fl TUB OMAHA DAILY UKH : : MONDAY. JANVARY 30 , 1803. THEY USED TO BET SOME Personal Confessions of Men Who Sought Tickle Fortune in Various Ways , EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD ARMY OFFICER V c < \ to I'lny CnrilK Wlinn HtillrH AVcro Dying runt l.rnrncil from 11 YOIIIIR I.n < ly Urniilt of I'liolng tli < ; HIICCM. J'crsonal experiences In the way of trying to gut something for nothing wore related by a nufnber of gentlemen at the Young Men's Christian association yesterday afternoon. Of course there could ho but ono general verdict as to the results or gambling , hut the individual experience of each speaker pre sented n different phase of the cnrso anil made the meeting Intensely interesting. General Secretary Ober read a part of Psalm I and then introduced the llrst sNiiker | , a prominent army ofllccr , who said thai ! for youts during the war of the rebel lion and after It closed ho was addicted to . .gambling. . It was customary for the soldiers to spread down a blanket and indulge lu a Runic of cards at every opportunity. Ho had even seen them playing cards while the bullets were Hying over their heads. At tlio battle of Chaneellorsville his company Imp- ' pencil to ho held hack for a time in reserve and the men played cards while the branches above them wore being riddled with leaden hall. Many a time he had taken a pack of cards out of his pocket as ho entered a bat tle localise he was ashamed of the thought that he might be found dead with the cards In his jtockiit. Ho had thrown the cards n\voy nnd placed a small testament that bis mottier gave him In their stead. After the war he Kept it up and lost hundreds of dollars lars at tlio game. He had seen hundreds of men led to drink through the habit of gamb ling. Nothing but evil could come of the habit. He had been saved from it by con version to the religion of .lesus Christ and now ho was trying to lead as many young men as he could away from the habit for he was sorry to say ho had been the means of leading u good many into It. f IIU I.iuly I'rk'iid TniiKht Him. The next speaker was a young man who Is employed as one of the assistant secretaries by the association. Ho had learned his Jlrst lesson In card playing from a voting lady friend who was anxious to have him at tend her card party. From the fashionable card party ho was led on to Indulge in a social game for small stakes and Dually ho went Into the game to win all ho could. He lost heavily and several times was tempted to take his employer's money , which was within his reach , to make oven on. Fortu nately he had never talcen that step. He was converted to Christianity and had given up card playing entirely. His advice was to leave all forms of gambling severely ulono. Another young man. evidently a mechanic nnd a Hercules In stature , made a very effective talk. He had gene Into the gambling habit at tlrst ho said simply as a pastime. He lived in Chicago and bis em ployment was siichthat'ho had several hours every day to spare , and ho visited the horse races. JWvetfi of Plnyliif ; thn Hurra. "Thero were fellows there. " said the speaker , "who said they could give mo a dead straight tip and I would bo sure to win. I took their tips a few times and lost my money. The horses they said would bo sure winners didn't come in that way. Once in n while I won , but us n whole 1 was n loser. When I did win it was worse on mo than when I lost , for when I had a lot of money in my pockets that I had made easy I just got with the gang and rounded up the town. Wo took in every thing In sight and I generally found myself the next morning In some low dive , fooling as though I wanted to commit suicide. I want to tell you that the man who wins is the biggest loser in the end , I have quit it , und , by the grace or God , 1 don't propose to touch another card. " Then a middle-aged man said ho had begun to gamble by "shooting craps. " From this lie had gene on to the more expensive forms of gambling and had seen many a hungry day on account of his dissipation. "I have been saved by the work of Rescue hall " ho said ' 'and I with , , am through gam bling In every fouu. " An old gentleman arose nnd said that ho had herded ctittlo on the ground whore Omaha now stands forty years ago. Ho had been fascinated with the idea ef running a gambltng establishment in those early days when gambling was conducted openly in the streets of Council Bluffs and Omaha. Hut before bo had gotten very far into the mesbcs of the seductive habit ho had been redeemed by the grace of God and ho had thrown It aside for all time. A young ntnn scarcely out of his 'teens took the floor