Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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    " * --W x - -ft
Btrango Prcak That Mrs. Diamond's ' Dementia
Led Iler Into.
Through riplil * mill IVnrrn , Ovrr Snow
JlnnhK nnil lulu tlio IjUcr Hhc'nn In
Ncnrcli of n Drrnsiiinlicr
Kindly Cnreil Tor.
Tlio most sensational case of dementia
over known in South Omnli.i Is tlmt of Mrs.
Ulnmonil , wife of the N street clothier , who
was missing from homo from 'J o'clock Satur
day until 11 .Sunday morning.
Mr. Ulamond has known for some time
past that his uife was not right in her
mind , hut her trouhle seemed to he of : i mild
nml harmless character , consequently no re
straint has hccii put ujxin her. She \ans
misseil from homo at 1 ! p. in. Saturday and ; i
search was hcgun hy the husband , which
lasted throiiKh a long and anxious night. Mr.
Diamond telephoned In all directions and
searched the two cities of Omaha arid South
Omaha from one end to tlio other without
Yesterday afternoon the landlord of the
hotel nt Hellovuo drove up In front of K\\e-
ney's store on N street and assisted Mrs.
Diamond to alight. She presented a pitlahlo
sight , Her clothing was wet and muddy and
torn in shreds and her face covered with
blood. In her arms she carried a hundlo con
taining n line dress pattern , hadly soiled ,
which she had clung to all through her
wanderings under tlio hallucination that she
was hunting a dressmaker.
Mrs. Diamond left homo with the dress
pattern at just what time Is not Known
taking a street car for Albright , to visit a
dressmaker for the purpose of having a dress
made. On arriving at the end of the street
car line , it seems the demented woman
started on foot for Hellevuc , .across Jlelds
nnd through the woods , not knowing uhcrc
nho uas going and apparently with' no
dcllhlte end in view. She dually came to
the river and her statenunt that she fell
in nnd was rescued by an unknown
man was circumstantially corroborated by
the landlord , who sa.s . Mrs. Diamond's cloth
ing was soaked with water and her body
chilled with cold when she reached his place
about 7 o'clock Saturday cvcninir. Mrs.
Diamond states that HIO stumbled into
holes , crawled through barbed wlro fences ,
nnd tlmt sue tunneled through u huge snow
drift during her aimless Journey.
The landlord , whoso name was not learned ,
says ho did what he could to make her com
fortable , watching her all night ,
during which ho succeeded in getting
enough intelligent information from her to
enable him to bring her homo in the morn
ing ,
When she arrived at Mrs. Sweney's she
was given a warm breakfast and received
every attention possible. In the meantime
Mr. Diamond was dually found and notified
of his wife's return. Ho at once called a
carriage and took her to the homo of her sis
ter in Omaha , where she will bo cared for.
Mrs. Diamond is about ? years of ago.
Ni' ; DitL'.NK , TIII : online CKA/.V.
BnilConilltl . > f tin' r.'Ulirr mid Mother of
Thrm Snmll Clillilrun.
An Intoxicated husband and a demented
wife occupied the attention of the police fern
n time yesterday. John Wlcs , an employe at
Hammond's packing house , rushed into the
station about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon
nnd in an excited manner demanded of Jailer
Kroeger that ho send an ofllcer to his homo
on H street , between Twenty-seventh and
Twenty-eighth , as hls > wife wau-erazy and
was beating her three children to death.
Ofllcor Kmmlngcr went down and found
the woman gojng through the , bureau drawer
hut no evidence of her having beaten the
children. She , 'however ' , gave evidence iof
aberration of mind by requesting the officer
to como back about l tliO at night , promising
him that about that time every night some
nwTul things happened to her. She also re
quested the policeman to bring Judge Fowler
with him as something was pursuing her.
ThrOe hours later the woman appealed at
the station with her babe , having sent the
two older children in the country to spend
the night with a relative.
Ofllcor Kroeger says ho has seen many
cad sights in his life , but the condition of
the \Vles family yesterday was the saddest
ho has witnessed for some time , and he pre
dicts n tragedy. The husband is said to
bo a sober man generally , but was intoxi
cated yesterday.
