THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , JANUARY 27 , 1893. FREAKS WE HAVE WITH US CnUfornla Contributes a Notable Ono to the Judicial Collection. ATTEMP1S TO MUZZLE THE PRESS Antocrnt Connriitu to nil Apprnl .Sum mary f llnllronil I'riijrct * In the Northwmtcrn fitntrs Itrjuvn- K Drlocl-Up Arlzmm. Various sections of the country linvo achieved temporary notoriety hy the antics of JmllclaUrealts. Wo have had Justices of the peace , swollen to exploding proportion. * l > y sudden elevation to tx > wcr , calmly sot nsldo thu supreme court. Others , smarting under legal restraints , have consigned con stitutions to perdition and smote the atmos phere with mlcrohlan colorlo. Still others , realizing that emergencies producu great men , hiuo analyzed their surroundings and from the cruclblo extracted this nugget : "A knowledge of the law Is not an essential possession for an Interpreterof the law. " California is now able to appreciate the Kansas definition of the requirements of a judge , Hon. Judge Lorlgan of the superior court of K.inta Clara county shows himself capable of rising above and beyond statutory or constitutional rertrietions in maintaining his lofty notions of Judicial dignity. On the trial of a divorce case..on the 10th instan order was made by Judge Lorlgan that the hearing bo private , also that no publication bo made of the testimony , prom ising punishment for contempt to any offendIng - Ing publisher. The San Jose Mercury se cured and published a report of the testi mony , and was promptly adjudged guilty of contempt. The proprietor was brought be fore the bar and sentenced to Imprisonment nnd to pay a fine. Unlike other autocrats of the touch , the Judge permitted an appeal ami admitted the doomed to ball. The action of the court provokes vigorous criticism from the press of tbo state. 1 ho San ITrnnrlsoo Examiner says : "Ifajudgo may forbid a newspaper to publish or com ment on one fact ho may forbid It to publisher or comment on any other. If ho may pre vent It from publishing news of a divorce suit ho may prevent It from publishing news of a robbery of the public treasury , or of the looting of an estate that is under the pro tection of the court , or of a case of jury bribing If a juUgo may forbid publication in the manner that Judge Ixirigan has at tempted , a corporation Judgl ) may forbid tbo publication of facts that would make trouble for a railroad or a water company. " Knllroiiil Projects. The New York Kailroad Gazette prints an estimate of the mileage of now roads pro jected for IS'JU. Following Is the summary for western states : IOWA. ItnrllPK'lo'i ' , Collar liaplds & Northern End of track Ililrly-iiiui mlliH west of I'orcst I'lty , to ArmslrmiK , llfti'Oti inllut , under contract. II. 1'\ ' White , chli'f ( nglniMir , Cudar Itaplds , la. Illinois & Iowa Terminal Davenport , north to Clinton , thirty-eight , miles : preliminary niirvoyti nindu In 18'J'J. ' O. T. linker , Duvuu- port , In. , chief engineer. NKIIIIASKA. Vankton. Norfolk & Southwestern O iuond , opposite Vunliton , H. I ) . , southeast to Norfolk , twenty-five miles graded In 180'J. II. K. Kllor , Yiuikton , y. 1) . , secretary. BOIITH DAKOTA. Illnck Hills Uoiilral-lliipld City to Wyo ming htalu line , Hlxly-tliiro mllrs : homo sur veying doim. Henry K. Italley , Uapld C'lty , S. 1) ) . . vlcn pri'Hldont. Dakota Wyoming & Missouri lllvor Knd of triirtk ncnr Rapid Olty , to Mystic , thlrly-throo lulle.s , imdi'r contract to O. 1) . Cniucu ; sur- vnyecl , Myotlc to Missouri river , seventy miles. Vf. f. t'ouil , Hapld Ulty , pri\st < | ont. nuluth , I'li-rru & Illnrk lllllo Faulkton Routliut'sl to Illunl , near I'lorrc , Hlxty inlle.s ; located road Aberdeen southwest to I milktcm. Sioux C'lty. Mndlson Sc Northern ( Jarrotson to MuillNon. thlrly-.soven miles ; surveys madu. iT. 1' . Oure , Sioux Olty , la. , vlco preslduiit. NOllTII DAKOTA. Minneapolis St. 1'aul ft Sault Sto. Marie Knd of track Inld In IH'J'J at Cntliny to Interim tlonal boundary , ItiO miles , under contract ; woik will lie resumed nssoon as weather pur- inltA. W.V. . Ulch , Mlnncaixills , Minn. , chief cnclncer. Walertown , Sioux City S : Diilulh Wntnr- town to Wiihpoton , lOOmlles : projected. Noth- IIIK done for a hint ; time. George W. Carpen ter , Watertown. chief eiiKinucr. MONTANA. , Helena , White Sulphur Pprlngs k Castle Helena noutlicast to Oastla Mines , 113 miles ; Riirveyed In IHU'J. W. A. Haven , Helena , Mont. , chlfcf ciiRlncer. inAiio. Idaho North & South Do Ia Mar through Idaho , over IfiO miles. J. F. Uurtls , prcHldent , Ilolsu Ulty , Idaho. UTAH , OroatSalt Lake * Hot Springs Bountiful to Farrlngton , six miles , located ; preliminary survey completed to Wyoming Mute line , lill ) miles. U.S. Josuph , Salt I.ako Olty , chief en- glnuur. ' OAI.IFOIIMA. California it Nevada Surveyed from llry- nut to Walnut creek , thirteen miles , nnd work just begun. J. A. Ihirton , San 1'ianclsco , sec- Southern 1'aclllc Santa Margarita south to Ban I.ulsOblsjio sixteen miles. Gvorgu Htono fc Co. , Han Kmnclsco , contractors. This Is the llrst M'l'tlon of the proposed now const line to Kllwood. 1UO miles ; all surveyed KOIIIO time uuo. William Hood , Sun rrancl.sco , chief on- clneer. OHKOON. Coos liny , Itosoburg t Eastern From Co- qnllln river west to Kosuhurg , slxty-llvo mllesi projected , of this twenty-suvon miles has IMH'II locnteil , nnil prellmlnnry survey made In 1892 for Imluncoof lino. W. / . . Karlu. chief engi neer , Murshlluld.Ore. Itiiguu Klver Viilluy Meilford toEnglol'ass , twelve mill's ; projected. J. S. Howuid , Medford - ford , Ore. , ehlef engineer. Slnslaw & Kimtorii-KuKono to Florence , llfly-nlnn miles ; location hegun In 1H'J'2. Al- fjv < l ICIrklund , Seattle , Wash. , chief engineer. Humpler Valley Sixty miles projected from linker City , to reach umber tracts. Joseph SYubt , llaker , Ore. , superlnteiidunt. WASHINGTON. Ilelllngham Hay k Enstern I'our miles pro- lected from Now Whaleom to I.ako Whalcom , J.J. Donovan , New Whatcom , Wash , , chief enulneer. [ Kverett St Monte Crlsto About nfteon miles of track laid In 180J from Lowell easl to Kv- orett and east from llnrtford Junction ; Una now under