THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JANUARY 26 , 1803. OUTDID THE BAKERVililAN Can Juan Wealth Proves ID Bo the Product , of Some Unhung Hyams , COLLAPSE OF A GIGANTIC -HOAX a Mountain Threiitrin to lllock n TutuiHIniliintrlnl anil Mineral Dnvcl. oiimi'HtB In HID Wrt I'lunlnjt f the \VjomliiK KnlikTS. The wealth ot the San Juan region , BO much vaunted lately , follows In the wako of Idaho diamonds as an "Irrldiscent dream , " Thorough Investigation proves the gold laden diggings to bo u Kigniilli : hoax , in vented by sonio unhung wretch. A cunosiKiiideiit of the Bait Inko Tribune wlio accomiKinlcd n party of prosectors from Xlon , writes that the Arizona Oablo company had filed on the placers on the north sldo of the rlvor and was doing assess ment worK with nlno men , that being the _ tcxtcnt ofiworlf , except new comers washing n few imns of dirt to see the number of colors , People wcro leaving as fast us they could , man/ dropping their supplies by the roadsldo TJCCIIUSO there Is no sale for them. Our party decided to return homo. At 1'leasant creek wo met parties returning from Dandy crossing , where they met hosts of man leaving the country by tlmt route disgusted , and saw many more turn back for Green river or the Henry mountains. "On the return trip w/i counted eiphty- clght teams and 180 men going in , there being ! i3 ) animals , the teams generally being loaded , many with goods for salu , including ' seven or eight saloon outfits. "As far us San J nan Is concerned , It Is n repetition of the White canon and Colorado river stampedes of s'x ' and three years ago , but on a larger scale. That this fake should last BO long U owing to the fact that all rail road and telegraph | K > lnts are from six to ten days distant , none being less than UOO miles , over bail roads. " Moving n Mountain. A weird BCCIIO can be witnessed In the picturesque Santa Criu mountains In Cali fornia , It is nothing less than a small army of men trying to prevent n huge mountain from sliding into the gutter and destroying a largo railroad tunnel. The wooded hill at "Wrights station , on the Santa Criu division of the Southern Pacific company , Is slowly Hottllngas if tiding to liml a level , nnd the railroad people have been working day and night to remove enough of the mountain to BIIVO the tunnel. At present BuO men are tolling all day and about sixty moro labor at night by thy light of bonlhcs made of brush that has been removed from the mountain sldo , The whole mountain sldo looks as if there had been a tremendous upheaval. No parallel to this accident has over been known before in the history of railroads. The mountain side , which in full of springs , became so saturated at the time of the storms early this winter that it began toslidw to1 the gnloh below and thereby crushed in one end of the tunnel , which is onn and live- eighths miles la length. Hut I''O fcot of the tunnel is known to have been atlccted , how- ovor. Hack J-'OO feet from the northern mouth of the tunnel , and about IW ) feet above it , a portion of the mountain side seems to have broken abruptlj from the rest and commenced to slowly settle. It has continued to settle until now at the place where the division of the hillside occurred there is an abrupt wall twenty feet high , allowing that the mountain toward Wrights station had settled that much. Thcro has never been any danger of accident , however , us a Bottling mountain moves slowly. Idaho Milieu. Gold quart/ assaying $40 per ton has been discovered In Diamond basin , Good ore Is coming out of thrco or four of the mines of Shaw's Mountain district , be tween Idaho City and JJolso City. A now mill has been erected , which commenced crushing several days ago. The ore is free gold and pays well. The mines of Wood river are doing well ngaln. The snow has been shoveled off the grail o to the Hod Klephant group , and ore shipments are now regularly made , and the mill is running full force. In another week the long raise fiom the 114-foot level to the main level will bo completed. Then an 1m- incnso body of orueaii bo sloped. The ICctchum smelters , which have been Idle for the ilust six years , were "blown in" u few days ago. They are reducing North Star ere , a large amount of which is now on hand and largo quantities arriving daily. The starting up of these largo works again means a good deal for the Wood river country. A bill is now pending In the Idaho legisla ture providing for the construction of a wagon rend through the state. If con structed , thld'-road will open w > thousands of miles of the richest mineral sections of the state. The rich of Deadwood , John- HOII , Sheep mountain , Seafoam end the Mid dle Salmon districts will como to the front li line shape as soon as thcro Is a road over which to take machinery. The ores of these districts are copper , lead , gold nnd silver. At present these mines ship their ores to Kotchum , on Wood river , and have them ro- duucd at an expense of HOO per ton. With reduction works on the grounds moro than half of this expense can bo saved. Then thcro would ho u great liooin in the heart of the rich Salmon river mountains. Co-Oporiitlv SuRiir llont Culture ) . A company ha been formed to build anil operate a boot sugar factory In southorr California on the co-operative plan. The Incorporators / corporators are farmers. Kach member Is expected to deliver to the factory n stated quantity of bcots per annum , ami If ho falls short in his contribution the manngcr has the power to cultivate a corresponding quan tity , and ciiargo loss , If any , to the account of the man who did not deliver. But each lot of beets delivered is paid for on its merits , Just the same us if It were owned by n stranger , The corporation furnishes seed to stoeUholdoi-a at actual cost , and nil tools and Implements needed at wholesale prico. The eatlnmlo is for the handling of liO.OOO tons of beets In ono season , 10 per cent of which will bo white granulated sugar at 5 cents per -pound , 1 per cent yellow sugar at a cents , and M per cent pulp at CO cents pet- ton. This , with the government bounty of a cents on the white nnd 1J4' cents on the yel low. will give a total annual gross Income of T4M > ,000. : The expenses for the season are cstlmatot at $7,000 , of which ? 48.200 is for labor , $127.500 for beets. 