Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Opinions of Railway Passenger Men Divided
Concerning the Proposition.
\Vliy the IMIcliorn Wnntt I'eople to flu
Straight Through IturlliiRtim Seems a
I.lttlo Moro rnviirulilc Ocncrnl
Itnllronil Mutters.
In the arrangement of World's fair rates
Jn tr.insmlssouri territory , the matter of
stop-over privileges is an lmi > ortant point
with the railroads. Merchants and bust-
ness men of Omaha are likely soon to ho
heard from with reference to the question
of allowing a stop-over in this city , with par
ticular reference to these on tnclr way to
Chicago and who come to Omaha yearly to
purchase goods.
The railroad pcoplo generally do not look
with favor on the pro | > ositlon , though a few
ficem friendly toward giving the Omaha
business houses the hcncllt which would un
doubtedly ftccruo through stop overs here.
General Pas'tcngcr Agent Iluchanan of
the Kllchorn Is opposed to the scheme , In
speaking of it ho said : .
"In general , I think 'stop-over privileges
on passenger tickets are Inconsistent for
cither the passenger or the railroad com
pany , as confusion or loss of ticket may make
serious inconvenience. If a passenger Is
started for a destination ho should go direct
to such destination , buy his ticket to that
point and rcbuy It from that point. As to
stop-over privileges on World's fair
tickets , If my line ran through
Omaha to the World's fair I
probably should for the benefit of Omaha
advocate a day stop-over here to enable pco
plo from the country to sco Omaha and call
upon us for a friendly or business visit. "
On the Oilier Shir.
Mr. John Francis , general passenger agent
of the II. ft M. , was a little moro friendly to
the proposition , stating that outsldo of
continuous train passcgo tickets , which
necessarily carried with them the Idea of a
one-faro for the round trip and limited as to
tlmo , ho could sco no reason why pcoplo who
desired could not stop off at Omaha , cither
, "whllo tickets
going or coming round-trip
are limited , all of them permit stop-off at
end of lines. Passengers from Lincoln to
Chicago buying a two-day limit ticket could
stop oft In Omaha under existing arrange
ments for twelve hours or more and yet get
into Chicago on the ticket. The require
ment Is that the passenger must bo on the
train before the expiration of the ticket.
Of course , the question of ratca will
liavo to bo settled llrst and after
wards will come stop-over privileges and
ether outlno matters. On a ono-faro for the
round trip I anticipate the passage will have
to bo continuous. "
Mr. Francis said that the rumor of close
arrangements between the Pennsylvania and
Burlington , the latter having an eye on Cali
fornia , Is. so far as ho know , only a rumor.
General Manager Holdrcgo stated that ho
had received a dispatch from Chicago con
tradicting the rumor.
mmiAir : of iNroim.vrioN' .
Visitor * to the World' * Tiilr Can Kccj >
1'osteil on Lines of Transportation.
CniCAOo , 111. , Jan. 80. An improvement is
shown in the volume of castbound freight
trafllc from Chicago , althongh'tho record is
still considerably behind that of a year ago.
J ast week's shipments , including everything
but llvo stock , amounted to 80,042 tons ,
ngalnst 60,407 for the preceding week , an
Increase ot 13,035 tons , and against 00,812 , for
the corresponding period last year , a do-
creasb of 10,770 tono.
Articles of agreement ror uiu eatnimaii-
niont of it burcnu of information during tlm
World's fair were drawn up today by the
committee of general passenger agents ap
pointed for that purpose. It Is provided that
the organization shall bo known as "Tho
Bureau of Information of Hull and Water
Transportation Companies , " and that only
lines from Chicago shall bo admitted. The
purpose is to furnish Information ns to the
manner of doing business by the rail and
water lines of the United Statcsjn a general
way , and particularly ns to the practices ,
rules , regulations transportation arrange
ments and rates of the various companies
comprising the organization. The bureau Is
to bo In charge of an executive committee of
flvp olllclals In the passenger departments of
the membership lines , to bo selected ns fol
lows : One from the northwestern and south
western group of roads , ono from the south
ern group , ono from the eastern group , ono
from the water transportation companies ,
and the flftll to bo selected by thcso four.
IturlliiRton learnings.
The Burlington- statement for December
and for the year 16ft ! was issued today. The
report for the month shows that the gross
earnings were $3,544,270 , , an increase , as com
pared with the corresponding month of the
previous year , of $ ll,7U7. ) The not earnings
\vcro $518,604 , . an incrcaso of $5,320. For the
twelve months the gross earnings were $40 , '
412,401 , an incrcaso over thosoof the previous
year of $5,000,021 , whllo the net earnings
amounted to (4,533,504 , , an Increase of $005-
Itroko the Agreement.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Jan. SO. There Is every
Indication that the agreement recently
entered Into for the purpose of maintaining
castbound rates has already been broken ,
fho bulk of the shipments Is Just now going
over lines which were at no tlmo In a posi
tion to secure the business and the general
Impression Is that the rates have again been
cut. Ono instance of the way In which the
agreement Is being broken Is the cut In ex
port Hour rates from Missouri river points
Hiiulo by the fast freight lines ,
The verdict of the people Is that Dr. Bull's
Comjh Syrup Is the best remedy for coughs ,
colds , sore throat , asthma , etc.
fit ins t'nuM irti ivi'
tVurni Weather Delivers the Ohio llhcr
from Its Thraldom.
