Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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orncn. NO 12 pnAiu. BTIIKBT.
Delivered liy currier lo any pnil o ( tlio city
TELEPHONES * Hililm-w Ofllon N"O
( yWlt i'Mlur No. 23
N Y Pluinbliur Co.
Council Hlti.Ts lAimner Co Coal
William iTncksonnns brought totho county
Jill from C'rcscontcitoniny for n lUctlnjs'
hitorinrnl for stealing Homo nilttons
Jiistli'o Vlen linil his first ucil'llng to per
form Hst SiUinUv evciiln ? The turtles
wore II A Ilctch nnil MiiryVltlltolt of
Om.ili i
"Milrs Nn nocl-irc , " IM Coglov's new
play , \\lll bo | iti sc'i.tnil at Dolmtivs theater ,
.fannari : " " " 'I IV'hru.irj. 1 Keats aio now
on s.ilo at ni.tcket'a Joiner book stole
Tliti.liuninrv tcim of cliitilc t court opens
toclav , with Judge 'Ilioinc'll on the beuoh
Tlio Inreloclu'tvhldi tins just been issued ,
contains the tltksof 7 1 e.ises. oflilc liiV > r
nielaw 1SJ eijultj and thiiti-one I'
Tlioi'iro of Demo Wells \ . Co nimlnst the
Welr-Sluiff.irt H.inhv.irc roniMti | > , In uliloh
judgement was lendeied In fiiM > r of thu
plaintllT ti cl.iy or two ago In the superior
( ourt , wtw nppe.ili'd to the stipitmu couit l > i
the deftndimt jestoiilay
Isaae Itedden died at 0 o'clock Kundnv
oM'tiliiR of lung fcttr after an Illness of ten
da\'s , agt'il ) ! > \eais The ilicciisedasa
member of the Plfteenth leglmcnt , Iowa In
fantry The " 111 take plaoo tud ly
fiom thnresliletui' In Ha/el Oell tiiwrishl | )
tairl Dti.inc1 I months old , son of Mr and
Mrs A W llubc'i , tiled at 5 10 o clock JCH
terday inotnlng after an Illness of onh
thlitv six tunas The funcial oxen ises will
tie held at the home , BIO PinnKllii .neuue ,
tills afteinoon at B o'eloe-k , Uo\ Stephen
Next I'liclaj afu moon will ilose the Ilrst
seincstei of the school > ear , and the DC-CM-
Blon will he- marked b\ some liitcicsUng ex-
eielses In all of the schools of thuilu It is
e\nettd | that the eiiiollment In the High
htliool will be Inc'icMHi'cl beietliti additions
ut the ( oiiiini ncLinent of tliu hitoncl bomcn-
ter next Momla >
The feiiow iincl cold wo.ithoi1 doe- , not
( IhiiinlHl ) the dciaaad for ucrcajfo In thu
Klein tiaet .ii miles en t of the post-
ofllco : ' 100 n 'iesot fin wile in fiom ono
to ten i u to ti acts Miitublu for fruit and
garden Day iV Ileus , "agents , 'ID I'etu 1
/ . I'.llt Kilt II'/IS.
Horn to Mr and Mis Ptank Comjiton , a
Mrs IF R Jones his letumed fiom a
month's Uslt with icl.ithes In Texas
The cng.ignment of Will ! irn I' . Oflleor and
Miss Aliiij Damon has been announced
Mr and Mis It 13 Mooio ha\o ictumrd
from a ten clajstult with fi lends in ( Jln-
Kcv II I' Dudhn Ins ROIIP to Dos Molncs
in IC"IIOIISP | to a telesiiam announciii ! , ' the
death of his hi other's wife
W H .lames manager of the Sandwich
Manufaetuiiii'compiin | hi this c It ) , leaves
todaj fet uisil to hnnilwleh , 111
For wanning giie-a ehainbari , bath
rooms , ole. , our tfas lie.itcus arc just
wltat jtu want. Look at thuin. C'luan ,
coii\uiiieiil , ulieap. ( J. 13. Ou-i ami Klcse-
ttic Light To.
Wuntocl- Cash ollor for ten Miaics
Citi/on'h State bank ntoek. Must be.
told. Addiehb IA. . Slieafe.
Amitlirr Motor Aiclclont
The elcetrle motor pot in its w 01 k again
yesteidaj inclining about 8 o'elouk at the
corner of Tiist a\enuo and Peail sticot , in
front of the Giand hotel A wagon owned
by J. 13. Long was behirf diiven down Fhst
tuoinio by A W Dennis , and besides the
latter theioveio Charles Melstrum , Ilany
Btageman an < l K C , Williams on boaui As
they struck Pcail street H motor train boic
down fiom the south at the Jato of ten or
twolv1 miles per hotu1 The Btieots weio
Bllppeiy and the men In the wagon weroun-
nblo to get out of the way. A collision oe-
curicd and all four of the men were thrown
out on to the haul frozen ground. Mel-
strum's and Williams' faees weio badly cut
up , and Stagemanas consldei ably bruised
about the boch. Poi once Mi Dennis' name
was not a hoodoo , for ho was the only ono of
load that escaped injury Thoj all state
that no signal was ghcn by the motoiman of
the of the tinin The wagon was
ecattcicd in fragments all ovt5r the street
nnd its contents wet o sti own at landom fern
n dlstaiuo of tweutj foot ormoro in all dhcc-
Bouricius lliulrt out that Stutsinau
Sticot IH all riffht for the piano biiHinc1- ! ) ' ,
just look at bia now si ns.
Finest Arinto cabinet ] ) hotoH ? 2.00 per
dozen. Auhton'H Htiullo , 18 Jilaln titicot.