10,000 for 15,000 barrels of oil , and 24,000 for Interest on bonds at 0 per cent. r of Stuck. Largo numbers of cattle and horses have ticen killed on the Great Northern In Mon tana this winter. The road penetrates extensive - tonsivo ranges in the northern part of the state , and being unfenccd the animals crowd on the track , especially during storms. Al most every day a big killing is reported , and tbo loss to the company and the cattlemen Is great. Ono day last week a freight ran into u lot of cattle bunched on the track near Dry Fork , cast of the Marias , and killed nlno outright , whllo live uioro ucro so mangled tlmt they had to be killed by the crow who arrived a few hours later. Next day a num ber wcro killed nt Sidney , west of yiort Hen- ton , among them n couple belonging to Uob- crt Mnrd. Whllo all cattle killed by the cars uro to bo paid for by the railroad company , the owners sustain quite n loss by numbers of cattle being badly hurt , yet being able to cot qulto a distance from the railroad before death comes to their relief , and in most of ouch rases the loss Is directly upon the owners. ttaliitnn Cmmerlcn Combine. An Attempt Is being made , according to the SRU Francisco Chronicle , to form a stronger combination of the salmon canneries in Alaskn , nnd the reason is that as the out put lias not boon regulated among the scat- tcrtd packing houses , fluctuations In price have made profits uncertain iu the past. JOn 1891 there wns nn overproduction of 800,000 ) ca ec. Ijist year a combination wns formed , uut by agreement it was tolait only one season. Uho object of the now movement is to "syndicate" nil the thirty-eight canneries on a capital of | 5,000,000. The idea of the promoters i that Yith a combination the season's catch can bo limited , thus prevent ing the product of the canneries becoming n glut on the market , nnd that the operating expenses will bo reduced so materially that while the canners will bo able to aull chwcr | than hitherto the profits will nt Ion it bo sure. J'rlecs arc to bo made lower than over before , It Is said , to Invite n f router demand. Canned salmon does not sell readily In the United STutes , and In some parts Is not on sale at all , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'n liig of the. Invailern. The trial of the cattlemen charged with high crimes' and misdemeanors in raiding Johnson county , Wyoming , n year ago , has collapsed as predicted. The attempt to punish the alleged murderers of Campion and Hay was a waste of energy nnd means and should have been abandoned nix months ago. It was a struggle between the strong , power ful and wealthy , nnd n community weak In numbers nnd resources. The outcome was not In doubt from the moment the prisoners were taken to Choyclino , Subsequent pro ceeding prolonged the agony , nothing moro. To rrc | rut thu Orl Or any other similar epidemic , the blood and the whole system should bo kept lu healthy condition. If you feel worn out or have "that tired feeling" in the morning , do not ho guilty of neglect. Give Immediate atten tion to yourself. Take Hood's S.irsap.irllla to give strength , put Ify the blood and pre vent disease. Hood's Pills euro liver ills , Jaundice , bil iousness , sick headache , constipation. , ( 'limp IIicMiriloii to Ciilirornlii. The next I'liilliw Kock | Inland per sonally conducted California excursion will lunvo Omnlm on Friday , rVbnmry , ' ! , Through Pullman tourist Hluuplng cars to Sun Frnnul&uo and LCH Aiifjoloa without change. This la the most- cconomical and pleasant way to reach the Pacific coast. For particulars call on any Hook Inland ujjont , or address Chits. Komiody , Gon'l N. W. I'ass. Agt. , 1002 Farimiu street , Uinului. A'7itr.S fOll aVI7J.IK.Ul' . I , lit of Changes of Importuned In the ItoKiilnr "rrtleo Vratcrdiiy. WASHINGTON , D. C. . Jan. ! i5. [ Special Telegram to TUB HKIJ. ] The following army orders wcro issued today : Leave of absence for fifteen days , to take effect on or about January " 0 , Is granted Second Lieutenant Charles 1' . Ituss , Eleventh infantry. The following changes in the stations and duties of ofliccrs of the quartermaster's de partment are ordered : Lieutenant Colonel William H. Hughes , deputy quartermaster general , will bo relieved from duty as chief quartermaster , Department of the Platte. by an ofllcer to bo temporarily designated by the commanding general of that depart ment , and will proceed to Baltimore and relieve Major Andrew J. McGonnlglo , quartermaster , of his duties at that place. Major McGonuiglo , upon being so relieved , will nettle his accounts preparatory to his re tirement from active service , retaining station tit Baltimore. Major James Gillis , quarter master , is relie\cd from duty in the ofllco of the quartermaster general and will proceed to St. lyiuis and assume charge of the gen eral depot of tlio quartermasters' depart ment nt that place , relieving Major Amos S. Kimball. quartermaster , from that duty. Major Kimball , upon being relieved will proceed to Chicago and report in person to the commanding general , Department ot th'o Missouri , for assignment to duty as dis bursing quartermaster and assistant to the chief quartermaster of that department , relieving Major Gilbert C. Smith , quarter master. Major Smith , upon being so re lieved , will proceed to San Antonio and report In person to the commanding general , Dc | > art- mcnt of Texas , for assignment to duty as chief quartermaster of that department , relieving Lieutenant Colonel George B. Dandy , deputy quartermaster general. Lieutenant Colonel Dandy , upon being re lieved by Major Smith , will proceed to Omaha and report in person to thocommand- ing general. Department of the Pl.itto , for assignment to duty as chief quartermaster of that department. Special orders , January 3. relating to Second end Lieutenant George E. French. Fourth infantry , is revoked and the leave of absence granted him December 30 Is extended three months. The leave of abscnco granted Second Lieu tenant Matthew C. IJutler , Jr. , Fifth cavalry , December 21 , Is extended fifteen days. The extension of Icavo of abscnco granted Captain Herbert 15. Tuthcrly , First cavalry , January 7 , is further extended seven days. AChlldKlljoyH The pleasant favor , gentle action and sooth ing effect of Syrup of Figs , when in need of a laxative , and it" the father or mother bo costive or bilious , the most gratifying results follow its use ; BO that it is the best family remedy knowu and every family should have a bottle. _ \ i JV.YO uxviat itxia. Theatergoers and lovers ot refined merri ment of the very