THE OMAHA DAT1A' BK13 : 1 , 189.J , THJD DAILY BEE OFKJCKi NO. ID PKAUL STRUCT. ntll < > r < > rt 1 y rci-rler to nny part of the city II W. TIl.TON , - MANAOKU. I 1lil.lnrvsnioc ) No. 43 'uMKt | , Kdltor No. 23 .W/.V77U.Y. N. Y. PlumbliiK Co Council HluJTs Lumber Co. Coal William Louis CMiccts to leave for Florida In the near future. L. nir-.lcrman has sold out his business nnd will go mi the road for a life Intmrnuco com pany. The fliiffi on the school hulldlnx * wore dis played nt half mast un Monday In honor of James G. lllnlnc. The Kcboltah Kcllof association will meet with Mrs. A. II. Kndurtoii , UI'J Third strcut , today at'JiIK ) p. m. Kmmcl Tlnloy commenced n suit In BU- perior court .yesterday to collect $ 'J < K ) on it note ( 'lvcn by O. K. and J. II. Daniels. The l/ullcs Aid society or the CopRrep- tiouiil fhurt-h will liold it business meeting nt tbo residence ol It. W. Koss this after noon. Ik nry flrote wan arrested yesterday for fant drivlnp. It Is claimed that ho ran Into n vehicle whllo driving his hack and did con- sldcrabln damage. II A. Hainl Is preparing to move his store tof > 2l Broadway , ono door east of where he now Is located. The new room Is being hand somely papered and repaired. The Ladles Aid society of St. Johns' hngllsh Lutheran ehurr.ivjll meet Thurs day afternoon at the residence of Mrs. G. W. Hoyniau , 'Kti Lincoln avenue. Hi'Ctilar mcetiiitf of Mi/.pah temple No. 0. Pythian Sisters , at Knljjhts of Pythias hall this evening for the purpose of Initiation. Mrs , Oeorgv W. Koborts , secretary. I'ottaw.Utamlo tribe , No. Ul , Improved Order of Hod Men , will meet this evening In regular council. In their wigwam , corner of liroadway and Main street , at thu eighth nin. Visiting chiefs are welcome. The drape Growers association has re ceived Its new seal and trade marlc. It con sists of a bunch of grapes with it cluster of leaves for a background. Surrounding the fruit is the name of the organization. Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday to the following : Harry MaGee and Saphronio Shcpard of Omaha ; Ixmls Harada and Cora ( Jalhoun of Council Hlufl's. The couple llrst named were married by Justice Vleu. The funeral of Josiah Soar , who died lu the west lant week , will take place this afternoon nt S o'clock from the residence of his father , 121 Uroadway. The deceased was 51 years a of ago and was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. .Tudgo Thornell heard a part of the evidence In two more saloon cases from Ncola Klll- thorpe against X.rthur Xlpr , and Klllthorpo against Adams. These two cases , together with that of Thompson against Sullivan , which Is still Incomplete , will be taken up in court tills morning. Mrs. Flaherty , who was arrested for larceny , was released on her premise to ap pear In police court this morning. A search was inado of her premises by an ofllcer in the hope of llndlng some of the articles which were alleged to have been stolen , but noth ing was found. Shu raised no objection to the search , and It is said by those who claim to bo Informed , that her arrest was simply a piece of spite work. Clt.v Engineer Cook Is drawing plans for a new kind of sewer , which will bo presented to the council at Its next meeting on Monday evening , It Is shaped inside like an egg standing on thu small end , the principal ad vantage claimed for this s'napo being the prenter readiness with which It will scour. It will be tried llrst on Fourteenth avenue. Jasper Adams , who w.ts lined for over charging hack fare , had his sentence sus pended yesterday by Judge McGee on the re quest of his victim , City Physician Jennings , who represented that Adams' wife was In a delicate condition and that his being com pelled to servo out his time in jail would work n great hardship on his family. Ho was discharged pending good behavior. Deere , Wells ft Co. commenced a suit in the superior court yesterday against the AVells-Fargo Kxprcss company to collect 10 , the amount of a note executed in the plalnttrf'8 favor by U. F. Seaman & Co. of Ucnnantown , Neb. The petition alleges that the account was sent to the express company for collection , but that it was held for seventeen days before the plaintiffs were notllled that it could not be collected. In the meantime. Seaman & Co. became Insolvent , and now the plaintiffs sue the express com pany for the amount of the note as damages. Charles doff , the secondhand dealer , who bought a stolen breastpin from a boy named Jake Lyons , was lined $15.80 In police court .yesterday. A sentence of ten days in jail was Imposed on the boy for larceny , but was suspended on his promising to behave him self in tfio future. Joe Uushius was lined fJO.70 for drunkenness and using loud and indecent language on the street. UHO Konl-Spur ! A i"o pHokngo saves 2o per cent of your coal bill , besides other coin forts , niul is stillleient to treat ono ton. For sttlo by Juiisseii & Grey . No. ; i7i Pearl utroet. For wanning' ' guest chambers , bath roonH , ote. , our gas heaters tire just what you want. Look at thorn. Clean , convenient , cheap. U. 13. Giw and Elec trics Light Co. Finest Ari to cabinet photos , $2 per cloz. Ashton's studio , 18 N. Main utreot P. M. Hunter of OUuuuva Is In the city. J. C. Spangler of Walnut was In the city yesterday. Superintendent Kothert of the School for the Deaf , left last evening for Chicago. C. S. Hanck of Iowa City , one of the mem bers of the board of trustees of the School for the Deaf was In the city yesterday. Miss May Howard of Kaluka , Mo. , who i has been visiting her brother , 1. V. Howard L of this city , leaves tonight for homo. Among the lowans at the Grand