T1IR OMAHA DAILY RMR : riTPRSnAY. JANUARY ! > ( ? THE DAILY 13EE OtTK'rJ : NO. 13 1'GAW , STKUCT. It Uclkf rcrt hy cnrrler < o any pnrt nf the city It V > , T1I.TON , - MANAOKIt. I Iluslnr OnicP 5"1 i2 TELRI'IIOM.8 junior J.o.23 ; / / : . > 7 / . % N Y Pliitnblng Co. Counill Uluff Lumi ) r li ) Cell MM ALiurrr will entertain tomorrow in liimor of her guest , Mis. Jcnnlo L. Oaynor ofSt Joseph Mrs lMi-\\n \ \ Wells will rnleitaln a numlior of ladi friends at n Kensington tea this nftenioon at her homo on Oakland a\enuc in honor of Mrs Hamilton. The Infant ehlld of Mr imil Mis A Osltotne died M-stetdai at the homo of the iMicnts In Wcston , and will bo buried In lla/el Dell tcmetery thU moinlng at 11 o'clock. hiieclal session of Harmony ehapter No 2T > Older of Kastfin Star nt Masouti1 tcinplo this ovcnlng for the timtwso of initiation Visiting membei-s conllally lnIted. . Uy or der oforthi matron Attention , I'nlted Order of the Tiiiehund - Allmembirs of Couuell IllufTs lodKoNo ( , ' ) arc iwnipstcd to attend the funeral of ( harlrs Moor of Konth Om ilia this after noon nt ! i o'clock II .lindens , secictaty. Man Inpo licenses weio Issued \estcrdav to the follow lujf it u llisPaul t ! Schneider nnd Allio A Heehec of rounill Hl'i" ' > C'hailes Whltemau and Mrs nilz.ihctU Hcln Ffhlett of Shelby , Kiedeilck C.toit and lllen 1C. Metheiuii of Honey Creek. J. 5 PlnKOollo fllcil his answer In the di- tilct i ourtesteiday in the altai him-nt pio- ( TpdiiiKShlch w 'to lommptitod nII II Vnnliiiint mouth Ho alleges that tlii'io vas no icison for Ihe nttafhnient. and asks for a Judgment fort < W on the ntt.iLlnncnt bond. Johanna Hondo nied a petition In the dis trict coutt jestei day nsklnn for a ilhoico firjm her husband , P A Hoiide , on the piouiid of habitual diunkcnness and iinolli bho claims ho is woith about * 3W ( and asks for alimony In the sum of f)00 ) , toirother \v Ith the pi ic o of nn attoi wy Abe Mm oln post , CJiand Aimv of the no- public , vent lo Wcston Tnpsd.iv to attend the funeral of their < omradc , Isaac Kedd- Itifc' . Tlinfunei.il uas laigeb altended , Iho honso hiilng alicady full when the Council JJlUffs di'lPffiitlon airhcd The soiicos weioioiidlii ted bv Hov Mr Jackson , who juoaihcd nn cxtclleiit disiouise. The post , then took ch.iigo of the icnialiis and laid them auav In their last resting place with the beautiful illcs of the Grand Army John Williams , a toloied man , was tiled for vagrancy \psteidaj morning In the polk o court and dlseliaiged. Within Iho minutes nfter ho had loft tlio iltv building a tele- iihono message was iccrhcd from the onicoia nt Omaha asking that a man icscmbllug him vorvmueh bo aticsted , stating tli.it ho hadstolonaio.it Williams , when llrst ar- icBtodon thin sldo of the t her , hid a co it in his possession which hewas ti\lng\eri haul to soil , and when asked whcio he got It ro- replied that his biother-in l.in made It Ho was nraptntcd , ami will iirobiblv bo vUlted bv the Omaha oflkials todaj for the purpose of IdentilU-ation Dr. Kllnt , the hjpnotlst , continues to diaw crowded houses , I ist night the largest nudlenco of the w eek witnessing the peifoim- nnco. In his preliminary loctuio the doctor ondeavoied to conesotno idea of the mis tety of h\pnotlsm , claiming that it was not so much si nuBti'iy after all , for nil people possess it to a gi eater or less degicc Theto Is nothing in it , ho thought , Incompatible with the most iclined C'hiistlan belief , ami those hjpnotlsts who wcid the IHiiest In mind and body and who followed most neat U In the footsteps of Cluist were nble tocxeit the gi cutest eouti-ol His en- tcrtainmentB nio full of snap and lifo and many oiiglnal wipiiscs. Tonight sc\i > ial theater parties have been ai ranged for , Mr. nnd Mis S. L' . MacConncll entertaining ono of t\vcntj-lho. _ Tlio snow nnil colrt wouttior ilrcs not diininlHh the doinniul for acrcnKo in the Kloln tract , Ui inilc-i cast of tlio post- olllco ; UOO ncros yet for wile in ft om ono ' to ton iicio ttnolH , Hiiitnblo foi1 ft nil anil guidon. Day & Hess , ngonts , 39 Pctu-1 Btrcot. _ For wnrming guest ehninbors , bnth rooms , olc. , our tfiis hcutors nro just whnt you wunt. Look nt thorn. Clean , convenient , cheap. C. B. Gas untl Kleo- trio Light Uo. _ Do you smoke ? TIuvo you ti led T. D. King & C'O.'H rurtujrus ? U'H u chut nior. Just light ono. Mrs W. II. Wakolleld has been engaged as sopiano In the choir of the Congicgation.il church of this dty. Mrs. C. II. Judson , who has been \lsitlng her mother , Mrs. P. U. Dexoi , returned last evening to her homo In Chicago Miss Vliglnia Hoblnson goes to Omaha this cnonlng to take pait In tlio gold medal contest - test to bo gh en for the \ iolin pupils of Hans . Albert at the Young Men's Chi istlan assocl- ntlon rooms. William H. Tsmlalo , n piomlsmg member of Iho Council Bluffs High school , i lass of "III. " Is enrolled among the freshmen of Gates college , Ncllgh , Nob. Ho