highest order of excellence will hall with delight the annouqccmcnt that Charles Frohman w lll present that phe nomenally successful comedy farce , "Glor- lana , " which enjoyed a run of nearly ICO nights in Now York , 850 in Paris and 250 in The comedy will have Its flrst Omaha presentation at the Boyd on Sunday evening next , ' with Hourly the same great cast that hits'chitractcrlzed its success In Now York , testing the sKitlttff capacity of Hermann' * theater and breaking nil previ ous comedy records. Tlio artistic merits of all Charles Frohmnn's companies uro too well "knowii by amuseinent seekers to need comment. Pauline Hall nnd her excellent opera com pany comes to the Boyd on Friday and Sat urday , February il nnd 4. This will bo the llrst operatic : engagement of tlio season. On Friday evening und Saturday mattnco "Kr- mlnlo" will bo the bill , and on Saturday evening "Puritania. " Kvans and Hooy open a four nights en gagement nt the Boyd on Sunday evening , February D , in "A Parlor Match. " The Farnara Street theater opens Sunday matlnoo January 29 , for all week , with the plcturcsquo Irish drama , and the best Irish play over written , "Tho Fairies' Well. " The story Is of n young woman raised in luxury , whoso father , owing to his indulgence in drink , is forced to mortgage the estate , which has been In the family for generations. Then ho suddenly decides to reform , and leaving his daughter at homo , ho sails for America to make his .fortune. Hero ho meets with success , but before ho can return ho is stricken with fever and dies. Ills partner is entrusted with the cx- .ccutlon of the dying man's wishes , nnd arrives in Ireland In tlmo to frustrate the design of unscrupulous villains , who are nbout to foreclose the mortgage and drive the young girl from homo. Hallowe'en tru- If Your Cistern Is Out of Order or Soft Water is scarce , don't worry yourself for a moment go right ahead and use hard water with . 1 S WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP and you'll never know the difference , The clothes will be just as white , clean and sweet-smelling , because the "White Russian" is specially adapted for use in hard water. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. Dusky Diamond Tar Soap. * 'jaJ * dIUon.i , Including n quaint superstition nbout looking into n fairies' well , nro inrtdo to do good service by supplying the drama with some of Its best situations. Matinees Wednesday nnd Saturday. Tgnorancu of the merits of DoWltt'A Little Hftrly Risers Is a misfortune. Thcso llttlo pills rosulnto the liver , euro headache , dys pepsia , bad breath , constipation nnd bilious- lliillilliifr Permit * . Tlio following permits to build wore issued yesterday ! 1'liiiMilx Foundry cmnuany , Thirty- llilrcl nnd Lnlk , iinttorn stern room , t COO 0. K , Morrlll , Davenport nnd Thlrty- thlrd , ro | > : ilrs to < l rllliin . COO Minor permit Tor rupalrs . l > 0 Three permits , n grcgatlnK . $ 1,050 Hccchain's I'ills nro faithful friends. lcrnncs. The following marriage licenses were Is sued by County Judge ISller yesterday : Niinio und mldross. ARC. J Hdwnril 13. O. Wrlchl , arnnd Islnnd , Neb. . U2 I Annii Mnry Tulley. Oinithu IB ( John 11. Hood. Omalm 25 I aarah Ann OKborn Tnro , lit 27 Piles of people mtvo piles , but DoWltt s \Vltoh Hazel salvo will euro them. JAST ou SOUTH Vln tint AViilniih ltdillr. The short Hno to St. Louia and quick est route south. Only , ' ! 7 hours to Hot Springs. Only U7 hours to Now Orlcuns. Only ! 18 | hours to Atliuilu. Only 52 hours to .luoksonvlllo. With corresponding fast time to nl points oust and south. Hound trip tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orleans , ] Litko Chiti'lcs , Gulvcriton , San Antonio , City ( of Mexico , Los Angeles , Sun Fritn- cisoo , Mobile , Jacksonville , Tainpit , IIsi- vana and nil the winter resorts of the south and west. Reclining chair cars free to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit. Pullman buffet sleeping cars on all trains. Baggage cheeked from hotels- and private residences to destination. Per tickets , sleeping cur accommodations and further information call at Wabash ticket olllco , 1502 Farnam street , or write , G. N. CLAYTON' , Agent , Omaha. THK IIKAI.TV AlAICICKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record J unitary 25 , 18U3 : - WAUBANTV DEEDS. M SI lloyd and linsbandto Union Stock Yards National bank , lots 1 , 2 und 3 , lloyd's subdlv $2,000 Pet or Nnllon and wlfo to Charles Kns- inusscii , nw sw.sw nw and uH nw25- 10-12 12,000 Sumo losaino , lols 5 and H , block 10 , Kountro .t Ituth's addition 12,000 G M Hitchcock und wife to IM Dow , lot 13 , block 13 , Hitchcock's 1st ad dition 400 Oscar Quick to O T Anderson , lots 4 unit 5 , block 1 , Quick's park 200 H I ) Coirman- and husband to S 1C Humphrey , lot IS , block 130 , South Oinalitt 1,000 QUIT CLAIM DCinH. W S Ryan and wlfo to Halfdon .lacoo- s > onlot2 , block 3. Coutral park 600 Total amount of transfers $29,700 Be warned ! Nature must be as- stated to throw off the-poisons. For this purpose nothing can equal Nature's own assistant A pure Vegetable Compound of Herbs , Barks , and Roots. Contains no acids or mineral poisons. It Is ni rrllnldo us the Hank of England. All that Is clilmtil for U , It will < Iv. f I.UO i bottle. All druRlttt. IlEALV Si Hir.F.LOW , 511 Grand Avc. , New Haven , Conn. CAW BE CUBED. If Dr. Sclionck's treatment mil euro or Con sumption WLTO somotliliK new mill untried , people nilclit doubt : but what 1ms provoU Itself - self throiich it record its old us our cruiulfntti ers , inu.ina Just It Is A Specific for Consumption and for all diseases ot tlio Lungd. No treat ment In tlio world cun ulaco BO nmny uarnm- ncut euros of Consumption to Its credit as Jr. HelicneU's. NotlilnB lu Nut uro acts sodlrcotlv and elTectlvely on tlio luiu moiiiunincs and tluiue * , and so iiulcUly dUposoi of ttitiorclos , conecstlon. Inlliinuinitlon , cnlds , coiiglis und all the aoeds of Consumption na Dr. Schenck's Pulmcnic Syrun When all else fulls it comes to tno rosouc. Not until It fulls , and only aftur faithful trial. Would any ono dospoml. It tins brought tbo liopolesj to llfu und hoaltli. It hus turned tlio dcspnlr of ton thousand homes Into joy. It IS doliiK It now. It will continue to do It throughout tuo apni. Dr. Scltench'i 1'rtuttcal 2'rcil ( cou CoiiitimjiUoii , Hvcrandstnmach Dli- eaia matlalfrte to all m > ; > Hetn ( * . Dr. J. 11. Seh'nck < t Son , I'htlad'lphin , Pa. The Mercer. Omaha's Newest Hotel COR. 12TH AND HOWARD 3TJ. 40 Itooms at f ? .W per day , to liooius at J3.QO per day. JO Itroma with Hath At W.O ) par day. CO Uooui ) with llatU at llaO to IIU fit d y. OPENE1D AUGUST 1st Modern In Kvery Iteatiect. Noivly furnlitiocl Throncliout. C. S. ERB. Prop. Metropolitan Hotel , Uroaihvuy , corner Prince St. , NEW \"ORK CITY. Itefltted and reuovutod under now manaso- mont , on European plan. Itoom rates ! 