CINCINNATI , O. , .Inn. 30. The Ohio river Is
flowing placidly again , free from the bonds
of Ice that have held It so long. From the
headwaters to Loulsvlllo It is rising , and
navigation will bo resumed ns soon ns the
ice runs out , "Tho Now Orleans and Cincinnati
company announce the John K. Speed to
leave hero for Now Orleans on Saturday.
The break-up of yesterday Is estimated to
have entailed $ SOIXX ) damages to coal barges.
A few moro barges liavo passed down today ,
but may bo recovered. The Newport and
Cincinnati ferryboat was carried away by
the Ice , but was satuly moored nt Hlversido
n few miles below the city. Hero the river
had reached twenty-three feet at noon am !
Js still rising. All tributaries of the Ohio
nro rising and It Is raining at many points
along the river.
A lot of lumber , valued at from $23,000 to
$30,000 , Is reported from ParUersburg as
having been lost In the Llttlo Knnawha ; another
other- gorge thirty miles up the Little Kan-
awjta , with Sl'00,000 worth of lumber In it
l > roko this morning. There Is n hope that li
may bo saved ,
To lluiutui ) , Tex , anil Hctnrn.
Monday , February 0 , 18M , my Eight !
Special party will leave Omaha , bourn
for Houston , Tox.
The rate for tlio round trip , llrst class
will bo $ 5 , and I will give you fiftcoi
days to go in , tlftcon days to como , wltl
Bton-oyor privileges within the limit
ana until Juno 1 , 181)3 ) , tn return.
For further Information as to land
cllmuto , cost of living und all purlieu
lars as to purehaso of tiukot , call on o
address K. C , PATTERSON ,
425 Ramgo building , Omaha , Nob.
Order of Kallway Conductors.
TOPEKI , ICan. , Jan. HO. The annual meet
ing of the Order of Hallway Conductors of
the Santa Fo system began in this city to-
ay and will continue the greater part of the
Jrcck. The association Includes twcnty-ono
( visions , Among other builnos wilt bo the
djustincnt of nil grievances conductors may
mvo against the company by the committee
n grievances and Ocncrnl Manager Itobln-
on. Oniccrs will also bo chosen. The meet-
ng Is n very largo one , ovcry division being
Now plnnos for rent. Rent applied if
nirchnscd within ono year. Ford it
Jlmrlton Co. , 1508 Dodge.
Heal estate.
Bargains only.
My word is good
W. G. Albright.
521-2-3 N. Y. Lifo bldg.
West frltclicr Assign ,
And their whole stock of cigars , tobac-
os , pipes , smokers'articles , fixtures , fur
niture , cigar manufacturing tools and
other goods can bo bought tit retail or in
ob lots at 518 North Sixteenth street for
: ush , us per order of the court , below In-
olce price.
Tills is your chance to get anything In
his line at n bargain. Come early , as
ho stock must ho closed out , at once.
I ret Ice !
Wo are now prepared , and will ho dur-
ng the summer , to furnish ice in car-
oad lots at lowest market price. Spc-
jlal prices while cutting. Ice cut from
argo fresh water liiko and is pure and
clean. Write for prices.
Gothenburg , Nob.
The Academy of the Sacred Heart will
open its bccotul session on Wednesday ,
February 1st. The Academy buildings ,
commodious , heated with steam , sup-
ilied with hot and cold water , and with
Ire escapes , is in its 12th year of active
educational work , and has justly merited
ho reputation of being one of the most
ucecssful Institutions in the United
States. All the branches of a thorough
English education nro taught , as also
< ronch. Gorman , Spanish and Latin ,
) lain sewing and every variety of fancy
icedlowoi'k , music , drawing and paini
ng receive special attention. For pros-
lectus containing full information ,
uldress , Superior Sacred Heart Con-
ent , Park Place , Omaha , Neb.
Judge Scott Will Hear It nt Thin Morning' *
session of Court.
Sheriff Bennett allowed both Mr. and Mrs.
tusscll to see their children yesterday , the
ittlo ones having boon turned over to the
ounty ofllclal late .Sunday afternoon for
afety. This morning Husscll will again ro-
icw the struggle to have Judge Scott issue
restraining order to prevent the children
icing taken outsldo of Douglas county by
Mrs. Hussoll until the divorce proceedings
nstitutcd have been passed upon by the
court and the children legally awarded to
ono of the parents.