I ) lltli ol ,1. 11 i : . Clark
A telcgiam was lecehedesterdiy inoin-
ing in this city announcing the dcithof J
11.13 Clinic , fonucily manager of the Car
bon Coal company Ho had been suffering
from Blight's disease for a long time , and
about two months ago his case bccamo so
Bcrious that his ph.vsicims told him that his
only hope was going immediately to a
wanner climate. Ho loft with his wife for
Topcka , Ivan. , in liopo of Impiwement. Al
though his fi lends hoped tli it ho might 10-
tiun la health , llicio weio few If nnv who
did not feel ceitaln that they had looked
upon him for the last time allvo The news
of his death \\111 bo icielvecl with the gieat-
cst souow bv his l.ugo chclo of assoelites
and fiiemls heio. Mis S 1C. White , a bister
of Mis. Claik , left Satuiday for Topcka in
ardor to bo at his bedside when the end
came. The lemalns will bo taken to Krio ,
1'a , for bin ial today , and will bo ac.compa-
nlecloa the Jouiney by Mis CUrk and Mis
Now that diphtheria in jnovalont in
Council Ulnlls and Omaha o\ury family
hhonld bo piovided witb Dr. .Idllciis' in
fallible diphtheria piovontho and euro.
It win bo had of Council Hlnlls dui- } ,
tjibtH or at U-iO-l Cumins : wtieot , Onmba.
\ \ 111 AimlMiinituit I co.
The Uoai-d of Health had a meeting jes-
teitlaj afteinoon In order to taUo action
with to the complaint of H Li Tlnlej
ofthoManawa leo compiny to the eft cot
that ho was not being ghen a fair deal A
umimunlcalUm was lead In w tilth bo stated
that unless the action of the bo.ucl two
weeks ago was icsi hided ho would hi ing the
matter Into the tomts to ha\o his iihts clc-
tcunlntd It wastlciUled to send s.implcs
of the leo to Piof Davis , the state chemist ,
whoso hcadqii.utcii aiu at DCS
Molncs , lor ollhiil .in.ih.sls. and
tlio leo Is to bo act oini tilled with a fet mil
ivquist In the foim ol a icbjhitlcm. asking
that the iiuiljsis lw m ido This fonnalltj
\vas for the puiK | > so of having the State
Hoard of Heiltli pi\ half of thoiosU of the
anil.Nnis as Is atwa.xsdono In Ibo c.iso of a
Coal and wood ; l > est and cheapest
MlnMi\ui \ haul wiid in the city ; inoinpt
H. A. Cox. No.i Main.
llniiiicl O\cr Icir l.ant ii ) .
A day or two usjo John Allen was found
nandci Ing about the streets and among the
pawnshops with a set of Imincss which ho
was veri anxious toilhposo of Tlio price ho
put upoa It was no far beneath Us value ) that
ttm suspicions of thooitlceis wcie aroused
He was put underauvst , and asluntllnio
latter It was discovered thai usot of haulers
had been stolen from St Hei a uds hospital
Ycstciitaj the sibters came down from t IIP
hospital and Identified tlio haintss Allen
was bound over and his Ikiml vvas llxed at
Ho is In the count ) Jail
Koul-Spar ! A i"o > luukago caes
2.1 per cent of your coal hill , hositles
other comforts , ami In Milllciont to tieat
ono tun. For wilej.hy .lantern & Greyg ,
No. 't7i Pearl wttvut.
Do you smoke ? Ha\o you tried T , D.
& CO.'H Partagaa ? U'u u charmer.
HivrntM Maker McOtirctjr Qota Out of Jnll
and Out of Town ,
MrOro Ordered tlio 1'rUonrr'n Itc-
on tlm rcrnoiml Woril or l.nw
JUT Justice AK 'II ' Hcfi'iitod mid
u U rutcli nt l.lhcrty.
H. W McCiirdy , ttie harness maker who
was attested Sunday evening for making a
disgusting spectacle of himself on the street ,
left town suddenly yesterday moining
Dining the night tie seemed tno services of
Paul Ajleswortti as his attornei , who took
It upon himself to seeuie his iclease. The
atloiney called UJKIII Judge McGee and iep-
icseiiled to him that McCuidi hail been
aircsted for a slight offense , and that ho
was not gulltj. He also agiccd to see th it
his client was on hand when the case should
bo called up for ti 1 il The facts of the case
wcie not known to the Judge , so he took the
atloinc.v's weld for It , and sent a message
to the illy jail mdering McCuidy's lelense
on his own iccogni/ancc , not suspecting for
an Instant its aggravated natmc When
comt convened thine vvas no McCuidy , and
an Investigation insulted in tlm dlsiovct }
that he had silently dccampodo as soon as ho
got out of J ill for paits unknown
It was thought that he might h ive gene to
Malvein , wheio his patents icsltlo , and a
telephone mess ige was sent to the ofllclals
of that place asking them to assist In e.ip-
tm ing the mhslng man At last ac < omits ho
had not been theio , hut the officers of this
c-ltj will not give him up as altogether gene
until thoj have made a ftuthei search for
him Judge Me Gee Is the most deeply
cliagilned at his escape ot all the city olll-
tlals. the fact tint ho should be imposed
upon bv one of the altoine.vs pi.ieticing at
the bir bcm. { thocausoof his gieateat giief
si OKI : .
On ill Vllilninli-r ( li-irlngs ill- .
Satin day. January . wo inantjnratod
ono of thc % reatc'sWeai in" ; sales of v\ in
ter tftiotls ever \\itiiu - eel in t'
Ulitlls. la. This ! . ilo will onlj last for 8
tlujs , which cmmniMU'cul S.ituula.v. , lnn-
uarj 21. and will e > ncl Monday ovc-niny ,
January . 'to. The le-imtatiiin of tlio lliw-
ton Stoio is known thiotiKliout the
icnytli anil lt iMtUli tif the land for their
licnioi able ; and ujiii lit clualinps. ; the it'
woicl bo I n K1 asf'oolasgoveiniiiont ( bonds.
Uolow wo quote only a few of tiie tlioti-
mncls of bargains Hint wo will otlor dur-
lii"tliis / Hiilo. liundrecls of ill
bo laid on our counters from d j to day
tlui in" ; tills L' wile.
$ . " .00 anil Vi.W leefois , ) ) lain anil fur
ttiininud , ilnriiif ? Kilo. 'l.'iO.
$ ! .00 anil * 10.00 coatw in blaok. tans
plain and fur ttimmul , now
$10 00 and $12.00 coal * . ; n-lneh let-for * ,
now $5 01.
$12.00 and 4.1.100 evils , fur trimmed ,
choice of lai'iion. opossum and rape ) heal
ti hunting , now $ ) .
