Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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orni'U. NO. 12 I IAI .
I'HIveml ' 1y cnitlor to nny pirt of the city
II \ \ . TJI/roN. MANAUKIt.
mri'tinM . . i. I llii lnc .inirc Nn. 1.1
, NKnl ) iutor ; NO.SJ
,1/f.A . / / . % .
N Y PljinbltiRCo !
Cour.ill Hluffs Lumncr Co. Owl
Mrs 13. I , . C'ooUill I'litcit.'iiti a party of
friends tills evening lit hl 'h live.
Mai.v rialteitj.vvho wni clianrcil lth tlio
liiivoii } -wtnoclotliliiK. . was illsclmiBcd in
police OMII t jcstt'rdnj inottilnj ? .
Mrs. huc-lus Wells nml Mis A. W. Cnh.idy
v\lll < ntrrtuln n liliU five jiaity this cv eiilng
at their hnmu ( in O.iltlaml avenue.
I'nlty Clullil will meet in regular session
vvltnMis M , A Kliutithury in Mornliijsido
tninoinm' a f tci noon at . 'M o'clock.
Tlicio will ho a mci'tlnt : of I'xcolslor lodtfo
No. V.VI , Anclont rrou nnJ Aeroptfd Masons ,
this evening for uork in tlio second. tU'Uien.
A ciovvbtr vuis tliojippil from the
online at jc-itPidav luornltiir's llio. The
Ilntlcr will confer a f.i\or on llio llio l.iils by
ic'turnliif , ' it
Ixiuis and ( "OIM C.ilhouii , Imth of
this city vvfio inaiiii'd bv .lustlco Piold
Tuesday c'vonlnjf at the ic-Mclumo of the
Inicli' , His IhlrdstH'pt
'J'ho t'tllo DiiU-o sorlc'tv of St John's KiifT-
llHh Lutheran church will meet this evi'iiltij. ;
at thu chun h 10 jin , .1M Main and W I 'GUI I
BtlCCt ,
1'ho uvular niPilllii"of tlio Parochial Aid
widely \\lll lie held ut the lectorj today at
ii o'clock All the ladies of tlio parish mo
ieUcstcd ( | to bu pusctit and biitif ? their
Mai nacre licenses \\eie issutd vcsteid.ty to
l"i .ink II and Ann i S Urof Council
lillilTft , Mini to I ! . ) Unelland Mnud Lewis
ofAvora i'hc latter couple ueio united in
iiiirri.ij'o ! l > , v Kov ' ) ' P. 'Ihic'Ustuu at his
homo on Willow .ivi'iiue
Hcv .1 M Wilson. U U , of 1'res
l\teiian ditncli Oniah.i , will pie.ieli tonight
t theie\i\al services in the Second l > iesb.\- \
tciian chuulioii Ilitimotn and LIB
These Hciv lies aii1 vciv well atti ndcd and
MUlto an Ititotest In tlic bubjci t of icllj'ion is
buhiR iniiiiifestcd
'I ho of Josl.ih Roar tool : place , \cs-
teiday aftcinoon. Kov Alexander ofllc l.ttinir
Tnoiciimins woto followed to ralnnoiint
collator. } by the \iirlous Odd Fellows'
lodges of the citi and tlio HCIV ices at
thuKiavo weio conJ'tctcel ' arumllng to the
litnalof the oidcr
M .T Sullivan , who hinnod out Tues
day night , states that hK loss will amount to
about 4-Wi , onh 4-XXof ) whith Is coveicd b.\
Insiiranco lie hopes to bo iililu to open up
his Btoio iiKaln as soon as the adjuster of tlio
insuranio company pets through , which will
bo within the next thiitj dajs
A gi eat deal of complaint is being indulged
in bj the pall ons of the fjas eouip my , on ac
count of llio vc'rv poor ipiality of pas that Is
now bolus tinned out It fmiilshcs u light n
lltllo better than a mateHie , but not near so
In 1111 , int as n tallow i audio , and eight lights
aio necobsiij in oulei to light an oidinaij
room passably
Conrad Oelso Jr , and Miss Minnlo Klop-
ping , both of this i mint } , weio 111,111 led jcs-
toixlaj noon at St Paul's dumb , Hev. 12 .1
Uabcock ollli inline ; The hrido and pioom
weiu accomiianied bv Mr Philip Ciclso and
Mls3 Annie Kloppincr Aftti tlio tci oniony
the hnpp > iniiplu left for WII.MIO , Neb ,
whole tht'v will viMt flionds Tlii'i will
then Msll in eastein lov\a and Illinois , after
which the } will scttlodown on a faun near
A iminbcrof importantinscsweioon the as
signment for jesterdaj in the dlsttict loin t
Ainonif them weio Ulwell against the Kimball -
ball Champ Inu'stmuit lonipany and L W
fl'ulles against the Aiiglo-Aniciican Mort-
Rage and Tiust comi ) my. On account of the
attoinos being awav. howo\er , they weio
L'ontlnued until next Wednesday. The case
nf F. M , Hunter .mil C. C Cook against the
PiciiLh League Kafoty Cuio company of
Sioux C'lty , in whkh the plaintiffs claim to
lm\o been swindled out of J.1U,0MV ( on false
lepicscntatioiiH made by the defendants
with rofci euro to stock in a lagcutoiom- , was to luno been tried today , but .1. N
Haldwin , attoiney for the dufuiso , loft for
Pliicago , and a postponement had to bo
Settle your bill ut D.ivia' ,
and HIIVO c.\pon o , IH utter lllth inst. bills
will bo yhun nttornoy for collection.
Another ImiH'OMiincnt to the popular
Sohuboi't pluno. Hwiuibou Music Co.
/ . IM/MMIMI'lfN.
Colonel F. C. Heed has leturned fiom Illi
nois. wheio ho has been for se\oial mouths
Mis. 1'mim rampbell of Missouil Valley
is in the city , the guest of her father , J. M.
John Templeton and his sister , Mis W N
young , hao ( 'imo to Xubraska Cit } tout-
tend thu funeial of a it'lathe.
J. T. Chiiowetli of Windsor paik. Clii-
cage , is in tlio dt\ , the guest of his old col
lege mates , Jaiob Sims and IIV \ Tllton.
J. C. Umgo w ill le.uc S.itui-dav for Mobile ,
Ala. , wheio he will icmain for about a
month looking after his business inteiests
N. M. Tattle , ono of the well known dry
poods cleiks of the city , w ill leave toda\ for
Oakland , wheio ho will in business
on his own hook
Sheriff Ha/en went to Ncola Tuesday
night to take a buggy rldo of twenty-two
miles In the l.iio of the wind , looking for
witnesses iu a ease in the district courf.