A good part of yesterday was occupied by
Mrs. Hussell In consultation with her law
yers , discussing the case. She related a
lad story of a hard life with Hussell and
icr efforts to support herself and babies.
Stio met with her husband some thirteen
years ago In Illinois , and shortly after their
narriage ho began to drink. Whllo at work
collecting Husscll , she alleges , got into
trouble on account of a shortage , and to
save him from trouble she mortgaged her
furniture. This was never paid , and shortly
after their ilrst child was born they were
> ut into the street. Her husband then loft ,
mil for six months Mrs. Uusscll supported
lersclf and baby by sowing. On his return
.tusscll seemed to have reformed , and
srfortly after came to Omaha. In
I860 Mrs. Uussell joined her bus-
jand here , and shortly after ho began a
systematic course of neglect and abuse of
: iis family , leaving them , according to Airs.
Uussell , for days at a tlmo without food and
coal. The rent was overdue and she was
foruod ' to muvu tn Uiwxl L t-uil ilf the city.
but'tho cruelty continued and culminated by
Mrs. Hussoll anil her children going with her
liusband's consent , to an aunt In St. Paul ,
where she kept roomers and sowed by the
She denied many of her husband's alle
gations , among them ono that she made her
iwy sell papers on the streets. The story of
llussell's sending for the children to visit
tiim hero and the subsequent developments
are well known. In reference to the charges
ofiunfaithfulness , Mrs. Husscll dcnicdivehcm-
cntly that there was a word of truth in
them and that if her husband persisted in
claiming a divorce with the adultery charge
ns ono of the grounds she would contest it ,
otherwise Hussell could have the divorce.
At no tlmo In the history of the country
has pnouiuonni been so prevalent ns during
the winter months of the last two years. In
times past a common cold was not considered
at all serious , but of late years the great ten
dency of colds to result in pneumonia has
made pcoplo apprehensive. The trouble Is
that colds are not always properly treated.
No preparation containing opium , wild
cherry or chloroform should be used , as they
have a tendency to dry up u cold , whereas It
should bo loosened and the lungs relieved.
It has been observed that when Chamber
lain's Cough Komcdy is used the cold never
results In pneumonia. The reason Is that
this remedy stimulates the mucous mem
brane which lines the throat and lungs to a
healthy action , causes a free expectoration ,
throwing oft the poisonous matter , and coun
teracts any tendency toward pneumonia.
For sale by druggists.
See the celebrated Sohmor piano at
Ford & Charlton MusicCo. . , 1508 Dodge.
Kvoryboily liulted.
Highland brand * evaporated cream
will bo served in coiTeo and cocoa at our
stores for three days. Wo want to show
you what good colTceis , and wo can do so
by using Highland Cream. Don't ' over
look this opportunity. Wo want all to
call und tobt the cream.
The Uent Tram for Chicago
Is the Burlington's No. 2 , leaving
Omaha at 4:15 : p. m. , daily. Magnificent
sleeping cars ; comfortable chair cars ;
perfect dining cars. i
The Burlington also offers uncqualed
double daily service to Denver , St.
Louis and Kansas City.
Ticket oliieo 1221) ) : mram : street.
"Kvnrj body Going South"
Should write George B. Horner , Di
vision Passenger Agent of the Louisville
and Nashville Railroad , at 20U North
Broadway , St. Louis , Mo. , for informa
tion ns to route- and rates. The line
above mentioned has inaugurated
through sleeping car service to winter
resorts that Is surpassed by no ether
lino. The celebrated gulf coast resorts
uro located directly on this road.
Twcnty-Ihe Dollars
To North Gnlvcston and return , via
Houston and Galvcston. Stopovers al
lowed and tickets good to return until
Juno 1. First class accommodations.
Special party leaves Omaha Friday
evening , tobruary 3. Apply at oneo to
F. F. Williams , room 522 First National
bank building , Omaha , for tickets und
sleeping cur reservations.
Judge Dandy's ' Torso Decision in the Full-
man Injunction Oaso. .
Unless the I'alnco Cnr Company Compiles
with Certain Suggestion * the City Treas.
urer Tomorrow Will Appear In
the Hole of Auctioneer.
By Judge Dundy's refusal to reinstate on
the court calendar the cnso of the Pullman
Palace Car company against Douglas county
and the city of Omaha , It Is not among the
Improbabilities that Mr. Pullman may have
to go down in his jeans and settle his long
open account with the municipal corporation.
Before returning to Lincoln yesterday the
court illcd Its opinion overruling the motion.
In the order Issued Judge Dundy reviewed
the case at some length , giving the con
ditions under which the two petitions were
Douglas county from collecting taxes levied
against the car company. .Ono of
the original petitions was iltcd in
1880 and the other In 1837. To
these the city and county made answer and
the replication was also filed by the Pullman
company. All thcso stcns were taken prior
to December , 18SS , and the case was then
ready for a he.u-ing. Temporary restraining
orders were issued to prevent the city and
county from collecting the taxes that had
been levied and thus the case stood until
December , Ih'JJ.