construction through canon of the Stlllagnnmtsh river to Monti ) Crlsto , about forty-elgltt miles from IAIWU ! ) or Snoiiomlsli. Henry & Hatch , Seattle , contractors ; y. It. Fisher , Snriliomlsh , chief engineer. Port hind .V I'uget Soiind-Seattlo nnd Tacoma - coma M > utli to Portland , Ore. , surveyed and partly graded In 1HU1. Projected us n Joint linn of the I'nlon 1'aclllcatid Great Northern. Plirlton HoiUliwi'Mern Six mill's ; Hiirvuycd lhroii"h Miu-on county. Kdwln K. Urowull , ilii'ltcmVnsli. . , wcititnry. Simkuno Knits & Northern Northport north to Inti'rimtlimnl boundary , ten inllo.M , under ronslrtiollnn. K. J. Itouerts , chief engineer , Hl ) lino. : Wash. WushliiKtun outluirn Klvo miles umlorron- Btruction iieurShulton , ronsldurnlilo now work projected. J , H. McUoimld , Seattle , president. IrrlpitliiK Drlril Up ArUoiin. The Irrigation enterprises in Arizona arc Attracting considerable attention now , anil of such the Arid Keglon 1ms tlio following to say : Two surveyors mid , sixteen mon Uavo iono ; to the Pot Holes and Custlo Oomo to begin the work of running iho lines for tlio projected canal of the Colonulo Canal com pany. This nystoui of canals will cost $10,000,000 niul the main Jltch will bo IN ) miles IOUK'I US feet wlilo on the bottom ami will carry 1'J foot of water. For the illstanco plvon this canal will bo broatlor niul tlecpcr than nny 150 nillos of the great Krlo canal of No\v York. This will glvo eastern ixHjnlo some comprehension of tlio magnitude of this immense irrigation nroject. The engineers surveying the line of the .Colorado canal uro working In the region tra- verseil by the ancient canal system of prchis- torlo tlmos , of which there are moro than 800 miles of the larger canals , mid moro than ! l,000 miles of the smaller ones , nil of which can bo used In the Colorado , covering an area of 0,000,000 acres of the linost land on the 1'uplllo coast. Uy using the larger canal system tlio cost of extending the Colorado canal to , the westward so as to bring it back 'to ' Aworlcnn soil In San Diego county , Cali fornia , west of the Algctloncs sand hills , BO as to Irrigate the 1,000,000 acres of peed land between the boundary and Salton lake , will bo greatly reduced , as ovury mlle of this ancient canal , which Is from fifty U > 1XX ) feet wldo and from eight to llfteOn feet deep , can bo utilized , nnd by llolntfso tlio coat of building the former will W lessened tuoro than one-half. Both Now river , In Its meandering * from Indian wells to Salton basin , over n distance of eighty mllrs , and Carter river , from Alamo basin to that nt Kalton , moro than 200 miles ns It comofl , can bo used. The undent lakes , of which there nro scores , can all bo converted Into storage res ervoirs at n very small outlay. This erent scheme , which at first only had In view the Irrigation of the lieatty concession in Sonora - nora nnd n few acres along the route , now Includes the grandest project on the coast , the Irrigation of O.MW.OOO acics of Yuma'3 best back country. Subcontractors are pushing the canal work at Qlla bond. Mr. C. K. Crowley , who has i. contract for twenty-four miles of this work , haa S50 teams employed and has fin ished nbout half of his work. This canal will bo twenty-five feet wldo at the bottom nnd forty-one feet on the water line , with eight feet of water In depth. A party of Englishmen is iuvcstlgatlng the water storage | > osslhllllcs ! of the lower I Chirlcahua mountains , with the possibility of locating an ImmeiiHO irrigation enterprise In the Sulphur Spring valley. . Ciitarrli In thn I tend Is undoubtddly a dlscasoof the blood , and as such only n reliable blood purifier can effect a perfect cure , Hood's Sarsaparllla is the best blood purlller and It has cured many very Severn cases of catarrh. It gives an ap petite and builds up the whole system , Hood's pills act especially upon the liver , rousing it from torpidity to its natural duties , euro constipation and assist diges tion. _ KAST Oil SOUTH Via tbo Wnlmsli Itotitr. The short line to St. Louis and quick est route south. Only . ' 17 hours to Hot Springs. Only 117 hours to Now Orleans. Only U8J Atlanta. Only 52 hours to .TtickbonvIIIo. With corresponding fast tlmo to til points ) east and south. Round trip tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orleans , Lake Charles , Gulveston , San Antonio , I'lty of Mexico , Los Angeles , Sun Fran- elfcuo , Mobile , Jacksonville , Tuinpa , Ha vana and all the winter resorts of the Houth and west. Reclining chair- cars free to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit. Pullman bullet sleeping cars on nil trains. Baggage checked from hotels and private residences to destination. For tickets , sleeping car accommodations and further information call at Wabash ticket oillco , 1502 Fiirnum street , or write , G. N. CLAYTON , Agent , Omaha. No Yet. World famous Ell Perkins says : "Af ter people have gone over all the routes to California once , they settle down to the old U. P. This road will always be the great transcontinental lino. It has the best track , the best equipment , the best eating houses , and It teaches the traveler moro history nnd geography than any other lino. It shows you his toric Salt Lake and the Mormons , takes you through the great Luramio plains , the Humboldt basin and the Grand canyon , ever the very stage route that Horace Greoloy and Artemus Ward rode. Once on the Union Pacific it goes everywhere. It runs to Portland and Pueblo , Helena and the Yosemite , Tn- coma and Scuttle" , Los Angeles and San Diego , and is the only route into San Francisco. It has no rivals yet. " Send for our California Sights and Scenes. E. L. Lomnx , G. P. & T. A. , or II. P. Doucl , city ticket agent Union Pacilio System , KI02 Farnnm street , Omaha. o LOW 11ATK HXUUKSIOX. To Houston , Tot. , and Itnturn. Monday. January HO , 1893 , my Seventh Special Party will leave Omaha , bound for Houston , Texas. The rate for the round'trip , first class , will bo $25 , and 1 will give you fifteen days to go in , fifteen days to come , with stop-over privileges within the limit , and until .Tunal , 1893 , to return. For further information as to land , climate , cost'of living and all particulars as to purchase of ticket , call on or ad dress R. C. PATTERSON , 425 Rnmgo building , Omaha , Nob. 3H11UIKO. JVblfcfs o/ five Knes or tens under IMt hcail , flfty < ( ; each a < MI ( ! < mi line ten cents , T At Onmlm , Nob. , Tliurs- day evening , January 2(5 ( , 180a , Mr. Alhort II. Cornell of New York and Miss Fanning. Kov. Dr. W. II. Nagel of Omaha. Now York papers pleasu copy. v THK IIIJAI.TV MAKItKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record January 20 , 1893 : WA Illl A NTT DEKDS. Ol'McI.aln and wife to ,1 J Mcl.aln , lee 2 , block 1. Hillside add No. 