TTTTC OMAHA DAILY REE : FElHUrARY 1. IftOS. ANTI-OPTIONS BILL PASSED It EccciYca a Decided Majority in the Upper Houio of Oonjress. MUCH INTEREST 'TAKEN IN THE DEBATE Crnirdrd ( lallrrlt * Mttrii tn ArRtltnriits for niul Agnlnst ttm MuiMiro Tim Vote In Drliill Dolph'it Atinrtittlon Itraolutloii In the Home. WASIIICTOV. D. C. , Jan. 31. The senate got rid today of the legislative Incubus under which It has labored slnco the ilrst day of the session The anti-options bill reached the point at which voting began nt 3:15 : p. m. The first vote was on thoamcmlment offered by Mr. Vllas , democrat , from Wisconsin , to the George substitute , and the amendment was rejected -yeas , 21 ; nays , 50. Then the Oeorgo substitute itself was rejected yeas , 10 j nays , 51. And finally the bill was passed by n vote of 40 to 211 , There wcro many hicmbcrsof the house of representatives , nt times almost an many of them as there were senators present , In the semite chamber during the votes and the preliminary dis cussions of the bill ; and the deepest inter est was manifested In the proceedings on the floor ns well ns In the crowded galleries. Clmmllcr'ii Amicxiitlmi Itnulutlun. Mr. Harris reported the srnuto quarantine bill with thn appropriating clause omitted ns n substitute for the quarantine and Immi gration bill passed by the hou.s < > . Mr. Hill objected to immediate considera tion , as ho wished tlmo to examine it , and the bill went over till tomorrow. " The scnuto then took up Mr. Chundlcr > resolution requesting the president to trans mit to the senate any convention ho may make with the provisional government of Hawaii , and Mr. Chandler proceeded to dis cuss it. Ho then moved its reference to the committee on foreign relations. Mr. Dolph made a long statement on the subject , giving details as to the population , commerce , etc. , of the Islands , and favoring annexation. .Before Mr. Dolph had concluded , the anti- options bill was taken up in order to have the arrangement changed as to the taking of the vote. It was decided that the vote on the George substitute bo taken at 3 p. m. , and the final vote on the passage of the bill at 4 today. Chandler's Hawaiian resolution having been laid asldo without having been acted on and the anti-option bill having been taken up , arguments in opposition to it were made by Woleott of Colorado and Gray of Delaware. Ulvon Aloro Time. On motion of Sherman the tlmo for taking votes on the anti-options bill was extended llftccn minutes to give Illu'gins of Delaware nn opportunity to conclude his argument In support , of the bill. At 3:15 : the senate proceeded to vote. The first vote was on VIlus' amendment to strike out of the George substitute the words de claring options and futures to bo obstruc tions to commerce and illegal and void. The amendment was rejected. The George sub stitute was then rejected. Mr. Vest spolto of the action of the house of representatives of the Missouri legisla ture instructing the United States senators from that state to vote for the bill , and said lie pnifi'rrcd his own Bclf-rcspoct to personal or political applause. There was sunshine In other places besides Washington city , and the nir of the prairies was purer than that of the Bcnato chamber. He should therefore , with the greatest pleasure , vote against tho. bill. Pnsscd the Hilt. Various amendments were offered and re jected , and the bill was then passed yeas , 40 ; nays , J2D. The following Is the vote in detail : Yeas Messrs. Allison , Blackburn , Call , Carey , Chandler. Cockrcll , Cullom , Davis , Duliois , Faulkner , Folton , Fryo , Gallinger , Gordon , Halo , IlaiHbrough , Hawley , lligglns , Hun- ton , Irby. Kyle , McMillan , Mandcrson , Mitchell , Morgan , Mori-ill , Poffor , Perkins , Pettlcrew. Proctor , Sherman , Shoup , Squire , Stockbridgo , Teller , Turiiio , Voor- hces , Waltlmll , Wash burn and Wilson 40. Nays Messrs. Berrv , Bladgutt , Butler , Caffery , Cameron , Coke , Daniel , Dawes , Dixon , Gibson , Gorman , Gray , Harris , Hill , Hiscock , Hoar , Jones of Arkansas , McPhcr- son , Mills , Pulmor , Platt , Pugh , Ransom , Sawyer , Stewart , Vest , Vilas , White and Woleott US ) . Pairs wcro announced between Messrs. Carlisle and Paddock , Aldrich and Quay , Bate and Allen , Jones of Nevada and Saunders - ders , Pasco and Casey , Vance and Warren. The bill is the ouo passed by the house of representatives on the Oth of Juno , 18S-J ) , with various senate amendments thereto , rorllllcutloim lilt ) . The fortifications appropriation bill was then taken up , Mr. Sherman moved to have the Nicaragua bill taken up so ns to make It the unfinished business after the appropriation bill. After sorno discussion the motion was rejected. The llrst amendment to the fortifications bill ( an item of 50.000 for gun and mortar platforms ) having been read , Mr. Dolph took the door anil continued the speech which ho had begun this morn Ing on the subject of tlio annexation of the Hawaiian islands. lie yielded later temporarily to permit notices to bo given of the memorial services on Fri day next. Mr. Dolph thcr. went on with the reading of his speech , most of It was devoted to the question of the Nicaragua ship canal , it having been orlg.nally prepared as an argu ment In favor of ttl' ) pending bill nn that sub ject. When ho closed , the consideration of the formication bill was proceeded with. No progress , however , was mado. House bill to amend the net for the con- * structlon of a wagon bridge across the