No testimony was ever taken by cither
side and the judge dismissed the case for
want of prosecution.
Can I'uy Under Protest.
A few days ago the Pullman com
pany Introduced n motion to have
the case reinstated and It was this motion
that Judge Dundy overruled yesterday morn
ing. Speaking of the effects of the motion to
reinstate , if it were allowed. Judge Dundy
said : "Even If the case could bo reinstated
the treasurer could proceed to sell the cars
for payment of taxes for 1SS8 and ISS'J because -
cause no restraining order has gone forth to
prevent tha being done. So far ns Is at
present known there Is nothing , however , to
prevent the complainant from paying the
taxes under protest and at once commencing
an action against the county and city , one
or both , to recover back the taxes illegally
enacted from the company. The motion to
reinstate is overruled. "
In view ot the recent decision In the Penn
sylvania supreme courts afTcotimr an exactly
similar case , the position of the city ofliclals
is extremely tenable , and as the action here
against the company is being closely watched
It will undoubtedly establish a precedent In
which many thousands of dollars are likely
to bo involved in various sections of the coun
try. Whether or not the company intends
complying with the suggestion of the court as
to depositing the amount claimed duo , is a
matter as yet not settled. Much curiosity is
expressed as to who will purchase the cars ,
in case the sale Is actually allowed to pro
ceed. . That the city treasurer is determined
to ahead the is ovi-
. go on plan mapped out -
Hound to Get the Cash.
In concluding his summing up of the situa
tion the Judge says : "Anticipating a failure
of this motion to reinstate the complainant
has already Hied a petition for a new action
In and by which the validity of the taxes
levied for the years 1SSG , 18ST , 1838 and ISS'J
is attacked. The amount claimed is quite
large and if the allegations of the bill filed
by the complainant can be sustained by
competent proof then manifestly the com
pany ought not to bo required to pay the
whole of the taxes as assessed. The taxes
claimed amount to over $14,000. But if
the company will 'pay all the lawful
costs and charges attending the seizure ,
uuatoiij nnd nd-rx-tioina nf the cars said to
have been levied upon by the treasurer or
Omaha city and shall deposit in this court
the sum of $14.000 in cash to await and abide
its further order or linal disposition of the
casd then a restraining order shall bo
granted pending the hearing und the cars
will be released. Otherwise the injunction
will bo refused. If the complainant con
cludes to make such deposit then the Money
shall bo placed on interest In either the
Omaha National. First National or United
States National bank , there to remain until
said case Is disposed of. This is to be done
for the bcnelit of the said parties to whom
the money shall finally boawaraeit. "
The sale of the cars levied upon some time
ago takes place Wednesday morning at 10
o'clock. Treasurer Bolln will sell the cars
unless the company turn the amount Into
court , which Judge Dundy holds can bo done.
Ho will also call upon Mr. Richardson , the
Omaha agent for the Pullman company , and
demand an accounting , in accordance with
the garnishment made by the treasurer n
few days since. This will not bo done until
alter the cars have been offered for sale and
it is found that the proceeds will not cover
the amounts duo in delinquent taxes.
1'iit Up the Money.
LINCOLJI , Nn . , Jan. 30. [ Special to the
BEE. ] City Attorney Conncfl of Omaha ap
peared before the federal court this after
noon with reference to the case of the city of
Omaha against the Pullman company. The
court ro'fuscd to reinstate the old case re
straining the city from proceeding in the
matter , but a now case will bo started. The
company placed $14,000 in the hands of the
clerk of the court to cover the city's inter
ests , and the city treasurer was ordered to
release the cars , and was restrained from
further the matter. The company
Is to pay all costs that have been Incurred
by the cjty In the case In proceedings up to
this time.
Croup at rialnllelil , N. ,7.
My boy , llvo years of ago , was recently
taken with a severe attack of croup and I
thought sure I would lose him , I had seen
Chamberlain's Cough Hemcdy advertised and
concluded to try It , and um happy to say that
after two doses ho was relieved and slept till
morning. Ho had another attack the next
night ; I gave the same remedy and a prompt
euro was effected. I feel that I cannot praise
this remedy too highly. L. B. Mulford , 3
Park avenue , Plainfield , N. J. Chamberlain's
Cough Hcrnedy will not only cure croup , but
will prevent " If freely given ns soon as the
child becomes hoarse , or oven after the
croupy cough appears , it will prevent the
attack. Several doses are usually required.
There is no danger In giving it freely as It
contains nothing Injur ions.
Printers' Election.
At the meeting of Typographical union 190 ,
held Sunday , Leo Hartley was elected dele
gate to the Central Labor union , vice Her
man Matties , resigned. . S. I ) . Nedray was
elected n delegate to the state labor conven
tion , which convenes in ttiis city on Feb
ruary 10.