! ? 15.00 eoats in black cheviots or wor
steds , now $8.7.1.
in laio and rich go < els , all in at half
pi ieo dm ing sale.
See our line of capes , mai Keel half
pi ice.
40 iiii'hos long , $17.50 coats. < ! l.'l.50 ;
$25.00 coats , $15.00 ; fc'H.OO coats , $2,1 00.
AUJ IN rouu no is.
$5.00 to SO.fiO co.ild In all si/es , $3.50.
$7.00 and $8.00 etuis , now $ -1.50.
$0.00 eoats , now $5.7.1.
$12.00 coats , now $7.50.
All infants' coats at cost price.
Cape new markets all at cost price.
Gents'$1.25 bearlot underwear dining
bale , 70o.
Gents' 50o wliito merino underwear
during mile , .Tie.
Gents' 50e giay merino underwear
during sale , ! ! ! > c.
Gents' $1.00 natmal wool underwear
dm ing mle. 75e.
Gents' * $2.00 natmalool underwear
during sale. $ l.H7i.
L.idies Illlc ecru vest and pants to go
at 25c.
Ladies'50o eoruest and . to go
at fl ) u.
Ladies' $1.00 natmal wool underwear ,
Ladies'$1.25 natmal wool underwear ,
Ladies'$1.50 natmal wool lihbod underwear
dorwear , $1.25.
See bargains in tights , union suits ,
cliildien'b and infants' underwear.
.10-inch plaid suitings , regular 25c
goods , to go at llie a jaid. Don't miss
bceing them.
'iO-lnch heavy suiting , dark colois ,
actual lc ! ) stuff , for 12je a janl.
All wool , jiiul wide cho\iots , sold for
, ' 1'lc , 39c , and 50c , In ono lot for sale at
Fancy \\ea\es in Bedfoid coids. eoutil
uni. sold for Sfeo and $1.00 , choice title a
yai d.
India serges and Arnold's line liemiot-
tas , sold for 05e and $1.17 , during sale
77o a juid.
Fancy dre s patterns and Paris lobes ,
e.\flusi\o stjles , sold for $7.00. $10.00
and $15.00 , all at one-half tlio regulai
Black goods. I'ndlessariety of bar
gains in all grades. Din't mihs buoing
Boston Store , Con Ml BlulTh , la.
N. B. Remember , tin sale htaitee
Satmdav , January 21st ami lasts foi
eight days F. , W. & CO.
Si iitrmu of tlm Kitiisaroii Court llnfcircrc
Upon u llulrj 1'rl-ioiii-r.
Ono of the institutions of which the prison
ers at the county Jail aio pumd Is the
kangaroo eouit The miin pmposo of this ,
oiganiiation is to provide tobieco for the
men comioslng | It at the o\pnibu of now
epmers Ilich now piisonei * is tried will
as much pomp and ceiemonv as could bo cx >
pcctcnl with the llinltod means at the ells
pjsal of the court , and at the close a verdict
Is tnvaiiabl ) rim leied In favor of the court
for the sum of 2 if the pilsoner has anv
memo ) If ho has no money ho is sentenced
to ic-eeivo a ceitaln number of blows of i
swut rope or submit to some other eiumll.'i '
degrading tteatmcnt
Peter Thomas , w ho waa e-onvletecl of steal
Ing coil a feu ilajs aeo. was given a til il
.vesteitlaj bofoio tlio "kaHtraivo , " ami H was
deuced that ho should have a haircut
bhavo and bath Mr Thomas' head and fan
were covered with a beautiful growth of
furze biush that had been putting la Its
timoover simo tlio u nr attaining its r.ite of
excellence The decision of the eomt was
helped on considerably bj Doputi Shoiill
NIckO'Bilcn , who promised to glvo the
pilsonoisa bo\of clgai-s if they would get
lid of that lulr Mr Thomas was accord-
in'ilj tle-d to the floor of the cell after a ti ial
in duo foim and thu obnoxious hair and
whiskers weio qulcklj out of sight.
Yesterdai afte-rnoon Mrs Thoma.s called
at the lall to see her husband , not know Ing
what had taken place She Manned the
faces of all the pilsoners , but did not llnd
ono that answered the description of her
wajvvard pirtner She was about to charge )
the Jailer with having kidnaped her hus
band for Ids hair , when the metamorphosed
Thomas dtepm-d foi th and proudly tib&urteil
that ho vvas himself The hair and whiskers
arc now iu the possession ol the sheiitT and
vlll bo turned over to Thomas together
vllh his other personal effects when ho 19
.Minimi Itrrllnt ,
The pupils of the Omaha School of Music
gave a recital at the Prcsbitcrlan church
nst evening under the direction of Prof. U
\ . Torrens , under the auspices of the Young
Men's Christian association , to which the
iroceeds were devote-d. The audltoilum
vas full , every seat being occupied and a
lumber were standing In the aisles. The
lerfonncrs were Mrs.w H Wakelleld. Mrs.
I'led Nye , Miss l > anccs Hoedcr , Miss Neolo
5gden , the Holnecko iptartet , I M TieMior ,
' . * . B. Copcland and Burt Butler , J II
Slmms and W. S Mai shall were accompany-
sts. Iho slnghiK of the Helnecko cpuartot
vvas met with cnthuslastlo applause , and in
, ho violin solos Mr Butler showed that be
vas a thoretigh master of the Instrument
Miss Ogden's rendition of "Absence" ( b.v
: 'elaso ) . and Mr Copeland's "Three Hoise-
neii , ' ' were two of the gems of the evening
1'hocntlto program was of gicat merit , but
was too extended to admit of special com-
input on each number
lieDhrrteil thu
A man named John Moigan , who founeili
drovoa waifon for William Welch , was given
a V > bill bj a man In Price Gibson's saloon a
few davs ago to get changed. He went out
uit foigot to ictuinwlth thochamre Yea-
terday he fell Into the clutches of the jHilhe
: md Is now In jail on the ehaigo of Ian em
Ho will have a healing In police couit this
Dr. rilnt'ri II ) pnotlHin.
