'r 0 THE OMAHA DAILY FRIDAY , JANUARY 27 , 1803. COMMERCIAL AS ! ) FINANCIAL Pork Touched the Highest Point of the Year Yesterday WHEAT STARTED EASY , BUT BECAME FIRM In Corn I'lrnt Trades Wrro n fraction Under the rinnl riRiiri"t of tlio 1'ro- irloun Si-union LnrnlTrmlo Took tlio .Short bldo. CiucAdo , III. , Jan. 20-Wlioat seemingly pegging at 78n and pork touching tlO.no , the high | Hlnt of the year , were the features today. Kvcrythlng on the lUt closed with gains over yesterday's resting prices , wheat , ! 4e ! corn , 'ic In the July future ; oats , He : pork , 17tc ! ; lard , 12'ic ' , and ribs , 7'ic. Wheat started easy , but bccunni ( Inn near the close. Cables came dull and a shade lower , nnd the Price Current icported the wheat well protected by snow. IIrails ) reel's report of ( ho available supply was the most bearish factor ; thu trade has been expecting U would show a good decrease , but Instead of that , It reported 1,750.1 KM ) bit. liicrcasn east of the Itockles , and 131,000 bn. decrease on the 1'aclllo coast and added that thn elevator sys tem had accumulated 4,000,000 bn. during thn last month , which had not bt-en Included In Hrad.street'H totals. This left thu trade In doubt as ( o whether this big amount should be added to the 1,700,000 bu. Increase or not , and made operators feel timid and bear ish , riirnuin seemed to lend the selling ac count. It was thought for Wright. Pardrldgo bought freely and seemed disposed to cover a portion nt lea l of Ids short line. During the lat.s hour the ciowd began to pay less attention to llradstieet'H leport and the advance In pro visions also helped wheat some. Thu opening was about Me lower than yesterday , advanced He , the mat ket touching the closing llgure of yesterday , then dec-lined 'n1 , or the lowest point reached yesterday , at which decline the market received considerable support In a Kpccnlallvo way , then Improved again ! ie , ruled steady and Hie closing was about ! c higher than yesterday. in corn lust tunics were a fraction umVr tno llnal llgnies of the prcvloiu session and upon modelalely free offerings sold otT He. thu iccdlpts overrunning the rsllmate.s and the weather being bright and favorable , to gether with the action of wheat , making the local trade take the short side. Prices after ward rallied from ' .c to 'je In sympat'iy with wheat and provision * and II unify closed with u slight gain. An effort was made In the oats crowd to foroopilcoslowcrbv ImycrVoll holdings. At ! . docllno Ihu demand Improxod and there weio many orders at 314' ' for May that brokers Wiu ! unable to fill , owing to the llnillud olfor- Ings. I'rlcos toactcd lie and the market closed quint. At the opening tlicto was every Indication of a heavy and lifeless market. In provisions. Ileforo the close of the day lard was run up to about tlm highest point of yesterday , when Jllniiin capitulated , and pork ' old 2'Je ever the high point on tbo honsatlonal advance threu weeks ago. Thu ho : ; lecolpts for the day were 28,000 and caused an easier feeling earlier. The estimate for 1'rlday was but 20,000 and Marled the buying. It was given out. by the wlsi ! ones In thu tilt that Armour has thu pork and 1'alrbanks HID budand that prices will go just whoru they wish to put thi-ni. I-'ortho day the buying nf pork was led by Dunham , whi look about 10,0011 bbls. r'lovd bought heavily as a sealpor. In bird tbo H at olys st opped soil In ; ; and the shorts hi ought the ] iiico up very ipilrUy. Klbs inovi-d up less than oilier products. Provisions closed Btrong at soinolhlng under bo.sl prices. Kstlnintod recelptN for tomorrow : Wheat , 230 cars ; corn , 300 cars ; oats , 102 cars ; hogs , 20,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : .AUTICI.ES. Wheat No 1 January. . 73 ! < 73H nu .Mny 78 78 7814 7814 July 77H 78)6 78 Corn No.2 January. . < : i 42H 42K Kc-bruary. (211. May Ont , No. 2 January. . IWj ' T' gUf rcbrunry. .10'd May We MI I'ork Junimry I860 19 If. 19 10 If ) 8.- > 1'J IS 1U W 19 1U 19 40 It ) 25 I.nnl January. . T1 M 11 4.1 , 11 SO 11 40 11 25 Mny 11 10 11 07H II ! W 11 ! - . Bliort nibs- January. . . 1000 10 1 997)4 ) 10 m 10 0) May 10 17W 10 ( XI in is 10 U7W ( lush /imitations were as follows : FLO tin Hull , unchanged ; winter patents , 13.00(14.00 ; \rliitertitrulKhlst3.40A3.GO : spi In ; ; intents , J3.75 < Tf,4.10 ; spring straights , $2.75- 0.00 ; bakers , $1.7U@2.20. WIIBAT No. 2 spring , 73 ? c ; No. 3 spring , ClftGlic ; No. 2 red , 73'4'c. Const No. a , 43)c ) ; No. 3 , cash , 40c ; Xo. 3 yollow-lHc. ( OATB-N'o. 2 , .tO'i ' < ft31c ; No. 2 white , 34'i O.3ncon track ; No. 3 white , f.o. b. . 31M@33.Uc. HVENo. . 2 , 50o. llAid.KV No. 2. file ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 4001e ; No. 4 , f. o. b. . 38 < 2S7e. KI.AX Sr.nu Nu. 1,81.14. I'MIIK Muss , per lib ] . , * 17.87',518.00 ; lard , for 1(1(1 ( ( Ibs. , t ) 1.4(1 ( ; short ribs sides ( loosol , * 10.HKai0.2l ( ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . t'J.tm. ® 10.00 ; short clour sides ( boxed ) , $10.60 \Viiiskv Distillers' Mulshed goods , per gal. , Slid Alls Unchanged ; cut loaf , tJ'555Jej Cumulated , 5'e ; standard "A.5- . Tins following were thu receipts and ship ments for today : X iv York .Marld'ti. Nnw YOIIK , .Ian. 20. 1'i.oiiit Itocolpts , 22- 042 pkgs. ; exports , ti.OSO bills. , 11'JMO sacks ; bales , I'J.Hdtl pKgs. ; market about steady with trade brands weak , moderately active. COUN MllAir ( Julot , steady HAIII.KV- Hull , llrm H.MII.IV : M ALT Inactive. WllKAT Hecelpts , 47,275 bn.j exports.2G.180 bu. ; sales , IHO.OOO Im. futures , 1GH.OOO bu. spot. Spot llrm , fairly active ; No. 2 red In Rtoro inid elivator , bOe ; alloat , tillo ; f. o. b. , HdQHPic ; No 1 northern , 84c ; No. 1 hard , 89c ; No.2 northern , H2e : No. a.sprlng , 78'e. ' } Options declined early ' . < ? iiC wlthtbn west and on the largo Increasu east of thu Itocklos , ad vanced UWie on cmerlng lioro anil at thu west , closing llrm at ' ® ! ( over yesterday with trading slow ; Kolniiary. 70379WC. clov- Ing at 70Hc : March , 7U' (0HO11e ( ; ; , eloslni ; at Hoots llrm , moderately active ; No. 2 , 63't © 03 lie In elevator ; 54l45i5414'c alloat ; yellow , 615tn41tC. Oullons were dull , opening at ' c decline , advanced M < 3c , as following thu west , and closing steady at \\\e \ over yester day ; 1'ebruary. u31531c ? , closing at Win ; March , uiU.ttfiS'.o , closing at 53'ic ; May , 631/c , closing at & 3Uc ; July , u3a53y , closlni ; Rt f > 3 ! c. OATSItecelpts , 102.000bii. ; o\portsC30 bu. ; eales,00.0001m. futures. 77tiOOIm. spot. Spots dull , easier. Options dull , llrmer ; May , 30 U-1U :10' : < C , closing at 3'J'to ; No. 2 spot , 42i42ic ! ; No. 2 t'hlcago , Il'J'iSi.aU'ic ' ; No. 3 , 37'Jc ; No. D white , 40c ; mixed westurn , aaSiQ.tOc ; white western. 