and said ho had pulled the tiger's tail at odd times when ho had n few dollars In his pockets during the past half dozen years , and ho had been ] xiwcrf ully con vinced that there was nothing In it for him but ruin and damnation if be kept it up. He had hut recently quit the game and ho quit for the very best of reasons , Spoiled IIU Vinlt Homo. "A short time before the Mills meetings commenced , " said the youthful ex-gambler , "I hud * I fKl saved up to pay my way back homo In the east to see my dear old mother. I had not been frequenting the gambling dens In this city for some time , in order that 1 might save this money , so that I could make ono moro trip homo. The day before I intended to start for the east I was going past a gam bling house , and something said to me , 'go In and try your luck far 1 worth. This is Wednesday , mavbo you will strike it rich today. ' I went In and put up the 1 on the rotlletto wheel and lost it. Then I wanted to make oven , and I tried something else n whirl and I lost. The moro 1 lost the moro excited 1 got , and In two hours I had dropped every cent I had and T came out without a penny to my name. My trip homo was then out of the question and I was very much discouraged. Onoovcning I went to the Mills meetings and there I decided to < | iilt the game forever. I have been saved by the grace of God and I never Intend to touch another card while 1 live. " Several others made short speeches all to the same effect , and half a do/en men nroso and said they proi > o.sed to quit the game right away. Next Sunday the meeting will bo devoted to the experiences of men who have been addicted to drink. i'ii ii.i.i PS incomes. Itov. T , .1. Murkily Deliver * u direful Hot low of tlio ItUhup'K l.lfo. At All Saint's church yesterday morning Hov. T. J , Mackay delivered an eloquent discourse on the life and character of thu Into lit. llov. Phillips llrooks. Tlio speaker had enjoyed a personal acquaintance with the givat dlvino of tinny years standing and his remarks were not only a eulogy of an eminent bishop but a personal tribute to the Memory of a valued friend. llov. Mackay has seldom spoken with more feeling und eloquence than on this oc caalon. Ho alluded at length to llisbop Brooks as a humanitarian , which according to thn speaker was at once ono of the most pronounced and most pralsexvorthy traits of ms character. Ho quoted at some length from the letters and sermons of the divlna to show that what sonm bad been pleased to call his heresy was but the enthusiastic Christian spirit of a nolilo nature which coveted all things for his Master. 'It will require somoi time , " said thn speaker , " for us to rorm a proper estimate of him who hns recently passed away.Vc had expected much from his latter days , but thoM \ \ \ has i-allcd him higher In the prime or his manhood , leaving us the heritage of his memory. As a pastor Phillips llrooks hud but few eqirils. Hn hud the faculty or piercing to tlio secret or every trouble and { touting on the oil that healed the wound auJ lightened the burden. " A Ulco to u Younp Man. When llev. Mackay was yet a younp preacher ho had written to Dr. Urooks In regutd to some doctrines of the church that to him nplHiarcd Inconsistent , The elder dlvinu had replied and advised him to ask him oJf whether llu'to ptirulexlug dogmas were In reality the doctrines of the church or simply n human Interpretation of her doctrines which men had assumed to bo the creed. The real doctrines of the church were nt ouco so simple and HO true that there could bo no misunderstanding of their meaning. And this was the man who had been accused or piftpngating falsn theories. Referring to these accusations the sx | > aker said ; "Ho never said a word back when the world heaped vituperations upon him. To use ono of his own sayings , It was like 'throwing water on the stars to quench their shining. The stars shine on. ' Hownsaman to whom all men turned Instinctively when In trouble. He never asked n man whether ho had a name , but If ho had a sorrow. Christianity Is u creation of the heart and not of the Intellect and this was the secret of Brooks' marvelous power over men. As a teacher ho was unexcelled. The scriptures glowed with new life and power when de livered from his pulpit , lie looked on the world ns his Held ami the church as the net with which ho was lo gather the whole world into his Muster's kingdom. All men were children of God to him" and all were members of His kingdom. "Pence lie with Mice , O , my brother , In thcNplrlf bind ; Viilnly look we for another In l fry place toluiiil ; I'nlii truth and freedom clvluj All tliv earthly potters lie thy virtues ttlth the living Ami thy -.plrlt oiiri. " NOHTII GAI.VKSTOS , Tex. , .Inn. 27. The furniture and carpets which arrived some time ago for the Industrial hotel are all being properly placed in the splendid build ing and made ready for business. The now machinery for the big unrlcultnral Imple ment works will soon bo In place. New and extensive boot and shoo and dry goods llrms will soon bo here. In fact , all signs point tea a busy season. 