1 a day und upward * . Iteatuuritnt equal to tbo belt In the etty nt moUorale rates. Htreot can from all It. it. stations nnd steamboat and ferrr Inndlncs uass the door. HILDRETH & ALLEN , Proprietors. A. H. DYER , levaton , worehouios , factory buliulne * , nU avll work requiring u tliurouch un < l practical knowledge or construction ouU strructli oJmsterlnls , k specially. 1' . U , llux 33 * , rreuiout , Neb. SPEGiKLNOTIGES. . ADTKltTISICMBNTH mn , THK3K COLUMNS "III I * taken until l2Vun m. for tlio ev nln and until 1.3) ) n. m for thqworolnicor Sunday edl- ' tloni , No advertisement t kea for let's than 2i reuti for the first Insertion , i All advertisements In Uitao columns m conti a wont for tbo tint InrerUonmnd 1 cent a word for each subsequent Insertion , or per line per month. Terras , cash In nytranro. Initials. ( Inures , symbols , etc. , cacti count n a word , Advertise ments must run caniwntltcfly. Advertiser * , by re- qucitlnu n numbered chock , can harn the lottnrs addressed to n numbered li'lter In cam of Tlir. HSK. Answer * no nddre sod wjlj t > o delivered on the presentation of the check. , SIITTATIONS ANTED. A YOU.NO LADt" ATTBNOINU COMMKIK'IAI. .f Vcollcgo would Ilka to do ll ht work morning nnd ovrninc for room and board with private lamlly. AclilrcM A' 1C. Hco. 1MI3C-9. * -SITUATION WA.NTKO 1IY HWKIIIHII OIUI , jVlo do penernl housework In small family i waKcall. 11)13 ) Hartley. Mitt III * 4 AN ACCOUl'ANT AND OKK1CIJ MAN OK KX VVperlence. furnlthihlng excellent clt1 references dcslns po lllon , cither oiflro or cterlciit work out- Gldos nut particular nbout hours , Address X SU.Hoo 87 Z7 WANTED MALE HELP. ! < ALAIlVOll COMMISSION TO AHK.VIM TO hnndlo the I'atentCbcmlrnl Ink Ernslnit 1'cncll. The most useful and novel Invention of the a Krascslnk luorouiihly In twu seconds Works Ilko mnulc. 3UI to { UJ per cent proilt Agents makliiK til ) per week. Wo also want n Kenrrnl Hxcntlotnku charon of territory nnd nppplntMib agents A rum chance to mnko money. Write for tormsnnd n speci men of ernslnv. Monroe Erasing lift. Co. , V 3' ! . La Crosse. WIs. 700 1J-WANTED , A FEW UKLIAIILK SOLICITOUS Un | Nebraska for tin Union Central l.lfo Insur nnco company of " Inclnnitl. Uood territory ami llhcrnl contracts to the right mon Addresi .1. M. 1 il nils tun. Slalo Agent , rooms 13 , 4U and 47 llurr blk. Lincoln , Nub. Mill ) J3J B-WANTED. TIIAVEL1NO SALESMEN TO SELL baling powder We put our cnods In class rolllntfplns MJ month salary nnd oxpciifos , or 3j per cunt commlnilon Uood nldeline. Ifyouwnnt n job , IT r llu. tnd sln'np for reply fhlcnuo HnklUE 1'owderCo. , 7U7 Van Huron street , Chicago.MftlJ .MftlJ HI' -WANTKI ) . UOOD OHNEIIAL 11LACKBMITH and holpor. I'hoinlr Foundry Co. M531SO * l-LAIUltElia ANI ) UOCICMEN ON THE H. A M. J'oxlcnslon In Houth Dakota. Htoady work ; frea tmM. Ship Thursdny niornliik" Kramer A o'Hcarn , labor iinency.aoiij. llth st. M547 a > * -WANTED. A COMl'ETBNTSALKHMAN.WEI.I. versed In hnndlliii : tons , for Omaha and vicinity , l-'xtnlilliheil trndo preferred. Address with refer ences X 14. Dec. SI513 Ztl * -WANTED , STICNUOIIAI'HKIt TO Ol'nilATK Itcnilnuton typewriter , to have some knowlcduo of bookkeeping , itood penman , titato aim and sal * ary expected. Address X 18 , lleo. M57I ! < j * B-WANTF.I ) . A ( iOOI ) IILACKSMIT1I. CALL AT II5 > outl ) IIIU t. 68 25' T-A KIIIST CLASS T1NNICH , MUST i'nnd Imvn experience a ! a salesman. Peterson Moscman , Oakland , Xuh. J-WANT GOOD HAIl.N'ESSMAKElt AT ONCE > A. O Urobe , riymouth. Neb. 683.11 * l-WANTED , KINISIIHH ON J.OUNUKS. THE 'K. M. Hiilso Co. , 1307 Mcholas street. M5W S7 * 15-WANTI5D , A f.OOD 1IAKUU AT ONCH. i'-lccily ) ob and Rood K aces. Address U. Kock- entlut. Hebron , Neb. JMMfti rj- B-2 TO 5 THOUSAND A YI5AU KOH A I.IFK lime to active men with nnd without capital. WoKlvo full control lu n lurtfo territory of the bust lliiK nrtlclu In the world llmliiesji louliliiinlc. ilriiss at once , Corporation , lib and ISO Com mercial ctrcot , Lynn , Mais. MW7 US * B-WANTUD , AdHNTS CAN MAK1S DAILY $ > TO flU by working for us ( lean , steady work. III ? money for ministers and teachers. Address , with return utamp , M Schiller Theater , rhlrnuo. M5S5-2' . ' fLAnOKKHB KOIl TH1C UOCK ISLAND COM- JJpany. Steady work ; free pass. Kramer & O'Uuarn Labor agency , JU3 t-oulb IltU etreel. - Mb'M M * B-WANTKI ) , ItKLlAIILi : AND K huslness m nn to take thu nianiiiienient of ; nn of fice business In this city , yuinll umount of capital required. Addrora Western Uualness Agency , N , Y. l.lfo building , Omaha , MiS'J 1 WANTED FEMALE HELP. C-YOUNG LAOIK.S CAN BOOV ACQUIIII ! A worklnc knowlcdca of sUorthaca and type writing at Van Hunts' 613 N. Y. I.Uo. Man p-JISNSICN'dDANISU ANDHWKD1SU B.MPLOY- \-/rucnt oHIce , corner llilh and DoiiRlas , upstairs ; nil kinds of help always on hand ; 5u coodulrls for KcncrallioiiioiTOrk. 16J KID * C-llUDDINtnON ACADKMY OI'KN .MONDAY. Jan. 9 ; ladles are tauxht the art of dressmaking , banting and finishing ; carl work on their own Jroiscs while learning IIWI , llrown blk.cor Douglas AIbtb MW.P FO C-WANini ) , F1IIST-CLASS COOK ; MUST 1119 good latindrcsH , no other need apply. .Mrs J M * Tunrnton , northwest corner Situ and Farnam. Farnam.M1S9 M1S9 C WANTKI ) , LA I ) IKS VNI ) RlrTL ? . WK i'AY you from II.09 to SlO.UJrcr week to work for us atyour own home : no painting or canraaslng ; vend BOlf-nddresscd envelope , lieorgo F. Emulous & Co. , corner llatK'rymnrcli and Water streets , lloston , MaB3. /"I-1FYOUUKALLY WANT TO MAKB MOSF.Y V rall ou IIUcnbaUBh & Co..31 Ware block , and eon "Columbus and Columbia" by lllalno ft Hid- path Stenp'i photos. . M6M 2u' p-OlllLKOIl GBNKltATi-UOUSKWOIlK. who competent. 