30i 40c. HAY ( jiilni , steady. Hoi > s--Oulot , steady. Hllius Valrly active , steady ; wet salted New Orleans sulected,45 ami iiO Ins , , 4(4aOo ( ( ; Texas selected , 50 and 00 His. , 5a7c. I'lUivisKiNS-t'nt meats qulpl. llrm ; pickled belllesllie ! ; middles iiulut , llrmer ; short clear , 110.70. I.ard , iiulut , llrmer ; we.stt.-rn steam closed at * U.7O bid ; sales. 250 tierces at ! HvJ0 < "PHpii MiU-K , 250 tierces ; .lanuary , II 1.70 ! March , * 11.05. eloslng at * tl.(35 ( bill nnd $11.70 asked. I'ork. llrmer ; old mess , tlO.Ooa 10.25 ; now mess , J20.25 ; extra prime , nominal , CIIKKSU 1'ulr dunmml , ( Irm ; part skims. 4@ --firings , firmer ; western , fresh . . > - . - ; - - , Bl > 3Jc ; receipts. l.HO'J pkgs. KICK--Active , llrm. Mot.ASSKS Now Oileans , open kettle , good to choice , falrlv active , llrm. SuuAii-ltaw , dull , llrm ; rellned , fairly ac tive , steady. I'm liiONQuiet ; American , * 12.75ai0.60. tXil'lEliHull , steady : lake. 112.00. JKAl > - Qllletj domestle. J3.a7'i. TIN-Steady , ijulut : StraltM , W0.10. KIIIISIIH City .Markt-U. IVANSAR CITV , Mo. . Jan. 20. WIIK. T I'lriu. Kd.2 hard. f,5v. < ami'o ; No. 2 red. 70&71C. COUNI'iriu ; No. 2 mixed , : l4iia5c , OATS Steady ; No.2 mixed,20ni2Utc. ! ItVK Steady at 50o. Km is Active and llrm at 20c. Hun mi- Hull and unchanged ! creamery. 2Mc2Uc ; dairy. 174iJ < V. l'l.A.\sKKl > - ijteady ; 11.0'J < 31. ( ) : ) , HAY Very weak and lower ; timothy , 18.00 QO.OOi ) iralrle , ( li.OiKaT.MI. lliiAN Steady at 5b 50c. HKCKii'TS Wheat , 7H.OOO bti. ; corn , 10,000 bu i oatx , 1MO ( ) tm , SiiiriiKNTS-Wheat , 10-1,000 bu. ; corn , 3,000 bu.i oats , none. ColltonMurkrt. . NEW YOIIK , Jan. 20. Options opened steady fit & to 1U polutu down , cloiud barely ktuudjr nt 10 polnt up to 10 down. Sale * 21 760 lmir , Including Tanu.iry , lit in. Ktbnmry , $ HV.HHI March. tlG.ti > uli.ru. ; April. $ lt..35 10.40t May , tH > .2.V < tlii.36 ; July. $ ln.2ii ; September , flO/JO ; October , tlO.Hlt December , $10,10 ® 10.2O. .Spot Itlo Mriuiy , model a to demand ; No. 7. Omaha I'rodurn Market. The chanxn to zero weather had mime Influ ence on the local market as might have htun expecti'd. It kept every ono Indoorand helped toglvn the market , u deserted appearance. Moru than that It Htlmiilated thu egg market and started pHi-os on the tuuriidu us will bo noted from thu limitations given below. Asldo from the chatiKo In tbo egg mat ket there were mi \ cry Important features. APPI.IMStocks are held at J3.50S4.00 for fair to choice itock. IIANAKAS Qiiolud tit f2.OOiir.2iCO per bunch. HiiANst Choice navy , tj.UO&'J.'JA. HrTTKii The market was steady at IQQSifc : . i'iiriHY-l'erlo/,40c. : ( CAl.miitxiA CAiniAdi ; Owing to tbn high prices at which cabbugo Is being held In southern - orn C'allfoinla thu arrivals bero aru light. Drumhead , 2t < c. ( . 'KANIICIIIIIIM Hell and cherry. fS.50 ; bell nnd bugle , MO.OO ; Jersey Capo Cod. 80.50. Kdo.-i--Light rooelpts ami thn expoctatloli that the cold weather would still further re duce the arrivals bad the natural elToct of causing a ( Inner feeling In the market. 'I lie market nus without doubt higher but Jit-a how much higher It would bo dllllcult to say as limit every dealer had u market of his own and they did not tigroo very well. In the morning ( jiilto a number of cases sold at ' .Mlo , the sellers actIng - Ing on thu supposition thai thu cold snap would nut last lung .ind that eggs would comu piling In again In a day or two. These parties thought that It would : iot bu wise lo iiioto | above 20u- for fuar Hut Ihoi-ountry would ship In n lot of eggs mid th'Milio disappointed In I heir returns. Others advanced Ihelr prices It ! and still ethers asked frum 2' . ' ! : to 2Uo but ad- mltted that buyers did not scorn disposed to take them at ihoso pilecs very freely. Stlli others woruevoti moro bullish ami s.ild that they wore not trying to s.-u oven ut the high est iirli-OM named as they hulloicd that the market would iru oven higher. The fart Is that the market Is dependent utmost , entirely upon the weather. The question Js whether the cold wave will eontinuu Inn , ; uiumgli to shut oir supplies from th" country. Own : Small rabblt.-r. 75ci.lauics.tl.SO. II.v Thu market did not show any change , the range continuing at fl3.001JO.5ll. HIIIIM-NU. t salted-Die ; No. ' . ! . 3)c ) ; flint Go. Iloxr.v-Clmlcc to fancy white clover. Id © 2do ; fair to good , Hilr.lHc. SI uaiu ( JitAi'iNsstuady , ? f.50Jo.OO. ) Xrrs Large hlukory , M.U5 ; black wtilnuts , Jl .Oil1,25. I.IIMIIN.S M.OOiJi.50. OMONS Homo grown. $1.00 per bu hcl ; Spanish , perr-rato , tl.OO'ir.2.00. OltA.Nui.s The market Is well supplied wllh Morlda oranges. Ilrlghts , $2.75SJ3.0U ; rut-sets , fJ.OOU2.7fj. ( Mvrniis Italtlmoro Is still blocked with lco- and thesliii'illon Is unclianged. Quotations bore tire 2Oiil2o per can. I'OL'iriivChol.e chickens bring about 8c , but the iroiiblu just at present Is that thuru are too many largo and coarse fowls arriving , which are too largo to suit the trade. A good many of tlio largo fowls arriving go at 7c , al though fat aid well dioss-'d. Koosters soil at sllll lower iirlcos. Turkeys , 12e ; geese and ducks , HfitOo. Uve poultry Is arriving In qulto largu numbers for this season , but with the cold weather they do not bull to as good ml- vantagu as the dressed. I'OTATOKS Only small lots moving from store. Western Nebraska stock Is limited at 85c ; Utah and Colorado , OUoGH.lJU ; cholco native. 75H80c. SWIIT : : I'OTAIOKS There aru a few In the market which are selling at 44.50. YiiAir-Cholcu veal calves , b0c ; largo and thin , 3tu.Cc. I'llODL'CC POI.NTmtS. The Now Orleans I'lcayuno gives the follow ing table of banana Imports Into the United States and Canada for each of tlio last two years. The figures show that tlio city near thu mouth of thu Mississippi loads all the rest. New Orleans 4 , < 3lbl : 'l,7i.Y3ll ; 747,510 vow York ; . . . . : i,7l5 , < ; v : > 3U .7KS H7.857 1'ldlaitclpliU lHW.iiS : lor.i.u : Tir.i.if.n lloston I,8ID,51'J 1,710.0J5 130,514 llaltltuorn te5,0)7 ! iXr.i.as 15,41)9 MmiMIKlll 19U.UUO 7.I.SU'J 110.791 Mobile IMJ.'IJU ' 130,000 SU.OOO Montreal 30,019 30019 ( iulvcston 3,000 PJ.5I5 Tnmuti 43,000 Total 12.8.'i.V I9 lO.'Sn..Mn 2,007,191 Docromo Uiilveston , 8J.515 ; Tnmpn , 43.03J. A bill has been Introdncod Into tlio Missouri legislature prohibit Ing the sale or shipment of qual ! or prulrlo chickens from any county In HID state for a period of llvo years. The bill does not prohibit the killing of qnall from October 1 to January 1 , or pralrlo chicken from August 15 to January l.lmt prohibits thu shipment from the county In which they are killed to any point In or out of the state. Thu bill has been Introduced at the request of