'J $ 2,000 A J Popnloton and wlfo to llenrv I'Ugc , lot 19. block 10 , lot 17 , block 21,1'op- plnton park 2,000 Emma llrackcn to W IsSulhy , lots G and 7 , Mutter's subdlv 1 W li Knlhy anil wlfo to William Col- fax. lot.sO , 7 and 8 , same 2,500 V K Darling and wlfo to M O I hi If , lot 13 , block 4 , Brook-lino mill BOO mr.i : > 3. G A llennett , sheriff , to W L Solby , lot H , Mottor'sKUbdlv 400 PJSiicliett , notice of dedication of plat of lots 20 to 34 Inclusive In Lindsay's add U A llennett , KherllT , to Kinmix Ilriicken , lots U and. 7 , Mottcr's HUbillv 800 Total amount of transfers $ 8,501 that's my wife's you know wears a cheerful , life-is-worth-living expres sion , ever since 1 presented her a box of WHITE RUSSIAN She is always recommending Kirk'i soaps to her friends says she is through with experiments has just what she needed to make , labor easy , and ensure perfectly clean clothes. She knows what she's talking about don't forget it. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. Dusky Diamond Tar Soap \7 l1u0n5 : ' ' pn51I..uite. AS TRUE AS GOSPEL , Rev , Or , Peck of New York Vouches for it , William H , Robinson Sleeps so Soudly thai He Snores , Sick Thlrty-Five Years : TooK Painc's ' Celery Compound and is Well. Newspaper men say people don't read sermons. Aud some don't. And this Isn't a sermon. Hut how many readers of The Bco are there who cannot draw an honest lesson from the following statement made by Mr. William H. Itoblnson of Worcester ? The statement Is so remarkable , that beIng - Ing asked to do so , Mr. IJobinsou gives , as ho says , "a few names of promlncnent inun who will verify my statements : "Oeorgo W. Harlow , watchmaker. "Charles K. Povcy , dentist. Mr. Harlow and Dr. 1'ovoy have known mo intimately for more than 20 years. "Kov. .f. O. Peek , D. IX , ( who Is my broth er-in-law ) , l.r > 05th nv. , New York city. "Kov. Geor ? E. Fisher , ( a relative ) , North Aniherst , Mass. "And I think 1 may take the liberty of re ferring to Kov. Ur. C. H. Lamson of St. Johnsburo , Vt. , who was my pastor for many years In Worcester. " It seems that Mr. Kobluscn who is CO years old , had suffered since boyhood with the com plaint known as salt rheum , and almost 12 years ago began to have rheumatism and was soon entirely disabled. Two years ago to make bad matters worse , ho vhad a severe attack of Mgrip , and the humor spread all ever his body , w. it. itomxsox. so that ho was "In tor ment all the time. " Ho was treated by an specialist. I et Mr. Koblnson tell the rest : "After four months my physician told mo ho was beat and had Ucen to New York for consultation with some eminent men In that line , and would take now hold and try a new treatment. "Then I told him I would take I'aine's celery compound , nnd began to use it accordIng - Ing to directions , with the exception that I have always taken It clear , without water , as it was not unpleasant to mo. In thrco weeks I began to see a little improvement , and In three months my skin was- almost as an an infant's , and , though I have occasion ally a spot , It is so trifling I dou.t mind it. "After Xi years of torture , with hardly- good , sorid night's rest , and the annoyance of drugging and the nastlness of dally an- nolntlng , I tultik I may have a few years in comparative peace and quiet , I sleep like n child in perfect Health , in fact so soundly thist I am iold I snore occasionrlly , buf I think they zan stand It better thar I could the wakeful nights , which were making mo a week in every way. At this tlmo my blood circulates so finely that I am always warm ; lam heavier than over in my ilfo ; my flesh is hard , nnd I think I am a well man , for I hardly ever have a twinge oven of rheumatism. "I am glad to talk Palne's celery compound to my friends , and I firmly believe it has made a 'now man of mo. " This is n very common expression ; but any doubter is re ferred to my folks or a very extensive acquaintance - quaintanco In Worcester , where I have been 23 years. "I atn grateful beyond expression. " II BAY STATE' ' GUITARS. wJ MANDOLINS , . BANJOS , ZITHERS , AND DRUMS. We rosks a vsrlely from thi CJIEAPFJIT to the .MOST ELHUAVI and COSTLY Initrumenti. Kvcry In.trniin.Mit fully \Vui-raiitcil. OUR LATEST AND BEST THE LEWIS BANJO. Endontd by th BEST Planers. Srnil 'for Catalogue and mention the Inttruments you tMnh of purchatlng. H JOHN C. BATHES & CQ- UVH'L'Otl , Or f lial.tniiorlliihlt I'oiltlvoly Cured Ilittnoa' It can boKlvcn In a cup of coffjoor taa or In food without thu knowledge of the patient. It l > nbso- lutoly harmless nnd will cited n permanent and speedy cure , whether the patlpnt Is u modorata drinker or an ntcohollo wreck. Ithis been tttvo nln thousands of cases and In every Instance n lurfuct cure has followed It never falls. Tha system once Impregnated with thoSpccltlc , It becomes nn nttcr Imiiosslblllty for the liquor appatltj to oiUt UOI.DKNMl'ICCIl.'KXJO. . Propj. Cincinnati , O 48'paifU book of particulars frj'j. To ba had of Kuhn A Co IJ11 nil Ooujlii BtiWlialoala , Illako , llruo St Oo. , and ItlcharUson UrugCo , Omaha , Nut > PRESERVE YOUR EYE SIGHT -USK- Meyer & Bro. , Co. Solo Aponts ( or Oinaliiu WE WANT WEW AND WOMEN AT OHCE. ( either loctl or trsrellng ) t > 1 represent us , tUvcrtm ; , dKinbute our printeu ruitter , ' ( oJ iatroducetl our pixxlt. Stciily employment. i S8O A MnUTI4Ali l ld Kttrr PYAND Two rurxscs \VeeU to competent person * , IVui't ileUy moment but write 1 MEDO-ELECTRO PAD CO. . Clnclnnall. Ohio , j LOST VITALITY s IHj SK INDPO , the ert-at Hindoo Remedy. Bold