Mrs.Vles was arrested last spring by
Ofllccr Thomas for whipping the child of a
neighbor. After whipping the child she
picked it up and ran with it in the direction
of the Q street viaduct , with the intention ,
as its parents thought , of dropping it from
the span , but was overhauled hy Officer
Thomas in time to save the child.
lo City Notes.
Jack Harry , better known ns "Black
Jack , " a well known saloon bum and companion -
panion of Whisky Jack , died at St. Joseph's
hospital , Omaha , yesterday. Barry had
made South Omaha his homo for the past.
three or four years and was a well known
Mrs. Johnston , widow of Henry Johnston ,
who was killed some , time last spring by the
caving of n sand pit cast of town , slipped on
nn ley walk i esterday morning and broke n
rib. Tho. lady received other bruises and
will bo laid up for some time. She is very
poor and it will bo necessary for iomo ono to
look after her. *
The oflicial board of the First Methodist
church went to Omaha last night to attend
'n meeting of the various boards representing
all the Methodist churches of Omaha and
South Omaha. After the disposal of the
business the South Omaha contingent at
tended the reception to Bishop Newman on
the eve of his departure to South America.
County Coinii'lFbloiu'rs rinding Out tlio Cost
of tlio I'roh.ilfl C'onrt.
For n long time the county commissioners
have known that there was a probate court
on their hands , and at the s.tmo tlmo they
have been laboring under the impression
that it was an expensive luxury.
This impression seemed to bo so
well founded that snmo weeks ago
the commissioners began investigating
the manner in which the ollleu
had boon conducted. The investigation was
shut on * with the outgoing of the members
of tlio old bo.ird. but It was something that
would not down , and when the now mem
bers not hold of the reins of county govern
ment they took up the matter nt the point
where it was dropped by their predecessors.
Since , the llrst of the year the Investigation
has been pushed hy the tlnancu and the
Judiciary committees of the board and un
doubtedly nt the next meeting something
will drop.
The main thing that started this investi
gation was the fact
that the quarterly re-
jxjrts of the county Judge have been showing
a constant and steady decrease during the
entire term of his otllco while , the expenses
have been rapidly liuTeaslng.
When Judge Ktlcr went upon the bench ho
found four clerks doing the work of the
probate and county courts. Almost at the
llrst meeting ho applied for additional
clerks , which were put in from time
to tlmo until now , when his oflleo furnishes
employment to three men and four women ,
with an application before tlio board for
another clerk and nn Increase ) of salary nil
through. Kach tlmo that the clerical force
of the oftlco has been increased , the Judge
hus been before the Iward with a tate In
which ho has always been ready and
willing to prove tlmt the business of the
ofllcc was on the 'increase. Kach tlmo
the commissioners have accepted these
fetntemontH nnd have granted the relief
without askiiijrnny questions ,
When the last quarterly statement was
tiled with the auditor , and when it was >
shown that the balance was on the wrong
Bide of the ledger and wiittcn iu red ink ,
Iho mciuK'itt of the ilnanco coinmitteo con
cluded that it was about tlmo to make a
llttlo inquiry into the running of the
Ofllcc. This Inquiry hus been made and It
tkovro that with the exception of the svccnd
mnrtrr the ofllco has boon running behind
during the cntlro year nnd tlmt Iho receipt *
of the ofllco during the year IbW wcro less
than during either IHW ) or 1H91.
Prior to IhlU the Judge's salary wns taken
from the receipts of the office ,
nnd all of the surplus , after
paying clerk hire nnd other ex
penses , went Into the county treasury ,
where It was accredited to the general fund ,
but at the hist session of the legislature the
law was amended nnd the Judge wns given a
'snlnry of $2,000 per year , to be paid from the
ganeral fund of tnecounty. In the new law
It wns provided that after paving the clerk ,
hire of thcoftlco and the Incidental expenses
the surplus should go Into the treasury.
During Judge Idler's term and during the
first quarter the receipts of the ofllco were
$ llM.J5j ( second quarter , Sl.-t5l.15 ; third
quarter , ( l'iSl.GO. and fourth quarter ,
* li2i.71. : : n total during the year.
During the same tlmo the expenses of the
olllcc. Including salaries , have been J"i,707.-10 ,
leaving a deficiency of $ ; t3'J.4l ) for the year.