Council BlufTs entered tion | Its second
week of hjpnotlsm last night when lr
rilnt entertained a crowded house at Do-
Imnv's for niMily thiee hours The Interest
awakened'In the subject bv Piof Ke\vHold's
engagement helped inatoi i.illj. to draw a
ciowd , and the manifestations of delight
seemed to satisfy all.
'Miurlc dl"iuoriiM\ .
Tlio mat il.igo of Paul G Schneider , the
w'cll iknown Broadwaj diuggist. and Miss
Allio Beebo will take plaeo tomouow at the
ie ldenco of the bildoH mother on South
Seventh sticet The happy couple will com
mence housekeeping at once at TIO Fust ave
Nothing ol Importune it DliriUM'd Ii ) tlio
Cllj I'lthiMs I.HHt Milit.
H was 8 : ! ( ) w hen a quoi inn was counted at
the citj council clumber list evening A
t.ime meeting followoil , nothing but loutlne
business be injf ti.insacted.
Ordinance ) . " > ) . pio\Idlng for noticing
inisoiieis on the lead a second
and tlilid tline and passed under a suspen-
slon of the rule's
Widlii.uiLC I IT , ginnthig a fiaueliise to tlio
Excelsior Elocttic Signal and Manufai Uiring
comp.tmasdiilj pissed , asas also spce-
ial gtacHng oidlnam es M and ii7
A iii'titlon signed b'John ( Joiiilon nsklhg sidewalks bo laid on tlio east side of
Twcutj-sixth ftom 1) to K , and south side of
D fiom Twonti-fifth to Twenti-sUth , was
lofcticil to eoniinitte'e'on stiects ami alleys
A similar petition fiom IVank .1 Poisons ,
Placing foi a sidewalk on TwenU sixth
fiom n to r , and noith sulo of E fiom
Twenti-nfth to Twenti-sixth , went to the
s into committee
\ iic'tition ftomcitl/cns , asking that all
statlonin eagineiis bo loquhcd to pass an
exainin.itioti , was lead and lofoiiod
A cominuiiliMtlou fiom HcniHagedoui
was lead , asking his claim of $77 M for
pcisoiial damagc-3 and costs of suit of if J2 10.
foi u huh judgment had be-on icndeied , bo
adjusted Hefeiied to llu.lnee eoimiuttee
A similar lommimuatlon was submitted
fiom Samuel Masters , m iking a proiwsition
to s3ttle his claim against theeiti for per
sonal damages lorM. nu his
doc tor bill of W > CitAttoiuei Van Uusen
explained that no diew up the pioposition
and leioiiimcmled that it bo aeeeptcd
The eiti attiine \ Mibmittocl a bill which
ho had diafted for the amendment of the
titchaitcr pioUdmgfoi hnpoituntchanges
\vithiefeieiieotoiM\iiigtind grading On
motion of the citi agiecd to paj
Mr Van Duscn's e.xpe-nses at Lincoln \vhile
lucsoiitlng the bill.
Wood and W.vman V.CIG named by the
v to moot \vlth the city engineer for the
purpose of icvising names of stiects in the
Second and Third wauls , as at piesent two
or more streets have the same name
Citi Treasurer Hector was iflsttiucted to
make a w titten demand on the county tieas-
urer for the full amount of the load fund
duo South Omaha for Ib'.ti.
Haley icpoited Mis. Watts sick and in
need of elty aid.
13 O Maylleld reported the case of L A.
Allen and wife , an aged couple Hv Ing In a
hovel in the noithwcstcin part of town , in
destitute citcumstanees Mai or Walteis
infoimed him that Mis Tx > tt and Mrs
Cheek of the King's Daughters had visited
them aim provided for their wants
The Water Works eompiny will bo noti
fied to i opl.ieo sidewalk loin up hi Its em
ployes at Twcntv-foutth and Candpive-
ment removed at Twentjfourth and L
Citi Attoine.v Van Diisen was instiuctod
to di aft an 01 din nice providing that dlit
haulers over paved stiects be leuuned to
use end hoaids
Bills weio oidercd diavvn on the Judgment
fund In lavorof ' 1 hernias P Wilson for&ttilt )
and William Messlck for I , foi sei vices us
court icpoiterb
.Notrs urn ! I'tr/ioiiils.
M. C. Cudahi was in the citi iestcrday.
Councilman James Bulla was unable to
attend the meeting last night , but is Improv
ing rapidly.
The Bohemian Singing society will give a
masquerade at Pi vonka'shall , Twentifoul th
and 1 > stieet , next Saturday night.
13d Ainscovv has taken out a permit to
build a buck stoio building at I. , and Shaip
stieets to cost in the iiggicgato fj.noo.
The Ancient Order of United Woikmcn
ball at Blum's hall last night was well at
tended and all enjoicd themselves to the
fullest extent.
ii IAJ.S it K'K j'.ir.
Suit of KnalKii Orniiliy Af hut tlio United
M iti-H ( ion riinirnt.
Nivv Yoitk , Jan ai Geoigo P Oimsty ,
an ensign in the UnlteJ States nav'i , has
begun suit in the United States clicuit
couit ag ilnst the United St ites for * 5II8 , a
poition of Illssilary which he alleged had
been Illegallv letained Ormsbi vvas tiieJ
hi a court mart ! il in Callfoinl t m Mai. IbMi ,
on the chaigoof "conduct to the piejucllco of
good older and discipline1 , " and on being found
gmlti was subjected to Iho distinc t sen
tences First , suspcndc'd from dutj ; second ,
suspension from lan'c ' , tlilid , degradation for
two j fourth , loss of all piv , except $ . " > 0
per month , and fifth , public icprimand l > i
the sacretari of the ntivi
Oimbbv had iefuse.1 to woik siiboidinato
to the duties ho was at Hist ] ) ei forming , in
consequence of which ho v\as e-onllnetl from
Januirv .M IbsO , toJnno following In the
itav.v iaid pilson at Mnio Island , Cal , and
subse < iuentlv discharged Oimsby claims
that the oiitjin il coin t martial was improp-
oily constitute 1 , an I hid power onlv totiya
pilvatoin the mu hie coips Ho still tl.ilms
to ho an ensl < ? n in the n iv > mid entitled to
f.VU'J , withheld from him for three jeais
\\n * Anvloiu to Kri-p It O'lli ' t.