W. H. Uali d will tomorrow for San
Antonio , Tex , wheio his brother , John \V.
Daird , and his mother now are. . Ilia
bi other's health is ser } poor , and theiu aio
doubts us to his llnnl loeovery.
Frank M. Is the father of a girl
baby , bom Tuesday moining Chief of Po-
llcoScitnlau shows his appicelatlon of the
fact that ho is now a grandfather by making
a icsolutlon against sia } ing out nights.
I > . \Viel.hain has letmned fiom n visit
to Den\er , wheio ho and his btother Her-
nard have been c.urIngout a lot of piMng
loiituicts. The } tuuenlso llulshed a $ , )0K)0 ) )
Job of sewer la } ing in thocit } of Ucn\cr
which the cit.s now lefuses to pay for. A
suit will bo commenced for the amount.
For wurmiiitf uest I'linmbors , bath
rooms , etc. , our Ktist hciitors tire just
\\liut } on want. Look at thoiu. Clean ,
convenient , cheap. ( J. U. Gas and lllco-
trio Llfflit Co.
Oroccr > Stnro
J. Sulllan's grocer } stoio was uurglailxod
Monday ni'jht _ The burgl.iis woiked their
way in through the back door , pried open the
sufo door and stole about $15 In cash. The }
nlso helped themselves to a lot of groceries
The stoio has been burgl.irl/ed about six
times dm Ing the last two } uars , and thu
same door has been pi led open o\ cry time
Thu door is now ne.uh worn to pieces b } the
frequent assaults made UIKIII It b } midnight
mar.nidcis Theioisuclew to the identlt }
of the thieves and the imlico are working
upon the ease with a hope of catching them
Wuril Agltiitlon.
The people living south of the tracks aio
again coming to the front wltli an agitation
fora division of thu Fourth waul sous to
cieato a new ward the Seventh to com
prise all the tei i itory In thu southern part
of the city be } end the tracks. This scheme
was agitated about a } ear ago , but for some
reason or other the council refused to take
the necessary action. The citizens who are
intcicstcd in thu move aru again circulating
n petition forslgnatuies , and claim that the }
mo not loprescnted to thu extent they
would like by the member from thu Fourth ,
Finest AilMo cnbinot photos , $2 per
doz. Ashtoa's studio , 18 X. Main utrcot
Drill ) ed llieTniln.
The passenger tniln which should have
anived In the city } esturday inoiiilnsf over
the Wubash was several hours late. Near
Minneola the wheel of thu engine broke and
the train WUH disabled Another engine
was called to HH assistance from Council
muffs , but it blew off a c } Under head w bile
1r } ing to help Its mate. The train nt last
pulli-u Into Council Uluff * utter a duUof
ubout thrco hour * .
E , 0. Harris Ffitnlly Shot Htouwlf in His
Pearl Street Office.
Affair * of \frlrnltiinit Iniiilcmcnt Home
of Iliiftvll & Co. , til. ' Vlrtlm
, In Oooil Condition
H I'HP n * Known.
U C Harris , manager of the agricultural
Implement house of Hussell & O ) , was found
d ; , int ; last evening In his oilier , No Ml ! Pearl
stieet. 12. W Jours , a } ounj ? man who
rooms in the building , entered the private
onico at S ! ! < ) o cloc } < and found the bed } ! }
' , on thu lloor luck of the dcsk.jjlth an
Iminciisn bullet hole in his forehead directly
iilxivc the ilpht eye. Ulood from the wound
had saturated the rat pel and drops were
still tileklliij , ' from llio hole. Ho was still
lire ithlng.
Hi his side lay a 83-eallbor revolver with
one cinpti shell in it. A splash of blood on
the wall paper showed whore his licad had
btiuck while falling.
For some icason the other men at the
olllco kept the mutter very quiet Nothing
was i elicited to the police until midnight.
A plijslc'atiwasHUiiiiMOiied and the wounded
man attended to but gave no hope for ic-
C'OVf ) JJ.
'Ihoio was no theory as to the ciuse.
Ho vv.ii very ictlc'vnt , had few
If nnv fiic'nds nud made no effort to
ussocl tie with iiuj one He came to Couhcil
Uluffssoven > oirs 1150 fiom Missillon , O ,
and took the tiinnigcmcntof the cominu.v's
afi'.ihs luue. Ho bonded at the Gland ho
tel aud wis seen last evening about 0 o'clock
lij some of his men There was nothing
strjngG iu his actions then liu did not
show tip at supper.
No shot was ln'.ud and nothing was sus-
pei ted until the body was found
tiling Indicated that his plans had becnciie.-
fullv laid A new hoof cat Midge * with
onh one ( 'one was found in Ills loom. Ho
had no business tumbles so far as known.
I'o Coiinill Illnirx uiul Omaha Iirtncn.
All iou dealers i > f founiril lUulTs and
Oinalia me herein notified tliat wo , tlio
utitlei'siKiied bnteliers of C'imnull UlnlTs ,
will I'ontitietitli tiny responsible party
us the lowest bit ! to furnish us
ice dtiriiif , ' the Miimnor of 189. ! , in such
( | ttantities and at such times as wo inav
dosiio. All bids must bo hent to M.
Wolker , 007 Main stieet , hy February
i"i , vvlien thoj will bo opened by a com-
inlltec of tin ee.
M. Wr.ucnit , W. STOHTZ ,
.IOIIN lvii.s ] : : , lonr. { UAUUVTZ ,
( . ' . L. XUNASV. .
.1. II. M.itr.ii : : . HUIIKK Hitos. ,
O. II. Kon\VLii , J II. 1'Aci : ,
J. H. LIIAKI : , . .los.VAHDIAI.V ,
I'l/niYititinui : Ar HKTALLICK.
AVnnted C'ash oil or for ten shaven
Citi/cn's Sltito bank htoclc. M.iibt be
sold. Addiess E. H. Sheafo.
Hit VV'im u Literary Tramp.
'I'l-eio v\asa tramp iu town last week
vvhoio cousimimato ncivo and natural leveler
lor lltotatuio combined to m.ike him a most
desirable candidate for a position as book
tiRcnt Hut his ptesenco in the communit }
was not found out until ho had disappeaied ,
and tlio people ) who might have been looking
lor him to give him a position suited to his
talents mu-a now look in vain Ho cauie
into Tnr Hri : olllco a .ittloovei1 a week ago
and subsciibcd for a paper , orcleting it to bo
sent to Or Harstow's bain near the couit
house and put iu a bov which ho had put up
for the pin pose. Ho gave his name ns U .1.
