'HR OMAHA DATLYJBKK : Tl'ERDAY , JANt'AttY 31 , 1803 , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL "Wheat Advanced Early and Then Slowly Ds- clincd to the Olose. VISIBLE SUPPLY WAS A WEAK FACTOR Corn Wni IleclilPillr Stt n nt I'lrnt with ( loud.Sharp HiiyliiK InltUl Trait ei Wore nt Ono-llnlf C'ont . * . < ! vnnce Over tlio Clop. CntcAnn , 111. , .Inn. 30.-\Vhoit cllml od up tholilll today unit tlicn climbed down attain , closing nt almost usually Saturday's flnul llKuros for Mny and 'jo lower tar July. Corn and ontsdid iitxnittlio same thing. I'ork got troll lioyonil tlio mitKlc mark for the llr.st tlmo und , unlike Rraln , showed n substantial gain In' tlio wlndiip , leaving olT with an advance of 17'e ' over tint closing llcurcs of Saturday. I.ard Is up 12'ie and ribs lf r- . Wheat was if ron iniilnly on the report r.f a cold wnv ( ! It was riilnli | ye.storday In umny iKiitlonsof the winter win-ill bolt , and as this was likely to bo followed by a frce/tnir. If iiol snow , there was sornii apprehension of Injury , anil shorts covered protly freely , while ? thorn was also fair amount Investment buying and not much for sale. Thrro were sown olhnr Rtrong features In the market bosIdoK the weather. The Trench wheat crop was reported to bo only 80 per cent of last year In condition , the area 00.7 of last year , leaving a promlso of only about threc- atiarters of last year's crop. Thu visible sim ply for tin- first time In mouths showed a de crease , btil , us II. II. Aldrlrh remarked , "We liad to burn up an elevator full of wheat In or der to not II. " However , iiuslnoss was largely loeal. The receipts hero were tinp\ioiltedly | heavy nnd the rinsing cables weak , without much animation. Purlin : the hist hour the market Imikii sharply on free soiling , which was sup- jiost-d to bo led by Ciiihihy , iind on the break there was free liquidation. This visible sup- ily was also a weak factor , as It showed that lint for the lire at Ht. Louis the Incicnso would Jiavo been fully non.OOO bushels. The oponlm ; was about > ii'hlKhernnd rated firm : prices ad- vancr-d we more , held llnnly , and then de clined from ' . .rto 1 V and ruled easy , and tlio Rinsing was from 'iu to Ue lower than Satur- Corn was dc-cldedly NtroiiK at ( Ir.st , with good sharp bityliut. Initial trades were at ' & < nd- vancu over the final quotallons of Saturday , nnd MHII nftorwiird sold up a frnetlon , a Kood iiiiiny buylnir ordi-rs being at hand from jmrtles who were looking for a continuation of thulmlKoof last week. At the lop , however , there was a heavy realizing , which caused the jnlcotogo back " e , the oll'orlun.s hi-lmj too much for the local crowil to take caio of , to morrow's estimates coming In at COO cars , which was lookeil upon by many as a bearish factor , and the market Dually closed about the snmo us Saturday. There was a Rood trade In oats early , first Hales being nt ! { o advance and sold up 'it- more , Tbu buyliiK was not strung to .sustain thu bulge nnd as other grains weakened prices receded ? ( c and the market became very quiet and closed at about tlu > same prices us on Saturday. Thuro was an upw ird move ment In prices of provisions for the day. It was no .surprise , although the lljturos for all products In-Kiiu to look pretty high. The c mw of the advance was In the line as on previous Cuy.s. llogsat the yard were 5,000 short and the estimate was very light for Tuesday at 16,000. I'rlces at the yards were advanced. Scalpers nnd shorts were buyers and again the country liiisgot In on the loin : side. The clo-,0 was at 001110 reaction from the top prices. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow : wheat , 323 cars : corn , & 00 ears ; oats , i'J5carsj ! boss , 10- 000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : HAT'V. Wheat Nirt January. . 7.V.1 rZ-M May * .July BK 70J1 7liH 77M torn No.2 Jr.nunry. . " 8" February. Mny Ins Cat * No. 2 January. . am HI 3IU 30M February. 3IW HIMS ; 81 ! < Mny 36 35 35 Vitnt'ork- Fobrunry. 13 IS 19 95 in C7 19S5U Mny 20 10 SOW ZUOJ M I7K JLnrrt January , . II 75 11 80 11 75 II 77 * 11 K _ Mnr 11 7i 11 S1H II G7I- 11 77K II (15 ( | hortlllb - Jnnuary. , . 10 40 10 471 10 37W 10 15 10 OT Mny iu lOJO 10 10 Id < 7 IU Si'J f'.isli quotations we.ro as follows : Fi.otiu Pull , nominally unchanged. , winter - tor patents. * 3.jU4.00 ( : winter straights , f3.20W3.00 ; spring pulents , J3.7D744. ID : spring Btrnlghts , * a.70l a.Ki ( ) bakers , 1.705/2.90. WIIBAT No. i ! sp rMn.tr. . 7'Jyci No. 3 biirlng , CllTSOOcj No. a rod , 72Jiu. COIIN Steady ! No. 2 , 44'ic. . ; No. 3 cash , 41c. ; Ko. 3y < ! llow.41U < 2Ml ( c. OATS-NO. 2 , 31u31 c ; No. 2 white , f. o. u. , BlB354c ! ; No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 32 © 34Hc. llYK No. 2 , & ' . ' ( ! . HAUI.EV No. 2. 04c ; No. 3 , f , o. b. , 42 < 2C2c ; No. 4 , 37 < 3-tnc. 1'l.AX SKKl-No. 1 , $1.10. TIMOTHY SIBI ; > 1'rlmo , W.45. 1'OUK Jless , per bbl , , * lH.G2 > JIJ18.75j ( lard , or 100 His. , jll.77.ii ! Hhoi-t ribs sldus ( loosii ) . lO.-iOQIO.QO ; dry salted shoulders ( ho\ed > . I0.87'i < ( il0.00 ; short clear Mdo.s ( boxed ) , S10.G7 @ 10.7O. WIHSICY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. , IjuoAitB Unchanged" : cut loaf , "Hi'a.'i'jcj Kranulate < l , & ' o ; standard "A , " & ( ; . Thu following weru thu receipts and ship ments for today : Now York Markets. NEW YOUK , Jan , 30. ri.oun Receipts , 37.- 237 pkgs. : iixporls , 3,111 bbls. , 8.1U3 sacks ; tales , ! ! , SOU pkgs. ; market dull , lower ; win ter wheat , low grades , $2.1O@2.55 ; winter wheat , fair to fancv , t2.05ffi2.70 ; winter wheat , patent. $3.70 < ft4.25 ; Minnesota clear , J2.00 ® 6.60 ; Minnesota straights , J3GO@.1.UO ; Mlnno- Botii patnnts , $4.20524.'JO. COUN MIAI < Dull , steady ; yellow western , e2.702.UO. KYIJ Nominal ; western , 5B'3.G2c. ' HAIII.KV I'lrni , iiulet ; western , COJiSOo llAlu.KY MAI.TDull , steady ; western , 06 ® $5o. city made , Canada , tl.OOJil.05. WIIKAT Kocolpts , : il,22& ) bu.j exports , 198 - 027 bu. ; hales , 1,270,001) ) bu. futures , 1,000 bu. upot. Spot market dull and firmer ; No. 2 red In Moro nnd elevator , 78ye ; afloat , 70s4'c ; t. o. b. , 704' < i HOic ! ; No. 1 northern , tMUo : No. 1 hard , mcj ) No. 2 northern , H'JJ c ; Nil. 2 Bprlng , 7Hi c. Options opened ut ' , c decline , ndvanced > ! $ % ( on decreased stocks and ex pected largo docrciiM ) lu visible supply , do- fcllned ! iit ( ic on disappointing visible , easlur lalo cables , easier west , and rallying , closing steady at U'eiV" below Saturday nnd a light trade ; N'o. 2 red. Kehruary , 7 1is70o ; ( , dos ing at 7H"4'c : March , 70liWHOeeli ! , liig at 70UC ; May , Hl-\ffH2' ' c , closing at uliic ; July 82 5-lfiHllic. Closing at H2c. ! Stocks of giiilu In store nml afloat January 28 ; Wheat , 13.003,054 bu. ; corn , 770,842 bu. ; oats , l.