1.1.1it .icvutKxr. How tlio World's I'ulr HnlldliiR Wiis Ilnm- iiKcd Siitimlny. CHICAGO , 111. , Jan. 21) ) . The accident which liappened to the manufacturers' building at Lho World's fair yesterday proves to have lieen ono of the most peculiar that ever befell ; i building , and it was an accident that could not have occurred to any buildiding save the manufacturers' building , which has the largest roof hi the world. ' 1 lie main uart of this loof Is USO feet wJde , 1.41H ) feet long and 1. ! . ' ) feet high. In addition lo this part or the covering of the building are auxiliary roofs of annexes. The larger portion of the roof is on an in cline from the center of the main arches , three-quarters of the way to the east. Hero there is a break in the slope , forming n de pression and from this the roof rises in a nentle curve and slopes gently down to the edge of the wall. L'pon the main portion of the roof was piled n mass of snow about three feet deep. When the rain and thaw set In the weight of the water rendered this mass of snow and ieo much heavier than before. It began to slide from the top of the mam roof , which is 1H.1 feet from the ground , down toward the walls , and the entire mass of saturated snow gave 'way with a rush and an avalanche - lancho of snow I-100 feet long which would have swept houses and trees like feathers from its path had it been on a mountain side , came all at once into the de pression of the annex roof and largo pieces of Ice were hurled through the glass by the rush of snow , and wherever the ice struck the glass , holes were made in the Hat roof of the annex. The main roof was not hurt and the great surface is porrectly clear. A thor ough examination today shows that the glass can bo replaced for I.XX ( ) orfUXX ) . The glass roof of machinery hall was dam aged to the extent of * > ( K ) . The government and other largo buildings , while covered with snow , are not injured and no attempt will bo made to clear the roofs , as they will stand the weight safely. President Higgiiibotham declares that the reports or the damage hnd been greatly ex aggerated. "Tho total damage , " he said , "will not be over $5,000. The damage will not be Tell in any -degree by the fair , it being a matter belonging entirely to tlio contractor. The reports that the agricul tural and transportation buildings are in danger is not true. Their rooTs are not sagging. They nro absolutely .secure. " You need not despair Salvation Oil wll | heal your burnt arm without a scar. 25ots. Kplirulm r. Child * . ISphraim F. Chllds , whose death occurred last Saturday , was an old and well known resident of Omaha. During the past sixteen yoirslio wi's actively engaged in business here. Ills straightforward dealings and kindliness of demeanor won him many friends and his death was a source of regret to hun dreds who knew him. Mr. Chllds was n native of Massachusetts , having been born at Ware , on Christmas day , December 25 , 1S21. IIo was , therefore , in his T2d year at the time of his decease. Leaving New Eng land. Mr.J Chiids llrst went to Nilcs , Mich. , in 18 ( ! > , where ho was very successful as n contractor and builder. In 18T7 ho came to Omaha and became ono of the foremost builders. Some time ago his feeble health caused him to retire from active business. At the time of his dcatli all his children were nt his bedside at 'JXM Patrick avenue. IIo leaves a wife and four children , George H. Chiids. B. L. Chiids , C.V. . C'hilds and Mrs. C. W. Kecd , wlfo of the proprietor of the Hotel Uollone. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 1 o'clock from the residence. I'rter I' . Uiirlwvli. Friday afternoon occurred the death of Peter IP. Karbach , the eldest of the Ivarbach brothers of ihls city. Heart failure was the cause of death. Thodeceascd came to Omaha in 1H70 , direct from Germany , joining his two younger brothers , who had preceded him. When Mr. ICarbacU arrived hero ho invested tho.small fortune he possessed nnil during his residence lived a lifo of retire ment , taking no active interest In business. Tlio funeral will occur this morning at 8 : 0 o'clock , burial being nt the German Catholic cemetery. _ Tint Dcutli Koll. Cnif.uio , 111. , Jan. 20. George H. Grover , Hrltish royal commissioner to the World's Columbian exposition , was found dead in his room at the Virginia hotel this morning. Heart dlsetiso is supposed to bo the cause , . _ , Wlicro ru\liiK Will lie Done. The following streets weio determined as the ones to bo paved during the present year and 111 J council so adopted the report of the committee of the wholn : Klahteenth , I.i'iiveinvorlh to I'lercoj Nine teenth , from .Mason to I'lerce : 1'lerce , Klxli- teenlli to Tttentletb ; Si-vonteeillh , Fuvniun to Podge ; KiKhtccntli , I'lunam In Undue ; Nine teenth , 1'arimm to Police ; KUIiteenth , ( . 'all- fornla to CuiiiliiK ; Nineteenth , ( 'uinlliu lo Ohio ; Mason. Seventeenth to Twentieth : T cnth-fi > iirtli , l > < > djii 10 | ) a\eniort | , and I'lilciiKO , Twi'hty-llilnl to Tweiity-tlrth ; jonci , Twenty-fourth lo Twi'iily-Mxthi Tm'itty- fouHli. SI. Mary's avenue to l < e venuortn ; Tttenty-lifth mi cot and Twenty-tlfth avenue anil Tweiity-slvlh street , St. .Mary's uvcnuo to l.iMivoiiwiii'tli ; Tucnly-.l\th to Half Howard , and half Howard , Twenty-sixth to Twenty- el litlij Parker. Twenty-ninth to Thirty- tlilid ; Military avenue , Hamilton street to west city limits ; I'nrty-slMli , I'urimm to Dodge ; Dodge INirly-Hlxth to west umpo-cd city llmlt-t ; center Thirty-fourth to weot city limits ; Twenty-seventh , Half Howard to l'nr- iiam ; Thirtieth , Ames uvenuo lo Fort Micet ; Amis nveniie. Thirtieth to Thirty-eighth ; Twenty-second , I'limlm ; to l/ard ; Tenth. Han- croft to L'ustvllnr ; Iliincroft. Tenth to Annls- lleld addition ; Castellar , l-'lfleentb to Twen tieth ; alley In block 'JOt > ' , ; Arbor , Tenth lo Thlrteenthi Thirty-third , I'armm to lliirnoy ; llarney , Twenty-eighth to Thirty-sixth ; Twenty-ninth avenue , Half Howard to I'liinum ; Thirty-sixth , Karniim to alley south of Jackson : KrUstlnc , Twenty-fourth to Twcnty-llflht Paul , Klgh- leenth to Twentieth ; I'entei , Tenth lo Kleventh ; Urace , welluo | of Omaha Hull rail way rhfht-of-way lo east Hue of Umaha & Mlnnenpolls railway rlKht-of-uay ; Thirty- eluhtli. Vuriinm to , Iacl-i > oi : ; alloy , block lu , mi Hulh'.s addition ; alloy , block 173 , between Thirteenth and fourteenth ; alley , ulley , blo.-k 1'Jri' ' , ; alley , block 55 ; alley , Ulock in , Iliinvoiii Place ; alley , block 01 ; allr.v , block ti. Konntze and ( tilth's uddlllun ; alley , block 1'J ; SniiuIdliiK , 'I'hlrty-thlrd ami Thirty-fourth ; alloy. Thirty Hrst and Thlrtysecond and Furnnm and Dodxe ; Twenty-llfih avenue , I'unililK' to liullumi avenue ; Imllailla avenue , THuiity-fourlh strc'ot In Twcnty-IUth itvenuo' I'hacles , Twenty-fourth to Twenly-slxth ; DiKlse , Twenty-sixth u\rmu > to Twonty- . -L\ until iivcniiu ; Woolwoitb avenue , Twenty- sixth to Twenty-ninth ; l.eavenwoilh , I'ortleth loclt.v limits ; Uoioas. Tenth to Thirteenth ; Twenty-Unit , l.'allfunil.i to Izunli Kniimit , Sixteenth to Twenty fourth ; Thlrly-Mxtli. rurnam to Dodge. Itepnvlnx I'unihiK from Twcnty-lltth av- eiuiu to l-'oitleth ; Jackson. Thirteenth to Six- tccuth ; Klftceutu , Howard to Jacknou. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Mra. Miller Indignant at the Fake-Factory's ' Wonderful Exhumation Story , SMALL GRAIN OF TRUTH IN THE YARN Very Slender Ici > on Which to IlntiB it Climny Chunk of I'lcllou .M l'olliy ; I'rople Dmiutiiico tlio I'raml I'tiro lmiKln : tlon , The statement published In the Sunday World-Herald to the effect that the body of the Into Mayor Mlllerlmd been exhumed nnd carted to the Omaha Medical college and there subjected to ancxamlnatlon has caused n xvnvo of indignation , both among the friends of the deceased mayor and the faculty of the college. A reporter for Tun Hnn called on Mrs. Miller lust evening ami learued from her that it the Instance of parties Interested in fer reting out the mystery surrounding the death of her husband she , some four weeks ago , reluctantly gave her consent to the removal of the body for examination. Mrs. Miller said : "I xvas very much surprised nnd very , very sorry when I saw the article in the World- ilerald. 