numuroiis farmers who claim that In season thuso birds are trapped and slaughtered by the thousands and shipped lo St. l.otils to sup ply the market , the consequence being that tbo qnall and chickens are slowly but surely being exterminated , Thu object of Hm bill Is to prevent the wholesale slaughter of these birds , bill does not prohibit thu killing of them In season for family usu. As the farmers of thostatu are very desirous that this bill should become u law , and ns no party or parties have any object to gain by lighting such a measure , It will very likely pass thu honso and bo concurred In by thu senate. If ( ho bill does become n law It means that St. Louis Is tobocutolTontlroIy from the game supply from Missouri for a period of llvo years. As southwest Missouri furnishes St. Louis with threu-fourths of the game that Is disposed of dull } ' , If the bill does become a law thu fact will hu known to tlioso who are accustomed to feasting on these much sought for birds by the oxtravagaut prices asked. A similar law In Illinois has cut olT supplies from that source und It looks as If St. Louts would become u good point for shipments from Omaha. James S. Watson , secretary of 1'ortor Tires , company. Is quoted by tbu Minneapolis Pro duce llnlletln as saying of the orangu crop In I'lorlda : "Tint crop Is about halt destroyed ; that Is. halt the fruit luff on tbo trees has been frozen. Kortunately , a largu proportion had been gathered , mid It Is estimated that then-were not moro than 1,200,000 bo.es on thu trees when Iho frost came , consequently not moro than 000,000 weru destroyed.1' I'rom other sources It was learned that the greater part of the Indiana peach crop had bi-cn de stroyed , as the thermometer registered above 20O below y.oro In the southern portion of the statu buvural times during thu ruccnt cold spcli. IIUSI.NKSS IIUIFH. : : Fred Muchow has disposed of his saloon at Kearney. Davis .V Johnson , druggists , at Wollflcut have dissolved , .1. l.eii/.eu .t Him have sold out their grain business at Howuo.se. K. H. Hatty has been succeeded by May it Martin In Hie Implement business at Alma. v A. L. Itoper , In the implement business at Helium has been succeeded by A. L. and K. E. Hopur. St. l.nnl-i .MurlioU. ST. Lou IB , Mo. , Jan. 20. l-Yotm Unchanged. WIIBAT At Udt'-c above yustorday ; cash , GO'.o ; May , O4'o ! July , O5'jc. CHUN Cash lower , :18V : : options Uc above yesterday ; Mny,43'o ; July , -i le. ! OATS-Cash nominal ; May better , 34Kc. HYK Lower ; 55c askod. liAiii.r.vOulut ' ; smallsalos ; Minnesota , 53c. llUTTiii--l'nchanged : ; creamery , 2531c ; dairy , 18i28o. ( Kous-HIghor , 34c. I'liovisio.NS I'ork , hotter ; old jobbing at $18.00 ; lard , higher , I11.3O. ItKCEll'TS 1'hmr , 5,000 bbls ; wheat , 50,000 bu. : corn , 200,000 bu. ; oats , 38,000 bu. ; rye , 3,000 bu. ; barloy. 0.000 bu. SlIll'MKNTB Kfour , 5.000 bbls. ; wheat , 17- 000 Im. : corn , 77.000 bu. ; oats , 15,000 bu. ; ry , 2,000.1)11. ; barley , 10.1)00. ) Oil Murliut. New YOIIK , Jan. 20.-l'ETlioi.EO.M Certifi cates were still entirely neglected at tbu Stock oxchance , but 1,000 bbls. changed bunds on thu Consolidated board at 53c. No feature Is to bu noted In thu market and thu clbso was steady at tbo figures mentioned. TAI.I.OW I'alr demand , stronger ; city , ( $2.00 for pkgs.l , 7c bid. COTTON SKUiiOuActlvo ami firmer ; crude , 40f c07o. ItosiN Hull but firm. TuiiPUNTiNK-yulut and steady. Cotton Market. NKW Oiu.KANS. La. , Jan. 20. Steady ; middling. O'c ; low middling , H\c ; good ordinary , 8Jc ; gross receipts , 42,588 bales ; shipments lo C.i-ent llrltalu , 0.8H5 bales ; bales , 7,750 bales : stock , 354,385 bales. NEW OIII.KA.SS. La. . Jan. 20. l-'iitnressteady ; sales , Ol.OOO hales ; January , 10.22 bid ; Febru ary. $0.10AU.20 ; March , iO.27yi50.28 ; April. * 0.33ff.0.34 : May , $0.30a0.40 ; Juno , $0.45 ® 0.40 ; July , $0.5 ( 0.51. I.U rpool Markets. Livr.iu-ooi , Jan. 20.-WIIIIAT Steady ; do main ! poor ; holders otTur moderatoly. COIIN Steady ; demand fair ; mixed western , 4s 7d per cental for old. ' UACO.N Long and short cleur , 50 fts , 51s Cd per cwt. LAUD I'l line western , 50s Od per cwt. TAI.I.OW 1'lno American , 32s per cwt. Mlhvaukt'it ( ir.ilu .Market. Mll.WAfKCi : , WIs. . Jan. 20. WIIBAT Steady ; May , 71V : No2 spring , CGc. CHUN Hull ; No. 3,4le. OATS-Qulut ; No. 2 whtto. 34 > | Ci No. 3 white. TiAiii.KV Ensv ; No. 2 , 04c ; sample , 40aoic. / UYE-yulet ; No. l.OOo. Nc York Dry ( iiiods .tlurkrt. NKW YOIIK , Jan. 20. There was not much change In the dry goods market. Homo of thu spring specialties worn In Increasing demand. Siaplii cottons were In demand for Illlln , ' In wants with good Inquiry as tofuturo business. 1'rlcus generullv contliiuo llrm. l.iiiulini riiniiH'UI Ki'tlmr. ( CapurlgMttHXtJ l > u Jivn',1 Gunlnn Itennttt. } LosuoN.Jaii. 20-lNew York Herald Cable Special to Tut : UEC. ] liuslnoss for the new account lifts been rather quiet In HIP Hioek ex- rhnitRC , lmt the tiMgivss of the settlement , continued to engage iiU iilloii. Consols Im proved from I 1-ii tn l'f per cent. Colonial corporation tock has also shown coiiHlderable strength. Foreign governtm-nt nccurltle.s cloicd fairly flrtn In reiponso to belter advices from continental Imiirses. An Im provement Is established In rgyptlaii" , ( Ireek , Italian , Portuguese. Spanish , Htisslnit four * and most of the Turkish Issues. Argentine and ditto funded have Improved ' per com , not withstanding Hie premium on gold ad vancing to 200 percent. Home rallxvnys , with the exception of the Scotch lines , which were dull , closed tolerably llrm. Hrlgliton deferred has been more freely bid for ami Inn risen 'l pfroont. Amorlcnnt huvoshnwn considerable depression owing to a number of rcnllratlnns , Just at theeUmi tbo g'-neral tone Improved , but/ without any recovery In prices , so that nearly u general decline Is established , Includ ing 1 per cent In Chicago & Mil waukee , Norfolk k western preference. Northern Paclllc preference nnd AtcliNoti , and U to 'i percent in other" . Ohio & Mississippi was exceptionally higher. Canadians were weak In sympathy. Canadian I'aclllc lias given way > percent , and ( Irani ! Trunk Issues [ I to M percent. Mexlcaiiordlnaiy preference leiiVn oil' iU per cent higher. The directors of the Hank ut Kngland icduccd the. minimum rate of Interest to 2'i per cent. Money was In superabundant supply. Short loans were ob tained at ! i per cent. Thu discount market wasqulet , two and three months bills weru quoted at I'.f lo 1 0-10 per cent. The princi pal discount houses reduced their allowance for deposits to K percental call , 1 per cunt not leu. _ STOCKS AVI ) IIONDS. Industrials Did .Most of thu iu lnes In SccurlttcM. Nr.w 'Yuan , Jan. 20. Considerably over one-half of the