has determined upon medicine as his ptofcssion. U. N. Whlttlesey , who has been hustling for new s for the Glebe for a number of j cai s past , has resigned , nnd is snu-ccded by L. 13. Allen , who was foi mcrly In the bank Ing business In Woodbine , la. Mr. Whlttlesoy w ill go on the ro.ul in the Interests of the Glebe for n time , but It Is said ho has an o\o on a federal apiiolntment to a position In the mall scr\kc. ' - Now thnt diphtheria- provnlent In Council BlnlTrt nnil Omaha every family phoiild ho ] ) rovidud w itli Dr. .lolforis' infallible - fallible diphtheria pi event ha and cure. It can bo hud of Council BlulTs drug- ut 2104 C'uniiiig street , Omuhti. Use Konl-Spar ! A 2oo pnckngo saves 2. per cent of jour coal bill , besides other comforts , nnd is bufllclont to treat ono ton. For tale by Janssen ft Gregg. No. H7i Pearl street. In Memory of Hunt * . The annual celebration of the birthday of ofm Robert Hums took place last evening at the Ki > i al Arcanum parlors under the auspices of St. Andrew's society. His 1.T4 jenrs since the great pout III st saw the light of bonnlo Scotland , but that fact docs notdlminlrh the Interest with which the Scotchmen look for ward to this annual fistlval , or the cnthusl- nsm with which they take part in It vv lien the time arrives The hall was tastefully dci orated for the occasion , the walls bearing n number of sjinboliu inscriptions All the nirangemcnts had been planned with a vlow to the cnjo.vmcnt of the puosts , w ho exceeded in number any previ I- ous celebration of thu kind , 'I hey remained In the ante-room until about 0 o'clock , when thu folding doors weto ojieiied nnd the banqueters swooped down upon the sccno to the tune of the bigplpcs , After an ss of welcome by James Macrao and an Invo cation by Dr. O.V dunlon , attention was devoted to the elegant spread. Then followed toasts by the following Kt-ntlcmcn J.V. . Temploton , ir. M.icmo , W. U. Stewart , P. J , Montgomery , II U. ririuun , J. J. Stewart , Judge \V I. Smith 'Jheso wi-io Intel sporsed with muslo hi Joseph ( iiaham , Mrs. lli-my Stevenson , James Macrs o , Miss Webb and Andrew I.ldell , and leadings by James Johnson and lr Gordon Mns > lo of the bagpipes now and then added variety to the entertalt'inent After thu ltti-iar > pait of the exercises dancing was iho order of the ovcning , a pro gram of tuc'iitj numbers being danieU rote irtusio bj an excellent oivliestra. Coal nnd wood ; beat and cheapest haul \\cxxl In the city ; motunt U. A. I'ox. No. 4 .Nfuln. Wanted - Cash 'ton offer for shines C'itl/en'rf State bunk stuck. Must bo sold. Aildrem ii A. Sheafo. Bou IcitiB llndH out that Stnt nmu Street Is all right for the just look at his uuw NEWS ) [ ] FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Jmtice Fox Won't Allow Any Questioning of the Court's Sanity , TWO NEBRASKA LAWYERS IN TROU3LE One of the IMnttsmouth Cmr < Co-net on nnd OroMnlcMnSomo Very I.holy t'rot'ril- IIIRH rinvil Tor Cuiilouipt iiiul Uii.tlilu to Apot'tjlz n. II H.Voolcy of Lincoln antl D O. D\v.\er of Plattsmouth , Neb , two attorneys at law , had an encounter with Justice Tor jotcr- day , and although the Justice business Is somewhat now to Fox and ho Is sin oral je.irs past the prime of life , he showed that he feels nble to urn his own court in Ills own way. The suvcnteen garnishment cases which were commenced in Justice court several months ago by a collection linn of Sioux City tigalnst n number of railway men ll\lng at Plattsmouth wcte on tilil , ami Messrs Wooley and Li.yyer represented the lalluay men The whole town of Platts mouth was gieatli Interested In the outcome of the trial , ami the casoi have received con siderable newspaper attention during the pis t few weeks When the llrst caao came up for trial j cs- tcidaj inoinlug thoattornejs for the de fendants asiced for a trill by Jury , which the.v claimed tlii'i wcio entitled to accord ing to a gie it many decisions of the supiemo coutt The Justice ruled against them , and said the cases must be tiled to the coutt 'I his was the beginning of the trouble , which lasted all thiougli the trill , several deci sions of the comt bcin , ; construed by the nt- as unjust to themselves and clients Their \tllil ivll ICllcil tlio Court. At the close of the trial thcro was a formal declaration of war. Attorney Wooloy and U jcr Illln' , ' an objection lo the tiial'of nnj of the icmalni'ig uses by John Fo\ , Justice of the peace , alleging as the ground for their objection that hovas neil compos mentis , not competent to lr.