1 think they had ought to have known better than to publish it , ns it will iwll our plans by putting the parties wo nro ifteron their guard. " Mrs. Miller declined to go into details of the painful subject , but said enough to show conclusively that the body never Icty South Omaha. .Strongly Denies thn Story. Prof. F. M. Mueller , chemlstof the Omaha Medical college , said yesterday regarding His examination of tlui stomach of ex-Mayor Miller. "No such examination was ever made by me , nor has an analysis been made of tlio stomach at the college. I know this because I have in my possession the only key to the college laboratory nnd I would cer tainly bo called upon if anything of the sort was going on. Scarcely ahy of the faculty of tlio college ever attempted to make a chemical analysis , because it is n dis tinct line of medical science , and very fexv physicians ever go into that study thor oughly. And even if they did study the mat ter they have not the proper Instruments and appliances to make a thorough and complete malysis. " When asked how long a time would bo necessary to make a complete and thorough examination of a body the professor said : "If I tested for arsenic or some other well known poison I could determine the pro'senco of poison In an- hour or txvo on a hasty test , but to make an examination which I would bo willing to testify to would take a week or ten days at least. Neither the body of Mayor Miller nor an v part of his body over entered the doors of the Omaha Medical college , and anything any ono may say to the contrary is n base fabrication. " Denounced as nn Awkward l.le. Besides talking with Prof. Mueller a Unc reporter conversed with the iimjority of the physicians comprising the faculty of the Omaha Medical college and they all stated positively that no such examination had boon made by them or.insido the college , walls. Furthermore n dozen students attend ing lectures at the school said thnt-nothing of the sort had taken place. The faculty of Creighton college made statements similar to the above and denied that the body had ever been taken there. The members of the faculty of the Omaha Medical college who were seen yesterday were quite sore to say the least , at the way the name of the institution hnd been dragged In the mire by a fake story. Even the janitor of the college , who is in the building day and night , denied It , nnd in timated that ho would like , to meet the man who wrote the story. Enough was learned to state positively that there is not a word of truth In the story ns published b.y the "World-Herald , ex cept the mere fact that the body was taken up for examination. Magic City < lo ip. Nels Purlnton has returned from his visit to friends in Ioxx-a. 'Alex Buchanan has accepted the position of hog salesman for Gasman & Dudley. Dr. Wilson , assistant chief microscopist , has returned from an extended leave of ab sence. Mrs. McMillan , wlfo of Hon. John McMillan , died at her home , MIO N street , yesterday afternoon. Arrangements for the funeral will bo announced today. Mrs. II. II. Ayer , mother of Mrs. Frank A. Watts of this city , died nt her homo at Moodyville , ICnn. , yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Watts left on the 4f.u : B. & M. train last evening to attend the funeral. The Women's Relief corps of llobcrt H. Livingston post will give an entertain ment this evening at Knights of Pythias hall , to which all ave invited. A basket supper will folloxv the program , which will bo literary nnd musical. The Excelsior Literary society met last Thursday evening at the old school house on Bcllovuo ax'enue , and after the usual debate and rendition of program elected ofllcers for the next term us folloxvs : HIchnrd Collins , president ; Hannah Smith , vice president ; John Stormer , secretary ; Mattlo Gregg , as sistant secretary ; Miss Lofller , treasurer ; committee on program , Miss Ella Smith and Frank Chandler. The next meeting will beheld held next Thursday night at the uexv school house , and everybody is invited. Better than when llrst butchered Cudahy's "Hex" Brand Fluid Beef. Con tains only the nutritious properties of pure , lean beef. IN A GOOD CAUSE. .lolly .Mlislters llnjoy tnu ( irriniinVomen' Aid Snvlety'H Dunce. About soventy-llvo young people enjoyed the nmsquo ball given by the , "German Women's Aid society nt Kuony's hall Satur day evening. Many of the costumes worn xvero unique nnd pleasing. Sleinhauser's orchestra furnished the music. Supper xvas served after'unmasking. . The committees In charge of the affair were as folloxvs : Arrangement Mesdames L. . Huth , I. Kolm , O. Liober- knecht. Floor Mesdames Hcrlng , Mueller , Foster. Heccptton Mesdames Lleber- knccht , Hutli and Stem. The organisation is.ono scarce n year old , but it has accomplished much good. Its ob jects are purely oeneliciary caring for the sick and burying the dead. You don't xx-ani n torpiu nx'er ; you don't xx'ant a bad complexion , you don't want a bad breath ; you don't want , u hcatl.ichu. Then use Do Witt's Little Early Ul.sers , tlu umous little pills. . o- Will Tui'Ulu it l.tqiuir O eitlon. Should the Gothenburg plan for