whole business In stocks today was In ( ho two Industrials Sugar and His- ( liters. Thu shares actually made thu ( one of the market from Ihn opening lo the close , showing that tin1 speculative Interests have been turticd principally lo the Industrial stocks. There were comparatively largo transactions In Heading , but In nothing else that could be called real activity. The pros pect of a largo outgo of gold on Saturday seems lo havu been without Inlluenco upon the course of prices , although the estimates of the amount now reach smnethlng over * 1,000,000. There was very little outside business done , the dealings Irjfng cnnllned principally to the trading element and thu Insiders In thu differ ent autlvu specialties. Itumors were thick In the early morning of a disagreement between the principal manipu lators of sugar refineries , and although buying orders were plentiful , the selling was ex tremely urgent , and from 12 to 12:1)0 : a great deal of evlu ment occurred. There was con siderable selling of Distillers for Washington account and the drive at thu stock was almost equally as vicious as that against Sugar , and from -18 It. went to 40 , the lowest iirico icached oil thedecllii" . Toward noon It hecamu evident that thu liquidation In thesu stocks was ab.nit over. Then followed com parative dullness , with steady appreciating prices , followed by un urgent demand In both and .a renewal of thu excitement which carried Sugar from 125 to I'J'i'i and Distillers from 40 to 40' ; . Thp lat ter afterward retired ? per cent closing with a loss of ' per cent , hut Sugar closest at 125 , with a gain of 14. The other Industrial stocks followed the lead of the tuo principal stocks , but without their marked llucluatlons. Manhattan was again a feature at the opening , then stories of a disagreement umungtne hoard of directors over the proposed Nuw \ ork & Northern deal , leading to con tinual liquidation In that stock and with the help of Mime stop orders , It was driven down from 101 to IBM. It shared In the general rally , however , later In the day and rose 0 per cent from Its lowe-tt price , closing at Its best llgurus , with a gain of Jt per cent for the day. The Post says : Today the Industrials woru used for the llr.st stocks likely to h Inlluenced by the attacks by the hears who believe In a combine and who are looking for weak spots. Naturally thu general list yielded a little In sympathy , but a good undertone was observed which permitted general declines of but small fractions. There appeared no signs yet that the conlldencu In the settlement of our cur rency problems hi this or In the succeeding administration which led to the activity of the past week has been much shaken. The following are the closing quotations of the leading stocks on the New York Stock ux- changu today : The total sales of stocks today were 485.133 shares , Including : Atchlson , ( i/JOO ; Hurllng- ton , 0,000 ; Chicago Gas , 1H.1200 ; Consolidated , ( Jas , 4,000 ; Delaware it Hudson , 7,300 : Dis tilling , 811,400 ! Erie , 0,300 ; l.oulsvlllu & Nash ville. 4,200 ; Manhattan , 10,800 ; National Lead , 5,200 ; Now Kngland. 104,000 ; Heading , 45.000 ; Ulchmond Terminal , 5,100 ; Itock Island , 4,000 ; St I'aul. 12,000 ; .Sugar , 5,000 ; Union I'aclllc. 12.000 ; Western Union. 8,000. Nt'iv York -Money Market. Niw Vonic , Jan. 20. MOXBV ON CAM. Easy at. I'iffi2 JII-K cent ; last loan , 2 per cent ; closed offered at 2 percent. I'uiMK MKIICANTII.B I'.ii'Kii ll ( flO percent. f STI : I.INU KXCIIANUK Qnlot but steady with actual business at $4.60 for sixty day bank er * ' hills and $1.87 for demand. UOVKKNMRST Ito.Mis Hull and firm. Htato bonds neglected. The closing limitations on bonds : per cent rxclmiiKO on Now York , premium. _ _ _ NBW Uiti.KANO , lift ' Jan. 20.-Clenrlni ; , IV OI'J.UI4. ) " 'j ITY , Mo. . , Jan. 20.-Cloarln , 12- NKW YOIIK , , Tnn. ' fcff. t'lonrlng't , 1135,893- 330 ! balance * . ! O.R70.J.MH. ItAt.TtMonn , Mil.mi , sn , Clcnrlnito , $2,186- I31i balancei , UilH.HiVT. HateU pt'rcent , Plllt.AiiKt.vilf A , I'M.dnn.'jn. ricarlnKsM.V 4ss.U03j tialancp' * , jllnT'J.aaa. Money. 4ii per cunt. j . ; ' MIMI'III. : , Tenn.itiin. an. rienrlnjr , * lf > l- OIKt ! balain-e-i , } llis4.1 ; < ) . New York uxcliiiiigu selllns alll.no. CiNt'is.v.m , ( ) . . Jan. 20. Money , cay nt .0 per cent ) New- York i'\chamc , iar. ) ItKllt.t.N , Jan. 'JO , The statement of the Im perial Hank n ( Cermany show ; , an Increase In speck' or m , 112,000 mark' * . llowix. Mass. . Jan. 'JO.-dlearliiKs , $10,125- 04'J ; balances , fi.HtJiVJUI. Money , a pur cent. KxchaiiKo on Now York , par to lee discount. NKW YoitK , Jan. 20. ( special Telctfi-am to TUB ItEl' . ] - Ku'lmnjju xvas iuoteil | as follows today : ( 'htcnRo , Ufa1 discount ; Itostou. par to lOc discount ; SI. I.ouls , 40JOc ( ! premium. ClIHMno. 111. , Jan. 20. Clenrlnei , $15,740.- 744. New York. exchamse sold at l3c premium. Sterling exelnitiKo , stundyt sixty day bills , II.HO'i ! for demand , $ J.H8. Money easy at u percent. 1'Allls , Jan. 26. The weekly statement of the Hank of Prance shows u decrease of 44- Nir : > .IKH ) fran , -s ttold. and an Increase of 2,27f > . - 000 francs silver. Tlireo tier cent rentes Uif , H''c for the account. LONDON , Jan. 'JO. Hnlllon In the Hank of Kn land Increased .II41H.OOO durliii : the past week. The iiroporllon of the Hank of Knu- land's reserve to liability , which last week was 43.8'J per cent , Is now 47.00. MVI ; STDCIC i On ttlcT null ! Wci : Ir , Dull anil I.owc-r Hogs ( 'lost' Steady mid Stroiif ; . OMAHA , Jan. -Ueeelpts for the past four days , compared with the llrst four days of last week , show a decrease of 3,000 cattle and l.noohogi and an Increase of about 1,000 sheep. The run of cattle was rather smaller than anticipated and the general quality of the of ferings was helow the average. Huslness was slow throughout and on all hut tlio really dii- slnible offerings prices shaded lower. As usual on Thursday , there was no slilpplm : or speculative demand , so that local buyers were In no hurry to III ! their orders , even at easier pi-Ices. There was nothing strictly llrst class here , but fair to very good l.ioil to l.ilOO-lb. steers sold ut from $3.00 to tf4.05. with fair to poor s tu IV at from M.70 down to fi.35. : There was no life or snan to tlio trade and business was slow and unsatisfactory throughout. Cows sold t prices steady to a dime lower than Wednesday. The decline was on the fair to good si tiff , which sold around J'J.30 and 8'J.HOv b I Io good I o choice cows and heifers at ! f-J.'JO to3.fiO. and canning grades at from il.7o to $ 'J. 25 shoncd little or no change. 