\ the cases piopctly" Justice I'nxwoithjcryinitin.ill } objected to anv attorney casting icllections on his mental soundness , no matter what thci might think of his legal or Judicial ability , nml ho nt oiuog.no the obstreperous attor mm notice1 that they would ha\o until " o i loci ; in the aftrinoon in which to take bid : what they hid said iud miike suitable apologies In c-ase thej did not wish to do this the } would bo called upon to answer to the charge of con tempt of comt When the time designated aiilvcd Justice Fox sild , "Gentlemen , Imo j on decided to w Ithdra w i our objectionable paper I" "No , sir , " was the reply , " \\o shall stand bj our .iflkliu it " The Justice thereupon proceeded to enter up a decision on his iccord lining them $10 each for contempt of coin t , ami sending them to the countv jail for ono day in default of pnmcnt Wooloy icrjucsted that ho be glun time to consult an attoinei , and this was iji.uitcd by the court. Kx-llHtlll ! ! lllllgril 111 It A little later ho ictuincd to the court loom with Attornoi J J Stowait , who in addicsslng tne coutt. slid that the attorneys had had no intention of committing a ion- tempt of louit , but tliev were of the opinion that ex-JustlcoSweailngen , fiom whom the lase had been taken on a change ofcuue , and who occupied a seat beside Justice Fox dining the tiul , was h.ulng alto gether too muih of a hand in the tual Al this point Sweatingen icached o\cr and picked up an inkstand fiom tlio desk in fiont of him The piospccts weio that bto\\.ut's bi.iins would be pti'si-ntly p liuting a design in Liim&on on the lloor of the loom He dodircd , but the dodge was useless , for if the ex-Justice had any intention of throuing the inkstand at his head , he icconsldeicd it be- foio it was OM'ilastingly too late , and con tented himself with icmonstiatiug with Stowait In a rather cnetgotic fashion. Stewart then pioseiHed the court a piper embod\ing the statements which ho had made In behalf of his clients , asking pel mission to withdraw the aflldavIt in which they h id applied the term "non compos men tis" to thu iouit , and , in short , taking back PIcr.thing. . The attorncis then asked the comt to expunge the record of the contempt proceedings. Justice Fox was not willing to foigl\ound foigdt oven thing , but oftcied to i educe the line to $5. Wooloy begged vehe mently for his partner , offciIng to take the lesponsibllity for everything ' that h.id oceiuicd If only Dwjer might be leleased At last , after some tall speechifying had been done , the justice agiccd to take the matter under advisement until Saturday mennlng , when he will decide whether or not the contempt proceedings shall be quashed. Fluent Aiihto cabinet photon. $2 per doAshton's studio , 18 N. Main utieot I'lio In ll S.iluon. A Hie stalled nt 1 o'clock icsterday mom- Ing in W. J White's saloon nt 17 Peail sticet , known as the "Annex. " Uhe cause was something that has not jet been determined - mined , but every indication ] Kiiits to incen- diaiism. The blaze stalled back of the tountcr , where the only thing In the way of combustibles wasllio water. The depait- nient was called out and the blaze was soon siiuolclicd. The Intelior of the stoie and the ll\tures weio badly damaged by the Hie , water nnd smoke. The large plato glass on the Peail stieet cnttanco was cracked , and , Judge James , who OVMIS the building , places his loss ut about fr-00 , fully coveied by in- suianco. Tlio IKtuics had only icccntlv neon insuied for $ , "iOO , which is about all they wcio vvoith bofoie the lire. IV'hy , oT Course. Mr. Jefferson , "Joe , " as every ono has called him w ith a mingled feeling of familiarity nnd icspect for the lubt quarter of a century , wit opposite mo in a train down from Harlem lust week , Mi.vsaNow York Herald man. It was near midnight , after the play was over. On each nldo of him wit ti lady. They vvoio both trying to make the most of a brief talk with the great comedian. I pitied him. He came near being ques tioned to death. Each lady wanted to numiipnli/u his attention and in his oflorts to be equally attentive to both it ( coined as though his neck would get dislocated. And mich billy questions as they plied him with ! Mr. Jefforbon tried to look interested and ho is u very good uotor. "Dayou think wo will over have any good playwright in America ? " chirruped one. one."I think so , " very solemnly. "Will the titngo over bo more renl"v fiom the other. ' 'Quito likely. " "Oh. 1 think HO , too. It's going that way , isn't it ? I have a friend on the stage who never makes up her face doesn't disguise hot self , you know , by paint and powder. She sees the ton- doney of the art , don't v on think so ? " "N"answeicii Mr. Jofforbon , getting a little b t loused. "I think vour friend cannot be an artist. The urtitlcial lighten on the stage requites the making up of a face so that it will look natuial. That is art. If it wasn't made up the light effects would make the face look uimut- uial. Doing true to lifo and natural , tus von call it , is not true art on the stage. It does not follow that it plujer'B work e.is natural because it is done on the stage as it would bo done off. In real life it would bo natural for a man to hpend half nn hour in reading a newspaper after he picked it up. If nn netor did that on the ! btngo