Mis- sourl river nt Sioux City , la. , was passed and the scnuto adjourned. In thii Iluiinr. A resolution was adopted calling on the secretary of the interior for information whether manufacturers and refiners of sugar , have refused to answer questions projioundcd to them by census officials , and if so , whether steps have been taken tp compel them to answer. The house then resumed In committee of the whole the consideration of the sundry civil appropriation bill. The next order to bo taken up was that section which appropriates for rivers and harbors , and against this item Butler , demo crat from Iowa , raised the | > oiiit of order that the appropriation for this object did not rest within the jurisdiction of the committee on appropriations , but within that of the committee - mitteo on rivers and harbors. Without action , the house then adjourned. ADMISSION OP TiilHITOKIi.S. : Ilcpubllcaii Si'imtorit to Tuko further Action ' Notes. WASIIIN-OTOS , D. U.-Jan. 31. The repub lican members of the sonuto will hold another caucus at n very early day for the purpose of reconsidering the action by which the bill for the admission of territories was agreed upon. There appears to bo a feeling that Arizona will bo unjustly treated and that if the other thrco territories nro to bo ad mitted , the fourth ought to bo taken in also. Assistant Secretary Lambertson has sub mitted to Secretary Foster the result of his investigation Into the charges preferred against ox-Architect Bell , now o special ngont of the architects olllce , Stallone * ! at Chicago , for favoritism In the awarding of Rovernmont contracts and excessive uimnrro cm his own account. Whllo the retort has not yet bcon made public , It Isnuthorit.utvcly Btated that the findings are not favorable to Mr. Boll , The house committee on Interstate and foreign commerce today ordered a favorable report on the sonata bill appropriating $250- 000 for the construction of a sftlpcanal to con- nectl akcs union and Washington with Pugct sound. The bill was reported with amend ments. striking out the proposed routes by Smith's cove and leaving the route to bo do- cldcd uK3ii | by the secretary of war. Klchanl Itathbone , assistant commissioner of fisheries , nrnl William WaVoman of Can- nda , commissioners apivtnlod on the part of the I'nltcd States Britain to do- trrmlno and settle all questions arising out of tlui fisheries on the great lakes and various waters of Canada , will soon begin this Imjmrtant work. Their Investigation will be the most extensive that has over been attempted and valuable statistics will be secured. It Is expected that the work will require two years. When an agreement ns to regulations between the commissioners Is reached It will bo submitted to their ro- apectlvo governments for approval. A treaty ulll then bo drafted and submitted for rati fication. The electoral vote of the state of Montana has been received by messenger. This com pletes the list which the law requires bo furnished to the president of the senate , xairs nut THE Aii3tr. I.lsl of ClmiiRos of Importance In the Kcgulnr florvlro YiMtt-rdnyr WASIIISOTO.V , D. C.Jan. nt. [ Special Tele gram to Titr. Br.E. ] The following army or ders wcro Issued today : Leave of absence from January 31 to April i0 ! , Inclusive , Is granted Second Lieutenant Frank B. ICecch , Fifth Infantry. The resig nation of Second Lieutenant Frank B. ICecch , Filth Infantry , has been accepted by the president to take effect April ! H ) . Captain Edward J. McClernand , Second cavalry , Is detailed for special duty In con nection with the World's Columbian cxi > os- Itlon , and will report In person to the com manding general. Department of the Mis souri , for duty accordingly. First Lieutenant Ixiuls P. Brant , First infantry , Is designated to perform and ex ecute the duties of Indian agent at the Round Valley Indian agency , Cal. Lieutenant will bo roilevck from his present duties and will proceed to and take charge of said agency , receipting to the person now In charge thereat for all public property in his chargo. Lieutenant Brant will perform these duties niiclur the direction of the secretary - rotary of the Interior , to whom ho will re port by letter for instructions. The following transfers in the First nrtll- cry are made : ' ' 'li-st Lieutenant John L. hambcrlln , from llcht battery B to battery First Lieutenant Gustavo W. S. Slovens , rom battery L to light battery K ; Llouten- nt Stevens Is relieved from further duty vltli light battery F , Fifth artillery , and vlll Join the battery to which ho is transi erred. Colonel John 1C. MIzner , Tenth cavalry , 1.1 proceed without delay to New York Jity and relieve Colonel Blwcll K. Otis , Twentieth infantry , as superintendent of ho recruiting. Diuilili'iliiy Laid tn Kelt. WA. III.ITO.V < , D. C. . Jan. ill. The funeral f General Abncr Doubleday , whoso remains vero removed from Now York to Washing ton , took place today. No religious or other xerclscs were held at the grave except the Irlnp of a parting salute. The remains were nterred in Arlington cemetery. Tin-own tcross the casket was the Hag whleh lloateil it Fort Moultrloattho beginning of the war. Xlillll.lltKA AXH ? < iil Thayer county's Sunday school convention was held at liubbcll and was largely at .ended. The Wallace Board of Trade is trying tc secure a flouring mill for the town , with good irospccts of success. Bditor C. Kf Heed of the Arapahoe Mirror : ias declared himself a candidate for [ lost : nastur under