Miller The paper was sent , and
nothing mote w.ib heaid of him until the
collector made a lound and failed to tlnd him
at home. An investigation icsultcd in the
discover } that Mr Miller was entirely un
known to lr Uarstow The tiostlcr found a
paper at the b irn } esteulay and da } bofoie ,
and took It to the house , but it hud not been
found befoio that. Miller was evidently a
trump , who h id taken up his temporary icsi-
denco iu the barn , and appieclating a peed
thing , decided to piovido himself with a
inmulug paper to lead while sipping his
coftco , by masqueiading us coachman
Theie is u minor floating around to the
otlcct tint Miller was foimeily cmplo.ved
as agent b } a Hghflilng rod Him , but was
disc haiged bccunso ho jiersisted in swindling
his fcllovv agents out of their e.unings
Now Unit diplitliorta is prevalent in
Council Ultills and Omaha ovot'j familj
yiiould bo piovided with Jr. Jotloris' In
fallible diphtheria preventive and cure.
It fan bo had of Council Ulufta drug
Of at L'lOi ( Juiiiinjjr Htrect , Omaha.
DouricliH finds out that Stuthinan
Stieot is all right for tlio piano
juat look at hit , new b
orjlos-na-lliiilaro" u SIICCPM.
Mr Coglej and his company produced for
the second time last evening his oiigiua !
little gem of a diama , 'M.\Ics-iu-Bodaro , " to
an audlenco that Illled the house despite tl.o
tvvent"below-7eio weather It
} was bcstai-
iueclated , becuuao best understood , by these
who saw it on the evening previous. It is a
simple little piece , and Its chief beaut } lies
In itsslmpllclt.v , in its picscntiition of the
lowly chiuacter of Iilsh pastoral life , no icci "ana "
, begoua" knockdo\vn nnc
sliillalah scenes which all piuvi
ous Iilsh dramatists have dccmci'
essential to the poitr.ial ol
Iilsh character In many of its
pecially the character inteipreted by Mr
Cogle } , it strongly resembles Sol Smith Hut ,
.sell's "Peaceful Valley , " and with some nil
dltlons ami changes it would not bo suipiis
ing If it leached us gieat a degree of jiopu
hull } as that Amcilcan pastoral Anothei
strong Indication of the eas } and mtura !
slmplieit } of the vvhoio play Is the fact tlm
it could be so well piesentcd by comparative
amateuis Mr Civloy's ftttuio intentions in
icgiird to it aio not known , but it will bu a
matter of gieat disappointment to all who
seen the phv if it does not have a
abl } successful inn.
Coal and wood ; best and elicapes
Missouri haul wood in the city ; promn
deliver } . II. A. Cox , No. 4 Main.
Do.\ott-moko ? Have you tried T. D
Kin" ; & Co.'ri I'artuxas ? It's a uhanner
Jiibt'light uno.
Peter Kitelherg claims to have been done
an injtlstico by the at tides published in th
viuious nevvspapeis to thu effect that ho Is
suspected of setting llio to his house II
denies Unit the grand Jury Is tr } Ing to fastei
the crlmu uion ) him , but is simply investlgat
Ing , with a view to Uncling out who tin
utit } p.ntv Is llitelhuig was a witnes
hi hnsclf hefoio the grand Jury , and ho had t
search warrant issued against n man when
ho suspected of rubbing the house and thei
setting it on Hi o to conceal the evidences o
the theft. His insurance amounted to $100
while the value of the goods In tlio house , h
claims , as shuvMi bi an liivcnloi , vvttb f'XH )
The biiovv and cold weather does no
diminish the demand for aureate in th
Klein tract , li ! miles east of the post
ulllco ; IHX ) acres jot for mlo in from one
to ten acie tracts , Htiltablo for fruit am
guidon. Day ft llei. * , afunts , DO Pear
Shooting tournament thib week at tin
rtlinotlnjr gallery , ± 1(1 ( Hroadway , for i
rlllis. Ties to bo bhot olT Saturday
February . U. II. TATK.
nUuppoliitnl llu > Court.
James Mclnlosh , a niiin 70 i ears of ape
who lives near Honey Crock , was arrostet
jestenluy unit taken to llio county Jail uutl
It ahull bo UotcruiiueJ what shall bu don
vlttt him Ho has occn a treed deal of the
aik Mdc of the v urld. ha\ing served two
CMms ; In the penltetitlar , foi small crimes
Vbout four.vears ago ho vvns tried In court on
our dlffpiviit charges , but managed to get
reo In nil but three On the fourth , that of
elllng a it oi I raged horse ho was convicted
i.d sentetiied to the penltfnil ry for two
ears , The easy was taken to the supreme
ourt on an appeal , tils nttornos believing
hat he was so feeble that it was only a qnes-
ion of a very short time when hf would die
\'ow the supreme court has aftlrmed the do-
Islon of thu lower court and Mclntosh Is re-
irestcd. Fnless something is doncaho will
ta taken to tlm nenitentl iry to erve out his
erm. hut his great ago and feebleness icu-
lers It extremely llkelv that death will precut -
cut thu completion of the term.
'ociilUr I'rovUlim .Made lij tin i : < centric
There Is a llltlo old liulj who lives on Fifth
ucnuc in a house adjoining St. .loscph's
eadomy who has a vvldo ae < iualntancc
nnong the people of the neighborhood , al-
hough none of them seem lo know her name ,
iho Is over IK ) jears of ago and has been
Iving at the expense of the county for a
number of j cars past
'I ho tu.illv interesting part ofthostorj Is
hat the old latlj has made till the necessity
irepaiatiotis for her own funeral , and her
i.ulor is oven ornamented with the coftln In
vhieh she expects llnally to bo laid avv.ij to
ist. Him has alwa.vs had a honor of a
heap funeral , mid us a consequence she
.ook c.ue sevual ago. v\hen she was in
jotter c ircumstnnc'es than uov > . to see that
11 r f uncial should take place with a suflli lent
lu.mtlt.s of pomp and I'-iemony She had
nauiid : | to lay up jICO in cash h.\ sewing
Of this amount she paid a gcntlcumli who
, vas , then in the undertaking business Iu
} 'outieil ' HlufTs sO for one of the liiiost cofllns
ic had In his stock The cofllii now stands
on end in her room , wheto she can sco
t every daj and meditate on
ho c heel fill subjects It blinds
.o mind Shu paid ueail.v half of
.lie lemaindei to the same undertaker with
: houiidoistaudlug that it was to bo used In
ihlug a hcarso and two eatiiiges on the
jvontful dnv , whenever it nilvlit como Shu
.hen settled down with the calm assuiauco
that when her funeral took place nothing
ivniild be lacking
Unlike most of the couutv ihaigcs she has
shown ' no disposition to live on the tat of the
'ami , awl her actions h ivo been such as to
. Cheis"er Foiman the gteatest conil-
leuco in her So gieit is this conlldem o
.hat ho has given her caito blunt-lie on the
stoic-s vvlicic the countv buvs its waies. Shu
gets w hat she pie ises mid his it c barged to
' .heiounty.butitisveiA seldom that her kce.p-
'ng coats the coiintv moio than . ' per month
'Auntie , " as she is familiarU known b.v the
' icoplo of the vlclnlt.v , Is provided by her
'i lends with some of the liiMiiies oflifc. so
that her onl.v icgiot ia that the time when
he will bo able to use her coflln seems to be
so f.u awai-
Alhcbiokc out in the car sheds iu the
ussengcr j.uds at the Union trans-
'cr about 1" ! ! 0 o'clock jcsteiclay inoinlug
The Ihe dcpirtment was called out , but
licfoio it could get theto the sheds had been
Lleiiiolishcd The loss will amount to seveial
liundicd doll.iis , but is covcied b.v ii.sur-
iiico The liio is suiiposed to have been
caused h.a . clefec live Hue
'I he dep-utincnt was callol to the resi
dence of Clioato M\nstcr , coiner of Ueiitou
md llarnumv sticots , at 1 ! . ! l ) o'clock iu the
iifteiuoon , the defective lluo havinir again
gotten iu its woik A small stieim from
the chemical engine soon cMliiguished the
bla/c , and the loss was nominal.