with writ- It * cuuruiitra of rilrr 8uMplo a nt Irre. Addrrns Orlculul Medical Co. , is fljueulk llaee , Chl ( [ ii , Ilk NUTHITIOUB A trial will show Its GREAT SUPERIORITY in STRENGTH , FLAVOR & CHEAPNESS. . ' the wonderful reine'l U ioli ) with a vrrll 4tu Bunrantcr lo rare All nrvoiit dlietiei. inch ft Weak Memnrf Loisof Ilrtln 1'owfr , HtAiiacne. Wnketuln i. lx t M&nhood , Nlibtlr Knilt lon . Nervouineai.Latsliude.Blldralni and louof power of too Uuneratl c Organ ! In ntniriexcauu'l by over exertion , youthdil rxceniv mo of tobnoco.opium or illmulants viliich eon lead to Innrmlv. ! Commit tlonandlnsanltr. l > utupcon enlon.toc rryln veit pocket. J l per Dock- agBhyraailiBfo-Si. With evrrrJiorderwo civtaientttn cw rent ( aojii Biron * ISD AmR rnxn fiJunittMmoney. Circular rreo. Addroi AOP H * , | & , C'lilcn i > , ill. For Sole in Omolia by ShcrinaH& McConnell , 1616Dodgo Btret. SPEGIHL .NOTICES. . . . \ DTKRTISRMKNTH FOr THK3H CC-7.UMNB . /Vwlllb taken until U.Wp-m. for tlio etenlnz and until 4:30 v. ra. for thfe morning or Sunday eJI- lont. No advertisement tikon.for lest lhan S3 cents for the first Insi-rllon. , - All advertisements In Ihqse column , 1H cent" a worn for the tint Insertion anil 1 cent word for each subsequent InionUm , or II. to per line p r month. Terms , cash In tnl nnro. InllInK figures , symbols , ctn. . each count as a word. Advertise- mentimttit run cont-cutlvt > ly. Advertisers , by re questing n numbered chuck , can hate the letters nddressmllo nnnmberail'llutpr ' In rare of THE HUE. Answprn no nddrmsed frill bo delivered on tbo presentation of the check. SITUATIONS "WANTED. YOUNU LADY ATTENDING COMMKRCIAI. college would Ilko to do llt-lit work morning and evening for room and board with private faintly. Address .X 10. lice. A AN ACCOUTANTANDOFF1CKMAN OF KX i Vporlencp. furnlslithlng excellent cllr references dctlrcs | K ltlon , either ottlce or clerical work out- not particular about hours. Address X SO.tloo MI 'It' A WANTKD. POSITION 11Y PllIXTKIl , SIX years experience , on llr t class country weekly or In job department. F. J. fisher. Hebron. Neb 01031 * L-WANT HI ) . DRESSKS MADK AT 1U > MK FOR J3. Children's clothing. Mrs. Oakley , 000 N. ilth. WANTED MALE HELP. roUMIHMOH TO AHKNIS TO handle the rt"hcmlcal Ink Krnslng Pencil. 1 ho mosl useful cnl novel Invention of the ago. Krnses Ink llinroiighly In two seconds. Works Ilka manic. SW ) to 603 pur cpnt profit. Agt < nls making IWpprweek. Wu nlao want n general intent to tnka charge of territory nal appoint Mib agents. A rnro rhnnco to make me no/ . Write for terms and a speci men of erasing. Monruo Kraslnir Mfg. Co. , V 9 > i. I.a Crossc. Win. 700 "I } WANTKD. A FF.W UKUAHLB SOLICITORS J'ln Nobrnika for the I nloi Central 1.1 fo Insurance - anco company of ' Inc imitl. ( Jood territory and llhcral contracts to the right mon. Address J. M. rduilston , State Agdiit , rooms (3 , ill and 17 Hurr blk , Lincoln , Neb , M5IU J3Q B-WANTED , TRAVI5LING SALl'.SMKN TO SELL hating powder. Wo put our goods tn class rolling plnti. J'W ' month salary nnd expenses , or 25 per cent commission. ( Jood sldullno. If you want 11 Job , write. Send stn-np for reply. Chicago linking 1'owdorUo. , TUT Van liurun street , Chicago.J1403 J1403 ni 1LAnOHKRS ANDROCKMKN ON THK II. A M. JJoxtonslon In South Dakota. Steady work ; free pass. Kramer &o'Honrn , labor agency , 301 8. Ilth Bt. 612-SU * B-WANTED. STENOGRAPHER TO Ol'BUATK Remington typewriter , to have some knowledge of bookkeeping , good punruan. Stnto ago and sal ary expected. Address X 18 , llco. M674 28 * B-WANT GOOD IIARNKSJMAKKR AT ONCE A. n. Urcbe , I'lymoulli , Nob. 680-31" B-WANTKI ) , KINISHKIt ON LOUNflES. TUB K. M. llulso Co. . 1307 Nicholas itrcet. MJW ' " ' TJ-WANTItl ) , A GOOD 11AKKU AT ONCE. -l ) . < tai > < ljr lob nnd coed wages. Addrcn II. Kock- entlct , Hebron , Neb. MtW B-WANTKD , HKMAHU : AND KNBUGKTIO business tnnn to tnka the nmnaKcraunt i > f nn of- Ik'o business In this city. Small amount ot opltnl required. Address Western DuslnCBS Agency , N. Y. l.lfo building , Onmlm , MSSi 1 B-WANTKD , A OOOD IJOY A1IOUT 18 TO WOltK Ineloro. Apply with city rofcronco only. 17 3 Dodlto before noon. VOO-27 p-WANTBl ) . A F1UST CLASS llt.ACKsiUTII. -OAddrcfii U. W. Dow , lied Cloud. Neb. C09-5'J WANTED FEMALE HELP. C-YOIJSa liAOIKS CAN SOON ACQUIIIE A uorklnff knowledge of shorthand and type writing ut Van Sonts' 513 N. Y. l.lfo. M307 C-JKNSKVd DANISH AND 3WKD1SH KStl'LOY- mont otllce. corner Ititli nnd Doticlns , up stains all kinds of help always on hand ; 60 Eood ulrls for Kenrral housework. 183 1 ° 10 * C IIUDDINOTON ACADBMY Ol'KN MONDAY. Jan. U : ladles arn taught the art of dreaunaklng , bnstlnunnd Finishing ; can work on their owndroises \rhllu learning. U 601 , Urowu blk.cor Douglas ft Kith .MM. ) FU C-WANTKO , KI118T-CI.A93 COOK ; MUST UK good laundress , no other need apply. Mrs. J U. Thurston , northwest corner 2Uh and Karnam. MI59 PI-WANTED. LADIES AND 01111,9 , WE PAY wyou from (1.00 to flu.00 per week to work for us at Jyour own homo : no painting or canvassing ; feud Belf-aildrcs cd cnjrclopo. Ueorga K Knimons A Co. , corner Uiitterrmnrcu * and Water streets , lloston , Mass " MM5 2d * - - QKNKRAL HOUSEWORK. MUST C fcocompetent. : 1CC3 SLernian avouuu. ' 1110J C-WANTED-OIUL TO COOK , WASH AND Iron , second Klrl kept , bast of wages , family of treiapply3 Worlhlngton place .opposite llrownell ball. 65K-W * C i-WANTKD , YOUNOHIRLTO ASSIST IN OKN- eral , housework. 016 H. 1'Jtli st. WO 39 * P-WANTED , A OOOD O1RL FOR OENBRAL V house work , ( iood wages. Mrs. A. 1 * . Tukoy , 2641 Chicago street. 675 26 G ! -WANTRD A HOOD OIUL FOR housework , 2609 Uodgo St. 678-37 OIllU AHOUT II ! OR 17 YKARS. TO i help take care of baby. 21I6Chlcago. 60329 * 0-WANTKD , T\VO \ PKR80N8 RKCE1VB IN- structtons and keep hooks ; pay mo after you have sltuallon. J. II. Smith , 617 Shccly block. 