Cleveland. After falling for $10.000 , Charles Cameron of Hastings Is reported mysteriously missing : iml his friends are alarmed. A horse kicked over n lantern in Dan Curry's stable near Ponca and the structure and live horses wcro consumed. The Beatrice Times declares that the nex mayor of that city should bo "a citizen o the town and n credit rather than a disgrace to us. " Mason City is all right , nnd the Tran script gives ns a reason for its faith in the town that there is a constant increase in the number of resident property owners. It is said that the receivers of the brokci bank nt Ansclmo nnd Kloinan & Arnold's bank at Broken Bow wcro both caught litho the crash of the Capital National. If true it will go hard with the poor depositors. A subcontractor named Kinka id on ono o Plattsmouth's school buildings loft towi with considerable money belonging to labor crs , besides owing n number of bills , and It is bcliovod ho has gene to California for his health , ns well us for other reasons. The thermometer stood at 10 = below zero when the store of L. G. Johns was de stroyed bv Hro nt Seward and the firemen had a cold night's work of It , but they suc ceeded In keeping the flames conlincd to ono building , on which the loss was about $ S,000. A physician of Havcnna carries a pocket instrument cuso which is bound In human akin , saya the News. The skin was taken from the back and shoulders of n noted des perado who met his death at the hands of a mob , and the doctor eamo in possession of the ghastly relic during his college days. A XX O UXCK.V KXTS. The engagement of Pauline Hall , begin ning Friday night at Boyd's theater , gives premise of much interest to the patrons of amusement hero. "Erminlo" will bo given , and Miss Hall will personate Uer original character , that of Erminio. The cast will include Miss Eva Davenport , Miss Ircno Verona , Mr. Frank D.ivid , Mr. Harry Mac- donough , Mr. John Brand , with many other favorites. Special scenery and costumes made from the original models and designs will bo brought , and the presentation will no doubt meet with much favor. Saturday night a grand production of "Puritanla. " A now edition of "A Parlor Match , " or "Series 0 , " is promised by Messrs. Evans and Ilooy. who will appear at Boyd's now the ater for the llrst time in several years , com mencing Sunday , February 5. It has been rewritten and revised up to dato. Besides various old features , that will no doubt prove fetching to the old and now friends of the play , and the favorite stars , now fea tures have been introduced. They include songs , ducts , dunces and other specialties that were unearthed by Evans and Ilooy during a summer trip in Europe. o r/ihl Mr. Ilnrter' * I.ctlor on thoTiililo. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Jan. 31. The Commer cial club tonight took action on a letter from lion. Michael D. Hurterof Ohio , asking the club to urge congress to suspend the pur- chuss of silver. The letter had been referred to the committee on legislation , which com mittee recommended that Mr. Harter's letter bo laid upon the tablo. The report tit the committee was adopted by ,1 largo majoritp. Tryliigr nn l-.x-I.orcl Muyor. Los'nox , Jan. ill. Sir Henry Isaacs , for merly lord mayor of Ixmdon ; Joseph Isaucs , his brother ; Horatio Bottomley and Charles Dolman , an officer of the Hansard Publishing union , were put on trial today for defrauding the company out of a largo amout by buying bills and disposing of thorn to the union at t\ heavy advance. The company becaino Insol vent in IS'Jl. _ _ Mutt UHIIK : Tor UN Crime. JKFKKUSOX City , Mo. , Jan. 31. The supreme premo court today In the case of Amos A very , charged with the murder of James A. Miles lust February in Barton county , nHli-raod the Judgment , and A very was sen tenced to bo hanged March 15. Tilings Ahuut Snliniin , The salmon syndicate of tlio north west , the stutoof Oregon mid the United States L'ovonmiont nro nil busied in en couraging tlio Pucttlo const PiUmon. The syndicate nlono turns loose into tlio riv ers of Oregon 50,000,000 sulmon annually , niul as the industrious fomnlo salmon lays 000 eggs to every pound of lior weight the prospect of the llsh sooni3 good. Throughout the whole Paciflo northwest the salmon' is about the oheai > - est llsh going , and is not esteemed a doll- cucy. The Alaska salmon llbhermon still make a mystery of the salmon , though his habits have been pretty well cleared up by scientific investigation. According to popular iHsliof nobody knows what the salmon fcads upon. It is also firmly hold that tlio balmon returns to its untuning place hut once , at the ago of ft years , for tlio purpose of spawnIng - Ing , and then goes hack to the sea , there to die , or at all events never ugulu to visit the rlvor of iU birth. JNCOLN CRIMINAL CASES Jutlgo Hall Will Oommenco to Clear the Docket Today , ASYLUM CASES WILL BE CONJINUED Vnlldlt.r ol the Drawing of tlio flranil Jury Bltut First llo Pasted Upon by the Supreme Court Other Suits. LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 31. [ Special to THE Bnn. ] The criminal docket will bo com- mencctUipon In Judge Hall's court tomorrow afternoon , when the case against Charles Hoppy , charged with the burglary of Ioinls' store , will bo called. Hoppy pleaded guilty In police court , but put In a different ono this morning when arraigned. Frank Hart , charged with larceny from the person of James MvjSwccncy , who had taken him In out of the cold , pleaded