'J'lus movement was very sluggish. Kough stock .seemed to sell fully as well as at any time lately , poor to prlmo Imlls , o\en ami stags selling at from jfl.fiil to $3.1)0. ) There was a ready wale for good to choice veal calves at from $3.00 toJO.OO. Slockers and feeders sold readily at steady tosttong prices , both yard speculators ami outsiders inlying freely. The demand Is very active , and It Is very common stulV that has to sell at under J3.00 , while some uholco polled Angus western yearlings sold quickly today at J4.UO. Hepre&entallvu .sales : imissin : : IIEKC. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. V ! . 1050 $325 10 . HUM 1300 J . 075 3 35 19 . 1100 3 'JO 1 . 87O 335 7 . 1130 800 8 . 707 3 30 84 . 1000 4 OO 1 . 10'JO 3 00 . 1 . 1140 4 10 i . 1100 3 no is. . . . iaot 4 ao 1 . 030 300"7 . llhO 400 1 . 000 300 ' 12 . 12.11 405 4 . 1010 300 10 . 1334 400 0 . H30 3"70 ' 4 . 1377 4 80 17 . 880 3 70 SIlll'l'lNd AND KXI'OIIT. 15 . 000 30- ) , . ' 15 . 1001 405 STKI.US ) AND STACJS. 14 . 1031 4 25 COWS. 3 . 700 1 8.1 ! i 15 . 1013 245 1 . 7O ! ) 200. " 0 . 1111 240 a . 010 200 2 . 1000 240 1 ! . OH ) 200 14 . 1030 200 14 . 700 200 , 5 . 1000 200 1 . 72O 20x' ( ) 2 . 070 200 2 . 830 200 , 1 . 080 2 OO 4 . 000 200 2 . 1030 200 0 . 700 S 10- 1 . 1030 200 14 . 714 210'17 . 827 200 0 . 841 210 20 . 774 200 14 . 872210 - . 22 . 030 200 0 . 1014 220'lv 4 ; . OHO 200 21 . S3H 220" ' 10 . 800 200 2 . 010 220 17 . 702 200 20 . 801 220 .13 . 008 200 1 . 1000 220 18 . 008 200 10 . 824 220 4 . 1070 200 4 . 077 225 24 . 802 200 0 . . ' 140. 22.5 1 . 038 200 3 . 800 220 18 . 005 200 1 . 040 225 7 . ! )72 ) 200 2. . . . . . .1080 225 1 . 1200 270 1 . 820 225 23 . 1130 275 1 . 000 225 11 . 834 275 1 . 840 230 1 . 1000 275 5 . 008 230 9 . 033 280 1 . 880 230 10 . 1084 280 7 . 1002 230 10 . 074 280 14 . 1000 230 22 . 1040 280 3 . 007 235 2 . 1033 285 25 . 804 235 0 . 1100 200 10 . 1001 230 0 . 1030 200 25 . 803 235 1 . 1100 200 22 . 800 230 10 . 888 200 20 . 770 240 20 . 871 200 1 . 1100 240 1 . 1100 800 0 . 884 240 1 . 010 300 13 . 840 240 0 . 1000 300 0 . 1054 240 10 . 1171 305 4 . 1080 240 1 . 1300 310 20 . 073 240 47 . 837 310 23 . 018 240 00 . 1000 310 28 . 828 240 0 . 1880 320 27 . 870 240 0 . 030 340 20 . 803 240 1 . 1140 300 0 . 030 2 40 inmits. : : 4 . 380 250 10 . 020 320 4 . 330 200 13070 340 1 . 400 200 8 . 1417 405 40 . 002 2 80 CAIvr. . . 0 . 312 2 00 1 . 80 4 70 1 . 380 800 1 . 100 000 3 . 280 8 00 7 . 107 0 25 1 . 410 3 00 1 . 140 0 25 1 . 00 4 00 1 . 100 0 00 2 . 100 4 00 1IUI.I.S. 1 . 1220 100 1 . 1320 200 4 . 1270 220 1 . 1-J'JO 200 1 . 000 220 2 . 1030 270 1 . 1300 225 1 . 1350 275 1 . 12r < 0 225 4 . 030 270 1 . 1200 225 1 . 1010 270 1 . 110O 220 1 . 1300 275 3 . 1233 280 1 . 1440 280 2 . 1240 235 1 . 1000 280 2 . 1485 235 1 . 1420 800 1 . 1370 230 1 . 1220 300 1 . 1070 240 1 . 1000 300 4 . 1470 240 1 . 1400 300 1 . 1030 240 3 . 1580 800 1 . 820 250 2 . 1470 820 1 . 1100 200 * 1 . 1700 320 1 . H70 200 7 . 1814 330 1 . 1000 200 1 . 1870 800 a . 850 200 1 . 1700 3 CO a . 1430 200 1 . 1000 370 1 . 1400 200 2 . 1030 380 1 . 1300 2 00 _ OXKN. 7 . 1430 275 1 . 2020 390 STAGS. . 1 . 1300 275 ' STOCK 1:113 AND FEr.nniis. 1 . 020 1 75 1 . 020 3 10 1 . 000 220 I 0 . 704 310 1 . 000 225 18 . 084 325 2 . 430 230 - 7 . 080 320 ' 0 . 800 2 30t 1 . 810 330 3 . 333 241) ) 0 . 818 340 8 . 300 240 " 10 . 704 340 41 . . . . 701 2 OO * s 20 . 805 340 1 . 070 275 8 . 858 300 1 . 880 2707 ; 10 . 800 300 1 . U40 280 < A 2 . 1020 300 20 . 418 285 ( > . 803 300 a . 1010 300 - a . ooo 300 0 . 003 3 01) . ' 14 . 1020 300 1 . 010 3tli" ) 3 . 1080 305 0 . 400 300 20 . 1000 370 1 . 000 310. . , , 01 . 1107 370 1 . 700 3 10 , 11 . 057 880 MII.KKIt * AND SI'ni.NOK.HS. 1 cow and calf . 12500 1 springer . ' . . ! ' . 2000 COI-OllAtJO CATTI.U. No. Av. Pr. . . . No. Av. 1'r. 82 cows. . . 701 $20 < } , ? 17fdra. . 020 $400 ' Tli.X.\iCATTI.K. 20strs. . 1008 2 Ottl72 sirs' . 034 200 lines The market opened active and llrmer on light receipts ami cncmiruglng advices from Chicago , hut with no shipping or Kpecu- latlvo demand to sustain values prices noon weakened and ruled weak to a nickel lower than WcdiiLsday. As the supply , however. failed to come up to dealers' expectations and both hogs and provisions ntrengtlumuil In Chicago - cage local laiyers had to bus Ho to lilt thclror- der.s , and the marU t cloieil up veryMronR. fJood to choice butcher weight , and heivy hogs sold ut from * 7.&n up to * 7 .0 j , w hllo fair to good light and \edhogssnhl at from 17.3'J't ' un toJ7.00. The r.ingo was exactly Ilia KIIIIIO Hi on Wednesday , and as on Wednesday the bulk of tlio hogs Mild at * 7.0 o and * 7.r > j lu against $7.30 to t7.40 one week ago. Hepro- sentntlve Miles. No Av Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 74 ' i 811 * ' 7 a-'li 1110. . . 210 - $7 60 80""l74 120 7 30 88 , .20 1 4O 7 50 I " iA- > ' 740 02 .2.Ui 100 750 lfil"IO ) " ' ' " 80 7 42'i (17. ( . .202 200 700 04 " 'Ml 40 740 60. .271 200 7624 05 " ' 0"- 745 07. . .230 - . 7 S2 i B4 " " " " ( ) _ 7 47'i 74. . .223 fell 7 5ai ! 07 "To - 747JJ 01. . . .270 bO 7 W' 0SOf - - 7 47'k ' H3 TOJ 40 7 65 Oh 230 80 7 47' OH v'.TJ 40 7 00 HO 1HI 40 7 47' | 73 204 HO 7 00 7. .240 7 00 OH . 244 10(1 7 05 07..1HO 40 70(1 ( 50..284 120 700 72.27 40 700 72 . . .260 120 705 73.-J20 40 700 72..270 12SO 766 00. . ai)0 ) 280 700 14..270 40 765 OH..200 100 706 00..248 40 760 07..208 80 756 60..250 80 760 (10..2.10. ( 120 760 01..283 320 760 51..215 80 760 72..252 - 760 07..254 240 760 77..238 760 84..222 120 750 00. . . 272 7 67'i 00..218 700 07..202 7 00 70..202 100 7 00 73..200 320 7 00 05..260 120 760 07..207 120 700 72..247 100 700 OO . .280 702" 77..242 200 700 62..351 100 7 02'i ' 100..204 7 CO 64..374 7 05 00 . 240 40 7 50 Sinti : : Itecolpts consisted of two double- decks of common Colorado fed lambs. They averaged 00 pounds and s-old readily tor $4.00. There Is no apparent change In the situation. Hood stuff In good demand and strong. 1'alr to good natives , $3.70315.00) ) fair to good westerns , $3.60tt5.00 ; common and stock sheep , $2.20513.70s good to choice 40 to 100-Ili. lambs , Jt.OOitO.OO. Itoprcsontatlvo sales : No. Av. Pr. 202 Colorado fed lambs 00 ft 00 207 Colorado fed lambs 00 400 Kerr'IpU iiml Disposition of Stork , oniclal receipts and disposition of Mock as shown by the book * of the I'tilonStock YimU company for the twenty-four hours , ondlng at 5 o'clock p. in , January 20 , 1803 : llt-CKIPT ! " . niarosmo.v. ( 'lileilgo Ilie Stoeli Market. Clll'A0. ( III. , Jan. 2G.