013 7I FOR RENT HOUSES. D - RKNT , NO2413 CAPITOL AVKNUE , modern. TlioO. V. Davis Co. , IWi Knrnam st. 707 D - RUNT. HODSKS IN ALL PARTd OIT city. The O. F. Davis company , 1603 Farnara St. 7W \-KLAT8 , DWKLLINO9. COTI'AOBS , IN ALL /partner the city. Kilkenny & Co. , J3 Karbacu 710 D-NEW7-ROOM COTTAOKS , JIODKR.V , IN Stanford circle. Convenient for business men of Omaha nnd South Omaha , C. tf. Klgutlor , 204 Uce bulldlne. M483 D ITKN-ROOM MODKRN HOUSK. COR. I'JTH and Mason streets. Call at 607 llrown bldg. IIMl K4 D I-LARGK LIST PAUL , 1603 FARNAM STURKT. MU40J27 * D I-FOR HUNT , TWO 6-ROO.M COTTAOI58 ON motor. Call at southwest eor. Ilth and Douglas. . 171 -TWO 7-IlOOM COTTAOltS. OUNTRALLY LO calod , nil modern Improvements , only H6. flare building on North 24th it ; excellent location for moat market , f 16 per mo. Fidelity Trust Co , . 1703 Farnam. 372-27 D-KINK 8-ROOM COIINBRFLAT ; HANOK AND all other conveniences , with a gentleman roomer If desired ; U.V Uoorge Clouser , store 701 B. Kitli. at 1U n. m. nnd 3 p. m. MKH D. - ROOM lUlUt-'K , PARTLY FUR UlHhcd. . Inquire Ht 131'J Dodge st. M6IJ7 F2I D.D D - RENT , ELKOANTLY KUHNI3I1EI ) house , tX. Apply room 20 , Douglas block.67C 67C 28 D-HANDSOMKLV FURNISHKD 14-UJOM RKSI- donee lo rent during "World's fair" period , Chi cago. ThOKO In Omaha Intending lo visit the expo sition can form a club of frlrnds and secure my rerlduncp , which will certainly cost you no more , and yon are assured of handsome quarters pri vately during your stay. For particulars address 4il7 hills avunue. Chicago. M6I7 27 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. E-FURNISHED ROOMS , 1413 DODOK STIIHKT. M617 S3' E-NICK ROOMS , STEAM UKAT , 1723 DAVKN- port street. M2S323 * E-LAROH , SOUTH FRONT ROOM WITH alcove , wllh board. 1000 Capitol avo. 633 30 * E-FOR RKNT A FURNISHKD ROOM SUIT- ablufor agenlloman only. 2017 Ilaruoy St. / . M536-27' E-NICK PLEASANT ROOMS , WITH OR WITH- out board. 23ft Douglas. 6C3 ! E-N1CKLV trURNIBIIBD ROOMS , FURNACE , gas rnd bath. 1817 Jncksbn. M5J4-1' tt/ . E-FURNISHKD ROOMS ) fi AND IO I'KR month , C04 S. 17th. , , M614 21P FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. l -HANDt-OMK SOUTH ROOMS WITH HOARD , -L References , lew Chicago street. M013 2'J * I ? TUB DOUV.1 , ! JJ AND 211 N. 1PTII HT. J- TU F YOUNG. WUUKN'd HOMK UNDKR OARK OK Woman's Chrlslan uisoclailon. Ill do. J7th st. 210 IT'-FOll RKNT , FURNI5IIKD ROOMS Wml J-1 HOARD , slram heat , Utopia , I71il-17l Davenport streel. ow-l- if-DKSIRAI1LF. FRONT ROOMS. FURN18HKD orunrurnlshed. with board. Modern residence. References. SUI llarn > y su ilt'JI-27 * FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS " " FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. ' " " T -ONE KOU R B TO IIV UlUCk il'lHL DIMl "n"KK KT J-wldB. 1407 Harney st. IK FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. Guntfiiunf. "I IO11 ItKNT.TIIK 4-STOUY IllUCK I1UH.D1NO. .LVli ) Farnam t. The building lias n tlr proof ce mi-lit Imicnirnt , complete steam licntlnn Mxturen water on nil thn tloora , gas , etc. Apply at the olllce of The lire. BIO T-FOlillKNT. A VKHV DKilRAIII.W RUtLDINO .1 tnllnblc for a warehouse , wllh stable In conec- lion. Tractao front ami roir. Address K. A. Cormlchacl care of McCord , Rrn'ly A Co. 215 1 FOR URNT-STOKB IHX1M NO. 143 tll'PKR llroadwayi new ; nlii > 23xlOJ feet , with shelving nndrounters : desirable location for dry goods nnd general merchandise. Day A Hess , ngonls Council muffs , la. M 307 31 1 OFFICES \VlTll.NiiL : 1ILK , CKNTUAli AND 1. cheop. iii3 H7' 'I-n.NTlRK t'KRSO.VAh ATTKNT1O > O1VKN TO 1 renlnl properly. Charges reasonable , 4 > o rs' ex- Fcrlenci ) . tl. F. hulls , a . 17th Mrool. M3-F2.I AGENTS WANTED. T-WANTKD-A MVK MAN OR WOMAN IN * ' ovi'ry county where wo have nol already se cured a rnprt' t'nt.itlAo lo sell our " .Nevada Sliver" Solid Metal Knives. Forks and Spoons lo consum ers ; n solid ini'tal ta whitens sllvcri no pinto to wear oITi goods guurantoid to wear n Ufa tlmoi cost about onn tenth that of silver ; thn chnnco of n lifetime ! iwonn nvcrnK from fiU lo IliX ) per week and mewl wllh ready sales everywhere , o grcnt Istlicitemuml for our ! ? lld Metal lioods. Over f I.OJU.OOO worth of gomli In dally use. Casoof sampU's free. Standard Silverware Company. Hos- Ion , .Mass. M244-KI3 * T AUnSTS WANTED , K1TIIKH SK.V. TO CAN- * ' vats for the set of Clauss Dread , Cake and Par- Ine Knives ; also Clauss Cnrvrr'J ; \ ) percent prollt ; nntllt free. CInuss Shear Co. , box 'JMK. Kansas Clly , Mo. MUI-33 * T-STATB A(5KNT ( FOR NHIIHAShA TO HANDLE > ' Columbian Memorial Chart ; o.xrlullro control ; large iironts ; small capital , llcrgemann A Co , 20 llroad St. , Now York. MS II ) 29 * _ AOK.NT8 WASTKD TO 9KI.L TIIK DANDY s" sink cleaner , families licet , Is. John Vf. Sudlow , VSUHatsoy ilroet. llrooklyn , N. Y , 633-30 1 WANTO NO. t ( iOODLlFl ! INSfHANCK M KN to work In Nebiaskn. Can lorato you any place you want ! glvoyouan Inside deal : a company as good as Iho best. Call at llotol Barker , room 113. Nona bill tint-class men need apply , nil this Mcokfrom 10 till 4 p. in. M6'J3 27' -WANTED , LADIKS AND " (1KNTI.KM UN TO ' 'selln staple article cvcrybodr must have. A llfi'tlino's business lo the right one. Cull or address with stamp lor sample , 1614 Chicago stiect. Omuha , Neb. AlirjQ a * STORAGE " " " -STO11 AOK"CH s A CIVKAN w a LLS , m i Farnam stroel. 713 -DON'T STORE HOl'SRHOLD OOOU.4 W1TII- out seeing our storazo department. It Is the best. Omaha Slovo Repair Works , I'lM Douglas. WANTED TO BUY. XT WANTED TO 11UV , SOUK 8 I'KR CKNT 1' IIrut mortgages. Reed & Selby , 331 Hoard Trade. _ _ 716 . VT-KIRST MORTHAC.KS ON OOOD REAL K3 1 > Into. II. A. Arnold , 003 lloj building. M74 "V" WO,000 U3K1) OTAMI'S. 1IO.X ( OT , CITY. 1 > M25I1 K13 FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONSETC p-FOlt SALE. A NEAIILY NKW DOU11LK sprlntfexprosswa on , borso , harness and btiKKy ; also n nearly now set of crenmery tools , consisting of butler worker , churn , Howe scale , Iruefc , etc. , all will bo sold atagroasacrltlcr Addroii O. II. Trschuck , Heeonico. or call ntujf : Mlama street , where goods can be neon. MUj ? 1 > FOU SALE , 3 ELKQANT DIllV'INO HOHSU8. Must bo fold nl once. Fidelity Loan Uuaranloa Co. , room 4 , Wlthnell blk. .191 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Q THK STAND AUD OATTLK CO. HAS CON- stanlly ou hand baled bay , for sale on truck at Ames Nob. M.VJV - BALI : . TUB imicnc THAT is TAKEN Q-FJii out of the County hospital. Inquire of the foreman at the hospital. M9UO Q -KOlt SAUB. TYI'EWKITKK. UK.VlNaTON : No. 2 , for { 60.00. J , U. Haynes , Dee office.M430 M430 - SALE THE ULACK COCKIiR SPANlItlj Q-FOH nilch Coonlo , No. IS521 , a beauty and perfect pet , also iwo tine puppies , will bo sold cheap. 