YANKTOS , S. D , Jan 23 [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bii : : | Alex J PranKland of
Chicago , well kno vn as the tiavelllng icp-
ics-ntativo of J W Tufts Ji Co , soj.i
fountain buildeiH , wax m uiied In this city
on b iturcl iv last to Kate B Sherman , whoso
homo vvas founerlj In Kliililaiui coimtj , Wis
consin , but w ) io c imo to Ynnkton from Ab-
ordeeii Piiinklaml was exceedingly de
sirous of keeping his man i igo a secro't and
asked the local nowspipeis not to publish It
Ho s ild to correspondents tint his budo's
folks were we.iHh.v an 1 would ratio the old
bov if thoi dise-oveicd her alllaiieo with him
Miss hheiman came to Yankton to meet him
and thoi dep.uted for the west this aftei
Cluirli-H 1'iiril Injiiri-cl ,
CIIME.VNK , Wio , Jan 2.1 Tole-
gnim toTiiu BIK. ] Ch.ules of the
stocknien disctiarged Satunlny , vvas return
ing from a perfoimanco at the opera house
ttlis evening witli his wife and child , cam-
ing the latter in his
arms , when he was
crowded from thu sltlewalk by tlm croud
Ho fell down stairs Into the casement or the
onora house block. The child
almost uninjured , but Kurd was severely
lovernmcnt Fish Hatching to Bo Located
at the Rapids ,
il' n
Yliout Thirty Acre * ut Ground Will Ilo
Utilized for Iho Unltill'iK _ IoiiMollies'
t'ltj Council ittllli the Water
Works ( JJiirfl Ion.
i .1 In
CEIUII HAfitH , laiy Jam yi [ Special to
PIIR HPR ] Word Is jteteU'cil heio from
Washington , U C."ttMf Prof'u it i\er-
man of the United States Pish commission
u ill return tolowu early In the spring for
t : he innposeof locating a iroveininentllsher.v
I [ 'ixif i\etinan : was heio last fall , and was
then of the opinion that this was the best
1 lilaeo in the state , taking oventhlnu Into
- onsldeiatloii , for the location of a llsheri
: llev\ill , however , \isit one or two other
iliui's upon his return , and then maUo his
reiomnu illations He will verv llkelv
leiommencl that It bo located hcie This
will bo n hi. thin ; ; for Cedar Haplds and
Iowa , as It will bo made the dlsttlbuttn ?
point for all stitcr , west of the Mississippi
About thlrt.v acies will be ieciilied | , and
buildings costing $ JOUOO or MOOJO will bo
Water IliUr * UrRtilutril ,
DLS MOISTS , la , .Ian 'Jl [ Special Tele-
; to Tin : Hnn ] The elty council tonlijht
1 > V a vote of 0 to 'J passed the water ordi-
naiueabout whi"h so muih heated discus
sion his taken place the past month The
ordinance reduces the rates fiom $ , " > ( M ) to
'J\ > per mile and cuts rates to private eon-
umeis nearli In two The major Imme
diately signed the ordinance to foicstall
contemplated Injunction pioc codings The
L'ltj hall was crowded to the utmost and the
Intelest in the proceedings was intense
Thoattornej for the water company made
an ineffectu il a tempt to got the vote post-
| ioned forone daIt Is slid the conijiinv
will icslst the mutter In the couits and a
long light is expelled
On World's I air Uiislnc' > i.
His MOINCS , la , .Ian 'J.t [ Hpcehl Telc-
gram to TUB Hi.i : ] The Columbiin com
mittee of the Iowa gran 1 eneimpmeat of
Odd Tellows is In the city to consider mit-
teis peitaining to the grand Independent
Order of O Id Fellows pir.idc at tlio World's
fair The membeis of the lommilteo aio-
I'astC.iand Mister Abbott , Giand Muster
Hnlen A lllvkot AtlintiJ A Ulaino ,
Cedar Hiplds , CJeoige Anchews , Anamosi ,
William Musson , Des Molnes , M 1 bhait/ ,
Hmlington , \ \ " P Moulton , Stimit ; and
.lames . Hellamj , KnovMlle It Is expected
Iowa will be well represented in the paiade
Important Muttrrit CuiiHlcU'riMl.
Drs MOINIS , la , Jan 1M [ Special Tele-
Tain to TUB IH K ] ' 1 ho state council of the
United Older of Ameiiean Mechanics , com
posed of about seent.delegates assembled
lieio tod.u with Giand Counselor fieoigo V
Giillln of Cieston in the ih.iir These scb-
slons aio seciet , and It is slid impoitant
matteis will be eonsuleied
Ancsloil an AlloRrcl Alnrilrrcr.
Drs MOISTS , la , Jan Jl [ Sped il Telo-
giam to Tun UKI ] Nicole Nelson was ai-
icbtcd hero toJaj oi ( tha chmgo of mui dur
ing John II Lew is , Colored , at Uvans , la . a
mining town ncai OsKaloosa , last ni0'ht , the
icsiilt ol a ciuanol
KlllcMl l ) >
Dns Moisrla . 'Jan 2J [ Special Tolo-
to Tun llnu ] CJhailcs Heeder vvas
killed at tho'Memll buck woiks in the
southwest pot lion of this citi todav bv a
clay bank caving on1 him * Ho leaves a wife
and child. '
- u-a. , ,
ok' .s/'owr.
ut N'pu Orlriim.
NEW OIII.EANS , La. , Jan SJ. The track
wa.s heavy today but'tjicf weather was pleas *
ant and attendance good Little Acidic , Virden -
den and Dixie V were the winning favontcs
1'irst nu'c , helling , llvu and a half fnrlotiKi :
Virgin ( f to 1) ) v.on , Utng Kit hard (10 ( to D M-C-
oucl. Captain I'c-nuyKulglit (7 ( to 1) ) tlilid. Tlmo :
:113 :
becoml rare , selling , six furlongs : San Sal-
Mulorf ( > to 1) ) won , Hoodoo ( D to 1) ) second , Hll-
vui Tlp(7 ( to l ( third. Tlmo : J:18Vj. :
Thlitl info , sullltiK , n\o and a half furlongs :
Mttlo Aildlu(8 ( to 5) ) won , C \\lllliiKhain { &
to llbc-cond. C'anlo 1'eaisall (0 ( to 1) ) third
Tlmo. 1 i7 ! f
I'ourth iiiei ) , sulllng , sovun furlongs : Virden
(8 ( toB ) won , Warplot (7 to 1) ) second , Mhs ( Jil-
key ( H to luhlicl Tlmo : 1 35
Ilftli lace , Ii indlcai ) . seven furlonssDllo
V ( b to f > ) on , l.iighuttu (10 ( to M second ,
Texas htm ( Ot i 'Ji third Time : 1.33.
lncirlt ; 'B' liii > at ( liittonlinri ; .