I think the audience would ien wider him anything but 'natui til. ' rftago art eonslhts in making unmitmal action appear natuial. No , 1 believe jour friend is quite wrong In hero-inception. " "Why , of i-onrtJO , " they both t-uld. : "It'n so evident. " Thou they gave him a ujst for a while. Iiirrc.ueil \ ulue of lliilHtln ItobvM. Albany Express : A man who owns a buffalo robe in the possessor of more I than he perhaps knows. Years ugo buf- ffi rolws wcio fold for n pong. But iho of the buffalo has made the skins % erj f-ctircp , and the prleo of robes has been steiidilj advancing until they nrc now valued at from $10 to WO. Manj n farmer has lying about his wagon house , hay loft or in the garret of his house a wiffulo robe which looks not milch different fiom what it did when ho bought it ton fifteen or twenty jours ago , and which ho does not pri/e very highly. Let him change his mind at once. Thnt old buffalo sKin upon vvhleh ho and every member of his family have been treading nnd which thev have been kicking fiom pillar to post for joarH is worth a half bundled dollars. A PHANTOM MYSTERY. A NCM\ York ( lliott I > lMirreil Aftrr Tuclto Yrn Tribulation. The true history of a New York ghost that for twelve years past has haunted a house not -100 yards from Washington Square has at last been ascertained. Bontt lido spectres are .somewhat a rarity , nnd the Sun has the stoiy from a a member of the familv only on condi tion that the name Is not published. | They will , theioforo , be called the Van Old Hehuyler Van Rystael built the hoiiM3 mote than uljitj jeais ago. It sits back somovN hat fiom the north hide of the street , anil has a gi eat hall that runs ' up the entire thieo stories. At the back of the corridor on the thiid lloor is the chamber of young Schuj lor Van Rjstael , a gtandson of the old gentle- man. Sehuylcr discoveied the ghost on C'hristmns , 18 0 , when ho was little more than 1U jeais old. The roof was coveied with snow , and tluough a leak at the wide of the skjllght a tiieklo of water was dripping. The steady mop , drop , kept the boy awake and ho lai-ed his " Jioad to eall"a hervant and have a basin placed to catch the water. To his in- teii'-e astonishment ho aw a stitingo old man in black elothes pacing the hall de liberately , in time to the diop of the water. The intiiicler slowlyappionehcd Schuj ler's door and apparently v unished into a pantry on the left of the hull. Selniilor jumped out of bed , locked the pantiy , and called his older brotho from the lloor below. Armed with a pistol the family opened the closet. It was empty , and a close examination of the doom mid window t ) showed no place where a burglar could have enteied The family , theiefoie , ictiicd , making lemnrks about the effect of the Clirint- iiius pudding on Scmuyler's digestion. Nevertheless the ghost continued to walk , and always on moonlit nights after a heavy storm. The Van Rjstnoln weio pesteied by would-be ndventmeis , vv ho desired to eo the spectral visitor , und on ono occasion Frank R. Stockton , the novelist , undertook to watch for the ghost. Though all conditions weio fav orable , the speeter failed to appear until after Mr. Stockton retiied. Then tluough the hall the weiid intiuder paced in unison to the dripping ; of the melting , snow and vanished as Mr. Stockton sprang to liin feet to accost him. The VanRjataelssav Mr. Stock I ton hud intended to ask the ghost whether the lady or the tiger came through tbo door. However , the s > u- peinntuial visitor came le s fiequently nfterwnids- , and was more unsociable than such beings are commonly supposed to be , and until Sehuyler Van Kystaol came home iccently fiom Ilarvaid the identity of the ghost was umcveulcd. The lain in the afternoon had wtarted the old leak , and the drops glitteic'l in the moon's rajs as they fell fiom the skylight. Sehuyler sat up in bed , and thcio stood the stiango old man at the opposite end of the corridor. With arms clasped behind his back and head bowed as if in deep meditation , ho came toward Schuylor's door. As peen as the younjj man jumped on his feet tlio npptuition vanished , and tuililng , Schuylor was fronted with the explanation. Directly in the rear of the manor is a boaiding-houhc , of which the third utory back is inhabited by a whim-leal baeh- elor. It is this man' ! ) habit to brilliant ly illuminate Ills room and pace the floor until a Into hour. The Hood of light comes through his window and projects his llgiuo on the blanket of moonlight that on clear nights falls into the Van Rystael'a hall , and aa the bach elor walks tovvaid his window the ghost advances toward Schuylor'adoor. When the young man springs from his bed the focus is destiojcd and the vision vanishes instantly. Sehuyler now pulls down his hhtidcs , but Mr. Stockton , having given up hope of supornatuial aid in solving his BOH- imposed pu//.le , is as much in the dark as to the fate of the