hotel yesterday were the following : J. II. Hert- ulee of Hamburg , J. E. Lowry of Dos Mohlcs , H , F. linker and wife of Dunlap. II. O. Moore and wife wore In the city yesterday , guests of the family of I. N. Fllckinger. Mr. Moore Is cashier of the First National bank of Dunlap , Mrs. R H. Mathls and daughter , Helen , loft last Sunday for I osAngolcs , Cal. , where they will remain for a couple oftuonths In the hope of Improving the hitter's health. The BIIOW and cold weather docs not diminish the domain ! for acreage in thu Klein tract , -1 miles east of the post- ollleo ; 'KX ) acres yet for sale in from ono to ten aero tracts , suitable for fruit and garden. Day & Iless , agents , 119 Pearl titreot. Now that diphtheria is prevalent in Council JMnlTs and Omaha every family .Hhonld bo provided with Dr. Joll'oris' In fallible diphtheria preventive and euro. It can bo had of Council HlnlTs drug- glBta or at 1I4IU Cnmlng street , Omaha , . l.iu-ky Walnut .iten. J. II , Henry nnd J. P. Burke , two well known residents nnd capitalists of Walnut , In the east end of this county , left n couple of years ago for Sacramento , Cul. , to engage In railway speculation. They bullded n street ' 'railway In the town nnd operated It In u very prolltable manner , ns Is shown by In formation which was received yesterday by some of their friends In this city , to the effect that they had just sold out ou terms which will add it cool $500,000 to the credit side of their ledger. It is now announced that they will build n railway between the towns of Sail Jose nnd Sacramento , Shooting tournament this week at the shooting gallery , i'ltl Hroadwtiy , for a rltlo. Ties to bo shot off Saturday , February 4. p. II. TATK. Coal and wood ; best nnd cheapest MltsMHirl hard wood in the city ; prompt delivery , H. A. Cox. No. 4 .Nltiin. Do yon smoke ? Have you tried T. D. King & Co.'s Purtujjasy U'n u charmer. J nut light otio. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS More Trouble for tbo Omaha & Council Bluffs Hallway and Bridge Company. IT MUST LIVE UP TO ITS AGREEMENT limtllutril to Hiiro thn Charter of thn Company l'orfelli-d rroinl p | Mniln Which lluvo Nrvcr Hreu Kept A Hot Tight i\pcctlul. : Another bomb shell was flrcd Into the camp of the Oinnlm ft Council BlulTs Ifcill- way and Bridge company vestcrday afternoon - noon , and the campaign which was com- menecd n few weeks ago by the citizens to compel the company to fulfill Its contracts Is now waxing warm. Proceedings were In stituted to have the charter of the company granted by the city council In 1880 canceled and forfeited. The allegations of the petition are In the main the same as those in the suit l > egun by Spencer Smith and Hurl ft McCabe against the company to compel the refunding f the bonus voted a few years ngo to assist in the building of the bridge. , , 'J'he petition recites that after the charter was granted to the company to build Its rail way , and after the bonus was voted , the Iowa corporation assigned to the Nebraska coriHjratlon nil Its franchises and privileges : that the Iowa corporation never exercised any of its privileges , did not build the reader or the bridge , and completely abandoned nil the duties laid upon it by Its articles of Incor poration and the charter granted by the city ; that the Nebraska corporation claims to hold the franchise but has failed to comply with the duties laid upon the Iowa corporation , such as the payment of the cost of grading and paving the streets whereon its tracks were laid ; that the Nebraska corporation claims to be operating Its road under the franchise gr.tnlcd to the Council Ulufls Street liallway company In 1S08 and under a lease from the company. Demiiiid Tlmt tlio Charter lie Canceled. In view of these facts and the fact that the Iowa corporation has transferred to the Nebraska company , which is composed of identically the same parties , Its charter , the plaintiffs demand that thechartcrsogranted bo canceled and declared forfeited , and that the Nebraska corporation be required to show by what right they are operating their road on the streets of Council Bluffs. "This isn't our last shot , either , ' ' said Attorney C. M. Hurl last evening.Wo mean to light the case until the company is compelled to either lish or cut bait. It has claimed of late to bo operating under the charter of the old horse car railway. This company was given the right to build a single track railway and operate it by horse power. How the present company can claim that it has the right to run u double track railway by eleutrio power is more than I can see. However , this clmrtct expires next August , and it will then have to admit that it is running under the charter of IHSO , by which It Is compelled to pay for the paving as alleged in our petition , or else ask for a new charter , in which event n fi cent fare will bo one of the very near proba bilities. If. as it claims , it has not been using the ISStJ charter during the last two years. It ia forfeited by its terms. "Tho company put $31,000 of its own money in thu enterprise and. so I am informed on good authority , Is making an annual divi dend of 50 per cent , while the citizens and die clt.v are compelled to whistle for the S5 ! , < )00 ) worth of taxes which they have been compelled to pay for the company In order that its property might not bo sold at tax sale. " "Mjlcs 11,1 lloct.irr. " Kd Copley's new play , "Mylos na Dodare , " received its first presentation at the opera house last evening. The Inisfail Dra matic club held the Iwards , nnd the pre diction that it would bo tbo best amateur cast over seen In Council Bluffs was fully verified. The