Tlieie will boa meeting of thoConmil
Uluffs Hcpubliuan club at Mavno & lla/le-
ton's olllco , Men lain block , at 7.UO p. in Sat-
uiday , Fubruai1 .
V. L. TjiEi.sou , Pieslilent.
D. K. STUAUT , Secretary.
I > OIIU"lttC.
Typhus fo\ci is spiciulhii ; In Xevr York Clly.
The sKatlm ; contest hutneon Hrcen and
Curioll was declared off Plctou , N. h.
The r.ilnmet and Hecla mine has declared a
( Ihhltmlof $3 porsh.uo , payible .March 1.
The le.uleis of the Mo\lcui : bandits recently
c-i pt ill oil are uiuiurgoln at b in Antonio ,
The New York Medical society will petition
congress for tlio establishment of n national
Jinny of the teachers of the f/ong Island
pity public schooN lm\o been suspended by
Jlayoi Uleason.
.lolin Iut ) > s , the trustee of the Kconomlc
society , successor of 1'atliei llcnrlul , has been
tilcKeulth ptialyslii.
Application has been mndo for u recel\er fet
thn llomo llenellt asMiclntlon of New York , a
mutual luminance company.
The supply of natural gas , which furnl'-hes
I'uiu , Ind.ilth fiiL'l , has l H'ii stint elf and
much ( il-iticss has ie : > ultcd theieb } .
Tliu foitlgn comnieico of tlui poit of New
Yoik amounted to $ t,001220H7ri ! foi 189J ,
and of tliu coiintty ( o * J,01tU ) ll.UGJ.
rifteen jirlsonurs , conllned In tlio MUM ay ,
Ivy. , jail escaped. Amen them \\cru , i mut-
deiui ami so ei a I desperate rJiuiacters.
lliailes I'oiit ? , John Ca\andcr and Jnmes
Youneeiu seriously Injuied by an c\plo lon
of gunpondet In a coal niiiui'n lilc.O. j
I'nlted siutes Consul Ashby i ] | leiuo 'olon '
foi Jvi'w Yoikon I'ehrinuy 11 ! , leaving the
olllco to the ciifo of' Vice Consul
Ti aey
The test of the pneumatic dynamite guns of
thu Vesuvius weru n decided succesu. Tuolvu
shots In all weru tired and tlio piojc-ctllc-s all
full within a shot t distance of oi on the
aimed at.
The mosaics and the documents to he sent by
the vatlc-an to the World's ( an In Chicago aru
icnarded as so precious that two of thu
> uwaik'scrutt will guild tliuin night and day
dining the v } aQO to Now Vork.
It Is said that Don. M Dickinson has vMtod
ChlciiKO , at tliu liistimcuof .Mi. t'lovoland , for
the mirMti | of Inducing Judgu Uresliani to
accept .Ml Phc'IpV [ il.ico on thu Doling MM
commission , .Mi. I'Jii-'Ips being slated foi the
\\liiiton McKnlght , thu owner of a largo
foundry and niachlnu shops In I'lttsbnrg , I'.u ,
has assigned In tnusiimof * 1'J4 WO. 'I ho com
pany was 0110 of the oldc-st In that city. Thu
assets. It Is claimed , \\lll lai ely uxceed thu
Hev.T. 13. Irvine , an ovanKollst divine , has
lic'i-n holding luvlval iiieetlnss at thu llaker
.stunt mission , llaltlmoiu , .Md Ilu madu a
v Ic-Ious attack upon thu piomoter- a fall for
tin ) bi-nc-llt of thu mission , and thu ladles of
the chuieh to which It Is attached got together
and prevented him fiom holding ruilhut ser
vices Ihuiu.
Tliu malu convicts In the Indianapolis , Jnd ,
uorkhousu , led 'by ' John Cutker , u nt'uro , ut-
tc-mpti d to muriioncr tludi Kuaids and escape1.
The guards used their clubs frcoly and after
about tlftc-c-n minutes hard lighting hioiiKht
the pilsoners under subjc-ctlon t-eveial
prisoners and two guards vuiro badly beaten.
Monday nlK'lit four negro men iniirdcred and
lobbed t\\o nhltu ineii at Richmond.V. . Va. ,
namc > < l KitclllTo and HuortiliUu. Thu mm
deu-cl inc-n lived In lluehanaii county anil
v\eru ut Idcbnund with theli wagons purch is-
ItU goods. The four negroes weroeapturo I by
apossuot lot ) lluclmimn men. 'lliu negroes
confessed thu crlmu and \\eru 1 } nclied.
The ilotM In Ho/ota havu been suppicsscd
andoidernopiu \ alls.
Thu king of Spain has scarlatina No serious
danger Is apprehendc-d.
Dispatch fiom I'arUwijs that a decieu has
been granted Kcluanl 1'arker Deacon.
The \\estmlnstcr CJazuttu Is u now dally
paper si-ekln. ; the patronage of thu London
people It will bu liberal In politics.
The HrltUhuu ships Dreadnau ht ami
CaperdoHii Inivo sailed from I'ort / intu with
tents and bc-ddlng for thu u irtlmu.ike biill'erors
of.ante. .
