinal "I Wopptjitji nd Wubslor Bt . _ Omaha " " " TttUa"ru "dloux i.lty AociTiimod tlon "uUt p at I li p m Sioux City Eipre > ( Ex. Sunday ) It 4) p 0 , : . . npini st Paul 'uiltnd . . . . VI.-J 5 m a i5i ! _ m llancroft las | < unmirKx.Huiid'y ( ) 841 P in Saves i K.'jTSTio VALI.BY ArrlvaT" ( Unallul Depot I5lh nnd Webster Sis _ Oui U " * 9IX ) urn , . Duailwood Eiprus < _ . . &idti.n ) ! - . ( am'iKx ' , Sat. ) Wyo ( Ex Mon ) S 24 P m tJOpml . . Norfolk ( Kr Sunday ) I02S am 8 45 p in | . . . St Paul Hxpran Oli a ta „ . . , , . .ClIIOAOOANOItriMMWTKIl.N Arrives * Omaha V l'dHrnt. _ IQt'i ' and Maroyjits , - T * 1 n ml IK * nun y ) Inrrnll I'Msonaer HHUaro . . . i hlciuo Kxprotf . . . . < 05 | i in I rvillbulo Llmltad . , 7'JJoml , Kmtu-n rlyer , KJpra > Kr Sun 11 bin. I'ass ttt Mon ) urc's t MlswiUlin'AtlT'K. ' . lArrtver * Oniabal Dopjt Itth and Wcbiler His I Omaha llOprai . . SL Ixiuls Express i 700 am 10iM pu M Louli Kxpreis tM V i.10 urn Mtir ika Local | B.M