1 : . O. llust , Clarks , Neb. 031-31 * MISCELLANEOUS. E-FOK HUNT. LAND IN TKACTS TO SUIT , near Fluronco lake , 200 acres tb all. lioees i Hill , 110) Knrnaua etrcot. M5I8 2 CLAIRVOYANTS. S MUS. NANNIE V. WAURKN , CLAIRVOYANT , reliable business mediumilftu year at lit ) N , 10th. . 718 C-MHS."DII. M.LEO HAVE , IMIOI'IIUTKSS. DUAIJ 'trnnco ' ; clairvoyant and Ufa reader ; tolls your Ilfo from cradle to grave ; can be consulted on alt ndalrsof life : has the colebratoJ Egyptian breast plate to unite the separated and canse marrlaiM with one you love. Come onu , coma all nnd bo con vinced of her Dmarkablo powers , onlca and rasl < denca 417 S. Ilth St. , hours 9a.m. to 9 p. m. Strict life chart and pnoto of your future wife or hus band sent through mall for $5.00 , chart alone 1100. All letters containing 4 cents n stamps promptly .answered. E41-F2 * S KNOWLEDGE 13 POWER. CONSULT I'rof. and Mme. Arnold , business clair voyants , palmists and astrologers , have world wide reputation for .their mar velous and wonderful power In reading the past , unvolllng tno future , give Indispensable ad vice , bringing succest and happiness to thousands ; tells the business you should follow for greatest success ; If your lover Is true an ! Intends mar- rlauc ; restores lost lova ; removes family troubles and through their wondrous maglo mirror show picture , tell name of the one you marry. Satis faction given. Consultation , tl to H : full reading by mall , tl ; send dat of birth. OBlcu 218 1Ath street , near Farnam , 2d floor , room 4. Hours 10a.m. to 8 p. m. M387 87 * MASSAGE. ATHS T > MMK. CARSON , 1121 lioUOLA38TUEET , 3D floor , room 7 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. ( W--25 rp-MADAMK RMITII. 1324 CAPITOL AVKNUB , J-room 3 , 3d floor. Massage , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. 415 27 * rp-SIASSAOE TRKAT.MKNT , BLKCTKO-THER J-mal baths , scalp and hair treatment , manlcur and chiropodist. Mrs. Test Dll S 16tuWltnnellbIe 411 k. PERSONALS. U YOUNO LADY \VANT8 ? UP1L3 TO TKACH on the piano , 1511 Leavenwortli. 96830 * MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. -O. V. GKLLKNIIISUK.UANJO TKACIIKIi , N.W. cor. 16th and llarnoy. Harney alraet onlrano9. uu Vni OKRMAN AND FRBNC1I CLA8SUS. 2Ml ! Douglas. 113(330' MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. ir MONKY Tl ) LOAN AT LOVVKnT RATKA I Tlio O. K. Davis Co. , 150J Fnrnaiu alrool 73 ] T\r LOAN8 O.V 1MPROVKD AND UN1.MPROVKD i clly properly , I.I.COO and upwards. A to T percent. No delays. W. Farnam Uuilth A Co. . 16th and Harnuy 7JU ir-O. f. UARIllbON , WiN. V. Llb'li. 731 \\r-MONBYTO 1/JAN-I IIAVK AI1OUT 14,03) < > lo loan on Improved Omaha properly , private funds , In one or more loans. AUdruu T 10 , Dee offlce. tuj V\r MONKVTO LOAN ON OMAHA AND COUN- VT ell RltirfB real oatatu and Nebraska and lown farm * nt ( rom 0 lo 7 per rent Inlorast , nltb no addl- llonal charges for coninilmlonj cr ntlorneyii fees. Vf. U. .Melkle. l l Not'l bank bl.lg , Oninba IliJ \V-MONEY TO LOAN , SUMS fiUJ.03 AND UP. George 1'aul. 1U)5 ) Karnam. MCII J27' ir-LOANB. 0 , G. WALLAC13. 81Z I1HOW.X ItLK. \\r-7 I'KR CENT MONK Y NUT TO HORROWBIM ' on Ornabaclly properly. No extr * cliargei of nny kind. Why pay hlgb ratoi ? Money Is cheap. You can get fnil benellt of low rates from Ulobe Loan and Trust Co. . ICtli ana Dodge. 'iS \V MORTOAGK LOAN'S LiWa THAN 7 PER IT ccnl. Including all charges. Charles W. llainey Omnhn Not. bank bMz. 731 \\r-OMAHA HAVINGS HANK MAKES IXANS TT on real estate at lowest market rates. Loans made In small or largo sums for short or long time. No commission Is chaned and tlieloans are not sold In thu easl , but can alwas bo found at the bank on tbo corner of 13th and Douglas streets \\T-l CAN PLACK LOANS AT LOWEST KATKS Tton business or other choice property In Omaha. Loans of 1.1,500 to 160.UOJ wanted for foreign parties. J. H. Wheeler. 417 Karbach block. M 330 \\r-WANTKD , LOANS. IIOUSK.S TO RKNT AND il Insurance solicitor. Goo. W. 1' . Coates , 1033 Farnam. MSSO ir-1 AND3 YBAR IXJANS ON CITY AND KAIIM > mortgagesUeudAHolby , 311 Uoard of Trade. 73tl W MO.NKYTOIX > AN AT I/1WEST HATESONIU proved and unimproved real estate , ! to6 years , Fidelity Trusl Co. , I7UI Kuruaui si. 70J \\r-ANTIIONY IXJAN AND TRUST Co. , 318 N. V , IT Life , lends at low riles for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Umana city property.m \ \ T CK.NTRAL LOAN & TRUST CO. 1IKE 11I.IKJ. r-IAlWKST RATK8. FIDli.tTl TRUST COMpany - pany , I7W Karnaui slreet. 711 \\r-WANTKD AT ONCK. I/JANS ON IMPROVBD IT Omiiha property ; low rales. Fidelity Trust company. 1701 Farnam st , 7U ) \\f-KlllSTA8KCONI ) MORTOAOB LOANS ON IT Omaha properly 4 on farms In adjacent coun ties , bcud fulldescrlpllon. AlexMooru.401 livvbldg. 667 \y-MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPROVKD CITY 11 properly , low rale. A , C. frost. uougUs blk. 7JT MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. X-DO TOU WAN MONEYI TUB FIDICUTY I.OAN OUAHANTKH CO , ROOM 4. WtTHNULL 11IXCK , 8I < BOUTI1 16TII. CORNKR HARNKT ST. WILL \ LOAM BUM \ LARQB \ rHOM THS WK MAKK LOANS ON FUHNITURK , . CARRIAOKS , WARISHOUSK RICCKHTS OR PKR- BONALPROPBRTY OF ANY KIND. _ / WILL / DO WELL / TO / /TOO ( ALL /ON /CB j-insr / roa. / OUR TKIt.MS WILL MKKT YOUR APPROVA It You can pay the money back at nny tlmo and In any amount you wish , nnd thin reduce the cost of carrylnit Iho loan In proportion to amount you pay. IK YOU owe nbalancnon your furniture or other personal property of any kind , wn will pay It err for you nnd carry tins long as you deilrc. YOV CAN 11AYK YOUR MOXHY IX ONI * HOUR KlltMTHKTlMK YOU MAKI ! APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of property , so that you get iho use of both money and property. You will also llnil us In from 7 lu D p. ni. 731 V-CALL AT THK OKFICK or : OMAHA MORTdAOU LOAN CO. : t INCORPORATKD , j ii ! YOU'WANT'MO.SKY ! You can borrow on ItOUSRHOLD FITRNITIIRK ND PIAN03 , HDRtfKH , WACO.NM A ND CARKI At ! KS , WAHItllOUSK REOKIPl'H. M ICIICH ANDISH OR A.Ni-OTIIKK SKCUIUTY. \Vowllllondyou any amount from ( luoato fl.OOJ ONTHK DAY YOU ASK FOR IT , without publicity or removal of property. You on pay thnmonnybackln nny amounts you wish , and at any time , nnd oar.Ii payraontso made will reduce the cosl of the loan. Remember that you have Iho use of both the property nnd the money , and pay for II only as long ns you keep U. There will bo no otponss or chixrzo kept out of the amount trained , but you will racjlvj th full amount of the lonn. Refore borrowing oNewlicro call and see us and yon will Una It greatly to your ndvnnlaja. OMAH \ MOinMAlin LOAN CO. 800 SOUTH llil'll bTRKIIT , llrst Hour above Iho street. TIIK OLDKST , LAIIUKST AND ONLY INCOR- PORATKD1.OAN COM PA NY IN OMAHA. 