1003 Sherman arenuo. J15UJ C-WANTED-OIUL TO COOK , WASH ANI ) Iron , second Klrl kept , best of wagon , family of trec.applyS Worthlaglon placeoiiposlto llrownoll hall. ' C-WANTKI ) . YOUNO IHIILTO Af&18T IN OKN- oral housework , 014 S. lilth St. 60020 * ' C-WANT1SU , A ( JOOD GIltL FOU IJICNI'.ItAL house work , ( iood Ttngcs. Mrs. A. 1 * . Tutor , 2511 Chicago street 67i > 2U /I WAM'KD , GIHL FOU UKNUItAL HOUM1C- V work , 1U17 Webster eU 635 25 * C-WANTKI ) A fiOOD OUIL FOU UUNK11AL housework , 2509 Dodge St. 678-37 C-WANTF.1) , : LADY AOHNTS CAN MAKK FIIOM Jl to tlO dully by working for us. Cleansteady work. Hlgmi.niy for toachors. Address , with return - turn stamp , uUI Schiller'theater , Chicago , 111. JU95-C * FOB BENT HOUSES. D FOU UKNT , No 211.1 CAPITOL AVKNUL' , 'modern. ' The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnaiu et. 707 D-FOU UKNT. IIOUSKS IN ALL PA UTS OF city. The O. F. Uavls company , 1005 Furnum st. f 7W \-FLATf. OWELL1NOS , COTrAOBS. IN ALL /parts of the city. Kilkenny & Co. , 302 Karbacu 710 J-V-NKW7-IIOOM COTTAOHS , MODIHtN , IN i/ritnnford circle. Convenient for hunlnem men of Omuha and South Omaha , C. d. Jilsulto' , 2U1 Uco bulldlni ; , MiSd D-TBN-IIOOM JIODUHN IIOUSK , COIt. I9TII and Mason street * . Call at 601 lirowu hldu.F4 F4 D-LAUaii LIST 1'AUU 100J FAUNAS ! ST11KF.T. Ml10Ji7' ! D-FOU UKNT , TWO 5-UOOM COTTAOUB ON motor. Cull at touthweit cor. IHh and DouKlns. 171 -TWO 7-UOOM COTTAOKS , OKNTIIALLY LO catcd. all modern Improvements , only 125. More bulldlnir on North Sltli > t ; uxcollent location for meat market. 115 per mo. Fidelity Trust Co , . 1703 Farnam. 373-27 D-lMtODM IWICK IIOUSK , Ml S. 20TH STUKhT UnntHlOO ; alro cottaiteof ! ) rooms , itii t > . 50lh street , with modern liuiroveiueatsrout | ; { 1&.00. Apply to aJISBt. Clary's avo. D-FINK 8-llOOM COIINKU FLA'I i UANOB AND all other conveniences , with a Ecntloraan roomer If deilrud ; Mi. lieorgo Clouscr , otoro 701 & . IliUi , at II ) a , m. und 3 p. m. \-KLKVKN IIOOM HOUI-K , I'AUTLY Hint 'nlshed. Inquire at 191'J Dodge at. J1M7 Wl D-KOIl IlKNT , KLKI1ANTLV t L'UNIdllKl ) name , IX. Ajiply room 2U , Douglas block. 670 20 FOB KENT FURNISHED HOOMS. E-FUHN1SIIUD IIO01IS , U19 DOUGH STHKKT. M5I7 23- E-N1CK UOOMS , STtSAJl 111SAT , I7W DAVKN- port Btrect. 3128328 * E-LA . BOOTH KIIONT IIOOM W1TU alcu ' re. with buara. 19UC Capitol n e , 3:30 * W NICK1.V FUItNIBIIKn ItOOMri , WITH OU 1 without board. 6 0 North 19th. 633 25" E-TOIl UKNT A KUHN18HKI ) IIOOM SUIT- ablu for a gentleman outf. VOI7 Uarnor St. JIi3i-J7 l -.NICE l > U5A8A.Vf HOOM8 , WITU Oil J- < out board. 2303 Douglas. J63 1 _ NICKI.V rilUNlSIIKI ) UOOMS , KUHNACK , gaa rnd bath , 1817 Jackson. JIS'Jl-l' FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. J7-TUB DOLA.N , 201 AND Zll N. 1FT11 BT. 711 T-YOUNO WOMBN'B 1IOMH UNDKIl OAllB OF -L Woman' * ChriaUn maoclallon , 111 8u. 17th it. 510 F-HANDSOME HOUTH UOOMS WITH ItOAHD. \ Chicago atroet. ill'Ji u * 17-DESIIIAIII.K KIIONT UOOMS. KLUNIfillEI ) - 1or unlurnUlicJ , with board. Moileru realdeoca. lloforcncej. > Ut Uarnoy at. M4'JI-J1- FOR REJWT-UNFURNISIIED ROOMS " " G -M ItuOMS CHKA1\W3 N. I1T1I BT 419 Kl FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. T-Hll URNT.TItK < HTOIIV 1IIIICK IIUILDINO , l ! 6 Knrnnm l. Tlio butldtnit has a flreprouf ro. input basonicnt , coniplelo ateaia heating lliturps ) water on nil the lioon , gas , etc. Applr at the onico of The lleo. 010 T-TOIlliKNT , A VKIIV lIKillUUl.K UUILDINO J ultablo fora warehouse , with atahla In conee- llon , Tractnno front and rstr. Addrosi K. A. Cormlclinel euro uf McCord. llra'ljr ' A I'u. JlJ f-KOll UKNTbTOHK litJOJ1 .SO. 11 } UI'l'KIt L llroadwnn new , alia 72 IOO feet , with sliolrliiK nud ciiuntDrm fleslrablv location fur drjr Koods nnd Kenernl ini'rclmnillJu. liar & llcsn , nuoiita ( .mine.I lllulTa , In. M J07 31 1 - NK r-Ol'll roi V HlliCK llfll.UINtl 5J VKKT J-nldo. IIU7 Harnoy st. 711 I-OKK1CES WITHNlil.I , 1I1.K. CKNTUAl. AND L cheap. tra ( fi r n.NTiUK rKitaoNAi , ATTKNTIO.N oivnx TO 1 rental property. Chnnft'i reiikiinnbUs 4 joirs' ex perience , u. K. iiuiti , zwa. Ktii Mrwi. ws-na AGENTS W ANTED. 7 WANTED A LIVE MAN Oil WOMAN IN < ' every county whore we have not already no- cnred rcpresentutlAO to sell our "Nevada Mlver" Solid Metal KnUe , Forks and Spoons toconsuui- ors : n tiolhl metnt us whlto ns silver , no plato to wenr off ! good * Rtiarnntoed Owcnr allfetlmoi cost nbout ono tenth tbut of slher : the cunncu of n lifetime : nitants axorago from fW to JIOO per week and meet with rcndy sali-s everywhere , i < o Krent Is tbo demand for our Solid Mi'tnl Hoods , over tl.XHU ( X ) worth of uoodi In dally ti e Case of samples free. titandarU silvern nro Company , llos- ton , Muss. -M''H F13 I-WANTED. IN KVKliV CITY AND TOWN IN ' the state of Nebraska , actlvo mon to represent an eastern Itfo company , "plan i-nsy to work , ' nnd to onerKctle men KOOI ! pay uuarHiitcdd. Adilress .1 * 1'vttlt , special ngent , room 111 llee building , Omnha. MIDI ZC- T-AHKVTS WASTUI ) . KITIIint SK.TO CAN- ' viiss for tlio net of t lau s Dread , Onko nnd 1'nr- InKldilvea. also Clnuns Cnr\er. I.V ) percent proilt : outtlt free. Clams iilicnr Co , box MK. Kansas I Ity , .Mo M5VI 2S 1-WANTKI ) . AdKNTS TO SKM. TIIK UNI t' versa ! adding machine Nothing like It. Wrlto for terms , 1'utman Crviiir , VII ilcL'uxiiLhldi ; . T--STATI : AOKNT FOW NKIIUASRA TO HANDI.K ' Columblau Memorial Chart ; uxcluilvo control : larno profits ; small capital , llcrucuiann , t Co. , 2ti liroad St. , Now Vork. > l5IO-rS * I AUhNTd WA.NTKII TO SKII , Till ! DANDV ' sink cleaner. Samples 15cunts John W. Sudlow , tSU Ilnlsuy street , Ilrooklyn , N. Y. 68.1-3-0 1 WANTfl NO. 1 COODUFH INSUltANCK MKN * 'to nork In Nebraska. Can locate you any plnco you want cnn Rive 3 on nn Insldo deals n company as Kood as tlio best. Call at Hotel llnrKer , room III. No no but tlrst-clnss uion need apply ; nil this neck from 10 IUI 4 p. m. MSV3 27 * WANTED TO RENT. K WANTKI ) , 2 Olt 3 U.NKUKNISIIKD UOOMS within 10 blocks of P. O. Address by letter 418 lleobldz M7 Jl STORAGE. irSTOIIAGK \ CHBAP. CL13AN , W15LLS , 1111 Farnam street. 71 a M-DON'T STOHK HOU.SiiIorl : ) ( lOOlM WITIt- ont seelnc our storage department. It U tha bent. Omaha More Itcpalr Works , I-'JT DoiiKlas. 7H3 WANTED TO BUY. \T-\VANTK'li TO MUV , SOMK S PiTl 1 > llrnt mortKOKOi HueJ li Solby , M llourd Trailo. 7111 Nr MOHTiiAHKS ON HOOD KISAL K3 tnle. II. A. Arnold , IUI Uo3 tnilldln ? . M'lt kr-DOO.OOOUSKD STAMPS. 