Ni. Yoitk , Jim 'J,3 I'hoout of six is the
iccoid of winning favontcs at Guttenbmg
toda > Theie was a slight snowstoimj at-
tenclanco poor
I'list lace , slsincl a half fin longs : Pud
1 1 to 5)ou ) dantflstan ( , IU to It second , Jl.ill-
elnsill toOlthlnl 1'liiie 1 Jft'i
Second i ac-t > fcini and a h ilf fill longs Minor
It (0 ( to li uon , .Mulli.itton HO to 1) ) sc-concl , l'\-
celc'iisillllj ( ' _ ' to 1) ) third I'ltno. 57
'Ihlid laic , thieo fculoiiKs. HloivOm , ( Illy ,
(3 ( toll Hist , Illuu and \\lilto (2 ( to 1) ) M. > COIIC | ,
Tony huilth (3 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 30'i.
1'ourlli rac'e , four and oni'-hiilf fmloiiRs :
April Pool (7 ( to 5) ) first , Keel Kim (4tolstc- ( )
ond. laiey Claik (7 ( toi ! tlilid TlmoODM
I'lfth race , onu and ones-sixteenth miles :
Sli lleoigu ( Ito'J ) Ilrst , It ilor ( l > to 1) hucond ,
SlacgU ) K(0 ( to 1) ) third , 'lime. 2:04. : ,
Sl\thr.uc > , slv furlongs : drfcnlch d to C. '
first , Uuptutor (7 ( to 1) ) second , Veia I''OO to 1'
thltd. 'llinu : l-J4'j.
( 'hlcHK ( > 'H ItHiirli Show.
CHICAGO , Jan S I The dog show- under the
auspices of the Chicago Kennel club , which
Is to bo held for four dajs , beginning Febiu-
ar.v 7 , piomiscs to booneof the blsgest events
of the kind over given The club will give
cash kennel piucs of $10 for .tho follow lug
Collies , Knglish , Irish and Gordon sotteis :
pugs , bull terriers , graj hounds , coclteis and
Held spaniels ; fox ten lets , and wolf hounds
Kennels to consist of four or more Also
two open classss for toy hpanlols , ono for
eaih sex , with a single piizo of $10 in each
class hccond prizes of s > " > in each of the
classes for hlsh setteis water panlcls and a
noveee lass forSt Uurnaids , cither sex , flo
for Hist , and $ , " for second
I'llmmiT Alter Illton.
NivYOIIK : , Jan y. ) Champion Bantam
Weight Hilly Plimmer of England todaj
Issued a .challenge to light Featherweight
George Dixoa at US pounds for * „ ' MXJ to
$ . ilKX ) a siclo and the fcathci weight eham-
plonslup of the woild fc > i 1 Smith of San
riamlsco Is also deshous of lighting Dixon
His bicker X.iu'lc .
, Abrah.unb , 1ms issued a
challenge , and will bet'JJ.WH ' ) on the side , to
light fet the championship of the woild at
118 pounds. ' -1
I iirllii utySi , i-uiil ,
ST P t i. , Minn , J.iiif..i In the contest
for the St. Paul club silver tankaid In the
culling bonsptel todiij only thieo ranks
were still in the contest Fiaslor had de
feated Kellcy of Wnlhlpeg. and Dunbar had
to | ila.foi . the honor of beating or being
beaten 1 him I l i
AllllCltt llf.llH llllitCT.
l/ > sic > s , Jan .M ' At ( ho national sKntIng |
club tonight Ablwt't Jciuc ( ked out Baxter In
the eighteenth round , although Baxter had
been backoJ at oddu to win The light was
for .WOO a side. . i
Nr.w Yoniv , Jan. it Joe I-ewes , tlio
backer of Alex Gieggains has placed a for-
felt of fiOO la the hands of Captain Cook
and Issued a challenge to light an > middle-
i ; crjholiyrll it 1-rttlM.
To the Kditor of the Boo.
Please Ull jour rcadeis that by wilting to
Diamond Djes , Burlington Vt , they will
lecelvo frco of charge a neat book la Scotch
plaid cover , telling how to color ovcrthoirold
gowns , cloaks , etc. ; also foity xamples of
coloicd cloth , A book of ai t and fancy work
will also be bent if especially u'MUoatecl
Mas K B. S.
' weight In tin world before nuj
nthu-tlo chiu in America and inefers joung
tnitu KV.
of ( liiiiiRm to Itr Muclr In Airulrn
nt Momi Mrml.
NEW YOIIK , Jan. ' ! . Amonjj the piiwrngers
on tlie North German Llojd steamship I'm-
peror Wllhelm II which airlvcd todo were
Andrew Carnegie , his wife and Miss Whlt-
fleld , Mrs. Caincirle's sister , who had been
abroad for some time Mr. Cainegio and his
party loft directly after the ship was made
fast in her beithand cnterim : a coacti they
weio driven rapldl.v away At Mr Carnc
gie's house , " > West PlftIlrst street , llenrv
Clay Pi Ick met his chief and for seveial
hours 1 : the two weio closeted together To
all i ie < iucsts for an interview , Mr Catncgle
sent word that ho had nothing to sa.v for
publication I
Before Mr Pilek left Homestead he was
reported to have s lid that cveii tiling at the
scenoof theiecenl stilke vvas Just as he
wanted It. and It would icmalii so unless Mi
Catnegle should "put his foot In It" when he
aulvod home The lomr confeieme todav
was , it is sild , caused b.v the llcnti unit's
efforts to kicp Mi Canugle's foot out of It
A B Scott of Pittshurc called on his chief
later m the daAt the time of the Home
stead ti Ike Mr Ciinegie was said to have
decided to withdraw the offer he made to
donatea public libiarv forlhecltv of Pltts-
buig. and Mi Scott Is here to make an elToit
to have the offn lemam good
run : itr.untn.