An o\ploslon of lire damp occurred In thu
( icmiralon IMiniientlml coil pit at.eldlln -
haiisenestplialla KU'liteen minors weru '
killed liihtantly and huvcntcc-n were Injuied
Tliu popular u-ci-ptlon of James l an , the
llburatcil Irish dynamiter In l.lmerlck was thu
most reinarkablu di'inonstiatlon jet madu In
his honor The major of Limerick presided .
ovc-r the meeting uithhlch thu demon-urn- °
tlon closed
Thu pioposcd congressional Inve tuatlon In
\\asldiiKton Intci tliu O\H iidltuies of thu }
Aiuerlcan Panama Canal comp my has excited 1
kec n Interest In lloioti and I'anama. If this
Invc'iitlgatloii Is i > u--ieO ! It Is expected that
sensational revolutions will bu madu concern-
In'tliu opeiatlons of several prumoteisof Ihu
Mcarugua canal enterpiNe.
Itulliililu lljin lur Cotton.
If jou want simple and reliable ) d > es for (
cotton , colors that will not fade or vvabh out c
use thu diamond d } c special cotton colors. u
Diamond dyes como in all shades , mid have 7
proved Ihclr superiority by i ears of use , It
Is foolish lo try other djestuffs for cotton , as
there is nothing else so strong and fast.
Northwestern Points Hop rt Mora Excfoil-
ingly Gold Weather.
llorrnt llrerrrs Illovr ninl Much
Kiinni-s In Mini ' '
} l'liici'4mTraln * Delujed
niuistorlc 1'rrNli 1 > ( cp Snnn
U < ported In I
ST. Pii'i. , Minn , Feb 1 TodaV his been
the coldest daj forjcars all over the noith-
west , as low as 50 = below /ero being ic-
polled from some points , while none could
tell of weather above rero In this eit }
cailj lids morning the thermometers uvis-
lered fiom ! i = to 40D lielovv and at 7 o'clock
tonight the weather bureau icportcd 'M
It was 40 = below at Hrltton , 'Kl3 below at
SlouFulls , ' . ' 15 = below at Yanktou and : tti =
below at Huron , S. D.
In North Dakota , Devil's Lake reported
! U- ) below , and at Fargo 41 = below eirlv In
thoday and at 7 o'clo.-k tonight ltwas'.M =
below at Hisuuirek
In Minnesota It was ! Vi = below at Pelican
liaplds and Saeic-d He-art ; 'Mbelow at
Stillwaler , 4'J = below at Diwson , ! H = below
at New Lhn , . ' = b luw at Uedwood Falls ,
! ! Ua below at Fergus Falls and 'M below In
this cit.v
At 7 o'clock tonight the weather bin can
icports : ! ! = > below at Mooicheid audW *
below luthisclt.v The weather is the cold
est for live and In some se-ctlons the
coldest ever iccorded. Wanner weather is
now looKed for
In Kunsas ami Ml ourl.
K xsvs Cm , Mo , Feb 1 The bll//ard
which swooped ilovvn fiom the noilh jcstot-
' laj evening continued Just twcntj-four
'louis At li o'clock this cvenin ? It was
.nacticall.v over A icmaikable fc-atutcof
: hestoim was the o\tiaoidlnu.v : fall In the
: ompetatmo which it occasioned At this
ilaeo it dioppod ftorn-I)3 ! ) above/cio to 5 °
jelow , a fall of SI °
At Dodge Gitv. Kan . the fall was Wedur
ing the some period At Wichita it was GJ °
: md at Coucoidl i ( VI =
' 1 hi1 bli//ird did not delay railway tiaftlc
to ani gieat extent There not much
snow , and trains fiom the westtodai weic
uoail.v all on time This evening's trains ,
iiowovcr , aio bullillued as being from one to
tluco boms late
Adispitch fiom Lcaveuw01 tb stales that
Ihe snow cliifti'd badly along the line of tlio
Kansas Central raihoad and that thu toad
. . .
west of that place is complete ! } blocked
Dispatches from vaiious points m Kansas
state that the coldest weather icsteiciny
the thcimometcr going to f > =
ielow at ditTeient places.
riti\Ks : or TIII : vvi.vTinit. : :
Omiiliu Cltt/ciiH Treitcil to ultin ! ) < -
llglitrnl l.lttlo ltll//utl.
Of the queerest of baroi ctiical and thcr fieaks Omaha has had her quota
during the past foi t-eight hours The mcr
cur.v lias danced a minuet , Mlpped a sehot
tisehc , Iliitcd in a waltr , winding up its
tcipslchoican festivities b.v doing a highland
llnig , iu which it fell with a lesouiidiugthud ,
ami there It has icniaineO It has been cold ,
in fai t er.v cold , and Omaha's usuali } busy
thoroughfaies have becnpnietkallv deserted
save b } those w hose business foi ceil them out
of doors Jack Fiost has nipped man } a nose
pinched man } a toe and plajed pranks generally
orally on exposed portions of the human
anatomy. Onlj a few davs ago the sun shone
with a vvaimth suggestive ofspilng , then
the man In charge of the w'eather , who pos
sibly believed that this nity was getting too
much of a good tiling dropped a nickel in the
slot , and now the man vflth plenty of eon
concealed about the premises his sliakln
hands with himself.
The tlrst indication that an } ono had
beeomu dissatisfied with the weather and
had registered a kick became appar
ent Tucsda } 'afteinoon. The quick
silver fell as though struck with
an axe and then thu fun began A w ido aioa
of barometer had been gathering in the
noi thwcst for several da } s and it fell upon
Omaha with one fell swoop. A cold , iicico
wind came down from the icgion where the
mercury was safely ensconced some 4j ( = below -
low the cipher , and u man with a week's
giowch of beard had only to get In Its way
to procure a clean shive. By 7 o'clock
Tuesday evening the mercury visited zeio ,
but was not contented there "and continued
on its downwaid course.
People who weio not obliged to
go down town dining the evening
took ono look at the cold wave flag
floating from the government building and
set out for home to look after their 11 res and
fmnaces , appichcndingthat thu night would
be , In thu language of thu sou of Erin , "a
howly teiror. "
This anticipation was not an erroneous one.