"Without doubt the most wonderful remedy
for pain Is Salvation Oil. It sells for 23c.
Captured Murderer ,
VISCESSES , Ind. , Jan. 30. Sheriff Buckle
and posse returned at noon with Charles
Bohannon. who murdered George Done ten
miles south of hero Sunday. Ho , la now In
Jail at this place.
Constipation cured oy DoWIU's Early
lleiUliiRttit Jleport.
DTho Boanl of Public Works mot yesterday
Hie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum
in Milli-jns of. Homes < ? _ Years the StandaixL
afternoon for the jiur | > ese of going over nml
revising the annual rcx | > rt of the boanl ,
which Is in courwrt of preparation. The re
port will bo completed within a few days.
1'erfect notion nnil perfect health resul
from the u.nooflOclVltt's Llttlo Early Ulsers
A perfect HttlortUlL
Frescoing and Interior decorating de
signs and estimates furnished. Ilonry
Lohmann , 1508IDoiiglas street.
If you will dall at our now store wo
will present you With a copy of a bcautl-
ful piece of mustu. Ford fc Charlton ,
1508 Dodge.
lliMlness of the Hoard Attended to with
Neatness anil Dispatch.
All of the county commissioners got around
and attended a meeting yesterday afternoon
and they will do the same thing today in order
that the January pay roll shoot may bo
passed before the end of the month.
In n resolution , backed up by an opinion
from the county attorney , the boant held
that In refunding the tax where property
had been erroneously sold at delinquent tax-
sale , the county could not pay back anything
but the Interest. This was brought about
when O. Ueyo asked for the refund of the
tax nnd the S0 ! per cent Interest that he had
been compelled _ to pay when he redeemed
his land.
County Clerk Sackctt was instructed to
write to the mayor of the city of South
Omaha nnd Inform him that the poor of that
city could bo sent to the county committee
on charity if they were in need of assistance.
The pest house question was taken up and
disposed of by the commissioners deciding
that they were were without any authority
of law to enter into an agreement with the
city of Omaha for the purpose of Jointly
maintaining such an Institution.
By resolution County Treasurer Iroy was
instructed to Invite proposals for the pur
chase of $1".0H)0 ( ) of court house refunding
bonds , issued January 1 , 1881 , payable in ten
and duo in twenty ycais. The bids will bo
for twenty years , four and one-half paper.
The old bonds draw 0 per cent , nnd the
commissioners arc of the opinion that the
new bonds can be ( loatcd at a reduced rate
of interest.
Sheritl Bennett suggested that the county
offer nn additional reward for the apprehen
sion of Joe Williams , the man who is sup
posed to have murdered the Kwlrg family.
This was taken under advisement.
Charles Brink lllcd his application for
Mike Leahy's job as engineer at the coilrt
house , and the paper went to the committee
of the whole.
The privilege to do the county job printing
went to live different firms , each bidding the
lowest on certain classes of work.
A resolution was put up and adopted ,
making it necessary for the heads of the
departments to apply to the county cleric
vhenevcr supplies are needed.
NoitTii GAI.VESTON , Tex. , Jan. 30. Ono
thousand worklngmcn will bo employed in
the seven great manufacturing Industries of
this place. That speaks well lor North Gill-
vcston a town of a few months , but expand
ing with u rapid but healthy growth. Un
cqualed advantages and resources have
attracted manufacturers frpm everywhere ,
and many new industries are bespoken.
Councllmen and 1'lrn Commissioner * Want
Tuo StramcrH Added to the Department.
Councilmcn Prince and Specht and Messrs.
Gilbert , Ilartman andCoburnof the Fire and
Police commission met yesterday afternoon
and discussed at length a proposition for
better lire protection.
Mr. Ilartman .advanced the Idea that the
city should purchase two steamers and add
them to the flro department equipment. To
do this will require an outlay of nearly
$20,000. Ho thoughtithat seventy-five inter
mediate hydrants should bo ordered placed
In the business portion of the city. Thcso
can bo put In at a cost to the city of $10 each
per year.
But ono opinion seemed to prevail as to
purchasing iiio trro otpjiniers and that was
favorable. How to secure the luiitls to mnUo
the purchase is the problem to bo eolveu.
The lire and police f uad 5s to its limit now
and cannot bo increased in this year's levy.
A suggestion was offered that the council In
crcaso the general fund $20,000 moro than
will be required and in that manner the sur
plus can bo used in liquidating incidental ex
penses of the fire department and in the pur
chasing of the two steamers.
The council committee will report tonight
in accordance with ttio suggestion of Mr.
Ilartman and the otticr commissioners.
You don't want a torpid nvcr ; you don't
want a bad complexion , you don't want a
bad breath ; you don't want n hoadacho.
Then use Do Witt's Llttlo Early Risers , the
amous little pills.