not guilty , and his trial was set for Thursday. I ito yesterday afternoon Frank Ilubbard , the missing farm boss of the asylum , walked Into 1 court with his counsel , F. I. Foss of Crete , and pleaded not guilty to seven of the twenty-three t Indictments against him. Ho was released on $1,000 bull , furnished by Foss ] , for his appearance Thursday morning , and the same recognizance was taken on the six others. There is but llttlo doubt that Hubbard 1 is hero to give testimony for the state , as ho was closeted with Assistant Prosecutor N. / Sncll the greater part of yesterday afternoon. None of the asylum cases will bo taken up until the supreme court passes upon the validity of the draw ing I of the grand Jury. George Splttlcr asks $0.000 from the Uock Island 1 Hallroad company for damages to his farm l , southwest of the city , by reason of the 1 location of the road thereon , tlio fact that 1 it divides his farm into two sections , and i the further fact that special damages were caused by the unlawful acts of defen dant's workmen. Judge Strode is engaged today In hearing the case of Kirschbaiim Brothers of Phila delphia against Seott fc Gilbert , attorneys , of York , In February , 1838 , tlio de fendants were employed to ma l < o some col lections from the linn of Hopkins & Cowan of York. In payment of the claim against the last named llrm the lawyers took notes , and on tlio day the llrst ono was paid , and before they wcro able to secure n draft , they wcro garnlshecd by a judgment creditor of tlioKirschbaums , and Jlnallv com pelled to turn over $100 of the proceeds of the noto. TlioKirschbaums now sue them for the $100 with interest , claiming that In turn ing over that amount they acted contrary to instructions. Judgment for $1,000 in the case of Calm against the Uurllngton , for damages to property by reason of building a sidetrack , was entered up for the plaintiff this morn ing.Tho The legal feud between Henry Oliver and J. F. Lansing , partners In the Lansing Opera house , received now impetus this morning by the illing of n reply from Oliver to the effect that Lansing had falsely misrepre sented to him the value of the lots on which the opera house was built , placing it at $ i"i- 000 , when It was but 14.000. In the United States court today odds and ends were being cleaned up. The case of the Iron National bank against A. W. Hiloy was argued and submitted ; Otoo County Na tional ban * against F. M. Gilmore was dis missed , and a degree of foreclosure was en tered in Now Hampshire Savings bank against Chris Specht. Charles Beatty , from I'cndcr , was charged $ 1 and costs for selling liquor to an Indian. The grand jury finished its work , and was discharged shortly lifter 1 o'clock this afternoon. At noon today the Lincoln paper mill passed into the hands of the Columbian Straw Paper company , the straw board trust. It will bo operated through the BuckstatTs as heretofore , with John E. Utt as manager. City In Hrlof. Everett Lccman , an old gray haired man who was recently released after serving a term for theft , was arrested again last light , and again sent up today. Last even ing ho went to the house of a widow , Mrs. Margaret Lee , 818 H street , during her ab sence , cooked himself supper and when the : nistress of the house returned he was coolly jundllng up some clothing that hpd belonged la her deceased husband , with the evident Intention of taking them away. The first collision between the rat printers on the Journal and the union men took ; ) lace In the Diamond restaurant today when AV. A , Jett , it rat print , throw a" glass at G , 3. Foxworthy , a unionist , for calling him a "chap with a tail. " Jott was arrested and after a trial In police court , was found guilty. Ho paid $11.55. Dan Haney , the man who stopped thrco of Mike MeCann's bullets yesterday , was too 111 to appear in police court today against his assailant , and the case was continued until tomorrow morning. Mike was released to day in $1,000 bail furnished by Mrs. Lyd Stewart. Hanoy will bo able to bo around tomorrow. The liorso , it may bo stated , which was hit during the scrap , died to- da5f.Lou Lou Snider yesterday filed suit In a justice court against It. H. Oakloy , cno of the repub lican representatives from Lancaster county , asking for $47 for work and labor performed , said work and labor being the carrying of the banner of Oakloy through the ranks of the opposition last iall. Oakloy wanted to compromise for JO , but It was linally settled for $33 , member of the county central com- mitlco furnishing the $5 to heal the breach. Orrin Moore complained to the police last night that ho had bcon robbed of his roll of $ li ! carried in his inside pocket , and A. Ilel- mer and John Uoblnson wcro held as sus pects. This morning Moore was sober , took it all back and the accused were released. Interrfttlng Electing I'romlMul , FUEMOXT , Nob. , Jan. 31. [ Special to TUB BKE. ] The following program has been adopted for the annual session of the Im proved Stock Breeders association of Ne braska , to'bo held In this city February 7 , 8 and 1) ) , which will bo ono of the most inter esting and Instructive , over held In the state : Tuesday , February 7 , H p. in. Address of welcome , Mayor Fried ; response , President Filloy ; appointment of committees ; unfin ished business j reception of members. In the evening President Elijah Filloy will de liver his address and H. S. Ueed , and treasurer , willmakohis report : report o'f committee ; "Tho Draft Horse" discussion , Mark M. Coad and William BUI-ROSS , Wednesday "Forage Plants , " Henry Wai- Isaac Johnson. In the evening : "A Woman's Effort. " Mrs. A.M. Edwards ; "Sheep FeedIng - Ing , " S. A. Baker. Thursday General dis cussion by nil members ; "Heredity , " H. C , Palmer and Miss A. HIdloy. During the session Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Coad will entertain - tain the members at their homo. Thursday evening a banquet will bo given by the Fremont - mont Board of Trade. The committee on ro- ccptlon is : William Fried , George W. I Leo , C. M. Williams , John E.Shorvin , N. W. Smalls , I. , , I1. Lai-son and II , D. Kelly. Ilollevuo Nous Notes. BELLEVUE , Neb. , Jan. 81. [ Special to THE BKE ] Last week Judge Hoyt granted license to marry to Mr. Thomas Bressuian and Miss Minnie Husli and Mr. James Lane and Miss Annlo Clark. Th < W e'l'romonlcs ' ' were performed - formed by Justlco Mjidilock of this place , Instead of returning the license to the county judge , as ho Is required by law , ho kept the license and returned 6llly the certificates to tlio judge , who is very1 seriously contemplat ing the ndvlsftblllty of teaching Justlco Muddock the art of performing marriage cere monies by giving IliYn n lesson that will prove Itself 11 very9tly bit of Informa tion. , The students of BeJfovuo college are carpet ing and furnishing oho of the large rooms on the third floor In the college building , which they will use hereafter as u society room , Commencing tonight special services will bo held at the Presbyterian church each night except Saturday during the week. At the close of tonight's a congregational meet ing was held to consider the advisability of building a parsonage. Hcnvy Htiick I'urclinne. Hu.MUOUvr , Neb. , Jan. 111. [ Special to TUB BEK. ] Probably the largest llvo stock deal ever made In this vicinity was made hero Saturday last. O. A. Cooper , stock and grain man , and Frank Wilson , a prominent farmer. were the parties to the deal. Mr. Wilson sold 101 head of steers and ISO head of hogs to Mr. Cooper for f 1'J.OOd , stock to bo delivered March 1 at this place. NolintHkn'H I-'Iro Itrcord. CiiBTB , Neb. , Jan. HI. [ Special to THE BEE. ] John Bryson's wagon and blacksmith shop burned at nn early hour this morning. The blacksmith shop la a total loss and the wagon factory was partially destroyed. Buggies only wcro saved from the stock. Ixiss , $1,500 ; Insurance , $1,000 In the North British and Mercantile company. I.nvrrs of Music GIIAND ISLAND , Neb. , Jan. 31. [ Special to THE BEH.I Under the direction of Prof. Kaymond Volk the Philharmonic and Mad rigal Vocal clubs g.ivo another grand con cert last night to a house crowded with en thusiastic lovers of music. MESMERIC MB. REYNOLDS. Ho Glvp.i n Unique 1'cirformnnro nt tlio Y. AI. C. A. I'nrlnr * I.nst Kvrnliifr. That Prof. Reynolds is the possessor of mesmeric powers that are truly marvelous was the unanimous verdict of the largo audlcnco that witnessed his performance- Young Men's Christian Association hall last evening. The entertainment was at once unique and enjoyable , and the mesmerist and his subjects kept the spectators in a continual roar of laughter for over two hours. The professor prefaced his entertainment with a few remarks concerning mesmerism In general and related a number of anecdotes illustrating the effect of magnetism as a panacea for all human ills. Ho then Invited those who were ready to test his power to take seats on the platform and about twenty men responded. Seven of these were selected as the most susceptible to the mcs merle Influence and Prof. Reynolds soon demonstrated that ho had a complete mastery over the volitions and the imagina tions of his subjects. After the usual introductory tests In which ho demonstrated his influence over the physical faculties of the subjects ho pro ceeded to show that his power extended over every mental. function ns well. He made visions of playing fountains appear before their eyes and convinced them that the seeming water was in reality the sweet est of perfumes. They sprang forward to dip their handkerchiefs in the odoriferous spray and in u moment > thc odor was changed to indicate the immediate presence of ] x > le- cats and the young men threw the handker chiefs away and clap'ped their hands to their noses with n horror so natural as to bo ludicrous in the extreme. The docile subjects'were made to see in an inoffensive walking stick a wriggling , twist ing serpent and their-faces wcro convulsed with horror as they sprang frantically onto the nearest chairs and endeavored to frighten the monster awa3' . Then they wcro made to sec ail orange tree grow upon the rostrum and picked and nto the luscious fruit , declaring' thrft It was the sweetest they had over tasted. A word , and the fruit was changed to peaches and they fell over ono another in their haste to gather the succu lent product. A subject was made to imagiuu that his mother , who was a hundred miles away at the time , was sitting In the chair at his side , and when a man from the audience was placed in the chair ho put his arms around his neck and kissed him , believing implicitly that ho was caressing the maternal cheek. The most ludicrous scenes wcro produced at the will of the operator. The subjects were taken to the circus and they laughed and clapped their hands like a lot of school boys at the antics of the performing elephant and the stereotyped clown. At his will the mesmerist filled their