-lSpeclal Telegram to I in ; llii-There ; : | was a quiet and generally weak cattle market. The supply waslanre. amounting tonhoul 22,000 head , Including the number left over from yesterday , ami buyers Insisted upon concessions. Theio was no Im portant decline In any grade , but there was more or less shading of prices all around. Sales were largely at from J3.70 to $0.10 for steers and at from $2.10 to i3.20 for cows and bulls. The extreme range was fiom 91.25 to $ ii.oo. A good manv cattle were In sellers' hands at the close. Itecelpts , 17,000 head. 1'rlces for hogs were about the same as at the close c f business yesterday. The feeling was linn so farasgoodgradcs were concerned , but poor , light and common light mixed weie not icadlly moved at that ( lav's quotations. Sales were at fioin J7.10to t < .00 for poor to prlmo lots averaging tinder 200 His. , and at from $7.40 to 7.05 for very common toe\tra medium and heavy. There was lilt le business at better than * 7.85 , and only a limited amount below J7.40. Itecelpts , 2S.OOO head. The sheep market was Mat , as was to be ex pected , In view of the continued enormous receipts. An average for four consecutive days of nearly 12,001) ) Is altogether too big a dose even for the Chicago market. Prices dropped down another lOctolOc , or tofiom W.OO to $0.30 for poor to choice. The lamb market also was weaker. It was quoted olT to from $4.00 to $0.10 for poor to prime qualities. The pens were full of unsold sheep at the close of business , ami the outlook for the re mainder of the week Is discouraging. Ko- celiits , 11,000. The Kvenlng Journal icports : CATTI.IJ-Receipts. 18,000 head ; .shipments , 4,000 ; market slow , steady on prime steers others lower : choice to prlmo steers , $0.00 CtO.OO ; others. $0.4O'i > j.40 ; feeders$3.1024.20 ; stackers. $3.2O5.3.-O ! ! ; cows , $3.OKi(3.00. ( lloos-Ueeclpts. 2S.OOO head ; shipments. 8,000 ; market falrlv active , steady ; mixed and packers , $7.-ldT&7.70 ; pi-lino heavy and butchers' weights , i7.70W , . ! 10 ; prime light. $7.0W-7.00 ( ; other lights , * 7.1Vit7.30. hJimi'-Receipts : , o.OOO head ; shipments , 000 ; market dull , 20fi.20c lower ; good western sheep , tO.OOQO.10 ; lambs , 3.701JO.OO. N > \v York l.lvo Stock .Market. Nr.w YOIIK , Jan. 20. IIIIVKS : : Itecelpts 804 head , all for exporters and slaugh.erers ; no trade ; feeling linn ; dressed beef steady at BSJ'J'Je ' per Ib. Shipments today , 401 beeves and 20 sheep. OAI.VCS Itecelpts , 400 head ; market steady ; veals , $7.00(30.00 ( per 100 Ibs. ; western calves , Hmini' AMI fM.Miis Itecelpts , 4,107 head ; market dull , but steady ; sheep , J4.00&0.00 per 100 Ibs. ; iambs , J0.12'iffiO.OO. lions Receipts , 4,124 head , consigned di rect ; nominally steady at $7.008.1O pur 100 Ibs. Kansu * City l.lve Stock Mnrliot. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Jan. 20. CATTLE-Re ceipts , 3,400 head ; shipments , 2.OOO hcad ; good strong ; others weak ; feeders , dull , weak , lOc lower ; shipping steers , $3.80(20.30 ( ; Mockers and feeders , $2.80144.20. lions Receipts,0,300 headshipments , 1,000 head ; market steady , Oc higher ; all grades $ ; bulk , S7.307.40. Snnr.l'- Receipts , 700 head : shipments , 1,200 head ; market dull and weak. St. r.onU I.lvit Stock Murkct. ST. Louis , Mo. , Jan. 20. OATTMJ Receipts , 1,800 ; shipments , 1,000 ; market ( inlet ; natives , $3.000.00j fed Texas steers , $3.OOJf.4.00. Hods Receipts , 0,300 ; s'hlpments.l.COO ; mar ket lOc lower ; heavy. $7.4037,00 ; packing , $7.10fi)7.CO ) ; light , $7.2O7.00. ClSllBKl' Receipts , 000 ; shipments , 200 ; market steady : natives , $3.0031.00 ; choice muttons. $4.700.20. A .V.YO VXtiKM KSTS. "Gloriana , " a three-act comedy farce , by James Mortimer , and acted by onoof Charles Frohman's selected companies of artists , will bo the attraction at Bo.yd's theater for three nights , commencing Sunday evening noxt. The play is founded upon the French "Lo True d'Arthur , " and Is full of absurd situations growing out of almost endless complications. There is a languishing widow , and with her a Jealous lover , and it follows naturally that there should bo ample oppor tunity for the green-eyed monster to feed himself. The confusion is precipitated by the widow's former admirer , ivj\v on tlio brink of matrimony with another , masquer ading as his valet , the valet assuming the role of master , and is further confounded by a similar exchange of places on the p.irt of the widow and her maid. The company is made "p of good material and the perform ance is one that can bo looked back upon with pleasure. The sale of seats will open nt 0 o'clock .Saturday morning. "Tho Fairies' Well , " written by Con T. Murphy , is one of the strongest of Irish plays now before the public. It tells a re markably bright and refreshing story of Irish life , dealing with the higher elements of peasantry and aristocracy of Hie Kmerald Islo. It Is full of interest , fresh and inspir ing , with strong scones and plenty of novel and original episodes. The story is of n young girl reared in luxury , whoso father , owing to his indulgence in drink , is forced to mortgage his estate , which Iris been In the family for generations. Ho reforms and goes to America to seek his fortune In the gold mines , but Just as bis dream is realized ho dies , lirst having intrusted a frien 1 with his money and a letter , which he bids him take to his daughter In Ireland. The friend arrives in Ireland In time to frustrate the designs of unscrupulous vilhins who are about to foreclose the mortgage and urivo the young girl homeless into the world. The company Is one of the bast which Mr. Power has over brought together. The scenery Is elaborate and is carried by the company. The Farnam Street theater all next week , beginning with matinee Sunday , January 20. Usual matinees WcdnesJay and Satur day. Prof. John Reynolds , the groU mns-norht , has been engaged to give a series of his e. . tertainments for six nights at Young Men's Christian association hall next week. This Is Prof. Uuynolds' llr.st trip to the west , ani lie brings with him the endorsements of the clergy and medical profession of the cast , The entertainments are Intensely amusing as well as scientillcally Interesting. The jalu of seats opens Saturday morning at Chase & Kddys. "Tho Streets of New York , " the play pre sented nt Wonderland and liljou theater , Is attracting good house1 ? . It abounds with comedy and sensation , introduces a very realistic lire SCCTIH and Is ono of the best ple.isers produced at this house. Today is devoted to the ladles and Is known us sou venir day. ISvory lady attending will bo presented with n very handsome celluloid mounted blotting pad. I'ile. % of people nave piles , nut DaWltt s Witch Hazel salvo will euro them. - * - ItodilelllK' thn U'llltkv Output. Ci'ir.uio , 111. , Jar. . ! . The Whisky trust has decreased the output of spirits in the local distilleries , Including the Calumet , Shu- feldl and Hlx-crsldo. Notice has been nivon the department of luturnal revenue that from tod.iy the output of tluwo distilleries will he reduced by : itiOO gallons daily. Constipation