Spartan jouth as is the dullest of his lenders. Perhaps it , vas a choice of evils. Kitchen Mvusiironic'iits. Soft butter the size of an egg weighs one ounce. Four tcnspoonfulb aio equal to ono tublespoonful. Ono pint of coffee "A" Mignv weighs twelve ounces. One pint of best hi ow n btigar w oighs thirteen ounces. Two teaeupfills ( level ) of ginnulnted sugar weigh ono pound. Ono and ono-half pints of powdered sugar weigh ono pound. Two teneupfuls of r-oft butter ( well packed ) weigh one pound. One quart of blfted Hour ( well heaped ) weighs one pound. Ono pint ( heaped ) of granulated sugar weighs fourteen ounces. Two tablcspoonfuls of powdered sugar or Hour weigh ono ounce. Two leacupfuls ( vvjjll heaped ) of collee "A" sugar weigh one pound. Two and ono-half tenciinfuls ( level ) of the best b : own sugar weigh one pound. One tablcapoonful ( well heaped ) of giuimlated coffee "A" or best brown fiugar equals ono ounce. The art of making needles was kept a bcerot until about 16oO , when it was taught to the English by Christopher Gi coning. Now English needles aio bold all over the world. At Redditch alone liO.OOO people make more than 100- 000,000 a jear , and they are made ami exported M ) cheaply that England has no rival in this country , and putctically monopolies the Undo. Formerly ncodlo- muking annually killed tens of thou sands by the particles of steel being iit- hulcd , but now u blast of air away from the grindstone has done nwav with all of this , and the occupation lias become quite safe. The most interesting part'of needle-making is the drilling of the ojos. It is sain that exports can porfo- uitc u hair and tin cud it with * Itself. Although Gieut Hrituin makes the ordi i- nary needles for Americans , the hitter , in tneir turn , make nearly all the bow ing machine needles. The National Needle | company at Kpringlleld , Mass. , annually makes , UO.OOO.OOO machine needle * . Implrmriit Thenwns n mooting of the Omaha imple ment Jobbers in the 1'axton cafe last night for the purx | > so or effecting n permanent or ganization. K. W Martin piesided as chair man. Manj matters uero discussed con cerning the Improvement of the Implement trade , not onlj us it affects the Jobber , but the retailers as well The Jobbers exi > cct to form n strong organization and exercise ) u benellclal lullueuco on the implement busi ness of Nebraska. - _ _ : lil WANT ' THE RULES CHANGED Iowa World's Fair Oommisiioa Anxious to Protect tbo StoJt Interests. dftJ APPEAL TO THE NATIONAL BOARD / M n r Ten Tliiiiminil Dollar * ( ii UP Kxprmdcil Ity the Mate In TliU Ijlopirtinput If ill * llntry l'liiii _ Aro.Miulo S'iitl fnitor\ . . la , .Inn. 'J3. Iowa \V < nIll's fair commission nt Its last meeting adopted the following icsolution : . \Vherca4 , Kiimnr has It that llxo stock sent for exhibition n ( tlui Worlds fair N lo tin srp- lu.ilodnnd | il iced by anus , Instead u ( bolus Kept by Ill-ids , nnd VVIic-rcMS Iti'proseiitatlvesof ll\o slock In- tcri'slsof lown now In session with us iiro decidedly opposed to this mode of procedure , mid unanimously so ; therefore , be It Hcsohrd , That wo submit this objortlou In linn \V \ t Iliu'lianan , elili'f of ( hut depirl- inenl , with our most urjri'iit miuest lo haxo plans If coric-ctly repotted In that lospect , iiiodlllrd accord liiHly. The lommlislon also voted to expend $10- 000 ( , If neeessiry , to leprosont stockmen at the World's fair The commission uigcs ulm intending exhibitor * to hasten repot ts of number , bleeds , apes , etc . of their animals asquiikli as possible Notifications should bosent as follows Ui.iflaml coach horses , to D I' Stuhhs Fall Ill-Id , standard horses , P S ICell , Dos Molnes. beef bleeds of cattle. U A McCIiotieioi , Donlson , and C W Noiton , Wiltnn Junction ; daii\ cattle , . ! J Hiclmrdson , Davonpott , andV B Uaine , Il.unpton , swine , \V W McClurg , Wateiloo , sheep and poultry , C S. Qabiielson , New Hampton. Those still undecided whether thej will , exhibit01 not should icpoit the f.ut with Infoiinatlon asked abo\o. to bo placed on the legister as doubtful exhibitors The com mission will adopt rules nnd icgulations for the distribution of state funds nmong owncis as soon as the names and number of their animals aio lepoi toil Kntr.v for f.it stock classification closes August 1 , and fat stock will boon exhibition from October 10 to ! M Premium lists and i ntiy blanks will bu fur nished intending exhibitors on application IOWA DltlHUllS'l' ) SUit : . Wife < if a lliMlin-M Mnn DrilHrcH Tliut Her Iliulinnil Win Iliilnril lo Wlilsl y. CLIIAII lUrins , la , Jan ! -Specltl [ to Tin' Her ] A few dajs ago Mis Annie Kogcrb brought suit against four diuggists at La Poito City for selling liquor to her husband , asking fo,000 damages ftotn each one. She alleges that her husb uid. usually a * bin end business man , was vvhollv in capacitated by strong di ink and lost largo sums of mono.v while intoxicated