fact of the play being tbo work of a Bluffs man , and the personal popu larity of Air. Cogloy and'tbo members of tbo club , combined to bring out one of the largest audiences over In the opera house , nearly every seat being occupied. Tlio following Is the cast : Myles-Xa-llodaro ( the Ildatman of Kln- salri ) Kd V. ( 'ogluy Waller I.i'sllu , : tn American newspaper ror- n-ipondont CJeorKo F. Hughes Urn-aid Kelly , alias Mark Ucauaii , thu tnurpur Henry I'aschcl Owen Flint , bK licnchman. Thomas II. Hughes Dlnny Duly , a boatman l > . J. Mcllrliln Michael Dwyer , u farmer I'hllln Pnscliul Mrs. Dwyer , his wife Kiilowlckliam Molly Dwyur , their daughter Mrs. Kd F. t'ocley Mttlo Kitten , hursIstL'i- Frances McMillan Kale Condon , the hi'lrt'KS Olln Hughes ( Iraco llarlan , hoi-schoolmate..Mamlo lluihi > .s The plity is an Irish comedy drama and contains many line points , which were brought out well. There Is a slight ten dency to drag in the llrst act. but this de fect is remedied In the succeeding acts and especially in the third , which is full of gen uine Irish humor and quaint situations. Mr. Cogley , of course , played the title role , and his experience on the amateur nnd profes sional stage was of considerable advantage to him over the other 'members of tlio company. They all , however , played their parts well , and especial mention is duo Mrs. Coirley , Thomas B. Hughes , and little Fran ces McMillan , who , although only four-years of age , entered into the spirit of her part with as much zest as any of her seniors , nnd made a decided lilt with her dances. The Ampbion male quartet , composed of Mes srs. White , lairing , Manslicld and Davis , rendered a selection in the third act , and Mr. Cogley sang the following songs com posed bv C. W. Dalbev especially for this production : "My Molllo Dear to Me , " "Tho Poteen Howl" and "Hock a Horse , " also "McNtilty nnd the Duck , , ' by Carey. The play will bo presented again this evening. To Couuell Illulltt und Omuliii Icemen. All ieo dealers of Council BlulTs and Omaha are hereby notilled that wo , the linden-signed butehors of Counotl BlulTs , will contract with any responsible party making us the lowest bid to furnish us Ieo during the BUtntner of 18U ! ) , in sueh quantities and at sueh times as wo may desire. All bids must bo font to M. \Volker , 007 Main street , by February Uo , when they will bo opened by u eom- mlttco of three. M. WKMCKH , W. STOKTX , JOHN KVKKS , Hour. BAUUATZ , C' . L. NUNAS , W. KII-MNE. : .1. II. MIM.KII , Hunnit Bitos. , ( } . U. KoKwr.Kit , J. II. PACK , ,1. II. L.KAKK , Jos.VAUOEAIN , MKTZGKK & 1'KTHYIIIUDaU < [ ) ! imi > tlit t > in- , A suit was filed In the superior court yesterday - torday morning by Frank Dorsoy , it promi nent stockman , working for Perry Brothers in South Otnahn , against his wife , Eva Dor- scy , a lot of household furniture valued it | about fWXI , being the cause of the dlniculty. Mr. and Mrs. Horsey have not been living together for some tlmo past. Monday night Mrs. Dorsey intended to leave for Chicago Slio had her furnlturo all packed and brought to this side of the river , where It was store < in the Northwestern freight house until tno departure of the train. Dorsey claimed to own tbo furniture , and bo at once got out : writ of replevin and sel/.ed the goods , whlcl were taken back to Omaha. Mrs. Dorse ; has gone on to Chicago. AK"l > t tin , Motor Company. About three years ago u colored man named Miller was killed on the motor line His sister , Mrs. Sullivan of Chicago , com menced a suit against the company for dam ages nnd received a verdict of f lfiOO. The defense of the company was thr.t Miller was intoxicated when ho fell fiom the train The case was taken to the supreme court 01 an upiH-al , and yesterday a telegram was re celved announcing jhitt thu Judgment of the court below bad been affirmed. Wanted Cash olfer for ton shares Citizen's State bank stock. Miibt Ix. sold.- Address K. A. Shettfe. I'lrn In u Meat Market. The tlra department was called out las evening ut UBO ; o'clock by an alarm from tn meat market wbluh was recently opened by Mr. M. J. Sullivan on Broadway near tb corner of Eighth street. The cheuilcu engine threw a stream on the hln i I that noon extinguished It , ; > ut thn contents of the shop thatj escaped destruction by the lire were ruined bv the smoke. Tlie building belongs to JoMuh Dunforth and was fully Insured. Mr. Dan- forth's loss Is estimated at about # 00. Sullivan's loss wits alwut * see , and Is said to IK ) uninsured , although ho could not IKJ found to verify the rewrt. | Mr. Sullivan was filling it HghtcJ lamp when It exploded and the contents were thrown all over the room , so that the whole Interior was blackened and charred. llouriclus llnds out that Stutsiniui Street is all right for the plutio buslne , just look tit his now signs. llrlorc the ( Irunillury. The case of Peter Kltelberg , who Is claimed to have had it hand In the burning of his own house on Logan street last week , WiS under consideration by the grand Jury yes terday morning. A deputy sheriff called on four women who were supposed to have information on the subject , but they all protested that they were sick abed. A hack was accordingly procured , and they were escorted to the grand Jurv room lu stato. William Ellsworth , whoso nose was bitten off by his brother about four weeks ago , was also before the grand Jury to testify as to his grievances. Another new Improvement has boon added to popular Schubert pianos. Swanson - son Music Uo. H'll.t. KAIUI.THE le .Molnet' City roiuicllmrn Drteriiilni'il to lluClirup Water. Dr.s Mot.Ni'.s. la. , Jan. ill. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bun. ] By order of the city council made last night the city solicitor will tomorrow begin proceedings to enjoin the water works company from putting into execution its threat to shut off the water in retaliation for the ordinance lowering the rates , passed n week ago. This will bring the matter to a sudden focus and it is ex pected the question at issue will be speedily determined. _ IIHVII Supreme Court Dci'lthint. DBS Moi.sns , la. , Jan. ill. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : But : . ] Tbo following supreme court decisions were rendered today : Sutherland against Standard Insurance company , appellant , Council BlulTs superior court , aftlrmed ; Baxter against Chicago , Kock Island & Pacific Uailway company , appellant , Mahaska district , affirmed ; Mc- Murray against Capital Insurance company , appellant , Kossiith district , tifllrmcd ; Wiil- verling , appellant , against Cofl'man , Shelby district , reversed ; Galloway against Chi cago. Hock Island & Pacific Uailway com pany , appellant , Appanooso ( ( strict , af- llrmed : Frantze , appellant , against Hanford , Wooillmry district , reversed ; Bruen , appel lant , against Dunn , Audubon district , of- firmed uHlchardsoii against Coffman , appel lant , Harrison district , reversed ; Hold , ap pellant , against Cook , Freemont district , anirmed ; Botnu Valley State bank turainst Silver City bank , appellant , Mills district , atlirmed ; Kerojrgiu , appellant , against Wood , \dnir district , reversed. Cedar Knplds Klk I.odsc. CEDAH HAPIDS , In. , Jan. ill. [ Special to 'im Bcc.J Next Friday evening a lodge of ho Benevolent and Protective Order of' ' : iks will bo "stablished In this city. Dr. W. 1 Pipplno of Dos Moines will act as install- ng ollleer. The lodge will start out with .early forty or the leading professional and justness men of the city. Tcrrlhle Kxperlenep of a C.lrl. BOOM : , la. , Jan. ! 51. [ Special Telegram to 'ins Br.i ! . ] Grace Parks , a young girl living n the Fifth ward In this city , fell into a veil , twenty-eight feet deep , and went to ho bottom of nine feet of water. She came o the surface and clung to the sides of the veil for two hours before being rescued. She will live. t In the .Machinery. MAIIIHAI.I.TOWN , la. , Jan. ill [ Special Telo ram to Tun Due. ] Thomas Manning , cm iloycd in the glucose works here , was caught n the machinery yesterday and his leg mingled so that amputation was necessary. lo died today , .Ho was ! ! : ) years old and mmarrled. His mother lives at Oxford. Surveying the tVliiiiiin l.lno. MAnsiiAu/rowx , la. , Jan. SI The prellml nry survey for the proposed Wiuona , Marsh' illtown ft Southern railroad was begun today. The engineer corps is working south from Marshalltowii. The survey will bo pushed vlth all possible dispatch. HMory Might HnvrHern Changed. Rutherford B. Hayes was at ono time the target of a Georgia confederate. It s only by a scratch that his life was saved and that the Ohio colonel after- ivnrds became president. The scene was on the Gonloy river , in West Virginia. The Georgian who took lim was General William Phillips of Marietta , and the time wits 1801. For several days General Floyd hud been skirmishing with General Cox's Ohio troops tit the "Hawk's Nest , " u pictur esque cliff rising over 1,000 foot from the river road. Ono fine morning General - oral ( then colonel ) William Phillips heard u bugle blast near the ' 'Hawk's Nest , " .across the rivet1 , and an Ohio colonel at the head of his regiment rode out into the river u good distance , as the rocks shelved gradually. Cjlonol Phillips selected a long-range rillo from ono of his men and , raising his weapon , took deliberate aim at the unioi ollleor. The distance was great , but Phillips was a line shot , and at the crack of the rifle a plume from the Ohio col onel's high hat fluttered out into the water , and the ollleer dashed up the bank out of range. In 1878 General Phillips was in Washington and saw the president. Uo fcitid something about "Hawk's Nest" and his aim at an Ohio colonel. President Hayes brightenee up and inquired into details. Then tlu president said that ho was the Ohio cole ncl whose hat was grazed by Phillips bullet. That night General Phillips took tea at the private table of the Hayes family. Prof. Andrew. ! . Seymour of Roekford 111. , proposes to have himself buried alive next summer , throwing himself into a state of insensibility us a com' mencement , and then remaining pluntet ; until a crop of barley is sown , ripenei ; and harvested over his suspended ani million , lie will then bo disinterrei and go abrmt his business just as if he was alive and kicking and had spent th summer at Atlantic City. Captain John Cloves Symmcs clung pertinaciously to his theory , commonly known as that of Symmes' Hole , and n relative of his , eighty years later , keeps up the family faith. lie is now trying to organize an Arctic expedition , as to which ho says that it is to discover the interior of the earth through the open ing at the pole. In his own words : "We go with no other purpose than to follow the wild animals back to Symsonia , whence 'they come every spring und re turn in the full. No ono has ever fol lowed them to their home , but wo will. Whore they go wo can follow , and a now world is to IMS found that will immortal ] izo the finders. " The rrenclirr W An incident of more than ordinary in terest to lovers of genuine good humor happened in ono of the churches in Fresno , Cnl. , a few Sundays since. The church building stood square up against the sidewalk , and thu preacher had just grown eloquent over his subject. Every