ItultdlUK Permits.
The following permits to build were issued
yesterday by Inspector Tilly :
Gcor o K. Illckol , cottage. 4303 Lako..t 1,000
A. 1 * . Ttiliey , cottage , Kr.sklno and.
I'orty-tlilrd 1,200
Two permits , aggregating $ 2,200
Mental exhaustion or brain fatigue promptly
cured by Bromo-Seltzcr. Trial bottle lOc.
Is It Worth.
the Chance ?
If you are sincere in encour
aging honest manufacturers in
giving you pure preparations
instead of worthless ones , at
fair instead of seemingly
cheap price , is it worth the
chance to purchase the dozen
and one adulterated extracts
on the market instead of Dr.
Price's Delicious t Flavoring
Extracts of Lemon , Orange ,
Vanilla , etc. , that impart the
natural flavor of the fruit , and
are endorsed for their purity ,
strength and economy ?
A trial of Dr. Price's Delicious
Flavoring Extracts will 'prove
a great .movement towards
good eating , active digestion
and happy homes.
stimulate the torpid liver , KtrenRtlien
the dlgc.ttlro organs regulate thn
bowel * , nnil nro uneqnaleil IIHIUI null-
billons medicine. Io o Rinall. Prlee ,
23e. Onire.flU r41 Turk I'hiec.N.Y.
Hut Speaks from u of Duty.
Mr. .T. K. rnrmiin of the Public School * Ie-
preenton Ncwnpnper Talk , but llnllevci
He Unrci a Duty to HU Fnllon-Cltl-
leni , and Com mend * Ilrn. Copc-
Inntl nnil Shepnnl.
The varied foatnroi of cMnrrlmldlionso nro
well shown In tliocuno of Mr. J , K. I'nriiuni , a
cholarly and popular tcmcliorof Morse lllulT ,
Nob. Mr. Karniim linn tniiirht school In Doug-
Ins nnct Stimuler * counties for twenty-one
year , and U well known In otliiuatlonal
circles throughout the state. MNciiBo brings
ant strongly two point * !
1 , J'ho powerful elloets of catnrrh on the
system ! attacking the uyu-slitht , bourltiK , dl-
Beitlnti. bowoU , and conural lioultli.
1 ! . Tlio olToctlvu result ! ! of Ir . Conolnnd
and ahopuril's homo or mull treatment. HI the
caio of Mr. I'nrnnm wo conducted entirely
by mail , 'illla successful teacher speaks iia
follows :
"Lot mo mnko myself plain In this mnttor
nt tlio outset. I have no ilcslro for tmlilleltv
In nny wny and nlinuld bo the last i-inn toscol ;
n no\\spii ; > or stiUomi'nt , but 1 fool so crnti'fill
for tliu iH'iiolltH I hiivo received from lr ,
Copol.'iml mid HliopnrJ thnt I will hcslutoat
nothing Hint will iiss st and cnuouniKo thuni
In tliolr work null brlnu them to the notteo of
milTcrlne people wlni'ii tln > y can ro tovp. If
the pulillr itlmi of wlmt 1 : iy nnd knnw will
bonollt thiMii 1 fcol that It will nlso benefit
others. Therefore I want to say this :
Mil. J. E. FAIINUM , rtlllt.lC FfllOOI. TEACI1EII.
"Twoyuars uio 1 tlrsl foil , my else ne. It
begun by n cramping p iln un tliu rlirht slilo of
the nook , whllo my honcl scnmcd full with n
iiutnb sonsnt on around the bnsu of the brain
nnil a very sere so tip. Close upon thuso
symptoms CHIIIO a dizziness and I plainly suw
thnt my hearing and uvoslcht were fast bo-
conilni ; Inipairo.l. All stooping work sivo : ino
pain In the stomach and dlnrrhoua. Aftur
eating I always had a heavy p.iln und my di
ctation was so rier.inecil that any acidulous
food-oven apples would cuuso a severe
bilrnln. sensation.
"Diirln : all this tlnin I did pot expectorate
any to Indicate that I had cat irrh und sup
posed It to bo slinplv nouiAlzIa until Or.
rihop.ird pronounced tnlno n OMSO of catarrh it
dUoaso ; and the bcndllt that I have derived
from his treatment pioves that ho Was cor
"Everyone notes my Improvement but none
can fcol It as I do mvsulf ; for. 1 well know ,
that If I had not obtained liolp , I could not
have carried on my school work much lonuor.
liP "I was In this serious con'iltlon when I
pluced myself under the treatment of Drs.