The night was one of th6 bleakest and most
uuendurablo expcilenccd in Omaha for many
jcais. Business down town was almost at a
standstill aud the streets weio deserted
The hackmcu sought shelter from the biting
north wind aud the policemen well , they
cither went to sleep In some nice w aim place
or stood in doorwa.v a w hero they w ere shel
tered fiom the wind It was too cold for
ciooks to bo alnoad and not a single robbery
was icporled. Only tluco unfoitunatcs , the
woise for liquor , weio ai tested The motor
Mains managed lo keep running until mid
night , but as a rule thu cars weio ncail }
'Ihe boreal blast fiom the noith continued
all night with slight fluriies of snow , which
giew thlcKcr as moinimr approached. The
meicur.v dropped to lli below at the signal
st itlon In the goveiument building , and at
several other points over the citj it was ic-
porled this moiiilng all thow.i } from 14 to
0 below Hatvvecu 5 and t o'clock the snow
began falling In a manner that seriously
threatened to block the street car lines , but
by piompt use of the sweepers the tracks
w ere mostl } cleared by the time the heavily
loaded trains began to move tow aid the heart
of the city Business men weio Into in get
ting down , and the arteries of trade seemed
to bo vcrj sluggish on the stieet School chil
dren weio mufiled and wrapped up to thoh
led noses , and many weio kept at homo bj
their cautious parents Some of the school
rooms and buildings weio unlit for use , anil
the piinclpals dismissed the schools. 'Ihe
Park building could not bo heated for some
unaccountable icasou , and the cnthc school
was dismissed It issiumlsed that the dis
charged janitor , who lost his poslliou a few
weeks ago , has "mon'fpyyd" ' with the boat
Ing apparatus ' '
Nearly all of the rajlroad trains worn do
licd to some extent b } the inclement
wealher , bul none wcrp abandoned on that
account. t\ , ,
About the hotels } cstcida.v- an indoor
day , although many braved the atmospheric
conditions and departed for Chicago ami
other iiointsas thouuh 'the ' weather was that
of May From varlouap irts of the city came
the usual cry of i "busted pipes , " and
plumbeis were bus.v all day "wiping" breaks
made by the frost king as ho fined through
the cellars and kltctictiH that were exposed
to his freezing breath c
Over certain portiolW'of the vvido storm
area It assumed the. chaiacteristies of a
blizzard , but it could linullv bo classed as
such hi Nebraska , for\illo ) ) lltowoalher was
intensely cold the snow .fall was not heavy
The coldest weather Reported within the
bounclaiics of the United States was from
Helena , where the moivur } fell toIIP below
zero It isery cola at St Paul , Minn
and there has been almost enough snow fal
theto to produce a genuineblizarcl At
several other points in Minnesota a h online ,
blizzard has been iciortcd , notabl } at Man
kaloand Fergus Falls At Kendall. N D
the mercury fell to > below night befon
last , and a tcrnllc blizzard i.iged In that \l
cinil } all daj } osleiday
Coldest VViMithcr Known for Vriirn I'ri-\ull
In : In the > 'nrtliw 4t.
HAHTiNd * . Neb , Fob 1 [ Special Telegran
toTiiKllKK ) By all odds this has been tin
coldest da } of ( his season and about as coh
us an } previous seasons for a long timo. A
o'clock this moining It marked ' . ' 4 = belo\
and during the da } hoveied round the 10s
uiaik. Tonight it is lti = below zero
ii.k CnnEk. Neb. , Feb. 1 [ Special Tele
gram to TUB DEE. ] The mercury fell 50 ° i
Ix hourn.VMtenlnj mid registered II3 bc-
ow nro this morning at 7 u clock
NnmuiKA CITV , Neb , Feb 1 [ Special
'elegratn 13 TUB UKITho ) cold wave-
truck thl < clu last nl'tht , the thermomctur
cgisturlng ! tt- below rem i"irl } this morn
IK' , ami ranging from 10 = to ir > = below ill
ay liuslness was almost eiitltx1 ! } BUS-
HCATIIU B , Neb , Feb -Special I ( Telegram
0 TUP Urn J Tlio cold vvavo struck this
ocallty about U ) o'clock last night with a
touny gale of wind , which prevailed with
[ tenter or less seveiits all night Tlioavcr-
go temperature at 0 o'clocit tills niotnlnir
vas'.HJ3 Iwlow ? eii ) The thermometer still
egisteisss below this evening The wind
las subsided
IIUHIIUV , Neb Feb 1 JSpeel il to TIIK
He ] A very hl/li north wind pre-
alls The mid wave atrucUt here at 10
i'elockesterd.iv It was then 4t = alwve.
\t 11 It was ! = , at M. PJ = , at 0 oVlock ,
ere ; at ! i o'clock , s = lielow , at 4 o'clock a
n , 1(1 ( = below j at ti this morning , lb = below ,
1cr } severe wind blowing
Om-Mwt , la. Feb 1 A severe -Jtortn
truck tills vicinity at midnight and it has
icon growing colder ever } hour It is now
u = below
MumutiTowv , la. Fob 1 Yesteid.iy
he iiiercur } stood 7-above at this place.
< ast night the meicurv went down to : > l = ,
xlth a noithvvcst lll//anl ) raging All tiatns
ae late and tclegiaph wlics me down In all
KniKiK , la , Fell l-Abliz7ird prevailed
leroalldav with the temperature fi ° below being the llrst snow storm nf the
iMMin for this viclnit } Tiaius are dela.vcd
Mdly and street i.iilwav business Isgreatl }
nteirupted The weat in r bin can olxeiver's
eKiit | showsthi- past month to have been
ho coldest Januai1 } recoidod In the twentv
caisof the st ulon's oxlsteuce. the mean
unpci.ituro for the mouth having
IL'CII I 1 L'-10 = .
> c ei SIKIUH 111 ! li MininhiliiH Cuiiie I.nil of
l.lfc Vllnon * Miowi-d In.
Divi ii , C'olo , Feb 1 This morning the
toim that his been pievalcnt thtoiigliout
hei-ountii icached Colorado , and this even
tig the thermometer i cached /ero , with a
i Ight | snow About b o'clock tonight the
vcather grew warmer and a heavv stmtv
icgan falling Uepoi Is from many points m
he state show that the stoim is geneial ami
hat snow slides In the1 mountains aie num
ci oils , icsultlug iu several cases so f.u as
cat ned. in death and destruction
Near C'ai bomlale Cole . Ch u les Smll h and
a i joung m in known as 'Hill slatted to
loss a gulch , when a snow slide caught and
Mtiicd them about 'JOO feet Smith , with
nucli tumble , exttlcatod himself but Hill
vas covcu-d so dcopl } that lie was suffocated
mil his boil } h is not .vet been recovcied A .Shivelv and John
Jiadlov : , two mlucis woiklng on the Little
Mill mine , wcie caught In an avalanche and
nstintl } killed Shlvcli leaves a wife and
iimilv of sevenchlldieii FianU Hoc. a
iillkmau. slatted todaj from Aspen for
i'ourtelotte p uk , which is situated on top of
a mountain adjoining Aspen Ho should have
cache I his destin it tun long befoic this , but
elephone messages between Aspen aud
fumtelotto ( fall to locate him anil it is fcaicd
hat l ! ho and his team weic caught in a slide
md destroved
Ui At Maionev's sawmill , about ten miles
iota Aspen , eight men and twentj-llvemuies
jlj snowed in. and it is known that the }
line but little provisions A icscuiiig puty
il.u ted fiom A spoil to iclievo Uicm U is
mow n that several slides have occuricd bo-
vvecu Aspen and Maionev's
the icMcueisatecaught between twoof lliem
Slave aic entertained for theii safet }
In eastein Colorado the sellleis havosul-
'cicd fiom a prahlo llic NcarAkion a
rainier stalled a Hie for thepuiposeof clear-
ng his land , but the ( lames esc-aped his cor
.rol and set thu grass on Hie A farmer
lamed Holden , living In Adams coimU , Nc-
biaska , was Just over the line in Coioiado
ivhen he met the llic He was dtiving a
: cam of horses when ho mot the flames and
, vas . , together with bis animals , dangeiously
mined. The lire spicad lo thefaimofa
\lr \ I'hclps , who haiHO1) ) sheep in his coiral ,
mt it vv as stopped In time to s'iv o their hv cs.