1IOX OH , CITY. JI2.V ! F13 AT-WA.VTHI ) , TO 1IUV HOL'-iK AND LOT IN 1 > north pnrt of city , not over f2.000 to ? lW on monthly payments ; liotise & or G rooms , inu t bo cheap. Addioss X 10. lleo. 6JU25 * TV" WANTIII ) . A fOOD ! SKroND HAND 1'IANO , i > Address lock box 11 , Papllllon , Neb. M552-5t' ( AT WANTKI ) , A WASIIUUHN MANIIOL-N , 2ND l > hand. Address , giving price , M9 Iteo. 6:0 25 * FOBSALE HOKSE3 , WAGONSETC p-FOIl SALE. A NKAIILY NKW DOUIILB L Bprlngoxprcss wagon , horse , harnesi and buggy ; also a ucarly no IT ocfof orenmory tools , consisting oflintier iforkor , churn , Howe scale , truck , etc. , all will bo sold Atn-grea * sacrlnc3. Address G. U. Tzschuck , 1 lee o nice , or call nt.UJf Mlama ttroot , where goods can bo s cn. Mt3j ! 15-FOIl HALK , S KLUQANT D1UV1KG I1OI13KS. X Must be sold ftt Onco. Fidelity Loan Guarantee Co. , room 4 , Wlthncll blk. 3UI FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Q-TIH5 STANDAltD OATTLK CO. IIAB CON- stantly on hand baled hay , for sale on track at Ames Neb. MM'J O-Fvin SALE. THK imtCit THAT IS TAKEN Vxoutof the County hospital. Inquire of the foreman at the hospital. MOW ) QTOU SALK , TYPGWU1TEU. HKV1NGTON No. 2 , for ! 60.00. J. 1) . Haynes , lleo olllcu. M490 Q-FOIl BALE THK lILACKCOCimi SPANIRL Hitch Coonlo , No. 13521. a beauty and perfect pot , nljo two line puppies , will bo sold cheap. ! ' G. Uust , Clurks , Neb. iai-,11' MISCELLANEOUS. ] - > FOU IlKNT. LAND IN TllACTS TO SUIT , -linear Florence lake , 200 acres Ib all , Hoggs & Hill. 1403 Farnam street. MS > 8 2 OLAT VOYANTSV S-M113. NANNIE V. WAIIUBN. CLA11UOYANT , reliable business mediumHttU jear ut 111) ) N. ICth. 718 S MHS.Dlt. .M. LKGIIAVK , PIIOPHBT1CS3 , DKAI ) trance clairvoyant and life reader ; tells your life fromcradlo to grave ; can be consultoj on all affairs of life ; has tha celebrated Egyptian breastplate plato to unite the separated and canso marrlago with ono you live. Come one , come all and bo con vinced of her nmarkablo powers. Orllca nnd resl- denco 417 B. llth St. , hours .In , in. to 11 p. m , Strict llfo chart nnd photo of your future wlto or hus band sent throuKU mall for $5.00 , chart alone $200. All letters containing I coats n stamps promptly answered. bll F3 * S-KNOWLKUGE IS POWKIl. CONSULT Prof , nnd .Mine. Arnold , buslncs * clair voyants , palmists and uitrologers , have world "Ido reputation for their mar velous and wonderful power In rending the past. unvHtllng tno future , give Indispensable ad vice , bringing success nnd happiness to thousands ; tells the buvlucfis you should follow for greatest euccets , If your lover Is true nnJ Intends mar riage : restores lost love ; removes family troubles nnd through their wondrous initglc mirror uliow picture , tell name of the ono you marry. Satis faction glvon. Consultation , II to { 3 , full reading by mail , t. ; send data of birth. 1) Hi CD 21S 16th street , near Farnam , 2d noor , room 4. Hours 10a. m. to 8 p. m. M387 87 * , BATHS , _ ETC. ril V.MK. UAIISON , 1131 DOUGLAS bTJlEKT , 3D -i- Hour , room 7 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. 4W-20 MI-MADAME SMITH , 1.121 CAPITOL AVU.NUB , -Lroom 3 , ,1d Uoor. Mutmage , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. 415 27 * TUBATMI9NT , KLKCTHO-THKIt mal baths , ncalp and hair treatment manlcur and chiropodist. Mrs. Vast 319hb Ilth.Wlthnellblo' 414 k PEBSONALS. U-YOUNG LADY WANTS PLP1LS TO TMAC1I on the piano , 1517 Loavenworth 3.Vi 30 * MUSIC , ABT AND LANQUAGES. \7-0. V. GELLUNIIKCK.IIANJO TKACHKII , N.W- I cor. 15tb and Harney. llarnay street untrnnoo. V 14 If-OEIlMAN AND FllENCII CLASSES , S201 > Douglas. M 34980 * MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE. r MON'UV TO LOAM AT LOWKbT IlATEi The O. K Davis Co. , IWi Farnam street Til \\r LOANS ON IM HIO VI ! I ) AM ) UNIMl'llOVKl ) ' ' cltjr iiropurtr.f.lCM nnd iijiwarasllto T porconU Ko delajn. W. Karnam Suiltti & io. . 1Mb nuil llarnar 7JU ir C. F. HAltltlSON , UI2 N. V. LIVK. . \ T31 \\r-MONHVTO 1.OAN-I HAVK ABOUT IT to loan on Improved Omaha property , prlrato funds , lu ono or moru loam Addra T 16 , llee onico. fxjj V\7 MONKV"1' ° LOAN ON OMAHA AND COUN- ii ell Ulurfs real nstate und Nebraska and Iowa farms at from 0 to 7 per eont Interest , with no add ) , tlonalcbargos for commissions cr attorneys fees W. U. Melkle. 1st Nafl bank bldg , Omaha 7(3 ( \\T MOMEV TO IXAN , SUM3 13WM ANI ) Ul * . Goorca 1'aul , IfOJ Farnam MOII JJT ir-IXANS. O , G. WALLACE. SH I1HOWN JIL1C. > 807 \\r-T rUll CKNT MONKV NET TO IIOIIIIOWBIIS il on Omaha city property No extra chnrttos of any kind. Why pay hlxh rates ? Money Is cheap. Voucan net full beaollt of low rates from Uloba Loan aud Trust Co. , llilh and Oodve Hi \\r-MOUTflAOK : LOANS LKS3 THAN 7 I'KK il cent. Including all cbara ' Charles W. llainoy OiuahaN t 'bank bldg 731 "NY r l AND ] YEAH LOANS ON C1TV AND FAHM mortitagesHcoiliSelby. . 311 Uo r4 of Trad * . W MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWK3T IUTKSONIM proTod and unimproved real estate , ! loS years. Fidelity Truit Co. , I7W Karnam st 70J \\r-OMAHA HAVINQS UANK MAKES LOANS il on real estl.te at lowest market rates. Loans made In small or large aurat for abort or lonv time. No commission Is cbarged and the loans are not sold In tha east , but can always bo found at the bank on the coiatt ot 19th and Douglas streets MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. Ciinilmtnl. \\r-l CAN 1'LACK"T > OAN8"ATTOWKST ItATRS 11 on business or other choice property In Omaha. Iguana of nSOUU > WWVW wnnled for foreign parties. J. II , Wheeler , 417 Karbach block. M a.t ) ir-LOWBST UATb'S. F1DIL.ITT TltUSf COMpany - ' pany , ITU ? Farnam street. 721 \\T WAWTRH ATO.NCI5 , LOANS ON 1MIMIOVKI ) ii Omnha property ; low rates Fidelity Trust company. 170J I'arnam it. 7UJ \V-ANTI10NVLOANANDTIttMT Co. . 