thing was perfectly still when the earn est divine exclaimed with much vohem- enee : "What is it wo most need , my friends , tonight ? " Just at this point ono of the traveling lunch iKiddlers of Fresno passed in front of the church door and shouted out : "Toiuulus ! Hot chicken tomules ! " The house couldn't control itself , and it is said the preacher biuilcd also. IT 1 LOOKED RATAfc IOXEIY But Ono Bid Rooalvad ty the Council to Supply Gnsoliuo Dimps. SUN VAPOR COMPANY GoTlUE CONTRACT Comptroller Ol pn Suliti ljij III * Kxtlnmti for thn Current V < ' ; - lor it City ilnll Slln ItefVmjiJ fV Com- IMtiln Coinlilno. The unexplrcd term of the contract of the Metropolitan Street Lighting company Is to bo llllcd by the Sun Ynpor Street Lighting company of CantonO. Last night the coun cil awarded to the Sun Yii , > or company the contract. The company' " bid was the only ono received In roswnso | to the advertise ment. In the hid the company nijreed to furnish until January at ) , IbW , as many gaso line lights as uro now in use , to hum from sundown to sunrise , every day In the year , sixteen enndlo power , for $18.75 per month. When the hid was read Mr. Speelit moved that the contract bo awarded to the com pany. Mr. Howell looked through another pair of glasses and said so. In his opinion it would bo very peculiar to it ward the contract when but ono bid had been received , and no competition was observable. Mr. Munro bought the city hud delayed long enough jid he wanted the contract awarded. He sain heiadvertlsement for bids shut out all compe- Ition , and it could not bo expected that any tlicr than the Sun Yapor company would ubinit tone. That company has its lamp rests already set and can fulfill its contract. The discussion was prolonged and finally , ho contract w.\s awarded to the company. Mayor Demls vetoed the bill of the Now Omaha Thomson-Houston company for le- ember , amounting to .vj.-IMMM. The may- ir's position was the same as that assumed ivlton he vetoed it former claim on December 8 , Ib'J'i. The mayor believes that the mount claimed Is largely In excess of That ho company Is entitled to , as In his opinion , ho company is furnishing lights that uro 3iUiil | to about only one-half of the capacity required by contract. He again urged tbo necessity of securing an apparatus nnd con nections so that frequent and pra.'tlcal tests nay bo made of the power of are lights , such ests to be made by the proner ollicials of ho city. The mayor's veto was not sus- ained , four members voting to sustain and hirteen the other way. Sites fur u Clt.v .lull. Bids for a slto for tlio city jail were re ceived as follows nnd referred to the com- uittee on police : Ninth nnd l-'arnam J-l-1,000 Twelfth and I lodge :10IH : ) ( ) Ninth undl'anltnlnvcmiu 30,000 Twelfth mid I lodjjc- 22,000 Fourteenth and .lours , with Improve ments on property 1)0,000 Sumo without Improvements 45.000 r'lfti-i'ntli and Jones 'j-i.uuo Thirteenth and ( 'anltol avenue 20.000 > rth side of llurnuy , between Tlilr- tecnth and Fourteenth 30,000 .oK 3 and A , block 103 . , . 45000 ifteenth and Jones , nottlnuM corner. 30,000 Davenport , between I'oUiteentb and Fifteenth u 2,000 Fourteenth mid Davenport 1G.OOO Same , with 110 feet ndjattent 1M.OOO Fourteenth and Jones. . . ' . ' . . , 'Jfi.OOO Thirteenth nnd Davenport 13,000 Flfteenl hand Jones , - , 14,500 Lots 3 and 4 , block 1UO 311,000 rifteenth and .lone.- , , , 45,000 Southeast corner Klghieentli and llarnuy ' . : 33,000 Thirteenth and IIoward..t : 30,000 Sevfiiteenth and I loirard.i. ' 311,000 Thirteenth and Jackson , .i. : 25,000 Southeast corner Nineteenth and llarney.- . v , 00,000 Comptroller' * IMImute. In submitting his animal estimates of ex penses for the current"'year ' Comptroller Olson prepared his regular report asfollows : In accordance with reoWreiiients of law , I herewith submit-to your' ' liortorutdo body an estimate of expense * for the year 1893 , for the various funds and departments of thoelty , compiled from last year's expenditures ami other information that I was alilo to obtain. Tim estimates uro based on vrhat Is needed without taking Into consideration any balance that may bu left In the various funds , which balance I have hhown wherever there Is any. I may hero Mate , as Is a well known fact , that thu business In some depart ments of thu city has Increased probably one * fourth , and If out ) department Incrcase-i thu rest will proportionately , nevertheless It Is my belief , that thu business of the city , lulus pro vided for from the general fund , can be prop erly done for the amounts as estimated , this being In the main the Mime as last year and the year before , and If at certain times moro help .should bo needed to properly do the busi ness , other expenses can bo cut down , s > o as to need no moro money than estimated , unless salaries hhoiild bo Increased , follce * M.UO Street com SO.IWO Klro ' .i3,5UU t'ollco court S..KU Hewer mnlntalnUiK 15.UJO ( Jos Inspector . . . . 1OU ! Curb , uut. A.C1V. . M.OJn Holler Innpector. . y , < W 1'ubllo library Hi,400 * -'np. cllr linll. . . . . . 