&OO.H 11 bu. ; rye , 114,3&f > bu. : barley , & 13.D02 bu. ; malt , 22.404 bu. ; peas , 140.B02 bill Cons Hreelntf , , H.OOO bu. ; exports , 8,000 o'.oly active , advanced early " . © ic on light movement nml local miinlpulatlou , fell lilfiHe ns fnllouliiK the , west mill on an Increase In "iMo under closing 5Dij ! May , 04 l-ll5 "OATS Ueceipts , lOl'.HOO bu. ; exports , none ; ale , GO.OlKMiu , futures , 100,0(10 ( bu. snot , iiulet ; while easier. Options dull and white \vestorn , 4'Ja-15c. r l"IAM 7M"u ! - ' < iuk > 4 ! GS ° ! Rood to Hoi-ri-Ouli-i , llrm ; hlnto. common to choice. SUPJSc ; i'licltlc coa.st , iltW4c. ! ( limes l-'ulr demand , steady ; wet sailed Now Urleans selected.15 to ( iO Ibs. , 4'tQOc ! Texas soler-ted , fil ) to 00 Ibs. , & ? i 7c. C't'T MKATOTlrm , quiet : middles , quiet. etiong ; .short clear. JKf.Ud ; lard , dull , flnner ; western steam closed at fl'J.lO ; sale.s , none ; oiil Ions , January. J10.35 , Sliirch. trj.tM ) | May. 13.00 ; pork , ijulot , llrmor ; old moss , jlu.tiOdj * Ill'TTEll-Uull , weak ; western dairy , lOiJ2Gc ! ; vesleru creamery , il ! > a3'Jo ; western factory. BJc ; Klgln , ai'.iiW'.V. ' derato demand , llrmt partbklms. s MiMlerato demand , llrm ; receipts , JUO pkgx. ; western fresh , 3-lc. HICKtiiMd demand , firm ; domestic , fair to cMra , SiidUSe ; Japan , ( H4t-t'.e. ioi.ASSKS-Oien : | kettle , KO < M | to choice , firm , fulr demand. I'm ] , IONDull ; American , Iia.76ai5.50. Ujfi-Eit-Oulot , steady ; lake , Jl'J.OO. l.KAti Quiet , firm ; domestic. $3 , 70. TIN Tlrm t Ktrultti. t'JO.UO. BtiiiAH-Kuw , llrm , dull ; fair refining , 3 l-lCc ; c-ntrlfugiils , ltd tevl , 3Vic ; rellned , steady and fairly active ; -off A , 4Su ; mold A , 4 5-1 H cutuucluril A , 4 ll-lui 4Hc ; confectioner * ' A , 4 < l Ifl.tlV , cut liinf , 5C'"lf'iJf > ' > i rushed fi 6-ll'i'if' ' ! . jHiwnereil. 4 B-lt. i.ri'ie' , luted , I 1 l-lfxS&C ) cube * , 4 1 S-Hntfi'K. Omiilin I'roilnro .ttitrkct , Tho'lHtlal Monday quiet prevailed In the market and. very I lulu vtasdovelopud in the way of now fcaturos. At-l-Mcs-Stocksfire held at 13.5061,00 for fair to choice stock. llANANAR--Quotuil at $2.0OA2.r > 0 per bunch. HEANSCholeo navy , t2.OOiW.25. IIUTTKit-Thc niarket win steady at lGO22c. Cnt.KiiYPor do ? . , 40c. OAl.troiiNfA CAiuiAnK-Owltig to the hloh prices at which cabliaguMbrliiK hold In south ern California the arrivals hero are light Drumhead , 'i'io CiiANiiKiiitits Hell and cherry , 18.00 ; bell nnd bugle , HO.OOt Jersey Capo. Oed , I'J.OO. KutlS-AlKMtl the lowest prlco heard on the market was 25c. whllo u good many were hold lint at 2GQ.27C. The supply on the market Is light , but thcrol.s a feeling that a few warm days would causa a decline and for that reason buyers nro not at all Inclined to antici pate their wants , but buy only from hand to mouth. DA.MI : Small rabbits , 70o ; laciis , 11.00. 11AV Thu receipts have uopt up .so large that the e\pei-ted renrtlo'i ' In Iho inarkcl has not materialized. The .supply Is largo and prloos iemiilnnt previous quotations , that Is ' .No. 1 salted. 4lfcNo. ; . 2 , 3fc ! ; flint Ce. HoNKV-riiolei- fam-y white clover , IB ® 20c ; fair lo good , IG' lHc. MAI.MIA ( fu.M-is--.Steady : , * H.f > Of.0.00. ? NUTS -l.argohlol.ory , tl.OO ; black walnuts , J 1.00ft 1.20. LKMONS Choice lo fniu-y , J3.70a4.25. OYHTElts-Tlicie l < no change In the oyster situation at llultlmoie , excepting that the wentber bus been milder , and Ills picdictecl that .should It continue another week tlio har bor will admit of boats arriving ami leaving I'rleus remain about steady hero at 2Oii42o per can. ONIONS- Homo grown , $1.00 per bushel ; Spanish ui-r crate , 11.90742.00. OitANHES Tlio market Is about steady. Sizes 170 to 220 are quoted at $2.70 for rus- holts ami M.Ol ) for brlghts. Sl/.es 200 to 320 are quoted nt $2.75 for brlghts nnd $2.00 for rusM-tts. Tangerines , put up In half boxes , 1'ori.Tiiv Tlio market was unchanged. Choice young chickens would probably bring Oc , but slock of that kind Is very scarce. The great bulk of tbu arrivals U made up of largo fowls , many of them rough , and the top on these Is tv , Monsters sell still lower. The trade does not want large fowls , but either chickens or .small fat fowls. Turkeys are about steady ut I2e ; geese and ducks bdilOc. I'OTATOKS-Only .small lols moving from \VesteiiiNobraska stock Is quoted at HOc ; I'tiih mid Colorado , UOcQtl.UO ; choice unlive 75Timv. SWKET I'D rArims--Then- a few In the market which art-selling lit f 1.00. VKAlCholeii nnd fat , veal calves , 89c ; Ifirge nnd thin , flltOc. The arrivals of choice nro not large , but there are too ninny thin enlves. The hitler are slow sale at the low quotations given. I'liouircn roiNTBit.s. A small shipment of I'loilda tomatoes was rei-elved on this market and sold at SU.OU per crale of slhnskots. . In llu-lr review of the situation In Florida I'orler llros. say : Some nriterlal ehang'-s have taken place lu the orange situation in Florida , but no materlnU-hange lu tiny of the mnrliots. During the llrsrfporllon of tno past week and the previous week Florida has experienced one of the longest , hardest cold spells she has ever known. A careful ' esumo of Iho situation after the oxeltement reveals the fact that wo are not hurt half so bad us wo first Imagined. Wo think a conservative estimate would place the amount of fruit damaged on the trees by the frost at 20 percent of the whole , anil while this Is true It docs not necessarily follow that the shipments from the state will bo 25 per cent less than If tlio frost had not come , for It Is our opinion that there Is not 10 percent of the fruit on the trees now , or was when the frost ctinio but will find Its way to the markets. The egg markets throughout , the country generally report an easier feeling , says the Minneapolis I'.roducc * lliillctln. Prices have held their own a goo : ! deal bi-tlor than was ex pected the first of tlio week , when Now York dropped 'Jc , and n general decline was started all over tha country. Imtm-dlntoly after the llrst .stagger , eggs began to iilcl ; up and In many Instan.