31 * N. V. ii Life , lends nt low rates fur cholo * security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city properly. \\r-CENTUAL LOAN A TltUST CO. IIKH 111.1)0. ) V | 72J \\r-WANTED. UANS , HOIISKi TO UK.NT ANI ) ' < Insurance solicitor , lleo. W. I' . Coate.o. 16J3 Farnaiu. \\r-KlUSTA9KOO.NI ) MOKTOAUK LOANS OX ' < Omatiu pron | rty A on fanci * In adjacent conn- ttt' . Hcnd fulliluicrlptlon. AloxMooro.tOl lli < al > liU. ir-MONKY TO LOAN ON IMI'HOVIili CITY i property , low rate. A , C. Froit , Douglas Wk , MONEY TO O-OAN CHATTELS. " -DO YOU WANT MUNKYt THE FIDELITY LOAN (11JAUANTUK CO , IIIUIM4. WITHNKLL 11I.OCK. 3IDVS SOIJTH 1JTH , COUN15II HAIINKV ST. WILL \ LOAN \ YOU \ AlfT BUM \ LAUClIi \ OU \ BMAU\ \ rHOM \ TUN \DOLUAnS\ \ \ UP- WK MAKK I.OA.NS ON PIMINI 1'UltlC , IIOHSICH. ( . /UUII.MIKH , WAIIKIIOI'SIO UKCKll'fS OK I'Cll- HOXAI.l'lOl ( lUTVOKANVKIXU. / WILL / DO WKLL / TO / /TOU /OK /US rilUT / FOB. / OUIl TK11MS WILL MKKT VOUU Al'I'UOVA L. You vim | my the inonuy back nt any time ami In any amount you wish , ami thn.i rcduco Iho cost of carrying the loan In proportion to Amount you | iny IKVOl'owo nlmlanoo on your furnltnruor othur pomonal property of any kind , no will pay It off for yon ami carry It a IOIIK as yon de" < ln > YOV t'AN HAVK YlllMt .MOVHV INONi : I10UU rilOMTIIKTlMK YOU MAKK AiTLICATION. .No publicity or ruinoral of property , no tlmt you got thu u o of both inonoy and property. You nlll also lliul us In from 7 to 8 p. m. 731 V-CALL AT TUB OKl'lOB Of j OMAHA MOllTO AOII LOAN CO. i ; INCOItl'OltATKI ) , i Yon can borrow on HOUSEHOLD rmiMTUUH AND PIAN03 , IIOU3Kt < . WAOO.NS ANI ) CAUUIAfllM , WAUKllOUSi : UUUKIIM' . MHUCIlANinSB Oil ANi'OVHKH BECIIKITV. Wo will loml yon any amount from JlOOOto tl.OUU ON TIIM DAY VOU Ablv FOU IT , wlthoutpnhllclty or rumornl of property. Yon cnn pay the money hack In any amounts yon nlsli.nml at any time , nmlanch payment so miulo will reduce HID cost of the loan. Jti'inomber that jou have the usoof both tha pinpurty and the money , ami pay for Itonly as long ni yon kuup It. Them will bo no ovpenia or charzo kept outer or the amount wanted , but you will locclva tha full amount of. thn loan. Heforo borrowing uNcwhoro call and neo us and yon will II ml It uronliy to vour advantage. O.M MIA MOHTilAliK LOAN CO , aoctuwrn mm STIIKIT. : HrBtlloor ulioro tlioilrnut. TIIKOLDKSI' , LUUiH-U' ANI ) ONLY 1NOOII- I'OUATUI ) LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. „ „ V--MMriAtLY : LOW HATl.S ON FUllNtrUIlK -'VJiori-ca or any Kood seunrlty , 3J , IX ) or U ) days 1'iinlty Chattel company , room 20 ? Oiunha Natloua hunk. SI42S I'i' V-MONKY so. ro. w DAYS. CIIICAP UATCS Vniul Piny pajment . < m furnlturo , pianos , llvo Mock. ulc. without dnlay or publicity , cash on hand. Dulllirucn , room S , Harbor block. ? 3i ) X Pltll'CUAIHl it DOUGLAS IILK. 10 i DODGE 7J7 V WILT. LOAN MONKY OX ANY KIND OF 8K- A. K. Harris , 20 ] Karbuck block. 70J BUSINESS CHANCES. WII6TKIIN IIU3IXHS3 AGKNOY. 310 N. JY. . Life , conducts n ccnornl business exchange. List of good business chances In all parts of the country on application. Jiuslnoss positions so cured. M7RI31 AT 'OU SALK , HICTAIL MKAT .MAIIKKT ; L tlret-class locatlou ; cash sales IW per day. Ad dress W7 , lloo. MDtO y-FOJl SALK. GOOD N KW HOTKL AND FUIINI- -l turo. Good trade established , part cash and easy payments. Addresi , The Grand , llundolpb , Iowa. 424-23 * FOU SALE , STOCK GKXKIIAL MKIIUHAN- dine ; good location and room : object veiling. 111 health. Address Carpenter & Demurs , Campbell , Keb. M127 27 * y FOU SALE , A RJUO STOCK OP UAIlDWAIti : JL nnd harness ; cash sale ; reason for selling , must get out of business on account of poor health. Address P. H. Munson , Orlaans , Nub. MfOTZB' -WANTKI ) . A LIVK .MAN WITH IJ.UOO TO KN- gage In manufacturing business In Omaha , eer- vlcuiiwnntedtodlsposoof product , bis prolltx Ad dress , X 17 , L'oo. 661 25 * y-DUNDKKPLAOIIDAIItYFOUSALK , 20 MUST class milk cowa and milk route , must bo sold before March 1st ; the dairy situated on or near Do < ! o street , 6 mlles from poslotllce. 658 27 * Y-GENTS' rUUNISHINGS , HOOTS , KIIOK8 , etc. A good stock , all new and In good loca tion. Good reasons for selling. Address X13. llee. .MS38 Y-D11UO STOCK FOU BALK. 11KST LOCATION In Nobruska , for cash. Van I'/Utcm of Omahn. M672 29 * V-fX ) WILL NET US WKEKLV. IIOWK'B IN- i falllblo Handicapping System on Kastern llacen. Second successful year. Hofurenccs to iubstrlhen. Safe , conservative , practical. For terms and prosprctuv , lbTJ3 , addrdss C. D Howe , P. O. lox 127 , llrooklyu , N. Y. . .M6'i2li ' * r-WANTKI ) , MAN WITH J100 , TO TAKH HALF -Interest In comedy company. Address X 21,11KB. 'FOB EXCHANGE. . /actual valuation. Money to loan. llox&liOumha. 7J'J ' < /-lOWN 100 FA11MS IN NE11UAHKA , KANSAS ' -J A Dakota- Will call cheap , or uiclmnco for mdso , horses A. cattlo. Add. box W , Frankfort. Ind. 775 rCLIIAN Sl'OCKOF ( IKNBIlALM'D'd'K ; WILL Utakorcul estate & money , llor 2JJ , Frankfort Ind. 775 y FOU SALK , IMPLEMKNT STOCK AT 1MO Jgono. Address' ! ' . J. lloujri , IIUOKOIIO , la. 874 F3 * y-WILLTItADU CM ! A It LOTJ AT MAN1TOU , fColo. . , lor clour Nebraska laud or good o.iultlni . , Address b. J. lllchards , lloi I'.MJ , Dunver , Cole MIW FS * rtSO AUIIKS OF CLKAU LA. > iI ) IX ONK OF f-H\\o \ bent winter whom districts In Itansai to exchange - change for 13 or n aero tract near Omaha city limits. Will pay cish dlrtoranco Ig property I * good. Address , ilvlug prlou anJ loontlon , o M , Uoe oalco. 2)5 ry-320 AC11K8 OF LAND IN COUNTY /J na IUI acres In Furnun county , Nebraska , to exchange for liorson. cattlu , general murchnndlin orgrocerlen. Wo h.ivo for ralo on cnsy terms a f arm or ranclio , 737 ncrflH , four miles l of Cam- brtdgo and a tract of BJO acres three mllf > s west of Cambridge. Wrlto to John It Case , Cainbrldiro. Nub . lor description and prloi. M I'Jl ' 2J- r/-C IIOOM IIOUSK AM ) : H 1IY CO FOOT I.OT. IN- /jcuiulirniice , fl.JOO duo next Juno ; oontli part of cfty for aero property near Omaha. Addra * * XII Ueu. CIJ8TOMKII WANTS CLKAN STOCK HAltD- /Jnnrofi.C3) ( ) for good residence , OmahaG. . Wallace , llrown block Ml 25 ry-MOUO ACltKd OF SCHOOL LAND FOU SALK ON AJeasr ternm or will exchange for merchandise and ( lock. Inquire of J. G button , lllooinllald , Nab. 68Jf24 * LOST. T 08T-A A PAlll OF HPKOTACLK3. PLKASH J-Jlcaveat lleacountlae room. 531 T O8T 2'1IULL PUPS , ONE 11LACK ANI ) WHITE , JUthe other hay color. Howard for return to p. F. McCarthy , th nod Harnoy. 6JT 31 * STllAYI',1) . FIIOM THK OWNKU , W J MAT- thewkon , KUtlitcunth and Mllror streets , tonlh Omaha.n dehorned uhllo milk cow , lth small red spots. Any ono giving Information of same to Tilt HEX at tha Htuckman olllce. 2ah au-1 N street. Houth Omaha , will bu paid for their trouble. 