DC strciclho nnd C' < c4tl ) III > 7i > H hi Mui : >
I'lirin of tin1 Cocintrj ,
riinnoHT , 111 , Jan .M 'llie II Me cr
Boot and Shoe faitoii buined this moinlng
Ixjss00K ! ( . insurance , $17,000
HA H.TOS , Pa , Jan 'J5 I'nc h is been
raging since Sumlaj niirht in Kvans' X Co .
Beaver Meadow mines , . The loss will
bo heav.v.
CIISTOS Mo , Jan 2.1 The this mornlnu'
dcstioved Churchill's liver.v stable and
buinecl to death twentv of the twentv-
four hotses stabled there Piom thcio
the ( lie sptead to adjoining bulldlmrs
and caused the following lossis Hale
Montgomery's chug stoic , * ' . ) , ( KU ) , Havslei
Biotheis s idcller\ and hai ness stole , * 10 0H ( ) ,
Cook i\ . Sons , dr.v goods , s-JO 01)0 ) , T II Vie
let's shoo stoic , ? ! 001) ) 'I he loss on the
Chuuhill llveiv stable is S.OOO , including
the noises limned to death All the IO-.HCS
weie instiled
iMUvsuoi is Ind , Jan 21 Elevator B ,
owned riedeiick Piush \ , Co , was
binned tonight with its contents Total loss
MM ) ( XK ) to * . ! 00.0H ( ) insurant e , > 81 ( HO Sc v
era ! eais weie burned Theoiigln of t bethe
ls unknown 'I he Insuiance is dlstt United be
tween Ilf teen or moiu eompanicb
Dlphlliorln KplcliMiili.
BAV Cirv , Mich , Jan 'J.l The bo.uds of
education and health todaj dciided to close
two of the public schools on account of
Mibs Adeline Homes , pi ineipal of the ninth
giade high school , died toclav of diphthtiii
after a shoi t illness Her sister died a few
houis 1 iterfiom the same disease Anothei
sister , pilncipil of the Uolson school , is now
ill with the contagion Considerable ex
citement exists , because pupils of the high
scnool wcic exposed to the disease
( Meld of tint Iron Mall.
I3osios , Mass , Jan .M K A Knight , le
ccivcr of the Oiclet of lion Hall , h is col
leeted fiom sevcntv hi am lies of the older in
this state about $11,0 , ( MO 'Iheio aio fights
moio In .inches to bo heard fiom and the ie-
ceiver expects to collect over $ J75 OIK ) He-
ccivcr Knight thinks , that theoidei must
have collected since its oiganUation ovei
$ . ' ,000,000 in this state alone
MunlrrtMl VV hllc' Vslccp.
Cistiss\Tl , O , Jan it A spot hi totho
Commeuial-G.uette fiom Tun , O , savs that
near West Charleston Mis Annie bhank , the
vvife of JclTtibon bhank. was shot and killed
while asleep with her husbind llie tins-
bind savs the muideror made his eseapo by
the window , and that ho Hied at the lleclng
man The husband , however , is under sui-
Com liislon of u ( 'clolr itocl Cuso.
Cnuirs-sp , Wyo , Jan 23 [ Special Tele-
giam toTiieBrc J A divorce was eranted
to Mis Emma J. White todaj. She was the
widow of I > asmus Nagle , who died two
jeais ago and loft her the bulk of his estate
valued at)00,000 ) The ease was a cele
brated ono and pioved a strong counter at-
tiactlon to the le > glslatuie.
Ijitinlirrnu u In SCSHOII. |
MiNSTAroMS , Minn , Jan 23 'llie Noith-
westein Lumbermens association met in an
nual session this moining , today's meeting
being given up to the reading of icpoita
The secietari's icport showed the oigani/i-
tion to bo ina piospoious condition 'ibo
election of ofllccis will taKe jilaco tomouow
< ' < ml I'linilni- Diij tun , Ohio ,
DAV roO , , Jan. ! 2 ! B > reason of the
famine the water w oiks pumping station is
limning on sboit fuel , and sevcial l.ugeman-
faetuieis have been compelled to stop
The mllitai.v home is substituting oil fc r
coal to biidgo ovei the emeigenej.
I'lililoncMl h > tliu ( KMoriiar.
DAI I.AS , Tex. , Jan ! W. A News special
from Foil \\ortli .savs W r Gray , manag
ing editor of thcMciidian ( Miss ) News , who
was convicted of foigciy and sentenced to
two jeais In the penitentiaiy , has been
paidoned bj thogovcinoi
hhoit 01(10,00. ( ) In Ills ( counts.
DANV ii I.F , 111 , Jan 'Jl Gus Ci onklto , the
trcasuierof Wai i en county , has disappeared he Is shoit ioO.OOOin
his accounts , caused by dealing on the Chic
ago Board of Tiade.
Two Stepping Stones
to consumption arc ailments we
often deem trivial a cold and
a cough. Consumption thus ac
quired is rightly termed " Con
sumption from neglect. "
Ecolfs EmoIslGn
not only stops a cold but it is re
markably successful where the
cough has become deep seated.
Scott's Emulsion is t/ic
richest of fat-foods yet
the easiest fat-food to
take. It arrests waste
and builds np healthy
Prepared by Bcott t Hmtne , N Y. All d
( nuno Kenuino without hrmi lUltnK * > < iurtttgv \ utrlo , Ii uiulld uiano Imi dct | i ttnnue
trontf but liliiliuratu nnd cloioi iiorfuctlr
rave's .Cl per .pent nulrltloui t < lc niont < full do
Bcrlptlvocircular on apiillcatlon AltKNTH WANT
KDIiiovcrr county In Hut (7 S Ailrtrrt" CMAItl.KH
UUllUI.lUc.ljti , JN Miilnat , CUUDLII lllulti , In
Mothers I
ITe O or TOM a Stintdy
* rhleh Iitiuret Safety l
life of Vet for and Child.
