-t " 7T" n mrt ; IT A T A 11 T iVT.\ AV ITI I > ITAI > V i iono COMMERCIAL AN ! ) FINANCIAL Pending Vote on the Anti-Optlon Bill Mndo Fluctuations Wild , WHEAT , CORN AND OATS CLOSED LOWER Itninnr * Tlmt the Mrimnro llnd Ilren llc- fcnted In Ilia Srimtn od n Vlo o Vote Canned n Ttinponir } Ailvnnc * Inlient. . * r fmcAno. Ill..T.in 31. Tliopcndlnft vote In tlio M-nntp on the iintl-optlon bill made trade \ery dull today , nml tlio uxpcctatlon tlmt It would puss mudo tlio market \vcak for all spectilnllvo tr.ide. The most cnnlllclltiff rumors wuro In circulation nnd vvhcnt rnn up and down , ns might the imicury In a tlicr- inoniulcr If iilungtd nlternatcly In IxdllnK watiT arid Iliu frtc tng mixture. At tlio close wheat stood at only > icdecllnu below Its value nt the corresponding tlmo of the prov lotis day Com was V.niid " ' ts 'i(1 lower. The declines in provisions amounted In pork anil ribs to 30c utnl In lard to Ific About tlio only i neonragoniont the bulls had tostnrt with today vias the reported decline of 04,000 bit In tlio amount of wheat and Hour on ocean passiRO Interior crop ndv Ices wcro homenhat conlllctlm ; A good winy loiters from Indiana and smithem Illinois rcporttd much of tlio wheat covered with a crust of Ice hud damage feared , but other advices seemed tohhow tli it such Conditions wtro coiillned to Miiall are is Die pi nd'ng ' vote on the mill-option bill was a igieat dumper on hpeculatlon as the tr.ido was Inclined to wait for the outcome \\hen the market was tlin dullest and weakest some body Marti d a i iimor that the anti-option bill had just IM en defeated by live votes They did nothtopto ullict that the senate was not In session and exerjbody m ido a iiishtobuy unit the pi he was advanced V In less than ten inlnuli's 'I ho opening was the hatiu nsves- terday. goliu to ' ( c lower , thin aflei some HlMlit Mm liiallons adxamed % c and becanin weak anildu'llnid about ' o , tub d steadyand the closing was about tin same as jestiulij In coin , opi latlons weio conllni d prlnclp illv to local loom nml piofesslonal tiadels tin ! llnctiutlons wire wllhln 'M'.c limits. May wiiHtho only fiatureln ( lid oats maiKet thai lecelved attention I Isold within 'ic ' range and closed at a lUclliu of 'M' ' 'I ho niovlslon market opened easier and lowi r Hi in ill the close of the previous sisslon I'oikopdnd nt a dei IIno of 11'ic ! , lard was 7ltc lowi r nnd ilbsOc lowir Afli rfui tber declines nf Tic In pork , Oc In lard and 7'iC In libs , there was a tempoiaiy rall > vvliteli raised May pork from $10h7' ' , tof-JO Id'iafter ' which the tund- vncy was downward Tliero wem only 1'J.OOO hops reported at the yards , but Ilio market theio W.IH sildlobo rathetheivj The market acted as If some lieavy holders weie seeking opportunities to unload It weaki licit lapldly toward the end of the session Estimated reielpts for tomorrow wheat , 235 cars ; C"rn , 'JJ&c.irs , oils , l'2b cats ; hogs , 17.000 head a 'ihe leading futures ranged as follows : lv Wheat No 2 January 72M May VU-7H July . . . Corn .No i Jnnuar ) tlH Vcbrunry H 44m MT , 41 47HG49 4b 4147M OattXo 2- Jmumrj Zl'i am February SH < J1U siu Jin ) 85 34Ji ilfinl'ork J mi niiri 19 no 10 (0 I'lSO 10 s > < < May ' . ' 0 O.)1 ) 1.1 75 U 65 20 I7K I.nrd Janunry II 7S 11 75 11 65 n no 11 77' < MMJ- . n ; o 11 70 II U ) II U ) Ehortltlhii lobrunr ) 10 40 10 12W 10 13 10 45 Miiy ID 4'M , 10 4J 10 IV * 10 : ii 10 < 7 > < , C.isli iiuotatlons weio as follows : I I'loi'liDull and n tillle easier Wlli VT No 2 f-prlns , 72'iC , > o. 3 spring , 01CIRV ; No 2 red. 7J'.c. Cons No. 2 , 44c. , No. 3 cash , 44c ; No. 2 yellow , 44c. ; No .liellow. 40Jc. OATS-NO. 2 , 31' TcJnjc ; No. 2 white. 32 © 04cNo ; 3 white , 32G34C. H\K No. 2 , 62c. llAHM'i-No. 2 , C4c ; No. 3 , f , o. b , 46GC2c ; No. 4 , 37 l51c. I'LAXPl Hi-No M1.15W&1.10. TIMOTHYSHH > Prime , $4.10. 1'OIIK Mess , per hbl , $18 37'J18 60 ; lard , per 100 Ibs , ill.OO ; shoit ilbs sides ( loose ) , * 10.20ai030 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . 89 87'/10 00 ; shoit clear sides ( boxed ) , $10.00 01000. WIIIBKVDistillers' finished goods , per gal. , 11.17. SudUts UnchaiiRed ; cut lonf , O'/iGOJac ; granulated , 6'Bc ' ; standard "A , " Oc. Thn follow 1m ; wcru the receipts and ship ments for today : > vvork . Inrkets. NEW YoilK , .Tan. 31. riotlllKecelpts , 28- OOJ pU s ; exports , 2,310 bbls , 17,904 sacks ; bales , 0,200 pkgs j maiket dull. COIIN Mi AI < Meady , moio active ; yellow vest urn. ? J.7D280. IlAiiii.v I'lrni. Jl\lti.r.\ VI.T Dull ; western , G6G86C. \nnAr Hecelpts. 37,200 liu ; e\iort-i ) , 111- B21 liu. i saks , 110,000 bu. futuies , no hpot. r-pot inarKct dull , loner , with options closlns steady. No 2 red In store nnd elevator , 79 < a79Je : alloat , fiOW(280'c ( ' ; f. o. b I , 7's ! ) < 38'fc ( ) ; No 1 northein , 84 (2H4) ( ej No. 1 hard , 7P'lOe ( ) : No. a riorthcin , UOQ8JUC ; No. 2 spring , 80J4G.801 Jc. Options wcro modcr.itclj active and Irregular ns Inlluenced by anti-options u ports. 'Jliu openliiK was weak ut a ckcllno of 'tc on easier cables , weak vvestundloc.il realMn , : , ndvanc IliK 'icon reports of had weather In the north \vcst , declined Von easier cables , rallied'e on eovprlnj ; , closed weak at 'H&V unde'rjes- trade ; No. 2 rid , rehrnary , 78'fiil7Hi4c ( , elos- ItiK at 78" c ; .May. B1 8I 0-ltic , closing at 81 = 1,0 ; Jnly,82a8JSe. closInK nt B2jfc. CoitN-Uicelptft , 2 < ) , ( i)0 ( ) bu. ; eorts. | . 101- 8821m : stiles. 780.000 bu. futuies , 01,000 bu. Riiot. Spots easlei , less iictlvn. closing Ilrm ; No. S , D4\ii.ODc ( In elovatoifj5llrtoric ( allo.it. Options weie falily active , \ < & 'ic lower on boner Kraillin : anil Increasid movement , clos ing lliineri 1 ebruury , 54 > tQ04jc ; , closing at 64/c } : Mareli&l'4it&4celosliiiiit&3 ( > iii Aluy. 63 U-1W2&.1 in.lCc , closini ; nt 03\c. OATS KecPlpts. , 91.300 bu. ; exports. 122 bu ; miliH , 4D.IUH ) bu. futures 00,000 bu , spot . ' -pots dull ; wbllo lower , closing v\eak Options dull , ' .O'fc lower , closini ; Rteudy ; Tebruary , 3H'iJJ8 ( > ie' . closlnp ; ut 3b'c ; Sluy. \3 ! ' , e' ; No.2vOilte.41i/ll'c ( ; No 2 Clil- k-o. .TJ'ftfi ' No. 3.37'c ; No a white , 30'J GJU'iC ! ml\ed vv'ebte'ni , 37 < 230'5c ; 'wblto we-item. 3'Mt.Hic. llAV Dull , Meady ; Hlilpplnt , ' , 05c ; Rood to Choice , 7r > < & ,00o. Horn Quiet , firm ; state , common to choice , smsoc ; fiiclllo coast , 21ffi'J4c lliiiH-I'alr demund , stendv , wet suited Now Orleans selected. 