-cs have done con-dd- orablo toward regaining their former prices. In New York there has been a firming up , and In Chicago iidvnni- also have b'-en made. Hut , under the circumstances , eggs may In1 considered as having reai-hiid their highest point this winter. While the feeling on all sides Is llrmor than It was the fore part , of the week , ami n di-cjlne nt any tlmo would not bo .surprising , tlio supplies In the country are not any heavier than they were , without It Is lu the southwest , wharo the markets are re ported as In only moderate supply ; but there Is a lack of coulldencoon the part of the buy ers , nnd tbu milder weather which Is reported all over tint north encourages the expectations of larger productions , mid holders have boon moro anxious to sell. This explains tljy pres ent wcaknesi whllo stocks are bo low. P. M. Wall , u grocer .nt Harvard , has been closed on an attachment. H.f. . Colemnn , who has been conducting a general store at Humboldt , has sold out. S. fisher's general store at Mlndcn has boon closed out nnd the shorllf Is In possession. Trunk Htauton , In the hardware business at Clay Center , Is reported us having sold a half Interest In his business , C'uil'eo .Murlu-t. NKW YOUK , Jan. 30. Options opened nulet , unchanged to 10 ooluts decline , closing steady , 5 to 10 point down ; sales , 27,550 bags , Including January , 817.25 ; February , J10.95i8 ( 17. 1O ; March , * 10.75itl0.90 ; April. JlO.O 10.70 ; Mny. ? 10.451G.55 ! ; June , $ "lG.30ai ( > .35 ; July , $1G.JU ! ; St-ptombor , iUi.20ftlG.25 : Octo ber. JlG.20ai0.3t > ! December , $10.20310.20. Spot Ulo , firmer , quiet ; No. 7 , * 17. 7'/j. Kin JANBIHO , Ja .28. Klrm : first ordlimrv , 13,700 rels per 10 kilos ; good second , 12,1)50 ) rols. Receipts during the week , -1'J.OOO bags ; purchases for the Hulled States , 09,000 bags ; shipments to the United Status. 12,000 bag.s ; block 144,000 bags. SANTOS , Jan. aH.-12.200 rols per 10 kilos. Hocolpts during ' the week , 05,000 bags ; pur chases for t'nt ) United Stales , 30,000 bugs ; shipment * to the United States , 10,000 bag.s ; stock , 245,000 bags. St. I.oilU Murkcts. ST , Louis , Mo. , Jan. 30. Ki.ouu Daad dull. WHBAT ' . ( flUtC under Saturday ; cash S.Hc ; May , 73c ; July. 73.c. . COIIN ! < W "ao below Saturday ; cash 39Jic ; Mny , 43.ic ? ; July 44i ! 44ic. " ' OATS Very uull ; cash 32e asked ; May 35c. 35c.HVE HVE Quiet ; small sales ; Minnesota 58o. IliiAN-Hlghcr , 0808\5c. \ HUTTEII unchanged ; creamery , 25S30c. KGHS Klrmory , 25ic. ! PouK-919.25 Tor old : lard $11.05. KKCEIITS Klour , 8t'00 bbls : wheat , 73,000 bu. : com , 250,000 bu. ; oats , 34,000 bu , ; rye , none ; barley , nono. Silli'MENTS-l'lour. 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 22- 000 bu. ; corn , 75,000 bu. ; oats , 0,000 bu. ; rye and barley none. Oil Murkut. NEW YonK , Jan. 30. PKTUOI.EUM Thcro wore no transactions on Plpo Line certificates at the Consolidated exchange today , but 10- , 000 bbls. changed hands at the Stock oxchnngo at 53&53ic. ! Thu closing was strong at 53U TAI.LOW rirm , 32c ; city ( $2.00 for pkes. ) , 7 © 7'jc. ' - COTTON SEED On/ Higher , scarce ; crude , 54c ; yellow , HOQOlc. TIWPBXTINB Qtilut , steady. LO.NPON , Jan. 30 , CALCUTTA LI.NSIIED 4s Ud per quarter. ' 1'Ulll-liNTINK Sl'IUlTS Dull , llrltlili ( iriiln Tnitln llevlew , LONDON , Jan. 30. The Mark Lane Express In UH weekly review of the Hrltlsh grain trade , says ; English wheat In London lias advanced Os Od per quarter. The sales huvo fallen oil' . The rise Is nsslgned exclusively to thu quality. Foreign wheat Is weak. At Liverpool 1 d per cental less Is accepted , both for California and American red winter ; Australian now wheat will bo shipped this season on a guaranty of JL'OOO weight. The homo deliveries of wheat and Hour for the week amounted to 180.0UO bu. Husslalssiiltl to have 1,000,000 bu. of mubttt which will bo for sale whou the spring shipments are resumed. OATH Stonily ; white. 31 < 331'Jc. UvK-\Vcnknt04c. HUTTKii Light demand and dull ; creamery 20f629c ; dairy , 174l20c. Kuo.I'lrmat23c. . UKCBIITS Win-ill , 62,000 bu. ; corn , 7.000 bu , j oats fiono. Siiii'MKSTS Wheat , 80,000 bu. ; corn , 11,000 bu , ; oats , none , .Mllwaukeo r.r.itu Murket. MILWAUKEE , \Vls. , Jan. 30. WHEAT Easy\ \ May , 70Uc ; No. 2 spring. COc. COIIN Quiet ; NO. 3 , 42c. OAT -Steady ; No. 2 white , 30c ; No. 3 white 330/34C. HVE-02C. , IIA IlLEV G4c. Liverpool Markets. LtvEiti-OOL , Jan. 30. WIIISAT Steady ; do > mund fair ; holders offer moderately ; western spring , Os 3 < Hf.U ( 4d per cental ; No. 2 rod , win- ler. OslOiiaSs lid. UOIIN 1'lrm ; demand fair ; mixed western 4s > Btl per cental for old. VUllilu Supply ordruln , NEW YOUK , Jan. 30. Wheat. 81,448,000 bu corn , 12,035,000 bu ; eau , & ,70dooo bu ; rye UJ7.000 bu ; t-arloy , 2,114.000 bu. IMglii lluttrr .Market. F.IXIIN , III. . Jan. 30. lluttor Active ; sales 38,700 Ibs. at 28c , Cotton Mttrkot. New OiiLKAM ) . La. , Jan. 30. Weak lour uiiadlluk' , b < sc ; seed ordl mry , HV' . net receipt * , 0,700 bales , Rro s ocolptN. O.HI i j balest sale * , JCOO bales ) Mock , 53,20tl bales. _ _ .STOCKS AND IIUNDS. Thcro U'm n Collnp n1tt U'hUky Trust nt Iho Clone. NB\T VO.IK , Jan. 80.Thtro was a col- apse In the price ot Whisky Irusl nt tlio open * iig of tin-Stock exchange this morning , and or a tlmo thodtallngs In these speculative * were attended with considerable excitement , 'horn was a rush to .soil the slock at the opcn- njr , and blocks of from 000 to 6,000 were brown on the market regardless of price. The penlng sale was at 4 pur cent decline rom the opening on Saturday , the first ale being at 43 , against 47 , at which It losod on Saturdny. I'rom this figure the irlco fell rapidly until It touched 38. This vas a decline of 9 per cent from Saturday's irlce. The selling was due to reports and pub- Isliod statements to the effect that the Dls- Illers and Caltlefeedlngcompany.under which tame the trust Is Known , was In llnanclal trait.s tt was stated , among other hlngs , that the rebate fund of $2.000- > 00 lint ! been used up. that a floating lebt had been created and that the llrectors at a meeting held on Saturday mil decided to | ii-s ; all furthordlvldends until ho debt had born wiped out and the rebate und re-established. The bears naturally took advantngn of this wild decline to Jump upon < ' er leading spec- ilatlvu lines und succeeded In hammering irtaPNdown In the early trading from one- Ighth te 2 per cent , the latter In Chicago Uas. Pho Sug..rand Tobacco trust were also pressed or sale , anil both declined fractionally , but atom-covered. Sugar was especially well supported , and not only recovered the early lecllno but advanced fractionally , The whole narkol recovered shortly after the first half mur. Whisky trust recovered to 42'a on Mip- Hirtlng orders and also on the denial thai ho directors at Iholr mooting Saturday lad decided lo pass dividends. The range of irlces current at the end of the llr.st hour , liow- ivor , were below these current at the close on Saturday. Western Union was another weak ipot In the llrst hour , opening " . percent ewer , nnd further retiring 1 per cent. In the econu hour the general market further sold iff under the lead of Now F.ngland , which was iressod for sale. It declined l'B per cent to 40f. ! Tlio Industrials were also > iiromlnoiit In he dealings , but they were all well supported ind their prices did not change materially. Whisky trust , however , was still 5 per cent ewer at noon. The general market was from to ' 4 pnr cent lower at that lour. The wales of the morning amounted to J4 ,47fi shales. Among the sellers of Whisky rust In the early dealings were a number of tankers who are thought to represent an ele- uoii. the management of which was reported- o have unloaded on the pool and which Is as sorted to be now heavily short of the certifi cates. Tlie boar traders raised sugar in the lirly dealings , but , all their offerings were alien by the bull pool. Tli.