the regu lation of the sale of liquors bo tried I Hear what the members of the "Current Topic club have to say lu reference to the same at their meeting this evening at S o'clock at the Young Men's'Christian ' association lecture room. : . Ho ! traveler , take Beeeham's Pills with you. KiHsvll HUH Nut ( ilveu t'p. That George F. Uussell has not now iwsses- slon of his children Is due to the tact that a resolve to take them forcibly became known Into yesterday afutrnooti. His determination to ngaln get thetniln his cnro by fair mcan.i or foul Induced him , to get together novel-ill of his friends , nndnt was determined to visit Coon's homo nnditiiko the little ones forcibly If necessary. MrJUoon heard of the Attempt Russell Intondol MI innke , nnd the children were quietly broufeju to the county Jail and xvero given in ehttRo of Sheriff Bennett , who will keep them wit his residence adjoining the lull until Tuesday , when the case Is en lied , ' Piles or neotilu-mavo piles , but DoWltt s Witch Hazel sains will euro thorn. \Vlltnnvn tli .ImlRr < . KANSAS CmMo' . , Jan. SKI. The proposi tion to compromise the bonded indebtedness of Cass county , created thirty years ago by the voting of btimU In aid of n railroad which xvns never built , xvns adopted by the people [ of the county yesterday nt the last election. The refusal of tlio county Judges to liquidate this Indebtedness hns boon the cause of them serving long terms for con tempt of court. The present Judges have been serving contempt for the past year. St. Clalr county owes a similar debt -mid Its Judges nro also serving terms for con tempt for refusing to liquidate It In obedi ence to the order of the United States court Constipation cured by UoWltt's Early Klscrs. rntnl Wrek In the Smith. Lonsvit.i.i : , Ky. , Jan. mi. Near Big Cllfty , Ky. , the Newport Nexvs & Mlssis- sipi Valley freight train No. 11 ! , west bound was wrecked by n broken rail nt 100 : : ! o'clock last night. Alex Price engineer. George Foster Jircmaii , and Walter Teavls , head- brakeman were killed. Superintendent Hess broke his arm In two places while on his xx-ay to the wreck. If you have piles DoWitt's Witch Ihuel salve will surely euro you. l.'A.ST OK SOUTH Via the Wiilmsli Koiitr. The short line to St. Louis and quick est route south. . Only ; t7 hours to Hot Springs. Only . ' 17 hours to Now Orluuns. Only S8 } hours to Atlanta. Only fi- hours to Jacksonville. With coiTCHpnmliiiir fast tinio to nl points east and south , llouml trip tickets to Hot Springs , New Orleans , Lake Charles , 'Galveston , San Antonio City of Mexico , Los Atijirelos. San Frati- eiseo , Mobile , Jacksonville , Tampa , Ha vana and all the winter resorts of tlio bontlrand west. Reclining chair ears free to St. Louis , Toledo nnd Detroit. Pullman httlTet sleeping ears on all trains. Baggage cheeked from hotels and private residences to destination , For tickets , sleeping ear aeeommoilntions and further information call at Wabnsh ticket olliee , liilW Furimm street , or write , G. N. CLAYTON , Agent , Omaha. Xo Iteiil Kit-ill Vet. World famous Eli Perkins says : "Af ter people have gone over all the routes to California once , they settle down to the old U. P. This road will nlwavs be the great transcontinental lino. It has the best track , the best equipment , the best eating houses , and it teaches the traveler more history and geography than any other line , it shoxvs you his toric Salt Lako.and the Mormons , takes you through the great Laramto plains , the Ilumboldt basin and the Grand canyon , over the very stage route that Horace Greelcy and Artemus Ward rode. Once on the- Union Pacific it goes cveryxs-hero. It runs to Portland and Pueblo , Helena and the Yosemite , Tu- coma and Seattle , Los Angeles and San Diego , nnd is the only route into San Francisco ; , Jt has ilo rivals. yet. " ' Send for our > Ca-lifornia 'Sights and Scones. E. L. Lomax , G. P. & T. A. , or H. P. Deuel , city ticket ngetlt Union Pacilic System , 1H02 Fariiam street , Omaha. - See the celebrated Sohmer piano at Ford & Charlton Mnsic Co. , 1508 Dodge. Ilrro'n Vour Denver Train. The Burlington's 4:40 : p. m. express for Denver readies that city at 7 next morning ; carries sleeping , dining and chair cars ; makes connection with all transcontinental trains via the scenic lines to the coast. The Burlington also offers nncqualed double daily service to Chicago , St. Louis and Kansas City. Ticket ollico , 1223 Farnnm'street. If you will cull at our now store wo will present you with a copy of a beauti ful piece of music. Ford & Charlton , 1508 Dodge. 