10 to til ) Ib4J ® Cc ; Texas selerled , 00 to ( > ( ) Ibs , 0 7c. \Vooi. ( .nod demand , firm ; domestic llecce , 27 32c : pulled , 'JlMi37c ; TKXIIS , IHUUlc. C't'T MKVIHI'lrm ; mlddliH , dull , e.isy ; lard dull ; western steam closed at $1200 ; sales , 1M ! ) tierces ; Junu.iry. $11.05 , March , ill..HI May , $11 00 ; pork , quiet , btendy ; old mess 110 QOU'JO.&l ) . IHiT-rni Dull , weak , unsettled ; western dairy , 2K$24e ( ; western cieumery , 23B3Uci western fuetoiy , IHiiiJJc ; Klijln , 'Ju'i3Utf. CtiLLbE I'lim , fulr demund ; part skims 10'ic. ' Kiids-Qulot , firm ; receipts , 2,000 pkps. western fresji , 34c. llioi. rirm , nctlvo : domestic , fair to extra B'tQO'jCj Jiipiin. 4 > iffi4'ic. buiiAtt Itaw , llrin , iiilet | ; sales. 0,000 bags ; rotlned , qulut , steudy ; fall rellnlm,3 1-lbc centrifugals , 00 tistUe ; rcllned , steady nni fnlily active ; otT A , 4 tc ; mold A , 4 0-1U ( tO'iCistandurdA , t U-10 < ft.4t cconfectioners ; A , 4 0-lt > & 4 c ; cut loaf , 0 B-lt itfi-K. ' ; crushed 6 O-ldaO'ie ; pownereil , 4 0-ll/ilO'tc : granu lated , 4 U-lWtOcj cubes , 4 16-l.Ur > ' , c. I'm IitoN. ( juiot , stead } ; Amerlcun , 11270 015.6(1 ( , Oji-i'tn-Quiet ; lake , Jll.OO. I.KAIIDull , Ilrm : domestic. f3 00. TIN Quiet , steady btrulls. $ J0.10 , Wool .Market. I'IIII DEI VIIIA. I'll. , Jan. 31.-\Vool steady lirtccH llrin with upward ttmlencv ; Ohio I'ennsylvunlii and West VhKlnla XX anil ubove , 2l > i 33c ; medium , : i3c : ruarse , 3j'334c ' Michigan and Indian und \\esiern linn \ \ nml above , 'JO CJCc ; medium , 3J < Tr34c coiu-sc , 3J < a33i c ; line washed \X. 324(3Jc ( vviibhid comblni ; nml delulned , 30i(37c ( ; coarse comblnK and dehilmd , 34 ? 3H ( * ; ( 'anadi wished comblm : . 314i33c ; the wuibed choice 3WiS3Hc ; fair 30. < 630ccourse. ; 33Tc34c ( , meillun unwashed combliiK and delaine. 20U27c ronron iiiivvushed combing nnd delaine , 2f > < 27c ; Montaim , 10G2J'tc ; terrltorlis , r.lit'Jlo. IlosiON , Mass. , Jan. 31- The demand fo wool lius been | ! oed und maiuifaetiuerb are. uurlni ; freely , Ohio Ilieiesnrei very Ilrm n lihO'JOc fet \ and 20ft3Uc for AX ami 334i for No , 1 .Mleliljiiin X lleece ; sales nro mostly at 27c peril ) 1 Inii deliilmt t-electlons Ilrm u 32it33c for Ohio und 'J' WDc for Michigan No. 1 I'omblnit uoolN steady ut 34C3Cc : uu waihcil combliiKH ut26n27c perlb. Territory wools are Heady on the basis of O&ftShc clean lor flue , SOttS-lo for Uuo mediums , 47QSOC fo nrdliitn Tnxns , California nml Oregon wools ire In fair demand nnd steady fulled wools ell at JW130 ( ' for superior Australians are Inn nnd active1 I orelgn carpet wools nro ery ntunily. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Outturn I'roilnrn Market. The maiket vvaniiilet | anil did not present any essentlall > new features. Al'i'l.iw Htoeksuru hold tit I3.&OQIOO for * nlr to i holce RtiK'k. lUxtvin-Quotednt t2.00S2 60 per bunch. llr VNS- ( holt u iiav y , J2.0O1J2.25 , llfrrm 1 he market was steady nt 10 2Jc. Ct 1 1 itv Per do ? . , 40c. ( 'M.troiiNi \ CMIIIAIII Owlns to the high irlcesnt which e ibbagu Is being held In south ern I'.illfornla thu arrivals hero are light , Diumhead , 2i { > t'liAMii iiiittH Hell nnd cherry , Sfl.OOj bell mil tiuiln { , $10 00 ; Jersey I'npe. Cod , 19.00. K < iH-Thero was n weaker feeling notlccablo nnd Ihe general markut was 20c. ( lAMh Miiiill rabbits. 75c ; Jacus , JI.50. II IV The tecelpts hnvo kept up o largo hat the expicted reaction In the market haslet lot materlalt/ed , 'I ho supply Is largo and iirlci s lemaln at previous iiuotatlons- that Is )0 ) O0710.60. lliiiM-No. 1 sailed , 4 ' < c ; No a , 3Ci ! Hint I IONP.Y- Choice to fancy white clover , 1855 JOi'l fall to good , KyfilHc. MAIAIIA irilAl'Is-Hleady , $8 60IJ9 ( X ) . Nins-l.tirgoTilckory , Jl.oO ; blucU walnuts , $1.00341 25 IihvioNM- Choice to fancy , $ T 76314 25 OVSTI Its ' 1 heio Is no ehniiKo 111 the ojster Itiiatlon at It iltlmore , excepting that Ilia wcuthei has been milder , and Ills prt dieted tliatshoulil II conllmie nnother week the hat- 101 will admit of ho its arriving and leaving I'rlces lemaln about steady hero at 202$42c per can. OMON < < Home grown , * 1 00 per bushel ; ' i Dei oi lite. ! 1 90S2 00. 'OltVNiiM The market Is nbout steady. M/es 17 ( ) ( o'J-'li ate qiiote'd at tJ 70 for ins- tettsiiminoo foi hrfchls. M/es 200 to 320 are quoted at < 2 70 for brlghts and ? J 00 for iiisM'tts. rmML-iliie-4 , put up In half boxes , I'm I.TIIV. The murki t was unchanged < holct-j oung chickens would prob ihly hi Ing Oc , hut slock of that kind Is very scarce 'I ho mi.it bulk of the nnlv.ils Is made up of latgo fouls , man } of them iinitCli , and Inu lop on these Is He , Hoosters sell wtlll lower. Pho ti nil'does not want largo fowls , but cither thickens 01 smull fat fowls 'I in keys arc. about stead } at lcj gei se mil ducks bjilOc I'OTViom Only small lots moving from \\cstcrii.Nchrask.i stock Is igiioted lit HOc , I tub and Coloiudo , OOcB.il UO ; choleo n illve 7Oft HOC. ! > \viit I'orVTOis-There urn i few In the market wlili h atesellliuat f 4 00 \ ( VI.holet ( ) and fill ve.il calves. 80c ; laige and thin , .lUOe 'I ho arrivals of choice ate not I irjji- but there uiu too many thin c.ilvis The latter uro sloiv s.ilu .it the low liiotiitloiisglven iif iNis nun rs. II " Itiu Inn.in , an Omuli.i grocer , li'is failed O 1) Hut Ion , books and st.itlonei } at Hast ings b IN r illnl \\llllam Kcartlll druggist at Columbus , bus ii ) en sin n i ded bj I , VatiMiolk I'mki r& Travis have succeeded to the res- taui nit business of J I' K'e.uney at I'llley. ( limits Cameron , dealer In boots shoes , clothing , etc , Hasting , h.is been closed undei an cxicntlon. . ) II Mmonton his sold his Interest In the Him of Miinmtim \ . 1'ord , piopilotors of n gen- ei.il store at lice. Mi Itappof the firm of Jamrog > V Hnpp , Imrdwuii ! and Mgrlciilturul tmplume'iits ut Abhton , has sold his Intciest. St , I.iiuN MiirkoH. KT T.ouis Mo , Jan. 31. 