-ro were no Indlca- llcatlons of .short Interest being cov ered , and ' „ per cent was paid for the stock for ilollvi-ry purposes dillng the duy. Tlio market was weak for nest of the list throughout the afternoon. The selling movement of the morning was renewed it Intervals during the afternoon and the ,11-essuro , to sell was especially marked In the ast hour. The closing prices for the majority if the list were tlio lowest of the day. Union Paclllc was quiet on the rumor that the road was tole turned over to the government. It ilosud l'i per cent lower. The decline for the lay ranged from ! f to 4' . per cent , the latter in Whisky tiust. The sales for the day amounted to 520,032 shares. The Post's financial writer says : It Is the manipulation of the Industrial snares lately witnessed which tends to point to western and southern talk that Wall street men nru nulli ng but gamblers. Thus , ono can scarcely credit , tlio opinion of our bust financial leaders m any topic of national Importance. This Is ) no reason why congress pays so llttloatten- : lon to bankers who advocate tlio repeal of Iho Sherman act. The expert opinions of llnanclurs are not given their duo weight be- caiiso the ethics of thu street yet sanction the gambling lately seen In the Industrial certifi cates which thus affects all Interests. The remedy Is In the hands of Wall.street uiun themselves. The following are the closing quotations of Iho loading stocks on the Now York Stock exchange - change today : Atculaon tt Adiuns ttxpruts 157 do iirefcrroil KH Alton , T. U U. I' . lcn. Allult. . . ICOs Mo prefurrol 150 Xorlhwestorn American Kxpross. . 111) ) ilo pruforruit llaltluiore A Uhlo. . N. Y. Central 110H Canada I'uclflc .N. Y. AN. K 47 > S I anatlu Southern. . . Ontario & Western. * Control l-acltlc § " Oroeon Imp 18 dies. & Ohio Oregon Nav SO Chlcnico Alton IU Ore. ! . L.A U. .N. . . . C. ll.AQ ini ; { 1-nclRo .Mull Chlcneo Ons 8 : > U I'eorln. Dec. A K. . . . Concollrialed QAB . I'lttiburu 157 C. C. C. AM. U. 6745W I'ullinan 1'ulnoo. . . . . c.ottonUll Cert.\ . . 45W lies Him Dal. lludion lx > 4 Itlcbmontl Terminal 10 U. IA W IMM do preferred 35 I ) . A21.U. pfi ! : . KIo llranda \ " it 1) . & U. K. Co 42 do preferred 61 KastToan Hock Inland 86 Krlo St. b. AS. F. 1st pfd 75 do preferred bt. I'aul 7580U Fort Woyno 155 dopreferrod U-4 Qt. Northern pftl . . 1H3 St. 1'nul AOmaba. . 61 ( ! . AH. Ipfd 10.1H do profcrrod 61US Hocking Vallej. . . . ' Southern 1'aclflc. . . . Illinois Central Sugar itlllncry St. I'nul A Ilulutli. , 45 Tcnn. Coal A Iron. . Knn. A Tei pftl. . . . f Torus 1'aclac Lake Krlo A West. . Tol. A O. Cent. ffd. do prcforroJ Union I'ncltlc 130 LJ. H. xproi > 9 \V. St , L. Ill' UK I.ouU. AMash 742J do nroferrod 2li ! J.ouls. A New Alb'/ . 2J Wells Kur < ? o Kzp. . . 145 Manhattan Con 157 Western Union 145S" Momphlsft G Whiollnz A I. K. . . S" Mlchlxnn Central. . . 100 do profercd illBnoiirl I'ncllle Minn A Ht. I , | 1 Mobile A Ohio 84 i ) A it. a Nailivlllo CTintt 87 ( icncrnl Klectrlc. . . . llOIi National Cord.igo. . . HUM Nnllonal I.lnsced. . . do proforroil . . . . 115US C. Kucl A Iron N.J. Central US ilo pro.erred. . . . . . . 105 Norfolk AV. . pM. . Horn. A " 'ex. Ccn. . . 105CU North AniPrlcin i'o cx-dlv The total sales of stocks today were 523,970 shares , Including : Atchlson , liUOj ! ! Ilurllngi ton , 4.000 ; Chlcaso tins , 10,100 ; nulaware , Iackawanni : & Western , 7iOO : ; Distillers , 113,300 : Krio , 4,400 ; Loul.svIlM & Nashville , r > ,40 ( ) ; Missouri I'uclllc , 13,100 ; National Lead. 0,100 ; New Kngland , 12bOO ; Northern 1'aclllc , 10.000 ; Heading , 77,700 : UlchmondTerminal , B.OOO ; Hock Island , 10,300 ; Hi. Paul , 20,000 ; Sugar. 03,800 ; Union Pucllle , U2.00 ; Western Union. 12.000. Ne\v Vork .Money .Mnrkct. NEW YOHK , Jun. 30. MO.VKV o.v Oxr.r Easv at I'/ift-'i per cent ; last loan , V/t to 2 per cent" ; closed otfored at J percent. Pimm MKIIOANTILE PAI-EU lUiJiG per cent. BTElit.tNO KXCIIANHE Quiet and easier , with actual business In Imnkor.s' bills at$4.80 ? , for sixty days and $4H7U for demand. ' OOVCUNSIBNT HOSD.S Dull and steady. State bonds dull and steady. Thu closing notations on bonds : U. H. 4s r rf I t.in . * U , 8.4 * coup 113)1 N. W. I ( insols U.B. 4W ro * 10. ) do deben. &H , . . . . raclflctls of V.'i IU5 S. K A I. M. ( icn. 5s Louisiana t'pd la U7 S. 1 , . ARK.Oen. M. Teun. now nm'u. . . 102 St. 1'nul Connols. . . Tonn. now HSI 5s. . . 101 : t. 1' . C. A I' . Istd. . . 117 Tenn. ne\r set s . . I- . 1 > , L. ( j. Tr. llcts. 80 Canada Ho. .mis. . . 'C. I' . K. li. Tr. Itcts. 80f Cun. I'nclflo Ists. . . . lOi Union 1'aclHclsts. . 101 ! 1) . A U. O. Ists 118 Weil Short ) 1U2 I ) . A II. (1. 4s It. a W. Isu KrleSndH Atc-J. 4s M. K. AT. Oen. l , . sm Atch ' . " .s. class A. W M. K. AT. Oen.Si. . 43 ( i. 11. A E > . A , Vs. . . . lll.'l Mutual Union Os. . 113 do VdSi 93 N. J. C. Int. Cert. . . 11IK , II. AT. C. 6 107 Northern I'nc. IMa. 117 II. , V' . i1 I'rtm I'M. IlOStOll StIIOk ( JlllltlllllMM. HOSTON , Mass. , Jan. 30. Call loans , 2J'23S ! ' ! ; tlmo iiapor , 4J15. The following are tlio clos ing stojk iiiotutlons | : Atchl > un AT.-poXa. t.'ixlumot A HccU. . . 205 Uoston A .Mbuny. . . FrnnKlln lloston A : Maine. . . 174 DncooU C. . II. AC } ' Qulncy 135 nnntorn it. H.ft . . . . Minta Ko Copper. . . . 6 Htchburult. It Tauiarark ire 1 , . H. A M. S7 8IJ1 \nnlston I.nnd Co. , 25 Mass. Central 8IJ1W llojt'in l.nnrt Co. . . Mcx. Con. com West Knd Lund Oo. N. V. A N. Knjiland. 47 Hull Teluphune. . . . 20:1 : Old Colonr 201a l.'vmnontiro f Kutlaudcom a Water I'owor WU.Cen.com 144 l-.AI Allouoi 51.O. ( now ) 75 M. K. T. A T Atlantic ' .Ih II. A II. C , lloston A Mont 3.1H Hon. Kli-o 1101 bid. Sun I'runrlsco Mining Storks. SAN TIIANCISCO , Cal. . Jan. 30. The odlclal closing iiuotatlons for mining blocks today were us follows : Alta 10 Moilcan . I4J llulwer 15 Mono . 15 llelchor 85 Ophlr . 170 Host A llelcher 13J llodle Consolidated 15 Saraito . no Chollar a ) Slt-rra Nevada . 120 Con. Cal. A Va . . . . 235 Union Con . tii Crown Point C5 D.ali . 15 UouM A Currjr M Yellow Jacket . 05 llale A Norcross. . . 