Partlesj'onnectcd with the olllco maintain
that the business has increased during the
jcir. but the records show that during the
year 1MK ) the receipts were $5,011.-15. while
the expenses were $5.1U0.5'J. leaving fcVfS-JU
tlmt was turned Into the county treasurer
after all salaries and expenses had been paid.
In IMU the total receipts of the ofllco were
f5..KI3.7i : , while the total expenses were
$5,111 . ' ! ( ) . leaving a balance of STCO.'IU.
To things the commissioners point ,
though not wltn any degree of pride , for
rcnllro that instead of the county
Judg ; e's olllco being self-supporting as it has
been In the past , it has become a drain upon
the treasury of the county.
Had Property In Omaha.
Saturday the probate court took up the
settlement of the estate of Lucy M. Fowler ,
deceased , but owing to some of the inter
ested parties failing to appear a continu
ance wasgranted.
The deceased never was a resident of this
county , but she had property of the value of
$ "i,000 In Omaha , nnd this is why tlm matter Is
brought hero for settlement by Jefferson
Spauldlng who resides nt Houldor , Colo. , and
who Is a brother of the deceased.
Some years ago Lucy M. Fowler an ] her
husband resided in Maine , but owing to the
poor health of the lady the family removed
to the Sandwich islands , where they en
gaged In the hotel business , operating
the principal hotel in the city of Honolulu.
The place was headquarters for the nobility ,
and money was made hand over list. In fact ,
the business was so profitable that n hotel
was opened at Tahiti , on one of the Society
islands , nud was operated by Mrs. Fowler ,
while her husband took charge of the Hone
lulu houso.
Last spring the lady sickened and died ,
nftcr which tlio hotel business was aban
doned. The husband intended to return to
the States , but Just about the time that ho
was ready to st.irt , ho was taken down with
a fever nnd died two days later.
1'ur thu ItaxUrt .Mailer's Kitate.
Louis Schmatzk.y of Wisner appeared nnd
asked that Charles Hello bo appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Kobcrt Schenekt ? ,
alias Kobert Kreiiitz. the b.isket maker ,
whoso imsterious disappearance was rev
ported exclusively in THE Kvr.xiNo Br.i :
Wednesday. The petition recites that
Kreiiitz came to his death on or
about January 8 of the present year , but
how. the petitioner cannot say. In asking
for the appointment the petitioner avers
that tiicro is personal property to the value
of $ WJ , which if not taken care of will bo
wasted. Ho also avers that the heirs all re
side in the city of Milwaukee ami that there
is u wife aged 41) ) years , besides three chil
dren , aged 17 , 12 and 10 years respectively.
The legal b.iltlo between Mary C. Uusscll
and Ucargo F. Uussell for the possession of
two children , the fruits of a short but un
happy union , hail another turn Satur
day , but as the ex-husband and father wns
not ready to show his hand he succeeded in
securing a continuance until February 2 , at
which time the case will bo tried on its
All of the facts
regarding the case were
given exclusively in Tnu BEE of Thursday ,
and the manner in which the father had
managed to secure the possession of the chil
dren was detailed. A. A. McClanahan , attor
ney for Mrs. Kusscll , urged that neither Rus
sell nor Cora Emclutn were lit persons' to
have the custody of the little ones.
The attorney for Kussell said that he pro
posed to attack Mrs. Kusscll's character atfd
show that she was not a proper person to
have the Control of two small children. .
Honors were easy upon this score and the
court allowed the children to remain in the
custodj of the Kmeluth woman until the day
of the trial. At the same time 1111 order was
issued allowing Mrs. Kussell to visit the boy
uud girl whenever she saw lit.
Ho Met Two Old I'rlondu and Sampled Ilcer
from IINO n llreuery.
Buffalo Express : G rover Cleveland has
been in town.
Ho passed through this morning on his
way to Fremont , O. , to attend the funeral of
ex-President Hayes. .
As soon as the train came to a stop ho left
his car and started to walk toward the waitIng -
Ing room , but had not gone twenty feet when
his old friends Louis Goetz and Peter Mer-
gcnhngcn wcro at his side.
"Hello , Peter , " s.tid Mr. Cleveland ;
"Hello , Louis. Well , I'm glad to see you.
You look natural. "
Ixiuis and 1'etcr were speechless with joy.
Only twenty minutes to wait.