The La Porto City Keirlster ehaigcs that it is a blackmailing scheme entcied into by and between Hogois and bis wife and the attor neys to ex toil money fioin the druggists IOM-H Suproino Court Dorl-ilnim. DrsMoiSE" , III , Jan 'JoSpecial [ Tele gram to THE Urn ] The follow ing supiemo louit decisions weio icndciud todaj Pltkins\s Peet. Jones dlstilct , i oversell on William O Peel's appeal , plaintiff's ap peal treated as abandoned , modified and aflli med on Matilda Peetls 5ippc.il Stevens vs the Ca | > ital Insuianeocompaiii , appellant , Union distiict , i excised , Jamison , appellants , \s Huillngton & Wr.stein Itallv.a.v company , Mahaska dlstuct , aftlnndd , Hall vs Hankln , appellant , Wajno dlstnct , i oversell , Com- fert , appellant , vs Graham , Blaokhawk dis ti let , icvei scd , Dougherty vs Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul Hallway company , ap pellant , \Vajnodistilct , Mfllmieil ; rianovs Burlington Insuianco coinpiny , appellant , ninggold dlstilct , mnlimed ; bhocmaUcr vs Austin , appellant , Jus par Ulstilct , i oversea ; MIddleton , appellant , vs Middleton , Wapollo distiict , aimined. Jtrcmtvd it .Sot ere Scntunro. KLOKUK , In. , Jan. 25 [ Special Telegram to Tun Bpr ] .Tudgo Woolson of the federal couit hcio today senlenced David Wilson of Mills county to sl\ months in pi ison and to pay $ " > 00 line for using un ndvei Using imitation of a bill Ho also sentenced riod Mori is of Oakland to pay $2,000 flno and to tluee years at Tort Madison prison for sending an obscene letter tluough the mails to a jouiiglady The judge was very sovcro instills latter bcntcncc , saying that if Mortis had said In pci&on what he had wiittcn , the joung woman would have been justified In shooting him down ; not justified bcfoiu the law , but no Juiy would convict her of the ci Imo com mitted under such provocation He biandcd Mot ris as a coward who used the mails to administer a stab in the back of ono ho would not face openly. Itcsull of n I'rolr.u ttnl Spree , COUMNO , la. , Jan 2T . [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bru ] A. Andoison , n Swede shoe maker employed by W. M. Scott , had been on a spree for sovcial di.\s past and shoitly after 12 o'clock todav shot himself In his room at the Llndell hotel. The bill pene trated the skull just in fiout of the light car and passed upward and behind the light c'ie. He cannot live. Ho has a mother and two sisters who reside at DCS Moiucs. N Clinton liank. Cnvrov , la. , Jan ' > A. M. Ingiveiscn , C. Lamb , L Lamb , C. V. Alden , K P Wells , D. Langrtn , O. B , Young and P S Towel today iueoipoiated a bankkiiown as the Peoples ples Tiust and Savings bulk of Clinton The paid up capital is f iOO.OOO. It w ill begin business about Apiil 1. Mnhcrit Wrilillnff HoIU. TAIIOII , la. , Jan 2T > . [ Special to Tin : BEP ] Mr Chnilcs W. Leo of South Omaha and Miss nilzabeth Uttvits of Malvcin weto mauled by Hov H. C. Hughes of'labor college - lego Wednesday. LOW llATi ; i\CUHSION. To Houston , Tex. , anil Itrttirn. Monday. January 30 , 18'J3 ' , my Seventh Special Patty will leave Omaha , bound for Houston'Texas. Tlio into for the lound trip , first class , will bo $ i" , and I will give jou fifteen dnj's to go in , flfteen dujri to come , with stop-over privileges within the limit , and until Juno 1 , ISO.ij to return. For fuithcr information lib to land , elimato , costof livingaijd all particulara as to purchase of tiolf t , , call on 01 ad- dress R. CHATTERS ON , 12. ) Ramgo building , Omaha , Neb. Death tirOnn of fli < tl > ii\U Helm. VICTOIIIA , B C. , Jan --John A Dav Is of Chicago , ono of the hchs of Millionaire A J. Davis of Montana , injured jcsterdaj iby fallIng - Ing down stalls at a hotel , died last night of concussion of tlio brain Davis , until t\\o j cars'ago ' , was a commcr' j clal traveler , Upon the death of his brother , Andiovv J Dav Is , the b.-inkcr and capitalist of Bntto City , Mont , lid , put in n claim to the estate , \\hich was worth , it is estimated , from tT.OOO.iKX ) to $10OttiJX'0 The claim vas contested by other relatives of A. J. . Da vis nnd still is in litigation , Mr Davis had two sons , ono of vv horn Is AnUt'ew J Dav is , jr. , at picbcnt a icsldcnt of Buttc. The other re sides in Chicago. Will K' > llm U lo Pueblo. Yesterday Chief Seavey received n telo- iamfroni } tlio jmlicoof I'uublo , Cole request ing thnt John Monte Kov ten bo nncsted nnd held as a fugitive. The man w as looked up and placed under aiicst Ho Is wanted in Colorado for obtaining goods under false urrJtenses According to the message 10- celved hero Montn Ifovleh was emploied bv the Pueblo Smelting comp my and obtained fl.V ) worth of goods from the company's store. He converted the goods Into cash and left on a freight train for the east When searchedVio In bills was found sowed up in the lapel of his vest Tlio Colorado author ities w ill arrive In a duj or so and take thu man back , ItllK ) ' * 1'UtllOI Max O'Rell , who considers , Tumo < t Whlteoinh Rlley our j'l' ' e8t poet , of an utTeetinu' instance of R.ley's BlilTliR BEON YOUR GUARD _ There U n l'o nlt > lllty Hint n nurnprnn l.ne- my Mny Inutile L' < Agntn TuncnrA n Time. The latest news from London indicates tlio protalcni'o of a sro it tlcil of Inllurnrii. tint only In tbnlclty hut throughout I inland and Knropo. Th 8 Is llio w ly tlio arlp ouldi'talc of lust year slurted nnd It Is tlio hiKhnst part of wisdom nml common st > n9o to kroii tlio 'i tptn fortified lid u nst an uttack of this lorrlblo Loiuulnlnt. 