75 Ciimnionwaalth . & Now York Alining IJnotatloni. , Jan. 30. Tha following are the closing mining quotation * ; Crown Point &o Pirmoniii co Con. Cat. and /a. . . . 23i Sierra Nevada 110 Dendwood 140 Standard lu Ooulcl nnil Curry. . , , 8) Union Con . < j ! Halo and Norcross , 75 Vi'llow .Incki'l to Ilomostake. , , . 1160 Iron Silver 45 Mexican 125 tjulckMlvar Sio Ontario ) : < uo do preferred 1750 Ophlr ID ) llulwer 10 London I-'Innnclal Itnvlr. . ICopyrtaMtd 1S33l > u Jam : * O < in/on llcnnttt , ] LONDON , Jan. 30. INrw York Herald Cable Special to TUB 1IKK.1 During the latter [ mrtof the nftornoou bii'ilnosson ' the tftookex change bus shown a llttlo moro life arid the markoti close with a hotter tendency al round. Consols aru ono-nlucenth per con ludluu stcrllnj louua Itupruvud ouo fourth jicr cent , but rupeepaper h one-eighth per cent easier HIH-IKH Kiivurnment securl- tlo eloso tolerably ( Inn lu response to a better ti'iidem-y on continental Iwurses. .An iidvnnce of | J < nor i-rnl Is established In Mexican IHHO. i JW | > cent In Aw-ntlnc IHHO and ArKcnltno filhrlod , 14 to ] j per cent lu Aria-nttno ceduliM Iwnils and from ' to } l per cent In most lntcrboursc stocks , Spanish helm ? exceptionally lowur. ; Homo railways have Njiown .some degree : Of dullness , at tlio time dealings biiVo lieen restricted. Amcrlciitm were more nr .losji depressed all day , continued heavy gold shipments hav ing n disturbing effect. Un the Now ork market , ai rather bettor tendency provalbd at the extreme cline and In sonio In stances prices rallh-dxllghtly from their worst point , at the gnnuMliWb nearly a general de cline wasostuhlKhcd,1 Ineludlng ? i percent lu ' t'nlon raclllcaml orfolk .V Western prefer ence , ? percent \ Louisville > V Nashville and Denver preferences , and U to 'i par cent In most others , ( . 'niuulliins have been very much neglected , but thiKViniKilhy was with Amer icans. Canndlau I'acllic and fJrund Trunk Is sues have given wuy ' to ° . percent. Th ro was a.slightly beltei'demand for money , owing to tenders for the Queensland loan and an In stallment due on the Chilian loans , but short loans have been obtained at Jj percent. The discount market was n shade higher on fears if gold withdrawals from Trance , now that he now tiotu bill 1ms boon oMIelally promul gated by the Hank of Trance. Nt. I.onls Mining Oniitiitlnni. ST. I.OL-IS , Mo. , Jan. 30-Tbo following vero the iiuotatlons on the Mining exchange oday : Not en. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Jan. 30. Clearings , $1- 850,122. I'AIIIH , Jan. 30. Thrco per cent rentes 90f 95c for the account. NKW VOIIK , Jan. 30. Clearings , 79G1G- 7U4 ; balances , J4Gt3,131. H.U.TIMOIIK , Mil. . Jan. 30-Clearlngs , $2,189- 45 ; balances , * 303I50. Kate , 0 per cent. I'liii.Anm.riiiA , Pa. . Jan. 30. Clearings , 0,008,020i balances , $1,420,888. Money , 4'i lorcent. LONDON , Jan. 30. Amount of bullion wlth- Irnwn from the Hank of Ktighvnd on balances oday , i'8,000. CINCINNATI , ( ) . , Jan. 30. Money , S'S'TiO ' per cent : New York exchange , par and 20c. iremlum. Clearings , $2,084,00r , . llosTO.v , Mass. , Jan. 30.-Cloarlngs , $14,389- > 18 : balances. tlGii4,750. Money. 2 percent. Kxchangoon Now York , 10 < ai5c ilHcount. HT. I.ot'ia , Mo. . Jan. 30.T-Clearlnis , $4.ri33- 9)8 ! ) ; balances , | .VJ1.4tfi ; money ( | illet , 0 7 per cent ; exchange on Now York , 25c discount to Kir. Kir.Niw Niw : Y'liiK. Jan. 30. IHpeclal Telegram to PHI : Ilix. ] Kxchange was quoted as follows : 'hlcago , par ; lloslon , lO lHc discount ; St. Umls , 20c discount and par. I'lilCAOO , III. , Jan. 30. C'learlngs , J1H.157- 137. New York exchange sold at par. Sterling exchange , lu-arv : sixty-day bills. $4.nrt ; de mand , J1.8H. Jloney easier , at 5' ' , < iJG't | ) L.r cent. HAVANA , Jan. 30. Spanish gold , I2.52B J.52J | . Kxchaiiu'e. iiilet ] ; on the United States , short sight gold O'tWJ't premium ; on l/ondon 20)itt2'i ) ( ) premium , Sugar Quiet ; sales Sutitr lay , 10,000 bass centrifugals , ! I4J ! degrees polarl/alloii ut$3.17i ! gold per quintal. 1.1 VIC STOUIC MAICKKTS. Cattle In ( lood ' Supply and Steady Hogs Itcnc'hed tlir 88 Notch. OMAHA , Jan. 30. The week opens with thn usual big run of cnttlo and llglit supplies of logs. Receipts were 3,522 cattle , 1,914 hogs uul 15 horses. Last Monday's run was 1,899 cattle. 2.333 hogs and 198 sheep. On account of the very liberal offerings of attle It looked as If they would liaveto sell lower. There wore nearly 150 loads on s'ale , but fully three-fifths of them were cows and feed ers.There was a good demand from all sources , for the right kind of cattle , and really desirable 1,200-lb. and upward eatllesold at fully steady prices from $4.40 to $5.15. On Ilie general run of.stuff trade was il trlllo sluggish and prices occasionally ruled a mhndo easier , but fair to good 1,050 to l.'JOO-lb. steers told nt from $3.80 to $4.30 , with fair to poor stuff at from J3.75 down to ? : i.5. Trade was not par ticularly active at any time during the day. but nearly everything ai all useful had found a purchaser before tho'elose. Cow stuff sold iibout Ilko Saturday. There were about llfly loads on sale , and with a very respectable general demand the movcmiit was moderately free , poor to choice cows and heifers soiling at from $ J.50 to f3.50thu bulk at from $2.40 to $3.00. HOugh stock was about steady , hulls , stags and oxen selling at from $1.85 to 8:1.55. : Common calves wore .slow at $2.75 to $4.00 , with good to choice veals In very active demand at from $5.00 to JO.50. The stocker and foMlor trade was moroorlcss demoralized. I-'reMi ofTarlngH were thehuavlcst In SOIIHI time , and ns regular dealers nil had a liberal supply on liaml nnd thu country demand was avcit loss urgent than usual , prices shaded lower on all but the bust grades. The volume of trading was not largo nnd thu fooling rather weak on nil sides and at the close the yards contained morostock and feedIng - Ing cattle than for two months past. Repre sentative sales : imnssGD DEUF. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. 1. . . . GOO 3 25 14. . .1128 4 00 53. . , . 840 3 40 18. . .1107 4 00 1. . . . 800 3 40 40. . .1080 4 00 5. . . 948 3 50 15. . .1200 4 00 6. . . 933 3 GO 20. . .1205' 4 00 7. . , . 925 3 GO 14. . .1190 4 05 20. . .1012 3 75 1. . . 900 10 ' . 830 3 70 33. . 1143 10 IB' . . 740 3 70 97. . .1095 10 20. . .1000 3 75 40. . . 10'JG 30 11. . . 930 3 80 70. . .1142 30 1. . .1130 3 80 .1225 40 42. . .1110 3 80 .1221 50 .1135 3 90 18. .13H4 70 . .1000 3 90 19. .1394 80 13. . .1078 3 90 30 .1394 4 80 SlIII'l'INO AND KXI'OIIT. 40. . .1210 3 95 07. .1302 4 05 94. . .1320 4 45 18. .1584 5 15 17. . .1324 05 COWB. 1. . .1000 1 50 2' . 940 2 55 7. . . 770 1 75 10. . . 808 2 00 4. . . 025 1 75 1. . .1100 2 55 1. . . 81O 1 75 1. . . GOO 2 55 4. . . 025 1 75 22. . . 