733 V--SPECIALLY LOW UAl'Kd ON FURNITURK - v heroes or any goort security , W , 00 or UO days Kqulty Cnallcl company , room W7 Omaha Natlona bank. M42S KJ" X-MONKY-80 , CO , M DAYS. CHHAP RATES and easy payments , on furniture , pianos , live slock , etc. , without delay or publicity , cash on hand. DutlOreen , room 8 , Harbor block. 734 X' ' 61 iouurAS ) mu. 10 & UODOK 737 X-WlLt , I.OAN MONKV ON ANY KIND OK 8K- curltr : ttlctlr confidential A. U. Hnrrlf. 20.1 Karbnck block. 705 BUSINESS CHANGES. \r-THC WKttTKII.V HUSINUSS AUKNCV. SKI N. -L Y. Life , conduct ! n cnuernl builnoin oxclmnKD. List of Rood bu lnu 9 chances In nil parts of there ro nn try on application. Uustnosi position ; so cured. M78031 \T-TOtl PALK , UKTAttj MEAT MAUKKT ; 1 tlrat-class location ; caih salas 125 par day. Ad- dreis W 7 , lioo. M310 V-KOIl SALK , ( ! OOD NKW HOTEL AND FUUNI- 1 ture. ( iood tmda rstubllihed , part cnnh and ( asy payments. Adrircsi , Tuo llriiud , llnndolpb , Iowa. 422S \r-KOIt 3ALK , STOCK GE.NEltAL MKHUIIAN- 1 dlKC ; Kood location and room : object xelllnir , 111 health. Address Carpenter it Deinars , Campbell , Nob. M 7 117 * Y DUMIIUC 1'LACK DAlltY KOlt SALK , 20 MUST class milk cows and milk route , must bo sold before March 1st ; tha dairy situated on or near DodKo street , 6 miles from poslotuco. t > W 27 * Y (1ENT81 FUnNlSIUNOS , 11OOTH , riHOKH , etc. A tfood Block , all now and In good loca * tlon. Good reasons for soiling. Address X 13. Hoc. .MWS r DHUU STOCK KOU SALK. HEST LOCATION In Nebraska , for cash. Van 1'atten of Onmlm. MMJ 29' \r-CKKAMKItY AND CltKI'.HK I'ACTOHV ; MUST .1 cell In next ten days ; one of the best In Nob. ; everything complete , stenm heal , etc. i price about half cost of bulldlni ; alono. Western Huslnoas Agency , N. Y. Life. Omaha. 005 il V" KOU HALE Oil EXCHANGE , A 1IIIAM ) NEW JL stock of dry k-oodn , notions , uliuvn and groceries ; Invoice about fs.UiX ) ; will take easlern Nebraska or lofin Improved farm for part pay : block in run- nlnit order and dolcg good business. Addrnss Lock IIox 07 , Oolwcln. la. ilfili 29 FOR EXCHANGE. z iclual valuation. Money to loan , lioxlli Omaha. 7119 flOVfN 100 FARMS IN NE1HIA31CA , KANSAS ' -L & Dakola- Will soil cheap , or exchange for mdse , horses & cnttlo. Add. box 73 , Frankfort. Ind. 775 r/ CLEAN 8TOCICOK QHNRRAL M'D'S'K ; WILL ZJlakereal cstitoi money. Uox2U , Frankfort Ind. 776 Z FOU BALK , IMPLEMENT STOCK AT IMO gene. Address T. J. llogar * , Imozone , la. 874 F3 W1LLTRADH CLEAR LOT } AT MAN1TOU , * J Colo. , for clear Nebraska land or soorl equltlni. Address 8. J. Richards , IIox IVJj , Denver , Colo. M1W k-9 Z-480 ACRES OK CLEAR LAND IN OXE Off the best winter wheat districts In Kanins to ex- chingefor 10 or 11 acre tract near Omaha olty limits. Will pay cash dllteronco Ij property Is good. Address , Hiring prlco and location , u 24 , lloo on ] co. ' 'J5 Z 320 ACRKS OF LAND IN FltONTlKll COUNTY anj leO acres In Furnas county , Nebraska/ tu exchange for horses , cattle , general merchandise- or xrocerles. We have for > ale on easy terms a farm or rancho. 737 acres , four miles onst of Cam bridge , and n tract of 8JO acres throe miles west of Cambridge. Wrlto to John & Case , Cnmbrldgo , Nob. , for description and price. MCJI 2d * CUBTOM1CII WANTS CLEAN STOCK HARD- AJwarollS.WO ) for food residence , Omaha U U. Wallace , llrown block 554 ID * Z-60,000 ACRKS OV SCHOOL LAND FOIl SALK ON easy terms or will exchange for merchandise nnd stock. Inquire of J. U Button , Uloomtiold , Neb , 682f24 y-FOR liXCHANOK. BOMB VERY DESlRAHLli /JFlorida lands , pultblo for farming nnd frult- ralslnir. to exchange for clear land In southern debraaka. Address , giving full particulars of your land , J , M. Llmlsuy , Apalachlcolu , rlorlda , 711-27' y-FlRST.MORT AliK , UNIMPROVED LOTS OR /-I farm lands lo uxchangs for lot and liouso with conveniences. Lvaldus , 1518 Webster street , MOiO : FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE , llargnlns only. My word Is gooj. W.O. Albright. MJ-2-S New York Life. 740 \\TK OFFER THE FOLLOWINO DKMCRI11EII > ' property on monthly payments of $10 each. It Is all iluilrablo , and the prices are dirt cheap at on all-cash llgnre : ( iood corner , Kith and Sprnguo , 1160. Corner. 10th and Dominion , walks , nta. . f'jiO. line corner , llaker 1'lacn , on c r line , I70J. South front lot , < rchard Hill. 1700. Valuable Walnut Hill lot , tl.W ) . Kltgant corner , I'lovcrdalo , two lots , It , Wn. Flin 4-r cottnuo. barn , etc. , foward street , (1,600. No troubla or expense to show this property. Remember that In oureli'gant new addition of Avondale Purk you can nocuro n beautiful modern licnni wltliln the mile limit for ( I.OijU to 11,00) . > - rldollty Trust company , 1TOJ Farnam. M405 F 13 170R HALE WIS OFFER A FULL LOT AT 7TH -L and Arbor all. , right for grade , for 143'J : worth twice that. Also u big bargain In SoMtti Omaha properly , a 11,100 lot for (8X1 , C0x60. ! Fidelity Trust Co. . 1702 Farnam. 871-27 DO YOU WANT A NICE HOUsK FOIl WHAT you are now paying rent , and still not live la the suburbs. (1. .M. .NuttlniiOr , ChiniDCr of iom- ! meica. 