1'iouit Btcady. Wiifr ' 8Ftic ( bet ler than yesterday j c-iisli , CHc ; March , l)0'c ' ; Mny , 7378'oc. CoitN 3jc under vesterd.iy ; cash , SD'jc ; May , 13"c ; , Iul > , -ll'sc. Otis-Dull and lower ; cush , 30'Jc bid ; May , 34 TgC. l v i No snles. It viit \-Qulet i ; Mlnnetota sold at C2c. UllTTl u l.owei , cieame-ri , 2J(228i ( ; ; dairy , Pooh IIlRhct at 20c I'DHK-Qiikt , J10JO for old : laid lower nt UtCl'll-T-J-riour , C.POO bbls ; vheat , 41,000 bu ; i oin , 120,000 bu ; oats , 18,000 bu ; rju , none ; buluy , none. i-iui'vii MH I lour , 10,000 bbls ; wheat , 42- 000 lii- ( oi n , 2J o)0 ) bu ; oats , 10,000 bu ; ije , 14,000 bu , barley , none. in Clt7 larUcts. . Mo. .Ian 31 WIIF\T Very weak " , No 2haid , OO'iiiibO u , No 2 red , 70M "DKjC. CoilN U57 ijc lower ; No 2mlxed,35 > S < 33'i1lc. Ovrs--ieady , .No 2 ml\ed , 2D3JO'suj No. 2 white , 31(3.l'e. ( ! \\eikut03Ojlc. . HtiTTi it l/lglit dnmund and dull ; creamery , 2ViJ20e ! ; d ilry , 1710c. Kims 1 Inn 'it 23c. Iticuiialuat , 40,000 bu ; corn , 10,000 bu. ; oils , none. biili-vii N is Wheat , 17,000 bu ; corn , 17,000 bit , , o its , none. 1'lvurpool Markets. Tiirutrooi , , .Inn. -WIIB\T Haslor ; dc-- mand poor : holders oiler moderately ; western sjiIng ) , bs.ldftit > s4d per cental ; No 2 red , vvln- ti-i.Ot indfifOs lid. Itecelptswhentpast tlueo dujs J.10,000 centals , Including 324,000 Amur- lean. COIIN I'lrm : demand fair ; mixed western. 4s 8'3d percental for old. Hecclpts American coin past three ( lajs 1)4,100 centals. H vi ONLong and shoi t cleai , 00 Ibs , 02b Gd pet cvv t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C'olleol irUct. Nrw VortK. .Ian 31. Options opened stcstdy , ncliangid to 10 uolnts up ; closed barely stc.idy , 10 points up ; s lies , 30,000 bags , Including lebiuary , 117 2517.30 ; March , * 17.iKT ( ) 17 10 : April , $1G701080 ; May , JIG 0010.70 : July , $10.40 ; August , J10 4fi Septumbor , f Hi lOitK ! 40 ; Ootobor , $10.40 : November , jli ( 10 ; December , J10 3010 30. SpotKlo , linn , uulet ; No 7. $17 87 ® 1H 00. Oil .Market. NK YOUK , Jan. 31. TAUOW Qulut , Ilrm. COTTON Si-in Oircarco , firmer ; crude , 3C'cbld ; jellott.COQO''c. I'll not HiM-Qulet , steady ; united closed 041ic fet Mnic'li. I'osiN ' Diill , ilrm , strainedcommon to good , ' ' . - , easy nt 33U < 533'4c. apollsVlicnt Market. Misspvi'ons , .Minn. Jan. 31. The market dr.igged nil session without Interest. I'.ilr dc- in ind foi cash with maiket little easier. No. Inoithcin sold at 08c ; No.2 northern , COc. Hecelpts , 202 c irs. Close : January , O7' c ; Maj. 7l' ' c ; July. T2'e. On track : No. 1 hud , OlHje ; No. 1 northern , C8c ; No. 2 noitliein , 00GOc. Oliidnnutl Market * . CisctNVVTI , O , Jan. 31. WIIE\T Dull ; No. 2 led , 71c. Coil's- Active ; market stronger ; No. 2 mixed , 42B12'C. ( ' O\rs ' Active ; market strong ; No. 2 mixed , \ \ lliskQulot nt $1.17. Alllwiinkeo ( iralii .Murker. Mn.wUKEK , Wls . Jan 31. WHE\T Steady ; Maj,7OcNo. ; 2snring , OGc. COIIN.Quiet ; N'o 3 , 4Ue. } ( ) Ari > hteady ; No. 2 white , 35c ; No. 3 white , ' . U\K-01c. llAlll.tV C4C. Cotton .Market. NEW Oiiiiiitx , I.n . Jan. 31. Easy ; mid dling , 9'4e ; low middling , 8'ac ; good ordi nal } , 8V ; net receipts , 12,149 biles ; gross re-ci Ipts , 12,290 bales ; exports to ( .real llrlt.iln , .1,200 bales , exports to Prance , 0,783 biles ; to the continent , 8,911 bales ; sales , 3,700 bales , stock , 310004 bales. Iliiltliniirn ( .rain Market. llu.Tlvioiir , Md. , Jan. 31. Wiu.tT Kasy ; No 2 red spot , Jiiini iry and 1'ebruary , 70'4c COIIN l.usler , mixed spot and January , 521 ! ! ' . O\T > Inuetlve , No. 2 white western , 41c. Toledo ( ir.iln Market. Toitno O.Jan 31 WIIKAT Active ; niar- kel steadv . No 2 , cash,71'ic CoitN Dull ; maiket steady ; No 2 ca h , 44c. Ovib Quiet , cash. 30c. 1 lilillli lll : Nntea. KVNrttsCiTV , Mo , Jan 31 Clearings , II- 90.1,209 I'vnis , Jan 31. Thrco per cent rentes 97f 30c foi the account. Nbw VOIIK , Jan. 31. Clearings , 1173,098- 5J5 ; balances , J8.1U.090. 11 u.mioiiK. Md , Jan. 31 Clearings , $2,778- 090 ; balances , $473,200. Hate , 0 pet cent , rmi.un i VIIM , 1'a , Jan 31 ( Clearings , (14,485,011 ; balances , JJ.082,480. Money , 4H percent. LONDON , Jan. 31 , Amount of bullion with drawn from the Hank of England on balances today , 160,000. STll.otm , Mo , i. Inn. 31. Clearings , 11,634- 40J ; oalanees , $438,411 ; money quiet , Of67 per cent ; exchange on New York , 20u premium. HOSTON , Mass , Jan. 31. Clearings , 118,707- 889 ; balances , $1,188,310. Hate for money , 'J < ft2'j per rent. Kxchango on Now York , 8 ® 12' , u discount. Ni.w Yoilk. Jan. 31. [ Special Telegram to Tin : lk.K.1 Kxclmnge was quoted as follows : Chicago. 25c discount ; Hostou , 812'iO dis count ; M. Louis , 12o discount. CllicuiO , III. , Jan. 31.- Clearings , $10,124- 573. New York exchange , 20u discount. Pturllng uxchiinge , weak ; slxtv-day blllH , M.Huj du- iniinil , t I.H7' | . Money easy , ut 0 per cent , STOCKS AND IIONDS , heciirtltrVora C'oinparatlvrly Dull Yciter * ilaj but I'lrm ( Icncrully , Nt.w YOIIK , Jim 31.Tlio stock market was comparatively dull today , Irelng still under reotrlctlvo Intluenco both of the great drop In Distillers ) und uncertainties concerning the movement of cold , There was , however , a firm temper developed , reMtltliiK In Hciternlly lilither level of vnlui" ) The general rnllrimd 111 will rillel | Apparently linldu inpinirl was vvllli'lrnvTti ( rotn ul.lllli'M iiml tinclose. Miowi'd u lot-tof tiprcent \ } for thodiiy. Tlio Meek ninrket wim comparatively dull today , lioliiK Mill under tint nyitrletlvo In- Ilueiii r of liothtlie immt drop In DMIIlursnnd Iliu iiiicerliilntleo concerning tlio movement of ( fold Theru vvim , howi-vcr , u linn temper developed wlilch Iniled throtiuliout tlio liny , reiiiltlnc In u Kenerully lilzher level of v nines. The following urotlii ) cmilii.t ( | iiotiilloii of tint leadliiit stock * on tlm Now York Stock ex change today : Atchlaon 81)1 Northern r cinc " AdAina Kxpreos . . . . 167" do preferred Alton , T II 31 M. P Den AOult. . . do preferred. . 169 .Northnentorn American KxpreM till iln preferred m > t llaltlffioro.V Ohio . mi N , V Central , . , . , . 110' ' < Canada Pacific . . . . 87 N. Y A H. K 45 $ ( anitda Southern. Ontario A Western. Ontrnl I'ftclHc . . . Oregon Imp IHM Clioi ,1 Ohio . - . . , OrcVoi Nnv M Chicago Alton . 