777 2 65 2. . . BIO 2 00 4. . .1157 2 GO 3. . . 923 2 00 23. . . 933 2 GO B. . . 728 2 00 5. . . 920 a oo 2. . .10 tO 2 OO 11. . , 900 a GO 1. . . G30 2 00 1. . .1250 2 GO 6. . . 004 2 10 o " .1000 a oo 12. . . 785 2 10 ol" .1200 2 05' 18. . . 792 2 10 17. . . 804 2 75 19. . . 900 2 10 15. . . 901 2 75 19. . . 700 2"10 47. . . Oil 2 75 11. . . 072 2 15 18. . .1090 2 70 : . . . 880 2 15 39. . .1029 2 75 3. . .1093 2 16 O . 775 2 75 . 710 2 16 2 ? : : . 094 -2 80 . 740 2 25 17" 988 a 85 . 900 2 25 19. . . 871 2 85 4. . 995 2 25 25. . ,108(1 2 85 23. . 991 2 25 G. . . 883 2 90 1. . G30 2 25 11. . .1021 2 90 20. . 880 2 35 5. . .1052 a 90 43. . 811 2 35 12. . .1010 2 90 ,1150 2 35 12. . .1005 2 90 . 1020 2 35 11. . ,1)40 ) 2 00 . 000 2 35 8. . .1110 3 00 .1003 210 i .1180 3 00 . 918 2 40 20 : . . 872 3 OO ' ' ' . 900 2 40 .1170 3 00 ll' . . . 990 2 40 i ! : : . 835 3 10 G . . .1043 240 1H . .1022 3 15 20. . . . 082 2 40 4. . .1095 3 15 31. . . . 918 2 40 21. . .1033 3 25 8. . . . 855 2 40 3. . .1180 3 25 15. . . 1034 2 40 22. . . 080 3 25 23. . . . 805 2 40 5. . .1010 3 20 19. . . . 970 2 40 .1050 3 25 4. . . . 002 2 40 . 908 3 35 20. . . . 900 2 45 10. . 990 3 35 .1020 2 45 4. . .1177 3 50 s : : ; . 820 2 45 1. .1120 3 50 " . 970 2 50 1. .1140 3 50 .1110 2 50 28. .1082 3 50 .1012 2 55 iiimus. : : 19. . 414 2 15 1. . 330 2 75 7. 492 2 26 .MII.KKIIS AND HI'IUNliUS. ( : 1 cow nnd calf $20 00 1 cow nnd calf r. . . " . ' . .30 00 1 springer. . V--.U 27 50 CALVES' . . 300 $2 75 1. . 180 $0 00 . 150 3 00 4. . 117 G 00 . 210 o on 1. . 120 0 00 . 110 5.5U 1. . 130 0 25 . 201 r , oo 1 , . 130 G 50 . 140 5 50 4. . 120 G CO IIUI.I.S. .1220 1 85 . 815 2 05 .11H5 2 25 1591) ) 2 70 .1240 2 25 , .1440 a 75 .1500 a 20 . .1540 3 75 1. . .1550 2 25 . 920 2 75 3. . .1380 2 35 .1500 2 75 2. . .1300 2 40 .1820 2 80 1. . .1700 2 4O .1420 > 2 85 1. . 1490 8 40 .1400 a 85 1. . 1240 3 50 .1010 3 00 1. . 1330 2 0 i. .1340 3 00 .1530 a 53 14. .1508 3 00 1 1220 2 CO 1. .1900 3 25 OXK.N. 1 1020 2 90 1. .1350 3 55 BTAQri. 1 040 2 50 040MTOCKKUS MTOCKKUS ANI > 4 407 2 25 27 828 , 2 85 5 34H 2 25 27 775 2 90 U 412 2 30 4 427 2 00 1 B70 2 35 H 713 3 00 4 400 2 50 3 . 703 3 00 H . . . 435 2 00 10 H1H 3 10 4. . . . 557 2 CO 0 025 3 10 oo 70tf 2 70 1 1530 3 16 01 708 2 70 H 010 3 25 02 7G4 270 1 920 3 60 0 004 275 82 910 3 & 0 1 HGO 2 75 3 000 3 65 27 760 2 H5 COI.OIIADO CATTI.K , No. Av , I'r. No , Av. 1'r , 26 cows 780 2.45r6OCOW8. . b74 t2 65 llocu-At UiltUoU uutull buj bcuu ulrui Mid thn oHuatlon N ninmonlly as bullish us it \rns whou IKUS piisxpd the fo mark Killers itivo to have thn hogs to supply their trade , and to get the hogs they havejo settliSpee - ulallon has considerable lo dniwlth xtistalnlng ind advinellig prices , but the opoculallon Is then-null or outgrowth of ( lie situation , uml not the slttmtlou pniduced by speculation. Then- were only 27 loads of hogs rec-lM-d. Tin-so , added lo noldovors , made a net.supply if alHiul'AOOU hog.s to be divided among four liouses. AH eastern markets were loiiorti'd ' lilgher there was naturally a scramble tor the togs , nnd prices Jumped up loc to 151011 all gradc.s , ( iood to prime butcher and heavy logs sold at from $7.H5 up feM , with good to poor llghl and unmixed hogs at from J7.H5 lown to $7.t5 , The pens wore cleared early , the hulk selling at from (7.BO to t''M as igatnst (7.00 to 17.70 Saturday and $7.0) to (7.00 ( ono week ago. Kepre.sentatlvo sales : No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r. J7. ,1H2 HO 7 00 77. .20.1 200 7 80 70. .201 300 7 00 01. .200 200 7 80 OS ) . .101 120 7 70 H7. .240 400 7 HO 0. ,20H 7 70 00 .230 120 7 80 12. .170 70 11. .204 7 80 73. .231 2HO 70 02. .210 200 7 80 87. .217 200 70 07. .2-12 200 7 87' , 82. . 10'J 120 7 77'J 00. .2HO 100 7 00 0. .270 HO 7H. .220 HO 7 lit ) 04 1C > 0 HO 74. .202 120 00 7H. 2HO HO 07. .200 aao 7 110 73. .221 HO HO 04. .200 BO 7 no 10. .240 HO HO 02. .202 100 7 00 0. .240 100 HO 08. .205 HO 7 02V 70. 233 80 7 80 00. .312 240 7 00 53. .230 120 7 82'i ' 70. 241 b oo 4..2HO 7 80 1-IIIS AND HOUIlll. 4..145 0 80 SitKKP Thi-ro were none here , Hoth mut tons and feeders are In good demand and htendy. Kalr to good natives , J3.7f > Ct0.t)0 ) ; fair to good westerns , $3.5VfiO.OO ( ; common and stock .sheep. : f2.2.va3.70 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb lambs , M.OOicG.60. Itcct'lptHiind UlHpualtltui of Stock. Oniclal receipts nnd dlsjmltlon of Mock as shown by the honks of th-rnloiiHlock Yards company for the forlv-elght hours , ending al 0 o'clock p. m. January 30 , ! H'jl ' ; : IlKCEII'TS. HIIIIIIIOIISKS : * MI.S Cnrs. Head Ciirn. Uurn. llcnd Cars. 118 3J 21 ! Disi-osrrioN. n u VEILS. nuns , i HMK , Onmha I'arklnx Co Tlio II. H. llninmond ( o . , Mwlft * Co IISO The Cudnlir racking Co . 6m 170 A. Unas II. Decker A Oojzan 6mM7 I Vnnnant A I'nn-y Shippers nnd IVodcr ? M7 To tii I M.374 , < /II-IK | : < > Live Mock .Market. CllirAOO , III. , .Inn , no. [ Special Toll-Brain to Tut : HBB.IThe cattle mnrket wns something of a disappointment to sellers. With a supply ' : if only nlioiit 10,000 hend and the . „ . .f u light run for tomorrow they thouirht they could easily .secure nn iidvnnce , but they fulled. The demand was lacking nnd althoimh they Htnrled In asking an advance of from 10to 15c they had lln-illy to accept last week's closing prices. The arrivals dhl not Include ninny prime beeves , hut there wns a fair proportion of good sorts well flitted steers averaging from 1,300 to 1,400 Ibs and many sales were mndo around $5.00 to $5.25. Kxtrn iHinntltles would have brought from 80.00 to $0.10. Trade opened nulct and remained In tlmt condition to the end. but by 11m middle of t lie afternoon about all thootl'or- Ings hud found buyeis. Quotations Mere from $1.60 to $3.75 for poor I o cholco cows ami Trom $3.26 lofO.10 for very common to c.Mru steers. When boss jumped to fmni $8.30 to J8.35 , as they did almost Immediately after tlio openIng - Ing of business this morning , them was not much surprise . Advances of lOc , 15c and 20c are now so common that they have come to bo regarded as a mailer of course. Today's tradIng - Ing showed a gain of about lOc In light weights. Tin-former advanced to from $7.40 to $8.00 and the latter to from J7.HO to $3.35. Iluyors were greedy for the hog.s even at these price" , and there was a quick clearance. I'ew of the oll'orlngs went below $7.75 , from $7.HO to $7.95 taking the bulk of the lol.s averaging under 200 Ibs. , and from $7.90 to & 8.20bolug the prices for medium and heavy. There was not a very brisk demand for sheep , In fact , the market was more than ordi narily nuiet. liocelpts were larger thnne.