Itobi Conflntmtnt ofttt
JT'aln , Ztorror andJlltlt ,
AfTa tnBonrbotlloof "aiother'nrrlrnd" t
Itiilertd Imi Illllo pain , nnd ilMuot circrlruco Ihnt
ntakoi-M uftcrwnrcl muni ID tuch I JIK. llt .
Axnnc Otoit , l msr , Mo , Jan. Utli , ini ,
B nt lir oxprc * . ehanrca r pnl-l , on rrcelrt of
price , f I M in. r tiottlo. llouk to Muthcri niatlol I rco.
JJ/v'OK/ .
101) llliO.UY. . COt MMl , lll.t'l 1'A
Money l.oinc-cl on Diamonds W iteues , ote.
II L , haljiilustii nniedc-c-nioil ploclk'c-s
Specinl Nolices.
A Iis I UC I s ami lo un J-itr n mi I Lltv pr ijnr.r
-iVlMiu lit ma null 1'iHjy V lluiu ) council
piHIIIIK ruiiioycil cp iponlsnilt < nnl
'rliliunux clKinut l' I ) llurito
010 AtlttC fnrm "l ( , miles Iroin Lincoln Noli
provi'd I'riccxinl ) $1J per ncieIt nt unto
JoliiMtoii V V'Hiil'Htlcn
1'OH-All. VI ) llvc > i > linr.npH | In tliUcll ) or n II
> Irmlofctock fur cuuil clc-nr ptui'OMy ' Julia DJ
hunt , couiull Ulnlls
9JO AI ltt ! 1 nillc frciin Unklniul , noiul titctuf
c nltlratliin nc-vrn rnotn hucMt * on htird c'irn
nlbi nml Lnumili'x < vlll r II for } ll nn rcru
( irc-c-niililulcls MUinlinn , V ( o , d3I lltuniln iv
'I'lllll'K rucim home-on 'ijiitli 1 k-utnt'i trc" > t
1 clcirof liuiinihrniiiu -xrlin'i/j for uptimn
rcxIitc-ncH Will tu ) illllc-rc-ncit In cnsh c.rjon
fthlc'Uli * Mcliulcon VCu
HtlltNl unntuil hi ovclinn i ) tcir lot liotwoon
llrouilwuy nnil ne-\r krhlifu CiroiiMlilolcIs Mcli
Olson , V lo
A\rAx'rKl ) coinpt-lc-nt u\r\ \ \ for M-nc-ral houno
_ _ " ( LJ1' J < WJ\Vrci [ st riet
\\rvNlKH-Hooil Klrl for nc-nc-nl liuiii'e-nork
> VIr < _ _ _ IkUniicr till jTIi inc-ntu
1.'lH I'M IIASCIK l rociin IIOIKCnmcl -rn cumin
It-ncc-i iH'tt luc illun In I uiincI I Bhills clear uf
cnciimlirtuuu will i-xcliniiviu Icir Mi hu' IIUIIKU In
Minn-Mil illor tuun In uiHtc-rn lown or c iilc-rn No
lira kit dri c-n lilc-lil * , .NkholAon , V Co t unntll
lllnRii _
L OIl HI S IWP I nc ri'i 'if Hue- lint t mil near tlio
QM luiii lui M nfit 11 I ! * 1 nt $ ) < r t rt Apply
tel cunai il \cit-lt 1 c01 ncll l > nUt * hi
g. W. PANGLE , M. D.
Th 0 < Xx ] Samaritan. * OTcn'Rif > rl w.
\VO L ' lin
f treat tli * following Diseases :
Cntairh of the Head , Iliront , rind ' .
cMscaoCtho Kjen'id luir.l lUn nt Aiojuuvj , llontt
Disease , l.lvor Uouinlal it. l.htncr ComplHlut ,
Narvaus Debility , Mnntnl Doprc -
Blon , Loss of rr.nnhootl , Somlnnl
Wonknuss. niabete'.nricht sIl-cajo.St Vltus *
Dance HlicutiiatlSDi , I'arixljslslilto Swclllnp ,
Dcrufuiix , iv > cr Sores , Cnnccro , Tumors
nnd Klfttula In nno removed vlthout
the knife or drnwin a drop of
Wood. Woman with hir delimits ormina rev
Btotcd to health Ire ) ] y curctl without tnpj.lng.
Spool il Attention glvon to prlvoto
and Vonorcal Dlsoasos of nil kinds.
65O to3SOOf rrcIt f'Tiuy Vonoronl Dla-
enso i cannot euro without moroury.
Tnpo Worms romocxl In tw or three hours , or lie
pay. lliiuorrliolili nr I'lle-9 cured
Will ea\o life nnd hundreds of dollnra by cixlllng
011 or using
Tlio only Pli ; Mrlnn who can toll wlmt all !
.1 JHTHCIIIltlioul nsK'nc ' ; iui > tlon
AUcnrrosKindenco8lrlcth | eonfldontlal. Medlclai
Bout bj oppress. Addicsa all Icttcra to
OSS Broadway ,
Counci 1 Bluffs , Iowa
California- Kentucky
Keep in stock a ( ins We have our own
line of the very best ,
Vinyards and Distillery
lery , and can compete
with any house in the
\ United States on price
Gins and quality of goods.
Etc Etc
We have in
Port We keep in
Sherry bond or in
Angelica stock :
0. F. C. Taylor
Reisl ng
Old Hermitage
Catav/ba /
Rhine Wine HcBrayer
Zinfandel Ripy Rye
Burgundy Mattiugly
Ami many other
kin as.
PS8 . Tea Kettle
Cedar Creek
y Melwood
1877x BRANDY ] ) Golden Sheaf
Old Grapa
Peach Before buy-
inn ; anything
in our line
And in fact
all kinds of
Brandy , in
Case or by
the Gallon
. .
* rTl.U * > I lMli B.Taafl S MLlilll K"1
Aeldrcsa a postal carel to tlio
Council niulTs , Iowa , In roi/iirtl to tlio CHU'PLB CUHKlv iiroportloa bolon 'lnf to
this company. Liito udvicos xoi'i fiivorublii.
Hcfcr to C. R llunnun , Caahier CltUcna' State Hank , Council LJluiTu.