'llicro N ii n itiiitsiml ninountof codzblni , snco7ln ? , lioadiobe , pilu 1 1 tliu taioclcs , < < pcclnlljr n roil ml tlio slioiildon and arnu cold feet : In fact , nil tbo usu il rr iisymptoins. You imiv SNV , 1 do not fu irtliuKrlji. Hut do you not fuitr tbo torrlblo tlilns uhlch crip may ; bring ? Ktpeclally pnuunionl i , wlilcb may coniDiilmo t In a monicntondeauso your duuth wltliln a day ? Morn paoulo dlo siiddoa- Jy from pnoiiinoiiln tliiin from any otl'or known ; complulut.VliyV lieu 11110 it coined iinoxpectoLlly : , bvaiisu It gives no warnlii ) . hi nosvniptoins , oilier tlmi thoio stutpd.iuul yet It Is thu inoit fatal of all k.iown illMtHsos In Meiv of these Rolcinn fnef , what shall nny sonslblo niiin or woman do who roads tlicio words ? Manifestly puarJ nicaliHt the comliiir of this ( JanfcronsdUunse. How ? No , , by dosing with qultiluo but by strotiKtlionliiR , by toning the system with Homo pnru stimu lant of ionic power. There uro ninny which claim to poss s tills iinallty , but theiu Is but one nblch ( Iocs iictn.illv possess It. Thitonu IsDully's I'uro Malt \Vblsloy. \ It himtooo1 the test of years and Is the mo < t pnpul ir pre paration today KnotHi to tbo Ainorlcan pee ple. It Isccncrilly uiuil and It Is universally admitted to posiemi * cju illtles Unonn only to Itself. Do not permit your ilnuxl't or urocor to porsiario you otliurwlsc. but Insist upon having wbal jon call for. 40t ) HIJOADWAV , COt'.NCIlj llhl'I'l'S. Money Io med on Diamonds , VVatulici , etc Dig bargains In iiiirudooinecl pledges Special GOUNBIl BLUFFS. AHS1 It ir"isnn ' loini harm-in 1 city propsrtf bought ami Bold 1'us.Jr A lliauii , Council I . 'Oil > A It-\ty : l\\ \ err Ini'lnovi In this city or will Jtrailu stuck for Koud clc'Ar iironenr John Do liixny Council lllutls ( > 30 ACHES m , mlles from Onklnnil KOOttito of culllvntlon ovi'n room home , orclmnl curn cribs ami Krimarlui < , 'fill n-ll for fit nn ncrc tirecnshlolUa Nicholson i t o , 02 1 room liousoon Sjutli Klcrimtli Mroi't. clear of lncumbrini'3 to cxclianva for uptown residence Will | mr illHerciiLO lu cush lirceu slilclilo Mihulson & Co noilSK wnntoil In ctclimuo for lot between Ilronrtivnr and no\r hrliUo liroonshloUls , Nlcti olson i , Co " \\rAvTKIl coinpctcut itlrl for Koucrnl house i ork iiOJ b I'lcrco street WAN ! Uooil Rlrl for Kcneral houtioroik Mr A 1' HltUtiKer S.'l 4tb 17OII KVCIIASOR , G room homo modern COIITPII -L Icncca , boat location In Couno 1 Illiitti , clear < > f cncunihrnnce. lll cxohnuo for tiiMlno" IIOIISP In tome Miinlh r town In wtmern Iowa or eastern No brmKn ( Ireonshloldj , Nkholson A Co Council III nils I poll HUNT-bO acrn of linn Imy Iniul ncnr tlio ntyluni for season of HH it tl per niro Apply tel eonuril Kvcrett Council lllultc In \ \ ANThD-l.ooit Ctrl for kitchen work peed ' * waxes paid Vlr Ciour o Ivcc'llno , 11W lfa t 1'lcrcc i i\OM \ VVII.Ii hit ) n Ruoil hoii o unil lut on 'ip tlio motor line. flOO down. Imlunco inonttily ( .001 ! nounl l > arn mill lot nonr tlio lran fcr } > 0 I or InrvnliM In nn } Vlnrt of propurtj cill on Iolin Btun _ _ _ _ _ & Van _ _ I'atton _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ efficiency as a i eciter. at tbo banquet given in honor of llenrj Irving and Ellen Terrj at the c-loso of their last season in America. O'Roll relates that a plain , homely-looking man , on a simple announcement arose and iccited "Down to Old Aunt Mary's. " The Fioneh critic states that , 01 dinnrily callous , he found at the clobe of the homely lecitation that tears wcio coursing down his olicokd , and that every one else present was simi larly affected ; while Ellen Terry , the emotional queen , was so oveicomo that she hud to be i amoved from the banquet hull. , AV IMj I'rldo I'ullcil , A story is of a certain vv oman vv ho finds a peculiar significance now in the wotdsof the psalmist , "Piidegooth he- fine destruction and haughty spti it bo- foio a fall. " Her husband Is a man of pi ojudiees , and one of them is against wearing an ovotcoat that costs mote than $15. This notion sorely tried his wife's aristocratic ideas , and when ex postulation and cntrcatj availed nothing she resorted to strategy. Collision w ith the tailor , on the occasion of his recent need of nn outdoor gai inont , permitted bib purchase of a $ u > coat for bib usual price , $1. ) . The