\- pected , and buyers were Inclined to Insist up n concessions. The reported .sales , however , do not Indicate any material d"cllne , nnd wo ngnln quote poor to prime qualities nt from $3.00 to $3.35. Lambs were In poor request and were steady al from f4.00 to Jti.OO. Hecolpts : Cattle , 10,000 ; hogs , 20,000 ; sheep , 10,000. i 1 The Evening Journal reports : UATTI.K Hecelpts , 17,000 head ; hhlpmcnts , 1,700 huinl : market active ; steers , SI,855.35 ; fcedors , $4.254.30 ; Mockers. J5.00S5.85 ; others , $4.GOa5.50 ; cows , ? 2.5O&3.75. IIoos ftcculpts , 19,001) head ; shipments. 7,000 : miirkel active , 10iil5o higher ; good mixed und puckers , $7.80448.00 : prime henvy nndbutchors'weljsiils , Sa.lOH.3D ; light , * 7.bu © 8.00 ; pigs , $7.2r7.GO. EtKecolpts , 11,000 head ; shipments. 1,200 head ; mnrket weaker ; natives , $3.75 ® G.OO ; westerns , $5.10@5,25 ; lamba , $4.0035.75. New York Llvo Stork .Market. NEW YORK , Jan.30. BEEVES Hecelots 5,593 head , Including 43 cars for sale ; market , ) slow ; steers lOc per 100 Ibs. higher ; bulls , oxen , cows. etc. . steady ; natlvo steers , $4.455.50 per 100 Ibs. ; bulls und cows , 81.753.50 ; dressed beef dull al 89iu ! per Ib. Ship ments today , 417 bcorcs ; tomorrow , 700 beeves and 1,400 qunrtorsof beef. OAI.VES Receipts , 901 head ; market steady for veals , dull and lower for grnssers und westerns ; veals , J5.005J9.00 per 100 llis. ; grassers , $2.75 53.50 ; western calves , $3.1)0. ) HllRlil * AND iMMliS-Kecelpls , 11,503 head ; market llrm : Mu-op , S3.50B5.87Ji per 100 Ibs. ; lambs , $5.2586.75. Hoas Uccolpts , 7,488 head , consigned di rect ; nominally llrm at7.GOJJ8.10 per 100 Ibs. St I.anlH I.lvo Stork Market. ST. Lotus , Mo. , Jan. 30. t'.VTri.E-Hocclpts , 3,500 ; shipments , 000 ; innrkjt dull ; no good natives on sale ; fair to choice .steers , 4J.20J 5.00 ; fed To.\as steers J3.00S4.0 ! ) , IIoils Hecelpts , 2,000 ; shipments , 3,80(1 ; market , lee higher ; heavy , 47.0037.75 ; packIng - Ing , $7.3lMi > 7.hl ) ; llghl , S7.40&7.70. BllRKi' Kecelpts , 400 ; shipments , 2,000 ; market slow ; natives , $3.2.ja4.75 ; cholco mut tons , $4.855.25. Kuni.ii Clt.vMvd Stook .Hurlcpt. KANSAS OITV. Mo. , Jan. 30. OATTi.K-tr- celiits , 4,500 bond ; shipments , 3,500 head ; market 103.1 fie lower.shipping ; steers , $3G5'i 5.35 ; stonkers and feeders , if2.003.75. Hoos-ltocclpts , 3,600 hend ; slilDinonts , 200 bond ; mnrkot active and 5'iilOc higher , clos ing strong ; nil grades , $ .r.40@7.90 ; bulls , * 7.70 ® 7.75. HllKtil1 Kecolpts , 1,100 head ; shlpmonts , none ; market very dull and weak , A ClillJ ICnJoy.H The pleasant favor , pcntlo action and sooth ing otTect of Syrup of FIRS , when In neccl of n laxative , nnd it' the father or mother ba costive or bilious , the most gratifying results follow its use ; so that it is the best family remedy ItHown und every family should have a bottle. l-ii111 Omaha u Short Visit. Mr. I. O. Sc.imans of the firm of Wi'koff Scnmans ft Benedict , manufacturers of the ' Hoinington" typewriter , arrived in Omaha yesterday and loft for St. Paul before mid night. Air. Seamans is the general superintendent Ir of the extensive business of the llrm and is on his regular visit of Inspection tluough the . THE GENUINE ' IJOHANN IIOFF'S ( Malt Extract Is superior lo "Champagna nt ono - tenth its cent nnd without being ; intoxiciitinf , ' . It oxnlta tha energies , otira- ulnlcB tlio nutritive - tritivo iioworn , improvcB the nppotito nnd uida dU gostion , It is nn excellent tonio m convalescence , for the weak aud debilitated - bilitatod , and n ; Dollclous Table Bovorngo. Purchasers are warned against imposi tion and disappointment. Insist upon the " Genuine , " which must have the signature ct "JOHANNllOKF"1 on the neck label. Or fie / - / i or llnlilt I'oHlt I CtiUlon S It can bejclvviitnacupof cj f eor tea nr In food wtttiout tbu kuowlatl u of tha putlunt. Itltniuo- latelr lurmlom nml will cffoct a perunnant mil peed 7 euro , trholuar tlia patli-nt It n moilor.Ha drlukvr or n nlculiuilo trrock. Him begn tl o nln Uiuutnndi of caiai unit In cvury liut ncj pjrfocl care lm fullonu.l it uovur Jilli. Tim ir > tu once Improiimitod wltti thoSpocinc , It baooiuii an utter liupomlhllltr ( or tba IliJor aiUH9 ; ; to otht D < iOIliMSl-ii ; : I'll ! 1)1) , , I'ropi , I'lnclnaltl. O ib-paso t-aok uf purtuulan fr Jo. i'o tin n 1 1 of Killing 'o l > ; i.nl UK ii S.i. > Vnlitli , llUko. llriio * Co. , itaa .lj4i.JUJ roMiiiny' | * oftU-M lu vnrlott * tmrts of the c Jtintri- lie nirlvi-d hero fi-uiu Kitiiitas City , hl Particular object horn nt this tltno bolug to ItHik after tlin roiutnoillous nrraiutcinriit of the company's uoxv onico In Tuts Hr.n hulldlng. hut inp his short utii.v iu this city ho was thp ( most of friends , Ho expects to ho nt tlio homo onloo lu Now York within a few weeks. If yet ; luivu piles lioWUt's Wltoh Hiizol snlvo will surely euro you. A .v.vo c/.v / i.w.vr. j. Pauliun Hall ami her operatic players will no doubt bo wclcomuil at Hoyil's theater beginning Krlilay night , I-'olniary 3 , when that charmliis ? little eomlo opera "Krmlnlo" will ho put on with special sccnury nccossor- ies , new and tasteful oostutncs made from the original designs , and a cast well chosen. Miss Hirll will bo seen in her original m-- ntlou ns Krinlulo , the same whleh iilaced this estimable artist in the front rank of comic opera. .Miss Hall has been seen hero in n number of successful operas , but In hrmlniu , it is generally conceded that she reaches the very acme of profectton , her grace , beauty ami voice being .specially suited to the p.irt. Air. l-Vixuk David as Cadie , Mr. Harry Maedonongli as Uuvi-nuio. and hva D.tvonpot-t as the Prliiress , have met with universal pr.il.so for the excel lence of their personation Iu Krminle. The presentation hero promises much to delight the patrons of music hero. Saturday night the now success Purltanla. For the first time in many years , "Tho T lekot-of-U-ave : Man. " ouo of the eelebratod rom Taylor's best efforts at dramatic writ- in 'F- ' ' ; > hi'liiif presented lu this city at the inpi underlain ! and H.jcu theater. The llrst performance was given yesterday to a fail- sized nnd apparently well pleased audience. T ho stage mountings are very artistic , us pecial y the Txmdon bridge by moonlight. Mr. tt essells counts the character of Hawk- shaw , the detective , as ono of his best roles and certainly portrays It well. Miss Kiting as May hdwards Is all that could be desired. Harry Harlow as Hob llrierly the ticket-of- leave man , appeals to his audiences ami elicits the sympathy of nil In his efforts to IK r.n honest man. The other members of the i-oiniiany do well in their parts The specialties introduce a trio of novelty acts in Arthur Pryor , the trombonist , the Warren children ) in their Hying trapcvo act and Madame /.i-ondia on tin- balancing trape/c Jennie' Sniytho , character ilanceiMiml Fowler and i West , Cermau sketch