10,510 Health ll.v.o l.lccnjo Inspector. I.5UJ I'nrks U2.UUU Ciu. tax Ilils 3.UW Woter rent W.IMI Ulccllon expenses lll.UlU Lighting I'ross walks Il.OUU Mayor , Hospital 2.VOO City council 15ii"0i Velcrlunry. . . . . . . . . IHVJ Comptroller ID.WJ Appraisers 2.0C1 ] TrcHHUrcr 21,000 Advertising U,1KKI City clerk 7,5' Becoming deed * . . LcgM 10.000 l Knglncci'lnK 2S.OOO HorKcnntnt nrina. , Uoanl of pub , w'ks 12SJO Ulytaxi'i. . . S.OJC Hap. bills. A [ limit. , xonom. y The total expenditures for the various de partments thus estimated will bo .seen to bo Ji00,35a. ! Iiitbtyear tbo actual expenditures for thu same departments were J'JO'JOi5.3H ( Wo have now a ha In MOO of 817,150,77 In tin general fund , whereas last year we had a bal unco of JU7.335.4H. Last year wo received from fees , Interest and other sources into thu general fund $25,073.H5 and may reasonably expect to receive a'hlmllar amount this year. Last year we also expended for miscellaneous accounts , as shown In my annual statement the bum of i71il)7.20. : ) TllKO. OI.SK.V , Comptroller. Annual ItrportH Itccclvrd. The annual reports of City Treasure ; Bolln. Comptroller Olsen , City Clerk Groves and CJas Inspector Gilbert were rccelvcc and referred. City Engineer Hosewater sub mitted hissummarl7.atinnof the total amount of intersection paving that had been agreed ujxrn at the meeting Saturday evening. Til total cost reached $112,000 , estimated at per euble yard. Mr. Hosewater also reeom mended that the sum should bo cut down After considerable discussion it was votec to meet Friday evening for the purpose o taking up the paving question and settling 1 definitely. Judge Uerkn's annual report was sub mitted. It shows that during the year 24,110 was assessed In lines that went to the city nnd fl'JS to the state. The costs amounted to S'JjTJiS.Wi. making a total of * ju'ir > ij.yri. ' " ' 1 ho recommendation'.of the Board of Flro and Police Commissioners that two steam engines bo purchased ami fifty intermediate hydrants be placed lu'tho business irartion of the city was read. Alsd- that n now hose cart bo purchased ame ) placed in engine house No. ! ) . ' i' i Too .Many riiiinbliiK Inspectors. Building Inspector Tilly In a communica tion stated that the force in the plumbing inspection department1 ft too largo and ono Inspector should bo removed. The Inspec tors arc now working half tlmo and Mr. Tilly says it is imprartihiblo and unsatisfac tory. Referred to thtifdmmitteo on sewerage - ago to report Friday { filing. The communleatiou from the Board of Education , relative ttf'dlsposiugof the Dodge street school to thb city for Jail jiurjioses , was read and referred Ui the committee on iwlico to rojiort next.tMday evening. James Ktephcnson cr.tled thn council's at tention to the fact that the shed covering the election booths is too simril and should bo enlarged. Mayor Bemls nominated M. J. Cowglll for city electrician. The npi > ointinent was re ferred to the committee on gas and electric lights. The Barber repair claim , amounting to SlIl.OOO for lbi)2 ) , which was the lioard of Public Works , was up for approval by the council. It was ordered referred to the committed on paving , curbing and gutter ing for investigation. lr ( 'n-npinlei I'ltiy C.'lnch. Bids for furnishing Ice for the present sea son were received. The lirst three bids read as if a combine was In existence. They were for 40 cents i > er 100 ( pounds. The South Omaha Ice company bid " > cents and If its Ice Is not taken from Cut-Off lake the comiwny will receive the contract. The committee on public property aiid buildings will investi gate. The Nebraska Telephone company asked pertnlmlon lo roiiWo | > oles on Fourteenth street , from Ilimu\V to JOIICH streets , the IKIM | to ho lltty feet long , Heferred to com mittee on telegraph and telephone lines. A protest from property owner * against the proposed paving of Tenth street , from Bancroft to C'astcllar streets , was referred to the committee of the whole. The com munication from the county commissioners relative to the pnvliur of country roads was referred to the meeting In committee of the whole Friday nlsjht. ' Max Mevcr offered to lease to the city the brick block at Tenth nnd Farnam streets to be used for an emergenev hospital , at an an nual rental of t.X ( > 0. Referred to committee on police. Ollorrd u A communication was received from the Freohind-IxMimls , company , enclosing n check for $1.000 to bo used ns n subscription for the purchase of the promised two steam lire engines. The conditions attached are that one of the steamers shall bo located In the business portion of the city nnd shall bo named the ' Continental , " as shall the house where it Is located and the company oper ating the machine. The projwsltion was re ferred to the committee on lire nnd water. Mr. Mu mi ) thought that the Board of Health was incurring too gre.xt an expense , considering the time of the year. He wanted a committee appointed to Investigate the matter and see if some of the help Is tint un necessary and can be dispensed with. Mr. Howrll nnd Mr. MeLcarli- defended the board and said that more help Is needed , in stead of n lessening of the number of in spectors. A motion to postpone ludelinitely any action prevailed. Kuril One Miiy KrrpTlb. : The comptroller was Instructed to furnish each councilman with a copy of the general appropriation ordinance after it has been read the second time. Some of the councilmen - men failed to grasp the full import of the resolution , ami when they did the opposition to It was concentrated and gencniled by Mr. Wheeler , who immediately moved it recon sideration. Nearly nil of the members on the lloor took u hand in the discussion. The oppo nents of the resolution thought Us adoption would increase the work of the comptroller and necessitate the employment of addi tional help. The members who desired the adoption of the resolution held to the belief that the comptroller could do the work without this. They desired complete scru tiny of all claims , and this was taken as the most convenient mammr of placing them be fore the members , ami thus prevent any claims slipping in which do not helomr in the appropriation sheet. The motion to recon sider