clothing with fleas , made a silver dollar burn th-Sr - hands.and wound up by having them don imaginary skates and cavort around the stage with as much apparent enjoyment ns though they were in reality on the floor of a rink. One young man broke away at the beginning of the performance and retired to the farthest corner of the room , but was compelled to re turn under the influence of the operator's magnetic power. These were but a few of the experiments which entertained the audl cnco during the evening and an entirely new program will bo presented each evening. At tlio IIIJou Theater. Strengthening the stock company of the Bljouthcatcr has added not a llttlo to smoother performances , a better cast and in many respects n performance worthy of the liberal patronage that Is being given the ihouse. Within the past few weeks several new people , In addition to George Wessells and Alias Nellie Elting , have boon added , and , with a possible exception or two creditable presentations are the rule. The well known English meloiirama , "Tho Tickct-of-Lcavo Man , " is the bill this week , and , barring minor incidents , the play is well staged and well acted. As Hawkshaw , the detective , George Wessells Is clover , cunning and always In the nick of tlmo. Cast In leading characters in the mel odramas being presented weekly , Mr. Wessells lias ample place and opportunity to display powers that made the actor a prime favorite oven as long ago as when ho played prominent roles with McCullough. Al Eltlng's interpretations show the result careful study and nt- times arising to a point of finish rather surprising in ono of her years for she is scarce 10. This is true o her acting In the various characters In whlcl ; she has been cast since her advent hem That she gives promise of developing into a thorough artiste there can bo no question In this week's cast she takes the part o May Edwards , Harry Barlow cleverly lllllm the role of Bob BrlUrly , n Lancashire- lad with a dialect that lsexccllent , The others of the cast are fair. T.ho vaudeville special ties preceding the drama Include Madam /.ceondia , the female Hercules , Arthur Pryor of Sousa's band , In trombone solos that are excellent , tkuWarren sisters , aerial gymnasts , Jcnnlo Smytho , In songs and dunces and Fowler and West , comedy sketch team. The Warren- sisters , llttlo tots , on about 0 , the other 10 , do some romarkab work on the rings unq trupezo. The bill con tinues all week. \Vhlto Will IIiUo to Itcturn. CHETES.VE , Wyo.Tan , 81. Governor Os- berne to day domed tlio petition for the re vocation of the requisition issued upon Governor Flower of ipw York for the sur rendering of CharlesjV , White , who married Mrs. Naglo of this , cty ( for ihcr money and succeeded in getting $75,000 of it. Mrs. Naglo is attempting , to bring White to this city and make him return the money , which she claims was fraudulently obtained. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report O 'ANAJIA ' FRAUDS IN AMERICA Disposition of the Funds Alleged to Have Been Squandered on This Sldo. EX-SECRETARY CHAS , COLNE INTERVIEWED In DUrrodlt * the St triiicnl < Mndo l > y Thompson niul linlr Tluit Any Money Wns riureil to the Credit of 111 * Company. NEW YOUK , Jan , 31. A local paper soys Charles Celtic , ox-secretary of the American Panama company , who Is siUil by ex-Secre tary of the Navy Thompson to have vouchers and other papers K'owing In detail the ox- ipnditures of the company , lls'cs nt 1)3 ) Hooper street , Wllllamsburg. When asked if he would show the vouchers , he answered : "I have not been connected with the com- [ 'any for four years ; 1 have no vouchers low. " "Do you know whcro they are1' ! ho was asked. 'I suppose those who should have thorn could produce them. " "Who succeeded you as secretary I" "Mr. X. Boyard , who has an oftlco In the Wells building , 18 Broadway , is my suc cessor. I presume ho can give you the in- 'ormatlon you seek.1 "It Is said that 1,000,000 francs were placed to the credit of the American committee- . Will you toll mo whether that is true or not ? " "No money was placed to our credit. I have jcen out of the company since March , 18S9. I don't care to speak about its affairs. " "Colonel Thompson says you have all the papers tshowlng ' .ho transaction of the com pany. " "Colonel Thompson is a very old man. Ho has said many things which ho would not say if ho wan not so old. " "Colonel Thompson says a large Item in the expense of the American company was the cost of building and transporting a largo dredge , which at the time It was made was the largest In the world. " "As I said before , Colonel Thompson is nn old man and he docs not mean what he said. There wcro seven of those dredges and they were not built in California. They wcro constructed by the American Dredging and Contract company and were built in Brooklyn and Philadelphia. " "How inucli did the American company spend for dredircs' " "We found that American machinery was the best in the world. Colonel Thompson says ho wants to correct a statement that wo purchased fiOO cars in Tcrro Haute , and then ho states that he had but 300 cars built , and that they were built by Robert S. Cox & Co. of Terre Haute , at a cost of 5,1)00,000 francs. Ho knows of these cars and remembers them because they wcro built in his city. The fact is that we or dered 1.000 of cars , a number of excavators , steam boilers , cars of all descriptions and supplies , in fact , cverytning from a ncedlo to an anchor. We spent