Copcland and .Shopml. My condition N so
much ImprovoJ as to surpass nil of my nopc
and expectations. Sly eyesight and hoarlru :
are perfectly restored and my nervous system
feels splendidly built up. All unpleasant
head sy inptonis have passed awny. Sly stomach
ach plves tno scarcely u thought and my gen
eral health and strength Is better than It hns
been for years. I'y ' commend these
contlcmon to our pcopln and will stand by
thorn for the good they are dolnp. "
The perrection of this system of treatment
br mall U a mattornl pride to llrs , Copeluinl
nnd Sheparil. lly the use of carefully prc-
parco qnottlon blnnlm , by unremitting nt-
tontlon Unit with thecooperation or the pa
tient , they are enuhloit to ulitnln the sumo
llOtllUlO rvsulta TrltU , . „ . . ut u ( llatunoo U4 III
liclr nillco iiraetlcu. A nyHlcin ot ccrrcspon-
denco hy which tlie patient reports hU jiro-
Cress und condition once cir twice 11 w celt , en
ables the physician to Keep In touch with the
patient , und It can only ho hy the patient's
carelessness or nocUccnco that the treat
ment can fall to bo satisfactory.
Nervous Diseases Cured.
Skin Diseases Cured.
Catarrh Cured.
.Jtooms 311 mid 313 Now York Life-
Hiilldlntr , Oiniihn , N'cb.
w. H , oor-rauAND. M. D
o. s. snnu-wriD , M. jj.
bpcclaltlcs:0.tturrh : and all diseases of the
Kyo. Kur. Throat an.I LunRs : Nervous LU- )
lusos. SKln Disease * , Clironle Diseases.
Ollloo Hours U to tin. m./Jtoi p ni. , 7to3 p.
in. Sunday , ! ) a. m. to U m.
Conoult Free ,
G , W. WILLIAMSON , M , D , ,
AND Of that Malignant Illooil 1)U-
cuso , No M rinry , but now ,
BucecBsful remedies , A
r\tiir-iri euro
QUICKLY guaranteed. MeninadoHtronp ;
CURED l''eiimlo wealcneppea pornmu-
ently cuied. I'll en and Keetnl Ulcer * eiired ,
no knlfo or riuutlcs. rutlonlH HiirrrHsfu
treated by mull. AddresH , with stump ,
norfinmc IlabKCnrpo tti
tid I ° "tIu.aiTI'I' T tll'oured.
UB I > r. J. MfUliviiM , Lebanon.
Elastic Stocking-
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
d i Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies
114 S.lBtm ,
Next to Postofflce
First ! Last !
The first caspot the Infant the last gasp of
tliu mr'etl in for air.
All life KOCH by Lroatlunx-
1'uro air rich In Oxj
moans peed health ; nad'alr'
makes liait hlood weakly
bodies , i-'puclflc Oxyson I
( JKKSlUC AlK-rlchlnOXV
(1KN a wonderful svstom' '
builder. An HONH-iT OIJ r.
for Consumption , Unlds , Ilron-
chltle.C.iiurrli , Atahrn i.
aelio , Nurvous I'rostrat'on ,
"Oxygen Book" and 4 Trys Free ,
i 010 SUooJjr
Our regular half yearly sale of odd suit pants begins
today , and continues till we've panted a couple o
thousand men. The majority of the male portion of this
vicinity know all about these pant sales of ours and
many a man in Omaha hasn't worn a pair of pants in
five years , that he didn't get at one of these sales. We
buy no pants for them we take no chestnut patterns
from regular stock and mix in with them-they are Just
exactly what we say they are odd suit pants-each and
every pair having been left froTn some suit where only
the coat and vest have been sold. The pants in this sale
have been left from suits of all kinds and qualities-and
range in actual value from two and a half up to seven dollars
lars and fifty cents. There are almost as many different
patterns as we've had different patterns in suits during
the past six months giving a man an assortment to se
lect from that he wouldn't get in any regular pant stock
on earth. There are over two thousand pairs in the ac-
cumalation which will be divided into lots and sold as
follows :
Pants worth two fifty two
seventy-five nnd three del
Pants worth four fifty four
seventy-five five dollars nnd
five dollars and fifty cents.
The finest pants from our
finest suits actual value
from six to seven dollars
and fifty cents a pair ,
Sucli pa/obi at such prices you never saw baforoi
1816 DoLiQlas Street , Omaha , Are > .
rrtn „ „ ! „ „ „ , . . .nM.iui in nnrvnm ptironle nrlvoto , blood , Bklunim urlnnrjr illioUM. A rouular ml
cor > Sonlm"co McaU'lna or u t br m ill or otprou saoarJ \ p.icij I , n J in rXs to In. . lo itj
Sn $ oS8r. oSoW
book ( .Mysteries of Ufo'iont freo. Oillcj liour < U n.ra. to U p.m. SunJayn 10 a.m. to 11 m. r-anusiimp ror ropir
NEW I OotnOoo-l
THEATER I Bout for Mo.