141 Ore S li A U. N . . . SI U r. n * Q lOltii Pnclflo Mnll CIllCAZO tin * . , , . ! W < | Pcorlit , Dec A K. ContolldatedUiB , . iai > > ( I'lttiburK 157 0 ( . ' C. A M I , 674 Pullman Palace IW ( ollimoil fort. . . . 4fl llunlltm Del Iluilion ! * ' Illchmond terminal 10 I ) . I. A W . . . 15f. ( do preferred . . . . 35 t ) A U U pM . . 6i' | Itlo urnnde . I ) A r. K to . . 3'Jli ' doproforroJ 01 l'a > t lenu . . 4iillock ( Inland . . . . BUM Krlo sswNt IJ..VH v. ut pfd .5 do profcrreil , 81 St Paul Kort Wixriio . . . 145 dopruforred ( It Northern pfd St I'nul A Omaha ( ' . A. K I pfd do preferred. IloeklntfVnlloy. . . Jouthorn PnclUc AWj Illinois Centrnl . . Itlllnery . . I2W SI Paul t Dulutli 47 lenn Coal < fe Irjn b'i-H Klin A. TCI pM loxna Pnclflc l'4 ' I.ako KrlH AVctt I ol .V O Cent f fd 70 doprnfc'rroJ . . . Union Pacific < U' ( take chore U H Kiproi , ! 70 liunil truit W St li V P II'S 1 uuli AMmh do preferred 2I ? { I.oiiln A New Alb f 2) .VVells I'nr o Kxp in Mailunttan ton IIS'J ' Western Union . M $ Memphis t C 6J Wlnellne A I. 15 SO Mlchunn Central lei ) do prefered . l-l'a ' .MlMOiirl 1'iiclllr M'j ; Minn t St I. . . . . li > K IIobllo.l Ohio . . Jl I ) A II O U > NntlivllloClintt . 83 ( lenernl I'lcctrln. 110V { .Nntlonnl Cordaita 14QU Nntlonal I.lnae'ed l i do preferred 11 Hi C I ue-l.V Iron . II N J Central " " do pro erred . . 105 Norfolk A W pfd llous A Tot Cen * C'f North American lo 105J The tot.il s lies of stocks today WLro 320,01)0 ) ' .Iiarcs , Inclmllni ; . AtcliUon , ti.100 , Iliirlliii- ton , 3.000 , ChliMKO ( .us , KI/lIK ) ; Consoll- dated das , 4,000 ; DNtllllliK , 7'J.dOO ; Txiulstlio > V Nashville , 1'JOO ; Matiliiittuli.li.TOO ; N.itlonul I.eid , ( i r 00 , Xew KliRlAlid , 4.t , ( ) ( ) ; Uu.idllii ! , 35bOU : Itli-liniond 'I'ertnlnnl , 3,000 : bt. I'.iul , Ui.4H ( ) , btienr. 4D.10U ; St Paul & UmMia , li.ooo ; 1 nlort I'.icllle , a.100ustciu ; Union , 4,300. _ _ _ _ 1L1 _ NCH lrl Money Market. NrVOHK , Jon 31 Most v ON C ir. 1'isy at H'J pci cunt , last loan , l' pui Cent ; elosi il olTen < 1 nl 2 jer rent 1'ltiMf MhlK'VNTliih l'\l'J u 4l-t'JCi ' ! percent. ' riiuiMi I\CIUNOI. ; Dull and ( .isli'i , vvlth actual salus In ImnKois' bills at $4 85 fet sixty days anil i4 Sfi'i for dt'inand CJoMiliNMKST HONDS Dull and steady , btato bonds dull and steady. Tim closing quotations on bonds * \1 \ 4s re .Norincrii I'ac MiU t' S 4 coup , , .N W lonsol * V S IK > riv 100 do debcn 6s I'nclllces of ' 95 105 S I * A I M Gen 53 IxiuUlannat ped 4a 105U7 - I. A s r { , , .n M 'lenn net * scti s 101 St Paul Console . m Tonn Tow set is 101 it P C A P l ts 117 'lenn nuir > rt I * , 7 % I r P I. (1 Ir.IlUs lanidaSo liula lOJ'i ' P IIt ( I 'lr Itcti Ccit I'nclilcIMB 101's ' Union Pnclllclsts U A It (1 Ints 113 West bhore 1(12 ( I ) A It (1 ( 4 . . . . 87 K H. ( J W lita 77 Krlo Snds Ateli 4s 7782U M K AT Ocn Cs Atcli 'J-t ! class A MM 11 K AT ( Jen 6s . (1 U A t A , C > , Ul Mutual Union ( it . do d 5n .S.3 C. Int Cert II A. r. C 6s . . . . Northern I'ac lutx II AT C Con f Huston stock ( jimtiitlims. novrOs.Mass , Tan 31 Call loans , 2'tSJTS ' ; time piper , 4QO The following sue the eloi- IliKsto'U qunt itlons. Atchtton X 1 ll'j Lntilpi . . . llostim fi Alliuny 214 Huron . H Huston.V. Milue . I7J Osceoli . 353 r.n * y . 102 Qulncy In Knstern u His HUH , MintafcoCoppur . . Infi fcltcliuiiri ; ! ! II . . . Tamarack . . . IKi Hint A. 1' M pfil Annlston Lnnd Co IKiK 1 , 11. AH 7s . . . lloslnn l.nnd Co . Mim * Central . West 1C ml I.unit Co. Vtcx Cell eom . Doll Telephone N 1 A N Tuiilnml l.iinnon ytore tf . Old Colonr . Water Power . HllllllllllCOIll C M Itutlaml pfil N K T , < i 1 10 Allouo7 VI C ( nctv ) II AM ! C KliW llontoii .V Vlniit . den Lle-c HIM L'nluuiot .V ll-'cl.i , . 3J bid. nn rrnnrlsco Mining Storks. PANTIIANCISCO , e/'al , .Ian. 31. The ofhYIal closhiK nuotatloiif foi mining stocks today \\ero asfollorts : Alta . ID Vloxlciin idU liulwer . IS Mono 15 llolclicr . 10 Ophlr 175 Host A Ilclchor . MJ Potosl UO lloille Cunaollilat IS fiavaita 115 Cliollnr 4J Slorriv Nevada . . . l. o Con. Lai Aa . . 215 Union Con 95 ( rown 1'olnt 70 ll.nli 15 I Jo uld A Curry . 80 Vullow Jacket 15 lialo A Norcrom . 75 Commonwcalili 6 > "cn York MlnliiK Oiiotatlons. Nrw YORK , Jan. 31. The follouliu are tlio closing mining iiuotatlons : Crown I'olat U ) I'lymouth 60 Con. Cal and t'a . . . 225 Sierra Nevada II" . Dcadtrood 130 Standard 140 Gould and Curry . . . 75 Union Con tu Halo and r orcross. 75 lellow Jacket t HomcBtake 1150 Iron Silver 45 Mexican , . . 1..0 Quick tllvor 350 Ontario .1H75 do preferred . . . . .1725 Ophlr. 180 liulwer 10 MVK ST001C MAltltUTS. Cattle In Heavy Snpplj und leather Slovr Sale Hues 1 Inctnntn Considerably. OMIIA , J.m 31. ] Je colpts of both cattle and hheep vvero qulto liberal , but the supply of ho s was unusually llKlit. The two dajs' ro- celptbcompaictl with Jlonday nnd Tuesday's supply last week show an Increase of about 2.00 cattle and a decrease of 3,000 hogs. Ue- celpts of sheep show no particular cliansc. The inonth'biecelptsbhow u big Increase In c.ittlo and sheep compared with last month andonojcar ago , while thcro has l > ecn a big fulling off In hog supplies. The olllclal figiucs aie as follows : C'attlo. lloss. Sheep Hecolpts for January. 87014 120,175 17,014 * Kecelptsfoi Deeember 00,804 134,031 13,540 Keoolpts for .lun. 1HOJ . CB 13B 201,007 11,774 The fresh receipts of cattle worn the heav iest slnco October 20 , 1892. There were 221 cars leeelved , of which about two-fifths would come under the he.id of beef Hteeis , the remainder being laigoly cows and feedeis. Eastern advices weio ImlllTerent when not positively bearish , nnd ullliougli them was a fair shipping and speculative de mand , local houses were all moio or less apa thetic and prices niled unevenly lower on evciythlm : . ( Jtrerliigslncliidedsover.il bunches of good heavy cut tin and on thoii the deellnu was not so nun lied , 1,200 to 1,450-lb. Kteots M'lllnjc at from $4.40 to $0.10. The general run of fair to KOOI ! 