4 > Cheap KxiMindon to California. The next Phillips Rock Island per sonally conducted California excursion will leave Omaha on Friday , February . ' ! . Through Pullman tourist sleeping cars to San Francisco and Los Angeles without change. This is the most economical nnd pleasant way to reach the Pacific coast. Foe particulars call on any Rock Island agent , or address Chas. Kennedy , Gon'l N. W. Pass. Agt. , 1002 Farnam street , Omaha. Txventy-llvu Dollars To North Galveston and return , via Houston and Galveston. Stopovers al lowed and tickets good to return until Juno 1. First class accommodations. Special party leaves Omaha Friday evening. February . ' 1. Apply nt once to F. F. Williams , room 522 First National bank building , Omaha , for tickets and sleeping car reservations. AVi'St & i'rltehor AxhlKii , And their whole stock of cigars , tobac cos , pipes , smokers' articles , iixtnres , fur niture , cigar manufacturing tools and other goods can bo bought at retail or in job lots at 518 North Sixteenth street for cash , as per order ot the court , beloxv in voice price. This is your chance to get anything in this line at a bargain. Come 'early , as the stock must bo closed out at once. Ice ! lee ! We are now prepared , and will bo dur ing tlio summer ; to furnish ice in ear- load lots at loxx-ost market price. Spe cial prices while cutting. Ice cut from largo fresh water lake and i.s pure and clean. Write for prices. TlIK GOTHK.VJlUKO W. P. & I. CO. , Gothenburg , Neb. Real estate ; . linrgninu only. My word is good W. G. Albright. 521-2-3 N. Y. Lifo bldg. Frescoing and interior decorating de signs and estimates furnished. Henry Lehmann , 1508 Douglas street. Now pianos for rent. R'jnt applied if puri-hiibed xvithitK no year. Ford it CharlU.nCo. , 1503 Dodge. Tlie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum Used iu Millions of Homes 40.Years the Standard. VHKY EASILY CAUGHT. Thnt In thn lntvnr ! nl Opinion of Onn of thn .Host Uuinjoroiu ThliiR * In thn World. This hns boon n. eoht winter , often bitterly cold , nnd In fur too ninny cno < It. him pro luud cold * . A cold li oimlly caught and Is iilwuya Iho ht'Klnnliiftof tlUc'.iso , often .lor.oui dhouse. A cold may como In many form * Niniutlino * It is with a chill , it jluiildorliu olilll : m > mo- tlinns with n pnln In tin ] .thou'.dors nii'l ' the firm * ! sometime- ! with it vuxun iichlntt In the niiHGlc.i or the Mini ) * . In wlmtovor form U nmy come , It U u void and It iiontm : di oiiMi : oftun onn' orous dlsonsu or doiith , unlc taken In hand promutly. You viinnot utTord to muled n cold , It may run ulom : Into soinothlnx that Is Oiuisorons. Itoniombor that an oiinco of iiroventlon Is worth u pound of cure , \\hut should you do ns n sonsluio man or woman , \Viituh the HyinutoinB , inni-il im-ulnst tlio IIMl algn * . tot' tlfy nsnlnst everythliu tint e.in 1)0 ) uunloiis- nut. Injur OIH or diuiKeroiu. Thuto Is only OHO way bv u-lilch this can ho done. Ills by the USD of some iniro , relhihlo stimulant .oomptnliiK that xvlll iiilu.on | ! the jiulso , rcnow. the lirtt , brhnt into action and uj-'low all the fa cilities ; Bomuthlnu xvlrch bus boon te.sto I nnd trluU. sjmotliliu Hint Is aunurlor to uvury- th.iii ; olsu. Yon do not nee 1 to nsk xx hut this Is. It Is Biilllclont to nnme It. DulTy'R I'tiro Mull whiskey 1ms liven proven to ho superior to iinythlntr ; nil tliinvts that Imvo been pre sented to tliu public for ohuckliiK n cold , cur- IIIR piiuuinonlii , und lundurlni : Iho llfont this HBiison of tlio yoir : Imppler und bottor. It bus bcun imcd bv moro peoulc nnd li moro noini- jiir to-ihiy tluin any lUhpr known prop trillion In tlio xvorl'l , nnd It deserves Its popularity because It hag provou Its merits by the euros t ti'is oiroctcd. colda It has prevented uml lives It lias saved. ( Jure should bo oxoro sud that no unsurupuloiiH ilniK-'ist or grocer Irlus to substitute iinytlilni : xvhlcli ho tuny claim to bo "Just , as food. " There Is nothing Unit run take Its placo. Is the "fastest , " ai well ns the most pro gressive period lu tin while world's history - tory\ Among the evils that fo.lowtii the train of dissipation and excesses , uro those : Which are BO distressing , so ilangerom and sodinicult to euro hy any except the gifted and abl-3 saeclalist , whose skill Is acqu.red through yo.ira of valuable ex perience. This Is one of tha reasons why the f inious firm of Drs. Betts & Belts Are so wonderfully nnd uniformly sucojss- ful In our.113 all dlsi.iss.sofa They have there ifhly familiarized thorn- selves with these obstinate maladies In nil their various forms , phases and de- groo.5 01 intensity , and have complately fortified themselves acitnst the possibil ity of failure or mlsta te , by a long and successful hospital , military and private practice , a idwhen they accept a ease for treatment , the patient may rely upon a certain , speedy a.idpalnelss nitre. Hun dreds of the most convinicngtestiinonlals from leading c t zensall over the Unltei States , prove thg estimation In which these specialists are hold. Send 4 coilts fora copy of their Illustrated new book of 120 page' . Consultation frjo. Call upon or address with stamp. 