at least f 1,500,000. "Credits wore opened and purchases wcro made to Jill orders as wo received them from the Isthmus. Certain money was sent us from Paris. Wo purchased agafn that amount and when it was exhausted wo asked for and received more. We sent ful' roixjrts to Paris showing in detail how the money hud been used , " "How about the money which Is said to have been sent to America to secure neu trality ! " "Tho American company had nothing to do with that. When do Lcsscps llrst visited America ho appeared before congress and settled all that. It was done openly , and there- was nothing left for us to do in that line. The American Financial company had nothing to do with that matter , " Mr. E , L. Openhcimer , id New street , when seen , said it was true that the rolling stock of the canal company had been sold to the railroad company , as stated in the dis- patctics from Panama. Mr. Openhcimer represented the railroad company in the negotiations. "Ho hud been using the stock for years under rental , " said Mr. Open- hoimer , "and wo concluded to buy It out right , that's all. " An honest pill is tlio noDIest work of tlio apothecary. DoWitt's Llttlo Early Risers cure constipation , biliousness and nick head ache. IIuiRe : < l for Wlfo Murder. CAMDBX , Ark. , Jan. 31. Luke Tatum , the negro wife murderer was hanged hero this morning. The drop fell at t:00 ) : o'clock , and in live minutes ho was pronounced dead. Ho declared his innocence to the last , even while the black cap was being drawn over his head. Ho said ho was a martyr , and had every confidence heaven would bo his next abiding place. Tutuiu's crime was most brutal one. Leaving the church in which ho N&TURALFRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla Of perfect purity Lemon Of great strength- OranRG Economy In their uso. Rose , te. dolcately , and delicloucly as the fresh fruit. The Keystone Watcli Case Co. of Philadelphia , the largest watch case manufactur ing concern in the world , is now putting upon the Jas. Boss Filled and other cases made by it , a bow ( ring ) which cannot be twisted or pulled off the watch. It is a sure protection against the pickpocket and the many accidents that befall watcfies fitted with the old-style bow , which is simply held in by friction and can be twisted off with the fingers. It is called the and CAN ONLY BE HAD with cases bearing their trade mark Sold only through watch dealers , without extra charge. Ask any jeweler for pamphlet , or send to the manufacturers. DON'T MISS IT ! Ton don't need to sncrlflco the lives of your loved onus wliun Dcplillicria and Membranous Croup wlllendanzcrlhn neighborhood of your linines Tliurolsa sure sn.iclllo meillolno TO 1'Klv- VKNT contagion of tljum , nnd tticra U alia a btiro bnoclflo modlolno for The Cure of Them wlion they have not run boy on ! liummroioh Wrlto to It.C. SIGEL In Crete Neb. . . , , . , If In noeil of any treatment , ruil you wllllln 1 Unit liU l r < m tin out li.ised . on many y oars' ex- uorliiidnts unil stiitlv-liastioouroil him u lua cess wlucliwlll not-dlsappoint you. hail Just preached n sormcm. ho wnlkoil down the road to n jralnt where ho know his wlfo would ) > ; m to visit u neighbor and on her npiHMtitnre ho strm-k her with n club nml licnt her head Into n pulp , The llomllth art win not wIcitCMCil , but so strong was the Irx'imist.inthl evidence Unit the Jury wns convinced buyoud n doubt nnd they declared Him guilty. H you have pltui imVUt's WIU'U ttaxol mlvo will surely euro you. Splrltoil the Prisoner Awn } . WICHITA , Kan. , .Tan. St. William II. Dyers , formerly bookkeeper of the Horsky * Miller Drawing company of Helena , Mont. , charged with grand larceny and embezzling ho funds of lit * employers , wna nrrcs'ted hero last night , after eluding his pursuers or sixteen months. Knrly this morning laboas corpus proceedings were Instituted by his attorneys , but the chlof of police ex pected such n move and sent his prisoner out of town on the llrst train and nobody but ilmselr and the oftlccr in charge knows where ho Is. Chief Cone received a dlsp.itch from Helena this morning saying thn rupture was k most Important one nml Instnictlncr him to 'iold his prisoner until onicers should arrive. llrntty'a PiTTsnuno , l'a..lan. ni. Hubert .T. Hcatty , on trial on the charge of conspiring to nelson Homestead workers , occupied the stand nearly nil day , ami made a general denial of the charge ! } against him. Ho admit ted ho ingagcil thi > cooks , Ciallaeher and Davidson , to go to Homestead , but said It was not for the purpose of putting poison in the food of nonunion workmen. ( IrncnilitnlliiV Will. BOSTON , Mass. , Jan. til. The will of Gen eral Butler , lilcd In the Middlesex probate court bears dnto of 1854 with a codicil dated 18(52. ( All his property is left to relatives , Including his wife and mother , slnco do * ceased. THE NEXT MORNING t FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. Mr doctor cnys It ncta gently nil the Rtonmch , liver and kidneys , nnrt Un pleasant Iftinllvp. This drink is inmle from hprM , nnd Is prepared for tun easily u ten. It Is culled " l clrurclftta sell It ntsoc. nnd tin package. If you cinnotgi-t It. si-mi yourn.ldreas fornfreu s/tinplc. I.nnc'a Fninllr Meillrlnr imivrn the liont'l * * nrh dnr. Jn onlrr tnbe healthy this Is npcess.ary. Addreaa OHATOU F. WOOUWA III ) . I.K llov. N.Y. Before taking your next glass Of River Water hold it up to tha light. T7ieii look at FRESH from the As a pure medicinal or