cured oy UoU'ltt'3 Uarly Uiswa. DELL TELEPHONE PATENTS. They Will Ktplrr In Icm Tlmn 11 Month - I'rrrrlng Out Competitors. In lew than n month the most Important of nil the Hell Telephone company's patent ! * will expire. The gigantic mono | > ely that the eoriHiratlon has held for so many years will then probably receive Its death blow , nnd other companies will bo given n lighting chnneo to servo the public with the Indispen sable "hello boxes. " ' Kxorbltunt telephone rentals may then , and probably will , beewmo n thing of the past , and the ordinary person of moderato means will be able to talk to his friend across the city without mortgaging his furnlturo to pay the bill , says the Ulobo- Democrat. The American Hell Telephone company will still be a mighty big power to light , for It owns several valuable patents on the ap paratus that are still In forco. Ono of the most Important is the "Hlako transmitter , " a little device made of carbon that Is Invalu able In carrying the voice to the wire. Per haps by this time the Hell company has bought some of the old enemies' patents , as It has a fashion of doing very effective work In a very silent manner. The patent expiring Is one cranted to Alexamler Graham Hell , Hied February 14 , ISTiJ. By law a patent continues the prop erty of Its Inventor for a period of seventeen years. Congress may extend this limit. No Hiich thing will bo done in the case of the Hell Telephone company's patent , however , for no body of men In Hie national govern ment could bo persuaded to believe that the owners have failed to reap all legitimate benefits from the invention. Instead of that , every one who knows the least nbout current affairs Is certain that the Hell company has amassed millions of dollars under the pro tection of the patent laws , and has at all times maintained notoriously robber rates for the service it has given. Realizing the hopelessness of such n remiest , the Hell company , It Is understood , will not petition congress for an extension , but will attempt to still freeze out competition with Its le- nuilnlng patents and Its "bar'l. " The history of tlio invention and perfection of the telephone and the famous ( rials of the "telephone cases" would make volumes of Interesting reading. Hell's patent of Febru ary 14 , IhTO , was the foundation stone upon which was built the. telephone monopoly. If , wan a comprehensive document , wltnesso.l by Thomas 1C. Harry and P. D. Hlchards , and giving the inventor's place of abode as Salem. Mass. The man had no Idea at the time that he was Inventing a telephone. Like hundreds of other discoverers. Hell was after something else when ho dropped upon the idea. The petition for n patent was headed "An improvement in telegraphy. " The meat in the discovery , and the rock upon which the Hell company has held its monopoly so many years , is the following paragraph : My present Invention consists In the em- plovment of a vibratory or undulnlory cnr- icnt of electricity In contindlstlnciloii to a meiely Intermittent or pulsatory current , and a method of and apparatus for producing electrical undulations upon the line wire. In another portion of his specifications the inventor said , speaking of his "improvement in telegraphy : " 1 desire heio to remark that there are many other uses to which these Instruments may be put , such as the simultaneous transmission of musical notes , differing In loudness as well as In pitch , and the telegraphic Iraiibinlssion of noises , or sounds of any kind. This was an extremely lucky stumble for Mr. Hell and the corporation thai heirs his name. When the lull import of the dis covery became known tlio Hell company claimed "the earth , " as applied to things telephonic. Inventions by the score and corporations by the dozen sprung up in the United States and in foreign lands , all with discoveries of the telephone and it parts. Some of these had pretty good proofs , by the way , that their inventions antedated Mr. Hell's by conniderablo lengths of time. Klisha Gray of Chicago was olio of Hell's most formidable rivals , and others , with moro or less important discoveries relating to the subject , were heard from in the per sons of Hlake , McDonough. Dolbcnr , Keis , Uerlincr and forty others. The organizing of telephone companies became an almost every day affair ami was limited apparently only by the numberof men who believed they had invented the apparatus. The Hell company brought suits for infringement and interfer ence and damages in several states against ns many of these concerns , and in retalia tion thesQ corporations brought suit against the Hell company in other states. Hero and there the United States circuit court of some state would hand down a decision on ono of these suits , and invariably the company that got the worst of it would appeal to the supreme court of the union. Finally the battle of the giants was waged In tlio supreme court in the October term , 18S7. It was the Hell Telephone Company octopus against the world , and the Hell won. The trial stands as the cause celebro of all the suits contested before that tribunal. The record occupies entire volume l'-0 of the odlclal reports , moro than twice ns much space as sulllccd for the famous Dred Scott decision , up to then the largest on record. When brought Into court the written documents made a pile live feet In height. The argument consumed three weeks of ttio supreme court's time. An Idea of the magnitude of the contest may bo obtained by this when It is known that the limit of time usually allowed for arguing a case in the supreme court Is two hours. The most brilliant legal lights that could be found in tne country were employed on either side. Somoof the speeches were sensational In the extreme. The opposars of the Hell company made the direct charge of fraud and forgery against Mr. Hell and his attorneys. They claimed in the forgery charge that between February 14 and II" " , 18TO , after Hell had Hied his application for patent , his attorneys obtained knowledge of the contents of a OMAHA AWHINGSAHD TENTS Omaha Tent-Awning COMl'ANV. IIOH8K COVKtl ? , IIU rarnniu SL flAOS AND TWIN'SBlOfCU ) . B3mis Omilia Bag M. 0. Daxon , COMl'ANV- Importer ! and inati.fri. Itlcrclei > ol < l on monthly Hour sacki , burUpi , twine. I2JN.15UI. BOOTS \ND SHO-J , Morss-Coa Sh03' Company , Howard troit. Factory curnorlltli and Ujiijtiii'llrjBJ We are miking clo a p'rlo ia lo c nil Ini7or . ail ara laai ofx > > odj nhlcli I , very wllb merchanti. Kirkendall , Jones & Am jr. Iland-Sewol COMl'ANV. Wluluialo mfra. ncjnt lljsfui unl rubit'rK. ! Ji. UJi- lluubor Mlioa Co . ll'Jl- IU10 Hurnuy dt. HUI-IIOiJ IHrnuy St. COAL , Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Comics Works I.1MK CO.bnrd ainMoft Mfri. valvanlittl Iron roal.S K cat. Uli ! ! an I cornlci. wlaliw o. p < , Uouilaj ait. mci'illlu sliiliKhts , ele. 1110-1112 IMI J-I. DRYOOODS. M. E , Smith & Co. , KilpatrlcX-Kocl Dry ( iO K > S CO , Dry Kood ) , notions , fur- Notion * . 