1,00J to l,20J-lb. stems Mild very slowly and loc to 23u lower than Monday at from JJ bOtoM.lO. vvhllo the undei grades weie well nigh unsaleable. Taken all In all It was about as mean and dragging u market as has been ex perienced hero In nearly two months Up to the noon hour scarcely a fourth of tlio beef cattle had changed hands , and , although theio was more of a disposition to lot go after dinner , there was nolmnrovoment In prlcis and no approach to activity In tlio tiade. The close found u good many cattle still In llrst hands In butchers' stock and canners the situation was oven worse There wore close on to 100 car loads of cows and mixed stuff here , and with no vrry urgcntdonrind from any p irtle- ulnrwjurcu. buversh idoveiythlnx their onn way On the best .ind worst giades prices ruled fiom lOc to 20c loner than Monday , vvhllo on the medium and common stuir , w hich made up the hulk of tlio supply , the decline was anywheiu from IDcloDUr. 1'oor tncholcu cows and helferssold at from $1 &Oto$30O Ilio bulk of the f.ilr to pretty good stun at fiom W.U5 to J2 80. There was n fair outsldo de mand , but prices ruled very uneven and gen erally lower , stik'H being at from $ J.20 to } 3 70 Veal cahes were In active demand and steady at fiom $4.00 to to 00 , whllu common large ealves weio slow and easy at fiom tJ.20 to $4 20 , \ \ Ith continued liberal supplies of stock anil feeding cattle prices sullen d n Htlll further decline today. Yard speculators hav Ing a big supply on hand weiti Indltlerent l > ujuiHIH ] with no country demand to sustain the m irket , trade ruled very dull with prices about 20c lower than the close of last wee c. JCepresen- tatlvo sales : miEssi.nnrtr. No. Av. I'r. No.2J Av. I'r. 22 004 f2 75 2J 070 13 75 1 720 n IK ) 0 1084 3 80 , 1040 3 25 1 1070 3 HO ,1B 8HO 3 30 0 048 3 85 B .1128 3 40 77 .1141 3 85 3 U'J3 U 40 1112 H 85 1 UOO 3 00 1142 3 85 13 1024 3 00 1C 1128 3 0(1 ( 8 055 3 00 20 1003 3 OO 037 3 00 45 . 780 4 00 0 1151 3 C5 3 1240 4 00 10. 1040 3 05 21. .1054 4 05 43 , 1048 3 70 7H 12JI 4 10 1'4. . 0 0 3 75 H .1152 4 10 0 , .1004 3 75 25 .1152 4 15 13 .1010 3 75 40 .1300 4 55 E1I11TIM1 AM ) KXl'OIIT. 12 . . .1013 3 CO .37 .123(1 ( 4 GO 80 1382 3 75 10 12H8 4 00 1 1000 4 OO 10 140J 4 75 100. . , 1284 4 10 Ml .1388 4 75 42 . .12411 4 40 1443 5 15 18. . . .1247 4 46 cons , il. . . BIO 1 00 17 805 2 CO 1. B40 1 CO BU 000 2 00 1. 700 1 05 0 870 2 50 1 1000 1 76 1 1130 a oo 2 fi25 170 IB OHO 2 f 0 IIJ5 1 H5 ( J H03 2 60 23 800 1 0(1 ( 10 H04 2 00 0 HIO 1 00 H' I HOI ) 2 00 1 030 2 00 'i ' 1 . 10SO A 00 1 040 2 ( K ) ' 1 , , 1010 2 60 1 Odd 2 OH . 1 1270 2 00 1H 040 2 00 ' * l 1020 2 00 1U H37 1038 2 f > 0 U 702 . . . . HI4 2 00 1 1.70 8(15 ( 2 00 1 840 . . . . 070 2 00 4 . H72 . . .IDliO 2 00 3 . 71(1 ( 2 15 ii 11 in . . . . H40 2 05 10 . , 801 . . . 003 2 05 4 . . 815 . . . lOdO 2 05 ! l . . 870 . . . . 800 2 70 13n H7.1 . . . 1000 2 70 n .1(1' ) . ! . . . . o.n 2 70 JO 784 . . . 005 2 70 . 748 2 75 ' ' ' 107S . . . . on 2 75 100(1 ( . .1072 2 76 1 OKI . . 010 2 75 1 1000 . . H70 2 75 1 OOO . 1003 2 80 12 770 .1008 2 85 1 1120 . . .linn 2 85 18 . 880 . . 820 2 85 JO . 830 . 01(1 ( 2 85 1it 10JO .1038 2 81 it 118(1 ( .1070 2 85 3 00.1 043 2 80 39 . 824 . . 1047 2 85 IHHi 031 10HH 2 00 Hi . 872 . . . .101'J 2 00 10 H')8 ) 1000 2 ' )0 ) JO . OtO 1)41 ) 2 00 10 H7Q . 121.0 2 00 IH lO.'H 1210 .1 1)0 ) 3 H-lli 1200 a oo 21 020 H51 a oo in ir 1080 a oo 8H- > 1070 3 1O 17 H07 1018 a 10 12 H0ri . 010 3 15 10 . O'JJ 1000 3 20 3 800 J 35 3 107.1 3 21 > 7 851 2 31 1 I 100 3 2.1 13 8'H 2 40 1 1100 3 21 1t HI10 2 40 20 1120 a 2.1 t ) 0.10 2 40 21 1073 a 20 in 1000 2 40 41 1 I'll 3 30 10 001 2 10 H 1012 3 40 12 OfU 2 15 1 ,1275 a oo 00 U1J 2 40 1 . 1200 3 50 111 til Its. 10 329 1 70 27 , . . . bOJ 3 30 0 OJl 3 25 OAI.VJ * . .100 . ICO 5 25 111 lee 5 60 0 . .100 2 til 1.10 6 00 11 302 a 70 170 5 00 , 270 3 lit ) 140 5 00 1 70 3 00 . 100 0 6O , 200 3 00 . 00 6 50 120 3 00 120 5 7.1 200 4 21 140 5 75 . 100 4 00 110 0 OO . 00 0 00 100 0 01) ) 1 . ' 10 0 00 110 ( > 25 3 . 100 0 20 170 0 60 11UI I.S. 1 1210 2 00 1 1100 1 1210 2 30 1 1700 2 80 1 IfiOO 2 35 1 1 100 2 00 1II 12'10 2 35 l')21 ) 1 (10 III. 1210 2 10 1400 1 00 I. U.-j ( ) 2 40 1400 J 00 03 1400 2 .10 1280 i no 17')0 ) 2 00 640 i 10 1 . 1400 2 00 1520 i 15 1 I a 10 2 dO 1530 1 20 II 10 2 05 1010 1 35 1 1380 - . ' 70 1300 3 35 1 12411 2 7.1 1300 3 50 1 12 JO 2 70 1312 3 75 1400 2 75 si in . 1 1170 2 25 12 . . 1600 2 75 1 1J20 2 25 STOCItl IIS VM > FFUlHia. 1 700 2 10 1010 2 00 1 100 2 60 045 2 05 1 080 2 00 . 740 3 00 4 02J 2 50 720 .1 00 IH 001 2 00 525 3 00 7 741 2 71 65 728 3 01 1 310 2 75 - 1 OOO 3 10 1U 710 2 75 7 821 3 20 1r 482 2 75 7 007 3 21 r > IH2 2 85 4 7'IO 3 21 3 413 2 81 2 7')0 ) .1 31 7 701 2 85 30 041 3 10 lions The stipnlyt MIIS considerably under dealers' expectation'and ' as eastern m uUets were higher , there \n < ; n rush of bnycisto (111 ( urgent orders and prlttb i uled a big lc ( ) higher than Monday at the start , ( tooil he ivy and buti her \ve hcht hogs sold at * 7 OlXftB 00 , w Ith a few scattering siles nf choice ho-ts up to ? 8 12'4. ' I'alr to good llcht ami mixed stiilf sold mostly at $7.85 nnd $7 00 Aftei the Hist round or two the buyers' ardor cooled donn somewh.it and the break In hogs and provi sions at Chicago caused the rally advance to completely disappear. The Into market was verj me-iii , with prle 's.TOi : to lOc lower than the opening , fair to pretty ( jooil hogs selling at fiom $7.80 to $7.00,1vvhlfoJtheio were neatly 1,000 hogs loft unsold In the pens , v\hleh hold- eis refused to p irt with at the prices bid. bales weio very hugely at from $7 80 to $8 00 , ns against S7 80 lo J7.00 vesterdny nnd $7.00 to $7.00 on last Tuesday. Kcpicsentatlvu s lies : No. Sh. I'r. Sh. I'r. 30 40 ? 7 70 80 $7 85 71H 200 7 70 7 85 H 7 70 7 80 3 7 7.1 7 87' ' $ 87 7 70 7 875 } 7 75 7 87 Y 7 80 7 80 7 80 7 80 7 80 7 80 7 80 7 80 7 80 pins VND itoumi , 1 400 4 00 . Hi i hi i1 OiTcrlngs weio rather liberal but tlio maiket was very nearly steady on anything local houses wanted. Common topoorstuft was veiydull. fair lo good natives , J3.70S5 00 ; fair to good westerns , $ .1 003.5 00 ; common nnd stoi k sheep.