table water it stands alone. Still or Sparklinior. ORAII Donlors. LOXDOiNDEIIIlYLITlllA SPRING WATER CO. , NASHUA , N. Y. c. B.PEHKINS& Co. , Boston selling figenis P&XTON & OALLAGHER. DlstriliutluR Agents for Oiunha. DEFORMITY BRACES Elastic Stocking- Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , d Water Bottles , Syringes , Atomizers , Medical Supplies ALOE & PEHFOLD , 114 S,15tm , Next to Postofflee niTrMTP'r rfl I rlfl . I .V > - No ntly's feu until Tat. Is ot > - 1 M I 1.11 I talnod. Write for luvuutorj Quled IF YfiII WA\TaKcady-mndo ! \ ! Shirc to fluit > you , got the TRADE IT IS A SURE FIT ; W3 BIAKE IT AMD WE KNOW. Watch our advertisements noxl week. ' 6IuettCoon&Co. People have no idea how crude and cruel soap can be. It talccs off dirt. So far , so good ; but what else does it do ? It cuts the skin and frets the under-skin ; makes red ness and roughness and leads to worse. Not soap , but the alkali in it. Pears' Soap has no free , alkali in it. It neither red dens nor roughens die skin. It responds to water in stantly ; washes and rinses off in a twinkling ; is as gentle as strong ; and the after-effect is every way good. All sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people use it. AMU3HMBMT3. BOYD'S Now"jriTcaTro WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 1st , MA'l'INKK AND KVKN1MJ. Only npiH'rirniicn of ttiu Ohrstrom-Lenard Lyric Artists CONHIMTIMI Ol'- AuRiista Ohrstrom , PrliuaDonnn Soprano. Nlnrtlnn JohtiHon. . , The ( unions violin Vliliiom direct from lior ro- contiticcvv ) in Merlin niul ConlluiMitnl Kurojio. F. Donnoll Dolfo , The ( iront Aniorlcnn llr.njo. Frnnk Porter. Tenor Itobnsto. Niemlo Stunrt Owon. I'lHiilit nml At-iompnnlat Acot rluof reiiimiieil mtlsts In n mntnlflcont pro- Krain of popular , oix'rntlc mid clapaio luuvlc. Omnlia lovpm of lilxhrr order of Inuilonl nrt nhouli ! nnt iii'jli'c-i Hits opportunity nf hrnrlnu tlio best nrtula who will iirobnblr visit the city UnrliiK thnaeuioii. BOYD'S New Theater PAULINE HALL In two UrcutSiiccusjcs. l-rldny Night nnd r'atur- ilny Miitlnco ERMINIE , ny Hurry I'onlton niul Jncobownkt : I'ntilln * llnll In tier urlxlnnl creation. Krmlnlo. PUKITANI A lly U. M. B Mel cllun nnd Kdnar S. Kctlay I'ail- line llnll ns Vlvtnu hurl of UirrcnUocU. : l'io- rented wllh nn r.tcollcnt cait : chorus of forty ; special nceuory , costumes anil rarodolall. Tim unto of scats "III open Thursday mornlnit at thn follonlng prices Hint tloor. 7c , II. W and 11.50 ; balcony , fi'Jc and T.ic. g.illi'ry. 2JC , FflREM SS. THEATER p I.Ike Homo nil lloadi lead to tbo Homo of Huccoss. TON5GHT. Tlio 1'iutucscino IrlMi drama. THE FAIRIES WELL I'rosnntcd by iriinworful cotntuny. liieludluz GEO. H. TIMMONS , .Mivtliico WcUnc.sday anil tiiuuriluv. Y. M. C. / HAZ , ! . . Tonight and every nlnlit this neck nt 8 o'clock MESMERIC MYSTERIES. PROF , JOKET , KEYNOiLDS Widely reooKnl/.inl us Uio uruutcst living MESMERIST Admission .5c ; roinrvoil souls Me. , fc'o.itb on sulo at Clmao & Kddy's. ON ERAWD WW WWvjMDBJJOl Corner 16th and Capital Avo. , Omaha. ALli T11IH WKKK TICKET OF LEAVE MAN AND THE NOVELTY SPECIALTY CO. AIJM1HSIU.N. MATIN RES 20c , KVENINOS 20 or OOo. The Original ana Genuine Impirts the most djJlcloua taste and zest ii EXTIIAOT 80UIMI , ofaLKTTEHfrora MEDICAL OEH. UUAVIE3 , TLEMAN atMfttl. rasto his l > roth r P1BII , at WOUOEOTEJ' Liar , 1821. HOT & COLD "Toll MKAT.S , that tboir eiuco In hlxhly oatoomed la GAME , India , and la In my opinion , the inoa * . \VKI.MII- palatable , as well AS the most "hole. RAKEIUTB , name R&UCO that li made. " See. B eofMtotira | ; eee that you get Lea & Perrins' ' BlgnsturooneTcry liottloof Orliflni' & Genuine. JOHN DVNVAH'ti BONN. NfVV YOKK. Or tlio / . / < | ii r// < i/ /f I'tmltli'aty Oiirotl : Iliititou' Hran be Klvuii In auup or culTdaorton or tn fooil without the knonludKu of ilia patlonl It li abso lutely harmless nnd will utlacL a pormaiiunt und spocdy euro , vrhuth3r th3 patient li a modurato drinker or an nlcjhollc wreck. Ithas boon viva nla thousands nt cases and In every Instsnca n pjrfoct euro has folluwiul It nevur falls. The system once ImproKnntod with thuSpoclflc , It booonias nu uttur Imposilhlllty for the ll-jimr nppjtio t'j oiUt UOMH-'NHrKUinUCO. , I'ropi. Cincinnati. O 48-pago book of particular * frjo. To ba luJ of Kulin X Co in 'l ml ' > oumi H'.i. \ Illako , Drue It Co. , uut IlloaarJoa Omaha , Neb PERMANENTLY CURED or NO PAY WE HEFER YOU TO 2 500 PATIENTS. facial Reference : Ml liank of Commerce , Omaha. No DKTKNTION from business. No Operation. Investigate our Mqthml. Written fjutirnntoo to nliso- Intely Curuall klndvnf HDl'TUKKof LiothBuxou.wltU- nnt inn use of Knlfo or ayrltiKu , no matter of how louj atnndlog. atnndlog.EXAMINATION FREE. The 0. E. MILLER COMPANY , 307-300 H. Y. LIFE DLDO. , OMAHA , tlEO , Hnnd for Circular. Nerve Scads , ten Bimrnnter to euro All nrrroui rilicmn , * ucli uVcalc Mvmorr , lx 90f lliuln I'owcr , IIn U elii. Wnkefulne'i , Ix t Manhood. Mxhtlr lmli. j > lon > . erroutneai. LaMltude.allilralni and laiiuf power of InaUunornll o * Orirsn * In oitliar camn-1 urorer exertion. roulMul rroii , or viroilrr iVtUiaof tobivcco , opium or itlmulant * Kblcb eon luad to InnruHy. Coniuiup * - ; tlon nd liiiamlr. I'ulupconmnlunitoccrrylnTcit pocket. Ml per puck. 'BKol'f uiiil6fo | U. Wllh every ti order w vivtitioritlm yu.iranltt toruri i. r.rr < Jur < it/i uwm v.Clrciil i'r > < > . A Mrt nn > v ' n * < ' < > . , CbtcmniilU. For Sale in Omaha by Sherman & McDonnell , 1815 Dodjja Strat.