Three nlKhts , commencing' Sunday , Jun. 29.
i > mo < ly Siioc-oss
tflOHTS IN CHICAGO ! , , , ,
Ati Unimrullalcd Instantniiunus Illtl
Thos'ilpofbe.iit wlllopon iitOo'olookriatur-
dny niornlntr ut the followlns prices : 1st lloor ,
50c , " 3o und $1 ; balcony , 60 unfl "Jos salloiy iC.
l.lko Homo nil IlotuH to the House of Huccoaa.
One week , commimuliix with Sunday matlnoo ,
Jim.'J. . tliu I'iuturusquo Irish druinu ,
The Fairies' Well.
Presented hy a iinworrnl oomn nv. IncluJInz
Mullncu WoUiiCMiay uiiU riiturJay. :
BOYD'S New Theatre
Ordynpliearnneonf tliu
OlustromLenard Lyric Artists
onna ,
MIrtjGSfC\ollSWri..oo. , : \ ' ? ? . direct fnm her recent -
cent nrcc * e in Hurlln and Continental Kurojio.
Frank Portor.
Timor Itatnuto.
Mamlo Stuart Owon.
riunl t uuil Accompanist.
Acoterlnof rcnonncU nrtUH In o niBEnlHrpnt pro
gram of popular oncrnllo und elasjic ni'Mo
Onmlm lorupt of higher order of minlciil nrt
ihoiild not nculoet lliln " | iiortimlty | of lionrliu thu
tc turtl l who will probably lt the city during
In two Great Bucces e . Krlrtny Nlebt uil batur-
ilnr Mntlnco
By Harry I'oulton nnd K. Jucobownkl. Pauline
Hull In tier orlKlnnl crualon , Krmlnlo.
Ilr i , M. H ilcl ellnn anrt Kilitnr 8 Kellnr. I'n'i
line Hull ai Vlvlnn i : rl of Unrroiilauili l'iu
Bcntfrt wlili an uxccllciit cnst chiirim of fortr ,
tpoclnl rccuercoatiiuioi nnd rnru iletall.
'J he tale of ienu will open TliuriUay lunrnlDK nt
the follow Inu prlici Hrit lloor. "ic , ( I UU and
I.W , bilcony i'jcunil'jc iriillory. 21c ,
Y. M. C. A. HALL.
TonliiUt nnd ovprjr nlKht tills wouk nt 8 o'clock
Widely rvcoxnlroJ ns UIQ ureatest llvlnz
Admission .lo ; roierved ecuts 60c. Boats on
B.iloat CIniHO A. hildy's.
Corner 15th nnd Capital Ave. , Omaha.
ALL THIS wr.nic
* '
MATINEES 20o , AU'SSEYJiNtNG3 20 or Wo.
Omaha's Nevvast Hate !
it ) Rooms nt tV > 0 per iliy.
60 Itooms nt f1.0U per rtar.
10 Hooins with Until at f J 0) per ilir.
CO Uooius with Until nt Mnl to tl id V3t dir
Modern In livery lleapeet.
Nn 'ly ruriiUlicd Throughout
C. S. ERD. Prop.
l I V 1V O. * ' X V LV. * _ " . A .
Refitted and renovated under now manage
ment , on Kuroponn I'HHH Koum rates ! 1 u day
and upwards. Koataurant equal to the beat
In the city at moderate rates. Btroot cnra
from all It. It. stations and steamboat and
ferry landings pass the door.
HILDRETH & ALLEN , Proprietors.
Agents Wanted Everywhere.
Saves uno ( | imnur nf your com bill , pcovcuU noel
nil clmlem , il lrnjm eonl Km , iiroiliiee * lu'tfuct
combustion ki-op boiler lliiin nijkvi hot
tlru In llvo iiilnuteii ncti uiimlir | w"ll oa lianl oa
ortconl OnopitikuBo ! : i' ilii'ironlii Imunlrlont
to trout ono tun of uiril lor fiinbor liiformullutt
call oil or nililroin w'tli ' ln Mi | ,
400 8. 13th St. , Otnaha. , Nob.
' * *
'RrPA7jS YaBuXVs1. ' " *
thii vtbinacb , livtr uiitl tjtiwkli , turi'Z
iff the LliHMl. urti Mtu and ellwlusll J
I ifju I * it inwUclneknown fur ItlUouf I
'UVM ' , c'.mnth. tion , ilriit | li > . foul }
breAlli , IIHM | CIC , licivrlliurn , low of
aiiriclllo , II ilital drrrful n , | 4nul
_ , - dlicMtlon , pbnplei. Mllow fnutfa *
loiiwi'leT rrillwa rr ultln8rronif
i Imp Wlure by A i t < > ; njf , i.Urrror _ to-
ttHtll n tuimiuriu thfirpfoi rjriinctlcni. r . . - . _
2Sr.i to o r Mllnit r UndflUJ bUkluy oneaf Ur
5 ? li ' i I'rire ta mill , 1 grnm , H i Miiipli. We.
I CllKUrCALCO..10Uprue . bt . htw rort