In AViiHlilngton anil Ou'Riin.
PoitTi.ANi ) , Ore , Feb. 1. Oiegon and
Washington Just now aio expciienclng the
coldest weather in ten je.ns. The thci-
uoinetcr icglstcred from 5 ° to 20 ° below
ere east of the Cascade mountains rail }
, bis n.oining , while west of the mountains
t was hovering a bout the 7cio mark Snow
jcgan falling again this motniug and atti
o'clock is still nt it. Fiom one to two feet
ins fallen , causing much trouble to all i.iil
road lines. In eastern Oiogon and Washing
ton stock on the ranges Issuffcilugiutcnscl }
Deep hiiiiu In Illinois.
PIKIV , 111 , Feb. 1. One of the heaviest
snow stoiins seen iu Pckin for many
. fell . today. Nine inches of snow fell in As
many bouts The mercury dropped 80 = and
all da } the thermometericgisteicd 2s below
7010 Hy night the snow was over a foot
deep and in many places drifted several fcot.
Business was-greatly Impeded and trains
going out of the city were stalled for from
three to four hours. It Is still snowing lively
aud glowing colder.
I llfht Snow * and ItUIng Touippiatnic 1're-
dlctuil for Toil-ij.
WASHINGTON , D C , Feb 1 Foiceast for
Thursday For Nebraska and Iowa-Light
snows'followed ' by clcaiing weather ; east
winds ; slowly ilslng tempctatuio
ForNoitb Dakota Gcncially fair ; winds
shifting to south : slowly rising tcnipeiatuic
For South Dakota Partlj cloudy , with
occasional snow In south poittoaaimcr ;
southeast vv bids. Koronl.
Orncr. or TunWrvrnrii Buurtu. OMMIA ,
Fob 1. Omaha record of temperature and
lalnfnll i ompaicd w ith cotresDJiidiiij ; day of
past font } eais :
180.1. 1802 1801 1800
Mn\lmiim temperatiiie H3 S7O ! )3 ) 41O
Mlnlmuin tempeiatute. * lfi = > : I4 = * 8 = iJ ! =
Aveiago temperature. M'J3 3b3 * 'Ji 3J3
Precipitation U7 01) 00 00
Statement showing the condition of tern
poiaturo and procipit itlon at Omaha for thu
day and since Match 1 , Ib'Ji.
Normal lempetaturo. . . . . . 10-
DuflclcMicy for thn day ills
Deficiency Mncu March 1 1JJ =
Not mat pieclult. itlon . . . . . . O'J Inch
1'lciMs for the * duv . . . 03 Inch
Ihillclencj slncu March 1 3 00 Inches.
* below evn > ,
ItcportH from Other I'lilnt * at S p , in.
t. S ? <
. _ _ S
Oniahn .u ; l lomljr
North rinlto us Snovr
Kenrnoy in Clouily
ClllC.lfl ) . . . . l loiiily
hi 1.0UI * . . . inow
Ht I'nul I Intiillos
Dnvcnporl . .14 L'ldUily
Knnsnn Llty .IU I louilr
Denver III I'nrtclouily
Salt I.akoilty 1 I'nrtcloudj-
llelemi ' . Cloudy
tc'nlxnry k I loll Hera
t Ml lined os u
{ bt Vincent
Cheyenne . Clouily.
Miles t Ity . L'KHHljr.
tialveslon . riotnly
below xero. $ not reported
GrouoE H. HU.ST , Ixc'.il Forecast Ofllciul.
Constipation cured oy DoWltt's fiaily
\Vortlillj Contrltintcil.
KANSAS Oin , Mo , Fell 1 At noon today
the Kansas City clearing ; house contributed
t--'lH ) to the family of A P. Iii lciuan , who
was Ulllocl last week bv the darlni ; bank lob-
bc-rs who attarkecl Mis .U'linio Plslier's
bank liiK'lc'inaii left a w ifo ami Hv o children
Hi > offered icslstnnc'o to the two claiing rob-
beia and paid for it with his life.
Kx-Serrftiirj Iliiillintt Vrr > 111.
SAI CM , Muss , l"eb 1 nx-Seirntnry of
War WHHnm C nudlcott Isury vvuak and
his I'ouditiou U c'rltical
" 1'rppcr With Vlrnt. "
San Antonio , Tex. , pio-onts * in Its
older sections a peculiar illti'itration of
how custom * bttrvlvo lout ; after their
canoes liavo coaxed. One linnilrcil and
Mi.\ty-two jeat'fl ajraor thereabontw boine
llftcen families of Canary Island Span
iards with a larger number of Tlu-calan
Indiana btarted the old city. Each race
, "I S Y !
apd thank me for calling
your atteQtion to il. "
j Sfefcsra89 ' ' .fKfH
e Works ,
C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprlotor.
Cleanin tincl
Omaha olllco , 1521 Fai'tiam St , Tolopliono Io21. Couneil IJltilTs olllco and worka
cor. Avo. A ami lititli SIT Tclophono 'HO. Send for irciiliiro and price list ,
Address a postal cavil to tlio
Council Bluffs , Iowa , In rcirard lo the CRIPPLE CURKK properties belonging to
this company. Lito advices very favoniblo.
Refer to C. R. Hannan , Cashier CHi/ons' State Bank , Council Bluffs.