' Whoso beer is this ? " asked Mr. Cleve
"It's your own , " answered Peter. ' t
Itwas. Mr. Cleveland owns ten shares in
the brewery.
Mr , Cleveland 'drank two glasses , but they
were small.
"I never felt so well in my life , " said Mr.
Cleveland. "I don't
weigh us much as I
did. "
Back to the car. Mr. Cleveland nnd Mr.
Gout/ ahead and Mr. O'Brien and Mr. Mer-
gcuhagen following.
"Ooodby , " said Mr , Cleveland and shook
hands all around.
"It was worth $1,000 said Mr. Coots' .
The glass from which the next president
drank his beer is carefully preserved.
If you have piles UoWitt's Witch Hare
sal\o will surely euro you.
Oniilii : : ( Jt-ntlmiii'ii'H ItomNU-r Club.
The annual shareholders meeting of this
club will bo held ut the Merchants hotel
Tuesday , January LM , Ib'.i ; ! , at 8 uVloik p. m.
This is an adjourned meeting , ana it is ex- f
peeled that a nearly full attendance of stockholders - ' n
holders will be secured. At no time since its
organisation has s-o much interest been
sliouu as now in a desire to make the club u
success. Thi ? committee on bylaws will pre
sent to the club almost entirely now laws
ana rules for its government. Propositions
for a Juno meeting of trotters , ' -bans tails '
and roadsters will bo made , and prospects of
such a meeting aio favorable. The election
of onlcois vi ill bo the prime business of the
meeting , and much interest is treated , all
feeling desirous of having u directory Unit
will push tliu club to the tiont. Many appli
cations for mombciship are on llle , and the
club's list of "roadsters'1 will bo nearly
doubled the coming season.
Coastlp.itiou cured t > y DoU'itt's ICarly
Hunting Her llnnliHiicl.
Mrs. T. W. Lorlng of Cheyenne was a
guest of the matron at iwlico headquarters
last night. She came hero to look lor her
husband , who had been re ) > orted as being in
Omaha. The woman is penniless and the
will endeavor to llml the husband.
Uceclmni's 1'llls euro bilious and nervous
Rival Roads Say the Lnto Move of the Union
Pacific Will Not Help That Line ,
Ilefmal of the Union 1'aelllr to Accept
Through Wenllioiiml Tlckrta Only nt
Certain roints ( 'lalmed to Itu u
lloomerlnir ,
-CIIICAOO , III. , Jan. ' "J. Of course there are
two sides to a story. Ills usually so. The
Chicago & Alton and the Chicago ft North
western roads being allies of the Union Pa-
cillc , are of the opinion that the latter lias
decidedly the best of the Burlington , Kock
Island and Atchison because It has refused
to accept their through westbound tickets ,
except at Missouri river gateways oral Fort
Worth , Tex.
Yesterday the representatives of the three
lines named said they are fu no wise dis
turbed on account of the Union Paellle circu
lar placing restrictions on the sale of tickets
over that system , and claim that it amounts
to nothing so far as it concerns their inter
ests. Ono general passenger agent. In speak
ing of the matter said : 'Wo gave
the Union Pacific last month less than 10 < )
in revenue through our Denver gateway , and
as that Is the only one affected , you can see
how much it hurts us. I the
combination entered into by the Atchison ,
Hock Island and Burlington companies has
placed the Union Pacific in a most embarras
sing position. Hero is a telegram that will
show you that a party going to California
this week , 1RO strong , were ticketed to re
turn via the Union Pueilic from Denver to
Omaha. It was necessary to change them
irom that line to other lines , under the rule
wo have adopted , and the party telegraphed
Instructions to make the change accordingly.
This is but one instance ; many others of a
Hko character might bo produced. "
It is further claimed that the business of
the combined lines has very largely in
creased and the ofllcials of those roads say
they are well satislied with the situation.
As to being excluded from local trafllo on the
Union Pacific via Denver they assert that
Cheyenne is the only point worth consider
ing , and that the total business to that
point \\I11 not average six passengers per
month. They siy further that their agents
are instructed to work directly with the
Colorado Midland and the Denver & Hio
Grande roads , and thus permit very little
business to go through deliver on the Union
Pacific. In justification Jf this coin-so they
take the position that they are simply acting
on the defense , as against the combination
formed by the traffic contract of the Union
Pacific and Chicago & Northwestern.