$2 2554.1.75 ; good tocholco 4 ( ) to 100-lb lumbs , tl.0030.00. Keptescntutlvo sale's : No A v. I'r. 003 western wethers t > 8 $4 U ) 138natlvo wethers 00 4 60 151 native wethers 05 4 OO 40 lambs UO 6 00 Itecolpls mill Disposition of Stock. Ofllcliil receipts and disposition of stock as shown by the hooks of the LTn Ion block Yards company forthotwentv-foui hours , ending at 0 o'clock p. m. January 31,1893 : 1UCEIITS. iiiseosiTiov ck Jlilrliot. CIIIOAUO , III. , .Inn. i1I > ISpuclnl Toleiirniii to Tin. HFI : ] Thoiu A 4i Miitill suiiply of e-.ittlu In thu yards toiliiyiyrNo ndvniu'u re'snltcil , tliniiKh some .poe'l'fnjr ilcslr.iblo lots possibly hold : it liottrr prices thin coiild liuvu liuon oil- tiiltUMl for Ilium yoSluVilay , hut tlio rank und lllo sold r.ithcr v\e > uKur tliiiu bofoiu. Drcssod liecfiind hlilpplnt ; st ui vicro wanted ut from t l.'J.r ) to SO 10 and tliUKicate'rj.iit nf tlioduj's Inislnuss vvus rtiino lit from JT 7fi to * 5 125. Poor to fulr cans mid liuli | , Vllllt | frnnitl.&O lo JJ.75 und chole'o toDXtrn'in/.illtlosiit ' from J.1 75 to J4 00. Vury fuvv rlpy hi-oves wore utroreil. At tlio oponliiKliocsi sold stioiiKorove'ii tlmn on the day bi-foio. T Toro we ro in my hiili-s at from ( H.'JO to ? M 'JO , Misynil ut ! H UQ und one ut * d.-10 , tlio Iiitte-r Uiniiu IK-IIIR tlio lilKhe-styut ri'iirlifd. Tlm opi-ilhw prleos we'ru not MIS- tulne'd , liovvnvor , thii markut riillni ; vve'iik uflur iibout 8 o'clock mid llniilly closini ; dull ut .Monday's ( imitation * . Ihuuuli butter than je'stmdiiy thu iiiullty | wusvery poor for tlui hfuson ; still there vve ro u lot of Kood , thick lioirn. r-nle > s WITH ut fiom J7.40 to fH.OO for ItKlit , ut from $7.05 to JH.'J'i Mr medium und ut froiii776toHOOforlifuvy , H | ( | | most of the trudliiB nt from * 7 HO to ts oo. The Mipply of hlii'op moro vvltliln reason today ami Ilio nuirkel tool ; on u llrmer tone. Thu murke't vvus from BotoJlOc liliihor than ji'h- te-rduy for fulr to lii".t ( irudi-s. Thi'ro vvus u Kood demand nt from iM.oo to (4.&O for poor lo fair und at fiom M.7& to J5.4U for good tlrictly C ' i'uccipts : Cnttlo fi.OOO ; lioss , 19,000. The l.vonliiR .lournnl rutM > rtv : t-'ATTI K KfCt'lptH , O.OtMl llClllll hlllplllPlltS , 'J.OOO jiuaili miirkut blow , steady ; noexlru Hleern on hale ; oholoo to prlmo , i < r < . 'J5a5 & 5j fair to iKXd. D CMXTl5.30j othurs , * 4 ) ( Xfj4.Ni ( ) fe-e'durs. 4 ( ) OIi4.DO ; stookors , * 2.6Otf3 SU. ! eo H. * J.40 t4.'JS. llow-ltcei ( lptH. 19.000 inndi shlpme'iits , 7.00 ; market opened active , lilj-lier , rlosi d i'uk , fy Uolowe'r ; mlxi'dnnd packers , 17 ( ) 80S ; prlmi ) lit-avy nml lintclie rs' vutlghth , IH 0 < c.H 3& : prlmo light , I7.b5 , closed ut 17.71) ) , plgv. J7.V ! ' > ' it7.B ( ) . hiirKP-Kecelpts , 5,000 head ; thlpments , 1,600 head ; market utcudyj lambs , hlirlicrl native * . * 1 7IV20,00 | weslernn , t-l 0& ® G23 , lambsfMH > it < ) 15 , St t.oitlTl.hn Stock Market , ST. Loins , Mo , Jim. nl , ( 'ATTi.K-ltecolpIs , 0,1)00 ) ; hlmiienlf , 1,1IH ) ; market ilciidyi steers , (3 ( iHKiO.'JOj Tc.Mins easier ; fed stceis , M.lOift 4.10. llonx-ltecelpts. 0.700) ) shlpmcnti , 1,100 ; miirkct higher early , lint Ilienuvance wnslost ; Iit-ii\yjr7.70S8.20 ; packing , J7.4038 00 | llKbt , 4,000 ; ihlnmenti , 500 | market .sleady ; ntttvOi , $3.JOii4.5Ui ( cliolco muttons , SI.7oB.iJ.10 , .lv o Stuck .Miirkrt. v CITV. Mo , .tun. 31. I'VTTI.K Htu cclpls , 0,000 liriid ; shipment * . 1UH : ) head : mtte-mi-ly iliill ) ste-e-n vviaklOc lowi-rj fi-i d- ilyi slilpplni ; SIIM | , } H,46QO.Ua ; sloe'k- fi'i ih'is t.l.f > 5 < TM.16. -Iteeelpt.i.O.loOhe.id ; slilpment.x , none. Mntke'l uctlveNtioiiK to 60 higher , lott the Knln and e'liHi'd Bt1 lower ) all grades , JO.OOi.4 8 00 ; InilN. $7.mW67.HfJ. SIIKMHe'cclpK , HOO head ; hlilptncnti , 800 ; miirke't dull und ncak. York Live Muik Market. NKW YoilK , Jaii.31. HrF.VM Kecolut-i , fl84 head ; no trade ; dressed beef steady , 7'iS'lcper ' pound. Shlnmenls today , 000 bcev es and 1-400 ijunrteisof beef. ( . 'U.VKS Kecclpts , 201 head : market steady ; veals , J7 OOfrO DO ; western cnlves , $ ' 1.10 HIILKIAM ) IjAvitu Hcccipts , 183 , No trad ing. lions-Keeelpts , 2,200 , maiket nominally Meudy at J7.303H 10 THE MOXSHIXKK'S P.S1UL. . cnii II oicii In Xew Uiltaui llmt-Icinncnit. The sun mink hohliul the western inoHiittiln peaks nnd tlio shoit twilight of bouthoi'ii latitudes e-aino on apace- . After ti tlino the- man of the1 hwiso catno in. Ho was tall ami thin. Two fet-rot- like eyes leunied ihiii-ply upon tlio ped dler ftoin titnitl u Hliijrg ! $ ttinylo ofliito hair und boui'd. Ho placed his lonjj fllle in a rnuk o\of the door , nnshniK1 his Hhot-pouch and then seated himself and fjjt/cd gloomily into the 111 \\ithont % onelibaUntr either a grouting to the stranger nv uvoid to liisoun family. Nan , passiny byvhis - 1'oied to the peddler : "Don't je mind nnelo : he's not ono of his bad spells on now , but If ho uin't bothoiod it'll pass olT by and by. ' ' The peddler nodded and bojfan a tale ono of his athontnies in Te\as. lie was hoon intei'i'Uted ] b.\ Aunt Vmoy. "Sit up , uti anger1 said wlie. " \\ro hain't got nmeh to eat , but snuh as it is jou'io welcome. " Tlic old man nto his biippeiin solemn silence , after \\liieh ho took his hat and abruptly left the cabin. Aunt Vinci lit to explain. "Mose , my old man , hain't been exactly like hisself since the levcnoo men car ried his son John oil live jeai'b ago last April. " " 'Stillin' Impose ? " "Yes , 'lid top of that we shot ono of 'em while they were trjin'to take him 'nd they put him in pcn'tensh'ry at Nashville for ten j cats. " The peddler lomained silent for a moment or two. But when the dishes weio washed and put away he again entertained 1 ho two women by relating sundry leminifceoneos of his own career and also describing the \vomloi.s of eei tain gre.tt cities ho had visited. After awhile Mo o again stalked silently in and took a seat in a far coi nor. While the peddler talked he continued toojo him eloholy as if suspicious that the stutnger was not just what ho bliould he. "Speakin' of the telephone , " continued the peddler , "somo folks in thc o moun tains don't believe that pcoplo can talk to each other 'nd them 100 or moro inileb apart , but 1 toll ye it'b a faet. I've beed it done myself. " "I've know'd of men hollorin' across from ono mountain to another , " MI id Aunt Vinoy , dubiously. "Mobbo they could inako themselves heard a mutter of two miles , but 100 " She shook her head dibapprovingly. "It's so all the bamo , though. I've sot 'd heard'em ' . ' ' " t.ilkin'jus'as wo be now. "That's as big a lie as o\or was told , " exclaimed old Moso , rising and making for the door. Ho sei/ed his ride as ho passed , throw a menacing glance at the peddler and once mot o left the cabin. "Olo man's n little touched in tlio head , ain't lie ? " asked the peddler , who seemed to take no offense whatever at the old man's rude behavior. "Evor since John was took off he's had queer spoils that eomo over him now and then. I must say lie's mor'n apt to bo 'splshiib of strangers w hen they como mound. IIo's always think'n' ' of revo- nee spies. I dcssay that's what makes him act bo toward you. But you mtibtn't mind hjm. I never know ed him to suc ceed in liurtin' any ono yet. " It was Nan who replied , for Aunt Vinoy was making preparations to ictiro for the night. When the girl and the peddler were left alonotho latter beenied somewhat cuiious about this bon John , who for so many years had been under the ban of the law. "John was always good to Uncle Moso and Aunt Vinoy'nd that's ono icason Uncle Mo < .o takes it all so hard now. " "I s'poso , boin' as you're kin to 'em , jou must a felt powerful sad when they took him olT. " Ho oycd Nan closely as ho spoke and the girl blushed slightly. „ "I ain't no real kin to "em , " she said. "My lolks is all dead 'nd they raibed mo from a little gal , but John 'ml me was always good friends. " "Nothin'moio'r1" The girl looked at him icprovingly. "It's about bedtims , " bald she coldly. "Sha'n't I show you where you'io to sleep ? " The peddler ro = c , took up his pack and followed her into the little bhed loom. There was an open window by the bed , tinough which tho""Tull moon was shining. ' You won't need no light , I reckon , " she icmarked. Then , bidding him good' night , she retained to the main cabin and went to bed hot-self. But for homo ictibon she failed to hleop. Tlio bright moonlight , the rasp ing cry of katjdids from the ttecs with out and the discomfot ting nature of hot- thoughts kept her awake. She felt Miguoly uneasy about Uncle Mobc. Whoio was ho ? Very likclj at the lit tle moonshine still up Bear hollow , half a milo away. Ho often spent the nights there engaged in his illicit toil. She re membered his unfriendly treatment of the peddler , whoso hca\y bieathing could now bo heard through the thin partition wall. Ho had once lain in wait , rillo in hand , for a passing dtovor , whom ho had t-ot downier a bpy. Only Aunt Vinoy's prompt appearance had pi evented a probable minder. Unolo Mohe , though a good man enough when in his right mind , was u dangoiouu , un certain personage when stirted by the memory of his son into u spirit of half- insane hostility against all the world. So uneasy did Nan hjcoino that at last she robe , slipped on her dress and btolo out into the moonlight. An impulbo she could not control impelled her to peep in at the peddler's open window. She was prompted by an indefinable fear. What nho saw thoio caused her to start back , clasp her hands and gasp for breath. Thru , ttembling in every limb , she looked again. "My Ciod ! " she faltered , "Am I dreainln' ? Surely it can't bo , 'ml yet I must bollovo my own ejes. " Acting under a now impulse , she tut tied and lied along thotiail leading to the Htill. Arrived there , bhe found the place silent and deserted. There was no lire in the furnace and nothing to be heard but theories of the whippoorwills - poor-wills upon the mountain bide. Full of painful forebodings , she re traced her steps and once moio crouched beneath the peddler's window. There plio wnltctl until hop llmf * bocoino orntnpcd J und the nljjht nlr chilled her to the t bono. "I tnltflittis well Ho down nffiitn , " tb t \ \ ; thoiifrht. "I I'oukon tinoloV 170110 dov\u the vtilloy , fop ho 'lowed today as ho'd havototfo uftop eolToo rlj'ht nwuy. I could wttko the niiin up , but mimohow I dtissii't. IJo inlfjht think I was foi-watd. " Hut it Hccond trltil of the bed wns no Itottop tliiiu the Ih'Mt. The peddler's heavy bi'outhtn VMIS ever In hoi1 eiirn , and hep thoughts rovoi'ted constantly to the seniso of peril that vaguely , yet jief- slstontly kept hoi- upon the tendorhooks of anxiety. " 1 wish moniln' would eonie , " she wild fop the hundiedth tlino. "Loullhatu ineotin' theio'll bo then ! " The ound of a stealthy foot fall upon the pnuol without brought hep to n sitting postupo at once. HOP heart beat loudly ns who listened biontlilessly. Yes , it was movhi } , ' npouiul the hou u. Now she heat'd it no mote. Could she ha\o iiiniffined It all ? No ; thoto it was again in the back porch. Then then she heard n jjcntlo , creak- IttjT sound. Ahl The bhed-rooni door1 She sppuni ; out of bed and a hnstv bound In \ ought hoi1 to the ( loop leading into tlio buck ] poioh. She wienched it open just ih in i tinio to ciitch a glimpse of a tall shadow that disuppouredithiu the Hhcd-ioom. ' 'Good Lord , help me ! " she faintly ejaculated . , us she sprang foiuiml. nerved to desporatlon by this ( headfill fulllllment f of her feaiH. She entered tlio room. Thete laj the lieddlopslumbering hunxilvln tlio white glow of the moonlight. Ills fuco was stiaugely alteiod , for tlio heavy bc.u d had 1 fallen oil. leaving exposed a clean shaven , . \outlifiil face. Hut the whito- beaided old in.iu , bending ever the pun- Irate form with uplifted knife , saw noth ing distinctly. To his morbid imagin ings only the form of a hated np\ la } helpless befoto him. A spy in the s0i- \ ice of the detested "revenoos. " who had tobbed him of his onlj and \\oll-bolo\ud son. "Uncle ! " set earned Nan , dragging him back. "Uncle1 You shall not ! Can't jou see ? It's John out John your John' ' " The peddler woke und stated upward in a buwildoied \ . The knife fell to the Hoop as Mose , his ejes almost start ing fiom his head , stated at his son's white face. Suddenly ho eoinpiehended and the oiled descended upon him like a thunderbolt. Uttoting n low , quivering ery , he sank to his knees by the bedside and his head fell forwatd. Nan's and John's o es met in a mutually iccogni/ing glance ; then they turned their attention to the old man. As thoj laid him upon the bed Aunt Vinoy , awakened by the noise , eamo in. She fell b.tek as though con fronted ba ghost. "John ! ' bho exclaimed. "Vet it can't sinolybo ! " "Yes , it is , mother. I didn't know- how jon'dall