179-KIO SMAI.I. IIOMKH. flUl'till MUNl'lI , NO INTER oit paying rent. Investigate. U. ( I. Wal lace , 312 Urowu lll'k. 660-28. FARM NKAR OMAHA. Wanled , to buy forcaih & acres. Wanted for cash , II.GOJ place. Wanted , to buy IJ.OOJ place ; no trade. Wanted , house for I2I > K , and clear loll. Wanted , rutlagp , will pay SO ) ront. , Wanted , 11.000 cheap , bcit eocnrlty. Wanted , house and cash for farm. Wanted , W acres near Utuona for cash. Wanled ll.btt ) plnco r ! . W. forcunh. "Wuntcrt , larger house for 12,000 plnce mar depot. Wnnlod , tM ncro farm near Omaha. a F.llarrl unii3 | N Y , l.lfn. 688 37 IJM.KOA.ST RESIDK.VCK. CORNUR , 131 FT. BQ. JJIIS.OOO ; handsome rrsldenco , W ft. lot. IIS.OUU ; line farm 13 miles out , IC.UCU. F. 1C. Hurling , Darker block. HJI-31 Il'llll HALK-OVKR l.ajU FIN'K IOWA AND Nh"- braska farms , many excellent bnrgnlns , land rapidly advancing. 110 OU lo IH5.0D per aero now. Cull for particulars iloggs & 1II1I , IIUj Fnrnam st.bW bW Fl 1'oit HALE-e-uooM ri\ Lo U near l tb , rasy terms , 12,000. Modern 2-story bouso on Davenport , near 2Cth , very cheap. llouio , full lot east front , Park are. , bargain at ( J. U. Wallace , 312 llrown lll'k. tli-5i ( HOICK 11AIIOAINH , COUTH OMAHA REALTY Jlldway lovoslment Co. , 717 N. Y.I.lfohldg. MM FIU _ AT A HACUIKICK , NINE-ROOM MODERN boil so on full corner lot , Walnut Hill , Iorl4ouu. Hutchlnson & Wead , li23 ! Farnam st. IXU 2d COSTUMES. _ _ . LADIK8' AND OKNT.S1 MAEQUKIlilH ! lum ( for int at Hi S. Utu. UI F13 RIM ART , trillary tlaKea. curril In IV 10 W day * or money refumlml. 1 ho trvatmrnt tboroughly rrad Icatos nil poison from Ihn blood and dors tint de tain yon from your business. You can bo treated at home or olllco. All correspondent1 * strlcllr prl vain. For futthcr Infnrrantlon rail on or address thit Continental llomedy Co. , room 6S , Darker Mock , Omaha. Nctx , ' LOST. T OST A A PAIR OF SPKOTAOLBA 1't.KASn JJIi-nTo at lloo coiintlnc rooia AM LOST. DARK RAY M.MIB. WK1HIIT A1IOUT AX ) pounds , from UU Parker strreton January - ary 1 > . OMAHA COLLKdEOFHltlRTHANI ) AND TYPU wrltlnit. A. C. Ong , A. M. , prln , llojd > now thcnti-r. MliCfl' " TAKEN UP. ITWTND , PAIR OF ( JI.OVKHi OWNKIl DAN 11AVH J them by calling at ice ! ulllf * and proving owner * rhlp. DEN SV ( > ORE The Best in the World. MAQEATH STATIONERY CO. 1304 Ftirunm St. , - Omnhn , Neb . "ImproYomnt th ) OMsr or tli3 AJa , " A Trial of the Smith Prciuici Will Cost You Nothing tint will doT.iunstr.tto nil vro claim.Vn v/ltt plnco th Smltli 1'romior bosldo nay writing innchlno on thu market ; It will spunk for It- sol f. Its durability can tin lunjnr to ( iuoitlono-1 Wrlto or cull on us for cntrUostue , terms , eta 1 Cor. 17lh anil Farnam Sis. , Omaha , Neb Tclrplinnn l'IH4. R. II. MAYI1KW. Omaha's FJowast Hotel COR. 12TH AND HOWARD HJ. 40 Rooms ntJ..M per d\y. (0 liooms at (3.0'J per ilay. CO Itroms with lluth utJ.OO per day. CO Rooms wllh llnth at > 3.0 lo 14.63 par diy. OPExNElL ) AUGUST lab AVotlern 111 llvrry iilaliott TliroilRliou * C. S. ERB. Prop. Wear the Proper Glasses. Onll on Max Moyrr & Hro. Co , and buya pitlrof Illrsclibore Dliiiiionil nnd N'on-CJlinnno- ublc , iho only clns us K mntccil lr > oorroot any Uufoct In tliocyus , cnrablo by tlio use of Max Meyer & Bro. Co. , Solo Agouts for Omaha. Nob. BUREAU. SUES & . CO.,3olloHor3 , -I' Boo Building , Omaha , Neb 4years Examiners U. S. I'nt , Ofllco. Advice free THEREflGTOimPEllTEB AND FULL LINK OF BUPI'UIM. Wyckoff , Seamans & Benedict PHONE 1573. J712 KAUNAM. RR1LWRY TIME CRRD - I UHICAII I IIURI.lNUroM .1c ij. Arrive Omaha Depot IQlli rtn-j Mmon ati. 4.16 p m Chicago Voillhiilo t.lfln m 9.60 a m Chicago Kxpresi U.JJii m l.MOa in Chicago Uxpress 4.V3 p m li.60 p in . . . .Chicago A loir * Local K.03 p m Leaves IIUitlilNil I\J < A JO. lllV.Sll. Umahn IUi3t ; It' * ! an I Mtio i Stt. 10.1J am Denver Kipross 4.U.1 p in 10.15 nni Dendwood Kxpruss 4 01 u ra 4 M p m Dunvur Kxpress 9.i : > n m t.M p in Iitmvur Limited I. . 'U u m IUO p III lluJtlniK I.ocit 6.31 p a B.I5 u in . . .l.lnooln Local ( BxcopHun ) . II.H ) a m Leaves If. ArfTvoi Omaha Depot 10th and Mnson St . Omaha 9.60 am . . . .Katu-u City Day Kxprcsa ILIM p m CM 5 p m K. C. Night Kiv. via U. P. Trans I ! 40 n S p m St. Louis lixpress (1.40 ( n ra ( iolng I CHICAUU. It. I. i PACIFII ) Krom liatt. | Union Depot IQth A Mnri oy His. HasL luTinVaii .Atlanllo Kxpruii 11.70 p ra 4.40 p m Vestibule Kipress 1 10 p m tiJ6 ! p m H 60 ii ra , J. It. 1. A I'AUU'10. j' West. 1 Union Depot 13th nnd Maroy His. I 1.20 p m l . Doiirur Limited . 4.3' ) p m S..VJ a m I Jf onsas ritjMBitrept Hnnday ) . 7.05p _ in " Omnha I Union Depot 10th a ndMarcySts.l Omaha " . ! > ' } n in llcntrlca Kipra p m f,60 am Uonver Kxprou 401 p ra 2.16 pin . . . .Ovorlan-1 Flyer .UI p m 4.16 p in naiStrnubKxexdun ( ) . p in ti.4Q p m I'Aoina K.xprnn 10.4) n ra d.'M ji m Denver Vast Mall. 4a ; ) in tllUCAliO , MD7. , v tFr. FATrii TAfrTvu Omalisl U. P , depot aud Marcy M . _ LOmah 7.0J p in I . Chicago Kiprast . IU..U a m 11.10 neil . Chicago Kxpreli . ll.i1) p m J.naves I rlluUX CITY .t PAUIKIO lArrlvot Omahal Depot , IQlh and MamyHts. Omaba 7.10 a ml Hloux City 1'assengor 110.20 p m I.M pin I iJt , 1'aiil Kxprms. . . | IO.W m Jx > ikve < I Bl6'lf.K CITY A'T'ACIFIlT. " ( Arrives' Omahal Dopol. I5lh and Webstar HH , | Omaba JS.45 p ml. . . . Ht. iViM ] TinRort.i..J U.JJ ajn U-nrus I Olf A7lA"S"rlt7 TxjUls. TArrtves" jUmnlia I IT.LT. jtfpol ) , 10th and Maroy fits. | Omaha 4/0 p nT | MtriTonls Cannon Hall . _ . . , ' p ta LoiTve j T\Tht. f'-i M. Vo " "JArrlTBi" Omaha I DopoMith ami V/obiler fits. | Omaua ) ami. Hluu nty A c09mini > daton | y-u > P " > 1.15 pmlHIauxCRy KxiirdBx. ( Hundsy ) U 11 p m 6.JpmI StTaul .mlted I ! .Ji k m Slip ml llancroft 1'asiengitr Il8x. Hund'yll 8.4 J p in iTeavesH F. K."iTia VAl7f.KV ( Arrives * " ( JniBhul Jopot 15th und Wubsler8ls. _ | Onmha "TLw am P.OO am 6.30 p m 6.15 ii w Ixnvfs ICHIOAOOi NORTmVKrU'KRNl ArrlvM Omaha ) U. P. dapol , lOlh and Maroy Hts. | Omaha 7.21) a nl ( Kx , gun'y ) Carroll Passtnuor xiO M m 10.40 a ra i blca o ICxpress. . . . . . HOi pm 4.0) p ni Vistlbulo Limited t.m a ra 7.00 u ra Kritnrn Flyer 2.IS pra G.W pin ( Kx. Hunnlbln. Pass.lKx. Mou. ) UM aiu Loaves f " HlHsoUltl PACIFIC. ArrlveT" Oiuahal Depot lilh and Webstar His. Lluprol , " ,7 BU Loula Kxpress T&l a at 10.0U pra M. ix > ul > Kipress 6.0i p m 6.1D p m | . . , , Ntlirnka Local. , 9.W asa