4 < jnt * ' furnlih- nlihlni ; imod * . eirnir Irnnjo li.eur. lll.i an I llth und H nv.ir.l Sli. llnrnjrftj. . FURNITURE. Omaha Upholstering B33b33 & Rinyai CO. , upholitHrDd furni FUliNITUKK CO.firaco ture. HJillOl Nlchiilm tit. Wliolotaleonly. and 13th hi. OROCERIES. DRU33 , ETC. cm-wit ntmt by Kllslm Gray , Hint they then stole Hell's written nppllrntlon from the patent ofllce , tU.Miotirstly rewrote It , or n part of It , Insi-rUtiK n description of liquid traii.Hinlttor learned from Oraya i-aroat , addition claim IHIHIH ! thereon , niul then dis honestly replaced the application with Its il heets In the patent onieo. After Hell learned of his lawyer's action , tlit ) apposition elnlmetl , ho tipplamlo.l the iwurao taken , nnd did further crooked work of the same kind. The supreme eourt wns divided on the do- elslon. .notices Watte , Miller , Matthews , ( Iray , lllatehford nnd l < nmar found for the Hell company. .Imtleos field , Hradlev anil I larlan handed down n minority decision which showed how they stood , but had no particular effect. This decision was the last that Chtuf .Justice ! Morrison It. Walto rcn * ecrcd bcforo his death. ANTI-VICE FORCES. I'etltlnn I'rrimriMt by the MlnUtrr.i li ! ( ocUliiB IliindrriU of SlRimturra , The nntl-vlco movement seems to bo getting - i ting In Its work so far a * Hie securing of j names to the petition that will b. > presented to the city council Is concerned. / < The committee app.ilntoil at the meeting j of the Ministerial union ami the I'shora as. 1 aoclatlon last Monda\ take the matter of ' circulating the petition In hand has Is * , sued GOO copies of the potltl.m mi'l ' the same number of circular letters , whlrh arc being | sent out to ropresrntatlvo < Iti/.ons i > u < l prom * Inent chiuvh workers all over tu- ! . -it. * The circular letter reads ; is follows : Ii-ar Sir : Wo Im-losc heron IHi Hv < . pr 1 1 lions which fully ovDlaln HuMii'.i'lvi'-i. i m m to be lulled by votur.s only , tlu < nthor l > y i i iti" , and ii'lnori. It li tin ; desire of the t'shors n.i , , atlon and the Ministerial iinlnii tliat you > . - . uro us many SK. ! . attires iiinsllik' at any umo and place unit also have llu1 pt-HH n ut your rlinrcli next Simdiiy , Hie 'J'JIli In-i . and tlio Sunday following , then return tlinn l < > C \ . Starr , room 1(11 ( Hoe hulMlmr. nut luior tliaii Thm-Mliiy , I'Vbruary ! ) . I'leasitrUu Hu mat ter prompt and careful attention , aso want the slKtiaturoMOf i-M-ry lii'i'Min In Omaha who Is In fuuirof the lirllllun. Those who have started out wl'h the peti tion have succeeded in Bellini ; sinit ) HITS very rapidly although sumo object to the proposed lltiht against the present methnd of rcffiitnt * iiiK houses of ill-fame , rearing th.it if an ut- tempt Is made to drive them on ) , of tuo city they will only bo scattered and biv.uno nn intolerable nuisance to respect iible < ItUcnd , At the present r.ito of seourini. sijrn itures the committc ; estimator that the string of names on tne petition will be lonjr i'in > 'i > ; ii by February 0 to tfo several times arouiitl thp council uhainhor. TgnoiMiico of the merits of PoWIit's Little ) ICarly liisers is a misforluuo. These little pUl.-t rojjitlato the liver , euro headache , dys pepsia , bad breath , constipation aiul bilious- nuss. o The following in irriage licenses wcro It- sued by County Judge Kllor yesterday : Name and mlili-CH * . An * . ( William l.lllard , Omaha . . .24 "l Uosu Majors Omaha . 23 ( llrnust Meyers , Onmhii . 23 I Doru Shannon , South Omaha . IB I John Kyblii , South Omahn . 20 i Itnv.i llalac , South ( iniaha . 20 J Kdraid Schnii'liNt-r , South Omaha . 40 I Mariimtlia ] l.anxo , South Onmhn. 54 ( Mbcrt lloardnmn Cornell , llrooUlyn. N.Y. lit } ) riimilorVldcii I'abst. Omaha . iU ! I CarMin l.amhiccht , Mlllard , Neb . 20 1 Annlo Mah-liort , Mlllard , Neb . i3 ! ( Sorcn A. Iliillinan. Sutherland , Neb . . . 00 ] llanna Carlson , North 1'latte , Nub . . . 30 I Sherman T. HallOniiilm . -0 i llertha MiNsauk , Omaha . . 20 Perfect [ ict.uti ant pji'font ; heillU rosul from the usoof U.'U'itt's Little li.irly Ulsurs A perfect little pill. Ho I' Not Known In Chicago , CIIICAOO , 111. , Jan. ' _ ' < > . The Chicago direc tory docs not coiitiiii ; the nnmo of William Morccmu , the alleged wealthy Chlcagoan said to have elo | > ud with Alice Stahl. the 10- year-old daughter of n prominent resident 01 liinghamton , N. V. If out of order use Ueecham's Pills. WANTED .Total Iliut-l of CITIES , COUNTIES , SCHOOL _ jDIGTniCTS. WATER COMPANIES , ST.R.R.OOMPANIEO.eto. CorrMponclonco nollcltcd. H.W.HARRIS &GOMPflMYBanker3 , (03-103 ( Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. IB Wall Street , NEW YORK. 7O Stoto fit. , BOSTON * SOUTH OAIAJrTA. Union Stock. Yards Company , South Ornalia * Dent Cattle IIo and Sheep market In tliorost. . COMMISSION HOUSES. Wood Brothers. 1,1 vo Block Commission Merchants , South Umalia Tclnplionu ll ! > 7. Chicago JOHN I ) . IIAWXMAN , I „ , . . . . " „ „ „ „ WAI/riill I ! . WOOD , P"mah0r Market Ilcports by mull nid : wlro oliojrf Jllr I ulstied upon application IIARD//\RE. Rector & Willielniy Lobeck& Linn , COMl'ANV , Dealer" In hardware anil Corner 10th and Jackson mcclinnlo ' tixili dtr outi. HATS , ETC. W. A. L. Gibbon & Co. oraaba Safe and Iron Wholuialo WIHIICH. Hall , capt , > tr4 r m > 11. Hnle , v.-iull . jnll work , Kloven. nilltuni. 'li Iron shiillurB and IIru and Hnrnojr nt > . tupoi. Andruui A ( Jar * tt , Kill and Jackion. LUMBER. John A. Charles R. Im portoiLAmarlotn Curl Hardwood hi u r. wool limit eniint. Miliu- Cirpott .III 1 plrq.141 lloorliiK wuUolluiu. Dtli and DoutUJ. UQUOR3 , MIlUHEBJf , _ _ _ I. OM ) ! ! ) ' 43) ) Inpirtin an I iJi" ) \Vholosalolliaordoaturi at nllllnrr. n m > .Mall o.-.l3ri ii-j n i' . 1001 Farnam Bl. I. lltti St. PAPER. OILS. Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. , Carry ft full "too * of prlnllnu , wrapping an 1 Iteflncd anil lilbrlcutlas nrltlni : papjrj , card uapur , eta oils , ailo uroaio , ole. PRODU3E C3MMI33I3I. Branch & Co. , Jas , A. Clark & Co. , Produce , frulti of a Jluttor. cheoie. etf * > poultry untl irume , kinds , iijrite'i. 31. S. l.llh at. STOVE REPAIRS. SASH. OOORJ Omaha StoveRapilr \VOIIKJ. ( tore roi3lr Mnniif.ioiururi of i > h anil w ur attaoluaaili duort , till ml * aal Tor anr kind of ( lord miuldlnji , lirancti of uinleUJI Llau Ui St BCJ , HI. . I.i i- iH HIII n oi K < hi I'l ' I"l l I"m . \v. PiHi Hi HiNi Ni so tliCo Co VI' toiml ! ) , ( ) cai of I'll S.VI S.VIu to for so HIK Kal mil flft lift Uol ii