was defeated. Hereafter the city will only pay for beds in the different hospitals when actually used. The committee on public property and buildings reported that a contract had been entered into with the American District Telegraph company for putting into the city hall its system of night watch signal ser vice. The contract was approved by the council. The rex | > rt of the committee on public property and buildings recommended that two steam lire engines and one hose cart bo purchased , and llfty or seventy-live intermedlato lire hydrants bo ordered placed In the business portion of the city : also that an engine house bo erected between Ninth and Sixteenth streets and Capitol nvcL'un nnd Howard streets. The report was adopted. Architect Bolndorff's claim for & , Mi for services on the city hull , which has bobbed up serenely several times , was up again last night. Action was postponed until all work upon the city hall Is completed. liiK I > OIH for War. experiment ) * In training war dojjrt are in progress in Germany. The work is done by non-coinnussioned ollluors. tinder theo occasional supervis ion of n lieutenant. The system of tntin- hitf i elaborate and dillli'iilt , and often enough the results are utterly un.satis- faetory. But a small percentage of the dojfd tried uro accepted for military service , and of those accepted the ma jority prove to bo failures in consequence of the impossibility of .suppressing their natural tendency to bark when au enemy approaches. In the present work the dogs are taught to regard black or blue trousers us Gorman and friendly , and red trousers us hostile. About half of the trainers wear Frenc'h uniforms , scold the dogs in French and cttlT them or whip them. The dogs are taught thus in a short time to distinguish between French and Ger mans during daylight nnd to give the alarm whenever it French uniform comes in sight. They are taught to give the alarm whenever anybody approaches by night , the distinction of friend or foe then devolving upon the nearest sentry. Training dogs for messenger service lias been found much easier than train ing them for picket duty. The couriers are selected invnriiibly from the females , as they are quicker and less likely to loiter along the road. The first lesson taught to such a courier dog is that she must hide upon the approach of a human being , exccping , of course , her special trainer and camp frjends. A sergeant told a reporter that his dogs had learned already to hide behind hedges or a crouch down out of sight in ditches whenever anybody came along the1 road , and then to continue their journey with renewed speed its soon as the danger of detection was by. The messenger doij wears a light iron collar with u small bag attached for the dispatches. The greatest dillleulty , the sergeani paid , had boon found in accustoming the dogs to artillery. At the llrst discharge of cannon usually they bolt. After having once been accustomed to the re ports of firearms , however , ho said , the dogs were the most courageous soldiers and ran about without quailing in the thickest of the fight. The German spitz has been found most valuable for the service on account of its intelligence and endurance. The best color for facili tating the concealment of the messenger dog has boon found to bo gray and therefore gray-haired dogs are selected whenever practicable. A good many Scotch collies have also been impressed into the service and a few St. Herimrds. This latter variety is employed exclu sively by the Red Cross Held service and hence it is asserted that in the next war there will bo no possibility that any of [ the wounded will bo overlooked on the battlefield. LIKE A THIEF /.V THK NIOllT , Con sumption comes. A slight cold , with your system In the scroful ous condition that's caused by Impure blood. is enough to fasten It upon you. That Is the > time when neglect nnd delay are full of danger. Consumption is Lung- Scrofula. You can prevent It , nnd you can euro it , if you Imvoii't ' waited too long , with Dr. Pierce's Uolden Medical Discovery. That U tbo most potent blood-cleanser , strength- restorer , and flesh-builder that's known to medical science. For every disease that haste to be reached through the blood , like Con sumption , for Scrofula in all its forms , Weak Lungs , Bronchitis , Asthma , and. nil severe , lingering Coughs , it is the only 0iinrnnfm ( remedy. If it doesn't K'neflt or cure , you have your money back. The proprietors of Dr. Race's Catarrh Remedy know that their medicine perfectly nnd i > erinnnentlT cures Catarrh. To provo it to you. they make this offer : If they can't cure your Catarrh , no matter what your case Is , they'll pay you * MO in cosh. OVIDE VIEN , JuHtlc-o of thu I'caco - - . "il Ilroadway. I'pstulrs. COM.r.OTIO.Nd A SI'KCIA(7rV. ( Jt. 4wn oAnw\v , COUNCIL iii-'Krs. ( Monuy I.omed on Oinniouds , W.itmus , otc. HIR burgaluslu uurcdeomed Evans Laundry Co. S. F. HENRY , SEG'Y ' AND MO'R , 520 PEARL ST. , Council BlnlTs , la. G , W , Williamson , PA , D , SPECIALIST CAN TUI2AT MOW ? two-rent Ktainp for fiiH'pnrtlru. Inr.t , uhlch urn iniitlril In n plain rii\ < < lnp < . , All corrp pnndnicK dnim In tlui iitinimt p' * ' viu-y. Advlro Tree. Don't drhiy , but wrlto to < n to-day. 1UC OIDC 1'rlvnto , Nervous , Clirnnlc BUS UUIlC dlii'iispi , I'rinalnYuU - niKifN , Jlrniiml tVniiirii mnitn utrnnj ; l > y Mndy t thrlr imrllritliir trimldr. Tlmt in : > ll ll > uit lilooddlx'HKPprrinHiii'iitly rurrd without tlui nsu of Mercury. Wo alwujM j u.irnntoo n cure. ERA MEDICAL AND SuROicAuDISPENSARY MAIN ENTRANCE1 ? .1 Vr Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies OK Other Chemicals are