teamIllloutuu ad mirable program. The pure juice of the grape natt rillv fer mented , that is what Cook's Kxtra' Dry Champagne is. It's the best sparkling wine made. Beceliain's pills will save doctor's bills. rifty Kinployot of the Iteailln Puctory In- Juri-d und Ono Killed. i , O. , Jan. .TO. An explosion oc curred iu the large fireworks factory of Oichl .t t'o. at Heading , this county , wrecking al most the entire place. Ono man was killed and nearly every employe was injured. The lire spread among the buildings , and the loss will bo heavy. Of the fifty employes all were moro or less injured- Henry Horn was the ono killed outright and a number of others are unac counted for. The loss is estimated at $150,000. The llro department succeeded in keeping the tire from the powder magazine ami thus prevented another explosion. Tlir llro has been extinguished , ami the employes have all been accounted for. Henry Homo is dead. Gus Cierme is fat.illy injured. Uu- gcno Euliiitfon und Henry ICoester are seri ously injured , and all the others , exec it Mary JCIcgler , were moro or less hurt by Hy ing glass or splinters , hut none of them are seriously injured. The earlier estimates of the loss were greatly exaggerated. The buildings burned nro very cheap affairs , and the stock de stroyed is fortunately proportionately small. There is no insurance. It is probable the loss will not exceed 10,000 to > U,000. Ignorance of the merits of Dott'itfi Itllo ! Early Kiscrs is a misfortune. These little pills regulate the liver , euro headache , dys pepsia , bad breath , constipation and bilious ness. ness.No No safcrrcmedy can bo hud forcoughs anh colds , or any trouble of the throat , limit "Brown's Bronchial Troches. " Price " . > c. Sold only in boxes. Is the best lilood Sledlclno , bccnuso It n Uts nature to throw off the Im purities of the blood , nml at the tame thno tones tip tlio entire organism. This Is Just contrary to tlio effector tl-o various potash , mer cury , Farsaparllla mixtures , which bottle up thu Impurities In the oystem , tlum producing much nlcUness and tulfcrlng. Therefore , for a BLOOD MEDICINE yon cannot do better than take S. H. S. "As a vliytficlan , I ha\o proscribed nnd used 8. S. S. in my practice as a tonic , nnd for blood troubles , nnil ha\o been very successful. 1 never used n remedy which gave such general gatlDf&c- lion to myself and patlcnta. "I. . II. UiiciiY , M , D.Mackoy , Ind. " Treatise on blood and pkn ! dlxcasca mailed free SWIFT SI'KCIFIC CO. , A t Junta , Ua. It Cures Colds , Coughi. Sore Thrott , Croup , Infln. tnti , Whooping Cough , Dronchltli and Asthma , A mtiln cure for Consumption In first stages , and n sure tcllef In advanced states. Use at cnes , You will ice the exctllrnt c < Tect after taking ths first ( Use. Sold by dcalrri evtrywhire. Larft bcttliJOf ! nSsi.CO Time and Tide Walt for no man : nor do tin fearful ravages ul Ylold to HIP 111 dlrotod efforts of tlioso who da not thoroughly understand their nntiire 01 the remedies which will elTei'tually onidicatn them from the system. Thu ability , tno ex perience , the skill of Drs. Betts & Betts combine to place within their 1mm1 . tin power to spoinnly and permanently euro tbcst obstinate maladies of u J.'Uuu uuiui u > od render thorn the most successful as well n | tlio most popular Specialists In the United States , In the treatment nnd euro of these diseases which from their dis tinctive sncoialty. Solid 4 cents for a copy of their illustrated new boo. : of 120 page * . Consultatlonlr.o. Cn'lupcm or address with stiinp , 119 South 14i ( ! St. , Cor. Douglas SL OMAHA. XEB. DEBILITY _ ANM ) I/J3T VITALITY vvuiiaiii-ea , etc , , | ioriiinncntly cured In men , 1 wlllioml ( acnlt-d ) FIlKr. tlio receipt thai , cured mo when cvurythlnB else fulled , Addron with stnnip. Win. llUrl.lJIt , llox 147 , Miimlml , Mich. SOUTH OJVIAJIA. Union Stock Yards Company , Govifh Opialia. ilcst Cattle Ho and rih-'op marmot In the woiU COMfVISjinl ! ! KOIIStS. Wood Brothers. Ilvo Stock Commission Merchants. South Urunhi ; Tvluphonu 1157. Chicago JOHN I ) . 1IADH.MAN , t , . . . . „ „ „ „ U'AI/MIH K. WOOD , fMB"ailorl Mnrltct Hcporti hf mull and wlro ohearfullft nlahud upon uppllcatlon OMAHA AWNINOSAS } TtUi Jmalia Tent-Awning COMPANV. noiiHit covnni , 1113 Farnam Ht , BAGS AND TWIN'S. I )3oil3 ) Omatia Big M. 0. Daxon , COMPANV. ninortcrj nnJ nian.rrj nicjclei sold on rnonthlj Hour sacks , burUpi , tnlno. p rmoati l2)N.I5lh. ) DUOT3 Horse-Cos Snoa Company , Howard Stroll. rnctory corner lllh anil lou/laiStr ) e-.i enremViln olosjprlois to c-uli buror . nn1 ara nulllmj acUsi of K.iodt which I. verr saleable wllh murchantJ. ( irke-Jdall , Jones & Amsr. Hand-Sewed O.M1'\SV. Wlioluialo SIIOl" CD. , booti.shoqi mlr . aK"it lloiiun and rulibjrK'Joas , I3JS- Uubber Mioa Co HIM- UIO llarnor .St. 1IUI-II01 llirnoy ; Ht. conns. Jinalia Coal , Coke & EagloCornica Works I.IMH CO. , bird and saft llfr . tratvantzaJ Iron coal. H K cot. lUth and cornlcj. wlnd'jw caps , Duuglas U. mtttnlllo skyllKhts , clo. . 1IIJ-1IIJ I DRY GOODS. H. E. Smith & Co. , Kilpatrick-Kojli Dry liOODS CO , Drr itoodi , notions , fur- Notloni. nnts' fnrnhri- nl hlnr itonil" , u-irnar liritfouili.cor. llto aud lltlikti.l . 11 j word SI j. llarnijr * H , FURNITURE. Dmaha Upholstering BsabJj & Runyan CO. , upholstered furnl- KUUNITtJHH CO. , Grace luro. IIJ-Jll'JI Mcbulas bl. Whuloinlu only. and 1.1th Sti , ORQCERIES. DRUQS , ETC. , H , Steele & Co. , Blake , Bmca & Co. , 1 ail IVOS Jones 31. , lOtti and Ilarnuhts. . , Umalia. HARDWARE. Rector & Willielniy Lobeck& Linn , COMI'ANi' , Dcalorn In hardware an1 Corner lOtt nmlJaciion lucclmnlos' tools IIUI UoiiKUsHI HATS , ETO. W. A. L. Gibbonfi Co. Omalia Safe and Im Wliolcsaln' WOHKS. Hats , capi , alritw u . Fafei.vanlti , Jail work , Klovcn. niluunj , 2tU ( run shiiltors and llro IH and llarneats. . inpuj. Amlrojn A liar tt , Htli aud Jitcksnn. . LUMBZR. John A. Wakeflald , Ciiarlas R. L33 , Imported , Amnrlcin Port Hard .rood lu'n'jsr. wail land ( ijni'jnt. MIIWAU- citrpcti .in I | uruji ko3C3inunt undljulna/ tloorlnv , wnltollnie. Oth ami LIQUORS. MILLINERY. I , OMllI ) . ant Wnolosalellquordoalori of 'ii'lll ' i > r/ . n ) ' . .Mall eMirs pn > n i. . 1001 Karnam Bt. * . II th Dt. PAPER , OILS. Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co , , Cor < r a full tock of printing , wr.i ; > ! > lnz an I llellno.l and lubrlcatlU nrltliiK pitpjrj , cant uaper , etc. old , aila itreaio , etc. Branci & Co. , Jas. A. Clark & Co. , Tiodurc , frulti of all nutter , ch'jaie , ci poultry uml Kama kinds , ojiteri. SIT B. I3lh si. STD.Vt REPAIRS. I SASH. DOORS Omaha Stova Repair store M uiifiturur < of sail anil water attaahmenK ituuri , ti limit an I ( ar aur li" uf xurj umultllnis , branali of iuadoUj ( D-.u las bl. Uu ,