604 J6 * FOR SALE IlEAI ; ESTATE. -Lv llarnatns onl'y. My word Is good. W.U. AlbrlKht , C21.2J.Now York Ufa. 740 CHOICE llAIlOAlNfl , HOUTH OMAHA 1IEALTY Midway Investment Co. , 717 H. Y.Ufotildx. MI7U FIU \\rK OFFKII THE FOLLOWINII DKSCHIlll'.D II property on monthly payments of f 10 each Itliall desirable , and the prices are Ulrt cheap at AH all-cash tlgurei Good corner , 85th and Spragne , 11 JO. Corner , 10th and Dominion , walks , etc. . IJW. line corner , linker 1'laco. on car Una , I'M. Houth front lot , Orchard Hill. (700. Valuabl * Walnut Hill lot , 11.000. Klegant corner , Cloverdnle , two lots. 11,20) . Fin * 4 r collBK . barn , etc. , Howard stre l , 11,600. No trouble or oiponse to show this property. Homembar that In ouralegant now addition of Avondale I'ark you can secure a beautiful moderu home within tba mile limit for tJ.OW to JIU J ofldtlltTrusteoupaoy , 1701 > > rotm. XllOi r FOB BALE BEAL ESTATE. Ifitn HALKWK OFFKII A Kl'LI. 1.OT AT TTH I nnd Arbor > t * . , right for r dr , for UMi worth twice that. Also a biz bttrasln In So-ilh ( 'm lm properly , lotforlJO , lUxIM. Mdallly Trunt fo. . irw Fnrnain. DO YOU WANT A NICK IIOUSK FOU WHAT you nro now pitying runt , and Mill not llvo In lli suburbs. U. M. Nattlnier , Clumber of rum more * . 1TH9 l Oll 9A1.K-OVKU I.OUO FIVH IOWA ANI ) Nil- L lirnskn farms , ninny eioMlpnl bargains , lamt rapidly advancing , flow to MMO per ncro now Call for pnrllcularj Hoggs & Hill , HIM Farnnm st _ KB F 8 3 ACHKS .M'.All OMAHA.TliTl'MrAFp.K lnu acre"Merrlck county ( level ) , Improved , flf IM , snrpy , Improved , Hi per acre. 40 , Cats county , | . , tlnely I in pro rod. 210 acres , tionr llrrmnii. K7 per ncro. 407 acics , Col fax county , IJO per ncro. S..XH ) ncn" , Lincoln county , Hi per aero. 12J ncrei nenr Omaha , fiW per aoro. V. F Harrison , ! ' N. Y. Life. Ml 3. " . l/Olt MALF-8 HOOM IIOUSK. W ) tTVlAr 1 lit near llUh , vasy lerins , K.OtiU Modern : tlury housn on Davenport , near vnry choap. Mouse , tull lot ea l front , Park nvo , , bargain at _ _ lll'k. 6SJ-2i ) . " " " SMALL HOM KPioT Kn""MbNriI , NO INTKlT" tfiU beati pa ) Ing rent. Inrustlgato. U. < ! . \VnI- luco , 813 llrown lll'k. f OJs. \\rANTLI ) , FAltM NK All DM AM I A. 11 Wauled , ( o buy for rash i ucrus. Wanted for ta h , II W ) placo. Wanted , to buy JJ , XI j.laco ; no Iradc. Wanted , himno for f..UH , nnd clear lots. Wantud , ciittngo. will pay tM rout. Wutitud. f i.UdO eheiip. l-est security. U anlpd , housK ami ensli for farm. Wanted. 8J ncn-n near Omnlm fur cash. Wanted tl.MIO plocu S. W. lor cadi. "Wanted. Inrgi-r lioiuo for f2lW nlaco niar depot. U'nntod , .Vn ) acre farm neur Omnha C. F Ilnrrl8onil3 | .N. V l.lfo. GS3 17 BLOOD POISONING. 1 > I.OOD POISON IN 11-ri P1II.MA11Y , MUtONDAIIV I'and tt-rllnry st gi-s cured In ui to W days or money rofundi'd , 1 ho treatment thoroughly crad- Icatus all IH'.UOII from the blood and does lint detain - tain > oii Irom your burin ? * ' . bi < treated nt homo nr dlllci > All corre > piiinlcnco Mrlctlr prl vuto. For fuitlirr liifoimatloii call on or mlilre i Hie ContlnenUl Humed ) Co. , roomM , Darker block , Omnha Neb. , MM4F3I * TAKEN UP. M'AKKN UP , A IIUIIKSIIIIIK MALK HOG. 1 Owner can got It by calling at my farm , three miles Host of Itusar'a and paying chnrgrs. Jainoi Voro ilV3 J 4 IMS24 * 3HOBTHANP AND TYPEWBITINO. OMAHA COLLKGKOFHIIOItTHAND AND TVl'lj writing. A. C , Ong , A. M. . prln , lloyd's now tlieoler COSTUMES. AD1ES1 AND GENTS' MASQUKIIMMS COi" J tunics for rent at 111 8. ICtli M4KIFIO * DEN SM ORE The Best in the World. MAGEATH STATIONERY CO. 1304Farrmiv St. , - Omnha , Not "ImproveniBnt tln'Ordar of the Ag } , " A Trial of thu Smith Prciniur Will Cost You Nothing but will dOT.ionatrnto nit wo clnlm. Wo will plncothSmltli I'roralor boslile nny writing inncliluo on tlio nuirkot ; It will oponk forlt- EOlf , Itn durability cnn no lonsnr to quostionol ' Wrlto or cull on us for cntnloquo , tornm , OC3 Cor. 17tli and Farnam Sts. , Omaliajeb B. H. MAYIinW. Mnntiiror. BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitors , Boo Building ; , Omaha , Neb 4years Einmlnors U. S. I'nt , Olllco. Advlco free THEREMINGTOHTyPEllTEIl AND FULL LINE OK SU1'I'LIK3. Wyckoff , Seamans & Benedict TIIONK 1573. 1712 KAKNAM. RH1LWRY TIME CARD Ij'AVO ) j UII10AG I IIUULINGroV It IJ. Arrlvo. Omalm Dunot 10th nnd Maiun Ht < l.t-nvoi | ilJitl.lNiH'O > < ) ltlV. .t Arrlr < Omaha I Depot IJth ml | Pauni lO.lfPnm' ' Dimver Evpross. . . . 4 01 p m 10.16 n ml Duudwood Kxpruss. . 4 03 p m 460pm Denver Express. . . , U U a m 4.M ) p m .Denver Limited 13 M a , m II60 p m Hauling * Local O..I7 p la 8j jJnjJ ! Lincoln Local ( Except Hun ) . II.HJ um 1/i-uves I K r. HI' J. , V 5T. IfpATitia * Omaha I Depot IQtb and .Mason tfts. \ Omaha V 6(1 a im . . .Kansas City Day Express . . I I'M pm i'.ll p m K. O. NlKht Exp. via U. 1' Trans II40 n g IU3 p m . . . . . . .St. Louis Express. , j .l 0.40 jtju I CHICAGO. A. 1. A TAC1F10 J From I Union Depot IQtb A Marey tits. | East. .Atlantic Kxpruss. p m Vustlbulo Express 1.10 p m K ! U n in , CillCAUO , II. I A 1'ACIFIC rTrom West. ( Union Depot 10th and Maroy Hts I West. l.VJpm Denver Limited I 4.M p m 860 ami .Kansas City ( Except Sunday ) ! . | _ 7.0 > p m " " : J aves I UNToJT 1'AOI IO. | frrvor ( Omaha IL'nlon Depot 10th and MarcySts.i UmaUa 7.6Jaml llualrlco Express ti'tJ V m V.WHIII ! Denver Exprais 403 p m 215pm Overland Flyer 7.0J p m ( .15 pm lloatrlce&Strmshz llxloxSun ) 1.1.3) p m H 4'J p m I'acltlo Express 10.43 a in 0iPHl : ! j' jj.D i'vor Fast MaJI 420 o m Heavoi | OllftUOO. ifUS STlr " 1TA III Omaha ) U. I1 , depot and MareyPts , 70ipm | Chlcaj Kxprdsi 11.10 iim | Chicago Kxpreis. Luavoi , 8IOUXCITV * PAClFlO Arilvo * Omahal Depot. 10th anil Marcy Ht . Oiustil 7TJ am ) . Sloui Llty PussenuorUMv \ \ m ttajpinl . HI Paul Kxpron . 1 10 O ) a m rT HliM/3rOlTV""PACIFIU , ( Arrives * Omahal Depot , lith an.l Webiter Hti. | ( li.45 p ml _ _ . . _ . . t Paul LlmltedL1.i | DJiTTra Luu"viJs" T OMAnXAStTTxUTo. " ( Arrives' OmuhaU. | P Depot , Itllll nnd Miircy Hli. | Omqlia "inl hT Loiifs Caiiiiioii Jloll iTi. T p m .euves I C. , M. 1' . . M. A O fArrlvoi" Omnbal D poU5thBnd _ Webitoj Sts | Omaha _ atO am. . i-loiit < Ity AcojniinoJutfoii I UU ) p in 1.15 pm'bluuxClty ' Kxpra ( Kx. 8uinl. > rill I ) p m 1.npinj t 1'Aul .mlted . . . . I 'J.JJ ' um 615 pinlHancroft l'as un < "r IKx. Hund'yi' tU5 p ta Arrival Depot lith and Webster hts. Omalia lloaiiifood Kxpres ) . . . , * & M p iu l'XI ( am ( Ex. Bat ) Wyo. Kxp ( Kx. Mon ) i.'rt pin 630 pm Norfolk ( Ex Miinday ) . . , , lJtit m 6.44 pin St I'aul ll | iroii . , . , 'J.'ii a ra "bin ah ' U "l'"d o po t" , 10th "nu d il a rcy "s t s | Oui a b a 7.ill a m ( Kx. ynn'j ) Carroll I'siitnuur. " ! T ! 1040 a m i hlravo Kxpreit , . , , 4 U p m . . . . Vestibule Llmltvd 7U ) nni Kastorn Flyer. n.9) v m ( Kx Uuniriiln. Pan. ( Kr. .Mon. ) leaves ' MIMHOfltl PAClPTc. lArrlvei" _ Omahal _ ; epol lith and WehstirBts. | Oin h " " T.ll ) pm | . . . St. lx > uls Klpreis .1 . , , , | 7.CiO"a"o7 1000 p ml M. lAiili Kiprcsi..I 6.03 p ca 5.10 piu | Nettraika L < ; c l | UW a M ,