Itatcson Dried 1'rults.
SAX FitANCisco , Cal. , Jan. 2 . The Atchi
son freight department has given notice to
shippers that on the 2.1th inst , the present
rate of $1 on dried fruit from southern Cali
fornia to Chicago and New York will be re
stored to its former figure. $1MO. The order
of restoration does not affect any of the
other commodities , the rates on which were
made at the same time as the cut on dried
fruits. The local agent says this order
cannot be construed as a stiffening of
rates or closing up of the cutting started by
the Southern Pacific the llr.t of the month ,
because nothing but dried fruit is affected by
the restoring order , and the reason for this
can bo readily explained on grounds other
than suggested. It Is said there is little erne
no dried fruit nt this season in ttie southern
counties to go forward. There was no great
amount when the order was made , and what
is left will go on as well at the Sl.-lO rate as
It would without.
oT tli Sim Antonio & Arunsnn 1'nsH.
GAI.VESTO.V , Tex. , Jan. 22. A special from
San Antonio to the News says : The formal
tranfer of the San Antonio & AransasPass _
road to the Southern "Pacific" , in' accordance
with the recent purchase , will toke effect
Monday. It is learned authoritatively that
D. B. Hobinson will bo succeeded as presi
dent by C. S.'Stillman , of the law firm of
Stillman , Butler & Hubbard which represents
the Hopkins-Scarles interest in the South'
ern Pacillo company. It is believed C. C.
Gibbs , present general land agent of the
Southern Pacific in Texas , will bo general
An honest pill is the nonicst work of the
apothecary. DoWltt's Little Karly Hisers
cure constipation , biliousness and sick head
Tulkcil to Young JUrll.
"Being a Man" was the subject of a talk
to 1 young men at the Young Men's Christian
Association hall yesterday afternoon by Kov.
T. N. Cramblott and M. W. Slabaugh , The
largo auditorium was crowded and the vast
audience was greatly Interested in the ad
dress of the gentlemen. A line musical pro
gram was also introduced and proved to bo
very pleasing to the audience.
A pure beef drink , palatable and strength
ening , a boon to dyspeptics and' invalids
' ' -Hex" Brand Fluid
Cudahy'sHex" Beef.
To Houston , Tux. , nnil Itctnrn.
Tuesday , January 24th , JS'J.'l , my sixth
special party will leave Omaha , bound
for Houston , Tex.
The rates for the round trip , first
class , will bo cheaper than you can buy
of any railroad company , and I will give
you fifteen days to go in , fifteen days to
come , and until Juno 1st , 1893 , to return.
For further1 information as to land ,
climate , cost of living and all .particu
lars as to purchase of your ticket , call
on or address K. C. Patterson , -12o
Kamgo building , Omaha , Neb.
If you will call at our now store wo
will present you with a copy of a beauti
ful piece of music. Ford & Cliarlton ,
1503 Dodge.
Hero's Your Ilrnvcr Train ,
The Burlinglon'H : > 0 p. in. express
for < Denver reaches that city at seven
next morning ; 'carries s-leoping , dining
and chair cars ; makes connection with
all transcontinental trains viu the
bcenii ! lines to the coast.
Tlio ' Burlington also offers unequaled
double' daily service to Chicago , St.
Louis and Kansas City.
Ticket ollico 1223 Farnam street.
Real estate.
Bargains only.
My word is good.
W. G. Albright.
521-2-3 N. Y. Life hldg.
Frcfccolng and interior decorating-do-
signs and estimates furnished. Henry
Lehmann , 1508 Douglas streeU
See the celebrated Sohmer piano at
Ford & Clmrlton Music Co. , 1508 Dodge.
Xottcc * / fire linen nr Ion under Hits licait.Jiftu
cent * ; filch Kiltlllldiiiil line , ten cento.
l.KUWTON At OMB p. in. . Sunday. January
'J'J , Mlhs K. l.iilnhton , iiBi-il 78 jours , at iliiil !
Capitol avenue , liiirlul will take place at Du
Quoin , III.
The only 1'ure Crcaui of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum ,
Used iu Milliins of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard.
Vln tlmvmimnh Itotttr.
Tlio short line to St. Lonla nml quick
est mute couth.