119 South 14lli St. , Cor. Douglas SI : , OMAHA. XK13. The Keystone Watch Case Co. of Philadelphia , the largest watch case manufactur ing concern in the world , is now putting upon the Jas. Boss Filled and other cases made by it , n bow ( ring ) which cannot be twisted or pulled off the watch. It is a sure protection against the pickpocket and the many accidents that befall watches fitted with the old-style bow , which is simply held in by friction and can be twisted off with the fingers. It is called the and CAN ONLY 13E HAD with cases bearing tlicir trade mark- Sold only through watch dealers , without extra charge. Ask any jeweler for pamphlet , or send to the manufacturers. KENNEDY - 1 CAUTION. AST INDIA B1TTEI1S Are NKVKH Sold IN IJUI.K , ONLY IN BOTTLES WITH II BAY STATE1 GUITARS. MANDOLINS , BANJOS , ZITHERS. AND DRUMS. We niakt a > rlrljr from llm niEAPiBr to ihotioar XIAUAM and n > ari.Y tiutrmnrnti. 124'ry IiKlriiinriif fully 1tlfl'tlllllMl. . Otf.7 LATEST AND BEST THE LEWIS BANJO. Endoned by tht BEST riai/tri. Rtntl far Catalogue an/1 mention tin lnitrument $ you think of iiurchuilny , . . JOI1N C. HAYNES k CQ jiirvro ? ; , YOUR EYE ARE TROUBLING YOU ! Wrll.roiuonml hive tlioniaxanmol hjr our iitl"il | > . rt'eofclmrni ! . ni > J , If iio-oii.irj.tluol wJl.hHP1'rJ' ' . ' I oururKUt' 7 1'IU.N M'lCCl'Ci.Ki ' KBtl.S * , r < K tlioliuntntrieivurM. H jrnu < l < > < iut n i > l uli > i wewmtully.mi.oun Ul -iyiu i n ii la't * ' | l { ' ' I pI'KCTACIiKS or KVl-i ( il.An.SKS KIIJM ' " LI'- I'lnln , iinuku , tiluu or wtiilu lnimi , "r | irwlJclin lai Max Meyer & Bro. Co Jewelers and Opticians. I'uruuiu aud , " 1 SAY ! BUY A CAKE OF SOAR apd thank me for calling your attention to U. " MANUFACTURED ONLY BY .FAIRBANK&COL CHICAGO , 500 cases STAR BRAND , dull fin ished , W Men's Arctics and Excluders , ] all .sizes , 60 and 5 per cent off * the list ] price , and 2 per cent extra for cash in ten days. Look for new advertisement in a fewj days. Is remarkable among ; whlsklos for its Purity , Rich Quality , Smoothness nnd Delicious Bouquet. Sold only at High-class Drinking Places and Drug Stores. If yout Dealer docs not keep it in stock , Write to BALLEMANO & CO. . CHICAGO * PERMANENTLY CTTKBD OF HO PA" ! WE REFER YOU TO 2,500 PATIENTS. , Financial Reference : Ml Bank of Commcrw. Omalm. No UKTENTIOK from business. No Operation. ] Invostlanionur Method. Written ( tiiiirnntei ) tonbso- lutoly t'uro nil kinds of liri'Tl'KEof liotli de.xos.wltli- ( iHt tlm use . of Unlfo or syrlupe , uo n.attor of liow loairl standing. standing.EXAMINATION FREE. The 0. E. MILLER COMPANY , 307-308 H. Y. LIFE BLDG. , OMAHA , NEB. .Snul for Ulroulnr. 181G'Douglas Street , Onicihn , Nob. to rnro all ncrrons tVea i' . such in Wrnk Mcinorr. . Z ANUiYrTKH VI IS - ftrrrju.W * I'1 * WJVJfc' * * * - - - - For Snlo in Omaha by Shcrmanfe McConnell , 1516Dodgo Strot. DR. WILBOR'S EMULSION OK PURE COD LIVER OIL WITH PHOSPHATES. c-itroa consumption , coiifjliB , colds , tisth- mn , bronchitK debility , wasting dis- oiibos. nnd till scrofulous humors. Al most as rwlaUblo us orotim. It can betaken taken with pleasure by uelicixto parsons und children , who , nftor using It , bc- como very fond of it. It isslmiltttca with the food , incrosiBOB the flesh und uppotlto , builds up Iho nervous nystem , restores energy to mind nnd body , ewites now , rich nnd uuro blood ; in flint , rejuvenates tlio whole system. Flesh , Nerve , lilood , Hruin. This p-op- : uratlon is fur superior to nil otbor prop- ttrntions of Cod Liver Oil ; it linn ninny imitators , but no equals The results following its use uro Us best rccoin- inc-ndiitlons. Uo sure as you uiluo your honlth. and t'et the genuine. Manufactured only uy Dli. A. IJ , WIL- liult , Chemist , Boston , Mima. DEFORMITY BRACES ! Elastic Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , Water Bottles , Syringes , Atomizers , Medical Supplies ALOE & H4S.15UV , Next to Postoffled Whatlrand" oflBour Collar ? IS IT THE It ouglit to be , if you wcnrft25 j coat collar ; for tlil liraiul of col- lars is the very host vuluo tlitxt can bo hnd for * ! 5 cents. Watch our advertisements next week. CLUETT. COON & CO/