111 ! V Improved residence proper ! ) furnish uhcn
tlio price In loiv onouiili U < Vlchce , ID Muln l
AllHl \d'8 nnd lo uii KaimiiMl cltr prapjrtf
buiiklit auj sol.t ' '
1'iisjr A 'lliamii , Co mall
111 u ITs
IfOH BVril.VNlll ! , C room liomc. modurn unnvoii-
Icnecs , best luaitloii In Oaiinc I Illimi ; clonr of
encumbrance ; "III oxo'laiuo for binlnM5 lionio In
sonic Miiillur ton ti In wi > tprn Iowa or c.-utorn No
lirnikii Urucnililolils Mcliulso i , V Co , Council
6(0 ACIti ; .Nelilr.iu-l nolionl Iriie for Mlo nt { 2 | ii'r
IKTO IV > liii | > rmu < l fjrm } J pur neru Johnston
& Van I'lttun
LJV711 sAI.C-A ! mnnbor ( if KOHI ! luts bclwi-im
Itronilwnr anil tlio lieu lirliltu at voi ) loir urlee-B
( irecni-lil Mil ? , MeliolKon ,1 eo
iXTH SAI.I3 ovoral pelcasof line Knnlen h > ml ixt
n barKidn tirc'c-nihlulili Moliuljon \ c o
J7O11 KMIIAMiK 'Hiiro ( .001 ! roklile-neoi In
rounell II uTs for wunte-rn land , iirccnsLlclils
McluiMon V , c D
SOMH crsli nnil cl nr lots to uxclmnitp for n Kouil
pliccuf liui.ncaiiiniic'it | | | ) II ( i Milieu , lOMnlntt
O'ltii\'T : niirre minted nt W C A. liosplinl ,
n < oriici Mntli nlrpct unit I Iftli nveniio. unmt
bnbutwoon Kl mm uO H ia of line , liujltby iilul
ofRUod ciiiirnitcr
IOSTlllnck dotkln Ijprobu A iiiini ilrlrliiK
Jlinyvun n wn nci'ii to pick It mi on corner ( if
Mxth strett inil M\tb avcnn 3 1 tinlor will plenao
rotiiru to John sclioc'iittfcn ottlic'r ut ttoru of rest
mono cnniilno wittunt br.m IllllnirJi our inriro
Iniprovi'il i > tlo li anoilil mnku him deep tluniio
atrontcbnt hlKhicrato mil c'oiui porfuctly liklu
rnvo .H per cunt nutrition * uU'monu I nil dc
crlutlToiiroiilir on iipiillnitlon VHIINPS WANT
KDInc'Vi j ounty In the I' t NiMn-is IIMIII.K
40fi 11UOADWAY.
Money I.OjiiPil on Diamonds , \Viitonut , otu ,
lliK bargains In uiiruiluoinacl i
Justice of tlio I'e.ico -
- 51 Hroadwav. Tpstulrs.
brouifht Its loi-al ciiHtoms and from tholr
combination resulted the San Antonio
customs of today. There are open air
i'0-itaurants on the PJa/a des Amies
as in tlio Canary isles , i-ltjavettes of
tohaceo and c'ornMiiuekH as nmoii the
old Mexican Indians and queer dlslion
of SpanlHli meatH and Mexican ] iuppei'H.
At the tables comely Mexican tflrln
act as waiters and h ( > rvo up "fliilo eon
carne1 "tamalcs " " "
, , and
other truly native dishes. Observe that
tlio "chile" ( popper ) in mentioned before
the "carno" ( meat ) which Is verj appropriate -
priato , Indeed , for to an AmiTlcan tante
tlieio IH much more of it. It was , indeed ,
"popper with meat , " and not "meat
with popper , " as "carno con chllu"
would mean.
lo DJ *
llio Good Samaritan. 20 Tears' Eipcrionw.
I treat iho folfoiving Diseases :
Catarrh of the Hetul , Throat , encl I.ungs ; DU.
oaacaot the Kycaml uir.ntsnicl Ajoplciy , lloiirt
Il ; a0c , l.ivci Uoinnliilnt. l.lclncy Complaint ,
Narvoua Debility , Mental Doprco-
Rlon , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness. Dlnbete .Hright s Dl'easc.St Vltua'
iXnco'itlleiiinatlsra , I'aralsMs , White Swelllngr.
Scrofula , Fever Sores , Cnncors , Tumors
and Fistula In nno removed without
the knife or drawine a drop of
blood. Woman with lur tlcllcnto orprna re
stored to health Dro [ y cured whli
Special Attention given to prlvnto
and Vonorcnl Diseases of nil klnda.
S5O to 880O forfeit for any Venereal Dla-
onso i cannot euro without moroury.
Taixj Wonns In two or three hours , or no
pay. Hemorrhoids or 1'llcs cured.
Will cave life aud hundreds of dollar * by calling
on or using
The only Ti ! } "Irian wlio can toll what nlUB
a pursonvltlniut u klii | ; a ( iiicstloii. |
AllcorresponilcncoBtrlctlyconflilentlal. MocllclQO
eoiit by oxiircao. Addrcu ah luttera to
. . , . . ,
533 BROADWAY , Council 15lulTs , la.
Si , ml for my now illseiiBo list and rcclucocl
price * foi treatment.
Beef is Cheap as Ever !
Hut pork. IniiiiH , liinl unit luu-on , whllu uay
up In ( i.arochcunui nt , .Mc cliciiilnifu initrkub
Hi , in nny other | ilioi ; > In the city Thu placu to
( 'c't jour meat H wlii'ic1 } on KC' | the hcst mid
the most foi jour mmmy Ijiiolt at thnso pilcc i
and riM'olh'ct Unit tcu > tiling Is thu bent that
SvUft tVCo slitUKhK'i
Plate HollanJ Flank Jloll . 4o
ShouUlor Oloi . Go
Hhou der Hteak . . do
ShouUlor Roast . o Oo
Oorno 1 lieof , ul.Ue an J U ml : . -lo
Corn J ( JlojHauJ Ru.npj . 6a
Illojloast ' eef . . . . . . 1O
HrlolnSte'Ur . 12)io )
JloundStealt , 3 Ibfor 26o . lUo
J'ortH-houso btealt . 18o !
All lilndsHtevM , veil , mutton & beef , lie
VHalllo st . . Ido
Veal Steak . . . . . ISi'.o
Veal Chops . 1O
Mutton Chops . . . lUKe
Mutton LugH . . . . . , . . . . lOo
Now Comes the High Pork. ,
Pork Chops . 15o
Por.tLoinB . . . . . I2to !
Votf Butfifjrroatt 12lia
Oalirornla Hams . . .UUia
tpare Klljs . . . .A. lOo
PorkTon4orlotn 20o
SiltPork .12V4o
Pork Sausage . 12io
Wholosnlo and Retail
333 BROADWAY , Council Dluffa.