wife duly paid the diffeienee and was huppy for a fo w dujs. Within a fortnight an old friend met her husband and at once noticed the un usual elegance of his now overcoat. "Why , how's this ? You aic wearing better clothes than you used to. " "Not at all , ' " ho icplicd ; "this ib ono of my ordinal y $15 ovoi coats. " "Itibl Well , I'll give you fli ) for it. ' "It's yours , " was the prompt icply nnd the bargain was completed on the spot.When When the husband reached homo his wife w as surprised at his appearance. "Why , whero's your coat ? " she asked. "Oh'was ' the ' complacent icply , "a fool downtown'olleied mo Sli1) for it and I took it. " ( Curtain. ) A t'hnrlt ) .Vutclt ) . A "Wiitteau cotillon" was given re cently in an eastern city , and proved a successful form of charitable entoi tain- ment. Tvventj selected couples danced the pietty figuies dres&ed in pine Wattenu style , the young women in rose bud biocadcs and powdcied hair , and the cavaliers gorgeous in bilk : satins , luces and diamond buckles. A Majpolo dance , a hunting ligiiio and several others made a series of piotty groupings , with finally a beautifully decorated sedan chair. This WUH hi ought in by liveried lackeys , and out of it btoppcd u lovely diosden shephoidcbs , who distributed HowerH and favora to cv orybody. Al though the idea was carried out for a benefit fund for n hospital , it is one that could icadily assist a clover hostess in planning a novel gormun. "Anothcrhtorj. " Harper's Bazaar : "I got my stint in lifo through picking ilp a pin on the Hticct. I had been i of used employment by a bankei' , and on my way out I t-aw a pin and " "Oh , thunder ! What a chestnut ! I've heaid of that boy e-o often. The banker waimpiessed by your eai of illness and called jou back and made you head of the firm. " "No. I haw the pin and picked it up and sold it for $ JOO. It was a diamond pin. " VVi'll , Ituthrr ! Puck : Editor I like thisstorj ; but the ending in too commonplace and tame. A good atorj-should end with a snap. Rolaiiu Riter Great heavens , man' D Ksn't the hero marry a girl worth a cool million ? Don't you call that a snap ? WHEN EATING becomes troublesome , di gestion defective , sleeping nn impossibility , appetite ceases , tnko J o h a n n Hoff's Malt Extract. It acts like a charm and tastes splendid. Ho HIM o to yet iho "gonuino" vvhleh must have the signature of ' .Tohnnn Iloff" on the nook of overv bottle , nnd take no substitute. Use .Tohnnn IIotT ti Mult llonbons for Sore Throat , Coughs , Colds. WILLIAM TELL TO USE NO OTHER SOAP FOR LAUNPRY ANPHOUSEHOLP . PURPOSES. THAN IT IS FAR SUPERIOR TO ANYOTHER INT/ME MARKET 'ANP IS MADE. ONLY 0Y „ CHICAGO. California Kentucky Keep in stock fine a We have our own line of the very best Vinyards and Distillery Wines ' lery , and can compete Brandies ] - with any house in the Whiskies \ United States on price Rums Gins and quality of goods. Champagne ' SOME OF 1I3E Etc Etc _ BRANDS OF We have in Wines Whisky Port We keep in Sherry bond or in Angelica stock : - Muscatells Reisling 0. F , C. Taylor Catawba Old Hermitage Rhine Wine McBrayer Zinfandel Ripy Rye Burgundy Haltingly And imny other Uond kinds. Guckenheioisr i Anderson Tea Kettle Cedar Creek JARYIS Melwood 1877 Golden Sheaf BRANDY Old Grape Peach Before buy Apple ing anything Cherry in our line Blackberry And in fact GET all kinds of Brand } ' , in OUR Case or by the Gallon. 519 MAIN COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. ONE CENT SPENT MAY LEAD TO YOUR FORTUNE WE COURT THE MOST THOROUGH INVESTIGATION INVEST MENT AFTERWARDS. Address a postal card to tbo BBN HUR MINING & MILLING CO. , Council DlufTs , Iowa , in . ' rof.ird to the ORIl'PLE CREEK propurtlcs belonging to this company. Late ndvicoB very favornblo. Refer to C. IL llannnn , Cashier Citizens' Stnto Bank , Counoll liluffs. Plato Boll and Flank Boil . < lc I Shoulder Olod . 6c Shou Uer Stealt . Oo -liomderlloaHt. . < > Oo CorneJ Beef , ul.itfl an 1 ( lanlc . . . . , . . 4o Corned CloJsanJlRu npl . 60 BlnRoast euf . 10 FlrlolnBtoak . liJ'Jc KoundStoak , 31bfor 26o . , . . . . lUc Fortt.'house Htealt . . . 18'io All kinds stewj , veil , mutton & beef , bu VealKo st . lOo Veal Steak . 12' , a Veal Gpons . 10 Mutton Chops . . . 18'io Mutton Logs . lUo Now Cornos the High Pork. , Pork Chops . I6o Porx ButtE. for roast . California Hams . Spare Rios . lUo ForlcTeiUerlolu 20a BiltPorlt . . . .U.'Ko Fork Sausace . . . . Utic GEO. H , MESGHENDORF , Wholesale and Retail 333 BROADWAY , Council Dluf fa. TIIKKXCKI-BIOIl IIOVIK IIA KICK AVD JlOAST.lIt inona itunnlnfi wltlinut liran Illtlnctluur inryu Iniprornl iirln , Ii uiullil mivk * . lint a t > \ > Hnit > Irorif but bull nr > t , nnil tiu4 i iiurfectlj lljliti avui 'U nor crnl niilrllloui elmu nt ullilo- .rrliitt ocirciil r on | ) | illulloii AdKMI'H WANT * I'Dinercrr couritr In UiuU H Addrrii , ( IIAIU.ICU iUllL'I.'lUliUti , J N. Mnlu Ut , Council UluOt , 1 * .