Only 117 hour * tit lint Springs.
Only , TJ houmtti Nmv Orluiins.
Only 38J hoiiraito Atlanta.
Only f)2 hour * tit JuckHonvlllo.
With cotTCHixiitfllMg fust tlmo to nl
point * cast and ! noutli. Hound trip
tickets to Hot tinrhiKB , I ow Orleans ,
Lnko.Charles , GiuvcHton , San Antonio ,
City of Mexico , lies Anjiolos. Sun Fran
cisco , Mobile , .luuksonvlllo , Tampa , Ha
vana and all tho- winter resorts of the
f > < nith and westllvi'lining chair cars
frco to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit.
Pullman bullet sleeping cars , on nil
trains. Hn ngo checked from hotels
and prlvnto residences to destination.
For tickets , sleeping car accommodations
anil further Information call at Wabash
ticket olllce , 150Farimm street , or
write , G. X. CLAYTON ,
Agent , Omaha.
Nn Iti-nl Hit ill Vet.
World famous Ell Perkins says : "Af
ter people have gone over all the routes
to California once , they f-ottlc down to
the old U. P. Tills road will always bo
the great transcontinental line. It has
the best track , the best equipment , the
best eating houses , nud it teaches the
traveler moro history and geography
than any other lino. It shows you his
toric Salt Lake and the Mormons , takes
you through the great Laramie plains ,
the Humboldt basin and the Grand
canyon , over the very stage route that
Horace Greoley and Artemus Ward
Once on the Union Pacific it goes
everywhere. It runs to Portland and
Pueblo , Helena and tlio Yosemite , Tu-
coma and Seattle , Los Augoles and Snu
Diego , and is the only route into San
Francitco. It has no rivals' yet. "
'Send for our California Sights and
K. L. Lomax , G. P. & T..A. , or II. P.
Deuol , city ticket agent Union Pacific
System , 1302 Farnam street , Omaha.
)3S ) Oiniihii to ( iiilvt-stuu anil l { turn S'J5.
The special Texas excursion to leave
Omaha Friday evening , February II , in
the opportunity of a lifetime. Tickets
lire good to return until Juno 1. Throu < rh
Scoping car to Ualvoston via Houston.
Applications for tickets must be made by
the 'list January.
For particulars and tickets apply to
? . F. Williams , room 522 , First National
bank building , Omaha , Neb.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs ia taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshiug to the taste , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver nuiL Bowels , cleanses the sys-
tcm effectually , -dispels colds , head
aches and fevets and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptuble to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial m its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Ate NKVKIl Hold
Wouldn't It
cost loss to
You now
A1 * you vnliio
your llfo don't
Jnx tonic imr
Ahoso advice
\vl.l boot value
U you consult
Blood , Skin nail Kiduoy
Foiualo Wciikiiosscs , Lost Manhood
PILES. VISTULA , K1FSUHE , permanentl/ cured
without the use of knife , lltrnturo or caustlu.
All maladies of a prlvntoor dellcatu nature , of
cither eox , iioilllveljr'curcd.
Call on or ml < ! rc 5 , with itanip far Clrcnl ri , Krco
Hook and llcvlpcs ,
nr pnriPQ Z pnrlM " 3 ? ? " " ' \ . s.troot
, .
UI. OuUllOO A OU'JIIW ' , Oinnttn. Xott.
Nnit Door to I'oslonice.
Teeth Filled With
oat Pain btu !
LiUic 11 van.-
Tooth Extraotod Without Pain or
A Full Scl of Teel'j ' OD llabbjr for $5.3) $ ) .
Perfect lit RiiaranUeil Toeta e tr f J la th )
B. MIW one * Inwrlea m tlio uTonlni of lamj
Ece ( peclmeni of lleraOTat >
Je i.eclraoni . of Pl lt > lo Klaitto I'U'.J.
/ll work warranlecl as ropreionto4.
Office Third Floor Paxton Dloo't ,
Telepbono lOii. l tb and Knrnfn Sti.
ko ekyator or italrwar Irom lOlU Si. ontriaoi.
How I Became an ress
Two autobiographical articles
forming the nucleus of one
of the most brilliant careers
on the stage 5 one telling
66 How I Became an Act
ress " 5 the other describing
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