used lu the prcpnratlun of W. BAKER & CO.'S HBreaWastCocoa ii'htrh 1.i nba \j jmro anil soluble , ' [ ' ( I H\\anmorrthnnthrcctl \ \ ifi .1 \\lhcttrenijth \ \ of Cocoa mixed i with Starch , Anowroot or , ' SiiKar , nnd Is far moro eco nomical , cn tlny lest than one cent a cup , It li delicious , nourishing , and BASILS' UIOESTKII. _ Sold IJJT ( Irorcrn CM-rjnhere. W. BAKER & CO , , Dorchester , Mais. ARE TROUBLING YOU ! \Vt'llromo nnd have thc'n oxainlnol b ? oir optMm rco of i'tmrce , ami , It ne ' < Mvirr , Mttu I nUli ap.ilrot our'TBUKKl'TlON1' .Hi'KCl'Al'LKdor KVK ( .I.ASS- PH-tliu li > s tin the \VnrM. It yiindii not nciil uln tm wo will toll you Boiinilnlvltu yim wh it to ilo. < iOIl ) SI'KCTACl.KS or KVK ( il.ASSIW KIHI.M SI.'J ' ) Ul' . I'lnln , xnioku , blue nr hlioi.'la99Ud , ( or pruluciliuttii1 cyoH , irom joii pair up. Max Meyer & Bro. Co Jewelers and Opticians. I'nrnam und I'Utoont Street Architects , Surveyors , Contractors We have a full supply of IVIatlie- pn at leal y-pstrujneT > t8 | Dj-aw- * T g Papers > Tradpg doth , rprapslto , pods , GJiai-pSj Ucv- elSj Tapes ) Squares. Illus trated Catalogue free. 114 South 15th Street , to Postoffice. LADIES , Nebraska Made Flour Is theBest. LOOK FOR THE C Association Label ON tlie SACK. . H Omaha's Newsst Hotel CCIR. 12TH AND HOWA33 JH , (0 Hooms nt $ . ' ,50 per il y. COKooinn At flM ( i > cr ilnf. CO Ilooins with Until nt t-1.9) per ilir. 10 Ituoms wltli Hath nt 3. 1 lu JI.5) pr clay. OPENED A.UGTJST IsL Modern In llvrry Kotpnrt. Nutvly l'uriil lii > il Throughout C. S. ERB. Prop. NE pit ASH ; A. IMatiopal Bapkj L' . S. JJ/il OSirOKV. OM.I1.XISII. . capital $ ' 100,000 Surplus $05,000 cnicori nnd Directors llenrj W. Vntoi , proil I ml II. O. Cuililnit , vice pretldaiili U. S. .M.iurlcjV. . V Morie.Johuc ) . Colllm J. N. H. I'.itrlcii l.j U d llccd , cnihlcr. THE IRON BANK. A. H. DYER , Kloratora , tvurelioiueii , fuctory liiillfllni ; * , nnil ml wirrk requlrlni ; u tluiroiieli nuit prncllciit knoirlitilen ol conitructloii und vtrunctli of iniiturliiln , n apcnmlty. 1 * . I ) , llox : il : , I'rBiiiont , Neb , THEREMIHGTOHT1PEWRITER AND I'UlAi 1-INH OP Stl' Wyckoff , Seamans & Benedict .NK isra ins TAUNAM. Ilkill UUUAn4 all tbl train of KVII.8 , WKAK.NK9SKH , DKIIII.ITV , KTC , , that 3 couiiianr them In man gi'ICKI.V an I 1'KIIMA. .NKNTI.V Cl. IIK1) . Kull STHKNOTII and lone lo ererr partof tha bodr. I will tend curelr 1'icieil ) t-'ilK lo nnr lunaror tlio preiorlu. lion that cured rna of thoiH trouble i. Addrdii , U A. uiiAULur UATILK c'uicKK , 1 'Absolutely ' the Best Made , " "A Delicious MtMllonted Cou- iiM'Mon" for the relief yf Cough * , CDn Colds , Hoarseness , Sore Throat , and , n > for clvnriiiK the voice. lfor * alc by ) nil Prtig ists and Con feet ion era. in TacUcil ni full two ounce packages , 31 Trice 5 Cents. If you are tillable to procure the I'omon.i Cough Tablets n > from your dealer send us 8 cents in 3 stamps and receive a box by mail. .Mude by the manufacturers of the celebrated Pomona Fruit Juice Tablets. DUQUETTE & CO , , Council Bluffs , In. Improved SafalElevahn / , KIMBALL BROS. OMAHA Ul'KH'K 10U KOl'OLAS STItnETJ ( . 'or. Oth St. nnd 11ve. . , Council ItluflN. COUNCIL. BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dyeing and ( 'loanlii'i done In ilin highest style of tlio nrtKauod und .ulnud fabrics made to loul : us goo I as now , iVoru promptly dona an 1 dollvoroJ In all ) iirts of tlio country. Send for prlco HsU C. A. MACHAN , Proprietor. Urcadwav. nour Northwestern Do n. C fiiiu/l Illnn'a , JH , The Cole , bnitcil Dia- uniul and Von cluiiic- ( tblc Specta cles and Ivyc J lassos for sale in Oin- tlia by Max Meyer & Bro. Co. Sole Agents for Omaha. < Anhoufor , Budweisor , F.uist aim Palo HHKRS , KITIIHU UOTTLUD OR IN KKGS , can leave orders at No. 2111 Main Street , Council BlulTs , Iowa , or Tclo * phone H-3. Goods delivered promptly. SOLK AGENCY FOR Brewing nssu 0 ! SI. lOillS , MX AND I/MT V1TAUTV 'sB , do. , ponciiuiendy cured In men. I jvlllicnil ( onlfil ) HIKIS thu receipt that 1110 when oirerjrtliliiii el o fnlleit. AUdre " " \Vn".Bnt'TI.K , ll x I 17 , Marblial , SIloli. i Attorr > oysnt'lnw > l'r : * c * ! tlno In tlio HUto nnd federal courts. HOOMII ' "J'3-7-8-t > , Hliugurl block , Uounull uluITs , la. Special COUNCIL BLUFFS , illJY Improved rf ldonco prupertj for cash whuit { tlio prlcu ! H low unuuKti. II. (1. Mcia-o , ID Main t. Ali8rHACTSnndlo n . K.uiil an-l cltr prop Jf IT bought and oJ ! , I'uiojr A Tlionm , Council l.'Oll haute , inailirii conveii' J loncc ; bo t looitlon In Uoiino I Illtl It ; clunr of iTieinnbrmncn ; will eio. mtuu fur hililiuji homo lu nonio smaller town In uri'Htem lmii or eaitern No- lira.ka. tJreenililuUlJ , .Nldii > l uii & Co. , Council IMnlti. _ T 040 ACItK Notiriiinn ichnnl lensa for into nt ft per ucre. l&Umproreit farm U per ucre , Johnston A Van fatten. I 'Oil BAIi ; A number of nooil loti between llrondwnr nnd thu uew brldnu at very low prlco. ( irronthleldi , Nlcholnun \ Co. 1.Vlt HAI.K Several palees if Illiu uunlcn In ml at u barvuln. ( Jreenihluldii , Nicholson X Co , 1/lt KXCIIANOK'llirco uood residence * In Council Illul * for nt'itern lain ) , UrcenihlelOi. Nli'holion A I o. . caih and clear lots to exchange for n nee < l SO.MK tiU-ce 0thutlnc propel tr. ll.i..v.c ( .e , lu Main it. ( JTUIIKNT nur.e wanteil at W. O. A. hoipllal. n corner Ninth afreet and Fifth Bvenne ; bnbutweun and 'M roan of age , liojllbjr and of food character. Improved reildenn ) piop'jrtr for caih when the price In low.enough. II , U , McUoe , tt ) llulu trcet. SOMK caih and clear loll to uichanxe for a tooij piece of tuilutiia prouuity , U. U , llcUtc , It Ualu ttrvcU