take mj bcin' so long in the pen , so when the govoinor patdoned mo out I "lowed I'd eoine homo as a ped dler 'nd in disguise till I found out if you all cared for mo anj more. " While John was speaking Moso opened his ojes and teats blinded thorn as ho ga/cd. " .My son ! My on ! ' ho nmrmmed , brokenly. "Aijd I might have killed him ! My mind's made up. Tliote'll bo no moio 'stillin' done in Heap holler after this. " "Do you reckon Nan cares for me any more , father ? " asked John , while his ejes bought these of Nan. "Of course Him do. Hasn't bho been griovin' herself away ever since you was took ? She never looked ut another man. " Nan's confusion seemed to sanction this. this."Tlioro's "Tlioro's only ono thing to bo done , " interposed Aunt Vinoy' , decisively. "Thoy'vo just got to go ever to the cir cuit rider's next Sunday 'nd git married. After Unit's ever 'nd done with , Mose , I hope you'll behave yourself in futur' . " "Hain't I said I wcton't a-goin to 'still whisky any moio ? " said Moso. " 'Stillin's been ut the bottom of all our troubles. " \Vhilothoold folk talked John took Nun's hand in his and they bteulthily kisbed each other. Don J. Leathers of Grand Rapids , Mich. , will hu\o a surprise for the truinors of the trotters this seabon when ho eomes on tho. track with a bicj clew - w heeled bulky made of aluminium that will weigh but twenty-five pounds com plete. WANTED .Total Itsui-s or CITIES , COUNTIES. SCHOOL . 'DISTRICTS ' , WATER COMPANIES , 8T.R.R.COMPANIES.etc. Corn spondenco solicited. N.W.HARRIS & COHPAHYBanms , 103-183 Dearborn Stroot. CHICAGO. IS Wall Street , NEW YORK. 7O Statnlt. . BOSTON , Time and Tide Walt for no man i nor do tha fearful ravkgri of Nervous , Chronic and Private Diseases. Ylolrt to the 111 dlrotod olTorta of these who A not thoroughly understand their nature the romodlos which wlllolToc'tuilly oradlc * them from the ajstom. I'ho ability , tuo ex- peileiire. tlio skill of Drs. Betts & , Betts combine to plico within their Intiili tha power to spoodlly md tiermiiuMitly ourothesa obstlntto iiuiliulloa of a nil render thorn the most sncicssf ill as well ai tlm moat popular Specialists In the United States , In the treatment and euro of them diseases wliloh from tholr dle- tlnctho snouinlty. tend 4 cents fora copy of thslr tllu&tratod now book of ISO PI.JOJ. Consultation free. Call upon or address ith st imp. 119 South 14th St. , Cor. Donjjlas St : , OMAHA , xnn. First ! Last ! The first c isp of tlio Intuit tlio last Knapo the iced Is for ulr All life BOOS by .In entiling - Inhaling. ( 1'nro air rich In Oxygen I me ins good beilth , hid alr\ \ makes bid blood- weakly bodies hpoclflo O-cvgen Is , ( : iKMU > 8Allt-rlchlnO\V.J ( .IN a vvondeifnl svsteim Imlldor. An IIOM > > I' ( UT 13 for Consumption , Colds , llion- clittlsUitiirihsthmi Keid- uche , Nervous 1'iostrutlon. "Oxygen Book" and 4 Trys Free. SPEGIFQ ] OXYGEN GO , , Suite fllO Sliooly Blila , Onmlm STRENGTH , VITALITY , MANHOOD W.H. l'AltICEISr.l.No.4 Itllinnclnt. , HOSTON , Af > J9 , rMrf contultltnl phyiitcian of ths l iA : OnVMKUICAI < INeiTIlUTitovvh r ) was awarded the HOLD urn At , bj the NATIONAL. MEDICAL , ABSOLUTION for lliol'i : Ii : KSSA Yon t'thaiuttil Vitality , Atra yVrroiM ami I'fiyileat Jtblliiyua < \ all Jlltta „ < and IfVcitnrii of Man , niinPO " ' ° young , the mMdU-agnl anil okl. liMnhX e'oimiliftilon in pcrnon or by letter. UUIIUU pnupcctun , with tcetlmonlalni , FUKB. I.iirgo book , SOICNCK OF 1,11'K , Oil BlH.r- I'KKSKKVATION , COO pp . U5 Invnluablp Jirc- fcrlptlons. full Rllt , enl ? 61 fl 1 mill , foiloil SOUTH OMAJIA. . Union Stock Yards Company , SoutTi OrnaTia. Hctt Cattle IIo nnilvSh"oi > market In tlio wnst. COMMISSION HOUSES. _ _ Wood Brothers. Llvo Stock Commission Merchants South Oinnha 'lulcpliono 1157 - ; Chlcairo JOHN I ) OA11MMAN , I . , . „ . , „ „ . V\AI/liil K WOOD. fMlinBIorI | Market llcporti by mnll and nlro cheerfully ! ulsliuil upon apiilloatlou OMAHA Manufacturers' and AWNINQSAND TENTS Omaha Tent-Awning tOill'ANV iioiisiCOVKIU : , till l-nrnmnst BAGS AND TWIN'S- B3Tiis Omaha Ba M. 0. Daxon , COVIl'ANV ImportorJ And lunn frs lllcjrclos sold on monthly Hour lacki , burUpi , inlno pujrminti 12) N 15th BOOTS 4HD SHOES. Morse-Cos Shoa Company , HowiudMrmt Factory corner llth and OoiulmStroB'.i VVonro ni klniClo 9 iirlo'n to cull burors an1 nro Balling afclam ofBuodi which I. Terr "aloiblo with murchnntn COAL , COE. ( CORNICE. Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornica Works 1,1 MK CO , hard and "Oft Mfr nMvunlzol Iron coal , H K cor loth and cornlcj wlmluw oip , as Ms Miatnlllo ikrlUhti ulo 1I1U-1II2I DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Co. , Kilpatrlck-Kocli Dry (1OODS ( CO. Dry xoodf , notions fur- Notion * uonli' furnlib- ntintiiK uood * ijrur In uooli cor lllti and Illh and Howard "ti. llirnur Ht FURNITURE. Omaha Upholstering Beab33 & Runyan CO , upholitercd Iurnl- OX ) . Grate luru. I1JJ 1101 Hlcholaii \Vlioleinloonlr and 13th HU DDRUOS , ETC. Blake , Bruce & Co. , lOlu and Harney bti. , Omtlia , HARDWARE. Rector & Wllhelmy I Lobeckfi Linn , COJU'ANV. f Doalorn In hanloaro anil Corner 10th ondJackion I inoctiAnltti looln rflr ujli I 1101 louiIa at. HATS , ETO. W. A. L. Gibbon & Co. Omaha Safe and Iron Wholonte WOltKH Until capi , Btrnw bnfe vnulti Jail work , Kluvpi mlllani , Jlh Iron ihutleri mul Hru ei und Harnuy Sis tapen Anlrujn A llnr tt , Mth anil iHCkion LUMBER. John A. Wakefleld , Charles R. Lea , Imported , Amorloanl'urt HurJhood hi noir Innd aumuiit , VIIIw.iu cnrpoti ml pir kou LOinunt andejulnc/ nonrlnz wiiltulliua Bth nnd Duatl LIQUORS. MILLINERY. laipirori ill \ iii Wholcialollquordealori nl uilllltirnt Mull or Uri | ir u > ' . . 1001 lllh tit. PAPER. I OILS. Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. , Carry a full mock nf printing , wrapping an t lleflnoil anil lubrlcfttlaf wrltlnK papan , card uaicr | , eta. elli , nile treme , etc. a PRODUCE C3MMI8SI3i. Branci & Co. , Jas. A. Clark & Co. , I'roduce , fruits of all flutter , cheim , tilt , poultry and name , kinds , nritori li S Mlhit STOVE REPAIRS. I SASH. DOOR Omaha Stove Repair VVOIIKJ. itovii ropiln Maoufatlurari at ia a , and wafer door i. blliidf ant for any kind of flora niuuldlngi , branob ot dt. flc , Ilia audUafd.